1. Soil is composed of sediments and mineral particles that can vary in moisture content, influencing properties like grain size, shape, and hydraulic and mechanical parameters.
2. Soil is classified based on origin (residual, alluvial, glacial, loess, marine), properties (expansive, dispersive, granular), and engineering factors (strength, compressibility, hydraulic conductivity). International standards are used.
3. Compaction increases soil density, strength, and resistance to shrinkage while decreasing compressibility and porosity. It is tested using proctor compaction tests involving mixing soil and water then measuring dry unit weight and moisture content.
1. Soil is composed of sediments and mineral particles that can vary in moisture content, influencing properties like grain size, shape, and hydraulic and mechanical parameters.
2. Soil is classified based on origin (residual, alluvial, glacial, loess, marine), properties (expansive, dispersive, granular), and engineering factors (strength, compressibility, hydraulic conductivity). International standards are used.
3. Compaction increases soil density, strength, and resistance to shrinkage while decreasing compressibility and porosity. It is tested using proctor compaction tests involving mixing soil and water then measuring dry unit weight and moisture content.
1. Soil is composed of sediments and mineral particles that can vary in moisture content, influencing properties like grain size, shape, and hydraulic and mechanical parameters.
2. Soil is classified based on origin (residual, alluvial, glacial, loess, marine), properties (expansive, dispersive, granular), and engineering factors (strength, compressibility, hydraulic conductivity). International standards are used.
3. Compaction increases soil density, strength, and resistance to shrinkage while decreasing compressibility and porosity. It is tested using proctor compaction tests involving mixing soil and water then measuring dry unit weight and moisture content.
1. Soil is composed of sediments and mineral particles that can vary in moisture content, influencing properties like grain size, shape, and hydraulic and mechanical parameters.
2. Soil is classified based on origin (residual, alluvial, glacial, loess, marine), properties (expansive, dispersive, granular), and engineering factors (strength, compressibility, hydraulic conductivity). International standards are used.
3. Compaction increases soil density, strength, and resistance to shrinkage while decreasing compressibility and porosity. It is tested using proctor compaction tests involving mixing soil and water then measuring dry unit weight and moisture content.
= G Gravel S Sand C Clay M Silt Measurement of post lamina range(between laminar and turbulent), use Forcheimers 1.1 Soil: O Organic Soil P Peat Hydraulic head is a gradient against 2 or more hydraulic head measurements Law Soil is the accumulation of sediments and mineral particles, typically non-homogenous W Well Graded P Poor Graded L Low Plasticity H High Plasticity A, cross sectional area (m2) i = avf + bvf2 a =1/k but not always, influenced by change in moisture content. Differentiated mainly by Flow charts are used to sort samples of soil into certain categories, the following is an q, specific discharge(Q/A) [m/s] b=fit parameter, given to you grain size. Shape/size increase hydraulic and mechanic soil parameters. example, not sure if we need to know how to do this? Filter Velocity: apparent velocity of water through soils For fine grained soils the hydraulic gradient must overcome a specific yield stress to These classifications are related engineering parameters; strength, compressibility, initiate a flow of water = = = 1.2 General Definitions: hydraulic conductivity, workability (no flow): q = 0 for 0 < i < i0 Residual Soil: weathered soil, remaining at original place Applied to dams & roads Pore Velocity: real velocity of water through pores (flow): q = kf(i i0) for i > i0
Alluvial: transported by water 1 = highly desirable, like me, 14 = highly undesirable, like you! = , n = porosity, for fine grained soils use effective porosity ne (darcy)
