World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2017 (Full Document)

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A Mycle Schneider Consulting Project

Paris, September 2017 NUCLEAR
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The World Nuclear Industry

Status Report 2017
Foreword by

S. David Freeman
Mycle Schneider
Independent Consultant, Paris, France
Project Coordinator and Lead Author

Antony Froggatt
Independent Consultant, London, U.K.
Lead Author


Julie Hazemann
Director of EnerWebWatch, Paris, France
Documentary Research, Modelling and Datavisualization

Tadahiro Katsuta
Associate Professor, School of Law, Meiji University, Tokyo, Japan
Contributing Author

M.V. Ramana
Simons Chair in Disarmament, Global and Human Security with the Liu Institute
for Global Issues at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
Contributing Author

Juan C. Rodriguez
Equity Analyst, AlphaValue, Paris, France
Contributing Author

Andreas Rdinger
Independent Consultant, Paris, France
Contributing Author

Agns Stienne
Artist, Graphic Designer, Cartographer, Le Mans, France
Graphic Design & Layout

Paris, September 2017 A Mycle Schneider Consulting Project

The cover page was designed by Agns Stienne. The picture below the solar panel is based on a photography of the
Juragua site in Cuba, where building of two Russian-designed 413MW reactors started in 1983 and was abandoned
in 1992. Photography by Darmon Richter August2014.
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The project coordinator wishes to thank AntonyFroggatt, all-time key contributor to this project. Many thanks
also to contributing authors TadahiroKatsuta and M.V.Ramana for their renewed professional contributions.
Pleasure to work with you. We are happy to welcome Juan C. Rodriguez and AndreasRdinger to the team of
contributing authors. Their particular expertise is highly appreciated.

A special thanks goes out to S.DavidFreeman, who contributed a lucid and generous Foreword.

A big chunk of the success of this project is due to its visibility through the graphic illustrations based on the
project database designed and maintained by data engineer JulieHazemann. The new cooperation with artist
and graphic designer AgnsStienne, who created the entirely new layout, turned out very fruitful. We are very
excited about the result. Thank you very much. We are fortunate that NinaSchneider put her excellent proof-
reading skills to work again, and contributed background research. Thank you.

Many other people have contributed pieces of work to make this project possible and bring it to the current
standard. These include in particular ShaunBurnie, whose multiple contributions have been invaluable and
highly appreciated.

The report has greatly benefitted from partial proof-reading, editing suggestions or comments by ShaunBurnie,
NilsEpprecht, JanHaverkamp, IrynaHolovko, TomasKberger, AmoryB.Lovins, DavidLowry, YvesMarignac,
OlexiPasyuk, NinaSchneider, SteveThomas and others. Thank you all.

The authors wish to thank in particular Rebecca Harms, AmoryB.Lovins, MatthewMcKinzie, NilsEpprecht,
for their durable and enthusiastic support of this project.

And everybody involved is grateful to the MacArthur Foundation, Natural Resources Defense Council,
Heinrich Bll Foundation France, Members of the Greens-EFA Group in the European Parliament, and the
Swiss Renewable Energy Foundation for their generous support for this project.

A big thank-you to Philippe Rivire for his continuous, reliable work on the website and database.


This report contains a very large amount of factual and numerical data. While we do our utmost to verify and
double-check, nobody is perfect. The authors are always grateful for corrections and suggested improvements.


Mycle Schneider Antony Froggatt

45, Alle des deux cdres 53a Neville Road
91210 Draveil (Paris) London N16 8SW
France United Kingdom
Ph: +33-1-69 83 23 79 Ph: +44-79 68 80 52 99
E: [email protected] E: [email protected]
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THE ROLE OF NUCLEAR POWER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
OPERATION, POWER GENERATION, AGE DISTRIBUTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
OVERVIEW OF CURRENT NEW BUILD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30



FRANCE FOCUS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
French Nuclear Power and Electricity Mix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
The Troubled Flamanville-3 EPR and the Creusot Forge Affair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Rising Costs and a Lurking Investment Wall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
GERMANY FOCUS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
JAPAN FOCUS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Restart Prospects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Energy Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Restarts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Critical Aging and Life Extensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Monju Shutdown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
New Build Projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
SOUTH KOREA FOCUS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Future of Nuclear Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
UNITED KINGDOM FOCUS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
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UNITED STATES FOCUS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78

Securing Financing, Shutdowns and Reversing Shutdowns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
New Reactor Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
Vogtle and V.C. Summer AP1000 Projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
Vogtle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
V.C. Summer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
Quality-Control Failures, Disputes and Acquisitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
Uncertainty Over V.C. Summer and Plant Vogtle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
Factors Determining the Future of Vogtle and V.C. Summer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Westinghouse / Toshiba Guarantees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Federal Loan Guarantees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
Tax Credits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
Costs to Customers and the Position of the Public Services Commissions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
President Trump on Nuclear Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Termination of V.C. Summer project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103


UNDER CONSTRUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
CONTRACTS SIGNED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
COMMITTED PLANS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
WELL DEVELOPED PLANS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
DEVELOPING PLANS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
CONCLUSION ON POTENTIAL NEWCOMER COUNTRIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122


INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
The Trend Towards a Decentralized Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
About Spot Power-Price Exposure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
Contracting Profits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
THE GERMAN NUCLEAR SINGULARITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
The Spin-off Idea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
Creation of the KFK and Provision Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
Proposal of a Sovereign Fund for Nuclear Waste . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
EFFECTS OF THE LOW-RATE ENVIRONMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
Lower Interest Cost and Higher Debt Levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
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Lower Allowed Returns on Regulated Assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130

Higher Provision Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
Higher Pension Deficits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
COMPANY STRATEGY, SHARE PRICE BEHAVIOR, AND RESULTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
RWE (Germany) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
E.ON (Germany) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
AREVA (France) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
EDF (France) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
ENGIE (France) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
ENEL (Italy) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
TEPCO (Japan) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
Toshiba (Japan) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
KEPCO (South Korea) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
CGN (China) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
Exelon (U.S.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
OUTLOOK ON ENERGY SECTOR DEVELOPMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
Emission Trading System (ETS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
Power prices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
CONCLUSION ON NUCLEAR FINANCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150


United States . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
Russia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
South Korea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
China . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
India . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
Argentina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
Conclusion on Small Modular Reactors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159


INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
ON-SITE CHALLENGES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
Current Status of the Reactors , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
Contaminated Water Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
Worker Exposure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
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OFF-SITE CHALLENGES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165

Current Status of Evacuation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
Radiation Exposure and Health Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
Food Contamination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
Decontamination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170
COSTS INVOLVED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173
CONCLUSION ON FUKUSHIMA STATUS REPORT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175


INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
INVESTMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178
RECORD-LOW PRICE LEVELS ACROSS THE WORLD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
INSTALLED CAPACITY AND ELECTRICITY GENERATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
STATUS AND TRENDS IN CHINA, THE EU, INDIA, AND THE U.S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
CONCLUSION ON NUCLEAR POWER VS. RENEWABLE ENERGIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188


AFRICA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
THE AMERICAS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192
ASIA AND MIDDLE EAST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
EUROPEAN UNION (EU28) AND SWITZERLAND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
Western Europe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
Central and Eastern Europe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224
FORMER SOVIET UNION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232


FUTURE NUCLEAR OPERATIONS OF TEPCO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245


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Figure 1 | Nuclear Electricity Generation in the World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Figure 2 | Nuclear Electricity Generation and Share in Global Power Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Figure 3 | Nuclear Power Reactor Grid Connections and Shutdowns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Figure 4 | Nuclear Power Reactor Grid Connections and Shutdowns - The China Effect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Figure 5 | World Nuclear Reactor Fleet, 19542017 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Figure 6 | Nuclear Reactors Under Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Figure 7 | Average Annual Construction Times in the World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Figure 8 | Construction Starts in the World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Figure 9 | Construction Starts in the World - China . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Figure 10 | Cancelled or Suspended Reactor Constructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Figure 11 | Age Distribution of Operating Reactors in the World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Figure 12 | Age Distribution of Shut Down Nuclear Power Reactors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Figure 13 | The 40-Year Lifetime Projection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Figure 14 | The PLEX Projection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Figure 15 | Forty-Year Lifetime Projection versus PLEX Projection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Figure 16 | Age Distribution of French Nuclear Fleet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Figure 17 | Main Developments of the German Power System Between 2010 and 2016 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Figure 18 | Japanese Reactor Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Figure 19 | Japanese Nuclear Activity Program History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Figure 20 | Age Distribution of Japanese Nuclear Fleet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Figure 21 | U.K. Reactor Startups and Shutdowns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Figure 22 | Age Distribution of U.K. Nuclear Fleet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Figure 23 | Age Distribution of U.S. Nuclear Fleet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Figure 24 | IAEA Forecasts of Installed Nuclear Capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
Figure 25 | RWE Forward Contracting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
Figure 26 | Average Profitability of Six European Nuclear Operators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
Figure 27 | Average European Nuclear Operator Credit Ratios . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
Figure 28 | RWE Share Price Development Since 2006 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
Figure 29 | E.ON Share Price Development Since 2006 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
Figure 30 | AREVA Share Price Development Since 2006 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
Figure 31 | EDF Share Price Development Since 2006 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
Figure 32 | ENGIE Share Price Development Since 2006 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
Figure 33 | TEPCO Share Price Development Since 2006 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
Figure 34 | Toshiba Share Price Development Since 2006 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
Figure 35 | Kepco Share Price Development Since 2006 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
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Figure 36 | CGN Share Price Development Since its Launch in 2014 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
Figure 37 | European Emission Trading System Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
Figure 38 | Distribution of Radiation Doses According to Airborne Monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172
Figure 39 | Estimated Cost of Fukushima Accident Countermeasures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173
Figure 40 | Global Investment Decisions in Renewables and Nuclear Power 2004-2016 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178
Figure 41 | Top 10 Countries for Renewable Energy Investment 2014-2016 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
Figure 42 | Wind, Solar and Nuclear Capacity and Production in the World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
Figure 43 | Wind, Solar and Nuclear Capacity and Production in China 2000-2016 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
Figure 44 | Startup and Shutdown of Electricity Generating Capacity in the EU in 2016 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
Figure 45 | Variations in Installed Capacity and Electricity Generation in the EU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
Figure 46 | Wind, Solar and Nuclear Capacity and Production in India 2000-2016 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
Figure 47 | Suspended Angra-3 Construction Site in November 2015 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195
Figure 48 | Age Distribution of Chinese Nuclear Fleet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
Figure 49 | Nuclear Reactors Startups and Shutdowns in the EU28, 19562017 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
Figure 50 | Nuclear Reactors and Net Operating Capacity in the EU28 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
Figure 51 | Age Distribution of the EU28 Reactor Fleet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
Figure 52 | Age Distribution of Swiss Nuclear Fleet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223

Table 1 |Nuclear Reactors Under Construction (as of 1July2017) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Table 2 | Reactor Construction Times 20072017 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Table 3 | Legal Closure Dates for German Nuclear Reactors 2011-2022 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Table 4 | Japanese Reactors Officially Shut Down Post-3/11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Table 5 | Early Shutdowns of U.S. Reactors 20092025 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .90
Table 6 | Summary of Nuclear Newcomer Countries (Actual and Potential) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .121
Table 7 | Credit Rating History of Major European Utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
Table 8 | Nuclear Operators Provisions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
Table 9 | Results of Thyroid Cancer Examinations 2011-2016 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
Table 10 | Total Cesium Measured in Food Products in Fukushima Prefecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170
Table 12 | Government and Independent Assessments of Cleanup and Remediation Costs
of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster (in billion US$) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
Table 11 | Closure Dates for Belgian Nuclear Reactors 20222025 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213
Table 13 | Status of Japanese Nuclear Reactor Fleet (as of 1 July 2017) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240
Table 14 | Status of Nuclear Power in the World (as of 1July2017) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262
Table 15 | Nuclear Reactors in the World Under Construction (as of 1July2017) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263
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 by S. David Freeman1

Nuclear power was born in a sea of euphoria out of a collective American guilt over dropping
the atomic bomb. And for at least two decades it was the clean alternative to coal that was
going to meet all of our energy needs forever.

[ Perhaps the most decisive document

in the history of nuclear power... ]
The Three Mile Island meltdown, in 1979, ended the euphoria but the dream continued and it
still goes on without much regard to contrary facts.

The opponents of nuclear power have shown a similar disregard for changing facts. They lar-
gely ignored the fact that many well-meaning people viewed local air pollution and climate
change more of a danger than nuclear. In those years shutting down a nuclear plant did mean
increased emissions of local pollutants and green house gases.

The debate about nuclear power was similar to talking about a religion. It was seldom groun-
ded in all the relevant facts- each side had a religious belief in their point of view boosted by
whatever ad hoc facts supported their view.

Because of that history, this 2017 World Nuclear Industry Status Report is perhaps the most deci-
sive document in the history of nuclear power. The report makes clear, in telling detail, that
the debate is over. Nuclear power has been eclipsed by the sun and the wind. These renewable,
free-fuel sources are no longer a dream or a projection-they are a reality that are replacing
nuclear as the preferred choice for new power plants worldwide.

It no longer matters whether your greatest concern is nuclear power or climate change the
answer is the same. The modern-day Edisons have learned to harness economically the ever-
lasting sources of energy delivered to earth by Mother Nature free of charge.

The value of this report is that this conclusion no longer relies on hope or opinion but is what is
actually happening. In country after country the facts are the same. Nuclear power is far from
dead but it is in decline and renewable energy is growing by leaps and bounds.

The entire Report is must reading so that the facts of nuclear decline in the U.S., Germany,
Japan, and France indeed just about every country- really sinks in. It is more than symbolic
that the Japanese Government has formally accepted the death of its breeder reactor, which
was the original holy-grail of nuclear power.

Most revealing is the fact that nowhere in the world, where there is a competitive market for
electricity, has even one single nuclear power plant been initiated. Only where the government
or the consumer takes the risks of cost overruns and delays is nuclear power even being consi-

1 - S.DavidFreeman was appointed Chairman of the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) by President JimmyCarter in 1977.
Subsequently, he served for two decades as general manager of several large public power agencies including the LosAngeles
Department of Water and Power, the NewYork Power Authority, and the Sacramento Municipal Utility District.
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[ The report makes clear, in telling detail,

that the debate is over ]
The most decisive part of this report is the final section- Nuclear Power vs Renewable Energy
Development. It reveals that since 1997, worldwide, renewable energy has produced four times
as many new kilowatt-hours of electricity than nuclear power.

Maybe the Revolution has not been televised, but it is well underway. Renewable energy is a
lower cost and cleaner, safer alternative to fossil fuels than nuclear power.

The world no longer needs to build nuclear power plants to avoid climate change and certainly
not to save money. If you have any doubt about that fact please read the World Nuclear Industry
Status Report 2017.

 S. David Freeman
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Global OverviewThe Chinese Exception, Yet
Global nuclear power generation increased by 1.4% in 2016, due to a 23% increase in China, although the share of
nuclear energy in electricity generation stagnated at 10.5% (0.2%).
Ten reactors started up in 2016, of which one-half were in China. Two reactors were connected to the grid in the
first half of 2017one in China, one in Pakistan (by a Chinese company)the first units to start up in the world
whose construction started after the Fukushima disaster began.
Three construction starts in the world in 2016two in China, one in Pakistan (by a Chinese company)down
from 15 in 2010, of which 10 were in China. One construction start in India in the first half of 2017, none in China or
in the rest of the world.
The number of units under construction is declining for the fourth year in a row, from 68reactors at the end of 2013
to 53 by mid-2017, of which 20 are in China.

Closures and Construction Delays

Russia and the U.S. shut down reactors in 2016, while Sweden and South Korea both closed their oldest units in the
first half of 2017.
Election of a new President in SouthKorea, who closed one plant and suspended the construction of two more, puts
hopes of the national nuclear industry to expand and export into jeopardy.
Thirteen countries are building new reactors, one less than in WNISR2016, as the construction of Angra-3 in Brazil
was abandoned following a massive corruption scandal involving senior project management.
There are 37 reactor constructions behind schedule, of which 19 reported further delays over the past year. China is
no exception, at least 11 of 20units under construction are behind schedule.
Eight projects have been under construction for a decade or more, of which three for over 30 years.
WNISR2016 noted 17reactors scheduled for startup in 2017. As of mid-2017, only two of these units had started up
and 11 were delayed until at least 2018.

Bankruptcy/Bailout of Historic Nuclear Giants Deep Financial Crisis for Nuclear Utilities
After the discovery of massive losses over its nuclear construction projects, Toshiba filed for bankruptcy of its U.S.
subsidiary Westinghouse, the largest nuclear power builder in history.
AREVA has accumulated US$12.3 billion in losses over the past six years. French government has provided a
US$5.3billion bailout and continues break-up strategy.
The large quality-control scandal at AREVA's Creusot Forge further erodes confidence in the industry.
Share-value erosion and downgrading by credit-rating agencies of major nuclear utilities.

Fukushima Status Report

Six years after the Fukushima disaster began, the Japanese Government started lifting evacuation orders in order
to limit skyrocketing compensation costs. The total official cost estimate for the catastrophe has doubled from
US$100billion to US$200billion. A new independent assessment has put the cost at US$444630billion (depen-
ding on the level of water decontamination). Only five reactors have been restarted.

Renewables Distance Nuclear

Globally, wind power output grew by 16%, solar by 30%, nuclear by 1.4% in 2016. Wind power increased generation
by 132 TWh, solar by 77 TWh, respectively 3.8 times and 2.2 times more than nuclear's 35 TWh. Renewables repre-
sented 62% of global power generating capacity additions.
New renewables beat existing nuclear. Renewable energy auctions achieved record low prices at and below US$30/
MWh in Chile, Mexico, Morocco, United Arab Emirates, and the United States. Average generating costs of amor-
tized nuclear power plants in the U.S. were US$35.5 in 2015.
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The World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2017 (WNISR2017) provides a comprehensive overview
of nuclear power plant data, including information on operation, production and construc-
tion. The WNISR assesses the status of new-build programs in current nuclear countries as
well as in potential newcomer countries. The WNISR2017 edition includes a new assessment
from an equity analyst view of the financial crisis of the nuclear sector and some of its biggest
industrial players. The Fukushima Status Report provides not only an update on onsite and
offsite issues six years after the beginning of the catastrophe, but also the latest official and
new independent cost evaluations of the disaster. Focus chapters provide in-depth analysis of
France, Japan, South Korea, the United Kingdom and the United States. The Nuclear Power vs.
Renewable Energy chapter provides global comparative data on investment, capacity, and ge-
neration from nuclear, wind and solar energy. Finally, Annex1 presents a country-by-country
overview of all other countries operating nuclear power plants.

Reactor Status and Nuclear Programs

Startups and Shutdowns. In 2016, ten reactors started up, five in China, one each was com-
missioned in India (Kudankulam-2), Pakistan (Chasnupp-3), Russia (Novovoronezh-2-1),
SouthKorea (Shin-Kori-3) and the U.S. (Watts Bar-2, after 43years of construction). Two reac-
tors were closed in 2016, Novovoronezh-3 in Russia and Fort Calhoun-1 in the U.S.

In the first half of 2017, two reactors started up in the world, one each in China (Yangjiang)
and Pakistan (Chasnupp-4, built by a Chinese company), while two were shut down, the ol-
dest units respectively in South Korea (Kori-1, after 40 years of operation) and in Sweden
(Oskarshamn-1, after close to 46years of operation).

Operation and Construction Data

Reactor Operation. There are 31 countries operating nuclear power plants.1 These countries
operate a total of 403 reactorsexcluding Long-Term Outages (LTOs)just one unit more
compared to the situation mid-2016, 35 fewer than the 2002 peak of 438. The total installed
capacity increased over the past year by less than onepercent to reach351GW,2 which is com-
parable to levels in 2000. Installed capacity peaked in 2006 at 368GW. Annual nuclear electri-
city generation reached 2,476TWh in 2016a 1.4percent increase over the previous year, but
about 7percent below the historic peak of 2006. As in 2015, the 2016 global increase of 35TWh
is due to the production hike in China, where nuclear generation increased by 23percent or

1 - Unless otherwise noted, the figures indicated are as of 1July 2017.

2 - All figures are given for reference net electricity generating capacity. GW stands for gigawatt or thousand megawatt.
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WNISR2017 classifies 33Japanesereactors as being in LTO,3 three less than in WNISR2016, as

two were restarted (Ikata-3 et Takahama-4) and Monju was closed permanently.

Besides the Japanese reactors, two French units (Bugey-5, Paluel-2), as well as one unit each
in Argentina (Embalse), India (Kakrapar-2), Switzerland (Beznau-1) and Taiwan (Chinshan-1)
meet the LTO criteria.

All ten reactors at Fukushima Daiichi and Daini are considered permanently closed and are
therefore also excluded in the count of operating nuclear power plants.

Share in Electricity/Energy Mix. The nuclear share of the worlds power generation remai-
ned stable4 over the past fiveyears, with 10.5percent in 2016 after declining steadily from a his-
toric peak of 17.5percent in 1996. Nuclear powers share of global commercial primary energy
consumption also remained stable at 4.5percentprior to 2014 the lowest level since 1984.5

The big five nuclear generating countriesby rank, the U.S., France, China, Russia, and
SouthKoreagenerated 70percent of the worlds nuclear electricity in 2016. China moved up
one rank. The U.S. and France accounted for 48percent of global nuclear generation.

Reactor Age. In the absence of major new-build programs apart from China, the unit-weighted
average age of the world operating nuclear reactor fleet continues to rise, and by mid-2017
stood at 29.3years. Over half of the total, or 234units, have operated for 31 years and more,
including 64 that have run for 41years and more.

Lifetime Extension. The extension of operating periods beyond the original design is regula-
ted differently from country to country. While in the U.S., 84 of the 99 operating reactors have
already received license extensions for up to a total lifetime of 60years, in France, only 10-year
extensions are granted and the safety authorities have made it clear that there is no guarantee
that all units will pass the 40-year in-depth safety assessment. Furthermore, the proposals for
lifetime extensions are in conflict with the French legal target to reduce the nuclear share from
the current three-quarters to half by 2025.

Lifetime Projections. If all currently operating reactors were shut down at the end of a 40-
year lifetimewith the exception of the 72 that have passed the 40-year markby 2020 the
number of operating units would be 11 below the total at the end of 2016, even if all reactors
currently under active construction were completed. The installed capacity, however, will in-
crease by 4GW, because many of the older units have lower power outputs when compared
to most of the reactors currently under construction. In the following decade, between 2020
and 2030, 194units (179GW) would have to be replacedalmost fourtimes the number of
startups achieved over the past decade. If all licensed lifetime extensions were actually imple-
mented and achieved, the number of operating reactors would still increase by only five, and
adding 16.5 GW in 2020. By 2030, 163 reactors would have to be shut down and the loss of
144.5GW would have to be compensated for.

3 - WNISR considers that a unit is in Long-Term Outage (LTO) if it produced zero power in the previous calendar year and in
the first half of the current calendar year. This classification is applied retroactively starting on the day the unit is disconnec-
ted from the grid. WNISR counts the startup of a reactor from its day of grid connection, and its shutdown from the day of grid
4 - Less than 0.2percentage points difference with 2015 and the five years on average, a level that is certainly within statistical
5 - According to BP, Statistical Review of World Energy, June 2017.
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Construction. Thirteen countries are currently building nuclear power plants, one less than
in previous years. Construction at the only new-build project in Brazil, Angra-3, was halted
after corruption charges were brought against senior management.

As of 1 July 2017, 53 reactors were under construction6 five less than one year earlier and 15
fewer than in 2013. Twenty of the 53 reactors are being constructed in China.7 Total capacity
under construction is 53.2GW (8%).

The current average time since work started at the 53 units under construction is 6.8years,
an increase of 0.6years from the status one year ago. The main reasons are the low num-
ber of construction starts and new delays. At mid-2017, 11 of 17 scheduled startups for the
year had already been pushed into 2018 or beyond.8
All of the reactors under construction in 8 out of the 13 countries have experienced delays,
mostly by a year or more. Over two thirds (37) of all construction projects are behind sche-
dule. Most of the 16 remaining units under construction, of which 9 are in China, were
begun within the past three years or have not yet reached projected start-up dates, making
it difficult to assess whether or not they are on schedule.
Of the 37 reactors behind schedule, 19 have reported increased delays over the past year
since WNISR2016.
Construction of three reactors has started more than 30years ago: Mochovce-3 and -4 in
Slovakia and Rostov-4 in Russia.
Two units, the Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor (PFBR) in India and Olkiluoto-3 in Finland,
have been listed as under construction for a decade or more, while Shimane-3 in Japan
and Flamanville-3 in France will reach 10years of construction before the end of 2017.
The average construction time of the latest 51units in ten countries that started up in the
past decade, since 2007, was 10.1years with a very large range from 4to over 43 years.

Construction Starts & New Build Issues

Construction Starts. In 2016, construction began on 3 reactors, 2 of which were in China and
one in Pakistan (by a Chinese company). This compares to 15 construction startsof which
10 were in China alonein 2010. In the first half of 2017, only India started building a reactor.
Historically, construction starts in the world peaked in 1976 at 44.

Construction Cancellations. Between 1977 and 1July2017, a total of at least 91 (one in eight)
of all construction sites were abandoned or suspended in 17countries in various stages of ad-

Newcomer Program Delays/Cancellation. Only two newcomer countries are actually buil-
ding reactorsBelarus and UAE. Progress was halted at Belarus' Ostrovets project, when the
reactor pressure vessel was dropped during installation and had to be replaced. The UAE an-

6 - In late July 2017, construction of two units at the V.C. Summer site in the U.S. was suspended and one additional reactor
started up in China. This leads to 50 units under construction as of 1 September 2017.
7 - One unit started up in China in July 2017 was on schedule. As of 1 September, that leaves 11 of 19 units under construction in
China behind schedule.
8 - A third unit started up in China in July 2017. As of 1 September, that leaves three units scheduled for startup in 2017.
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nounced that it had to delay startup of the first of fourunits to 2018, due to a lack of locally
trained and licensed domestic personnel.

Further delays have occurred over the year in the development of nuclear programs for most of
the more or less advanced potential newcomer countries, including Bangladesh, Egypt, Jordan,
Poland, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey. Vietnam abandoned its new-build project due to slowing
electricity demand increases, concerns over safety and rising construction costs.

Nuclear Finances: A Tough Market Environment

Bankruptcy of Historic Builder Toshiba-Westinghouse. Following technical problems, de-
lays and massive cost overruns at its U.S. construction projects V.C. Summer and Vogtle, the
Japanese group Toshiba in March 2017 filed for bankruptcy protection of its US. subsidiary
Westinghouse. As a consequence, construction at the two V.C. Summer reactors in the U.S.
was halted.

AREVA Debacle (another new episode). The French state-controlled integrated nuclear com-
pany AREVA went technically bankrupt after a cumulative six-year loss of US$12.3billion. The
French government has provided a bailout for US$5.3billion and continued a break-up strategy
that has state utility EDF take over the nuclear building and services subsidiary AREVA-NP.
The rescue scheme has been approved by the European Commission. AREVA has been delisted
from the Paris stock market since August 2017. The embattled company is struggling also
with a vast quality-control scandal that led to the provisional shutdown of a dozen reactors in
France. Thousands of fabrication dossiers have to be examined for irregularities or falsifica-
tions. The safety implications remain to be assessed.

Nuclear Utilities in Difficulty. Many of the traditional nuclear and fossil fuel based utilities
continue to struggle with low wholesale power prices, a shrinking client base, declining power
consumption, high debt loads, increasing production costs at aging facilities, and stiff competi-
tion, especially from renewables.

In Europe, energy utilities Centrica (U.K.), EDF, Engie (France), E.ON, and RWE
(Germany) have all been downgraded by credit-rating agencies over the past year. As of
early July 2017, compared to their peak values during the past decade, the utilities' shares
had lost most of their value: RWE 82%, E.ON 87%, EDF 89%, Engie 75%.
In Asia, the share value of Japanese utility TEPCO, de facto nationalized after the
Fukushima disaster, as of early July 2017, was still 89% below its February 2007 peak
value. Toshiba, hit by the bankruptcy of its U.S. subsidiary Westinghouse, saw its share
value shrink again to a quarter of its 2007 peak level. Chinese utility CGN, listed on the
HongKong stock exchange since December 2014, over the past year and a half never re-
covered from the 60 percent loss of its share value compared to the peak in June 2015.
The Korean utility KEPCO, the only major nuclear utility to reach its peak share value in
2016, has lost 37% of its value over the past year following tariff cuts, increased operating
expenses and the temporary shutdown of four reactors. The election of a new president
exacerbates the situation.
The German Singularity. Lower electricity and commodity prices, added to increased com-
petition and the implementation of the countrys Energiewende have led private utilities RWE
Wo r l d N u c l e a r I n d u s t r y S t a t u s R e p o r t | 2 0 1 7  | 17

and E.ON to make the strategic choice to split themselves in two. They separated their gene-
ration and trading activities from network operations and renewables in an attempt to reduce
their exposure to commodity price movements, while providing new growth opportunities and
value creation. Following this, the German government set up an independent commission
(KFK) to review the process. As a result, the German government created a sovereign nuclear
waste fund to cover future storage costs, transferring the risk from operators to the govern-

A Low-Rate Environment. The positive effect from a lower cost of debt following the finan-
cial crisis had additional effects on nuclear operators. As in many cases nuclear generators are
also operators on electricity networks, allowed returns have been revised downwards by regu-
lators to avoid excessive gains. Moreover, lower interest rates imply that nuclear operators have
to set aside more money today for future expected costs, increasing the total amount of provi-
sions required.

Sector Developments.
Emission Trading System (ETS) prices are near historical low levels, while new mea-
sures have been taken by the European Union to boost prices in the mid-term by reducing
allowance supply. New trading systems are being implanted in the world similar to the
European model to comply with COP21 agreements.
Power prices touched historical low levels in the first half of 2016, with a rebound on the
second half, which continued in 2017. The increase has been driven by a rebound on coal
prices added to capacity shortages in France due to a lower nuclear generation from reac-
tor inspections concerning the AREVA manufacturing irregularities. The rebound should
positively impact earnings from 2018 onwards, but profits in 2017 are expected to tighten
further as most of the generation has already been contracted at a lower price level.

Fukushima Status Report

Six and a half years have passed since the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accidents
(Fukushima accident) were triggered by the East Japan Great Earthquake on 11 March 2011
(also referred to as 3/11 throughout the report). A number of onsite and offsite challenges have
arisen since and remain significant today.

Onsite Challenges. The latest revision (June 2016) of the governments mid-and-long-term
roadmap fixed new target dates, some of which, one year later, are already outdated.

Spent Fuel Removal. Spent fuel was to be removed from unit 3 in Financial Year (FY)
2017, but is now envisaged for the middle of 2018. Spent fuel removal from unit 1 was to be
carried out by FY 2020 and is now scheduled for in 2021 at the earliest. No new timescale
is available for unit2.
Molten Fuel Removal. Radiation levels remain very high inside the reactor buildings and
make human intervention impossible. Fuel debris removal at unit 1 has been delayed to
start in 2021. A robot was introduced into unit 2, but it got stuck in debris. No conclusive
video footage is available and it remains unknown where the molten fuel is actually loca-
ted. A radiation dose level of 210Sv/h has been measured close to the pressure vessel.
Wo r l d N u c l e a r I n d u s t r y S t a t u s R e p o r t | 2 0 1 7  | 18

Contaminated Water Management. Every day, still over 200 m3 of water are injected into
the three reactor cores to cool the molten fuel. The highly contaminated water runs out of
the cracked containments into the basement where it mixes with water that has penetrated
the basements from an underground river. A frozen soil wall that was designed to reduce
the influx of water was commissioned at end of March2016. Its effectiveness is limited and
has reduced the influx of water only from 760m3to 580m3 per day. The cumulated amount
has increased by 100,000 m3 to 750,000 m3 over the past year. The commissioning of a
dedicated bypass system and the pumping of groundwater has reduced the influx of water
into the basements to about 130m3/day. An equivalent amount of water is decontaminated
to some degree, but still contains very high levels of tritium (over 500,000 Bq/l) and is
stored in large tanks.
Workers. About 8,000 workers per month are involved in decommissioning work. Several
fatal accidents have occurred at the site. In December 2016, the Ministry of Health reco-
gnized, for the first time, recognized the thyroid cancer developed by a TEPCO employee
in his forties as occupational disease.

Offsite Challenges. The future of tens of thousands of evacuees, the assessment of health
consequences of the disaster, the management of decontamination wastes and the costs in-
volved range amongst the main offsite challenges.

Evacuees and Compensation. According to government figures, the number of evacuees

from Fukushima Prefecture as of March 2017 was about 79,000 or less than half of almost
165,000 in May 2012. On 31 March/1 April 2017, the government lifted restriction orders for
32,000people. According to a survey of residents' intentions conducted by the Reconstruction
Agency, at the maximum only 18percent of the households desired to return in each of three
of the five municipalities located in the evacuation zones. The government has decided to ter-
minate the monthly compensation of about US$900 per person by March2018 for all evacuees,
except for those from so-called difficult-to-return areas for which there is no plan to lift the
evacuation order. Compensation for some 12,400 Fukushima-Prefecture households that eva-
cuated voluntarily was terminated in March 2017. The social effects of this termination are

Health Issues. The controversy around health effects, especially thyroid cancer, continues.
At present, the number of cancer cases found in children is about 30times that of the natio-
nal average. The official survey consistently stated that it cannot be concluded whether or
not the incidences of thyroid cancer found in the examination are due to exposure from the
Fukushima accident. This implies that a causal effect cannot be excluded.

Decontamination. By the end of March 2017, 22,000 residential areas, 8,500 hectares (ha)
of farmland, 5,800ha of forest and 1,400ha of roads had been "decontaminated". While the
Environment Ministry claims dose rate reductions at 1m above ground between 61% on roads
and 71% on residential land, the effectiveness of these measures remains questionable, espe-
cially in the case of wooded areas that have only been decontaminated up to a radius of roughly
20m around homes.

Cost of the Accidents. Official cost estimates have doubled over the years and increased by
one third over the past year to reach about US$200billion, of which 36% each for decommis-
sioning and compensation, 18% for decontamination and the remaining 10% for interim sto-
Wo r l d N u c l e a r I n d u s t r y S t a t u s R e p o r t | 2 0 1 7  | 19

rage of waste. A new independent assessment has put the cost at US$444630billion (depen-
ding on the level of water decontamination).

Small Modular Reactors (SMR)

WNISR2017 provides an update of the 2015 assessment of the status of SmallModularReactor
(SMR) programs around the world. While some design went to the construction phase with one
reactor in China scheduled for startup in 2018, global interest in the technologies has faded.
Some of the most promising designs (SMART in South Korea and mPower in the U.S.) have not
found any buyers. While SMRs were meant to solve the size issues (capacity and investment)
of large nuclear plants, they are affected by the general decline in interest in nuclear new-build.

Nuclear Power vs. Renewable Energy Deployment

Investment and Installed Capacity. After an all-time high of over US$310 billion in 2015,
global investment in new renewable energy based electricity generating capacity dropped to
about US$240billion. However, the 23-percent fall in investment volume mainly reflects the
rapid reduction in costs perGW as total renewable capacities installed in 2016 (excluding large
hydro) added up to 138.5GW, more than 127.5GW the year before. Renewables accounted for
62% of additions to global power generating capacity.

China remains the largest investor with US$78billion, doubled its solar capacity to a cumula-
ted 78GW and added 20 GW of wind power capacity to reach just under 150GW in total, more
than all of Europe combined. This compares with China's addition of 4.6GW of nuclear capa-
city in 2016 to reach a total of 32 GW.

Net global increase of nuclear capacity in 2016 was 9GWvs. a record 75 GW for solar and
55GW for windand was limited to 3GW over the year since July 2016.

Since 2000, countries have added 451 GW of wind energy and 301 GW of solar energy to power
grids around the world, which dwarfs the increase of only 36 GW, including all reactors in
LTO status, in nuclear power capacity over the same period. Taking into account the fact that
36GW of nuclear power were in LTO as of the end of 2016, and thus not operating, the current
nuclear capacity is just the same as in 2000.

Electricity Generation. Brazil, China, Germany, India, Japan, Mexico, the Netherlands, Spain
and the U.K.a list that includes three of the worlds four largest economiesall generate
more electricity from non-hydro renewables than from nuclear power.

In 2016, annual growth rates for global generation from solar was 30percent, for wind power
almost 16 percent, and for nuclear power 1.4percent, exclusively due to China.

Compared to 1997, when the Kyoto Protocol on climate change was signed, in 2016 an additio-
nal 948TWh of wind power was produced globally and 332TWh of solar photovoltaics electri-
city, compared to nuclears additional 212TWh.

In China, as in every year since 2012, electricity production from wind alone (241TWh), excee-
ded that from nuclear (198TWh) in 2016. The same phenomenon is seen in India, where wind
Wo r l d N u c l e a r I n d u s t r y S t a t u s R e p o r t | 2 0 1 7  | 20

power (45TWh) outpaced nuclear (35TWh) again. In fact, while annual Indian nuclear power
generation increased by 5 TWh since 2014, solar power alone added 7.5TWh over those two

The figures for the European Union illustrate the rapid decline of the role of nuclear: during
19972014, wind produced an additional 293TWh and solar 111TWh, while nuclear power ge-
neration declined by 82TWh.

Record Low-Price Levels. New renewables come in cheaper than operating and maintenance
costs of existing nuclear power plants. Renewable energy auctions achieved record low prices
at and below US$30/MWh in Chile, Mexico, Morocco, United Arab Emirates, and the United
States. In comparison, average generating costs of amortized nuclear power plants in the U.S.,
about one quarter of the world's nuclear fleet, stood at US$35.5 in 2015.
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Where to start? Since we released the World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2016 (WNISR2016)
in Tokyo, in July2016, potentially seismic shifts have occurred inside and outside the nuclear

First, on the political level. Some sort of regime change occurred in some key (nuclear power)
countries. Incoming Presidents in France (Emmanuel Macron), South Korea (Moon Jae-in)
and the UnitedStates of America (DonaldTrump), representing three of the top-five nuclear
electricity generators in the world, and all bringing along a distinctly different energy agenda
than their predecessors. In addition, Japan's Prime Minister ShinzAbe recently implemented
a surprising cabinet reshuffle.

Then, on the industrial level, with bankruptcies of the largest historic nuclear builder in the
world, Toshiba-Westinghouse and its French equivalent AREVA. The long-awaited go-ahead
for the controversial HinkleyPointC in the U.K. and the shock of the abandoned V.C.Summer
construction project in SouthCarolina, U.S. While depressed wholesale market-prices continue
to challenge the competitiveness even of amortized nuclear reactors around the world.

Third, there is the ongoing surge in renewable energy deployment around the world, beating
out nuclear power everywhere. This is best illustrated by developments in China, currently the
global leader in nuclear power plant construction by a wide margin, where only one new 1GW
nuclear reactor was added to the grid in the first half of 2017. During the same period, 24.4GW
of solar capacity came on-line. An additional 10.5 GW of solar photovoltaics began generat-
ing power in the month of July2017 alone.9Compare this to 2012, barely five years ago, when
Germany set the world record with 7.5 GW of photovoltaic capacity added in a whole year.
Current projections are: By the end of 2017, solar PV capacity will rival nuclear. By 2022, it
could more than double nuclear capacity.10

What will the new governments change for the nuclear and energy sectors?

The Macron administration vows to implement the energy transition legislation inherited from
its predecessor and design a pathway towards the 2025-goal to reduce the nuclear share in
power production from about three quarters to one half. With electricity consumption stag-
nating or dropping, there is no doubt what that means: Shutting down at least one third of
France's nuclear fleet of 58reactors.

South Korea's new PresidentMoon was in office for less than a month before he presided over
a highly symbolic shutdown ceremony for Korea's oldest nuclear reactor stating: We will scrap
the nuclear-centered polices and move toward a nuclear-free era. We will eliminate all plans

9 - Mark Osborne, China installs 10.52GW of solar in July: Exceeds 2020 target by 7%, PVTech, 22August2017,
see, accessed 24August2017.
10 - Stephen Lacey, Global Solar Capacity Set to Surpass Nuclear for the First Time, GreenTech Media, 21August2017,
see, accessed
Wo r l d N u c l e a r I n d u s t r y S t a t u s R e p o r t | 2 0 1 7  | 22

to build new nuclear plants.11 Moon has studied the issue intensively.12 The move represents a
radical shift from the previous government, but is de facto an alignment (as local key stake-
holders put it) with the successful Seoul Mayor Park Won-soon. In 2012, Park launched his
emblematic One Less Nuclear Power Plant Plan, vowing to reduce/substitute the consump-
tion of his city to equal the output of a nuclear reactor by 2014. He succeeded, and doubled the
substitution target level for 2020.

President Trump has made some announcements in the past giving his strong support for nu-
clear power. However, his administration turned down calls for subsidies to help the troubled
V.C.Summer construction project in SouthCarolina. As a consequence, the utilities pulled the
plug on the failed industrial project that has been subject to delays and budget overrides ever
since it got underway in 2013. Now, the only remaining construction project in the U.S. is the
Vogtle plant in Georgia, that is comparable to the V.C.Summer project in terms of planning,
implementing and financial problems. At the end of August 2017, Georgia Power has recom-
mended the completion of the two AP1000 reactors, in spite of vast cost overruns. After four
years of construction, at a time when the plant was originally scheduled to start operating,
the project is only 32percent completed. The fate of the plant now rests with the state's Public
Service Commission, which will conduct a six-month review before deciding.13

Japans Prime Minister Abe, struggling with a range of domestic policy issues and falling public
approval, announced a wide-ranging reorganization of his government. Most significant for
nuclear power, this reorganization includes the appointment of TaroKonothe most outspo-
ken nuclear critic in the governing Liberal Democratic Party(LDP)as Foreign Minister. Only
five reactors have restarted in Japan that had seen its entire nuclear fleet stranded with no
nuclear power generation in 2014. Kono's appointment is also a blow to the Japanese industry's
ambitions to export nuclear equipment.

The 2017 edition of the World Nuclear Industry Status Report(WNISR) provides in-depth analy-
sis of the nuclear sectors and the implications of recent industrial and political developments
in the Focus-Country chapters on France, Germany, Japan, South Korea, the U.K. and the
U.S. as part of the main report. Developments in the 25other nuclear countries are covered in
Annex1. The WNISR2017 also introduces a new section devoted to the financial assessment of
the nuclear sector and a selection of key companies.

11 - Hojun Hwang, Korea's first nuclear power reactor turned off for good, Arirang, 20June2017,
see, accessed 22June2017.
12 - This was witnessed by convening lead author Mycle Schneider during a one-and-a-half-hour one-to-one meeting in 2015
in Seoul, when Moon was a Member of Parliament. See, accessed 7Septem-
13 - Brad Plumer, "The U.S. Backs Off Nuclear Power. Georgia Wants to Keep Building Reactors.", The New York Times, 31 Au-
gust2017, see, accessed 7September2017.
Wo r l d N u c l e a r I n d u s t r y S t a t u s R e p o r t | 22001177  | 23

As of the middle of 2017, 31countries were operating nuclear power reactors, which generated
2,476net terawatt-hours (TWh or billion kilowatt-hours) of electricity in 201614 , a 1.4percent
increase, but still less than in 2000, and 6.9percent below the historic peak nuclear genera-
tion in 2006 (see Figure 1). Without Chinawhich increased nuclear output by 36.6 TWh
(+23percent), more than the worldwide increase of 35TWhglobal nuclear power generation
would have slightly decreased in 2016. A similar result as in 2015.

However, nuclear electricity generation worldwide, after dropping by 264 TWh (10 percent)
following the 3/11 in Fukushima, Japan, has increased moderately but continuously and added
130 TWh since 2012. In other words, in the five years after the disaster, nuclear generation
recovered only about half of the lost production.

Nuclear energys share of global commercial gross electricity generation remained roughly
stable over the past four years15, but declined from a peak of 17.6percent in 1996 to 10.5percent
in 2016.16 With electricity generation worldwide increasing slightly faster (+8.9percent since
2012) than the increase in nuclear generation (+5.5percent since 2012), nuclear has been losing
roughly 0.3percentage points in the nuclear share since 2012. However, whether this is statisti-
cally significant is debatable.

In 2016, nuclear generation increased in 15 countries, declined in 12, and remained stable in
four.17 Seven countries (China, Hungary, India, Iran, Pakistan, Russia, SouthAfrica) achieved
their greatest nuclear production in 2016, of these, China, India, Pakistan and Russia connec-
ted new reactors to the grid. China started up fiveunits, half of the worlds total. Besides China,
five other countries increased their output by more than 20percent in 2016 (see country-spe-
cific sections for details):
Belgium increased generation by two thirds after the restart of three reactors that had
been down for extended periods due to technical and legal issues;
Iran boosted output by 85percent after the load factor of its single reactor almost doubled;
Japan quadrupled nuclear generation, after the restart of two reactors halted post-3/11
bringing the total to five units;
Pakistan increased production by 26percent, in part by adding a new reactor.
South Africa augmented generation of its two units by close to 39percent after technical
issues had seriously impacted output in 2015.

14 - If not otherwise noted, all nuclear capacity and electricity generation figures based on International Atomic Energy Agency
(IAEA), Power Reactor Information System (PRIS) online database, see Production figures are net
of the plants own consumption unless otherwise noted.
15 - In 2015, as in previous years, BP applied minor corrections to the 2014 figure, from 10.78 to 10.64percent. These differences
are no doubt within statistical uncertainties.
16 - BP, Statistical Review of World Energy, June2017, see
review-2016/bp-statistical-review-of-world-energy-2016-full-report.pdf, accessed 1July2016.
17 - Less than 1percentage point variation from the previous year.
Wo r l d N u c l e a r I n d u s t r y S t a t u s R e p o r t | 2 0 1 7  | 24

In relative terms, only small programs registered generation drops beyond 10percent: Armenia
(15percent), Czech Republic (10percent) and Taiwan (13percent). However, some countries
with larger nuclear programs dropped generation by almost 8percent, as there were France,
Germany and Ukraine. Frances significant decline (32.6 TWh) due to a series of quali-
ty-control issues and two reactors down for the entire year almost equivalent to the entire
Chinese increase (+36.6TWh).

Figure 1 | Nuclear Electricity Generation in the World

Nuclear Electricity Production in the World 1990-2016

in TWh (net) and Share in Electricity Generation (gross)
TWh Maximum Share Share in %
in Electricity Production: 17.5% 2006
Maximum Electricity Production: 2016
2,660 TWh Electricity Production:
2,476 TWh
3 000 Nuclear Share Share in Electricity

WNISR - Mycle Schneider Consulting

Nuclear Electricity Production Production: 10.5%
2 500

2 000 10

1 500

1 000 5


0 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2016 0

Sources: IAEA-PRIS, BP, 201718

Similar to previous years, in 2016, the big five nuclear generating countriesby rank, the
United States, France, China, Russia and South Koreagenerated 70 percent of all nuclear
electricity in the world (see Figure 2, left side). China surpassed Russia and moved one place
up. In 2002, China held position15, in 2007 it was tenth, before reaching third place in 2016.

Just two countries, the U.S. and France, accounted for 48percent of global nuclear production
in 2016.

Seven countries nuclear power generation peaked in the 1990s, among them Belgium, Canada,
Japan, and the U.K. Afurther eleven countries nuclear generation peaked between 2001 and
2010 including France, Germany, Spain, and Sweden. Fourteen countries generated their maxi-
mum amount of nuclear power in the past six years, half of which peaked in 2016 alone: China,
India, Pakistan, Russia, Hungary, Iran, and South Africa; while the first four added new reac-
tors, the remaining three boosted output by uprating (Hungary, South Africa) or by success-
fully overcoming technical issues during startup (Iran).

In most cases, even where nuclear power generation augmented, the development is not kee-
ping pace with overall increases in electricity production, leading to a nuclear share below the
respective historic maximum (see Figure 2, right side). In 2016, there were 15countries that
maintained their nuclear share at a constant level (change of less than 1 percentage-point),
10decreased the relative share and six increased their nuclear portion.

18 - BP, Statistical Review of World Energy, 2017.

Wo r l d N u c l e a r I n d u s t r y S t a t u s R e p o r t | 2 0 1 7  | 25

Figure 2 | Nuclear Electricity Generation and Share in Global Power Generation

Nuclear Production in 2015/2016 and Historic Maximum

in TWh and Share In Electricity Production

TWh Percentage
800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

USA France 2005

2010 France Slovakia
2005 2003

China Ukraine 2015

Russia Belgium 1986

S. Korea Hungary 2014

1994 Canada Sweden 1996

2001 Germany Slovenia 2005

Ukraine Bulgaria 2002

1997 UK Switzerland 1996

2004 Sweden Finland 1986

2001 Spain Armenia 2009

Belgium S. Korea 1987

India Czech Rep. 2013

Taiwan Spain 1989

Czech Rep. UK 1997

Finland USA 1995

Switzerland Russia 2015

1998 Japan Romania 2009

S. Africa Canada 1994

Hungary Taiwan 1988

Bulgaria Germany 1989

Brazil S. Africa 1989

Slovakia Mexico 2015

Romania Argentina 1990

Mexico Pakistan 2012

Argentina China 2016

2015 Iran Netherlands 1986

Historic Maximum Pakistan India 2011
1998 Historic Maximum Year Slovenia Brazil 2001
WNISR - Mycle Schneider Consulting Netherlands Japan 1998
Armenia Iran 2016

Source: IAEA-PRIS, 2017

There were two exceptions in 2016 that peaked their respective nuclear share in power genera-

Starting up five new reactors throughout the year, China increased the 2015 maximum of
3.0percent, to reach a 3.6percent nuclear share. The 0.6percentage-point increase was
achieved with a 23percent higher nuclear power output.
Wo r l d N u c l e a r I n d u s t r y S t a t u s R e p o r t | 2 0 1 7  | 26

Irans only commercial reactor started up in 2011 after 33years of construction but it took
another five years to reach a reasonable grid-connection time and load factor in 2016. As a
consequence, the nuclear share increased from 1.3percent to 2.1percent.


Since the first nuclear power reactor was connected to the Soviet power grid at Obninsk on
27June1954, there have been two major waves of startups. The first peaked in 1974, with 26grid
connections in that year. The second reached a historic maximum in 1984 and 1985, just before
the Chernobyl accident, reaching 33 grid connections in each year. By the end of the 1980s,
the uninterrupted net increase of operating units had ceased, and in 1990 for the first time
the number of reactor shutdowns outweighed the number of startups. The 19912000 decade
showed far more startups than shutdowns (52/30), while in the decade 20012010, startups did
not match shutdowns (32/35). Furthermore, after 2000, it took a whole decade to connect as
many units as in a single year in the middle of the 1980s. Between 2011 and mid-2017, the star-
tup of 41reactorsof which 24 in China alonenarrowly outpaced the closure of 38units over
the same period. (See Figure3).

In 2016just as in 2015ten reactors started up, more than in any previous year since 1990.
However, this is again the result of the China Effect, as the country contributed five out of the
ten reactor startups (see Figure4), while one each was commissioned in India (Kudankulam-2),
Pakistan (Chasnupp-3), Russia (Novovoronezh-2-1), South Korea (Shin-Kori-3) and the U.S.
(Watts Bar-2, after 43years of construction).

Two reactors were closed in 2016, Novovoronezh-3 in Russia and Fort Calhoun-1 in the U.S.19

In the first half of 2017, two reactors started up in the world, one each in China (Yangjiang)
and Pakistan (Chasnupp-4, built by a Chinese company), while two were shut down, the ol-
dest units respectively in South Korea (Kori-1, after 40 years of operation) and in Sweden
(Oskarshamn-1, after almost 46years of operation).

All 41 reactors, except for three that were commissioned since 2011 are in Asia (China, India,
Pakistan, South Korea) or Eastern Europe (Russia). China started up 24 units followed by
SouthKorea and Russia (four each), India and Pakistan (three each). Argentina, Iran and USA
started one reactor each.

The IAEA continues to count 42units in Japan in its total number of 446 reactors in operation
in the world20; yet no nuclear electricity has been generated in Japan between September2013
and August2015, and as of 1July2017, only five reactors (Sendai-1 and -2, Takahama-3 and -4,
Ikata-3) are operating (see Japan Focus for details).

19 - The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), in its online database Power Reactor Information System (PRIS), in
addition to the closures in Russia and the U.S., states that there was one shutdown in Japan (Ikata-1) and one in Sweden
(Oskarshamn-2) in 2016. As WNISR (World Nuclear Industry Status Report) considers shutdowns from the moment of grid
disconnectionand not from the moment of the industrial, political or economic decisionand as the units have not gene-
rated power for several years, in WNISR statistics, they are closed in the year of the latest power generation. Ikata-1 had not
produced any electricity since 2011, Oskarshamn-2 was taken off the grid in 2013.
20 - IAEA, Power Reactor Information System, see, accessed 13August2017.
Wo r l d N u c l e a r I n d u s t r y S t a t u s R e p o r t | 2 0 1 7  | 27

Figure 3 | Nuclear Power Reactor Grid Connections and Shutdowns

Reactor Startups and Shutdowns in the World

in Units, from 1954 to 1 July 2017

Yearly Reactor Startups

Reactor Shutdowns
WNISR - Mycle Schneider Consulting


0 1954 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 17



Sources: WNISR, with IAEA-PRIS, 2017

Figure 4 | Nuclear Power Reactor Grid Connections and Shutdowns - The China Effect

Reactor Startups and Shutdowns in the World

in Units, from 1954 to 1 July 2017
30 Reactor Startups
China Rest of the World

Reactor Shutdowns
All Countries (No Chinese in Total)
WNISR - Mycle Schneider Consulting


0 1954 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 17



Sources: WNISR, with IAEA-PRIS, 2017

Wo r l d N u c l e a r I n d u s t r y S t a t u s R e p o r t | 2 0 1 7  | 28

The unique situation in Japan needs to be reflected in world nuclear statistics. The attitude
taken by the IAEA, the Japanese government, utilities, industry and many research bodies
as well as other governments and organizations, to continue considering the entire stranded
reactor fleet in the country, 10percent of the world total, as in operation or operational
remains a misleading distortion of facts. SteveKidd, long-time industry strategist, agreed in
a World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2016 (WNISR2016) review in Nuclear Engineering

Including reactors as operable along with those definitely in service, when they
have not generated power for many years (and dont even have a licence to do so) is
clearly ridiculous.21

Maybe as a result of such criticism, the World Nuclear Association(WNA), in its second World
Nuclear Performance Report, has distinguished between generating and not generating
nuclear generating capacity. The World Nuclear Performance Report was launched by WNA in
2016, perhaps as a reaction to the success of successiveWNISRs.22

The IAEA actually does have a reactor-status category called Long-term Shutdown or LTS.23
Under the IAEAs definition, a reactor is considered in LTS if it has been shut down for an
extended period (usually more than one year), and in early period of shutdown either restart
is not being aggressively pursued or no firm restart date or recovery schedule has been esta-

The IAEA criteria are vague and hence subject to arbitrary interpretation. What exactly are ex-
tended periods? What is aggressively pursuing? What is a firm restart date or recovery schedule?
Faced with this dilemma, the WNISR team in 2014 decided to create a new category with a
simple definition, based on empirical fact, without room for speculation: Long-term Outage
or LTO. Its definition:

A nuclear reactor is considered in Long-term Outage or LTO if it has not generated

any electricity in the previous calendar year and in the first half of the current calen-
dar year. It is withdrawn from operational status retroactively from the day it has
been disconnected from the grid.

When subsequently the decision is taken to permanently close a reactor, the shutdown status
starts with the day of the last electricity generation, and the WNISR statistics are modified
retroactively accordingly.

Tatsujiro Suzuki, former Vice-Chairman of the Japan Atomic Energy Commission(JAEC) has
called the establishment of the LTO category an important innovation with a very clear and
empirical definition.24

21 - NEI, Nuclear power in the world pessimism or optimism?, 13October 2016, see
opinionnuclear-power-in-the-world-pessimism-or-optimism-5031270/, accessed 13August2017.
22 - Ibidem. In fact, in its September 2015 Update for Members, WNA reported that its Fuel Report Working Group dis-
cussed the merits of producing an annual nuclear capacity scenario update. Such an update would be a useful communications
tool and a counter to the industry-critical World Nuclear Industry Status Report.
23 - See IAEA Glossary, at, accessed 1July2016.
24 - Tatsujiro Suzuki, Foreword, WNISR2014, 18August2014, see -
_Toc268768687, accessed 1July2017.
Wo r l d N u c l e a r I n d u s t r y S t a t u s R e p o r t | 2 0 1 7  | 29

Applying this definition to the world nuclear reactor fleet, as of 1July2017, leads to conside-
ring 33Japanese units in LTO. WNISR considers all ten Fukushima reactors shut down per-
manentlywhile the operator Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) has written off the
six Daiichi units, it keeps the four Daini reactors in the list of operational facilities. Annex2
provides a detailed overview of the status of the Japanese reactor fleet. In addition, the IAEA
still classifies as LTS the fast breeder reactor Monju,25 although it has been officially closed in
November2016. It was thus moved from the WNISRs LTO category to shutdown.

Besides the 33 Japanese reactors, two French reactors (Bugey-5 and Paluel-2) and one each
in Argentina (Embalse), India (Kakrapar-2), Switzerland (Beznau-1), and Taiwan (Chinshan-1)
met the LTO criterion. The total number of nuclear reactors in LTO as of 1July2017 is there-
fore 3926; yet all are considered by the IAEA as in operation.

As of 1July2017, a total of 403 nuclear reactors are operating in 31countries, up just one unit
from the situation in July2016.

The current world fleet has a total nominal electric net capacity of 351gigawatts (GWor thou-
sand megawatts), up by 3GW (+0.9percent) from one year earlier (see Figure5).

For many years, the net installed capacity has continued to increase more than the net increase
of numbers of operating reactors. This is a result of the combined effects of larger units repla-
cing smaller ones and, mainly, technical alterations at existing plants, a process known as upra-

Figure 5 | World Nuclear Reactor Fleet, 19542017

Nuclear Reactors and Net Operating Capacity in the World 2006

Maximum Operating
in Units and GWe, from 1954 to 1 July 2017 Capacity: 368.2 GWe
1989 2002 351 GWe
312 GWe Maximum Number 403 Reactors
420 Reactors of Reactors: 438

Units GWe
400 400
Reactors in Operation
Operating Capacity
300 300
WNISR - Mycle Schneider Consulting

200 200

100 100

0 1954 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 17 0

Sources: WNISR, with IAEA-PRIS, 2017

25 - The IAEA also considers the Spanish reactor Garoa in LTS, while WNISR considers it shut down permanently.
26 - This number does not include the China Experimental Fast Reactor (CEFR), a 20 MWe research reactor that was connec-
ted to the grid in 2011 for only 20 hours, according to IAEA-PRIS. However, other sources indicate it has been operating
intermittendly. In the absence of any precise information as to the power generation of CEFR, we have considered the reactor
as operating, even though it might fulfill the LTO criteria.
Wo r l d N u c l e a r I n d u s t r y S t a t u s R e p o r t | 2 0 1 7  | 30

ting.27 In the United States alone, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has approved
156uprates since 1977. The cumulative approved uprates in the United States total 7.365GW.28

A similar trend of uprates and major overhauls in view of lifetime extensions of existing reac-
tors has been seen in Europe. The main incentive for lifetime extensions is their considerable
economic advantage over new-build, however, this advantage is diminishing. In Sweden, for
example, uprating work was halted midway at Oskarshamn-2, when it turned out that the op-
tion was not economically viable, and the unit was closed for good.

The use of nuclear energy remains limited to a small number of countries, with only 31countries,
or 16percent of the 193members of the United Nations, operating nuclear power plants. Close
to half of the worlds nuclear power countries are located in the European Union(EU), and, in
2016, they accounted for 32percent (down 1.2percentage points) of the worlds gross nuclear
production, with half that EU generation in France.


As of 1July 2017, 53 reactors are considered here as under construction29, five fewer than WNISR
reported a year ago, and 14 less than in mid-2014. Almost 80 percent of all new-build units
(42)are in Asia and Eastern Europe, of which 20 in China alone (see Figure6 and Table1).

Three building projects were launched in 2016, two of which in China, and one in Pakistan (by
a Chinese builder). One new construction got underway in India in the first half of 2017.

Figure 6 | Nuclear Reactors Under Construction

Reactors Under Construction in the World

in Units, from 1954 to 1 July 2017 234

48 Construction Status
200 as of 1 July 2017
Construction Abandoned or Suspended
Construction Completed or Underway
150 Construction Starts
WNISR - Mycle Schneider Consulting

44 53
50 39
10 3
0 1954 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 17

Sources: WNISR, with IAEA-PRIS, 2017

27 - Increasing the capacity of nuclear reactors by equipment upgrades e.g. more powerful steam generators or turbines.
28 - U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), Approved Applications for Power Uprates, Updated 19May2017,
see, accessed
29 - Construction of the V.C. Summer project with two AP1000 reactors has been abandoned at the end of July2017.
Wo r l d N u c l e a r I n d u s t r y S t a t u s R e p o r t | 2 0 1 7  | 31

WNISR2017 applies two changes over the previous edition. One unit each in Japan (Ohma) and
in Brazil (Angra-3) have been taken off the list of reactors under construction (see discussion
in respective country sections).

The number of active building sites has been shrinking from 68 in 2013 to 53 in mid-2017. This
is relatively small compared to a peak of 234 unitstotaling more than 200 GWin 1979.
However, many of those projects(48) were never finished (see Figure6). The year 2005, with
26 units under construction, marked a record low since the early nuclear age in the 1950s.
Compared to the situation described a year ago, the total capacity of units now under construc-
tion in the world dropped again, by 4.3GW to 52.3GW, with an average unit size of 987MW
(see Annex7 for details).

Table 1 |Nuclear Reactors Under Construction (as of 1July2017) 30

Capacity Scheduled
Country Units Construction Starts Behind Schedule
(MW net) Grid Connection

China 20 20500 2009 - 2016 2017 - 2021 11

Russia 6 4359 1983 - 2010 2017 - 2019 6
India 6 3907 2004 - 2017 2018 - 2023 5
UAE 4 5380 2012 - 2015 2018 - 2020 1
USA a 4468 2013 2019 - 2020 4
South Korea 3 4020 2009 - 2013 2018 - 2019 3
Belarus 2 2218 2013 - 2014 2019 - 2020 1
Pakistan 2 2028 2015 - 2016 2021 - 2022 ?
Slovakia 2 880 1985 2018 - 2019 2
Finland 1 1600 2005 2018 1
France 1 1600 2007 2019 1
Japan 1 1325 2007 ? 1
Argentina 1 25 2014 2019 1
WORLD b 52310 1983 - 2017 2017 - 2023 37

Sources: WNISR, with IAEA-PRIS and WNA, 2017

a - Construction of the V.C. Summer project with two AP1000 reactors with 1117MW net design capacity has been abandoned at the end of

b - A total of 50, as of mid-August 2017, after the abandonment of the V.C. Summer project in the U.S, and grid-connection of Fuqing-4 (China) on
29July 2017.

30 - For further details, see Annex 7.

Wo r l d N u c l e a r I n d u s t r y S t a t u s R e p o r t | 22001177  | 32

A closer look at projects currently listed as under construction illustrates the level of
uncertainty and problems associated with many of these projects, especially given that most
constructors assume a five-year construction period:

As of 1July2017, the 53 reactors being built have been under construction for an average of
6.8years, many of which are still far from completion.
All reactors under construction in 8 out of 13 countries have experienced mostly year-long
delays. Over two-thirds (37) of all building projects are delayed. Most of the 16 remaining
units under construction in the world, of which nine are in China, were begun within
the past three years or have not yet reached projected start-up dates, making it difficult
to assess, whether or not they are on schedule. Particular uncertainty remains over two
Pakistani construction sites.
Of the 37 reactors behind schedule, 19 have reported increased delays over the past year
since WNISR2016.
Three projects have been listed as under construction for more than 30years, Mochovce-3
and -4 in Slovakia, and Rostov-4 in Russia.
Two reactors have been listed as under construction for a decade or more, the Prototype
Fast Breeder Reactor(PFBR) in India, and the Olkiluoto-3 reactor project in Finland. While
Shimane-3 in Japan and French Flamanville-3 unit will reach 10years of construction in
October and December2017 respectively.
WNISR2016 noted a total of 17reactors scheduled for startup in 2017. As of mid-2017, only
two reactors were connected to the grid and 11 have already been officially delayed until at
least 2018.
It should be stressed that the actual lead time for nuclear plant projects includes not only the
construction itself but also lengthy licensing procedures in most countries, complex financing
negotiations, site preparation and other infrastructure development.


There has been a clear global trend towards increasing construction times. National building
programs were faster in the early years of nuclear power. As Figure7 illustrates, construction
times of reactors completed in the 1970s and 1980s were quite homogenous, while in the past
two decades they have varied widely (see Table2).

Average construction time of the 10units that started up in 2016five Chinese, one each in
India, Pakistan (built by a Chinese company), Russia, SouthKorea and the U.S. was10.6years
(7.1years, when not counting the veteran Watts-Bar-2), while it took an average of 4.8 years to
connect two unitsone Chinese and one Pakistani (by a Chinese company)to the grid in
the first half of 2017.
Wo r l d N u c l e a r I n d u s t r y S t a t u s R e p o r t | 2 0 1 7  | 33

Table 2 | Reactor Construction Times 20072017

Construction Times of 51 Units started-up 20077/2017

Construction Time (in Years)

Country Units
Mean Time Minimum Maximum
China 27 6.0 4.1 11.2

India 6 9.0 5.0 14.2

South Korea 5 5.3 4.1 7.2

Russia 5 24.6 8.1 32.0

Pakistan 3 5.4 5.2 5.5

Argentina 1 33.0

Iran 1 36.3

Japan 1 5.1

Romania 1 24.1

USA 1 43.5

WORLD 51 10.1 4.1 43.5

Sources: WNISR, with IAEA-PRIS, 2017

Figure 7 | Average Annual Construction Times in the World

Average Annual ConstructionTimes in the World from 1954 to 1 July 2017 Duration in Years
by Grid Connection Date

Number of Reactors 14

1 5 10 20 30

WNISR - Mycle Schneider Consulting
1954 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 17

Sources: WNISR, with IAEA-PRIS, 2017

Wo r l d N u c l e a r I n d u s t r y S t a t u s R e p o r t | 22001177  | 34

The number of annual construction starts31 in the world peaked in 1976 at 44, of which 12pro-
jects were later abandoned. In 2010, there were 15construction startsincluding 10 in China
alonethe highest level since 1985 (see Figure8). That number dropped to 10 in 2013, eight in
2015, three in 2016 and one in 2017 as of mid-year.

Seriously affected by the Fukushima events, China did not start any new building site in 2011
and 2014. While utilities began constructing six more units in 2015, the number shrank to two
in 2016, and none in 2017 as of mid-year (see Figure9).

Over the decade 20072016, construction began on 79 reactors (of which three have
been cancelled, not including V.C. Summer), that is more than twice as many as in the de-
cade 19972006, when work started on 35 units (of which three have been abandoned).
However, more than half(42) of these units are in China alone, and even the increased order
rate remains much too low to make up for upcoming reactor closures.

Figure 8 | Construction Starts in the World

Construction Starts of Nuclear Reactors in the World

in Units, from 1951 to 1 July 2017 44
Construction Status
40 12 as of 1 July 2017
Under Construction
Construction Completed
32 Construction Abandoned or Suspended
WNISR - Mycle Schneider Consulting


10 8

0 1951 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 17

 Sources: WNISR, with IAEA-PRIS, 2017

In addition, past experience shows that simply having an order for a reactor, or even having a
nuclear plant at an advanced stage of construction, is no guarantee of ultimate grid connection
and power production. The abandonment of the two V.C. Summer units at the end of July2017
after fouryears of construction and a multi-billion-dollar investment is only the latest example
in a long list of failed nuclear power plant projects.

French Atomic Energy Commission(CEA) statistics through 2002 indicate 253cancelled or-
ders in 31countries, many of them at an advanced construction stage (see also Figure10). The
UnitedStates alone accounted for 138 of these ordercancellations.32

31 - Generally, a reactor is considered under construction, when the base slab of the reactor building is being concreted. Site
preparation work, excavation and other infrastructure developments are not included.
32 - French Atomic Energy Commission (CEA), ElecnucNuclear Power Plants in the World, 2002. The section cancelled
orders has disappeared after the 2002 edition.
Wo r l d N u c l e a r I n d u s t r y S t a t u s R e p o r t | 2 0 1 7  | 35

Figure 9 | Construction Starts in the World - China

Construction Starts of Nuclear Reactors in the World

in Units, from 1951 to 1 July 2017 44

Other Countries

WNISR - Mycle Schneider Consulting

10 8
2 2
0 1951 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 17

Sources: WNISR, with IAEA-PRIS, 2017

Figure 10 | Cancelled or Suspended Reactor Constructions

Abandoned or Suspended Reactor Constructions from 1977 to 1 July 2017

in Units by Cancellation Year and Country

Japan - 1
N. Korea - 1
Philippines - 1
Tawan - 2
Iran - 1
Russia - 12
Ukraine - 6
Lithuania - 1
Poland - 2
Bulgaria - 2
Romania - 3
Czech Rep. - 2
Austria - 1
Germany - 6
Italy - 3
Spain - 4
Cuba - 2
Brazil - 1
USA - 40
WNISR - Mycle Schneider Consulting
1977 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015

Total - 91 2 2 2 5 11 5 13 3 9 3 12 3 2 9 1 1 1 3 1 2 1

North America Latin America Europe Asia and Middle East

Note: This graph only includes constructions that had already started.  Sources: WNISR, with IAEA-PRIS, 2017
Wo r l d N u c l e a r I n d u s t r y S t a t u s R e p o r t | 2 0 1 7  | 36

Of the 755 reactor constructions launched since 1951, at least 91 units (12 percent) in
19countries had been abandoned as of 1July2017, of which 87, according to the IAEA, between
1977 and 2012no earlier or later IAEA data availableat various stages after they had rea-
ched construction status. In addition, in late July 2017, the construction of two reactors was
halted at the V.C. Summer site in the U.S.

Three-quarters (70) of the cancellations happened during a 12-year period between 1982 and
1993, 11 were decided prior to this period, and only 10 over the 23-year period between 1993 and

Close to three quarters (64units) of all cancelled projects were in four countries alonethe
U.S. (40, not including V.C. Summer), Russia (12), Germany and Ukraine (six each). Some
units were actually 100percent completedincluding Kalkar in Germany and Zwentendorf in
Austriabefore the decision was taken not to operate them.

There is no thorough analysis of the cumulated economic loss of these failed investments.

Juragua site in Cuba, where building of two Russian-designed 413 MWe reactors started in 1983 and was abandoned in 1992.
Photography by Darmon Richter, August 2014, see
Wo r l d N u c l e a r I n d u s t r y S t a t u s R e p o r t | 22001177  | 37

In the absence of any significant new-build and grid connection over many years, the average
age (from grid connection) of operating nuclear power plants has been increasing steadily and
at mid-2017 stands at 29.3years, up from 29.0 a year ago (see Figure11).33

Figure 11 | Age Distribution of Operating Reactors in the World

Age of World Nuclear Fleet

as of 1 July 2017

170 Reactor Age

010 Years
1120 Years
2130 Years
3140 Years
41 Years and More
403 reactors
64 50 Number of Reactors
50 Mean Age:
29.3 years by Age Class
WNISR - Mycle Schneider Consulting

Sources: WNISR, with IAEA-PRIS, 2017

Some nuclear utilities envisage average reactor lifetimes of beyond 40years up to 60 and even
80years. In the United States, reactors are initially licensed to operate for 40years, but nuclear
operators can request a license renewal for an additional 20years from the Nuclear Regulatory

As of June 2017, 84 of the 99 operating U.S. units have received an extension, with another
nine applications under NRC review. Since the World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2016
(WNISR2016), three license renewals (LaSalle-1 and -2, Fermi-2) have been granted and an
additional one applied for (River Bend).34

In the U.S., only the latest of the 34units that have been shut down had reached 40 years on
the gridVermont Yankee, closed in December2014, at the age of 42, and Fort Calhoun, shut
down in October2016, after 43years of operation. Both had obtained licenses to operate up to
60years but were closed mainly for economic reasons. In other words, at least a quarter of the
reactors connected to the grid in the U.S. never reached their initial design lifetime of 40years.
On the other hand, of the 99currently operating plants, 40units have operated for 41years
and more; thus, almost half of the units with license renewals have already entered the life

33 - WNISR calculates reactor age from grid connection to final disconnection from the grid. In WNISR statistics, startup
is synonymous with grid connection and shutdown with withdrawal from the grid. In previous editions of the WNISR, the
reactor age was automatically rounded to the year. In order to have a better image of the fleet and ease calculations, the age of
a reactor is considered to be 1 between the first and second grid connection anniversaries. For some calculations, we also use
operating years: the reactor is in its first operating year until the first grid connection anniversary, when it enters the second
operating year.
34 - NRC, Status of License Renewal Applications and Industry Activities, Updated 27June2017, see
reactors/operating/licensing/renewal/applications.html, accessed 15August2017.
Wo r l d N u c l e a r I n d u s t r y S t a t u s R e p o r t | 2 0 1 7  | 38

extension period, and that share is growing rapidly with the mid-2017 average age of the U.S.
operational fleet exceeding 37years (see United States Focus).

Many other countries have no specific time limits on operating licenses. In France, where the
countrys first operating Pressurized Water Reactor(PWR) started up in 1977, reactors must
undergo in-depth inspection and testing every decade against reinforced safety requirements.
The French reactors have operated for 32.4years on average, and the oldest have completed
the process with the French Nuclear Safety Authority (ASN) evaluating each reactor before
allowing a unit to operate for more than 30years. However, the assessments are years behind
schedule. They could then operate until they reach 40 years, which is the limit of their ini-
tial design age. The French utility lectricit de France(EDF) plans to prioritize lifetime ex-
tension beyond 40 years over large-scale new-build. EDFs approach to lifetime extension is
currently under review by ASNs Technical Support Organization, the Institute for Radiation
Protection and Nuclear Safety(IRSN) and will be examined by its expert committees (Groupes
Permanents) in early 2018. In addition, lifetime extension beyond 40years requires site-speci-
fic public enquiries.

If ASN gave the go-ahead for all of the oldest units to operate for 40years, 22 of the 58French
operating reactors would reach that age already by 2020.

Current French energy legislation requires planning to limit the nuclear share in power pro-
duction to 50percent by 2025 (see France Focus). The implementation of this legislation, in
a context of stagnating electricity consumption, would mean the closure of about one third
of the French reactor fleet. In other words, many of the lifetime extensions would become
obsolete. A particularly difficult aspect of the lifetime management in France is that the units
licensed to use plutonium-uranium mixed oxide fuel(MOX) are precisely amongst the oldest
reactors. The criteria for selection of reactors to be closed remain unclear.

In assessing the likelihood of reactors being able to operate for up to 60 years, it is useful
to compare the age distribution of reactors that are currently operating with those that have
already shut down (see Figure11 and Figure12). As of mid-2017, 64 of the worlds reactors have
operated for 41years and more, and a total of 72 that have already passed their 40-year lifetime
are considered in lifetime extension.35 As the age pyramid illustrates, that number could rapidly
increase over the next few years. A total of 234units (58percent) have already exceeded age30.

The age structure of the 169 units already shut down completes the picture. In total, 57 of
these units operated for 31years and more, and of those, 22reactors operated for 41years and
more (see Figure12). Many units of the first generation designs only operated for a few years.
Considering that the average age of the 169units that have already shut down is about 25years,
plans to extend the operational lifetime of large numbers of units to 40years and far beyond
seemed rather optimistic. The operating time prior to shutdown has clearly increased conti-
nuously. But while the average annual age at shutdown got close to 40 years, it only passed
that age twice so far: in 2014, when the only such unit shut down that year (Vermont Yankee
in the U.S.) after 42years of operation; and in 2016, with two reactors shutting down at age43
(FortCalhoun, U.S.) and 45 (Novovoronezh, Russia) respectively.

35 - WNISR considers the age starting with grid connection, and while figures used to be rounded by half-years, as of
WNISR2016 they are rounded by the tenth of the year.
Wo r l d N u c l e a r I n d u s t r y S t a t u s R e p o r t | 2 0 1 7  | 39

Figure 12 | Age Distribution of Shut Down Nuclear Power Reactors

Age of Shut Down Reactors in the World

as of 1 July 2017

Reactor Age
010 Years
31 1120 Years
2130 Years
3140 Years
41 Years and More
169 reactors
26 Mean Age: 20 Number of Reactors
25.2 years by Age Class
WNISR - Mycle Schneider Consulting

Sources: WNISR, with IAEA-PRIS, 2017

As a result of the Fukushima nuclear disaster, more pressing questions have been raised about
the wisdom of operating older reactors. The Fukushima Daiichi units (1 to 4) were connec-
ted to the grid between 1971 and 1974. The license for unit1 had been extended for another
10years in February2011, a month before the catastrophe began. Four days after the accidents
in Japan, the German government ordered the shutdown of seven reactors that had started
up before 1981. These reactors, together with another unit that was closed at the time, never
restarted. The sole selection criterion was operational age. Other countries did not adopt the
same approach, but it is clear that the 3/11 events had an impact on previously assumed ex-
tended lifetimes in other countries as well, including in Belgium, Switzerland, and Taiwan.
And more recently, in the first half of 2017, SouthKoreas incoming PresidentMoon shut down
the countrys oldest reactor (Kori-1), explicitly at the age of forty, ruling out lifetime extensions
in the future. Sweden also closed its oldest unit, Oskarshamn-1 at age 46.
Wo r l d N u c l e a r I n d u s t r y S t a t u s R e p o r t | 22001177  | 40

Many countries continue to implement or prepare for lifetime extensions. As in previous years,
WNISR has therefore created two lifetime projections. A first scenario (40-Year Lifetime
Projection, see Figure13), assumes a general lifetime of 40years for worldwide operating reac-
tors (not including reactors in LTO, as they are not considered operating). The 40-year number
corresponds to the design lifetimes of most operating reactors. Some countries have legislation
(Belgium) or policy in place that limit operating lifetime to 40years. The most recent, major
policy shift was the decision by the incoming Moon administration in SouthKorea not to allow
the extension of lifetimes of operating units.

For the 72reactors that have passed the 40-year lifetime, we assume they will operate to the
end of their licensed extended operating time.

A second scenario (Plant Life Extension or PLEX Projection, see Figure14) takes into account
all already-authorized lifetime extensions.

The lifetime projections allow for an evaluation of the number of plants and respective power
generating capacity that would have to come on line over the next decades to offset closures
and simply maintain the same number of operating plants and capacity. With all units under
construction scheduled to have gone online, installed nuclear capacity would increase by 4GW
by 2020, which is marginal. However, in total, 11additional reactors (compared to the end of
2016 status) would have to be started up prior to the end of 2020 in order to maintain the sta-
tus quo of the number of operating units.

Figure 13 | The 40-Year Lifetime Projection

Projection 2017-2063 of Nuclear Reactors/Capacity in the World

General assumption of 40-year mean lifetime
Operating and Under Construction as of 1 July 2017, in GWe and Units
Reactor Startups Number of
Capacity in GWe Yearly Reactors
Balance 20
20 Reactor Shutdowns
Capacity Added
10 Capacity Shut Down 10

WNISR - Mycle Schneider Consulting

0 2017 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 2055 2060 2063 0

-10 -10

-20 -20

-30 -30

2017-2020 2021-2030 2031-2040 2041-2050 2051-2063

11 reactors 194 reactors 75 reactors 28 reactors 94 reactors

+4 GW 179 GW 64.5 GW 22 GW 88.5 GW

Sources: Various sources, compiled by WNISR, 2017

Wo r l d N u c l e a r I n d u s t r y S t a t u s R e p o r t | 2 0 1 7  | 41

In the following decade to 2030, 194 additional new reactors (179 GW) would have to be
connected to the grid to maintain the status quo, 3.8 times the rate achieved over the past
decade (51units between 2007 and mid-2017).

The achievement to return to the current situation by 2020 will exclusively depend on the num-
ber of Japanese reactors currently in LTO possibly coming back online, as it is technically im-
possible to start and complete construction of a new plant within three-and-a-half-year period.

As a result, the number of reactors in operation will stagnate at best but will more likely de-
cline over the coming years unless lifetime extensions far beyond 40years become widespread.
With poor economic prospects for new-build in the developed world and the financial pro-
blems of major suppliers such as Areva and Westinghouse, such generalized lifetime exten-
sions are clearly the objective of the nuclear power industrythus defending the currently
operating plants, as an industry strategist puts it.36

Indeed, the economic pressure has increased significantly over the past five years or so (see
Nuclear Finances Chapter). Soaring maintenance and upgrading costs, as well as decreasing
system costs of nuclear powers main competitors, create an economic environment with drop-
ping wholesale electricity prices that leads to the situation of an increasing number of nuclear
plants at risk of early closures.

Figure 14 | The PLEX Projection

Projection 2017-2063 of Nuclear Reactor Numbers/Capacity

General assumption of 40-year mean lifetime + Authorized lifetime extensions
Operating and Under Construction in the World, as of 1 July 2017, in GWe and Units
Reactor Startups Number of
Capacity in GWe Yearly Reactors
Balance 20
20 Reactor Shutdowns
Capacity Added
10 Capacity Shut Down 10

WNISR - Mycle Schneider Consulting

0 2017 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 2055 2060 2063 0

-10 -10

-20 -20

-30 -30

2017-2020 2021-2030 2031-2040 2041-2050 2051-2063

+5 Reactors 163 reactors 88 Reactors 62 Reactors 94 reactors

+16.5 GW 142.5 GW 74.5 GW 61 GW 88.5 GW

Sources: Various sources, compiled by WNISR, 2017

Developments in Asia, and particularly in China, do not fundamentally change the global pic-
ture. Reported figures for Chinas 2020 target for installed nuclear capacity have fluctuated

36 - Steve Kidd, The era of nuclear power can we prevent it coming to an end, 4July2017, NEI, see http://www.neimagazine.
com/opinion/opinionthe-era-of-nuclear-power-can-we-prevent-it-coming-to-an-end-5861158/, accessed 16August2017.
Wo r l d N u c l e a r I n d u s t r y S t a t u s R e p o r t | 2 0 1 7  | 42

between 40GW and 120GW in the past. The freeze of construction initiation for almost two
years and new siting authorizations for four years has significantly reduced Chinese ambitions.
China will clearly miss the latest official target of 58GW for 2020. And with only two construc-
tion starts in 2016 and none in 2017 as of mid-year, the outlook is not improving.

We have also modeled a scenario, in which all currently licensed lifetime extensions and license
renewals (mainly in the UnitedStates) are maintained and all construction sites are comple-
ted. For all other units, we have maintained a 40-year lifetime projection, unless a firm earlier
or later shutdown date has been announced. By 2020, the net number of operating reactors
would have increased by only five and the installed capacity would grow by 16.5GW. This mo-
dest outlook reflects the recent early closure announcements of units that, for economic rea-
sons, will not operate up to the end of their licensed operational lifetime. A continuation of this
trend can be expected over the coming years, especially with the confirmation by the incoming
Macron Government in France of the legal 50percent nuclear share target for 2025 in France.

In the following decade to 2030, still 163new reactors (142.5GW)practically identical to the
WNISR2016 projectionwould have to start up to replace shutdowns. In other words, the ove-
rall pattern of decline would hardly be altered: it would merely be delayed by some years (see
Figure13, Figure14 and the cumulated effect in Figure15).

Figure 15 | Forty-Year Lifetime Projection versus PLEX Projection

Number of Reactors in Operation in the World

in Units from 7/2017 to 2063

400 Composition of World Fleet

Lifetime > 40 Years
Lifetime 40 Years

200 WNISR - Mycle Schneider Consulting


0 2017 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 2055 2060 2063

Sources: Various sources, compiled by WNISR, 2017

Wo r l d N u c l e a r I n d u s t r y S t a t u s R e p o r t | 22001177  | 43


The French nuclear power house is shaking. For decades France has been considered as the
show case for the international nuclear industry, with the largest nuclear share in its electri-
city mix, virtually unlimited government support and vast ambitions on the export market.
Then France became the European exception. With the hope for a global nuclear renais-
sance vanishing and literally all of its continental neighborsBelgium, Germany, Italy, Spain,
Switzerlandabandoning the technology as a strategic option, France was the only European
country to drive new-build projects, at home (Flamanville-3) and abroad (Olkiluoto-3 in
Finland, Taishan in China, HinkleyPointC in the U.K.). All of these new-build projects are
European Pressurized Water Reactors (EPRs), and all turned into industrial and economic
nightmares. Olkiluoto-3 was supposed to start up in 2009, Flamanville-3 in 2012, Taishan-1
in 2013 and Hinkley Point C in 2017. The latest schedule has Olkiluoto-3 and Taishan-1 on for
2018, Flamanville-3 for 2019 and Hinkley Point C for 2025 at the very, very earliest.

[ What happened at AREVA is strictly scandalous,

Economy and Finances Minister BrunoLeMaire
Delays cost money, as do over-optimistic commercial assumptions and the incapacity to
correct a failing industrial strategy. The three costly items combined are at the core of the
French situation. Builder and fuel company AREVA, the self-proclaimed global leader in nu-
clear energy37 went technically bankrupt after cumulating over a six-year period the stunning
loss of 10.5 billion (US$12.3 billion). EDF, with 58 reactors at home and 15 in the U.K., the
largest nuclear operator in the world, carries the burden of a huge debt load of 37.4billion
(US$43.8billion) with an impressive investment wall ahead: post-3/11 upgrades, decommissio-
ning, waste management, ageing mitigation and life extension measures, workforce renewal,
mandatory expenditures into renewables and energy efficiency.

In an unprecedented declaration during a hearing of the Finance Committee of the National

Assembly incoming Economy and Finances Minister BrunoLeMaire stated: What happened
at AREVA is strictly scandalous, the companys liquidity needs exceeding the total of the
economies that the Minister of the public accounts must find to get us below the 3percent
of budget deficit compared to Gross Domestic Product or GDP (EU-imposed limit). He added
such a poor management of public funds is absolutely unacceptable. The French State is ex-
pected to inject 4.5billion (US$5.3billion) into AREVA before the end of 2017. Concerning
EDF, Le Maire said, he had the occasion to pound the table concerning what is happening
with Hinkley Point,38 reference to the most recent cost overruns, and has asked for a detailed
action plan to avoid further difficulties.

37 - AREVA, Homepage, see, accessed 25May2015.

38 - Bruno Le Maire citations from Reuters, FranceBruno Le Maire stigmatise la gestion d'Areva, 12July2017, (in French),
see, accessed 29July2017.
Wo r l d N u c l e a r I n d u s t r y S t a t u s R e p o r t | 2 0 1 7  | 44

At the same time, the President Emmanuel Macron has confirmed that his new administra-
tion will implement the Law Relative to the Energy Transition for Green Growth inhe-
rited from the previous Hollande Administration and adopted by the National Assembly on
17August2015. The lawwhich effectively ends the nuclear program expansion that went on
ever since the first power reactor started up in 1959stipulates in particular the capping of
the currently installed nuclear capacity of 63.2GW and the reduction of the nuclear share in
Frances electricity generation mix from three-quarters to half.39 However, while an unprece-
dented five of the seven major presidential candidates favored some kind of nuclear reduction,
unlike the German or Belgian nuclear phase-out plans, at this point, there are no precise dates
for reactor shutdowns... yet.

[ We need to straighten things out, in order to really reduce

the nuclear share to 50percent, Ecology Minister NicolasHulot ]
The new Minister for the Ecological and Inclusive Transition, who has full control over the
energy portfolio, is the first French political leader to express the obvious: no way to reach
the 50percent share without shutting down roughly one third of the French reactors. I have
well inherited a law, but also a lack of strategy. We need to straighten things out, in order
to really reduce the nuclear share to 50 percent, Minister Nicolas Hulot stated in an inter-
view. On 18 July 2017, he told the Parliaments Finances Committee that the goal would be
difficult to achieve and that his services had calculated that it would mean closing 25reactors.
An online French Government statement specifies that the 50percent goal supposes to fa-
vor energy savings and the development of renewable energies. 40 It is the Pluriannual Energy
Program, a planning tool introduced through the Energy Transition Law, that will define the
framework for the coming years to 2023. According to the French Government: The work has
been launched. It will be completed by the end of 2018. 41

French Nuclear Power and Electricity Mix

In 2016, 56 operating reactors42 in France produced 384TWh or 72.3percent of the countrys
electricity, the lowest share since 1988, that is 4 percentage points less than in the previous
year and more than 6percentage points below peak year 2005 with 78.5percent of the total.

Two additional reactors, Bugey-5 (880MW) and Paluel-2 (1330MW) did not produce any elec-
tricity during 2016 and the first half of 2017, and as of 1 July 2017 both were considered in
WNISR category LTO. Bugey-5 was shut down on 27August2015 for maintenance and refue-
ling. Subsequently, an overpressure test of the containment revealed an excessive leak rate.
Work went on until 15 May 2017, followed by a new leak test that confirmed the validity of
the repair. Almost two years after shutdown, it eventually was reconnected to the grid on

39 - Journal Officiel de la Rpublique Franaise, Loi n2015-002 du 17 aot 2015 relative la transition nergtique pour la
croissance verte, 18August2015.
40 - French Government, Des mesures pour rduire la part du nuclaire 50% l'horizon 2025, undated, (in French),
see, accessed 29July2017.
41 - Ibidem.
42 - All pressurized water reactors, 33 x 900MW, 19 x 1300MW, and 4 x 1400MW.
Wo r l d N u c l e a r I n d u s t r y S t a t u s R e p o r t | 2 0 1 7  | 45

23July2017. 43 The Paluel-2 reactor was taken off the grid for maintenance in May2015. During
a replacement operation, a 22-meter-high steam generator was dropped on the floor inside the
reactor building, 44 an accident deemed impossible in the safety case. Restart has been postpo-
ned several times, and is currently scheduled for February2018. 45

While Bugey-5 and Paluel-2 did not generate any power in 2016, the main reason for the signifi-
cant 7.9-percent drop in nuclear production is the snow-balling effect of ongoing investigations
into irregularities in quality-control documentation and manufacturing defects (especially ex-
cessive carbon content of steel) of pieces produced by AREVAs Creusot Forge and a Japanese
AREVA sub-contractor, leading to multiple reactor shutdowns, starting in November2016. One
reactor, Fessenheim-2, has been shut down since June2016, and in July2016, French Nuclear
Safety Authority(ASN) withdrew the licensing certificate for a steam generator, as it had been
revealed that it had not been manufactured according to technical specifications, a fact that
had been hidden by AREVA-Creusot Forge. In a similar case, a replacement steam generator for
Gravelines-5 that was about to be installed was rejected, after the reexamination of the safety
files showed a major irregularity whose origins were unacceptable, EDF Vice President for
Nuclear and Thermal DominiqueMiniere, told a parliamentary committee in October2016. 46
The reactor was shut down between April2016 and July2017.

