Control of Real and Reactive Power Using A Novel SVC Feedback System For Load Sharing in Grid Connected PV Power System
Control of Real and Reactive Power Using A Novel SVC Feedback System For Load Sharing in Grid Connected PV Power System
Control of Real and Reactive Power Using A Novel SVC Feedback System For Load Sharing in Grid Connected PV Power System
Md. Habib Ullah et al., ol.!, No.", #$%!
Control of Real and Reactive Power using a Novel
SVC Feedback System for Load Sharing in Grid
Connected PV Power System
d! "abib #llah$
& S!! 'hsanul "a(ue$$
$ )e*artment of 'lectrical and 'lectronic 'ngineering& +hsanullah #niversity of Science and ,echnology& ,e-gaon& .angladesh!
$$ )e*artment of 'lectronic 'ngineering& La ,robe #niversity& elbourne&
+ustralia! / i m s h o u r u v0g m a il!c o m1 e hs a nu l h a ( u e 2340g m ail!c o m5
Corres*onding +uthor1 d! "abib #llah& )e*artment of 'lectrical and 'lectronic 'ngineering& +hsanullah #niversity of
Science and ,echnology& 2627268 Love Road& ,e-gaon& )haka7289:& .angladesh& 'mail; i msh o u ru v 0g m ail!c o m
Received: 22.08.2013 Accepted: 13.10.2013
Abstract- <n a *ower system of conventional *arallel7connected generators& share of real *ower and reactive var of an incoming
generator are controlled by ad-usting shaft *ower in*ut and field e=citation! ,he scenario of load sharing by a grid connected PV
system is however different! Since no *rime mover or e=citation source are *resent! )ue to serious *ower crisis& there is a need for
the transfer of PV *ower to the grid systems! "owever& this needs intensive analysis on the load sharing *heno mena! <n this
study& as*ects of load sharing of a grid connected PV system utili>ing boost inverter are analy>ed& and a strategy is *ro*osed
where the load sharing task can be undertaken controlling the modulation inde= of the boost inverter! ?e also have briefly
surveyed the characteristics of the boost inverter for different voltage levels and *rescribed a range of modulation inde= for
which the system can *erform *erfectly for each of these voltage levels! <t is seen that both real *ower and reactive var are
affected u*on the change in the modulation inde= of the boost inverter! +nalysis and simulation results are *resented to
demonstrate effectiveness of the *ro*osed control techni(ue using boost inverter!
Keywords- .oost inverter& PV system& Static Var Com*ensator/SVC5& odulation inde=& SP? bridge inverter!
1. Introduction
<n today@s world& electricity is a vital ingredient for both
economic and social develo*ment! +de(uate& reliable and
reasonably *riced su**ly of electricity is an essential *re7
re(uisite for national develo*ment! )ue to the growing energy
consum*tion around the world and the eminent e=haustion of
fossil7fuel reserves& a great interest on alternative energy
sources can be noticed nowadays! +mong the clean and green
*ower sources& the *hotovoltaic /PV5 solar energy comes u* as
being a very interesting alternative to su**lement the
generation of electricity A2B! Solar Cells su**ly electric energy
renewable from *rimary resources! Solar cells are rarely used
individually! Cells with similar characteristics are under *eak
sunlight /2 ?C 5 the ma=imum current delivered by a cell is
a**ro=imately D9 / & 5! Cells are therefore& *aralleled
obtain the desired current AEB! So& it can charge a battery u* to
28 volt )C! For residential use& all e(ui*ments re(uire a *ure
sinusoidal 889V ac *ower su**ly! For this a static )C7+C
converter is inserted between the solar cells and the distribution
network! )C to +C conversion has been established as one of
the most common o*erations in *ower electronics A8B! Fne of
the characteristics of the most classical inverter is that it
*roduces an +C out*ut instantaneous voltage always lower
than the )C in*ut voltage A6B! .oost )C7+C inverter is a novel
converter& whose main advantage is to achieve an out*ut
voltage higher or lower than the in*ut one! Fther advantages
are the (uality of out*ut voltage sine wave and reduced number
of switches i!e! only four switches re(uired! ,his *ro*erty is
not found in the traditional full bridge inverter& which *roduces
an instantaneous ac out*ut voltage always lower than the in*ut
dc voltage ADB!