Glacial: Transported by glaciers This is an internationally accepted classification system. Hydraulic head(as a combination of pressure head and geodetic height) causes water Darcys law only valid for representing flow if there is a linear relationship between Loess: transported by wind LOOSE! 3.2 Compaction to flow(most important concept in groundwater hydraulics) hydraulic gradient and specific discharge(or filter velocity) Marine: deposited in salt/brackish water Increased density due to compaction leads to; 1. Increased shear strength 2. Reduced 4.3 Hydraulic Conductivity In the pre-laminar rage there is a stagnation gradient i0 that must be overcome to Expansive: large volume changes with addition of moisture compressibility This is a soil property that describes the ease at which water can move through pore initiate flow Dispersive: loss of cohesion in water 3. Decreased porosity 4. Resistance to shrinkage spaces, but for dumb people like me it means how easily water can travel through soil. In post-laminar range(for coarse grained soils & for i > i limit) the flow starts to become Granular: No cohesion Compaction depends on soil types, size of crumbs and many other factors partly turbulent(Re>1) REV: Representative Elementary Volume. The sample size which has a size big enough Proctor Compaction Test: the most standard test for compaction I think. Mix soil & It ca be calculated heaps of different ways using multiple different tests and formulae Experiments with partly turbulent flow can be analyzed with Forchiemers law to to represent the sample accurately, cant be too small, the bigger the sample size the water put in mould, pulverize it(ram with hammer), weigh sample as well as mould. Typical values: 10-3 to 10-8 [m/s] receive k for laminar flow better without getting ridiculous. Then take out of mould, weigh it and determine the moisture content using drying can. Constant Head Test: pretty much, just fill up a container with sand/soil, connect funnel 5.3 Seepage 1.3 Fine Grained Soils Analysis: = 1 = ( )
= 1 ad outlet, let water flow through mechanism and measure discharge do it twice or 5.3.1 1D Seepage Occurs due to weathering of parent rock(mineral), resulting in formation of groups of 1+ + more with different heads(place the funnel higher or lower and measure discharge for = 1 crystalline particles at colloidal size(what does that even mean?) Plot dry unit weight on y-axis and moisture content on x-axis both High specific surface area(high surface area to mass ratio) Draw a smooth connecting curve For upwards vertical flow in sand < 0 Surfaces of clay minerals carry residual negative charges, meaning they arent attracted Also draw a curve for complete saturation k = 5.3.2 2D Seepage
to other shit and can be more dense 2 tests; standard compaction & modified compaction(4x larger forces for ramming) Continuity Equation: + = 0 Normalize Result: 20 = Attraction between clay particles happens because of van der waals 3.2.1 Direct Density Measurement Methods 20 Assuming homogenous and isotropic conditions, both pore water and soil are Increasing ion concentration leads to net repulsion Direct Sampling: place hollow cone over soil, use hammer and ram into ground, Falling Head Test: incompressible Net repulsion = face to face orientation, meaning more dense remove sample from cone, done! Vx and Vz are both apparent velocities in x and z directions, not actual velocities Net Attraction = face to edge/edge to edge, meaning less close and less dense = (bulk density) , = (dry density) = ln( 1) 1+ 2 Darcys Law: Vx = kx Absorbed water is held around clay around clay by hydrogen bonding & hydration of Substitute Method: Kt is the hydraulic conductivity for temperature, T. 2 2 cations(CT shiz) Method: a = area of pipe(m2) Laplace Equation: 2 + 2 = 0
