Appendix A - (Size 3) - Electronic Governor System EGS2000. Technical Specification - Size 3
Appendix A - (Size 3) - Electronic Governor System EGS2000. Technical Specification - Size 3
Appendix A - (Size 3) - Electronic Governor System EGS2000. Technical Specification - Size 3
This appendix comprises the Technical Specification and outline drawings with the actuator
size relevant for your installation.
3. Outline Drawings.
EGS2000 version 4 - User Manual A0-3 of 5
App. A. Technical Specification for SIZE 3 actuator 2001.05.14
2. Mechanical Specifications.
2.2 Power Unit Size 3.
EGS2000 version 4 - User Manual A0-4 of 5
App. A. Technical Specification for SIZE 3 actuator 2001.05.14
Range 0 - 4 Bar
4. Electrical Specifications.
Terminals used for connections to the EGS2000 (apart from those used for AC mains
input voltage) are capable of accepting wires of 1.5 in cross-section.
Terminals used for connection of AC mains input voltage to the Power Unit are capable
of accepting wires of 4 in cross-section.
EGS2000 version 4 - User Manual A0-5 of 5
App. A. Technical Specification for SIZE 3 actuator 2001.05.14