[ For the first time, Germany overtook France

and became the biggest net power exporter in Europe ]
Natural gas generation increased by over 60percent in 2016 compared to the previous year, and
made up for some of the lacking nuclear capacity. Natural gas still represented only 6.6percent
of the total, coal and oil together just 2 percent. Hydromainly large damscovered
12percent, while non-hydro renewables (wind, solar, biomass) contributed just 6.7percent. 47

For many years, France was Europes largest electricity exporter, and after a drop in the late
2000s, 61.7TWh were exported net in 2015, a trade surplus approaching previous levels. But
in 2016, net exports dropped by 36.6 percent to 39.1 TWh, the lowest level since 2010. On
the contrary, Germanys 2016 net power exports hit a new record at 53.7 TWh, an increase
of 1.9TWh. For the first time, Germany overtook France and became the biggest net power
exporter in Europe. 48

43 - EDF, Bugey 5 de nouveau connecte au rseau national dlectricit, 24July2017, (in French),
gey/actualites/bugey-5-de-nouveau-connectee-au-reseau-national-d-electricite, accessed 30July2017.
44 - EDF, Accident de manutention la centrale de Paluel, 31 March 2016, see
accessed 9 June 2017.
45 - EDF, Paluel 2version actuelle de lindisponibilit v17 (05470_EDF_T_00010060), 11August2017,
see, accessed 13August2017.
46 - BateFelix, Geert De Clercq, Major irregularity detected at EDF's Gravelines 5 reactor - EDF executive, Reuters,
25October2016, see, accessed 7August2017.
47 - RTE, Bilan lectrique 2016, February 2017.
48 - AGEB, Bruttostromerzeugung in Deutschland ab 1990 nach Energietrgern, Arbeitsgruppe Energiebilanzen,
February2017, (inGerman), see
merzeugung1990-2016.pdf, accessed 23June2017.
Wo r l d N u c l e a r I n d u s t r y S t a t u s R e p o r t | 2 0 1 7  | 46

The creation of the Central West Europe(CWE) region (France, Germany, Austria, Belgium,
the Netherlands and Luxembourg), replacing the Net Transfer Capacities model previously
used, cumulates exchanges with the national entities involved. Frances annual export balance
with CWE is negativethe first time since 2010by 5.3 TWh, it is positive with the other
neighboring countries (Great Britain, Italy, Spain, Switzerland). Contrary to the general per-
ception, France remains a net importer of power from Germany, and has been for a number of
years, because German wholesale electricity generally undercuts French wholesale prices. 49 In
December2016, France imported up to 8.2GW of power from its neighbors, to help compen-
sate for shutdown nuclear plants.50

Figure 16 | Age Distribution of French Nuclear Fleet

Age of French Nuclear Fleet

as of 1 July 2017

Reactor Age
1120 Years
2130 Years
3140 Years
58 reactors 40 Number of Reactors
(2 in LTO) by Age Class
Mean Age:
4 32.4 years 2 in LTO
WNISR - Mycle Schneider Consulting

Sources: WNISR, with IAEA-PRIS, 2017

The average age of Frances 58 power reactors is 32.4years by mid-2017 (see Figure16). In the
absence of new reactor commissioning and any shutdown, the fleet is simply aging by one year
every year. Simultaneously, questions are being raised about the investment needed to enable
them to continue operating, as aging reactors increasingly need parts to be replaced. Moreover,
life extension beyond 40years of some reactorsa deadline many of the oldest reactors are ap-
proachingwould require significant additional upgrades, as ASN requires to bring extended
reactors to a safety level as close as possible to evolutionary reactors like the EPR. Also, reli-
censing will be subject to public inquiries reactor by reactor.

Operating costs have increased substantially over the past years. Investments for life exten-
sions will need to be balanced against the already excessive nuclear share in the power mix,
the stagnating or decreasing electricity consumptionit has been roughly stable for the past
six yearsthe shrinking client base, successful competitors, and the energy efficiency and re-
newable energy production targets set at both the EU and the French levels. It remains plau-
sible that EDF will attempt to extend lifetimes of some units, while others might be closed
even prior to reaching the 40-year age limit. Any decision remains suspended to the revision of
the Pluriannual Energy Plan (end of 2018) and the nuclear safety authoritys generic judgement
over lifetime extensions (probably 2019), followed by a case-by-case procedure.

49 - RTE, 2015Annual Electricity Report, March2016.

50 - RTE, Bilan lectrique 2016, February 2017.
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The Troubled Flamanville-3 EPR and the Creusot Forge Affair

The 2005 construction decision of Flamanville-3 (FL3) was mainly motivated by the in-
dustrys attempt to confront the serious problem of maintaining nuclear competence. In
December2007, EDF started construction on FL3. The project has been plagued with detailed
design issues and quality-control problems, including basic concrete and welding similar to
those at the Olkiluoto (OL3) project in Finland, which started two-and-a-half years earlier.

[ The Flamanville-3 project

is now at least 6.5years late ]
The Flamanville-3 project is now at least 6.5years late and now expected to start generating
power in May2019, reaching full capacity in November2019.51 The official cost estimate for
Flamanville-3 stood at 8.5billion (US$11.6billion) as of December2012.52 In its annual re-
port2015, EDF updated the figure to 10.5billion (US$12.3billion)53 , equivalent to the current
estimate for the Olkiluoto-3 EPR project in Finland, and 3.2times the estimate at construction
start. EDFs President Bernard Lvy stated on 28 July 2017: We are in line with the sche-
dule and the budget that we announced in 2015.54 In fact, the road map presented by EDF in
September201555 scheduled fuel loading and startup for the forth quarter 2018 but omitted
to provide a grid-connection date, which was given only in 2017 as the second quarter of 2019.
De facto, the current planning represents about another six months delay in the construction
schedule since 2015.

In April 2015, ASN revealed that the bottom piece and the lid of the FL3 pressure vessel had
very serious defects.56 Chemical and mechanical tests revealed the presence of a zone
in which there was a high carbon concentration, leading to lower than expected mechanical
toughness values.57 Both pieces were fabricated and assembled by AREVA in France, while
the center piece was forged by Japan Steel Works(JSW) in Japan. ASN stated then that the
same fabrication procedure by AREVAs Creusot Forge was applied to certain calottes (also
called bottom heads and closure heads) of the two pressure vessels made for the two EPRs
under construction at Taishan in China, while the EPR under construction in Finland was en-
tirely manufactured in Japan. It remains unclear, which of the two bottoms and two lids have
been manufactured by Creusot Forge, but likely at least the ones for Taishan-1, while, accor-

51 - Bate Felix, Benjamin Mallet, LEPR de Flamanville attendu pleine puissance en novembre 2019, Reuters, 11July2017,
(inFrench), see, accessed 31July2017.
52 - LudovicDupin, EDF a vit le pire sur lEPR de Flamanville, Usine Nouvelle, 7December2012, (inFrench),
see, accessed 18June2017.
53 - EDF, 2015 Management ReportGroup Results, 13May2016.
54 - EDF, Half-Year Results 2017, Conference call Jean-Bernard Lvy with Analysts and Investors, 28July2017.
55 - Jean-Bernard Lvy, Xavier Ursat, Confrence de Presse, EDF, 3September2015, (in French), see
default/files/Finance/EDF_Presentation_EPR_Flamanville_03_09_2015.pdf, accessed 17March2017.
56 - Ludovic Dupin, Le cri d'alarme de l'ASN sur le nuclaire franais, Usine Nouvelle, 20January2016, (inFrench)
see, accessed 11June2017.
57 - ASN, Flamanville EPR reactor vessel manufacturing anomalies, Press Release, 7April2015, see http://www.french-nu-, accessed 14August2017.
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ding to AREVA58 and media reports59, the pressure vessel for Taishan-2 has been manufactured
by Chinese company Dongfang Electric Corporation(DEC). However, no specific mention is
made of the vessel bottoms and lids.

AREVAs challenge was to prove that, although clearly below technical specifications, the EPR
pressure vessels could withstand any major transient and submitted a proposal for a major
test program to ASN in the summer of 2015. By September 2015, ASN had realized that the
pressure vessel had not been manufactured according to technical specifications and, thus, its
use would require an exemption from the rule. In December2015, ASN approved the program,
considering that the test program proposed on two scale-one replica domes should be able
to assess the scale and depth of the segregated zone as well as its influence on the mechanical
properties. For the initial material destructive tests and the following test program, AREVA
sacrificed vessel head and bottom that had already been manufactured for a never-built reactor
project in the U.S. (Calvert Cliffs) and the vessel head for a maybe-built EPR at HinkleyPoint
in the U.K. In fact, AREVA could have, should have carried out destructive tests long before the
vessel installation on-site in 2013, but only fulfilled that regulatory requirement in 2014with
the results that triggered the entire Creusot Forge affair.

In December 2016, AREVA submitted its justification of sufficient toughness for the FL3
reactor pressure vessel heads (cover and bottom) to ASN.60 ASN drafted an opinion to be adop-
ted by the technical advisory expert group on nuclear pressurized equipment (Groupe perma-
nent dexperts pour les quipements sous pression nuclaires). The document was approved on
27June2017 by majority vote.61 It states that the Group considers that the material in question
shows mechanical properties of a sufficient level to prevent the feared risks. However, the
Group also states that the reduction of the [safety] margin against the risk of sudden rupture
affects the robustness of the first level of defense in depth. In addition, the experts request
that, within two years, EDF provides the feasibility demonstration for specific in-service ins-
pections of the reactor pressure vessel head. In an unprecedented minority opinion, two in-
dependent experts62 explained their vote against the statement by the significantly reduced
safety margin and the unprecedented threat, due to its nature and context, for the first level
of defence in depth, the projected in-service inspections failing to represent effective com-
pensatory measures.63

58 - AREVA, Taishan 1&2 - ChinaAREVA Supply Chain, undated, see

taishan-12.html - tab=tab5, accessed 14August2017.
59 - FactWire, Made in China: critical component of Taishan nuclear plant manufactured in Guangzhou, 26May2016,
red-in-Guangzhou, accessed 2July2016.
60 - AREVA, Justification of sufficient toughness for FA3 RPV heads (cover and bottom), 27April2017, redacted summary
of the original report, dated 16December2016, uploaded on 11May2017, see
docs/3_Actualites/Dossiers/Note_synthese_tenacite_calottes_cuve_EPR_FA3.pdf, accessed 31July 2017.
61 - Advisory Committee of Experts for Nuclear Pressure Equipment (GP ESPN), Opinion on the Consequences of the carbon
concentration anomaly on the fitness for service of the Flamanville EPR reactor pressure vessel domes, Meeting held in
Montrouge (France), 26-27June2017, see
domes, accessed 14August2017.
62 - Yves Marignac, Director of WISE-Paris, and Jean-Claude Autret, President of the Association pour le Contrle de la
Radioactivit dans lOuest (ACRO).
63 - Advisory Committee of Experts for Nuclear Pressure Equipment (GP ESPN), Avis relatif aux consquences de l'anomalie
de concentration en carbone des calottes de la cuve du racteur EPR de Flamanville sur leur aptitude au service, Meeting held
in Montrouge (France), 26-27June2017.
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The day following the expert groups meetings, ASN released its official judgement on the is-
sue considering the mechanical characteristics of vessel cover and bottom adequate. ASN
considers however that EDF must implement additional periodic inspections to ensure that
no flaws appear subsequently. As the technical feasibility at this point cannot be considered
established for the cover, ASN therefore considers that the use of the closure head must be
limited in time and as a new closure head could be available by 2024, the current piece shall
not be operated beyond that date.64

[ The irregularities included inconsistencies,

modifications or omissions in the production files ]
Meanwhile, the finding of carbon segregations in the pressure vessel of Flamanville-3 had
raised concerns about the possibility that other components could have been fabricated below
technical specifications due to poor quality processes at Creusot Forge on one hand, and about
the possibility that components fabricated up to technical specifications under pre-2005 regu-
lation could present similar undetected carbon segregation on the other hand.65

Media reports revealed in March 2017 that ASN had warned AREVA and EDF as early as
2005-06 about quality issues at Creusot Forge. Then ASN President Andr-Claude Lacoste sta-
ted: Your supplier has big problems, either replace it or buy it!66 AREVA chose to buy Creusot
Forge in 2006. However, this did not solve the issue.

It is therefore unclear, why it took the detection of the manufacturing problems with the EPR
pressure vessel for ASN to request an audit of the Creusot Forge plant, a decade after the first
major issues had been identified. On 25April2016, AREVA informed ASN that irregularities in
the manufacturing checks, the quality-control procedures, were detected at about 400pieces
fabricated since 1969, about 50 of which would be installed in the French currently operating
reactor fleet. The irregularities included inconsistencies, modifications or omissions in the
production files, concerning manufacturing parameters or test results.67

The most serious offense led ASN to withdraw the certificate of a replacement steam generator
introduced in Fessenheim-2 in 2012 because the forging process of its central part was not
compliant to qualified methods, and this was covered in the documentation submitted to ASN
and EDF, leaving the reactor shutdown since July 2016, with restart subject to ASN authori-

64 - ASN, ASN presents its position regarding the Flamanville EPR reactor vessel anomaly, Press Release, 28June2017,
EPR-reactor-vessel-anomaly, accessed 31July2017.
65 - The regulation on pressurised components of nuclear facilities changed in 2005. In particular, it now requires that mecha-
nical properties should be verified in every areas of the components, instead of only the most sensitive areas before.
66 - France Inter, "Cuve de l'EPR de Flamanville : l'incroyable lgret d'Areva et EDF", 31March2017, see https://www.fran-, accessed 15August2017.
67 - ASN, AREVA has informed ASN of irregularities concerning components manufactured in its Creusot Forge plant,
4May2016, see
factured-in-its-Creusot-Forge-plant, accessed 14August2017.
68 - ASN, Dcision n CODEP-CLG-2016-02945 du 18 juillet 2016 du Prsident de lAutorit de sret nuclaire suspendant
le certificat dpreuve du gnrateur de vapeur n 335 fabriqu par AREVA NP, 18July2016, (inFrench), see https://www. n CODEP-CLG-2016-02945 du 18 juillet 2016.pdf, accessed
Wo r l d N u c l e a r I n d u s t r y S t a t u s R e p o r t | 2 0 1 7  | 50

According to ASNs Annual Report 2016:

As at the end of 2016, Areva NP had identified 91 irregularities concerning EDF reac-
tors in operation, 20 affecting equipment intended for the Flamanville EPR reactor, one
concerning a steam generator intended for but not yet installed in Gravelines NPP reac-
tor 5 and four affecting transport packagings for radioactive substances. (...) Regardless
of their actual safety consequences, these irregularities reveal unacceptable practices.
Some of these irregularities could constitute falsifications. ASN is in contact with the
services of the Ministry of Justice on this subject.69

In September 2016, AREVA took the decision to review all of the several thousand manufac-
turing files for nuclear components from Creusot Forge, which is supposed to take about one
year. ASN warned that it was not ruling out further problematic discoveries.

In addition, ASNs own inspections at the Creusot Forge plant in January2016 also revealed
that high carbon concentrations also had been found in the calottes for the FL3 pressurizer, fol-
lowing a request for additional tests by AREVANP dating as early as December2008. Neither
the request for these tests nor their results had been communicated to ASN.70

ASN had also requested EDF to review the safety files of equipment that could present undetec-
ted carbon segregations, although fabricated according to specifications of the time. A problem
of particularly high carbon contentup to 50percent higher than the limit in technical specifi-
cationswas found in the channel head steel of 20steam generators fabricated at the Creusot
Forge and 26by AREVA sub-contractor Japan Casting and Forging Corporation(JCFC), that
had not been reported by the manufacturer. This led to the provisional shutdown for inspec-
tions of a dozen reactors in France in the winter 2016-17. ASN had considered the potential risk
of failure high enough to order EDF to carry out inspections within three months.

Rising Costs and a Lurking Investment Wall

As of the end of 2016, EDF had an official net debt 37.4billion (US$40.3billion), identical to
the end-of-2015figure. Following a 4billion (US$4.6billion) capital increase and 4.35bil-
lion (US$5 billion) in asset disposals, by mid-2017, net debt had declined to 31.3 billion
(US$36.8billion)71. For further financial analysis see Nuclear Finances Chapter.

Investment needs remain substantial with 4.9billion (US$5.6billion) in the first half of 2017.
One particular item is the controversial Hinkley Point C project (see also U.K. Section, and
WNISR2016 for The Hinkley Point C Saga A French Perspective). According to EDFs
Reference Document 2016, the strategic investment agreement relating to the construction and
the operation of the Hinkley Point C nuclear power plant by EDF and China General Nuclear
Power Corporation(CGN) has been approved on 28July2016 by EDFs Board of Directors. The
contractual documentation was signed on 29 September 2016 by EDF, CGN and the British
Government. The agreements cover three aspects:

69 - ASN, ASN Annual Report 2016ASN Report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2016,
12July2017, see, accessed 14August2017.
70 - ASN, Letter to the Director General of AREVA NP, 9May2016.
71 - EDF, Half-Year Results 2017, 28July2017, see
holders/financial-information/regulated-information/financial-results, accessed 15August2017.
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construction and operation of two EPRs at Hinkley Point under the leadership of
EDF(66.5%), with CGNs share at 33.5%. EDF will consider bringing other investors into
the project in due course but will not reduce its initial stake to below 50%;
development of two EPRs at the Sizewell site, under the leadership of EDF (80%), in prepa-
ration for a possible final investment decision. CGN will take a 20% share;
adaptation and certification in the United Kingdom of the HPR 1000 technology (a third-
generation Chinese 1,000MW reactor), and its development on the Bradwell site, under
the leadership of CGN (66.5%), in preparation for a possible final investment decision. The
EDF group will take a 33.5% share.72
While EDF had already spent 3billion (US$5.5billion) prior to the signature of the contracts,
for 2017, EDF announced that firm commitments in connection with the acquisition of
tangible assets for the building of Hinkley Point C have been formalized under contractual
agreements for an amount of 2.7billion [US$2.9billion].73 EDFs Reference Document 2016
contains under the section Specific risks related to the Groups nuclear activities a risk factor
entitled Construction of EPRs may encounter problems meeting the implementation schedule
or the budgetary envelope or not be completed.74 A few months into 2017, EDFs CEO admits:

Project completion costs are now estimated at 19.6billion2015 [US$29billion2015]. This is an

increase of 1.5billion2015 [US$2.2billion2015], compared to previous valuations. The project
review, on top of this, identified a potential 15-month deferral of the delivery date of Unit 1
and a potential nine-month deferral for Unit 2.75
The fact that a not be completed risk assumption is quite realistic has been illustra-
ted by 90 abandoned nuclear construction sites up to 1 January 2017, documented in the
WNISRs Global Nuclear Power Database76 . The latest case to be added is the abandoning
of the two AP1000 reactors under construction at the Summer site in South Carolina, U.S.
(seeFocusUnited States).

EDF has committed to additional investment efforts, including for the development of new
reactor designs. But it is renewables and services activities, which are key growth drivers,
according to EDFs CEO.77 However, EDFs total net installed renewables capacity of 6.7GW
(excluding large hydro) remains modest.

72 - EDF, Reference Document2016 Annual Financial Report, filed 6March2017, published April2017,
tion/reference-documents, accessed 14August2017.
73 - Ibidem.
74 - Ibidem.
75 - EDF, Clarifications on Hinkley Point C project, 3July2017, see
journalists/all-press-releases/clarifications-on-hinkley-point-c-project, accessed 14August2017.
76 - WNISR/Visionscarto/Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, "The Global Nuclear Power Database",
77 - EDF, Half-Year Results 2017, Conference call Jean-Bernard Lvy with Analysts and Investors, 28July2017.
Wo r l d N u c l e a r I n d u s t r y S t a t u s R e p o r t | 2 0 1 7  | 52

Germanys remaining eight nuclear reactors generated 80.1 TWh net in 201650.5 percent
less than in their record year 2001and provided 13 percent of Germanys electricity gene-
ration, less than half of the historic maximum of 30.8 percent in 1997. One more reactor
(Grundremmingen-B) will be shut down at the end of 2017, according to the nuclear phase-out
legislation (see Table3 for details).

Germany decided immediately after 3/11 to shut down the eight oldest of its 17operating reac-
tors and to phase out the remaining nine until 2022. This choice was led by a conservative,
pro-business, and, until the Fukushima disaster, very pro-nuclear Government, led by physi-
cist Chancellor AngelaMerkel, with no political party dissenting, which makes it virtually irre-
versible under any political constellation. On 6June2011, the Bundestag passed a seven-part
energy transition legislation almost by consensus and it came into force on 6August2011 (see
earlier WNISR editions for details).

With a total generation of 188.4TWh, in 2016, renewables were again the largest contributor to
the power mix and supplied 29.1percent of gross generationmore than lignite (23.1percent),
hard coal (17.2percent) and natural gas (12.4percent). With new investments of over 14bil-
lion (US$15.7), renewable generation capacities grew by 6.7GW in 2016 to a total of 104GW,
mainly driven by the 5 GW of new wind power plants (onshore and offshore) and a 1.5 GW
addition of solar power capacities.78

[ Germanys net power exports hit

a new record at 53.7TWh ]
In 2016, Germanys net power exports hit a new record at 53.7TWh, an increase of 1.9TWh
over 2015. As the French electricity trade surplus plunged from 61.7TWh in 2015 to 39.1TWh
in 2016 (37percent), due to the reduction in nuclear generation, for the first time, Germany
became the biggest net exporter in Europe.79 The main driver for high exports were the whole-
sale market prices, which hit a historic low yearly average of 28.81/MWh (US$32.24/MWh) on
the spotmarket, leading to further difficulties for the main German utilities (see below).80

Figure 17 summarizes the main developments of the German power system between 2010
the last year prior to the post-3/11 shutdown of the eight oldest nuclear power plantsand
2016. It clearly shows that the increase of renewable electricity generation (+84.4TWh) and
the noticeable reduction in domestic consumption (20.6 TWh) were more than sufficient to
compensate the planned reduction of nuclear generation (56TWh), enabling also a slight re-
duction in power generation from fossil fuels (-13TWh) and a threefold increase in net exports.

78 - Arbeitsgruppe Erneuerbare Energien-Statistik (AGEE-Stat), Zeitreihen zur Entwicklung der erneuerbaren Energien in
DeutschlandStand: Februar2017, Umweltbundesamt, Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi), Februa-
ry2017, (inGerman), see
Zeitreihen/zeitreihen.html, accessed 23June2017.
79 - Arbeitsgruppe Energiebilanzen (AGEB), Bruttostromerzeugung in Deutschland ab 1990 nach Energietrgern, Februa-
ry2017, (inGerman), see
gung1990-2016.pdf, accessed 23June2017.
80 - Agora Energiewende, Die Energiewende im Stromsektor: Stand der Dinge 2016Rckblick auf die wesentlichen
Entwicklungen sowie Ausblick auf 2017, January2017, (in German), see
jekte/2017/Jahresauswertung_2016/Agora_Jahresauswertung-2016_WEB.pdf, accessed 23June2017.
Wo r l d N u c l e a r I n d u s t r y S t a t u s R e p o r t | 2 0 1 7  | 53

Figure 17 | Main Developments of the German Power System Between 2010 and 2016

Main Evolution of the German Power System between 2010 and 2016
in TWh
Net Export Consumption
Increase Decrease
36 -20.6 Renewables
100 Increase
Fossil Fuel 84.4
80 Nuclear Reduction
Reduction -13
60 -56

Nuclear and Fossil Fuel Generation Reductions ... are Covered by

as well as Export Increase... Consumption Decrease and
Renewable Production Increase
WNISR - Mycle Schneider Consulting

Sources: WNISR based on AGEB, 201781

After the inspection protocol falsification scandal that shook the German nuclear industry in
2015 (see WNISR2016), 2016 was marked by the adoption of new legislation to regulate the
funding of nuclear waste management in December and several legal decisions in favor of the
nuclear utilities.82 Following the recommendations of the independent Commission to Review
the Financing for the Phase-out of Nuclear Energy(KFK)83 , the law creates a new public fund
dedicated to the funding of long-term storage of radioactive waste. The major utilities are due
to pay 23.5 billion (US$26.3 billion) into the fund, including a risk premium of 6.5 billion
(US$7.3 billion) to free them from any responsibility in case of cost overruns in the future.
The compromise has received political support across the main parties. Environmental NGOs
however criticize the fact that this law creates a precedent to free nuclear operators from their
long-term responsibilities, considering in particular major uncertainties over future costs.
Much alike other countries operating nuclear power plants, Germany has yet to find suitable
solutions and localizations for the disposal of radioactive wastes.84

Furthermore, as part of the deal, the major nuclear operators agreed to withdraw up to 20 legal
cases they initiated to request compensation for losses mainly incurred due to the precipitated
shutdown of reactors after the Fukushima accident.85 Nevertheless, this does not affect the
ongoing case over compensation demands of up to 19billion (US$21.3billion) related to the
phase-out of currently operating reactors. In late 2016, the Federal Constitutional Court ruled

81 - Arbeitsgruppe Energiebilanzen, Bruttostromerzeugung in Deutschland ab 1990 nach Energietrgern, February2017,

(in German), see
gung1990-2016.pdf, accessed 23 June 2017.
82 - Bundesrat, Drucksache 768/16: Gesetzesbeschluss des Deutschen BundestagesGesetz zur Neuordnung der Verantwor-
tung in der kerntechnischen Entsorgung, German Government, 16December2016, (in German), see https://www.bundesrat.
de/SharedDocs/drucksachen/2016/0701-0800/768-16.pdf?__blob=publicationFile&v=1, accessed 23June2017.
83 - Kommission zur berprfung der Finanzierung des Kernenergieausstiegs (KFK), Verantwortung und Sicherheit-Ein
neuer EntsorgungskonsensAbschlussbericht der Kommission zur berprfung der Finanzierung des Kernenergieausstiegs,
BMWi, 25May2016, (in German), see
kernenergie.html, accessed 23June2017.
84 - BUND, Die Kosten der Atomkraft die AKW-Betreiber mssen zahlen, Friends of the Earth Germany, 2016,
see, accessed 23June2017.
85 - Stefan Schultz, Atomausstieg: Energiekonzerne verzichten auf Schadensersatz, Spiegel Online, 9December2016,
(inGerman), see
satz-a-1125261.html, accessed 23June2017.
Wo r l d N u c l e a r I n d u s t r y S t a t u s R e p o r t | 2 0 1 7  | 54

that the nuclear operators must be compensated and it now belongs to the Government to find
a suitable agreement until 2018.86

Furthermore, the German Constitutional Court ruled in favor of the utilities in June 2017,
declaring the German nuclear fuel tax unconstitutional. The tax had been introduced in
2010. This is a major success for the utilities, who will be reimbursed as much as 6.3billion
(US$7.1billion) plus interest, a welcome ease to the strain on their balance sheets.87

Nuclear operators in Germany, the traditional virtually integrated utilities, are struggling with
low prices and reduced income from tradition thermal power plants (for details on share-price
developments and credit-rating see the Nuclear Finances Chapter). After losing 36percent in
2015, E.ONs market value incurred a loss of 25percent in 2016. In total, the company indicates
a net loss of 16billion (US$17.9billion), mainly due to the in-depth restructuring, which led to
the transfer of the companys conventional assets (gas, hydro and thermal power plants) into a
new company called Uniper.88

Similar to E.ON, RWE (Rheinisch-Westflisches Elektrizittswerk) is conducting an in-

depth restructuring to face the difficult market environment and created a spin-off franchise
(InnogySE) in 2016. Innogy took over activities in renewable electricity generation, grid ma-
nagement and trading. Due to these changes and the harsh market environment, the compa-
nys net result indicates a loss of 5.7 billion (US$6.4 billion) for 2016 and restrained from
paying any dividends for the second year in a row.89 After a record loss in 2015 (54percent),
the market capitalization of RWE remained stable in 2016 at around 7billion (US$7.8billion).
Vattenfall Germany results are difficult to assess as they are incorporated into the Swedish go-
vernment-owned Group results. Vattenfall is not listed. Overall, Vattenfall Group lost 2.7bil-
lion (US$3 billion) in spite of increasing sales. EnBW (Energie Baden-Wrttemberg) filed a
net loss of 1.7billion (US$1.9billion), mainly due to a 56percent decrease in revenues from
conventional generation and trading and an almost threefold increase in net investments.

86 - Spiegel Online, Bundesverfassungsgericht zum AtomausstiegRegierung muss Energiekonzerne entschdigen,

6December2016, (inGerman), see
energie-konzerne-haben-anspruch-auf-entschaedigung-a-1124612.html, accessed 23June2017.
87 - Christoph Steitz, German utilities set for multi-billion euro windfall after nuclear tax ruling, Reuters, 7June2017,
see, accessed 23June2017.
88 - E.ON, 2016 Annual Report, 15March2017, see,
accessed 23June2017.
89 - RWE, Annual Report 2016, 14March2017, see
investor-relations/reports/RWE-annual-report-2016.pdf, accessed 23June2017.
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Table 3 | Legal Closure Dates for German Nuclear Reactors 2011-2022

Reactor Name First Grid End of License
(Type, Net Capacity) Connection (latest closure date)
Biblis-A (PWR, 1167MW) RWE 1974

Biblis-B (PWR, 1240MW) RWE 1976

Brunsbttel (BWR, 771MW) KKW Brunsbttel a


Isar-1 (BWR, 878MW) E.ON 1977

Krmmel (BWR, 1346 MW) KKW Krmmelb 1983

Neckarwestheim-1 (PWR, 785MW) EnBW 1976

Philippsburg-1 (BWR, 890MW) EnBW 1979

Unterweser (BWR, 1345MW) E.ON 1978

Grafenrheinfeld (PWR, 1275MW) E.ON 1981
(closed 27June2015)
Gundremmingen-B (BWR, 1284MW) KKW Gundremmingenc 1984 31December2017

Philippsburg-2 (PWR, 1402MW) EnBW 1984 31December2019

Brokdorf (PWR, 1410MW) E.ON/Vattenfalld 1986

Grohnde (PWR, 1360MW) E.ON 1984 31December2021

Gundremmingen-C (BWR, 1288MW) KKW Gundremmingen 1984

Isar-2 (PWR, 1410MW) E.ON 1988

Emsland (PWR, 1329MW) KKW Lippe-Emse 1988 31December2022

Neckarwestheim-2 (PWR, 1310MW) EnBW 1989

Notes pertaining to the table

PWR=Pressurized Water Reactor; BWR=Boiling Water Reactor; RWE= Rheinisch-Westflisches Elektrizittswerk

Sources: Atomgesetz, 31July2011; Atomforum Kernenergie, May2011; IAEA-PRIS,2012

a - Vattenfall 66,67%, E.ON 33,33%.

b - Vattenfall 50%, E.ON 50%.

c - RWE 75%, E.ON 25%.

d - E.ON 80%, Vattenfall 20%.

e - RWE 87,5%, E.ON 12,5%.

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Three reactors have restarted in Japan since 1 July 2016, bringing to five the total number
in operation. In addition to the Sendai-1&2 reactors, which resumed operation in 2015, the
Ikata-3 reactor restarted on 15August201690, Takahama-4 on 22May201791 and Takahama-3 on
9June2017.92 In 2016, with Ikata-3 generating 2.8TWh of electricity, total nuclear production
was 14.5TWh, supplying 2.15percent of the nations annual output. This is the largest share
of nuclear generated electricity in Japan since 2011 (18percent), compared with 29percent in
2010, and the historic maximum of 36percent in 1998.

Figure 18 | Japanese Reactor Status

Status of Japanese Reactors Officially Operational 2005 - 1 July 2017

2011 2015 2017

Fukushima Daiichi 14 1 reactor restarted; Operating: Sendai-1 & -2
Number of Reactors officially 5 reactors Ikata-3 & Takahama-3 & 4
shut down officially shut down: Fukushima Daini 14
50 2 with last production Official: in operation
in 2010, WNISR: shut down
3 in 2011
Kashiwasaki-Kariwa 24
40 Official: in operation
30 other reactors
Official: in operation

Long Term Outage
of which since
2007 Earth Quake
WNISR Shutdown
0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
2007 2013 2016
Kashiwazaki-Kariwa-24 in LTO; Fukushima Daiichi 5&6 2 reactors restarted;
never restarted after officially shut down; Ikata-1
Niigata Earth Quake last production in 2011 officially shut down;
last production
WNISR - Mycle Schneider Consulting in 2011

Sources: Various sources, compiled by WNISR, 2017

The last year for Japans nuclear industry can be characterized as making some significant pro-
gress to restarting several reactors, but also with some major setbacks for others, in particu-
lar for Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO). The decision to terminate the Monju Fast
Breeder Reactor in November2016 is of both historical and strategic significance. Public opi-
nion remains majority opposed to nuclear generation, and with retail market liberalization,

90 - WNISR, Ikata-3 RestartedOnly Three Reactors Operate in Japan, 17August2016,

see, accessed 5June2017.
91 - WNISR, Takahama-4 Restart in Japan After Court Injunction Was Overturned, 22 May 2017,
accessed 5June2017.
92 - WNISR, Ikata-3 RestartedOnly Three Reactors Operate in Japan, 17August2016, see https://www.worldnuclearreport.
org/Ikata-3-Restarted-Only-Three-Reactors-Operate-in-Japan.html, accessed 15August2017.
Wo r l d N u c l e a r I n d u s t r y S t a t u s R e p o r t | 2 0 1 7  | 57

there has been a noticeable loss of market share for nuclear utilities. At the same time, the
government remains committed to supporting nuclear power generation.

With five reactors in operation, as of 1July2017, 33commercial reactors in Japan remain in

the WNISR category of Long-Term Outage(LTO).93 (See Figure18 and Annex2 for a detailed
overview of the Japanese Reactor Program).

Restart Prospects
Of the 33 reactors in LTO, 20reactors are now under review for restart by the Japanese Nuclear
Regulation Authority(NRA). The next in line for restart are the Genkai-3 and 4reactors owned
by Kyushu Electric, and Ohi-3 and -4, owned by Kansai Electric Power Company (KEPCO),
which are likely to be operating by March2018, barring legal rulings. In 2016, WNISR reported
that it was unlikely that more than three reactors would be operating by December2016, which
proved to be the case; this year, WNISR considers it possible that as many as seven reactors
will be operating in Japan by December2017 and nine by March2018. Given the past six years
of nuclear power plant operation, this has to be considered a significant step forward for the
utilities owning these reactors. At the same time, it has to be seen in the context of total elec-
tricity generation, which, with nine reactors operating in 2018, would bring the nuclear share in
the range of 6.5percent, compared with 29percent in 2010. Harder to assess are the prospects
for any restart of BWRs during the coming few years, none having resumed operations to date.
Thus, the pace of restart into 2018 and beyond is uncertain to match that witnessed in2017.

The Abe government remains committed to the earliest possible restart of reactors.
However, outside the NRA process, there are important external factors that will conti-
nue to determine how many nuclear reactors will eventually resume operations. These in-
clude:Continuation of citizen-led lawsuits, including injunctions against restart;
Economic factors, including a cost-benefit analysis by the utilities on the implications of
restart or decommissioning;
Local political and public opposition;
Impact of electricity deregulation and intensified market competition.
At the same time, however, Japanese utilities are insisting, and the government has granted
and reinforced, the right to refuse cheaper renewable power, supposedly due to concerns about
grid stabilityhardly plausible in view of their far smaller renewable fractions than in several
European countriesbut apparently to suppress competition. The utilities also continue stre-
nuous efforts to ensure that the imminent liberalization of the monopoly-based, vertically in-
tegrated Japanese power system should not actually expose utilities legacy plants to real com-
petition. The ability of existing Japanese nuclear plants, if restarted, to operate competitively
against modern renewables (as many in the U.S. and Europe can no longer do) is unclear be-
cause nuclear operating costs are not transparent. However, the utilities almost complete sup-
pression of Japanese wind power suggests they are concerned on this score. And as renewables
continue to become cheaper and more ubiquitous, customers will be increasingly tempted by

93 - M. Schneider, A. Froggatt, et. al., WNISR 2014, 18August2014, see

html, accessed 15June2017.
Wo r l d N u c l e a r I n d u s t r y S t a t u s R e p o r t | 2 0 1 7  | 58

Japans extremely high electricity prices to make and store their own electricity and to drop off
the grid altogether, as is already happening, for example, in Hawaii and Australia.

Of the 20 reactors in LTOplus one under construction (Ohma)currently with applications

outstanding before the NRA, not all will restart, with many questions and disagreements over
seismic issues (including active fault status), and many plants far back in the review and scree-
ning queue. At the present rate of review, restart of three to four reactors each year from 2018
onwards remains an increasingly remote possibility, but also a challenge, with the major uncer-
tainty that even restarted reactors will be shut down through the courts. In this sense, the
future of nuclear power in Japan remains highly uncertain.

Figure 19 shows the collapse of nuclear electricity generation in Japan from 287 TWh to
14.5TWh in 2016. While the most dramatic decline has been since the Fukushima Daiichi acci-
dent started in 2011 (3/11), in fact it is 17years since Japans nuclear output peaked at 313TWh
in 1998. The noticeably sharp decline during 2002-2003, amounting to a reduction of almost
30percent, was due to the temporary shutdown of all 17 of Tokyo Electric Powers(TEPCO)
reactors.94 The shutdown was the consequence of an admission from TEPCO that its staff had
deliberately falsified data for inclusion in regulatory safety inspections reports.95 During 2003,
TEPCO managed to resume operations of five of its reactors. The further noticeable decline in
electrical output in 2007 was the result of the extended shutdown of the seven Kashiwazaki
Kariwa reactors, following the Niigata Chuetsu-oki earthquake in 2007.96 TEPCO was strug-
gling to restart the Kashiwazaki Kariwa units when the Fukushima earthquake occurred.

Figure 19 | Japanese Nuclear Activity Program History

Rise and Fall of the Japanese Nuclear Program - 1963 to July 2017

Nuclear Capacity in GW Electricity Generation in TWh

60 300
50 250

40 200
30 150

20 100

10 50
WNISR - Mycle Schneider Consulting
0 0
63 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 17

Sources: WNISR, with IAEA-PRIS, 2017

94 - Daiichi means Number One and Daini means Number Two, each referring to a multi-reactor generating complex.
95 - HiroyukiKuroda, Lesson Learned from TEPCO Nuclear Power Scandal, Corporate Communications Department,
TEPCO, 24March2004, see, accessed 16June2017.
96 - TEPCO, Impact of the Niigata Chuetsu-oki earthquake on the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) Kashiwazaki Ka-
riwa Nuclear Power Station and Countermeasures, September2007, see
pdf, accessed 16June2017.
Wo r l d N u c l e a r I n d u s t r y S t a t u s R e p o r t | 2 0 1 7  | 59

The Fukushima-Daiichi accidents, (see Fukushima Status Report), led to the shutdown of all
50nuclear reactors in addition to the destruction of the four at the Fukushima-Daiichi site.
Announcements in March 201597 and March 2016,98 have seen a total of six nuclear reactors
declared for permanent shutdown. In December2016, the government took a long delayed but
strategically highly significant decision to decommission the prototype Monju Fast Breeder
reactor, which had not operated since 1995.99 Six years on from the triple reactor meltdown at
Fukushima Daiichi, the consequences of the accident continue to define the future prospects
for nuclear energy in Japan.

A consistent majority of Japanese citizens, when polled, continue to oppose the continued re-
liance on nuclear power, support its early phase-out, and remain opposed to the restart of reac-
torsa recent poll in March2017 showed 53percent opposed to reactor operations, with those
in favor declining to 26percent compared with 30percent in 2016.100

The Kumamoto earthquake that struck the island of Kyushu in mid-April2016101 has continued
to resonate in the public discourse over the seismic risks of nuclear reactor operation, inclu-
ding in ongoing legal court cases against reactor restarts. The fact that the largest earthquake
to hit Kyushu since 1889 took place in the region of Japans only operating nuclear plant raised
further widespread public and political opposition, including criticism of the seismic risk as-
sessments of NRA.102 The Kumamoto seismic events were unique in that, for the first time,
two registered level-7 earthquakes on the Japanese seismic intensity scale occurred in separate
municipalities, they are also the first twin earthquakes to register intensity7, since the adop-
tion of the Japanese scale in 1949, according to the Japan Meteorological Agency(JMA).103

Energy Policy
The government of Prime Minister Abe decided that a nuclear share of 20-22 percent, re-
newable energy of 22-24 percent, and fossil fuels 56 percent would be achieved by 2030.104
Challenges to the proposed nuclear share were evident inside the drafting subcommittee, with
dissenting expert opinions that the nuclear share did not reflect a 2014-commitment to reduce
nuclear power to the extent possible.105 To attain that nuclear share, all 26reactors that have

97 - WNISR, Japanese Utilities Confirm Closure of Five Reactors, 21 March 2015,

see, accessed 13June2017.
98 - WNISR, Permanent Closure of Japanese Reactor Ikata-1, 26March2016,
see, accessed 14June2017.
99 - WNISR, Japanese Government Pulls the Plug on Fast Breeder Reactor Monju, 23December2016, see, accessed 14June2017.
100 - The Mainichi, 55% oppose restarting nuclear reactors, 26% in favor: Mainichi survey, 13March2017,
see, accessed 14June2017.
101 - Bloomberg, Japan's Worst Quake Since 2011 Seen Delaying Nuclear Starts, 26April2016, see https://japansafety.wor-, accessed 16June2017.
102 - South China Morning Post, Activists, residents in Japan protest against restart of two Sendai nuclear reactors located less
than 150km from recent quakes epicentre, 18April2016, see
vists-residents-japan-protest-against-restart-two-sendai, accessed 19June2017.
103 - The Mainichi, Kumamoto temblors are first twin level-7 quakes on record: JMA, 21April2016,
see, accessed 19 June 2017.
104 - CleanTech Institute, Japan Announces Energy Mix Plan for 2030, 1 May 2015,
see, accessed 12May2016.
105 - Asahi Shimbun, Nuclear power crucial as renewable energy too costly, ministry says, 27May2015.
Wo r l d N u c l e a r I n d u s t r y S t a t u s R e p o r t | 2 0 1 7  | 60

applied for NRA review would have to be operating, plus most of those yet to be reviewed, a
prospect that in reality is unattainable. A 15-percent target would require either the operation
of all 26reactors that have applied to the NRA for review, and therefore include the operation
of reactors beyond their 40-year lifetime; or a combination of 40-year plus reactors together
with additional reactors that have yet to apply for review.

The Japanese government will launch a revision of its Strategic Energy Plan during 2017 with
the aim of a revised plan approved by the Cabinet before the end of fiscal 2017. The Ministry
for Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) restated that the new plan will retain the current
versions commitment to reducing dependence on nuclear energy to the extent possible and
advocating accelerated adoption of wind, solar and other renewable energy sources. The expert
panel will then pass the issue to a METI energy committee, prior to public comment and consi-
deration by Cabinet in March2018.

Specifically, the uncertainties in the prospects for reactor restart mean that, no matter what
target percentage is set in the next strategic energy plan, the Japanese Government and uti-
lities simply do not know how many of Japans 33 reactors in LTO will be restarted, nor when.

The 2014 Strategic Energy Plan maintained the long-standing government policy of promo-
ting spent nuclear fuel reprocessing and plutonium mixed oxide fuel(MOX) use in commer-
cial reactors. In a further signal of tensions and challenges within Japans nuclear industry,
the Federation of Electric Power Companies (FEPC), which represents the nations ten nu-
clear power utilities, announced on 20November2016 the indefinite postponement of a target
date for loading plutonium MOX fuel into 16-18 reactors.106 The plans to use MOX fuel have
for the past two decades been the justification used for Japans accumulation of plutonium
through reprocessing. With the restart during the past 12 months of the Ikata-3, and more
recently Takahama-3 and -4, three of the five reactors in operation in Japan are operating with

On 15 August 2016, the Ikata-3 reactor in Ehime Prefecture on the island of Shikoku was
reconnected to the grid, becoming the third operational reactor in Japan after nuclear-free
2014,107 Takahama-3 operating between January and March 2016. The 846 MW reactor had
been shut down since 29April2011. Operator Shikoku Electric Power Company had received
final approval from the Nuclear Regulation Authority(NRA) on 19April2016. Ikata-3 operates
with 16MOX fuel assemblies. As elsewhere throughout Japan, lawsuits were filed against ope-
rations of the Ikata plant. In the case of Unit3, citizens filed four injunction requests in cities
across the region. The injunction lawsuits filed, including at the Matsuyama District Court in
2016,108 was given additional weight given the Kumamoto earthquake in Kyushu in April2016,
close to Shikoku and the Ikata plant. The plant is at risk from the massive Nankai Trough
and the Median Tectonic Line fault beltJapans largest-class and longest fault zonewhich

106 - Nucleonics Week, Japan postpones plans to use MOX fuel, 26November2015.
107 - WNISR, Ikata-3 RestartedOnly Three Reactors Operate in Japan, 17August2016,
see, accessed 15June2017.
108 - The Mainichi, Residents to file petition for Ikata plant injunction following Kumamoto quake, 18May2016,
see, accessed 15June2017.
Wo r l d N u c l e a r I n d u s t r y S t a t u s R e p o r t | 2 0 1 7  | 61

runs near the Ikata plant. On 30March2017, an injunction request sought by plaintiffs in the
Hiroshima District Court was turned down.109 The three other injunction lawsuits were pen-
ding as of 1July2017.

As of 1 July 2017, two additional reactors restarted operations this past year. Takahama-4
was connected to the grid on 22May2017110 and likewise Takahama-3 on 9June2017.111 Both
Takahama reactors, owned by Kansai Electric Power Company(KEPCO), are operating with a
partial MOX fuel core, supplied by French company AREVA, with 24 assemblies in unit3 and
four assemblies in unit4.

The restart of the Takahama-3 and -4 reactors followed a 28March2017 ruling by the Osaka
High Court in western Japan, which overturned an injunction against operation of the
Takahama-3 and -4 reactors.112 Both reactors had been ordered shutdown in a landmark ruling
by the Otsu District Court in Shiga prefecture on 9March2016 filed by 29citizens of the pre-
fecture, which borders Fukui prefecture, where the reactors are located.113

The Otsu court had ruled that fulfilling the new NRA requirements was not sufficient to se-
cure safety at the Takahama reactors, given that the regulations were established while the
investigation into the 2011 Fukushima disaster was incomplete.114 The Shiga court had ruled
that thorough survey of geological faults around the Takahama plant had yet to be conduc-
ted, and that KEPCOs claim that its reactors have a sufficient safety cushion to withstand the
largest tremors projected was doubtful. KEPCO countered that the new requirements fully
incorporate lessons learned from the triple meltdown at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant
by obliging operators to prepare for a more powerful earthquake, tsunami and other natural
phenomenon that could trigger an accident.

The two Takahama reactors had been subject of two successful injunctions brought by
Japanese citizens, both of which have now been overturned on appeal.

As reported in WNISR in 2016, the credibility and effectiveness of the NRA has been chal-
lenged in recent years, not least by the highly critical IAEA Integrated Regulatory Review
Service(IRRS). On 7September2016, the NRA decided to implement by March2020 a revised
approach to reactor inspections that will make nuclear operators primarily responsible for ins-
pections, as recommended in the IRRS report.115 The proposed amendments to the Act on the
Regulation of Nuclear Source Material, Nuclear Fuel Material and Reactors were to be adopted

109 - The Japan Times, Hiroshima court blocks request to halt reactor in Ehime, 30March2017, see http://www.japantimes. - .WUaPrBN95E4, accessed 15June2017.
110 - Kansai Electric Power Company, Start of Power Generation at Takahama Unit No.4, 22May2017,
see, accessed 15June2017.
111 - Kansai Electric Power Company, Start of Power Generation at Takahama Unit No.3, 9June2017,
see, accessed 15June2017.
112 - Kansai Electric Power Company, Decision on petition of appeal pertaining to temporary restraining order against provi-
sional disposition order pertaining to demand of injunction preventing resumption of operation of Units3 and 4 of Takahama
Nuclear Power Plant, 28March2017, see, accessed
113 - Kansai Electric Power Company, Decision of a provisional disposition preventing the operation of Units3 and 4 of
Takahama Nuclear Power Station, 9March2016, see
file/2016/03/09/2016_mar9_2.pdf, accessed 20June2017.
114 - WNISR, Japan: Court Overturns Injunction Against Operation of Takahama-3 and 4, 29March2017,
accessed 15June2017.
115 - NW, Japan regulator NRA to implement reactor inspection reforms by 2020, S&P Platts, Vol.57, No.36, 8September2016.
Wo r l d N u c l e a r I n d u s t r y S t a t u s R e p o r t | 2 0 1 7  | 62

by March2017 and to be considered by the Japanese Diet during 2017. The IAEA report on the
NRA is unusually forthright and critical and is at variance with the repeated claims of the NRA
Chair, Shunichi Tanaka, that Japanese regulatory standards are internationally recognized as
being the strictest in the world.116

Critical Aging and Life Extensions

A major determinant in the eventual number of reactors operated in Japan will be ageing,
permanent decommissioning, and life extension decisions of nuclear power plants. As of
1July2017, a total of six commercial power reactors and the Monju prototype FBR (seeTable4)
have officially been closed permanently, not including Fukushima. This is a significant depar-
ture from the position of utilities prior to the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident, when they
and the Ministry for Economy, Trade and Industry(METI) were proposing operation of nu-
clear reactors beyond 60 years.117 The decision to permanently shut down these reactors hi-
ghlights aging issues and lack of public acceptance confronting Japans nuclear power utilities.

Table 4 | Japanese Reactors Officially Shut Down Post-3/11

Capacity Grid Official Shutdown Last

Owner Unit Age
MW Connection dd/mm/yy Production

Fukushima Daiichi-1 (BWR) 439 1970 - 2011 40

Fukushima Daiichi-2 (BWR) 760 1973 - 2011 37

Fukushima Daiichi-3 (BWR) 760 1974 - 2011 36

Fukushima Daiichi-4 (BWR) 760 1978 - 2011 33

Fukushima Daiichi-5 (BWR) 760 1977 19/12/13 2011 34

Fukushima Daiichi-6 (BWR) 760 1979 19/12/13 2011 32

Mihama Unit 1 (PWR) 340 1970 17/03/15 2010 40

Kansai Electric
Mihama Unit 2 (PWR) 500 1972 17/03/15 2011 40

Kyushu Electric Genkai Unit 1 (PWR) 559 1975 18/03/15 2011 37

Shikoku Ikata Unit 1 (PWR) 538 1977 25/03/16 2011 35

JAEA Monju (FBR) 246 1995 2016 -
since 1995

JAPC Tsuruga Unit 1 (BWR) 357 1969 17/03/15 2011 41

Chugoku Electric Shimane Unit 1 (PWR) 460 1974 18/03/15 2010 37

Sources: Various sources, compiled by WNISR, 2017

a - Note that WNISR considers the age from first grid connection to last production
b - The Monju reactor was officially in LTS (IAEA-Category Long Term Shutdown) since December 1995

116 - Japan Atomic Industrial Forum, Kansai EP Appeals Court Decision Prohibiting Restarts of Takahama NPPs,
22April2015, see, accessed
117 - T. Tsukada, Y. Nishiyama, et. al., Research Programs On Aging Of Reactor Structural Materials At Japan Atomic Energy
Research Institute, Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute, published in IAEA, Nuclear power plant life management, pro-
ceedings of a symposium held in Budapest, 4-8November2002, see
pdf/contents.pdf; and T. Noda, K. Tajima, et al., Current Approaches To Nuclear Power Plant Life Management In Japan,
Nuclear And Industrial Safety Agency(NISA), METI, Japan Nuclear Power Plant Life Engineering Center(PLEC), Japan
Power Engineering And Inspection Corporation(JAPEIC), Japan, 2002, see
q=RN:34005329; both accessed 19June2017.
Wo r l d N u c l e a r I n d u s t r y S t a t u s R e p o r t | 2 0 1 7  | 63

Before 3/11, Japan had 54 commercial nuclear reactors, including three in Long-Term
Outage(LTO). As a result of the accident, the six reactor units at Fukushima Daiichi are to
be decommissioned over the coming decades, which reduces the total number of reactors offi-
cially in operation to 42. Tokyo Electric Power Company(TEPCO) has yet to announce the
permanent closure of its four Fukushima Daini reactors located 12km south of the Fukushima
Daiichi site. However, given the devastation of the accident to Fukushima Prefecture, and re-
sultant opposition to TEPCO and nuclear power in that Prefecture and wider Japan, there is
no prospect that these reactors will restart.118 In September2016, the Fukushima Prefectural
government announced that it is planning to work with 11municipalities to reach a collective
agreement with TEPCO on assessing the safety of the Fukushima Daini reactors, the objective
being the permanent shutdown of the plant.119 WNISR has taken them off the list of operating
reactors in the first edition following 3/11.

The decision to permanently shut down Ikata-1, mirrors the decision-making of other utilities
in having to assess the financial implications of retrofitting the reactor to meet post-Fukushima
safety standards, which, in the case of Ikata, Shikoku Electric were estimated at 200billion
($1.77billion).120 The conclusion reached was that with a relatively small output capacity and
up to fouryears required to complete the work, the remaining operational life of the reactor
would not generate sufficient income to justify the investment. The decision reverses Shikokus
earlier position of planning for the restart of Ikata-1.

The six reactors to be decommissioned had a total installed generating capacity of 2.7 GW,
equal to 5.6 percent of Japans nuclear capacity as of March 2011. Together with the ten
Fukushima units, the total rises to 16reactors and, at the very least, 11.4GW or 24percent of
installed nuclear capacity prior to 3/11 that has been removed from operations. The permanent
closure of six reactors reduces the average age of Japans remaining nuclear fleet, including
33units in LTO, to 27.8 years, as of 1July2017 (see Figure 20).

The future nuclear generating capacity of Japan will be largely determined by decisions on
operating reactors beyond 40 years. In 2016, KEPCO secured approval for the operation of
Takahama-1 and -2, which were 42 and 41 years old respectively, and the Mihama-3 reactor.
On 14 November 2014, the NRA had granted a ten-year life extension for Takahama-1, and
on 8April2015 for Takahama-2.121 Under the revised law on nuclear power plant regulations,
the time limit for running a nuclear reactor is 40 years. This can be extended only once,
by up to 20years, if certain conditions are met. On 30April2015, KEPCO applied for a 20-
year life extension for the two Takahama reactors.122 NRA requirements were to be met by
7July2016 as a deadline for life-extension approvals to be granted for the Takahama units, and
November2016 for Mihama. The NRA, on 24February2016, announced that the Takahama

118 - MitsuruObe, Tepco May Scrap Second Nuclear Plant, The Wall Street Journal, 4July2012,
see, accessed 19June2017.
119 - S&P Platts, Local governments to work together to scrutinize Tepcos Fukushima II, NW, Vol.57, No.41, 13October2016.
120 - WNISR, Permanent Closure of Japanese Reactor Ikata-1, 26March2016,
see, accessed 19June2017.
121 - The Japan Times, Kepco asks for permission to run 40-year-old reactors for 20 more years, 1May2015.
122 - Ibidem.
Wo r l d N u c l e a r I n d u s t r y S t a t u s R e p o r t | 2 0 1 7  | 64

Figure 20 | Age Distribution of Japanese Nuclear Fleet

Age of Japanese Nuclear Fleet

as of 1 July 2017 5 in
Reactor Age
010 Years
12 1120 Years
2130 Years
3140 Years
38 reactors 41 Years and More
6 (33 in LTO)
10 Number of Reactors
Mean Age:
3 by Age Class
1 27.8 years
WNISR - Mycle Schneider Consulting

Sources: WNISR, with IAEA-PRIS, 2017

units were compatible with the 2013 safety guidelines;123 and on 20 June 2016 the NRA, for
the first time, approved a 20-year extension for the two Takahama reactors as meeting the
new regulatory guidelines.124 Welcoming the NRA approval, the President of the Japan Atomic
Industrial Forum(JAIF) said: Japan intends to provide 20% to 22% of its total generated elec-
tricity using nuclear power by 2030. Given that it is essential, in order to realize this target, not
only to restart the existing plants but to have their 40-year operating limits get extended, this
approval will serve as a precedent for other NPPs aiming at such extensions.125

On 14 April 2016, citizens filed an administrative lawsuit in the Nagoya District Court against
the NRA approval of extended operation of the Takahama reactors, a case that in July2017 is
ongoing.126 In any case, KEPCO does not expect the two Takahama units to resume operations
before November2019, at the earliest, because extensive retrofits will need to be implemented
prior to restart. KEPCO has a license to operate units-1 and-2 until 2034 and 2035 respectively.

On 20 January 2017, as a result of a winter storm, the boom arm of a 112-meter tall crane
collapsed at the Takahama plant, landing on the unit-2 reactor- and spent-fuel-handling-
buildings.127 KEPCO failed to notify the contractor operating the crane of a storm warning.
Four large cranes are on-site for the installation on unit-2 of a shielding containment-dome.
The collapse of the crane has significantly added to local opposition to plans to operate the
Takahama-1 and -2 units.

123 - JAIF, NRA Approves Takahama-1 and -2 NPPs as Compatible with New Regulatory Standards, 25February2016,
see, accessed
124 - JAIF, NRA Approves Extensions of Operating Periods to 60 Years for Takahama-1 and -2, the First for Aging Reactors,
22June2016, see
2-the-first-for-aging-reactors/, accessed 20June2017.
125 - Ibidem.
126 - JAIF, Anti-nuclear Groups Sue in Nagoya District Court to Block Extended Lifetime for Takahama Units 1&2,
18April2016, see
kahama-units-12/, accessed 20June2017.
127 - The Japan Times, Crane falls on building with spent nuclear fuel at Takahama plant, 21January2017,
see - .WUc7-
xN95E4, accessed 15June2017.
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KEPCO had already opted to decommission the Mihama-1 and -2 reactors in 2015, and there
were major doubts that it would proceed with plans to operate Mihama-3. In March 2016,
KEPCO disclosed that the current estimate for retrofit of Mihama-3 to bring it into compliance
with NRA regulations is 270 billion (US$2.4 billion).128 KEPCO later revised this figure to
165billion (US$1.5billion). A significant part of this cost relates to seismic resistance mea-
sures required to meet the higher Design Basis Ground Motion.

However, KEPCO was able to secure approval from the NRA before the 30November2016 dea-
dline for approval of 20-year extension. On 16 November 2016, the NRA approved a review
report for Mihama-3 that is effectively an approval of the extension, after examinations of the
effects of deterioration and other items.129 The approval came in for criticism as many of the
safety retrofits at the plant will only be completed during the years to January 2020, inclu-
ding additional fire proofing of a thousand kilometers of electric cables and conducting seismic
retrofitting for safety-related systems and equipment. Mihama-3 will be permitted to operate
until the end of November2036, some sixty years since operation began.

On 7 June 2017, KEPCO management formally decided to proceed with retrofits at the
Mihama-3 plant with the aim of restarting the plant in FY2020, some tenyears after the reac-
tor was shut down in April2011 in the immediate aftermath of the Fukushima Daiichi acci-
dent.130 The decision reflects the ongoing commitment to operating nuclear power by KEPCO,
and the strategic importance of life-extension decisions. KEPCO is planning also to apply for
20-year extension for the Ohi-1 and -2 reactors, which are 39.5- and 38.7-years old respectively.
JAPCO(Japan Atomic Power Company) has yet to indicate, whether it will apply for life exten-
sion for its 39-year old BWR Tokai-2 unit. The reactor remains under NRA review with major
doubts as to whether it will secure approval.

Monju Shutdown
In the past year, one further reactor was declared for permanent shutdown, when the Japanese
government announced on 21 December 2016 its decision to permanently shut down the
280 MWe Prototype Monju sodium-cooled Fast Breeder Reactor (FBR).131 The decision is of
considerable strategic significance given the central role fast reactor development has played in
overall Japanese nuclear policy over the past four decades. While the decision has taken years
to be made, and to some extent is merely the Japanese government catching up with the reality
of a failed project, it also reflects the ongoing crisis in the nations nuclear energy policy.

The reactor, located at Tsuruga in Fukui Prefecture, western Japan, and owned by the Japan
Atomic Energy Agency(JAEA), was a central element in the nations plutonium program, and
was intended to form the basis for commercial deployment of fast reactors in the future. After

128 - Nikkei Online, KEPCO: Nuclear Restart Plans Upset, Mihama No. 3 Closure a Possibility, 19March2016, (in Japanese),
see, accessed 20June2017.
129 - JAIF, NRA Approves Extension of Operating Lifetime for Mihama-3 through 2036, 17 November 2016,
see, accessed 16June2017.
130 - KEPCO, Plan of safety improvements works at Mihama Nuclear Power Station unit 3 to allow for its operation for
60years, 8June2017, see, accessed 16June2017.
131 - The Asahi Shimbun, Editorial: Government still refuses to face up to reality, failure of Monju project, 22December2016,
see, accessed 13June2017.
Wo r l d N u c l e a r I n d u s t r y S t a t u s R e p o r t | 2 0 1 7  | 66

more than two decades, Monju had operated a total of 250days , was connected to the grid for
a few months only and never reached 100percent capacity.

Announcing the decision, Chief Cabinet Secretary YoshihideSuga stated: We will decommis-
sion Monju, given that it would take a considerable amount of time and expense to resume its
operations.132 The government has calculated, it will cost at least 375billion (US$3.2billion)
over 30years to fully decommission Monju,133 on top of the 1trillion yen (US$8.5billion) alrea-
dy invested in the reactor over the past decades. It is proposed to remove the spent nuclear fuel
from the reactor by 2022 and finish dismantling the facility in 2047. In June2017, the Governor
of Fukui Prefecture, which hosts the MonjuFBR, finally accepted the Governments decision
to decommission the reactor.134

[ After more than two decades,

Monju had operated a total of 250days ]
Construction of Monju began in Chernobyl-year 1986, and criticality was achieved in April1994,
with grid connection following in August1995. In December1995, the reactor suffered a mol-
ten sodium coolant fire, which kept it closed until 2010. It operated on limited capacity for
threemonths between May and August2010, when a heavy in-vessel transfer machine fell onto
the reactor vessel.

In November 2015, the NRA declared the JAEA as unfit for purpose, and that a new entity
would be required to manage the reactor, or, if that proves not possible, to take the decision
to permanently shut down the reactor. In November2016, it was estimated that any restart of
Monju would take eight years.135

The government attempted to present the Monju decision as not impacting overall nuclear poli-
cy, specifically its plans for spent-fuel reprocessing and plutonium-bearing MOX fuel use. The
nuclear fuel cycle is at the core of our energy policy, said METI Minister HiroshigeSeko.136
METI will take over from the science ministry in overseeing the development of potential-
ly more practical fast reactors. We will make full use of the highly valuable knowledge and
expertise acquired at Monju as we move forward with fast reactor development, (...) first by
concentrating on creating a strategic roadmap, Seko said.

In November2016, the Council on Fast Reactor Development, set up by the Government to pro-
pose options for the future of fast reactor development, agreed on the construction in Japan of
a demonstration reactorthe step after the implementation of a prototype reactor like Monju.
In reality, this is not a new policy, as earlier this decade the Fast Reactor Cycle Technology

132 - Nikkei Asian Review, Shutting Monju reactor dampens Japan's nuclear dreams, 22December2016, see http://asia.nikkei.
com/Politics-Economy/Policy-Politics/Shutting-Monju-reactor-dampens-Japan-s-nuclear-dreams, accessed 14June2017.
133 - The Asahi Shimbun, Shuttering Monju reactor to take 375 billion yen and 30 years, 19December2016,
see, accessed 13June2017.
134 - TakashiSugimoto, Fukui governor accepts decision to decommission Monju reactor, The Asahi Shimbun, 7June2017,
see, accessed 13June2017.
135 - NucNet, Eight Years Needed To Restart Japans Monju FBR, Says Minister, 30November2016, see http://www.nucnet.
org/all-the-news/2016/11/30/eight-years-needed-to-restart-japan-s-monju-fbr-says-minister, accessed 14June2017.
136 - The Japan Times, Monju prototype reactor, once a key cog in Japans nuclear energy policy, to be scrapped,
21December2016, see
clear-energy-policy-scrapped/ - .WUS0JBN95E4, accessed 13June2017.
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Development Project was launched with the aim of a design selection and construction of a
demonstration 500 MW Japan Sodium Fast Reactor (JSFR) from 2015, with operation from
2025. Even before the Fukushima Daiichi accident, there were no realistic prospects for the
JSFR reactor being built in the timeframe envisaged. It remains unclear, to what extent Japan
will continue or extend its collaboration with France on the ASTRID demonstration fast reac-
tor design. Japans one remaining fast reactor, the experimental Joyo FBR in Oarai, Ibaraki, has
remained shut down since 2007, and it is proposed by JAEA that it restarts operations in 2021.

Without a doubt, the decision to terminate the Monju project, long considered a failure and
unlikely to ever operate successfully, could have been made years before now. That it was not
was in part due to concern that it would raise questions about overall Japanese plutonium
policy and have a wider negative impact on nuclear power generation itself. The decision finally
has been made, but the questions remain.

New Build Projects

The situation of new-build projects is another illustration of the level uncertainty surroun-
ding the future of nuclear power in Japan. After the 3/11 events, Japan halted work at two
ABWR units, Shimane-3 and Ohma, which had been under construction since 2007 and 2010
respectively. In September2012, METI approved the restart of construction at both sites, but
there was little sign of any resumption of work. Officially, construction partially resumed at
Ohma in October2012 and Shimane-3 has remained under construction and is almost com-
plete, according to the Japan Atomic Industrial Forum (JAIF)137 and IAEA statistics. In the
case of Shimane-3, it was 94percent complete by March2011.138 Since then, Chugoku Electric,
the plant owner, completed a 15m-high sea wall around Shimane-3 in January2012, and then
extended the seawall to a length of 1.5km.139 The utility began work to install filtered vents
during 2014-2015, and other modifications pursuant to the new regulatory requirements.140
No startup date has been declared for the reactor and while the utility is drawing up an appli-
cation to the NRA for permission for change in reactor installation license, as of 1July2017, no
application had been submitted.

In the case of Ohma, which was 40 percent complete by March 2011, the plant owner, the
Electric Power Development Company(EPDC), also known as J-Power, declared that reinfor-
ced safety measures are to be implemented that take into account the lessons learned from
the Fukushima accident, which include tsunami countermeasures, ensuring power supplies,
ensuring heat removal functions, and severe accident responses. J-Power applied to the NRA
on 16December2014 for review of the Ohma reactor.141 The construction works for these mea-

137 - JAIF, Nuclear Power Plants in Japan, 20 June 2017, see, accessed 20June2017.
138 - Sang-Baik Kim, Jan-Horst Keppler, Case Studies On Project And Logistics Management In Nuclear New Built The ABWR
Project at Shimane-3, NEA OECD, Nuclear Development Division, as presented at the OECD NEA Workshop on Project and
Logistics Management, Paris (France), 11March2014, see
html, accessed 20June2017.
139 - NEI, New-build now. Part 2: Asia, 9July2014, see build-now-part-2-
asia-4313945/, accessed 20June2017.
140 - Chugoku Electric Power Company, Annual Report 2015Year ended 31 March 2015,
see, accessed 20June2017.
141 - JAIF, EPDC Submits Application for Compatibility Review for Ohma NPP, 18December2014,
see, accessed 20June2017.
Wo r l d N u c l e a r I n d u s t r y S t a t u s R e p o r t | 2 0 1 7  | 68

sures were scheduled to begin in November2015 and to be completed in December2020.142 The

budget for construction of the additional safety features is some JPY130billion (US$1.1billion).

However, in terms of construction of the reactor building, the Reactor Pressure Vessel(RPV),
containment vessel liner and other main equipment have not been installed (in the case of the
RPV a temporary storage building has been built to protect the RPV against extreme winter
weather).143 The underground concrete-structure base has been constructed, but effectively
construction at the site has been suspended according to J-Power.144

J-Power on 9September2016 announced its decision to postpone its planned operating date
for Ohma by two years until 2024, due to longer-than-expected safety tests by the nuclear
regulatory body.145 This was the second postponement, with its earlier plan to start operation
in 2021.

Ohma is planned to operate with a 100percent plutonium MOX core, and is therefore of major
strategic significance in terms of Japans nuclear fuel policy, including the operation of the
Rokkasho-mura reprocessing plant.146

Prospects for completion of construction and operation are directly linked to ongoing law-
suits, one by local citizens and another from the city of Hakodate, both of which are seeking
cancellation of the project. The Hakodate city lawsuit is challenging both the central govern-
ment and J-Power in the first such lawsuit in Japan.147 The citizen lawsuit injunction concluded
its hearings in spring 2017, with the technical evidence focused on seismic and volcano risks,
and flaws in the ABWRdesign and construction given that it pre-dates the 2011 Fukushima
Daiichi accident, including the capability of the plant to manage core melt. Submissions to the
court challenging J-Power noted that the final design, regulatory approval and construction of
the nuclear island containment barrier for Ohma have yet to be completed.148 A court decision
is expected before the end of 2017; with evidence in the Hakodate city lawsuit expected to run
through 2018.

Although there remain major obstacles for both reactors, with little public information on the
exact status and advancement of construction, and, in the case of Shimane-3, no communi-
cation of a planned grid-connection date, considering that some construction work is repor-
tedly ongoing at the Shimane site, for the time being, WNISR maintains the current status of
Shimane-3 as under construction, whereas it removes Ohma from its listing of reactors under

142 - WNN, Completion of Ohma 1 expected in 2020, 14November2014, see

pletion-of-Ohma-1-expected-in-2020-1411144.html, accessed 20June2017.
143 - J-Power, Ohma Nuclear Power Plant, 5September2016, see, accessed 20June2017.
144 - Ibidem.
145 - The Japan Times, J-Power delays plan to begin operating Oma nuclear plant until 2024, 9September2016,
see -
.WUlC3BN95E4, accessed 20June2017.
146 - Shaun Burnie, Frank Barnaby, et al., Nuclear Proliferation in Plain Sight: Japans Plutonium Fuel CycleA Technical
and Economic Failure But a Strategic Success, The Asia-Pacific Journal, Vol.14, Issue 5, No.2, 1March2016, seehttp://apjjf.
org/2016/05/Burnie.html, accessed 20June2017.
147 - The Japan Times, Hakodate's Valid Nuclear Concern, Editorial, 9April2014, see
nion/2014/04/09/editorials/hakodates-valid-nuclear-concern/, accessed 20June2017.
148 - Large&Associates, On Aspects Relating To The Operational Nuclear Safety Of The Oma Nuclear Power Plant, Aomori
Insufficiencies And Incompleteness Of The Design, Construction And Nuclear Safety Case Submissions Available In The
Public, 21 February 2017.
Wo r l d N u c l e a r I n d u s t r y S t a t u s R e p o r t | 2 0 1 7  | 69


On the Korean Peninsula, South Korea (Republic of Korea) operates 24 reactors, one less than
2016, as a result of the permanent shutdown of the Kori-1 reactor on 18June2017.149 SouthKoreas
nuclear fleet are at the Hanbit, Hanul, Kori and Wolsong sites. Nuclear power provided a record
154.31TWh, supplying 30.3percent of the countrys electricity in 2016, compared with the re-
cord 157.23TWh and 31.7percent in 2015, and down from a maximum of 53.3percent in 1987.
Three additional reactors are under construction, one of which was scheduled to start up in
2017 (Shin-Kori-4). As of 1July2017, fuel loading is expected in January2018.150 Beyond the sta-
tistics, the future direction of Korean energy policy, including nuclear power, was thrown into
uncertainty with the election of PresidentMoonJae-in May2017.

The closure of the 40-year-old Kori-1 reactor, was originally based on a decision made by
the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy on 12June2015.151 Plant owner Korea Hydro and
Nuclear Power Co (KHNP), part of the Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO) group,
stated then, it would accept the government decision, and the reactor would be shut down
in 2017.152 Construction was completed in 1977 and Kori-1 began commercial operation on
29April1978. The reactor has been at the center of civic resistance to its continued operation,
including from the nearby city of Busan.153

Future of Nuclear Power

The milestone of Korea shutting its first commercial reactor reflects far more than one plant
closure as it was conducted under the new government of President Moon Jae-in, who was elec-
ted on a platform opposed to nuclear energy. Speaking at a highly symbolic closure ceremony
at the Kori site, President Moon declared an end to the countrys nuclear-oriented power-ge-
neration plan and declared that his administration will pave the way for a nuclear-free era, end
plans to build new nuclear power plants and that we will not extend the lifespan of nuclear
reactors.154 In terms of a new energy policy, Moon stated: The government will engage more
actively in fostering clearer and safer sources of energy, such as new and renewable energies
and liquefied natural gas (LNG). We will also make an energy industry associated with the
Fourth Industrial Revolution, a new growth engine for the national economy.155 Implementing

149 - WNISR, South Korea Marks Nuclear Policy Turn by Shutting Down Oldest Reactor, 19June2017,
accessed 2July2017.
150 - KHNP, Nuclear Power ConstructionShin Kori #3,4, 30June2017, see
do?mnCd=EN03020302, accessed 11July2017.
151 - Sohn Ji-young, South Korea to shut down oldest nuke reactorKori-1 will become the nations 1st nuclear reactor to
permanently close down, Korea Herald, Updated 13June2015, see,
accessed 10July2017.
152 - Kim Eun-jung, S. Korea to shut down oldest reactor in 2017, Yonhap News, 16June2015,
see, accessed 10July2017.
153 - Nuclear Safety and Security Commission (NSSC), The NSSC Launched Safety Examination in Preparation of
Permanent Shutdown of Kori Unit1, Press Release, 24June2016, see
jsp?mode=view&article_no=36875&pager.offset=0&board_no=501, accessed 10July2017.
154 - Korea Herald, End of nuclear power, 19June2017, see
html, accessed 3July2017.
155 - Sohn JiAe, Kori-1 nuclear reactors shutdown marks paradigm shift to safer Korea: president,, 19June2017,
see, accessed 10July2017.
Wo r l d N u c l e a r I n d u s t r y S t a t u s R e p o r t | 2 0 1 7  | 70

such a policy would be a historic reversal of decades-long Korean nuclear policy. In April2011,
KEPCO presented plans to double installed nuclear capacity to nearly 43 GW by 2030 and
bring the nuclear share in the power generation to 59percent.156 Korean energy policy is cur-
rently heavily based on fossil fuels and nuclear power. With coal at 35percent, nuclear at about
32 percent, LNG 19 percent, oil 10 percent, new renewables provided only 1.5 percent of the
countrys total electricity generation in 2016.

Presidents Moon opposition to nuclear energy reflects a wider societal shift triggered by the
Fukushima Daiichi accidents, but also subsequent falsification and corruption scandals that
forced the shutdown of multiple reactors.157 In October2013, the government confirmed that
100people, including a top former state utility official, had been indicted on corruption charges
in relation to the falsification scandal (see previous WNISR editions for details).

Reflecting the shift in public and political opinion against nuclear power, in 2012,
ParkWonSoon, Mayor of Seoul, initiated a program entitled One Less Nuclear Power Plant
with the official target by the end of 2014 to save away through energy efficiency and re-
newable energy roll-out the equivalent amount of energy generated by a nuclear power plant158.
The target was achieved sixmonths early and Phase2 of the Plan stipulates the saving/subs-
titution of the equivalent of another two reactors by 2020. In 2013, the Seoul Metropolitan
Government appointed a high-level Seoul International Energy Advisory Council (SIEAC),
comprising leading international energy experts, to assist in the design of innovative clean
energy policy.159

If President Moons policy is applied, reactors reaching their 40-year operating lifespans will be
shut down, the two first ones being Wolsong-1 in 2022 and Kori-2 in 2023, followed by Kori-3 in
2024, Kori-4 and Hanbit-1 in 2025, and Hanbit-2 and Wolsong-2 in 2026. A critical issue will be
whether such a policy will be implemented by his successor, besides the two first ones. Given
the fixed five-year term presidents serve in South Korea, Moon will vacate his position in 2022.

The first direct impact on Koreas nuclear industry after the election of President Moon
came at a 27June2017 Cabinet meeting, where it was decided to suspend construction of the
APR1400MW Shin-Kori-5and-6reactors. The new administration named a halt to construc-
tion of the Shin-Kori-5and-6reactors as an election pledge as a part of its post-nuclear power
policies, said Office of Government Policy Coordination director HongNam-ki.160 The deci-
sion came one year after the Nuclear Safety and Security Commission(NSSC) approved by a
majority the construction permits for Shin-Kori-5 and -6. Though preparation work has begun
at the site, actual construction of the reactor buildings has not begun, though it is widely cited
as 28percent complete as of end of May2017. As of 1July2017, no first concrete had been pou-

156 - Ki Hak Kim, Fueling the Sustainable Future, 6April2011.

157 - Korean Institute of Nuclear Safety, Safety FocusCFSI (Counterfeit, Fraudulent, Suspect Item) Investigation, Unda-
ted, see, accessed 10July2017.
158 - Roughly 2MTOE (million tons of oil equivalent), calculated on the primary energy side.
159 - For a list of SIEAC Members and background see SIEAC is coordinated by MycleSchneider.
160 - Jung In-hwan, Kim Sung-hwan, Construction to be suspended on fifth and sixth Shin-Kori nuclear reactors, TheHan-
kyoreh, 28June2017, see, accessed 10July2017.
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red for the base mat of the reactor building. A formal halt to work at the site has been decided
at a KHNP Board meeting on 14July2017.161

As part of the decision-making process on the future of the Shin-Kori reactors, the government
will form a public debate committee, including ten neutral members, which is to meet over
threemonths. Though not tasked with final decision-making authority, it will draw up plans
for public opinion consultation. The final decision will be made by a citizen jury.162

Construction continues on the APR1400 Shin-Hanul-1 and -2units, which are scheduled to be-
gin operation in April2018 and February2019 respectively. However, in late May2017, KHNP
suspended design work for Shin-Hanul-3 and -4, until the new government clarifies its nuclear
policy, while it committed to continue the licensing process for the two reactors.163

The Government is also considering the early closure of Koreas second-oldest reactor
Wolsong-1, which will be 40 years old in December2022. In February2015, the NSSC voted
in favor of plant-life extension for Wolsung-1.164 Two of the nine commissioners abstained
from voting. The operator of the CANDU-6 reactor, KHNP, replaced all pressure tubes and
calandria tubes during extended shutdown between 2009 and 2011. The reactor has been shut
down since November2012, when its operating license expired. The Korea Institute of Nuclear
Safety(KINS) concluded in October2014 that the reactor could operate until 2022, and that it
complied with the revised Nuclear Safety Act, including against major natural disasters. KHNP
has invested 560billion won (US$59million) in upgrades.165 The reactor restarted in June2015.

On 12September2016, south east Korea experienced its most severe earthquake since records
began in 1978. The Gyeongju seismic event measured 5.8 with the epicenter 28kilometers from
the Wolsong nuclear plant. KHNP manually shutdown the four CANDU-6 Wolsong reactors at
the site immediately after the earthquakes. The ground force experienced at the Wolsong site
was 0.0981gal, with the design basis for the reactors at 0.2gal. KHNP shut them as a precau-
tionary measure.166 The Wolsong site also hosts the newer OPR-1000 PWR Shin-Wolsong-1
and -2, which were designed to withstand 2.0gal or a magnitude6.5 earthquake. After com-
pleting safety checks, KHNP reported in late October2016, that they had detected no damage
to components or structures at the CANDU-6 reactors. The NSSC conducted its own review
and concluded on 17 November 2016 that the CANDU-6 Wolsong plant was not affected by
the earthquake.167 The Wolsong-1 to -4 reactors were reconnected to the grid between 6and
8December2016, after securing final approval from the NSSC on 5December.

161 - Park Ji-Won,Construction of two new nuclear power plants in Ulsan to be temporarily halted for safety concerns,
ArirangNews, 14July2017, see, accessed 27July2017.
162 - Ibidem.
163 - AsianPower, Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power halts works for new Shin Hanul nuclear reactors, 29May2017,
see, accessed
164 - NSSC, The Commissioners Decided to Approve Continued Operation of Wolsong Unit 1 in the 35th Meeting,
PressRelease, 27February2015, see
offset=10&board_no=501, accessed 10July2017.
165 - Park Han-na, Restart of aging nuclear reactor sparks controversy, Korea Herald, 27February2015,
see, accessed 10July2017.
166 - NW, Four south Korean reactors still shut more than a month after earthquake, 27October2016.
167 - NSSC, NPPs were Not Affected by 3.5-Magnitude Earthquake Occurred Near Boryeong, Press Release,
13November2016, see
offset=40&board_no=501, accessed 8July2017.
Wo r l d N u c l e a r I n d u s t r y S t a t u s R e p o r t | 2 0 1 7  | 72

Operation of Wolsung-1 has been a major controversy over recent years, in particular following
the Fukushima Daiichi accidents, with uncertainty as to whether it would have its license ex-
tended. Over 30years, since the reactor started operating in 1983, the nuclear plant was shut
down 39 times due to malfunctions.168 The main political opposition party at the time, the
New Politics Alliance for Democracy(NPAD), stated the decision was unacceptable in terms
of public safety, with polling in Gyeongju showing 60percent of those surveyed wanted the
reactor permanently closed.169

The seismic event, together with over 500 aftershocks, warnings from the Korean
Meteorological Administration that a magnitude 6.0 could occur any time due to the pres-
ence of active faults, and the shutdown of the Wolsong plant led to further public opposition
to nuclear power in general and Wolsong specifically. Many ruling and opposition politicians,
including those based near the Gyeongju area, backed by the anti-nuclear movement, called for
the Wolsong complex to be permanently shut.


In 2016, the United Kingdom operated 15reactors, which provided 65.1TWh or 20.4percent of
the countrys electricity, down from a maximum of 26.9percent in 1997.

The 12 first-generation Magnox plants, with 26reactors, had all been retired by the end of 2016.
The U.K.s seven second-generation nuclear stations, each with two Advanced Gas-cooled
Reactors(AGR), are also at or near the end of their design lives. However, owner EDF Energy
is planning to extend the lifetimes of all the AGRs, and announced between December2012
and February2016 that it planned to seek a 7-year extension to 2023 for HinkleyPointB and
Hunterston B, a 5-year extension to 2024 for Heysham-1 and Hartlepool and a 10-year exten-
sion to 2030 for Dungeness, Heysham-2 and Torness.170 The newest reactor, Sizewell-B, is the
only PWR in the U.K. and was completed in 1995. The history of the UKs reactor startups and
shutdowns can be seen in Figure 21. The average age of the U.K. fleet stands at 33.4years (see
Figure 22).

In 2006, the Labour Government of Tony Blair started to organize the framework of a new-
build program, when he said that the issues were back on the agenda with a vengeance. 171 In
July 2011, the Government released the National Policy Statement (NPS) for Nuclear Power
Generation.172 The eight potentially suitable sites considered in the document for deployment
before the end of 2025 are exclusively current or past nuclear power plant sites in England
or Wales, except for one new site, Moorside, adjacent to the fuel-chain facilities at Sellafield.173

168 - Park Han-na, Restart of aging nuclear reactor sparks controversy, Korea Herald, 27February2015,
see, accessed 10July2017.
169 - Kim Eun-jung, (3rd LD) Nuclear watchdog extends operation of 32-year-old reactor, Yonhap New, 27February2015,
see, accessed 10July2017.
170 - WNN, EDF Energy extends lives of UK AGR plants, 16February2016, see
Energy-extends-lives-of-UK-AGR-plants-1602164.html, accessed 27April2017.
171 - BBC, Blair backs nuclear power plans, 16May2006, see, accessed
172 - Department of Energy & Climate Change (DECC), National Policy Statement for Nuclear Power Generation, U.K.Go-
vernment, July2011.
173 - Bradwell, Hartlepool, Heysham, Hinkley Point, Oldbury, Sizewell, Sellafield, and Wylfa.
Wo r l d N u c l e a r I n d u s t r y S t a t u s R e p o r t | 2 0 1 7  | 73

Figure 21 | U.K. Reactor Startups and Shutdowns

UK Reactors Startups and Shutdowns

in Units, from 1956 to 1 July 2017 Magnox FBR AGR SGHWR PWR
Shut Down

0 1956 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015


WNISR - Mycle Schneider Consulting


Sources: IAEA-PRIS, WNISR, 2017

Northern Ireland and Scotland174 are not included. No reactor is now likely to be commissioned
prior to 2025, due to financial and corporate structural problems with reactor vendors.

EDF Energy, majority-owned by French state-utility EDF, was given planning permis-
sion to build two reactors at HinkleyPoint in April2013. In October2015, EDF and the U.K.
Government175 announced updates to the October 2013 provisional agreement of commer-
cial terms of the deal for the 16 billion (US$20 billion) overnight cost of construction of
HinkleyPointC(HPC).176 The estimated price of construction has since risen and now stands
at 19.6billion (US$25.3billion), up from the 18bn (US$23.2billion) quoted in 2016. EDF says
the 1.5bn (US$1.9billion) increase results mainly from a better understanding of the design
adaptated [adapted] to the requirements of the British regulators, the volume and sequencing
of work on site and the gradual implementation of supplier contracts. EDF maintains the offi-
cial construction target date as mid-2019 and the initial delivery objective for Unit 1 at the
end of 2025.177

The key points of the deal were a Contract for Difference (CfD), effectively a guaranteed real
electricity price for 35years, which, depending on the number of units ultimately built, would
be 89.592.5/MWh, in 2012 values (US$115120/MWh), with annual increases linked to the
retail price index. The cost of this support scheme has rocketed, the UK National Audit Office
suggesting that the additional top-up payments, required through the CfD, have increased
from 6.1 billion (US$20139.9 billion) in October 2013 to 29.7 billion (US$201641.2 billion) in

174 - The Scottish government is opposed to new-build and said it would not allow replacement of the Torness and Hunterston
plants once they are shut down (probably in 2016 and 2023, respectively). Only 18 percent of the Scottish people supported
new-build in a pre-Fukushima poll; see The Scotsman, Only 18% of Scots Say Yes to New Nuclear Power Stations, 27Septem-
175 - DECC, Hinkley Point C to power six million UK homes, Press Release, U.K.Government, 21October2015,
see, accessed 18June2016.
176 - The 2013 and 2015 figures are all in 2012 money unless otherwise specified.
177 - EDF, Clarifications on Hinkley Point C project, Press Release, 3July2017.
Wo r l d N u c l e a r I n d u s t r y S t a t u s R e p o r t | 2 0 1 7  | 74

Figure 22 | Age Distribution of U.K. Nuclear Fleet

Age of UK Nuclear Fleet

as of 1 July 2017

Reactor Age
2130 Years
5 3140 Years
41 Years and More
15 reactors
Mean Age: 8 Number of Reactors
2 by Age Class
33.4 years
WNISR - Mycle Schneider Consulting

Sources: WNISR, with IAEA-PRIS, 2017

March2016, due to falling wholesale electricity prices. The National Audit Office(NAO) also
stated that the [Government] Departments deal for HPC has locked consumers into a risky
and expensive project with uncertain strategic and economic benefits.178 The NAO pointed
to a key factor behind the Governments ongoing support for Hinkley, in that it is less about
energy policy and more about the Governments perceived role in the world and its reputation,
when they stated: InSeptember2016, HM Treasury highlighted how the value-for-money case
for HPC had weakened. But it concluded that the legal, reputational, investor and diplomatic
ramifications of not proceeding meant it was, on balance, better to continue with the deal.
The basic problem with Hinkley is that there is no exit strategy for the U.K. Government or the
project partners.

There was an expectation that construction would be primarily funded by debt (borrowing)
backed by U.K. sovereign loan guarantees, expected to be about 17billion (US$26.9billion).
However, in October2015, EDF claimed it expected to finance its part of the finance from equi-
ty (own funds), suggesting it would be more efficient.179 EDF announced in November2015
its intention to sell non-core assets worth up to 10billion (US$11.4billion) to help finance
Hinkley.180 In December 2016, the EDF board approved its partial sale of the high voltage
network (RTE) to the state bank Caisse des Depots expected to be 49.9 percent share on
the basis of an indicative value of 8.2billion (US$9billion) for 100percent of RTEs equity.181
While the sale of its Polish assets, was delayed by the Polish Government, citing security of

178 - Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy, HinkleyPointC, Report by the Comptroller and AuditorGe-
neral, National Audit Office (NAO), 12June2017, Session 2017-18, 23 June 2017, see
uploads/2017/06/Hinkley-Point-C.pdf, accessed 11July2017.
179 - Emily Gosden, New nuclear plant at Hinkley Point to begin construction within weeks, The Telegraph, 21October2015,
begin-within-weeks.html, accessed 11May2016.
180 - Michael Stothard, EDF looks to sell 10 bn of assets to boost balance Sheet, Financial Times, 18October2015,
see, accessed 4April2017.
181 - Geert De Clercq, Benjamin Mallet and Ingrid Melander, EDF's board approves partial sale of its grid unit RTE, Reuters,
14December2016, see, accessed 4April2017.
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supply concerns, to enable a consortium of Polish State run firms to bid for the French owed

In June2016, following the U.K. public voting to leave the EU in a referendum, a new govern-
ment was formed, headed by Prime Minister TeresaMay. In the following month, the govern-
ment announced that it would undertake a new review of Hinkley. The project was finally ap-
proved in September2016, with the government having a special share, that would give it a
veto over future ownership, if there are national security concerns.

The expected composition of the consortium owning the plant had changed from October2013
to October 2015. In 2013, it was expected to comprise EDF (up to 50 percent), two Chinese
companies, CGN (China General Nuclear Power Corporation) and CNNC (China National
Nuclear Corporation) (up to 40percent), and AREVA (up to 10percent), with up to 15percent
still to be determined. In October2015, the effective bankruptcy of AREVA made their contri-
bution impossible, the Chinese stake had fallen to 33.5percent and the other investors had not
materialized leaving EDF with 66.5percent. The October2015 announcement mentioned only
CGN leaving the impression CNNC had dropped out, but in May2016, CNNC made it clear
they expected to participate in the 33.5percent Chinese stake.183

One other new element was that the Chinese stake in the follow-on SizewellC project would
be reduced to 20 percent, leaving EDF with 80 percent. Given the problems EDF is having
financing Hinkley, this makes the Sizewell project appear implausible. However, EDF is al-
lowing CGN to use the Bradwell site it had bought as back-up, if either the Hinkley or Sizewell
sites proved not to be viable. CGN plans to build its own technology, the Hualong One (or
HPR-1000) at this site.184 In January2017, the U.K. Government requested that the regulator
begin the Generic Design Assessment of the HPR 1000 reactor. Work was begun later that
month and is expected to be complete in 2021.185

The EDF-CGN consortium is not the only proposed reactor builder and NuGen, in
June 2014, finalized a new ownership structure with Toshiba-Westinghouse (60 percent)
and Engie (40 percent), as Iberdrola sold their shares. The group plans to build three
Toshiba-Westinghouse-designed AP1000 reactors at the Moorside site, with units proposed
to begin operating in 2024.186 However, after a major financial collapse, Westinghouse filed for
Chapter11 bankruptcy protection in the USA in March2017. This is having a disastrous impact
on the parent company Toshiba, which has seen its share value halving since December2016,
when the extent of Westinghouses problems came to light.187 The perilous state of the project

182 - EnergyMarketPrice, Poland hopes to accomplish the sale of EDF's Polish assets in the second quarter 2017, 10Februa-
ry2017, see
the-second-quarter-2017, accessed 4April2017.
183 - The Times, Chinese give Hinkley Point nuclear project a boost, 9May2016.
184 - EDF, Agreements in place for construction of Hinkley Point C nuclear power station, Press Release, 21October2015,
see, accessed
185 - Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR), Natural Resources-Wales, Environment Agency, Assessing new nuclear reactor
designsGeneric Design Assessment Periodic Report: November2016 January2017, March2017, see
new-reactors/reports/gda-quarterly-report-nov16-jan17.pdf, accessed 4April2017.
186 - NucNet, Toshiba Finalises Controlling Stake in UK Nuclear Company NuGen, 30June2014, see
all-the-news/2014/06/30/toshiba-finalises-controlling-stake-in-uk-nuclear-company-nugen, accessed 4April2017.
187 - Kana Inagaki, Westinghouse files of Chapter II bankruptcy protection, Financial Times, 29March2017,
see, accessed 4April2017.
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also led to Engie selling its remaining 40percent to Toshiba-Westinghouse for US$138million,
who were contractually obliged to buy them at the pre-determined price.188 In late April2017,
the national press reported that Toshiba was preparing to mothball the project, warning sup-
pliers of spending cuts and ordering seconded staff to return to their employees.189

The U.K. Government is now actively trying to encourage other investors or vendors to be-
come involved at Moorside, with Koreas KEPCO, a nationally owned utility and reactor vendor,
being targeted as a potential partner. However, it seems unlikely that KEPCO would be willing
to build Westinghouses AP1000 reactors and so, if they are engaged, a new reactor design
licensing process for their own technology would be required. If Westinghouse doesnt find a
buyer, it leaves the Moorside project stalled. In amongst all the economic chaos, the U.K. Office
of Nuclear Regulation approved the AP1000 reactor design on 30March2017.190 The probabi-
lity of KEPCOs involvement in any overseas project was further eroded by the May2017 elec-
tion of President Moon, who stated in June2017: We will scrap the nuclear-centered polices
and move toward a nuclear-free era. We will eliminate all plans to build new nuclear plants.191
It is difficult to imagine that President Moon would allow the 51-percent state-owned company
to invest in nuclear new-build abroad.

