Eng122 Course Syllabus
Eng122 Course Syllabus
Eng122 Course Syllabus
Technical Writing and Communication, ENG 122, is designed to provide the student
with experience in the application of techniques involved in the writing of expository
essays, business and professional communication, and informal and formal reports. The
course emphasizes modes of composition most often encountered in both academic and
professional settings.
4. Designing and integrating primary source data, secondary source data, and
graphics/visuals into professional reports.
Measurable Objectives
Following are the measurable objectives for this course. All competencies must be
demonstrated at a mastery level of 75% before any average is taken. By the end of the
course the students will be able to do the following:
2. Students will compose a letter of application and a professional resume for a job
opening in their technology for which they qualify. Professional standards of
correctness, completeness, and conciseness will be adhered to in both completed
6. Students will compose a concisely worded and logically organized field report
based on personal interviews with successful professionals whose careers employ
the skills of the students' technologies or with individuals whose knowledge and/or
experience can be used in the students' final reports.
8. Students will compose a concisely worded and logically organized 4-6 page research
proposal which formally declares their intention to research and write an extended
technical research report on an approved topic from their technology. The proposal
must indicate the student's intention to rely on both primary and secondary sources
in gathering information for the report. References to the intended use of
graphics/visuals in the final report is also a mandatory component of this
10. Students will compose a progress memorandum detailing the progress made toward
the completion of their final report. Students will be referred to earlier progress
assignments for strategies in progress reporting.
11. Students will study, practice and compose a formal abstract which will be included
in the final research report known as the preliminary matter. This abstract will be
informative in nature.
12. Students will present a 5-minute oral summary of the successes and difficulties
encountered in the implementation of the research strategies employed in
ENG 122.
Writing Assignments
1. Expository essay
2. Letter of application and accompanying resume
3. Persuasive Letter
4. Informative/evaluative summary of article found in a
professional journal
5. Progress report on on-going project
6. Field report and investigative report
7. Extended research proposal
8. Research progress report
9. Formal research abstract
10. Formal research report
Course Evaluation
Week Five: The principles of critical thinking and critical analysis of articles
found in professional journals, either print or electronic. Reading
assignments will be chosen by students and based on their final
research report topics.
Week Seven: Short technical report writing with emphasis on uses of empirical
reporting. Accessing and evaluating electronic sources will also be
discussed. Chapter 16
Weeks Eleven -
Thirteen: Discussion of research techniques and bibliographic research
strategies with emphasis on primary and secondary
source gathering and the use of graphics/visuals as
supplemental data. Chapters 7, 10 - 12
Week Fourteen: Formal abstract writing as it applies to the final research paper.
Chapter 10, pp.274-276
Revised 9/02