Clay Mineralogy: Ralph Grim
Clay Mineralogy: Ralph Grim
Clay Mineralogy: Ralph Grim
Research Professor of Geology
, I L L-,1' A R Y
April, 1953
Factors Controlling the Properties of Clay Materials 3
Clay-mineral composition. Nonclay-mineral composition. Or-
ganic material. Exchangeable ions and soluble salts. Texture
Chemical Analyses 369
Clay is used as a rock term and also as a particle-size term in the
mechanical analysis of sedimentary rocks, soils, etc. As a rock term it is
difficult to define precisely, because of the wide variety of materials that
have been called clays. In general the term clay implies a natural,
earthy, fine-grained material which develops plasticity when mixed with a
limited amount of water. By plasticity is meant the property of the
moistened material to be deformed under the application of pressure,
with the deformed shape being retained when the deforming pressure is
removed. Chemical analyses of clays show them to be essentially
silica, alumina, and water, frequently with appreciable quantities of iron,
alkalies, and alkaline earths.
The difficulty is that some material called clay does not meet all the
above specifications. Thus, so-called flint clay has. substantially no
plasticity when mixed with water. It does, however, have the other
attributes of clay.
The term clay has no genetic significance. It is used for material
that is the product of weathering, has formed by hydrothermal action,
or has been deposited as a sediment.
As a particle-size term, the clay fraction is that size fraction composed
of the smallest particles. The maximum size of particles in the clay
size grade is defined differently in different disciplines. In geology the
tendency has been to follow the Wentworth 1 scale and to define the clay
grade as material finer than about 4 microns. In soil investigations, the
tendency is to use 2 microns as the upper limit of the clay size grade.
Although there is no sharp universal boundary between the particle
size of the clay minerals and non clay minerals in argillaceous sediments,
a large number of analyses have shown that there is a general tendency
for the clay minerals to be concentrated in a size less than about 2 microns,
or that naturally occurring larger clay-mineral particles break down easily
to this size when the clay is slaked in water. Also such analyses have
1 Wentworth, C. K., A Scale of Grade and Class Terms for Clastic Sediments, J.
Geol., 30, 377-392 (1922).
2 Clay Mineralogy
shown that the nonclay minerals usually are not present in particles
much smaller than about 1 to 2 microns. A separation at 2 microns is
frequently about the optimum size fo_r the best split of the clay-mineral
and non clay-mineral components of natural materials. There is, there-
fore, a fundamental reason for placing the upp0r limit of the clay size
l;rade at 2 microns.
Clays contain varying percentages of clay-grade material and there-
fore, varying relative amounts of non clay-mineral and clay-mineral
components. The writer knows of no clay which does.not contain some
nonclay-mineral material coarser than the clay grade, although the
amount in some hydrothermal clays is extremely small (less than 5 per
cent). Many materials are called clays in which the clay-grade and
clay-mineral component make up considerably less than half the total
rock. In such materials the non clay is frequently not much coarser
than the maximum for the clay grade, and the clay-mineral fraction may
be particularly potent in causing plasticity. In general fine-grained
materials have been called clay so long as they had distinct plasticity
and insufficient amounts of coarser material to warrant the appellations
silt or sand. If particle-size analyses are made, the term clay would
be reserved for a material in which the clay grade dominates. However,
names have been and are applied most frequently solely _on the basis of
the appearance and bulk properties (e.g., plasticity) of the sample.
Shale is a fine-grained, earthy, sedimentary rock with a distinct
laminated, or layered, character. The layering may be due to a general
. parallel arrangement of flake-shaped or elongate particles or to an
alternation of beds of somewhat different com'position. The lamination
is parallel to the bedding and has not been developed by postdepositional
metamorphic action. The requirements of composition are substantially
the same for a shale as for a clay. Occasionally, however, natural
materials are called shale with little regard to composition. Thus,
thinly layered rocks composed essentially of quartz and/or carbonate
with little clay-mineral component have been called shale. Sometimes,
although by no means always, shales are more indurated and harder than
clays. The term shale is sometimes used by engineers for any hard,
indurated, argillaceous rock regardless of any lamination.
Argillite is a fine-grained argillaceous material that is massive and some-
what indurated and hard. It differs from shale in being massive rather
than laminated and from clay by being harder.
The term soil is likely to have a considerably different meaning when
used by a geologist, by an agronomist, and by a civil engineer. Soil to a
geologist is the weathered regolith at the earth's surface that supports
vegetation. It is thought of generally as being loose, argillaceous, and
with some organic content. To the agronomist it is the loose regolith
at the earth's surface. It need not be weathered nor contain any vege-
tation; it may be gravel, for example. Also according to agronomists,
a soil is likely to be composed of a series of horizons and have properties
quite independent of the underlying parent bedrock. The civil engineer
tends to divide the material at the earth's crust into two categories (1)
rock and (2) soils. Rock is defined as something that is hard and con-
solidated. Soil, according to Terzaghi and Peck,2 "is a natural aggregate
of mineral grains that can be separated by such gentle means as agitation
in water." Substantially any loose material at the earth's crust, regard-
less of particle-size distribution, composition, or organic content, is soil
to the engineer. It mayor may not be weathered. Similarly soil to the
engineer can extend to any depth below the surface so long as the material
is not indurated substantially. Shale to the engineer is similar to soil
except that the term is applied to material that is slightly harder and is
definitely argillaceous. The term clay is primarily a particle-size term
to the engineer.
The author has found it convenient to use the expression clay material
for any fine-grained, natural, earthy, argillaceous material. Clay
material includes clays, shales, and argillites of the geologist. It would
also include soils, if such materials were argillaceous and had appreciable
contents of clay-size-grade material.
No attempt will be made herein to consider the definitions of rela-
tively minor types of argillaceous materials with somewhat specific
properties, such as loam, gumbo, etc. Description of such materials
can be obtained from standard textbooks on soils and sedimentary
158 (1949).
11 Grim, R. E., Relation of Clay Mineralogy to the Origin and Recovery of Petro-
Atterberg, A., Die Plastizitiit der Tone, Intern. Mitt. Bodenk., pp. 10':"'43 (1911).
Baver, L. D., "Soil Physics," Wiley, New York (1940).
Casagrande, A., Classification and Identification of Soils, Proc. Am. Soc. Civil Engrs.,
pp. 783-810 (1947).
Glossop, R., and A. W. Skempton, Particle Size in ,silts and Sands, J. Inst. Civil
Engrs. (London), no. 5492, 81-105 (1945).
Grim, R. E., Modern Concepts of Clay Materials, J. Geol., 50, 225-275 (1950).
Jenny, H., "Factors of Soil Formation," McGraw-Hill, New York (1941).
Joffe, H., "Pedology," Rut!!;ers University Press, New Brunswick, N. J. (1949).
Knight, H. G., New Size Limit of Clay-Silt, Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc., 2, 592 (1937).
Krumbein, W. C., and F. J. Pettijohn, "Manual of Sedimentary Petrography,"
Appleton-Century-Crofts, New York (1938).
Oden, S., General Introduction to the Chemistry and Physical Chemistry of Clays,
Bull. Geol. Inst. Univ. Upsala, 15, 175-194 (1916).
Ries, H., "Clays, Occurrence, Properties and Uses," 3d ed., Wiley, New York (1927).
Twenhofel, W. H., "Principles of Sedimentation," McGraw-Hill, New York (1950).
Von Moos, A., and F. de Quervain, "Technische Gesteinkunde," Birkhauser, Basel
gRies, H., "Clays, Occurrence, Properties and Uses," 3d ed., Wiley, New York
10 Van Bemmelen, J. M., Die Absorptionverbindung und das Absorptionvermogens
Mixtures of Alumina and Silica Gels?, Centro Mineral Geol., pp. 97-103 (1911).
13 Bradfield, R., The Colloidal Chemistry of the Soil, "Colloid Chemistry," J.
Alexander, ed., vol. III, pp. 569-590, Reinhold, New York (1928).
14 Way, J. T., On the Power of Soils to Absorb Manure, J. Roy. Agr. Soc. (Engl.) 13,
123-143 (1852).
14 Clay Mineralogy
mineral kaolinite. Attempts were made to classify clay materials on the
basis of their kaolinton and allophaneton content.
Mellor 15 and Searle 16 also developed the idea that there were two
essential components of clay. One, which was called "clayite," was
thought to be the true clay substance in kaolins and was considered to
be an amorphous substance with about the same chemical composition
as the mineral kaolinite. The other, for which the name" pelinite" was
suggested, was the true clay substance in clay materials other than the
kaolins. The latter was thought of as an amorphous material of varying
composition but of generally higher silica content than "clayite" and
also with appreciable alkalies and/or alkaline earths.
Wiegner 17 in his extensive studies of cation exchange viewed the
exchange material as made up of three parts: (1) a kernel, (2) a layer of
adsorbed anions external to the kernel but lying in contact with it, (3)
exchangeable cations attracted to the particle by the adsorbed anions.
The kernel was considered to be a hydrous compound chiefly of alumina
and silica of variable composition and of unknown structural attributes.
In the extensive studies of cation exchange in soils by Gedroiz,18 this
investigator considered the complex as zeolitic material, but not as zeolitic
in the mineralogical sense. In other words the complexes had cert~in
of the properties of zeolites but were not considered to have their precise
composition or structure. The nature of their structure was not known.
Another slight variation of this same concept, which has been carried
down to the present in the work of Mattson,19.20 is that the colloid com-
plex is made up of a relatively inert framework of silica, iron, and alumi-
nous materials encased in an active amorphous envelope of a varying
compound of silica, alumina, and iron with alkalies and alkaline earths.
Mattson considers this latter compound to be an amorphous isoelectric
precipitate of hydrated sesquioxides and silicic acid. In the light of
advances in clay mineralogy and the finding of the general crystalline
nature of the components of clay materials, Mattson 21 has somewhat
,. Mellor, J. W., Nomenclature of Clays, Trans. Ceram. Soc. (Engl.), 8, 23 (1908).
16 Searle, A. B., Clay and Clay Products, Brit. Assoc. Advancement Sci. Rept., pp.
113-154 (1920).
17 Wiegner, G., Ionenumtausch und Struktur, Trans. Intern. Congr. Soil Sci. 3rd
Congr., Oxford, 3, 5-28 (1936).
18 Gedroiz, K. K., On the Absorptive Power of Soil, Commissariat of Agriculture
U.S.S.R., Petrograd (1922). Translated by S. A. Waksman and distributed by U.S.
Department of Agriculture.
19 Mattson, S., The Laws of Soil Colloidal Behavior, III, Isoelectric Precipitates,
5, 261-276 (1938).
Concepts of the Composition of Clay Materials 15
modified his concept by postulating the colloidal complex as a crystalline
kernel covered with an amorphous heterogeneous coating which lacks a
definite composition and is not identical with the nucleus. According to
Mattson, X-ray-diffraction analysis would reveal only the character of
the crystalline nucleus and not of the heterogeneous coating which is the
essence of the complex. Mattson concepts have been criticized by
Kelley22 and Marshall,6 and there is no doubt that in many clay mate-
rials, X-ray analyses have shown that substantially all the components
are definit3 crystalline compounds.
In a very recent work, Puri 23 has considered soils to be composed essen-
tially of ferroaluminosilicates of varying composition but all composed
of the same framework. According to him, when soils from different
localities,are subject to treatment by mild acids, a framework residue is
obtaineawhich in every case behaves in the same manner. Studies of
the structures of the clay minerals have, of course, shown that there are
important and significant differences in the structure of the various
components of the finest fractions of soils.
Asch 24 and Byers 26 and his colleagues in the U.S. Department of Agri-
culture considered that the essential components of soils were a number
of substances rather than a single compound. They viewed these sub-
stances as aluminosilicic acids or salts of such acids with definite composi-
tions and with definite structures. This concept approaches the present
clay-mineral concept, and, in fact, Byers et al. suggested clay-mineral
names, e.g., montmorillonitic, halloysitic, for their postulated acids.
It has long been known by mineralogists that the zeolite minerals are
silicate compounds that possess the property of cation exchange. When
W ay 14 and his successors showed that soil materials had cation-exchange
capacity and that it resided in the silicate complex, an understandable
step was to postulate that soil materials contained zeolites. Lemberg 26
in 1876 particularly developed the concept of the presence of zeolites in
soil materials. Later, when the general idea was that the colloidal com-
plex was amorphous, it was postulated, notably by Gans,27 that the
complex was zeolitic. That is, the complex was an amorphous counter-
22 Kelley, W. P., Mattson's Papers "The Laws of Soil Colloidal Behavior," Review
24 Asch, W., and D. Asch, "The Silicates of Chemistry and Commerce," Constable,
London (1914).
25 Byers, H. G., L. T. Alexander, and R. S. Holmes, The Composition and Constitu-
tion of the Colloids of Certain of the Great Soil Groups, U.S. Dept. Agr. Tech. Bull.
484 (1935).
26 Lemberg, J., Ueber Silicatumwandlungen, Z. deut. geol. Ges., 28, 519-621 (1876).
27 Gans, R., Ueber die chemische oder physikalische Natur der kolloidalen wasser-
haltigen Tonerdesilikate, II, Centro Mineral. Geol., pp. 728-741 (1913).
16 Clay Mineralogy
part of the crystalline zeolite minerals. Even in relatively recent work
the colloidal complex is sometimes referred to as zeolitic, although the
work of Gedroiz 28 and many others has shown wide differences between
the properties of mineral zeolites and the finest fractions of clay materials
and indicated that the exchange complex can be considered zeolitic only
in the sense that it possesses cation-exchange capacity.. Modern X-ray
analyses have revealed one or two instances when zeolites do occur in
bentonite clays, but such minerals are not general and significant com-
ponents of clay materials.
It is generally recognized that the small size of the particles in clay
materials is one of the reasons for their special attributes. It was sug-
gested, notably by Oden,4 that particle size is the major factor and that,
in fact, clays can be composed of almost any minerals if they are fine
enough-about 1 micron was considered the upper size limit. According
to Oden, clays are composed of a heterogeneous array of extremely small
particles of crystalline and amorphous components. Some clays, espe-
cially those of glacial origin, may contain an unusually large variety of
minerals in extremely small particle sizes. Present data indieate that
certain minerals, i.e., the clay minerals, must be present in appreciable
amounts if the clays are to have the plastic properties associated with the
term clay. The shape of such particles, their adsorptive and surface
properties, in addition to their small size, are essential if a material is to
have the characteristics of clay.
For many years some students of clay materials have suggested that
such materials are composed of extremely small particles of a limited
number of crystalline minerals. For example, Le Chatelier29 and Lowen-
stein 30 arrived at this conclusion in 1887 and 1909, respectively. This is
the clay-mineral concept, but prior to about 1920 to 1925 there were no
adequate research tools to provide positive evidence for it. The clay-
mineral concept, therefore, is not new; rather it has been well established
and generally accepted in recent years.
In 1923, Hadding 31 in Sweden and in 1924 Rinne 32 in Germany, working
28 Gedroiz, K. K., Die Lehre, vom Adsorptionvermogens der Bodens, Kolloidchem.
Beihefte, 33,317-448 (1931). Translated by H. Kuron.
29 Le Ch{\telier, H., De l'action de la chaleur sut les argiles, Bull. soc. franc. mineral,
33 Bradfield, R., The Nature of the Acidity of Colloidal Clay of Acid Soils, J. Am.
Organic Cations and Its Dependence upon Adsorption Due to van der Waals Forces,
J. Phys. Chem., 45, 65-81 (1941).
04 Hendricks, S. B., R. A. Nelson, and L. T. Alexander, Hydration Mechanism of
the Clay Mineral Montmorillonite Saturated with Various Cations, J. Am. Chem.
Soc., 62, 1457-1464 (1936).
05 Hendricks, S. B., and M. E. Jefferson, Structures of Kaolin and Talc-Pyrophyl-
lite Hydrates and Their Bearing on Water Sorption of the Clays, Am. Mineral. 23.
863-875 (1938).
06 Kelley, W. P., W. H. Dore, and A. O. Woodford, The Colloidal Constituents of
Sediments from the Pacific Ocean off the California Coast and the Gulf of California,
Bull. Ceol. Soc. Am., 60, 1785-1805 (1949).
66 Bradley, W. F., The Structural Scheme of Attapulgite, Am. Mineral., 26,405-410
66 Pauling, L., The Structure of Micas and Related Minerals, Proc. Nall. Acad. Sci.
477-501 (1939).
98 Brammall, A., J. G. Leech, and F. A. Bannister, The Paragenesis of Cookeite and
Granitic and Basaltic Parent Material, J. Council Sci. Ind. Research, 13, 206-216
112 Shearer, J., X-ray Powder Analysis and Its Application to Soil Colloids, Australian
Minerals with Neutral Salts and Bases, J. Indian Chem. Soc., 12,81-99 (1949).
115 Gallitelli, P., Uno Sguardo ad alcuni nuori Aspetti del Problema" Argilla," Soc.
ital. progresso sci. 42, 1-10 (1951).
116 Hoyos de Castro, A., and M. Delgado, Origin of the Bed of Kaolin of Carataunas,
Old Concepts
Ashley, H. E., The Colloidal Matter of Clay and Its Measurement U.S. Geo[. Survey
Bull. 3S8, pp. 1-62 (1909).
Byers, H. G., and M. S. Anderson, The Composition of Soil Colloids in Relation to
Soil Classification, J. Phys. Chem., 36, 348-366 (1932).
Calsow, G., Kaolin und Tone, Chem. Erde, 2, 415-441 (1926).
Davis, N. B., The Plasticity of Clay and Its Helation to Mode of Origin, Trans. Am.
Inst. Mining Met. Engrs., 51, 451-480 (1915).
Dufrenoy, A., "Traite de mineralogie," 2d ed., vol. III, Paris (1856).