The other company involved in nuclear new-build is Horizon Nuclear, which was bought by
the Japanese company Hitachi from German utilities E.ON and RWE for an estimated price
of 700 million (US$1.2 billion). The company has submitted its Advanced Boiling Water
Reactor (ABWR) design for technical review, whilst making it clear that its continuation in
the project will depend on the outcome of the EDF negotiations with the Government.192
The ABWR, planned for the Wylfa and Oldbury sites, passed the justification procedure
in January 2015, and the Generic Design Assessment (GDA) is expected to be completed by
December2017.193 In April2017, Horizon Nuclear applied for a site license at the Wylfa location.
If everything did go according to plan, the reactor would start up in 2025.194

The constant decline in energy and electricity consumption in the U.K. does not favor the eco-
nomic case for nuclear new-build. Annual final electricity consumption in 2016 was little dif-
ferent to that in 2015 (0.1percent higher), with generation similar to the level of twodecades
ago. Meanwhile, renewables share of electricity generation reached 24.4percent in 2016, and
outpaced nuclear powers contribution of 20.4percent.195

188 - Marcus Leroux, French investor deals new blow to nuclear project, The Times, 5April2017.
189 - John Collingridge, Toshiba mothballs Cumbrian nuclear power project, Sunday Times, 30April2017.
190 - Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR), Design acceptance for the AP1000 reactor, 30March2017,
see, accessed 2August2017.
191 - Hojun Hwang, Korea's first nuclear power reactor turned off for good, Arirang, 20June2017,
see, accessed 22June2017.
192 - Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, Hitachi reluctant about UK nuclear reactor plan, The Telegraph, 14April2013,
accessed 30July2017.
193 - ONR, Natural Resources-Wales, Environment Agency, Assessing new nuclear reactor designsGeneric Design Assess-
ment Progress ReportNovember 2016 January 2017, see
nov16-jan17.pdf, accessed 4April2017.
194 - WNN, Horizon clears justification hurdle, 28January 2015, see
justification-hurdle-2801151.html, accessed 4April2017.
195 - Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy, National StatisticsEnergy Trends section 5: Electricity,
U.K.Government, March2017, see
Electricity.pdf, accessed 4April2017.
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In June 2016, in a national referendum the U.K. population voted to leave the European Union.
This has considerable implications for the energy and electricity sectors in the EU27 and the
U.K. However, what came as a surprise to some, was that the UK Government announced on 26
January2017 in its European Union (Notification of Withdrawal) Bill, that the UK would also be
leaving the Euratom Treaty.

The Treaty established the Atomic Energy Community (Euratom), whose primary function
was to support the development of nuclear power and has remained, largely, unreformed and
consequently a separate legal entity. The Treaty has a wide range of responsibilities, including the
verification of the non-proliferation of nuclear materials designated as non-military, under a trila-
teral treaty between Euratom, the IAEA and the U.K. Government and the setting of nuclear safety
and radiation protection standards for workers, the public and the environment. To support the
development of nuclear power, Euratom operates its own research and development program,
has set up a nuclear specific loan facility and created a Supply Agency to ensure adequate access
to nuclear materials, and is effectively controlling all nuclear material in the EU.

There has been a growing call from the nuclear industry and its supporters for the UK to remain in
Euratom, as they fear that an abrupt exit will lead to a cliff edge potentially causing major disrup-
tion to business across the whole nuclear fuel system.196

The UKs departure from the EU and Euratom Treaty will also have a political impact on the nu-
clear sector within the EU27, as the UK has been one of its most active supporters in the EU.
Furthermore, the complications around Brexatom put a spotlight onto the Euratom Treaty, whose
legal status and many of its functions are out of step with the modern EU and may once again lead
to calls for its abolishment.

196 - NIA, Exiting EuratomThe UKs Withdrawal from Euratom, Nuclear Industry Association, 3May2017,
see, accessed 11July2017.
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With 99 commercial reactors currently operating as of 1 July 2017, the U.S. possesses the
largest nuclear fleet in the world. The past year has witnessed dramatic developments cente-
red around historic-builder Westinghouses filing for bankruptcy. Construction of two AP1000
reactors at V.C.Summer in South Carolina was terminated on 31July2017,197 with a decision
expected in August as to whether to continue or end construction of two other AP1000s at
Vogtle in Georgia. These major setbacks have merely confirmed the near zero prospects of any
new construction in the U.S. into foreseeable future.198

The 482MW Fort Calhoun pressurized water reactor in Nebraska, was permanently shut down
on 24October2016, due to poor economics.199 As in recent years, announcements were made
of further closure of existing reactors. The Nuclear Energy Institute(NEI), the advocacy or-
ganization for the U.S. nuclear industry, projects 15-to-20 plants at risk of shut-down over
the next five-to-10years.200 Independent analysts think many more plants are at risk of being
shut down.201 At the same time, several utilities reversed decisions to close reactors after they
secured state level financial support. Therefore, while it is inevitable that the size of the U.S.
nuclear fleet will continue to decline for the foreseeable future, the decline could be slowed
down by directly subsidizing threatened operating plants.

The U.S. reactor fleet provided 805TWh in 2016202, a slight increase over the 798TWh in 2015,
but still below the record year of 2010 with 807.1TWh. Nuclear plants provided 19.7percent
of U.S. electricity in 2016, a slight increase over 2015, and about 3percentage points below the
highest nuclear share of 22.5percent, reached in 1995.

With only two reactors under construction and only one new reactor started up in 20years,
the U.S. reactor fleet continues to age, with a mid-2017 average of 37.1years, amongst the oldest
in the world: 40units have operated for more than 40years (see Figure23).

In the past year, one new nuclear reactor started upthe Tennessee Valley Authoritys(TVA)
1150 MW Watts Bar-2. More than four decades after construction began, 203 the reactor on
3June2016 became the first commercial reactor to be connected to the grid in the U.S. since

197 - SCANA, South Carolina Electric & Gas Company To Cease Construction And Will File Plan Of Abandonment Of The
New Nuclear Project, 31July2017, see
e.pdf?sfvrsn=0, accessed 3August2017.
198 -WNISR, Utilities Abandon V. C. Summer AP10 Reactor Construction Following Westinghouse Bankruptcy,
2August2017, see
Following-Westinghouse.html, accessed 4August2017.
199 - OPPD, Fort Calhoun Station now officially offline 24October2016, Omaha Public Power District,
see, accessed 3May2017.
200 - Wayne Barber, NEI warns more nuclear power plant retirements on the way, Electric Light&Power, 23May2016,
see, accessed
201 - Mark Cooper, Renaissance In ReverseCompetition Pushes Aging U.S. Nuclear Reactors To The Brink Of Economic
Abandonment, Institute for Energy and the Environment, Vermont Law School, 18July2013, see
RenaissanceinReverse7.18.2013.pdf, accessed 6August2017.
202 - U.S. Energy Information Administration (U.S. EIA), Electricity Data BrowserNet Generation, monthly,
see, accessed 3May2017.
203 - WNISR, Watts Bar-2 (US): Grid Connection 43 Years After Construction StartShutdown 2 Days Later, 8June2016,
html, accessed 24May2017.
Wo r l d N u c l e a r I n d u s t r y S t a t u s R e p o r t | 2 0 1 7  | 79

Figure 23 | Age Distribution of U.S. Nuclear Fleet

Age of US Nuclear Fleet

as of 1 July 2017


Reactor Age
110 Years
2130 Years
3140 Years
20 99 reactors 41 Years and More
Mean Age: 20 Number of Reactors
37.1 years by Age Class
1 WNISR - Mycle Schneider Consulting

Sources: WNISR, with IAEA-PRIS, 2017

WattsBar-1 in 1996.204 After a number of technical incidents, TVA announced that commercial
operation of the unit began on 19October2016.205 However, whilst operating at just 16percent
power, the reactor shut down again on 23March2017, when the main condenser experienced a
structural failure.206 The plant is expected to remain shut down until summer 2017.207

In the year to December2016, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) issued 20-year li-
cense renewals for six nuclear plants: Braidwood-1 & -2, LaSalle-1 and -2, Grand Gulf-1, and
Fermi-2.208 Only one nuclear plant applied for a license renewal (Waterford-3). As of 1July2017,
84 of the 99 operating U.S. units had received a license extension with a further nine applica-
tions under review, and one additional unit expected to submit an application during 2017.209
In December 2015, the NRC put out a draft document describing aging management pro-
grams that might allow the NRC to grant nuclear power plants operating licenses for up to
80 years.210

204 - IAEA, Power Reactor Information System (PRIS) Database, 2016, see, accessed
18June 2016.
205 - TVA, Watts Bar Unit 2 Complete and Commercial, 19October2016, see
2-Project, accessed 3May2017.
206 - NRC, Preliminary notification of even or unusual Occurrence PNO-II-17-002 Shutdown due to condenser failure,
23March2017, see, accessed 24May2017.
207 - PeterMaloney, TVA Watts Bar-2 nuke to shut until summer amid safety culture concerns, Utility Dive, 8May2017,
accessed 24May2017.
208 - NRC, Status of License Renewal Applications and Industry Activities, Updated 4January2017,
see, accessed 4May2017.
209 - Entergy Operations, Updated Schedule of Submittal of Future License Renewal ApplicationRiver Bend Station
Unit1, Docket No. 50-458, License No. NPF-47, 18August2016, see,
accessed 4May2017.
210 - NRC, Generic Aging Lessons Learned for Subsequent License Renewal (GALL-SLR) Report Draft Report for Comment
(NUREG-2191, Volume1), 15December2015, see,
accessed 3May2017.
Wo r l d N u c l e a r I n d u s t r y S t a t u s R e p o r t | 2 0 1 7  | 80

Securing Financing, Shutdowns and Reversing Shutdowns

The past year witnessed continuing efforts by nuclear utilities to find mechanisms to secure fi-
nancial support for their ailing reactor fleet. The NRCs exploration of a path to further extend
nuclear reactors operating lifetimes is in direct contradiction to the signals from the electri-
city markets, which has been to rather accelerate shutting down old reactors. For a long time,
the nuclear industry has argued that reactors might be expensive, but once built and paid for,
the operating costs are low and thus nuclear plants will generate electricity cheaply. Thus, for
example, then U.S. Secretary of Energy, ErnestMoniz, wrote in 2011: Nuclear power enjoys
low operating costs, which can make it competitive on the basis of the electricity price needed
to recover the capital investment over a plants lifetime.211 In recent years, that claim has been
continuously undermined as electric utility after electric utility has decided to close operatio-
nal nuclear reactors even though their licenses would allow them to operate for a decade or
more beyond the newly planned shutdown date. In essence, the costs associated with maintai-
ning aged reactors have been rising, while market prices are falling. In addition, low gas prices
from hydraulic fracturing (fracking) have resulted in gas-fired generating stations producing
cheaper electricity. The result is clear: nuclear power has great difficulties to compete in the
current U.S. electricity marketplace.

In its Annual Briefing for the Financial Community delivered on 9 February 2017,
MariaG.Korsnick, the Nuclear Energy Institutes(NEI) president and chief executive stated
that the U.S. faces two challenges of immediate concern: preserving as much of its base load
infrastructure as possible, which includes existing nuclear capacity, and creating the policy
conditions under which companies will develop and build new nuclear capacity.212 NEI re-
ported that for nuclear power in the U.S. in 2016, annual expenditures at the average nuclear
reactor (i.e., the various annual expenditures associated with running a nuclear reactor in the
U.S., averaged for the whole fleet) came to US$33.93MWh, with single unit plants averaging
US$41.39.213 Note that these numbers are for reactors whose construction costs have been paid
off. These figures should also be seen in the context of recent bids for new solar photovoltaic
projects (see Chapter Nuclear Power vs. Renewable Energy Deployment).214

Underscoring the market challenge facing nuclear- and coal-based generators is the situa-
tion in Texas. While there are no indications of planned closure of the twin reactor units
at Comanche Peak, or the other twin unit at South Texas, the owner Luminant has depre-
ciated the value of the Comanche Peak plant from US$2.2billion to US$949million. Power
prices are now at historic lows and when Comanche Peak makes less revenue, its value as an
income producing asset must follow, explains Luminant.215 The Electric Reliability Council
of Texas(ERCOT), the states independent system operator, reports a significantly weakened
market between 2014 and 2017, with power prices dropping due to unsustainably low levels

211 - ErnestMoniz, Why We Still Need Nuclear Power, Energy Initivative, MIT, Foreign Affairs, November-December2011,
see, accessed 25May2017.
212 - NEI, NEI to Wall Street: Nuclear Energy Is a Cornerstone of American InfrastructureNuclear Plants Are Irreplaceable
National Assets, News Release, 9February2017, see
Wall-Street-Nuclear-Energy-Is-a-Cornerstone, accessed 3May2017.
213 - NEI, Nuclear Costs in Context, August2017, see
Nuclear-Costs-in-Context.pdf?ext=.pdf, accessed 6August2017.
214 - Ibidem.
215 - NucleonicsWeek, Luminant, Texas county more than $1 billion apart on Comanche Peaks value, 1September2016.
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and crippling profitability for generators according to Standard & Poor's(S&P) Global Ratings
released in March2017.216 The principal driver being low natural gas prices and increased ins-
talled wind capacity, with wind turbines now producing over 15percent of the states electri-

ERCOTs annual state of the market report issued in June 2016 noted: The generation-
weighted average price for the four nuclear unitsapproximately 5GW of capacitywas
US$24.56 per MWh in 2015. (...) Assuming that operating costs in ERCOT are similar to the
U.S. average, considering only fuel and operating and maintenance costs indicates that nuclear
generation was not profitable in ERCOT during 2015.217

Unlike the older plants of the north-east and mid-west, which have been in the spotlight due
to unfavorable economics, Comanche Peak reactor units1&2 have been operating since 1990
and 1993 respectively, while South Texas reactor units 1&2 from 1988 and 1989 respectively.
As Luminant reported, Comanche Peak is among the lowest-cost nuclear generators in the
U.S., based on its total cost of about US$26/MWh... Selling or shutting Comanche Peak is not
a possibility.218 There is no indication that such a commitment is inaccurate, but there are
clearly questions arising about the long-term viability of even some of the U.S. newest reactors.
As S&P concluded: The effects of low natural gas prices continue to fall disproportionately
on coal- and nuclear-fired generation, the report reads. These assets have continued to be

NEI reports that average generating costs have decreased from peak of US$39.75/MWh in
2012 to US$35.5/MWh in 2015,220 but it is uncertain, if this decline is going to continue into the
future. The decline so far is largely due to two reasons. The first is that fuel costs have decli-
ned, in turn due to the fall in uranium prices by more than half and enrichment prices by more
than two thirds. The other reason for the decrease in operational costs is that utilities have
reduced capital expenditures (major repairs), but this cannot continue indefinitely, as the age
of the fleet is increasing. The response from the nuclear industry and nuclear utilities has been
to either shut down several nuclear reactors and/or to call for government intervention into the
market in some fashion to support continued operations of distressed nuclear plants. Indeed,
in February2016, the American Nuclear Society(ANS) felt compelled to publish a toolkit of
various ways by which states can intervene to ensure that utilities can keep struggling nuclear
plants operating without losing money.221

216 - RodWalton, S&P expects continued struggles for ERCOT and Texas generators, Electric Light & Power, 15March2017,
see, accessed
217 - Electric Light & Power, S&P expects continued struggles for ERCOT and Texas generators, 15March2017,
see, accessed
218 - Nucleonics Week, Luminant, Texas county more than $1 billion apart on Comanche Peaks value, 1September2016.
219 - RodWalton, S&P Report Underlines Financial Concerns about ERCOT Generators, Electric Light & Power,
21March2017, see
concerns-about-ercot-s-future-financial-strength.html, accessed 23May2017.
220 - NEI, Nuclear by the Numbers, 9February2017, see
Street/Nuclear_by_the_Numbers.pdf?ext=.pdf, accessed 3May2017.
221 - Special Committee on Nuclear in the States, Nuclear in the States Toolkit Version 1.0: Policy Options for States Conside-
ring the Role of Nuclear Power in Their Energy Mix, ANS, February2016, see
policy-in-the-states, accessed 23May2017.
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As reported in WNISR2016, the leading example of how utilities have tried and in certain cases
succeeded in obtaining substantial extra revenues to maintain profitability of their nuclear
fleet has been in the state of Illinois. In the past few years, some of plants owned by Exelon,
the largest nuclear operator in the U.S., have failed to clear the capacity market auctions, espe-
cially in the PJM interconnection (Pennsylvania-New Jersey-Maryland Interconnection LLC),
a regional transmission organization that coordinates the movement of wholesale electricity in
13 States on the East coast, South East and Midwest plus the District of Columbia.222 Other nu-
clear plants within the PJM Control Area have also failed to clear the capacity market auctions.
The story is similar in the Midcontinent Independent System Operator(MISO) interconnec-
tion, which covers part of Illinois and 14 other states.

The capacity market involves power plants committing to having a certain amount of genera-
ting capacity ready for delivering power upon demand and receiving a payment for that capa-
city. In the capacity market auctions, the plants that are ready to commit reliable power at the
lowest cost are chosen first. Once the projected demand for the future has been met, the plants
that are offering to supply power at higher costs are said to have not cleared the market.

The response of utilities with nuclear plants to their inability to clear auctions has been to
blame the structure of the markets rather than their own high costs. Joseph Dominguez,
Exelons senior vice president for governmental and regulatory affairs and public policy, told
NEI that () the market does not sufficiently recognize the significant value that nuclear
plants provide in terms of reliability and environmental benefits.223 Independent assessments
do not support that claim, which has so far taken at least 14forms.224

In July2015, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission(FERC) approved PJMs restructu-

ring proposals that would allow it to increase payments to utilities that can more reliably deli-
ver power. Despite higher prices, in August2015, Exelon announced that three of its nuclear
plants, Oyster Creek, Quad Cities and Three Mile Island [...] did not clear in the PJM capacity
auction for the 2018-19 planning year.225 The company also announced that a portion of the
Byron nuclear plants capacity did not clear the auction.226

In 2016, Exelon teamed up with subsidiary Commonwealth Edison Company or ComEd,

and proposed a larger bill that would make sweeping changes to the states ene rgy system
and add a surcharge onto electricity bills that would make the nuclear plants profitable.227
Analysts estimated the proposed changes would amount to a total rate hike of US$7.7billion
222 - PJM Interconnection is a regional transmission organization (RTO) that coordinates the movement of wholesale electri-
city in all or parts of Delaware, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylva-
nia, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia and the District of Columbia; see PJM About PJMWho We Are, Undated,
see, accessed 26May2017.
223 - NEI, Exelon on the 2014 PJM Capacity Market Auction, interview with JosephDominguez, Senior Vice President for
Governmental and Regulatory Affairs and Public Policy, Exelon Corp., 12June2014, see
News/News-Archives/Exelon-on-the-2014-PJM-Capacity-Market-Auction, accessed 23May2017.
224 - Amory B. Lovins, Do coal and nuclear generation deserve above-market prices?, The Electricity Journal, Vol.30, Issue6,
July2017, see, accessed 6August2017.
225 - ExelonCorporation, Exelon Announces Outcome of 2018-19 PJM Capacity Auction, Business Wire, 24August2015,
see Outcome-2018-19-PJM-Capacity-Auc-
tion, accessed 23May2017.
226 - SonalPatel, Two Exelon Nuclear Plants Fail to Clear PJM Auction, POWER Magazine, 25May2016,
see, accessed 23May2017.
227 - KimGeiger, Exelon makes another try for energy changes that critics call bailout, Chicago Tribune, 27May2016,
see, accessed
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over 10years that would be paid by government, businesses and consumers... [and] that Exelon
and ComEd would reap US$1billion in guaranteed profits from the plan over a decade, inclu-
ding a subsidy of as much as US$2.6billion over that time.228 While on the one hand, Exelon
was seeking subsidies from government and customers, on the other hand, it has been presen-
ting itself as profitable to Wall Street.229

Exelon announced on 2June2016 the planned closure of the single reactor unit at Clinton and
two-unit Quad Cities, unless the state implemented subsidies for nuclear power.230 The two
stations are said to have lost a combined US$800million during the past seven years, despite
being two of Exelons best-performing plants. Subsequently a provision of the Illinois Future
Energy Jobs Act passed the state legislature on 7December2016, establishing a Zero Emissions
Credits(ZEC) program that provided financial support to certain in-state nuclear generators
that have become uncompetitive in wholesale markets. The ZEC price may be above current
rates to provide financial support to a power generator. Through this program, the Exelon-
owned Clinton and Quad Cities nuclear plants would be eligible for ZECs. On 14February2017,
the Electric Power Supply Association (EPSA) and generators filed a complaint in the U.S.
District Court of the Northern District of Illinois opposing the proposed ZECs for Exellon,
stating that bailing out uneconomic power plants is a bad deal for Illinois ratepayers, who will
see their electric bills go up across the state.231 Litigation continues.

The availability of the ZEC program in Illinois led Exelon to reverse its decision to perma-
nently shut the Clinton nuclear plant scheduled for 1June2017 and its two-unit Quad Cities
on 1June2018. Exelon had filed an application with the NRC for termination of its operating
license for Clinton, subsequently withdrawn.232 Exelon began receiving ZEC income for its
Illinois plants as of 1June2017.

Several other states with at-risk nuclear plants, possibly including Connecticut233 ,
Pennsylvania and NewJersey, could be asked later this year to pass similar ZEC legisla-
tion to aid other nuclear plants.

The future of Three Mile Island (TMI) appears to hang in the balance, with Exelon and in-
dustry supporters pushing for nuclear supporting ZEC in the Pennsylvania legislature,234 likely
to be proposed later in 2017. In Exelons most recent SEC filing described TMI as the facility at

228 - Ibidem.
229 - SteveDaniels, Exelon tells Wall St. one thing about profits while peddling a different tale in Springfield, Crains Chicago
Business, 30April2016, see
thing-about-profits-while-peddling-a-different-tale-in-springfield, accessed 23May2017.
230 - AnthonyWatt, DennisMoran, and GeroldShelton, Q-C nuclear plant will stay open; House, Senate pass Exelon bill,
Dispatch Argus,, Updated 5December2017, see
stay-open-house-senate-pass/article_a83a9aea-26a0-5575-a847-6008f971aeb9.html, accessed 15May2017.
231 - Keith Goldberg, Nuke Plant Subsidies Flout FERC, Power Cos. Say, Law360, 15February2017, see https://www.law360.
com/articles/892374/ill-nuke-plant-subsidies-flout-ferc-power-cos-say, accessed 15May2017.
232 - NRC, [Docket No. 50461; NRC20160207] Exelon Generation Company LLC; Clinton Power Station, Unit1License
amendment application; withdrawal by applicant, Federal Register Vol.82, No.4, 6January2017, see https://www.federalregis-, accessed 15May2017.
233 - Draft legislation for ZECs in Connecticut was disclosed in January2017 that if adopted would be available for the two unit
Millstone reactors operated by Dominion. PeterMaloney, Connecticut lawmakers prepare legislation to support Millstone
nuclear plant, Utility Dive, 10February2017, see
to-support-millstone-nuclear-plan/435876/, accessed 23May2017.
234 - Marie Cusick Lawmakers mull support for nuclear industry, StateImpact Pennsylvania, 26April2017,
see, accessed 15May2017.
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the greatest risk of early retirement due to current economic valuations and other factors.235
Exelons executive vice president of governmental and regulatory affairs and public policy sta-
ted: Weve operated for the past six years at a loss.236 In May2017, Exelon announced that the
TMI and Quad Cities reactors had not cleared the auction for the period 2020-21.237 It is the
third straight year where TMI did not clear PJM base residual auctions. As long as state and
federal energy policies fail to adequately compensate nuclear energys many environmental
and economic benefits, we will continue to experience challenges to the profitability of many
of the nations nuclear facilities, including TMI. said Exelon.238

One state where the legislative approach seems to have nearly worked during 2016 was
Connecticut, where Dominion Energy instigated a special hearing by the state legislatures
Energy and Technology Committee.239 As a result, the Connecticut Senate passed legis-
lation that would have changed the market structure in the state and would have protec-
ted Dominions Millstone plant. However, the bill failed to come to the vote and died in
Connecticuts House of Representatives.240

In October2015, Entergy Corporation announced that it would close down the Pilgrim nuclear
plant in Massachusetts because the 43-year-old plant was simply no longer financially
viable and that it had already informed ISO New England, the regional transmission organi-
zation that Pilgrim would not be part of the next electricity auction.241 In April2016, Entergy
announced the closing date of the plant as 31May2019.242 There is no indication that Entergy
will reverse its decision on closure, with plans filed in March 2017 with the NRC related to
moving spent fuel from the reactors pool to dry storage.243

In New York State, Entergy announced in November2015 that market conditions require
us to... close the FitzPatrick nuclear plant.244 Even NewYork Governor AndrewCuomos order
in December2015 calling on the State Department of Public Service to design and enact a new
Clean Energy Standard mandating that 50percent of all electricity consumed in NewYork by

235 - Wallace McKelvey, Three Mile Island, like much of nuclear industry, is on the brink, PennLive, Updated 30April2017,
see, accessed 15May2017.
236 - AdCrable, Three Mile Island nuclear plant again fails key power auction, decision whether to close 'to be made soon',
LancasterOnline, 24May2017, see
power-auction/article_e12d94f8-4080-11e7-8297-034697ee2fd0.html, accessed 24May2017.
237 - Exelon, Exelon Announces Outcome of 2020-2021 PJM Capacity Auction, Press Release, 24May2017,
see, accessed 24May2017.
238 - AdCrable, Three Mile Island nuclear plant again fails key power auction, decision whether to close 'to be made soon',
LancasterOnline, 24May2017, see
power-auction/article_e12d94f8-4080-11e7-8297-034697ee2fd0.html, accessed 24May2017.
239 - Mark Pazniokas, Nuclear powers future in Connecticut is on the table, The Connecticut Mirror, 23March2016,
see, accessed 25May2017.
240 - Judy Benson, Bill that would have protected Millstone from energy market dips dies in House, The Day, Upda-
ted6May2016, see, accessed 23May2017.
241 - David Abel, Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station in Plymouth to shut down by 2019, Boston Globe, 13October2015,
opened/fNeR4RT1BowMrFApb7DqQO/story.html, accessed 6August2017.
242 - David Abel, John R. Ellement, Pilgrim nuclear power plant now has a closing date, Boston Globe, 14April2016,
html, accessed 6August2017.
243 - Justin Saunders, Entergy Takes Next Steps for Pilgrim Closure,, 13March2017,
see, accessed 23May2017.
244 - Aaron Larson, Entergy Announces Closure of FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant, POWER Magazine, 2November2015,
see, accessed 25May2017.
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2030 result from clean and renewable energy sources, which also included an order to deve-
lop a process to prevent the premature retirement of safe, upstate nuclear power plants during
this transition, 245 did not change Entergys decision.

Exelon, which also operates nuclear plants in New York, took a page out of Entergys book and
threatened to shut the Ginna and Nine Mile Point-1 reactors unless the state approves a com-
pensation plan for nuclear generators that would require all companies that sell electricity in
the state to buy power from upstate nuclear plants at potentially above-market rates.246

Having announced in November 2015 that the Fitzpatrick nuclear plant was not financially
viable,247 with permanent closure scheduled for January2017,248 on 9August2016, Exelon an-
nounced that it had reached an agreement with Entergy to assume ownership and continued
operation of the plant.249 The announcement came one week after New Yorks Public Services
Commission (NYPSC) approved the states Clean Energy Standard, 250 featuring ZECs that
would benefit FitzPatrick, as well as Exelons Nine Mile Point unit1&2 and Ginna. Earlier in
2016, Exelon had stated that, without support, it would shut the Ginna plant because projec-
ted market revenues are insufficient to support the Ginna facilitys continued operation.251
The availability of ZECs for Ginna appeared to reverse Exelons plan for closure.252

On 3March2017, the NRC issued an order approving the direct transfer of the operating li-
cense for the FitzPatrick nuclear power plant from its current owner and operator, Entergy
Corporation, to Exelon Generation, 253 effective 31 March 2017.254 The US$110-million sale of
the single-unit plant had been approved by the NYPSC in November2016255 and by the Federal
Energy Regulatory Commission(FERC) in December2016.256

245 - Andrew Cuomo, Letter to AudreyZibelman, CEO, New York State Department of Public Service, Governor, Execu-
tive Chamber, State of New York, 2December2015, see
Renewable_Energy_Letter.pdf, accessed 25May2017.
246 - Jim Ostroff, Exelon to shut Nine Mile Point-1, Ginna reactors if New York fails to OK compensation plan, Platts,
14June2016, see
tors-21708658, accessed 6August2017.
247 - Entergy, Clear vision, clear progress2015 Integrated Report, see
pdfs/Entergy_2015_Integrated_Report.pdf, accessed 3May2017.
248 - ANS, NRC approves sale of FitzPatrick from Entergy to Exelon, April2017, see
nn/y_2017/m_4, accessed 3May2017.
249 - Exelon, Exelon to Assume Ownership and Operation of Entergys James A. Fitzpatrick Nuclear Power Plant in Upstate
New York, 9August2016, see
trick-nuclear-power-plant, accessed 3May2017.
250 - New York State Energy Research and Development Authority, Proceeding on Motion of the Commission to Implement a
Large-Scale Renewable Program and a Clean Energy Standard, NY Public Serviced Commission, 1August2016, see, accessed 8August2017.
251 - NW, FitzPatrick to shut if plan for credits thwarted, says entergy spokeswoman, 27October2016.
252 - Exelon, New York's Clean Energy Standard at Work: Ginna's Refueling Outage Powers Local Economy, 24April2017,
see, accessed 15May2017.
253 - U.S.NRC, NRC Approves License Transfer of FitzPatrick Nuclear Plant, 3April2017, see
ML1706/ML17062A563.pdf, acccessed 3May2017.
254 - Exelon, James A. FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant Joins Exelon Generation Nuclear Fleet, 31March2017,
see, accessed 3May2017.
255 - PSC, PSC Announces New Yorks Approval of Sale of the James A. FitzPatrick Nuclear Power PlantSale of FitzPatrick
Keeps Greenhouse Emissions Low for all New Yorkers, 17November2016, see
nsf/Web/1F5545164D43A5AF8525806E0068D467/$File/pr16077.pdf?OpenElement, accessed 3May2017.
256 - Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), Order Authorizing Proposed TransactionEntergy Nuclear
FitzPatrick, LLC ; Exelon Generation Company, LLCDocket No. EC16-169-000, 7December2016, see
CalendarFiles/20161207174450-EC16-169-000.pdf, accessed 7August2017.
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The New York PSC ZEC plan requires that assigned nuclear power plants participate in the pro-
gram through two six-year periods and sell the ZECs to the NewYork State Energy Research
and Development Authority. In total, the ZEC is estimated to be worth US$8 billion over a
12-year period from 1April2017. For the nuclear reactors in New York State, the PSC agreed
a ZEC rate of US$17.48/MWh during the period from 1April to 31March2019. Future levels
remain to be set, and the State Assembly may press the NYPSC to determine it not administra-
tively as now but competitively.

ZECs paid to designated nuclear generators would otherwise increase with time, tentatively
reaching US$29.15/MWh for the period from 1April2027 to 31March2029. Moodys Investor
Services 8August2016 estimated that with a current wholesale power price in the forward
market for 2017 of about US$35/MWh and US$3.50/MWh estimated for capacity payments
that year, the US$17.48/MWh subsidy will equal about a 45percent price increase.257 With the
purchase of FitzPatrick, Moodys said that Exelon could receive another US$120million pre-
tax cash flow from [the credits], or about US$75 million of after-tax cash flow in the first two
years. These are indeed very large subsidies.

In response to the NYPSC Clean Energy Standard ZEC, a coalition of five electricity genera-
tors and the Electric Power Supply Association(EPSA) on 19October2016 filed a lawsuit in
a New York State court calling for the halting of the unlawful plan. The lawsuit states that
seeking to change the results of FERCs market-based auction system, the PSC issued the ZEC
order to bail out four uneconomic upstate nuclear power plants and keep them in the market
for at least 12 more years via the ZECs; the coalition continued. Unless enjoined or elimina-
ted, these credits will result in New Yorks captive ratepayers paying the owners an estimated
US$7.6billion over 12years.258 Such litigation will serve as a litmus test for the viability of the
ZEC model in Illinois and Ohio.

Entergys other nuclear plant in NewYorkState is the Indian Point nuclear power plant, which
has been more profitable because of the higher power prices in nearby NewYorkCity. However,
operations at IndianPoint are being challenged on two crucial environmental requirements
a coastal zone management certification and a water permit application.259 While Entergy
has declared that it is exempt from needing the coastal zone management certification, New
York State disagrees. The two parties continued through 2016 to battle it out in the Court of

On 9 January 2017, agreement was announced for the permanent closure of the two reac-
tor units at Indian Point, which lies 30miles (48km) north of Manhattan, New York.261 The
agreement mirrors an arrangement reached between PG&E (Pacific Gas & Electric Co.) and

257 - NW, FitzPatrick to shut if plan for credits thwarted, says entergy spokeswoman, 27October2016.
258 - Jeannine Anderson, Generators sue New York PSC over financial support for nuclear plants, Public Power Daily,
American Public Power Association, 25October2016, see
cfm?ItemNumber=46934, accessed 9August2017.
259 - Frans Koster, Could Indian Point Fall Victim to Economics?, NIW, 10June2016.
260 - MichaelRandall, Entergy faces new obstacle to renewing licenses at Indian Point nuclear plant, Times Herald-Record,
12November2015, see, accessed 25May2017.
261 - Indian Point Energy Center, Entergy, NY Officials Agree on Indian Point Closure in 2020-2021Decision driven by
sustained low power prices, Entergy, PressRelease, 9January2017, see
agree-on-indian-point-closure-in-2020-2021/, accessed 15May2017; for complete transcript of the agreement signed 9Janua-
ry2017, see Riverkeeper, IndianPoint Agreement, see
Closure-Agreement-January-8-2017.pdf, accessed 15May2017.
Wo r l d N u c l e a r I n d u s t r y S t a t u s R e p o r t | 2 0 1 7  | 87

stakeholders, including environment groups, over the planned closure of the two reactors at
Diablo Canyon in California announced in 2016.262 In the case of Indian Point, long opposed
on safety grounds by groups in and around New York City, as well as the Governor of New
York State, the early shutdown is part of a settlement under which the State has agreed to drop
legal challenges and support renewal of the operating licenses for Indian Point.263 Entergy filed
a license renewal application for both Indian Point operating units in April2007, which were
subsequently subject to sustained challenge from citizens groups over the past ten years.264
Entergy invested over US$1 billion in the two reactors in recent years.265 According to the
agreement, IndianPoint Unit2 will shut down no later than 30April2020 and Unit3 no later
than 30April2021.

Entergy also announced on 8 December 2016 its intention to permanently shut down the
Palisades reactor, following the early termination of the Power Purchase Agreement(PPA).266
Under the current plan, and assuming regulatory approval of the request to terminate the PPA
in 2018, Palisades will be refueled during 2017 and operate through the end of that fuel cycle,
then permanently shut down on 1 October 2018. Market conditions have changed substan-
tially, and more economic alternatives are now available to provide reliable power to the re-
gion. The transaction is expected to result in US$344 million in savings, said Entergy.267 The
Palisades reactor, one of the oldest in the U.S. fleet, has long been under contention on safety
grounds, specifically its extensive neutron radiation embrittlement of the Reactor Pressure
Vessel(RPV), the most severe on record in the U.S.268

In New Jersey, identical bills were introduced in the Senate269 and General Assembly that
would require the state Board of Public Utilities to conduct a study concerning the feasibi-
lity and benefits of adopting an energy policy that includes a ZEC program, with the requi-
rement that the assessment be completed within one year. The Public Service Enterprise
Group(PSEG), the utility that operates the Salem reactor units1&2, Salem-2 and Hope Creek

262 - PG&E In Step With Californias Evolving Energy Policy, PG&E, Labor and Environmental Groups Announce Proposal to
Increase Energy Efficiency, Renewables and Storage While Phasing Out Nuclear Power Over the Next Decade, NewsRelease,
21June2016, see
newables_and_storage_while_phasing_out_nuclear_power_over_the_next_decade, accessed 15May2017.
263 - Indian Point Energy Center, Entergy, NY Officials Agree on Indian Point Closure in 2020-2021Decision driven by
sustained low power prices, Entergy, PressRelease, 9January2017, see
agree-on-indian-point-closure-in-2020-2021/, accessed 15May2017; for complete agreement, see Riverkeeper, IndianPoint
Agreement, signed 9January2017, see
ment-January-8-2017.pdf, accessed 15May2017.
264 - VivianYee, PatrickMcGeehan, Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant Could Close by 2021, New York Times,
6January2017, see,
accessed 15May2017.
265 - TomKauffman, Indian Point 3s Operating License is Alive and Well, NEI, 10December2015,
see, accessed 15May2017.
266 -Entergy, Palisades Power Purchase Agreement to End Early, NewsRelease, 8December2016,
see, accessed 15May2017.
267 -Ibidem.
268 -Beyond Nuclear, Beyond Nuclear warns NRC against weakening RPV embrittlement/PTS safety regulations at Pali-
sades, 30October2014, see
rpv-embrittlement.html, accessed 15May2017.
269 -Senate, State of NewJersey217th LegislatureAn Act requiring the Board of Public Utilities to conduct a study
concerning zero emission credits, introduced 6March2017, see,
accessed 23May2017.
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reactor unit in New Jersey, is actively supporting the establishment of ZECs in the state.270 On
28 April 2017, PSEC warned that, while cash flow is currently positive for the reactor units,
they are projected to turn negative in 2020, and that if those assets are not earning their
cost of capital over the long term or if they turn cash flow negative, well retire them,271 The
NewJersey Department of Environmental Protection in 2016 allowed PSE&G Power, the ope-
rator and, along with Exelon, owner of the two units at Salem, to continue operating the reac-
tors without building cooling towers, which environmentalists had long advocated to stop the
plants destructive impact on the ecosystem of Delaware Bay.272

In 2016, PSE&G Power was granted an early site permit by the NRC Atomic Safety Licensing
Board(ASLB)273 for a new reactor to be located at a site adjacent to two existing facilities in
Salem County. PSE&G originally applied for a permit in 2010, but there are no immediate plans
to proceed with construction.

Another plant under financial stress is the DavisBesse reactor in Ohio, long considered at risk
of shutdown due to economic factors.274 Its operator FirstEnergy proposed a power-purchase
agreement with the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio, which approved a special eight-year
arrangement in March2016.275 The arrangement would have required FirstEnergys Ohio cus-
tomers to subsidize the continued operations of Davis Besse and the Sammis coal-based ther-
mal plant. However, in April2016, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission(FERC) blocked
the power purchase agreement.276

Through 2016, FirstEnergy continued to lobby for the establishment of Zero Emission
Nuclear (ZEN) legislation that would support their Davis-Besse and Perry reactors, which
could be worth an estimated US$300million a year to the reactors. A FirstEnergy spokesper-
son stated that I dont think these units will keep running far into the future.277 FirstEnergy
Solutions, the companys unregulated subsidiary that owns the competitive generation, is at
risk of federal bankruptcy court protection, with FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Co. also a
candidate for Chapter 11 bankruptcy reorganization. In February 2017, it was reported that
FirstEnergy would either seek a new owner for the two nuclear plants or close them in 2018.278

270 - PSEG, Preserving Nuclear Energy: A New Jersey ResourceA PSEG Position Paper, May2017, see https://www.pseg.
com/family/power/nuclear/pdf/nj_nuclear_brochure.pdf, accessed 23May2017; also Robert Walton, PSEG CEO Izzo calls for
efficiency, rate reform and nuclear supports in New Jersey, Utility Dive, 6June2017, see
pseg-ceo-izzo-calls-for-efficiency-rate-reform-and-nuclear-supports-in-new/444027/, accessed 6June2017.
271 - MichaelMcAuliffe, PSEG executive sees nuclear unit cash flow turning negative in 2020, NW, Platts, 4May2017.
272 - TomJohnson, DEP Says Salem Nuclear Good to Go Without Cooling Towers, NJ Spotlight, 13June2016, see http://www., accessed 25May2017.
273 - Atomic Safety and Licensing Board, In the Matter of PSEG POWER, LLC and PSEG NUCLEAR, LLC (Early Site Permit
Application)Docket No. 52-043-ESP, U.S.NRC, 26April2016, see,
accessed 25May2017.
274 - MarkCooper, Power Shift: The Deployment of a 21st Century Electricity Sector and the Nuclear War To Stop It,
Institute for Energy and the Environment, Vermont Law School, June2015, see
Power_Shift_Mark_Cooper_June_2015.PDF, accessed 25May2017.
275 - JohnFunk, FirstEnergys Davis-Besse, Sammis power plants make money after all: FirstEnergy profits show, Cleveland.
com, 27April2016, see, accessed
276 - GavinBade, FERC blocks Ohio power plant subsidies for AEP and FirstEnergy, Utility Dive, 28April2016,
see firstenergy/418297/, accessed
277 - NW, Firstenergy calling for zero-emission credit program for Ohio nuclear units, 23February2017.
278 - Andrew Cass, FirstEnergy looking to sell or shutter Perry Nuclear Power Plant, The News Herald, 24February2017,
see, accessed 15May2017.
Wo r l d N u c l e a r I n d u s t r y S t a t u s R e p o r t | 2 0 1 7  | 89

One further possible lifeline for FirstEnergy, as well as plants nationwide, is the Federal
Government. Energy Secretary Rick Perry in a 14 April 2017 memorandum to staff ordered
a departmental review of the electricity grid, targeting federal regulations and support for
renewable energy that he says could imperil baseload power in the future,279 with a request
it be completed by mid-June2017, this was subsequently postponed with no issue date as of
1July2017.280 The review aims to assess, whether federal policies have negatively impacted the
electric grids supply of baseload power or the reliable electricity supply generated by large-
scale power plants generally fueled by coal, natural gas or nuclear sources. A leaked draft ver-
sion of the report dated 26June2017 concluded281 that the vast majority of nuclear plant clo-
sures are due to unfavorable market conditions and the most unfavorable condition is that
the marginal cost of generation for many nuclear plants is higher than the cost of most other
generators in the market. FirstEnergy in late April2017 indicated that it could delay its plans
to sell or shut down its merchant coal and nuclear units until the Department of Energy (DOE)
completes its review.282 However, FirstEnergy currently retains plans to exit its competitive
generating business by mid-2018, meaning it could also close or sell its two Beaver Valley reac-
tor units.

The single unit Fort Calhoun reactor in Nebraska was permanently shut down on
24 October 2016, due to poor economics.283 Located 19 miles north of Omaha, the reactor
was operated by Omaha Public Power District (OPPD) through an agreement with Exelon
Generation. The reactor began operation in 1973, and received a license extension in 2002 from
the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) to operate until 2033. Fort Calhoun had strug-
gled since the 2014 debut of the day-ahead market in the Southwest Power Pool(SPP) and in
May2016 the President of OPPD told its Board that its continued operation was not financially

The reason offered for its shutdown reveal the problems confronting nuclear power plants in
the U.S. In April2016, the Chairman of Board of OPPD called for potential scenarios regar-
ding future power resources; it turned out that in all scenarios, Fort Calhoun did not meet
the requirements of the lowest cost portfolio and that other carbon-free options are more
economic.285 On 17June2016, the OPPD Board voted unanimously to shut down the reactor
by the end of the year; the decision was, in the words on one board member, simply an eco-
nomic decision.286 Exelon had taken over the running of the plant in 2012 under a 20-year,

279 - Devin Henry, Perry orders Energy Department study of electric grid, The Hill, 17April2017, see
policy/energy-environment/329142-perry-orders-energy-department-study-of-electric-grid, accessed 23May2017.
280 - U.S.NEI, DOEs Perry Orders Study on Grid Reliability, Market Distortions, 19April2017, see
News-Media/News/News-Archives/DOE-s-Perry-Orders-Study-on-Grid-Reliability,-Mark, accessed 23May2017.
281 - JoeRomm, Coal and nuclear are uneconomicmore bombshells from Perrys draft grid study, ThinkProgress,
17July2017, see, accessed 5August2017.
282 - Nucleonics Week, First Energy looks to government for generation plant solution: CEO, 4May2017.
283 - The Wire, Fort Calhoun Station now officially offline, OPPD, 24October2016,
see, accessed 22May2017.
284 - Argus, Fort Calhoun reactor may shut by year-end, 31May2016,
see, accessed 25May2017.
285 - Aaron Larson, Fort Calhoun May Close by Year End, Joining List of Premature Nuclear Power Plant Retirements,
POWER Magazine, 12May2016, see
nuclear-power-plant-retirements/, accessed 16June2016.
286 - ColeEpley, Simply an Economic Decision: OPPD to Close Fort Calhoun Nuclear Plant by End of 2016, Omaha World-
Herald, 17June2016, see fort-calhoun-nuclear/
article_3fe6ce02-3352-11e6-a426-a7596287dd59.html, accessed 25May2017.
Wo r l d N u c l e a r I n d u s t r y S t a t u s R e p o r t | 2 0 1 7  | 90

US$400million contract with OPPD. Generation costs and output at Fort Calhoun indicated a
cost to OPPD of about US$71/MWh, compared with a market price of US$20.287

Since 2013, reactor utilities in the U.S. have declared 16 reactors for permanent shutdown,
(three during the past 12 months); with the decision on three of these reactors having sub-
sequently been reversed due to the availability of state ZEC legislation (Fitzpatrick in
New York, Clinton and Quad Cities 1 & 2 in Illinois); six have been shut down (Crystal
River 3 in Florida, San Onofre 2 and 3 in California, Kewaunee in Wisconsin, Vermont
Yankee in Vermont, and the latest being in October 2016 with Fort Calhoun in Nebraska);
of the remaining reactors declared for permanent closure there seems no prospect that
the decisions will be reversed for Palisades in Michigan, Indian Point 2&3, Pilgrim in
Massachusetts, Oyster Creek in New Jersey, and Diablo Canyon 1 & 2 in California.
The shutdown agreement of the Diablo Canyon nuclear plant provides a model for
other reactors in the U.S. As Amory Lovins has concluded, the Diablo decision, un-
like previous nuclear shutdowns, some of which were too abrupt for immediate repla-
cement with carbon-free resources, PG&Es nuclear output will be phased out over
89 years, replaced timely and cost-effectively by efficiency and renewables. That
means no more fossil fuel burned nor carbon emitted, all at less cost to ratepayers.288
The number of shutdowns will grow further, even with further ZEC legislation adop-
ted. Most at risk include the Perry and Davis Besse reactors unless they can secure ZECs,
and a decision on the two-unit Prairie Island reactors in Minnesota expected in the co-
ming year due to estimated retrofit costs of US$500 million required before 2020.289

Table 5 | Early Shutdowns of U.S. Reactors 20092025

Shutdown Date Age at

NRC 60-Year License
Reactor Owner Decision Date (last electricity Shutdown
generation) (in years)
Oyster Creek Exelon 8 December 2010 December 2019 50 Yes
Crystal River-3 Duke Energy 5 February 2013 26 September 2009 32 Application withdrawn
San Onofre-2&-3 SCE/SDG&E 7 June 2013 January 2012 29 / 28 No application
Kewaunee Dominion Energy 22 October 2012 7 May 2013 39 Yes
Vermont Yankee Entergy 28 August 2013 29 December 2014 42 Yes
Pilgrim Entergy 13 October 2015 31 May 2019 47 Yes
Diablo Canyon -1&-2 PG&E 21 June 2016 November 2024 & August 2025 40 Suspended
Fort Calhoun OPPD 26 August 2016 24 October 2016 43 Yes
Palisades Entergy 8 December 2016 1 October 2018 47 Yes
No later than 30April 2020 /
Indian Point-2&-3 Entergy 9 January 2017 47 / 44 Under review
30April 2021

Notes : SCE: Southern California Edison; SDG&E: San Diego Gas & Electric; PG&E: Pacific Gas & Electric Company; OPPD: Omaha Public Power District
Sources: Various, compiled by WNISR, 2017

287 - ColeEpley, OPPD announces official closing date for Fort Calhoun nuclear plant: Oct. 24, Omaha World-Herald,
31August2016, see
article_b8cf2e6f-ce65-56fb-9a0b-cb7ad80f8ce4.html, accessed 22May2017.
288 - Amory B. Lovins, Closing Diablo Canyon Nuclear Plant Will Save Money And Carbon, Forbes, 22June2016,
says-pge/ - 3dcbdc9e5093, accessed 5August2017.
289 - Robert Walton, Xcel Energy faces almost $500M in Prairie Island nuke upgrades, Utility Dive, 21March2017,
see, accessed
Wo r l d N u c l e a r I n d u s t r y S t a t u s R e p o r t | 2 0 1 7  | 91

New Reactor Construction

Were the largest nuclear company in the world
thats privately owned, and were going to show
why thats a good thing, and get these plants done. 290

Danny Roderick then Westinghouse CEO, October 2015
On 29March2017, Westinghouse Electric Company, a subsidiary of Japanese Toshiba group
and the largest historic builder of nuclear power plants in the world, filed for Chapter11 ban-
kruptcy protection in the U.S.Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of NewYork.291 The
insolvency has resulted from a number of factors, most recently, the enormous cost increases
and time delays at the four AP1000reactors under construction at the AlvinW Vogtle plant
in Georgia and V.C. Summer in SouthCarolina. The AP1000reactor projects are managed by
Chicago Bridge and Iron (CB&I) Stone and Webster, a subsidiary of Westinghouse Electric
Company LLC, which was purchased by Toshiba in 2006.

The cost overruns on these projects are the principal cause of US$6.2billion in losses declared
by Westinghouse parent company Toshiba. As Westinghouses website puts it somewhat more
discreetly, the company is seeking to undertake a strategic restructuring as a result of certain
financial and construction challenges in its U.S. AP1000 power plant projects.292

In response to the bankruptcy filing, Southern Company, the parent company of GeorgiaPower,
the owner of the Vogtle plant, stated: We will continue to take every action available to us to
hold Westinghouse and Toshiba accountable for their financial responsibilities under the engi-
neering, procurement and construction agreement and the parent guarantee.293 As a practical
matter, Toshiba may be unable to cover its obligations.

Vogtle and V.C. Summer AP1000 Projects

On 9February2012, for the first time in nearly three and a half decades, the NRC granted a
Construction and Operating License(COL) for the Vogtle-3 and -4 units. One week later, a coa-
lition of environmental organizations filed a lawsuit against the decision.294 On 30March2012,
South Carolina Electric & Gas received the second COL for units2 and 3 at its Summer site. In
an unprecedented move, GregoryB.Jaczko, Chairman of the NRC, voted against the opinion

290 - PhilChaffee, Westinghouses Strategy in CB&I Stone & Webster Acquisition, NIW, 30October2015.
291 - U.S. Bankruptcy Court, Case 1:17-bk-10778Westinghouse International Technology LLC Bankruptcy Petition
#: 17-10778-mew, Southern District of NewYork (Manhattan), 29March2017, see
nysbke_273415-1-17-bk-10778-westinghouse-international-technology-llc - docket_text, accessed 27May2017.
292 - Westinghouse, Westinghouse Announces Strategic Restructuring, 29March2017, see http://www.westinghousenuclear.
293 - TomHals, EmilyFlitter, and Makiko Yamazaki, How two cutting edge U.S. nuclear projects bankrupted Westinghouse,
Reuters, 4May2017, see,
accessed 27May2017.
294 - Mindy Goldstein et al., Before the Nuclear Regulatory CommissionPetitioners motion to stay the effectiveness of the
Combined License for the Vogtle electric generating plant units 3 and 4 pending judicial review, Docket Nos. 52-0 25 & 52-
026, 16February2012, see, accessed
Wo r l d N u c l e a r I n d u s t r y S t a t u s R e p o r t | 2 0 1 7  | 92

of the four other Commissioners, stating that the decision was being taken as if Fukushima
never happened.295 Jaczko subsequently resigned from his NRC position.

Construction of Vogtle-3 officially began in March 2013,296 with unit 4 following in

November2013.297 The original cost estimate for the two AP1000reactors at Plant Vogtle was
US$14billion. In December2015, GeorgiaPower confirmed that the estimated total costs were
now US$21billion,298 about 50percent above initial estimates. By June2017, one estimate for
project completion put the cost at US$29billion.299

Vogtle units 3&4 are jointly owned by Georgia Power (45.7 percent, the parent company
being Southern Company), Oglethorpe Power Corporation (30 percent), Municipal Electric
Authority of Georgia (22.7percent) and Dalton Utilities (1.6percent). A report for the Georgia
Public Service Commission(G-PSC) in June2014 warned that projected startup of unit-3 had
slipped from April2016 to January2018.300 In April2015, the NRC reported that revised esti-
mates for substantial completion now stand at June2019 and June2020. Primary reasons for
the delays included issues with submodule design and fabrication.301

At V.C. Summer, units2&3 construction began on 11March2013,302 and 4November2013303 res-

pectively, with startup dates projected for Unit2 for 2017 and for Unit3 late 2017 or early 2018.304
Both reactors are owned by South Carolina Electric & Gas Company (SCE&G)305 and South
Carolina Public Service Authority (Santee Cooper). In a May2016 filing SC&G reaffirmed that
the first new reactor is targeted for substantial completion (not operation) in August2019 and
the second unit in August2020.306 On 14February2017, Westinghouse provided SCE&G with
revised in-service dates of April2020 and December2020 for Units2 and 3, respectively.307

295 - MSNBC, U.S. licenses first nuclear reactors since 1978, 9February2012.
296 - WNISR, Construction Start at Vogtle Reactor in the US, 16March2013,
see, accessed 27May2017.
297 - WNISR, Construction Start on US Vogtle Unit4, 25November2013,
see, accessed 27May2017.
298 - The Southern Alliance for Clean Energy, Plant Vogtles Price Tag Climbs to $21 Billion as Commission Experts
Predict Further Delays and Cost Increases for Southern Companys Proposed Reactors, News Release, 11December2015,
lays-and-cost-increases-for-southern-companys-proposed-reactors-news-release-from-the-souther/, accessed 7August2017.
299 - DarrellProctor, Cost Overruns at Vogtle Expected to Soar, POWER Magazine, 19June2017,
see, accessed 5August2017.
300 - AssociatedPress, Monitor warns of delays building Plant Vogtle, published in Athens Banner-Herald, 23June2014,
seehttp:/, accessed 7August2017.
301 - NRC, Quarterly Nuclear Power Deployment SummaryApril 2015, April2015.
302 - WNISR, Summer, South Carolina: First Construction Start in 36 Years in the US, 12March2013,
see, accessed 27May2017.
303 - WNISR, Construction Start at V.C. Summer Reactor Unit 3, 14November2013,
see, accessed 27May2017.
304 - WNN, Second Summer AP1000 under construction, 6November2013, see
cond-Summer-AP1000-under-construction-0611134.html, accessed 7August2017.
305 - SCE&G is a regulated public utility and the principal subsidiary of SCANA Corporation, an energy-based holding com-
306 - SCANA, Petition of South Carolina Electric & Gas Company for Updates and Revisions to Schedules Related to the
Construction of a Nuclear Base Load Generation Facility at Jenkinsville, South Carolina, Public Service Commission of South
Carolina, 26May2016, see, accessed
307 - SCANA, SCANA Receives Reaffirmation from Westinghouse Regarding Completion of V.C. Summer New Nuclear Pro-
ject, 14February2017, see
firmation-from-westinghouse-regarding-completion-of-vc-summer-new-nuclear-project.pdf?sfvrsn=0, accessed 28May2017.
Wo r l d N u c l e a r I n d u s t r y S t a t u s R e p o r t | 2 0 1 7  | 93

In October 2016, after a review of the project, Westinghouse and the reactor owners SC&G
agreed on a new contract with a higher projected cost of US$14billion, about 43percent higher
than the total US$9.8billion price tag announced in 2008.308 In May2017, the cost of the pro-
ject was being reported as approaching US$16billion.309

According to SCE&G, planned cash requirements for the V.C. Summer reactor project to com-
pletion in April and December 2020 respectively are a total of US$5.3 billion. Construction
costs projected by SCE&G in 2017 are US$1.9billion, US$1.7billion in 2018, and US$1.1billion
through 2020.310 As with Vogtle, there were no prospects that the V.C. Summer reactors would
be completed on the latest schedule.

In 2015, the WNA reported that the AP1000design uses modular construction techniques,
enabling large structural modules to be built at factories and then installed at the site. This
means that more construction activities can take place at the same time, reducing the time
taken to build a plant as well as offering economic and quality control benefits.311

The reality has turned out to be very different.

Even before formal reactor construction began at the Vogtle site, the NRC determined that in
excavating and preparation for laying of the reactors basemat, a Severity Level(SL) IV vio-
lation of NRC requirements had occurred.312 The violations included non-compliant backfill
material, and the failure to test as required waterproof membranes, which are required to meet
Seismic Category component standard, important in coping with seismic loads and the Safe
Shutdown Earthquake(SSE) designation. These problems set back construction start by nine
months. These problems were compounded over the next four years, as regulatory and internal
inspections at Lake Charles revealed multiple problems associated with the effort to construct
modular parts to fit the new Westinghouse design, NRC records show.313

The construction of the Vogtle and V.C. Summer reactors were already in severe difficulty long
before the declaration of bankruptcy by Westinghouse.

308 - K.ChadBurgess Petition of South Carolina Electric & Gas Company for Updates and Revisions to Schedules Related
to the Construction of a Nuclear Base Load Generation Facility at Jenkinsville, South Carolina, SCANA, Before the Public Ser-
vice Commission of South Carolina, 26May2016, see
b1b7325bca7d, accessed 28May2017.
309 - Peter Maloney, Westinghouse will not object to unsealing contract for V.C. Summer nuclear project, UtilityDive,
22May2017, see
clear-pr/443180/, accessed 29May2017.
310 - SCANA, Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2016, 16February2017.
311 - WNA, Major module installed at Summer 3, 8July2015, see
talled-at-Summer-3-0807154.html, accessed 27May2017.
312 - U.S.NRC, Southern Nuclear Operating Company Vogtle Electric Electric Generating Plant Units3 and 4NRC Ins-
pection Report 05200011/2011-009 and Notice of Violation, 16September2011, see
ML11259A159.pdf, accessed 27May2017.
313 - Tom Hals, Emily Flitter, How two cutting edge U.S. nuclear projects bankrupted Westinghouse, Reuters, 4May2017,
see, accessed 7August2017.
Wo r l d N u c l e a r I n d u s t r y S t a t u s R e p o r t | 2 0 1 7  | 94

Its going beautifully, and were on schedule

Tom Fanning, Southern CEO, October2016314

While Georgia Power claimed in 2016 that Plant Vogtle was 60-percent complete, in terms
of construction milestones, the actual full-plant construction was only 36 percent complete
as of September 2016, a point admitted by Georgia executives to the PSC (Public Service
Commission).316 317

The December2016 quarterly progress report by the Georgia PSC, obtained by EnergyWire,318
(one public version, the other classified as Highly Confidential Trade Secret EPC Information),
cast major doubts on the latest estimated completion dates of the Vogtle reactors, with future
long-term activities identified by staff as high risk for delay. Although both versions of the
report were heavily redacted, it confirmed that there have been continued delays from the
November2016 Integrated Project Schedule(IPS) to the December2016 IPS for many Unit3
and 4 activities and that that all of the paths to Unit 3 completion are under schedule stress
and will likely incur additional delays.319

If the decision is taken to continue with construction (see below) and even with a dramatic im-
provement in construction rates from an estimated 40-percent complete as of 31March2017,
a more credible completion date for Plant Vogtle would be 2023. But this date remains highly
speculative, and is on the basis of maintaining the current ninepercent annual construction
completion rate, with no further delays, which given the track record of the project must be in

Additional construction delays, and therefore further additional major costs, for completion of
Plant Vogtle, are inevitable. The cost of one year delay in the project has been reported to the
PSC in Georgia as hundreds of millions of dollars.320 While the AP1000 units at Vogtle are
scheduled to begin commercial operation in June2019 and June2020 respectively, in reports by
the PSC staff in 2016 and independent monitors have said those dates are not likely to be met:

314 - Kristi E. Schwartz, Evidence mounts that Vogtle project won't start up in 2020, EnergyWire, E&ENews,
8February2017, see, accessed 28May2017.
315 - All documents related to the construction monitoring are available on the website of the Public Service Commission,
316 - ScottJudy, Turnaround Eludes Nuclear Power Plant Vogtle, Engineering News-Record, 18January2017,
see, accessed 7August2017.
317 - Travis Highfield, Plant Vogtle construction continues despite setbacks, cost overrun, The Augusta Chronicle,
13February2016, see
backs-cost-overrun, accessed 7August2017.
318 - Kristi E. Schwartz, Evidence mounts that Vogtle project won't start up in 2020, E&ENews, 8February2017,
see, accessed 28May2017.
319 - Georgia PSC, Vogtle 3 and 4 Nuclear Project Monthly ReportPublic Disclosure, December2016,
see, accessed 28May2017.
320 - Georgia PSC, 7th VCM August 2012-February 2013Direct Testimony of WilliamRJacobs, p11.
Wo r l d N u c l e a r I n d u s t r y S t a t u s R e p o r t | 2 0 1 7  | 95

We conclude that the Company has not demonstrated to staff that the current COD
(Commercial Operation Dates) have a reasonable chance of being met. It is our opinion
that there is a very strong likelihood of further delays for CODs for both Units.321

Describing the risk of further delays as acute, the current annual construction rate of
9.2percent would have to be tripled to 27percent in 2017, if the stated completion date was to
be met. In fact, the construction rate declined from August2016.

The risk of additional project capital and financing costs due to additional schedule delays
beyond the current forecasted delayed CODs remains a significant risk to increase Project
cost... the Project continued to incur substantial schedule delays, in particular on Unit 3.322

In early May2017, Georgia Power officials admitted to the Georgia PSC that the project slipped
at least four months behind schedule in the second half of 2016, and has fallen farther behind
this year.323

Following the Westinghouse bankruptcy filing, Georgia Power on 12May2017 announced that
with Westinghouse they had reached in principle, a new service agreement, which allows for
the transition of project management from Westinghouse to Southern Nuclear and Georgia
Power once the current engineering, procurement and construction contract is rejected in
Westinghouses bankruptcy proceeding.324

The interim assessment agreement set to expire originally on 12May remained in place until
3June2017 while the new service agreement was finalized and all approvals obtained. During
this time, work was to continue at the site and an orderly transition of project management will
begin. Georgia Power executives have said they expect Westinghouse to terminate an engi-
neering, procurement and construction, or EPC, contract on the two AP1000units as soon as
an interim agreement to provide construction management services lapses. On 9 June 2017,
an agreement was reached in which Toshiba promised to pay GeorgiaPower US$3.68billion
beginning in October2017 through January2021.325

The early date for completing the analysis of the Vogtle project slipped further, when Southern
Company officials stated that they hoped to have their evacuation completed by August, or
late summer [2017].326

321 - See submission from Southern Alliance for Clean Energy (SACE), including Review of the Proposed Revisions of Expen-
ditures Pursuant to Georgia Power Companys Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity for Plant Vogtle Units3 and 4,
Fifteenth Semi-Annual Construction Monitoring Report, Docket 29849, 15 th VCM, 13February2017, citing Direct Testimony of
Routger and Jacobs, p23; Tr 155
322 - Georgia Public Service Commission, 15th VCM August 2016-February 2017Direct Testimony of Steven D Roetger and
William R Jacobs, Jr., 17November2016.
323 - RussellGrantham, Southern Company: Weeks before well know cost of Plant Vogtle, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution,
11May2017, see
JAfxDQN/, accessed 29May2017.
324 - Georgia Power, New service agreement reached for Vogtle nuclear expansionInterim assessment agreement extended
through June3, work continues at site, PressRelease, 12May2017, see
vice-agreement-reached-for-vogtle-nuclear-expansion-300457135.html, accessed 28May2017.
325 - DarrellProctor, Toshiba Agrees to $3.68 Billion Deal to Aid Vogtle Nuclear Construction, POWERMagazine,
12June2017, see, accessed
326 - MattKempner, Southern Co. CEO: More time needed for new Vogtle plan, Atlanta Journal Constitution, 24May2017,
accessed 29May2017.
Wo r l d N u c l e a r I n d u s t r y S t a t u s R e p o r t | 2 0 1 7  | 96

V.C. Summer
In 2014, SCE&G revised the completion date for the reactors to 15 December 2017 and
15 December 2018 for V.C. Summer units 2&3 respectively.327 The latest estimates are April
and December 2020,328 even before the Westinghouse bankruptcy these lacked credibi-
lity. The construction status of the V.C. Summer plant was at 33.7 percent complete as of

In March2017, KevinMarsh, CEO of SCANA, parent company of SCE&G, stated: Our com-
mitment is still to try to finish these plants. That would be my preferred option. The least pre-
ferred option, I think realistically, is abandonment.330 In March2017 SCANA announced that
during the coming 30days it would evaluate options for the project, including:

continuing with the construction of both new units;

focusing on the construction of one unit, and delaying the construction of the other;
continuing with the construction of one and abandoning the other; and
abandoning both units.331
On 29 April 2017, that assessment period on the future of the project was extended to
26June2017. SCANA by this time was admitting that from a prudency perspective, we have
to evaluate, whether or not mothballing one (reactor) or abandoning one would be in our best
interests, said Steve Byrne, chief operating officer of SCANA. If only one nuclear reactor
could be completed, SCANA would convert the other into a gas reactor.332

Quality-Control Failures, Disputes and Acquisitions

The Westinghouse bankruptcy is in part a consequence of the multiple regulatory, quality
control, construction failures during the past seven years in relations to the AP1000 pro-
jects. These have also contributed to the cascade of disputes between the contractors and
Westinghouse, leading to acquisitions and legal challenges that have compounded the
construction delays at Vogtle and V.C. Summer.

The most significant delays have been due to the innovative design and the challenges created
by the untested approach to manufacturing and building reactors. The AP1000 manufacturing
method of using prefabricated parts when the supplier was unable to guarantee quality control

327 - Adam Russell, Another Vogtle debacle? Cost overruns, delays and construction woes bedevil V.C. Summer reactor pro-
ject in S.C., Friends of the Earth U.S., 16January2014, see
cost-overruns-delays-and-construction-woes-at-reactor, accessed 8August2017.
328 - Roddie Burris, SCE&G gets new commitment from Westinghouse to finish V.C. Summer nuclear project, TheState,
14February2017, see - storylink=cpy, accessed 7August2017.
329 - DavidWren, SCANA exec: Nuclear plant completion could hinge on extension of federal tax credits, The Post and Cou-
rier, 27April2017, see
sion-of/article_2bf6d520-2b83-11e7-a557-4b77cf88f39c.html, accessed 29May2017.
330 - SamFretwell, SCANA, Santee Cooper to reassess reactors after Westinghouse bankruptcy, The State, 29March2017,
see, accessed 27May2017.
331 - WNN, Scana to evaluate Summer options, 30March2017, see
Summer-options-3003177.html, accessed 28May2017.
332 - MichaelSmith, SCANA, Santee Cooper extend V.C. Summer deal; Project Vogtle files objection, AikenStandard,
29April2017, see
f4ddbe5c-2c34-11e7-8f6c-e3fb3ec75fe8.html, accessed 5August2017.
Wo r l d N u c l e a r I n d u s t r y S t a t u s R e p o r t | 2 0 1 7  | 97

and compliance with NRC regulations clearly has been costly failure. These have led to major
conflicts between contractors and client.

In October 2015, Westinghouse signed a purchase agreement to acquire CB&I Stone&Webster

Inc., the nuclear construction and integrated services businesses then owned by CB&I.333
Westinghouse CEO Danny Roderick said the agreement supports our companys strategic
global growth framework, and expands our capabilities.334 Westinghouse and its affiliates be-
came the sole contractor for construction of Vogtle-3 and -4, owned by Georgia Power, and
V.C. Summer-2 and -3 reactors. Westinghouse later entered into an agreement with Fluor Corp.
as the construction subcontractor. Westinghouse paid nothing up front, but agreed to accept
all liabilities related to cost overruns at Vogtle and V.C. Summer that Shaw was building in
partnership with Westinghouse. The deal was meant to get the two power plant projects back
on schedule.

CB&I subsequently charged that Westinghouse reneged on promises to wipe out all the
construction companys liabilities tied to the Vogtle and V.C. Summer projects. The dispute
relates to the value of the net working capital of the CB&I nuclear construction business.
However, the nuclear power plant construction units liabilities affect not just the net working
capital calculations, but also the valuation of the unit. Toshiba initially estimated the goodwill
resulting from the purchase of CB&I Stone and Webster at around US$87million, which has
now morphed into several billions of dollars. Clearly, as an intangible asset, the goodwill esti-
mated by Toshiba was massively overvalued failing to take into account the rising cost of mate-
rials and goodwill to complete Vogtle and V.C. Summer, leading to the companys assets worth
being less than expected. In April2016, Toshiba reported the write down of goodwill as likely
to be US$2.3billion, now revised downward further by several billion.335 On 5December2016,
the DelawareChancery Court ruled in favor of Westinghouse and dismissed the filing of CB&I,
and found that the parties purchase agreement required an independent auditor to resolve the
dispute.336 CB&I filed an appeal on 7December2016.337

Uncertainty Over V.C. Summer and Plant Vogtle

If Id known any of this a decade ago

we would have gone a different way

Stan Wise, Georgia Public Service Commission, May2017.

The outcome for Vogtle and V.C. Summer U.S. AP1000projects through June2017 remained
uncertain, with abandonment of an explicit option. In the case of the Vogtle unit3&4 project

333 - AaronLarson, CB&I Out, Fluor In at Vogtle and V.C. Summer Nuclear Power Plant Construction Projects, POWERMag.,
28October2015, see
tion-projects/, accessed 28May2017.
334 - Ibidem.
335 - WNN, Toshiba expects $2.3 billion write-down on Westinghouse, 26April2016, see
org/C-Toshiba-takes-2.3-billion-write-down-on-Westinghouse-2604165.html, accessed 28May2017.
336 - MattChiappardi, Chancery Sends $2B Westinghouse Merger Fight To Auditor, Law360, 2December2016,
see, accessed 28May2017.
337 - MichaelGreene, Chicago Bridge & Iron Appeals Dismissal of Westinghouse Suit, 7December2016,
see, accessed 28May2017.
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in Georgia, Stan Wise, chairman of the states Public Service Commission, pointed out that it
is possiblethat Plant Vogtle just doesnt get finished at all. Its a real hit and a real blow to
something that we felt like was going to be the very best possible energy choice for Georgia
maybe even into the next century.338 But he also went on to talk about the changes in the
energy landscape since the Vogtle plan was initially approved, with natural gas getting very
cheap, and technologies like solar power and batteries improving and declaring: If Id known
any of this a decade ago we would have gone a different way. Plant Vogtle and V.C. Summer
were the first new US nuclear power projects to be licensed and begin construction in more
than 30years.339

Factors Determining the Future of Vogtle and V.C. Summer

There are a number of critical factors that determine the future of the Vogtle and V.C.Summer
projects. These include: securing financial guarantees from Toshiba, including the effect of
Westinghouse bankruptcy proceedings; securing federal Production Tax Credits; and the posi-
tion of the Georgia and South Carolina Public Services Commissions and public opinion.

Westinghouse / Toshiba Guarantees

Toshiba is the guarantor of certain Westinghouse obligations under the contracts with
Southern Co (and SCE&G). Toshiba is expected to set aside roughly 670 billion yen
(US$6.02billion) as provisions for guarantees for the fiscal year ended 31March2017.340

Another dispute also arose with Westinghouse, according to court documents filed by Georgia
Power in which they objected to the Westinghouse debtor-in-possession, or DIP, bankruptcy
loan because it calls for attaching liens to Westinghouses intellectual property necessary to
complete two AP1000reactors.341 Attaching liens to intellectual property critical to building
the reactors could jeopardize the entire project, if the DIP Lenders are granted liens on the
Intellectual Property, the possibility would exist that the DIP Lenders would later foreclose on
the Intellectual Property... it could seriously disrupt or even potentially halt construction of
the Project, according to court papers filed by the Vogtle owners.342 That is true even though
none of the money in the bankruptcy finance package can be used on reactor construction,
according to Georgia Power.343 Westinghouses bankruptcy financing is provided by affiliates of
Apollo Global Management LLC.

338 - Molly Samuel, Contractor Bankruptcy Could Be Trouble For Georgia Power, WABE, 24March2017,
see, accessed 28May2017.
339 - WNN, Vogtle receives final loan guarantees, 25June2015, see
final-loan-guarantees-2506157.html, accessed 27May2017.
340 - SoichiInai, Westinghouse risks still shadow Toshiba, Nikkei Asian Review, 23May2017, see
light/Toshiba-in-Turmoil/Westinghouse-risks-still-shadow-Toshiba, accessed 29May2017.
341 - A liens is an official order that allows a party to keep the property of a person who owes them money until it has been
paid. In the U.S. the term lien generally refers to a wide range of encumbrances and would include other forms of charge.
342 - Michael Smith, SCANA, Santee Cooper extend V.C. Summer deal; Project Vogtle files objection, AikenStandard,
29April2017, see
f4ddbe5c-2c34-11e7-8f6c-e3fb3ec75fe8.html, accessed 28May2017.
343 - Peg Brickley, Southern's Georgia Power Objects to Westinghouse Bankruptcy LoanUpdate, Dow Jones Newswire,
Fox Business, 27April2017, see
ghouse-bankruptcy-loan-update.html, accessed 29May2017.
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The V.C. Summer project does not have the same issue, as the owners have been in the pro-
cess of escrowing the AP1000 intellectual property and software since March2017. A May2017
Barclays Capital analysis noted that (Vogtle) Project owners are negotiating with Toshiba on a
schedule for payments on that guarantee should Westinghouse declare it cannot meet the obli-
gation of the EPC contract.344 As noted, a US$3.68billion agreement was reached in June2017
between Toshiba and Georgia Power to be paid through 2021.

In the case of V.C. Summer, on 27July2017 agreement was reached between SCANA Corp and
Santee Cooper with Toshiba for payment of US$2.168 billion to be paid from October 2017
through 2022.345

In both cases, the guarantees offered by Toshiba could be rejected by a bankruptcy court or the
amount set aside by Toshiba may not be sufficient.

Federal Loan Guarantees

In February 2010, the U.S.DOE announced that it had awarded, on a conditional basis,
US$8.3 billion in title XV11 federal loan guarantees to underwrite the construction costs of
Vogtle-3 and -4.346 The loans would be spread among three of the four owners of the pro-
ject: Georgia Power (US$3.4 billion) Oglethorpe Power (US$3.1 billion) and MEAG Power
(US$3.8billion).347 Under the terms of the agreement, the loan guarantees will allow the owners
of the project to borrow at below-market Federal Financing Bank rates with the assurance of
the U.S. Government. Final approval for the loan guarantee was announced in February 348 and
June2014.349 The DOE loan guarantees were awarded without making the recipient companies
pay a project subsidy cost. Title XVII of the Energy Policy Act of 2005, which established the
loan guarantee program, requires that the government receive from the borrower a payment
in full for the cost of the obligation, yet the DOE awarded the guarantee for Plant Vogtle wit-
hout charging the fee.350

As noted by NEI in 2010, although the loan guarantees are not loans, they are the next best
thing; the government-owned Federal Financing Bank takes on the risk of defaulting on the
loan. The utilities do have to negotiate a fee with the bank to offset the risk of default.351

344 - William Freebairn,Vogtle partners seeking accelerated payment from Toshiba of guarantees, Platts, NW, Vol.58, No.20,
345 - Tom Hals, Toshiba reaches $2.2 billion deal over SCANA's South Carolina nuclear project, Reuters, 27July2017,
see, accessed 5August2017.
346 - Ibidem.
347 - Loan Programs Office, VOGTLE, U.S.DOE, Undated, see, accessed 28May2017.
348 - U.S.DOE, At Vogtle, Big Results with Nuclear Power, 20February2014,
see, accessed 28May2017.
349 - U.S.DOE, Energy Department Issues Remaining $1.8Billion in Loan Guarantees for Vogtle Advanced Nuclear Energy
Project, 24June2014, see
advanced-nuclear, accessed 28May2017.
350 - Ben Schreiber, Friends of the Earth statement on nuclear loan guarantee, Friends of the Earth, 22April2014,
see, accessed 28May2017.
351 - NEI, Vogtle shareholders get an edge, 23February2010,
see, accessed 28May2017.
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The loan guarantees allowed Vogtles owners to finance a substantial portion of their construc-
tion costs at interest rates well below market rates, and to increase their debt fraction, which
significantly reduces overall financing costs.

In justification for the loan guarantee to Vogtle, the Obama administration stated that
theVogtle project represents an important advance in nuclear technology, other innovative
nuclear projects may be unable to obtain full commercial financing due to the perceived risks
associated with technology that has never been deployed at commercial scale in the U.S. The
loan guarantees from this draft solicitation would support advanced nuclear energy technolo-
gies that will catalyze the deployment of future projects that replicate or extend a technologi-
cal innovation.352

The impact of the Westinghouse bankruptcy and the evaluations of the options for the Vogtle
project, raises the prospect of repayment of the US$8.3billion loan to Southern.353

Tax Credits
It is very, very important to the viability, said Jimmy Addison, SCANAs executive vice pres-
ident and chief financial officer. We have impressed upon everyone that has a vested interest
in South Carolina and in nuclear in America that... the timeliness of this is very important to
this evaluation.354

A critical factor that will determine the future of the Vogtle and V.C. Summer is the availability
of Production Tax Credits(PTCs) of US$0.018 per kWh for the first 6,000MW of capacity for
the first eight years of the reactor operation. This PTC is capped at US$125million per year
per 1,000MW of capacity. The PTC was included as part of the Energy Policy Act of 2005, and
currently requires a unit to have an in-service date before 1January2021.

The owners of the Vogtle and V.C. Summer plants were desperate to secure Federal PTCs. In
the case of Vogtle, they are worth US$800million; according to SCANA, the tax credits would
offset about US$2.2billion of the current US$14billion in projected V.C. Summer construction
costs, with the money going to ratepayers, but only if the reactors are online by the end of

It is not by coincidence that even as the scheduled startup dates for the reactors have been pus-
hed back they still on paper currently meet the PTCs deadline. Lobbyists for the two utilities
have made securing an extension of the deadline a top priority this year, and executives have
said they believe there is political support for enacting that change.356

352 - Loan Programs Office, Fostering the Next Generation of Nuclear Energy Technology, U.S.DOE, 29September2014,
see, accessed 28May2017.
353 - Peter Maloney, Westinghouse bankruptcy puts $8.3B in federal loan guarantees for Vogtle plant at risk, UtilityDive,
3April2017, see
pl/439508/, accessed 29May2017.
354 - David Wren, SCANA exec: Nuclear plant completion could hinge on extension of federal tax credits, The Post and Cou-
rier, 27April2017, see
sion-of/article_2bf6d520-2b83-11e7-a557-4b77cf88f39c.html, accessed 29May2017.
355 - Sammy Fretwell, Could losing tax break sink SCE&Gs nuclear project?, The State, 22May2017,
see, accessed 28May2017.
356 - William Freebairn,Vogtle partners seeking accelerated payment from Toshiba of guarantees, Platts, NW, Vol.58, N.20,
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However, an extension of the deadlines for PTCs was not included in an omnibus spending bill
approved by Congress on 2May2017 and might now have to wait for inclusion in proposed tax
legislation.357 Its over US$2billion, said DukesScott, director of the S.C. Office of Regulatory
Staff. Thats going to be crucial to the decision-making. There is little chance of passing le-
gislation that includes PTCs any time soon.358

Costs to Customers and the Position of

the Public Services Commissions
The Georgia PSC has backed the Plant Vogtle project from the start, including awarding gene-
rous Combined Works In Progress(CWIP), where all construction costs incurred by Georgia
Power are passed directly on to the customer. The Vogtle project and CWIP has long been cri-
ticized by groups in Georgia as uneconomic and detrimental to the customers and electricity
needs of the State of Georgia. The original construction schedules were criticized as unachie-
vable long before the start of construction though such critiques were dismissed by both the
utility and the PSC.359 It did not help that the financing and decision-making has lacked trans-
parency. While detailed information about the projects cost and schedule is provided to the
PSC, complaints were already filed in 2010, that the utilities had classified almost all the cost
and schedule information as trade secret.

The Georgia Nuclear Energy Financing Act, signed into law in 2009, allows regulated utilities
to recover from their customers the financing costs associated with the construction of nu-
clear generation projectsyears before those projects begin producing benefits for ratepayers.
Of GeorgiaPowers estimated US$6.1billion Vogtle costs, US$1.7billion is financing costs. The
utility began recovering these financing costs from its customers starting in 2011. For 2011,
that translates to Georgia Power electric bills going up by an average of US$3.73 per month.
Georgia Power estimates that this monthly charge will escalate so that by 2018, a Georgia
Power residential customer using 1,000kWh per month will see their bill go up by US$10 per
month, or approximately US$120 per year, due to Vogtle-3 and -4. Utilities like CWIP because
it gives them an interest-free loan from their customers rather than market-rate debt and equi-
ty financing. However, CWIP increases their risk, because price elasticity and political dissa-
tisfaction will both have longer to work before the plant is ultimately finished (if it is) and put
in the ratebase (to the extent it is). Georgias special law is considered by the builders to relieve
them of all cost-overrun or imprudent-investment risk, but even if it did (which will be up to
the courts), the state regulator has many other tangible ways to express its displeasure if it
feels a regulated utility has been unwise, imprudent, or deceitful.

In the case of V.C. Summer, in June2016 the South Carolina Office of Regulatory Staff (ORS)
reported that the pay-in-advance nuclear construction charge was 16percent of retail bills. As

357 - Emma Dumain, S.C. congressional delegation loses fight to get nuclear tax credit in government spending bill, The Post
and Courier, 2May2017, see
article_c68a5cde-2f42-11e7-ba6f-977391a7c898.html, accessed 29May2017.
358 - U.S. Senate and House of Representatives, A BillTo amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to modify the credit for
production from advanced nuclear power facilities, 115th Congress, 1st Session, see
files/images/MCG17173.pdf, accessed 28May2017.
359 - Max Chang, David White, et al., Big Risks, Better AlternativesAn Examination of Two Nuclear Energy Projects in
the U.S., Synapse Energy Economics, 6October2011, Commissioned by the Union of Concerned Scientists, seehttp://www., accessed 29May2017.
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of May2016, SCE&G customers have had eight price increases, and SCE&G has raised electri-
city prices nearly 20percent since 2009 to fund the nuclear project.360

Any future costs sought by the owners of Vogtle and V.C. Summer to be covered under CWIP
would need PSC approval. Already challenged on the projects viability since before construc-
tion of the plants, public criticism of the failure of the PSCs in Georgia and South Carolina to
act prudently has only increased in recent years, and has escalated since the bankruptcy filing
of Westinghouse. The project is under the microscope now, and elected officials may not be
willing to make customers foot the bill when things dont go as planned.361

State regulators will also have to agree to the utilitys taking over as general contractors with a
construction company, such as Bechtel or Fluor, serving as a subcontractor, which will require
a new allocation of risk, since the construction contractors, unlike Westinghouse, would not
offer a fixed-price contract for completion, according to analysis from Barclays Capital.362

President Trump on Nuclear Power

During his election campaign President Trump made clear his support for nuclear power, as
he stated: Nuclear power is a valuable source of energy and should be part of an all-the-above
program for providing power for America long into the future. However, even at the time
there were signals that his support might be conditional, as in his campaign energy-plan pro-
posals, it said that he will ensure government does not favor one energy generator over another
and will allow the energy marketplace to determine the best mix of domestic energy sources.363
While, the An America First Energy Plan, on the White House Web Site, does not mention
nuclear power at all, instead focusing on the need for shale gas and clean coal.364 Then during
the June 2017 Energy Week, President Trump spoke at the Department of Energy, when he
said on nuclear power: We will begin to revive and expand our nuclear energy sectorwhich
Im so happy aboutwhich produces clean, renewable and emissions-free energy. However,
in order to do this, he announced a complete review of U.S. energy policy will help us find
new ways to revitalize this crucial energy source.365 This was a disappointment to many, and
as a Republican energy strategist said: For anyone who knows nuclear, theres no doubt about

360 - DavidWren, SCANA exec: Nuclear plant completion could hinge on extension of federal tax credits, The Post and
Courier, 27April2017, see
tension-of/article_2bf6d520-2b83-11e7-a557-4b77cf88f39c.html , accessed 29May2017.
361 - AaronLarson, Southern Company Could Delay Plant Vogtle Decision Until Late Summer, POWER Magazine,
24May2017, see,
accessed 28May2017.
362 - William Freebairn,Vogtle partners seeking accelerated payment from Toshiba of guarantees, Platts, Nucleonics Week,
Vol.58, No.20, 18May2017.
363 - NEI, Clinton, Trump Both Support Nuclear Energy, 19 October 2016, Nuclear Energy Institute,
see,-Trump-Both-Support-Nuclear-Energy, accessed 18Au-
364 - The White House, An America First Energy Plan, undated, see,
accessed 18 August 2017.
365 - President Trump, Remarks by President Trump at the Unleashing American Energy Event, 29 June 2017,
accessed 18August 2017.
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what needs to be done. Its a question of doing itnot talking about it.366 One month later
construction was halted at the V.C. Summer nuclear power plant.

Termination of V.C. Summer project

On 31 July 2017, Santee Cooper and SCANA Corporation announced that they were halting
construction of the V. C. Summer project.367 Both corporations attributed their decisions prima-
rily to the expected cost and time overruns, if the project had been completed. SanteeCooper said
that its analysis showed the project would not be finished until 2024, four years after the most
recent completion date provided by Westinghouse, and would end up costing Santee Cooper
customers a total of $11.4 billion.368 Likewise SCANAs evaluation of the project costs and
schedules led it to conclude that completion of both Units would be prohibitively expensive.
The announcement caused an increase in the share prices of SCANA and financial analysts up-
graded its stocks. The suspension of V.C. Summer recalls the history of 40 other stranded nuclear
reactor projects in the United States, whose construction started in the 1970s, and which were
abandoned between 1977 and 1989, as can be seen from the Global Nuclear Power Database.369
The V.C. Summer project now joins the ranks of the forty nuclear new-build projects
including 12 Westinghouse reactorsthat were abandoned in the U.S. between 1977 and
1989 at various stages of construction (see Global Nuclear Power Database for details).370
With a decision on the fate of the Vogtle project later in 2017, former NRC
commissioner Peter Bradford put the V.C. Summer decision in context:
There never was an actual nuclear renaissance, just the 31 paper applications on file at the
Nuclear Regulatory Commission by early 2009. Now nearly all but two are cancelled, leaving
a trail of economic waste in their wake. The intent of the renaissance dream was to show that
new reactor designs and an expedited licensing process from which the public was largely ex-
cluded would produce reactors that could be completed on time and on budget as well as at
competitive costs. The expectation was that private financing, without subsidy from customers
and taxpayers, would then become available to nuclear power. That dream is now in ruins. The
Westinghouse bankruptcy and subsequent events in South Carolina make the lessons so clear
that even the most ardent nuclear propagandists probably can no longer shout them down.371

366 - Jennifer A. Dlouhy, Trumps Plans for a Nuclear Revival Will Begin With a Study, Bloomberg, 29 June 2017,
accessed 18August2017.
367 - SCANA, South Carolina Electric & Gas Company To Cease Construction And Will File Plan Of Abandonment Of The
New Nuclear Project, 31July2017, see
accessed 5August2017.
368 - WNISR, Utilities Abandon V. C. Summer AP1000 Reactor Construction Following Westinghouse Bankruptcy,
2August2017, see
Following-Westinghouse.html, accessed 5August2017.
369 - WNISR/Visionscarto/Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, Global Nuclear Power Database, 2017,
see, accessed 5August2017.
370 - WNISR, Westinghouse: Origins and Effects of the Downfall of a Nuclear Giant, 2April2017, see https://www.worldnu-, accessed 29May2017.
371 - Vermont Business Magazine, Vermont Law School's Cooper on demise of V.C. Summer: Nuclear power is uneconomic,
4August2017, see
power-uneconomic, accessed 5August2017.
Wo r l d N u c l e a r I n d u s t r y S t a t u s R e p o r t | 22001177  | 104

Nuclear powers contribution to the global electricity mix has declined over the past two de-
cades, as the worlds power consumption has increased, while nuclear production has largely
stagnated and other sources have shown strong growth rates. Despite this, several internatio-
nal energy organizations forecast that nuclear power production, globally, will increase in the
coming decades. For example, the IEAs World Energy Outlook suggests that by 2040 the total
power output from nuclear will increase by about 50percent.372 This would be a remarkable,
and somewhat unlikely, achievement, especially given the very low level of construction in the
traditional markets of Western Europe and North America and their aging nuclear fleets. This
is highlighted in Figure 24, which is based on data published by the IAEA in their 2016 predic-
tions for global nuclear development. These assume that in North America, in their low nuclear
scenario, a halving of current nuclear capacity by 2050 and even in their high scenarios an
increase of only around 10percent, while Western Europe would decrease by over 50percent
and remain approximately constant in these two scenarios.373

Figure 24 | IAEA Forecasts of Installed Nuclear Capacity

IAEA Forecasts of Installed Nuclear Capacity by Region in 2020, 2030, 2050 350

in GW 300

High Scenario
Low Scenario
WNISR - Mycle Schneider Consulting 200




15 20 30 2050 15 20 30 2050 15 20 30 2050 15 20 30 2050 15 20 30 2050 15 20 30 2050 15 20 30 2050 15 20 30 2050
North America Latin America Western Europe Eastern Europe Africa Middle East South East Asia Far East
and South Asia and the Pacific

Source: IAEA, 2016

The IAEA assumes that to meet their prediction of more than doubling of current capacity in
the higher nuclear scenario, considerable new construction will occur in existing countries,
such as China, South Korea and India, but also envisages significant capacity in newcomer

The WNA suggests that there are just 20countries in which nuclear power is being planned
for the first time, with an additional 20, where the nuclear option is under consideration.
This is small compared to renewable energy, as at end of 2015, targets had been established

372 - IEA, World Energy Outlook, International Energy Agency, November2016.