1.4 Equations Fill jar with sand & determine weight of sand-cone apparatus(W1) A = area of sample(m2) In terms of hydraulic head, k = kx = kz, used for flow nets, used for anisotropic Void Ratio[-] Effective Unit Determine weight of sand to fill hole (W2) L = length of sample(m) conditions(antistrophic = directionally independent) = Weight = Dig hole, determine weight of excavation (W3) and moisture content, w. h1 = hydraulic head at beginning and h2 = hydraulic head at end 2 2 Steady State Seepage: 2 + 2 = 0 [kn/m^3] After filling hole with sand determine the weight of the remaining sand and apparatus Note: when testing for k. Porosity[-] Dry Unit hx ad hz are heads in each direction = (W4) Use de-aired water = Weight[kn/m^3] 5.4 Flow Nets Dry Unit Weight: = Weight of sand to fill hole: Ws = Use full saturation = Flow nets are used to map confined flow through horizontal layers = 1+ Use homogenous structure, if not segregation occurs and that fucks up results 1+ W1 (W2+W4) Assume: stationary conditions(Qin = Qout), homogenous, isotropic = Consider temperature 1+ Volume of hole: V = W3/ Weight of Dry Soil: Wd = W3/(1+w) Total potential difference is linearly reduced along the sample (Ltot) Conductivity of filter stones must always be greater than of the sample Moisture Content[%] Unit Weight of Balloon Test: htot = hu hd i = htot/Ltot = Factors influencing conductivity Solids [kn/m^3] Method: htot is divided into N equal potential drops along the flow net and are known as = Fluid: Fill cylinder with water, record volume (V1) equipotential lines(vertical lines) Viscosity, density, unit weight of water 100% Excavate small hole, determine weight(W) & moisture content(w) All lines must be 90 at top and bottom of diagram Soil: Degree of Saturation[%] Specific Gravity Use pump to invert balloon in order to fill hole Flow lines are used to form a quadratic flow net, M, flow tubes(horizontal lines) = Porosity, mean pore diameter, tortuosity(how pores are connected to each other, + [kn/m^3] = & Record volume of remaining water in cylinder(V2) Normally not a natural number, eg. 2.3 connectivity) Bulk Unit Weight: = Dry Unit In each flow tube the same Q will flow 1 2 Conductivity from PSD = Total discharge: Q = kiA = k(htot/Ltot)b Weight: = 1+ Empirical method of Hazen(for soils with Cu<5, 10C) Total Unit Saturated Unit Q = MQ = (M/N)khtot = (1 + ) 3.2.2 Indirect Density Measurement Methods k = 0.01d02 [d0 = mm] Weight[kn/m^3] Weight Specific discharge, q: discharge in a single flow tube) Q = k i local A = khi /(L b) 1+ = Standard Penetration Test: drive standard split/spoon into sample, count number method of Beyer (gravel and sand, 0.06<d0<0.6mm) [kn/m^3] 1+ (L b) = 1 & hi = htot/N therefore Q = k hi = = of blows, N, for specific penetration depth. k = 0.01Cd02 1+ = k(htot/N) = 9.81(10)kn/m^3 Cone Penetration Test: using standardiesed cone, measure the required thrust to Volume dependent Seepage Force: S = ilocal c drive the cone into a sampe at a constant rate(10-20mm/second) Method according to kozeny/carman ilocal = hi/L Week 3: Soil Characterisation & Soil States
= WTF! 1 3 = 2 Total Seepage Force: S = sV
(1 )2 V = volume of soil affected by flow of water Plate Load Test: there is a hydrulic pump measurign force(force metre) as a plate is 2.1 Soil Tests: = 1.3110-6[kPas] but is subject to change Rules for flow nets: loaded, measuring the hardness of the ground, I think maybe some penetration will Moisture Tests: C = 180 270, generally given in question Sets of flow line and equipotential lines are drawn within a seepage zone to form a occur? Oven Drying: soil sample taken & measured, then oven dried, measure again. de = effective diameter, you dont even want to know this equation! 3.3 Dispersion flow net MD = MCDS MC Mw = MCMS MCDS w = (Mw/MD)x100% Indirect determination of k A permeable boundary is an equipotential line(max or min) [vertical] Chemically supported erosion process Sieving: chuck soil in sieves, shake for a while, measure each different sized soil, graph Low permeability soils, k may be found from the results of an oedometer test or rowe An impermeable boundary is a flow line [horizontal] Dispersive clays, disperse in water & are erodible under rainfall on a PSD consolidation test Phreatic surface = surface exposed to atmosphere Dispersive soils are common in QLD Analysis Uniformity Coefficient: Cu = D60/D10 Curvature Coefficient: (D30)2/(D10 + k = Cv Mv Right angles must be made with top line(phreatic surface) and bottom but not To test dispersion: DD60) general equation for fine grained soils from field testing necessarily middle lines(but sort of close to 90, they need to make rough squares at Place soil crumbs in water dish, if the water becomes turbid or