Risk Factors and The Prevention of Oral Clefts: Vera Lúcia Gil-da-Silva-Lopes Isabella Lopes Monlleó
Risk Factors and The Prevention of Oral Clefts: Vera Lúcia Gil-da-Silva-Lopes Isabella Lopes Monlleó
Risk Factors and The Prevention of Oral Clefts: Vera Lúcia Gil-da-Silva-Lopes Isabella Lopes Monlleó
Vera Lcia Gil-da-Silva-Lopes(a) Abstract: This article presents general aspects of risk factors and par-
Isabella Lopes Monlle(b) ticularities of the management of individuals with oral clefts (OCs). A
practical manual of prevention and management of this congenital defect
Department of Medical Genetics, Faculty of was prepared based on a review of the literature and using data from
Medical Sciences, University of Campinas - Brazilian multicenter studies. Since OCs require efforts from all levels of
UNICAMP, Campinas, SP, Brazil. healthcare, the data herein presented permits appropriate follow-up for
Clinical Genetics Service, University affected individuals and their families. Also, the recognition of risk fac-
Hospital, Medical Genetics Sector, Faculty tors is crucial for planning and implementing preventive measures at the
of Medicine, Federal University of Alagoas -
UFAL, Macei, AL Brazil. individual and population levels.
Recognition of etiology, risk factors and natural history is essential
to define how prevention and treatment should be planned and imple-
* Paper presented at the Equity, Social
Inclusion and Oral Health Promotion: Major mented, as well as to measure the efficacy of such intervention. These
Challenges International Symposium, issues, associated with the assessment of outcomes and patient satisfac-
Held at the 18th Congress of the Brazilian
tion, form the knowledge base which is critical for developing sensible
Association for Oral Health Promotion
(Associao Brasileira de Odontologia de and equitable healthcare policies.
Promoo de Sade - ABOPREV), April Oral clefts (OCs) are a heterogeneous and important group of con-
2013, Bauru, SP, Brazil.
genital defects with prevalence of 1:6001,000 among newborns.1 It in-
cludes syndromic and non-syndromic cleft lip (CL), cleft palate (CP) and
Declaration of Interests: The authors cleft lip and palate (CLP). OCs are an etiologically heterogeneous group.
certify that they have no commercial or Approximately 70% of the cases are isolated (non-syndromic) with etio-
associative interest that represents a conflict
logic complexity, involving several genetic and environmental risk fac-
of interest in connection with the manuscript.
tors, following a multifactorial threshold model of inheritance. In this
situation, familial recurrence is often present and family history should
Corresponding Author: be carefully investigated.
Vera Lcia Gil-da-Silva-Lopes
Laboratory facilities have improved the rate of specific diagnosis,
E-mail: [email protected]
and more than 600 syndromes involving OCs have already been recog-
nized. 2,3,4,5,6 Mental retardation and association with other congenital
defects are often seen in this group, in which chromosomal aberrations
Epub xxx xx, 2014
are the most frequent etiology. Among them, the 22q11.2 deletion syn-
drome deserves special attention, since the phenotype is heterogeneous
and changes with age.7
Submitted: Sep 08, 2013
Mendelian/heterogeneous abnormalities and teratogenic factors are
Accepted for publication: Dec 10, 2013
Last revision: Jan 17, 2014 the next most prevalent etiologies.8,9,10,11 Teratogenic agents are impor-
tant and preventable factors for congenital defects in general.
of other congenital defects, co-morbidities and nu- tis, pneumonia, oral communication disorders and
tritional failure. otologic and/or hearing disorders. Emotional and
social disturbances are significant and deserve atten-
Feeding difficulties tion from both families and health professionals.37
Insufficient suction, regurgitation of milk into
the nasal cavity, ingestion of insufficient amounts Associated defects
of food and, in special situations, aspirations are Prevalence of structural defects in association
described for babies with OC. 20,21 These disorders with OC ranges from 8% to 75%, and the majority
need to be addressed quickly to ensure that nutri- of reports show that CP has the highest and CL the
tional needs are met and to avoid or minimize the lowest rates. The orofacial region and cardiovascu-
related complications.1,22 lar, central nervous, and musculoskeletal (including
Feeding should promote efficient caloric support limbs, hands and feet) systems are most commonly
for growth and development and for appropriate involved. Although there are true population differ-
weight gain for surgical correction at the expected ences, methodological factors such as sample source
time. 23,24 Recommendations and reviews have been and size, method of ascertainment, inclusion crite-
published regarding methods and resources for dif- ria, coding system and case classification account
ferent types of cleft. 22,25,26,27 Notwithstanding, inad- for much of this wide variation.4,9,11,18,38,39,40,41,42,43,44
equate feeding is still a common problem.13,24,28,29,30,31
A high rate of adherence to appropriate feeding Management by unspecialized
and adequate growth is related to systematic moni- health professionals
toring of patients.31 The lack of follow-up after ma- Understanding of the needs and particulari-
ternity discharge is particularly relevant and is re- ties of individuals with OC by health professionals
flected in nutritional problems. 26,28,29,30,32 The data is very important, especially considering the high
indicates the need for public policies for longitudi- prevalence of this congenital defect. Nevertheless,
nal follow-up for babies with OC in primary care. 26 health professionals knowledge of OC is relatively
Nutrition Primary care is an excellent opportunity to rein-
Several reports emphasize the importance of the force, encourage and monitor dietary guidelines, as
nutritional aspects related to postponement of OC well as to prevent co-morbidities. However, it has
surgical repair.13,28,29,32,33 Mainly, low weight gain been observed that healthcare professionals are un-
and anemia, which should be preventable.34 aware of how to manage individuals with OC.33
Although there are reports in the literature on the A study involving Brazilian students during their
possibility of breastfeeding with any type of cleft, last academic year for different health professions
studies with adequate levels of evidence show that, detected that their knowledge of OC was not sys-
unlike isolated CL, many patients with CP or CLP can tematized. In addition, in self-evaluations, 96.4%
only get breast milk through pumping methods.35,36 affirmed that they were not able to perform routine
The nutritional approach is essential for planning follow-up of an individual with OC in their own
treatment. Orientation regarding feeding methods at area of expertise. This data has not yet been pub-
birth and longitudinal follow-up are important. The lished, but the authors are working on suggestions
encouragement of breastfeeding and, when that is of topics to be used for training.
not possible, the use of breast milk and the preven-
tion and treatment of anemia should be priorities.34 Discussion
OCs require efforts from all levels of healthcare
Co-morbidities in view of their high prevalence, their association
Secondarily to facial abnormalities, children with with other congenital defects and co-morbidities
OC are subject to several complications, such as oti- and their need for prolonged treatment. In view of
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