373 - IAEA, Energy, Electricity and Nuclear Power Estimates for the Period up to 2050, 2016, see
books/IAEABooks/11120/Energy-Electricity-and-Nuclear-Power-Estimates-for-the-Period-up-to-2050, accessed 25April2017.
Wo r l d N u c l e a r I n d u s t r y S t a t u s R e p o r t | 2 0 1 7  | 105

in 173 countries at the national or state/provincial level.374 The WNA further categorizes those
countries in which nuclear power is being planned into five separate groups:

Power reactors under construction: UAE, Belarus.

Contracts signed, legal and regulatory infrastructure well-developed or developing:
Lithuania, Turkey, Bangladesh, Vietnam (but deferred).
Committed plans, legal and regulatory infrastructure developing: Jordan, Poland, Egypt.
Well-developed plans but commitment pending: Thailand, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Saudi
Arabia, Chile; or commitment stalled: Italy.
Developing plans: Israel, Nigeria, Kenya, Laos, Malaysia, Morocco, Algeria.
This section of the report will look at the countries in which WNA considers nuclear power
programs are being developed.

Construction started in November2013 at Belaruss first nuclear reactor at the Ostrovets
power plant, also called Belarusian-1. Construction of a second 1200 MWe AES-2006 reac-
tor started in June2014. In November2011, the Russian and Belarusian governments agreed
that Russia would lend up to US$10billion for 25years to finance 90percent of the contract
between Atomstroyexport and the Belarus Directorate for Nuclear Power Plant Construction.
In July2012, the contract was signed for the construction of the two reactors for an estima-
ted cost of US$10billion, including US$3billion for new infrastructure to accommodate the
remoteness of Ostrovets in northern Belarus.375 The project assumes liability for the supply of
all fuel and repatriation of spent fuel for the life of the plant. The fuel is to be reprocessed in
Russia and the separated wastes returned to Belarus. In August2011, the Ministry of Natural
Resources and Environmental Protection of Belarus stated that the first unit would be com-
missioned in 2016 and the second one in 2018.376 However, these dates were revised, and when
construction started, it was stated that the reactors would not be completed until 2018 and
2020.377 In May 2016, the startup months were specified as November 2018 and July 2020
respectively.378 As of April 2016, the two units were said by deputy energy minister Mikhail
Mikhadyuk to be 38percent complete.379 In August2016, the reactor pressure vessel slipped
and fell two meters before hitting the ground, during installation. This lead to an eight-month
delay, while it was replaced. The reactor is now only expected to be completed at the end of

374 - REN21, Renewables 2016Global Status Report, Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21stCentury, 2016.
375 - NIW, Belarus, Aided by Russia and Broke, Europes Last Dictatorship Proceeds With NPP, 28September2012.
376 - V.V. Kulik, Letter to the European Commission, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental
Protection of the Republic of Belarus, dated 9August2011.
377 - WNN, Ostrovets plant meets construction safety rules, 7November2014, see
Ostrovets-plant-meets-construction-safety-rules-07111401.html, accessed 25April2017.
378 - WNN, Reactor vessel assembly completed for second Belarusian unit, 26May2016, see
org/NN-Reactor-vessel-assembly-completed-for-second-Belarusian-unit-26051601.html, accessed 25April2017.
379 - NEI, Progress continues at Belarus NPP, 20April2016, see
nues-at-belarus-npp-4870105/, accessed 25April2017.
380 - NIW, BriefsBelarus, 7April2017.
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The official cost of the project has increased by 26 percent, to 56billion Russian Roubles in
2001 prices (US$20011.8billion).381 However, the falling exchange rate of the rouble against the
dollar significantly affects the dollar price of the project.

The project is the focus of international opposition and criticism, with formal complaints from
the Lithuanian government.382 Belarus has been found to be in non-compliance with some of its
obligations concerning the construction of the plant, according to the meeting of the Parties
of the Espoo Convention.383 In April2017, an accord was signed by all parties in the Lithuanian
Parliament noting that all necessary measures should be taken to stop the construction of
Ostrovets and at least to ensure that the electricity produced in this nuclear power plant will
not be allowed into Lithuania nor will it be allowed to be sold on the Lithuanian market under
any circumstances.384

According to media reports, at the surprise initiative of Swedish MP Kent Harstedt, on

5 July 2017, a draft resolution brought forward by Lithuanian parliamentarians critical of
the Ostrovets project was removed from the agenda at the Organization for Security and
Cooperation (OSCE) in Europes Parliamentary Assembly.385

Currently, Belarus is a net importer of electricityin 2015 it received 3.6 TWh from Russia
and Ukraine, a fall from 3.8 TWh the previous year.386 When generating, both nuclear units
could produce at least double this amount, so domestic power plants will have to be closed, or
output restricted, or consumption or power exports increased. This latter option, which would
also bring important revenue to Belarus, may not be possible as the Lithuanian and Polish
Governments are said to be refusing to buy electricity from the Belarus nuclear power plant
due to safety concerns over the reactor.387 The Lithuanian Government, along with the other
Baltic States is seeking to decouple its markets from Russia and synchronize its system with

In the United Arab Emirates (UAE), construction is ongoing at the Barakah nu-
clear project, 300 km west of Abu Dhabi, where there are four reactors under construction.
At the time of the contract signing in December 2009 with Korean Electric Power Corp., the
Emirates Nuclear Energy Corp (ENEC), said that the contract for the construction, commis-

381 - Charter 97, Astravets NPP Becomes 12billion more expensive in one day, 30December2016,
see, 18April2017.
382 - Bloomberg, Lithuania Urges Belarus to Halt Nuclear Project on Safety Issues, 20August2013, see http://www.bloom-, accessed 25April2016.
383 - UNECE, Parties to UNECE treaties adopt declaration on applying environmental assessment procedures to nuclear
energy issues, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, Press Release, 13June2014.
384 - Lithuanian Parliament, Accord between the Parliamentary Political Parties of the Republic of Lithuania on Joint Actions
Against the Unsafe Nuclear Power plant in Astraveyets, April2017.
385 - Baltic Course, "Lithuanians' OSCE resolution on Belarus' NPP blocked in 'painful blow from Sweden'", 6July2017,
see, accessed 7August2017.
386 - Belarus News, Belarus' electricity import down by 26.3% to 2.8bn kWh in 2015, 27January2016, see
economics/view/belarus-electricity-import-down-by-263-to-28bn-kwh-in-2015-88511-2016/, accessed 25April2017.
387 - Your Nuclear News, Lithuania praises Poland for stand against Belarusian NPP, Your Industry News, 31March2017,
see, accessed
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sioning and fuel loads for four units equalled approximately US$20billion, with a high percen-
tage of the contract being offered under a fixed-price arrangement.388

The orginal financing plan for the project was thought to include US$10 billion from the
Export-Import Bank of Korea, US$2 billion from the Ex-Im Bank of the U.S., US$6 billion
from the government of Abu Dhabi, and US$2billion from commerical banks.389 However, it
now transpires that the total cost of the project is at least 24.4billion (US$28.2billion). The
financing for this was US$16.2 billion Abu Dhabis Department of Finance, equity financing
US$4.7billion, US$2.5billion through a loan from the Export-Import Bank of Korea, with loan
agreements from the National Bank of Abu Dhabi, First Gulf Bank, HSBC (Hongkong and
Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited) and Standards Charter making up the remainder.390
In October2016, KEPCO(Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) took an 18percent equity
stake in the project company that owns the four reactors, with ENEC, holding the remaining

[ an extension for the start-up of nuclear operations for Unit 1,

from 2017 to 2018, to ensure sufficient time for international assessments
and adherence to nuclear industry safety standards
In July 2010, a site-preparation license and a limited construction license were granted for
four reactors at Barakah, 53kilometers from Ruwais.392 A tentative schedule published in late
December2010, and not publicly altered since, suggested that Barakah-1 would start commer-
cial operation in May 2017 with unit2 operating from 2018, unit3 in 2019, and unit4 in 2020.
Construction of Barakah-1 officially started on 19 July 2012, of Barakah-2 on 28 May 2013,
Barakah-3 on 24September2014 and unit4 on 30July2015.393 In May2016, ENEC stated that
Barakah-1 is about 87percent complete, with Barakah-2, -3 and -4 at 68percent, 47percent and
29percent respectively.394 As late as October 2016, Korean press was reporting unit1 to be still
scheduled for completion by May2017.395 Then, in May2017, Reuters suggested that the start-up
of the first reactor was delayed, potentially until the end of 2017, due to a lack of locally trai-
ned and licensed domestic personnel.396 In May2017, ENEC announced the it had completed
388 - ENEC, UAE Selects Korea Electric Power Corp, as Prime Team as Prime Contractor for Peaceful Nuclear Power,
Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation, 27December2009, see
rea-electric-power-corp-as-prime-team-as-prime-contractor-fo/, accessed 25April2017.
389 - Sang-Baik Kim, Jan-Horst Keppler, Case Studies On Financing And Electricity Price ArrangementsThe Barakah
Nuclear Power Plants, The United Arab Emirates, Organization for Economic Development and Co-operation (OECD),
Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA), Nuclear Development Division, OECD NEA Workshop on Electricity Prices and Nuclear New
Build, Paris, 19September2013, see Barakah
presentation.pdf, accessed 29March2016.
390 - NIW, Kepco takes 18% of Barakah, 21October2016.
391 - NEI, Kepco and Enec set up joint venture for Barakah NPP, 25October2016, see
newskepco-and-enec-set-up-joint-venture-for-barakah-npp-5647366/, accessed 25April2017.
392 -, ENEC Welcomes Regulators License Approval, 11July2010.
393 - ENEC, ENEC completes major work and testing at Barakah Units 1 Nuclear Energy Plant, 16February2016,
energy-plan, accessed 24April2016.
394 - NIW, United Arab Emirates, 20May2016.
395 - Lee Hyo-sik, KEPCO to operate UAE nuclear plant for 60 years, The Korea Times, 20October2016,
see, accessed 25April2017.
396 - Jane Chung, Geert De Clercq, UAE delays launch of first nuclear power reactor, Reuters, 4May2017,
see, accessed 10May2017.
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initial construction activities for Unit 1 and the handover of all systems for commissioning;
the plant as a whole would be 81percent complete, with Barakah-1 at 95percent finished. At
the same time, ENEC stated: The timeline includes an extension for the start-up of nuclear
operations for Unit 1, from 2017 to 2018, to ensure sufficient time for international assessments
and adherence to nuclear industry safety standards, as well as a reinforcement of operational
proficiency for plant personnel.397

Korean press sources report that there have been a number of serious accidents at the construc-
tion site, resulting in deaths of workers. An assessment undertaken by Bechtel, on behalf of
KEPCO indicated that its contractors largely failed to ensure worker safety.398

The UAE released a long-term energy plan in February2017, which proposes that by 2050 re-
newable energy will provide 44percent of the countrys electricity, with natural gas 38percent,
clean fossil fuels 12percent and nuclear 6percent.399 The nuclear share is in line with expec-
ted output from the Barakah nuclear power plant, so it seems that no further nuclear power
plants are envisaged. During the construction of Barakah, the costs of renewables globally,
and in the region, have fallen considerably. In 2016, the bidder was chosen for an 800 MW
photovoltaic(PV) plant, with a price of US$2.99c/KWh, which was the first time in the country
that the cost of renewable generation was below a conventional fossil fuel plant. 400

In November 2011, the Bangladesh Governments press information Department said
that it was prepared to sign a deal with the Russian Government for two 1000MWunits to be
built by 2017-18 at a cost of US$1.5-2billion. 401 Since then, although negotiations have reported-
ly been ongoing, the start-up date has been continually postponed and the expected construc-
tion cost has risen.

In January 2013, Deputy Finance Minister of Russia Sergey Storchak and Economic Relations
Division (ERD) Secretary of Bangladesh Abul Kalam Azad signed the agreement on the
Extension of State Export Credit for financing the preparatory stage work for the nuclear
power plant at Rooppur (or Ruppur). 402 The site was chosen as early as in the 1960s, when
the country was part of Pakistan, on the banks of the largest river in the country; over the
decades, the river has shifted from its original trajectory and new land had to be acquired in

397 - ENEC, ENEC Announces Completion of Initial Construction Work for Unit 1 of Barakah Nuclear Energy Plant & Pro-
gress Update Towards Safety-led Operations, 5May2017, see
construction-work-barakah-unit-1-progress-update/, accessed 21July2017.
398 - Lee Hyo-sik, KEPCO hit by safety lapses at UAE nuke plant site, Korean Times, 22February2017,
see, accessed 25April2017.
399 - LeAnne Graves and Thamer Al Subaihi, UAE turns green with new power plan 2050, The National, UAE Edition,
10January2017, see, accessed 18April2017.
400 - TradeArabia, Power Generation target for Mena: 440GW by 2020, 24April2017, see
news/OGN_323940.html, accessed 27April2017.
401 - Srinivas Laxman, Bangladesh & Russia Sign N-Plant Deal For Two Reactors At Rooppur, Asian Scientist,
4November2011, see
nuclear-agreement-2011/, accessed 26April2017.
402 - Energy Bangla, Bangladesh, Russia sign nuclear power pact, 17January2013.
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the last year. 403 The deal was only for US$500million 404 to cover the site preparatory work. 405 In
October2013, a ceremony was held for the formal start of the preparatory stage, 406 with formal
construction then expected to begin in 2015. At the time of the ceremony, the cost of construc-
tion was revised upwards and it was suggested that each unit would cost US$1.52billion. 407
These cost estimates tripled in April 2014, when a senior official at the Ministry of Science
and Technology was quoted as suggesting the price was more likely to be US$6billion. 408 In
2015, the Bangladeshi Finance Minister was quoted as saying the project was then expected
to cost US$13.5billion. 409 However, even this is not likely to be the final cost with suggestions
that this is not a fixed price contract, but a cost-plus-fee contract, and the vendor has the
right to come up with any cost escalation (plus their profit margin) to be incorporated into the
contract amount and that the eventual cost of generating power would be at least 60percent
higher than the present retail cost of electricity in Bangladesh. 410

In December2015, an agreement was said to be signed between the Bangladesh Atomic Energy
Commission and Rosatom for 2.4 GW of capacity, with work expected to begin in 2016 and
operation to start in 2022 and 2023. 411 According to the deal, Russia would provide 90percent
of the funds on credit at an interest rate of Libor plus 1.75percent. Bangladesh will have to pay
back the loan in 28years with a 10-year grace period. As in other countries, Russia has offe-
red to take back the spent fuel. Site preparation is reportedly 80percent complete. 412 In late
May2016, negotiations were concluded over the US$12.65billion project, with Russia making
available US$11.385 billion. 413 In late June, the Atomic Energy Regulatory Authority, issued a
site license and then a few days later the countrys cabinet approved the May intergovernmen-
tal agreement. 414 In April2017, Tass, the Russian news agency, reported that permission to start
construction had been granted and that work would commence in the second half of 2017. 415
In March 2017, officials from the two countries settled on the draft of an agreement that calls

403 - Sharier Khan, Nuke power plant cost up three times, The Daily Star, Updated 2June2015,
see, accessed 26April2017.
404 - All dollar (equivalent) amounts are expressed in U.S. dollars unless indicated otherwise. However, the years dollars are
not always clear in the original references.
405 - Associated Press, Russia to lend $1.5B to Bangladesh to build nuclear power station, buy arms, as published by The Star,
15January2013, see
power_station_buy_arms.html, accessed 7June2016.
406 - BBC, Bangladesh nuclear power plant work begins, 2October2013, see
asia-24371991, accessed 23May2016.
407 - Bangladesh Awami League, PM Sheikh Hasina inaugurates Rooppur Power Plant, see
en/updates/news/281-pm-sheikh-hasina-inaugurates-rooppur-power-plant, accessed 25 April 2017.
408 - The Independent (of Bangladesh), Rooppur N-plant cost to double, 7April2014, see
new/top-news/27087-rooppur-n-plant-cost-to-double, accessed 29March2016.
409 - NIW, Bangladesh: Newbuild Financing Talks with Russia in Tricky Territory, 6 November 2015.
410 - Rahman A., Ruppur Nuclear Power Plant: Bangladeshs Potential Blackhole, The Daily Star, Updated 31December2015,
see, accessed
411 - WNN, Bangladesh, Russia ink $12.65billion Rooppur plant deal, 29December2015, see
org/NN-Bangladesh-Russia-ink-12.65-billion-Rooppur-plant-deal-29121501.html, accessed 31March2016.
412 - NW, Bangladesh will begin construction of first nuclear unit in August 2017: official, 14April2016.
413 - NEI, Russia initials credit agreement with Bangladesh for Rooppur NPP, 30May2016, see http://www.neimagazine.
com/news/newsrussia-initials-credit-agreement-with-bangladesh-for-rooppur-npp-4907672/, accessed 2June2016.
414 - WNN, Bangladesh moves forward with Rooppur, 28June2016, see
desh-moves-forward-with-Rooppur-2806167.html, accessed 28June2016.
415 - TASS, Rosatom plans to launch construction of Ruppur power plant in Bangladesh, 19April2017,
see, accessed 25April2017.
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for Russia to take back all the spent fuel from the project and reprocess it; the formal Inter
Governmental Agreement will be signed after appropriate government bodies approve the
draft. 416

There is growing interest in the project and concern over the lack of information and over the
impact on water use. Pressing concerns has also been raised over the lack of preparedness of
emergency planning and possible terrorist acts against the facility. 417

The projects economics have been widely questioned. Earlier in 2017, a retired nuclear engi-
neer who had been involved in advising the Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission (BAEC),
argued in one of the leading English-language newspapers in Bangladesh that the country was
paying a heavy price for BAEC not having undertaken a large-scale programme of recruit-
ment, and training of engineers; he also charged that Bangladesh was buying reactors at the
unreasonable and unacceptable price of US$5,500/kW because its negotiators didnt have
the expertise to properly scrutinise the quoted price. 418

At the current price, nuclear electricity from Rooppur will be about three times more expen-
sive than wind or solar electricity in Bangladesh, for a rate of return of a little over 15percent
as assumed by the Bangladesh Energy Regulatory Commission. 419 If solar energy prices conti-
nue to decline the same way they have been declining in the recent past, the cost differential
would be greater by the time Rooppur comes online.

In addition to Rooppur, Bangladeshs government has shortlisted eight sites for a second nu-
clear power plant that it plans to import. 420 Bangladesh has been in talks with Japanese vendors
for some years, but it is reported that South Korea and China are also interested in the project,
which remains very vague for the time being.

Lithuania had two large RBMK (Chernobyl-type) reactors at Ignalina, which were shut
down in 2004 and 2009, a requirement for joining the European Union. Since then there
have been ongoing attempts to build a replacement, either unilaterally or with neighboring
countries. (See earlier editions of the WNISR for an annual account). However, in October2012
a consultative national referendum on the future of nuclear power was held and 63 percent
voted against new nuclear construction, with sufficient turnout to validate the result. 421 Prior
to his appointment as Prime Minister, Algirdas Butkevicius stated that legislation prohibiting
the project would be submitted once the new parliament convenes and that the people ex-

416 - Aminur Rahman Rasel, Russia to take back radioactive waste of Rooppur power plant, Dhaka Tribune, 18March2017,
deal/, accessed 14May2017.
417 - Petr Topychkanov, Why the Bangladeshi public has concerns over the Rooppur nuclear project, Russia and India Report,
Russia Beyond The Headlines, 27February2017, see
shi-public-has-concerns-over-the-rooppur-nuclear-project_709866, accessed 26April2017.
418 - Abdul Matin, The economics of the Rooppur Nuclear Power Plant, The Daily Star, 2March2017, see http://www.thedai-, accessed 17May2017.
419 - M. V. Ramana and Zia Mian, False nuclear hope, Himal Southasian, 14August2016, see
clear-hope-bangladesh-russia/, accessed 17May2017.
420 - Aminur Rahman Rasel, Govt shortlists eight sites for second nuclear power plant, Dhaka Tribune, 20September2016,
see, accessed
421 - Christian Lowe and Andrius Sytas, Lithuanians send nuclear plant back to drawing board, Reuters, 15October2012,
see, accessed 26April2017.
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pressed their wish in the referendum, and I will follow the peoples will. 422 In early2016, the
Energy Minister of Lithuania, Rokas Masiulis, said that the project had been shelved indefini-
tely, due to unfavorable market conditions. 423 No significant changes have been reported since.

In Turkey, up to three projects are being developed, but rather than proceeding with a
single builder and design, the Government has decided to undertake at least three different
reactor designs and three different sets of financial sources. Analysts have pointed out that the
regulatory framework for nuclear energy in Turkey has severe shortcomings, which makes
even more difficult to deal with the complexity of the strategy. 424

The first project, on the southern coast, is at Akkuyu, which is to be built under a Build-Own-
Operate- (BOO) model by Rosatom of Russia. An agreement was signed in May2010 for four
VVER1200 reactors, with construction originally expected to start in 2015. However, this has
been delayed and it is now expected that limited construction might start in 2017, but a full
construction license will not be granted until 2018. 425 At the heart of the project is a 15-year
Power Purchase Agreement (PPA), which includes 70percent of the electricity produced from
units 1 and 2 and 30percent of units3 and 4. Therefore 50percent of the total power from the
station is to be sold at a guaranteed price for the first 15years, with the rest to be sold on the

The CEO of Akkuyu JSC (the project company set up by Russias Rosatom) Alexander Superfin,
said in October2013 that the project was going to be operational by mid-2020. 426 However, fur-
ther delays have occurred, as the Akkuyu JSCs Environmental Impact Assessment was rejec-
ted by the Ministry of Environment, when it was submitted in July2013. When it was eventual-
ly approved in December2014, it was said that the commissioning of the first unit was likely to
be in 2021. 427 As a result of these domestic developments and financing problems, it was repor-
ted in November2015 that the operation would now occur only in 2022 428 and at an estima-
ted budget for the two units of US$22billion. 429 Site preparation work started in April2015430

422 - NIW, LithuaniaProspective PM Wants to Scrape Visaginas, 9November2012.

423 - Baltic Course, Masiulis: Visaginas NPP project has been shelved for now, 20January2016,
see, accessed 26April2017.
424 - zak Atiyas, A Review of Turkeys Nuclear Policies and Practices, EDAM, Centre for Economics and Foreign Policy Stu-
dies, EDAM Discussion Paper Series 2015/5, 12August2015, see, accessed 26April2017.
425 - NEI, Turkey and Russia accelerate Akkuyu nuclear project, 14March2017, see
newsturkey-and-russia-accelerate-akkuyu-nuclear-project-5761593, accessed 10May2017.
426 - Orhan Coskun and Humeyra Pamuk, Turkey's first nuclear plant facing further delays-sources, Reuters,
7February2014, see, accessed 26April2017.
427 - WNN, Akkuyu project EIA gets ministry approval, 1December2014, see
kuyu-project-EIA-gets-ministry-approval-01121401.html, accessed 26 April 2017.
428 - Sputnik International, First reactor of Turkeys Akkuyu nuclear plant to start operating by 2022, 19November2015,
see, accessed 26 April 2017.
429 - Vatan, Russian pressed for money, Akkuyu delayed 2 years, 24March2015, (in Turkish),
see, 26April2017.
430 - WNN, Ground broken for Turkey's first nuclear power plant, 15April2015, see
Ground-broken-for-Turkeys-first-nuclear-power-plant-1541501.html, accessed 26April2017.
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and it was estimated that US$3billion had been spent as of autumn2015. 431 On 3March2017,
Akkuyu JSC applied for a construction license, and construction is now scheduled to begin in
March2018. 432 Rosatom stated: According to the Intergovernmental Agreement, the commis-
sioning of the first power unit must take place no later than 7years after the issuance of all
permits for construction by the Republic of Turkey.433

Another proposed project is at Sinop, on the northern coast, where the latest project proposal
is for 4.4 GW using the ATMEA reactor-design. If completed this would be the first reactor
of this design, jointly developed by Mitsubishi and AREVA. 434 In April2015, Turkish President
Erdogan approved parliaments ratification of the intergovernmental agreement with Japan. 435

The estimated cost of the project is US$22 billion and involves a consortium of Mitsubishi,
AREVA, GDF-Suez (now known as Engie), and Itochu, who between them will own 51percent
of the project, with the remaining 49 percent owned by Turkish companies including the
State-owned electricity generating company (EAS). 436 Although, the division between the
international partners remains undecided. The ongoing problems with the financial viability
of AREVA and its merger with EDF are affecting its ability to invest in the project as does
the review by Engie of its involvement in nuclear projects across its portfolio. 437 With Engie
exiting nuclear power projects in other countries, like the UK, it seems likely that their depar-
ture from this project is just a matter of time. 438 Furthermore, site concerns remain about its
suitability given its seismic conditions, which have led to discussions about putting the sta-
tion on pads to reduce possible ground movement. 439 Despite this, Mitsubishi are aiming fi-
nishing the technical and economic feasibility studies by March2018. 440 According to AREVA,
in September 2016, AREVA NP signed a preliminary engineering contract with Mitsubishi
Heavy Industries(MHI) to support the technical and cost feasibility study for the proposed
construction and operation of four ATMEA1 reactors at the Sinop site. 441

431 - Hurriyet Daily News, $3billion spent on Akkuyu power plant so far: CEO, 29September2015,
atID=348, accessed 26April 2017.
432 - WNN, Akkuyu project receives production licence, 16June2017, see
project-receives-production-licence-16061701.html, accessed 21July2017.
433 - Press Service of Rusatom Energo International, Turkish companies are part of the JSC AKKUYU NUCLEAR sharehol-
ders, Rosatom, 19June2017, see
kuyu-nuclear-shareholders/, accessed 21July2017.
434 - WNN, Turkish utility eyes large stake in Sinop project, 12May2015, see
utility-eyes-large-stake-in-Sinop-project-12051501.html, accessed 26April2017.
435 - WNN, Ground broken for Turkey's first nuclear power plant, 15April2015, see
Ground-broken-for-Turkeys-first-nuclear-power-plant-1541501.html, accessed 26April2017.
436 - WNN, Turkish utility eyes large stake in Sinop project, 12May2015, see
utility-eyes-large-stake-in-Sinop-project-12051501.html, accessed 26April2017.
437 - NIW, Weekly roundup, 9December2016.
438 - Jean-Michel Bezat, Pourquoi Engie renonce la construction de nouvelles centrales nuclaires, LeMonde, 8April2017,
(in French), see
centrales-nucleaires_5108119_3234.html, accessed 27April2017.
439 - NIW, Akkuyus Prospects Pull Past Sinop, 22 July 2016.
440 - Huseyin Erdogan, Sinop nuke project's site review to be ready by end '17, Anadolu Agency, 24March2017,
see, accessed 26April2017.
441 - AREVA, Reference Document 2016, April2017.
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The project is complicated by the regions lack of large-scale demand and the existing coal
power stations, so 1,400 km of transmission lines will be needed to take the electricity to
Istanbul and Ankara.

In October 2015, the government suggested that it was aiming to build a third power plant, at
the neada site. The most likely constructors would be Westinghouse with the Chinese State
Nuclear Power Technology Corporation (SNPTC), with Chinese companies aggressively
pursuing the contract, said to be worth US$22-25billion. 442 However, the financial collapse of
Westinghouse, makes their current involvement in the project impossible.

[ Vietnams nuclear power ambitions got a cold shower in November 2016,

when 92percent of the members of the National Assembly
approved a government motion to cancel the proposed nuclear projects
A decision by the Prime Minster of Vietnam of July2011 stated that by 2020 the first nu-
clear power plant will be in operation, with a further 7GW of capacity to be in operation by
2025 and total of 10.7GW in operation by 2030. In October2010, Vietnam had signed an in-
tergovernmental agreement with Russias Atomstroyexport to build the Ninh Thuan-1 nuclear
power plant, using 1200MWVVER reactors. Construction was slated to begin in 2014, with the
turnkey project being owned and operated by the state utility Electricity of Vietnam (EVN).
However, numerous delays have occurred and in May2016 a presentation from the Vietnam
Atomic Energy Institute suggested that construction would not start until 2028. 443 The natio-
nal electricity development plan, approved by the government in March2016, envisioned the
first nuclear power plant put into operation in 2028. 444 At the same time, the revised National
Power Master Planlikely the same as the national electricity development plansuggested
a diminishing role for nuclear power from 10.1percent to 5.7percent by 2030. 445

Vietnams nuclear power ambitions got a cold shower in November 2016, when 92percent of
the members of the National Assembly approved a government motion to cancel the proposed
nuclear projects with both Russia and Japan, due to slowing electricity demand increases,
concerns over safety and rising construction costs. 446

In Egypt, the governments Nuclear Power Plants Authority was established in the mid-
1970s, and plans were developed for 10reactors by the end of the century. Despite discussions

442 - NEI, Turkey finalizes site for third NPP, 18March2016, see
site-for-third-npp-4843161/, accessed 26April2017.
443 - NIW, Newbuild, Sobriety, Secrecy and Reluctance, 24June2016.
444 - VietNamNet, Vietnam needs US$148billion to develop national electricity until 2030, 20March2016, seehttp://english., accessed
445 - Viet Phuong Nguyen, The fate of nuclear power in Vietnam, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 5December2016,
see, accessed 17April2017.
446 - NIW, BriefsVietnam, 28November2016.
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with Chinese, French, German, and Russian suppliers, little development occurred for several
decades. In October2006, the Minister for Energy announced that a 1000MW reactor would
be built, and this was later expanded to four reactors by 2025, with the first one coming on
line in 2019. In early 2010, a legal framework was adopted to regulate and establish nuclear
facilities; however, an international bidding process for the construction was postponed in
February2011 due to the political situation in the country. Since then, there have been various
attempts and reports that a tender process would be restarted, all of which have come to no-

In February 2015, Russias Rosatom and Egypts Nuclear Power Plant Authority eventually
did sign an agreement that could lead to the construction and financing of two reactors and
possibly two additional ones. In November2015, an intergovernmental agreement was signed
for the construction of four VVER-1200 reactors at Dabaa. The deal, was apparently worth
20-22 billion (US$22-24 billion), with Russia providing up to 90 percent of the finance, 447
to be paid back through the sale of electricity. Reports suggested that the first plant could
be completed by 2022448, which is technically impossible. In May2016, it was announced that
Egypt concluded a US$25billion loan with Russia for nuclear construction. 449 According to the
Egyptian official journal, the loan is to cover 85percent of the project cost, with the total in-
vestment thus estimated at around US$29.4billion. The 3-percent annual-interest loan is to
be paid back over 22 years starting in 2029. 450 In March 2017, Ayman Hamza, the Egyptian
Minister for Electricity, said that contracts for construction works and for training of person-
nel had been signed with Russia and that commercial contracts were expected to be signed
later in 2017. 451 In April2017, the Energy and Environment Committee of the Parliament began
discussions about regulating nuclear construction in Egypt. 452 TASS, the Russian News Agency,
reported, in February2017, that it expected to sign contracts in 2017, with the project taking
12years to implement. 453

Influential policy makers in Jordan have long desired the acquisition of a nuclear power
plant. In 2007, the government established the Jordan Atomic Energy Commission (JAEC)
and the Jordan Nuclear Regulatory Commission. JAEC started conducting a feasibility study
on nuclear power, including a comparative cost/benefit analysis. 454 In November2009, JAEC
awarded an US$11.3 million contract to Australian engineering company WorleyParsons for
pre-construction consulting for Jordans first nuclear power plant. 455 JAEC and WorleyParsons
narrowed down the choices to the ATMEA-1 design from AREVA and Mitsubishi (as projec-
447 - NIW, Cairo and Moscow Ink Deal for Four-Unit Dabaa Plant, 20November2015.
448 - Omar Fahmy, Asma Alsharif and Luke Baker, Egypt, Russia sign deal to build a nuclear power plant, Reuters, 19Novem-
ber2015, see, accessed 26April2017.
449 - Asma Alsharif, Russia to lend Egypt $25billion to build nuclear power plant, Reuters, 1May2016,
see, accessed 23May2016.
450 - NIW, Egypt Approves $25Billion Loan From Russia for Nuclear Project, 26April2017.
451 - NEI, Egypt and Russia agree on two contracts for El Dabaa NPP, 20March2017, see
news/newsegypt-and-russia-agree-on-two-contracts-for-el-dabaa-npp-5765715/, accessed 25April2017.
452 - Gamal Essam El-Din, Egypt to issue new law on construction of nuclear power stations soon, AhramOnline,
22April2017, see
tion-of-nuclear-.aspx, accessed 10May2017.
453 - TASS, Russia and Egypt can sign contracts on nuclear power plant in 2017, 9February2017,
see, accessed 10May2017.
454 - MarkHibbs, Jordan reactor siting study to be done in 2009, JAEC says, NW, Vol.48, 2007.
455 - Ann MacLachlan, WorleyParsons to help Jordan run program for first nuclear power plant, NW, Vol.50, 2009.
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ted in Turkey); the Enhanced Candu-6 (EC6) from Atomic Energy of Canada Limited; the
APR-1400 from Korea Electric Power Corporation, and the AES-2006 and AES-92 variants of
the VVER design from Rosatom. 456 Eventually, the ability of Rosatom to potentially finance, as
well as its offer to take back spent fuel to Russia, 457 seems to have trumped all other considera-
tions and Jordan decided on two VVER light water reactors. According to the initial announce-
ment, Russia was to finance 49.9 percent of the nuclear power plant. 458 In September 2014,
JAEC and Rosatom signed a two-year development framework for a project, which was projec-
ted to cost under US$10billion and generate electricity costing US$0.10/kWh. 459 An internatio-
nal advisory panel established by JAEC noted that JAEC, and JNPC are short of experienced
staff required for projects. The IAG also noted the extremely tight (and possibly even overly
optimistic) timelines to enable operation by the mid 2020s. 460 The current timetable envi-
sages operation of the reactor by 2025.

Since then, JAEC has been unsuccessfully trying to raise the remaining 50.1 percent. In a
July2016 interview to AP News, JAEC Chairman Khaled Toukan admitted that the probability
of the two reactors being built is 70 to 75[percent] ... it is not 90percent. 461

The decline in the official probability might have to do with Russias difficulties in funding all
of Rosatoms agreements. 462 Partly due to this difficulty, JAEC is seeking partners from other
countries. This was revealed by Toukan in August 2016, saying that Jordan is currently in
talks with German, Czech, Chinese and Japanese companies among others to supply turbines
and electrical systems for the power plant and things are going well, with the implication that
these companies would pay for these pieces of equipment. 463 In an October2016 interview with
Nuclear Intelligence Weekly (NIW) Toukan and JAEC identified four specific companies the
Czech Republics Skoda Praha, GE-Alstom, Russias Power Machines, and Germanys Siemens.
Toukan also said: Were requesting technology for the conventional island, export credit fi-
nancing, and, if they are willing, to have some equity in the plantWere open to this. 464

The difficulty in obtaining funding might have been one reason for JAEC to start talking about
importing small modular reactor (SMR) designswhich are yet to be designed, licensed and

456 - Ibidem.
457 - Communications Department of ROSATOM, Russia and Jordan signed Intergovernmental Agreement on NPP construc-
tion in Jordan, Rosatom, 25March2015, see
intergovernmental-agreement-on-npp-construction-in-jordan-5/; and ArielBenSolomon, Jordan and Russia to sign $10b
nuclear deal this month, Jerusalem Post, 22March2015, see,
both accessed 26April2017.
458 - AFP, Jordan agrees deal for Russia to build nuclear plant, Yahoo! News, 25March2015,
see, accessed 26April2017.
459 - NIW, BriefsJordan, 18April2014.
460 - IAG, Jordan nuclear energy programInternational Advisory Group ReportSubmitted to the Government of Jordan,
July2016, see, accessed 25July2017.
461 - Karin Laub, AP Interview: Jordan eager to reach nuke deal with US, AP, 4July2016, see
df51fbf3004c1382f69a1795c2eef7/ap-interview-jordan-eager-reach-nuke-deal-us, accessed 18April2017.
462 - Geert De Clercq, Svetlana Burmistrova and Jack Stubbs, Rosatoms global nuclear ambition cramped by Kremlin
politics, Reuters, 26June2016, see, accessed
463 - Mohammad Ghazal, Jordan seeking funds for first nuclear power plant official, Jordan Times, 20August2016,
see, accessed 1June2017.
464 - Phil Chaffee, Jordan: Looking for Better Offers, NIW, 21October2016.
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constructedfrom the United States.465 But that appears rather as wishful thinking, and
SMRs will not fit all the constraints that JAEC has to operate under. 466

Meanwhile, in December 2016, the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute and Daewoo
Engineering & Construction together completed building Jordans first research reactor, the
Jordan Research and Training Reactor (JRTR). 467 Built at a cost ofUS$161million, the JRTR has
a power output of 5MW. The agreement with South Korea to construct the reactor was signed
in 2010. 468 It also provided a soft loan ofUS$70million that is to be paid over 29years, with a
10-year grace period and a 0.2percent interest rate. 469

[ on a per unit of GDP basis, Jordan ranks third in the world

when it comes to investment in renewable power and fuels ]
Local opposition comes in particular from members of the Beni Sakher tribe that lives around
the Al Amra area. 470 One member of the tribe, Hind Fayez, is a prominent parliamentarian and
a noted opponent. 471 She is quoted as saying: I will not allow the construction of the nuclear
reactor, not even over my dead body (). The Bani Sakher tribe also rejects the construction
of the nuclear reactor in Qusayr Amra. 472 A particular concern is water requirements for the
reactor, which is to come from the Al-Samra Waste WaterTreatment Plant in nearby Irbid. 473 If
and when the reactor is commissioned, over 20percent of the total capacity of the Treatment
Plant would be used to supply water to the reactors. The output of the Treatment Plant is
currently being used for irrigation;474 diversion of water to the reactor is, naturally, of public
concern. The treatment of wastewater would also add to the already high costs of generating
nuclear power. 475 It has been suggested that it may well be water, the Middle Easts most pre-
cious resource, rather than fiscal issues that shoves the countrys nuclear hopes farther into
the future. 476 Non-proliferation and regional security concerns are also adding to the calls for
Jordan to forgo nuclear power, with Chen Kane, director of the Middle East program at the
465 - Karin Laub, AP Interview: Jordan eager to reach nuke deal with US, AP, 4July2016, see
df51fbf3004c1382f69a1795c2eef7/ap-interview-jordan-eager-reach-nuke-deal-us, accessed 18April2017.
466 - M. V. Ramana and Ali Ahmad, Wishful Thinking and Real Problems: Small Modular Reactors, Planning Constraints, and
Nuclear Power in Jordan, Energy Policy, 22March2016.
467 - Kim Tae-gyu, Korea installs nuclear reactor in Jordan, The Korea Times, 7December2016,
see, accessed 31May2017.
468 - Ann MacLachlan, South Koreans celebrate new role as nuclear technology exporters, NW, 22April2010.
469 - Dana Al Emam, Korean soft loan to fund safety features of nuclear research reactor, Jordan Times, 28October2015, see, accessed 31May2017.
470 - Alice Su, Jordan faces no-nukes campaign, Al-Monitor, 12November2013, see
originals/2013/11/jordan-nuclear-rosatom-environment-energy.html; and AreejAbuqudairi, Jordan nuclear battle heats up,
AlJazeera English, 14April2014, see
clear-power-201422685957126736.html, both accessed 26April2017.
471 - DavidSchenker, The Middle Easts Next Nuclear Power?, Politico, 28January2015, see
zine/story/2015/01/jordan-nuclear-power-114712.html, accessed 7June2016.
472 - Jordan Times, Nuclear programme to lower electricity costs by 70%, 30October2013.
473 - ElisaOddone, Russian Nuclear Energy Deal Signed, Venture Magazine, 19May2015, see http://www.venturemagazine.
me/2015/05/russian-nuclear-energy-deal-signed, accessed 26 April 2017.
474 - Water Technology, As-Samra Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP), Jordan, see
projects/as-samra-wastewater-treatment-plant-jordan/, accessed 26April2017.
475 - Thomas S., Jordans Nuclear Power Plans, Istanbul, 2013, 29.
476 - John C.K Daly Water shortages may end Jordans nuclear power hopes,,, 18June2013, see http://, accessed 26April2017.
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James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies stating I think nuclear energy is a way too
expensive, risky and unpredictable option for Jordan. 477

While Jordan has been grappling with financing and siting problems with regard to nuclear
reactors, it has been moving fast on renewables. Its first large scale solar photovoltaic plant at
Shams Maan was commissioned in October2016. The project cost about US$170million and
has a generating capacity of 52.5MW, over 1percent of Jordans installed electricity capacity. 478
Much more is on the way: in November 2016, the government of Jordan announced the ope-
ning of the third round of direct proposal submissions for 200MW of solar PV and 100MW
of wind plants. 479 Jordan has also been successful in getting foreign investment, in particu-
lar from Saudi companies. 480 Overall, investment in 2016 on renewables was $1.2 billion, up
148 percent from 2015; on a per unit of GDP basis, Jordan ranks third in the world when it
comes to investment in renewable power and fuels. 481

Poland planned the development of a series of nuclear power stations in the 1980s and
started construction of two VVER1000/320reactors in arnowiec on the Baltic coast, but both
construction and further plans were halted following the Chernobyl accident. In 2008, howe-
ver, Poland announced that it was going to re-enter the nuclear arena and in November2010,
the Ministry of Economy put forward a Nuclear Energy Program. On 28 January 2014, the
Polish Government adopted a document with the title Polish Nuclear Power Programme
outlining the framework of the plan. 482 The plan includes proposals to build 6GW of nuclear
power capacity with the first reactor starting up by 2024. The reactor types under considera-
tion include AREVAs EPR, Westinghouses AP1000, and Hitachi/GEs ABWR.

In January 2013, the Polish utility PGE (Polska Grupa Energetyczna) had selected
WorleyParsons to conduct a five-year, US$81.5million study, on the siting and development of
a nuclear power plant with a capacity of up to 3GW. 483 At that time, the project was estimated
at US$1319billion, site selection was to have been completed by 2016, and construction was
to begin in 2019. 484 A number of vendors, including AREVA, Westinghouse, and GE-Hitachi,
all lobbied Warsaw aggressively. 485 PGE formed a project company PGE EJ1, which also has a
ten percent participation each of the other large Polish utilities, Tauron Polska Energia and
Enea, as well as the state copper-mining firm KGHM. In January2014, PGE EJ1 received four
bids from companies looking to become the companys Owners Engineer to help in the ten-

477 - Karin Laub, AP Interview: Jordan eager to reach nuke deal with US, AP, 4July2016, see
df51fbf3004c1382f69a1795c2eef7/ap-interview-jordan-eager-reach-nuke-deal-us, accessed 18April2017.
478 - Shams Maan, Shams Maan Launches Production Phase of the largest Electricity Generation Project Using Photovoltaic
Cells in Jordan, 3December2016, see
tricity-generation-project-using-photovoltaic, accessed 31May2017.
479 - Danielle Ola, Jordan announces tender submissions for 300MW of wind and solar, PV Tech, 15November2016,
see, accessed 31May2017.
480 - LeAnne Graves, Saudi Arabian companies move ahead on Jordan solar projects, The National, 30May2017, see http://, accessed 31 May 2017.
481 - REN21, Renewables 2017Global Status Report, 2017, see, accessed 8June2017.
482 - Ministerstwo Gospodarki, Polish Nuclear Power Programme, January2014. Apparently, an updated version of the
Program was published in the Polish Monitor MP on 24June2014.
483 - NIW, BriefsPoland, 8 February 2013.
484 - The Economist, Polish Energy, Going nuclear, 31January2014, see
proaches/2014/01/polish-energy, accessed 26April2017.
485 -NIW, Potential and Existing Global Nuclear Newbuild Projects, 25April2014.
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dering and development of the project, which was eventually awarded to AMEC Nuclear UK
in July2014. The timetable demanded that PGE make a final investment decision on the two
plants by early2017. 486 Final design and permits for the first plant were expected to be ready in
2018, allowing construction start in 2020 and commercial operation in 2025. As of early 2016,
that schedule has slipped to commercial operation beginning in 2030-31. 487

The Polish General Directorate for the Environment (GDOS) started, in December2015, the
scoping phase for the Environmental Impact Assessment for the first Polish nuclear power
station with a notification to states within 1,000km from the proposed three sites. Directly
after the start of this scoping phase, PGE EJ1 informed GDOS that it was withdrawing one of
the three proposed sites, at Choczewo, because of the potential impacts on protected nature
areas. 488 In March2017, PGE EJ1 began, again, environmental assessment and site selection at
two sites, both in the Northern province of Pomerania due to be completed in 2020. 489


There seems little to indicate that Chile is actively developing nuclear power. WNA stated
that in 2010 the Energy Minister had said that the first nuclear plant of 1100 MWe should be
operating in 2024, joined by three more by 2035 and that a public-private partnership is pro-
posed to build the first plant, with a tender to be called in 2016. 490 However, plans have not de-
veloped significantly since then. Public opinion in Chile turned strongly against nuclear power
after the Fukushima accident. 491

According to the Chilean Nuclear Energy Commission, they continue to evaluate the feasibi-
lity of building a nuclear power plant although a political decision has been postponed. 492 At
the same time, in January2016, President Michelle Bachelet signed a new energy strategy that
sets a goal of renewable energy providing 70percent of the countrys power needs by 2050. 493
Chiles solar capacity has increased six fold since 2014 and energy officials want to turn the
country into a solar Saudi Arabia. 494

486 - NucNet, Amec Wins USD 430 Million Contract To Support Polish New-Build, 9July2014, see
all-the-news/2014/07/21/amec-wins-usd-430-million-contract-to-support-polish-new-build, accessed 26April2016.
487 - NW, Polish nuclear program facing additional delays of at least one year: analyst, 21April2016.
488 - Emilia Derewienko, PGE EJ1 rezygnuje z lokalizacji Choczewo, Rynek Infrastruktury, 2February2016, (in Polish),
see, accessed
489 - NEI, Site Studies begin for Polands first NPP, 12April2017, see
begin-for-polands-first-npp-5784946/, accessed 27April2017.
490 - WNA, Emerging Nuclear Energy Countries, Updated March2017, see
brary/country-profiles/others/emerging-nuclear-energy-countries.aspx, accessed 26April2017.
491 -, Public increasingly opposed to HidroAysn, nuclear power Ipsos, 13April2011.
492 - Jerson R. Reyes, Technology Assessment for Embarking Countries, Chilean Nuclear Energy Commission, 24June2013,
Presentation at the Technical Meeting on Technology Assessment for Embarking Countries, IAEA, Vienna (Austria),
see, accessed
493 - Conor Ryan, Chile introduces new Energy 2050 renewable-energy goals, PV-Tech, 6January2016,
see, accessed 26April2017.
494 - Nick Miroff, A Solar Saudi Arabia, Washington Post, 31March2017, see
accessed 26April2017.
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Since the mid-1970s, Indonesia has discussed and brought forward plans to develop nu-
clear power, releasing its first study on the introduction of nuclear power, supported by the
Italian government, in 1976. The analysis was updated in the mid-1980s with help from the
IAEA, the United States, France and Italy. Numerous discussions took place over the fol-
lowing decade, and by 1997 a Nuclear Energy Law was adopted that gave guidance on construc-
tion, operation, and decommissioning. A decade later, the 2007 Law on National Long-Term
Development Planning for 200525 stipulated that between 2015 and 2019, four units should
be completed with an installed capacity of 6 GW. 495 In July 2007, Korea Electric Power
Corp. (KEPCO) and Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co. (KHNP) signed a Memorandum of
Understanding with Indonesias PT Medco Energi Internasional to undertake a feasibility stu-
dy for building two 1000 MW units at a cost of US$3 billion. Then, in December 2015, the
Indonesian government pulled the plug on all nuclear plans, even for the longer-term future.
Trade journal Nuclear Engineering International commented: This effectively cancels a pre-
vious [US]$8bn plan to operate four nuclear plants with a total capacity of 6GWe by 2025.496

Indonesia plans to achieve an ambitious build-up of electricity generating capacityfrom

currently less than 50GW to 137GW by 2025 and 430GW by 2050without nuclear power.
Beyond 2050, nuclear power could be a last resort option.

Kazakhstan is the worlds largest producer of uranium, with about 40 percent of the
global total. It had a small fast breeder reactor, BN 350, which operated at Aktau, between
1972-1999. A number of countries, including Russia, Japan, South Korea, and China have all
signed co-operation agreements for the development of nuclear power. In 2014, President
Nursultan Nazarbayev, used his State of the Nation address to highlight the need to deve-
lop nuclear power. Since then, negotiations have continued, particularly with Toshiba-
Westinghouse of Japan and Rosatom of Russia. 497 However, others are less positive about the
timetable and, in October2015, the Vice Minister of Energy Bakhytzhan Dzhaksaliyev said that
finding a suitable site and strategic partner may take two to three years. 498 In December2015,
a draft Atomic Energy Law was referred to the Senate, in order to address licensing, security,
environmental protection rules and standards. 499 An April2016 joint declaration by the energy
ministers of Kazakhstan and the U.S. notes that the 2016 work plan encourages the use of
alternative energy sources in Kazakhstan, reduces emissions, and enhances nuclear safety.500
In December2016, the government announced that it was undertaking research into five dif-

495 - Hanan Nugroho, Development of Nuclear Power in Indonesia: Stop or Go?, Jakarta Post, 5May2010, see http://www., accessed 26 April 2017.
496 - NEI, Indonesia rules out nuclear as major power source, 14December2015, see
newsindonesia-rules-out-nuclear-as-major-power-source-4752814, accessed 26April2017.
497 - WNN, Russia and Kazakhstan to ink nuclear power accord this year, 2March2016, see
org/NP-Russia-and-Kazakhstan-to-ink-nuclear-power-accord-this-year-02031601.html, accessed 26April2017.
498 - Tengri News, Kazakhstan to define location and strategic partners for its first nuclear power plant in 2-3 years, 23Octo-
ber2015, see
its-262679/, accessed 26April2017.
499 - Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Draft law on use of nuclear energy, as amended, referred to Senate,
21December2015, see
to-senate.html, accessed 26April2017.
500 - U.S.DOE, Kazakhstan - United States Special Commission on Energy Partnership, 6April2016,
see, accessed 26April2017.
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ferent locations for a new nuclear power plant and that a Gen III or Gen III+ was their favored

In 2012, the IAEA suggested that in 2013 the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia might start
building its first nuclear reactor.502 The King Abdullah City for Atomic and Renewable Energy
(KA-CARE) had earlier been set up in 2010 to advance this agenda, and in June 2011, the coor-
dinator of scientific collaboration at KA-CARE announced plans to construct 16nuclear power
reactors over the next 20years at a cost of more than 300billionriyals (US$80billion). The
first two reactors were planned to be online in ten years and then two more per year until 2030.

During 2015, new co-operation agreements were signed with France, Russia, China and
South Korea. The latter seemed to be the most advanced with proposals for the building of
two smart reactors and ongoing research and collaboration.503 A further MoU was signed
in November 2016 to strengthen cooperation on nuclear safety and regulations. While in
March2017 a co-operation agreement was signed with CNEC on the development of high-tem-
perature gas cooled reactors.504

Saudi Arabia continues to explore existing and future reactor designs with a wide variety of
countries and companies. However, the decisions on which reactors and the introduction of
hard deadlines remains elusive and operation targets for reactors continue to be 20 years from

The National Energy Policy Council of Thailand in 2007 proposed that up to 5GW of ca-
pacity be operational between 2020 and 2028. However, this target will not be met for a num-
ber of reasons, but significant among them is local opposition on the proposed sites. The latest
proposal from the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT) is for two 1GW units
to be operational by 2036, although no location has been named.505 Thailands largest private
power company has announced that it will invest US$200million for a 10percent stake of the
CGN and Guangxi Investment Groups Fangchenggang nuclear power plant in China.506 CGN
obviously eyes a role in the potential 2GW nuclear project in Thailand.

The projects listed under the WNAs category of developing plans, demonstrate current or
past government intent and in most cases discussion with foreign vendors but little or no ac-
tual project development work.

501 - NEI, Kazakhstan considers five possible NPP sites, 1December2016, see
zakhstan-considers-five-possible-npp-sites-5685167/, accessed 26April2017.
502 - Lucas W. Hixson, IAEA Vietnam and 4 other countries to incorporate nuclear energy after Fukushima, Enformable.
com, 24February2012, see
after-fukushima/, accessed 26April2017.
503 -NIW, Saudi Arabia, Will Water Scarcity Spur Nuclear Growth?, 31July2015.
504 -NEI, Saudi Arabia looks to China and Korea for nuclear assistance, 20 March 2017, see
news/newssaudi-arabia-looks-to-china-and-korea-for-nuclear-assistance-5767240/, accessed 25 April 2017.
505 -WNA, Emerging Nuclear Energy Countries, Updated March2017, see
country-profiles/others/emerging-nuclear-energy-countries.aspx, accessed 26April2017.
506 -WNN, Thai power company buys into Fangchenggang II, 25January2016, see
Thai-power-company-buys-into-Fangchenggang-II-2501164.html, accessed 26April2017.
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Algeria: In October 2016, Rosatom said that it was in discussion with Algeria about the
construction of 2GW of nuclear capacity, at cost of US$10billion, with plans for the plant to
start operating in 2026.507

Israel: As a non-signatory of the Non-Proliferation Treaty, it is not possible for Israel to get
international assistance for the construction of a commercial nuclear power plant and building
it with domestic knowledge and equipment would be extremely problematic.

Kenya: The Kenyan Nuclear Electricity Board has said that it would like to start building
a 1GW plant by 2021 with a targeted operation in 2027, and is currently looking for a suitable
site. It has signed nuclear co-operation agreements with South Korea508 and China509.

Table 6 | Summary of Nuclear Newcomer Countries (Actual and Potential)

Reactor Initial Startup Proposed
Countries Proposed Vendor Official Startup date
Name Date Construction Start
Under Construction
Belarus Ostrovets Rosatom 2016/18 2019/20
UAE Barakah KEPCO 2017/18/19/20 2018/18/19/20
Contract Signed or Advanced Development
Bangladesh Rooppur Rosatom 2018 Decision expected 2017
Lithuania Visegrade Hitachi 2020 Suspended
Final investment expected
Turkey Akkuyu Rosatom 2015 2023
Sinop Mitsubishi/Areva ?
Ingeada SNPTC/Westinghouse 2019
Vietnam Ninh Thuan Rosatom 2020 Suspended
Committed Plans
Egypt Rosatom 2019 Decision expected 2017
Jordan Rosatom 2019
Poland ?
Well Developed Plans
Chile 2024 Suspended
Indonesia Rosatom Indefinitely Postponed
Kazakhstan Rosatom or Westinghouse ?
Saudi Arabia 2020 ? 2040
Thailand 2020-8 ? 2036

Sources: Various, compiled by WNISR, 2017

507 -PEi, Russian in talks over Algerias first nuclear power plant, 3August2016, Power Engineering International,
accessed 27April2017.
508 -Christine Wanjala, Kenya Plans First Nuclear Power Plant at $5Billion Cost, Bloomberg, 30November2016,
accessed 27April2017.
509 -China Daily, "CGN signs Kenya nuclear training, technology support agreement", 24March2017,
see, accessed 26July2017.
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Laos: In April2016, Laos signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Russia on the co-
operation on the design, construction and operation of two nuclear power plants, on a build-
operate-transfer basis.510

Malaysia: The latest Economic Transformation Program, assumes that two nuclear power
plants will be operational by 2021. However, even the Government has said that these dates are
unfeasible, as they recognize that it takes 11years from any decision to operation. To date no
decision has been taken on whether or not to proceed with nuclear at all.511

Morocco: The country is considering introducing nuclear power after 2030 and has in-
volved the IAEA who undertook an Integrated Nuclear Infrastructure Review mission, in

Nigeria: In December2016, the Government of Nigeria said it had signed a project develop-
ment agreement, to build 4.8GW of nuclear capacity at a cost of US$20billion.513

Over the past two decades, just two countries, Romania and Iran started operating nuclear
power plants for the first time. In the 20 or so countries that are said to be currently conside-
ring building nuclear power plants, the interest in the projects goes up and down the political
agenda, depending on the energy agenda of the government of the time and its relationship
with the vendor countries.

During 2017, it was expected that the first unit in the UAE would be completed, however, as of
the middle of the year, it is clear that grid connection will take place in 2018 at the earliest. The
timeline for the completion of the two reactors in Belarusthe only other country with reac-
tors under-construction for the first time also slipped by at least one year to the end of 2019.

Beyond these two countries, it is difficult seeing any, with the possible exception of Turkey
and, to a lower degree Bangladesh, of the aspiring countries actually being able to or even se-
riously aspiring to build a nuclear power program, especially given the rapidly falling system
costs of renewable energy technologies, the new main competitor.

510 -WNN, Russia and Laos plan nuclear cooperation, 15April2016, see
Laos-plan-nuclear-cooperation-1504164.html, accessed 27April2017.
511 -Bernama, No decision yet on building nuclear power plants in Malaysia, says Nancy Shukri, Malay Mail, 3November2016,
nancy-shu - sthash.Jf3Gu25p.dpuf, accessed 27April2017.
512 - IAEA, IAEA Delivers Report on Nuclear Power Development to Morocco, 1March2016, see
NuclearPower/News/2016/2016-03-01-NIDS.html, accessed 27April2017.
513 - Daily Trust, Nigeria, Russia sign nuclear power plants pact Osaisai, 21December2016, see
ng/news/business/nigeria-russia-sign-nuclear-power-plants-pact--osaisai/176939.html, accessed 10May2017.
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The Trend Towards a Decentralized Model

The power sector is in the middle of a profound structural change. The introduction of re-
newable energy at scale, due to fast declining costs driven by technological advances, have
in many parts of the world increased renewable power output at the expense of conventional
technologies such as coal and nuclear.

The move from a centralized model to a decentralized one is expected to accelerate, as re-
newable investment continues, increasing the demand for better performing electricity storage
and efficient peak assets, as the model transforms from a basic base- andpeak load model,
towards a forecast and balanced one (based on weather conditions and demand expectations).

[ The entire concept of baseload is being replaced

by high-flexibility demand-response options.
As the electricity market moves towards a decentralized model, the need of massive generation
assets decreases as the electricity sector requires assets that should rapidly respond to demand
gaps without major distortions on the power grid. In other words, conventional generation
assets would be closer to where they are needed most. Following this idea, smaller generation
capacity, spread geographically and closer to demand hubs, will be a better response to the
increased volatility seen on the intra-day equilibrium, while providing a better source of base-
load electricity with lower distortions on the networks. The entire concept of baseload is being
replaced by high-flexibility demand-response options.

About Spot Power-Price Exposure

Some power utilities stock-prices move in accordance with electricity spot-price move-
ments besides specific information concerning the companies and interest-rate movements.
Nonetheless, the exposure to spot-price movements is limited, especially for baseload produ-
cers as they are almost fully covered through financial derivatives (hedges) for the year ahead,
given that their production is relatively stable, providing reliability in terms of earnings and
cash flows. Forwards are the most popular asset class for hedging positions, whereby produ-
cers reduce their volatility risk as future price contracts have been agreed at a level at which
the electricity production would be sold.

As illustrated in Figure25 with the example of German utility RWE, the financial coverage
for baseload production normally starts three years ahead, increasing over time. Companies
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Figure 25 | RWE Forward Contracting

RWE Forward Contracting

Months before delivery of forward contract
-24 -21 -18 -15 -12 -9 -6 -3 0

Forward 31 Dec. 31 March 30 June 30 Sept. 31 Dec. 31 March 30 June 30 Sept 31 Dec.
2017 2014 2015 2015 2015 2015 2016 2016 2016 2016

Outright, electricity hedged incl. CO2

(Germany nuclear- and lignite-based power
Forward 31 Dec. 31 March 30 June 30 Sept. 31 Dec. generation)
2018 2015 2016 2016 2016 2016
Spread, electricity and underlying commodity
Percentage hedged incl. CO2 (Germany, U.K. and
100 Netherlands/Belgium hard coal- and
gas-based power generation)
Forward 31 Dec.
2019 2016 0 WNISR - Mycle Schneider Consulting

Source: RWE, Annual Report 2016, 2017

use forward contracts on electricity prices, which are less volatile than spot prices, as they do
not depend on intra-day supply and demand, but rather on sector trends and commodity price
expectations (oil, gas, coal, etc.). This process allows power-generation companies to reduce
their volatility on earnings, while avoiding uncertainty, as spot prices can fluctuate 50 percent
within a day.

However, substantial increases in spot prices may happen over possible supply shortages, or
radical movements in commodity prices. In this case, the hedging strategy may backfire and
companies may end up losing on financial expenses what could have been won by producing
at higher prices, as derivative contracts for forward hedging normally have margin calls, that
need to be paid, if fluctuations are above a certain threshold: the investor would be required to
either deposit more money into the account or sell some assets given that the derivatives used
have decreased in value past a certain point.

Peak producers rely more on spot prices as they produce electricity, when needed, for a short
period of time. Those assets benefit from increased volatility, as well as from spread varia-
tions (profitability of an asset at a given period). A higher price-volatility affects distribution
networks too, mainly to balance supply and demand gaps, by efficiently attributing the requi-
red capacity to cover demand needs.

In the second half of 2016, an unexpected rebound in power prices driven by higher fuel prices
and lower nuclear capacity in France caught some power utilities off-guard, generating nega-
tive effects in their trading performance from positions mainly related to forward contracts on
commodity prices (coal and power), for a total loss of 139m514 (US$149.9m) for RWE and 18m
(US$19.4m) for ENEL 515 . However, a higher volatility, if properly managed, can allow compa-

514 - Considering the number of numbers in this chapter, here m=million and bn=billion.
515 - RWE, "Annual Report 2016", 14 March 2017, see
investor-relations/RWE-annual-report-2016.pdf, accessed 2 August 2017; and ENEL, 2016 Annual Results, March2017.
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nies to profit from arbitrage opportunities (simultaneous purchase and sale of an asset/secu-
rity to profit from price differences). For instance, it has led EDF to partially offset some of the
downward effect faced on its nuclear generation, with an increase of 56.8percent in tradings
earnings, reaching 729m (US$786m) in 2016516.

Spot-price movements rarely affect the profitability of baseload producers such as nuclear in
the current year, but it may push forward prices within the same path (although, with a lower
volatility): forward prices affect the hedging level of the company in the future, affecting the
profitability of the assets in the coming years (at a stable production level).

Contracting Profits
The low-price environment over recent years has decreased the achieved price of baseload pro-
duction and reduced margins. Moreover, a greater integration of renewables has decreased the
utilization rate of conventional power plants, forcing operators to adjust the amortization of
the assets to a shorter expected lifetime. Due to this, multiple large impairments have been
booked over recent years. In 2016, E.ON, ENGIE, and RWE have once again reported profits
into negative territory, with net income losses of 8.45bn, 0.4bn, and 5.7bn (US$9.45bn,
US$0.45bn, and US$6.38bn) respectively517. These are mainly driven by one-offs from adjusted
depreciation levels and impairment charges, with little impact on cash flows. However, on an
adjusted basis the operating profit and margins of nuclear and conventional power plant opera-
tors continue to decrease.

Figure 26 | Average Profitability of Six European Nuclear Operators

European Nuclear Operator Average Profitability

Percentage Percentage
21.0 10
Sales Growth
20.5 5
20.0 0
19.5 -5
19.0 -10

18.5 -15

WNISR - Mycle Schneider Consulting WNISR - Mycle Schneider Consulting

2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Sources: Companies Annual Reports

As can be seen in Figure26, average EBITDA (Earnings Before Interest, Tax, Depreciation and
Amortization) margins and sales of six large European nuclear utilities (E.ON, RWE, ENEL,
Engie, EDF, Fortum) from four countries (Germany, Italy, France, Finland) have fallen as a
result of lower commodity prices, increased competition, and lower capacity factors. With no

516 - EDF, Consolidated Financial Statements at 31December2016, 13February2017.

517 - RWE, Annual Report 2016", 14 March 2017; E.ON, Annual Report 2016, 15March2017, see
investor-relations/financial-publications/annual-report.html; also ENGIE, Management report and Annual consolidated
financial statements, 2March2017, see, all accessed 2August2017.
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revenue support, companies have decided to optimize operating costs and reduce workforce to
minimize the negative effect in profits.

Moreover, as many nuclear assets are getting closer to the end of their nominal operating life,
substantial investments are needed in the coming years, either for an extension of the life-
time, or to cover expected expenses for decommissioning. In fact, the implementation of the
energy transition legislation, as pledged by the new French government, will combine both
constraints: lifetime extension for some reactors, with decommissioning for others. Under a
depressed price environment and sluggish demand expectations, the expected return on those
assets may be lower than the investment required for lifetime extension.

As a result, driven by decreasing profits and increasing investment needs, there were at least
three major capital increases within the European nuclear sector: a 5bn (US$5.4bn) one for
AREVA to ramp-up its balance sheet, a 4bn (US$4.3bn) for EDF to strengthen its balance
sheet in front of the AREVA NP takeover, Hinkley PointC and the Grand Carnage (invest-
ment on the nuclear fleet to extend operational lifetime by 10years), and a 1.34bn (US$1.53bn)
increase for E.ON to cover the additional payment required by the German government to
transfer the nuclear waste provisions towards a sovereign nuclear waste fund.

Moreover, the two main German operators, E.ON and RWE, driven by the closure of nuclear
assets, a fast contraction of margins for conventional generation, and the weakening of their fi-
nancial structure, decided to create separate entities. These are UniperE.ONs conventional
generation, trading, and Exploration and Production(E&P) subsidiaryand InnogyRWEs
renewable, networks and retail branch, which started to be traded separately in 2016. This was
performed in an attempt to create value for shareholders, while concentrating capital towards
sources that may provide growth, with stable earnings and cash flows.


The Spin-off Idea
Following the countrys commitment to the Energiewendethe German transition to a low-
carbon, environmentally sound, reliable and affordable energy supplyand the overall tran-
sition faced by the international energy sector, E.ON has undertaken a quite revolutionary
attempt to find value for its shareholders, while decreasing their exposure to power-price mo-
vements. It did this by proposing a good bankbad bank approach, through the spin-off of
its conventional generation, retail and E&P businesses, while keeping the assets with stable
returns and growth expectations under E.ONs umbrella518 . However, this strategy appeared
too ambitious, too early, and it backfired as the company did not see the political impact that
this choice was creating.

The possible transfer of the German nuclear assets in a newly created company opened the
Pandoras box of nuclear provisions in the country and the ability of companies to cover them

518 - E.ON, New Corporate Strategy, 30November2014, see

duction.html, accessed 24June2017.
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in the future. As a consequence of E.ONs move, the German government decided to assess the
situation to reduce the possible risks on taxpayers for pending liabilities and costs that may
arise in the future.

Following the review, a liability law was passed, under which historical operators should be
liable for future dismantling costs, blocking any attempt to transfer E.ONs German nuclear
assets to newly created Uniper519. Prior to the new legislation following E.ONs spin-off at-
tempt, companies were liable for units that become independent up to five years after a spin-off
was performed. The German government extended the liability law to make historic operators
liable for nuclear decommissioning costs for an unlimited period, even after a spin-off is per-
formed. Hence, E.ON had to come back on its strategy and include the German nuclear assets
under the good-bank entity, reducing the value creation possibilities of the new structure,
as the profitable assets have the nuclear risks and decommissioning charges on their backs520.

However, the valuation given by the market to Uniper was far below E.ONs expectations.
Under E.ONs accounts, Unipers value was close to 11bn (US$11.9bn) when the spin-off was
achieved, compared to the 5bn (US$5.4bn) market capitalization given at the initial public
offering(IPO), forcing the company to adjust its valuation on mark-to-market basis (valuing
assets at quoted market prices) by 6.1bn (US$6.6bn)521. This adjustment has been made on
top of the 3.8bn (US$4.1bn)522 on impairments booked prior to the spin-off, mainly on Unipers
coal assets due to eroding profits and lower than expected growth. The combined factor New
E.ON (with nuclear) plus low Uniper, instead of creating value for shareholders, has pushed
the company towards a contractual phase.

Following the failed attempt taken by E.ON to transfer the risk, RWE took the same good
bank bad bank strategy, but transferred the good assets into a newly created group,
Innogy, a company focusing on renewables, networks, and retail. RWE, the historic operator,
acts as the bad bank, keeping under its belt conventional generation (including nuclear), tra-
ding, and E&P523 . By doing this, the company complies with new German regulation under the
liability law, while at the same time creating value for its shareholders by providing a growth
entity with a lower risk profile.

Creation of the KFK and Provision Analysis

The German government has become increasingly aware of the costs of decommissioning
nuclear power stations. Following the utilities spin-off proposals, the government started an
investigation to see whether nuclear provisions set aside by the operators (i.e. E.ON, EnBW,
RWE, and Vattenfall) for 38bn (US$41bn) were sufficient. Concerns arose over the ability of
these companies to provide the necessary cash in the future if their profitability did not im-
prove. With its investigation, the German government hoped to avoid a bailout (not replicating

519 - Gernot Heller and Markus Wacket Germany approves law extending nuclear liability, Reuters, 14October2015,
see, accessed 24June2017.
520 - E.ON, Ad hoc announcement 15WpHGSpin-off in schedule, 9September2015,
see, accessed 24June2017.
521 - E.ON, Nine month 2016 interim report, November2016.
522 - E.ON, Half-year 2016 report, August2016.
523 - RWE, One group, two companies with a clear strategic focus to unlock value, 1December2015.
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what happened for banks in the past decade) and therefore protect its interest and those of

Being required to keep the German nuclear assets under the historical operators umbrella, in
addition to a limited operating lifetime (since the country is expected to fully exit nuclear ge-
neration by the end of 2022), the German government put the nuclear provisioning issue under
close scrutiny. Driven by the weak financial situation of German utilities and the substantial
costs expected in the future, the government studied multiple options to secure the future
coverage of nuclear liabilities.

For this purpose, at the end of 2015, the government created a 19-member independent nuclear
commission (Kommission zur berprfung des Kerneenergieausstiegs or KFK), which in-
cluded politicians, lawyers, academics, and businessmen to avoid conflict of interest. The KFK
met multiple times to develop recommendations to secure the financing of nuclear reactors
decommissioning and the funding of future costs for the storage and disposal of nuclear waste.
As a first step, KFK analyzed the nuclear provisions booked by nuclear operators to assess,
whether these are sufficient to cover possible future costs.

Proposal of a Sovereign Fund for Nuclear Waste

After KFKs deliberation on the adequacy of provision levels, a second step was taken to ensure
satisfaction of the long-term financial obligations for the disposal and storage of nuclear waste.
Since the German government had concerns over the ability of nuclear operators to finance
these expenses in the long term (as the time horizon for nuclear waste storage prior to final
disposal can go beyond 100years), it created a sovereign fund to support these expenditures.

To set up this fund, with the idea of becoming responsible for future liabilities, the government
asked a 35-percent premium on current provision levels. This premium takes into account
the risk of potential future cost increases and the application of a high discount rate (above
4percent). The total risk premium requested from operators under this draft law amounted to
6.1bn (US$6.5bn), adding to the 17.4bn (US$18.6bn)524 already provisioned by the companies
(E.ON, RWE, EnBW, and Vattenfall) for the same purpose. The nuclear operators first refused
the proposition, considering that a 35-percent premium was excessive, 525 but at the end, they all
agreed on the proposed terms.

KFK, considering the financial situation of the companies, also demanded that the financing
of this premium come from equity and not from debt, as the government does not want the
debt levels of the countrys major utilities to increase. The sovereign fund was created/set-up
in January2017 and utilities should pay a 4.58percent per year interest on any delayed pay-
ment. To comply with the law and to avoid additional interest payments, utilities have agreed
to transfer the required amounts to the fund by July2017.526

524 - Bundesrat, Gesetzentwurf der BundesregierungEntwurf eines Gesetzes zur Neuordnung der Verantwortung in der
kerntechnischen Entsorgung, October2016.
525 - RWE, Energy companies are ready for a joint solution to finance the phase out of nuclear power generation in Germany,
27April2016, see
clear-power-generation-in-germany/, accessed 24June2017.
526 - RWE, Annual Report 2016, 14 March 2017; E.ON, 2016 Annual Results Presentation, March2017.
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Lower Interest Cost and Higher Debt Levels
Following the 20072008 financial crisis, central banks across the globe have opted to apply
an accommodating policy to provide a breath of fresh air to a dampened macro-economic envi-
ronment by reducing the inter-bank interest rate, and with it, decrease the cost of debt. In
addition, following an [unconventional] monetary policy known as quantitative easing, central
banks have started to purchase debt obligations, a type of financial instrument with a par-
ticular characteristic: the higher its price, the lower its interest rate. By increasing the pur-
chased amounts of debt obligations (bonds), central banks increase the demand for the assets,
pushing up prices and lowering interest rates. As a result of lower inter-bank interest rates and
quantitative easing, the cost of debt for both governments and corporates has been reduced to
historically low levels.

A lower cost of debt allows companies to invest at a time when earnings are not strong enough
to support growth. This possibility generates multiple changes in the financial situation of
companies: their debt levels increase and with earnings falling, ratios deteriorate. However,
higher debt levels have a lower impact on companies profits compared to the past, as a lower
cost of debt implies lower interest expenses for a same borrowed amount.

Figure 27 | Average European Nuclear Operator Credit Ratios

Average European Nuclear Operator Credit Ratios

3,8 5,6

3,6 5,4

3,4 5,2

3,2 5
Utilities Average Interest Cover Debt to EBITDA ratio
3 4,8

WNISR - Mycle Schneider Consulting WNISR - Mycle Schneider Consulting

2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Sources: Companies Annual Reports

As can be seen in Figure27, despite a decreasing interest cost, higher net debt and a decrease in
profitability has reduced the interest-coverage ratio of the previously mentioned six companies
from four countries. The interest-coverage ratio is a measure of the ability of a company to
meet its interest payment obligations, comparing its operating profit with its interest expenses.
The lower this ratio is, the higher the burden for a company to meet its interest expenses, as
debt costs represent a higher share of the profits. Conversely, the debt to EBITDA ratiowhich
indicates the amount of time a company would need to pay off its debtis increasing, repre-
senting greater debt difficulties for companies.
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With a deterioration in the debt ratios used by agencies to determine their credit rating, it is
inevitable that companies with higher debt levels and lower earnings will see lower ratings.
The effect over time can be seen in Table7.

Undeniably, a lower rate environment has supported the investment power of companies
and governments by providing capital when earnings and cash flows were not supportive.
Nonetheless, a low interest-rate environment has created additional side effects, as it implies
that there would be lower allowed returns on regulated assets, added to a negative effect on the
balance sheet for pensions and nuclear provisions.

Table 7 | Credit Rating History of Major European Utilities

Rating Agency Changes 2016
Rating Perspective Rating Perspective
Iberdrola BBB Positive I BBB+ Positive
Enel BBB Positive = BBB Positive
Fortum BBB+ Stable = BBB+ Stable
Engie A Stable K A- Stable
EDF A+ Negative K A- Stable
RWE BBB Negative K BBB- Negative
E.ON BBB+ Stable K BBB Stable
Centrica BBB+ Stable K BBB+ Negative
AREVA B+ Develop K B Develop
Sources: S&P; Companies Annual Reports

Lower Allowed Returns on Regulated Assets

Transmission and distribution networks, as they operate under a natural monopoly, are re-
gulated assets. The regulator determines the earnings operators would be allowed in a given
year to avoid excessive profits from market control. To determine this, the regulator uses the
Regulated Asset Value(RAV) or the Regulated Asset Base(RAB) to determine the Return on
Capital Employed(ROCE) within a regulatory period (normally three to five years).

For this, regulators normally use the 10-year interest rate on government bonds (from the
country where the assets are operated), added to a risk premium. Additional parameters such
as inflation levels, growth investment, and control in operating expenses are used to calculate
the return operators would have in a given period. The low interest environment has genera-
ted a lower cost of debt and decreased the Weighted Average Cost of Capital(WACC), thus
forcing regulators to revise downwards the allowed return on regulated assets so as to reduce
the ROCE. The objective is to minimize ROCE and WACC differences to avoid excess value

Following this idea, in October2016 the German Federal Network Agency(Bundesnetzagentur),

which is responsible for regulatory functions, has revised the regulatory parameters taking
into account lower interest rates. The given measures would be applied for the next regulatory
period of five years. The parameters will be enforced for gas and electricity networks in 2018
and 2019 respectively.
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Driven by the low-rate environment, the regulator has applied a 200-basis-point (2percent)
decrease to the Return on Equity(ROE), which determines the tariffs linked to distribution
and transmission networks. The regulated tariffs have been reduced to 6.91percent ROE for
new investments and 5.12percent for existing grids reduced from 9.05percent and 7.14percent
respectively)527. The level of the ROE determined by the Federal Network Agency is based on
the 10-year average risk-free rate plus a risk premium: the base interest rate has been cut to
2.49percent (from 3.8previously) and the risk premium set at 3.15percent (down from 3.59pre-
viously). Similar downward revisions were performed in Italy and the U.K. in 2015, being enfor-
ced from 2016 onwards.

As many nuclear operators have network assets, a lower interest rate environment reduces grid
revenues, as a lower return is expected on regulated assets, adding pressure to contracting ear-
nings on the generation side.

Higher Provision Requirements

The current value of a future amount of money given a specified rate of return is called its pre-
sent value. As a result, future cash flows are discounted at a specified rate: the higher the dis-
count rate, the lower the present value of future cash flows. Conversely, the lower the discount
rate, the higher the provisions should be. The discount-rate method is required to calculate
future obligations, used to determine such long-term commitments as pensions and nuclear
decommissioning or waste-management provisions.

ENGIEs nuclear subsidiaries in Belgium (Electrabel and Synatom) received on

12 December 2016 the revaluation for Belgian nuclear provisions from the Commission for
Nuclear Provisions (CNP). As a result, the discount rate has been revised downwards from
4.8percent to 3.5percent, with an unchanged inflation rate at 2percent528. This implies that the
companys 8.4bn (US$9.1bn) nuclear provisions rose by 21.4percent or 1.8bn (US$1.95bn).

Similarly, EDF had to apply higher provisions on the nuclear side from a 0.3percentage point
reduction in the discount rate to 4.2percent, increasing provisions by 1,342m (US$1,447m)
and 680m (US$733m) in financial expenses529. Due to the prolonged lower-interest-rate envi-
ronment, the group has estimated that the discount rate for nuclear provisions will be reduced
to 4.1 percent in 2017 (+735m or +US$793m in provisions) and to 3.9 percent in 2018 (+1,470m
or +US$1,585m in provisions).530

RWE has agreed to transfer to the nuclear energy fund the 6.8bn (US$7.33bn) it is liable for,
taking its 5bn (US$5.4bn) base amount and a 1.8bn (US$1.94bn) risk premium.531 The trans-
fer was performed inJuly2017 for the full amount. Following this, and taking into account that

527 - Bundesnetzagentur, Bundesnetzagentur sets return on equity for electricity and gas networks, PressRelease,
12October2016, see,
accessed 24June2017.
528 - ENGIE, Financial informationTriennial revisions of provisions for Belgian nuclear power plants,
13December2016, see,
accessed 24June2017.
529 - EDF, Consolidated Financial Statements at 31 December 2016, 13February2017.
530 - EDF, Annual Results 2016, Presentation, 14February2016.
531 - RWE, RWE Annual Report 2016, 14March2017.
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there is a lower maturity for the residual provisions (below 10years), the calculation of the dis-
count rate changed to follow market rates and inflation levels. Hence, the residual provisions
(after the transfer to the nuclear fund) increased by 0.9bn (US$0.97bn) or +18.7percent to
5.7bn (US$6.15bn).

E.ON has accepted the payment of 10.2bn (US$11bn) to the nuclear fund. This includes 7.8bn
(US$8.4bn) in provisions, a 2bn (US$2.2bn) premium, 200m (US$216m) in interest costs
and 200m (US$216m) in minority interests held in a nuclear power plant with RWE.532 The
base amount will be paid through liquidity on its balance sheet and will also use debt with up
to 3bn (US$3.2bn) in bonds and commercial paper. In line with RWE, the group had to change
the method for the discount rate on the remaining provisions. The method is based on risk-
free rates and has a real discount rate of -0.9percent, which generated an increase on E.ONs
remaining provisions of 1.5bn (US$1.6bn). The nuclear provisions will have quarterly fluctua-
tions, as pension ones do. Moreover, the group has increased the annual depreciation over the
remaining life of the nuclear assets.

Table 8 | Nuclear Operators Provisions

Nuclear Operators Provisions
Company Method Used Nb of Total Nuclear Total Nuclear Provisions per Provisions per Equity 2016 - net
Reactors attr. Provisions Reactor ($m) installed MW of hybrids ($m)
(majority owned) Capacity (MW) ($m) ($m)
EDF Private Funding 73 74 883,0 50 235,1 688,2 0,67 26 290,4
RWE Private Funding 5 3 926,0 13 714,9 2 743,0 3,49 2 974,3
E.ON (+ Uniper) Private Funding 6 8 555,2 23 088,2 3 848,0 2,70 - 1 139,4
Fortum Gover. Fund 2 1 020,0 1 181,5 590,8 1,16 14 535,7
Engie (ex GDF) Private Funding 7 5 937,9 13 083,1 1 869,0 2,20 42 744,2
Kepco Private Funding 25 23 116,0 11 446,00 457,8 0,50 61 807,0
Exelon Private Funding 23 22 000,0 21 196,0 921,6 0,96 25 837,0
Sources: Companies' Annual Reports for 2016

The effect from a lower-rate environment has been less dramatic in France than in other
countries, because in March2015, the French government decided to review the discount me-
thodcalculation of the ceiling allowed for the discount rate appliedincreasing it from the
4-year to 10-year average of the French 30-year rate (TEC 30yr), plus 100basis points533 . This
change reduced the short-term impact for movements in the discount rate, but the variations
will remain for a longer-term horizon.534

Higher provision requirements negatively impact the balance sheet and the profit & loss sta-
tement, but not the cash flows. The balance sheet is affected, as higher provisions imply that
a company would have to reserve additional funds for future expected costs. The increase in
provisions would hurt equity levels as the additional funding would have to come from the re-
served capital. However, over time, the provisions should be covered by assets (financial assets
that can provide a rate of return close to the discount level used).

532 - E.ON, Annual Report 2016, 15March2017.

533 - EDF group, Reference Document2015 Annual financial report, 29April2016.
534 - EDF, Consolidated Financial Statements at 31December2016, 13February2016.
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On the profit & loss statement, a negative one-off would be reported as a financial cost due to
an increase in nuclear provisions, decreasing the earnings of the company in the given year.
The movement is booked under net financial expenses, reducing the firms profit before taxes.
Nonetheless, given that this is not a recurring issue, it is not linked to operational performance,
and the variations are not included under the adjusted results.

On the cash-flow side, no movements are recorded, as the cash does not leave the company
until the costs have been incurred or a transfer is needed. As a result, higher nuclear provi-
sions from lower discount rates reduce the reported net profit and the equity levels, but have
no effect on the adjusted profit or the cash flows. Moreover, the higher the nuclear provisions
already booked, the greater the effects of discount rate movements both on the balance sheet
and reported net profit. Hence in 2016, the increase of nuclear provisions hurt both the equity
level and reported net profit of nuclear operators.

Higher Pension Deficits

Following the same discount rate method, pension provisions are calculated as the difference
between future pension obligations and the amount of assets to cover them (funded pension
scheme). The greater the difference is, the greater the deficit and the higher the provisions
should be, which implies that the pension plan is underfunded (the money to cover current and
future retirements is not yet available).

EDF, E.ON, and RWE have more exposure to a lower interest rate environment due to their
high pension deficits. As a result, in 2016, RWE had an increase in pension provisions of 1.9bn
(US$2.05bn) due to low interest rates, raising the groups net debt.535

E.ONs similar effect in 2016 on pension provisions, under Germanys rate cut to 1.4percent
and the U.K.s to 2.9percent, generated a 2.3bn (US$2.5bn) increase in provisions.536 EDF si-
milarly revised downwards the discount rate applied both in France (1.9percent) and in the
U.K. (2.76 percent), raising pension obligations by 2.04bn (US$2.2bn).537

The increase in pension provisions generates a similar effect as nuclear ones, whereby higher
provision levels from a decrease in the discount rate weaken the balance sheet through lower
equity levels and a lower reported net profit. The greater pension deficit a company has, the
higher its sensitivity to discount rate movements, and the greater the impact on both the
balance sheet and reported net income. However, in line with nuclear provision movements,
higher pension provisions would have no impact on adjusted net profit or cash flows. As a re-
sult, the increased pension provisions seen in 2016 have negatively impacted the equity levels
and reported net profits of the companies.

535 - RWE, RWE Annual Report 2016, 14March2017.

536 - E.ON, Annual Report 2016, 15March2017.
537 - EDF, Consolidated Financial Statements at 31 December 2016, 13February2016.
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RWE (Germany)
For 2016, Rheinisch-Westflisches Elektrizittswerk or RWE group published financial re-
sults with revenues falling 5.7percent, while adjusted EBITDA fell by 23percent. Net income
finished in the red once again at 5.7bn (US$6.15bn) as the group booked 4.3bn (US$4.6bn)
of impairments in its power portfolio, in addition to 1.8bn (US$1.94bn) for the nuclear energy
fund 35 percent risk premium, and 0.8bn (US$0.86m) from mark-to-market of derivatives
(valuing assets at quoted prices). Adjusted for this, net income fell by 30 percent to 777m

In line with 2015, the company has decided to pay no dividend for its common shares and
0.13(US$0.14)/share on preferred shares. Net debt decreased by 10.8percent, helped by the
positive cash generated from the placement of Innogy shares through the spin-off.

RWEs share price peaked in January2008 at 100 and stood at 18 per share by early July2017,
an 82-percent decline. However, RWE is clearly on its way to recovery as share value hit the
bottom in December2016 at 11.40 (see Figure 28).

Figure 28 | RWE Share Price Development Since 2006

RWE (Germany) Share Price Development Since 2006

Percentage 7 January 2008
12 April 2010
Share Price as of
2 January 2006
Share Price as of
3 July 2017
WNISR - Mycle Schneider Consulting 17.59
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Source: Yahoo Finance, August 2017

The group showed a strong operational performance in 2016 on its conventional generation
business as it has achieved an increase in power generation of 1.4percent.539 Despite the higher
load factor, the low-price environment continues to hurt the group from lower generation
margins, decreasing the division earnings by 36.3percent. Innogys earnings (renewable and
networks subsidiary) decreased by 7percent. The trading divisions earnings finished in nega-
tive territory, despite the settlement achieved with Russias Gazprom for gas deliveries.

RWEs objective on nuclear provisions is to keep enough financial assets to cover its medium-
and long-term obligations (nuclear, mining/lignite, and pensions) 100percent for the next five
538 - RWE, RWE Annual Report 2016, 14March2017.
539 - RWE, Annual Report 2016, 14March2017.
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years and 75percent for the next ten years. Nuclear provisions will be recalculated like pension
ones on a quarterly basis, where the movements will be registered on the Profit & Loss (P&L)

Following the Innogy spin-off and the current financial structure of the company, with all the
senior debt being transferred to Innogy, but still being liable for its long-term provisions, RWE
can be seen as a financial portfolio with no debt, which has volatile cash flows from trading
and generation, but where its financial investments and received dividends should allow both
its provision levels and cash payments to be covered.

The important news came from 2017 guidance with topline earnings expecting to have a flat
to 5percent increase, implying that the downward trend may be over and the strategy is fi-
nally paying off. Moreover, there is a strong net income improvement expected, implying a
25 to 62percent increase in net profit.540 The group will reinstate a dividend payment of 0.50
(US$0.54) per common share in 2017. It seems as if the worst days are over and the separation
strategy with the creation of Innogy as a growth driver is paying off.

E.ON (Germany)
In 2016, revenues fell by 11percent, with adjusted operating profit and net income decreasing
by 13percent and 16percent respectively. On a reported basis, the group booked a combined
net income loss of 16bn (US$17.3bn), of which 8.4bn (US$9.1bn) is attributable to E.ONs
shareholder, driven by close to 11bn (US$11.9bn) in impairment charges. The dividend pro-
posed for 2016 is 0.21 (US$0.23)/share.541

The equity attributable to E.ON shareholders finished in negative territory at -1.05bn

(-US$1.13bn), while the net debt of the group reached 26.3bn (US$28.4bn), confirming the
firms weak balance sheet.542 E.ON shares hit the bottom in November 2016 at just over 6 per
share, down from an all-time high in January 2008 at 45.60 (87percent). At 8.31 per share
as of early July2017, the title has made up some lost territory. (See Figure29)

Figure 29 | E.ON Share Price Development Since 2006

E.ON (Germany) Share Price Development Since 2006

Percentage 7 January 2008

19 April 2010
Share Price as of
2 January 2006
Share Price as of
3 July 2017
WNISR - Mycle Schneider Consulting 8.31
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Source: Yahoo Finance, August 2017

540 - RWE, RWE 2016 Results Presentation, 14March2017.

541 - E.ON, Annual Report 2016, 15March2017.
542 - E.ON, E.ON 2016 Results Presentation, 15March2017.
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Following its spin-off strategy, E.ON has achieved an improvement in exposure to market-
driven earnings, as 63.3percent of its operating profit now comes from regulated and semi-
regulated assets. Energy networks, had an 8 percent reduction in adjusted operating profit.
The retail business (Customer Solutions) had relatively stable operating profit (+1percent). The
renewable divisions operating profit improved by 10percent.

German nuclear (Preussen Elektra)s operating profit has been more resilient than expected
as its operating profit decreased by 2percent. However, profits should continue to deteriorate
as production for the coming years is hedged at a lower price: 100 percent hedged for 2017
at 32/MW (US$34.5/MW), 94percent in 2018 at 27/MW (US$29.1/MW), and 19 percent in
2019 at 25/MW (US$27/MW).543 At constant production levels, the coverage would imply a
decrease in revenues of 13.5percent for 2017, an additional 21.7percent contraction in 2018, and
a further 7.4percent decrease in 2019.

But not all is so bleak on this front, as the transfer of the storage-related provisions to the nu-
clear waste fund would allow the company to stop interest payments on 7.8bn (US$8.4bn) of
provisions from 1January2017, having a positive net income effect of 200250m (US$216m
270m) per year. Moreover, the change in the discounting method for the remaining provisions
would also reduce the accretion charges by 350m(US$377m). Hence, the combined financial
effect from 2017 onwards is expected to be improved by roughly 400m (US$431m), partially
offset by higher depreciation expenses.