2. Equivalent Circuit Diagram of ! Cell
,he sim*lest model of a PV cell is shown as an e(uivalent
circuit below that consists of an ideal current source in *arallel
with an ideal diode! ,he current source re*resents the current
generated by *hotons and its out*ut is constant under constant
tem*erature and constant incident radiation of light!
"ig. 1. (uivalent electrical circuit of a solar cell!
,he <7V characteristics of the e(uivalent solar cell circuit
can be determined by following e(uations A2DB! ,he current
through diode is given by&
#. $rid Connected ! %ystem
3.1. Grid-connected or Utility-interactive Systems
Grid connected *hotovoltaic systems are the most common
ty*e as they make use of the e=isting main electricity grid!
,hey are sim*ler in design and easier for the installers to fit
than off grid systems A3B!
7+ grid7connected system is connected to a large
inde*endent grid /ty*ically the *ublic electricity grid5 and
feeds *ower into the grid!
7<t is directly connected to the electricity network!
7Primary com*onents are the inverter& or *ower7
conditioning unit /PC#5!
7No battery or other storage is needed!
7,his is a form of decentrali>ed electricity generation!
?hile& the solar cell out*ut current&
"ig. 2. ,he diagram of grid7connected *hotovoltaic system!
' (
A / 5 B
3.2. Stand-alone Systems or Off-rid Systems
,his systems is *articularly suitable in remote locations
es*ecially those where the *ro*erty is more than one7(uarter
mile from the nearest *ower lines! Fften the installation of an
off grid PV system *roves more cost7effective than e=tending
the *ower lines A3B!
; Solar cell current /+5
;Light generated current /+5 AShort circuit value
assuming no seriesC shunt ResistanceB
; )iode saturation current /+51
; 'lectron charge /2!3G2972H C51
,; Cell tem*erature in Ielvin /I51
I; .olt>mann constant /2!D:G2978D JCI51
V; solar cell out*ut voltage /V51 ; Solar cell series
resistance /K51 ; Solar cell shunt /*arallel5 resistance /K5
n; is known as the Lideality factorM /LnM is sometimes
denoted as L+M5 and takes the value between one and two A28B!
7<t is not linked to the mains electricity su**ly!
7<t su**lies electricity to a single system!
7<t includes one or more batteries& which store the
7+ charge controller is used to avoid battery damage and
o*timi>ing the *roduction!
7.ut in direct cou*led system no battery is needed!
"ig. #. ,he diagram of stand7alone PV system!
&. 'oad %(aring using %)* +ridge Inverter
,here are different methods of load sharing techni(ues
using SP? bridge inverter!
)roo* control method and average *ower control method
are the load sharing techni(ues develo*ed in stand alone ac
*ower system based on the *ower flow theory of an ac system
ADB&A6B! +nother a**roach is the current in-ection method& a *ll
is de*loyed to monitor the >ero crossing of the sytem voltage
and the current is in-ected to the system to control the real and
reactive *ower of the system!
!.1. "#ndamental $#ildin $loc% &iaram
+ PV *ower inverter system in *arallel with a load and
utility grid is shown in Fig! 6! Re*resents sum of
synchronous reactance of generator and reactance of
transmission line! ,he dc voltage obtained from PV array is
converted to ac through the inverter! ,ransformer ste*s u* the
voltage! + LC filter is connected to remove unwanted
harmonics! ,he *ower is then fed to the load!
"ig. &. Fundamental building block diagram of the grid
connected PV system!
,. rinci-le of 'oad %(aring wit( Control of .eal and
.eactive ower
,he load sharing *rinci*le in case of *arallel7connected
generators and grid connected PV system are described below
'.1. (n )arallel *onnected Generators
,wo *arallel generators + and . shown in Fig E! su**ly a
load of a certain *ower and *ower factor! Controlling the
mechanical *ower in*ut and e=citation res*ectively can control
real and reactive *ower delivered from generators!
"ig. ,. ,wo *arallel generators su**lying a load!