cloudy around the Hydrometer Method: wet dirt, put in tube of water, wait for it to settle, observe the ;hk = aeb e void ratio, a and b are constants from testing the intersections of flow tubes ad equipotential lines) crumb, then it is dispersive, common sense, fuck! layers of different soils, and take continual readings at different time intervals. Some 4 Stratified soils: 6 Week 7: Flow Nets Week 5: Darcys Law & Hydraulic Conductivity +l ++ fucked up useless equation, too hard to type! Vertical flow: = = 1 12 2 + ++ 2.2 Atterberg Limits 4.1 Hydraulic Head/Potential: 1 2 6.1 Errors in Flow Net Construction 1 1 + 2 2 ++ Liquid Limit: LL the minimum moisture content at which soil flows Hydrostatic pore water pressure, uw, increases with depth below the water table Horizontal flow: = = Usual errors in flow nets are sue to: 1 +2 ++ Plastic Limit: PL the minimum moisture content at which soil deforms plastically uw = where zw = depth below water table Variability of k is bigger than any other soil parameter Extraneous equipotential lines Shrinkage Limit: SL the moisture content at which soil reduces volume negative pore water pressure occurs above the water table Permeability depends only n the porous medium(fluid does not affect it) where k Disapperaing flow lines, not connected the whole time 2.2.1 Limit Indices causes deformations of soil during shrinkage depends on both soil and fluid Disappear through the bottom Plastic Index: PI IP = LL PL Potential Concept: {B} 4.4 Permeability Flow lines and equipotential lines not intersecting at 90 Liquid Index: LI IL = [w-PL]/IP 2 This is the ability of a porous material(soil) to transmit water, differing to hydraulic Digram is a correct flow net Consistency Index: CI Ic = [LL w]/IP =+ + conductivity which is the ease at which fluid travels through a porous medium 2 Activity: A = IP/[% clay by mass] depending on both fluid and material properties. 6.2 Constrcution H = total head(m) Z = elevation head(m) v = velocity(m/s) <1 = low activity 1-2 = intermediate activity >4 = high activity 2 5 Week 6: Hydraulic Conductivity & Flow Nets 6.2.1 Confined Flow 2.2.2 Atterberg Limit Tests 2 = velocity head(m) Define boundary conditions(max and min equipotential lines, shortest and largest flow Determine LL - Penetration: drop a machine pin into sample, measure penetration, 2 For laminar flow; =0 5.1 Hydraulic Conductivity Again: lines) analyse on log log graph. 2 Field Measurement: First estimate of starting and ending points of flow lies ad equipotential lines Determine SL Shrinkage: fill sample and measure, then dry sample and measure Hydraulic Head: 2 First sketch of lines and readjustment of starting and ending points, adjust for 90 [ln (1 )]
again, some dumb equation =+ [m] squares =
= [ 1 2 1 2 ] I have no idea if this is actually relevant Hydraulic head is a specific measurement of liquid pressure above a datum 2 2 1 2 Proportions of flow net can be subdivided with square lines to even up the net 2 2 Determine LL Casagrande Method: mix soil & water in dish, use a U shaped knife and Velocity head is due to the bulk motion(kinetic energy) Used for wells and pumps and shiz(unconfined flow) 6.2.2 Unconfined Flow Elevation Head is due to the fluids weight, the gravitational force acting on a column of Used for coarse grained soils and fractured rock Definition of boundary conditions, guess location of phreatic surface spread/split the soil. Measure gap and see if it reforms, count blows till reforms. fluid 5.2 Limitations of Darcys Law First estimates of start and end points for equipotential and flow lines Determine PL Ellipsoidal(Standard): mix dirt and water, roll into a ball and then roll onto the bench into a sausage like thing sort of like play doh until it breaks, simple 4.2 Darcys Law Reynolds number: this is a dimensionless umber that s a measure of the ratio between First sketch, with readjustment Saturated Seepage for laminar flow, seepage is the slow escape of a liquid or gas inertial forces and viscous forces Improve by drawing circles within each intersecting square enough, stupid inaccurate test. 2 passing through a porous material. = 3(1) (laminar flow) This is pretty much guess work and an arts degree combined, good luck!