Over the medium term, the company is targeting to reduce net debt, reduce its investment
budget by 20 percent, could sell all of its remaining Uniper shares, divest additional assets,
and perhaps pay a scrip dividend with newly issued shares. As for the objective expectations,
Earnings per Share (EPS) have been lowered as they are now expected to be relatively flat.544
This downward revision is driven by the negative EPS-diluting effects on capital measures to
pay the nuclear premium for the sovereign fund. A flat EPS is expected until 2019, meaning
E.ON has turned into a no-growth story for the coming years.

[ AREVAs shares peaked in June 2008 at just under 80per share

and stood at below 4.50 in early July2017 (94percent) ]
AREVA (France)
For 2016, the company reported a net loss of 665m (US$717m), reduced from 2.04bn
(US$2.2bn) in 2015, and 4.83bn (US$5.2bn) in 2014 545 . Cash flows continue to be in negative
territory, with a net cash flow from operations at 621m (-US$661m). In recent years, the
group had to revise downwards its expectations for the construction of third-generation EPR
reactors, driving massive depreciations, added to constant delays on the EPRs at Olkiluoto in
Finland, Flamanville in France, and Taishan in China. In addition, AREVA had to cope with a

543 - E.ON, Annual Report 2016, 15March2017.

544 - E.ON, E.ON 2016 Results Presentation, 15March2017.
545 - AREVA, 2016 Annual Results, 1March2017.
Wo r l d N u c l e a r I n d u s t r y S t a t u s R e p o r t | 2 0 1 7  | 137

Figure 30 | AREVA Share Price Development Since 2006

AREVA (France) Share Price Development Since 2006

6 June 2008
Percentage 79.85

17 February 2011
Share Price as of 17 February 2014
3 January 2006 21.02
-50 40.25
Share Price as of
3 July 2017
WNISR - Mycle Schneider Consulting 4.44
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Source:, August 2017

vast quality-control problem at its Creusot Forge site, where inspectors identified irregularities
that have apparently lasted for decades (see Focus France).

AREVAs shares peaked in June 2008 at just under 80per share and stood at below 4.50 in
early July2017 (94percent ; see Figure30). The French government bailout announcements
did not fundamentally change investors opinions.

The group has been obliged to split in two to get the much-needed financing, with the nu-
clear reactor division (AREVA NP) being sold to EDF (5175percent) for a 2.5bn (US$2.7bn)
price, with a possible earn-out of 350m (US$377m), if results meet expectations. AREVA SA
will keep the fuel fabrication and spent fuel reprocessing operations. On top of this, a 5bn
(US$5.4bn) capital increase will be performed, whereby the French government will inject
4.5bn (US$4.9bn), potentially letting some international investors such as Japan Nuclear
Fuel Limited (JNFL) and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) get in with the remaining
500m(US$534m)546 .

EDF (France)
lectricit de France (EDF) had a volatile year. In addition to multiple strategic decisions taken
in 2016, the company suffered from the decreasing profitability on its nuclear assets due to a
low-price environment. This added to increased competition in its two main markets (France
and U.K.) created not only erosion of its market share but also dwindling earnings and profita-

EDF issued two different profit warnings in 2016. The negative impact from lower power prices
had been accentuated by a reduced nuclear production, as the nuclear regulator (ASN) de-
manded additional tests on nuclear reactors affected by the AREVA manufacturing anomalies.
Moreover, in 2016, EDF issued its final investment decision on the construction on the 19.6bn
(US$25.4bn)547 EPR project in the U.K., which has been validated by the U.K. government,

546 - Geert de Clercq, UPDATE2-Japanese firms takes 10 percent stake in new AREVA, capital hike approved, Reuters,
3February2017, see, accessed 24June2017.
547 - Latest cost assessment according to EDF, Clarifications on Hinkley Point C project, Press Release, 3July2017.
Wo r l d N u c l e a r I n d u s t r y S t a t u s R e p o r t | 2 0 1 7  | 138

including Chinese investors (CGN and CNNC) in its capital structure.548 The group has also
found an agreement on the purchase of AREVANP for an agreed price of 2.5bn (US$2.7bn).

Driven by its financial difficulties, weak balance sheet, and multiple capital-intensive projects
and ambitions, EDF has issued a 4bn (US$4.3bn) capital increase at 6.35 (US$6.85)/share,
with 634.71m new shares created for this purpose. The subscription price has been set with
a 34percent discount to the closing level on 2March2017 and 29percent on the theoretical
value of the share ex-right, i.e. 8.92 (US$9.62)/share.549 The discount provided was required as
the company needs to get 1bn (US$1.08bn) of fresh capital from private investors (represen-
ting 25percent of the total objective, but targeting 15percent of the shareholders). The French
government participated with a 3bn (US$3.23bn) envelope (75percent), but has an 85percent
stake in the company. As a result, the public stakeholder disposed 10percent of its share rights
at 0.40 (US$0.43)/right, implying a 40percent discount on the ex-right values and creating
a technical 8 percent decrease on the stock price. EDFs share price dropped 22 percent in
the week following the launch of the capital increase on 7March2017. EDF shares plunged by
89percent since they peaked in November 2007 (value as of 3July2017; see Figure 31).

Figure 31 | EDF Share Price Development Since 2006

EDF (France) Share Price Development Since 2006 Capital Increase

22 November 2007 7 March 17
Percentage 86.45
150 2017
Profit Warning
100 14 December16
7 March 16
Share Price as of
-50 2 January 2006 Share Price as of
32.1 3 July 2017
WNISR - Mycle Schneider Consulting 9.55
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Source: Yahoo Finance, August 2017

Moreover, the company substantially revised downwards its 2017earnings objectives. As the
company normally starts the year with its production fully hedged, it implies a lower hedging
price, in addition to a lower nuclear production and increased competition in its main markets.
The group expects a rebound in 2018earnings, as forward prices increased across Europe at
the end of 2016 and production is expected to return to normal levels.

The groups 2016 financial performance was heavily affected by the French generation and
supply business as it had a 11.2percent contraction and represents 37.5percent of the groups
earnings.550 The division suffered from lower nuclear generation, market share losses, and the
548 - EDF, Hinkley Point C: EDF is delighted by the British Governments decision, Press Release, 15September2016,
the-british-government-s-decision, accessed 24June2017.
549 - EDF, EDF announces the launch and the terms of a share capital increase with preferential subscription rights for an
amount of approximately 4billion euros, Press Release, 7March2017, see
subscription-rights-for-an-amount-of-approximately-4-billion-euros, accessed 24June2017.
550 - EDF, 2016 Annual Results, 14February2017.
Wo r l d N u c l e a r I n d u s t r y S t a t u s R e p o r t | 2 0 1 7  | 139

negative effects on market purchases: the company had to buy electricity at higher prices in the
fourth quarter of 2016 to cover its electricity needs as production did not cover retail demand.

The U.K. division showed a 23.6 percent contraction in earnings, despite the 7.4 percent in-
crease in nuclear production, mainly driven by lower wholesale and retail prices, added to the
erosion in market share and negative foreign exchange effects. The best-performing division
was trading, with a 56.8percent increase in profit, mainly due to the high volatility in power
and gas markets. The renewable energy business had a positive year due to commissioned ca-
pacity and a strong Development and Sale of Structured Assets (DSSA), which generated a
combined earnings growth of 6.1percent. However, the renewables and trading performances
achieved in 2016 are not expected to be replicated in 2017.551

EDF decided in 2016 to apply an extension of the accounting depreciation of its 900 MW
nuclear fleet from 40 to 50years reducing the depreciation charges of the company by 1bn
(US$1.08bn) or 11.6percent, generating a positive effect on net income of 700m (US$754m).552
This has also created a 2bn (US$2.2bn) decrease in nuclear provisions and a 1.7bn
(US$1.83bn) contraction in the scope of dedicated assets, used to cover the expected costs for
nuclear decommissioning. This decision has been taken just before the ramp-up of its life-ex-
tension program (Grand Carnage) with an investment envelope of 50bn+. Nonetheless, the
life extension of nuclear assets in France has to be validated by the nuclear regulator, with no
decision expected before 2018.

[ 2017 will be a decisive year

for the company ]
The groups operating income shrank by 3.4percent, driven by earnings contraction plus higher
provisions on the nuclear side, offsetting the positive effect from an increase in the accounting
depreciation.553 Reported net debt remained stable at 37.4bn (US$40.3bn), which is a positive,
although operating cash flows decreased by 12.6percent year-on-year. Free cash flow continues
to be on the negative side, but has eased with the help of the share dividend payment. The com-
pany expects to be cash flow positive by 2018.

Looking forward, 2017 will be a decisive year for the company with the purchase of AREVA NP,
expected results from the regulator on the Flamanville-3 EPR reactor vessel, added to multiple
asset disposals and the end of the capital measures to ramp-up its balance sheet. The capital
increase should allow the company to partially finance its multiple investment projects, but in
a low-price environment and earnings-contracting trend, EDF still has a bumpy road ahead.
The high reliance on nuclear does not support earnings in the short term. Asset disposals and
scrip dividends are needed to cover cash flow deficits and high investment requirements. If
everything happens according to the companys expectations, 2017 may be the bottom on the
earnings side; however, there are too many unknowns to see a clear path.

551 - EDF, 2016 Group Annual Results, Presentation, 14February2017.

552 - EDF, 2016 Half-year Results, Presentation, 29July2016.
553 - EDF, 2016 Annual Results, 14February2017.
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ENGIE (France)
The restart of the Belgium nuclear assets at the end of 2015, following the approval on the life
extension and tax agreements, helped the groups 2016 results by making a full-year earnings
contribution. Nonetheless, their exposure to market prices across Oil & Gas, Liquefied Natural
Gas (LNG), and power prices negatively impacted earnings, despite the fact that now close to
75percent of the groups profits come from regulated or semi-regulated assets.

For 2016, ENGIE presented financial results with revenues falling 4.6percent, earnings down
5.2percent, and adjusted net income down 4.3percent. On a reported basis, the group finished
once again in negative territory with reported net income at 0.4bn (US$0.43bn) driven by
3.8bn (US$4.1bn) of impairments in power plants, nuclear assets and merchant activities.554

The infrastructure segment continues to be the main profit driver as it reached a 2.3percent
increase and represents 32.4percent of the overall profits. Latin America had an 8.5percent
increase in earnings, with a similar increase in Europe (+9.5 percent). Belgiums profits rose
sharply (+69.5percent) mainly due to the restart of three nuclear reactors in the country. In
France, the group benefited from the positive weather effects on gas and electricity volumes to
reach a 3.2percent increase in profits, offsetting lower prices to both consumers and its power
generation assets.

On the other hand, theLNG business has been harmed by the reduction in supply conditions,
and lower geographical spreads on LNG prices, pushing profits down by 98.3percent. Following
this, the E&P business showed a 20.9percent earnings decrease due to lower prices in both oil
and gas and a 4.7percent decrease in production.

Share prices hit the bottom in February 2017 at just over 11per share, 75percent down from
its historic peak in June 2008 , but has been slowly recovering since (see Figure 32).

Figure 32 | ENGIE Share Price Development Since 2006

ENGIE (France) Share Price Development Since 2006

9 June 2008
Percentage 44.73


Share Price as of
2 January 2006
24.82 Share Price as of
-50 3 July 2017
WNISR - Mycle Schneider Consulting 13.44
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Source:, August 2017

It seems that a better horizon is in sight, as the continued efforts of the company in its cost-
cutting program and a lower exposure to commodity prices should start to pay off. A more
dynamic profile seems to be gaining momentum as it should show organic growth across all

554 - ENGIE, 2016 Annual Results, 2March2017.

Wo r l d N u c l e a r I n d u s t r y S t a t u s R e p o r t | 2 0 1 7  | 141

business segments except North America (due to disposals).555 Thus 2016 may be seen as the
bottom in terms of earnings as the company expects 2017 growth despite the drag of asset dis-
posals. The recovery is a positive and one year earlier than expected. It seems that the strategy
to go towards a more network oriented model would start to bear fruit.

In line with this, on 4April2017, ENGIE decided to step away from the NuGen nuclear pro-
ject in the U.K. by transferring its 40-percent stake to Toshiba for 15.3bn (US$138.5m).556 The
company decided to exercise its contractual rights on the project, which plans to build three
Westinghouse AP1000 reactors. ENGIE estimates that NuGen has significant challenges, whe-
reby the filing of Chapter11 bankruptcy protection by Westinghouse was an event of default
and allows the company the option to sell its stake to Toshiba, making Toshiba the sole stake
owner of the uncertain project.

ENEL (Italy)
At the end of 2015, ENEL agreed with EPH(Energeticky a Prumyslovy Holding, a privately-
held Czech-Slovak holding company) to sell its 66 percent stake in its Slovakian assets for
750m (US$799m). The sale will be executed through the creation and transfer of ENELs stake
in Slovensk Elektrarne to a newly-established company (HoldCo), with the later transfer of
the HoldCo to EPH.557 The disposal agreement would be divided into two stages: 1) A 375m
with the transfer of half of the HoldCos share capital (50percent) at signing, and 2) the trans-
fer of the remaining shares of the holding company and the remaining 375m (US$399.5m)
payment subject to the completion and operation of two nuclear reactors under construction
at Mochovce in Slovakia since 1985 (now expected to be completed in late2018 and 2019 res-
pectively), added to an adjustment mechanism.

The adjustment mechanism would be calculated at the time of the reactors completion and
would include the net financial position, developments in energy prices in the Slovak market,
operating efficiency levels, and the enterprise value of the company with the completion of the
two reactors. In addition to this, ENEL has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the
Slovak Ministry of the Economy, validating the agreement.558 This has allowed the company
to deconsolidate the assets from its accounts in 2016, reducing their nuclear capacity and the
provisions for those.

On the financial side, the Italian group has presented its 2016 results with revenues decrea-
sing 6.7 percent, EBITDA in line with last years level, but net income increasing 17 percent
driven by lower income taxes and minority interests, offsetting the 13percent increase in inte-
rest expenses.559 On recurrent earnings adjusted for one-offs, EBITDA increased by 1percent

555 - Ibidem.
556 - ENGIE, FY2016 Results Presentation, 4April2017.
557 - ENEL, Enel signs agreement with EPH for sale of stake in Slovensk Elektrrne, PressRelease, 18December2015,
IN SE.pdf, accessed 25June2017.
558 - ENEL, Enel signs agreement on Enel Produzions stake in Slovensk Elektrrne with Slovak Economy Ministry,
21December2015, see
slovensk-elektrrne-with-slovak-economy-ministry-.html, accessed 25June2017.
559 - ENEL, Enels net income up 17% in 2016, 17March2017, see
en/1666941-1_PDF-1.pdf, accessed 25June2017.
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and net income by 12.3percent. A dividend of 0.18/share will be paid. The strong results at
the net income level has allowed the company to further strengthen its balance sheet as it has
increased by 7.5percent its equity levels. The relatively flat net debt has been mainly due to the
21.7percent decrease in the cash reserve, as the company has obtained a 3percent decrease in
gross debt. Hence, the financial structure has strengthened as the company has reduced its
gearing (net debt/equity).

The company expects for 2017 a further growth in profits with EBITDA reaching +2percent,
net income +10 percent, and a minimum dividend payment of 0.21/share representing a
16percent increase with a 65percent payout ratio (US$0.22/share).560 The group proposed the
buy-back of 500million shares, or a total of 2bn (US$2.12bn) in addition to a similar amount
for a minority buy-out. ENELs objectives for 2017 onwards are reassuring with higher profits
both at the top and bottom line levels, added to a greater return expected for shareholders.
The group has a well-diversified generation portfolio, a strong presence in developing econo-
mies with demand growth, and a resilient positioning within the network business. Investment
towards growth has been revised upwards, towards projects with a low risk profile with a com-
missioning expected in less than three years.

TEPCO (Japan)
The Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry (METI) on the updated estimates
provided on 9December2016, raised the expected budget for the decommissioning and de-
contamination of Fukushima, which will cost twice as much as originally expected. The to-
tal costs are expected now at 22trillion (US$220bn).561 According to the ministry, the cost
of decommissioning the damaged reactors will increase to 8 trillion (US$72bn), while the
compensation will rise to 8trillion(US$72bn), which makes TEPCO responsible for 16tril-
lion(US$144bn) for the clean-up process. The companys shares fell close to 3percent after the
new estimates were provided. TEPCOs share value had been wiped out after the 3/11 events.
While much of the decline from the February2007 peak value had already happened prior to
3/11, in early July2017, barely more than one tenth of that share price was left (see Figure33).

Moreover, in March 2017 the district court in Maebashi (North of Tokyo), ruled in favor of
evacuees from the Fukushima Daiichi plant seeking damages for being removed of their home
due to radiation dangers.562 It is the first time a court has recognized that the Japanese govern-
ment has liability over the accident, stating that both TEPCO and the government are liable for
negligence, making it necessary to award compensation damages to the victims.

For the company to be able to cover the increased costs, the Japanese government increased
the credit line from 9to13.5trillion(fromUS$82toUS$123bn).563 Driven by higher expec-

560 - ENEL, FY2016 Consolidated Results, Presentation, 17March2017, see

investors/Enel_FY2016-results.pdf, accessed 25June2017.
561 - Yuka Obayashi, Japan urges bold reform for Tepco as Fukushima costs soar, Reuters, 20December2016,
see, accessed 25June2017.
562 - Osamu Tsukimori, Japan court rules government liable over Fukushima, Reuters, 17March2017,
see, accessed 25June2017.
563 - Stephen Stapczynski, Fukushimas $70 Billion Cleanup Leaves Foreign Firms in Cold, Bloomberg, Updated 28Decem-
ber2016, see
the-cold, accessed 25June2017.
Wo r l d N u c l e a r I n d u s t r y S t a t u s R e p o r t | 2 0 1 7  | 143

Figure 33 | TEPCO Share Price Development Since 2006

TEPCO (Japan) Share Price Development Since 2006

February 2007
6 March 2011

Share Price 11 March 2011
as of January 2006 Fukushima

Share Price as of
3 July 2017
WNISR - Mycle Schneider Consulting
-100 463
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Source:, August 2017

ted costs and compensation damages, the company, which was once Asias largest utility and
was essentially nationalized after the 3/11 accidents, has decided to tap debt markets for the
first time since then, as the company mandated six investment banks to sell bonds worth
100bn(US$890m).564 The objective is to re-enter the bond market in 2017 and restart regular
bond issuance in order to help to pay the compensation costs in addition to the credit line pro-
vided by the government.

On its financial results, in 2016 (third quarter) TEPCO had a 13.8percent contraction in ope-
rating revenues to 3.88trillion(US$35.3bn), decreasing for a second consecutive year due to
a decrease in the price of electricity from fuel cost adjustments.565 Despite this, cost decreases
from lower fuel expenses and cost optimization measures have allowed the company to post
profits in the positive side for a second year with net income reaching 306bn(US$2.8bn), but
representing a 29.8percent decrease from a year earlier. Up to date, the cumulative financial
impact of the 3/11 disaster for the company has been revised upwards from 6.35 to 6.66tril-
lion(from US$57.9bn to 60.7bn).566

Toshiba (Japan)
Toshiba had major hiccups with its subsidiary Westinghouse after the group took over CB&I
Stone and Webster in 2015 to resolve disputes related to cost increases from changes in NRCs
regulation. Following this, the company became fully liable for any delays and cost overruns on
two different nuclear projects under construction in the U.S., making the group to book close
to US$6.8bn of impairments in the first half of 2016.

On 29 March 2017, the company decided that Westinghouse would file for bankruptcy pro-
tection (chapter 11) in the U.S. This allows Toshiba to deconsolidate Westinghouse from its
accounts, but would force the company to book losses close to US$9bn. After the decision
and the multiple scandals concerning the companys management policies, shareholders have

564 - Taiga Uranaka, Tepco hires banks for first bond sale since Fukushima, Reuters, 9February2017,
see, accessed 25June2017.
565 - Tepco, FY16 Third Quarter Financial Results, PressRelease, 31January2017, see
corp-com/release/2017/1368651_10469.html, accessed 25June2017.
566 - Ibidem.
Wo r l d N u c l e a r I n d u s t r y S t a t u s R e p o r t | 2 0 1 7  | 144

openly declared that they have doubts over any revival plan after the Westinghouse bankrupt-
cy filing.567

On 11April2017, the company decided to publish its 9-month results without the signature of
the auditors, as the auditors (PricewaterhouseCooper) have concerns that the previous accoun-
ting figures provided by Westinghouse are not proper.568 Toshiba published without a signa-
ture after two previous postponements to avoid a further delay. With the publication, Toshiba
raised a flag over its ability to continue as a going concern, driven their increasing losses and
negative equity levels. Revenues decreased 4percent to 3,847bn(US$33.2bn) and operating
loss by 149percent to 576.3bn(US$5bn), while net loss widened to 532.5bn(US$4.6bn) 569.

Figure 34 | Toshiba Share Price Development Since 2006

Toshiba (Japan) Share Price Development Since 2006

25 July 2007 Second delay on results
Percentage $ 9.8 and control report
50 15 March 17

Fisrt postponement of FY16 results

14 December 2016
Warns of multi-billion dollar charge
Share Price as of 27 December 2016
2 January 2006
$ 6.15
Share Price as of
3 July 2017
WNISR - Mycle Schneider Consulting $ 2.32
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Source: Yahoo Finance, August 2017

Following Westinghouse-bankruptcy news, SCANA, which is developing two AP1000 reactors

in South Carolina, decided to continue with the project through a transition and validation pe-
riod. In March 2017, SCANA announced it would evaluate all options before giving a response
to the regulator on the most prudent path to follow.570 On 31 July 2017, SCANA Corporation571
and Santee Cooper(formally, the South Carolina Public Service Authority)572 announced that
they were halting construction. Southern Co. is facing a similar decision on two AP1000 reac-
tors under construction at the Vogtle plant in Georgia (see United States Focus).

In order to cover some of the expected losses from the nuclear side, the Japanese group is
divesting part or all the shares of its most profitable business: the memory chip unit. Moreover,
567 - Kana Inagaki, Toshiba shareholders accuse group of chronicculture of lying, Financial Times, 30March2017,
see, accessed 25June2017.
568 - Pavel Apeyev and Takako Taniguchi, Toshiba warns of its ability to continue as going concern, Bloomberg, 11April2017,
accessed 25June2017.
569 - Toshiba, Toshiba announces consolidated results for the first nine months, ending March 2017, 11April2017.
570 - Kevin Marsh, Jimmy Addison and Steve Byrne, New Nuclear Construction Analyst, SCANA, presented at the
Nuclear Project Discussion, 29March2017, see
transcripts/03292017-nnd-call-presentation-v14.pdf?sfvrsn=2, accessed 25June2017.
571 - SCANA, South Carolina Electric & Gas Company to Cease Construction and Will File Plan of Abandonment of the New
Nuclear Project, 31July2017, see
accessed 9August2017.
572 - Santee Cooper, Santee Cooper suspends construction of V.C. Summer Units 2 and 3, 31July2017,
v.c.-summer-units-2-and-3.aspx, accessed 9August2017.
Wo r l d N u c l e a r I n d u s t r y S t a t u s R e p o r t | 2 0 1 7  | 145

in a meeting with its creditors over a third extension waiver for breach of covenants on syn-
dicated loans, the group has proposed some shares of its chip business as collateral to secure
debt refinancing (rights to the assets to secure borrowers loan).

[ Going forward, the group is thinking about withdrawing

from all new nuclear projects ]
Going forward, the group is thinking about withdrawing from all new nuclear projects , as it is
no longer a major interest for the company, and it would like to sell all or a majority stake in the
NuGen project where the company was expected to build three AP1000 reactors with a US$15-
20bn investment envelope. On 30March2017, the Office of Nuclear Regulation(ONR) in the
U.K. granted the AP1000 technology a generic license.573 But then, on 4April2017, Toshiba was
forced to buy ENGIEs 40percent stake in the project as the Westinghouse bankruptcy can be
considered as a default event, allowing the French group to exit the consortium and recover
the 15.3bn(US$138.5m) investment already made.

KEPCO (South Korea)

The group currently has an installed nuclear capacity in South Korea of 23.1GW with 24units
operational. KEPCO expects to increase the number of operational nuclear units by an average
of one per year for the 2018-2020 period, through the delivery of the UAE nuclear project with
four APR1400 reactors. Moreover, the company expected to have six additional units operatio-
nal by 2029. For this, the group has an average yearly investment envelope of KRW35005000
(US$3.114.44bn). However, the incoming government under President Moon has vowed to
stop nuclear expansion and lifetime extension beyond 40years (see South Korea Section).

On the financial side, in 2016, the company achieved an increase in revenues of 2.1 percent,
driven by an increase of 2.0percent in power sales and volumes, which is the main revenue
generation of the company (represents 90.2 percent). With costs increasing only 1.2 percent
(below revenue growth), the group achieved an increase in earnings of 5.8percent. On a com-
parative basis, net income was lower in 2016 due to the positive one-off achieved in 2015 from
land disposal profit of KRW6400bn (US$5.68bn); however, adjusted for this, the net profit of
the group increased by 2.8percent.574

KEPCO has continued to profit from its monopoly position in the regulated South Korean mar-
ket environment. Unlike the other major international nuclear utilities that peaked prior to the
2008-09 economic crisis, achieved a record share price in August 2016. However, higher fuel
costs, effective tariff cuts in December, increased operating expenses, including environmental
costs, and the temporary shutdown of the four reactors seriously impacted the period starting
with the last quarter of 2016.575 By early July2017, the share value had dropped by 37percent
(see Figure35).

573 - ONR, Design acceptance for the AP1000 reactor, U.K. Office of Nuclear Regulation, 30March2017,
see, accessed 25June2017.
574 - KEPCO, Investor PresentationMarch 2017, 2February2017.
575 - Moody's, Moody's: KEPCO's 2016 results support credit quality, 7February2017, see
research/Moodys-KEPCOs-2016-results-support-credit-quality--PR_361806, accessed 9August2017.
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Figure 35 | Kepco Share Price Development Since 2006

KEPCO (Korea) Share Price Development Since 2006

10 August 2016
Percentage $ 28.31

Share Price as of
Share Price 3 July 2017
as of January 2006 $ 17.84
$ 19.76
WNISR - Mycle Schneider Consulting

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Source: Yahoo Finance, August 2017

CGN (China)
In 2016, China General Nuclear Power Corporation(CGN) published an increase in revenues
of 22.7 percent to reach RMB 32.89bn (US$4.94bn), mainly due to the improvement of sales of
electricity from nuclear plants (+30.5percent), offsetting the drop in revenue from construc-
tion contracts and design projects (12.5 percent), technical and training services (3 percent),
and sales of equipment and other goods (4.5 percent). 576 However, despite the increase in
revenues, the direct profit before taxes dropped by 4.9 percent due to higher expenses, nega-
tive foreign exchange movements, and financial costs. The negative effect was partially offset
by an increase share of results from associates and joint ventures, pushing earnings to drop
0.6percent. Nonetheless, a 40.5percent decrease on tax expenses from an increase in deferred
taxes have pushed the net income of the company to increase 4.5 percent, reaching RMB8.92bn
($1.34bn). 577

Figure 36 | CGN Share Price Development Since its Launch in 2014

CGN (China) Share Price Development Since its Launch in 2014

5 June 2015
HKD 5.43

19 October 2015
HKD 3.65

Share Price
-25 as of 10 December 2014
Share Price as of
HKD 3.31
3 July 2017
WNISR - Mycle Schneider Consulting HKD 2.20
2015 2016 2017

Source: Yahoo Finance, August 2017

CGN in 2016 benefited from the introduction into commercial operation of three nuclear reac-
tors, which are majority owned (Yangjiang Unit 3, Fangchenggang Unit 1, and Fangchenggang

576 - CGN, Annual Results Announcement for the year ended December 31, 2016, 15March2017.
577 - Ibidem.
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Unit2), added to one from associates (Hongyanhe Unit4), and one from joint ventures (Ningde
Unit4), supporting revenues from higher electricity sales and a higher share of results from
associates and joint ventures in 2016.

The share price of CGN has been under pressure over recent years as overcapacity, a higher
share of renewable production, and increasing competition have been negatively impacting
generators, despite the increase in electricity demand, which has slowed down significantly
though. Moreover, the potential coming reform on tariffs for nuclear plants by the industry
regulator to either decrease tariffs or free up some sales volumes and prices to competition,
negatively weights in on CGNs stock performance as investors prefer to avoid uncertainty.
CGNs stock has lost 33.5 percent of its value since its listing in December 2014 and almost
60percent since it peaked in June2015. (See Figure36)

[ the potential coming reform on tariffs for nuclear plants by the industry
regulator to either decrease tariffs or free up some sales volumes and prices
to competition, negatively weights in on CGNs stock performance
In 2017, the group expects to start commercial operation of two additional reactors (Yangjiang
Unit 4 and Taishan Unit 1; both majority owned) out of the nine the group currently has under
construction, which should support 2017 revenues from higher electricity sales; although, the
nuclear environment is expected to continue to be challenging.

Exelon (U.S.)
In 2016 Exelon reported revenues increasing by 6.5percent. However, lower margins, higher
depreciation charges, and an increase in operating expenses shrank the groups earnings by
29.4percent. In addition, higher interest expenses (+50.7percent) reduced the groups repor-
ted net income by 50percent. On an adjusted basis, EPS reached US$2.68bn, a 7.6percent in-

On the nuclear side, in 2016 the company achieved a nuclear capacity factor of 94.6percent
the best in the companys history. Nonetheless, nuclear investment has been substantially
revised downwards (29.7 percent) , as almost all the envelope would be for maintenance

Exelon expects a flat performance for 2017 as it targets adjusted net income to fluctuate
between 6.7 percent and +4.5 percent. The group expects to decrease its investment in the
coming years, while simultaneously targeting an increase on its regulated asset base (RAB)
of 6.5percent. The nuclear business is expected to be affected by lower energy prices, which
would hit margins and drop profits by 17.3 to 9.5percent. It is clear that the company cur-
rently follows the sectoral trend of lower reliance of nuclear earnings and higher exposure to
networks and regulated assets to support profits and growth.

Driven by the low power price environment, Exelon and other nuclear operators in the U.S. are
demanding new nuclear subsidies to continue operations as profitability erodes. In August2016,
the New York regulator approved a $500m/year subsidy for the company to avert imminent

578 - Exelon, Earnings Conference Call4th Quarter 2016, 8February2017.

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closures of its Ginna and Nine Mile Point reactors.579 Moreover, Illinois approved the payment
of $235m/year for 10years to keep the Quad Cities and Clinton reactors open.580 Nuclear ope-
rators are seeking direct subsidies in Ohio, Connecticut, Pennsylvania and New Jersey. In
many states operators have stated that if no subsidies are given, they would be forced to close
operations as profitability is rapidly decreasing. The subsidies, if approved, would be financed
through higher tariffs charged to end-consumers. Those already awarded are being challenged
in court, and those proposed are reportedly meeting with less enthusiasm.


Emission Trading System (ETS)

The United Kingdom introduced in April 2015 a carbon floor, which represents an emission
tax that covers the difference between Emission Trading System(ETS) prices and 18/CO2ton
(US$23/CO2ton), the objective set by the government. The introduction of this carbon floor/
tax substantially decreased coal power generation as its higher emissions raised its mar-
ginal costs. Similar measures were tried by the European Union on a continental level, but
Germany and Poland rapidly replied, as such measurs would make their fossil fuel industries
unprofitable. The overall EU objective is to have an ETS price in the range of 20-30/CO2ton
(US$21.7/CO2ton), the price level at which the system was created. However, the ETS market is
oversupplied and prices have been falling constantly over the years (see Figure37).

Figure 37 | European Emission Trading System Performance

Emission Trading System (ETS) Performance 2007-2017

/ton CO2





WNISR - Mycle Schneider Consulting
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Source: Bloomberg, 2017

Following the measures taken in the U.K., France tried to set-up a draft law to include a carbon
tax floor at 30/CO2ton (US$33.5/CO2ton), but then narrowed the scope of the planned domes-
tic carbon tax to be specifically applied to coal assets. However, the government had to back
down, as the draft law only targeted a specific technology within a given industry, which could
be taken by the European Commission as state aid. If a carbon tax were implemented, it would

579 - Jonathan Crawford, U.S. Consumers May By $3.9 Billion Losers from Nuclear Aid, Bloomberg, Updated 22March2017,
accessed 25June2017.
580 - Ibidem.
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have to be applied across the whole industry including all generation types and technologies,
not just one. The country nonetheless currently has a carbon tax that represents 9.99/MWh
(US$11.17/MWh) for coal and 5.88/MWh (US$6.57/MWh) for gas.

The EU currently is the main operational ETS market in auction revenues with US$18.3bn,
far above California (USA) with US$4.1bn, and Qubec (Canada) with US$1bn.581 Moreover,
following the Paris agreement on climate change agreed on December2015 under the United
Nations climate change conference (COP21), 195nations did set the path to keep temperature
rise below the 2C mark. Under this target, the United States and China reflected their interest
to create ETS models, similar to the one already created in Europe. Following this idea, China
is expected to launch its new ETS system in 2017, after several pilot tests have been run in
Chinas biggest cities582: Chinas carbon-trading zone is already larger than Europes. If esta-
blished, the Chinese ETS model may become the highest-volume market, surpassing Europes.
On the other hand, the expectations for the United States to create an ETS model have been
diminished recently as the current federal government does not fully support climate action
programs, though many states already operate them.

Power prices
Low wholesale electricity prices started to be taken into consideration once a substantial de-
crease in oil prices began by end2014, making investors to assess that all commodity prices are
towards a downwards trend. However, the downward trend on electricity prices started long
before that, it began once overcapacity and falling demand created a negative impact on the
market. This effect has been accentuated by a higher usage of renewable assets added to lower
coal prices, as a decrease in global coal demand supported by cheaper gas in the U.S. (following
the shale gas revolution) is decreasing coal consumption as an arbitrage is being made between
coal and gas for power generation.

However, power prices rebounded on 2016 from historical low levels. This was not the impact
of higher electricity demand or lower overcapacity in the market, but mainly driven by mea-
sures taken by the Chinese government to cut coal supply through a reduction in the produc-
tion time, in an attempt to stabilize the global supply and demand gap.583 As coal is the first
conventional asset in the merit order for peak capacity (a way of ranking available sources of
energy based on an ascending order of price taken from the short-time marginal costs), electri-
city prices are highly correlated to coal price movements.

Nonetheless, the rebound of global coal prices seems short-lived as the Chinese government in
early2017 took further measures to control the countrys high pollution levels, including the
aim to abandon 103coal plants (operational and future projects).584 This would put additional
pressure on global coal prices as the main world coal consumer, China, should decrease its de-

581 - ICAP, Emissions Trading Worldwide: ICAP Status Report 2017, International Carbon Action Partnership, 15Februa-
582 - Ibidem.
583 - Aibing Guo, Chinas Coal Prices to Rise 20% Amid Production Cuts, Bloomberg, 25May2016.
584 - James Pennington, China has abandoned 103 coal power plants. Heres what else is changing, Circular Economy, World
Economic Forum, 16February2017, see
can-create-a-more-resource-efficient-society-in-china/, accessed 27June2017.
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mand for the coming years, in addition to the one already seen in recent years in the U.S., the
second largest consumer. Over 300GW of projects under various stages of development have
been put on hold in China at least until 2020, including 55GW of coal plants already under
construction.585 On top of this, if the U.S. revamps production on its coal mines, as proposed
by the newly elected government, oversupply will accentuate as there is not sufficient demand
to absorb it. And similar bearish trends for coal power are rapidly emerging in India, where
renewables now beat coal.


In 2017, an increase in electricity-generation overcapacity in developed economies is expected,
with demand not fully recovering, electricity prices should continue in a backwardation curve,
as future prices are below current levels until 2019. Renewable investment is expected to conti-
nue, focusing on offshore wind for Europe, while onshore wind and solar for the U.S., and deve-
loping economies seem dominating. Demand on mature markets is not expected to increase
fast enoughif growing at allto cover the additional capacity to be installed, increasing the
market oversupply.

Hence, lower prices would put further pressure on nuclear operators in 2017 as their margins
should continue to decrease given that their production is normally hedged for the year at a
lower price level, reducing the profitability of the assets. Due to this, on the nuclear side, all
operators expect lower profits in 2017 from a reduction in the hedging prices (at constant pro-
duction levels).

Going forward, 2017 would be an interesting year nonetheless for the sector, as multiple de-
cisions (both financial and regulatory) are expected on nuclear reactor developments with
Flamanville EPR (France), NuGen (U.K.), KEPCOs APR1400 (UAE), CGNs EPR (China),
SCANAs and SouthernCosAP1000s (USA), Hinkley Point CEPRs (U.K.), and Olkiluoto-3EPR
(Finland). The path 2017 may bring to nuclear operators could reveal what can be expected for
the sector in the coming years: whether a brighter light shines at the end of the tunnel or whe-
ther thats the headlight of an oncoming train.

585 - Christine Shearer, Nicole Ghio, et al.,Boom and Bust 2017Tracking the Global Coal Plant Pipeline, Sierra Club,
Coalswarm and Greenpeace, March2017, see,
accessed 27June2017.
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Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) and other kinds of so-called advanced reactors continue to
be positioned as a solution to one or more of the problems confronting nuclear power.586 There
are multiple reactor designs at various stages of development, starting from designs at just an
early stage of conceptualization to ones that are at a relatively advanced state of construction.
Rather than discussing the hypothetical advantages or disadvantage of the various designs,
below we describe some of the recent developments and the current status of reactor projects
by country.

United States
Over the years, the U.S. Department of Energy(DOE) has persisted in promoting the design,
licensing, and construction of SMRs. An important form of promotion started in 2012, when
DOE put out a Funding Opportunity Announcement(FOA) to provide support first-of-a-kind
engineering, design certification and licensing through a cost-shared partnership. Later, the
DOE selected two SMR designs for awards of up to US$226million each, mPower in 2012 and
NuScale at the end of 2013.

The mPower design was proposed by Babcock & Wilcox(B&W) and, for a while, seemed poised
to be the first SMR to be built in the United States. When DOE selected mPower, JamesFerland,
president of B&W, pronounced that the award represented another key milestone in the work
to establish the worlds first commercially viable SMR nuclear plant (our emphasis).587

There was even a client lined up for the reactor. Back in 2011, the Tennessee Valley
Authority (TVA) sent a letter of intent to B&W announcing plans to construct the mPower
SMR at the Clinch River site. In 2013, B&W and TVA signed a contract to prepare and support
Nuclear Regulatory Commission(NRC) review of a Construction Permit Application for this

The impact of mPower was expected not just to be confined to that reactor design but to fa-
cilitate the establishment of a wider market for SMRs. As John Kelly, the Deputy Assistant
Secretary for Nuclear Reactor Technologies at the DOEs Office of Nuclear Energy told the
Annual Platts SMR Conference in May2013: Success of this project will be an enabling factor
for the follow-on programs and policies supporting broader SMR deployment.589

586 -The acronym SMR is also used to mean small and medium-sized reactor by the IAEA. For the IAEA, a small reactor
is one having electrical output less than 300MWe and a medium reactor is one having a power output between 300MWe
and 700MWe.
587 - Power Engineering International, Growing backing for small reactors, 22May2013, see http://www.powerengineeringint.
com/articles/print/volume-21/issue-5/features/growing-backing-for-small-reactors.html, accessed 27April2017.
588 - BWXT, B&W, TVA Sign Contract for Clinch River mPower Construction Permit, BWX Technologies, 20February2013,
see, accessed
589 - John Kelly, DOE Strategic Vision for Small Modular Reactors, Nuclear Reactor Technologies, Office of Nuclear Energy,
US.DOE, Presentation at the 4th Annual Platts SMR Conference, 29May2013, see
ProductsServices/ConferenceandEvents/2013/pc330/presentations/John_Kelly.pdf, accessed 27April2017.
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Then, in 2014, things started moving in a different direction. First, B&W slashed its spend-
ing on the SMR project from about US$80million/year to less than US$15million/year.590 The
main reason offered by B&W was that it had not found any companies willing to invest in
mPower or customers willing to enter into a contract for an mPower reactor.591 B&W also ter-
minated the contract with ChristopherMowry, the head of the mPower project (giving him
close to onemillion dollars as severance payment).592

The mPower team then started one more attempt at resuscitation. In 2016, Bechtel Corporation,
the company that was earlier responsible only for the construction of the reactors, took on the
job of project lead and explored options of outside investors and future potential customers
but gave itself a one-year deadline, after which the program was to be terminated, if no ad-
equate investors or customers werefound.593 In March2017, Bechtel notified BWXT that it
was unable to secure sufficient funding to continue the Generation mPower program and that
it was invoking the settlement scenario provisions of the framework agreement to terminate
the program.594 For now, mPower officials have promised to keep a complete archive of our
work to date in case future conditions warrant reconsideration.595

The other beneficiary of DOE funding, NuScale, has continued with the development of its
reactor design. In January 2017, it announced having asked the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
Commission(NRC) on December31st,2016 to approve the companys small modular reactor
(SMR) commercial power plant design.596 On 15March2017, NRC accepted NuScales applica-
tion for full review and has commenced the design certification process that, according to of-
ficials, is expected to take 40 months.597

The equivalent of TVA, which expressed an interest in mPower, for NuScale is Utah Associated
Municipal Power Systems(UAMPS), which is a political subdivision of the State of Utah that
provides comprehensive wholesale electric-energy, transmission, and other energy services, on
a nonprofit basis, to community-owned power systems [in] Utah, California, Idaho, Nevada,
New Mexico and Wyoming.598 UAMPS has 45municipal public power utilities of whom 33 had
signed on to the idea of building a NuScale power plant.

590 - WNN, Funding for mPower Reduced, World Nuclear News, 14April2014, see
Funding-for-mPower-reduced-1404141.html, accessed 24May2015.
591 - Jason Ruiter, Babcock & Wilcox Cuts Investment in mPower,, 14April2014, see,
accessed 25May2015.
592 - John Downey, Generation mPower ex-CEO to get $910,000 severance payment, Charlotte Business Journal,
15April2014, see
rance.html, accessed 29April2017.
593 - Will Davis, mPower Consortium Halts Project, ANS Nuclear Cafe, American Nuclear Society, 16March2017,
see, accessed 27April2017.
594 - Ibidem.
595 - Rod Adams, Bechtel And BWXT Quietly Terminate mPower Reactor Project, Forbes, 13March2017, see http://www., accessed 30April2017.
596 - NuScale Power, NuScale Submits First Ever Small Modular Reactor Design Certification Application(DCA), 12Janua-
ry2017, see
sign-certification-applicat, accessed 29April2017.
597 - NEI, NuScale SMR Design Ready for Full Review, NRC Says, Nuclear Energy Institute, 16March2017, see https://www.,-NRC-Says, accessed 29April2017.
598 - UAMPS, About UAMPS, Utah Associated Municipal Power Systems, see, accessed
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The DOEs support for NuScale has also extended to siting, and, in February2016, it entered
into an agreement with UAMPS allowing the latter to evaluate various sites within DOEs
Idaho National Laboratory to potentially construct a NuScale SMR.599 In October2016, UAMPS
chose a location consisting of about 35acres within an approximately 1,000acre plot within the
Idaho National Laboratory.600 NuScale, now described as a frontrunner, is targeting an ini-
tial operational date of 2024.601

NuScale has made extravagant claims in support of its project. In January2017, NuScale offi-
cials projected that once approved, global demand for its plants will create thousands of jobs
during manufacturing, construction and operation and reestablish US global leadership in
nuclear technology and pave the way for NRC approval and subsequent deployment of other
advanced nuclear technologies.602 They also predicted that about 5575GWe of global electric-
ity will come from SMRs by 2035, equivalent to over 1,000NuScale Power Modules.603

[ The problem I have with SMRs

is not the technology, its not the deployment
its that theres no customers...
NuScales expectations for the future are reminiscent of the hype that surrounded
Westinghouses AP1000reactor a little over a decade ago, both in terms of the size of market,604
and how fast the reactor would be constructed.605 Since then, of course, Westinghouse has filed
for bankruptcy because of the formidable challenges it faced in translating these rosy pro-
jections into the real world. Prior to filing for bankruptcy, Westinghouse too had a SMR de-
sign under development, but, like B&W, it also abandoned that whole effort.606 At that time,
DannyRoderick, then president and CEO of Westinghouse, had offered an explanation: The
problem I have with SMRs is not the technology, its not the deploymentits that theres
no customers... The worst thing to do is get ahead of the market.607 It remains to be seen if
NuScale will find different market conditions, when (and if) it emerges out of the NRCs review

599 - Office of Nuclear Energy, Department of Energy Continues Commitment to the Development of Innovative Small
Modular Reactors, Department of Energy, 18February2016, see
nues-commitment-development-innovative-small-modular-reactors, accessed 29April2017.
600 - Modern Power Systems, Preferred site identified for first NuScale SMR plant, 31October2016, see http://www.modern-, accessed 29April2017.
601 - Ibidem.
602 - WNN, NuScale makes history with SMR design application, 13January2017, see
NN-NuScale-makes-history-with-SMR-design-application-13011701.html, accessed 29April2017.
603 - Ibidem.
604 - The press release announcing Toshibas acquisition of Westinghouse in February2006 projected: By 2020, the global
market for nuclear power generation is expected to grow by 50percent compared with today. See Business Wire, Toshiba
Acquires Westinghouse From BNFL, 6February2006, see
Toshiba-Acquires-Westinghouse-BNFL, accessed 15August2017.
605 - Westinghouse, too, projected a construction time of approximately 36months, from the pouring of first concrete to
the loading of fuel for the AP1000 reactor. Nick Shulyak, Westinghouse AP1000PWR: Meeting Customer Commitments
and Market Needs, Westinghouse Electric Company, presented at the 10thInternational Conference on Nuclear Option
in Countries with Small and Medium Electricity Grids, 1-4June2014, see
tionStore/_Public/46/136/46136339.pdf, accessed 31March2017.
606 - Heba Hashem, Westinghouse: Taking care of business, Nuclear Energy Insider, 12February2014.
607 - Anya Litvak, Westinghouse Backs off Small Nuclear Plants, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 2February2014,
accessed 3February2014.
Wo r l d N u c l e a r I n d u s t r y S t a t u s R e p o r t | 2 0 1 7  | 154

with a design certification, especially given the steady increase in operational reactors in the
U.S. declaring that they are no longer profitable in highly competitive power markets.

The poor state of the nuclear reactor market is cause for one of DOEs efforts to explore possi-
bilities for federal government agencies to enter into Power Purchase Agreements(PPAs) with
entities producing electricity from SMRs.608 The nuclear industry and its spokespeople have
also tried to come up with ways of obtaining government subsidies for SMR construction. The
SMR Start program established by the Nuclear Energy Institute has recommended the estab-
lishment of an SMR commercial deployment program that uses a combination of Production
Tax Credits (PTCs), PPAs and loan guarantees.609

Russia has a number of SMR designs under development. Among these, the first expected to
be deployed is the KLT-40S, which is based on the design of reactors used in the small fleet of
nuclear-powered icebreakers that Russia has operated for decades. The first two reactors of the
KLT-40S design will be placed on a ship called the Akademik Lomonosov.

Construction of the ship first began in April2007 and the initial cost was estimated at around
sixbillion rubles (US$232million at then exchange rates); six more such floating plants were
to be built between 2008 and 2016.610 The schedule at that time envisioned completion of the
first plant by 2010.611 Construction has been significantly delayed since then, and various sub-
sequently announced deadlines have been missed. In October 2014, for example, delivery was
promised for September2016.612 But that, of course, did not happen. By 2015, the cost estimate
had gone up to 37billion rubles (US$740million at then exchange rates).613

The current estimate is that the power plant will start operating in 2019; construction of the
dock that will host the ship started in October2016.614 InJuly 2016, the Akademik Lomonosov
began harbor tests and these tests are scheduled to be completed in October 2017.615 In

608 - Seth Kirshenberg, et al., Purchasing Power Produced by Small Modular Reactors: Federal Agency Options, Kutak Rock
LLP, Scully Capital, January2017, report commissioned by Allegheny Science & Technology Corporation, report funded by the
Office of Nuclear Energy from the US.DOE, see
reactors-federal-agency-options, accessed 30April2017.
609 - SMR Start, Policy Statement on U.S. Public-PrivatePartnerships for Small Modular Reactors, NEI, 26October2016,
see, accessed 30April2017.
610 - WNN, Russian floating reactor construction starts, 17April2007, see
aspx?id=13250, accessed 30April2017.
611 - BBC, Russia making floating atom plant, 17April2007, see, accessed
612 - Charles Digges, Russia announces yet newer delivery date for first floating nuclear power plant, Bellona, 28Octo-
ber2014, see
floating-nuclear-power-plant, accessed 19May2015.
613 - Charles Digges, New documents show cost of Russian floating nuclear power plant skyrockets, Bellona, 25May2015,
accessed 28December2015.
614 - RT, Russia starts work on Arctic dock for 1st-ever floating nuclear power plant, 7October2016,
see, accessed 30April2017.
615 - PortNews, Baltiysky Zavod shipyard starts harbor tests of worlds first floating nuclear power plant Akademik Lomono-
sov, 1July2016, see, accessed 29July2016.
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April2017, it was reported that fueling of the reactor was set to start in St. Petersburg and this
had become cause for safety concerns.616

[ No other Russian SMR is under construction

nor are there definitive plans to start construction
of any in the near future.
No other Russian SMR is under construction nor are there definitive plans to start construc-
tion of any in the near future.

A lead-cooled fast reactor design, SVBR-100, that has long been promoted by a section of
Russias nuclear establishment has ended costing much more than initial estimates36billion
rubles (US$632million) as compared to the initial 15billion rubles (US$250million). As a re-
sult, Rosatom is now looking for foreign partners in the endeavor.617

South Korea
South Koreas System-Integrated Modular Advanced Reactor(SMART) is the first land based
SMR of LWR design (not including the designs from the 1950s and 1960s) to receive regulatory
approval anywhere in the world. In July2012, SMART received Standard Design Approvalfrom
Koreas Nuclear Safety and Security Commission.618 But since then, the developers of SMART
have learnt the same lesson that many US SMR vendors have been discovering: there is no mar-
ket for SMRs. In South Koreas case, the reason seems to be the realization that the SMART is
too expensive on a per-unit generating-capacity basis. The World Nuclear Association pointed
this out when it stated: KAERI planned to build a 90MWe demonstration plant to operate
from 2017, but this is not practical or economic in South Korea (our emphasis).619 There dont
seem to be any concrete plans to construct a SMART in South Korea.

Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute(KAERI) has therefore been pursuing export orders.
So far, its only potential client is Saudi Arabias King Abdullah City for Atomic and Renewable
Energy (KA-CARE), with whom KAERI signed a Memorandum of Understanding in 2015 to
conduct a three-year preliminary study to review the feasibility of constructing SMART re-
actors in Saudi Arabia.620 No outputs from this study have been published, but last August
KAERI announced that the study was progressing on schedule.621 Meanwhile, Saudi Arabias
policy makers continue to be hesitant about nuclear power; in May2016, SaudiArabias deputy

616 - Tatyana Voltskaya, Russias Secretive Floating Nuclear Power Plant Making Waves In St. Petersburg, RadioFreeEurope/
RadioLiberty, 20April2017, see,
accessed 21April2017.
617 - NEI, Russia seeks partners for its SVBR project, Nuclear Engineering International, 15November2016,
see, accessed 30April2017.
618 - Kwon Dong-joon, Korean All-in-one SMR Won Worlds First Standard Design Approval, ETnews, 5July2012,
see, accessed 1May2017.
619 - WNA, Nuclear Power in South Korea, Updated February2017, see
country-profiles/countries-o-s/south-korea.aspx, accessed 1May2017.
620 - WNN, Saudi Arabia teams up with Korea on SMART, 4March2015, see
bia-teams-up-with-Korea-on-SMART-0403154.html, accessed 8August2017.
621 - DayeKim, Marking Progress With Smart in Saudi Arabia, NIW, 22January2016.
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economic minister told a conference in Dubai: I dont think we need nuclear power plants in

South Korea has also explored the possibility of selling a SMART reactor to Indonesia. In
October 2001, under the framework of the Interregional Technical Cooperation Project of
the IAEA, KAERI and Indonesias Badan Tenaga Nuklir Nasional (National Nuclear Energy
Agency) undertook a joint study entitled A preliminary economic feasibility assessment of
nuclear desalination in MaduraIsland.623 At that time, plant operations were expected to com-
mence in 2015.624 That has, of course, not happened. But then the prospects of nuclear power
in general and the possibility of constructing an SMR in Indonesia have also dimmed consid-

[ We will scrap the nuclear-centered policies

and move toward a nuclear-free era.
We will eliminate all plans to build new nuclear plants.
Prospects for the construction of SMART have essentially vanished for the present, ever since
incoming PresidentMoon stated in June2017: We will scrap the nuclear-centered policies and
move toward a nuclear-free era. We will eliminate all plans to build new nuclear plants.626

China has pursued multiple SMR designs but the most advanced of these, and the one current-
ly under construction, is the High Temperature Reactor(HTR) that it has developed since the
1970s. Called the HTR-PM, the power plant consists of two reactors with a gross (net) capacity
of 211(200)MW.

The HTR-PM received final approval from Chinas cabinet and its national energy bu-
reau around two weeks before the Fukushima accidents began.627 But due to the changes in
Chinese policy following 3/11,628 it was only on 9 December 2012 that construction of HTR-
PM commenced (i.e. first pour of concrete) at Shidaowan in Chinas eastern Shandong prov-
ince.629 According to the official schedule, construction was to take 59 months,630 and as of

622 - LeAnne Graves, Saudi minister prefers solar potential over nuclear energy, The National, 25May2016,
see, accessed
623 - Si-hwan Kim et al., A preliminary economic feasibility assessment of nuclear desalination in Madura Island, Internatio-
nal Journal of Nuclear Desalination, Vol.1, No.5, 2005, pp.466-476.
624 - International Nuclear Desalination Advisory Group, Indonesia and Korea, Rep. of, INDAG Newsletter, 2003.
625 - Bernadette K. Cogswell et al., Nuclear Power and Small Modular Reactors in Indonesia: Potential and Challenges, In-
donesian Institute for Energy Economics, and Nautilus Institute for Security and Sustainability, April2017, see http://liu.arts., accessed 30April2017.
626 - Hojun Hwang, Korea's first nuclear power reactor turned off for good, Arirang News, 20June2017,
see, accessed 22June2017.
627 - Keith Bradsher, A Radical Kind of Reactor, The New York Times, 24March2011,
see, accessed 24April2012.
628 - Amy King and M.V. Ramana, The China Syndrome? Nuclear Power Growth and Safety After Fukushima, Asian Perspec-
tive, October-December 2015, Vol. 39, No. 4.
629 - Zuoyi Zhang et al., The Shandong Shidao Bay 200 MWe High-Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor Pebble-Bed Module
(HTR-PM) Demonstration Power Plant: An Engineering and Technological Innovation, 2006, Engineering, pp.11218.
630 - Ibidem., p.112.
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31December2016, commercial operation was scheduled to start in late 2017.631 However, in

mid-February2017, grid connection had been delayed to 2018.632

The HTR program is pursued by groups that are somewhat outside the mainstream Chinese
nuclear establishment. When construction of the HTR-PM power plant began, there were
plans for eventually constructing a further 18units of the same type at the same site.633 That
no longer seems to be the case.634 Part of the reason might be the cost of generating electricity
at the power plant, which is reported to be 60fen (0.9) per kilowatt hour, significantly higher
than the average 43fen/kWh for GenerationIII reactors, and this has been listed as one of the
key challenges confronting HTGRs in China.635

In recent years, mainstream Chinese nuclear institutions have been promoting other SMR de-
signs: the ACPR50 and ACPR100 from China General Nuclear(CGN) and the ACP100 from
China National Nuclear Corporation(CNNC). All these designs have been in the news recent-
ly, as a result of an announcement that China was going to build maritime nuclear power plat-
forms in the South China Sea.636 CNNC and CGN have been working on these designs since
around 2010, but development and plans for deployment have clearly accelerated in the last
couple of years, perhaps as a result of conflicts over islands in the South China Sea.

As in other areas of nuclear power, CNNC and CGN seem to be locked in competition, when it
comes to SMR development. Both organizations have been putting out press releases rapidly.
CNNC set the ball rolling in April 2016 when it announced that its ACP100 had passed an
IAEA safety review and it was the first reactor of its kind in the world to have cleared this
process.637 According to the IAEA, this review is performed on the safety documentation sub-
mitted to the IAEA, [and] provides an early evaluation of a vendors new nuclear power plant
designs safety documentation, against the IAEA Safety Standards at the fundamentals and
requirements level.638

Then in November2016, CGN held a press conference that was reported as the start of con-
struction of an ACPR50.639 Upon closer examination, it turns out that the company had signed
the pressure vessel purchase agreement with Dongfang Electric, but a company official argued
that, unlike the pouring of first safety concrete for a conventional land-based reactor, the

631 - NEI, China construction update, Nuclear Engineering International, 9January2017,

see, accessed 1May2017.
632 - CCTV, China's 4th generation nuclear power plant to go online in 2018, 14February2017,
see, accessed 30July2017.
633 - NucNet, China Begins Construction Of First Generation IV HTR-PM Unit, 7January2013, see
all-the-news/2013/01/07/china-begins-construction-of-first-generation-iv-htr-pm-unit, accessed 10January2013.
634 - WNN, First vessel installed in Chinas HTR-PM unit, 21March2016, see
vessel-installed-in-chinas-htr-pm-unit-2103164.html, accessed 25February2017.
635 - C. F. Yu, CNEC-CFHI DealBoosting the HTGR Or Chinese Manufacturing?, NIW, 2September2016.
636 - NEI, China gets onboard, 16August2016, see
board-4980507/, accessed 5March2017.
637 - CNNC, CNNC small multi-purpose modular reactor ACP100 reactor passes IAEA safety review, 28April2016,
see, accessed 1May2017.
638 - Cornelia Spitzer, IAEA Safety Review Services: Improving Application of IAEA Safety Standards for New Designs,
Division of Nuclear Safety, IAEA, 19May2016, see
ving-application-of-iaea-safety-standards-for-new-designs, accessed 1May2017.
639 - WNN, CGN starts construction of offshore reactor, 7November2016,
see, accessed 1May2017.
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signing of the vessel purchase agreement marks the official start of construction of the off-
shore unit because the vessel takes the longest to manufacture.640

Both companies claim that there is much interest in these reactors. CNNC has listed Pakistan,
Iran, the United Kingdom, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, Mongolia, Brazil, Egypt and Canada as
countries it has engaged in discussions with over the ACP1000.641 CGN has signed a contract
with China National Offshore Oil to support oil and gas exploration at sea, and announced
plans for 20more vessels.642

India has been developing the Advanced Heavy Water Reactor (AHWR) since the 1990s.643
There are two versions of this design, one utilizing plutonium as fuel and the other using
LEU(low enriched uranium) instead of plutonium, which is advertised as possessing intrinsic
proliferation resistant features.644

The AHWR continues to be delayed. In the early 2000s, the construction of the first of this de-
sign was projected to start in 2005.645 Building is yet to begin. In response to a question in the
Indian Parliament in March2017, the government said of the AHWR: The design of all nuclear
systems of the reactor has been completed. Several innovative features of the design are being
validated through large scale engineering experiments. In order to facilitate an early scrutiny
of the innovative features of the design from the safety considerations, a Pre-Licensing Design
Safety appraisal of the reactor has been completed by the Atomic Energy Regulatory Board.
Construction of this reactor can begin after associated statutory and regulatory clearances are
obtained and financial sanction for the project is obtained.646 This suggests that construction
might still take a while.

In December2016, an environmental activist used the countrys Right to Information Act to

ask the Department of Atomic Energy about what stage the AHWR is at. The DAEs reply sta-
ted that the reactor had received in principle approval for construction at the Tarapur site in
Western India.

640 - Ibidem.
641 - Xin Zheng, Countries interested in ACP100 reactor, China Daily, 28April2017,
see, accessed 1May2017.
642 - AP, Chinas floating nuclear reactors plan spur attack concerns, The National, 1August2016,
see, accessed
643 - R. K. Sinha and Anil Kakodkar, Advanced Heavy Water Reactor, Nu-Power, 1999, pp.2227.
644 - K. L. Ramkumar, Th-LEU Fuel in AHWR to enhance proliferation resistance characteristics, presented at the IAEA 3rd
Technical Meeting on Options to incorporate intrinsic proliferation resistance features to Nuclear Power Plants with innova-
tive Small Modular Reactors, 15August2011.
645 - B. Bhattacharjee, An Overview of R&D in Fuel Cycle Activities of AHWR, presented at 14th Annual Conference of Indian
Nuclear Society on Nuclear Fuel Cycle Technologies, and 1st BRNS Conference on Nuclear Fuel Cycle, Indian Nuclear Society,
646 - Jitendra Singh, Unstarred Question No. 3318Thorium Based Nuclear Energy, Minister of State for the Personnel,
Public Grievances & Pensions and Prime Minister's Office, Government of India, Released by the Department of Energy,
Government of India, 22March2017, see, accessed 3May2017.
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The CAREM-25 reactor has been under construction in Argentina since February 2014.647
Although there is no official announcement of delay, construction of the reactor appears to
have slowed down. In 2014, when construction started, Argentinas Comision Nacional de
Energia Atmica(CNEA) announced that CAREM-25 would begin cold testing in 2016 and re-
ceive its first fuel load in the second half of 2017. But it was only in August2016 that a contract
was signed between CNEA and Tecna,648 a subsidiary of Isolux Corsan, for the design, engi-
neering, manufacture, supply, transportation, construction, installation, commissioning and
testing up to commercial licensing of all facilities, equipment and systems of the Balance of
Plant of the CAREM25 Project.649 According to this announcement, work under the contract
is scheduled to be completed by the end of 2018, followed by a trial operation period ending in
July2019. Commercial operation of the prototype reactor will then follow.650 This schedule
seems very optimistic.

[ Many developing countries claim

to be interested in SMRs but few seem to be willing
to invest in the construction of one.
Conclusion on Small Modular Reactors
Since 2015, when WNISR included a section on small modular reactors, there have been two
kinds of developments. First, as we have documented above, a few SMR designs have pro-
gressed towards construction as well as completion; one SMR project (in China) is reportedly
to start up in 2018. But the implication of this progress is questionable because of the second
development, namely the decline in even the stated interest, let alone the actual market for
SMRs that can be backed up with financial commitment. A good example of the decline in
interest can be seen in the case of the HTR-PM being built in China. When construction of
that reactor started, there was talk about building 18 more such reactors. That has vanished,
presumably because of the realization of the high costs of electricity from these power plants.
Unfavorable economics is also the reason for there being no market for the SMART reactor in

The decline in interest in SMRs is, of course, related to the decline in the interest in large nu-
clear reactors as well. The problems associated with mPower and the Westinghouse SMR are,
in the final analysis, related to the absence of a market for SMRs in the United States. Likewise,

647 - WNN, Construction of CAREM underway, 10February2014, see

tion-of-CAREM-underway-1002144.html, accessed 24May2015.
648 - In turn, TECNA is subcontracting supply of the turbogenerator, condenser and control system to Siemens.
649 - Isolux Corsn, TECNA, a subsidiary of Isolux Corsan signs the contract for the Balance of Plant of the Reactor Carem
25 in Argentina, 17August2016, see
accessed 3May2017.
650 - WNN, Contract for prototype CAREM balance of plant, 6September2016, see
Contract-for-Contract-for-prototype-CAREM-balance-of-plant-0609164.html, accessed 3May2017.
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many developing countries claim to be interested in SMRs but few seem to be willing to invest
in the construction of one.651

This latter factor has made it more difficult, perhaps impossible, for any SMR design to become
a commercial success. This is clearly illustrated by the saga of mPower. Despite the expendi-
ture of hundreds of millions of dollars, some of the biggest companies in the nuclear business
could not succeed in commercializing a reactor design that had been described by The New
York Times as being in the lead in the race to develop SMRs, in part because it had the Energy
Department and the T.V.A. in its camp.652

Of course, with powerful entities like the U.S. Department of Energy continuing to financially
support the construction of SMRs, it is possible that one or two SMR projects might even start
getting built over the next decade or beyond. But it appears that such projects would have to be
supported by government funding in a major way if they are to be completed. There is no sign
at this point that SMRs could play any major role in tomorrows electricity generating business.

651 - Good examples are the cases of Jordan, Ghana and Indonesia, all of which have been touted as promising markets for
SMRs, but none of which are buying one. See 1) M. V. Ramana and Ali Ahmad, Wishful Thinking and Real Problems: Small
Modular Reactors, Planning Constraints, and Nuclear Power in Jordan, Energy Policy, 2016, xciii : 236245; see also 2) M. V.
Ramana and Priscilla Agyapong, Thinking big? Ghana, small reactors, and nuclear power, Energy Research & Social Science,
2016, xxi: 10113; and 3) Bernadette K. Cogswell et al., Nuclear Power and Small Modular Reactors in Indonesia: Potential
and Challenges, Indonesian Institute for Energy Economics and Nautilus Institute for Security and Sustainability, April2017,
accessed 30April2017.
652 - Matthew L. Wald, Deal Advances Development of a Smaller Nuclear Reactor, The New York Times, 20February2013.
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Six years have passed since the Fukushima accident was triggered in March2011 and in many
areas serious problems remain. For example, since February 2017, an internal survey of a
containment vessel has been carried out for the removal of fuel debris, but the project has not
been proceeding as planned. As for actions taken outside the site, although the order was lifted

[ independent experts estimate that the actual costs

might reach 5070trillion (US$453635billion) ]
for the largest evacuation area at the end of March2017 so far, few people have actually gone
back to their homes due to concerns about radioactivity. Furthermore, in December2016, the
government officially announced that estimation of the total cost of the Fukushima accident is
22trillion(US$200billion)653 . However, independent experts estimate that the actual costs
might reach 5070 trillion (US$453635 billion). These costs are to be paid for by citizens
through electricity charges and taxes.

Current Status of the Reactors 654,655
Water injection for cooling of the three molten reactor cores is still continuing. The rate of
water injection into the reactor pressure vessel is 3m3/h per reactor, a total of over 200 m per
day. This enables the temperature at the bottom of the pressure vessel and the interior of the
containment vessel to be maintained at about 15 to 25C. The temperature of the cooling water
of the fuel pool is maintained at about 2427C656.

Since 5April2017, Tokyo Electric Power Company(TEPCO) has been experimentally circu-
lating water in the pool of Unit1 for three weeks without passing the water through a cooling
device. According to TEPCO, because the decay heat of spent fuel is declining, the water tem-
perature rose only to about 31C.657

653 - Calculated as 1US$=110JPY using the exchange rate as of 29July 2017. Thesamehereinafter.
654 - Secretariat of the Team for Countermeasures for Decommissioning and Contaminated Water Treatment, Summary
of Decommissioning and Contaminated Water Management, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), 23Februa-
ry2017, see, accessed 15April2017.
655 - TEPCO, Observation DataFukushima Daiichi NPS, see,
accessed 1May2017.
656 - Secretariat of the Team for Countermeasures for Decommissioning and Contaminated Water Treatment, "Summary of
Decommissioning and Contamined Water Management", METI, 27July2017.
657 - TEPCO, Status of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, 5April2017, (inJapanese),
see, accessed 1May2017.
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The spent fuel of Units-1, -2 and -3 is still in the respective units spent fuel pool. According to
the governments mid-and-long-term roadmap658, which was revised in June2016, fuel removal
is now scheduled to begin by FY 2020 for Unit-1 and -2 and by FY 2017 for Unit-3.

TEPCO finished removing the covers of Unit1 by November2016 in preparation for for the ins-
tallation ofa sturdy fuel removal device. Currently, TEPCO is carrying out rubble removal and
decontamination work in the upper part of the building. However, the method of spent fuel
removal for Unit-2 is not decided yet and TEPCO plans to define the approach during FY2017.
As for Unit-3, rubble removal from the spent fuel pool was completed in August2015 and work
for installing the fuel removal device has been going on since January2017. The start of spent
fuel removal has been delayed because it took more time than expected to remove rubble, and
it is now scheduled to start by mid-2018.

According to the roadmap, the policy for fuel debris removal would have been decided during
2017. Currently, with regard to the first unit, it is planned to decide on the fuel debris removal
method only in the first half of FY2018, and to start removal during 2021. However, sufficient
information to determine the policy has not been obtained yet.

In February 2017, TEPCO and the International Research Institute for Nuclear
Decommissioning(IRID) introduced a robot into the containment vessel of Unit-2. This was
to attempt to measure the inside of the pedestala cylindrical unit that supports the pressure
vesselwhich is located under the pressure vessel and which is assumed to contain fallen fuel
debris. However, the robots movement was blocked by debris and the investigation failed mid-
way through its implementation.659

Although they could not put the robot inside the pedestal, photographs taken outside of it re-
vealed some large holes in the platform, which is a metal scaffold in the pedestal.660 About
210Sv/h have been measured at a point about 3m outside the inner wall of the pedestal661. In
March2017, a robot equipped with a dosimeter and a camera was put into the containment ves-
sel of Unit-1.662 As a result, about 10Sv/h was observed at several points around the pedestal.663

658 - Inter-Ministerial Council for Contaminated Water and Decommissioning Issues, Mid-and-Long-Term Roadmap towards
the Decommissioning of TEPCOs Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, Government of Japan, 12June2015, (Provi-
sional Translation), see, accessed
659 - TEPCO, Announcements: Investigation inside the pedestal for Unit 2 Primary Containment Vessel at Fukushima
Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, Press Release, 8February2017, (in Japanese), see
ments/2017/1374451_10494.html, accessed 1May2017.
660 - TEPCO and IRID, Internal Survey for the Primary Containment Vessel of Unit 2Investigation by self-propel-
led survey device, 15February2017, (in Japanese), see
handouts_170215_08-j.pdf, accessed 1May2017.
661 - TEPCO and IRID, Internal investigation in reactor containment vessel of Unit 2Results of the survey by self-pro-
pelled survey device, 16February2017, (in Japanese), see
handouts_170216_11-j.pdf, accessed 1May2017.
662 - TEPCO, Fukushima Daiichi NPS Prompt Report 2017Recent Topics: TEPCO Announces Results of Five-Day Robot
Investigation in Unit1, 27March2017, see,
accessed 1May2017.
663 - TEPCO, Unit 1 Primary Containment Vessel Internal Investigation, 27March2017,
see, accessed 1May2017.
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Contaminated Water Management

Contaminated water countermeasures are still ongoing. To prevent a further increase in
contaminated water, groundwater is pumped up from various wells, before it flows into the
basements of the reactor buildings, and is discharged into the sea following a nuclide analysis.

Also, the freezing of artificial walls (land-side water-barrier walls)664 to prevent the flow of
groundwater into the buildings was started in March2016, both on the buildings sea-side and
mountain-side. The sea-side walls were completely frozen in October but the mountain-side
walls have not yet completely frozen, although the freezing operation has been ongoing there
since March2017.665 As of 1 July 2017,TEPCO estimates that approximately 580 tons of water
pass through the ice wall on the reactor buildings landward side each day, down from 760 tons
before freezing of soil began in March 2016. About 130 tons daily enter the reactor buildings
themselves, and TEPCO hopes completing the wall will bring that figure below 100tons, one
reason why the NRA maintains thatthe barrier is ultimately only a supporting measure to
other systems preventing contamination.666

[ The amount of treated, but still contaminated water

stored in tanks was about 650,000m3 in May2016, but increased
to about 750,000m3 in May2017
Water that is already contaminated has been stored in storage tanks after removal of radioac-
tivity by the poly-nuclide removal-equipment or other apparatus. The amount of treated, but
still contaminated water stored in tanks was about 650,000m3 in May2016, but increased to
about 750,000m3 in May2017.667 According to TEPCO, the construction capacity for treated-
water tanks is equivalent to about 500m3/day. Based on this figure, they insist that they have
secured tank capacity for about 400 m3/day of groundwater and other inflows at the maxi-

Because the number of contaminated water storage tanks is still increasing, the government
wants to release stored water to the ocean. However, since tritium has not been removed from
the contaminated water, the local fishery cooperatives are opposed to its release, as they are
concerned this might further harm the reputation of fish caught off the Fukushima coast line.

The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) had summarized the tritium-water
task-force report in June2016 and presented disposal plans for contaminated water by relea-

664 - TEPCO, Land-side Impermeable Wall (Frozen Soil Wall), Undated,

see, accessed 1May2017.
665 - TEPCO, Status of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, 14 April 2017, (in Japanese),
see, accessed 1May2017.
666 - Nikkei Asian Review, Fukushima ice wall facing doubts as project nears completion, 23August 2017, seehttps://asia., accessed 24 August 2017.
667 - Secretariat of the Team for Countermeasures for Decommissioning and Contaminated Water Treatment, Summary of
Decommissioning and Contaminated Water Management, METI, Government of Japan, 25May2017,
see, accessed 4August2017.
668 - TEPCO, Tank construction progress status, 25May2017, (in Japanese), see
decommissioning/committee/osensuitaisakuteam/2017/05/3-01-03.pdf, accessed 28June2017.
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sing it into the ocean and evaporating it.669 An agreement with local fishery cooperatives must
be reached to implement these plans. But, at present, there are no prospects for an agreement.

Worker Exposure670
As of the end of March2017, approximately 8,000people per month are working at the site.
About 90 percent are employees of subcontractors, not TEPCO staff. For these workers,
the external exposure for the three-month period from December 2016 to February 2017 is
0.380.46mSv on average, and the average cumulative dose from April2016 to February2017
was 2.58mSv (max. 38.83mSv).

From March 2011 to September 2015, 1,203 people have worked as specified high-dose wor-
kersTEPCO employees onlyto whom the emergency exposure limit (100mSv) was applied.
Their exposure level was on average 36.5mSv (maximum 102.7mSv).

For comparison, workers emergency exposure limits were provisionally raised from the
conventional level of 100mSv/year to 250mSv/year during the first phase of the Fukushima
accident. Also, although the general publics dose limit is 1mSv/year, after the Fukushima acci-
dent, the government set the dose limit for residents to 20mSv/year as evacuation threshold.
This decision by the government to multiply the admissible dose by a factor of 20, following
the beginning of the Fukushima accident, caused serious social confusion, controversy and

In 2015, in addition to the conventional limit of 100 mSv/year, the Nuclear Regulation
Authority(NRA) officially decided to set the exposure limit to 250mSv/year for any case, when
radioactive material is released outside a nuclear power plant site.

[ among the 1,020companies that are performing

the decontamination work, 586companies have violated the law ]
In December2016, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare (MHLW) recognized the thy-
roid cancer developed by a TEPCO employee in his forties as occupational disease, related to
decommissioning work at Fukushima. This is the third case of an occupational disease being
recognized as related to the Fukushima accident and the first case of thyroid cancer. The first
person is a man in his 30s, who developed leukemia. His exposure level at Fukushima Daiichi
was 15.7mSv (cumulative dose was 19.8mSv, when work at other places is included), and the
MHLW recognized his leukemia as an occupational disease in October2015. The second per-
son is a man in his 50s, who developed leukemia as well. His dose due to work at the Fukushima
site was 54.4mSv, and MHLW recognized his leukemia as occupational disease in August2016.

669 - Tritiated Water Task Force, Tritiated Water Task Force Report, METI, June2016,
see, accessed 1May2017.
670 - TEPCO, Evaluation of the exposure dose of workers at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, Press Release,
31March2017, see, accessed 1May2017.
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At the same time as this recognition, the MHLWs expert advisory committee, for the first
time, presented criteria for recognizing thyroid cancer as occupational disease; for example, a
cumulative dose of 100mSv or more is one of the conditions for recognition.671

The Fukushima Labor Bureau of the MHLW released the results of supervision guidance from
January to December2016. According to the report, among the 348companies that are per-
forming the decommissioning work, 160 companies have violated the Labor Standards Law
(46percent, 273violations). Also, among the 1,020companies that are performing the deconta-
mination work, 586 companies have violated the said law (57.5 percent, 982 violations). The
violations in both cases included unpaid extra work, work hours exceeding the standards set by
the law, and others. 672

Current Status of Evacuation
The Fukushima Prefecture insists that progress has been made in disaster recovery.673
For instance, the number of evacuees continues to decrease. Their official number peaked
at 164,865 evacuees in May 2012, and, as of 27 March 2017, there are officially a total of
79,233 evacuees: 37,616 evacuees living in the prefecture, 37,528 evacuees living outside the
prefecture and 19missing people.674 For reference, there were 92,600evacuees as of May2016
(seeWNISR2016, page93). In other words, as of May 2017, there are officially less than half of
the evacuees there were in 2012.

From 31March to 1April2017, as scheduled by the government, the evacuation order of a part
of the original evacuation area in Fukushima Prefecture was lifted. While evacuation orders
have been lifted gradually until now, this evacuation order concerned the largest area so far
and involved about 32,000 previous inhabitants.

The government raises three conditions for lifting an evacuation order: 675

The annual accumulated dose by air dose-rate calculation drops to 20 mSv or below;
Infrastructure (electricity, gas, water supply, sewerage, etc.) and basic services (medical,
nursing care, postal, etc.) are restored and childrens living environment is decontamina-
Adequate consultation with prefecture, municipalities and residents.

671 - MHLW, Medical findings on the relationship between thyroid cancer and radiation exposure, Government of Japan,
(inJapanese), see, accessed 1May2017.
672 - Fukushima Labour Bureau, Results of supervisory guidance for businesses that conduct decommissioning work
at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant and the businesses that perform decontamination work in Fukushima
Prefecture (2016), MHLW, 6March2017, (inJapanese), see
rev0/0143/9153/2017412174340.pdf, accessed 29July2017.
673 - Fukushima Prefecture, Steps for Revitalization in Fukushima, 27March2017,
see, accessed 1May2017.
674 - Disaster Response Headquarters of Fukushima Prefecture, Immediate report of damage due to the Great East Japan
Earthquake of 2011 (Report number 1687), 27March2017, (inJapanese), see
life/269699_638768_misc.pdf, accessed 1May2017.
675 - Nuclear Emergency Response Headquarters of the Cabinet Office, The conditions for lifting evacuation orders,
12June2015, (in Japanese), see, accessed 1May2017.
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However, few people return after an evacuation order is lifted. For example, although the eva-
cuation order of Naraha was lifted in September2015, only 10percent of the towns population
and 16percent of the households have returned as of the end of January2017.676

According to a survey of residents intentions conducted by the Reconstruction Agency in 2016,

at the maximum only 18percent of the households desired to return in each of the three muni-
cipalities among the five municipalities located in the evacuation zones.677

In August2016, the government decided to implement measures for restoring and revitalizing
difficult-to-return zones678. However, the specific content of the measures has not been de-
cided at all.

[ The government has a keen interest in reducing these expenses

and seems to be cutting off evacuees from support under the name
of restoration and self-reliance assistance.
Evacuees from evacuation zones are receiving 100,000(US$909) every month as compen-
sation for damage such as emotional damage, medical treatment, and so on. However, the
government has decided to terminate the compensation in March 2018 for all evacuees, re-
gardless of the date of the lifting of the evacuation order for each area, except for the evacuees
from the difficult-to-return areas for which there is no plan to lift the evacuation order.

After the Fukushima disaster started in March2011, the government established the Dispute
Reconciliation Committee for Nuclear Damage Compensation and repeatedly provided guide-
lines for assessment of nuclear damages through the committee. However, the government and
the committee are yet to provide a clear explanation regarding the question of termination of
the compensation for evacuees.

The government is actively implementing restoration projects and self-reliance support pro-
grams. For example, in the recovery budget for FY2017, METI is implementing a program
for self-reliance support, in which it provides subsidies for companies that have suffered nu-
clear damages: 5.4 billion (US$49 million) is allotted for business restart and 18.5 billion
(US$168 million) is contributed to new factory construction. Moreover, METI is providing
97.6billion (US$887million) for businesses involved in the robotics industry in Fukushima

If the modest evacuee support of 100,000 (US$909) per month was spent for all of the
165,000evacuees, it would still amount to almost 200billion (US$1.8billion) per year. The

676 - Nuclear Emergency Response Headquarters of the Cabinet Office, The situation of the evacuation orders can-
cellation, 28January2017, (inJapanese), see
kyougikai_4shiryo3-2.pdf, accessed 1May2017.
677 - Reconstruction Agency, Results of the investigation on the intentions of residents of municipalities affected by the
nuclear accident, Government of Japan, 7March2017, (inJapanese), see
sub-cat1-4/ikoucyousa/28ikouchousakekka_zentai.pdf, accessed 1May2017.
678 - Nuclear Emergency Response Headquarters of the Cabinet Office, Concept on the management of the difficult-to-
return zone, 31August2016, (in Japanese), see,
accessed 1May2017.
679 - Reconstruction Agency, Budget approximate decision overview FY2017 (Reference material), Government of Japan,
December2016, (in Japanese), see
pdf, accessed 26July2017.
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government has a keen interest in reducing these expenses and seems to be cutting off eva-
cuees from support under the name of restoration and self-reliance assistance. NormaField,
Professor Emeritus at the University of Chicago, is expressing concern that forced return is
permitted by the word of restoration.680

Greenpeace Japan has pointed out that evacuees may have to return to contaminated areas for
economic reasons and has urged the Japanese government to secure compensation that fully
covers all expenses.681

In its 2014 recommendation to the government, the Science Council of Japanan institution
that is independent from the government and composed of Japanese scientistssuggested
extreme long-term evacuation for future return as the third option against the existing two
options to either return to their hometown or relocate without any financial support. For the
realization of this third option, with the assumption that evacuation may last for more than
30years, the council proposed dual resident registration and issuance of an evacuees record
book, which would serve as a certificate. 682 However, the government has not yet responded to
this recommendation.

The Fukushima Prefectures citizens who evacuated voluntarily from locations outside the
evacuation areas had been provided free housing, but this compensation was terminated on
31March2017. According to the survey conducted by Fukushima Prefecture as of June2016,683
there were over 12,400 households of voluntary evacuation; among the approximately
7,000households that responded, about 4,700households had no definite plans for the next
residence to live in after April 2017.

The government and TEPCO insist that they are paying compensation money under an agree-
ment, i.e., settlement payment, to the disaster-affected individuals and corporations. As of
July2017, the total amount had reached about 7.5trillion (US$67.4billion).684

On 17March2017, a judgment in a lawsuit against the government and TEPCO filed by nuclear
accident evacuees was rendered for the first time. Although the judgment ruled that govern-
ment and TEPCO were responsible for the accident and ordered the payment of compensation
of about 38.5million yen (US$350thousand), the plaintiffs appealed the decision on grounds
that they are dissatisfied with the outcome.

The problem of evacuated children being bullied has also become increasingly evident. On
11 April 2017, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT)

680 - Peggy McInerny, Grappling With Nuclear Catastrophe In Japan, Terasaki Center For Japanese Studies, UCLA,
7July2016, see, accessed 29July2017.
681 - Kendra Ulrich, Unequal ImpactWomens & Childrens Human Rights Violations and the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear
Disaster, Greenpeace Japan, March2017, see,
accessed 28June2017.
682 - The Science Council of Japan, Recommendations on Improvement of the Policy for Restoration from the Great East
Japan Earthquake, 25September2014, (inJapanese), see, accessed
683 - Fukushima Prefecture, Investigation on intentions for housing, 20 June 2017, (in Japanese),
see, accessed 1May2017.
684 - TEPCO, Records of Applications and Payouts for Indemnification of Nuclear Damage, 28 July 2017,
see, accessed 5 August 2017.
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conducted a nationwide survey of school bullying. As a result, it turned out that there have
been at least 129documented cases of bullying of evacuated children up to FY2016.685

Radiation Exposure and Health Effects

Thyroid examination for children, who were under 18yearsold at the time of the accident, by
Fukushima prefecture is still being conducted. The first round (preliminary survey) and the
second round (1st full survey) have been completed. The third round (2nd full survey) started
in April2016 and is still underway. As of February2017, no cancer diagnosis has been made in
the third round yet.686,687

In total, until now, 185 children have been diagnosed with cancer or suspected of having
contracted cancer. Among them, 102children underwent operation. Excluding one person who
had a benign tumor, 101 out of those 102children were confirmed of having cancer.688 In the
second round, 44children underwent operation and all were confirmed of having cancer689 (see

Table 9 | Results of Thyroid Cancer Examinations 2011-2016

Examined Cancer,
Survey Operation
Subjects (Ratio to the suspected Operation results
(Period) performed
subjects) cancer

Preliminary survey 100: Papillary cancer

1st round (October 2011 to March 367,672 116 102 1: Other cancer
2014) (1: Benign)

Full survey (1st) 270,489 43 Papillary cancer

2nd round 381,282 69 44
(April 2014 to March 2016) (70.9%) 1 Other cancer
Full survey (2nd) (25.9%)
3rd round 336,623 - - -
(From April 2016) as of the end of
Total 185 146 145 (1: Benign)

Sources: Compiled by the author based on the following materials:

Fukushima Prefecture, The 23rd & 26th Prefectural Oversight Committee Meeting forFukushima Health Management Survey, 2017

In addition, the effective dose of radiation exposure of people who were suspected of having
cancer or were diagnosed of cancer are as follows: In the 1st round, among the 65 children
(56percent of subjects), who submitted the questionnaire, the effective dose was <1mSv for
46children, <2mSv for 18children and <5mSv for 1child. The maximum value was 2.2 mSv.

685 - MEXT, Results of the follow-up on bullying of students who evacuated from Fukushima Prefecture due to the nuclear
power accident, Government of Japan, 11April2017, (inJapanese), see
Files/afieldfile/2017/04/11/1384371_2_2.pdf, accessed 1May2017.
686 - Fukushima Prefecture, The 26th Prefectural Oversight Committee Meeting for Fukushima Health Management
Survey, 20February2017, see
health-management-survey-2/, accessed 1May2017.
687 - Fukushima Prefecture, Report of Third-Round Thyroid Ultrasound Examinations (Second Full-Scale Thyroid Screening
Program), 20February2017, see, accessed 1May2017.
688 - See Appendix 7: Fukushima Prefecture, Thyroid Ultrasound Examination (Preliminary Baseline Screening) Supplemen-
tal Report of the FY 2015 Survey, 6June2016, see, accessed 1May2017.
689 - See Appendix 6: Fukushima Prefecture, Report of Second-Round Thyroid Ultrasound Examinations (First Full-Scale
Thyroid Screening Program), 20February2017, see, accessed 1May2017.
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In the 2nd round, among the 36 people (52.2 percent of subjects), who submitted the ques-
tionnaire, the effective dose was <1 mSv for 15 people, <2 mSv for 16 people and <5 mSv for
fivepeople. The maximum was 2.1mSv.

The evaluation group conducting the survey consistently stated that it cannot be concluded
whether or not the incidences of thyroid cancer found in the examination are due to exposure
from the Fukushima accident. Discussions on the cause of thyroid cancer (see WNISR2016)
have not yet been concluded. At present, the number of cancer cases found in these children
is about 30times that of the national average. There are two hypotheses: one is that it is the
result of overdiagnosis and the other is that the result is due to the effect of radiation expo-
sure.690, 691

Government and TEPCO do not pursue their own investigations into the problem. Fukushima
Prefecture is the only entity that has carried out examinations and has continuously provided
patients with payments to cover thyroid cancer treatment costs after establishing a dedicated

Food Contamination
The inspection of radioactive substances in food is continuing. For example, ten items dis-
tributed or non-distributed agricultural, livestock or fishery items in the prefectures sub-
ject to the inspection exceeded the legal limit100 Bq/kg of radioactive total cesium (ce-
sium-134+cesium-137)according to inspections conducted by the Ministry of Health, Labor
and Welfare(MHLW) in the week of 1521May2017.692

However, shipment restrictionsrestrictions on shipment and consumption of foods contai-

ning radioactive materials at levels exceeding the legal limithave not yet been lifted for some
food stuffs in some prefectures; e.g., shiitake mushrooms grown outdoors, trout, wild boar and
wild deer.693

Monitoring survey results of agricultural, forestry and fishery products in Fukushima

Prefecture are summarized in Table10.694

Since the results demonstrated a decline in the share of foods that exceeded the legal limits,
on 24March2017, MHLW revised the guidelines on shipping restrictions on food.695 From then

690 - The Mainichi, Experts divided on causes of high thyroid cancer rates among Fukushima children, 7March2016,
see, accessed 28June2017.
691 - Dennis Normile, Mystery cancers are cropping up in children in aftermath of Fukushima, Science, 4March2016,
see, accessed
692 - MHLW, Levels of radioactive contaminants in foods reported on 1521March2017 (Test results carried out since
1April2012), Government of Japan, see, accessed
693 - MHLW, Restriction of shipment for foods based on the Act on Special Measures Concerning Nuclear Emergency
Preparedness, Government of Japan, 31March2017, (inJapanese), see
11135000-Shokuhinanzenbu-Kanshianzenka/0000160151_1.pdf, accessed 1May2017.
694 - Compiled by the authors based on the following materials: Fukushima Prefecture, Monitoring results of agricultural,
forestry and fishery products, FY2011 - FY 2016, (inJapanese), see,
accessed 1May2017.
695 - Nuclear Emergency Response Headquarters of the Cabinet Office, Concept of the inspection plan and concept of the
setting and cancelling of shipping restriction items and areas, 24March2017, (in Japanese), see
Houdouhappyou-11135000-Shokuhinanzenbu-Kanshianzenka/0000156398.pdf, accessed 1May2017.
Wo r l d N u c l e a r I n d u s t r y S t a t u s R e p o r t | 2 0 1 7  | 170

on, each local government can relax the inspection subjects and can decrease the inspection
frequency, if the measured values of radioactive materials in food stuffs continue to be less
than half of the limit (50 Bq/kg) in all of the samples analyzed within the past three years.
However, wild mushrooms, birds, wild animals and freshwater fish are excluded from this rule.

However, citizens remain concerned. The Consumer Affairs Agency has been conducting a
survey on harmful rumors since 2013. In the report of October2016, 16.6percent of the res-
pondents were hesitant to purchase products grown in Fukushima Prefecture and 21.0percent
of them responded that they would not take any radiation risk, even if the level of radiation is
so low that it cannot be detected. These survey results are almost identical to those of the past

Table 10 | Total Cesium Measured in Food Products in Fukushima Prefecture

Number of items
Number Number of
Fiscal Year (Period) exceeding the standard Percentage of total
of items inspections
(100 Bq/kg)
FY2011 (March 2011-March 2012) 542 19,971 681 3.4%

FY2012 (April 2012-March 2013) 509 61,531 1106 1.8%

FY2013 (April 2013-March 2014) 469 28,770 419 1.5%

FY2014 (April 2014-March 2015) 488 26,041 113 0.4%

FY2015 (April 2015-March 2016) 496 23,855 18 0.08%

FY2016 (April 2016-March 2017) 530 21,180 6 0.03%

Sources: Fukushima Prefecture, 2011-2017, Compiled by WNISR, 2017697
a - Only for monitoring in FY 2011, the provisional regulation value (500 Bq/kg) was applied.

