Doctoral Programs and Training: European Perspectives
Doctoral Programs and Training: European Perspectives
Doctoral Programs and Training: European Perspectives
Fulvia Quagliotti*
*Politecnico di Torino Corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24 - 10129 Torino, Italy
and are reference points for the doctoral upgrade Moreover the Ministers pointed out the
process (Bologna process), successively important role of the international mobility both
supported by further recommendations. for students and professors, to enhance
In 2008 the Council for Doctoral Education exchanges of knowledge in the different
(CDE) was stated for coordination and research fields and to increase the offer of jobs
monitoring of activities. and careers. The recruitment procedure for
In Lovanio 2009 and Bucharest 2012 Ministers professor should be open in order to attract in
agreed upon the necessity to satisfy the job universities and research centers distinguished
world requirements on advanced professional professors and researchers.
education, ranging interdisciplinary and Recently (Bucharest 2012), as a conclusion of
transversal knowledge, no longer limited to a the analysis of the guidelines defined in 2005
specific discipline. The Ministers took the and successively by EUA, the Ministers took
action to support and improve the integration the action to further increase the quality, the
among education and research at all higher transparency and the mobility within the
educational levels. Moreover they underlined doctoral program. As a matter of fact, the efforts
the need to establish the higher education on the already done are not sufficient to guarantee the
more advanced and recent research, in order to effective contribution of universities to the
enhance innovation and creativity in the young innovation and the liaison between high
people. Eventually they take the commitment to education European area and research European
improve the number of persons able to perform area.
research activities. Obviously this fact is
conditional to the economical capabilities of the
different countries.
The academic career is even less attractive for 3. Principles for Innovative Doctoral
young people with respect to alternative Training
solutions always in the research field. Although Principles for Doctoral training to ensure
the responsibility for making attractive the innovation have been stated in the "Report of
careers in the field of the research areas is still Mapping Exercise on Doctoral Training in
in the hands of Public Authorities and of higher Europe - towards a common approach", 27 June
level education institutions (London 2009). 2011(final), issued by European Commission,
In Spring 2014, Professor Geoffrey Boulton, Directorate General for Research & Innovation,
from University of Edinborough opened the Directorate B - European Research Area, Unit
Cesaer Association conference, with the B.2 "Skills. They are seven and mainly
question: We attract, recruit, train for what? As addresses to: 1) excellence of the research, 2)
a matter of fact data relative to 96000 PhDs interdisciplinary research options, 3)
from 4000 institutions were presented, international networking, 4) transferable skills
considering their job capabilities: 53% of them training, 5) exposure to industry and other
finds a job outside the research field area, 17% relevant employment sectors, 6) quality
in the outside university research area, 25% assurance, 7) attractive institutional
place themselves equally in the two previous environment.
categories, after a period of early stage They are resulting from the analysis performed
researcher. Only 3.5% remains as permanent by experts from university associations, industry
staff in the University and only 0.45% of them and funding organizations and have been
becomes professor. endorsed in the Council conclusions on the
On the other hands industries and universities modernization of higher education, Brussels,
even more collaborate to European higher 28-29 November 2011.
educational levels. An example is the The Report of Mapping Exercise on Doctoral
establishment of industrial doctoral programs, Training in Europe provides a detailed overview
as collaboration of universities and industries. of the most recent developments in doctoral
training and outlines a common approach. It is
essential to define this approach, in order to Even if the research profession needs to become
fully support the principles identified in the more attractive in Europe, the number of
document itself. To obtain the expected results researchers in the EU has been increased since
new supporting measures are required. The 2000 at a faster rate than in US and Japan in
Report includes ideas for those measures and those years. However in 2008 the percentage
suggests strategies both for European Union and researchers versus employees was 6/1000, in US
for the single Member States. 9/1000 and in Japan 11/1000. The difference is
The doctorate plays an important role in mainly due to the lower number of researchers
enforcing the competitiveness of European in the business area (46% of total numbers of
industry, if the economic system is able to researchers in EU, against 68% in Japan and
absorb a great number of new researchers. 79% in US). In China the number of researchers
Therefore having a common training program, doubled from 2000 to 2007 (from 0.7 million to
defined in cooperation between academia and 1.4 million). In 2011 there were about 600000
industry, it will increase the strength of doctoral candidates doing research in EU and
European economy. This is particularly true in 110000 graduating every year.
the aerospace area, where innovation is essential In 2011 the ERA Steering Group on Human
and interdisciplinary aspects are more evident. Resources and Mobility discussed a roadmap on
It is important to focus resources on doctoral doctoral training, taking into account the
training, because this is the way to enable significant changes occurred in doctoral training
researchers to be employed in a wide range of during the last decade. Nevertheless it is still
areas. important to convince the managers of SMEs of
As a matter of fact, across European union a the value of employing doctorate holders and of
large number of doctoral candidates are the consistent contribution they can give to the
involved in EU founded projects and work company development, due to innovation
together in different disciplines. research experience matured during the doctoral
In the Green Paper From Challenges to activity.