Harrassowitz, H., Fossile Verwitterungsdecken, "Handbuch der Bodenlehre," vol. 4,
pp. 225-302, Springer, Berlin (1930).
Hissink, D. J., Base-Exchange in Soils, Trans. Faraday Soc., 20, 551-566 (1924).
Koettgen, P., Die Zusammensetzung der Silikatkomplexe einiger dialytischer Pelite,
.Tahrb. preuss. geol. Landesanstalt (Berlin), 42, 626-656 (1921).
Linck, G., Ueber den Chemismus der toniger Sedimente, Geol. Rundschau 4, 289-311
(1913) .
Merrill, G. P., "Rock-Weathering and Soils," Macmillan, New York (1904).
Robinson, G. 'V., "Soils: their Origin, Constitution and Classification," 2d ed.,
Murby, London (1936).
Roburgh, R. H. J., and H. Kolkmeyer, Ueber die Struktur des Adsorptionkomplexes
der Tone, Z. Krist., 94, 74-79 (1936).
Savelly, T. F., Kaolins and Refractory Clays in Italy, Corriere ceram., 11,299-30::\ (1930).
Schloessing, T., Surla constitution des argiles, Compt. rend., 79,376-380,473-477 (1874).
Van Bcmmelen, J. M., Beitriige zur Kcnntnis der Verwitterungsprodukte des Silikate
in Ton-Vulkanischen und Laterit-Boden, Z. anorg. Chern., 42, 265-314 (1904).
Clay-mineral Concept
Alexander, L. T., S. B. Hendricks, and R. A. Nelson, Minerals Present in Soil Colloids,
II, Estimation in Some Representative Soils, Soil Sci., 48, 273-279 (1939).
Favejee, J. C. L., Quantitative rontgenographische Bodenuntersuchung, Z. Krist.,
101,259-270 (1939).
Grim, R. E., Petrography of the Fuller's Earth Deposit, Olmstead, Illinois with a Brief
Study of Some Non-Illinois Earths, Econ. Geol., 28,344-363 (1933).
Hadding, A., X-ray Investigations of Clays and Some Other Substances, Trans. Ceram.
Soc. (Engl.), 24, 27-32 (1924-25).
Hardon, H. J., and J. C. L. Faveice, Mineralogical Investigations of Clays and Clay
Minerals, III, Quantitative X-ray Analysis of the Clay Fraction of the Principal
Soil Types of Java, Mededeel. Landbouwhoogeschool Wageningen, 43, 55-59 (1939).
Hofmann, U., and K. Giese, Ueber den Kationenaustausch an Tonmineralien, Kol-
loid-Z., 87, 21-36 (1939).
Kelley, W. P., The Evidence as to the Crystallinity of Soil Colloids, Trans. Intern.
Congr. Soil Sci. 3rd Congr., Oxford, 3, 88-91 (1936).
Le ChAtelier, H., Ueber die Konstitution der Tone, Z. physik. Chern., 1,396-402 (1887).
Marshall, C. E., Mineralogical Methods for the Study of Silts and Clays, Z. Krist.,
90,8-34 (1935).
Nagelschmidt, G., On the Lattice Shrinkage and Structure of Montmorillonite, Z.
Krist., 93,481-487 (1936).
Nagelschmidt, G., A. D. Desai, and A. Muri, The Minerals in the Clay Fraction of the
Black Cotton Soils and Red Earths from Hyderabad, .T. Agr. Sci., 30, 639-653
2 Ross, C. S., and P. F. Kerr, The Kaolin Mineral$, U.S. Geol. Survey Profess. Paper
3 Johnson, S. W., and J. M. Blake, On Kaolinite and Pholerite, Am. J. Sci., ser. 2,
43,351-361 (1867).
4 Brongniart, A., "Trait6 616mentaire de mincralogie," vol. 1, p. 506 Paris (1807).
Classification and Nomenclature of the Clay Minerals 31
son, 10 that there is cOIlsiderable variation in the perfection of st<wking and
possibly also in the precise positions of the aluminums in the octahedral
sheet of members of the kaolinite group. In the usual mineral the stack-
ing is regular, whereas in some specimens random variations in certain
directions are to be found. Brindleyll at first suggested the name
mellorite for the less well crystallized material, thinking that there was a
specific degree of such disorder, More recent work by Brindley 12 himself
suggests that there is a considerable range of disorder in the poorly crys-
tallized kaolinites and that no new specific mineral name is warranted
at this time.
The name halloysite was given by Berthier 13 in 1826 for material found
in pockets in Carboniferous limestone near Liege, Belgium, in a district
of old zinc and iron mines. It was named in honor of Omalius d'Halloy,
who had observed the mineral several years previously. In the years
prior to the development of X-ray-diffraction techniques many materials
were described as halloysite. Dana 14 lists under halloysite 16 mineral
names that he considers to be synonomous with it. Ross and Kerr 15
studied much of this material by modern methods and in addition
obtained samples from the mineralogical collections of the University of
Liege which are probably as nearly representative of the type material
as can be obtained at the present time. They show that halloysite is
crystalline and state that it is closely related to but distinct from kaolinite.
It is now generally accepted that halloysite is distinct from kaolinite and
warrants a separate specific name.
Ross and Kerr 15 in 1934 pointed out that "there are two types of
halloysite---one that is usually white or light-colored, porous, friable, or
almost cottony in texture; and another that is dense, nonporous and
porcelainlike." In the same year Hofmann, Endell, and Wilm 16 pointed
out that there were two forms of the mineral and also that one form was
more hydrous than the other. They found that the more hydrous form
had a larger c-axis spacing than kaolinite and, when dried at 105C,
experienced a structural change accompanying the dehydration to a
10 Brindley, G. W., and K. Ro~inson, Randomness in the Structures of the Kaolinitic
1& Ross, C. S., and P. F. Kerr, Halloysite and Allophane, U.S. Geol. Survey Profess.
Clay Minerals Halloysite and Endellite, Am. Mineral., 28, 1-18 (1943).
20 MacEwan, D. M. C., Halloysite Nomenclature, Mineralog. Mag., 28,36-44 (1947).
Classification and Nomenclature of the Clay Minerals 33
hydrated, partially hydrated, dehydrated, halloysite-7 -A, etc.21 It
seems that this usage is the only one with any reasonable chance of
wide acceptance, and it will be followed in the present volume.
Damour and Salvetat 22 proposed the name montmorillonite in 1847
for a mineral from Montmorillon, France, which is a hydrous aluminum
silicate with a silica-to-R 20 3 ratio equal to about 4 and with a small
content of alkalies and alkali earths. Le Chatelier 23 later studied the
material and presented the formula 4Si0 2 AI 2 0 3 H 2 0 + aq. for mont-
morillonite; this was accepted by Dana. 14 Dana listed a considerable
number of names of minerals thought to be similar to montmorillonite
wholly or in part.
Ross and his colleagues in a series of classical studies published from
about 1926 24 to 1945 25 established the identity of montmorillonite as a
valid clay-mineral group. They also indicate the variations in composi-
tion that are to be found in members of this group. For example, they
showed the possible variation in the ratio of silica to R 20 3 and the possible
complete replacement of aluminum by iron and magnesium. They also
emphasized the very frequent presence of magnesium in relatively small
amounts in many specimens apparently as an essential ingredient.
Hofmann, Endell, and Wilm 26 in 1933 published a structure for mont-
morillonite showing the expanding-lattice characteristics of the mineral,
and this attribute is now generally considered to be an essential char-
acteristic of the group. Gruner 27 in 1935 and Marshall 28 in 1935 pointed
out possible replacements within the montmorillonite structure and
emphasized their importance.
Cronstedt 29 in 1788 described a material called" smectis" which seems
21 Brindley, G. W., et al., The Nomenclature of the Clay Minerals, Am. Mineral.
36,370-371 (1951).
22 Damour, A. A., and D. Salvetat, Et analyses sur un hydro silicate d'alumine
trouv6 a Montmorillon, Ann. chim. et phys., ser. 3, 21, 376-383 (1847).
23 Le Chatelier, H., De l'action de la chaleur sur les argiles, Bull. soc.franr;. mineral.,
29 Cronstedt, A., "Mineralogie, " Stockholm (1758). English translation by Magel-
lan, John Hyacinth, London (1788).
34 Clay Mineralogy
to be the same as montmorillonite. Kerr 30 in 1932 showed that certain
clay materials which have been described as smectite are actually mont-
morillonite. The name smectite, therefore, is earlier than montmoril-
lonite. However, the name montmorillonite has been commonly used,
while smectite has fallen into disuse or has been used for a fuller's earth
rather than for a definite mineral. As Kerr 30 points out, "in view of the
large amount of modern literature on montmorillonite it seems in the best
interests of science to continue the use of montmorillonite and drop that
of smectite."
The earliest usage of the name saponite is difficult to establish. The
name, derived from "sapo," meaning soap, was used by Svanberg in
1840,31 and in 1842:l2 he published chemical analyses showing the material
to be essentially a hydrous magnesium silicate. As in the case of many
of the other clay minerals, prior to the development of modern analytical
techniques, the mineral could not be well characterized, and the early
literature includes a considerable variety of materials under this name.
Ross and Kerr 33 in 1931 identified saponite as a member of the mont-
morillonite group with a high content of MgO. Ross and Hendricks'~5 in
1945 defined saponite as a member of the montmorillonite group in which
the replacement of AI3+ by Mg++ is essentially complete and with some
replacement of Si 4 + by AP+.
The name montmorillonite is used currently both as a group name for
all clay minerals with an expanding lattice except vermiculite and also as
a specific mineral name. Specifically it indicates a high-alumina end
member of the montmorillonite group with some slight replacement of
AP+ by Mg++ and substantially no replacement of Si H by AP+. Recently
MacEwan 34 has suggested the term montmorillonoid for the group name
to avoid confusion with montmorillonite as 'a, specific mineral name.
Berthier 35 proposed the name nontronite for a material associated with
manganese ore in the Arrondissement of N ontron near the village of Saint
Pardoux in France. A chemical analysis given by Berthier shows the
mineral to be a hydrous ferric iron silicate. Collins 36 in ]877 appears to
32 Svanberg, A., Saponit, Ann. Physik Chem. (Poggendor.tJ), 67, 165-170 (1842).
33 Ross, C. S., and P. F. Kerr, The Clay Minerals and Their Identity, J. Sediment.
575 (1934).
40 Hendricks, S. B., and M. E. Jefferson, Crystal Structure of Vermiculites and
13,41-46 (1948).
42 Grim, R. E., R. H. Bray, and W. F. Bradley, The Mica in Argillaceous Sedi-
Associated with Illinois Coals, Bull. Am. Ceram. Soc., 14, 113-119, 129-134, 170-176
36 Clay Mineralogy
glimmerton. 44 Grim et al. 42 pointed out objections to these earlier
names, and the term illite has now been widely accepted for a mica-
type clay mineral with a 10-A c-axis spacing which shows substan-
tially no expanding-lattice characteristics.
Grim, Bray, and Bradley42 gave the general formula for illites as
(OH)4Ky(Si8_yAly)(AI4Fe4Mg4Mg6) 0 20 In muscovite y is equal to 2,
whereas in illite y is less than 2 and frequently equal to 1 to 1.5. Accord-
ing to the formula, illites would include both trioctahedral and diocta-
hedral types, and no attempt was made to differentiate between biotite
and muscovite types of crystallization. At the present time the name
illite is generally used, and will be used herein, for clay-mineral micas of
both dioctahedral and trioctahedral types and of muscovite and biotite
crystallizations. It may well be that future clay-mineral studies will
show it desirable to subdivide the group, or even to use some very
different larger categories.
It has been suggested, chiefly by ROSS25 and his colleagues, that the
name illite should be replaced by bravaisite on the basis that bravaisite is
an earlier name and is a clay-mineral mica. Actually type bravaisite is
a mixture 45 of montmorillonite and a clay-mineral mica and not a specific
mineral and therefore has no standing as a mineral species. Sarospatite
has also been suggested by Hofmann et al. 46 as a substitute for illite, but
the same objection 47 can be raised, namely, that the type material from
Sarospatak, Hungary, is a mixture of clay minerals. It is believed
that experience has shown the desirability of using a new name for
this clay-mineral group rather than attempting a redefinition of an
old name, particularly if the old name originally described a mixture of
Werner 48 appears to have first used the name chlorite about 1800. It
has been used for a group of green hydrous silicates in which ferrous iron
is prominent and which are closely related to the micas. A large variety
of materials have been described as chlorites, and there has been much
confusion regarding the identity and validity of species belonging to the
44 Endell, K., U. Hofmann, and E. Maegdefrau, Ueber die Natur des Tonanteils in
49 Pauling, L., Structure of Chlorites, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S., 16, 578-582 (1930).
60 McMurchy, R. C., Structure of Chlorites, Z. Krist., 88, 420-432 (1934).
61 Barshad, I., Vermiculite and Its Relation to Biotite as Revealed by Base-
Exchange Reactions, X-ray Analyses, Differential Thermal Curves, and Water Con-
tent, Am. Mineral., 33,655-678 (1948).
52 Brindley, G. \V., and K. Robinson, The Chlorite Minerals, "X-ray Identification
and Structure of the Clay Minerals," Chap. VI, pp. 173-198, Mineralogical Society
of Great Britain Monograph (1951).
53 Werner, A. G., "Letztes mineral System." Notes by Hofmann, Bergm. J., 1,
377 (1789).
64 Glocker, E. F., "Generum et Specierum Mineralium secundum Ordines Naturales
drava et la formule des sepiolites, Bull. soc. fran,. mineral., 60, 232-276 (1937).
58 Migeon, G., Contribution Ii l'etude de la definition des sepiolites, Bull. soc. franr;.
62 Kerr, P. F., and P. K. Hamilton, "Glossary of Clay Mineral Names," Rept. No.1,
American Petroleum Institute Project 49, Columbia University, New York (1948).
63 Termier, P., Etude sur la leverrierite, Ann. mines, 17,372-398 (1890).
74 Lindgren, W., and W. F. Hillebrand, Minerals from the Clifton, Morenci Dis-
trict, Arizona, Am. J. Sci., ser. 4, 18, 448-460 (1904).
n Glocker, E. F., "Generum et Specierum Mineralium Secundum ordines Naturales
Digestorium Synopsis," p. 193, Halle (1847).
76 DeLish, R., "Cristallographie ou description des formes propres a to us les corps
stedite (2FeOFe z03Si0 2 2H 2 0). Possible Iron Content of Kaolin, Am. l"lineral.,
24, 329-539 (1939).
81 Sedletsky, r. D., and S. Yusupova, Argillaceous Minerals Closely Approaching
zwei neuer ungarisches Mineralien des Muschligen und des erdigen Chloropals, J.
Chern. Physik, 6, 29 (1882).
, . \~
. 11'--
Structure of the Clay Minerals
(0) (b)
o and ( ) =Hydroxyfs Aluminums, magnesiums, etc.
FIG. 1. Diagrammatic sketch showing (a) single octahedral unit and (b) the sheet
structure of the octahedral units.
1 Pauling, L., The Structure of Micas and Related Minerals, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.
U.S., 16, 123-129 (1930).
'C'.:'l~~ge of AgrkultUSr8
..!r::;lm~ P1'~esh
;'.':"ic': :ural Univc:'sity
., .. -:,""1:
44 Clay Mineralogy
The second unit is built of silica tetrahedrons. In each tetrahedron a
silicon atom is equidistant from four oxygens, or hydroxyls if needed to
balance the structure, arranged in the form of a tetrahedron with a
silicon atom at the center. The silica tetrahedral groups are arranged to
form a hexagonal network, ,vhich is repeated indefinitely to form a sheet
of composition Si 40 6 (OH)4 (Fig. 2). The tetrahedrons are arranged so
that the tips of all of them point in the same direction, and the bases of
(0) (b)
FIG. 2. Diagrammatic sketch showing (a) single silica tetrahedron and (b) sheet
structure of silica tetrahedrons arranged in a hexagonal network.
all tetrahedrons are in the same plane. The structure can be considered
as made of a perforated plane of oxygens which is the plane of the base
of the tetrahedral groups; a plane of silicon atoms with each silicon in the
cavity at the junction of three oxygen atoms and therefore forming a
hexagonal network; and a plane of hydroxyl atoms with each hydroxyl
directly above the silicon at the tip of the tetrahedrons. The open hexag-
onal network can be considered as composed of three strings of oxygen
atoms intersecting at angles of 120. The 0-0 distance in the silica
tetrahedral sheet is 2.55 A, and the space available for the ion in tetra-
hedral coordination is about 0.55 A. The thickness of the unit is 4.93 A
in clay-mineral structures. Each of these units presents a center-to-
center height of about 2.1 A.
Some of the clay minerals are fibrous and are composed of different
structural units from those noted above. These minerals resemble the
amphiboles in their structural characteristics, and the basic structural
unit is composed of silica tetrahedrons arranged in a double chain of
composition Si 40 u , as shown in Fig. 3. The structure is similar to that
of the sheet of silica tetrahedrons in the layer minerals except that it is
continuous in only one direction. In the other direction it is restricted
to a width of about 11.5 A.
The chains are bound together by atoms of aluminum and/or mag-
nesium pJacpd so that each such atom is surrounded by six "active"
Structure of the Clay Minerals 45
oxygen atoms. The active oxygens are those with only one link to
silicon and hence are those at the edges of the chains and at the tips of the
FIG. 3. Diagrammatic sketch of double chains of silica tetrahedrons, as in the
amphibole structural type of clay minerals; (a) in perspective, (b) projected on the
plane of the base of the tetrahedrons.
o Oxyqt'ns
@ Hydroxyls
. 0 Sit/cons
FIG. 4. Diag;rammatic sketch of the structure of the kaolinite layer, after Gruner.'
582 (1930).
4 Gruner, J. W., The Crystal Structure of Kaolinite, Z. Kri8i., 83, 75-88 (1932).
27,242-253 (1946).