Decontamination work of areas contaminated by radioactive materials is still in progress.
Decontamination areas are divided into two categories:

J the Decontamination Special Area that targets areas of severe contamination near the
Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant;
J the Decontamination Implementation Area that targets wide-spread areas across several
The Decontamination Special Area consists of places with a calculated cumulative dose for
one year after the accident that exceeds 20 mSv and the area within a 20-km radius of the
Fukushima Daiichi site. According to the government, decontamination in all these areas
was completed by the end of March2017 as scheduled in the original plan. The target covered

696 - Consumer Affairs Agency, The 8th survey of consumer awareness on harmful rumors Results of the 8th survey of
consumer awareness on radioactive materials in foods, 5October2016, (in Japanese), see
understanding_food_and_radiation/pdf/161005kouhyou_1.pdf, accessed 1May2015.
697 - Based on the following sources: Fukushima Prefecture, Monitoring results of agricultural, forestry and fishery pro-
ducts, FY2011 - FY 2016, (in Japanese).
698 - Ministry of the Environment, Progress on Off-site Cleanup and Interim Storage Facility in Japan, Government of
Japan, April2017, see, accessed 1May2017.
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22,000residential areas, 8,500hectares (ha) of farmland, 5,800ha of forest and 1,400ha of


The Ministry of Environment claims that the decontamination work has been effective. For
example, the air dose rate at the height of 1 m above the ground was reportedly decreased
on average from 1.28Sv/h to 0.37Sv/h (71percent reduction) at residential lands and from
1.10Sv/h to 0.43Sv/h (61percent reduction) on roads. However, as for forest target areas, only
forests near houses (within 20meters from a human-inhabited area) were decontaminated.

In addition, seven municipalities out of the eleven municipalities targeted for decontamination
have difficult-to-return areas, in which no decontamination work has been carried out so far.

[ The total amount of contaminated soil and waste collected has reached
approximately 16millionm3. If this quantity was placed on a football field
(100mx70m), the radioactive waste column would be over 2km high.
This is one of the reasons, why there are many people, who refuse to go home even after the
evacuation order is lifted.

The Decontamination Implementation Area consists of a part of Fukushima Prefecture exclu-

ding areas covered by the Decontamination Special Area and six other prefectures. The areas
lead to an additional calculated radiation dose of 1mSv/year due to the Fukushima accident.
Decontamination of these areas is carried out by each local government, rather than by natio-
nal authorities. The following buildings and areas were set as the targets:

Inside Fukushima Prefecture: 421,000homes, 11,700public facilities, 19,000km of roads,

31,500ha of farmland and meadowland and 4,700ha of forests (located within human-in-
habited areas);
Outside Fukushima Prefecture: 147,700 homes, 1,591 schools and nursery schools, and
3,945parks and sports facilities.
As of the end of March2017, 80 of 92 municipalities had completed their decontamination pro-
jects. The cumulative cost of these decontamination projects reached approximately 2.6tril-
lion (US$23.6billion) as of FY2016.699 The total amount of contaminated soil and waste col-
lected has reached approximately 16millionm3 . If this quantity was placed on a football field
(100mx70m), the radioactive waste column would be over 2km high.

The government is planning to install interim storage facilities for the Decontamination Special
Area in Fukushima Prefecture. They plan to place these facilities around the Fukushima
Daiichi nuclear power plant site, but there has been a delay in the procedure to acquire the
land. So far, the government has been able to sign contracts for only 18 percent (287 ha) of
the privately-owned land (1,270ha) necessary to build the facilities.700 Moreover, Fukushima
Prefecture has permitted interim storage for only about 30 years. Although the government

699 - Ministry of the Environment, Current status, outcomes and prospects of decontamination / intermediate storage
facility / radioactive waste disposal, Government of Japan, 3March2017, (in Japanese), see
outcome_outlook_170303.pdf, accessed 1May2017.
700 - Ministry of the Environment, Situation of intermediate storage facilities sites as of the end of March2017, Government
of Japan, (in Japanese), see, accessed 1May2017.
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intends to find a final disposal site outside the prefecture, no progress has been made in imple-
menting this plan.

Decontamination waste in the Decontamination Implementation Area is to be stored and dis-

posed of by each local government. However, no disposal site plan has been finalized by any
local government due to opposition of local citizens.

The Ministry of the Environment has defined decontamination waste with cesium concentra-
tion of 8,000Bq/kg and above as designated waste. The ministry is currently planning to reuse
the waste with concentrations below that limit.701

As of March 2017, the ministry is evaluating the possibilities of reusing the waste for roads,
tide embankments and open spaces such as parks. However, the government had set the stan-
dardthe clearance levelof radioactive cesium concentration in 2005 as 100Bq/kg for waste
that is not required to be treated as radioactive waste to reduce the amount of disposal waste
from the decommissioning of nuclear power plants. Many people are opposing the reuse of de-
contamination waste from the Fukushima accident because the standard is much higher than
this clearance level.

Figure 38 | Distribution of Radiation Doses According to Airborne Monitoring

11 september 2011 18 novembre 2016

Dose Rate (Sv/h) - 1m above ground surface
0 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 1.9 3.8 9.5 19 < Jasmes (JAXA) data used

Sources: Compiled by WNISR, based on MEXT, "Extension site of distribution map of radiation dose, etc.", 2017

701 - Ministry of the Environment, Technology development strategy review committee for volume reduction/recycling of soil
from the interim storage, Government of Japan, 2017, (in Japanese), see
investigative_commission/, accessed 1May2017.
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Figure 39 | Estimated Cost of Fukushima Accident Countermeasures

Estimated Cost of Fukushima Accident Countermeasures

Repartition in Billion US$
Total: US$ 200 bn*

Entities Measures

Other Electric 72.7*
Government Interim
Power Producers 18.2 Storage of Waste
and Suppliers 18.2
2.2 * Figures may not add up due to Rounding in the Japanese Data
WNISR - Mycle Schneider Consulting

Sources: Compiled by WNISR, based on Committee for Reforming TEPCO and Overcoming 1F Challenges, TEPCOs reform proposal, 20 December 2016.

Note: 1US$=110JPY as of 29July 2017

In the fall of 2016, METI established a committee to discuss the management reform of
TEPCO.702 Through this committee, on 9December2016, METI officially presented a cost esti-
mate for settling all problems caused by the Fukushima accident for the first time.703 According
to the committees estimate, the total cost would reach about 22 trillion (US$200 billion),
of which 8trillion (US$72.7billion) required for decommissioning and contaminated water
countermeasures, 8trillion (US$72.7billion) for compensation, 4trillion(US$36.4billion)
for decontamination and 2trillion (US$18.2billion) for interim storage sites for decontami-
nation wastes (see Figure39).

METI stated in its recommendations that the cost will be recovered over a 30-year period.
There are many problems regarding the methods to cover these costs. For example, the com-
mittee assumes that the costs will be partially recovered by the revenue from Kashiwazaki-
kariwa nuclear power plant in Niigata prefecture owned by TEPCO (estimated to generate
0.1trillionyen (US$0.91billion) in revenues for two units). However, there is no clear pros-
pects of restarting operations at this nuclear power plant, as it is under review by NRA, and
Niigata Prefecture is strongly opposed to any restart.

The decommissioning cost was calculated by taking examples from the Three Mile Island acci-
dent on 28March1979 in the United States. However, since the method for removing and dis-
posing of debris from Fukushima Daiichi is not decided yet, its validity is unknown.

702 - METI, Committee for Reforming TEPCO and Overcoming 1F Challenges (TEPCO Committee) to be Established,
Government of Japan, 20September2016, see, accessed 1May2017.
703 - Committee for Reforming TEPCO and Overcoming 1F Challenges, TEPCO's reform proposal, METI, Government of
Japan, 20December2016, (inJapanese), see
pdf/161220_teigen.pdf, accessed 1May2017.
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In addition to power companies that have nuclear power plants other than TEPCO, the new
power companies that have newly entered the market due to the liberalization of electricity
independent power producers and suppliersare also required to contribute to cost coverage.

In a questionnaire-based survey conducted by Kyodo News in April2017, 29 out of 44 new power

companies, that entered the market following liberalization of electric power retailers, are ob-
jecting to this policy, claiming that it affects their business.704

According to another survey conducted by Asahi Shimbun in February2017, it was found that
additional charges added to the consumers power bill range from 587 to 1,484 (US$5.313.5)
per household per year. According to the example of TEPCO described in this survey, the cost
covered by every household in 2016 was 0.25/kWh(US$c2.3) with a total annual additional
Fukushima fee to the average Tokyo household reaching 1,160(US$10.5).705

This Fukushima fee might need to increase dramatically, according to an independent assess-
ment of the potential costs of the disaster. The Japan Center for Economic Research(JCER)
considers that the Japanese government seriously underestimates the costs for contamina-
ted water management, decommissioning and waste management.706 JCER bases its numbers
on industry practice at other nuclear sites and expert interviews. The result is astonishing as
total costs could range anywhere between close to 50trillion (US$453billion) and 70tril-
lion (US$635billion), respectively 2.3 and 3.2times the official government estimate. However,
JCER does not consider this an upper boundary as many questions remain open, in particular,
there is no guarantee that the corium can actually be recovered. No scenario has been cal-
culated that would include the design and construction of some kind of sarcophagus (as in
Chernobyl) or entombment.

Since the cost of damages caused by the Fukushima accident turns out much higher than
expected, the Japan Atomic Energy Commission is currently reviewing the nuclear damages
compensation system. Under the current system, except for natural disasters and warfare, nu-
clear power companies are fully responsible for accidents (unlimited liability). Electric power
companies are obliged to join an insurance plan and insurance benefits of up to 120billionyen
(US$1.1billion) is used as a source of compensation.

In the discussion, electric power companies insisted for a change to limited liability; that is,
to shift to a system in which compensation payments exceeding a certain amount are covered
by the government. However, on the basis that the burden on citizens through taxes would
increase, the government decided to retain the unlimited liability policy, which keeps electric
power companies fully responsible.707 The above described complicated mechanism seems
to have been put in place for the government to escape from liability rather than to salvage

704 - Tokyo Shimbun, Compensation burden of nuclear accident60% of new electric companies are against it as It
affects business management, 3April2017, (inJapanese), see
CK2017040302000103.html - print, accessed 1May2017.
705 - Keishi Nishimura, The hidden costs households must pay for nuclear disaster in 2011, The AsahiShimbun, 27Februa-
ry2017, see, accessed 5August2017.
706 - JCER, Accident Cleanup Costs May Rise to 5070Trillion YenIts Time to Examine legal liquidation of TEPCO-
Higher Transparency is Needed for the Reasons to Maintaining Nuclear Power, 7March2017, see
research/policy.html, accessed 2August2017.
707 - JAEC, The 15th nuclear damages compensation system special committee, 16November2016, (inJapanese),
see, accessed 1May2017.
Wo r l d N u c l e a r I n d u s t r y S t a t u s R e p o r t | 2 0 1 7  | 175

TEPCO. However, the responsibility of TEPCO is, after all, also covered by the electricity fee
paid by the public.

Table 12 | Government and Independent Assessments of Cleanup and Remediation Costs

of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster (in billion US$)
Previous Government Latest Government
JCER Estimate a JCER Estimate b
Measures Estimate Estimate
US$bn US$bn
US$bn US$bn
Decommissioning and Contaminated
18 72.7 288 99
Water Management

Compensation 45 72.7 72 75

Decontamination 36 54.6 270 270

Total 100 200 630 444

a - includes the cost of cleaning up the tritiated water (USD180,000/ton, 1 million tons of stored water) based on interviews with experts in decom-
missioning nuclear reactors and cleaning up contaminated water.

b - includes diluting the tritiated water including one million tons of stored water, and releasing all of it into the ocean (not included as the costs are
small), and US$2.7billion to compensate fishermenin a degressive way over a period of 40 yearsfor damage caused to the reputation of fishing

The processing costs for the final disposal of 22 million cubic tons of rubble and soil arising from the decontamination is based on the unit price for
processing low-level radioactive waste at Rokkasho in Aomori Prefecture.

Source: Japan Center for Economic Research, March2017708


Now that sixyears have passed since the Fukushima disaster began, problems specific to nu-
clear power plant accidents have become clearer. One issue is the size of the economic burden
caused by the accidents. The large amount of accident-related expenses has become a factor
that hinders economic development policies in Japan.

The second issue is the attitude of the government to avoid taking responsibility and escaping
liability for the accident. The government has taken actions actively, such as implementing de-
commissioning measures and lifting evacuation orders, in efforts to erase the memories and
lower the financial burden of the accident for the state.

The third issue is the impact on economically and socially vulnerable people. The burden on
economically weak areas, such as regions with nuclear power stations or evacuees, and socially
vulnerable people, such as women and children who are worried about potential health effects,
is becoming increasingly burdensome.

708 - Ibidem.
Wo r l d N u c l e a r I n d u s t r y S t a t u s R e p o r t | 22001177  | 176


The comparison between nuclear and renewable energies has for a long time been a tale of too
big to fail on the one hand, and too small to matter on the other. But things have changed
at a frenetic pace in the past few years. Once overlooked as a technological niche, renewable
energies are now becoming an increasingly dominant player in the global energy landscape.
Data for the year2016 shows the extent to which renewables have overtaken nuclear power as a
means of developing electricity generating capacities:

Even though overall investment volume decreased, new renewable electricity generating
capacity additions reached an all-time high of 161GW in 2016, representing 62percent of
total power production capacities added worldwide. In the EU alone, 86percent of new ge-
nerating capacity connected to the grid in 2016 came from wind, solar, biomass and hydro,
with wind power representing more than half of the added capacity.709
In 2016 and early 2017, new projects highlighted a drop in generating costs that many belie-
ved would only happen around 2030 such as a US$24/MWh for a 350 MW solar project
in Abu Dhabi.710 In Morocco, 850 MW of onshore wind were signed for the strike price
of US$30/MWh.711 And even offshore wind projects might soon deploy without additional
subsidies, as illustrated by a recent tender in Germany, where utility EnBW made a bid for
a 900 MW project relying only on future revenues from the wholesale market.712
And in the meantime, only three nuclear reactors started construction in 2016, for a total
of 3GW of generating capacity, which will take years to produce their first kilowatt-hours
(see previous chapters).
The shifting roles of nuclear power and renewables have also been acknowledged in the
fight against climate change, as highlighted by the 21st Conference of the Parties in Paris in
December 2015. For the Paris Agreement 162 national pledges called Intended National
Determined Contributions (INDCs) were submitted to the UNFCCC covering around
95percent of global emissions in 2010 and 98percent of the global population. The extent to
which nuclear power is included within these plans is limited, as just the 31countries currently
operating commercial reactors, plus Turkey and Egypt, refer to nuclear power, or only around
one in five Paris pledges. Furthermore, expansion of the sector, through construction of new

709 - WindEurope, Wind in power2016 European statistics, February2017, see

uploads/files/about-wind/statistics/WindEurope-Annual-Statistics-2016.pdf, accessed 20June2017.
710 - Anthony Dipaola, Cheapest Solar on Record Offered as Abu Dhabi Expands Renewables, Bloomberg, 19September2016,
accessed 20June2017.
711 - Michael Liebreich and Angus McCrone, Liebreich and McCrone: 10 renewable energy predictions for 2017, BNEF,
18January2017, see, accessed 20June2017.
712 -, EnBW Wins Construction of 900MW German OWF by Bidding EUR 0/MWh, 13April2017,
accessed 20June2017.
Wo r l d N u c l e a r I n d u s t r y S t a t u s R e p o r t | 2 0 1 7  | 177

reactors, is taking place in only 12 of these countries with an additional two countries, Belarus
and United Arab Emirates, building for the first time.

Within the actual INDCs only eleven countries mentioned that they were operating or conside-
ring to operate nuclear power as part of their mitigation strategy and even fewer (five) actually
state that they were proposing to expand its use (Belarus, India, Japan, Turkey, and UAE). This
compares with 144 that mention the use of renewable energy and 111 that explicitly mention
targets or plans for expanding its use.713 This highlights the extent to which nuclear power is a
niche carbon abatement strategy, compared to the use of renewables which is universal.

In the longer term, while most global models assume that a decarbonized energy sector will
include a combination of renewables, nuclear and fossil fuels with carbon capture, there are
a significant number of well-respected studies that assume a nuclear- and fossil-free energy
future. These include:

The 100% Clean and Renewable Wind, Water, and Sunlight (WWS) All-Sector Energy
Roadmaps for 139Countries of the World, published by Stanford University.714
The Global Energy Assessment 2012, published by Cambridge University press, states
that it is also feasible to phase-out nuclear and still meet the sustainability targets.715
The Special Report of the International Panel on Climate Change[IPCC] on renewable
energy sources from 2012, reviews a number of scenarios, which limit the use of different
supply options, including renewables, nuclear power and Carbon Capture and Storage
(CCS). Some of these scenarios show no additional costs associated with the nuclear-free
option, while meeting global mitigation targets.716
Global Energy Revolution, published and regularly updated by Greenpeace International, is
a comprehensive 100-percent renewable energy scenario.717
Therefore, it is not so much a question of having to deploy nuclear in order to decarbonize, but
whether or not Governments choose to actively support nuclear powerin particular through
some kind of subsidy mechanismas a means of climate mitigation.

While no energy source comes without economic costs and environmental impacts, what has
been seen clearly over the past decade, and particularly in the past few years, is that choosing
to decarbonize with nuclear turns out as an expensive, slow, risky and potentially hazardous
pathway that few countries are pursuing. In contrast, some renewable energy sources, parti-
cularly wind and solar photovoltaics(PV), are being deployed at rates significantly in excess

713 - UNFCCC, Intended Nationally Determined Contributions, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change,
2015, see portal/items/8766.php, accessed 20June2017.
714 - Marc Z. Jacobson, et al., 100% Clean and Renewable Wind, Water, and Sunlight (WWS) All-Sector Energy Roadmaps for
139 Countries of the World, Stanford University, November2016, see
CountriesWWS.pdf, accessed 20June2017.
715 - GEA, Global Energy AssessmentToward a sustainable future, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis,
Cambridge University Press, 2012.
716 - IPCC, Renewable Energy Sources and Climate Change MitigationSpecial Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change, February2012.
717 - Greenpeace International, Global Wind Energy Council and SolarPower Europe, Energy [R]evolutionA sustainable
worldEnergy Outlook 2015, September2015, see
tions/climate/2015/Energy-Revolution-2015-Full.pdf, accessed 20 June 2017.
Wo r l d N u c l e a r I n d u s t r y S t a t u s R e p o r t | 2 0 1 7  | 178

of those forecasted even in recent years, causing production and installation costs to fall even
faster than expected.718

This section highlights the differences between the deployment rates and associated invest-
ment and cost levels for nuclear power and some renewable energy technologies on the global
level and in key regions and markets.

The investment decisions taken are not only an important indicator of the future power mix,
but they also highlight the confidence that the technology-neutral financial sector has in dif-
ferent power generation options. Consequently, they can be seen as an important barometer of
the current state of policy certainty and costs of technologies on the global and regional levels.

Figure 40 | Global Investment Decisions in Renewables and Nuclear Power 2004-2016

Global Investment Decisions in 300

New Renewables and Nuclear Power
in US$ billion, 2004-2016 250



Other Renewables 100

Wind 50

WNISR - Mycle Schneider Consulting 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Sources: FS-UNEP, 2017 and WNISR Original Research

According to data published by Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF) and United Nations
Environment Programme (UNEP), global investment in renewable energyexcluding large
hydrowas US$241.6billion in 2016, down from a record high 312.2billion in 2015.719 But the
23 percent fall in total investment volume mainly reflects the rapid reduction in investment
costs per MW as total renewable capacities installed in 2016 (excluding large hydro) added up
to 138.5 GW, greater than 127.5 GW the year before. Thus, the average investment costs per
installed MW across all renewable technologies were 29 percent lower in 2016: US$1.74 per
W, against US$2.45 per W in 2015. According to UNEP-FS, global average generating costs for
solar PV decreased by 17 percent to US$101/MWh within just one year, those for onshore wind
by 18percent to US$68/MWh and offshore wind went one step ahead with an average levelized
cost of US$126/MWh, down 28percent.

718 - IEA, Commentary:The success of wind and solar is powered by strong policy support, International Energy Agency,
1June2017, see
strong-policy-support.html, accessed 20June2017.
719 - FS-UNEP and BNEF, Global trends in renewable energy investment 2017, March2017, see
sites/default/files/publications/globaltrendsinrenewableenergyinvestment2017.pdf, accessed 20June2017. Please note that fi-
gures for previous years have been corrected in the 2017 report due to new data, resulting in a significant increase in renewable
investments in 2015 at US$312.2billion, compared to US$285.9billion in the 2016 report.
Wo r l d N u c l e a r I n d u s t r y S t a t u s R e p o r t | 2 0 1 7  | 179

Figure40 compares the annual investment decisions for the construction of new nuclear with
renewable energy excluding large hydro since 2004. Regarding nuclear, only three new power
plants started construction in 2016comparing to eight new projects in 2015two in China
and one in Pakistan (built by a Chinese company), totaling 3GW of capacity and about US$10
billion in total investment. In the absence of comprehensive, publicly available investment esti-
mates for nuclear power by year, and in order to simplify the approach, WNISR includes the
total projected investment costs in the year in which construction was started, rather than
spreading them out over the entire construction period. Furthermore, the nuclear investment
figures do not include revised budgets if cost overruns occur. However, despite all of these
uncertainties, it is clear that the investment decisions in nuclear construction are about one
order of magnitude lower than that in solar or wind alone, each attracting over US$110billion
investments in 2016.

Figure 41 | Top 10 Countries for Renewable Energy Investment 2014-2016

Top 10 Countries for Renewable Energy Investment 2014-2016

in US$ billion



WNISR - Mycle Schneider Consulting

2014 2016


40 Japan
30 Kingdom
20 Germany
India Brazil
10 Australia Belgium France

Source: FS-UNEP 2017, 2016, 2015

Globally, the importance of Europe and North America for renewable energy investments is
diminishing, with the rise of Asia, especially China, India and Japan. Chinese nominal-dollar
renewable investment rose 13.9-fold from 2005 (US$8.3b) to 2015 (US$115.4b). Figure41 shows
the evolution of nominal-dollar renewable energy investment in major economies from 2014.
Overall, developing and emerging countries make up an increasing share of total renewable
investments, even though the decrease in total investment volume was stronger in these
countries, falling by 30 percent compared to the previous year, compared to 14 percent for
industrialized countries. 2016 also shows some significant changes at the bottom of the Top-10
countries for investments, with Australia, Belgium, and France replacing South Africa, Mexico,
and Chile. Various reasons explain this, notably uncertainty over public funding (South Africa,
where the national utility ESKOM has been blocking project approvals), delays due to limited
access to project finance (Mexico), and bottlenecks in the transmission grids (Chile).
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Across the world, new records have been achieved in generation cost reductions for renewable
energy projects. Indeed, both solar PV and wind power present exceptional learning rates. For
solar, this is estimated at up to 24.3 percent per doubling of cumulative production, with real
prices plummeting by 90 percent since 2009 alone. For wind power, an estimated learning
curve of 19 percent has resulted in a 50 percent reduction in real prices between 2009 and
2016.720 This comes in stark contrast to the negative learning curve generally associated to
nuclear construction projects over the past decades.721 Thus renewables are not only increasin-
gly competitive compared to new nuclear power plants, but also becoming a serious challenger
to coal and gas power plants in many countries.

[ solar plus overnight storage

for significantly less than US$45/MWh ]
The rapid decrease in costs for major renewable generation technologies can be illustrated
through project examples across the world. According to the Renewable Energy Auctions study
published by the International Renewable Energy Agency(IRENA) in 2017, the average prices
resulting from auctions have decreased significantly since 2010: by a factor of five for solar PV
(from US$250/MWh in 2010 to US$50/MWh in 2016), and by a factor of two for onshore wind
power (from US$80/MWh in 2010 to US$40/MWh in 2016). As a matter of comparison, after
the announcement of the latest cost increase in early July2017,722 the two EPR reactors at the
Hinkley Point C site in the UK have estimated overnight construction costs (excluding finan-
cing costs) of 20.3billion (US$26.2billion) or US$8,200/kW, with a negotiated strike price of
92.5/MWh (US$118/MWh) indexed on inflation. Examples of record low prices for renewable
projects achieved in 2016-17 include the following:723

J In the USA, in May 2017, prices for solar PV came in below US$30/MWh for a power-purchase
agreement signed between the Tucson Electric Power and NextEra Energy for a 100MW plant.
The system will integrate a 120MWh storage facility and solar plus overnight storage for sig-
nificantly less than US$45/MWh over 20 years.724
J Mexico organized two large-scale auctions for new electricity generation capacities between
April and September2016. A total of 2,085MW (81percent solar, 19percent wind power) were

720 - Michael Liebreich, Syndicat des nergies Renouvelables, BNEF, as presented at the Syndicat des nergies Renouve-
lables Conference in Paris, 31January2017, see, accessed
721 - Benjamin K. Sovacool, Alex Gilbert and Daniel Nugent, An international comparative assessment of construction cost
overruns for electricity infrastructure, Energy Research & Social Science, 1September2014, see
default/files/articolo-doc/1-s2.0-S2214629614000942-main(1).pdf, accessed 22July2017.
722 - Adam Vaughan, Hinkley Point C is 1.5bn over budget and a year behind schedule, EDF admits, TheGuardian,
3July2017, see
schedule-edf-admits, accessed 5July2017.
723 - Prices according to the following reference, unless otherwise noted: IRENA, Renewable Energy AuctionsAnalysing
2016, International Renewable Energy Agency, June2017, see
NA_Renewable_Energy_Auctions_2017.pdf, accessed 21June2017.
724 - Utility Dive, "How can Tucson Electric get solar + storage for 4.5c/kWh", 30May2017, see
news/how-can-tucson-electric-get-solar-storage-for-45kwh/443715/, accessed 10August 2017.
Wo r l d N u c l e a r I n d u s t r y S t a t u s R e p o r t | 2 0 1 7  | 181

awarded in the first round, with an average striking price of US$55/MWh for wind and US$45/
MWh for solar. Only a few months later, the second round of auctions for a total of 3462 MW
saw a spectacular drop in prices: a total of 1,573MW of solar was awarded at an average price of
US$32/MWh, along with 900MW of wind power at only US$36/MWh.
J In Chile, Spanish developer Solarpack Corp. Tecnologica won contracts to sell power from a
120MWPV power plant for US$29.10/MWh.
J Similarly, in Peru a 162MW wind power project by Spanish developer Grenergy was awarded
for US$37/MWh, with solar coming in at US$48/MWh for a total of 144MW awarded by Enel
Green Power.
J In Morocco, an 850MW onshore wind project was signed at an average strike price of US$30/
MWh in January2016.
J In the United Arab Emirates, the Masdar conglomerate won a first solar project in May2016
at a price of US$29.9/MWh. This was later surpassed by another 350 MW project in Abu Dhabi,
which came in at US$24/MWh.
J In Europe, prices have dropped quickly as well. In France, a recent tender for 500MW solar
PV resulted in a strike price of 62.5/MWh (US$68/MWh).725 In a cross-border tender for so-
lar PV in Germany, several projects for 50 MW in Denmark made a winning bid with a strike
price of US$59/MWh (about twice recent prices in North American sites with roughly twice as
much sun). In another tender for offshore wind projects, German utility EnBW made a bid for a
900 MW project relying only on future revenues from the wholesale market without any price
J In India, a 750MWPV project (currently considered as the worlds largest) has been awarded
at an average price of US$46/MWh (Rs 2,970/h).727


Globally, renewable energy continues to dominate new capacity additions. In total 161GW of
renewables capacity was added in 2016, according the REN21, which was the largest increase

In 2016, renewables accounted for 62percent of net additions to global power generating capa-
city. Net capacity additions of wind power slowed down a bit (55 GW in 2016 compared to
64GW in 2015), while solar PV reached a new record growth of 75GW (51GW in 2015), com-

725 - Tecsol, Appel doffres CRE4: JPee dans le trio de tte des laurats avec 62MW obtenus, Tecsol, 14March2017, (in
French), see
62-mw-obtenus.html, accessed 21June2017.
726 -, EnBW Wins Construction of 900MW German OWF by Bidding EUR 0/MWh, 13April2017,
accessed 20June2017.
727 - Mayank Aggarwal and Utpal Bhaskar, Tariffs for worlds biggest solar power plant hit all-time low of Rs2.97/unit,
Livemint, 11February2017, see
vering-at-Rs3-per-unit-in-revers.html, accessed 21June2017.
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Figure 42 | Wind, Solar and Nuclear Capacity and Production in the World

Wind, Solar and Nuclear Developments: Installed Capacity and Electricity Production in the World
+451 +948
Capacity Added Since 2000 Annual Production
in net GWe 401 Compared to 1997 816
in net added TWh
WNISR - Mycle Schneider Consulting

WNISR - Mycle Schneider Consulting


+301 632
Solar 515
Wind Nuclear 397
177 366
136 289 Solar
294 329 255
103 98
57 178
Nuclear 121
30 +36 147
22 24 18 27 51 33
20 14
13 9 20
6 5
2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016

Sources: WNISR, IAEA-PRIS, BP Statistical Review, 2017

Notes pertaining to the Figures above
BP data used for this graph were modified in 2017, in particular due to switching for IRENA primary data for solar capacity
and switching primary sources (Indias CEA and China Electricity Council), as well as various revisions in national statistics.
Nuclear capacity was revised according to WNISR status changes, which can be retroactively applied.

pared to 9GW for nuclear. Together, wind power and solar PV represent over 80percent of all
renewable power capacity added in 2016 worldwide.728

Figure42 illustrates the extent to which renewables have been deployed at scale since the new
millennium, an increase in capacity of 451 GW for wind and of 301 GW for solar, compared
to the stagnation of nuclear power capacity, which over this period increased by only 36GW,
including all reactors in LTO. Taking into account the fact that 36GW of nuclear power were
in LTO as of the end of 2016, and thus not operating, the balance is plus-minus zero compared
to 2000.

The characteristics of electricity generating technologies vary due to different load factors. In
general, over the year, operating nuclear power plants tend to produce more electricity per
MW of installed capacity than renewables.

However, as can be seen, since 1997, the signing of the Kyoto Protocol, there has been an addi-
tional 948 TWh in 2016 of wind power, 332 TWh more power from solar photovoltaics, and
just an additional 212 TWh of nuclear electricity (see Figure42). In 2016, annual growth rates
for the generation from wind power were 15.8 percent globally, 30 percent for solar PV, and
1.4percent for nuclear power. Nine of the 31nuclear countriesBrazil, China, Germany, India,
Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, Spain and U.K.generated more electricity in 2016 from non-hy-
dro renewables than from nuclear power.

728 - REN21, Renewables 2017Global Status Report, June2017, see,

accessed 20June2017.
Wo r l d N u c l e a r I n d u s t r y S t a t u s R e p o r t | 2 0 1 7  | 183


China continues to be a global leader for the deployment of most energy technologies. In 2016
alone, China roughly doubled its solar PV capacities to reach 78GW, representing 50percent
of the world market and added some 20GW of wind power capacity, totaling 149GW, more
than all of Europe together (see Figure43). This can be compared to the current 2020 objec-
tives: 110GW of solar PV and 210GW of wind power. Having started up five of the worlds ten
reactors (for 4.6GW of capacity), as in the previous year, China also installed more nuclear
capacity in 2016 than any other country.

Figure 43 | Wind, Solar and Nuclear Capacity and Production in China 2000-2016

Installed Wind, Solar and Nuclear Capacity and Production in China 2000-2016
149 241
Capacity Electricity Production
in GWe in TWh/year
WNISR - Mycle Schneider Consulting

WNISR - Mycle Schneider Consulting


77 78
Solar 124
48 43
Nuclear 66 66
29 31 50

18 18
Solar 39
27 28
Nuclear 12 10 12
19 24
7 8 6 16
5 6 16 16
2 3 0.1 0.3 0.8 3.5 4 4
1 6.7 1 0

2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016

Sources: BP, IAEA-PRIS, WNISR, 2017

Notes pertaining to the Figure above
BP data used for the capacity graph were modified in 2017, in particular due to BP switching primary sources from GWEC to
IRENA for solar, and other revisions based on a new IRENA database. On the generation graph, BP data used were modified
from previous years, in particular for solar, where IEA estimates were replaced with new data from the China Electricity
Council starting in 2012.

Chinas investment in renewables was by far the largest in the world with a total of US$78.3bil-
lion, dropping from US$115.4 billion the previous year (but, as for the world, more capacity
installed in 2016 than in 2015 as costs fell more than investment). In 2016, investment in so-
larPV was US$39billion and wind power was US$35billion,729 that compares to the start of
construction on only two new nuclear reactors (six in 2015) with a reported, total investment
of US$5billion.

The 13th Five Year Plan (2016-2020) proposes new targets for energy efficiency, the reduction of
carbon intensity as well as diversification away from fossil fuels, whereby non-fossil fuels are

729 - FS-UNEP and BNEF, Global Trends in Renewable Energy Investment 2017 (ref. 11).
Wo r l d N u c l e a r I n d u s t r y S t a t u s R e p o r t | 2 0 1 7  | 184

to provide 15percent of primary energy consumption by 2020, up from 7.4percent in 2005.730

Consequently, the explosive growth of renewables is expected to continue. In 2016, a total of
34.5GW of solar PV were installed, almost double the forecasted 15 to 20GW per year indi-
cated by the National Energy Administration (NEA).731 In November 2016, NEA announced
an update of the 13th Five Year Plan for the power sector (2016-2020). The target for wind
power (210 GW) is higher than the previous announcement (200 GW), while the target for
solar (110 GW) is considerably lower than previous announcements (up to 150 GW). Given
the current rhythm of deployment, these are however considered minimum targets and could
be exceeded. Indeed, the main bottleneck for further renewable development in China is grid
infrastructure, resulting in significant curtailment levels for existing wind and solar power

The 13 Five Year Plan is also proposing to increase nuclear capacities to a total of 58 GW by

2020. However, only 31.4 GW are currently operating and another 19.3 GW are under construc-
tion for a total of 50.7 GW. Many of the units under construction are encountering significant
delays and only 5GW of new capacity got connected to the grid in 2016. Achieving the 2020
nuclear target thus seems impossible. A tender in late 2016 achieved a price of US$78/MWh for
solar and wind power at an estimated average generation cost of US$60/MWh,733 while nuclear
currently gets a guaranteed support tariff of US$70/MWh.734 With electricity demand nearly
flat and overcapacity rising steeply, Chinese authorities increasingly regard the thermal-gene-
ration pipeline as pre-stranded assets.

In the European Union, between 2000 and 2016, the net changes in installed generating
capacities highlight the shift towards renewables and highly efficient gas power plants. With
respectively 142.6 GW and 101.2 GW, wind and solar power are the generation technologies
that saw the biggest development over 16 years, with gas power plants coming in at 93.5GW. On
the other end, nuclear capacities decreased by 15.5GW over the same period, coal by 37.3GW
and fuel oil plants by 37.6GW.735 In 2016 alone, renewables accounted for 86percent of new
capacities in the EU, with wind claiming the lions share with 51percent, now representing the
second largest installed generating capacity (behind natural gas). With a total of US$60billion
invested, the European market for renewables also showed a slight increase (3percent) despite
the global slowdown (see section on Investments).

Other highlights in terms of renewable generation in Europe in 2016 include:

J A significant drop in generating costs for new projects, as illustrated by several tenders for
offshore wind and solar PV (see section above).

730 - chinadialogue, Climate, energy and Chinas 13th Five-Year Plan in graphics, 18March2017, see https://www.chinadia- in-graphics, accessed 22June2017.
731 - Richard Martin, China is on an epic solar power binge, MIT Technology Review, 22March2016,
see, accessed 22June2017.
732 - Ma Tianjie, Chinas Ambitious New Clean Energy Targets, The Diplomat, 14January2017,
see, accessed 22June2017.
733 - IRENA, Wind PowerTechnology Brief, March2016, see
NA-ETSAP_Tech_Brief_Wind_Power_E07.pdf, accessed 22July2017.
734 - World Nuclear Association, Nuclear Power in China, Updated June2017, see
library/country-profiles/countries-a-f/china-nuclear-power.aspx, accessed 22June2017.
735 - WindEurope, Wind in power2016 European statistics, February2017, see
uploads/files/about-wind/statistics/WindEurope-Annual-Statistics-2016.pdf, accessed 20June2017.
Wo r l d N u c l e a r I n d u s t r y S t a t u s R e p o r t | 2 0 1 7  | 185

Figure 44 | Startup and Shutdown of Electricity Generating Capacity in the EU in 2016

Startup and Shutdown of Electricity

Generating Capacity in the EU in 2016
by Energy Source in GWe

WNISR - Mycle Schneider Consulting Wind


3.1 Renewables
1.9 Coal Nuclear
0.3 0.1


Sources: WindEurope, WNISR, 2017

Starting with a renewable share in power generation of only 16percent in 2005, Portugal
has come a long way. Renewables now account for over 60percent of electricity consump-
tion. In April 2016, renewable sources provided 95.5 percent of the electricity demand
and at the beginning of May2016, the country ran on renewable electricity exclusively for
107-hours straight.736
In Germany, renewable generation represented a share of 33 percent of gross inland
consumption, becoming the leading electricity-generating source of the country. On
11May2016, renewables accounted for 88percent of gross inland power consumption.
On 22February2017, Denmark powered the whole country on wind power alone, paving
the way to achieve entirely renewable electricity and heating by 2035.
In the UK, in 2016, wind turbines generated more electricity than coal power plants for the
first time.
Compared to Kyoto Protocol Year 1997, in 2016 wind added 293TWh and solar 111TWh, while
nuclear power generation declined by 82TWh across the EU as can be seen in Figure45.

This growth in renewable electricity production is set to continue beyond the current 2020
targets, as in preparation of the UN climate meeting in Paris in December2015, the EU has
agreed a binding target of at least 27percent renewables in the primary energy mix by 2030,
which is likely to mean 50percent of power coming from renewables. By 2050, the EU aims
for a completely carbon-free electricity system. This will require speeding the current rate of
renewable electricity deployment. There is no EU-wide nuclear deployment target and the nu-
clear share has been shrinking for decades.

736 - Energiewende, PortugalMoving to 100% renewables, Energy Transition, The global Energiewende, 6June2016,
see, accessed 22June2017.
Wo r l d N u c l e a r I n d u s t r y S t a t u s R e p o r t | 2 0 1 7  | 186

Figure 45 | Variations in Installed Capacity and Electricity Generation in the EU

Wind, Solar and Nuclear Developments: Installed Capacity and Electricity Production in the EU

+139 295 +293

Capacity Added Since 2000 127 Annual Production
in net GWe 114 Compared to 1997 244
WNISR - Mycle Schneider Consulting

WNISR - Mycle Schneider Consulting

103 in net added TWh 228

92 95 +101 199
221 80
Wind 70
Solar 142
103 66 +111
57 75 97
65 71
57 Solar
22 23
37 14
3 2
0 0
-3 -5 -14 -9
-16 -16 -17
-17 Nuclear
Nuclear -47
-65 -82

2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016

Sources: BP, IAEA-PRIS, WNISR, 2017

Notes pertaining to the Figure above
BP data used for this graph were modified in 2017, with a lower estimate for wind power generation in 2015.

India has one of the oldest nuclear programs, starting electricity generation from fission
in 1969. It is also one of the most troubled nuclear sectors in the world and has encounte-
red many setbacks (see India section). This is in stark contrast to the more recent but steady
development of the renewable energy sector. Figure46 shows, how, since the turn of the cen-
tury, the wind sector has grown rapidly and has overtaken nuclears contribution to electricity
consumption since 2012, while solar is also growing rapidly. At the end of 2016, the country
exceeded the 50 GW mark of installed capacities for renewables. India was also the 5th big-
gest investor worldwide into renewable energies in 2016 with US$9.7 billion and the 4th big-
gest nation world-wide in installed wind capacity. While the 2022 target of 175GW of installed
renewable capacity was initially considered overly optimistic, the recent deployment has cast
away many of those doubts. Following recent price falls in solar auctionsUS$50/MWh for a
750MW plant in Madhya Pradeshanalysts expect solar capacities to double in 2017 alone,
reaching about 18GW, like at even lower prices.737 In its intended nationally determined contri-
bution to the Paris Agreement, India set itself a target of achieving a share of 40percent in
fossil-free generating capacity by 2030. This target should however be exceeded, with a new
official document highlighting a 57percent share by 2027, including 275GW of renewables and
only 15 GW of nuclear.738 Energy Minister Piyush Goyal was recently quoted in the press as
saying 6065percent of Indias total generating capacity would be renewable by 20232025.739

737 - Climate Action Programme, Indias solar capacity to double in 2017, UNEP, 9January2017,
see, accessed 22June2017.
738 - Central Electricity Authority, Draft National Electricity Plan (Volume 1)Generation, Government of India, Decem-
ber2016, see, accessed 22June2017.
739 - Deccan Chronicle, "Renewables to be over 60 per cent of India's generation capacity: Goyal", 25March2017,
pacity-goyal.html, accessed 10 August2017.
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Figure 46 | Wind, Solar and Nuclear Capacity and Production in India 2000-2016

Installed Wind, Solar and Nuclear Capacity and Production in India 2000-2016
29 45
WNISR - Mycle Schneider Consulting

WNISR - Mycle Schneider Consulting

Capacity Electricity Production
in GWe in TWh/year

Wind 30 33


Nuclear 20
Solar 9 15

14 12
6 6 10 13
Nuclear 5
Solar 6.6
3 5 Wind 4.4
3 3 2.8
2 2 2 1.4
2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016

Sources: BP, IAEA-PRIS, WNISR, 2017

Notes pertaining to the Figure above
BP data used for this graph were modified in 2017, in particular due to BP switching primary sources for wind power statistics.

While negotiations on the construction of up to six EPRs in India are stalling, even French
utility EDF announced that it plans to invest US$2billion in renewable projects in India in the
coming year.740

In the United States, the incoming president DonaldTrumps support for the fossil fuel
and nuclear industries, and his climate change denial have raised concerns about the future of
renewable-energy development and climate policies, and have received harsh criticism from
civil society, politicians and major business leaders inside and outside the country.741

According to the US Energy Information Administrations(EIA) annual Energy Outlook, power

consumption has remained flat for the past decade, peaking in 2007, and should increase only
moderately until 2040.742 Recent years have been marked by the switch from coal to gas use for
power generation and the progressive deployment of renewable sources. The share of coal in
the electricity mix decreased from 49percent in 2007 to 30percent in 2016 with a 133TWh (or
10percent) generation drop in 2016 alone. Gas power plants rose from 22 to 34percent over
the same period, largely due to the production of shale gas, now becoming the dominant gene-
ration fuel. And renewables doubled their share to 15percent over the past 10 years. The year
2016 saw a new record in renewable capacity additions, with a total of 21.5GW. Solar capacity

740 - Michael Safi, India plans nearly 60% of electricity capacity from non-fossil fuels by 2027, TheGuardian,
22December2016, see,
accessed 22June2017.
741 - Hiroko Tabuchi, U.S. Companies to Trump: Dont Abandon Global Climate Deal, The New York Times,
16November2016, see
don-global-climate-deal.html, accessed 22June2017.
742 - EIA, Annual Energy Outlook 2017with projections to 2050, 5January2017,
see, accessed 22June2017.
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alone rose 73percent over the previous year with 12.5GW added, while wind additions remai-
ned stable at 8.5 GW.743 This rapid growth was spurred by the anticipated expiration of the
Investment Tax Credit (ITC) for renewables, which unexpectedly won a five-year extension in
Congress. Wind power could exceed generation from hydro in 2018 if development levels re-
main constant; wind plus solar power did so in 2016. Even in the case of decreasing federal po-
licy support, renewable capacities should enjoy exponential growth over the next years. (The
main potential obstacle is a peculiar trade case that could give the President an opportunity
to impose substantial tariffs on mainly-Chinese imported PV modules; however, according to
analysis provided by Bloomberg, unsubsidized average generating costs for wind fell to US$56/
MWh in 2016 and as low as US$37/MWh in Texas (tax credit not included). For solar, the ave-
rage Levelized Cost of Electricity(LCOE) reaches US$79/MWh, coming in as low as US$50/
MWh in Texas without the tax credits.744

In contrast, new nuclear would represent an LCOE of US$150/MWh, according to Bloomberg.

The EIA foresees a progressive reduction in nuclear capacities until 2040. Additional capacities
taken into account are limited to the four reactors currently under construction, two of which
(the Virgil Summer units in South Carolina) were cancelled in late July 2017, and the other
twoeven if completedwill not compensate for the projected shut-downs of at least 20GW
until 2040.745


Stronger than ever before, 2016 highlighted the diverging trends in the deployment of new re-
newable energy sources and nuclear power. While new records have been set for renewables in
many fields, from capacity additions to cost reductions, no significant developments have been
registered on the nuclear front. The record-low prices achieved for solar and wind power are
particularly groundbreaking: on a full-cost basis, renewable generation is becoming cheaper
than new nuclear power plants in most regions of the world, and is even competing with the
cheapest conventional generation technologies (generally coal and some U.S. gas) and whole-
sale market prices in some countries.

Considering these new economic fundamentals and the national objectives set out in the Paris
climate agreement, the gap between the rising development of renewable sources and the de-
cline of nuclear power can be expected to accelerate even further in the coming years. This
is naturally true for the 163 U.N. Member States that dont use nuclear power. But even in
countries that do, or are considering adding nuclear power, it should play an even smaller role
compared to renewable energies.

743 - BCSE and BNEF, Sustainable Energy in AmericaFactbook 2017, February2017.

744 - Including the Investment tax credit, solar prices have reached record lows of $40/MWh in Nevada and California while
some wind projects fetched below $20/MWh in Texas and Oklahoma. See BCSE / BNEF (2017).
745 - EIA, Annual Energy Outlook 2017with projections to 2050, U.S. Energy Information Administration, 5January2017,
see, accessed 22June2017.
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Annex 1 | Overview by Region and Country 190

Annex2 | Reactor Restart Prospects in Japan 239

Annex3 | Definition of Credit Rating by the Main Agencies 249

Annex4 | About the Authors 250

Annex5 | Abbreviations 253

Annex6 | Status of Nuclear Power in the World 262

Annex7 | Nuclear Reactors in the World Under Construction 263

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This annex provides an overview of nuclear energy worldwide by region and country. Unless
otherwise noted, data on the numbers of reactors operating and under construction (as of ear-
ly July 2017) and nuclears share in electricity generation are from the International Atomic
Energy Agencys Power Reactor Information System(PRIS) online database. Historical maxi-
mum figures indicate the year that the nuclear share in the power generation of a given country
was the highest since 1986, the year of the Chernobyl disaster.

South Africa operates two French (Framatome/AREVA) 900 MW reactors. They are
both located at the Koeberg site, east of Cape Town, and generated 15.2TWh in 2016. Nuclear
power provided 6.6percent of the countrys electricity in 2016 (the historical maximum was
7.4percent in 1989). The Koeberg plant is the only nuclear power station on the African conti-

The Koeberg reactors are increasingly struggling with ageing issues, having started up in
1984 and 1985 respectively. The decision to replace all six steam generators of the two units
was taken in 2010. The plant has been operating at low temperatures to reduce the pace
of corrosion in the steam generator tubes. Replacement work was to begin in 2018. But, in
August 2016, it was announced that the planned work would no longer take place, due to an
ongoing legal conflict between two competing supplier firms, French AREVA and Toshiba-
owned Westinghouse. Both parties are in financial trouble and badly need the 5billionrand
(US$324 million) business. AREVA, reportedly, has already started working on steam-gene-
rator fabrication at its Chinese subcontractor Shanghai Electric.746 In December 2015, South
Africas Supreme Court unanimously ruled in favor of Westinghouse, which had argued that
the contract had not been allocated according to fairness rules. Both companies have appealed
to the Constitutional Court, the countrys highest court. Hearings started on 18May2016,747
and were concluded in December2016, dismissing the Westinghouse claims.748

The state-owned South African utility and Koeberg operator Eskom had considered acquiring
additional large PWRs and had made plans to build 20 GW of generating capacity by 2025.
However, in November 2008, Eskom scrapped an international tender because the scale of
investment was too high and threatened its credit-rating. In February2012, the Department
of Energy (DOE) published a Revised Strategic Plan that contained a 9.6 GW target, or six

746 - Phil Chaffee, South African Court Upends Koeberg Steam Generator Contract, NIW, 11December2015.
747 - Constitutional Court of South Africa, Areva NP Incorporated v Eskom Holdings SOC Std and Another, and Westin-
ghouse Electric Belgium Socit Anonyme v Areva NP Incorporated & AnotherMedia Summary, 18May2016,
va-Eskom-v-Westinghouse-Electric-Belgium-Societe-Anonmye-.pdf, accessed 2August2017.
748 - Gia Nicolaides, Eskom Welcomes Concourt Ruling On Koeberg Contract, Eye Witness News, 21December2016,
see, accessed 10July2017
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nuclear units, by 2030. Startup would be one unit every 18months beginning in 2022.749 The
total price of the project is estimated to be in the range of US$37-100billion.750 The price of the
nuclear programmed and the recognition of the viability of alternatives globally is changing
the debate in some of the media. In July 2016, reporting on the publication of the previous
WNISR edition, the Business Day stated: The world nuclear industry status report for 2016
may give SA pause for thought about its ambitions to build nuclear power capacity.751

However, Eskom is continuing to discuss nuclear new-build with international vendors and in
December2016 they issued a Request for Information, which received a response from 27in-
ternational firms on a proposed new-build program, including, from China, France, Russia and
SouthKorea.752 It was planned that Eskom would later in 2017 publish a request for proposals
and evaluate these by the end of year. The main stumbling blocks for nuclear construction
remains finances and conformity to the countrys public consultation process.

In November 2014, Moodys downgraded Eskom to junk. In the latest rating action, of
June2017, Moodys downgraded Eskom to Ba2 from Ba1-rating, even deeper into junk territory.
While in December2016, both, Fitch and Standard and Poors rating agencies, downrated the
countrys sovereign debt to junk status after a ministerial shake-up and the removal of the
finance minister. The new finance minister MalusiGigaba said that the nuclear program would
proceed but at a pace and scale that the fiscus can afford and that the funding model was yet
to be finalized.753

However, in parallel to the Eskom developments, the South African government is reviewing
the expected demand and need for different energy sources. The November-2013 edition of the
Integrated Resource Plan(IRP) for Electricity, concluded that the nuclear decision can pos-
sibly be delayed.754

In October2016, the Department of Energy began consultations on a revision of the IRP, in

which it is suggested that commissioning of new nuclear would, under their base-case sce-
nario, be only in 2037, and then only 1,359MWe, equivalent to one reactor. However, the plan
then assumes a massive commissioning program with 20GW of new nuclear capacity by 2050.
The updated IRP is expected to be published in 2018. The Nuclear Industry Association of
SouthAfrica, has said that any delay in the implementation of the new-build program could
be devastating to the viability of the nuclear industry.755 The revised IRP also assumes a consi-
derable increase in the installation of renewable energy with wind providing 29 percent of
power, requiring 37GW and solar 13.5percent with 17.6GW.

749 - DOE, Revised Strategic Plan 2011/12-2015/16, Republic of SouthAfrica, February2012,

see, accessed 2August2017.
750 - NEI, Eskom Plans RFP for New Reactors by mid-year, Nuclear Engineering International, 15March2017,
see, accessed 14July2017.
751 - MarkAllix, Nuclear sector in crisis as SA weights options, Business Day, Business Live, 15July2016, see https://www., accessed 15July2017.
752 - Eskom, Eskom receives a good response to its request for information on the nuclear programme, 2February2017,
see, accessed 14July 2017.
753 - AFP, South Africa to rethink nuclear deal after junk status, published on African Independent, 10April2017, see, accessed 15July2017.
754 - DOE, Integrated Resource Plan for Electricity (IRP) 2010-2030Update Report 2013, Republic of SouthAfrica,
21November2013, see, accessed 2August2017.
755 - WNN, The Status of South Africas nuclear program, 22December2016,
see, accessed 14July2017.
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However, problems with the revised draft of the IPR include an over-estimated increase in
power consumption and caps on the rate of roll-outs of renewables.756 Furthermore, it remains
to be seen, whether there will be any unbundling of the transmission or distribution networks.

In April2017, the Western Cape division of SouthAfricas High Court agreed with two NGOs,
the Southern African Faith Communities Environment Institute (SAFCEI) and Earthlife
Africa, that two legal determinations made by the energy minister had to be stopped. These
were, a December2015 decision to proceed with the procurement of 9.6GW of new nuclear
capacity and that this was to be led by Eskom rather than the Department of Energy, and the
nuclear co-operation agreements that the government had signed with Russia, South Korea
and the UnitedStates. The court concluded that the lack of public consultation on the deci-
sions rendered its decision procedurally unfair and breached its statute.757 In May2017, the
Government announced that it would not appeal the decision of the court.758 It has yet to be
seen if and how Eskom will proceed with its discussions with the nuclear vendors and finance

Argentina operates two nuclear reactors that in 2016 provided 7.7TWh or 5.6 percent of
the countrys electricity (down from a maximum of 19.8percent in 1990). A third reactor is in

Historically Argentina was one of the countries that embarked on an ambiguous nuclear pro-
gram, officially for civil purposes but backed by a strong military lobby. Nevertheless, the ope-
rating nuclear plants were supplied by foreign reactor builders: Atucha-1, which started opera-
tion in 1974, was supplied by Siemens, and the CANDU(CANadian Deuterium Uranium) type
reactor at Embalse was supplied by the Canadian Atomic Energy of Canada Limited(AECL)
and started operating in 1983.

The Embalse plant was shut down at the end of 2015 for major overhaul, including the replace-
ment of hundreds of pressure tubes, to enable it to operate for up to 30 more years. Reportedly,
contracts worth US$440 million were signed in August 2011 and at the time, the work was
expected to start by November 2013.759 According to the Argentinian Press Agency Agencia
Diarios et Noticias, it is now expected to be back in service only at the end of the first semester
of 2018.760 Nuclear Engineering International(NEI) had already estimated back in 2013 that the
whole refurbishment project could take up to five years and cost about US$1.5 billion, war-
ning: It must be noted, however, that the various Candu refurbishment projects in Canada
(Bruce, Pickering and New Brunswick) have tended to overrun on both time and budget.761

756 - Piet Van Staden, Beyond patronage politics: Where is South Africa going with Eskom?, Energy Intensive User Group of
Southern Africa, EEPublishers, 28June2017, see
kom.html, accessed 14July2017.
757 - Phil Chaffee, Legal, High Court Upends South African Newbuild Plans, NIW, 28April2017.
758 - NIW, BriefsSouth Africa, 19May2017.
759 - Research and Markets, Nuclear Power Market in Argentina, May2012.
760 - Agencia Diarios y Noticias, Avanza proceso de extension de vida util de central nuclear Embalse, que reingresara al
servicio en 2018, 5May2017.
761 - SteveKidd, Argentinaa possible return to new nuclear?, NEI, 15October2013,
see, accessed 4August2017.
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The Embalse reactor enters the LTO category in WNISR2017 as the unit had not restarted by

Atucha-2 was ordered in 1979 and was listed as under construction in 1981. Finally, on
3June2014, first criticality of the reactor was announced and grid connection was established
on 27June2014. It took until 19February2015 for the unit to reach full capacity 762 and until
26May2016 to enter commercial operation.763

In early May 2009, Julio de Vido, then Argentinas Minister of Planning and Public Works,
stated that planning for a fourth nuclear reactor would begin and that construction could
start within a year,764 however, little progress was made. Then, in February 2015, Argentina
and China ratified an agreement to build an 800MW CANDU-type reactor at the Atucha site,
when Atucha-3 was expected to cost US$5.8billion.765 In November2015, a contract was signed
between state-controlled Nucleoelectrica and China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC)
for assistance on building Atucha-3. While only supplying about 30percent of the work, CNNC
is expected to bring along 85percent of the financing while Nucleoelctrica would act as desi-
gner, architect, engineer, builder and operator of the plant.

A framework agreement was also signed in 2015 between the two companies for the construc-
tion of a Hualong One reactor, Chinas new, and as yet untested, GenerationIII design.766 In
May2017, a co-operation agreement was signed between Argentina and China, whereby China
would help build and mainly finance the construction of the two reactors, with the CANDU-6
starting construction in 2018 and the Hualong reactor in 2020.767 It is reported that China
will provide loans worth US$10.6billion with the total project cost expected to be US$12bil-
lion. The loans are reported to have a 20-year payback period, with a potential 8-year exten-
sion. The negotiation is scheduled to be completed by the end of 2017, with construction on
Atucha-3 expected to commence as soon as funding is available.

In addition to the importance of the foreign construction of the Hualong reactor, it is repor-
ted by Nuclear Intelligence Weekly (NIW), that this is the first nuclear loan undertaken by the
Industrial and Commercial Bank of Chinathe worlds largest bank by total assets.768 While
this is a step forward for the project, its future may not be secured as some press reports
suggest that funding is dependent on the Argentinian Governments continuation with two,
Chinese financed, controversial dams in the Patagonia region.769

762 - WNN, Atucha 2 reaches 100% rated power, 19February2015, see
2-reaches-100-percent-rated-power-19021502.html, accessed 4August2017.
763 - WNN, Atucha 2 receives full operating licence, 31May2016, see
ceives-full-operating-licence-3105165.html, accessed 4August 2017.
764 -, Argentina to Reinforce Nuclear Energy by Adding 700 MW and Building Fourth Nuclear Plant,
765 - WNN, Argentina-China talks on new nuclear plants, 8May2015, see
na-China-talks-on-new-nuclear-plants-08051501.html, accessed 4August2017.
766 - PhilChaffee and JasonFargo, Moving closer to Atucha-3 and HPR1000 Newbuilds, NIW, 6November2015.
767 - CNNC, CNNC to build heavy water reactor and HPR 1000 units in Argentina, Press Release, Updated19May2017,
see, accessed 1August2017.
768 - NIW, China and Argentina Move Forward with Newbuilds, 25 May 2017.
769 - Daniel Gutman, China Drives Nuclear Expansion in Argentina, but with Strings Attached, Inter Press Service,
27June2017, see, accessed
Wo r l d N u c l e a r I n d u s t r y S t a t u s R e p o r t | 2 0 1 7  | 194

After repeated delays, construction of a prototype 27MWe PWR, the domestically designed
CAREM25 (a type of pressurized-water Small Modular Reactor with the steam generators in-
side the pressure vessel) began near the Atucha site in February 2014, with startup initially
planned for 2018. The reactor is said to cost US$450million,770 or about US$17,000 per instal-
led kWe. Construction is now expected to be completed by the end of 2018, with operation in
the 2nd half of 2019.771

Brazil operates two nuclear reactors that provided the country with 15TWh or 2.9percent
of its electricity in 2016 (down from a maximum of 4.3percent in 2001). Construction of a third
reactor has been suspended in late 2015.

As early as 1970, the first contract for the construction of a nuclear power plant, Angra-1,
was awarded to Westinghouse. The reactor went critical in 1981. In 1975, Brazil signed with
Germany what remains probably the largest single contract in the history of the world nuclear
industry for the construction of eight 1.3GW reactors over a 15-year period. However, only the
first reactor, Angra-2, was finally connected to the grid in July2000, 24years after construc-
tion started.

Preparatory work for the construction of Angra-3 was started in 1984 but abandoned in June
1991. However, in May 2010, Brazils Nuclear Energy Commission issued a construction li-
cense and the IAEA noted that a new construction started on 1 June 2010. In early 2011,
the Brazilian national development bank(BNDES) approved a 6.1billion reais (US$3.6 billion)
loan for work on the reactor.772 Reportedly, in November2013, Eletrobras Eletronuclear signed
a 1.25billion (US$1.425billion) contract with French builder AREVA for the completion of the
plant.773 According to AREVA, in the first quarter of 2015, 13percent of the work packages
had been approved for delivery to Brazil. Progress on the project is dependent on the secu-
ring of project financing by the customer, AREVA added.774 Commissioning was previously
planned for July2016 but was delayed to May2018 in 2015775 and then to May 2019.776 However,
there is no confidence in these timetables as construction was halted in the fall of 2015, as a
consequence of a huge corruption scandal. On 5July2016, 19people were arrested that were
part of graft scheme around the Angra-3 project. Eletrobras executives were allegedly paid
more than 200million reais (US$60million) in bribes and, in return, let large construction
companies inflate costs. Part of the kickback was distributed to politicians and political par-
ties. Dozens of people were convicted of bribery and money laundering.777 Amongst the people
770 - Gary Peach, RussiaCost Overruns Put Mobile Breeder Project in Quandary, NIW, 7 November 2014.
771 - WNN, Contract for Prototype CAREM balance of plant, 6September2016, see
Contract-for-Contract-for-prototype-CAREM-balance-of-plant-0609164.html, accessed 1August2017.
772 - However, it is surprising to note that AREVAs 400-page Reference Document 2012 does not even contain the word
773 - NucNet, Brazil Releases Production Figures For Angra Nuclear Station, 20January2014, see
the-news/2014/01/20/brazil-releases-production-figures-for-angra-nuclear-station; and WNN, Areva contracted to complete
Angra 3, 8November2013, see;
both accessed 4August2017.
774 - AREVA, Press Release, 29 April 2015.
775 - NIW, BriefsBrazil, 9January 2015.
776 - NIW, NEWBUILD: Sobriety, Secrecy and Reluctance, 24 June 2016.
777 - Jeb Blount, Brazil police arrest 19 in Eletrobras nuke-plant bribe probe, Reuters, 6July2016, see http://www.reuters.
com/article/us-brazil-corruption-idUSKCN0ZM13N, accessed 7 August2017.
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arrested was Othon Luiz Pinheiro da Silva, former CEO of Eletronuclear, considered the fa-
ther of the Brazilian nuclear program, and a retired admiral. On 3August2016, da Silva was
convicted of corruption, money laundering, organized crime and obstruction of justice, and
sentenced to serve 43years in prison.778

Figure 47 | Suspended Angra-3 Construction Site in November 2015

Source: Eletrobras, August 2016779

In January2017, the Brazilian Official Journal registered Electronuclears decision to annul the
bidding process and the contracts for the electromechanical assembly of Angra-3.780

In July2017, the Brazilian publicationValorreported that the government intended to restart

the construction of Angra-3, and that they were four interested consortia: Rosatom (Russia),
CNNC (China), Kepco (South Korea) and EDF/Areva/Mitsubishi (France and Japan). It was
estimated that the cost was still US$17billion reais (US$5.4bn), with 40percent of the plant
still to complete. It is suggested that the government may retain a control interest but allow a
778 - Reuters, Brazil Eletronuclear CEO gets 43-year sentence for corruption paper, 4August2016,
see, accessed 7August2017.
779 - Eletrobras, "Central Nuclear Almirante Alvaro Alberto (cnaaa) Unidade 3", 24 August 2016.
780 - WNN, Daily, 1February2017.
Wo r l d N u c l e a r I n d u s t r y S t a t u s R e p o r t | 2 0 1 7  | 196

third party to own up to 49percent of the future plant.781 If construction of the plant was to
resume, it is not expected to come online until at least 2023,782 forty years after construction
first began.

Canada operates 19reactors, all of which are CANDU(CANadian Deuterium Uranium).

In 2016, they provided 95.7TWh or 15.6percent of the countrys total electricity generation for
the year (this fraction is down from a maximum of 19.1percent in 1994). With 18reactors, most
of the nuclear capacity is concentrated in the Province of Ontario, where it contributes around
60percent of all electricity generated.783

The bulk of Canadas electricity comes from hydropower. Canada also has considerable non-
hydro renewable resources including wind, biomass, solar, tidal, wave, and geothermal. In the
last few years, policy incentives and declining costs have spurred significant growth in the use
of these technologies. Between 2010 and 2014, non-hydro renewables were the fastest growing
generation source in percentage terms, with an annual growth rate of 20per cent.784

Although there are periodic assertions of potential new nuclear construction in Canada, espe-
cially by building small modular reactors of different kinds,785 there is no realistic prospect for
the construction of new reactors in the foreseeable future. Canadas National Energy Boards
latest Canadas Energy Future 2016 report that projects supply and demand to 2040 states:
No new nuclear units are anticipated to be built in any province during the projection period
and Annual nuclear generation declines from 98TWh in 2014 to 77TWh in 2040.786 The cor-
responding report from 2009, on the other hand, projected an increase in nuclear capacity and
output by 2020, the former by 3,170MW and the latter increasing to 102TWh.787

The latter projection of an increase in nuclear capacity was partially a result of plans for a
revival of nuclear power during the first decade of this century. In 2008, the government of
the province of Ontario invited reactor vendors to participate in the procurement process to
construct two reactors at the Darlington site.788 Once the bids came in, the government put

781 - Leaders Lead, Brazil Seeks $17Billion Investment for Nuclear Power Plant, 25July2017, see http://www.leadersleague.
com/en/news/brazil-seeks-17-billion-investment-for-nuclear-power-plant, accessed 4August2017.
782 - MichaelPlace, Brazil bans Angra engineering firms for 5 years, BN Americas, 23March2017,
see, accessed 4August2017.
783 - IESO, 2016 Year-End Data, Independent Electricity System Operator, 26January2017,
see - yearenddata, accessed 9May2017.
784 - National Energy Board (NEB), Canadas Energy Future 2016: Update-Energy Supply and Demand Projections to 2040,
Government of Canada, October2016, see, accessed
785 - James Maloney, The nuclear sector at a crossroads: Fostering innovation and energy security for Canada and the
worldReport of the Standing Committee on Natural Resources, Standing Committee on Natural Resources, House of Com-
mons, Canada, June2017, see, accessed
15July2017; and NEI, Ontario eyes Pan-Canadian SMR fleet to fill 2030s supply gap, Nuclear Energy Insider, 19April2017, see, accessed 10May2017.
786 - National Energy Board (NEB), Canadas Energy Future 2016: Update-Energy Supply and Demand Projections to 2040,
Government of Canada, October2016, see, accessed
787 - National Energy Board (NEB), 2009 Reference Case Scenario: Canadian Energy Demand and Supply Projections to
2020An Energy Market Assessment July 2009, Government of Canada, 2009, see
archive/2009/2009rfrnccsscnr/2009rfrnccsscnr-eng.pdf, accessed 25December2016.
788 - WNN, Darlington site selected to host two new reactors, 16June2008, see
Darlington_site_selected_to_host_two_new_reactors-1606085.html, accessed 25December2016.
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these plans on hold, and then eventually cancelled the idea in 2013.789 The main reason was
similar to why so many reactor-construction plans have been cancelled around the world: it
was too expensive. The bid from Canadas own Atomic Energy of Canada Limited was reported
to be CA$26billion (US$200920.4billion) for two 1200MW CANDU reactors, more than three
times the amount that the government had assumed in its plans.790

Instead, the Ontario government has supported refurbishment of the older heavy water reac-
tors. The task involves the removal and replacement of hundreds of highly radioactive pressure
tubes from the reactor core, as well as the replacement of other life-limiting components, such
as steam generators, and the upgrading of plant systems to meet modern regulatory require-
ments. All the four reactor units at the Darlington nuclear station and units 3 to 8 at the Bruce
nuclear power station are due to undergo refurbishment.

In October2016, Ontario Power Generation(OPG) took the first of the Darlington units of-
fline to prepare it for refurbishment.791 The currently estimated cost for the refurbishment of
Darlington nuclear generating station is CA$12.8billion (US$10billion) and the current time-
line calls for all four units to be done with refurbishment by 2026. The current cost estimate
is significantly greater than the estimate of CA$610billion (US$5.69.3billion) made in 2013,
when the project was granted environmental clearance.792

In Mexico, two General Electric(GE) reactors operate at the Laguna Verde power plant, lo-
cated in Alto Lucero, Veracruz. The first unit was connected to the grid in 1989 and the second
unit in 1994. In 2016, nuclear power produced 10.3TWh providing 6.2percent of the countrys
electricity. An uprating project boosted the nameplate capacity of both units by 20percent to
765MW each. The power plant is owned and operated by the Federal Electricity Commission
(Comisin Federal de Electricidad).

In September2015, Cesar Hernandez, deputy energy minister for electricity, said in a Reuters
interview that his ministry was reviewing the potential to add a pair of reactors to the
Laguna Verde site. It is a decision that is being considered. Our planning shows it is efficient
for the country.793 However, he did not indicate anything on timelines, technologies or costs
involved and the low price of gas and renewable energy deployment reduce the likelihood of
any further nuclear power development. Despite this, it is expected that, by the end of 2017, the
U.S. and Mexico will conclude a formal nuclear co-operation agreement, (a 123 agreement),
which is necessary before any nuclear material or equipment export from the U.S. can take

789 - Keith Leslie, Ontario nixes building two nuclear reactors; will rebuild existing reactors, Global News, 10October2013,
see, accessed 25December2016.
790 - Tyler Hamilton, $26B cost killed nuclear bid, The Toronto Star, 14July2009, see
business/2009/07/14/26b_cost_killed_nuclear_bid.html, accessed 1June2015.
791 - Ministry of Energy, Nuclear Refurbishment Begins At Darlington Generating Station, Government of Ontario, 14Octo-
ber2016, see,
accessed 10May2017.
792 - Reuters, Ontario Darlington nuclear refurbishment gets environmental OK, 15March2013, see
article/utilities-opg-darlington-idUSL1N0C79UN20130315, accessed 25May2017.
793 - AdrianaBarrera, UPDATE 1-Mexico eyes construction of two new nuclear reactors -official, Reuters, 24September2015,
see, accessed 4August2017.
794 - DanielHorner, Multiple drivers for US 123 Talks, NIW, 5August2016.
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Energy Minister Pedro Joaqun Coldwell had confirmed in May 2014 the countrys aim to
double the share of renewable energy in the electricity generating capacity from 17percent to
33percent by 2018.795 SolarPV is expected to boom, with proposal for 5.4GW of installed capa-
city by the end of 2019, 20 times the current capacity.796 In March2017, the Italian company
ENEL, through its local subsidiary ENEL Green Power Mexico, launched the Americas largest
solar PV project with 754MW. The US$650-million investment is to become operational in the
second half of 2018 and generate over 1.7TWh per year.797


China continues to be the leading builder of reactors in the world. As of 1July2017, China
had 37operating reactors798 with a total net capacity of around 32GW, and a further 20reac-
tors with a total capacity of a little over 20GW are under construction, about 40percent of
the global total. In 2016, nuclear power contributed 197.8TWh, which constituted 3.6percent
of all electricity generated in China, up from 3percent in 2015. The nuclear fraction has been
gradually increasing since 2010. In 2016, wind energy contributed 241TWh, up by 30.1percent
from 2015, while solar energy contributed 66.2TWh, up by 72percent from 2015.799 With an
average age of seven years, Chinas reactors constitute by far the youngest of any major nuclear
fleet in the world (see Figure 48).

Among the reactors under construction, a number have been delayed. The most globally
significant of these delays are the cases of the imported AP1000 reactors being construc-
ted at Haiyang and Sanmen, and the imported EPR reactors being constructed at Taishan.
Commercial operation of Taishan-1 is now expected to occur sometime towards the end of
2017, whereas the second unit is scheduled for the first half of 2018,800 which represents an
additional delay of at least six months for each of the reactors, compared to WNISR2016 status.
In October2011, when the dome of the reactor building was placed on the first unit, the esti-
mated start times for the two units were 2013 and 2014 respectively, and the construction of
two further EPR units at the same site was expected to begin by 2015.801

795 - Solar Server, Mexico sets goal for renewables to grow to 33% of installed capacity, 21May2014,
to-33-of-installed-capacity.html, accessed 4August2017.
796 - Blanca Diaz Lopez, PV capacity in the country could be increased 20-fold from the 270 MW currently installed by the
end of 2019, PV Magazine, 2January2017, see
pv-in-next-3-years/, accessed 4August2017.
797 - ENEL, ENEL begins construction of the Americas' largest solar photovoltaic plant, 29March2017,
voltaic-plant.html, accessed 7August2017.
798 - This number includes the China Experimental Fast Reactor (CEFR). There have been many reports that the CEFR has
been operating only intermittently at best, but there is no precise information available as to the annual or cumulated power
generation. Most recently, a professor at the China Institute of Atomic Energy told an IAEA-sponsored conference in Russia in
June 2017 that "in 2016, with Russian assistance, the CEFR underwent an overhaul, which included work on the primary and
secondary sodium loops and the instrumentation and control systems and that "the reactor operated only 23 days last year.
Source: C. F. Yu and Gary Peach, "Is the Breeder Timetable Unrealistic?, Nuclear Intelligence Weekly, 28 July 2017.
799 - Alvin Lin, Understanding Chinas New Mandatory 58% Coal Cap Target, NRDC, 17March2017,
see, accessed 1April2017.
800 - Eric Ng, China General Nuclear vows to meet new deadline for worlds first EPR reactor, South China Morning Post,
26March2017, see
line-worlds-first-epr, accessed 19June2017.
801 - WNN, Reactor dome installed on Chinese EPR, 24October2011, see
dome_installed_on_Chinese_EPR-2410115.html, accessed 19June2017.
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Figure 48 | Age Distribution of Chinese Nuclear Fleet

Age of Chinese Nuclear Fleet

as of 1 July 2017

Reactor Age
010 Years
7 1120 Years
2130 Years
37 reactors
Mean Age: 10 Number of Reactors
7 years 3 by Age Class
WNISR - Mycle Schneider Consulting

Source: WNISR, with IAEA-PRIS, 2017

The AP1000s at the Sanmen and Haiyang sites were the very first constructions of this design
anywhere in the world. When construction started at Sanmen, the Shaw Group, one of the
partners in the consortium building the reactor, proudly proclaimed:As with the successful,
on-time and on-schedule pour of the first nuclear concrete for the Reactor Building mat earlier
this spring, we have again shown that next generation nuclear power plants can be, and are
being built in an efficient and timely manner and looked forward to bringing this plant on
line as scheduled in 2013.802 That was not to be.

According to an announcement from Westinghouse in May 2017, the first of the Sanmen
units is to be completed in the first quarter of 2018.803 This is already later than what was
announced by Chinas National Energy Administration (NEA) in its Energy Work Guidance
Opinion for 2017. In that document, NEA projected completion of the Sanmen 1 and Haiyang
1 AP1000units, the Taishan1 EPR and the Fuqing4 and Yangjiang4 CPR-1000units.804 So
far, Yangjiang-4 has been connected to the grid,805 and Fuqing-4 reached first criticality in
July2017.806 It is not clear, if other imported reactors, besides Sanmen-1, will also be delayed
beyond this year.

One of the underlying causes for the delays is that the construction of the Sanmen and Haiyang
power plants had begun well before the engineering of the plants design was completed.807
New problems have continued to surface. One such problem was observed during tests conduc-

802 - Shaw Group, Shaw and Westinghouse Announce Successful Placement of Major Structural Module at Sanmen Nuclear
Site in China, Business Wire, 13August2009, see
ghouse-Announce-Successful-Placement-Major-Structural, accessed 26February2017.
803 - David Stanway, Westinghouse says first AP1000 reactor to be completed in China in early 2018, Reuters, 17May2017,
see, accessed 27July2017.
804 - NEI, China to launch eight new units in 2017, 9March2017,
see, accessed 22June2017.
805 - Xin Zheng, Nuclear unit goes online at Yangjiang, China Daily, 16March2017,
see, accessed 22June2017.
806 - WNN, First criticality achieved at Fuqing 4, 19July2017,
see, accessed 25July2017.
807 - Brian Spegele, Troubled Chinese Nuclear Project Illustrates Toshibas Challenges, Wall Street Journal, 29Decem-
ber2016, see,
accessed 27July2017.
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ted at the first AP1000 unit at Sanmen-1. The problem involved neutron shield blocks that are
supposed to stop neutrons from the nuclear core from escaping into the rest of the reactor.
During these tests, the material that was in the shield blocks had volumetrically expanded
and extruded out of the shield blocks into the nozzle gallery and there was internal pressu-
rization of the shield blocks, according to a heavily redacted report on the issue presented by
Westinghouse to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission in February2017.808

Cost estimates for these delayed reactors have naturally increased. According to one re-
port, each of the AP1000 projects at Sanmen and Haiyang are over 10billion Chinese yuan
(US$1.5 billion) over budget.809 As for the EPR reactors at Taishan, China General Nuclear
Power (CGN) announced in November2016 that it will inject 2.94billion yuan [US$496mil-
lion] into its 51 percent-held unit Taishan Nuclear Power Joint Venture, which will see the
units total registered capital to 28.6 billion yuan [US$4.2 billion] from 24.4 billion yuan
[US$3.6billion], which amounts to a 17percent increase in the capital cost of the project.810 An
official from an investment bank in HongKong, Daiwa Capital Markets, expects the plants
investment cost to rise to between 22 and 23yuanperwatt [US$c3.33.4] that translates to
around US$3,300/kWwhereas the company originally budgeted 14yuanperwatt (US$c2.1/

These cost escalations are making it harder for the Chinese nuclear utilities, which are un-
der pressure from the Chinese governments efforts to subject electricity to market pricing.
Nuclear Intelligence Weekly(NIW) reports:

Even without the reforms, several regional governments have already pushed nuclear opera-
tors to lower their wholesale prices as coal-fired power prices continue to decline. For example,
the Guangxi government issued a new ruling this year [2016] requesting CGN to lower its price
for output from Fangchenggang-1 and -2 to 0.41 yuan/kWh (US$c6/kWh). With competition
increasing, nuclear developers will be under more and more pressure to cut costs and margins
to survive.812

In April, the other large nuclear enterprise, China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) war-
ned that nuclear powers competitiveness against coal was falling and argued that the only way
to cut costs and boost its competitiveness was to take advantage of expected economies of
scale and approve the large-scale construction of the countrys home-grown third-generation
Hualong One reactor.813 Such large-scale construction does not seem in the offing and it is
increasingly obvious that China will miss its 58 GW by-2020-target. In March 2017, former
chairman of CNNC, SunQin, warned that the country needed to speed up building planned

808 - Stephanie Cooke, Sanmen Testing Raises Disturbing Design Questions, NIW, 24February2017.
809 - C. F. Yu, Soothing Nerves After Westinghouse Bankruptcy, NIW, 31March2017.
810 - Eric Ng, Taishan nuclear project draws a further 2.9b yuan capital injection from state-owned CGN Power, South China
Morning Post, 16November2016, see
draws-further-29b-yuan-capital-injection, accessed 23June2017.
811 - Ibidem.
812 - C. F. Yu, Power Market LiberalizationMore Challenges to Nuclear?, NIW, 24June2016.
813 - David Stanway, China nuclear firm urges more homegrown reactors to cut costs, Reuters, 28April2017,
see, accessed 22June2017.
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nuclear reactors and make quick new approvals over the next few years, if it had to meet this

The poor prospects for financial growth of some of Chinas nuclear utilities has become clea-
rer in recent years, ever since some of them started trading on stock exchanges in Shanghai
or Hong Kong or on the debt market.815 Earlier this year Nuclear Intelligence Weeklyexamined
the annual reports for the 2016 fiscal year for China National Nuclear Power Corporation
(CNNPC, a 97-percent-owned subsidiary of CNNC), China Nuclear Engineering Corp.(CNEC),
the countrys leading nuclear construction firm, CGN, and the State Power Investment
Corporation, which resulted from the merger of China Power Investment Corporation and
State Nuclear Power Technology Corporation.816 This examination showed that gross margin
ratesdefined as total sales revenue minus the cost of goods sold, divided by total sales reve-
nuefor all of these companies dropped, especially in the case of CNEC, whose gross margin
rates declined from 25.4percent in 2015 to only 14.7percent in 2016. CNECs diagnosis for this
drop was that the Chinese nuclear industry has stepped into a declining cycle because the
State Council approved very few new-build projects in the past years.817

The second problem that nuclear plants in China face is a combination of overcapacity in the
power market and a reduced rate of demand growth. As a result, many power plants have been
operating at low capacity factors. Nuclear Intelligence Weekly cites the latest quarterly report
of the China Nuclear Industry Association to highlight that average load factors of Chinese
nuclear reactors dropped to an all-time low of 75.2percent in the first quarter of 2017.818 Even
this load factor was achieved because Chinese nuclear companies like CGN offered their power
at steep discounts, up to 35 percent lower than the normal governmental tariff for nuclear
electricity. With rapid increases in renewable energy capacity, this problem is only going to
become worse.

Chinas reactor export plans moved further along slowly. In recent years, the country has
placed much emphasis on establishing itself as a potential supplier of reactors and its vendors
have been competing for orders on almost every continent.819 At theBelt and Road Forum for
International Cooperation in Beijing in May2017,CNNC made the ultra-optimistic projection
that countries involved in the initiative would build 100reactors between now and 2030 and
China would build between 20percent and 30percent of them.820 Given the rapidly declining
economic competitiveness of nuclear power around the world, the only reasonable explanation
for this unrealistic projection is the expectation that such claims would create greater interest
among Chinese policy makers in the fortunes of the nuclear sector in the country itself to ease
some of the severe challenges in the Chinese electricity market.

814 - Chen Aizhu, China needs to accelerate nuclear power development to meet 2020 target: ex-official, Reuters,
17March2017, see, accessed 17July2017.
815 - C. F. Yu, The Struggle for Profitability in Chinas Nuclear Companies, NIW, 5May2017; and NIW, Weekly Roundup,
816 - C. F. Yu, The Struggle for Profitability in Chinas Nuclear Companies, NIW, 5May2017.
817 - Ibidem.
818 - C. F. Yu, Reactor Operators Facing Competitive Markets, NIW, 16June2017.
819 - Steve Thomas, Chinas nuclear export drive: Trojan Horse or Marshall Plan?, Energy Policy, 2017.
820 - C. F. Yu, Belt and Road Forum Generates Bullish Nuclear Export Forecast, NIW, 19May2017.
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The same month, May2017, China signed yet another agreement with Argentina to export two
reactors, a 700 MW Pressurized Heavy Water Reactor (PHWR) and a 1000 MW Hualong-1
reactor (the CNNC version).821 The significance of this agreement is not clear; the two countries
have signed contracts earlier. In September 2014, Nucleoelctrica Argentina and China
National Nuclear Corporation signed a commercial framework contract for the construction
of a third reactor at the Atucha plant.822 Even earlier, in 2011, Argentina entered into an agree-
ment with Russia, and that positioned Rosatom as a prequalified bidder for a contract to build
Argentinas planned Atucha-3 reactor.823

The other national market that China has been exploring assiduously is the United Kingdom.
CGN and CNNC have between them taken a 33.5 percent share in the construction of the
Hinkley Point C EPR project. As is seen in the UK section of this report, the construction
costs continue to rise and are now expected to be at least 19.6billion (US$25.7billion), exclu-
ding financing costs; the total Chinese investment is likely to be in the order of US$10 bil-
lion, including financing. CGN also hopes to build its Hualong reactor at Bradwell, and in
January2017, the UK nuclear regulator began the Generic Design Assessment process for the
Chinese design.824 The process was started in response to the application submitted by CGN
and EDF through their joint venture company; the reference plant for the design is CGNs
Fangchenggang-3 reactor in China.

India operates 20 nuclear power reactors, with a total net generating capacity of 5.9GW.
Although the Rajasthan-1 reactor is still listed as operational by the IAEA and counted by the
Indian nuclear establishment in its list of reactors, it has not generated any power since 2004
and, according to WNISR criteria, was moved to the LTO (Long Term Outage) category in 2014
joined this year by the Kakrapar-2 reactor which was shut down in July2015. According to a
Department of Atomic Energy press release in July2017, both Kakrapar-1 and -2 are under long
shutdown for Enmasse Coolant Channel Replacement and Enmasse Feeder Replacement.825
Nuclear power generated 35TWh in 2016, marginally more than the 34.6TWh generated in
2015, but the fraction of total electricity generated constituted by nuclear power declined
slightly to 3.4percent.

The figures cited by the Central Electric Authority (CEA), Indias apex planning body for
electricity, are slightly different because it reports gross figures and annual results for the fis-
calyear (April to March). For April2016 to March2017, CEA reports that nuclear power gene-
rated 37.9TWh, in comparison to 37.4TWh during the previous fiscal year.826 CEA reports that
renewable energy sources, other than large hydro, together generated 81.9TWh in 2016-17 as

821 - Yan Li, China exports 2 nuclear reactor units to Argentina, Peoples Daily Online, 18May2017,
see, accessed 13June2017.
822 - Nuclear Exchange, Nucleoelctrica, CNNC sign Atucha 3 Contract, 15September2014,
see, accessed 13June2017.
823 - NIW, BriefsArgentina, 31May2011.
824 - CGN, Generic Design Assessment process to begin for UK HPR1000 nuclear technology, Press Release, 10Janua-
ry2017, see, accessed 22June2017.
825 - Press Information Bureau, Construction of New PHWR, Department of Atomic Energy, Government of India, Press
Release, 19July2017, see, accessed 25July2017.
826 - CEA, Monthly Generation Report, Ministry of Power, Government of India, March2017,
see, accessed 26May2017.
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compared to 65.8TWh in 2015-16.827 For 2016-17, the separate contributions were wind 46TWh,
solar 13.5TWh, bagasse (sugar cane) 9.9TWh, small hydro 7.9TWh, biomass 4.2TWh, and
waste to energy sources 0.3TWh.

During 2016, one reactor, the second unit of Kudankulam, was connected to the grid.828 The
reactor had attained criticality on 10July2016, eight years later than planned, when construc-
tion started. Since being connected to the grid, the reactor has operated erratically, being shut
down multiple times.829 One assessment of its performance notes that during the 47days of its
commercial operation, the reactor was on full power for 1day, on low power for 23days and on
trip for24 days.830

Five reactors are under construction with a total net capacity of 3 GW. These include the
Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor (PFBR), whose construction started in October 2004,
and four Pressurized Heavy Water Reactors (PHWRs) at Kakrapar (KAPP 3&4) and
Rajasthan(RAPP7&8), whose construction started in 2010 and 2011. All of these are delayed.

Most egregious among these delays has been that of the PFBR that has been under construction
since 2004 and was supposed to reach criticality in 2010. Just a little before construction of the
reactor started, the head of the Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research had confidently as-
serted: We are trying to see whether we can achieve criticality in less than the stipulated time
of seven years.831 Now more than double the originally stipulated time of seven years, the
official target for criticality is October2017. But sources in the Department of Atomic Energy
told the Deccan Herald newspaper in April2017 that the middle of 2018 was being looked at a
more realistic target to put the new reactor into operation.832

The four PHWRs are the first of the 700 MW design that the Indian nuclear establishment
had evolved over the decades, starting with the original 220 MW design imported from
Canada.833 All these PWHR projects were to be commissioned between 2015 and late2016.834
In December2016, an Executive Director at the Nuclear Power Corporation of India told the
media that Kakrapar-3 would become critical by November 2017, and to start commercial ope-

827 - CEA, Renewable Energy Generation Report, Ministry of Power, Government of India, March2017,
see, accessed 26May2017.
828 - IANS, Second nuclear power unit at Kudankulam connected to grid, The Financial Express, 29August2016,
accessed 30May2017.
829 - Indo Asian Service News, Kudankulam-II Nuclear Plant To Restart Generation On Friday,, Upda-
ted4April2017, see;
and Hindustan Times, Kudankulam nuclear plants 2nd unit shut down due to water, steam leakage, 6May2017,
kage/story-SNsC8ia4IqmbfkckbU4c8N.html ; both accessed 30May2017.
830 - V. T Padmanabhan and Sankar Ray, Koodankulam Nuclear Power Plant: Second Reactor Also Commissioned Illegally,
Countercurrents, 23May2017, see
tor-also-commissioned-illegally/, accessed 30May2017.
831 - T. S. Subramanian, Work on PFBR to begin soon, The Hindu, 30May2004,
see, accessed 18May2017.
832 - Kalyan Ray, Fast breeder nuclear reactor delayed by 8 yrs, Deccan Herald, 15April2017,
see, accessed 18May2017.
833 - S. A Bhardwaj, The future 700 MWe pressurized heavy water reactor, Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2006.
834 - MoSPI, 37th Report on Mega Projects (Rs. 1000 Crores and above) June, 2012, Ministry of Statistics and Programme
Implementation, 2012.
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rations early 2018; Unit4 would start six to seven months after that.835 Rajasthans unit7 is
scheduled for completion by the end of 2018.836 According to a statement in the Parliament in
July2016, KAPP3&4 and RAPP7&8 had achieved an overall physical progress of 75.5percent
and 61.5percent respectively (as of June2016), and the delay in commissioning these reac-
tors was said to be mainly on account of delays in receipt of critical equipment like Steam
Generators, Endshields etc.837 Another statement in the Parliament in November2016 stated
that the four PHWRs are progressively expected to be completed by 2019.838

Despite the delays and problems with the first 700 MW units, in May 2017, the Indian
Government cabinet approved construction of ten more 700MWPHWRs.839 All of these sites
had been identified earlier and in 2012 the government announced in the Parliament that
construction of eight 700 MW PHWRs was to start by 2017.840 None of the announced reactor
constructions have started so far.

According to the government, building 10PHWRs will be a major step towards strengthening
Indias credentials as a major nuclear manufacturing powerhouse.841 This appears to be an at-
tempt by the Indian nuclear complex to position itself as a reactor exporter as part of an effort
to gain membership of the Nuclear Suppliers Group.842 Indias Department of Atomic Energys
efforts to construct a large number of PHWRs in the past spectacularly failed.843

The decision is being taken when the countrys top electricity planning agency has noted that
there was already an excess of power capacity in the country.844 Demand growth in India has
been falling. Estimates for annual energy demand and peak electricity capacity demand in
2021-22 in the latest draft National Electricity Plan put out by the CEA are 15.4percent and
17percent lower respectively than what was estimated about five years ago. Likewise, the esti-
mates for energy demand and peak electricity capacity demand in 2026-27 are 21.3 percent and

835 - IANS, Trial run of Indias first 700 MW reactor in 2017, The Economic Times, 31December2016,
how/56270382.cms, accessed 23May2017.
836 - Phil Chaffee, Potential and Existing Global Nuclear Newbuild Projects (non-Generation IV), NIW, 24June2016.
837 - Jitendra Singh, Unstarred Question No. 653 to the Minister of Atomic EnergyUnder Construction Atomic Plants,
Minister of State for Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions and Prime Minister's Office, Lok Sabha, Parliament of India,
Ministry of Atomic Energy, Government of India, Answered 20July2016, see
sult15.aspx?qref=35962&lsno=16, accessed 2August2017.
838 - Jitendra Singh, Unstarred Question No. 1300Construction of Nuclear Power Plants, Minister of State for Personnel,
Public Grievances and Pensions and Prime Minister's Office, Lok Sabha, Parliament of India, Department of Atomic Energy,
Government of India, Answered 23November2016, see,
accessed 2August2017.
839 - IANS, India to build 10 heavy water reactors to boost nuclear power, Hindustan Times, 17May2017,
6MwKGwe5hrZSqIKQ9K.html, accessed 17May2017.
840 - V. Narayanasamy, Unstarred Question No. 2949: Nuclear Power Plants in the Twelfth Plan, Rajya Sabha, Decem-
841 - Press Information Bureau, Press Release on Cabinets decision to transform domestic nuclear industry, Department of
Atomic Energy, Government of India, 17May2017, see, accessed 19May2017.
842 - M. V. Ramana and Suvrat Raju, The needless quest for NSG membership, The Telegraph, 28July2016,
see, accessed 21May2017.
843 - Comptroller and Auditor General of India, Report by the comptroller and auditor general of India, 1999; and M. V.
Ramana, The Power of Promise: Examining Nuclear Energy in India, Penguin India, 2012.
844 - TheEconomicTimes, India wont need extra power plants for next three years, says government report, 2June2016,
says-government-report/articleshow/52545715.cms, accessed 17May2017.
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20.7 percent lower than estimated five years ago.845 According to the CEA, renewable energy
is expected to contribute about 20 percent and 24 percent of the total energy requirement
in 2021-22 and 2026-27 respectively, whereas the projected nuclear capacity in 2027 is only
14.8GW, which consists of the reactors that are currently under construction becoming ope-
rational by 2022, as well as two new 1000MWLWRs from Russia at Koodankulam and four
700MW heavy water reactors coming online in the 2022-27 period. In other words, nuclear
power, even according to official planning bodies, will continue to represent only a small share
of electricity for India.