Opportunities: Towards a Common Strategic
Framework for EU research and innovation
funding (Feb. 2011), the need of an optimized 4. Strategies to support European Doctoral
integration of various funding schemes to Programs
enhance the EU research activities was well EC founding streams are important available
traced, in view of the new Framework means for doctoral programs, together with the
Programme Horizon 2020. The document national and international support programs (in
proposes a common understanding based on the Italy, for instance, part of the founds come from
international experience and possible the Education, University and Research
implementation mechanism for doctoral Ministry and from the University budgets).
training. The doctoral training issue became even more
The attention on doctoral training raised important in the more recent years, because of
considerably in more recent years, due to the its role in the development of new knowledge
understanding of the close relationship between for the innovation process. Looking in particular
new knowledge and society progress. In to the aerospace area, it is crucial to develop
technical areas this is evident since long time, new mechanisms to support the training and to
due to the very rapid innovation: the aerospace prepare the candidates to the industrial and
area is one of the evident example, as well as economic context.
climate changes and healthy. To achieve this goal, the cooperation between
Among initiatives to identify and promote a new the academia and the industrial tissue is of
view of the doctoral training, the most paramount importance.
significant is the EUA already mentioned European Commission is working on the
(Salzburg principles and Salzburg II integration of the various founding scheme, to
Recommendations). support the EU research effort, represented in
Studies, The Deans and Directors of Graduate network (Personal Training, Marie Curie
Studies (Australia), the Association of Chinese Actions, Erasmus Mundus).
Graduate School. These groups, together with Many universities began collaborative research
EUA, agreed upon Banff Principles on Graduate with other institutions, like joint programmes,
Education. leading also to joint or double degree. In some
In the United States the US Council of graduate cases the collaboration is with research
Schools (CGS) and the Educational testing institutes or with industries and with other
Service (ETS) formed a joined commission that bodies supporting innovation. In these cases the
produced the extensive report The Path supervision of the research activity of the
Forward, The Future of Graduate Education in candidate must be shared among the bodies.
the United States. It includes the outlines for a Some universities are able to offer master and
successful doctoral training in US. The report doctoral programmes. So they are able to
includes data on demographics and growing identify and eventually recruit good candidates
competition from Europe and Asia. It underlines for the research activity from the master
the need to provide transferable skills training programmes
for US doctoral candidates. The advances made Approximately half of European doctoral
by EU countries are clearly taken into candidates are women. In specific aerospace
consideration. It has to be noticed that the filed the percentage is still lower.
industrial position (in particular small and The recruitment is on international base.
medium enterprises) toward the doctoral holders Therefore a more competition for positions
is more positive than in a number of other available increases the quality.
countries. Many institutions have a monitoring system, to
trace the career of the candidates after
6. Organization of the doctoral training and The schemes to support doctoral training in
supporting measures Europe are both at national level and at
The organization of the doctoral training in European level, where the most well-known,
Europe is varied and depends on the university specifically dedicated to the optimization of the
profiles, on the national rules, on the resources doctoral training, are the Initial Training
available and, obviously, on the disciplines. Networks (ITN) of the Marie Curie Actions, -
The traditional model, as the master degree now Marie Sklodoswska-Curie Actions -
follow-on, is changing and the programmes pay (estimated more than 18000 doctoral candidates
more attention to the career development. have been supported during FP7 by Marie Curie
The doctoral training can be organized at Actions). ITN consist of three steps: European
different levels (local, regional, national, Training Networks, European Joint Doctorates,
international), depending on the institution European Industrial Doctorate.