6 Brindley, C. \V., The Kaolin Minerals, "X-Ray Identification and Structure of
the Clay Minerals," Chap. II, pp. :32-75, Mineralogical Society of Great Britain Mono-
graph (1951).
Structure of the Clay Minerals 47
tendency for the unit to bend in the stacking arrangement of kaolinite,
although large crystals would be unlikely.
In the layer common to the octahedral and tetrahedral groups, two-
thirds of the atoms are shared by the silicon and aluminum, and then
they become 0 instead of OR. Only two-thirds of the possible positions
for aluminum in the octahedral sheet are filled, and there are three
possible plans of regular population of the octahedral layer with alum-
inums. The aluminum atoms are considered to be so placed that two
aluminums are separated by an OR above and below, thus making a
hexagonal distribution in a single plane in the center of the octahedral
sheet. The OR groups are placed so that each OR is directly below the
perforation of the hexagonal net of oxygens in the tetrahedral sheet.
The charge distribution in the layers is as follows:
60-- 12-
4Si H 16+
40-- + 2(OR)- 10 - (Layer common to tetrahedral and octahedral
4AlH 12+
6(OR)- 6-
The charges within the structural unit are balanced. The structural
formula is (OR)8Si 4AI 4 0 1o , and the theoretical composition expressed
in oxides is Si0 2 46.54 per cent; Al 2 0 2 39.50 per cent; R 2 0 13.96 per cent.
The analyses 7 of many samples of kaolinite minerals have shown that
there is very little substitution within the lattice. In a few instances,
the evidence suggests a very small amount of substitution of iron and/or
titanium for aluminum in the relatively poorly crystalline variety (see
page 49).
The minerals of the kaolinite group consist of sheet units of the type
just described continuous in the a and b directions and stacked one above
the other in the c direction. The variation between members of this
group consists in the way in which the unit layers are stacked above each
other and possibly in the position of the aluminum atoms in the possible
positions open to them in the octahedral layer.
In the case of kaolinite itself Brindley 6 has investigated the stacking
of the unit layers, and the following statements are taken largely from
his work. The mineral is triclinic; a = 5.16 A; b = 8.94 A; c = 7.38 A;
a = 91.8; {3 = 104.5; 'Y = 90; and the space group is C!-Cc. Succes-
sive unit layers are so arranged that oxygen atoms and OR groups of
adjacent layers approach one another in pairs. This disposition can be
obtained in a variety of ways, by placing one layer directly above another
7 !loss, C. S., and P. F. Kerr, The Kaolin Minerals, U.S. Geol. Survey Profess. Paper
o Oxygen GHydroxyls
gen bonding.
Numerous investigators 8- 1o of clays
Silicon have reported the finding of a kaolinite
FIG. 5. Projection of 0 atoms and mineral of lower crystallinity than that
OH groups of adjacent kaolinite of the well-crystallized material just
layers on (001) to show the stacking in
noted. Brindley and his colleagues 6 ,8
kaolinite, after Brindley and Robin-
son.S have investigated in detail some exam-
ples of rather poorly crystallized kao-
linite and have shown that their examples from English fire clays contain
fewer reflections than normal kaolinite. According to them the reflections
can be indexed as monoclinic or psuedo-monoclinic, with a unit cell of the
same dimensions as kaolinite but with a = 90 0 Also, they state that the
structure is highly disordered along the b axis with the unit layers randomly
displaced by multiples of bo/3. The arrangement along the a axis is like
that of kaolinite. They suggest that there is some randomness in the
FIG. 6. The stacking of unit layers of kaolinite along the a and b axes, after Brindley. 6
Refractory and Bond Clays, presented before International Geological Congress, Lon-
don, 1948.
50 Clay Mineralogy
13 14
Dickite and nacrite have structures somewhat similar to that of
kaolinite and are usually listed as clay minerals, although they are rarely
found in clay materials. They are made up of unit layers of an alumina
octahedral sheet and a silica tetrahedral sheet like that in kaolinite and
differ only in the stacking of the layers. In dickite, 13,15,16 the unit cell is
Kaolinite (0)
Kaolinite (b)
Firecloy (c)
Hoiloysite (eI)
7 5 4 3 2.5 2.2 2 1.5 d,in A
FIG. 7. Diagrammatic representation of X-ray photographs of (a and b) well-
crystallized kaolinite, (c) poorly crystallized kaolinite, and (d) halloysite 2H 2 0, after
Brindley and Robinson. s
Fw.~. Diagrammatic sketch of the double silica layer in the anauxite structure,
after Hendricks.'s
As indicated earlier, there are two forms of halloysite (see page 31),
one with the composition (OHhSi 4Al 40 1o and the other with the com-
position (OH) 8Si4A1401o4H20. The latter form dehydrates to the
former irreversibly at relatively low temperatures. Various structures
for the halloysite minerals have been suggested by Mehmel,19 Edelman
and Favejee,20 Stout,21 and Hendricks. 16
Hendricks has shown that the earlier suggested structures are not in
accord with the observed intensities of the basal reflections or with the
very easy dehydration of the mineral. The basal spacing of the dehy-
drated form is about 7.2 A or about the thickness of the kaolinite layer,
and the basal spacing of the hydrated form is about 10.1 A. The differ-
ence, 2.9 A, is about the thickness of a single molecular sheet of water
molecules. Hendricks suggested therefore that the highly hydrated form
consists of kaolinite layers separated from each other by single molecular
layers of water. Later Hendricks and Jefferson 22 suggested that the
water molecule in this layer had a definite configuration (Fig. 9). Dif-
fraction data for halloysite are not suited for detailed structural study,
but the intensities of the basal reflections are in accord with Hendricks's
suggested structure. The transition to the dehydrated form is due to the
loss of the interlayer of water molecules.
In the halloysite minerals, the successive kaolinite layers are displaced
randomly in both the a and b directions. According to Brindley6 the
probable displacements are simple fractions of the cell dimensions, such
as mao/6 and nb o/6. He states that" the experimental results require
19 Mehmel, M., Ueber die Struktur von Halloysit und Metahalloysit, Z. Krist.,
90, 35-43 (1935).
20 Edelman, C. II., and J. C. 1,. Favejee, On the Crystal Structure of Montmoril-
lonite and Halloysite, Z. Krist., 102, 417-431 (1940).
21 Stout, P. P., Alterations in the Crystal Structure of the Clay Minerals as a Result
(60 to 750), and temperatures of the order of 4000 are necessary for
complete removal of the interlayer water and the development of the
7.2-A spacing. At temperatures of 60 to 750 or at a lower temperature
for longer time, a partially dehydrated form develops which tends to
23 Brindley, G. W., and K. Robinson, X-ray Studies of Halloysite and Metahalloy-
site, I, The Structure of Metahalloysite, Mineralog. Mag., 28, 393-407 (1948).
24 Brindley, G. W., and J. Goodyear, X-ray Studies of Halloysiteand Metahalloy-
[ . .1.
ing between 1.5H 20 and about 3H 20 have not been observed.
4'51~A ~ O:(~!H: 0 ~ ~i'51 A
2.8 ,0
2.99 A
(8.62 A) t --0 8.62 A -
.l --8.93 A--
":)\ .. o'/.
!><. t>, ...,. 6'(6~.1 <?(Oly.l
{I".':;' \ \
\- a-axis
FIG. 10. Diagrammatic representation of the structure of kaolinite and halloysite
4H 20 after Bates et al." (a) Arrangement of layers in kaolinite; (b) arrangement of
Layers in halloysite according to Hendricks; (c) proposed arrangement of halloysite
Bates et al. 26 have shown the tubular nature (see Chap. 6) of the
halloysite minerals from electron micrographs and have suggested that
the 4H 20 form consists of tubes made up of overlapping, curved sheets
of the kaolinite type with the c axis for any point on the tube nearly
perpendicular to a plane tangent to the tube at that point. The axis of
the tube may be parallel to either the a or b axis, or possibly to any inter-
mediate crystallographic direction in the plane of the sheets. In the
dehydration to the 2H 20 form the tubes frequently collapse, split, or
26 Bates, T. F., F. A. Hildebrand and A. Swineford, Morphology and Structure of
27 Hofmann, U., K. Endell, and D. Wilm, Kristallstruktur und Quellung von Mont-
\I'AU CS: 13:ilil{ARY
Ace' --,
Date: 6"'>~
56 Clay Mineralogy
Excharlqeable Cations
nH 2 0
that there is a very weak bond and an excellent cleavage between them.
The outstanding feature of the montmorillonite structure is that water
and other polar molecules, such as certain organic molecules (see Chaps.
8 and 10), can enter between the unit layers, causing the lattice to
expand in the c direction. The c-axis dimension of montmorillonite is,
therefore, not fixed but varies from about 9.6 A, when no polar molecules
.-::re between the unit layers, to substantially complete separation of the
Structure of the Clay Minerals 57
individual layers in some cases. Figure 11 shows a diagrammatic sketch
of ' this structure of montmorillonite.
Exchangeable cations occur between the silicate layers, and the c-axis
spacing of completely dehydrated montmorillonite depends somewhat on
the size of the interlayer cation, being larger the larger the cation. In the
case of adsorption of polar organic molecules between the silicate layers,
the c-axis dimension also varies with the size and geometry of the organic
molecule. The thickness of the water layers between the silicate units
depends on the nature of the exchangeable cation at a given water-vapor
pressure (see Chap. 7). Under ordinary conditions a montmorillonite
with N a+ as the exchange ion frequently has one molecular water layer
and a c-axis spacing of about 12.5 A; with Ca++ there are frequently two
molecular water layers and a c-axis spacing of about 15.5 A. The expan-
sion properties are reversible. However, when the structure is com-
pletely collapsed by removal of all of the interlayer polar molecules,
reexpansion may proceed with difficulty.
Experiments by Mering 30 and others 31 with montmorillonite in the
presence of large quantities of water suggest that with certain adsorbed
cations, e.g., Na+, the unit layers completely separate but that with other
cations, e.g., Ca++ and H+, the separation is not complete.
It appears from the work of Bradley, Grim, and Clark,32 that the thick-
ness of the water layers between successive silicate layers is an integral
number of molecules. That is, the water layer is one, two, three, or four
molecular water layers thick. A natural montmorillonite may have a
regular ordering of a single thickness of water layers, or it may be a
random mixture of different "hyc.rates." Roth 33 has shown that impor-
tant physical characteristics of clays composed of montmorillonite are
related to the regularity or randomness of the interlayer water layers.
Mering 30 has demonstrated that the diffraction effects of Ca montmoril-
lonite prepared at low relative humidities (50 % ) can be explained by
a mixing of hydrates with thicknesses of 14 and 15 A. Similar clays pre-
pared at 90 per cent relative humidity show only a 15-A reflection, 15 A
being the thickness of the double-layer hydrate of Bradley et al.
Hofmann, Endell, and Wilm 27 described the montmorillonite structure
as generally similar to that of pyrophyllite except for the expanding J
205-219 (1946).
31 Bradley, W. F., and R. E. Grim, Colloidal Properties of Layer Silicates, J. Phys.
under the group having the charge deficiency, which requires the addition
of a cation external to the silicate layer to balance the structure. In each
case the balancing external cation has been indicated as Na+ for con-
venience. The water or other polar molecules between the silicate layers
are omitted from the formulas.
MacEwan 3 has considered the relation of the a and b dimensions of
the montmorillonite unit to variations in its chemical composition. He
has pointed out the conclusion that these axial lengths would increase in
the order montmorillonite ---7 nontronite ---7 saponite. He has offered the
following formula for computing bo, from which ao, of course, can also be
bo = 8.91 + 0.061' + 0.0348 + 0.048t A
35 MacEwdn, D. M. C., The Montmorillonite Minerals, "X-ray Identification and
Structure of the Clay Minerals," Chap. IV, pp. 86-137, Mineralogical Society of
Great Britain Monograph, (1951).
Structure of the Clay Minerals 61
}Vhere r = number of Al ions in tetrahedral coordination
s = number of Mg ions in octahedral coordination
t = number of Fe ions in octahedral coordination (per unit cell, in
each case)
The formula is based on observed values for muscovite, talc, and
nontronite with the assumption that the effects of the above substitu-
tions are proportional and additive. MacEwan 65 states that the formula
gives reasonably good agreement with the observed values. It appears
from MacEwan's data that changes in bo are much greater for
variations in the population of octahedral positions than for tetrahedral
The ratio of silicon to aluminum in the montmorillonite lattice appar-
ently can vary from about 1: 1 to 1 :3. In the former case there is a
maximum filling of octahedral positions by AP+ (about 4.44 per unit)
with added replacement of Si H by AP+. The replacement of Si H by
AlH causes the unbalanced charge and also compensates for the excess
charge in the octahedral layer. For the highest ratio all tetrahedral
positions are populated by Si H , and the mineral is dioctahedral with the
maximum replacement of AIH by a divalent ion to cause the charge
Iron can apparently proxy for aluminum in all positions in the octa-
hedrallayer and not at all in the tetrahedral layer. Iron-rich varieties,
i.e., nontronite, on the basis of currently available analyses, show little
replacement of Fe H by Mg++, and the charge deficiency seems to result
mainly from substitutions of AIH for Si 4+. In the trioctahedral mont-
morillonites the charge deficiency results mainly from substitutions of AIH
for Si H It would seem from data of Ross and Hendricks 34 that up to
about one atom of aluminum or iron per unit cell may be present in the
octahedral layer of trioctahedral montmorillonites. The excess charge
in the octahedral layer is balanced by deficiencies in the tetrahedral layer
due to larger replacements of AIH for Si H .
The opinion has frequently been expressed that the structure of
Hofmann et al.,27 Marshall,29 and Hendricks 18 does not adequately
account for all the properties of montmorillonite, notably its ion-exchange
capacity. Edelman and Favejee 20 have suggested an alternative struc-
ture that, it is claimed, explains these properties more adequately. This
structure differs from that of Hofmann et al. 27 in that every other silica
tetrahedron in both silica sheets is inverted, so that half of them point in
the opposite direction. Those that point away from the silicate sheet
would have the tip 0 replaced by OH. In this structure the silicon atoms
are not all in a single plane in the silica tetrahedral sheets, and there must
be some substitutions of OH for 0 in the octahedral layers to balance the
structure (Figs. 12 and 13). The charge distribution is as follows:
62 Clay Mineralogy
2(OH)- 2-
2Si H 8+
60-- 12-
2Si H 8+
20--4(OH)- 8-
4AI3+ 12+
20--4(OH)- 8-
2Si H 8+
60-- 12-
2Si H 8+
2(OH)- 2-
Interlayer H 20 or other polar groups.
n H2 0
Exchongeob~ Co~ons
, ,
t,', r"\
,, 2(OH)
2 Si
2 Si
(J) . /
2 Si
2 Si
, , ,
{ (
- - - - - - - b Axis ------~.
166-172 (1950).
Clay Mineralogy
Exchangeable Cations
nH2 0
41 Mauguin, C. H., Etude des micas au moyens des rayons X, Compt. rend" 185,
288-291 (1927).
42 Mauguin, C. H., Etude des micas au moyens des rayons X, Bull. soc. franc.
mineral., 51, 285-332 (1928).
43 Jackson, W. W., and J. West, The Crystal Structure of Muscovite, Z. Krist., 76,
211-227 (1930).
44 Jackson, W. W., and J. West, The Crystal Structure of Muscovite, Z. Krist., 85,
160-164 (1933).
45 Winchell, A. N., Studies in the Mica Group, Am. J. Sci., ser. 5, 9,309-327,415-
430 (1925).
46 Hendricks, S. B., and M. Jefferson, Polymorphism of the Micas with Optical
Measurements, Am. Mineral., 24, 729-771 (1939).
66 Clay Mineralogy
composed of 1, 2, 3, 6, and 24 silica-alumina-silica units are known, with
stackings yielding monoclinic, rhombohedral, or triclinic forms.
K+ 1+
60-- 12-
3Si4+1AP+ 15+
40--2(OH)- 10-
Structure of the Clay Minerals 67
4A13+ (Dioctahedral) or
6R (Trioctahedral, R = Mg++, Fe++, Fe H , Li+, TiH) 12+
40--2(OH)- 10-
3Si4+1AP+ 15+
60-- 12-
K+ 1+
The illite clay minerals differ from the well-crystallized micas in
Identification and Structure of the Clay Minerals," Chap. V, pp. 138-172, Mineralog-
ical Society of Great Britain Monograph (1951).
49 Walker, G. F., Trioctahedral Minerals in Soil-Clays of Northeast Scotland,
tion and Structure of the Clay Minerals," Chap. VI, pp. 172-198, Mineralogical
Society of Great Britain Monograph (1951).
70 Clay Mineralogy
mica layer is unbalanced by substitution of AP+ for Si H , and this defi-
ciency of charge is balanced by an excess c:harge in the brucite sheet as a
cwnsequence of substitution of AlH for Mg++. The general chlorite
Layer """"'"' {
FIG. 16. Projection of the chlorite structure on the ac plane, after McMurchy&1 from
Brindley and Robinson. 53
Two brucite-like and two mica-like layers form the unit cell. Mc-
Murchy 51 gives the following specifications for the chlorite he studied:
monoclinic, a = 5.3 A, b = 9.3 A, c = 28.52 A, {3 = 978', and space
group C~h-C2/c. Subsequently Robinson and Brindley 52 have stated
"the displacements are exactly ao/3 and since bo/ao = yi3, the unit cell
may be regarded as rhombohedral with the trigonal axis perpendicular
to the cleavage plane, or alternatively as an orthohexagonal cell with a
volume three times that of the monoclinic prism and with dimensions in
kX units ao = 5.32, bo = 9.21, Co = 3 X 14.2."
72 Clay Mineralogy
Various members of the chlorite group differ from each other in the
kind and amount of substitutions within the brucite layer and the tetra-
hedral and octahedral positions of the mica layer. They also differ in
the detailed orientation of successive octahedral and tetrahedral layers,
in the relation of the mica to brucite layers, and in the stacking of succes-
sive chlorite units.