Q = -k i A Several types of flow nets: NOTE: PSD & Atterberg Limits are used to determine other properties; erosion, Vf = filter velocity [m/s] de = effective diameter [m] Q, Discharge is the volumetric flow rate per unit time(m2/s) Embankment with chimney, homogenous, rock toe drain and flow through dams penetration(grouting), hydraulic conductivity, workability and more. = density v=kinematic viscosity T=tortuosity k, proportionality factor 6.3 Analysis Week 4: Soil Classification & Compaction Validity of Darcys law (Laminar Flow) i, hydraulic gradient combines both change in head and length Flow through seepage zone: q = k(M/N) Hydraulic gradient limit is used for the limit of laminar flow Filter velocity, vf varies through seepage zone, the apparent velocity increases as Assessing the following: C = effective cohesion = friction angle 11.6 Consolidation Drained Test (CD) dimensions decrease, like a nozzle. Seepage: need understanding of hydraulic conductivity and water flow Failure due to wall movements 2 stages, consolidation and loading to failure with drainage Pore water pressure, uw, from the side with the highest total head to the side with the Slip lines: understanding of strength During consolidation, volume change with respect to isotropic pressure can be smallest, via each equipotential lines(even drops in pressure per equipotential line) Settlement: understanding of deformation due to loads & deformations in time due to determined Flow nets with different k values: pore water movement (consolidation) Pore water pressures are zero, total stresses = effective stresses Flow lines are refracted (width/shape changes) on the crossing interface between k To solve IVBPs all materials must be characterized in lab tests(morphologically, Only drained parameters can be found values mechanically, hydraulically) 11.7 Overview (W1/k1) = (W2/k2) W = width of flow tube Pretty much IVBPs are tests to represent conditions of future designs for big ass Mohrs circle contains NO info about deformations For anisotropic soils shit just gets dumb structures Shear parameters and stress strain relationships are dependent on density Flow nets may be used with a transformed scale 8.2 Representations of Stress Conditions During consolidation(phase 1) load deflection curves are measured which can be used Dont really know what this means? Stress state in soil is described by normal and shear stresses applied to the boundaries to asses consolidation parameters of the sample Residual parameters are measured by repeating the shear box test Reduction of horizontal length: = Triaxial tests are differentiated by consolidation and hydraulic Stress states can be plotted 2 ways Changes in stress conditions is represented by sets of Mohrs circles Pair of coordinates (z , xy) and (x , -xy) conditions(drained/undrained) Discharge: = Mohrs circle of the effective principle stresses (1 and 3) This page from lectures pretty much sums up Mohr and his fucking annoying circle! Drained conditions means pore water pressure changes = 0 6.4 Special Cases Local effects of seepage stresses 8.3 Mohrs Circle Tests must be done very small to eliminate/reduce development of uw At an angle of 2 to the horizontal of the circle is a representation of the stress Undrained conditions means no change in volume, but uw can change Quick conditions can occur if v < 0 where: v = effective stress Can be avoided by decreasing i condition o a plane at an angle of to the direction of the minor principle stress, 3 During CU tests effective parameters can be determined Increasing L using a cutoff and/or decrease h by dewatering and/or increase v by The circle represents the stress states on all possible planes within the soil element surcharging All info is then represented on a failure envelope Week 13: Soil Testing and consolidation Surcharging = extra loading above soil line being supported by a retaining wall A stress condition represented by a point above the failure envelope is not possible(failure occurs with small shear stress) Seepage stresses can cause heave in clays, in extreme cases can cause piping Coefficients of Primary Consolidation Relationships between shear strength parameters & effective principle stress at failure Piping is the erosion of soil leading to sink holes, sort of creates natural pipes in the Compression Index ( ): Gradient between initial state of normally consolidated clay ground. can be found from shear stress (f) and normal stress (f) acting in the failure plane. f = 0.5(1 3)sin(2) f = 0.5(1 + Rope Bullshit Test and final stress condition for prediction of settlements In granular soils, seepage stresses lead to erosion 6.5 Overview 3) + 0.5(1 3)cos(2) Recompression ( )/Expansion ( ) Index: Gradient between initial state of over 2D seepage cant be described with a flow net where: = the theoretical angle between minor principle stress(3) and the failure consolidated clay and initial state of normally consolidated clay Unconfined slow = top surface is exposed to atmosphere(phreatic surface) pretty much plane, hence why 2 = 90 + Coefficient of Volume Compressibility ( ): Relates the vertical stress with the means it is not confined and = 45 + (/2) vertical strain by the following rate equation: Mohr-Coulomb Criterion: this defines the relationship between principle stresses at Flow nets provide info on uw and hydraulic forces which have to be taken into account 11 Week 12: Soil Testing for safety of hydraulically loaded structures failure and material parameters, and C (1 3) = (1 + 3)sin() + 2Ccos() (1) = 3tan2(45 + [/2]) + Increased hydraulic gradient leads to local erosion processes 11.1 Direct Shear Test >40% dysfunctions/failures in embankments due to erosion 2Ctan(45 + [/2]) Shear Box Test: relatively quick and simple, soil is forced to shear at the interface Week 8: Soil Stress & Principle Effective Stress For a given state of stress it is apparent that because of ( = uw) that the Mohr between the two halves of the box circle will have to shift when dealing with effective stresses, the same diameter will be Oedometer Test during shearing, the shear stress and normal stresses are measured 7.1 Force Pressure & Stress used it will just be moved the effect of large shear displacement is obtained by reversing the shear box after Test procedure for primary consolidation Pressure & Stress are dependent on Area 8.4 Overview initial displacements are measured then repeating a bunch of times to achieve a Each dead weight is added and left for a period of time. During this time the vertical Pressure & stress vary with space Tests with soil(mechanical and hydraulic) are needed to quantify material parameters displacement is measured steady(residual) shear strength Multiple components of stress, x, y & z in order to calculate safety against failure, settlements , Ring Shear Test: pretty sure a sample of soil is just twisted until it fails For each increment of time, a pair ( , ) is obtained Internal pressure(P) = External Force(F)/Area(A) Mohrs circle is used to describe stress states of soil both before and after failure Effective parameters = C & Summary Pressure ad stresses are better related to the material mechanical changes(damage, Stress and strain invariants are used to show evolution of stresses for changing stress Effective residual parameters = Cr & r failure, stretching, ) rather than forces conditions or deformations(stress paths) Advantages of this test = this test can also be used for measuring angle of friction 7.2 Effective Stress 9 Week 11: Mechanical Behaviours developed at an interface of soil and other material Effective Stress Principle: = - uw Disadvantage = major assumption that stresses within sample are uniformly disturbed 9.1 Mechanical Behaviours = total stress, the weight of everything above a certain point, including water, uw is 11.2 Conventional Triaxial Test the pre water pressure. Used for saturates soils Modes of failure in triaxial compression Conventional triaxial test carried out in 2 stages in dry soils = 0 Shear plane failure(brittle) 1. Isotropic compression consolidation(in time) or not 0 change in leads to deformations and changes in strength Barrelling(plastic failure) Consolidated(C) or unconsolidated(U) the soil grains and pore water are assumed to be incompressible Combination of both(intermediate failure) 2. Loading(shearing) to failure with drainage or not > 0 in a saturated soil, deformation on the application of stress is directly related to the Elastic behavior(idealized) has deformation that is recovered after loading Drained(D) or undrained(U) expansion of water, which means its related to k, hydraulic conductivity Behavior can be linear or non linear An unconsolidated and drained test is highly uncommon Can act both elastically or brittle(rigid) Sand Shear Strength (): proportional to , = tan where; = internal angle of 11.3 Unconfined Compression Test friction Elasto-plastic(idealized) behavior: deformation is permanent after unloading This is a special case of a triaxial test, determining Unconfined compression