tradition. Very often the universities offer a Among other funding sources, Erasmus Mundus
mixed models: local generic courses and supported 1400 doctoral candidates in seven
specific courses together for candidates from years. Other programmes, not specifically
different institutions. The majority of European focused on doctoral training founded the
Institutions opted for a structure for doctoral doctoral training as well, like Erasmus
schools or programs across several disciplines. (estimated 35000 candidates), European
This fact permitted to give to the candidates the Research Council (13000 candidates),
transversal skills already mentioned for their Cooperation Programme of FP7 (estimated
future career. 70000, considering one per project
Some countries (Norway, the Netherlands, participation), Structural Funds (estimated more
Ireland) offer national thematic doctoral than 50-100000) and Development Aid
facilities (or research schools). Other countries Programmes (estimated 1400).
stated agreements for international training Due to the limited budget of EU programmes,
they cannot support all training needs in all
European Research Area (in view of the Skills; Research and Valorization; Career
envisaged one million new researchers' jobs). Management; Efficiency and Leadership.
Therefore a special attention to the doctoral The Baekeland programme funds doctoral
training has been paid in the design of the new projects that are executed at a Flemish
generation of EU programmes started in 2014, university in close cooperation with a company.
based on the triple I policy: International, The PhD candidate is supervised jointly by an
Interdisciplinary, Intersectorial mobility. academic and an industrial supervisor and
As future aim, attention should be given to spends a considerable amount of time at the
enhance the capacity of grow for doctoral company.
training in less developed regions, also with the Projects are co-funded by the company and the
use of Structural Founds. There regions should orientation of the research project should be
be able to be confident in the founding strategic.
procedure, not only for specific research, but In Federation Wallonia-Brussels, the doctorate
also for the doctoral training related research. (postgraduate studies, minimum duration three
years) is organized within universities and
consists of two parts:
7. Models for doctoral training among the doctoral training (60 ECTS/European
European State members (Member States Credit Transfer and Accumulation System
contributions and terminology) credits). It leads to grant a research training
In this Section are considered examples of certificate,
models for doctoral training in some European the work dealing with the preparation of
countries, paying attention to peculiar aspects the doctoral thesis (corresponding to at least 120
already mentioned, like university-wide doctoral ECTS). It leads to the conferral of the academic
training, thematically organized doctoral title of doctor, after defending the thesis.
training, international cooperation, doctoral Application for a doctorate: the student must
training in cooperation with industry and other submit a draft thesis, sufficiently defined, and
relevant employment sectors, skills training. obtain a written agreement of a supervisor from
a university.
Belgium The doctoral candidate becomes member of a
Since 2000 Flemish universities organized research team (within a university) affiliated to
thematic and interdisciplinary doctoral schools a thematic Graduate school.
according to EUA principles. These Schools The thematic and interuniversity Graduate
offer training (including transferable skills) to Schools are associated in Graduate Colleges
doctoral candidates. They link their doctoral attached to the Fund for Scientific Research
programmes to labour market outcomes. (F.R.S.-FNRS). 21 Graduate Colleges (coles
The organization of these schools is fully doctorales prs le F.R.S.-F.N.R.S.) are in charge
autonomous. Starting from 2011 they receive a of hosting, coordinating and promoting the
specific funding of 4 Million EURO from the creation of thematic, interuniversity,
Flemish government to finance the doctoral interdisciplinary and international Graduate
education. Schools. Currently there are 50 recognized
Flemish doctoral schools have a common Graduate Schools.
platform in the framework of the Flemish The Federation Wallonia-Brussels is supporting
Interuniversity Council. Their doctoral courses transversal trainings that can be developed with
are open to students from other universities. the private sector within Graduate Colleges.
All Flemish universities provide a well-balanced The universities of the Federation Wallonia-
offer of courses, both domain oriented and Brussels are fully autonomous in the field of
transferable skills. Ghent University, for learning transferable and entrepreneurial skills.
example, offers seminars in transferable skills In the last few years, priority has been given to
within four separate clusters: Communication transferable skills and languages (credits
employment benefits of future PhD candidates. In 2010, the EPFL Doctoral School had over
Accordingly, doctoral candidates are not 1900 enrolled doctoral students, 3270
entitled to social benefits, such as the right to applications, and nearly 400 annual graduating
maternity leave, pension benefits and sickness PhDs.
pay. As a consequence a PhD project could The majority of EPFLs doctoral students have a
become less attractive compared to other dual status as employee, with a contract as
positions. doctoral assistant in their research lab on a set
The new graduate schools (with very different salary scale. This employment contract includes
forms emerging now) provide localised PhD a 20% teaching requirement.
courses, and take away some of the The EPFL doctorate has a normative duration of
responsibilities of the National Research four years, with a definitive admission process
Schools. However, the recent experience is that (including a candidacy exam) at the end of the
both levels (national Research Schools and local first year.