Substitutions within the tetrahedral sheets vary from about Si3AI to
Si 2Al 2 and substitutions within the octahedral layers from Mg5AI to
Mg4Ab, with Fe++ and Mn++ partially replacing Mg++ and Fe H or Cr H
partially replacing AP+. The substitutions of AP+ for Si H in the tetra-
hedral sheets expands them sufficiently to accommodate the somewhat
larger octahedral layers between them.
By detailed study of single crystals, Brindley53 and his colleagues have
shown that chlorites exhibit polymorphic forms similar to the biotite
micas. They have found structures consisting of several different stack-
ing arrangements of the chlorite layers. Units with three, six, and nine
chlorite layers in the orthohexagonal cell have been described. For
details of these polymorphic forms and other details of the chlorite struc-
ture the original work of Brindley et al. 53 should be consulted.
Fine-grained chlorites are known in some clay materials. The range
of polymorphic forms of the chlorite minerals and the variations in struc-
ture between clay-mineral chlorite and well-crystallized chlorite occurring
in large units have not been established. It is not definitely known, for
example, whether somewhat more hydrous forms of chlorite, like illite in
relation to muscovite and biotite, are to be found in clays and soils.
Available data seem to suggest that clay-mineral chlorites differ from well-
crystallized material in l1 somewhat random stacking of layers and per-
haps in some hydration.
Some evidence is available that some chlorites in sediments may be
Hydrates and Their Bearing on Water Sorption of the Clays, Am. Mineral., 23,
863-875 (1938).
Structure of the Clay Minerals 73
but changed certain structural details. Recently Barshad5s- 60 and
Walker 61 .62 independently have added much to our knowledge of the
structure of the mineral. Gruner 54 also showed that many materials
classed as vermiculite are mixed-layer mica-vermiculite structures.
Gruner 54 showed that the structure consists of sheets of trioctahedral
mica or talc separated by layers of water molecules occupying a definite
space (4.98 A) which is about the thickness of two water molecules. In
its natural state, therefore, the mineral consists of an alternation of mica
and double water layers. Gruner 54 assigned vermiculite to the space
group C~,,-C2/c.
Based on single-crystal data, Hendricks and Jefferson 56 assigned the
following crystallographic constants to the mineral: c = 28.91 A,
b = 9.20 A, a = 5.34 A, {3 = 9315/. They showed that vermiculites
have the same types of shifts along the a axis as muscovite, talc, and
pyrophyllite and have a partially random displacement of structural
layers parallel to the b axis. They give the space group as Cc-C; and
point out the psuedo nature of the space group because of the random
displacement parallel to the b axis.
The structure is unbalanced chiefly by substitutions of AIH for Si H .
These substitutions may be partially balanced by other substitutions
within the mica lattice, but there is always a residual net-charge deficiency
of 1 to 1.4 per unit cell. The charge deficiency is satisfied by cations
which occur chiefly between the mica layers and are largely exchangeable.
In the natural mineral, which has the same cation-exchange capacity as
montmorillonite, or somewhat higher, the balancing cation is Mg++,
sometimes with a small amount of Ca++ also present.
A general formula for natural vermiculite is (OHMMgCa)x(Sis_xAl x )
(MgFe)602oyH 20 with X = 1 to 1.4 and y = about 8. The Mg++ and
Ca++ are the balancing and largely exchangeable cations. The charge
distribution in the layers is as follows:
yH 20 double water layers
X(Mg++'Ca++) X +
60-- 12-
(4 - X)SiHXAP+ (16 - X)+
68 Barshad, 1., Vermiculite and Its Relation to Biotite, Am. Mineral., 33, 655-678
69 Barshad, 1., The Nature of Lattice Expansion and Its Relation to Hydration in
Ide~tificati~n and Structure. of. the Cl!Jl Minerals," Chap. VII, pp. 199-223, Miner-
aloglCal SOCiety of Great Bntam ~oriograph (1951).
74 Clay Mineralogy
40--2(OH)- 10-
6(MgFe)++ 12+
40--2(OH)- 10-
(4 - X)SiHXAP+ (16 - X)+
60-- 12-
X(Mg++Ca++) X+
yH 20 double water layers
On heating vermiculite to temperatures as high as 500C, the water is
driven out from between the mica layers, but the mineral quickly rehy-
drates on exposure to moisture at room temperature. The mineral,
therefore, has an expanding lattice, but the expansion is restricted to
about 4.98 A, or two water layers. If the mineral is heated to 700C,
there is no expansion again. In such material the 14-A line and higher
orders of it disappear, and a new line at 9.3 A with other new mica lines
appear on the diffraction pattern.
There has been considerable discussion regarding the exact structure
of the water layers in vermiculite, and as yet there is no general agree-
ment among investigators. Gruner 55 suggested that the water might
occur as charged hydronium (H 30)+ groups. Hendricks and Jefferson 57
postulated an extended hexagonal network of water molecules (Fig. 17)
(see Chap. 8 for a further discussion). It has recently been pointed out
by Barshad 59 ,60 and Walker 61 62 independently that the nature of the
exchangeable cations must influence the state of the interlayer water
since they occur between the mica layers. These investigators have
shown this to be the case (Table 3).
Walker 62 views the state of the water in natural vermiculite as follows:
(After WalkerS')
The water exists in two forms, "bound" and "unbound." The bound
water occurs around the Mg++ as a hydration envelope of six water
molecules per Mg++, probably ta-king the form of an octahedral grouping.
Structure of the Clay Minerals 75
The available space, 4.98 A, is consistent with this grouping if the octa-
hedral groups lie on their sides so that they present their minimum width
to adjacent sheets. The unbound water fills in the space between the
octahedral water units. Walker computes the ratio of unbound water to
FIG. 17. Diagrammatic sketch of the vermiculite structure showing layers of water,
after Hendricks and Jefferson. 67
Silicate LaYE?r
TI T Silicate Layer
I I T Silicate Layer
14.2A OO~ ~ ~ I
11.8A~ 0 0
: ~~~ I
I I l. Silicate Layer
I .I. Silicate Layer
i Silicate Layer
Many clay materials are composed of more than one clay mineral, and
the clay minerals may be mixed in several ways. The mixture may be
of discrete clay-mineral particles in which there is no preferred geometric
orientation of one particle with respect to its neighboring clay-mineral
Another type of mixing is the interstratification of the layer clay
minerals in which the individual layers are of the order of a single or a
few aluminosilicate sheets. These so-called mixed-layer structures are a
consequence of the fact that the layers of the different layer clay minerals
are very similar, all being composed of silica tetrahedral-hexagonal layers
and closely packed octahedral layers of oxygens and hydroxyl groups.
80 Clay Mineralogy
Mixed-layer structures as stable as those composed of a single kind of
layer are therefore possible.
Mixed-layer structures are of two different types. The interstratifica-
tion may be regular; i.e., the stacking along the c axis is a regular repeti-
tion of the different layers. In such cases, the resulting structure has
distinctive characteristics; the unit cell is equivalent to the sum of the
component layers, and regular (001) reflections are obtained. An
example of a regular mixed-layer mineral is chlorite composed of a regular
alternation of mica and brucite layers (see pages 69-72).
Another kind of mixed-layer structure is due to a random irregular
interstratification of layers in which there is no uniform repetition of
layers. The importance of such random mixing was pointed out by
Gruner 54 and later elaborated by Hendricks and Teller 73 and Bradley.74
Mixed-layer structures appear to be very common in clay materials.
Their study is particularly difficult, and in many cases investigators have
failed to recognize their presence. Mixed layers of illite and mont-
morillonite and of chlorite and vermiculite are particularly common.
Clay-mineral occurrences which are probably mixtures of illite and
kaolinite have also been described. 75
As pointed out previously (pages 38--42), the literature contains the
names of many discredited or questionable clay-mineral species. Proba-
bly a great many of these "species" are mixed-layer combinations.
Careful X-ray-diffraction techniques (page 102) are required to detect
the occurrence of mixed-layer minerals. Sometimes differential thermal
procedure will aid in their detection. Very frequently mixed layering
cannot be detected solely on the basis of optical measurements, and the
widespread occurrence of mixed-layer minerals is an important reason
why clay-mineral identifications based solely on optical measurements
must be made with great caution.
Since random mixed-layer minerals have an inherent variability, they
cannot be given specific names. They can only be designated as mixtures
of the layers involved.
Kaolinite Minerals
Alvfeldt, 0., X-ray Study on Kaolinite as an Alteration Product of Spodumene from
Varutrask, Geol. Fiiren. i. Stockholm Fiirh., 63, 49-51 (1941).
Brindley, G. W., and K. Robinson, X-ray Study of Some Kaolinitic Fireclays, Trans.
Ceram. Soc. (Engl.), 46, 49-62 (1947).
fa Hendricks, S. 13., and E. Teller, X-ray Interference in Partially Ordered Layer
Lattices, J. Chem. Phys., 10, 147-167 (1942).
74 Bradley, W. F., Diagnostic Criteria for Clay Minerals, Am. Mineral., 30, 704-
713 (1945).
75 De Lapparent, J., Constitution et origine de la leverrierite, Compt. rend., 198,
669-671 (1934), "
Structure of the Clay Minerals 81
Gruner, J. W., Density and Structural Relations of Kaolinites and Anauxites, Am.
Mineral., 22,855-860 (1937).
Gruner, J. W., Progress in Silicate Structures, Am. Mineral., 33, 679-691 (1948).
Hendricks, S. B., Concerning the Crystal Structure of Kaolinite, Ah032SiOz2H20
and the Composition of Anauxite, Z. Krist., 95, 247-252 (1936).
H alloysite Minerals
Alexander, L. T., G. Faust, S. B. Hendricks, anc'_ H. Insley, Relationship of the Clay
Minerals Halloysite and Endellite, Am. Mineral., 28, 1-18 (1943).
Brammall, A., The Layer-lattice in Relation to Min~ral Chemistry, Science Progress,
31, no. 124 (April, 1937).
Correns, C. W., and M. Mehmel, Ueber die opti~chen und riintgenographischen
Nachweis von Kaolinit, Halloysit und Montmorillonit, Z. Krist., 94, 337-348
Hofmann, U., Neues aus der Chemie des Tons, Die Chemie, 55, 283-289 (1942).
Nagelschmidt, G., Riintgenographische Untersuchungen an Tonen, Z. Krist., 87, 120~
146 (1934).
Ross, C. S., Minerals and Mineral Relationships of the Clay Minerals, J. Am. Ceram.
Soc., 28, 173-183 (1945).
Cornet, 1., Expansion of the Montmorillonite Lattic~ on Hydration, J. Chem. Phys.,
18, 623-626 (1950).
Forslind, E., The Clay-Water System, I, Crystal Structure and Water Adsorption of
th~ Clay Minerals, Swed. Cement Concrete Resea~ch Ins!. Bull. 11 (1948).
Ginsburg, 1. 1., Nontronites from the Southern Ural~, Compi. rend. acado sci. URSS,
pp. 41-61 (1946).
Gruner, J. W., The Structural Relationships of NOI:ttronites and Montmorillonites,
Am. Mineral., 20,475-483 (1935).
Hendricks, S. B., and C. S. Ross, Lattice LimitatioI(s of Montmorillonite, Z. Krist.,
100,251-264 (1938).
Hofmann, U., and W. Bilke, Ueber die innerkristlilline Quellung und das Basen-
austauschvermiigens des Montmorillonits, Kolloid-Z., 77,239-251 (1936).
Hofmann, U., and A. Hausdorf, Kristallstruktur uI(d innerkristalline Quellung von
Montmorillonit, Z. Krist, 104, 265-293 (1942).
Jackson, M. L., and N. N. Hellman, X-ray Diffracticm Procedure for Positive Differ-
entiation of Montmorillonite from Hydrous Mtca, Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc., 6,
133-145 (1941).
Kelley, W. P., Calculating Formulas for Fine-Grained. Minerals on the Basis of Chem-
ical Analyses, Am. Mineral., 30, 1-26 (1945).
MacEwan, D. M. C., A Trioctahedral Montmorillonit\) Derived from Biotite, Abstracts,
18th Intern. Geol. Congr., p. 128 (1948).
Marshall, C. E., The Constitution of the Clay Minerll,ls, Science Progress, 30, 422-433
Marshall, C. E., The Colloidal Properties of Clays as Related to Their Crystal Struc-
ture, J. Phys. Chem., 41, 935-942 (1937).
Nagelschmidt, G., On the Lattice Shrinkage and Structure of Montmorillonite, Z.
Krist. A, 93, 481-487 (1936).
Nagelschmidt, G., On the Atomic Arrangement and. Variability of the Members of
the Montmorillonite Group, Mineralog. Mag., 26, 140-155 (1938).
Noll, W., Zur Kenntniss des Nontronits, Chem. Erde, 5,373-384 (1930).
82 Clay Mineralogy
Ross, C. S., and S. B. Hendricks, Clay Minerals of the Montmorillonite Group, Soil
Sci. Soc. Am. Proc., 6, 58-62 (1941).
Sedletsky, 1. D., Kolloidno-Despersnaja Mineralogia, Izvesl. Akad. Nauk SSSR (1945).
Stresse, H., and U. Hofmann, Synthese von Magnesium-Silikatgelen mit zweidimen-
sional regelmassiger Struktur, Z. anorg. u. allgem. Chern., 247, 65-95 (1941).
Winkler, H. G. F., Kristallstruktur von Montmorillonit, Z. Krist., 105, 291-303
Andreatta, C., ANew Type of Illite-Hydromica in a Hydrothermal Deposit, M ineralog.
Soc. Gr. Bri(ain Clay Mineral Bull. 1, pp. 96-99 (1949).
Bannister, F. A., Brammallite (Sodium Illite): a New Mineral from Llandebie, South
Wales, Mineralog. Mag., 26, 304-307 (1943).
Grim, R. Eo, Petrology of the Pennsylvanian Shales and Noncaleareous Underclays
Associated with Illinois Coals, Bull. Am. Cerarn. Soc., 14, 18-25 (1934).
Gruner, J. W., The Structural Relationship of Glauconite and Mica, Am. Mineral.,
20, 699-714 (1935).
Hellman, N. N., D. G. Aldrich, and M. L. Jackson, Further Note on an X-ray Diffrac-
tion Procedure fOJ: the Positive Differentiation of Montmorillonite and Hydrous
Mica, Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc., 7, 197-199 (1943).
Hofmann, U., J. Endell, and E. Maegdefrau, Specific Identity of the Clay Mineral,
Sarospatite, Ber. deut. keram. Ges., 24, 339-344 (1942).
Hofmann, U., K. Endell, and D. Wilm, Riintgenographisehe l:ntersuchungen an
Tonen, Angew. Chern., 47, 539-547 (1934).
Maegdefrau, E., and U. Hofmann, Glimmerartige Mineralien als Tonsubstanzen, Z.
Krist., 90, 31-59 (1937).
Nagelschmidt, G., X-ray Investigation of Clays, III, Z. Krist., 97, 514-521 (1937).
Nagelschmidt, G., Roentgen-ray Diffraction Experiments on Illite and Bravaisite,
Mineralog. Mag., 27, 59-61 (1944).
Brindley, G. W., B. M. Oughton, and K. Robinson, Polymorphism of the Chlorites,
I, Ordered Structures, Acta Crystallog., 3,408-416 (1950).
Mauguin, C. H., X-ray Studies of Chlorites, Compt. rend., 186, 1852-1855 (1928).
Mauguin, C. H., Unit Cell of Chlorites, Bull. soc. fran~. mineral., 53,279-300 (1930).
Oreel, J., Chemical Composition of the Chlorites, Bull. soc. fran!;. mineral., 50, 70-454
Serdyuchenko, D. P., Chemical Constitution of the Chlorites, Doklady Akad. N auk
SSSR, 60, 1561-1564 (1948).
Stephen, I., and D. M. C. MacEwan, Swelling Chlorite, Mineralog. Soc. Gr. Britain
Clay Mineral Btdl. 4 (1949).
Barshad, L, Vermiculite in Soil Clays, Soil Sci., 61, 423-442 (1946).
Caillere, S., and S. Henin, Transformation of ,Minerals of the Montmorillonite Family
into 10 A Micas, Mineralog. Mag., 28, 606-611 (1949).
Caillere, S., and S. Henin, Experimental Formation of Chlorites from Montmoril-
, nite, Mineralog. Mag., 28, 612-620 (1949).
K "ntzer, V. P., Vermiculite Structure, lJtern. soc. russe mineral., ser. 2, 63,464-480
MacEwan, D. M. C., Chlorites and Vermiculites in Soil Clays, Verre 8ilicate8 ind., 13,
41-46 (1948).
Structure of the Clay Minerals 83
Wager, L. R., Hydrobiotite, Proc. Yorkshire Geol. Soc., 25,366-372 (1944).
Walker, G. F., The Decomposition of Biotite in Soils, Mineralog., Mag., 28, 693-703
Caillere, S., and S. Renin, New Observations on the Mineral from Allevard-a Type
of Very Aluminous Palygorskite, Compt. rend., 222, 328-329 (1946).
Caillere, S., and S. Henin, Application de l'analyse thermique diff6rentielle i11'etude
des argiles des sols, Ann. agron., 17, Part 1, pp. 23-72 (1947).
Caldwell, O. G., and C. E. Marshall, A Study of Some Chemical and Physical Proper-
ties of the Clay Minerals Nontronite, Attapulgite and Saponite, Call. Agr. Univ.
Missouri Research Bull. 354 (1942).
De Lapparent, J., Formula and Structure of Attapulgite, Compt. rend., 202, 1728-1731
De Lapparent, J., The Constituents of Fuller's Earths, Ann. office nail. combustibles
liquides, pp. 863-943 (1936).