Iran has one operating nuclear power plant at Bushehr, a PWR, imported from Russia.
Bushehr-1 has a net capacity of 915 MW and took 36 years to go from construction start to
grid connection. In 2016, Bushehr-1 supplied 5.92TWh to the grid, up from 3.2TWh in 2015.846
Nuclear power supplied 2.1percent of Irans electricity in 2016, higher than the 1.3percent in

Construction of a second unit started at the same site in 1976, but was interrupted in 1978 and
eventually abandoned. In September2016, a second attempt at constructing more plants at the
Bushehr site was launched, this time with two Russian VVER-1000 reactors847 Construction
and installation work formally started in March2017,848 but pouring of concrete had not star-
ted as of July 2017. The project is already delayed; in its 2014 Annual Report, Rosatom had
announced that it was planning for direct start of work in the 3-4 quarter of 2015.849

Iran has currently limited renewable energy capacity and production, but plans for expanding
wind and solar energy are moving rapidly.850 In September2016, the government announced
that it would introduce competitive tenders for large-scale wind projects in order to reduce
costs.851 Earlier, in July2016, the government also announced that it was planning to auction
1GW of wind and up to 3GW of solar-energy projects.852

Pakistan operates five reactors, fourPWRs from China and one PHWR (CANDU) from
Canada, that have a net total capacity of 1,320MW. Nuclear plants provided 5.4TWh in 2016,
up from 4.3TWh in 2015 and contributed 4.4percent of the countrys electricity in 2016, the

845 - CEA, Draft National Electricy Plan (Volume 1)Generation, Ministry of Power, Government of India, December2016,
see, accessed 21December2016.
846 - IAEA, Nuclear Power Reactors in the World: 2017 Edition, International Atomic Energy Agency, 2017.
847 - Reuters, Iran, Russia start construction of new Iranian nuclear plant, 10September2016,
see, accessed 26May2017.
848 - WNN, Iran starts building unit 2 of Bushehr plant, 15March2017, see
starts-building-unit-2-of-Bushehr-15031701.html, accessed 26May2017.
849 - Rosatom, Annual Public Report, 2014, see
rosatom_integrated_offer_en.pdf, accessed 27 September 2015.
850 - Maysam Bizaer, Why renewable energy is booming in Iran, Al-Monitor, 4October2016, see
pulse/originals/2016/10/iran-renewable-energy-bushehr-wind-solar-development-plan.html, accessed 26May2017.
851 - Jan Dodd, Iran eyes tenders for large-scale installations, Wind Power Monthly, 1September2016,
see, accessed 26May2017.
852 - Anna Hirtenstein, Iran Plans First Tender to Draw $12 Billion Green Investment, Bloomberg, 15July2016,
accessed 26May2017.
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same as in 2015.853 The construction of the second of two Hualong reactors imported from
China started at the Karachi nuclear power plant (Kanupp) during 2016. Two Chinese-built
315-MW-units started up at the Chashma nuclear power plant, with Chasnupp-3 and -4 connec-
ted to the grid respectively in October2016 and in June2017.

In March2017, the IAEA approved the safeguards application for the two units being construc-
ted at Kanupp.854 Independent analysts continue to highlight the dangers that come from buil-
ding these two units near Karachi, a city with over 20million people, including the risks and
consequences of spent fuel fires that was not considered by the Preliminary Safety Analysis

Pakistan continues to seek membership to the Nuclear Suppliers Group(NSG) and has been
lobbying different countries for support to this effort.856 So far, these efforts have been unsuc-
cessful. Pakistan also continues to produce highly enriched uranium and plutonium for nuclear
weapons; in September2016, Janes Defence Weekly revealed, on the basis of satellite imagery,
that Pakistan might be building a new uranium enrichment facility.857

Although Pakistan is known to have immense potential for renewables, especially solar energy,
growth of this sector has been limited. This state of affairs might change soon, with the World
Bank and the Pakistan governments Alternative Energy Development Board developing high-
quality resource-maps and several generation projects being constructed.858 Another impor-
tant development was the promulgation of an order bythe National Electric Power Regulatory
Authority calling for the adoption of a transparent, competitive bidding process for solar pho-
tovoltaic power projects.859 However, a cut in the feed-in tariff for solar plants may have slowed
down investments, at least temporarily.860

Taiwan has three twin units at Chinshan (also spelled Jinshan), Kuosheng and Maanshan,
all owned by Taipower, the state-owned utility monopoly. Only three of the reactors were
connected to the grid throughout 2016 and generated 30.5TWh, a reduction from 35.1TWh
in 2015, providing 13.7percent of the countrys electricity (compared with its maximum share
of 41percent in 1988). The past year has seen further forced shutdowns of nuclear reactors in
Taiwan, with four reactors non-operational in the first week of June 2017. The new govern-
ment, elected in May2016, is committed to a nuclear phase-out by 2025.

853 - IAEA, Nuclear Power Reactors in the World: 2017 Edition, International Atomic Energy Agency, 2017.
854 - The Express Tribune, IAEA approves safeguards for K-2, K-3 nuclear power plants, 8March2017,
see, accessed 25May2017.
855 - A. H. Nayyar and Zia Mian, Hidden dangers, Dawn, 13August2016, see, accessed
856 - Joel Lee, Pakistan bids to join Nuclear Suppliers Group, The Korea Herald, 21August2016,
see, accessed 25May2017.
857 - Karl Dewey and Charlie Cartwright, CBRN AssessmentSatellite imagery suggests Pakistan building uranium enrich-
ment facility, Janes 360, IHS Markit 16September2016, see
kistan-building-uranium-enrichment-facility, accessed 25May2017.
858 - Rina Saeed Khan, Is Pakistans solar power poised to take off amid energy crisis?, Reuters, 8May2017,
see, accessed 25May2017.
859 - Tom Kenning, Pakistan to adopt competitive bidding for new solar PV projects, PV-Tech, 7March2017,
see, accessed 25May2017.
860 - Aamir Saeed, Solar scale-up in Pakistan hits roadblock after payments slashed, Reuters, 19September2016,
see, accessed25May2017.
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As in 2015, the Chinshan-1 reactor failed to operate during 2016, and therefore remains in the
WNISR category of LTO. Originally shut down for refueling on 10December2014, inspections
of Chinshan-1 revealed a break in a connecting bolt in an AREVA-made fuel assembly. The
Atomic Energy Council(AEC) later approved the reactor for restart, but lawmakers required
the issue to be addressed by the national parliament prior to restart.861 As of 1July2017, the
unit remains offline. While the AEC is required to prepare a safety assessment for the legisla-
tive assembly prior to restart, it looks increasingly unlikely that Chinshan-1 will ever restart as
it is due to be permanently shut down in December2018.

In March2017 the Minister of Economic Affairs, LeeChih-kung, had stated he would not consi-
der restarting Chinshan-1 or Kuosheng-2, which had also been shut down for months due to
technical problems, unless all other alternatives were exhausted.862 Before reactivating either
of them, the government would first seek public support and secure the approval of the legisla-
ture.863 As of 3June2017, only two reactors out of Taiwans six were in operation as peak sum-
mer electricity demand loomed, with nuclear power only supplying 3percent of the nations

On 2June2017, Jinshan-2 had been automatically shut down after one of the main transmission
line towers at the plant collapsed during a heavy rainstorm.864 Taipower stated that the reactor
will remain offline indefinitely until an investigation reveals more details about the cause of
the collapse. Both Jinshan and Kuosheng plants continued operation has been under threat
due to lack of spent fuel storage capacity. In April2017, the AEC approved plans for the conver-
sion of the fresh fuel loading pools into spent fuel storage pools at Kuosheng-1, with enginee-
ring work completed in May. The work involved converting the fresh fuel loading pools by ins-
talling new racks and cooling systems. The AEC assessed storage capacity at Kuosheng-1 and
was approved for restart on 9June2017.865 In total the new capacity will permit storage for an
additional 440 fuel assemblies from Kuosheng-1, sufficient for two fuel cycles or a total of three
years operation. This is insufficient to allow the reactor to operate to the end of its operating
license in December2021.866 Dry cask storage has been installed at the Jinshan and Kuosheng-1
plants and approved by the AEC and the Environmental Protection Administration. However,
the New Taipei City government has to date refused to let them become operational.867

The lack of spent fuel storage can be traced back to Taiwans reluctance to install interim dry
cask storage. The New Taipei City municipal government under the opposition Kuomintang,
or KMT, party has refused to allow dry cask storage within city limits without a clear path
towards final disposal of spent fuel. Taiwan currently has no plan for such disposal. A pro-

861 - NW, Chinshan-1 might not restart until after September: lawmakers, 2July2015.
862 - NEI, Taiwan sees mass anti-nuclear protests, 13March2017, see
mass-anti-nuclear-protests-5761594, accessed 12July2017.
863 - Ibidem.
864 - Kuan-lin Liu, Emergency shutdown at nuke plant after rain brings down power tower, The China Post, 2June2017,
see, accessed
865 - Tim Ferry, Nukes and Uncertainty Charge Taiwans Energy Debate, Taiwan Business Topics, American Chamber of
Commerce in Taipei, 14June2017, see
bate/, accessed 13July2017.
866 - NW, Taiwans Kuosheng-1 faces closure due to lack of spent fuel storage space, 22September2016.
867 - Tim Ferry, More Obstacles for Nuclear Power, Taiwan Business Topics, American Chamber of Commerce in Taipei,
6June2017, see, accessed 12July2017.
Wo r l d N u c l e a r I n d u s t r y S t a t u s R e p o r t | 2 0 1 7  | 208

ject proposed in early2015 to ship 1,200 spent fuel bundles to the French AREVA La Hague
reprocessing plant was terminated following environmental group opposition to the resultant
extension of nuclear reactor lifetimes as well as the estimated cost of US$356.4million.

Two General Electric 1300MW Advanced Boiling Water Reactors(ABWR) had been listed as
under construction at Lungmen, near Taipei, since 1998 and 1999 respectively. According
to the AEC, as of the end of March 2014, unit 1 of Lungmen construction was 97.7 percent
complete,868 while unit2 was 91percent complete. The plant is estimated to have cost US$9
9.9billion so far.869 After multiple delays, rising costs, and large-scale public and political oppo-
sition, on 28 April 2014, the then Premier Jiang Yi-huah announced that Lungmen-1 will be
mothballed after the completion of safety checks, while work on unit2 at the site was to stop.
With the official freeze of construction, WNISR took the units off the listing in 2014, where
they remain as of 1July2017.

The Presidential election victory of Tsai Ing-wen on 12 March 2016 has proven decisive
in leading Taiwan to phase out nuclear power. The victory of the Democratic Progressive
Party(DPP) candidate, over the Chinese Nationalist Party(KMT), was in part linked to the
formers environmental agenda including a commitment to end nuclear power, which, always
controversial in Taiwan, has led to mass citizen protests since the Fukushima events began.
The DPP is committed to phasing out nuclear power by 2025 through four policy directions:

Halting construction of the two reactors at Lungmen;

No plant life extension for Chinshan, Kuosheng and Maanshan reactor unitsall operat-
ing licenses of Taiwans existing six nuclear reactors are due to expire between 2018 and
2025, as they reach their forty-year lifetimes;
Increased focus on nuclear safety and a requirement by Taipower to prepare a decommis-
sioning plan; and
Determination of a nuclear waste policy, in particular for spent-fuel management.
In the two years running up to the elections of May 2016, the DPP had committed to brea-
king up Taipowers monopoly, putting priority on renewable energies and establishing regio-
nal power-grid companies, fostering community-based power companies and allowing inde-
pendent power producers and renewable-energy suppliers to sell power directly to individual
consumers and not only to large-scale industrial or commercial users.

On the sixth anniversary of 3/11 in March2017, the Taiwanese government restated its com-
mitment to phase out nuclear power, stating that it was stepping up its efforts to move towards
non-nuclear sustainable energy and lower carbon-dioxide emissions, announcing a two-year
plan to boost photovoltaics and a four-plan to increase wind energy. President Tsais admi-
nistration recommitted itself to increase renewable-based electricity generation to 20percent
of total generation by 2025 with a target of installed capacity of 20gigawatts(GW) of solar
energy and 3GW of offshore wind.

868 - Planning Department, Status and Challenges of Nuclear Power in Taiwan, Atomic Energy Council, April2014,
see, accessed 13July2017.
869 - WNN, Political discord places Lungmen on hold, 28April2014, see
discord-places-Lungmen-on-hold-2804144.html, accessed 13 July 2017.
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The nuclear policy of the new Government was made clear in summer2016, following the ap-
pointment on 20 May 2016 of the new President. Initial statements by the newly appointed
Economics Minister LeeShih-guang are clear: There is no room for discussion. When 2025
comes, nuclear power will be abandoned.870 One day later, it was reported that Taipower consi-
ders restarting Chinshan-1 and operating Chinshan reactors only during four summer months
in 2016 and extend its operational life, which is threatened by acute shortage of spent fuel
storage capacity.871 On 5June2016, Premier LinChuan stated that the reactors shutdown date
would not be extended beyond December2018,872 and the following day, Economics Minister
LeeChih-kung said that restarting the first reactor of Taiwans first nuclear power plant would
only be a last resort to deal with potential power shortages.873 Environmental groups have
launched a court case against the potential restart of Chinshan-1, calling it the most dange-
rous reactor in the world.874

The New Energy Policy Vision announced by the administration of President Tsai in sum-
mer2016 is aimed at establishing a low-carbon, sustainable, stable, high-quality and econo-
mically efficient energy system through an energy transition and energy industry reform. The
strategies as detailed by the Ministry of Economic Affairs(MOEA) are:

Achieving the goal of a nuclear-free Taiwan by 2025.

Actively developing green energy and increasing the share of renewables in total electricity
generation to 20percent by 2025.
Accelerating the construction of Taiwans third LNG receiving terminal, and expanding
the use of natural gas.
Completing revision of the Electricity Act to facilitate energy transformation.875
On 12 January 2017, the Electricity Act Amendment completed and passed its third reading
in the legislature, setting in place the mechanisms for Taiwans energy transition, including
nuclear phase-out.876 The law also gives priority to the distribution of renewable energy, by
which generators of renewable energy will be given preferential rates, and small generators of
green energy will be exempt from having to prepare operating reserves. The monopoly of the
state-run Taipower will also be terminated.877

870 - China Post, Gov't to end nuclear power in 2025: MOEA, 26May2016, see
national-news/2016/05/26/467321/Govt-to.html, accessed 13July2017.
871 - Huang Chiao-wen and Y.F. Low, Economics minister reaffirms goal of nuclear-free Taiwan by 2025, FocusTaiwan, The
Central News Agency (CNA), 27May2016, see, accessed 13July2017.
872 - Tai Ya-chen, Chen Cheng-wei and Elizabeth Hsu, Premier considers reactivating long-closed nuclear reactor, Focus
Taiwan, CNA, 5June2016, see, accessed 13July2017.
873 - Huang Chiao-wen and Lilian Wu,Restart of reactor a last resort: economics minister, Focus Taiwan, CNA, 6June2016,
see, accessed 13July2017.
874 - Chen Wei-han, Activists file suit over Jinshan reactor, Taipei Times, 31May2016, see
taiwan/archives/2016/05/31/2003647555, accessed 13July2017.
875 - MOEA, Taiwans New Energy Policy, 6April2017, see
aspx?menu_id=21511, accessed 13July2017.
876 - Bureau of Energy, The Three-Stage Reading Process for Electricity Act Amendment Completed Moving Towards the
2025 Target of Nuclear-Free Homeland, MOEA 1,March2017, see
aspx?kind=6&menu_id=958&news_id=5628, accessed 13July2017.
877 - The China Post, Lawmakers OK wide-ranging amendments to Electricity Act, 12January2017, see http://www.china-, accessed 13July2017.
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According to the AEC, Chinshan-1 is scheduled to be decommissioned in December 2018

and Chinshan-2 in July 2019. Units 1 and 2 at Kuosheng are set for decommissioning in
December2021 and March2023. The two reactors at the Maanshan NPP in Pingtung County,
are scheduled to be decommissioned in July2024 and May2025. Taiwans fourth nuclear plant
at Lungmen has remained mothballed since 2014, following anti-nuclear protests and a hunger
strike by former Democratic Progressive Party(DPP) Chairman Lin Yi-hsiung. There are no
plans for its operation under the current government.


Figure 49 | Nuclear Reactors Startups and Shutdowns in the EU28, 19562017

Reactor Startups and Shutdowns in the EU28

in Units, from 1956 to 1 July 2017

Yearly Reactor Startups

10 Reactor Shutdowns

WNISR - Mycle Schneider Consulting

0 56 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 17



Sources: WNISR, with IAEA-PRIS, 2017

As shown in Figure49 the European Union 28 member states(EU28) have gone through three
nuclear construction wavestwo small ones in the 1960s and the 1970s and a larger one in the
1980s (mainly in France).

The region has not had any significant building activity since the 1990s. There were no
construction starts in Western Europe since 1991, prior to Olkiluoto-3 (2005) and Flamanville-3
(2007), and none after.

Only four reactors were connected to the EU-grid over the past 20years, all in Eastern Europe
(two in Slovakia and one each in Romania and Czech Republic), none since Cernavoda-2 star-
ted up in 2007.
Wo r l d N u c l e a r I n d u s t r y S t a t u s R e p o r t | 2 0 1 7  | 211

Figure 50 | Nuclear Reactors and Net Operating Capacity in the EU28

Nuclear Reactors and Net Operating Capacity in the EU28

in Units and GWe, from 1956 to 1 July 2017 1989
124.4 GWe 2000
1988 177 Reactors Maximum Operating
Maximum Number Capacity: 136.8 GWe
of Reactors: 177
Units GWe
150 171.1 GWe
Reactors in Operation 125 Reactors

Operating Capacity
WNISR - Mycle Schneider Consulting
100 100

50 50

0 1956 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 17 0

Sources: WNISR, IAEA-PRIS, 2017

One reactor was closed since WNISR2016, Oskarshamn-1, Swedens oldest reactor generated
power for the last time on 17June2017.

As of 1July2017, the 28 countries in the enlarged EU operated 125reactorsabout one-third

of the world total52 less than the historic maximum of 177 units in 1989 (see Figure 50).
The Swedish reactor Ringhals-2 was restarted in November2016and thus taken off the LTO
listafter an outage for repairs of over two years.

Two French reactors, Bugey-5 and Paluel-2, entered the LTO category, as they have not provi-
ded any power all of 2016 and were not back online by mid-2017 (see France Focus for details).

The vast majority of the operating facilities, 106 units or over 80percent, are located in eight
of the western countries, and only 19 are in the six newer member states with nuclear power.

Figure 51 | Age Distribution of the EU28 Reactor Fleet

Age of EU Nuclear Fleet

as of 1 July 2017

76 Reactor Age
010 Years
1120 Years
32 2130 Years
3140 Years
41 Years and More
125 reactors
Mean Age: 10 Number of Reactors
8 by Age Class
32.4 years 8
1 WNISR - Mycle Schneider Consulting

Sources: WNISR, with IAEA-PRIS, 2017

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In the absence of any successful new-build program, the average age of nuclear power plants
is increasing continuously in the EU and at mid-2017 stands at 32.4years (see Figure51). The
age distribution shows that now 59percent84of125of the EUs operating nuclear reactors
have been in operation for 31years and beyond.

Western Europe
As of July2017, 106 nuclear power reactors operated in the EU15, 51units fewer than in the
peak years of 1988/89. As stated above, Ringhals-2 in Sweden restarted generating power and
was thus moved from the LTO- to the operating-category. At the same time, the two French
units Bugey-5 and Paluel-2 entered the LTO category.

Two reactors are currently under construction in the older member states, one in Finland
(Olkiluoto-3) and one in France (Flamanville-3). Both projects are many years behind sche-
dule and billions over budget (details are discussed in other chapters of the report). While the
Final Investment Decision for EDF Energys Hinkley Point C project in U.K. has finally been
taken in the fall of 2016, construction is not scheduled to start before 2019.

The following section provides a short overview by country (in alphabetical order).

Belgium operates seven pressurized-water reactors that have generated 41.43TWh in 2016
(maximum of 46.7TWh in 1999) corresponding to 51.7percent of the electricity (the maximum
was 67.2percent in 1986). In 2015, following a series of technical issues, the nuclear share had
dropped to 37.5percent. The average age of the Belgian fleet stands at 37.3years.

Legally, the country is bound to a nuclear phase-out target of 2025: In January2003, legisla-
tion was passed that requires the shutdown of all of Belgiums nuclear plants after 40years, so
based on their start-up dates, plants would be shut down progressively between 2015 and 2025
(see Table11). Practically, however, after lifetime extension to 50years was granted for three
reactors, five of the seven reactors would go offline in the single year of 2025. This represents a
challenging policy goal.

Following Fukushima, the phase-out legislation was left in place even though GDF-Suez (now
Engie), that operates all seven PWRs in Belgium through its subsidiary Electrabel, was lob-
bying to postpone it via an extension of at least 10years.878 In December2013, the phase-out
legislation was amended for the first time,879 granting a 10-year extension for the Tihange-1
reactor, while imposing an additional operating tax that removed about 70percent of its profit
in excess of a guaranteed return of 9.3percent on investment necessary for the lifetime exten-
sion.880 The other shutdown dates were confirmed (see Table11) and the laws Article9, which
enabled continued operation in case of security-of-supply concerns, was deleted.

878 - GrardMestrallet, et al., Nuclear in Belgium: recent developments, GDF Suez, 4November2011.
879 - Moniteur Belge, 18 Dcembre 2013Loi modifiant la loi du 31 janvier 2003 sur la sortie progressive de lnergie nuclaire
des fins de production industrielle dlectricit et modifiant la loi du 11 avril 2003 sur les provisions constitues pour le
dmantlement des centrales nuclaires et pour la gestion des matires fissiles irradies dans ces centrales, 24December2013.
880 - MelchiorWathelet, Avec la rserve stratgique, Melchior Wathelet finalise lexcution de son plan, Energy Minister,
Belgian Federal Government, 16December2013.
Wo r l d N u c l e a r I n d u s t r y S t a t u s R e p o r t | 2 0 1 7  | 213

In summer 2012, the operator identified an unprecedented numbers of hydrogen-induced crack

indications in the pressure vessels of Doel-3 and Tihange-2, with respectively over 8,000 and
2,000 previously undetected defects. After several months of analysis, the Belgian safety autho-
rity, the Federal Agency for Nuclear Control(FANC), in May2013, FANC licensed restart881 in
spite of serious concerns by several scientists (see previous WNISRs). Then, on 25March2014,
Electrabel announced the immediate shutdown of the Doel-3 and Tihange-2 reactors, declared
as anticipating planned outages. Additional inspections have raised the number of identified
defects to over 13,000 in the Doel-3 pressure vessel (up to 40 per dm3 , up to 18cm long, down
to a depth of 12cm in the vessel wall) and to over 3,000 at Tihange-2.882

Table 11 | Closure Dates for Belgian Nuclear Reactors 20222025

Reactor First Grid
End of License (Latest Closure Date)
(Net Capacity) Connection

Doel-3 (1006MW) 1982 1October2022

Tihange-2 (1008MW) 1982 1February 2023

Doel-1 (433MW) 1974 10-year lifetime extension to 15February 2025

Doel-4 (1039MW) 1985 1July2025

Tihange-3 (1046MW) 1985 1September 2025

Tihange-1 (962 MW) 1975 10-year lifetime extension to 1October 2025

Doel-2 (433MW) 1975 10-year lifetime extension to 1 December 2025

Sources: Belgian Law of 28June2015; Electrabel/GDF-Suez, 2015883

In spite of widespread concerns, and although no accountable explanation about the negative
initial fracture toughness test results could be given, on 17November2015, FANC authorized
restart of Doel-3 and Tihange-2.884

The Belgian government did not wait for the outcome of the Doel-3/Tihange-2 issue and de-
cided in March2015 to draft legislation to extend the lifetime of Doel-1 and Doel-2 by ten years

881 - FANC, FANC experts give positive opinion on restart of Doel3 & Tihange2 reactor units, 17May2013,
see, accessed 18June2016.
882 - FANC, Doel 3/Tihange 2: clarifications regarding the detection, the position and the size of the flaw indications,
25February2015, see
and-the-size-of-the-flaw-indications/753.aspx, accessed 2July2016.
883 - Moniteur Belge, Loi modifiant la loi du 31 janvier 2003 sur la sortie progressive de l'nergie nuclaire des fins de
production industrielle d'lectricit afin de garantir la scurit d'approvisionnement sur le plan nergtique, Second Edition,
6July2015, (inFrench and Dutch), see;

J Doel-1&-2, see Electrabel, GDF Suez/Engie, Note de PresseScurit dapprovisionnement et transition nergtique
Accord sur la prolongation de Doel 1 et Doel, PressRelease,1December2015, (in French), see
pdf, and Doel Nuclear Power PlantProfile of the 4units, Updated 7August2017, see

J For Tihange-1: Engie/Electrabel, Tihange, see;

all accessed 9August2017.
884 - Engie-Electrabel, The Federal Agency for Nuclear Control approves safe restart of Doel3 and Tihange2, Press Release,
17November2015, see
proves-safe-restart-of-doel-3-and-tihange-2/, accessed 2July2016.
Wo r l d N u c l e a r I n d u s t r y S t a t u s R e p o r t | 2 0 1 7  | 214

to 2025.885 The law was promulgated on 28June2015, and went into effect on 6July2015.886
The government signed an agreement with Electrabel on 30 November 2015 that stipulates
that the operator will invest 700million (US$741.2million) into upgrading of the two units887
and an annual fee of 20million (US$21.2million), which will be paid into the national Energy
Transition Fund, set up by the law of 28June2015. On 22December2015, FANC authorized the
lifetime extension and restart of Doel-1 and -2.

On 5 January 2016, two Belgian NGOs filed a complaint against the 28 June 2015 law with
the Belgian Constitutional Court, arguing in particular that the lifetime extension had been
authorized without a legally binding public enquiry. In a 22June2017 pre-ruling decision, the
Court addresses a series of questions to the European Court of Justice, in particular concer-
ning the interpretation of the Espoo and Aarhus Conventions, as well as the European legisla-
tion.888 The case is pending.

In May2017, the Belgian Federal Nuclear Control Agency(FANC) announced that a series of
ultra-sonic inspections on the pressure vessel of Tihange-2 did not show any evolution of the
hydrogen flakes, nor any new defects. On the basis of these results, FANC authorized the res-
tart of the reactor.889 FANC later admitted that:

Just over 300 additional flaw indications at Doel 3 and 70 additional flaw indications at Tihange
2 also exceeded the recording threshold for the first time during the re-inspections carried out
in 2016 and 2017 respectively.

However, arguing that the results were due to evolving complex inspection techniques rather
than physical changes, FANC concluded:

Since we have been able to find scientific explanations for all these newly reported hydrogen
flakes, or they have been accounted for by signals recorded in previous inspections, the analy-
sis of these results allows us to conclude that no new hydrogen flakes have appeared and that
there has been no change in the size of the hydrogen flakes already detected.

Surprisingly, at the same time:

FANC stresses that the characterisation of hydrogen flaw indications using a non-destructive
ultrasonic testing method is an experimental technique with results that vary from measure-
ment to measurement.890

It remains unclear how the experimental inspection technique has led to scientific certitude.

885 - Marie-ChristineMarghem, Measures which intend to assure the security of supply in Belgium, Minister of Energy,
Environment and Sustainable Development, Belgian Federal Government, PressRelease, 5March2015,
see, accessed 2July2016.
886 - Moniteur Belge, op.cit.
887 - Electrabel, Scurit dapprovisionnement et transition nergtiqueAccord sur la prolongation de Doel1 et Doel2,
Press Release, 1December2015.
888 - Cour Constitutionnelle, Arrt N82/2017, 22 June2017.
889 - FANC, Pas d'volution des flocons d'hydrogne Tihange, 5May2017, (in French),
see, accessed 3August2017.
890 - FANC, Doel 3 & Tihange 2: flaw indications in the reactor pressure vessel steel, Updated 8June 2017, (in French and
Dutch), see,
accessed 3August 2017.
Wo r l d N u c l e a r I n d u s t r y S t a t u s R e p o r t | 2 0 1 7  | 215

Only four months after the Tihange-2 restart authorization, Jan Bens, Director General of
FANC expressed our worries, if not our deep concern, when it comes to the management by
Electrabel of its nuclear activities in Belgium in a leaked, September-2016, three-page letter to
IsabelleKocher, Electrabel President of the Board and Engie CEO.891 In particular, deteriorated
safety culture and work conditions at Tihange-2 triggered the unusual warning. One example,
as provided in the letter, to illustrate the seriousness of the situation: for months, the reactor
has been understaffed and three or four engineers are expected to carry out the work of five
staff positions in the organigram.

Meanwhile, Engie wants to exit nuclear power, as BFM Business headlined a December-2016
story on the Electrabel owner.892 The operator of the Belgian nuclear fleet has sold its stakes
in UK new-build projects, tries to get out of a Turkish new-build project and would like to
sell Electrabel. But who would buy outdated industrial facilities with an average age of over

Finland operates four units that in 2016 supplied 22.28TWh, almost identical to the pre-
vious years 22.3 TWh generation, and close to the 2013 record of 22.67TWh. The nuclear share
remained stable at 33.7percent of electricity production (with a maximum of 38.4percent in
1986). Finland has adopted different nuclear technologies and suppliers, as two of its ope-
rating reactors are PWRs built by Russian contractors at Loviisa, while two are BWRs built
by ABB (Asea Brown Boveri) at Olkiluoto. The average age of the four operating reactors is
38.3years. In January2017, operator TVO filed an application for a 20-year license extension
for the respectively 39- and 37-year old units Olkiluoto-1 and -2.893

In December 2003, Finland became the first country to order a new nuclear reactor in
WesternEurope in 15years. AREVANP, then a joint venture owned 66percent by AREVA and
34percent by Siemens894 , is building a 1.6GW EPR at Olkiluoto(OL3) under a fixed-price turn-
key contract with the utility TVO. After the 2015 technical bankruptcy of AREVA Group, the
majority shareholder, the French government, decided to integrate the reactor-building divi-
sion into a subsidiary majority-owned by state utility EDF. However, EDF has made it clear
repeatedly that it will not take over the billions of euros liabilities linked to the costly Finnish
AREVA adventure.895 Thus, it was decided that the financial liability for OL3 and associated
risks stay with AREVA S.A. after the sale of AREVA NP and the creation of a new company
AREVA Holding, temporarily called NewCo that will focus on nuclear fuel and waste manage-
ment services, very similar to the old COGEMA.

891 - JanBens, Letter to Isabelle Kocher, President of the Board of ElectrabelInformations importantes quant vos activi-
ts nuclaires en Belgique et en particulier la central nuclaire de Tihange, General Director, Dpartement tablissement et
Dchets, Service tablissements Nuclaires de Base, FANC, dated 2September2016, (in French), see
3031bcd70d913edcf5989.pdf, accessed 4August2017.
892 - MatthieuPechberty, Engie veut sortir du nuclaire, BFM Business, 7December2016, (in French),
see, accessed 3August2017.
893 - TVO, New operating license applied for Olkiluoto1 and 2 plant units, 26January 2017, see,
accessed 4 August2017.
894 - Siemens quit the consortium in March 2011 and announced in September 2011 that it was abandoning the nuclear sector
895 - Jean-Michel Bezat, EDF pose ses conditions au rachat des racteurs dAreva, Le Monde, 19May2015, (in French),
va_4636164_3234.html, accessed 2July2016.
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The OL3 project was financed essentially on the balance sheets of the Finlands leading firms
and municipalities under a unique arrangement that makes them liable for the plants inde-
finite capital costs for an indefinite period, whether or not they get the electricitya capex
take-or-pay contract.

Construction started in August2005 at Olkiluoto on the west coast. The project is at least nine
years behind schedule and is at least about three times over budget. In its 2015 Annual Report,
TVO896 states: According to the schedule updated by the Supplier, regular electricity produc-
tion at OL3 will commence at the end of 2018. This planning schedule has remained valid as
of July2017. Fuel loading is to begin in April2018, which also marks the beginning of TVO as
official operator of the plant.897

As of the end of 2016, TVO compensation claims amount to about 2.3billion (US$2.4billion),
while AREVA-Siemens in return claims 3.5billion (US$ 3.7billion).

The latest official cost estimate from early 2014no doubt an underestimate by now, but it has
not been officially raised sincehad been given as 8.5billion (US$201710billion) for an original
fix price estimate of around 3billion (US$20173.6billion).

It remains unclear who will cover the additional cost: the vendors and TVO blame each other
and are in litigation. AREVA has cumulated 5.5billion in losses on the project, increasing pro-
visions by 905million (US$988million) in 2015. In February2016, AREVA updated its claim
against TVO to 3.4billion (US$3.7billion), while TVO had increased its own compensation
claim against AREVA to 2.6billion (US$2.85billion) in August2015.898

In May 2015, credit-rating agency Standard & Poors downgraded TVO to BBB-, with a nega-
tive outlook, owing to continued deterioration in market prices and increased risk of higher
production costs related to TVO's third nuclear power plant, Olkiluoto-3.899 In May2016, S&P
lowered its rating for the company to junk (speculative grade BB+/B, stable outlook). This
was said to be both as a result of the deterioration in the Finish power prices and most dam-

Future prices are currently predicted by the market to be below TVOs expected costs
of production when the third nuclear power plant Olkiluoto 3 (OL3) is commissioned in
2018/2019. (...)

We assess TVOs financial risk as significant based on its high debt leverage, which has
increased due to cost overruns in the OL3 project.900

The stable outlook is based, amongst others, on the assumption that there will be no further
cost overruns in the completion of OL3.901

896 - TVO, Report of the Board of Directors and Financial Statements 2015, February2016, see,
accessed 9August2017.
897 - AREVA, 2016 Reference Document, May 2017.
898 - NW, Talks with TVO on Olkiluoto-3 positive and fast paced, Areva CEO says, 3March2016.
899 - S&P, Finnish Nuclear Power Producer TVO Downgraded To 'BBB-/A3'; Outlook Negative, 28May2015.
900 - S&P, Finland-Based Nuclear Power Producer TVO Downgraded To 'BB+' From 'BBB-' On Reduced Cost Competitive-
ness; Outlook Stable, 23May2016.
901 - Ibidem.
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From the beginning, the OL3 project was plagued with countless management and quality-
control issues. Not only did it prove difficult to carry out concreting and welding to technical
specifications, but the use of sub-contractors and workers from 55nationalities made commu-
nication and oversight extremely complex (see previous WNISR editions).

The problems produced by the OL3 project have not prevented TVO from filing an applica-
tion, in April2008, for a decision-in-principle to develop OL4, a 1.01.8GW reactor to start
construction in 2012 and enter operation in the late 2010s.902 However, in May 2015, TVO
announced that it had decided not to apply for a construction license.903

In parallel, Fortum Power has been planning a similar project. In January2009, the company
Fennovoima Oy submitted an application to the Ministry of Employment and the Economy
for a decision-in-principle on a new plant at one of three locationsRuotsinpyht, Simo,
or Pyhjoki. This was narrowed down to the latter site. Startup was planned for 2020. In
March2014, Rosatom, through a subsidiary company ROAS Voima Oy, completed the purchase
of 34percent of Fennovoima, the price of which was not disclosed904 , and then in April2014
a binding decision to construct an AES-2006 reactor was announced. In December 2014,
the Finnish Parliament voted in favor of a supplement to the decision-in-principle to include
Rosatoms reactor design.905 A construction license application was submitted at the end
of June 2015. In September 2015, the Finnish Safety Authority STUK began assessing the
Hanhikivi-1 called project, which it stated would take until the end of 2017. Thus, STUK will
not issue any construction license before 2018.906 However, site preparation work and rock
blasting reportedly already began in January2016.907 Actual construction is scheduled to start
in 2018, with completion expected in 2024.908 However, the schedule appears overly optimis-
ticjust like in many other Rosatom projectsas the first batch of documentation for the
construction license application has only been transmitted to the Finnish safety authorities on

Finnish retailer KeskoOyj decided back in 2014 to leave the project and dispose of its share of
about 2percent. However, it took an almost three years of legal struggles against the majority
owner before Finlands Court of Arbitration settled the issue in January2017 in favor of Kesko.
Prior to the judgement, Hanhikivi-1 was 66-percent owned by VoimaosakeyhtioSF, which in-
cludes Finnish utilities and industrial companies, while Rosatom held 34percent.910

902 - TVO, Construction of a Nuclear Power Plant Unit at OlkiluotoGeneral DescriptionOL4, August2008.
903 - TVO, TVO's Board of Directors proposes that OL4 construction license will not be applied now, PressRelease,
13May2015, see, accessed 10August2017.
904 - Fennovoima, Rosatom acquired 34% of Fennovoima, Press Release, 27March2014.
905 - WNN, Parliament approves Fennovoimas amendment, 5December2014, see
parliament-approves-Fennovoimas-amendment-5121401.html, accessed 18June2015.
906 - STUK, STUK will start the Construction License safety review and assessment of Fennovoima's project, Press Release,
8September2015, see
fennovoima-s-project, accessed 9June2016.
907 - PIE, PIE's New Power Plant Project Tracker, February2016.
908 - WNN, Daily, 21 March and 8 June 2017.
909 - WNN, Daily, 2 November2016.
910 - Jussi Rosendahl, Finnish retailer Kesko allowed to exit nuclear project, Reuters, 10January2017,
see, accessed 4August2017.
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The Netherlands operates a single, 44-year-old 480MW PWR that provided 3.75TWh
or 3.4percent of the countrys power in 2016, about the same level as in 2015, but down from a
maximum of 6.2percent in 1986.911 In late 2006, the operator and the Government reached an
agreement to allow operation of the reactor until 2033.912

In January2012, the utility DELTA announced it was putting off the decision on nuclear new-
build for a few years and that there would be no second nuclear plant at Borssele for the time
being.913 No utility is currently showing any interest in pursuing new build. On the contrary,
the nuclear utilities are struggling with shrinking income and increasing costs. German utility
RWE that holds 30percent of Borssele operator EPZ, reports for 2016 a 58million (US$62mil-
lion) impairment loss for EPZ.914 Dutch utility Delta that holds the majority 70percent of EPZ
is losing money to a point that it fears bankruptcy. Delta has asked the Dutch government
for support, but Economic Affairs Minister HenkKamp ruled out to put money into Borssele,
while he was prepared to offer financial guarantees for the companys healthy parts (network
company Enduris and water company Evides), if they were put into a new company.915 An as-
sessment by financial management consultancy Spring Associates had demonstrated that elec-
tricity prices would have to double to make the nuclear plant profitable again, an unlikely sce-
nario. The most economic scenario identified would be immediate shutdown of the reactor and
delayed decommissioning, according to the analysts.916

In June 2014, EPZ started use of uranium-plutonium Mixed Oxide (MOX) fuel at Borssele.
EPZ is currently the only remaining foreign customer for commercial spent fuel of AREVAs
La Hague reprocessing plant. The plan to consume all of the plutonium that is separated in as
much as 40percent MOX in the core917 could be jeopardized, if the reactor is closed in the short

As in other countries, the Dutch energy sector is undergoing profound restructuring. EPZ
owner Delta has been renaimed PZEM (Provinciale Zeeuwse Energie Maatschappij N.V.) in
early 2017, parts (not Borssele) of which then has been sold to Stedin Holding, as part of the
unbundling of production and networking activities.918

In fact, Borssele has become synonym for some of the lowest offshore wind energy costs in
Europe during 2016, coming in at approximately US$60/MWh for the Borssele 3&4 projects
(about 700MW). This new level not only reduced the cost of offshore wind energy by about

911 - BP, Statistical Review of World Energy, June 2014.

912 - WNA, Nuclear Power in the Netherlands, Updated February2017, see,
accessed 10August2017.
913 - DELTA, DELTA puts off decision for a few years, no second nuclear plant at Borssele for the time being, Press Release,
914 - RWE, Annual Report 2016, 14March2017, see
reports/2016/, accessed 9August2017.
915 -, Government wont give financial support to Borssele nuclear plant, 21October2016,
see, accessed 5August2017.
916 -, "Government investment in nuclear power plant financially risky: report", 4October2016,
accessed 5August2017.
917 - JanWieman, Borssele moves to MOX, Fuel Cycle Manager, EPZ, published in NEI, 11March2015,
see, accessed 10August2017.
918 - Stedin Group, PZEM, Delta Network Continues as Part of the Stedin Group, Press Release, 31March2017,
see RELEASE STEDIN GROEP PZEM.pdf, accessed 5August2017.
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half, it also put the technology on the point of the price curve that was not forecasted to be
reached before 2020-21, according to the Renewables 2017Global Status Report.919

Spain operates seven reactors. Nuclear plants provided 56.1TWh in 2016 or 21.4percent
of the countrys electricity in 2016, compared with 54.8TWh and 20.4percent in 2015 (with a
maximum of 38.4percent in 1989). Beyond the de-facto moratorium that has been in place for
decades, then Premier JoseLuisZapatero announced in April2004 that his government would
gradually abandon nuclear energy, while increasing funding for renewable energy. The first
unit (Jose Cabrera) was shut down at the end of 2006. Zapatero confirmed the nuclear phase-
out goal following his reelection in 2008, and then Industry Minister MiguelSebastian stated
that there will be no new nuclear plants.920 In October 2016, after a ten-month period of
inconclusive elections, a conservative government was established, which is more favorable to
nuclear power, though it remains uncertain what this means in terms of medium-term opera-
tion of the aging reactor fleet.

Spanish nuclear operators have been implementing both upratings and life-extensions for exis-
ting facilities that increased nominal capacity by around 10percent. Further minor upratings
are planned.921 The nuclear lobby organization ForoNuclear claims that over 80percent under
the post-Fukushima National Action Plan scheduled safety measures had been implemented
by March2016.922

In February2011just prior to the Fukushima disasterthe Spanish parliament amended the

Sustainable Energy Law, deleting from the text a reference to a 40-year lifetime limitation and
leaving nuclear share and lifetime to be determined by the government.923 Nevertheless, on
16December2012, Garona was shut down. The operator Nuclenor (a joint-venture of Spanish
utilities Iberdola and Endesa) has tried since, against significant local opposition, to re-open
the reactor. On 8February2017, the Nuclear Safety Council(CSN) granted permission for a
new 20-year license for Garona, on the condition it undergoes retrofits, including installation
of a filtered containment venting system, construction of alternative emergency management
centers and installation of a passive autocatalytic hydrogen recombine.924

Garona is 46yearsold. At the same time Ignacio Galan, chairman of Iberdola, has said Garona
is not economically viable,925 with investment to bring it back on line and its operation des-

919 - REN21, Renewables 2017Global Status Report, June2017.

920 - Reuters, Spain Insists on Energy Saving, Not Nuclear Plants, 21January2009.
921 - IEA, Energy Policies of IEA CountriesSpain 2015 Review, 2015.
922 - Foro Nuclear, Spanish nuclear plants 5 years after Fukushima, 4March2016, see
latest-news/122104-spanish-nuclear-power-plants-5-years-after- fukushima, accessed 14July2017.
923 - WNN, No Limits for Spanish Reactors, 17February2011, see No_limits_for_
Spanish_reactors-1702117.html, accessed 14July2017.
924 - CSN, El CSN establece las condiciones a la solicitud de renovacin de la autorizacin de explotacin de Santa Mara de
Garoa, Nuclear Safety Council, 8February2017, (in Spanish), see
maria-de-garona, accessed 13July2017.
925 - Jon Stibbs, Spanish nuclear sector under threat as one Garona owner wants out, ICIS, 20April2017,
wants-out/, accessed 13July2017.
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cribed as potentially ruinous to the utility.926 Endesa, the joint owner of Garona, has not yet
made its position public, stating that it is awaiting a final government decision, which is due by

The utility is currently seeking to leverage the government to increase tax support for nuclear
energy in Spain, seeking to counter the tax and renewable legislation introduced in 2013, which
has been blamed for hitting profitability in the nuclear sector. Nuclenors Board of Directors
failed in April2017 to reach a decision on whether to withdraw its application for operating
Garona.927 The parent company has indicated that the reactor could be decommissioned assu-
ming both its owners agreed to revoke the request to reopen the facility. Iberdrola has the
option to try to sell its share in the reactor, though it is unlikely to find a buyer given the requi-
red retrofit investments.

Opposition has continued to be voiced in neighboring Portugal against the continued ope-
ration of the two aging 36- and 33-year-old reactors at Almaraz. The reactor lies 100 km
from the Portuguese border on the River Tagus, which flows from Spain into Portugal. In
September 2016, the Portuguese government called for an urgent meeting with its Spanish
counterpart over possible plans to extend the operating license for the reactor, with the
Portuguese environment minister stating, that, while it respects Spains sovereignty in rela-
tion to its energy policies, it is seeking to intervene to guarantee scrupulous compliance with
safety regulations.928 In May2017, the Portuguese parliament unanimously approved a Green
Party motion calling on the Government to request the Government in Madrid to permanently
close the Almaraz reactor.929

Sweden nuclear fleet provided 60.65TWh or 40percent of the countrys electricity pro-
duction in 2016, up from 54.5 TWh and 34.3 percent in 2015 (max. 52.4 percent in 1996).
Ringhals-2, which had entered the LTO category in WNISR2016, was brought back on-line in
November 2016, after over two years of shutdown for repairs. The reactor restarted in spite
of a corroded reactor containment liner after the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority had
granted an exemption from its official regulations for its remaining lifetime.930 Ringhals-2 is
scheduled for shutdown in 2019, followed by Ringhals-1 in 2020.

On the other hand, Swedens oldest nuclear reactor, Oskarshamn-1, was closed permanently on
17June2017 after close to 46years of service.931 Thus the total number of operating reactors
stands at eight as of mid-2017.

926 - Fernando Barciela, Electricity Companies, Divided Over The Future Of Nuclear Energy In Spain, TheCorner,
4May2017, see, accessed 13July2017.
927 - Nuclenor, Nuclenor does not reach agreement on proposal to withdraw the application for renewal, 26April2017, (in
Spanish), see, accessed 13July2017.
928 - Natasha Donn, Urgent meeting demanded with Spain over obsolete Almaraz nuclear plant, Portugal Resident,
29September2017, see
plant, accessed 14July2017.
929 - The Portugal News Online, Portugal Parliament votes to request closure of Spains Almaraz nuclear plant, 25May2017,
plant/42052, accessed 14July2017.
930 - WNN, Daily, 4 November 2016.
931 - WNISR, Sweden Retires First Commercial Nuclear Reactor (Oskarshamn-1), 20June2017, see https://www.worldnu-, accessed 9August2017.
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State-utility Vattenfall co-owns seven reactors,932 OKG933 owns the eighth, Oskarshamn-3. The
respective majority owner operates the plants. Vattenfall also holds participations in three
German nuclear power plants, two that were closed after 3/11 (Brunsbttel, Krmmel) and one
scheduled for shutdown in 2021 (Brokdorf).

Sweden is a large power exporter with Finland representing the largest importer. In 2016, net
exports stood at 11.7 TWh, equivalent to over 19percent of the nuclear generation. Exports had
reached a historic maximum of 22.6TWh in 2015.934

Sweden decided in a 1980 referendum to phase out nuclear power by 2010. Sweden retained
the 2010 phase-out date until the middle of the 1990s, but an active debate on the countrys
nuclear future continued and led to a new inter-party deal to start the phase-out earlier but
abandon the 2010 deadline. The first reactor (Barsebck-1) was shut down in 1999 and the se-
cond one (Barsebck-2) in 2005.

In June2010, the parliament voted by a tight margin (174172) to abandon the phase-out le-
gislation.935 As a result, new plants could again be builtbut only if an existing plant is shut
down, so the maximum number of operating units will not exceed the then current ten. In
January2014, the Vattenfall started a decade-long public consultation on the construction
of new nuclear power plants.936 The latest traditional Swedish compromise, according to
Energy Minister IbrahimBaylan937, between the Red-Green Government and three opposition
parties confirms the baseline of the 2010 agreement, and fixes a 2040 target for a 100percent
renewable electricity mix. It also allows for the building of new reactors, but, as in the previous
agreement, only in replacement and not in addition to existing ones. In addition, the agree-
ment stipulates: Government support for nuclear energy, in the form of direct or indirect sub-
sidies, can not be counted upon.938

In April2015, Vattenfall decided to change direction for operational lifetimes of Ringhals-1

and-2939 and by October2015, it was decided that Ringhals-1 would shut down in 2020 and
Ringhals-2 in 2019. The reasons given were continued low electricity prices and increasing pro-
duction costs. As for Vattenfalls five other reactors, the previously planned at least 60 years
of operational lifetime, until the beginning of 2040s,940 remains. Following the energy agree-
932 - Ringhals-14 (Vattenfall70.4%, E.ON29.6%),
Forsmark-13 (FKG, Vattenfall66%, Mellansvensk Kraftgrupp25.5%, E.ON8.5%)
933 - OKG is owned by Uniper Sverige (formerly Sydkraft), an E.ON spinoff, for 54.5% and Fortum for 45.5%.
934 - Svenska kraftnt, Sveriges Import/Export Samt Transitering, 2017, see
jCNHIhBU3nqy3YhqoM3maUYm00D63jw, accessed 18August 2017.
935 - NEI, Swedish Government Overturns Nuclear Ban, 21June2010.
936 - WNA, Nuclear Power in Sweden, Updated June2017, see
Countries-O-S/Sweden/, accessed 10August2017.
937 - Richard Milne, Boost to nuclear energy as Sweden agrees to build more reactors, Financial Times, 10June2016,
see, accessed 2July2016.
938 - Swedish Nuclear Society/Analysgruppen, The Swedish energy policy agreement of 10June2016, unofficial transla-
tion provided by the BRILLIANT project, Euratom, European Commission, see
dish_political_energy_agreement_2016.pdf, accessed 10August2017; or in the original Swedish, see
artiklar/2016/06/overenskommelse-om-den-svenska-energipolitiken/, accessed 10August2017.
939 - Vattenfall, Vattenfall changes direction for operational lifetimes of Ringhals 1 and 2, Press Release, 28April2015,
times-of-ringhals-1-and-2/, accessed 10August2017.
940 - Vattenfall, Vattenfall will invest in Forsmark, 15June2016, see
releases/2016/vattenfall-will-invest-in-forsmark/, accessed 10August2017.
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ment, the Vattenfall Board of Directors decided to engage into the investments in independent
core-cooling systems for the three Forsmark reactors, a prerequisite for continued operations
beyond 2020 that was imposed by the safety authorities.941

Swedish operators have pushed uprating projects to over 30 percent. OKG, the second
Swedish operator, implemented a 33 percent uprate at Oskarshamn-3 with a two-year delay.
At Oskarshamn-2, shut down since June2013, major uprating works were under way, but has
been indefinitely postponed in June2015.942 Vattenfall had cancelled its planned uprate for
Forsmark-3 in November2014, profitability calculation had deteriorated over the year.943

While Vattenfall is still struggling with low prices on the European power markets, it has in-
creased its customer base and improved operating results. Nuclear power generation went up
by 17percent (4.1TWh) in the first half of 2017, compared to the same period in the previous
year, mainly because Ringhals-2 came back online in late 2016. Vattenfall has now a modest
total of 2.8GW of renewables in operation in various countries but has another 7GW under
development. Over one third of all capital investment in the first half of 2017 went into new
renewables (wind, solar, biomass).944

Switzerland is the only non-EU Western European country generating nuclear

power. Output dropped by 8.4 percent to 20.2 TWh in 2016 or 32.8 percent of the
countrys electricity,945 down from a maximum of 44.4percent in 1996. With an average
age of 42.2 years (see Figure 52), Switzerland operates the oldest nuclear fleet and
with Beznau-1, age 48the oldest reactor in the world (by length of commercial opera-
tion). However, Beznau-1 entered the LTO category, as it has not generated any power
in 2016 and was not reconnected to the grid by mid-2017.
On 21May2017, 58percent of the Swiss voters adopted the Energy Strategy 2050 that
provides a long-term policy framework based on the dynamic development of energy
efficiency and renewable energies. The strategy does not fix any precise shutdown dates
for nuclear power plants and aims to keep the existing reactors operating as long as
they are safe. However, it prohibits the construction of new nuclear power plants and
the reprocessing of spent fuel. The final text of the Strategy was adopted by the plenary
of the Federal Parliament on 30September2016. Applicable legislation will enter into
force on 1January2018.946

941 - Ibidem.
942 - WNN, Oskarshamn 2 uprate put on hold, 17June2015, see
2-uprate-put-on-hold-1706155.html, accessed 18June2016.
943 - WNN, Forsmark 3 power uprate cancelled, 24November2014, see
3-power-uprate-cancelled-2411145.html, accessed 10August2017.
944 - Magnus Hall, Stefan Dohler, Vattenfall H1 and Q2 Results 2017, Press Conference Presentation, Vatenfall, 21July2017,
see, accessed
945 - Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE), Schweizerische Elektrizittsstatistik 2016, June 2017, (in German and French),
see, accessed 10Au-
946 - SFOE, Energy Strategy 2050 After the Popular Vote, Media And Political Affairs Division, 21June2017, Updated
4August2017, see, accessed
Wo r l d N u c l e a r I n d u s t r y S t a t u s R e p o r t | 2 0 1 7  | 223

The efficiency targets are ambitious, with reduction levels of per capita energy consumption
compared to the 2000 baselineof 16percent by 2020 and 43percent by 2035, while electrici-
ty consumption is to decrease by 3percent by 2020 and 13percent by 2035. At that target date,
domestic production of non-hydro renewable energy based electricity is to reach 11.4 TWh,
while already well-developed hydro should generate 37.4TWh.947

On 27November2016, a national referendum turned down by a majority of 54percent a motion

that aimed at the constitutional prohibition of nuclear power generation and the limitation to
45years of the operating fleet.948

In October2013, operator BKW announced that it would close its Mhleberg reactor in 2019,
due to indefinable and unquantifiable technical, economic and political uncertainties [that]
could increase the economic risks of long-term operation.949 In January2015, the federal regu-
lator accepted the upgrades proposed by the operator in order to continue operating Mhleberg
until 2019.950 In December2015, BKW officially began the closure procedure. According to cur-

Figure 52 | Age Distribution of Swiss Nuclear Fleet

Age of Swiss Nuclear Fleet

as of 1 July 2017

Reactor Age
3140 Years
1 in

5 reactors 41 Years and More


(1 in LTO) 2 Number of Reactors

Mean Age: by Age Class
42.2 years
WNISR - Mycle Schneider Consulting

Sources: WNISR, with IAEA-PRIS, 2017

rent planning, the Federal Energy Department will take the formal shutdown decision by the
middle of 2018951 and in March2016, BKW communicated the date, when Mhleberg will be
disconnected from the grid as of the 20December2019.952

Following the reactor pressure vessel problems identified at the Belgian Doel-3/Tihange-2 reac-
tors (see Belgium Section), inspections have been carried out at the two Beznau units, both

947 - Ibidem.
948 - Schweizerische Bundeskanzlei, Volksabstimmung vom 27.11.2016 Vorlage Nr. 608, Updated 3August2017,
(inGerman), see, accessed 6August2017.
949 - NIW, SwitzerlandNews Briefs, 1November2013.
950 - ENSI, Forderungen des ENSI fr den Weiterbetrieb des Kernkraftwerks Mhleberg bis zur endgltigen Ausserbetrieb-
nahme (EABN) im Jahr 2019, 23January2015.
951 - Office Fdral de l'nergie (OFEN), Calendrier et explications1er Procdure de dsaffectation de la centrale nu-
claire de Mhleberg, 4April2016, (in German and in French), see
html?lang=fr&dossier_id=06572, accessed 10August2017.
952 - BKW, Kernkraftwerk Mhleberg geht am 20. Dezember 2019 definitiv vom Netz Endgltige Einstellung des Leis-
tungsbetriebs, 2March2016, (in German), see
kraftwerk-muehleberg-geht-am-20-dezember-2019-definitiv-vom-netz, accessed 15June2016.
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365MW Westinghouse PWRs. At the pressure vessel of Beznau-1, a total of 925 crack indica-
tions, up to 7.5 x7.5mm in size and 60mm in depth have been identified. According to opera-
tor Axpo, the defaults, with a high degree of confidence, would not be hydrogen flakes, as in
the Belgian cases, but aluminium oxide enclosures from the fabrication process. At the pres-
sure vessel of Beznau-2, 77indications have been found with a maximum size of 20x50mm.953
After evaluation of the identified defects in unit2, in December2015, ENSI grants restart per-
mission for the reactor, while unit1 remained offline.

In November2016, Beznau operator Axpo transmitted its safety case to the regulator with the
expectation to restart unit 1 in spring 2017. But the safety authorities requested additional
information and the reactor is not expected to restart before 31October2017.954

The nuclear operators in Switzerland, like their colleagues in other countries, are struggling
with increasing production costs at aging facilities, decreasing bulk power prices and stiff com-
petition. Beznau operator Axpo filed a loss of CHF1.25billion (US$1.23billion) in 2016, after a
loss of almost CHF1billion (US$0.98billion) in 2015 (financial years to OctoberSeptember).

The leak of an internal strategy paper of Alpiq, besides Axpo the largest shareholder of the two
reactors at Leibstadt and Gsgen, revealed the utilities ambitions for a nationalization of the
loss-making reactors.955 Hans Wanner, Director of ENSI, started his presentation at the Swiss
Energy Foundations Nuclear Phaseout Congress in March2016 with the following statement
over a full slide: We must not allow political and economic considerations to have a negative
impact on the safety of the Swiss NPP.956

In 2016, Switzerland filed a negative electricity trade balance with net imports of 3.9 TWh,
and, for the first time, the balance in monetary terms turned negative (CHF145million or

Central and Eastern Europe

In Bulgaria, nuclear power provided 15.01TWh or 35percent of the countrys electricity
in 2016, down from a maximum of 47.3percent in 2002. At the countrys only nuclear power
plant, Kozloduy, there are just two reactors operating, where originally there were six; the
other four reactors were closed as part of the agreement for Bulgaria to join the EU. The two
remaining VVER1000 reactors are undergoing a relicensing program to extend their operating
lifetimes for up to 60years. In October2014, a Franco-Russian consortium consisting of EDF,
Rosenergoatom and Rosatom subsidiary Rusatom Service was awarded a lifetime-extension
contract for Kozloduy-5. In January2016, Rusatom Service and the Bulgarian company Risk
Engineering signed an agreement for the assessment of the technical condition and justifica-

953 - Christoph Pistner, Beznau: Finding on the RPV, Presentation at INRAG, 27February2016.
954 - Axpo, Sicherheitsnachweis KKB 1: AXPO muss zustzliche Informationen liefern, 16June2017.
955 - DominiqueReber, Public Affairs Konzept 2016Alpiq, Hirzel.Neef.Schmid.Konsulenten, Alpiq, First Draft,
25February2015, (in German), see, accessed
956 - HansWanner, Umgang mit lter werdenden Reaktoren, ENSI, presented at the Nuclear Phaseout Congress, 21March
2016, (in German), see, accessed 18June2016.
957 - BFE, Schweizerische Elektrizittsstatistik 2016, June 2017.
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tion of the residual service life of Kozloduy-6.958 In May2016, it was reported that the techni-
cal work on the completion of the life-extension on unit5 has been completed.959

There have been ongoing attempts since the mid-1980s to build another nuclear power plant
at Belene in Northern Bulgaria involving firms from Bulgaria, France, Germany, Russia, the
United States, and now China. Due to cost and environmental concerns, these attempts ended
in cancellations in 1990 and in 2012. Besides Belene, discussions are said to be ongoing for the
construction of further reactors at the Kozloduy site.

After cancellation of the construction contract of the proposed nuclear power station at Belene,
the International Court of Arbitration ruled in June2016 in favor of the Russian nuclear tech-
nology exporter Atomstroyexport(ASE) over its claim for compensation for already manufac-
tured parts. The press suggests that the Russian constructor was awarded about half of what it
had asked for, receiving approximately US$600million.960 On receipt of payment, components
for the reactors were shipped to Bulgaria, triggering further attempts to complete the units,
including by Russian firms.961 However, any such attempts will face the same financial chal-
lenges as the earlier ones.

In November2015, the Bulgarian Prime Minister, BoykoBorisov, during a visit to China held
talks on potential nuclear cooperation, which was followed by a Chinese delegation visiting
Kozloduy in December 2015. It was suggested that Westinghouse, prior to its economic col-
lapse, would team up with State Power Investment Corporation(SPIC) to construct further
units at Kozludui.962 Discussions were said to be ongoing with CNNC, with a delegation mee-
ting with the PrimeMinister in Sofia in December2016.963 The Bulgarian Government is repor-
tedly also looking to Chinese sources, namely the Commercial Bank of China, to finance the
completion of Belene.964 However, with the then government excluding any electricity price
guaranteesimilar to the UKs Contract for Differenceinternational finance would appear

The Czech Republic has six Russian-designed reactors in operation at two sites,
Dukovany and Temeln. The former houses four VVER440-213 reactors, the latter two
VVER1000-320 units. In 2016, nuclear plants generated 22.7TWh or 29.4percent of the elec-
tricity in the Czech Republic, that is over 6 percentage points down from record years 2013
and 2014. A fall in production in 2016 was caused by prolonged outages at the Dukovany power

958 - NEI, Life extension for Bulgaria's Kozloduy 6, 1February2016, see
sion-for-bulgarias-kozloduy-6-4798509, accessed 20April2017.
959 - Tsvetelia Tsolova, Russia's Rosatom completes upgrade of Bulgarian nuclear reactor, Reuters, 31May2016,
see, accessed 20April2017.
960 - WNN, Russia wins 'half' of compensation claimed in Belene lawsuit, 16June2016, see
org/C-Russia-wins-half-of-compensation-claimed-in-Belene-lawsuit-16061601.html, accessed 20April 2017.
961 - Novinite, Russia Ready to Attract Investor for Bulgaria's Belene N-Plant Ambassador, 5March2017,
+Ambassador - sthash.1B4GvWmR.dpuf, accessed 3April2017.
962 - C.F. Yu Will SPI Team Up with Westinghouse in Bulgaria?, NIW, 26February2016.
963 - Georgi Gotev, China eyes nuclear project in Bulgaria, Euractiv, 9December2016, see
energy/news/china-eyes-nuclear-project-in-bulgaria/, accessed 3April2017.
964 - Gary Peach, Can Bulgaria tempt the Chinese with Belene?, NIW, 16December2016.
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plant due to faulty welds, which is reported to have cost the utility, CEZ, billions of crowns.965
In 2016, the country was a net exporter of 11.2TWh of electricity, around half of the nuclear

The Dukovany units were started up during 198587 and have undergone a lifetime extension
engineering program under the expectation they would operate until 2025, although it is now
expected that operator CEZ will ask the regulator to extend the operating life for a further
10 years, until 203537.966 In March 2016, the state regulator extended the operating license
of Dukovany-1 indefinitely.967 The Temeln reactors eventually started in 2000 and 2002 with
financial assistance from the U.S. Export-Import Bank linked to the supply of instrumentation
and control technology by Westinghouse.

The Czech Republics National Report under the Convention on Nuclear Safety, draws atten-
tion to the ongoing problems with the nuclear regulator(SJB) as they stated that identified
significant weaknesses in testing at both power plants and that this raises the question
whether the inspections carried out by the SJB in previous years were sufficient.968

In 2004, Government plans proposed the construction of at least two more reactors. By 2010,
three consortia were being considered, led by Westinghouse, AREVA, and Skoda-Rosatom.
However, it transpired that the tender was irrelevant, as a key issue for new-build was the level
of state support, and in February 2014, then Prime Minister Bohuslav Sobotka stated: The
new government is not willing to provide guarantees for purchasing prices of electricity that
could be a big financial burden for households and firms in the next decades.969 In April2014,
CEZ simply cancelled its call for tenders for the two new units at Temeln, citing the low elec-
tricity market price and the lack of government guarantees.

Despite this, the Czech Industry and Finance Ministries continue to promote nuclear power,
but there is little incentive or rationale for pushing for new construction in the short term.
Rather, it is suggested that the government remains committed to building new capacity so-
metime within the next 20 years.970 In these plans, new capacity is foreseen for both locations,
Dukovany and Temeln, to maintain employment after the closure of existing reactors. In the
case of Dukovany this would require commissioning new nuclear capacity by 2037. According
to CEZ, Czech PM Bohuslav Sobotka, stated: It will be possible to launch a new nuclear unit
in the nuclear power plant Dukovany in 2035. 971 CEZ is preparing preparatory work for the

965 - WNN, CEZ aims to restore full nuclear potential, World Nuclear News, 30March2017, see, accessed 3April2017. Note: 1billion Czech Crowns are
about US$53million.
966 - CEZ Group, The Dukovany Nuclear Power Station, see
power-plants/dukovany.html, accessed 3April2017.
967 - NucNet, Dukovany-2 And -3 To Undergo Extended Checks On Pipe Welds, 13May2016, see
the-news/2016/05/13/dukovany-2-and-3-to-undergo-extended-checks-on-pipe-welds, accessed 3April2017.
968 - Sttn ad pro Jadernou Bezpenost (SJB), The Czech Republic National ReportUnder the Convention on Nuclear
Safety, State Office for Nuclear Safety, April2016, see
meeting/czech-national-report-for-the-7th-rm.pdf, accessed 3April2017.
969 - Ceskenoviny, Government wont guarantee electricity prices for TemelinPM Sobotka, 6February2014.
970 - Phil Chaffee, Pragues Vague NewBuild Plans, NIW, 23January2015.
971 - CEZ, B. Sobotka: New nuclear unit could be launched in 2035, Press Release, 21February2017.
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Environmental Impact Assessment,972 but applications for construction are not expected until

In June2016, the Government appointed former nuclear regulator Jn tuller as Commissioner

for Nuclear Energy to enable nuclear new-build. The Government has said that they are looking
for a strategic partner for nuclear power in the Czech Republic, with interest in co-operation
seen from Russia and SouthKorea.973 In March2016, CEZ signed an MoU with China General
Nuclear Power Corporation (CGN) on the development of nuclear power and renewables,
including on the assistance of CEZ in the licensing in Europe of the Hualong design.974 In
March2017, it was reported that CEZ had held talks with Westinghouse, Rusatom Overseas,
EDF, AREVA-Mitsubishi, CGN and Korea Hydro and Nuclear Power, with the companies ex-
pressing an interest in building reactors in the Czech Republic.975

Hungary has only one nuclear power plant, at Paks, where four VVER 440-213 reactors
provided a record 15.2TWh or 51.3percent of the countrys electricity in 2016. The reactors
started operation in the early 1980s and have been the subject of engineering works to enable
their operation for up to 50years, until the 2030s. The first unit received permission to operate
for another 20years after a periodic safety review in 2012, the second unit in 2014, along with
an uprating from 440MWe (gross) to up to 510MWe(gross).976 The extension of the operating
life of Unit3 was granted on 19December2016977 and an application to extend the life of Unit4
was filed the same month.

In March2009, the Parliament approved a government decision-in-principle to build additional

reactors at Paks.978 Even then, Russian assistance seemed to be the preferred option, and the
Foreign Minister indicated that expansion of the Paks plant would be part of a package deal
on outstanding economic issues with Russia.979 In February 2017, during a visit to Hungary,
Russias PresidentPutin confirmed that it was willing to fund 100percent of the 12billion
($12.9billion). Previously the Russian offer was limited to 80percent of the financing.980

According to an early version of the loan contract leaked by the Russian side, the loan rate will
be significantly below the market norm for such a project, with reports suggesting variable
rates of 3.95-4.95percent interest to cover 80percent of the projects costs. The loan must be
used by 2025 and be paid back within 21years of the commissioning of the plant, starting in
972 - SJB, The Czech Republic National Reportunder the Convention on Nuclear Safety 2016, State Office for Nuclear
Safety, see
pdf, accessed 3April2017
973 - NIW, Czech Republic, 29January2016.
974 - CGN, CGN and CEZ Collaborate on Renewable and Nuclear Energy in the Czech Republic, 31March2016,
see, accessed 21April2016.
975 - WNN, CEZ aims to restore full nuclear potential, 30March2017, see
to-restore-full-nuclear-potential-30031702.html, accessed 3April2017
976 - WNN, Paks unit 2 gets 20-year life extension, 27November2014, see
unit-2-gets-20-year-life-extension-27111401.html, accessed 3April2017.
977 - Orszagos Atomenergia Hivatal (OAH), Hirdetmny kzigazgatsi hatsgi engedlyezsi eljrsban hozott dntsrl,
National Office for Atomic Energy, 22December2016, (in Hungarian), see
nAgent&article=news&uid=6030935A5FE79DFDC125809100304792, accessed 10May2017.
978 - John Shepherd, Hungarys Parliament Paves Way to Build New Reactor Unit, NucNet, 31March2009.
979 -, Hungary, Russia Seek to Resolve All Outstanding Issues in One Package, Says FM, 21January2011.
980 - NIW, BriefsHungary, 3February2017.
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2026. However, penalty conditions are said to have the possibility to bankrupt the Hungarian
State, and opposition parliamentarians at the time called for the Government to cancel the
project. The Government is nonetheless determined to proceed and has even modified pro-
posed legislation to increase the period for which contract terms would remain secret from
15to 30years. The scope of the confidentiality is that it may deny publishing any data connec-
ted to the project, if their publication would engage either the national security interests of
Hungary, or intellectual property rights.981

In September 2015, the European Commission notified the Hungarian authorities that
the project meets the objectives of Article 41 of the EURATOM Treaty.982 However, on
23November2015, the European Commission opened an investigation into the PaksII project,
with particular focus on the non-tendering of the project and whether a private investor would
have financed the project on similar terms, or if Hungarys investments constitutes State Aid.983

However the past twelve months have been an important year for the Paks II project, with
four major milestones achieved. Firstly, the plant was granted an environmental license in
September2016, following the publication of a 2,000-page environmental impact assessment
and consultations inside and outside of Hungary.984 The environmental license is current-
ly appealed by a coalition of NGOs, including Budapest-based Energia Klub and Greenpeace

Then in November 2016, the European Commission cleared the award of the contract to
Rosatom of any infringement on its procurement. The European Commission accepted the
Hungarian justification for the decision that the technical and safety requirements of the pro-
ject can only be met by one company.985 This is surprising given the range of reactors, such as
the EPR, the AP1000 and ABWR that are under construction or under licensing review with in
the European Union.

In March 2017, the European Commission approved the financial package for Paks II, ac-
knowledging that it was State Aid, but they were satisfied that the impacts on the market would
be kept to an acceptable level, if certain requirements were met, which included: any profits
from the operation cannot be used to build or acquire additional generating capacity; Paks II,
must be legally separated from Paks I; and that at least 30percent of the power produced must
be sold on the open market.986 It is expected that the Austrian Government will challenge the
decision and take the European Commission to the European Court of Justice, as it did with
the Hinkley Point C case in 2015987, which is ongoing.

981 - Phil Chaffee, EU Hungary doubles down on Paks 2 secrecy, NIW, 27February2015.
982 - WNN, Hungary meets Euratom Treaty objectives for Paks II, 15September2015, see
org/NN-Hungary-meets-Euratom-Treaty-objectives-for-Paks-II-15091501.html, accessed 20April2017.
983 - Official Journal of the European Union, State AidHungarySA.38454 (2015/C) (ex 2015/N) Possible aid to the Paks
nuclear power station, 12January2016, letter dated 23November2015, see
ML/?uri=CELEX:52016XC0112(01)&from=EN, accessed 30July2017.
984 - WNN, Paks II projects gets environmental licence, 30September2016, see
Paks-II-project-gets-environmental-licence-30091602.html, accessed 4April2017.
985 - NEI, EC agrees to Hungarys Paks II, but funding decision still awaited, 23November2016, see http://www.neimaga-, accessed 4April2017.
986 - European Commission, State Aid: Commission clears investment in construction of Paks II nuclear power plant in Hun-
gary, Press Release, 6March2017, see, accessed 4April2017.
987 - NIW, Vienna Poised to Challenge Paks II Decision, 10March2017.
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Then at the end of March, the Hungarian Atomic Energy Authority approved the site license
for the new construction.988 Construction is planned to start in 2018 and commissioning in late
2023 or early 2024.989

However, there are still important economic consideration for the project. Most importantly,
falling power prices across Europe have raised serious questions on the economic viability of
the project and various studies have been undertaken to assess this. One report, undertaken
by Rothschild & Cie for the Prime Ministers Office in September2015, concluded that when
making assumptions on the market price of power in the order of 65/MWh (US$74/MWh),
described as in the low end,

the operational revenues generated from the sale of the power output envisaged on
benchmarked load factor assumptions can be expected to generate sufficient cash flows
to cover the operational costs of running the nuclear plant, as well as contributions to-
wards returning the invested capital.990

This raises serious questions about the economics of the project as the operational costs are
assumed relatively low for new nuclear power plants, and the Rothschild report states that
investment costs can only be partially covered in their scenario, which make up a significant
share of the cost of nuclear electricity. The report has been criticized for taking outdated and
overstated price expectations and that under more realistic assumptions the project is une-
conomic in each tested scenario and would have to be significantly subsidized by Hungarian
taxpayers.991 The current market price for power (baseload future markets 2018) in Hungary
is around 35-50/MWh (US$40-57/MWh).992

Romania has one nuclear power plant at Cernavoda, where two Canadian-designed
CANDU reactors began operating in 1996 and 2007. In 2016, they provided 10.4 TWh or
17.1percent of the countrys electricity, compared to 20.6percent in 2009.

Between 1982 and 1987, Romania started construction on five Canadian-designed reactors, but
three of the projects (Cernavoda-3 to -5) were abandoned in 1990. Unit 1 was completed in
1996, and unit two started up in 2007, 34years after construction started.

The first two units were partly funded by the Canadian Export Development Corporation, the
second also partly by Euratom. Various foreign companies have been involved in the attempts
to revive the construction of units 3, 4 and 5. The penultimate involved Enel, CEZ, GDF SUEZ,
RWE, Iberdrola and ArcelorMittal, which established a company with the State nuclear corpo-
ration, called EnergoNuclear in 2008. However, one by one the foreign companies pulled out.993

988 - NIW, BriefsHungary, 31March2017.

989 - WNN, Hungary repeats 2018 target date for Paks II project, 18November2015, see
NN-Hungary-repeats-2018-target-date-for-Paks-II-project-18111501.html, accessed 4April2016.
990 - Rothschild& Cie, Economic analysis for the Paks II nuclear power project, A rational investment case for Hungarian
State resources, Prepared for the Office of the Hungarian Prime Minister, September2015.
991 - Candole Partners, NPP Paks II: Economic feasibility, impact on competition and subsidy costs, Prepared for
Greenpeace, May2016.
992 - PXE, Price information from the Power Exchange Central Europe, see, accessed 4April2017.
993 - WNA, Nuclear Power in Romania, Updated July2016, see
profiles/countries-o-s/romania.aspx, accessed 4April2017.
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The latest attempt was launched by China General Nuclear Power Group (CGN), which signed
a letter of intent in November2013 with Societatea Nationala Nuclearelectrica(SNN) to com-
plete the projects in 2019 and 2020. In October2014, SNN and CGN signed a binding agree-
ment that made the latter the selected investor. This was followed in November2015, with
the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding(MoU) between Nuclearelectrica and CGN
for the construction, operation and decommissioning of units3 and 4. The MoU, also included
agreements on investments, the articles of incorporation of the new project company, the
structuring of the projects financing and remarkably, CGN is to be the majority share owner of
the project, with at least 51percent of the shares.994 In January2016, the Romania Government
formally expressed support for the project and outlined the policies and measures that it would
introduce to support it, this included energy market reform, changes to the electricity tariff,
commitments on state guarantees and financial incentive policies.995

During 2016 and 2017, negotiations between CGN and Nuclearelectrica were said to be on-
going, although deadlines for construction and financing agreements have continually been
extended. In February2017, the Government was reported as saying, it wanted to accelerate
the process to enable a deal to be reached, which is likely to need the greater involvement of
the Romanian government.996 As with most other large power projects, especially nuclear, in
Europe, the lower market price for electricity is likely to be a significant stumbling block for
the deal. According to Nuclearelectrica, the break-even price for electricity from the project
is about 82/MWh (US$94/MWh),997 which is well above the current range of 35-45/MWh
(US$40-51/MWh) in Romania.998

In Slovakia, the state utility Slovensk Elektrrne (SE) operates two nuclear sites,
Jaslovsk Bohunice, which houses two VVER440 units, and Mochovce, which has two similar
reactors in operation. In 2016, these produced 13.7TWh or 54.1percent of the countrys elec-
tricitythe second highest share in the world behind France (overtaking Ukraine in 2016).
In October2004, the Italian national utility ENEL acquired a 66percent stake in SE and, as
part of its bid, proposed to invest nearly 2billion (US$2.7billion) in new nuclear generating
capacity, including completion of the third and fourth blocks of Mochovce, whose construction
originally began in January1985. Towards the end of 2014, ENEL announced that it was see-
king to sell its share in SE and had received a number of nonbinding bids. In December2015,
it was announced that EPH was the winner of the bid, with a preliminary price of 750mil-
lion (US$812million). Under the deal, ENEL will get 150million (US$171million) in the first
stage, which will give EPH 33percent in the company, the remaining share and final price will
be agreed one year after Mochovce is completed.999

994 - WNN, Romania and China seal Cernavoda agreement, 10November2015, see
Romania-and-China-seal-Cernavoda-agreement-10111501.html, accessed 20April2017.
995 - WNN, Romania expresses support for Chinas role at Cernavoda, 25January2016, see
org/NN-Romania-expresses-support-for-China-role-at-Cernavoda-25011601.html, accessed 20April2017.
996 - NIW, BriefsRomania, 24February2017.
997 - NucNet, Negotiations On Construction Of Romanias Cernavoda-3 And -4 In Final Stage, as posted on Neutron Bytes,
29October2016, see, accessed 4April2017.
998 - PXE, Price information from the Power Exchange Central Europe, see, accessed 4April2017.
999 - Tatiana Jancarikova and Jan Lopatka, Enel sells stake in Slovak power group, including nuclear plant, to EPH, Reuters,
18December2015, see, accessed 4April2017.
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In February 2007, SE announced that it was proceeding with the construction of Mochovce-3
and -4 and that ENEL had agreed to invest 1.8 billion (US$20072.6 billion). According to
IAEA-PRIS, construction restarted in June 2009, and, at the time, the units were expected
to generate power in 2012 and 2013 respectively.1000 However, the project was beset with pro-
blems, and by May2016, the estimate for the total costs of completion had risen to 5.1billion
(US$5.72016 billion), with completion at the end of 2016/early 2017.1001 According to SE, as of
the last quarter of 2016, unit3 was over 94percent complete and unit4 over 80percent.1002
However, in March 2017, SE announced a considerable further delay in the project with
operation now expected only at the end of 2018 and 2019 for each unit. This is an additio-
nal two years of construction, while the officially expected cost increase is only 300million
(US$333million),1003 so further cost overruns are highly likely. The new construction schedule
means that the reactors are six years behind the planning issued when construction restarted
in 2009.

In addition to the delays and cost overruns, concerns have been raised about the state of the
power market, with power prices currently at 30/MWh (US$33/MWh) and electricity demand
following the sluggish economy. It is expected that, if and when the Mochovce units are com-
pleted, their capacity will mainly be used for export, so given the low electricity prices in the
European market, the chance that SE will recover their ever-increasing investment seems slim.
Slovak Foreign Policy Association energy analyst Karel Hirman said: The Mochovce expan-
sion project is a liability. EPH is buying hundreds of tonnes of concrete that may either gene-
rate profit or loss in the future.1004

The Slovak state-owned utility JAVYS and the Czech utility CEZ in 2009 started a joint ven-
ture Jadrov energetick spolonos Slovenska, a.s. (JESS) to construct new nuclear capacity
in Jaslovsk Bohunice. JAVYS is currently responsible for the decommissioning at Jaslovsk
Bohunice of the A1reactor and the two V1reactors, as well as for Slovakias radioactive waste
management. The so-called Bohunice NJZ (nov jadrov zdroj) 1200MW new-build project
is proposed to be completed before 2025 at a cost of 4-6billion (US$4.5-6.8billion). JAVYS
owns 51 percent of the shares and CEZ 49 percent. CEZ sought in 2013 to sell this stake to
Russian Rosatom, but negotiations failed in March2014.1005 Also later negotiations with China
were fruitless. The Slovak Environment Ministry approved the environmental impact assess-
ment report in April 2016.1006 In a next step, the project is expected to tender for technology.
No timeline has been published.

1000 - ENEL, ENEL Starts Site Works at Mochovce 34, Press Release, 3November2008,
see, accessed 4April2017.
1001 - Spravy Pravda, alie peniaze na Mochovce? iga nem oficilnu informciu, Additional money for Mochovce ? Ziza
has no official information, 5May2016, (in Slovene), see
mochovce-ziga-nema-oficialnu-informaciu/, accessed 4April2017.
1002 - SE, Mochovce 3&4 Project Completion (01/03/2016), 3January2016, see,
accessed 4April2017.
1003 - WNN, Slovak utility increases Mochovce expansion budget, 31March2017, see
NN-Slovak-utility-increases-Mochovce-expansion-budget-31031701.html, accessed 4April2017.
1004 - Tatiana Jancarikova and Jan Lopatka, Enel sells stake in Slovak power group, including nuclear plant, to EPH, Reuters,
18December2015, see, accessed 20April2017.
1005 - Chris Johnstone, EZ left with problematic Slovak nuclear joint venture after Rosatom talks die, RadioPrague,
7March2014, see
tom-talks-die, accessed 20April2017.
1006 - Energia, Nov atmka v Bohuniciach m zelen od MP, 19April2016, (in Slovene), see
dolezite/jadrova-energia/nova-atomka-v-bohuniciach-ma-zelenu-od-mzp/19850/, accessed 20April2017.
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Slovenia jointly owns the Krsko nuclear power plant with Croatiaa 696-MW
Westinghouse PWR. In 2016, it provided 5.4 TWh or 35.2 percent of Slovenias electricity
(down from a maximum of42.4percent in 2005). The reactor was started in 1981 with an ini-
tial operational life of 40 years, but, the operator intends to seek a 20-year life extension. In
July2015, an Inter-State Commission agreed to extend the plants operational life to 60years,
so that would continue until 2043, as well as to construct a dry storage facility for the spent
fuel.1007 In March2017 a contract, for an undisclosed amount, was given to the U.S. firm Holtec
for the supply of a dry cask storage facility.1008

In January2010, an application was made by the nuclear operator to the Ministry of Economy
to build an additional unit, but no advancement of the project has been made since.


Armenia has one remaining reactor at the Medzamor (also Metsamor or Armenian) nu-
clear power plant, situated within 30kilometers of the capital Yerevan. Armenian-2 provided
2.2TWh or 31.4percent of the countrys electricity in 2016, down from a maximum nuclear
share of 45percent in 2009.

The reactor started generating electricity in January 1980 and is a first generation, Soviet
designed reactor, a VVER 440-230. In December1988, Armenia suffered a major earthquake
that killed some 25,000people and led to the rapid closure of its two reactors in March1989.

[ progress in Severe Accident Management (SAM) programme

development and implementation is quite slow and delayed with respect
to the original schedules. Various essential issues are unsolved
During the early 1990s and following the collapse of the former Soviet Union, a territorial dis-
pute between Armenia and Azerbaijan resulted in an energy blockade against Armenia that led
to significant power shortages, resulting in the governments decision in 1993 to re-open unit2
at Medzamor. In October2012, the Armenia Government announced that it would operate the
Medzamor unit until 2026.

In June2016, the European Nuclear Safety Regulators Group(ENSREG) issued the EU Peer
Review Report of the Armenian Stress Tests1009 . The report confirms numerous safety-related
problems, and states, for example:

Despite of various programmes of international aid and support, the progress in Severe
Accident Management (SAM) programme development and implementation is quite
slow and delayed with respect to the original schedules. Various essential issues are

1007 - WNN, Partners agree on life extension for Krsko, 21July2015, see
agree-on-life-extension-for-Krsko-2107154.html, accessed 20April2017.
1008 - NEI, Holtec to supply storage facility to Slovenias Krsko, 3March2017, see
holtec-to-supply-storage-facility-to-slovenias-krsko-5753449, accessed 20April2017.
1009 - ENSREG, EU Peer Review Report of the Armenian Stress Tests, June2016, see
files/attachments/2016-07-20_4259241_armenia_stress_tests_report-_ensreg_template_final.pdf, accessed 28July2017.
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unsolved. (...) With respect to hardware modifications especially enhancements of the

Emergency Core Cooling System, containment tightness, hydrogen monitoring and
control as well as containment spray system should be treated in priority.
The last sentence reads like a list of highest-level safety-related essentials.

In September2016, at the IAEA general assembly, the Turkish Energy Minister, BeratAlbakrak,
called for the reactor to be shut down stating: We again strongly underline that all necessary
measures must be taken to eliminate the risks associated with this NPP.1010

Armenia-2s design lifetimeand with it its operating licenseexpired in September 2016.

Since then, and at least until June 2018, when the operator is to submit an updated Safety
Analysis Report(SAR), the reactor will be operated on the basis of temporary permissions. A
final decision on a license for lifetime extension is not expected before 2021.1011

In December 2014, Armenia and Russia signed an intergovernmental agreement that would
see the Russian Government finance a program of upgrading to let the reactor operate until
2026.1012 The contract was signed in July2015 for work is to be funded by a Russian state loan of
US$270million and a grant of US$30million.1013

For years, Armenia has been negotiating with Russia for the construction of a new 1000MW
unit, and signed an intergovernmental agreement in August2010. In March2014, the energy
minister admitted that it was having difficulty in attracting funds to start construction.1014 In
September2015, Deputy Energy Minister AregGalstyan, was quoted as saying that Armenia
was now considering the construction of two 600MW units, rather than one 1,000MW unit.
The commissioning target would move from 2027 to 2036.1015 Back to the one-unit option, in
September2016, AregGalstyan, stated: We have approximately 10years to start the construc-
tion of the new energy unit on the same place, where the Metsamor NPP is located. We are 100
percent sure that the block will use pressurized water reactor. We have one, maximum two
years to make the final decision on choosing the type of project.1016

In Russia, nuclear plants provided a historic maximum of 184.1TWh of electricity. In 2016,

nuclear energy contributed 17.1percent to the countrys electricity mix, a slight decline from

1010 - Herat Albakrak, Statement of the Republic of Turkey, Minister of Energy and Natural Resources, 26September2016,
statement made at the 60thGeneral Conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency, 26-30 September,
see, accessed 17April2017.
1011 - Leonti Chaloyan, Armenian NPPStress Tests Action Plan, Presentation at the IAEA, Vienna, 27-29March2017,
see, accessed
1012 - Diario Armenia, Armenia and Russia signed an agreement to extend the life of Medzamor nuclear power plant,
27December2014, (in Spanish), see
vida-util-de-la-central-atomica-de-medzamor/, accessed 20April2017.
1013 - NEI, Armenia NPP prepares for life extension, 12February2016, see
nian-npp-prepares-for-life-extension-4811203, accessed 7April2017
1014 - Business New Europe, Armenia denies plans to abandon nuclear power plant project, 28March2014.
1015 - NIW, BriefsArmenia, 25September2015.
1016 - ARKA, Armenia has two years to decide on type of new NPP unit, 28September2016, see
nology/armenia_has_two_years_to_decide_on_type_of_new_npp_unit/, accessed 27July2017.
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the record level in the previous two years (18.5percent). However, Rosatom is hoping to further
increase production in the coming years, with output in 2019 expected to reach 214TWh.1017

Russia has seven reactors under construction, second only to China and equal to India. Two
of these are floating reactors (Akademik Lomonosov-1 and -2), which are nominally 32MWe
each. These were ordered in February2009 and were expected to be delivered to the customer
at the end of 2012.1018 During 2016, it has become clear that the project has become delayed
again and Rosatoms director of innovation management, Vyacheslav Pershukov, said that they
planned to start deployment of the plant in September2019, followed by trials and operational
launch.1019 Critics of the project point out that the risk of accidents on a floating nuclear plant
is greatly increased because they are even more susceptible to the elements, subject to threats
of piracy, and if deployed widely would increase the risks of nuclear material proliferation.1020

Construction started at the Baltic-1 unit, a 1109 MW VVER-491 reactor, in February 2012.
However, construction was suspended in June 2013 for a variety of reasons, including reco-
gnition of the limited market for the electricity. Accordingly, WNISR pulled the project off the
construction listing. Despite no indication that construction has restarted, the project remains
under construction in IAEA statistics.

Two VVER-1200 MW units are being built at the Leningrad nuclear power plant near
St.Petersburg, where construction started in 2008 and 2010. At the time of ordering, the reac-
tors were expected to start up in 2013 and 2016 respectively. However, repeated delays have
occurred, with completion of unit 1 expected in 2018.1021 Cold testing of the integrity of the
system began in April2017, although no new startup date was announced.1022

In 2016, a VVER1200 reactor at Novovoronezh (unit6 at the site) was completed and reached
full power by October,1023 two years behind schedule. Soon after start-up, an electrical power
failure caused the reactor to be taken offline and was only back to full power in January2017.1024
The VVER1200 is the first GenIII+ to be completed,1025 given the delays in the EPR and AP1000
construction in Europe, US and China. A second unit is under construction at the site. Another
reactor is being constructed at the Rostov nuclear power plant, expected to be put into opera-
tion in 2017.1026

1017 - NEI, Russia plant to boost nuclear power generation, 18April2017, see
plans-to-boost-nuclear-power-generation-5789303/, accessed 25April2017.
1018 - NEI, KLT-40S nuclear barge project still afloat, 9March2010.
1019 - WNN, Rosatom diversifies work in Arctic region, 3April2017, see
versifies-work-in-Arctic-region-03041701.html, accessed 17April2017.
1020 - Martin Matishak, Floating nuclear reactors could fall prey to terrorist, experts say, Global Security Newswire, Nuclear
Threat Initiative, 13August2010, see
experts-say/, accessed 17April2017.
1021 - NIW, BriefsRussia, 7August2015.
1022 - WNN, Russia starts pre-commissioning LeningradeII unit1, 13April2017, see
NN-Russia-starts-pre-commissioning-Leningrad-II-unit-1-13041702.html, accessed 17April2017.
1023 - WNN, Russia's Novovoronezh 6 operating at full power, 27October2016, see
Russias-Novovoronezh-6-operating-at-full-power-27101601.html, accessed 17April2017.
1024 - NEI, Russias Novovoronezh 6 at full capacity again, 30January2017, see
sias-novovoronezh-6-at-full-capacity-again-5726083/, accessed 17February2017.
1025 - Gary Peach, Russia Lauds Completion of Worlds First Gen3+ Reactor, NIW, 10June2016.
1026 - Energoatom, Rostov NPP: power unit No 4 will be put into operation in 2017, 29March2017, see http://www.rosener-, accessed 11 August 2017.
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In June 2016, the Russian regulator Rostechnadzor granted a construction license for the first
unit of KurskII. It is suggested that in 2017, 16.5billion rubles (US$274million) have been allo-
cated for construction,1027 with completion expected in 2022.1028 This could be a particularly
important project, as it would be the first of the latest Russian design, the VVER-TOI, which is
said to be a 1200MW, Generation III+ design and destined for export.