'.1.1. *ontrol +y *,anin -ec,anical ) (np#t
,he in*ut mechanical *ower or shaft *ower to the
generator can be changed by changing the o*ening of the
valves through which steam /or water5 enters a turbine! Real
*ower delivered by generator is given by
"ig. /. Vector diagram of voltages and currents for change in
shaft *ower in*ut only in case of *arallel generators!
<f e=citation is ke*t constant& will remain constant!
<ncreasing the in*ut shaft *ower will result the rotor s*eed start
increasing! .ut rotor s*eed cannot e=ceed bus fre(uency! So
will start to increase if and remain constant! ,he generator
will start delivering more real *ower! +gain the real *ower
delivered is
From the vector diagram shown in Figure 4& we see that
<f is increased kee*ing constant& will increase!
Since is constant& will increase! +gain will decrease
with the increase of ! So will increase! ,herefore&
delivered real *ower will increase! <t is seen
in the diagram that remains the same with the increase
of ! So the reactive *ower will remain
'.1.2. *ontrol +y *,anin
Let us reduce e=citation kee*ing the in*ut shaft *ower
constant! Since the in*ut shaft *ower is constant& delivered
real *ower will be constant! <t im*lies that will remain
constant! + reduction in must reduce ! So increases
i!e! increases! Since is considered constant& must
remain constant for constant out*ut real *ower! From the
vector diagram shown in Fig! 4! it is seen that varies
with the change of e=citation!
So& the reactive *ower varies! ,herefore it
can be inferred that changing e=citation only varies reactive
*ower if in*ut shaft *ower is ke*t constant!
"ig. 0. Vector diagram of voltages and currents for change in
e=citation only in case of *arallel generators!
'.2. (n Grid-connected )1 System
<n the *resent grid7connected PV system scheme as shown
in Fig! :& *ower is fed to the load from the PV array! <f the
generation of *ower from PV array is not sufficient to serve the
load demand& the deficit can be com*ensated from the grid! <f
the generated *ower is greater than the load demand& the
e=cess *ower can be fed back to the grid!
"ig. 1. .lock diagram of the grid7connected PV system
showing the sharing of load!
,he vector diagram com*rising the voltage and current
vectors for the grid7connected PV system is shown in Fig! H
"ig. 2. Vector diagram for voltages and currents in grid7
connected PV system!
'.3. (nverter $ranc,: /2#ivalent *irc#it and Analysis for
1oltaes and *#rrents
,he P? voltage is fed to the transformer and its out*ut
is then filtered! ,he filtered voltage is fed to the grid through
an inductance ! ,he grid voltage is whose variation must
be within a s*ecified range!
"ig. 13. '(uivalent circuit of the grid7connected PV system!
,he transformer shown in Fig! 29 are e=*ressed by its
e(uivalent circuit! <f all the *arameters on the *rimary side are
referred to the secondary then the above circuit takes the form
shown in Fig! 22
"ere& 1
"ig. 11. Primary *arameters of inverter branch of Fig! 29
referred to secondary!
/. "ormation of Equation for !oltages and Currents Draw
t(eir !ector Diagrams and )ave %(a-es
+**lying su*er*osition theorem in the circuit shown in
1 1
0. 4(e ro-osed *odel
<n our reasearch we have *ro*osed a SP? boost )C to
+C converter followed by a Static Var Com*ensator /SVC5 to
control the reactive *ower from the PV *anel! ore over to
regulate the real *ower we have ad-usted the modulation inde=
of the SP? inverter! ,he to*ology is *resented below!
Fig! 22& the e(uation for & and can be develo*ed!
%)* and
"ig.1#. ,he *ro*osed model!
3.1. 4,e S)5- $oost (nverter
"ig. 12. +**lying su*er*osition theorem in the circuit of Fig!
22& /a5! ?hen *resent only /b5! ?hen *resent only!
From fig! 28/a5&
+,o- fi..
%#'b(, Whe,e,
.y briefly studying the behavior of the .oost <nverter on
grid connected PV system1 several significant features have
been found which are mentioned below;
ore silicon less iron and com*act si>e
Reduction of transformer si>e!
'limination of harmonics and *ower savings is high
No filter is needed and cost effective and!
No PP, charge controller is needed!