De Lapparent, J., A propos de l'attapulgite, Z. Krist., 97, 237-248 (1937).
De Lapparent, J., Formules structurales et classification des argiles, Z. Krist., 98,
233-258 (1938). '
Deribere, M., Le Mineral papyrace de la table (Savoie), Bull. soc. franr;. mineral., 66,
222-237 (1943). .",-
Kaufman, A. J., Fibrous Sepiolites from Yavapai County, Arizona, Am. Mineral., 28,
512-520 (1943). ~
Longchambon, II., and G. Migeon, Sur la definition des sepiolites, Campt. rend., 200,.
1946-1949 (1935). _
Longchambon, H., and G. l\1igeon, Sur les sepiolites, Campi. rend., 204, 431-434
(1936). /'
Longchambon, H., Sur les caracteristiques des palygorskites, Campt. rend., 204,55-58
(1937). /"
Marshall, C. E., and O. G. Caldwell, The Colloid Chemistry of the Clay Mineral
Attapulgite, J. Phys. Chern., 51, 311-320 (1947).
Urbain, P., Classification of Hydrated Aluminum Silicates, Compt. rend. soc. geol.
France, pp. 147-149 (1936).
X-ray-diffraction Data
In this chapter X-ray-diffraction data are given for the clay minerals,
together with a discussion of the application of these data in their
identification. The diffraction characteristics of many of the clay
minerals have considerable similarity so that identifications based on
diffraction data are frequently complicated.
X-ray-diffraction data are given in this chapter and the tables to follow
in kX units, i.e., they are based on comparisons with the values for calcite.
Recent determinations of Avogadro's number, on which the calculated
value of the absolute calcite spacing depends, show that values expressed
in kX units are converted to angstroms by multiplying by 1.00202. 1- 3
The difference between kX and angstrom units is significant only when
measurements are accurate to 0.5 per cent.
The diffraction data are given in kX units since the most complete data
available are in this unit in the recent volume" X-ray Identification and
Structure of the Clay Minerals" edited by G. W. Brindley and published
as a monograph by the Mineralogical Society of Great Britain. The
diffraction data here are taken from this volume, for which permission was
kindly granted.
Clay minerals exist for the most part only in very fine particles, and
some form of the powder method usually must be used to obtain the
diffraction data. Because of certain inherent characteristics of the clay
minerals, special cameras and special techniques are frequently required
for clay-mineral work. Cameras and techniques entirely adequate for
other materials have been found to be unsatisfactory for clay-mineral
investigations. Brindley 4 has recently considered X-ray methods as
applied to clay-mineral researches, and the following discussion is largely
the Clay Minerals," Chap. I, pp. 1-31, Mineralogical Society of Great Brit.ain M('""-
graph (1951).
X-ray-diffraction Data 85
taken from his work. For a consideration of X-ray methods in general,
the standard works of Bragg,5,6 Buerger,7 James,s Wilson,9 et al. IO should
be consulted.
In the clay minerals there are few, if any, reflections obtained from
spacings less than about 1 kX, and therefore with copper Ka radiation, it
is unnecessary to extend either the film or the camera to values of 2()
greater than about 90 0 or 100 0 The specimen, therefore, can be brought
nearer the focus of the X-ray tube and the exposure time shortened by
omitting that part of the usual cylindrical camera corresponding to
90 < 2() < 180 0
The first-order basal reflections of the clay minerals are frequently
their most important reflections. Such reflections may correspond to
spacings as large as 20 to 30 A, and it is to obtain clear recordings of such
low-angle reflections that special cameras and special techniques have
been devised. Further, it may be necessary to study the exact shape or
profile of such a reflection, and for this purpose cameras capable
of recording spacings of the order of 50 A are requiredy,12 Cameras
with diameters of 9 to 20 em are commonly employed in clay-mineral
Most of the clay minerals occur in flake-shaped units, and consequently
when a powder is packed, an aggregate orientation of the flakes develops
readily. Thus, care must be taken in the preparation and mounting of
clay samples in the camera, or enhanced basal reflections will be obtained
from an aggregate arrangement. For some types of work where basal
reflections are particularly desirable, as in the study of mixed-layered
structures, advantage may be taken of this tendency to develop oriented
aggregates. Bradley, Grim, and Clark l3 have described a method of
forming well-oriented aggregates and using them in X-ray-diffraction
In the montmorillonite and vermiculite clay minerals the basal spacings
vary with the humidity of the atmosphere to which they are subjected.
'Bragg, W. L., "The Crystalline State," G. Bell, London (1933).
6 Bragg, W. L., "Atomic Structure of Minerals," Oxford, New York (1937).
1 Buerger, M. L., "X-ray Crystallography," Wiley, New York (1942).
the Clay Minerals," Chap. II, pp. 32-75, Mineralogical Society of Great Britain
Monograph (1951).
20 Gruner, J. W., Crystal Structure of Dickite, Z. Krist., 83,394-404 (1932).
Optical Properties of the Kaolin Group with Its Structure, Z. Krist., 85, 345-354
88 Clay Mineralogy
(From Brindley and Robinson 16-18 taken from Brindley's text l9 )
I d hkl hkl d I or hk d I
{ 113
1 2.243 132,040
-- - - - --------- 04,22 2.218 1
3 2.182 132, 220 ------~
2 2.127 023,041
1- 2.057 222
7 1.985 {2132/132
Q3 --- 203} 1.977 41
4 1.935 {132
2 1.892 133
1 1.865 042
4 1.835 133,202,223
1 1.805 114,223
5 1.778 004 ~004 1.7B5 3 --004 1.800
X-fay-diffraction Data 89
I d hkl hid d I or hk d I
1.704 222
2 150,241,311 - - - - - - - - - ~
1.682 { 3IT,222
rIO, 151 -----~
1.659 (!!f =l~~~~~~ ___ 2__ j31, 15,24
1.678 5
Nacrite* Dickite
d I d I d I d T
-~-- --_.--
7.08 10 7.12 10 7.15 10 7.16 10
4.40 8 4.43 4 4.432 6 4.443 7
4.13 3 4.361 6 4.366 7
3.93 2b 4.255 4 4.265 5
3.58 9 4.15 3 4.126 6 4.121 I 7
3.44 1b 3.95 5 3.962 2 3.\154 3
3.04 Jb 3.79 1-2 3.783 [> 3.790 8
2.537 1b 3 ..578 10 3.576 10+ 3.575 10-
2.418 10 3.4:~:J ),2-1 3.430 4 3.425 5
2.3\13 1-2 3.257 1 3.247 I
2.319 I? I
3.096 2 3.097 I 2
2.263 >-2- 1b 2.933 3 2.931 2
2.069 Ivb 2,786 2 2.790 2
1.902 2-3vb 2.634 1-2 I 2.647 1-2 2.651 72
1.795 1 2.566 3-4 I 2.560 4
1. 744 ;J,i-1b 2.514 4 2.518 1
1.675 2? 2,498 6 2.501 6
1.616 2b 2.384 5 2,381 3 2.383 3
1.583 1 2.328 5 2.315 7 2.318 8
1.486 8 2.180 72 d 2.206 2 2.207 2
1.455 4b 2.099 }-2 2.081 1 2.09\1 72
1.434 72-1 1.976 4
1.358 1-2vb 1.895 72
1.314 }-2 1.859 1
1.284 1 1.792 3
1.263 3 1.718 72
1.230 2vb 1.649 4
1.208 }-2-1 1.555 3 \
1.195 1 1.490
2 I~
1.431 2
1.391 1
1.374 1 I
1.317 4
* Nacrite; unfiltered Cu K radiations, camera radius 57.3 mm.
t Dickite; unfiltered Fe K radiations, camera radius 57.3 mm.
t Dickite; filtered Cll Ka radiations, camera radius 100 mm .
. b = broad lines; vb = very broad lines.
X-ray-diffraction Data 91
fine kaolinite, since the small size would also cause a broadening and
weakening of reflections.
In the case of halloysite (2H 20) the broadening of reflections, the
development of bands replacing adjacent lines, and the elimination of
weak reflections is carried to the stage (see Fig. 7, Chap. 4) where differ-
entiation is usually not difficult.
Halloysite (4H20) gives a basal reflection at about 10.1 kX, a second-
order reflection at about 5 kX, which is usually unobservable, and a
third-order reflection almost coinciding with the second order for halloy-
site (2H 20). Except for these few basal reflections, the patterns of the
two forms of halloysite consist of identical bands. Brindley 19 and Brown
and MacEwan 22 have shown in detail the diffraction effect resulting from
mixed layering of 4H 2 0 and 2H 2 0 forms when the interlayer water is
gradually eliminated. The 1O.1-kX spacing of halloysite (4H 20) occurs
at about the same place as the (001) basal spacing of the illites, but other
reflections usually serve to differentiate these minerals easily. Also the
reflection can be shifted in the halloysite mineral by drying at low tem-
perature, and the halloysite will adsorb certain organic molecules (see
Chap. 10), so that auxiliary procedures are available to identify the
Montmorillonite Trioctahedral
(Wyoming Hectorite soil mont-
Indices d(calc) bentonite) morillonite
d I S d I S d I
_- - - ~-- -- -- --
11,02 4.49 4.60 vs vbr 4.44 ms vbr 4.49 ms
4.42 mw
(3.03) (v)
13,20 2.59 2.55 s vbr 2.60} 8 br 2.64 mwbr
22,04 2.25 2.217 v10 br 2.294 v
31,15,24 1.703 1.689 m br 1.714 vw br 1. 736} v
33,06 1.500 1.489 V8 vsh 1.511 s vsh 1.533 m
(1.480) (v)
26,40 1.298 1.286 m br 1.302 ms sh 1.323 v
35, 17, 42 1.249 1.241 m sh 1.257 v10 sh
08,44 1.125 1.118 v10 sh
37,28,51 1.034 1.027 vw br 1.040 v10 sh
19,53,46 0.982 0.9745 10 br 0.986 mw br
55 0.900
39, 60 0.8665 0.8625 10 sh
-- --
mw sh
-- ._--
ao 5.20 5.16 5.23 5.31
bo 9.00 8.93 9.07 9.20
Structure of the Clay Minerals," Chap. IV, pp. 86-137, Mineralogical Society of
Great Britain Monograph (1951).
X-ray-diffraction Data 93
As will be shown elsewhere (see Chap. 10), montmorillonite possesses
the property of adsorbing certain organic molecules between the indi-
vidual silicate layers with a consequent shift in the c dimension depending
on the size and configuration of the organic molecule. Such resulting
montmorillonite-organic complexes, as Bradleylo showed, have a high
degree of regularity, yielding sharp (OOl) lines of many orders. For
example, treatment of a sample of montmorillonite with ethylene glycol
provides a sharp (001) reflection at 17 kX. Treatment with organic
compounds permits the detection of small amounts of the mineral which
would otherwise be missed in complex mixtures.
Diffraction data for muscovite and biotite 24 and three illites 25- 27 are
given in Table 7, from Grim, Bradley, and Brown.28 The illite minerals
can usually be identified on the basis of X-ray diffraction by their (OOl)
spacings with the first order at about 10 kX. Some difficulty may be
encountered with completely collapsed montmorillonite, but the slightly
lower (001) reflection for it and the characteristics of the remainder of the
pattern are generally adequate to distinguish it from illite.
Differentiation of the polymorphic forms of mica by X-ray diffraction
is not always an easy matter. Grim, Bradley, and Brown 28 have shown
that the reflections in the region between 4.4 and 2.6 kX can usually be
used to distinguish micas of one-, two-, and three-layer unit cells (see
Table 8). This region includes only (02l) and (lll) reflections except for
one strong basal order at 3.33 kX.
Grim, Bradley, and Brown,28 Walker,27 and others29 have pointed out
that the position of the (060) reflection and the intensity of the second-
order basal reflection can usually be used to distinguish between diocta-
hedral and trioctahedral micas. For the dioctahedral forms, (060) is
close to 1.50 kX and (002) is strong. For the trioctahedral forms, (060)
25 Grim, R. E., R. H. Bray, and 'V. F. Bradley, The Mica in Argillaceous Sediments,
Am. Mineral., 22, 813-829 (1937).
26 Mackenzie, R. C., G. F. Walker, and R. Hart, Illite in Decomposed Granite at
Ballatcr, Aberdeenshire, Mineralog. Mag., 28, 704-714 (1949).
27 Walker, G. F., Trioctahedral Minerals in Soil-Clays of Northeast Scotland,
Identification and Structure of the Clay Minerals," Chap. V, pp. 138-172, Mineralog-
ical Society of Great Britain Monograph (1951).
29 MacEwan, D. M. C., Les Mineraux argileux de quelques sols ecossais, Verre
d I d I d I d I d I
--- --- --- ---
9.98 8 10.1 V8 9.98 8 9.9 8 10.0 10
5.0 8 4.97 w 4.9 m 4.94 2
4.49 s 4.58 1.0 4.47 s 4.45 vs 4.47 9
4.28 1.0
4.11 v1.o 4.10 1.0
3.91 1.0 3.87 m
3.73 1.0 3.7 v1.o 3.64 m1.O 3.68 2b
3.5 m 3.4 v1.o
3.33 vs 3.36 vs 3.31 m 3.35 V8 3.32 9
3.2 m 3.15 v1.o 3.2 v1.o 3.16 0.5
3.00 m 2.98 1.0 3.09 m1.Od
2.88 m 2.91 v1.o 2.84 v1.o 2.85 md 2.86 1
2.0 m
2.57 vs 2.65 s 2.56 s 2.56 V8 2.60 6
2.51 1.0 2.50 1
2.475 1.Ob 2.45 s 2.44 1.0 2.45 m1.O 2.41 4
2.385 m 2.38 m 2.39 m
2.28} 2.282 v1.o 2.24 m 2.235 m1.O
2.19 2.183 s 2.18 1.0 2.158 2
2.134 s 2.11 1.0 2.14 m
1.995 vs 2.002 s 1.98 m 1.988 m 1.982 1
1.911 v1.o 1. 94 1.0
1. 73 v1.O 1.752 v1.O 1.689 } 3
1.651 sb 1.672 s 1.65 1.0 1.647 md 1.639
1.546 v1.O 1 ..551} 1.64 m
1.523 vw 1.527 1.53 6
1..50 s 1.50 s 1.497 8
1.45 v1.O 1.474 v1.O 1.446 0.5
1.421 vw 1.428 v1.o
1.:~77} m 1.361 m
1 ..'334 1.0 1.34 v1.o 1.342 m1.Od
1.31 1.0 1.320 0.5
1.296 m 1.29 m 1.294 m
1.266 1.0
1.247 m 1.24 1.0 1.243 m1.O
Valnes for biotite and Walker's illite with Fe Ka. radiations; other samples with
Cu Ka. radiations.
* Muscovite and biotite from Nagclschmidt."4
t Illite, Gilead, Illinois, from Grim, Bray, and Bradley."5
tIllite, Ballater, Scotland, from Mackenzie, 'Walker, and Hart.26
Illite, Carden Wood, Scotland (tri,!ctahedral), from WalkerY
X-ray-diffraction Data 95
(From Grim, Bradley, and Brown 28 )
III 4.29 w
022 4.11 w 4.17 021 4.14 013
112 3.95 vw
113 3.87 m 3.95 111 014 3.91 w
023 3.72 m 3.79 w
113 3.55 vw 3.63 vw 112 3.60 8 015 3.65 m
114 :3.475 m 3.53 w
024 3.32 * 3.39 * 022 3.34 t 016 3.39 rn
114 3.20 m-8 3.27 w
115 3.10 vw 3.15 112 3.10 8 017 3.15 8
025 2.98 8 3.03 w-rn
115 2.86 m 2.91 vw 113 2.93 rn 018 2.90 8
116 2.78 m 2.83 w
026 2.68 2.73 vw 023 2.71 vw 019 2.70 m
-, of Agriculture
. ~ "hra Pradesh
L.J...A-J. 11 'I. ~ .......
96 Clay Mineralogy
~~004 005
o 002
2AQ.3+ ItAQ.3,+ 1- Fe3 + IA23i'Fe3 + t A2 3,+ It Fe3 + 2 Fe3+
FIG. 20. Graph showing the change in intensities of the (001) reflections with varying
composition of the octahedral layer for a dioctahedral mica, after Grim, Bradley, and
3Mg 2tMg,tFe 2Mg,IFe I~Mg,ltFe IMg,2Fe kMg,2tFe 3Fe
FIG.21. Graph showing the change in intensities of the (001) reflections with varying
composition of the octahedral layer for a trioctahedral mica, after Grim, Bradley and
Brown.' s
X-ray-diffraction Data 97
mica is mainly ferriferous in octahedral positions. If the mineral is known to be
of the trioctahedral variety the third and fifth orders should be compared. If the
third and fifth orders are of similar intensity, then the mica is of the magnesium
end of the series, but if the third order is stronger than the fifth order, then the
mica is highly ferriferous.
The intensities shown in Figs. 20 and 21 were calculated from the
formula for a single crystal
1001 = F~o/;e
Sheridanitc * Sheridanite t Penninitet
after 600C
d I d I d I d I
-- ~--_
575 (1939).
33 'Walker, G. F., Vermiculites and Some Related Mixed-Layer Minerals, "X-Ray
Identification and Structure of the Clay Minerals," Chap. VII, pp. 199-223, Mineral-
ogical Society of Great Britain Monograph (1951).
34 Longchambon, H., Sur certaines caracteristiques de la sepiolite d' Ampandandrava
et la formule des sepiolites, Bull. 80C. jrant;. mineral., 60, 232-276 (1937).
35 Bradley, W. F., The Structural Scheme of Attapulgite, Am. Mineral., 25, 405-413
100 Clay Mineralogy
(After Gruner 32 )
d I d I d I d I
hkl d I d I
,', .