A January 2015 report by Russias Audit Chamber found seven out of then nine units under
construction 12 to 38 months behind scheduleprobably an underestimate. The report also
noted with concern the financial situation of Rosenergoatoms construction program with
lower state budgets, which fell 18percent during 20092015. Furthermore, Rosenergoatom, due
to lower electricity prices, was forced to take out further loans to enable construction to pro-
ceed, and, as a result, had to use 68percent of its reserves to cover interest costs.1029 The report
also refers to alarming environmental and safety implications of the current situation, with
construction taking place in the absence of a passing review by Russias Directorate-General
for State Environmental Reviews. And the construction at the Leningrad-2 station lacks a syn-
chronized schedule of equipment delivery and installation, so by the time some equipment
comes online, it will be out of warranty.1030

In August2016, a Government decree called for the construction of an additional 11reactors by

2030, which includes two new fast breeder reactors, a VVER600 at Kola and seven new VVER-
TOI units at Kola, Smolensk, Nizhny Novgorod, Kostrom and Tatar.1031 With the anticipated
closures of reactors this is likely to mean that the installed capacity would be around 30GW by
2030. It is unclear how even this reduced development plan will be funded, as the draft Russian
2017budget assumes a decreasing budget for nuclear power; in 2017 68.7billion rubles ($1.1bil-
lion) will be allocated, falling to 54.8 billion rubles (US$877 million).1032 However, there are
concerns over the likelihood that the fast-reactor construction program will even begin, and
in January2017, Rosatom pushed back its start to an unspecified date, due to its high cost.1033

In December 2016, unit 3 at the Novovoronezh station was closed definitely. A key issue for
the industry is how to manage its aging reactors. There are mainly three classes of reactors
in operation: the RBMK (a graphite-moderated reactor of the Chernobyl type), the VVER440,
and the VVER1000. Both the RBMKs and VVER440 have been granted a 15-year life extension
to enable them to operate for 45years, although there are plans to extend this in some cases
to 60 years1034 , while the VVER1000s are expected to work for up to 50years. As of the middle

1027 - Tatiana Kanunnikova, Rosenergoatom invests $274m in building Kursk NPP this year, Russian Construction,
12January2017, see
npp-this-year.html, accessed 17April2017.
1028 - NIW, BriefsRussia, 10July2017.
1029 - Gary Peach, Auditor Report Illuminates Rosatoms Financial Challenges, NIW, 23January2015.
1030 - Charles Digges, Russian Audit Chamber cites ballooning budgets in domestic nuke projects, Bellona, 27January2015,
nuke-projects, accessed 20April2017.
1031 - WNN, Russia to build 11 new nuclear reactors by 2030, 10August2016, see
Russia-to-build-11-new-nuclear-reactors-by-2030-10081602.html, accessed 17April2017.
1032 - NIW, Moscow Plans Nuclear Power Spending Cuts, 14October2016.
1033 - NEI, Breakthrough project continues as Brest reactor is postponed, 18January2017, see
news/newsbreakthrough-project-continues-as-brest-reactor-is-postponed-5718901, accessed 20April2017.
1034 - NEI, Russian permanently closes Novovoronezh 3, 4January2017, see
permanently-closes-novovoronezh-3-5709099/, accessed 25April2017.
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of 2017, 22 reactors have operated for over 30years, of which eight have run for over 40 years.
According to Belona, life extensions have been granted without the necessary environmental
impact assessments, which has both lead to protests but also makes the life extensions so-
mething of a legal grey area.1035

In February 2017, the new head of Rosatom, Aleksei Likhachev, announced that their order
book at the end of 2016 was now worth US$133billion, up from US$110billion at the beginning
of the year. This included two VVERreactors for Bangladesh, units2 and 3 at Bushehr in Iran,
units5 and 6 at Kudankulam in India and the 4 units at Akkuyu in Turkey.1036

A large part of the funding for these projects comes from Russias Wealth Funds. However,
these are also being used for stabilizing the Russian economy as a result of the lower oil and gas
prices, the falling value of the ruble, and ongoing sanctions. One of these funds, the Reserve
Fund, has seen its stockpile fall from US$142billion in 2008 to $32billion in 2016.1037 The cre-
dit-rating agencies reflect these developments in the Russian economy in general and the ener-
gy sector. In February2017, Moodys downgraded, from stable to negative, Atomenergoprom,
along with three other energy related firms, as a result of the overall decline in the countrys
economic climate. The Ba1 rating was given despite recognition of its monopolistic position,
strong degree of vertical integration and strong position in the international markets, because
of the relative immaturity of the domestic regulatory environment, the execution and political
risks of the overseas business.1038

Ukraine has 15 operating reactors, two of the VVER440design and the rest VVER1000s.
They provided 76.08 TWh or 52.3 percent of power in 2016, a decline from 82.4 TWh and
56.5percent in the previous year. Despite this, operator Energoatom said that its revenues in-
creased by 10percent during the year to around UAH43billion (US$1.6billion).1039

Twelve out of the countrys 15reactors were completed in the 1980s and had an original design
life of thirty years. The nuclear operator has proposed to extend lifetimes of the reactors for
another 20years. The proposal was accepted and now it is a core element of the nuclear strate-
gy approved by the government. The safety upgrade program for the 15reactors is estimated to
cost 1.45billion (US$1.62billion) in total, of which the European Bank for Reconstruction and
Development(EBRD) and EURATOM will contribute 600million (US$670million). To date,
two nuclear reactors at Rivne have been granted a life extension of 20years, twounits at South
Ukraine for 10years, and also two units at ZaporizhzhyaNPP for 10years. Zaporizhzhya-3 is
planning to implement measures necessary for the license extension with the expected deci-
sion of the nuclear regulator in November2017.

1035 - Nils Bhmer, Oskar Njaa, Charles Digges, Russian nuclear power2017Updated as of 30.05.2017, Bellona, 2017,
1036 - Gary Peach, Rosatom Adjusts to Low-Growth Domestic Economy, NIW, 20January2017.
1037 - Vladimir Kuznetsov, Russian Wealth Fund Has This Years Biggest Drop as Buffers Wilt, Bloomberg, 6September2017,
accessed 20April2017.
1038 - Moodys, Rating Action: Moody's changes outlook to stable on 4 Russian utility companies and their affiliates following
Russian outlook change to stable; affirms ratings, 21February2017.
1039 - NEI, Ukraines Energoatom sees revenue increase, 23January2017, see
sukraines-energoatom-sees-revenue-increase-5722090/, accessed 25April2017.
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The lifetime extension of Rivne-1 and -2 is part of an ongoing controversy within the Espoo
Convention on transboundary Environmental Impact Assessment(EIA), which concluded that
Ukraine was in non-compliance for not executing an EIA before its decision to prolong the
lifetime of these VVER440reactors after their technical lifetime of 30years.1040 Environmental
groups in Ukraine have called upon European institutions to stop the support for risk life ex-
tension programs.1041 In 2016, the Espoo Convention Implementation Committee(ECIC) has
opened a new information-gathering case regarding lifetime extension of SouthUkraine and at
Zaporizhzhya based on information submitted by NGO CEE Bankwatch Network1042 .

Two reactors, Khmelnitsky-3 and -4, are officially under construction. WNISR pulled them
from the list. Building work started in 1986 and 1987 but stopped in 1990. In February2011,
Russia and Ukraine signed an intergovernmental agreement to complete the reactors, and in
2012, the Ukrainian Parliament adopted legislation to create a framework to finance the pro-
ject, with 80percent of the funds to be coming from Russia. It is unclear how much work has
been completed, with the documentation for the EIA stating the units were 3540percent and
510 percent complete respectively, while the operator NNEGC Energoatom stated on its
website that construction of units3 and 4 is reaching 75percent and 28percent completion
respectively.1043 However, in September2015, the Ukrainian Parliament voted to cancel the pro-
ject with Deputy Energy Minister AlexanderSvetelik blaming Russia for failing to fulfill the
obligation under the deal, and saying that an alternative partner would be sought.1044 In
January2017, the Russian Government confirmed that, on 12May2016, the 2011 agreement on
the completion of the units had been cancelled.1045

Energoatom stated that it will double its investment budget in 2017 from UAH6.2 billion
(US$243million) in 2016 to 14billion (US$540million). However, with UAH 6.3billion ear-
marked for safety improvements, UAH 4.3billion (US$166million) for infrastructure at exis-
ting sites, such as roads and training centers, and UAH 1.5billion (US$57.9million) for reactor
extensions1046, little is available for the construction of Khmelnitsky3 and 4.

In March2017, Energoatom, proposed that units3 and 4 could be built and connected directly
to the Polish grid, creating an energy bridge to the EU. The direct connection, which would

1040 - Committee Initiative on Ukraine, EIA/IC/CI/4 UkraineInformation on matters considered by the Committee,
UNECE, see
compliance/committee-initiative/eiaicci4-ukraine.html, accessed 20April2017.
1041 - Iryna Holovko, Time for Europe to stop supporting Ukraines risky nuclear power sector, Energy Post, 18May2016,
see, accessed 20April2017.
1042 - Economic Commission for Europe, Report of the Implementation Committee on its

thirty-eighth,session, meeting held 20-22February2017 (Geneva), Economic and Social Council, United Nations,
report published 18May2017, see
ic.2017.2.final18.05.2017_typo_3.pdf , accessed 20April2017.
1043 - Oda Becker, et al., Khmelnitsky NPP Construction of Units 3 and 4Expert Statement to the Information and Analy-
tical Survey (IAS) of the Feasibility Study (FS) and the EIA Report of the FS, Umweltbundesamt (Environment Agency Aus-
tria), Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management, 2013, see http://www.umweltbundesamt.
at/fileadmin/site/publikationen/REP0441.pdf, accessed 20April2017.
1044 - Ed Adamczyk, Ukraine scraps nuclear reactor deal with Russia, United Press International, 16September2015,
accessed 20 April 2017.
1045 - WNN, Russia announces cancellation of Khmelnitsky agreement, 16January2017, see
org/NP-Russia-announces-cancellation-of-Khmelnitsky-agreement-16011701.html, accessed 20April2017.
1046 - NEI, Ukraines Energoatom doubles investment for 2017, 30November2016, see
newsukraines-energoatom-doubles-investment-for-2017-5684150/, accessed 25April2017.
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enable electricity to be exported to the EU by 2019, would be sufficient to finance the pro-
ject. The cost of the interconnection would be relatively small at US$55million, according to
Energoatom. However, financing is not the only issue facing the completion plans. A primary
concern is the availability of suitable reactor pressure vessels. Given the poor political relations
between Russia and Ukraine, the usual supply is unlikely and the most likely alternative, the
Czech firm Skoda JS, is partially owned, indirectly, by Gazprom bank, putting in doubt its avai-

1047 - Gary Peach, Financing Khmelnitsky Via Energy Bridge to Poland?, NIW, 24March2017.
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Compliance with the NRA guidelines, which came into force in July 20131048 , is a requirement
for utilities in their plans for reactor restart, along with securing local public understanding
and approval from the local town mayors, Prefectural Assembly and Governor. The new gui-
delines cover a range of issues related to the safety risks of nuclear power plants, including
seismic and tsunami assessments and protective measures undertaken by utilities;1049 fire pro-
tection; the management of the reactor in the event of a loss of offsite electrical power, coo-
ling function, and accident management,1050 including prevention of hydrogen explosion; and
the containment or filtered venting of radioactive materials into the environment. In the case
of seismic assessments, reactors that are located above active faults are not be permitted to
resume operations. Reactor owners are also required to assess their vulnerability to volcanic
eruptions, which depending on scale of risk would not be permitted to operate or would be re-
quired to have specific countermeasures in place. Emergency evacuation plans are also requi-
red to be agreed with local communities within a 30-km radius of the nuclear plant. Upon com-
pletion of the preliminary approval of the safety case, the NRA holds a series of local public
information meetingsan issue that has created controversy as to whether communities not
immediately within the vicinity of a plantbut at risk in the event of a severe accident, would

To date the NRA has only completed the review of PWRs, based on the regulators analysis
that it is easier to secure them against seismic events, than it is for BWRs. In addition, only
one BWR review team of about 20staff is in place at NRA, compared to three teams of about
60people that are working on PWR inspections. There are 10 BWRs and 11 PWRs under review
(13 for details).

In terms of reactors most advanced in the NRA review process, four reactors are expected to
secure final approval before December 2017. The Genkai-3 and -4 PWRs, owned by Kyushu
Electric in Saga prefecture on the island of Kyushu, were found to be compatible with the
NRAs regulatory standards on 18 January 2017.1051 The five NRA commissioners unanimously
approved the upgrade plans for the reactors. It has taken Kyushu Electric three and a half years
to obtain permission to make changes to the reactor installations (basic design approvals),

1048 - NRA, New Regulatory Requirements for Light-Water Nuclear Power PlantsOutline, August 2013,
see, accessed 18 June 2017.
1049 - NRA, Outline of New Regulatory Requirements For Light Water Nuclear Power Plants (Earthquakes and Tsunamis),
3April 2013, see, accessed 18 June 2017.
1050 - NRA, Outline of New Regulatory Requirements For Light Water Nuclear Power Plants (Severe Accident Measures),
3April2013, see, accessed 18 June 2017.
1051 - JAIF, Genkai-3 and -4 NPPs Clear Safety Examinations, 20 January 2017, see
4-npps-clear-safety-examinations/, accessed 14 June 2017.
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Table 13 | Status of Japanese Nuclear Reactor Fleet (as of 1 July 2017)

NRA Compliance
Startup Age Shutdown
Operator Reactor MW Date a Status
Year Years Duration Application Approval b
dd/mm/yy dd/mm/yy dd/mm/yy

Hamaoka-3 (BWR) 1056 1987 30.4 29/11/10 6.6 15/06/15 LTO

CHUBU Hamaoka-4 (BWR) 1092 1993 24.4 13/05/11 6.1 14/02/14 LTO
Hamaoka-5 (ABWR) 1325 2004 13.2 14/05/11 6.1 LTO
CHUGOKU Shimane-2 (BWR) 789 1988 29.0 27/01/12 5.4 25/12/13 LTO
Tomari-1 (PWR) 550 1988 28.6 22/04/11 6.2 08/07/13 LTO
HEPCO Tomari-2 (PWR) 550 1990 26.8 26/08/11 5.8 08/07/13 LTO
Tomari-3 (PWR) 866 2009 7.6 05/05/12 5.2 08/07/13 LTO
Shika-1 (BWR) 505 1993 24.5 01/03/11 6.3 LTO
Shika-2 (ABWR) 1108 2005 12.0 11/03/11 6.3 12/08/14 LTO
Tokai-2 (BWR) 1060 1978 39.3 21/05/11 6.1 20/05/14 LTO
Tsuruga-2 (PWR) 1108 1986 31.0 29/08/11 5.8 05/11/15 LTO
Mihama-3 (PWR) 780 1976 41.4 14/05/11 6.1 17/03/15 16/11/16 LTO
Ohi-1 (PWR) 1120 1977 39.5 10/12/10 6.6 LTO
Ohi-2 (PWR) 1120 1978 38.7 16/12/11 5.5 LTO
Ohi-3 (PWR) 1127 1991 26.1 02/09/13 3.8 08/07/13 24/05/17 LTO
Ohi-4 (PWR) 1127 1992 25.0 15/09/13 3.8 08/07/13 24/05/17 LTO
Takahama-1 (PWR) 780 1974 43.3 10/01/11 6.5 17/03/15 10/6/16 c LTO
Takahama-2 (PWR) 780 1975 42.5 25/11/11 5.6 17/03/15 10/06/16 LTO
Takahama-3 (PWR) 830 1984 20/02/12 (3.9) 08/07/13 09/10/15
9/6/17 d
Takahama-4 (PWR) 830 1984 21/07/11 (5.8) 08/07/13 09/10/15
Genkai-2 (PWR) 529 1980 37.1 29/01/11 6.4 LTO
Genkai-3 (PWR) 1127 1993 24.0 11/12/10 6.6 12/07/13 18/01/17 LTO
Genkai-4 (PWR) 1127 1996 20.6 25/12/11 5.5 12/07/13 18/01/17 LTO
Sendai-1 (PWR) 846 1983 10/05/11 (4.3) 08/07/13 27/05/15
Sendai-2 (PWR) 846 1985 01/09/11 (4.2) 08/07/13 27/05/15

Ikata-2 (PWR) 538 1981 35.9 13/01/12 5.5 LTO

Ikata-3 (PWR) 846 1994 29/04/11 (5.3) 08/07/13 19/04/16
Kashiwazaki Kariwa-1
1067 1985 32.4 06/08/11 5.9 LTO
Kashiwazaki Kariwa-2
1067 1990 27.4 19/02/07 10.4 LTO
Kashiwazaki Kariwa-3
1067 1992 24.6 16/07/07 10.0 LTO
Kashiwazaki Kariwa-4
TEPCO 1067 1993 23.5 16/07/07 10.0 LTO
Kashiwazaki Kariwa-5
1067 1989 27.8 25/01/12 5.4 LTO
Kashiwazaki Kariwa-6
1315 1996 21.4 26/03/12 5.3 27/09/13 e LTO
Kashiwazaki Kariwa-7
1315 1996 20.5 23/08/11 5.9 27/09/13 LTO
Wo r l d N u c l e a r I n d u s t r y S t a t u s R e p o r t | 2 0 1 7  | 241

NRA Compliance
Startup Age Shutdown
Operator Reactor MW Date a Status
Year Years Duration Application Approval b
dd/mm/yy dd/mm/yy dd/mm/yy

Higashi Dori-1 (BWR) 1067 2005 11.8 06/02/11 6.4 20/06/14 LTO
Onagawa-1 (BWR) 498 1983 33.6 10/09/11 5.8 LTO
Onagawa-2 (BWR) 796 1994 22.5 06/11/10 6.7 27/12/13 LTO
Onagawa-3 (BWR) 796 2001 16.1 10/09/11 5.8 LTO

a - The shutdown dates are from Japan Atomic Industrial Forum (JAIF), Nuclear Power Plants in Japan - In operation and under construction, as
of 10 June 2014, see, accessed 13 June 2014.

b - Gray dates refer to the first step (Permission for change in reactor installation license). All others indicate final agreement of the 3-step confor-
mity review.

c - For both Takahama-1 and -2, the first two steps of the conformity review were achieved on 10 April 2016. On 20 June 2016, the Nuclear
Regulation Authority (NRA) granted KEPCO approval of extension of operation for 20 years and approval of Takahamas operational safety
programs concerning aging management technical evaluation and long-term maintenance policy for those two units. For details: NRA, The NRA
approved the extension of operation period of Takahama Power Station Units 1 and 2, 21 June 2016, see,
accessed 14 July 2017.

d - Takahama-3 had operated briefly between 29 January and 10 March 2016, before it was shut down by court order. The Shutdown Duration is
calculated until this first restart.

e - On 16 June 2017 TEPCO re-filed its application with the NRA to confirm compliance with safety requirements for Kashiwazaki Kariwa-6 and -7.
The NRA had requested resubmission in February 2017.

since it first applied to the NRA in September 2013.1052 The NRA approval is the first of a three-
stage process prior to restart with two further stages: pre-service inspections, and revisions to
operational safety programs. The two Genkai 1180MW units are the largest in terms of gene-
rating capacity to pass the NRA regulatory standards so far.

The utility was aiming to complete work on safety measures, including those related to severe
accident mitigation and seismic reinforcements, by the end of March 2017. On 6 April 2017,
Kyushu Electric submitted its 57 volume (containing 45,000 pages) engineering work program,
which forms the basis of the NRAs review plan for pre-operational inspections.1053 A revised
document for Genkai-3 was submitted 13 June 2017.1054 The NRA took on average 139 days to
complete this phase for Sendai-1 and -2, and Ikata-3, indicating a possible August 2017 com-
pletion date for the Genkai reactors. As of 13 June 2017, Kyushu Electric had yet to submit a
request for actual pre-operational inspections.

However, in April 2017 the NRA was challenged over its Genkai seismic safety assessments. In
a complaint filed under the Administrative Appeal Act, which allows for the appeal and review
of government decisions. NRA was expected to respond to the complaints in several months,
Yamato Sugita, a member of the PWR safety review staff, said on 24 April 2017.1055 The com-
plaint alleged that the assumed worst-case earthquake-caused ground motion of 620 gal at
the Genkai plant was an under-evaluation by the NRA because the reviewers and company

1052 - Kyushu Electric Power Company, Permission for Changes in Reactor Installation regarding Conformance to New
Regulatory Requirements of Genkai Nuclear Power Station No3, 4, 18 January 2017, see
rev0/0065/9190/yy8k52ds.pdf, accessed 13 June 2017.
1053 - Platts Nuclear News Flashes, Japan's Kyushu Electric files key Genkai-3 restart document, S&P, 6 April 2017.
1054 - Platts Nuclear News Flashes, Japan's Kyushu Electric files revised Genkai-3 restart document, S&P, 13 June 2017.
1055 - Platts Nuclear News Flashes, Complaint filed with NRA to revoke reactor upgrade approval, S&P, 24 April 2017.
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officials had considered only risky seismic faults.1056 The submission to the NRA noted that
the magnitude 6.6 Tottori earthquake on 21 October 2016, occurred despite the lack of risky
seismic faults in the area.1057

Genkai-3 is to operate with 20 plutonium mixed oxide (MOX) fuel assemblies manufactured
by AREVA and delivered in June 2010. A series of citizen led legal challenges to prevent the use
the fuel at Genkai over the safety risks of MOX have been defeated in the courts in the past
two years.

[ The lack of consultation with communities

within 30km of the plant is a growing issue
of controversy in Japan.
Saga Governor, Yoshinori Yamaguchi, on 24 April 2017 approved plans to restart the two
Genkai units, stating that it would have been preferable to mainly use renewable energy, but
that it unfortunately could not be provided with total stability and considering the current
situation, we have no choice (but to restart the nuclear plant).1058 Four city governments wit-
hin a 30-kilometer radius of Genkai are opposed to the restart, however they have no say in the
decision. The lack of consultation with communities within 30km of the plant is a growing is-
sue of controversy in Japan. The mayor of the city of Imari, with a population of 55,000, stated
in summer 2016: No matter how strongly we oppose (the utilitys plan to restart the reactors),
we are left out in the cold...But we are nevertheless forced to face the risk of a serious accident.
Thats too unfair.1059

Kyushu Electric secured a court victory on 13 June 2017 when the Saga District Court turned
down a request filed by some 202 citizens from 17 prefectures, including Saga and Fukuoka,
for a temporary injunction to stop the restart of the Genkai-3 and -4 reactors.1060 The Saga
court found that there was no unacceptable flaw in the NRA safety assessments.1061 The Saga
citizens have filed an appeal of the decision to the Fukuoka High Court.

The expectation is, barring any other major disruption, the two Genkai reactors will resume
operation between the final quarter of 2017 and early 2018.

The two Ohi 1127MW reactors owned by KEPCO, are the next two reactors most advanced
in the NRA process. KEPCO submitted its applications to the NRA for safety examinations of
Ohi-3 and -4 on 8July2013. The two reactors have not operated in Japan since September 2013

1056 - Platts Nuclear News Flashes, Complaint filed with NRA to revoke reactor upgrade approval, S&P, 24 April 2017.
1057 - GeoSpatial Information Authority of Japan (GSI), The 2016 Central Tottori Earthquake, 27 October 2016,
see, accessed 14 June 2017.
1058 - The Asahi Shimbun, Saga governor gives approval for nuclear plant to restart, 25 April 2017,
see, accessed 14 June 2017.
1059 - The Asahi Shimbun, Support of areas within 30-km zone vital for reactor restarts 5 June 2017,
see, accessed 14 June 2017.
1060 - JAIF, Saga District Court Allows Two Genkai Reactors to Resume Operation, 14 June 2017,
see, accessed 16 June 2017.
1061 - The Japan News, Demand to block restart of Genkai reactors nixed, Yomiuri Shimbun, 13 June 2017,
see, accessed 14 June 2017.
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respectively. On 24 May 2017, the NRA approved safety examinations for the two reactors.1062
KEPCO, as of 1 July 2017, has yet to submit construction work plans, which is the basis for
regulatory detailed design approval. KEPCO estimates costs of 122 billion (US$1 billion) for
retrofits at the Ohi-3 and -4.

A major issue at the Ohi site is the status of geologic faults within the site and the area around
it. The seismic issue was a central element that led on 22 May 2014 to the Fukui District Court
issuing a landmark ruling against operation of the Ohi reactors, the case was not an injunction
as there was no immediate risk of restart.1063 The Fukui Court ruled in favor of the 200 plain-
tiffs who contended that plant was not sufficiently robust against active seismic faults and that
the acceleration at the site could exceed 1,260 gal.1064 KEPCO appealed the Fukui court ruling
which is ongoing at the Nagoya High Courts Kanazawa branch in Ishikawa Prefecture.

Kunihiko Shimazaki, the former NRA deputy chair and a professor emeritus of seismology at
the University of Tokyo, in July 2016 voiced strong concerns related to the Ohi reactors and his
sense of crisis over the approach to earthquake risk analysis by the NRA.1065 Shimazaki had
led the team of experts when the NRA examined the fitness of the Ohi reactors at the plant
under the new regulations created in the aftermath of the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster.
He was the only seismologist among the NRAs five members and in charge of checking uti-
lities preparedness for earthquakes and tsunami before he resigned in 2014. In evidence to
the NRA, he called for a re-examination of the Ohi site, stating that he had realized that there
were problems with the calculating equation adopted by KEPCO and accepted by the NRA,
after analyzing the data on the seismic movement during the series of Kumamoto earthquakes
that occurred from mid-April 2016. The NRA on 27July 2016 announced that it would not be
revising its seismic methodology, dismissing Shimazakis assessment as not up to a level that
should be recommended by the NRA on the basis of scientific and technical sophistication.1066
In summer 2016, Shimazaki submitted his analysis to the Kanazawa court, which is conside-
ring the KEPCO court appeal. On 23 April 2017, Shimazaki testified to the court that the for-
mulas used by the NRA in computing the scale of earthquakes underestimates potential seis-
mic impact by a factor of 3.5.1067 The case is ongoing.

A nuclear plant that was expected to be further along the NRA review process is the Tomari
PWR plant, owned by Hokkaido Electric, on the north island of Japan. Tomari-3 was the most
advanced in the NRA review. Hokkaido Electric in September 2016 abandoned its plans for ear-

1062 - JAIF, Ohi-3 & -4 NPPs Clear Safety Examinations toward Restarts this Autumn, 24 May 2017,
see, accessed 15 June 2017.
1063 - Fukui District Court, Outline of Judgment on Claim for Injunction on Operation of No. 3 and No. 4 Units at Ohi
Nuclear Power Plant Fukui District Court, May 21 2014, (Unofficial Translation), see
nal/Global/international/briefings/nuclear/2014/Ohi-ruling-translation.pdf, accessed 18 June 2017.
1064 - Nikkei Asian Review, Court throws wrench into Japan's nuclear restart, 22 May 2014, see
tics-Economy/Policy-Politics/Court-throws-wrench-into-Japan-s-nuclear-restart, accessed 15 June 2017.
1065 - Reuters, "Former Japan nuclear regulator lashes out over earthquake standards" 15 July 2016,
see accessed 15 June 2017.
1066 - The Asahi Shimbun, NRA dismisses former expert members Oi plant warning, 28 July 2016,
see, accessed 15 June 2017.
1067 - Kunihiko Shimazaki, Maximum-class Japan Sea tsunami scenarios are less than maximum-class An error, left
uncorrected, is a recipe for another unforeseeable disaster", Kagaku , Science Journal, Vol.86, No.7, July 2016,
see, accessed 15June2017.
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ly restart.1068 The utility applied to the NRA for review in July 2013. However, in July 2016, the
NRA received evidence from Hokkaido Electric on the issue of an active fault line on the west
coast of the Shakotan Peninsula, where the Tomari plant is located.1069 This issue is still under
deliberation with possible negative impacts on the current assessment of design basis ground
motion and tsunami risks as the site. The prospects for a restart of Tomari-3 (or the other two
reactors) is effectively zero in the coming few years. Citizen legal challenges are ongoing in the
Sapporo district court, with seismic risks a central issue.

[ Shimazaki testified to the court that the formulas

used by the NRA in computing the scale of earthquakes underestimates
potential seismic impact by a factor of 3.5
The Japan Atomic Power Company (JAPCO) submitted an application to the NRA review for
its Tsuruga-2 reactor on 5 November 2015, becoming the 26th reactor under review.1070 However,
there has been an ongoing dispute since 2012 between the NRA and JAPCO over the nature of
a seismic fault line at the site. The definition of an active fault is one with having the pos-
sibility of slipping in the future and that has been active since the Late Pleistocene era, or
some 120,000 and 130,000 years ago. An expert panel of the NRA indicated in December 2012
that the fault line was possibly active,1071 and in in May 2013 the evaluation report of the NRA
determined that the D-1 fracture zone lying directly under Tsuruga-2 was active.1072 JAPCO,
and a team of international experts have claimed ever since that the fault line is not active. 1073
Despite counter arguments from JAPCO, in March 2015, the NRA Commissioners agreed with
the final evaluation that the fault was active.1074 The decision is critical for JAPCO, with only
two reactors in its fleet, the other being Tokai-2, where the prospects for restarting are close to
zero. Thus, without the possibility of operating Tsuruga-2, it would mean the end of JAPCO as
a nuclear plant operator, having to move the units from assets to liabilities in the balance sheet
and triggering the weighty financial issue of decommissioning. JAPCO, a company established
and owned by nine other nuclear power companies, has not accepted the NRAs judgement,
hence the filing in November 2015 for review of Tsuruga-2 for compliance with the 2013 gui-
delines. Unless the NRA overturns its own decision, there is no prospect of Tsuruga-2 being
approved for restart.

1068 - The Japan Times, Hokkaido Electric abandons plan for reactor restart by March end, 24 September 2015,
WUi96RN95E4, accessed 18 June 2017.
1069 - Hokkaido Electric, Topography and Geology and Geological Structure of the Shakotan Peninsula West Bank,
27July2017, see, accessed 19 June 2017.
1070 - JAIF, JAPC Files Application for Compatibility Examination for Tsuruga-2, 9 November 2015, see
en/japc-files-application-for-compatibility-examination-for-tsuruga-2/, accessed 18 June 2017.
1071 - The Japan Times, Detecting Active Faults Near Reactors, 14 December 2012, see
nion/2012/12/14/editorials/detecting-active-faults-near-reactors/, accessed 18 June 2017.
1072 - JAIF, Thin Reasoning in NRAs Argument for Active Fault under Tsuruga-2, 25 November 2014,
see, accessed 18 June 2017.
1073 - JAPCO, Evaluation of shatter zones at Tsuruga NPP site Interim Report of the Joint International Experts Meeting
(TRM/IRG), May 21, 2013, see, accessed 16 June 2017.
1074 - NRA, NRA Accepts Finalization of Panel Report Recognizing the Fault Directly Under Tsuruga-2 as Active,
25March2015, see
ruga-2-as-active/, accessed 16 June 2017.
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Another nuclear power plant and utility that is in dispute with the NRA is Hokuriku Electric
Power Company and its Shika-2 plant, which is under review. On 3 March 2016, a panel of ex-
perts of the NRA issued a report concluding that one of the fault zones running directly under
the Shika-1 reactor building could possibly become an active fault in the future. Hokuriku
objected to the report.1075 The older Shika unit is not under NRA review and its decommissio-
ning is almost certain. However, the NRA also concluded that two fault lines running under
the turbine building of both unit-1 and unit-2 could also be active.1076 The NRA commissioners
have yet to make a final determination on this issue, requesting more information from the
utility in June 2016. Shika-2 is an 1100 MW Advanced Boiling Water Reactor (ABWR), which
only began operation in 2005. A ruling by the NRA that the fault under Shika-2 is active, would
leave Hokuriku, like JAPCO, with no operable reactors.

The Ohma ABWR reactor in Aomori prefecture remains officially under construction and un-
der NRA review.


The future operation of TEPCOs nuclear plant at Kashiwazaki Kariwa, in Niigata prefecture
on the Sea of Japan coast, became even more uncertain during the past 12 months.

In August 2015, the NRA had announced that it was putting the TEPCO reactors Kashiwazaki
Kariwa-6 and -7 on a priority list for screening, suggesting that these will be the first BWRs
out of a total of ten, to advance through the review process.1077 The NRA review process for
the reactors has been set back during the past months. In October 2016, TEPCO informed the
NRA that it will be reviewing its plan for restart of units 6&7 due to the discovery that ground
liquefaction as a result of an earthquake could collapse the nuclear plants tsunami seawalls.1078
Liquefaction occurred at the site during the 2007 Chuetsu-Oki earthquake. TEPCO analysis
presented to the NRA concluded that the tsunami walls protecting units 1 through 4 could be
destroyed if the soil liquefied,1079 with the serious potential to affect operations elsewhere on
the site, including at units6&7, in the event of an emergency. Large-scale construction is ex-
pected to take at least a year in an attempt to counter the risks from ground liquefaction, with
doubts over the effectiveness of such measures. Consequently, TEPCO will be further delayed
in applying to the NRA for review of any additional reactors at the site.

In February 2017, TEPCO confirmed to the NRA that a planned Emergency Response
Center(ERC), does not meet the regulators seismic requirements.1080 The on-site ERC would

1075 - JAIF, Hokuriku Electric Power Voices Objections to Report on Crushed Rock Fault Zones at Shika NPPs, 4 March 2016,
accessed 15 June 2017.
1076 - The Japan Times, Shika Nuclear Power Plant Closer to Being Scrapped as NRA Upholds Faults Ruling, 27 April 2016,
fault-ruling/#.Vz5HMiMrK2w, accessed 19 June 2017.
1077 - Reuters, Japan puts Tepco reactors on priority list for restart screening, 6 August 2015, see
article/japan-nuclear-restarts-idUSL3N10H32R20150806, accessed 15June2017.
1078 - The Mainichi, TEPCO to review plan to reactivate nuclear reactors due to liquefaction fears 14 October 2016,
see, accessed 16 June 2017.
1079 - TEPCO, submission to NRA, 13 September 2016, see
pdf/nuclear_power_160913_02.pdf, accessed 16 June 2017.
1080 - NW, Tepco safety review issues could raise local government concerns, S&P, Platts, Vol.58, No.9, 2March2017.
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[ TEPCO had originally said the building could withstand

an earthquake with a maximum intensity of seven
on the Japanese seismic scale.
be essential in the event of a severe accident. TEPCO had originally said the building could
withstand an earthquake with a maximum intensity of seven on the Japanese seismic scale.
During the NRA screening process, however, it acknowledged that it may not be able to withs-
tand even half of the assumed strongest seismic shaking. TEPCO said it learned about the ina-
dequate level of earthquake resistance in 2014, but the information had not been shared within
the company or communicated to the NRA. In response to the disclosures, NRA Chairman,
Shunichi Tanaka, stated that it had, left us with lingering suspicions.1081

In January 2017, TEPCO revised its projected costs for upgrades and retrofits at the site to
680 billion (US$6 billion).1082 Investments so far have included construction of a 15-meter
tsunami seawall, as well as the installation of filtered vents and catalytic hydrogen re-com-
biners (to prevent hydrogen explosions). One measure includes the installation of a so-called
corium shield beneath unit 6&7 Reactor Pressure Vessels (RPV), and completed for unit 7 in
May 2016, in an effort to prevent molten fuel in the event of a severe accident breaching the
primary containment.1083

On 16 June 2017 re-filed its application with the NRA to confirm compliance with safety
requirements for Kashiwazaki Kariwa-6 and -7. The NRA had requested resubmission in
February 2017. TEPCOs submission included revised measures on how to mitigate more
severe accidents, including station blackout (SBO). TEPCO now assumes SBO would be fol-
lowed by unavailability of DC power sources and failure of a containment relief safety valve.
TEPCO management described the submission as the best that we can do, and that it was
not perfect.1084

TEPCOs political problems became far more complicated with the appointment in October
2016 of a new Governor of Niigata following an election, where operation of Kashiwazaki
Kariwa was a central issue. One of the principal reasons Governor Yoneyama was elected was
due to his stated opposition to early restart of the reactors, with an exit poll showing that
73 percent of voters opposed restarting the Niigata plant, while only 27 percent were in fa-
vor.1085 The Governors first term in office runs until mid-2020, beyond the earliest start up
time proposed by TEPCO of 2019. In mid-June 2017, the Governor stated that a soon to be
created advisory committee will review the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster and its health

1081 - Ibidem.
1082 - Yoichi Yoneya, Kashiwazaki Kariwa Nuclear Power Plant Safety Cost, 1.4 times TEPCO's Forecast, The Asahi Shimbun,
27January2017, see, accessed 16 June 2017.
1083 - TEPCO, First Quarter, FY2016 Nuclear Safety Reform Plan Progress Report (Including Progress on Safety Measures
at Power Stations), see, accessed
1084 - Platts, Tepco re-files Kashiwazaki-Kariwa-6, -7 restart safety review application, Nuclear News Flashes, 19 June 2017.
1085 - Jeff Kingston, Could nuclear advocacy be Abes undoing?, The Japan Times, 29 October 2016, see http://www.japan-, accessed 16June2017.
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impacts, as well as examine evacuation drills in Niigata.1086 The review would take an estima-
ted three years, during which time consent for restart by local communities, the prefectural
assembly and Governor will not be possible.

A critical factor in TEPCOs new business plan released announced on 18 May 2017 is its in-
tention to secure 500 billion (US$4.4billion) in funds each year to cover Fukushima acci-
dent costs.1087 A principal source of these funds would be the restart of Kashiwazaki Kariwa
units 6&7. TEPCO is relying on these reactors to provide pretax profits of between 160bil-
lion (US$1.4 billion) and 215 billion (US$1.9 billion) on average over the next 10 years.1088
Units6&7 have been offline since 2012 and 2011 and TEPCO has so far failed to overcome local
and prefectural opposition to restart. Instead of generating income, these reactors cost TEPCO
an estimated 240 billion (US$2.1 billion) each year they remain offline.1089 When TEPCO sub-
mitted its second business plan to the Japanese government in 2014, it predicted that units
6&7 would be restarted in mid-2014 and units 1&5 in late 2014.1090

TEPCOs third new business plan delays further the restart at Kashiwazaki Kariwa, proposing
that it will be 2019 at the earliest. In three scenarios included in TEPCOs business plant the
company envisages restart of Units 6&7 from 2019, 2020 or 2021. Of the other Kashiwazaki
Kariwa reactors, TEPCO has restart target-dates for units 1 and 5 between 2021 and 2023, and
for Units 2, 3 and 4 between 2024 and 2026. In the worst-case scenario, TEPCO excludes a res-
tart date for unit 2.

The prospect of decommissioning at the Kashiwazaki Kariwa site was made real, when on
1 January 2017, the mayor of Kashiwazaki City announced that as a condition for allowing
restart of units 6&7, TEPCO must propose a decommissioning plan by 2019 for at least one
reactor from units 1-5 (with no upward limit on the number of these reactors to be perma-
nently shuttered).1091 The mayor stated it is inevitable to scale down the plant, considering the
Fukushima nuclear accident, seven reactors are too many.1092

In an effort to overcome political obstacles to the restart of the Kashiwazaki Kariwa reactors,
in October 2016, METI floated the idea of a creating a subsidiary for TEPCOs nuclear power
operations, which could then be merged with another nuclear operator.1093 This would make

1086 - Kentaro Hamada and Osamu Tsukimori, Niigata governor's plans may upend TEPCO's nuclear restarts, restructuring,
Reuters, 9 June 2017, see
restructuring, accessed 16 June 2017.
1087 - TEPCO, Outline of the Revised Comprehensive Special Business Plan (The Third Plan) 18 May 2017,
see, accessed 16 June 2017.
1088 - Nikkei Asian Review, Tepco's turnaround prospects hang on retooled nuclear ops, 12 May 2017, see http://asia.nikkei.
com/Business/Companies/Tepco-s-turnaround-prospects-hang-on-retooled-nuclear-ops, accessed 16 June 2017.
1089 - NW, Tepco faces questions about potential nuclear alliance, analysts say, S&P, Platts, Vol.57, No.44, 3November2016.
1090 - The Japan Times, Tepco business plan, including July reactor restart, gets official OK, 15 January 2017,
ok/#.WTT0pROGNE4, accessed 16 June 2017.
1091 - Niigata-Nippo, Mayor Kashiwazaki asks TEPCO for decommissioning one of Units 1 to 5, 6 January 2017, (in Japanese),
see, accessed 16 June 2017.
1092 - The Mainichi, Mayor to link reactor decommissioning to restarting 2 others at same TEPCO plant, 2 June 2017,
see, accessed 16 June 2017.
1093 - METIs position on this is central to the future of TEPCO, the utility is now owned 50.1% by Nuclear Damage Compen-
sation and Decommissioning Facilitation Corp., or NDF, which is a government body in combination with Japans other nuclear
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it easier to make an alliance, said a Nuclear Decommissioning Fund official.1094 TEPCO at the
time declined to comment. Apart from the possible economic benefits of such a merger, it was
thought that operating Kashiwazaki Kariwa with another utility could contribute to overco-
ming local opposition in Niigata to restart, and that METI may ask Tohoku Electric Power Co.
to join TEPCO to take over operation of Kashiwazaki-Kariwa-6 and -7 (...). Niigata residents
are familiar with Tohoku Electric, not TEPCO, as Niigata is an area, where Tohoku Electric
sells its electricity. 1095

The Japanese government has been a strong advocate of this approach, describing it as essen-
tial, and thinking it would be a positive step towards detoxifying TEPCO.1096

There was no enthusiasm from Japans nuclear utilities for this proposal. In addition to the
multiple practical, legal, liability and other financial risk issues, the utilities have other prio-
rities in overcoming the multiple obstacles to restart of their own reactors. In May 2017, the
Hokuriku Electric president made clear that, Were not interested in a nuclear merger with
them...Changing a plant operator would make it harder to get local trust on plant operations,
views mirrored by Chubu Electric.1097

Despite the lack of utility enthusiasm for merger with TEPCO, the proposal made it into their
new business plan in May 2017, however, the target date was pushed back ten years to 2026.1098

The decision of the NRA to focus on the ABWRs at Kashiwazaki has also meant that the re-
view of three other BWRsChugoku Electric Power Companys Shimane-2, Tohoku Electric
Power Companys Onagawa-2 and Chubu Electric Power Companys Hamaoka-4were mo-
ving further back in the process.1099 However, given the push back in restart dates for TEPCOs
Kashiwazaki Kariwa 6&7 to at least 2019, there is a remote possibility that one or more of
these reactors will become operational in the coming few years. For these BWRsHamaoka-4,
Tokai-2, Shimane-2 and Onagawa-2all are at various stages of review, including seismic as-
sessments, but each is confronted with a range of technical, political and in some cases, legal
issues, which will set back any operation during the next few years.

1094 - S&P, Platts, Tepco may seek partner for nuclear operations, quoting Shigehiro Yoshino, managing director at Nuclear
Damage Compensation and Decommissioning Facilitation Corp., or NDF, cited in Nucleonics Week, Vol.57, No.43, 27Octo-
ber2016. The NDF is Japanese government body that holds a 50.1% ownership stake in Tepco to oversees decommissioning
work at Fukushima Daiichi.
1095 - Nucleonics Week, Tepco may seek partner for nuclear operations, S&P, Platts, Vol.57, No.43, 27October2016.
1096 - Reuters, Japan's Tepco to seek partners for nuclear business, 11 May 2017, see
pans-tepco-to-seek-partners-for-nuclear-business-2017-5, accessed 15 June 107.
1097 - Yutaka Kanai at a press conference 19 May 2017, Nucleonics Week, Tepco's revised offer for nuclear venture unlikely to
lure partner: analysts, S&P, Platts, Vol.58, No.21, 25May2017.
1098 - TEPCO, Outline of the Revised Comprehensive Special Business Plan (The Third Plan), 18 May 2017,
see, accessed 16 June 2017.
1099 - Nucleonics Week, Japans NRA prioritizing Kashiwazaki-Kariwa review: commissioner, 20 August 2015.
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Moodys S&P Fitch
Long-term Short-term Long-term Short-term Long-term Short-term
Aaa AAA AAA Prime
Aa1 AA+ AA+
A-1+ F1+
Aa2 AA AA High grade
Aa3 AA- AA-
A1 A+ A+
A-1 F1
A2 A A Upper medium grade
A3 A- A-
P-2 A-2 F2
Baa1 BBB+ BBB+
Baa2 BBB BBB Lower medium grade
P-3 A-3 F3
Baa3 BBB- BBB-
Ba1 BB+ BB+
Non-investment grade
Ba3 BB- BB-
B1 B+ B+
B2 B B Highly speculative
B3 B- B-
Caa1 CCC+ Substantial risks
Not prime
Caa2 CCC Extremely speculative
In default with little
Ca prospect for recovery
/ D / DD / In default
/ D

Source : Wikipedia, "Credit Rating", Last Update 12July2017.

Wo r l d N u c l e a r I n d u s t r y S t a t u s R e p o r t | 22001177  | 250

Mycle Schneider is an independent international consultant on energy and nuclear policy
based in Paris. He is a founding board member of the International Energy Advisory Council
(IEAC) and serves as the Coordinator of the Seoul International Energy Advisory Council
(SIEAC). Mycle is a member of the International Panel on Fissile Materials (IPFM), based
at Princeton University, U.S. He has provided information and consulting services, amongst
others, to the Belgian Energy Minister, the French and German Environment Ministries,
the U.S. Agency for International Development, the International Atomic Energy Agency,
the European Commission, the European Parliaments Scientific and Technological Option
Assessment Panel, and the French Institute for Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety. Mycle
has given evidence and held briefings at national Parliaments in fourteen countries and at
the European Parliament. Between 2004 and 2009, he was in charge of the Environment and
Energy Strategies lecture of an International MSc at the French Ecole des Mines in Nantes.
He has given lectures at 20 universities and engineering schools around the globe. He foun-
ded the Energy Information Agency WISE-Paris in 1983 and directed it until 2003. In 1997,
along with Japans Jinzaburo Takagi, he received the Right Livelihood Award, also known as
the Alternative Nobel Prize.

Antony Froggatt works as independent European energy consultant based in London. Since
1997, he has worked as a freelance researcher and writer on energy and nuclear policy issues in
the EU and neighboring states. He has worked extensively on EU energy issues for European
governments, the European Commission and Parliament, environmental NGOs, commer-
cial bodies, and media. He has given evidence to inquiries and hearings in the parliaments
of Austria, Germany, UK and the EU. He is a part time Senior Research Fellow at the Royal
Institute of International AffairsChatham House in London. He is also an Associate Member
of the Energy Policy Group at Exeter University. Prior to working freelance, Antony served for
nine years as a nuclear campaigner and coordinator for Greenpeace International.

S. David Freeman has more than four decades of experience directing federal, regional and
local energy policies. He was appointed Chairman of the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)
by President Jimmy Carter in 1977, where he pioneered a massive energy-efficiency program.
Subsequently, Mr. Freeman served for two decades as general manager of several large pu-
blic power agencies including the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power, the New
York Power Authority, the Lower Colorado River Authority and the Sacramento Municipal
Utility District.He holds a B.S. in Civil Engineering from Georgia Tech, and an L.L.B. from
the University of Tennessee. He wrote Energy: The New Era in 1974, Winning Our Energy
Independence: An Energy Insider Shows How in 2007, and more recently, All-Electric America and
an auto-biography entitled The Green Cowboy.
Wo r l d N u c l e a r I n d u s t r y S t a t u s R e p o r t | 2 0 1 7  | 251

Julie Hazemann, based in Paris, France, is the director of EnerWebWatch, an international do-
cumentation monitoring service, specializing in energy and climate issues, launched in 2004.
As an information engineer and researcher, she has maintained, since 1992, a world nuclear
reactor database and undertakes data-modelling and data-visualization work for the World
Nuclear Industry Status Report. Active in information and documentation project-manage-
ment, she has a strong tropism for information structuration, dataviz and development of elec-
tronic information products. She also undertakes specialized translation and research activi-
ties for specific projects. She is a member of ngaWatt (France) and develops EnerWebWatch
in the framework of theCoopaname Coop.

Tadahiro Katsuta holds a PhD in plasma physics from Hiroshima University (1997). He is cur-
rently an Associate Professor at Meiji University, Tokyo, Japan. During 201415 he is a Visiting
Fellow in the Program on Science and Global Security (PSGS) at Princeton University, U.S.
He is researching Japans spent fuel management issues. He is also studying the Fukushima
Daiichi nuclear power plant accident and following the new regulation standards with a fo-
cus on technical and political aspects. He has been appointed by Japans Nuclear Regulation
Authority (NRA) as a member of the study teams on the New Regulatory Requirements for
Commercial Nuclear Power Reactors, for Nuclear Fuel Facilities, Research Reactors, and for
Nuclear Waste Storage/Disposal Facilities. During 200809, he conducted research on mul-
tilateral nuclear fuel cycle systems as a Visiting Fellow at PSGS. During 200608, he carried
out research at the University of Tokyo on separated plutonium issues linked to the Rokkasho
reprocessing plant. During 19992005, he worked as a researcher at the Citizens Nuclear
Information Center (CNIC) in Tokyo.

M.V. Ramanais theSimons Chair in Disarmament, Global and Human Security with the Liu
Institute for Global Issues at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. He re-
ceived his Ph.D. in theoretical physics from Boston University.Ramana is the author of The
Power of Promise: Examining Nuclear Energy in India (Penguin Books, 2012) and co-editor of
Prisoners of the Nuclear Dream (Orient Longman, 2003). He is a member of the International
Panel on Fissile Materials (IPFM) and the recipient of a Guggenheim Fellowship and a Leo
Szilard Award from the American Physical Society. He has been selected as a Distinguished
Lecturer by Sigma Xi for 2016-17.

Juan Camilo Rodriguezworks as an equity analyst on the energy sector for AlphaValue, an
independent equity research provider for financial institutions. He has worked for AlphaValue
since 2014 coordinating research and valuation studies for the major European energy com-
panies traded on the stock market. In 2013, he worked in Paris for the Economic Laboratory
for Nuclear Risks (LERN: Laboratoire Economique des Risques Nuclaires), an economic fo-
cus group of the IRSN (Institut de Radioprotection et Sret Nuclaire) to measure the eco-
nomic impact of nuclear risks. Juan holds a double Master degree in Empirical & Theoretical
Economics (ETE) and Mathematical Models in Economics and Finance (MMEF) from the
Sorbonne University and Paris School of Economics. He holds as well a double Bachelors
degree in Economics and Finance from Florida International University(FIU). His expertise
in financial markets and the financial analysis over the spectrum of European power utilities
Wo r l d N u c l e a r I n d u s t r y S t a t u s R e p o r t | 2 0 1 7  | 252

takes into account both public and private decisions around energy policy and the financial
impact of those, with the expected variation on valuation metrics and stock market perfor-
mance. In 2016, he has given invited expert evidence to the French National Assembly mission
on nuclear decommissioning.

Andreas Rdingerworks as independent consultant on energy and climate policies, working

with NGOs, research institutes and public authorities. He is an associate research fellow at the
Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations(IDDRI) in Paris, France.
He has worked for IDDRIs Energy and Climate Program since 2011, coordinating various re-
search projects on energy transition policies in France and Europe. In 2013, he participated in
the French national Energy Transition Debate as a member of the Expert Committee and advi-
sor to the Chair, Laurence Tubiana. His expertise covers the multiple aspects of energy transi-
tion strategies and policies at the local, national and European level: energy efficiency policies,
support mechanisms and market integration of renewable energies, financing instruments,
as well as governance and public participation issues. He has published various studies and
research papers on energy topics. Andreas holds a double Master degree in Political Sciences
and International Relations from Sciences Po Bordeaux and the University of Stuttgart. He has
worked as a guest lecturer at Sciences Po Paris(PSIA), HEC Business School, AgroParisTech
and ISAE-SupAro Toulouse.

Agns Stienne is an artist, cartographer, and independent graphic designer. She has contribu-
ted for over a decade to the French journal Le Monde Diplomatique, and the web-
site dedicated to cartographical experimentation. She has created numerous narrative car-
tographics to illustrate a wide range of complex subjects and issues, including international
treatises on armed conflicts, and the damages of wars. She currently leads a research project
focusing on agricultural practices, land grabbing and other fundamental agriculture and food
issues. The results of her research are featured on the website, as geo-poetic
briefs, in which she uses aquarelle-paint to translate her findings into maps and data-vizualisa-
tions. Over the Summer2017, the exhibition Gopotique des champs, in the framework of
the #Ensemble Festival, presented her work at the Muse de la Mode et du Design in Paris. Her
assignments include the design of the United Nations Unosat Global Report on Maritime Piracy:
a geospacial analysis 1995-2003, published in 2014.
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ABB Asea Brown Boveri
ABWR Advanced Boiling Water Reactors
ACRO Association pour le Contrle de la Radioactivit dans lOuest
Association for the Control of Radioactivity in the West (France)
AEC Atomic Energy Council (Taiwan)
AECL Atomic Energy of Canada Limited
AES [Rosatom Reactor Design]
AFP Agence France Presse French News Agency
AGEB Arbeitsgruppe Energiebilanzen Working Group on Energy Balances (Germany)
AGEE-Stat Arbeitsgruppe Erneuerbare Energien-Statistik
Working Group in charge of Renewable Energy Statistics (Germany)
AGR Advanced Gas-cooled Reactors
AHWR Advanced Heavy Water Reactor
ANS American Nuclear Society (U.S.)
AP Associated Press
APR Advanced Power Reactor or Advanced Pressurized Reactor
ASE Atomstroyexport Atom-Building-Export
Foreign Trade Engineering Company from Rosatom Corp. (Russia)
ASLB Atomic Safety Licensing Board (from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, U.S.)
ASN Autorit de Sret Nuclaire Nuclear Safety Authority (France)
ASTRID Advanced Sodium Technological Reactor for Industrial Demonstration
ATMEA [AREVA Reactor Design]
B&W Babcock & Wilcox
BBC British Broadcasting Corporation
BFE Bundesamt fr Energie Federal Office of Energy (Switzerland)
BKW Bernische Kraftwerke
Bernese Power Production & Distribution Utility (Switzerland)
BMWi Bundesministerium fr Wirtschaft und Energie
Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (Germany)
BNDES Brazilian National Development Bank
BN-350 [Rosatom Reactor Design]
BNEF Bloomberg New Energy Finance
BOO Build-Own-Operate
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BP Beyond Petroleum
BUND Bund fr Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland e.V. Friends of the Earth, Germany
BWR Boiling Water Reactor
CANDU CANadian Deuterium Uranium
CAREM25 Central Argentina de Elementos Modulares
CB&I Chicago Bridge and Iron (U.S.)
CCS Carbon Capture and Storage
CEA Central Electric Authority (India) or Atomic Energy Commission (France)
Commissariat l'nergie atomique et aux nergies alternatives
CEO Chief Executive Officer
CfD Contract for Difference
CFSI Counterfeit, Fraudulent, Suspect Item
CGN China General Nuclear Power Corporation
CNAAA Central Nuclear Almirante Alvaro Alberto (Brazil)
CNEA Comisin Nacional de Energa Atmica
National Atomic Energy Commission (Spain)
CNEC China Nuclear Engineering Corp.
CNIC Citizens Nuclear Information Center (Japan)
CNNC China National Nuclear Corporation
CNNPC China National Nuclear Power Corporation (subsidiary of CNNC)
CNP Commission for Nuclear Provisions(Belgium)
COD Commercial Operation Dates
COL Construction and Operating License
ComEd Commonwealth Edison Company
CRE Commission de Rgulation de l'Energie Regulatory Commission of Energy (France)
CSN El Consejo de Seguridad Nuclear Nuclear Safety Council (Spain)
CWE Central West Europe
CWIP Combined Works In Progress
DEC Dongfang Electric Corporation (China)
DECC Department of Energy & Climate Change (U.K.)
DIB debtor-in-possession
DOE Department of Energy (U.S. or SouthAfrica)
DPP Democratic Progressive Party (China)
DSSA Development and Sale of Structured Assets
E.ON [German Energy Corporation]
E&P Exploration and Production
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EBITDA Earnings Before Interest, Tax, Depreciation and Amortization

EBRD European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
EC6 Enhanced CANDU-6 (CANadian Deuterium Uranium)
ECIC Espoo Convention Implementation Committee
EDF Electricit de France French Electric Utility Company
EGAT Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand
EIA Environmental Impact Assessment (Ukraine)
or Energy Information Administration (U.S.)
EnBW Energie Baden-Wrttemberg Power Utility Baden-Wurttemberg (Germany)
ENEC Emirates Nuclear Energy Corp (U.A.E.)
ENEL Ente Nazionale per l'energia elettrica Italian National Entity for Electricity
ENSI Eidgenssisches Nuklearsicherheitsinspektorat
Nuclear Safety Inspectorate (Switzerland)
ENSREG European Nuclear Safety Regulators Group
EPDC Electric Power Development Company, or J-Power (Japan)
EPH Energeticky a Prumyslovy Holding
Energy and Industry Holding privately-held Czech-Slovak company
EPR European Pressurized Water Reactor
or Evolutionary Pressurized Water Reactor (U.S.)
EPSA Electric Power Supply Association
EPZ Elektriciteits Produktiemaatschappij Zuid-Nederland
Electricity Production Company South-Netherlands
ERCOT Electric Reliability Council of Texas (U.S.)
ERD Economic Relations Division (Bangladesh)
ETE Empirical & Theoretical Economics
ETS Emission Trading System
EU European Union
EU28 European Union 28 Member States
EAS State-owned electricity generating company (Turkey)
Euratom European Treaty
EVN Electricity of Vietnam
EWEA European Wind Energy Association
FANC Federal Agency for Nuclear Control (Belgium)
FEPC Federation of Electric Power Companies (Japan)
FERC Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (U.S.)
FIU Florida International University (U.S.)
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FL3 Flamanville-3 (France)

FOA Funding Opportunity Announcement
FS Frankfurt School (Germany)
FY Financial Year
GDA Generic Design Assessment
GDF-Suez Gaz de France - now known as Engie
GDOS General Directorate for the Environment (Poland)
GDP Gross Domestic Product
GE General Electric
GP ESPN Advisory Committee of Experts for Nuclear Pressure Equipment
GWEC Global Wind Energy Council
HM Her Majesty's
HPC Hinkley Point C (U.K.)
HSBC The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited
HTR High Temperature Reactor
IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency
IANS Indo-Asian News Service
IDDRI Institut du Dveloppement Durable et des Relations Internationales
Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations (France)
IEA International Energy Agency
IESO Independent Electricity System Operator
INDAG International Journal of Nuclear Desalination
INDCs Intended National Determined Contributions
INRAG International Nuclear Risk Assessment Group
IPCC International Panel on Climate Change
IPFM International Panel on Fissile Materials, Princeton University (U.S.)
IPO initial public offering
IPS Integrated Project Schedule
IRENA International Renewable Energy Agency
IRID International Research Institute for Nuclear Decommissioning
IRP Integrated Resource Plan (SouthAfrica)
IRRS Integrated Regulatory Review Service (IAEA)
IRSN Institut de Radioprotection et Sret Nuclaire Institute for Radiation Protection
and Nuclear Safety (from the French Nuclear Safety Authority)
ISO International Organization for Standardization
ITC Investment Tax Credit
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J-Power Electric Power Development Company (Japan)

JAEA Japan Atomic Energy Agency
JAEC Jordan Atomic Energy Commission
or Japan Atomic Energy Commission
JAIF Japan Atomic Industrial Forum, Inc.
JAPCO Japan Atomic Power Company
JAPEIC Japan Power Engineering And Inspection Corporation
JAVYS Jadrova A VYradovacia Spolocnost State owned Energy utility (Slovakia)
JCER Japan Center for Economic Research
JCFC Japan Casting and Forging Corporation
JESS Jadrov energetick spolonos Slovenska Nuclear Power Company (Slovakia)
JMA Japan Meteorological Agency
JNFL Japan Nuclear Fuel Limited
JPY Japanese Yen
JSFR Japan Sodium Fast Reactor
JSW Japan Steel Works
KA-CARE King Abdullah City for Atomic and Renewable Energy (U.A.E.)
KAERI Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
KAPP Kakrapar (India)
KEPCO Korea Electric Power Corporation
KFK Kommission zur berprfung der Finanzierung des Kernenergieausstiegs
Commission to Review the Financing for the Phase-out of Nuclear Energy (Germany)
KGHM Copper Mining and Smelting Industrial Complex (Poland)
KHNP Korea Hydro and Nuclear Power Co
KINS Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety
KMT Chinese Nationalist Party
KRW Korean Republic WonCurrency (South Korea)
LCOE Levelized Cost of Electricity
LEU low enriched uranium
LNG liquefied natural gas
LTO Long-Term Outage
LTS Long-Term Shutdown
METI Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (Japan)
MHI Mitsubishi Heavy Industries
MHLW Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare (Japan)
MISO Midcontinent Independent System Operator (U.S.)
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MMEF Mathematical Models in Economics and Finance

MOEA Ministry of Economic Affairs (China)
MoSPI Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (India)
MoU Memorandum of Understanding
MOX Mixed Oxide
MSC Mycle Schneider Consulting
NAO National Audit Office Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy, U.K.
Government (U.K.)
NEA National Energy Administration (China)
NEB National Energy Board, Canada
NEI Nuclear Energy Institute (U.S.) or Nuclear Engineering International
NGO Non-Governmental Organization
NIA Nuclear Industry Association (U.K.)
NISA Nuclear And Industrial Safety Agency (Japan)
NIW Nuclear Intelligence Weekly
NJZ nov jadrov zdroj
NNEGC National Nuclear Energy Generating Company (Ukraine)
NP Nuclear Power
NPAD New Politics Alliance for Democracy (Japan)
NPCIL Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd
NPP Nuclear Power Plant
NPS National Policy Statement (U.K.) or Nuclear Power Station (Japan)
NRA Nuclear Regulation Authority (Japan)
NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission (U.S.)
NSG Nuclear Suppliers Group
NSSC Nuclear Safety and Security Commission (Korea)
NW Nucleonics Week
NYPSC New York Public Services Commission (U.S.)
OAH Orszagos Atomenergia Hivatal National Office for Atomic Energy (Hungary)
OECD Organization for Economic Development and Co-operation-Nuclear Energy Agency
OFEN Office Fdrale de l'nergie Federal Office of Energy (Switzerland)
OKG Oskarshamns Kraftgrupp AB (Sweden)
OL Olkiluoto Unit 3 or 4 (Finland)
ONR Office for Nuclear Regulation (U.K.)
OPG Ontario Power Generation (Canada)
OPPD Omaha Public Power District (U.S.)
OPR [Korean Reactor Design]
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ORS South Carolina Office of Regulatory Staff (U.S.)

PFBR Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor
PG&E Pacific Gas & Electric Co (U.S.)
PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna Polish Energy Group
PHWR Pressurized Heavy-Water Reactor
PIE Power in Europe
PJM Pennsylvania-New Jersey-Maryland Interconnection LLC (U.S.)
PLEC Japan Nuclear Power Plant Life Engineering Center
PLEX Plant Life Extension
PPA Power Purchase Agreement
PRIS International Atomic Energy Agencys Power Reactor Information System
PSC Georgia Public Service Commission (U.S.)
PSGS Program on Science and Global Security (Princeton University, U.S.)
PTC Production Tax Credits
PV photovoltaic
PWR Pressurized Water Reactor
PXE Power Exchange Central Europe Prague Stock Exchange
PZEM Provinciale Zeeuwse Energie Maatschappij N.V.
RAB Regulated Asset Base
RAPP Rajasthan (India)
RAV Regulated Asset Value
RBMK Reaktor Bolshoy Moshchnosty Kanalny high-power channel reactor
REN21 Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century
ROCE Return on Capital Employed
ROE Return on Equity
RPV Reactor Pressure Vessel
RTE Rseau de Transport d'lectricit high voltage network (France)
RTO Regional Transmission Organization
RWE Rheinisch-Westflisches Elektrizittswerk Rhine-Westphalia Power Utility
S&P Standard & Poor's
SAFCEI Southern African Faith Communities Environment Institute
SAM Severe Accident Management
SAR Safety Analysis Report
SCE&G South California Electric & Gas (U.S.)
SE Slovensk Elektrrne Slovak Power Plants; state utility (Slovakia)
SIEAC Seoul International Energy Advisory Council
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SL Severity Level
SMART System-Integrated Modular Advanced Reactor
SMR Small Modular Reactor
SNN Societatea Nationala Nuclearelectrica
National Nuclear Electricity Company (Romania)
SNPTC State Nuclear Power Technology Corporation (China)
SPIC State Power Investment Corporation (China)
SPP Southwest Power Pool (U.S.)
SSE Safe Shutdown Earthquake
STUK Steilyturvakeskus Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (Finland)
SJB Sttn ad pro Jadernou Bezpenost State Office for Nuclear Safety (Czech Rep.)
TASS Telegraph Agency of the Soviet Union
TEPCO Tokyo Electric Power Company (Japan)
TMI Three Mile Island (U.S.)
TVA Tennessee Valley Authority (U.S.)
TVO Teollisuuden Voima Oyj Nuclear Power Company (Finland)
UNECE United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
U.A.E. United Arab Emirates
U.K. United Kingdom
U.S. United States of America
UAE United Arab Emirates
UAMPS Utah Associated Municipal Power Systems (U.S.)
UCLA University of California Los Angeles (U.S.)
UN United Nations
UNEP United Nations Environment Programme
UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
U.S.DOE United States Department of Energy
VVER Vodo-Vodiano Energuetitcheski Reaktor Russian Pressurized Water Reactor Design
WACC Weighted Average Cost of Capital
WNA World Nuclear Association
WNISR World Nuclear Industry Status Report
WNN World Nuclear News
WSJ Wall Street Journal
WWS Wind, Water, and Sunlight
ZEC Zero Emissions Credits
WWTP Waste Water Treatment Plant
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Electrical and Other Units

kW kilowatt (unit of installed electric power capacity)
kWh kilowatt-hour (unit of electricity production or consumption)
MW megawatt (106 watts)
MWe megawatt electric (as distinguished from megawatt thermal, MWt)
GW gigawatt (109 watts)
GWe gigawatt electric
TWh terawatt hour (1012 watt-hours)
Bq Becquerel
Bq/l Becquerel per litre
Bq/km2 Becquerel per square kilometer
Bq/m2 Becquerel per square meter
PBq Petabecquerel (1015 Becquerel)
Gy gray (derived unit of ionizing radiation dose; defined as the absorption of one joule of
radiation energy per kilogram of matter)
Person-gray unit of collective dose for specific organ exposures
mSv millisievert
mSv/h millisievert per hour
person-Sv unit of collective dose for whole body exposures
Sv Sievert
Sv/h Sievert per hour
Sv/y Sievert per year
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Table 14 | Status of Nuclear Power in the World (as of 1July2017)
Nuclear Fleet Power Energy

Country Operating LTO Share
Construction Share of
of Commercial
Electricity a
Capacity Mean Age Primary Energy b
Units Units Units
(MW) (Years)
Argentina 2 1032 23.2 1 1 5.6% (=) 2.1 (=)
Armenia 1 375 37.5 31.4% ()
Belarus 2
Belgium 7 5913 37.3 51.7% (+) 16 (+)
Brazil 2 1884 26.1 2.9% (=) 1.2 (=)
Bulgaria 2 1926 27.8 35% (+) 19.7 (+)
Canada 19 13554 34 15.6% (=) 7 (=)
China 37 32384 7 20 3.6% (=) 1.6 (=)
Czech Republic 6 3930 26 29.4% () 13.7 ()
Finland 4 2764 38.3 1 33.7% (=) 19.6 (=)
France 56 60920 32.3 2 1 72.3% () 38.7 ()
Germany 8 10799 31.1 13.1% (=) 5.9 (=)
Hungary 4 1889 32 51.3% () 16.6 (=)
India 20 5948 20.2 1 6 3.4% (=) 1.2 (=)
Iran 1 915 5.8 2.1% (=) 0.5 (=)
Japan 5 4198 31 33 1 2.2% (+) 0.9 (=)
South Korea 24 22501 19.6 3 30.3% () 12.8 (=)
Mexico 2 1552 25.4 6.2% (=) 1.3 (=)
Netherlands 1 482 44 3.4% (=) 1.1 (=)
Pakistan 5 1320 13.9 2 4.4% (=) 1.5 (=)
Romania 2 1300 15.5 17.1% (=) 7.7 (=)
Russia 35 26111 30.4 6 17.1% () 6.6 (=)
Slovakia 4 1814 25.3 2 54.1% () 21 (=)
Slovenia 1 688 35.7 35.2% () ?
South Africa 2 1860 32.6 6.6% (+) 2.9 (=)
Spain 7 7121 32.4 21.4% (+) 9.8 (=)
Sweden 8 8629 36.9 40% (+) 27.2 (+)
Switzerland 4 2968 40.8 1 34.4% (=) 18.3 (=)
Taiwan 5 4448 35 1 13.7% () 6.4 (=)
UAE 0 4
UK 15 8883 33.4 20.4% (=) 8.6 (=)
Ukraine 15 13107 28.4 52.3% () 21.1 ()
USA 99 99868 37.1 4 19.7% (=) 8.4 (=)
EU 125 117058 32.4 2 4 25.9% (=) (2) 11.6 (=)
WORLD 403 351083 29.30 39 53 10.5% (=) (2) 4.5 (=)

Sources: WNISR, IAEA-PRIS, BP, 2017

a - From IAEA-PRIS, as of 11August2017

b - From BP,2017

The +/-/= in brackets refer to changes in 2016 versus 2015; a change of less than one percentage point is considered =.
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Table 15 | Nuclear Reactors in the World Under Construction (as of 1July2017)
Capacity Construction Start Expected Behind
Country Units Model
MW net (dd/mm/yyyy) Grid Connection Schedule
Argentina 1 25

Carem25 25 CAREM (PWR) 08/02/2014 20191 yes

Belarus 2 2218

Belarusian-1 1109 VVER V-491 06/11/2013 End 20192 (commercial operation) yes

Belarusian-2 1109 VVER V-491 03/06/2014 Late 2020 (commercial operation)


China 4
20 20500

Fangchenggang-3 1000 HPR-1000 (Hualong One) 24/12/2015 2019 5

Fangchenggang-4 1000 HPR-1000 (Hualong One) 23/12/2016 2020 6

Fuqing-4 1000 CPR-1000 01/10/2012 7/2017 7

Fuqing-5 1000 HPR-1000 (Hualong One) 07/05/2015 6/2020 (Completion) 8


Fuqing-6 1000 HPR-1000 (Hualong One) 22/12/2015 20209

Haiyang-1 1000 AP-1000 24/09/2009 201810 (commercial operation) yes

Haiyang-2 1000 AP-1000 21/06/2010 201811 yes

Hongyanhe-5 1000 ACPR-1000 29/03/2015 201912

Hongyanhe-6 1000 ACPR-1000 24/07/2015 2020 13

Sanmen-1 1000 AP-1000 19/04/2009 2018 14


Sanmen-2 1000 AP-1000 17/12/2009 2018 15


Shidao Bay-1 200 HTR-PM 01/12/2012 2018 16


Taishan-1 1660 EPR-1750 28/10/2009 S2/2017 17


Taishan-2 1660 EPR-1750 15/04/2010 S1/2018 18


Tianwan-3 990 VVER V-428M 22/12/2012 2/201819 yes

Tianwan-4 990 VVER V-428M 27/09/2013 3/201920 yes

Tianwan-5 1000 ACPR-1000 27/12/2015 12/20202 (commercial operation)

Tianwan-6 1000 ACPR-1000 07/09/2016 10/202122(commercial operation)

Yangjiang-5 1000 ACPR-1000 18/09/2013 11/2017 23

Yangjiang-6 1000 ACPR-1000 31/12/2013 7/2019 24


Finland 1 1600

Olkiluoto-3 1600 EPR 12/08/2005 2018 25


France 1 1600

Flamanville-3 1600 EPR 03/12/2007 Second Quarter 2019 26

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Capacity Construction Start Expected Behind

Country Units Model
MW net (dd/mm/yyyy) Grid Connection Schedule
India 6 3907

Kakrapar-3 630 PHWR-700 22/11/2010 201827 (commercial operation) yes

Kakrapar-4 630 PHWR-700 22/11/2010 201828 (commercial operation) yes

Kudankulam-3 917 VVER1000 29/06/2017 mid-202329 (completion)

PFBR 470 FBR 23/10/2004 201830 yes

Rajasthan-7 630 PHWR 18/07/2011 2018 (completion)


Rajasthan-8 630 PHWR 30/09/2011 2019 32


Japan 33
1 1325

Shimane-3 1325 ABWR 12/10/2007 ? 34


Pakistan 2 2028

Kanupp-2 1014 ACP-1000 (Hualong One) 20/08/2015 2021

Kanupp-3 1014 ACP-1000 (Hualong One) 31/05/201635 Late 202236

Russia 6 4359

Leningrad 2-1 1085 VVER V-491 25/10/2008 5/201837 yes

Leningrad 2-2 1085 VVER V-491 15/04/2010 11/201938 yes

Novovoronezh 2-2 1114 VVER V-392M 12/07/2009 10/2018 39


Rostov-4 1011 VVER V-320 01/01/1983 40

12/2017 41

Akademik Lomonosov-1 32 KLT-40S 'Floating' 15/04/2007 2019 yes

Akademik Lomonosov-2 32 KLT-40S 'Floating' 15/04/2007 2019 yes

Slovakia 2 880

Mochovce-3 440 VVER V-213 01/01/1985 End 2018 (operation)


Mochovce-4 440 VVER V-213 01/01/1985 End 201943 (operation) yes

South-Korea 3 4020

Shin-Hanul-1 1340 APR-1400 10/07/2012 4/201844 (commercial operation) yes

Shin-Hanul-2 1340 APR-1400 19/06/2013 2/201945 (commercial operation) yes

Shin-Kori-4 1340 APR-1400 19/09/2009 9/2018 (commercial operation)


UAE 4 5380

Barakah-1 1345 APR-1400 19/07/2012 2018 47


Barakah-2 1345 APR-1400 30/05/2013 2018 ?

Barakah-3 1345 APR-1400 24/09/2014 2019 ?

Barakah-4 1345 APR-1400 30/07/2015 2020 ?

USA 4 4468

Summer-248 1117 AP-1000 09/03/2013 2020 yes

Summer-3 1117 AP-1000 02/11/2013 2020 yes

Vogtle-3 1117 AP-1000 12/03/2013 mid-2019 49


Vogtle-4 1117 AP-1000 19/11/2013 mid-2020 50


WORLD 53 52310 2017-2023 37

1 - Delayed. According to CNEA, first criticality is now expected for the first semester of 2019.
See CNEA, Proyecto CAREMCronograma, Undated, see, accessed 18April2017.
WNA mentions a trial period ending in July2019.
See WNA, Nuclear Power in Argentina, 22May2017, see
tina , accessed 6August2017.
WNISR2017 uses second quarter 2019 for grid connectionat least six months delay compared to original startup date of 2018, in WNISR2016.
Wo r l d N u c l e a r I n d u s t r y S t a t u s R e p o r t | 2 0 1 7  | 265

2 - A delay of at least six months compared to scheduled date of operation (2018) in WNISR2016. According to Rosatom, 2019 is the most feasible
date for the startup of Belarusian-1. See BelTa, Rosatom describes 2019 as feasible term for launching Belarusian nuclear power plant first reactor,
18November2016, see
first-reactor-96465-2016/, accessed 19November2016. WNAs date for commercial operation was pushed back from early 2019 to end 2019.
See WNA, Nuclear Power in Belarus, July2017, see,
accessed 5August2017.

3 - Commercial operation date from WNA, Nuclear Power in Belarus, July2017.

4 - WNAs dates for China refer to WNAs Table Nuclear reactors under construction and planned. See WNA, China Nuclear Power,
Updated August2017, see, accessed

5 - No information concerning expected startup date in CGNs announcement of construction start. As of August2017, WNAs table Nuclear reac-
tors under construction and planned indicates 2019-20 for operation/grid connection for Fangchenggang-3. See reference in previous Note (4).

6 - No information concerning original expected startup date in CGNs announcement of construction start. As of August2017, WNAs table
Nuclear reactors under construction and planned indicates 2020 for operation/grid connection for Fangchenggang-4. See reference in Note (4).

7 - Fuqing-4 was connected to the grid on 29July2017. See CNNC, Fuqing Unit 4 joins power grid, PressRelease, 2August2017, see http://en.cnnc., accessed 6August2017.

8 - In March 2016, CNNC stated that construction of first Hualong reactor was expected to be completed by June2020. See Reuters, Chinas debut
Westinghouse reactor delayed until June 2017, 9March2016, see,
accessed 24June2016. No change since WNISR2016, already delayed from original startup date of 2019.

9 - See previous note. No change since WNISR2016.

10 - Delayed. Haiyang-1 was supposed to start up in 2014. In February2017, it was listed amongst reactors to be completed in 2017 in NEAs Energy
Work Guidance Opinion. See WNN, China sets out nuclear plans for 2017, 2March2017, see
out-nuclear-plans-for-2017-0203174.html, accessed 3March2017. However, in July2017 WNA has moved the expected startup to 2018, and commer-
cial operation is expected in 2018 according to NEI. See NEI, MilestonesChinese AP1000s Approach Operation, 27July2017,
see, accessed 6August2017. The reactor is delayed by at least several months, compared to
WNISR2016. WNISR2017 uses 2018 for Commercial Operation.

11 - NEI, MilestonesChinese AP1000s Approach Operation, 27July2017. See previous note.

12 - At construction start of Hongyanhe-5 and then Hongyanhe-6, it was announced that they would be completed by 2021, date previously used in
WNISR2016. However, operation of Hongyanhe-5 is now reported to start in November2019, change introduced in WNISR2017. See NEI, Dome
installed at Chinas Hongyanhe-5, 17April2017, see,
accessed 6August2017.

13 - At construction start of Hongyanhe-5 and then Hongyanhe-6, it was announced that they would be completed by 2021, date previously used
in WNISR2016. However, operation of Hongyanhe-6 is now reported to start in August2020change introduced in WNISR2017. See NEI, Dome
installed at Chinas Hongyanhe-5, 17April2017, see previous note.

14 - Delayed. Original startup date: 2013. According to an announcement from Westinghouse in May2017, the first of the Sanmen units is to be
completed in the first quarter of 2018. See David Stanway, Westinghouse says first AP1000 reactor to be completed in China in early 2018,
Reuters, 17May2017. Delayed at least a few months since WNISR2016.

15 - Delayed. Original startup date: 2014. See previous note. 2018 for grid connection from WNA.

16 - Delayed. Original startup date: 2017. According to interview of Wang Yiren, deputy director general of the State Administration of Science,
Technology and Industry for National Defence by CCTV+ television, Shidao Bay is to go online in 2018. See CCTV, Chinas 4th generation nuclear
power plant to go online in 2018 - CCTV News, 14February2017, see,
accessed 26May2017. WNISR2017 uses 2018 for grid connection, a delay of about one year compared to WNISR2016 (commercial operation in

17 - Delayed several times. Taishan-1 is amongst reactors to be completed in 2017, according to NEA. See NEA, Energy Work Guidance Opinion,
February2017. According to CGN, commercial operation of Taishan-1 has been adjusted from the original first half of 2017 to the second half
of 2017. See CGN, Inside InformationConstruction Progress of Taishan Nuclear Power Generating Units, 20February2017, see http://www.; and WNN, China sets out nuclear plans for 2017, 2March2017,
see; both accessed 17August2017. WNISR2017 uses
end 2017 for grid connection, a delay of about six months compared to WNISR2016 (already delayed by almost two years since WNISR2015). Total
delay is over three years (2013).

18 - Delayed several times. According to CGN, commercial operation of Taishan-2 has been adjusted from the original second half of 2017 to
the first half of 2018. See CGN, Inside InformationConstruction Progress of Taishan Nuclear Power Generating Units, 20February2017.
WNISR2017 uses WNAs date of 2018 for grid connection, a further delay of about six months compared to WNISR2016 (already delayed two years
since WNISR2015).

19 - Delayed. Table from the Chinas National Energy Administration (2014), shows targeted completion for Tianwan-3 as February 2018.
See Shan Sun, Challenges during construction of new NPPS, Huaneng Shandong Shidao Bay Nuclear Power Company, 4February2014,
Wo r l d N u c l e a r I n d u s t r y S t a t u s R e p o r t | 2 0 1 7  | 266

see, accessed
31May2014; table translated in NIW, ChinaSanmenTwo Year Delay Pushes Costs Higher, 14March2014.
No change since WNISR2016.

20 - Delayed. Table from the Chinas National Energy Administration (2014), indicated a targeted completion for Tianwan-4 as November2018 (see
previous reference). As of August2017, WNA had changed grid connection date to 3/2019. WNISR2017 uses 3/2019 for startup. A delay of at least
several months compared to WNISR2016 (11/2018).

21 - WNISR, China: Grid Connection for Fuqing-3 and Construction Start on Tianwan-6, 9September2016, see https://www.worldnuclearreport.
org/China-Grid-Connection-for-Fuqing-3-and-Construction-Start-on-Tianwan-6.html. Commercial operation date has been changed from 2021 in
WNISR2016 to 12/2020.

22 - WNISR, China: Grid Connection for Fuqing-3 and Construction Start on Tianwan-6, 9September2016. See previous note.

23 - Shan Sun, Challenges during construction of new NPPS, Huaneng Shandong Shidao Bay Nuclear Power Company, 4February2014.
See Note19.

24 - Delayed. According to presentation by Shan Sun, (see Note19), completion of Yangjiang-6 was to last 56months, and operation was scheduled
by 2018. See WNN, China celebrates construction milestones, 31December2013, see
construction-milestones-3112134.html, accessed 3January2014. No date change since WNISR2016.

25 - Delayed numerous times from its original planned commissioning in 2009. In 2016, TVO confirmed the 2018 deadline: According to the
schedule submitted by the OL3 supplier, regular electricity generation at OL3 will start at the end of 2018. See TVO, TVO Submits OL3 Operating
License Application to the Ministry of Employment and the Economy, 14April2016, see, accessed17August2017.
Nochanges compared to WNISR2016.

26 - Delayed numerous times from the original planned startup date in 2012. According to EDF, actual grid connection expected in 2019: The cou-
pling of the Flamanville 3 EPR to the grid is scheduled for the second quarter of 2019 and generation at full capacity of rated power, after a gradual
ramping-up phase, for the fourth quarter of 2019. See EDF, Reference Document2016 Annual Financial Report, March2017,
document-de-reference/edf-ddr_2016-en.pdf, accessed 14April2017. A further delay of about six months compared to WNISR2016 (4th quarter
2018), when EDF did not provide precisions on the expected grid-connection date.

27 - Delayed several times. No new date on NPCILs dedicated page, which indicates Under Review, since expected commercial operation date of
June2015 was removed. See NPCIL, Plants Under ConstructionKakrapar Atomic Power Project, Undated, see
ConstructionDetail.aspx?ReactorID=91, accessed 24January2016. In December 2016, according to officials, quoted by IANS, fuel loading was expec-
ted in October2017, first criticality in November, and Commercial Operation in early 2018. See IANS, Trial run of Indias first 700 MW reactor in
2017, The Economic Times, 31December2016, see
reactor-in-2017/articleshow/56270382.cms, accessed 5August2017. WNIRS2017 uses early 2018 for Commercial Operation instead of completion in
2017 (WNISR2016), no indication on additional delay.

28 - Delayed. No new startup date on NPCILs dedicated page, which indicates Under Review, since expected commercial operation date of
December 2015 was removed. According to IANS, Kakrapar-4 to start six to seven months after Kakrapar-3 (see previous note).
WNIRS2017 uses 2018 for commercial operation, instead of completion in WNISR2016.

29 - According to an article published in Daily News & Analysis: The project, being built with Russian collaboration, is expected to be completed in
73 months. See Daily News & Analysis, Work begins for unit3 of Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant, 29June2017, see
business/report-work-begins-for-unit-3-of-kudankulam-nuclear-power-plant-2487774, accessed 6August2017.

30 - Delayed many times. Since late 2016, DAE says that PFBR is expected to go operational by October2017. However, according to sources in the
Department of Atomic Energy, quoted by the Deccan Herald, DAE has a new target of mid-2018.
See KalyanRay, Fast breeder nuclear reactor delayed by 8 yrs, Deccan Herald, 15April2017, see
breeder-nuclear-reactor-delayed.html, accessed 18May2017.
WNISR2017 uses 2018, a delay of over a year compared to WNISR2016 (criticality 3/2017).

31 - Delayed. No new date on NPCILs dedicated page, which indicates Under Review after it removed the June2016 startup date in January2017.
See NPCIL, Plants Under ConstructionRajasthan Atomic Power Station, Undated, see
aspx?ReactorID=87, accessed 27January2017. According to recent answers to parliamentary questions, RAPP-7&8 are expected to be completed by
2019, but with no specific date for RAPP-7, and no other indication of further delay. See for example Lok Sabha, Unstarred Question No. 1300To
be answered on 23.11.2016Construction of Nuclear Power Plants, Department of Atomic Energy, Government of India, with official Answer by
Dr.Jitendra Singh, The Minister Of State For Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions And Prime Ministers Office, see
readdata/parl/winter2016/lsus1300.pdf, accessed 29December2016. WNISR2017 keeps 2018 for completion, no delay compared to WNISR2016.

32 - Delayed. No new date on NPCILs dedicated page, which indicates Under Review after it removed the December2016 startup date in
January2017. See previous note. No change since WNISR2016.

33 - After the 3/11 events, Japan halted work at two ABWR units, Shimane-3 and Ohma, which had been under construction since 2007 and 2010
respectively. In September2012, METI approved the restart of construction at both sites. In 2015, despite lack of detailed information, WNISR rein-
tegrated both reactors in the list of reactors under construction. The Ohma reactor is again removed from the list in WNISR2017, since construction
at the site has effectively been suspended, according to J-Power.

34 - No planned grid connection date.

Wo r l d N u c l e a r I n d u s t r y S t a t u s R e p o r t | 2 0 1 7  | 267

35 - Construction of Kanupp-3 was only introduced on IAEA-PRIS in November2016, with a construction-start date of 31May2016.
See PRIS, Reactor DetailsKanupp 3, IAEA, 6November2016, see,
accessed 17August2017. In December2016, NIW provided a different date, 31 July 2016, for concrete pouring.
See NIW, Chinas Nuclear Drive in Pakistan, 2December2016. WNISR2017 uses the date of 31May2016.

36 - No official startup date. Commercial operation from WNA, Nuclear Power in Pakistan, July2017, see
tion-library/country-profiles/countries-o-s/pakistan.aspx, accessed 6August2017.

37 - Delayed several times. Original startup date: 2013. Grid connection date from WNA, Nuclear Power in Russia, 27July2017,
see, accessed 6August2017.
Delayed about one year since WNISR2016.

38 - Delayed several times. Original startup date: 2016. Grid connection date from WNA, Nuclear Power in Russia, Updated 27July2017.
No further delay since WNISR2016.

39 - Delayed. Commercial operation scheduled for January2019. Grid connection date from WNA, Nuclear Power in Russia, Updated 27July2017.
WNISR2017 uses 10/2018 as grid connection date, instead of 2019 for commercial operation in WNISR2016.

40 - IAEA-PRIS considers construction start date to be 16June2010, but the Rostov-4 reactor was already listed as under construction by the IAEA
in April1986, with a construction start of 1983. See IAEA, Nuclear Power Reactors in the World, April1986.

41 - Delayed numerous times. Latest announcement by Rosatom: The Rostov-4 first power is scheduled for December2017.
See Rosatom: Rostov-4 has started pressure tests and circulation flushing, PressRelease, 11July2017, see
news/rostov-4-has-started-pressure-tests-and-circulation-flushing/, accessed 17August2017.

42 - Delayed several times. Construction was suspended between March1993 and June2009. In the Framework of the Strategic Plan, approved by
the extraordinary General Assembly of Slovensk Elektrrne, a.s.(SE) on 28March2017, operation of Mochovce-3 is expected by the end of 2018.
See Slovensk Elektrrne, Shareholders approved the 2017 2021 Strategic Plan,29March2017, see
proved-the-2017-2021-strategic-plan/305, accessed 30March2017. A further delay of at least oneyear compared to WNISR2016.

43 - Delayed several times. Construction was suspended between March 1993 and June 2009. In the Framework of the Strategic Plan, approved by
the extraordinary General Assembly of Slovensk Elektrrne, a.s. (SE) on 28March2017, operation of Mochovce-4 is expected by the end of 2019.
See previous reference. A further delay of at least oneyear compared to WNISR2016.

44 - Delayed. No indications of further delay since WNISR2016. See section on SouthKorea in the Focus Countries Chapter.

45 - Delayed. See previous note.

46 - Delayed numerous times, from original startup date of September 2014.

As of June2017, KHNPs dedicated webpage indicates Fuel Loading in January2018 and Commercial Operation in September2018.
See KHNP, Nuclear Power ConstructionShin Kori #3,4, 30June2017, see,
accessed 10July2017. A delay of 1.5years compared to WNISR2016. See section on SouthKorea in the Focus Countries Chapter.

47 - Delayed. In May2017, ENEC announced a new timeline, including an extension for the start-up of nuclear operations for Unit 1, from 2017
to 2018. See ENEC, ENEC Announces Completion of Initial Construction Work for Unit 1 of Barakah Nuclear Energy Plant & Progress Update
Towards Safety-led Operations, 5May2017, see
1-progress-update/, accessed 5May2017. WNISR2017 uses 2018 as startup year, without any indication of a specific month, compared to 2017 in

48 - Summer-1&2 were still considered as under construction as of 1July2017. The abandonment of construction was announced on 31July2017
(see Focus United States).

49 - Delayed numerous times. A new delay was announced in February 2017, affecting the commercial operation date, pushed back from June2019
to December2019 (an additional delay of six months). No grid connection dates are provided.
See Nikkei Asian Review, Westinghouse delays Georgia reactor construction, 23February2017, see
Westinghouse-delays-Georgia-reactor-construction, accessed 24February2017. WNISR2017 keeps the grid connection date of mid-2019 already
announced in WNISR2016.

50 - Delayed numerous times. A new three-month delay was announced in February2017, affecting the commercial operation date, pushed back
from June2010 to September2020. No grid connection dates are provided. See Nikkei Asian Review, Westinghouse delays Georgia reactor construc-
tion, 23 February 2017. WNISR2017 keeps the grid connection date of mid-2020 already announced in WNISR2016.

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