strength Clay shear strength(): = cu or c Behavior can be linear or non linear (UCS) Also proportional to , but the constant of proportionality is dependent o the over- Can act elastically or brittle Special case: r = o, therefore dimensionless consolidation ratio (OCR) Can act with hardening or softening Only 1 stage, loading until failure(quick test) (/ )NC = constant [typically = 0.25] NC = normally consolidated, OC = Loose normal porous soils act in a ductile(plastic) manner Samples are capable of being formed as self-supporting cylinders over consolidated m = a value experimentally found, equal to 0.8 Dense compacted/consolidated materials act in a brittle way(sudden loss of strength) Ultimate Strength In realistic soils there is always some deformation necessary to actuate friction ( ) = ( ) () 10 Week 12: Soil Strength
Drained Behavior: In high permeability soils(sand ad gravel) any excess pressure gained by an applied stress generally dissipates instantaneously, the applied stress 10.1 Mechanical Behaviours Useless shit I could fit in. transferring instantly to the soil skeleton Soil moduli is also known as the soil stiffness, it can be determines from stress-strain pretty much means a drained situation has no real difference relationships quick conditions or liquefaction are an exception, the rate of stress application is faster than drainage rate and the seepage stresses exceed the strength of the soil(pure water strength over rules) Short Term Undrained: pretty much the same as long term drained, it means in saturated soils of low permeability any excess stress is taken as excess pressure and applied to the soil skeleton. (In a question add the extra pressure) 11.4 Unconsolidated Undrained Test (UU) Only 1 stage, loading until failure Loss of effective stresses can be caused by hydraulic forces Drainage is prevented Critical hydraulic gradient Repeat test with multiple samples extracted from the same depth and position to give Seismic excitation(I think this means small vibrations in soil due to increased pressure) an average(line of best fit for horizontal line Su) When liquefaction and earthquakes combine, buildings die. Mean pressure does not affect strength because the confining pressure only affects the 7.3 Geostatic Stress pore water pressure This stuff is pretty much quiz 3. 10.2 So far Disadvantages: unconfined strength is not intrinsic of material, varies from one point to v = total vertical stress, this is equal to the weight of everything above this point We have been learning about strength for ages pretty much, this is just a bit of a recap another in the same soil mass, varies with depth uw = hydrostatic pore water pressure, increases with depth under ground of the important bits However C and the material parameters do not vary greatly with depth effective vertical stress(v), this is the difference between total vertical stress and pore Total stress increases, with depth water pressure Pore water pressure, uw, reduces the total stress to effective stress, v = v uw H = k0 - v Normally horizontal stresses < vertical stresses Total vertical stress sue to wet soil is equal to unit weight multiplied by depth at that Stress states/conditions (both 2D and 3D) can be visualized using Mohrs circle point Difference in stresses at different locations leads to shear stresses v = z When shear stresses exceed shear strength, f failure occurs Week 9: Stress & Strain/Mohr Circle Therefore there is a maximum limit of shear strength soil can withstand The maximum shear strength is dependent on the normal stresses n acting in the shear plane 11.5 Consolidated Undrained Test (CU) 8.1 General Consideration A failure envelope is found by a combination of points of maximum shear stresses and 2 stages, consolidation and loading to failure without drainage Engineers use a rational approach to design considering continuum mechanics & normal stresses During consolidation the volume change with respect to isotropic pressure can be differential equations to represent structural conditions leading to an initial boundary A linear relationship known as the mohr-coloumb criterion maps shear and normal determined value problem (IBVP) stresses at failure During loading there is no volume change cause valves are closed IVBPs are solved to asses safety of failure(collapse), safety of large f = C + f tan() If pore water pressure changes are measured, effective parameters can also be deformations(serviceability) and safety of other problems such as water leakage calibrated