This receipt is from the State Bank of India for a payment made to the Indian Institute of Technology in Kanpur. It provides details of the transaction including the reference numbers, student name and roll number, block and room number, month and year for which mess dues were being paid, amounts for current and past dues, and any applicable fines or fees. The total amount paid was 2,126 rupees for the mess dues of student Pragya Mishra for the month of October 2016.
This receipt is from the State Bank of India for a payment made to the Indian Institute of Technology in Kanpur. It provides details of the transaction including the reference numbers, student name and roll number, block and room number, month and year for which mess dues were being paid, amounts for current and past dues, and any applicable fines or fees. The total amount paid was 2,126 rupees for the mess dues of student Pragya Mishra for the month of October 2016.
This receipt is from the State Bank of India for a payment made to the Indian Institute of Technology in Kanpur. It provides details of the transaction including the reference numbers, student name and roll number, block and room number, month and year for which mess dues were being paid, amounts for current and past dues, and any applicable fines or fees. The total amount paid was 2,126 rupees for the mess dues of student Pragya Mishra for the month of October 2016.
This receipt is from the State Bank of India for a payment made to the Indian Institute of Technology in Kanpur. It provides details of the transaction including the reference numbers, student name and roll number, block and room number, month and year for which mess dues were being paid, amounts for current and past dues, and any applicable fines or fees. The total amount paid was 2,126 rupees for the mess dues of student Pragya Mishra for the month of October 2016.