X-ray-diffraction Data 105
Powder Diagrams, "X-ray Identification and Structure of the Clay Minerals,"
Chap. XIV, pp. 314-320, Mineralogical Society of Great Britain Monograph
Brindley, G. W., and J. Mering, Diffraction by Random Layers, Nature, 161, 774
Correns, C. W., and M. Mehmel, Ueber den optischen und rontgenographischen
Nachweis von Kaolinit, Halloysit, und Montmorillonit, Z. Krist., 94, 337-348
De Lapparent, J., Formules structurales et classification des argiles, Z. Krist., 98,
233-248 (1938).
Favejee, J. C. L., Zur Methodik der rontgenographischen Bodenforschung, Z. Krist.,
100, 425-436 (1939); 101, 259-270 (1939).
Favejee, J. C. L., Quantitative rontgenographische Bodenforschung, Z. Krist., 101,
259-269 (1939).
Favejee, J. C. L., Quantitative X-ray Analysis of Some Dutch Soils, Overdruk uit
Mededul. Landbouwhoogeschool, 43,43-51 (1939).
Guinier, A. J., X-ray Focusing Cameras, Ann. phys., 12, 161-237 (1939).
Guinier, A. J., Imperfections of Crystal Lattices, Proc. Phys. Soc. (London), 57, 310-
324 (1945).
Hendricks, S. B., Continuous Scattering of X-rays from Layer Silicates, Phys. Rev.,
57,448-454 (1940).
Kerr, P. F., Attapulgus Clay, Am. Mineral., 22, 534-550 (1937).
Kerr, P. F., P. K. Hamilton, and R. J. Pill, X-ray Diffraction Measurements, "Analy-
tical Data on Reference Clay Minerals," pp. 1-37, Prelim. Rept. 7, American
Petroleum Institute Project 49, Columbia University, New York (1950).
MacEwan, D. M. C., The Identification and Estimation of the Montmorillonite
Group of Minerals with Special Reference to Soil Clays, J. Soc. Chem. Ind. (Lon-
don), 65, 298-304 (1946).
MacEwan, D. M. C., and J. L. Amoros, Roentgenographic Investigation of Clays,
Anales edafol. fisiol. vegetal., 9, 363-379 (1950).
Mehmel, M., Datensammlung zum Mineralbestimmung mit Rontgenstrahlen,
Fortschr. Mineral. Krist. Petrog., 23,91-118 (1939).
Nagelschmidt, G., Identification of Minerals in Soil Colloids, J. Agr. Sci., 29,477-501
Nagelschmidt, G., Aggregate Technique, J. Sci. Instruments, 18, 100-101 (1941).
Nagelschmidt, G., "Mineralogy of Soil Colloids," Imp. Bur. Soil Sci. Tech Com. 42,
Harpenden, England (1944).
Nagelschmidt, G., and D. Hicks, The Mica of Certain Coal Measure Shales in South
Wales, Mineralog. Mag., 26, 297-303 (1943).
Shearer, J., An X-ray Camera for Clay Studies, J. Sci. Instruments, 21,198-200 (1944).
Van der Marel, H. W., Identification of Minerals in Soil Clays by X-ray Diffraction,
Soil Sci., 70, 109-136 (1950).
Von Englehardt, W., Ueber silikatische Tonminerale, Fortschr. Mineral. Krist.
Petrog., 21, 276-340 (1937).
Winkler, H., Zur Kristallstruktur von Montmorillonit, Z. Krist., 107,291-303 (1943).
Zvyagin, B. B., and Z. G. Pinsker, Electronographic Determinations of the Structure
of Montmorillonite, Doklady Akad. Nauk SSSR, 68, 65-67 (1949).
Many of the references given with Chap. 4 on Structure of the Clay Minerals also
contain X-ray-diffraction data.
\ .
Shape and Size-Electron Micrographs
The use of the electron microscope has permitted the precise determina-
tion of the shape of the particles of various ,clay minerals and has shed
light on the range of particle size of the components of clay and on the
degree to which the particle size can be reduced when the clay is worked
mechanically with water. Numerous investi~~ators have publis]jJ.ed
electron micrographs of the clay minerals and discussed electron-micro-
scopic techniques as applied to clay-mineral researches. Particularly
worthy of mention are the contributions of Ardenne,1 Eitel,2 Middel,3
Humbert,4 Shaw,5 Marshall,6 Alexander,7 Moore,8 Bates,9 Kerr,10 and
their various collaborators. For general details of technique, the works
of these authors should be consulted, as well as the texts by Zworykin
et al. 11 and Cosslett. 12
1 Ardenne, M. von, K. Endell, and U. Hofmann, Investigation of the finest Frac-
tion of Bentonite and Clay Soil with the Universal Electron Microscope, Ber. deut.
keram. Ges., 21, 209-227 (1940).
2 Eitel, W., and O. E. Radczewski, On Recognition of Montmorillonite Clay
Particles with the Electron Microscope, II, Beidellite, Nontronite, Magnesium Ben-
tonite, and Attapulgite, Soil Sci., 54, 149-158 (1942).
7 Alexander, L. T., G. T. Faust, S. B. Hendricks, H. Insley, and H. F. McMurdie,
Relationship of the Clay Minerals Halloysite and Endellite, Am. Mineral., 28, 1-18
8 Moore, C. A., Some Geological Applications of the Electron Microscope, Proc.
"Electron Optics and the Electron Microscope," \Viley, New York (1945).
12 Cosslett, V. E., "Introduction to Electron Optics," Oxford, New York (1946).
Shape and Size-Electron Micrographs 107
Some of the electron micrographs presented herein are reproduced
with permission from the reporVo of Project 49 of the American Petro-
leum Institute. Other electron micrographs published in this vol-
ume were kindly obtained by Prof. T. A. Bates of Pennsylvania
State College expressly for this volume. It is desired to acknowledge
the great kindness and courtesy of Professor Kerr and the American
Petroleum Institute in permitting the reproduction of their micrographs
and of Professor Bates for supplying and permitting the publication of
his work.
In electron microscopy, the image formation is due to the scattering
of electrons as the electron beam passes through the sample. In the
early work, the clay-mineral partieles were mounted directly in the
electron beam without any treatment. In later work the shadow method
of preparing samples has been used frequently in order to show the thick-
ness of the units better and to increase the contrast of the particles against
the background. In the shadow method, mounted specimens are placed
in a metal evaporator, where some metal, frequently uranium or beryl-
lium, is evaporated onto the specimen mounts obliquely. The angle of
deposition of the metal is varied according to the thickness of particles
in the sample. Angles of about 10 are used for thin particles, while
angles up to 30 are used for thicker particles. Direct magnifications of
from 3,000 to 15,000 are obtained, and these are increased from three to
five times by photographi'p enlargement.
Both positive and negative prints are used in this volume. The posi-
tive prints cast white shadows, and the negative prints cast black
In electron microscopy the specimens become heated by energy
absorption. Since heating to low temperature (60 to 100C) causes
dehydration reactions of some of the clay minerals, e.g., halloysite,
vermiculite, and montmorillonite, care must be taken to register the
original character of these minerals.
HasV3 has applied the replica technique to the study of clay. In his
method, a replica peel of cellulose nitrate is obtained from a freshly frac-
tured surface of the clay. The peel is obtained by coating the surface of
the clay with cellulose nitrate dissolved in amyl acetate and allowing the
acetate to evaporate. The peel is coated with vaporized beryllium or
aluminum 25 to 50 A thick, after which the cellulose nitrate film is dis-
solved away in amyl acetate. The metal replica is then mounted in the
electron beam. Applying the technique to bentonites, HasV3 has found
evidence of a "thread-like" stacking arrangement of the montmorillonite
particles. Further work is necessary before the apparent results yielded
by the method can be evaluated.
13 Hast, N., Structure of Clays, Nature, 159,354-357 (1947).
108 Clay Mineralogy
.",'~_ ,
", .
FIG. 22. Electron micrograph of allophane, Lawrence County, Indiana, from Kerr.
FIG. 34. Electron micrograph of nontronite, Sandy Ridge, North Carolina, from
FlG. 35. Electron micrograph of saponite, Death Valley, California, from Ee.IT.
Shape and Size-Electron Micrographs 119
(brammallit ), outh " 'al s, from Bates.
122 Clay 1\lineralogy
lon.ites. The particles of illite are, however, larger and thicker and have
better-defined edges.
Figure 40 shows lath-shaped particles of illite obtained in studies by
Dr. C . E. Weaver 16 of Pennsylvania State College. With the exception
of morphology, this material has aU the attributes of other illites. It
occurs in the -I-micron fraction of a sandstone. The hexagonal fiakes
associated with the laths are probably kaolinite. The significance of an
elongate form of illite has not been determined.
Vermiculite and Chlorite. No information is available regarding the
electron micrography of the vermiculite and chlorite clay minerals. It
appears probable from structural considerations that electron micrographs
of these minerals would be similar to those of the illites, except that
vermiculite might occur in tmnner Bakes.
Attapulgite-Sepiolite-Palygorskite . Attapulgite is shown by electron
micrographs (Fig. 41) to occur in single laths and bundles of laths.
There appears to be no evidence of a tubular form like that found for
halloysite. The laths attain a maximum length of about 4 to 5 microns,
a maximum thickness of 50 to 100 A, and a width only two or three times
the thickness. There appears to be a tendency for two or three laths to
form a parallel bundle or for a great many laths to form thick bundles.
16 Weaver, C. E., manuscript in preparation.
FlO. 42. Electron micrograph of alpha sepiolite, Uttle Cottonwood, Utah, from Kerr.
'. .I
\ ~
Shape and Size- Electron i\'firrographs 125
Some sepiolites are elongate and fibrous like attapulgite (Fig. 42), and
this type has been called alpha-sepiolite or parasepiolite by Fersmann. 17
Other sepiolites, called beta-sepiolite by Fersmann, are composed of
extremely small flake-shaped units of irregular outline (Fig. 43) . In
some cases the elongate variety appears to have a tubular character, but
this attribute has not yet been definitely established. The sepiolite
fibers are about the same size as those of attapulgite. The dimensions
of the flaky variety are not well known, but the maximun dimension is
less than about 1 micron. The cause of the difference between the two
types is not known definitely, but it may be that the flake shape results
from some replacement of magnesium by aluminum in the structure.
Mixed-layer Minerals. Adequate data for any generalizations on the
electron micrography of mixed-layer minerals are not available. Figure
44 was obtained from a metabentonite composed of a random inter-
stratification of about 80 per cent illite (nonexpanding, dioctahedral) and
20 per cent expandable clay mineral. The micrograph shows thin flakes
with irregular but well-defined outlines. The flakes are quite thin, and
there is rather little tendency for them to aggregate.
Eitel, W., The Electron Microscope and Its Use in Ceramic Problems, Ber. deut.
keram. Ges., 24,37-53 (1943).
Endell, J ., The Study of the Fine Structure of Clays by Means of the Supermicro-
scope, Keram. Rundschau, 49, 23-26 (1941).
Jackson, M. L ., W. J. Mackie, and R. P. Pennington, Electron Microscope Applica-
t,ions in Soils Research, Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc., 22, 57-63 (1947 ).
Kelley, O. J ., and B. T. Shaw, Studies of Clay Particles with the E lectron Micro-
scope, III, Hydrodynamic Considerations in Relation to Shape of Particles, Soil
Sci. Soc. Am. Proc., 7, 58-62 (1942).
Noll, W., The Electron Microscope in the Study of Hydrothermal Silicate Reactions,
Kolloid-Z., 107, 181-190 (1944) .
Prebus, A. F., The Electf(m Microscope, Ohio State Univ. Studies Eng. Expt. Sta. News,
14,7-32 (1942).
Waterman, A. T. , The Electron Microscope, Am. J. Sci., 239, 386-388 (1941).
17 Fersmann, A. E., Parasepiolite, Bull. Acad. Sci. St. Petersburg, ser. 6, 2, 263
110 Clay Mineralogy
hexagonal outline can be seen (Fig. 29). In these samples, the flakes are
generally less than about 1 micron in diameter, and the thickness is about
0.025 to 0 .15 micron.
Halloysite . Numerous investigators have shown that the morphology
of halJoysite is quite different from that .of kaolinite, the former being
elongate instead of flake-shaped (Figs. 30 and 31). Pr~marily because of
the work of Bates,9 halloysite is now known to appear in electron micro-
graphs as elongate tubular particles. Convincing evidence.of the tubular
development is furnished by the doughnut forms, believed to be the ends
of tubular particles, that are seen in some electron micrographs. Some-
times it is difficult to determine if the halloysite particles are actually
tubes or flake-shaped units which have curled and rolled up at their
edges. Bates 14 states his belief that the rolling-up process is possible in
very thin flakes where the number of silicate layers- is so few that the
strain produced by the misfit of silicon-oxygen and aluminum-hydroxyl
sheets in each layer is not overcome by the cumulative effect of interlayer
bonds between a large number of successive layers.
Bates has determined the dimensions of the halloysite' tubes from the
electron micrographs of many samples. The outside diameters were
found to range from 0.04 to 0.19 micron with a median value of 0.07
micron. Inside diameters were found to have a median value of 0 .04
14 Bates, T. F., Personal Communication.
FIG. 24. Electron micrograph of kaolinite, l\1acon, Georgia, from Kerr.
Ele tron micrograph of kaolinite, Mesa Alta, New Mexico, from Kerr .
t--_ _I..:.
M__.__ .;..f
FIG. 30. Ele troll micrograph of haHoysite, British Guiana, from Bates .
micron with a range from 0.02 to 0.1 micron. The average wall thickness
was found to be 0.02 micron. Figure 31 shows a high degree of uni-
formity of size among the halloysite particles; this feature is not char-
acteristic of many halloysites from other localities.
Some of the electron micrographs of halloysite (2H 20) show split ends
and partially unrolled tubes. This phenomenon appears to develop as a
consequence of the change from the .J:H 20 to the 2H 20 form of the
Montmorillonite. Numerous electron micrographs of montmorillonite
(Figs. 32 and 33) show irregular fluffy masses of extremely small par-
ticles. Frequently, details concerning the individual particles are not
revealed, but in some cases the larger masses appear to be stackings of
flake-shaped units without regular outlines. Some of the individua1
particles appear to be about 0.002 micron thick, from which it can be con-
cluded that at least some montmorillonites break down relatively easily
to flakes approaching unit-cell thickness. Accurate estimations of the
areal dimensions of the flakes are difficult to (lbtain because of their
irregularity but are probably of the order of 10 to 100 times the thickness.
Mathieu-Sicaud, Mering, and Perrin-BonneV have shown that
variations in the exchangeable cation carried by montmorillonites are
reflected in their appearance in electron micrographs. According to
them, Na montmorillonite appears as a more or less continuous, nebulous,
film-like assemblage, frequently showing cracks intersecting at 120.
H montmorillonite appears as a mosaic of aggregate masses with distinct
hexagonal outlines, which are often 300 A in diameter and 50 to 80 A
thick. Ca montmorillonite appears as irregular aggregates, which
incl'ease in size as the preparatory suspension is aged. At concentl"a-
tions of Ca++ at least equal to the cation-exchange capacity, the aggre-
gates grow in thickness as well as laterally. According to Mathieu-
Sicaud et al.15 these differences are due to variations in the attraction
between the montmorillonite particles and in the relative strength of the
attractive forces at the edges of the particles and on their basal planes.
Electron micrographs of nontronite show that the iron-rich member of
the montmorillonite group tends to occur in elongate lath-shaped units
(Fig. 34), although flakes, needles, and rods of varying size are also
evident. In som-e samples the particles appear to show striations pamllel
to the maximum dimension. The length of the laths may reach several
mkrons and is frequently about five times the width dimension. The
thickness of the laths has a minimum dimension of the order of one or a
few unit cells.
15 Mathien-Sicaud, A., J. Mering, and I. Perrin-Bonnet, Etude au microscope
electronique de Ill. montmorillonite et de l'hectorite saturees par differents cations,
B1.Jl. $()C. iran!;. mi1~eral., 74, 439-456 (1951).
FIG. 32. Electl'On micrograph of montmorillonite, Yavapai County, Arizona, from
108 Clay Mineralogy
FIG. 34. Electron micrograph of nontronite, Sandy Ridge, North Carolina, from
FlO. 35. Electron micrograph of saponite, Death Valley, California, from Ken.
Shape and Size-Electron Micrographs 119
(brammallitc) outh IYaleR, from Bates.
122 Clay Mineralogy
Ionites. The particles of illite are, however, larger and thicker and have
better-defined edges.
Figure 40 shows lath-shaped particles of illite obtained in studies by
Dr. C. E. Weaver 16 of P ennsylvania State College. With the exception
of morphology, this material has all the attributes of other illites. It
occurs in th e -I-micron fraction of a sandstone. The hexagonal flakes
associated with the laths ani probably kaolinite. The significance of an
elongate form of illite has not been determined.
Vermiculite and Chlorite. No information is available regarding the
electron micrography of the vermiculite and chlorite clay minerals. It
appears probable from structural considerations that electron micrographs
of these minerals would be similar to those of the mites, except that
vermiculite might occur in thinner flakes.
Attapulgite-Sepiolite-Palygorskite. Attapulgite is shown by electron
micrographs (Fig. 41) to occur in single laths and bundles of laths.
There appears to be no evidence of a tubular form like that found for
halloysite. The laths attain a maximum length of about 4 to 5 microns,
a maximum thickness of 50 to 100 A, and a width only two or three times
the thickness. There appears to be a tendency for two or three laths to
form a parallel bundle or for a great many laths to form thick bundles.
16 Weaver, C. E., manuscript in. preparation.
FlO . 42. Electron micrograph of alpha sepiolite, Little Cottonwood, Utah, from Kerr.
FIG. 43. E lectro n micrograph of beta sepiolite, Baldissaro, Italy, from Kerr.