Graduate Schools) play a role, in a kind of For 2012-2016, the Rectors Conference of the
matrix organization. Swiss Universities (CRUS) has launched,
The Netherland doctoral system is based on the complementary to existing institutional doctoral
National Research schools. Since the early schemes, a national programme aiming at
1990s national research schools became the offering young scientists inter-institutional
main organizations for research. In 1992 the programmes that enable research networking
Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and and better integration. CRUS long-term
Sciences was asked to create a specific body objective is to offer appropriate training
(Evaluation Committee for Research schemes for the majority of doctoral students.
Schools/ECOS) to accredit and in rounds of The doctoral programmes that will be funded
five years re-accredit these research schools. have to correspond to the Joint Position by the
Universities attached great value to these Swiss universities on the Doctorate and to fulfil
evaluations. Most of the research time of senior a set of criteria regarding supervision, inter-
scholars, and all regular PhD projects, had to be institutional cooperation as well as to the
incorporated into these research schools. programmes research topic. The responsibility
Currently, there are about 100 re-accredited for the implementation modalities of their
research schools in the Netherlands, some of doctoral programmes lies with the individual
them also with research partners in Belgium universities.
(Flanders). Building on earlier cooperation in 2005 the
CUSO (Confrence universitaire de Suisse
Switzerland occidentale - Doctoral Programmes Western
The Doctoral School of the cole Polytechnique Switzerland University Conference) began to set
Fdrale de Lausanne represents a significant up joint doctoral programmes (as supportive and
example of the Switzerland Doctoral Schools. complementary structures) designed to provide
At EPFL the doctoral candidates are distributed doctoral students with in-depth scientific and
across eighteen doctoral programs. Each methodological courses and seminars, and to
doctoral program is responsible for recruiting help them in acquisition and perfecting their
doctoral students, organizing their supervision transversal and transferable skills. The
and regular evaluation, and monitoring their programmes also offer many occasions for
progress. The doctoral programs also organize networking and socialization: as early-stage
an offer of advanced level courses and create a researchers, doctoral students need to become
community based in their scientific domain. The well-acquainted with the scientific community
doctoral programs are designed to reach in their field, including its rules and values.
transversally across the EPFLs faculties in CUSO funds are available for purposes of
order to bring together researchers from coordination, inviting speakers from abroad,
different domains. organizing residential and in-house seminars,
and reimbursing students travel costs from their
universities to the sites of seminars. From In the Swiss understanding, the purpose of the
January 1, 2011 there were 22 programmes in doctorate is not only the development of
operation, with 1500 students enrolled. academic competence and the acquisition of
StartingDoc Programme started in 2008 and is a subject specific and methodological knowledge
group-mentoring programme addressed to and skills, but also the acquisition of transversal
women at the very beginning of their academic knowledge and skills as well as the promotion
career. It concerns beginner doctoral from the of academic interaction and networks according
universities of western Switzerland and the to European indications. In this way, the
Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne doctorate prepares candidates for research-based
(EPFL) and is financed by the Federal Equal professions at universities or other institutions
Opportunity at the Universities Programme. (public sector, business, administration) and
StartingDoc offers PhD students useful tools to enables them to take on diverse high level
succeed through their academic path. The responsibilities and functions.
programme is open for all disciplines and ETH Zurich requires all doctoral students to
therefore it focuses on the structural aspects, take a certain amount of coursework (doctoral
which are required to achieve a PhD thesis, such studies). These courses are considered both as
as milestones of the academic path, researcher a right and an obligation of the students to
rights, work management, network building and continue their professional development. The
publications. objectives of doctoral studies are to enable
Life Science Zurich Graduate School is an doctoral candidates to acquire knowledge and
example in areas of joint complementary skills in the field of their doctoral thesis, in
competence. ETH Zurich operates joint doctoral cognate disciplines and in interdisciplinary
programmes with the University of Zurich: Life areas; to integrate themselves into the scientific
Science Zurich Graduate School, with partial community. At least one-third of the required
involvement of the University of Basel (Plant credits must be outside the candidates research
Science). field, covering e.g. transferable skills,
A Cotutelle de thse is a bi-national doctorate entrepreneurship, career development,
with a supervisor both in the candidates home communication or pedagogic skills.