3.2. Static 1ar *ompensator6S1*7
?e have used a variable shunt ca*acitor as the SVC in our
*ro*osed system!,he *ower factor correction can also be
illustrated from *ower triangle!
,hus referring to Fig! 26& the *ower triangle OA$ is for
*ower factor cosN
& whereas *ower triangle OA* is for the
im*roved *ower factor !
<t may be seen that active *ower /F+5 does not change
with *ower factor im*rovement! "owever& the lagging IV+R
of the load
s reduced by the *!f! correction e(ui*ment& thus
im*roving the *!f! to ! Leading IV+R su**lied by *!f!
correction e(ui*ment
O .CO +. P+C
O I? /E5 O9!2h
8.1. 4,e *irc#it &iaram
+ OS2
V1 = 12v
V2 = -12v
+ 5
- 6
- OS1
TR = 0. 248ms
TF = 0.001ms
PW = 0. 001ms
PER = 0.25ms
1 uA741 V1 3
+ OS2
TD = 0 V3 15 V5
"ig. 1&. ,he *ower triangle!
V7 15
VOFF = 0
VAP! = 6
Inowing the leading IV+R su**lied by the *!f! correction
e(ui*ment& the desired results can be obtained! <t can be shown
that& the reactive *ower su**lied by the Ca*acitor
O /35
FRE" = 50 0
1 1
200 #$m
2 2
S5 S7
?here& and
VOFF = 2
D14 D18
VOFF = 2
VO' = 3
From e(uation /E5 and /35we can show that 0
7. 8m%
2 1 2
#sing the e(uation /45 we can easily calculate the value of
C from known values of & I?& N
& N
and ! ?e have used
this relation to com*ensate reactive *ower su**ly from our
UR850 UR850
VO' = 3
UR850 UR850
inverter!,he transformer used in the ne=t stage is a low
fre(uency ste* u* transformer with a low turns ration! ,he use
of boost inverter substantially reduced the si>e of the
transformer& so as the cost! <t meets our one of the ob-ective of
design using less iron and more siicon!,he design can be
reali>ed without the transformer also but we have intentionally
used the transformer to get a safe isolation at the user *remises!
1. Details Circuit Configuration and %imulations .esults
"ig. 1,. ,he )etailed Circuit Configuration!
8.2. O#tp#t *#rves
.y thoroughly analy>ing the aforementioned circuit
diagram for several voltage levels and by varying the
modulation indices for each of these different voltages the
following set of data can be found!
0 "$
0 /$
$1 #$-1 "$-1 2$-1 /$-1 %$$-1 %#$-1 %"$-1 % 2$-1 %/ $-1 #$$-1
' %, #(
O86v /)C5
For odulation inde=O9!E9 /?ithout ca*acitance CE5
"ig. 1/. Fut*ut voltage /V
5 without ca*acitance /C
# $W
% 2W
% #W
$ 1 # $ -1 " $ - 1 2 $ -1 / $ - 1 % $ $ - 1 % # $ - 1 % " $ -1 % 2 $ - 1 % / $ - 1 #$$-1
, -1 ' W' R!( (
Ti -e
"ig. 10. Fut*ut real *ower /P
5 without ca*acitance /C
%. 2W 2. $W
VO' = 3
+ +
UR850 UR850
VOFF = 2
VO' = 3
D15 D1( 24 V)*
VO D17 D21
3. $W
%. #W
". $W
$. /W
!. $ W
#. $W
$. "W
%. $W
$ 1 # $ -1 " $ -1 2 $ -1 / $ - 1 % $ $ - 1 % # $ -1 % " $ -1 % 2 $ - 1 % / $ - 1 #$$ -1
, -1 ' W' L %( (
Ti -e
$ 1 # $ -1 " $ - 1 2 $ -1 / $ -1 % $ $ - 1 % # $ -1 % " $ - 1 % 2 $ - 1 % / $ - 1 #$$ -1
, -1 ' W' R!( (
"ig. 11. Fut*ut reactive *ower /R
5 without ca*acitance /C
Ti -e
"ig. 23. Fut*ut real *ower /P
5 with ca*acitance
3$ $-W
0 $
"$ $-W
! $$-
0 # $
# $$-
0 " $
% $$-
0 2$
$1 # $-1 "$ -1 2$-1 /$-1 %$$-1 % #$-1 %" $-1 %2$-1 %/$-1 #$$-1
' %, # (
Ti -e
$ 1 # $ -1 " $ -1 2 $ -1 / $ -1 % $ $ -1 % # $ - 1 % " $ -1 % 2 $ - 1 % / $ -1 #$$-1
, -1' W' L %( (
"ig. 12. Fut*ut Voltage /V
5 with ca*acitance
8.3. &ata 4a+les
Ti -e
"ig. 21. Fut*ut reactive *ower /R
5 with ca*acitance
4able 1. )ata for the variation of different modulation inde= for in*ut 86V /)C5!
