Vikram Singh paid 2,644 rupees through SBCollect for his July 2017 mess dues at the Indian Institute of Technology in Kanpur. The receipt details his roll number, block, room, current month's mess dues, and total amount paid of 2,644 rupees for clearing his July 2017 mess dues.
Vikram Singh paid 2,644 rupees through SBCollect for his July 2017 mess dues at the Indian Institute of Technology in Kanpur. The receipt details his roll number, block, room, current month's mess dues, and total amount paid of 2,644 rupees for clearing his July 2017 mess dues.
Vikram Singh paid 2,644 rupees through SBCollect for his July 2017 mess dues at the Indian Institute of Technology in Kanpur. The receipt details his roll number, block, room, current month's mess dues, and total amount paid of 2,644 rupees for clearing his July 2017 mess dues.
Vikram Singh paid 2,644 rupees through SBCollect for his July 2017 mess dues at the Indian Institute of Technology in Kanpur. The receipt details his roll number, block, room, current month's mess dues, and total amount paid of 2,644 rupees for clearing his July 2017 mess dues.
Suvra Sekhar Das PHD, Ramjee Prasad PHD - Orthogonal Time Frequency Space Modulation - A Waveform For 6G (River Publishers Series in Communications) - River Publishers (2022)