university and in a partner university abroad, Since 2000 the Federal Equal Opportunity at the
leading to a joint diploma (either a diploma Universities Programme has been financing
issued jointly by the two institutions or two Mentoring Programmes for the promotion of
separate diploma, specifying the nature of the female junior researchers at all Swiss
doctorate as a cotutelle de thse). Swiss universities in collaboration with the two
national authorities provide funding for Federal Institutes of Technology and the Swiss
Cotutelles between Swiss universities and National Science Foundation (SNSF). It intends
universities of neighbouring countries (Austria, to promote female junior researchers by giving
France, Germany, Italy) in order to cover the them career related advice independent from
travel and residence expenses of both the their direct supervisor and introducing them into
doctoral candidate and his/her supervisor. Not the academic networks. In doing so the concept
all universities make use of this possibility. of mentoring is broad and includes also gender
Many of the research groups at Swiss specific skills training e.g. in rhetoric, job
universities, notably at the two Federal Institutes applications, appearance etc.
of Technology, maintain close collaboration Due to the different cultures of the faculties,
with industrial partners. Various models of there is also faculty-specific mentoring.
industrial doctorates are possible, what is
important for the success of an industrial PhD is 8. Italian model for doctoral training
a common understanding of all partners implied In Italy networks among Universities are
and an active involvement of all partners all organized to improve the quality of doctoral
along the dissertation work. training in specific programmes and to increase
the critical mass of doctoral candidates.
Mobility of the candidates among the additionally attract funding from private
participant Universities is established on the companies and non-academic institutions to
basis of specific agreements. increase the number of fellowships on the most
While no national rules for the organization of innovative industrial-research programmes.
doctoral schools have been defined, some Italian For its accreditation the doctoral programme
Universities set up schools to coordinate must also give information on the future
structured doctoral programmes following the expectation for candidates in the research sector
Salzburg principles. These follow two outside University and in the industrial research
models: thematic schools and University field.
Doctoral Schools (where programmes in Funds are recruited by government (Italian
different fields are coordinated in a single Ministry of Education, University and
university structure). Research), universities budget, industry,
Since 2013 the Ministry of Education, research institutions.
University and Research issued a decree, where
new rules for the accreditation of the doctoral 9. Politecnico di Torino Experience in
centers and programmes are established and the Engineering Doctoral Programme
criteria for the programmes are listed. Politecnico di Torino is a research university,
The universities, the research institutions, the offering BA degree, MS degree, doctoral
university consortia (at least one Italian) can degree. The students are 32000 (2014), 30% of
establish doctoral programme after the them are women and 700 doctoral candidates.
accreditation by the Ministry. To be accredited, The doctoral school offers, in 2014, 13 internal
the institutions must demonstrate the doctoral programs, 3 programs in agreement
international research level of the doctoral with University of Torino and 1 with INRIM
scientific board, to have the capability to find Research Centre. Moreover are present
autonomous funds, as integration of the international specific agreements, European
ministerial ones, to offer proper structure to initiatives (Erasmus Mundus, Marie Curie, etc.)
accommodate the doctoral candidates, to offer disciplinary high level courses, interdisciplinary
programmes in specific disciplines, transversal courses and courses given by international
disciplines, in research management and scientists.
collaborations with European and international Recruitment (national and international
research organization. First time an industrial candidates) is done through the evaluation (by a
doctorate has been stated, where industry professors evaluation board) of a document,
employees can become doctoral candidates after prepared by the candidate, explaining his/her
a selection. scientific interest and motivations to apply for
The doctorate programme has a normative the doctorate, an abstract of the Master thesis
duration of three years. and the curriculum studiorum. The evaluation
Aiming at internationalization of doctoral board proceeds to a final interview with
training, many Italian doctoral schools have candidates before the preparation of the
calls for admission open to foreign candidates. admission list. The doctoral students receive a
The Italian Ministry of Education, University grant from the Ministry of Education,
and Research has a yearly call for doctoral University and Research; or from external
fellowships in topics related to industrial sponsors.
research open to all Italian universities hosting Starting in Fall 2014 the Politecnico di Torino
doctoral courses / programmes on these topics. has decided to invest incisively on the doctoral
The requirements for fellowship assignment research programs by ratifying a set of PhD
include agreements with foreign Universities for program support policies: an increase for all
research collaboration, double degree, PhD fellowships of the active cycles, a budget for
joint-supervised programmes, and geographical sporadic national and international mobility (i.e.
and inter-sectorial mobility plans for the travel costs from University to the sites of
admitted candidates. Some universities seminars and conferences) and, on a yearly