Shape and Size- Electron Micrographs 125
Some sepiolites are elongate and fibrous like attapulgite (Fig. 42), and
this type has been called alpha-sepiolite or parasepiolite by Fersmann. 17
Other sepioli"tes, called beta-sepiolite by Fersmann, are composed of
extremely small flake-shaped units of irregular outline (Fig. 43). In
some cases the elongate variety appears to have a tubular character, but
this attribute has not yet been definitely established. The sepiolite
fibers are about the same size as those of attapulgite. The dimensions
of the flaky variety are not well known, but the maximun dimension is
less than about 1 micron. The cause of the difference between the two
types is not known definitely, but it may be that the flake shape results
from some replacement of magnesium by aluminum in the structure.
Mixed-layer Minerals. Adequate data for any generalizations on the
electron micrography of mixed-layer minerals are not available. Figure
44 was obtained from a metabentonite composed of a random inter-
stratification of about 80 per cent illite (nonexpanding, dioctahedral) and
20 per cent expandable clay mineral. The micrograph shows thin flakes
with irregular but well-defined outlines. The flakes are quite thin, ane!
there is rather little tendency for them to aggregate.
Eitel, W., The Electron Microscope and Its Use in Ceramic Problems, Ber. deut.
keram. Ges ., 24, 37-53 (1943).
Endell, J ., The Study of the Fine Structure of Clays by Means of the Supermicro-
scope, Keram. Rundschau, 49, 23-26 (1941) .
J ackson, M. L., W. J. Mackie, and R. P. Pennington, Electron Microscope Applica-
t.ions in Soils Research, Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc., 22,57-63 (1947 ).
Kelley, O. J., and B. T. Shaw, Studies of Clay Particles with the Electron Micro-
scope, III, Hydrodynamic Considerations in Relation to Shape of Particles, Soil
Sci. Soc. Am. Proc., 7, 58-62 (1942).
Noll, W., The Electron Microscope in the Study of Hydrothermal Silicate Reactions,
Kolloid-Z., 107, 181-190 (1944).
Prebus, A. F., The Electrcm Microscope, Ohio State Univ. Studies Eng . Expt. Sta. News,
14,7-32 (1942 ).
Waterman, A. T., The Electron Microscope, Am. J. Sci., 239, 386-388 (1941).
17 Fersmann, A. E ., Parasepiolite, Bldl. Acad. Sci. St. Petersburg, ser. 6, 2, 263
110 Clay Mineralogy
h exagonal outline can be seen (Fig. 29). In these samples, the flakes are
generally less than about 1 micron in diameter, and the thickness is about
0.025 to 0 .15 micron.
Halloysite . Numerous investigators have shown that the morphology
of haUoysite is quite different from that .of kaolinite, the former being
elongate instead of flake-shaped (Figs. 30 and 31). Pr~marily because of
the work of Bates,9 halloysite is now known to appear in electron micro-
graphs as elongate tubular particles. Convincing evidence.of the tubular
development is furnished by the doughnut forms, believed to be the ends
of tubular particles, that are seen in some electron micrographs. Some-
times it is difficult to determine if the halloysite particles are actually
tubes or flake-shaped units which have curled and rolled up at their
edges. Bates 14 states his belief that the rolling-up process is possible in
very thin flakes where the number of silicate layerS" is so few that the
strain produced by the misfit of silicon-oxygen and aluminum-hydroxyl
sheets in each layer is not overcome by the cumulative effect of interlayer
bonds between a large number of successive layers.
Bates has determined the dimensions of the halloysite tubes from the
electron micrographs of many samples. The outside diameters were
found to range from 0.04 to 0.19 micron with a median value of 0.07
micron. Inside diameters were found to have a median value of 0.04
14 Bates, T. F., Personal Communication.
FIG. 24. Electron micrograph of kaolinite, l\1&con, Georgia, from Kerr.
FIG. 25. Electron micrograph of kaolinite, Mesa Alta, New Mexico, from Kerr.
t -_ _I...:;.fJo.
_ _ __ 4
F IG. 27. Electron micrograph of anauxite, BiEn, Czechoslovakia, from Kerr.
FIG. 28. Electron micrograph of dickite, San Juanito, Mexico, from Kerr.
FIG. 30. Electron micrograph of halloysite, Briti, h Guiana, from Bate .
108 Clay Mineralogy
Eitel, W., The Electron Microscope and Its Use in Ceramic Problems, Ber. deut.
keram. Ges., 24, 37-53 (1943).
Endell, J., The Study of the Fine Structure of Clays by Means of the Supermicro-
scope, Keram. llundschau, 49, 23-26 (1941).
Jackson, M. L., 'V. J. Mackie, and R. P. Pennington, Electron Microscope Applica-
tions in Soils Research, Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc., 22,57-63 (1947).
Kelley, O. J., and B. T. Shaw, Studies of Clay Particles with the Electron Micro-
scope, III, Hydrodynamic Considerations in Relation to Shape of Particles, Soil
Sci. Soc. Am. Proc., 7, 58-62 (1942).
Noll, W., The Elcctron Microscope in the Study of Hydrothermal Silicate Reactions,
Ko/loid-Z., 107, 181-190 (1944).
Prebus, A. F., The Electron Microscope, Ohio State Univ. Studies Eng. Expt. Sta. News,
14,7-32 (1942).
Waterman, A. T., The Electron Microscope, Am. J. Sci., 239, 386-388 (1941).
17 Fersmann, A. E., Parasepiolite, Bull. Acad. Sci. St. Petersburg, ser. 6, 2, 263
Ion Exchange
The clay minerals have the property of'!orbing certain anions and
cations and retaining these in an exchangeable state; i.e., these ions are
exchangeable for other anions or cations by treatment with such ions in a
water solution [the exchange reaction also takes place sometimes in a
nonaqueous environment (see page 141)]. The exchange reaction is
stoichiometric. The exchangeable ions are held around the outside of
the silica-alumina clay-mineral structural unit, and the exchange reaction
generally does not affect the structure of the silica-alumina packet. A
simple and well-known example of the ion-exchange reaction is the soften-
ing of water by the use of zeolites, permutites, or carbon exchangers.
The property of exchange capacity is measured in terms of milli-
equivalents per gram or more frequently per 100 g. One equivalent of
Na+ expressed as Na 2 0 would be a combining weight of 31 and 1 meq per
100 g would be equal to 0.031 per cent Na 20. Exchange capacity is
determined at neutrality, i.e., pH 7.
Vastly more information is available regarding cation exchange than
anion exchange, and although they will be considered separately, an
elaborate discussion of all the aspects of anion exchange is not possible at
this time. In clay materials the commonest exchangeable cations are
Ca++, Mg++, H+, K+, NHt, Na+, frequently in about that order of
general relative abundance. The common anions in clay materials
are sn;-, CI-, PO~-, NOs. The general relative abundance of the
anions is not yet known.
The property of ion exchange and the exchange reaction are of very
great fundamental and practical importance in all the fields in which clay
materials are studied and used. The significance of exchange reactions
in many fields has not always been appreciated even by those actively
working in these fields. Therefore, some significant applications of ion
exchange will be given so that its importance will be apparent.
In the field of soils, plant foods are frequently held in the soils as
exchangeable ions, and consequently their persistence in the soil and their
Ion Exchange 127
availability for plant growth depends on exchange reactions. For
example, the retention and availability of potash added in fertilizers
depends on cation exchange between the potash salt and the clay mineral
in the soil. Further, the tilth of the soil is frequently determined by the
character of the exchangeable ion, and it may be controlled by an
exchange reaction. Thus the presence of appreciable Na+ in a soil
makes it unsuitable for agriculture. The replacement of the N a+ by
another ion, usually Ca++, will generally make the soil suitable for
In the field of geology many examples could be given, but two will
suffice. Weathering processes involve the liberation of alkalies and
alkaline earths, which mayor may not be retained in the secondary
material, depending on exchange reactions. The nature of the weather-
ing product depends to a very great extent on whether or not the alkalies
and alkaline earths are retained and on which of them are preferentially
retained. Weathering is not simply the breakdown of the primary
minerals followed by leaching.
Variations in the amount and kind of certain ions in the environment of
accumulation of sedimentary rocks must be reflected in the exchangeable-
ion composition of argillaceous sediments. Therefore, exchangeable-ion
data should be of significance in determining the environment of accumu-
lation of ancient sediments.
In oceanography the concentration of sodium in sea water is to a con-
siderable extent a consequence of the cation-exchange properties of clay
materials which have accumulated in the sea. The relative exchange-
ability of the common cations brought to the sea and the property of some
clay minerals to fix K+ would lead to a concentration of sodium (see
pages 144-152).
Ion exchange is of very great importance in all the applied arts where
clay materials are used, or where the properties of clays are important,
because the physical properties of clay materials are frequently dependent
to a large extent on the exchangeable ions carried by a clay. Again many
examples of the great importance of this fact could be given, but a few
will suffice. In general the plastic properties of a clay or soil will be very
different depending on whether N a+ or Ca++ is the excharrgeable cation.
The ceramist, therefore, can change the plastic characteristics of many
clays to meet his needs by carrying out a base-exchange reaction. Thus,
it is common practice in the brick industry to add soda ash to the plastic
clay to improve its properties. The construction engineer, also, can
sometimes vary to suit his needs the property of a soil material on which,
through which, or with which he proposes to work.
Sometimes the construction engineer inadvertently causes an ion-
exchange reaction, by a shift of water table, emplacement of a mass of
128 Clay Mineralogy
concrete, etc., with an unexpected change in the properties of the soil.
If the changes in the plastic, compaction, and shrinkage properties result-
ing from such exchange reactions are not foreseen, the consequences may
be disastrous.
Bentonite clay is widely used for many purposes. For certain uses it
must form thixotropic suspensions in water. Only bentonites composed
of the clay mineral mOl)tmorillonite carrying N a+ as the exchangeable
ion mix with water to give suspensions of pronounced thixotropic
Clay Minerals, Indian Soc. Soil Sci. Bull. 4, pp. 41-61 (1942).
10 Mukherjee, J. N., R. P. Mitra, and D. K. Mitra, Electrochemical Properties of
Clay Minerals and the Differentiation of Hydrogen Clays and Bentonites by Electro-
chemical Methods, I, J. Phys. Chem., 47, 543-549 (1943).
11 Mitra, R. P., S. N. Bagchi, and S. P. Ray, Electrochemical Properties of Clay
/; v
10 10
9 p 9
8 P 8
7 n-- 4 7
_) )d
# ~
I-- ,/
..-0::::: ~
pH ~. pH
1(/ Illite < 2)-l
r-- 6
2 2
o 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 o 123 456
Milliequivalents No (OH) Milliequivalents No (OH)
per 100 Grams per 100 Grams
FIG. 45. Titration curves for hydrogen- FIG. 46. Titration curves for hy-
illite, after Marshall and Krinbill. 7 drogen-kaolinite, after Marshall and
Krinbill. 7
10.5 12
9.5 II
8.5 10
Bentonite <.2j-t b. 0.25%
3.5 .2.0% 00.98%
01.0% 02.90%
00.3% 8.80%
o 25 50 75 100 125 150 20~~2~0~4~0~6~0~8~0~10~0~12~0~14~0~16~0~180
Milliequivalents No (OH) Milliequivolents No (OH)
per 100 Grams per 100 Grams
FIG. 47. Titration curves for hy- FIG. 48. Titration curves for hydrogen-
drogen-montmorillonite (Wyoming montmorillonite (Indian bentonite), after
bentonite), after Marshall and Krin- Mukherjee and Mitra. 8
bill. 7
Ion Exchange 131
which the cation is sorbed, e.g., whether it is held between the sheets of
the layered minerals or around their edges. According to these workers,
this is an important cause of the variation in titration curves. The
possible positions for sorbed cations vary with the lattice structure of the
minerals, and consequently the variation of bonding energy for a given
cation would not be expected to be the same for all types of clay minerals
(see page 134).
It can be seen from Figs. 45 to 48 that the cation-exchange capacity of
montmoriilonite may vary with the concentration of the clay, particu-
larly at relatively high concentrations. Thus the cation-exchange
10.5 9
9.5 8
8.5 pH
pH 7
D.No (OH) 6.No (OH)
o Bo(OH)z o Bo (OH)z
o Co (OH)z o Co (OH)z
0 10 20 30 40 o 50 100 150
Milliequivalents of Base Milliequivalents of Bose
per 100 Grams per 100 Grams
FIG. 49. Titration curves for hydrogen- FIG. 50. Titration curves for hy-
kaolinite, after l\:fukherjee, Mitra, and drogen-bentonite (montmorillonite),
Mitra. 10 after Mitra, Bagchi, and Ray."
155-158 (1949).
14 Johnson, A. L., Surface Area and Its Effect on Exchange Capacity of Montmoril-
as Shown by Their Cationic Activities in Montmorillonite, Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc.,
lS, 179-182 (1948).
Ion Exchange 135
cations are likely to be ionized, and the percentage ionized depends on
the particular clay mineral, the amount of water, i.e., the concentration
of the clay-water system, the nature of the cations, the relative concen-
tration of the cations, and the nature of the adsorbed anions.
Marshalls has shown that, for alkali cations and for constant concen-
tration of cations, the order of ionization is kaolinite> montmorillonite
> illitc. An investigation 'of Na+, K+, NHt showed that the order of
these three cations is not consistently the same, although NHt generally
shows a lower fraction active. Attapulgite appears to give a higher
degree of ionization than kaolinite. With decreasing concentration of
a given clay the fraction active falls, and some data suggest that there is
a reversal at very low concentrations. Recent data from Marshall 19 in
Table 15, show the fraction of monovalent cations active in relation to
clay mineral, clay concentration, degree of saturation, and monovalent
cation employed.
The divalent ion Oa++ shows a lesser fraction ionized than Na+, and
less than K+ by a considerable factor. This factor is about ~~ for
kaolinite and H 0 to ~~ 0 for clays of the montmorillonite groups. Chat-
terjee and Marsha1l 20 have recently arrived at the following conclusions
regarding the ionization of Oa++, Ba++, and Mg++ for kaolinite, illite, and
montmorillonite: For these divalent ions, illite> montmorillonite, with
kaolinite varying in its relative position according to the nature of the
cation and the extent of neutralization. Recent data from Marshall 19
are given in Table 16, showing fraction active of Mg++, Oa++, and Ba++
in relation to clay mineral, degree of saturation, clay concentration, and
divalent cation employed. These data show, for example, that at 50 per
cent concentration the fraction of Oa++ active is slightly less for kaolinite
than for montmorillonite and considerably less than for illite. At 100
per cent concentration, the fraction of Ca++ active varies as follows:
illite < montmorillonite < kaolinite. At 50 per cent concentration, the
fraction of Mg++ active varies in the order kaolinite < montmorillonite
< illite, whereas at 100 per cent concentration the order is montmoril-
lonite < illite < kaolinite.
Data are not at hand for the ionization characteristics of the other clay
minerals. The complete structural implications of ionization studies
have not yet been worked out, but it seems clear that a single cation can
be held by a given clay mineral with different bonding energies. The
bonding energy is dependent in part on the position of the adsorbed
cation on the clay-mineral unit. Thus, cations between the basal plane
19 Marshall, C. E., The Electrochemistry of the Clay Minerals in Relation to
Pedology, Trans. 4th Intern. Congr. Soil Sci., 1,71-82 (1950).
20 Chatterjee, B., and C. E. Marshall, Studies in the Ionization of Mg++, Ca++,
Fraction active
Conccn- Assumed
Clay tration, meq/100 Cation Saturation
% g
50% 75% 100%
--------- ---
Montmorillonite ............. 2.8 100 Na 0.377 0.258 0.381
(Wyoming bentonite) ...... 3.3 100 K 0.295 0.271 0.297
3.0 100 NH4 0.264 0.249 0.245
Illite ....................... 10.0 28 Na 0.073 0.076 0.123
10.0 28 K 0.144 0.127 0.155
10.0 28 NH4 0.144 0.130 0.134
Kaolinite ................... 10.0 2.75 Na 0.263 0.246 0.312
10.0 2.75 K 0.192 0.215 0.297
10.0 2.75 NH4 0.234 0.239 0.263
Fraction active
Concen- Assumed
Clay tration, meq/100 Cation Saturation
% g
50% 75% 100%
Particle size, microns ...... ........ 2-1 1-0.5 0.5-0.2 0.2-0.05 -0.05
Cation-exchange capacity,
meq/100 g .............. Nontronite 60.8 61.0 64.3 57.0
Attapulgite 18.0 19.0 22.2 ~
Properties of the Clay Minerals Nontronite, Attapulgite, and Saponite, Missouri Agr.
Expt. Sta. Research Bull. 354 (1942).
26 Kelley, W. P., and H. Jenny, The Relation of Crystal Structure to Base-Exchange
and Its Bearing on Base-Exchange in Soils, Soil Sci., 41, 367-382 (1936).
~ f
Ion Exchange 139
(After Kelley and Jenny2S)
26 Laws, 'vV. D., and J. B. Page, Changes Produced in Kaolinite by Dry Grinding,
Soil Sci., 62,319-336 (1946).
21 Perkins, A. T., Kaolin and Treated Kaolins and Their Reactions, Soil Sci., 65,
185-192 (1948).
28 Wiegner, G., Zum Basenaustausch in der Ackererde, J. Landw., 60, 11-150 (1912).
29 Kelley, 'vV. P., and S. M. Brown, Replaceable Bases in Soils, Cal1j. Agr. Expt.
d(OOI), A Water
Heating Exchange-
Drying content *
temper- able
Mineral time, over
ature, Dry vVetted cations,
C days 35%
clay clay meq/lOOg
H 2SO 4
Between 390 and 490C the reduction is only to 39 meq, even though the
property of inner crystalline swelling is lost in this temperature interval.
At 700C, following the loss of lattice OH water from the Na montmoril-
lonite, the exchange capacity drops to 3.4 meq. For Li montmorillonite,
the exchange capacity is reduced to 56 meq on heating to only 105C,
which is below the point of loss of the swelling characteristic. Swelling
of this montmorillonite is lost at 125C, with a drop in exchange capacity
to 31 meq per 100 g.