Fut*ut voltage&
Real *ower&
Reactive *ower&
Value of
4able 2. Control of reactive *ower by a**lying *arallel com*ensation /ca*acitance C
5 by kee*ing it at a constant value of 9!E2
Fut*ut voltage&
Real *ower&
Reactive *ower&
S of total harmonic
<n a *ower system of conventional *arallel7connected
generators& share of real *ower and reactive var of an incoming
generator are controlled by differnet ways like ad-usting shaft
*ower in*ut and field e=citation! ,he circumstances of load
sharing by a grid connected PV system is however different!
,here is no *rime mover or e=citation source are *resent in PV
system! Sometimes in case of *ower crisis& there is a need for
the transfer of PV *ower to the grid systems! <n that case the
ulation inde= V
V /v5 P /w5 R /var5
ca*acitance&C /f5
9!DDD 6!9 6D!:8 E!3D 9! E2 2!E: 89
9!D4E 6!E 66!E9 E!32 9! E2 9!6E 49
9!623 E!9 6E!2D E!33 9! E2 2!9D HE!EE
9!6E: E!E 66!23 E!64 9! E2 2!ED 28D!E9
9!E99 3!9 66!E8 E!E4 9! E2 8!62 2E8!E9
9!E68 3!E 66!D9 E!E6 9! E2 D!69 2:2!:E
9!E:D 4!9 6D!48 E!64 9! E2 6!EH 82E!DE
ulation inde= V
V /v5 P /w5 R /var5 distortion/S,")5
9!DDD 6!9 68!82 E!6: 9!E9 8!8:
9!D4E 6!E 6H!H9 4!3D 9!49 8!22
9!623 E!9 E:!29 29!9E 9!H8 8!6:
9!6E: E!E 34!9H 2D!93 2!89 8!4:
9!E99 3!9 43!33 23!H9 2!E3 D!68
9!E68 3!E :2!24 2H!66 2!44 6!D3
9!E:D 4!9 :2!8H 89!38 2!:2 3!8E
real and reactive *ower for load sharing in grid connected PV
*ower system can be easiay controlled as well as changed by
changing the modulation inde= of the boost inverter! .y our
*ro*osed modea we can easiay controa the reaa and reactive
*ower efficientay by using an inverter and SVC feedback
2. Conclusion
+fter analy>ing the overall research we can finally *redict
that without the SVC feedback the out*ut voltage of the boost
inverter has increased with the increase of the modulation
inde= /m
5! ,he real *ower& reactive var and the *ercentage of
total harmonic distortion /S,")5 has also followed the similar
*attern! "owever& in case of the SVC feedback while kee*ing
the reactive var constant1 the out*ut voltage& real *ower and the
*ercentage of ,") did not follow any *redictive *attern! <n
addition to this& they were bounded within a *articular range
with the increase of the modulation inde=! oreover& no
significant fluctuation has been marked in the entire set of data
for the SVC feedback! Finally we can reca*itulate that& for a
fi=ed load *ower factor& the real and reactive *ower can be
varied by changing the modulation inde= /m
5& the out*ut
voltage of the boost inverter can also be varied and the total
harmonic distortion /S,")5 has also varied in a *redictive
manner! So our future *lan is to develo* a mathematical model
for the robust controlling of boost inverter@s out*ut voltage T
*ower! ,he real *ower will be varied while the reactive *ower
would be ke*t constant and vice versa! <n doing so& the ,")
shouad be ke*t aow to maintain a high efficiency!
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