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TOPIC: How to reduce noise which is produced in HAVC system.

*HVAC = Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning

HVAC System:- An HVAC system provides heating and cooling in

industrial, commercial and residential buildings. HVAC system stands
for heating, ventilation and air conditioning. Another possible purpose
is to circulate fresh air from the outside to dilute contaminants that
gather inside.

Duct attenuation and noise consideration:-

The HVAC industry has established noise criteria (NC) values for
evaluating the acceptability of sound levels. NC values for different
types of buildings range from 30 to 40 decibles.

Decible- It is unit of comparative sound measurement .

HVAC Noise Points:-

The major source of noise in air conditioning system is due to

air velocity as well as the noise from fan.
Following are the 5 distinct paths of noise:-

1. Duct borne noise: It is caused by the flow of air and directly

dependent on the velocity of air.
2. Radiated equipment noise: It is caused by vibration of
equipment and inherent sound pressure of the equipment.

3. Break in noise: It is radiated equipment noise that enters

the ductwork and propagates down the duct system.

4. Break out noise: It transmit through the wall of duct.

5. Terminal end noise: It is caused by the air flows at the

terminal devices such as diffuser or register.

* Methods of Reducing Noise of HVAC system:-

Accoustical analysis of a ductwork system:-
Noise due to air is roughly to the 5th power of the fan speed. If
the speed is reduced by 10% , the dB will be reduced by 2dB.
If the fan speed is reduced by 20 to 30%, it will yield a noise
reduction of 5dB and 8dB respectively.
Based on the above mentioned analysis, the following
recommendation are made:

*Duct borne noise:-

1. Keep air velocity low and liberally size the duct. The air
velocity in the main duct should be inclined 1500 fpm and the
velocity through branch ducts should be less than 800 fpm.
2. Select the fan at maximum efficiency point.
3. The duct work must be routed, fabricated and supported in
accordance with SMACNA ( Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning
Contractor's National Association) guidelines.
4. All VAV (variable air volume) installations must have
frequency drives.
VAV system vary the air at a constant temperature.

* Radiated equipment noise:-

1. Use vibration isolators between the equipment and the
building structure. Common materials used as vibration
isolators are rubber, cork, various types of steel springs and
glass fiber pads.
2. Use flexible fabric connection between the fan and duct.
3. Avoid the HVAC unit in a space immediately adjacent to the
occupied space.
4. Accoustically insulate the mechanical room walls and celling
with fiber insulation mounted on wooden battens.

*Duct break-in and break out noise:-

1. Ensure low air flow velocity. The air velocity in the main duct
and branch duct should be limited to 1500 fpm and 800 fpm
2. Ensure duct do not vibrate. Ducts can be made stiffer by
adding external bracing and/or adding damping.
3. Avoid abrupt change in duct cross-section; most straight duct
work naturally attenuates noise and provides smooth transitial
duct branches, take offs and bends.
4. Fitting should not be placed closer than 3 to 6 duct diameter
downstream from a fan and duct transitions, particularly at the
unit inlet and discharge opening 15 maximum.
5. Insulate the duct with rockwool or glasswool to damp duct
breakout noise.
6. Add accoustic silencers on the fan discharge.

*Terminal noise:-
1. Select diffusers, grilles and registers for "noise criteria" rating
for NC-30 or/over for the designed air flow rate.

*Regenerated noise:-
Medium and high velocity air flow impinging on any obstruction
will cause disturbance of the air flow. The resultant turbulence
produces regenerated noise.
-> HVAC duct design components such as elbows, turning
vanes, dampers, transitions, offsets, take-offs, tees etc. are the
examples of such obstructions.
-> Turbulence in most air flow system is characterized by the
sharp changes in air flow path, sharp bends, abrupt changes in
cross-sectional area etc.
-> Turbulence increases the noise levels and system operating

*Regenerated noise reduced by:-

1. Ensuring air flow condition.
2. Follow SMACNA duct design and construction guidelines
should be incorporated in all job specifications and drawings.
3. Optimal duct silencer locations and follow the guidelines for
centrifugal for installations (distance for placement of duct

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