The data of Hofmann and Endell 31 and Hofmann and Klemen 32 show
that the exchange capacity of montmorillonite is reduced to a considerable
extent by heating before the swelling property is lost. The amount of
reduction is large for montmorillonite saturated with Li+ and Ca++ and
31 Hofmann, U., and J. Endell, Die Abhangigkeit des Kationenaustausches und der
Quellung bie Montmorillonit von der Vorerhitzung, Ver. deut. Chemiker Beihefte, 35,
10 (1939).
32 Hofmann, U., and R. Klemen, Verlust der Austauschfiihigkeit von Lithiumionen
Bradfield, R., The Concentration of Cation:g in Clay Soils, J. Phys. Chem., 36,
340-347 (1932).
34 Graham, E. R., Calcium Transfer from MinElral to Plant through Colloidal Clay,
Soil Sci., 51,65-71 (1941).
35 Gieseking, J., The Clay Minerals in Soils, A4vances in Agron., 1, 159-204 (1949).
39 Jenny, H., Simple Kinetic Theory of Ionic Exchange: Ions of Equal Valency, J.
Determination of Replaceable Bases in Calcareous Soils, Ariz. Agr. Expt. Sta. Tech.
Bull. 20 (1928). .
43 Paver, H., and C. Eo Marshall, The Role of Alumina in the Reactions of Clays,
46 Mukherjee, J. N., and B. Chatterjee, Liberation of H+, AI+++ and Fe+++ Ions
Properties and X-ray Diffraction Patterns of the Clays, Soil Sci., 58, 411-424 (1944) .
0 Hendricks, S. B., Base Exchange of the Clay Mineral Montmorillonite for Organic
Cations and Its Dependence on Adsorption Due to van der Waals Forces, J. Phys.
Chem., 45, 65-81 (1944).
Dl Davidson, R. C., Cracking Sulphur Stocks with Natural Catalysts, Petroleum
organischen Bodenkolloide und die Bestimmung des Anteils dieser Kolloide an der
Sorption in Boden, Kolloid-Beihefte, 61, 199-276 (1940).
146 Clay Mineralogy
Population of Exchange Positions. Jenny and Ayers 55 and later
Wiklander,66 in considerable detail, have shown that the ease of release
of an ion depends not only on the nature of the ion itself but also upon the
nature of the complementary ions filling the remainder of the exchange
positions, and on the degree to which the replaced ion saturates the ex-
change spots. Thus, Wiklander shows that, as the amount of exchange-
able calcium on the clay mineral becomes less, the calcium becomes more
and more difficult to release. Sodium, on the other hand, tends to
become easier to release as the degree of saturation with sodium ions
becomes less. Magnesium and potassium are not affected by the degree
of saturation to the same extent as calcium and sodium.
Nature of Anion in Replacing Solution. Numerous investigators have
found that the replaceability of a given ion varies with the nature of the
anion which may be present. Thus Neznayko 57 found considerable
variation in the replaceability of N a+ from montmorillonite by Ca++
depending on whether calcium hydroxide or calcium sulfate was used. J
Marshall 6 reports that considerable variation in the cation-exchange
capacity is obtained by leaching with different neutral salts of a given
ion. The whole matter of the effect of anions is complicated by the
possibility of the formation of "basic" salts with the clay and a soluble
anion, e.g., clay-(ZnOH)+,5 8 and, at relatively high concentration of
anions, by the probability of reactions with the clay mineral, altering its
structure and forming new compounds.
Nature of the Ion. Other things being equal, the higher the valence of
the ion, the greater its replacing power and the more difficult it is to
displace when already present on the clay. Hydrogen is an exception
since for the most part it behaves like a divalent or trivalent ion.
Kelleyl points out that the 'Teplacing power' increases qualitatively
with atomic number in ions of the same valence.
Also, in ions of the same valence, replacing power tends to increase as
the size of the ion increases; i.e.,.the smaller ions are less tightly held than
the larger ions. An exception to the effect of ion size occurs in those ions
which have almost exactly the correct size to fit into the hole in the basal
oxygen sheet of the layer clay minerals. Thus potassium, as pointed
out by Page and Baver,s9 has an ionic diameter of 2.66 A, which is about
66 Jenny, H., and A. D. Ayers, The Influence of the Degree of Saturation of Soil
Colloids on the Nutrient Intake by Roots, Soil Sci., 48, 443-459 (1939).
66 Wiklander, L., Studies of Ionic Exchange with Special Reference to the Condi-
6. Jenny, H., and M. M. Engabaly, Cation and Anion Interchange with Zinc
Montmorillonite Clays, J. Phys. Chem., 47, 399-410 (1943).
5. Page, J. B., and L. D. Baver, Ionic Size in Relation to Fixation of Cations by Col-
loidal Clay, Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc., 4, 150-155 (1939).
Ion Exchange 147
the same as the diameter of the cavity in the oxygen layer, so that the
potassium ion can ju:ot fit into one of these cavitie:o. As a consequence
the potassium ion is relatively very difficult to replace.
Wiegner and J enny 60 suggested that the size of the hydrated ion,
rather than the size of the nonhydrated ion, controIls replaceability.
According to Wiegner,61 for ions of equal valence, those which are least
hydrated have the greatest energy of replacement and are the most
difficult to displace when already present upon the clay. Thus, lithium,
although a very small ion, is considered to be highly hydrated and, there-
fore, to have a very large hydrated size. The low replacing power of Li+
and its ready replaceability are said to be a consequence of this large
hydrated size.
The magnitude of the computed hydration of the various ions varies
with the base chosen for comparison. Hydration values suggested by
several investigators and obtained in different ways are given in Table 22
to show the order of magnitude of the hydration generally given for the
common IOns.
The matter of the hydration of the adsorbed ions in clay-water systems
is a matter of much controversy at the present time. Wiegner and
Jenny 60 and later Alten and Kurmies 62 have presented strong evidence
that all the common cations are hydrated and that hydration is important
in exchange reactions. The evidence is based on investigations carried
out in alcohol rather than water. It is stated that alcohol, in which the
ions would not be hydrated, reverses the usual lyotropic replacement
series, so that ions are held in the order of their true ionic size and not
in the order of their hydrated size.
Bernal and Fowler 63 some years ago presented data that threw doubt
on the hydration of some of the cations. Bar and Tenderlo0 64 have
enumerated difficulties encountered by explanations of day properties
based on cation hydration, and Baver 65 has summarized experimental
data on the swelling and heat of wetting of soil colloids that do not
fit well with cation hydration. Recently, Hendricks and his col-
43,268-272 (1927).
61 Wiegner, G., Ionenumtausch und Struktur, Trans. Intern. Congr. Soil Sci. 3rd
63 Bernal, J. D., and R. H. Fowler, A Theory of Water and Ionic Solution with
Ionic radii, A
Hydration, moles H 2 O
Ion Not hydrated Hydrated
A B C D E ]I' G H I
------ --- --- --- ~---
--- --- --- ---
Li 0.68 0.78 10.03 7.3 12.6 10 15 11-13 13-14
Na 0.98 0.98 7.90 5.6 8.4 5 8 9-11 8-9
K 1.33 1.33 5.32 3.8 4.0 1 4 5-6 5
NH4 .... 1.43 5.37 4.4 .. . . .. 2-3
Rb ... . 1.49 5.09 3.6 '" . 0.5
Cs .... 1.65 5.05 3.6 .... 0.2
Mg 0.89 0.78 ..... 10.8 13.3 33 21 20-23
Ca 1.17 1.06 ..... 9.6 10.0 22 22 19-22
Sr 1.34 1.27 ..... 9.6 8.2 21
Ba 1.49 1.43 ..... 8 8 4.1 17 14 18-20
Al 0.79 0.57 .. . .. . ' " . . .. 57
La 1.30 1.22 ..... 30.5
change Capacity of Clays, J. Agr. Univ. Puerto Rico, 24, 133-142 (1940).
69 Jarusov, S. S., Mobility of Exchangeable Cation$ in the Soil, Soil Sci., 43, 285-303
70 Gieseking, J. E., and H. Jenny, Behavior of Polyvalent Cations in Base Exchange,
Soil Sci., 42, 273-280 (193(i). . - - -- . - ~.
'150 Clay Mineralogy
lightly held by kaolinite. For NH4 muscovite, H+ and K+ are more
lightly held than the divalent ions, and NHt is even more lightly held
v than in kaolinite. When a mixture of montmorillonite and muscovite is
treated with mixtures of calcium
and ammonium acetate, the mica
adsorbs relatively much more of the
NHt, and the montmorillonite ad-
sorbs relatively more of the Ca++.
Also Ca++ in competition with
equivalent concentrations of K+
would be taken up preferentially
by montmorillonite, while the oppo-
site is the case for muscovite.
Schachtschabel 54 used this latter be-
havior as the basis for an analytical
method for the determination of the
relative abundance of montmorillo-
nite and the mica-like clay minerals
when mixed together in soils.
10 Hendricks and Alexander 71 have
also studied the relative acceptance
0~_LI--L2--~3--~4 100 of Ce 3+ and H+ by montmorillonite
Me. of Cations in 100 ee. and illite and have found that the
of Water per Me. of illites preferentially take up H+,
NH4 Kaolinite
while the montmorillonites take up
FIG.51. NH, kaolinite; ionic exchange
with alkali and alkaline-earth chlorides,
'much more Ce H . They use this
after Schachtschabcl. 5, difference as the basis for a method
of estimating the amount of mont-
morillonite present in mixtures of these two minerals .
./ Barshad 72 has recently investigated the cation-exchange characteristics
of vermiculite and has shown that the exchange process is reversible
between Na+, Ca++, Mg++, and K+ but is not completely reversible
between K+, NHt, Rb+, and Cs+. The latter ions tend to become fixed
and relatively nonreplaceable. Walker and Milne 73 have also investi-
gated the replaceability of the exchangeable cations of vermiculite with
much the same results. They show that K+ and NHt replace Mg++ with
difficulty, whereas Mg++ is readily replaced by Li+ and Na+. However,
71 Hendricks, S. B., and L. T. Alexander, Semi qualitative Estimation of Montmoril- ..
lonite in Clays, Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc., 6,95-99 (1940).
72 Barshad, 1., Vermiculite and Its Relation to Biotite as Revealed by Base Exchange
Reactions, Differential Thermal Curves, and Water Content, Am. M1:neral., 33, 65S-
678 (1948).
,. Walker, G. F., and A. Milne, Hydration or Vermiculite Saturated with Varivus
Cations, Trans. 4th Intern. Congr. Soil Sci., 2, 62-67 (1950).
Ion Exchange 151
100 K
g;, 90 No
~ 40
0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 100
Me. of Cations in 100 cc. of Water
per Me. of NH4 Montmorillonite
FIG. 52. NH4 montmorillonite; ionic exchange with alkali and alkaline-earth
chlorides, after Schachtschabel. 64
~ 90 H
W Rb K
0 K
; Cs No
.....0 Sr
..... Li
U Mq
<l> 40
0 20
, W
0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Me. of Cations in 100 cc. of Water
per Me. of NH4 Mica
FIG. 53. NH, muscovite; ionic exchange with alkali and alkaline-earth chlorides,
after Schachtsrihabel. 64
152 Clay Mineralogy
a vermiculite prepared with Li+ or N a+ readily loses these ions by replace-
ment with K+ or NHt. Any difference in replaceability between
vermiculite and montmorillonite is of interest, since the only major
difference between these two minerals seems to be in the size of the layers
in the a and b crystallographic directions.
Allaway74 has investigated the replace ability of Ca++ in various clay
minerals by determining its availability to plants. He finds that for'
Ca++ the availability series is peat> kaolinite> illite> montmoril-
lonite and that the availability increases as the saturation of the Ca++
Marshall's6 work on the ionization of the cations sorbed by the clay
minerals has also shown a difference in relative cation replaceability for
the various clay minerals (see pages 134-136). In general the higher
the degree of ionization, the greater the ease of replaceability.
Fixation of Cations. It is well known by soil investigators that certain
cations may be sorbed by the clay minerals in a nonexchangeable or
difficultly exchangeable state. Potassium is the commonest ion that is
"fixed" to a considerable degree and the ion that has been most studied
because of its importance in soil fertilization. Wood and DeTurk/"
Bray and DeTurk,76 Stanford,77 and others have shown that illite will
fix potassium, and most of the K+ fixed in soils is probably due to the
action of this clay mineral. Volk 78 showed that potash fixation is often
accompanied by the formation of mica in the soil. The potassium
fixation in illite occurs by the emplacement of K+ between the basal
surfaces of the mineral in the positions normally occupied by K+ in this
mineral. Much illite, particularly in soils which are undergoing leaching,
is somewhat degraded, i.e., it is potash-deficient in that leaching has
removed some K+ from positions between the layers. On the addition
of potassium to such material, K+ goes back into these normal positions,
and the illite is rebuilt. Under natural soil conditions, fixation appears
to be completed in a matter of months following its addition as fertilizer.
j Wiklander 79 has shown that the amount of fixation in illite-type material
74 Allaway, W. H., Availability of Replaceable Calcium from Different Types of
Colloids as Affected by Degree of Calcium Saturation, Soil Sci., 59, 207-217 (1945).
75 'Vood, L. K., and E. E. DeTurk, The Chemical Effect of Soluble Potassium
Salts in Some Illinois Soils, Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc., 5, 152-161 (1941).
76 Bray, R. H., and E. E. DeTurk, The Release of Potassium from Non Replaceable
Forms in Illinois Soils, Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc., 8, 101-106 (1939).
77 Stanford, G., Fixation of Potassium in Soils under Moist Conditions and on Dl'Y-
~g in Relation to the Type of Clay Mineral, Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc., 12, 167-171
{::.\)47) .
8 Yolk, G. W., Nature of Potash Fixation in Soils, Soil Sci., 45, 263-276 (1938).
79 Wiklander, L., Fixation of Potassium by Clays Saturated with Different Cations,
Soil. Sci., 69,261-271 (1950).
Ion Exchange 153
varies with the cations already adsorbed. Thus fixation is relatively high
for materials saturated with Ca++ and Na+ and low for those saturated
with H+ and NHt. Stanford 77 also has shown that the presence of H+,
Fe H , and AF+ tends to block the fixation of K+ by illite. Drying tends
to increase the fixation by illite. -
According to Raney and Hoover 8 () and others, montmorillonite has
some power to fix potassium, but less than illite. Other investigators,
notably Stanford,77 state that K+ is fixed in montmorillonite only if the
material is dried. Barshad 72 has shown that vermiculite can fix some
potassium. In the case of montmorillonite and vermiculite, as with
illite, any fixation of K+ would take place on the basal planes between the
unit layers.
Kaolinite has substantially no power to fix K+ either in a moist condi-
tion or after drying. Joffe and Levine 81 have reported K+ fixation by
very finely ground kaolinite, but the grinding may well have destroyed
the kaolinite structure.
Bray and DeTurk 76 and Wood and DeTurk,75 working with illitic
Prairie soils, have shown that the K+ is held in various degrees of replace-
ability and availability to plants and that some substantially non-
replaceable K+ may be available to plants. These authors have shown
that an equilibrium exists in such soils between the exchangeable and.
nonexchangeable potassium.
NHt is very similar to K+ in its ion-exchange properties, and Chami-
nade,82 Page and Baver,83 and Stanford and Pierre 84 have demonstrated
the fixation of NHt by clays in difficultly exchangeable form. The latter
workers have concluded that the ammonium ion and the potassium ion
are fixed in soils by the same mechanism.
Barshad 72 has recently investigated vermiculite and has found that
this clay mineral can fix at least a part of any adsorbed Rb+ or Cs+.
Although the matter has not been established experimentally, it seems
likely that Mg++ could in some conditions be fixed by "degraded chlorite"
by a mechanism similar to that operating for K+ and "degraded illite."
87 Vageler, P., and J. vVoltersdorf, Beitrage zur Frage des Basenaustausches und
Leipzig (1922).
8, Kerr, H. W., The Nature of Base-Exchange and Soil Acidity, J. Am. Soc. Agron.,
20,309-335 (1928).
90 Vanselow, A. P., Equilibria of the Base-Exchange Reactions of Bentonites,
Permutite, Soil Colloids, and Zeolites, Soil Sci., 33, 95-113 (1932).
91 Rothmund, V., and G. Kornfeld, Der Basenaustausch im Permutit, Z. anorg. u.
~'. '~
- .... -
Ion Exchan~
97 Mattson, S., The Laws of Soil Colloidal Behavior, VI, Amphoteric Behavior, Soil
1M McAuliffe, C. D., M. S. Hall, L. A. Dean, and S. B. Hendricks, Exchange Reac-
tions between Phosphates and Soils, Soil Sci. Soc. Am, Proc., 12, 119-123 (1947),
103 Dickman, S. R., and R. H. Bray, Replacement of Adsorbed Phosphate from
Result of Phosphate FiJ{ation, Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc., 4, 177-182 (1939).
111 Steele, J. G., The Effect of Other Anions on the Retention of Phosphate by Col-
Ion Exchange 159
particle size, and Stout llO has shown that fixation greatly increases in
finely ground kaolinite. However, it may well be that the fine grinding
of the kaolinite has so disrupted its structure that the results obtained are
not a simple matter of clay-mineral fixation.
The manner in which phosphate fixation takes place in clay minerals
is probably a matter of sorption of the phosphate ion in the way developed
in discussing anion exchange, with the portion that is fixed being adsorbed
in relatively inaccessible positions in the clay-mineral structure.
Clay-Water System
This chapter is concerned with water which can be held by clay mate-
rials only at relatively low temperatures and is driven off by heating to
about 100 to 150C. The OH lattice water which is lost at temperatures
above about 300C is considered elsewhere (Chap. 9). The nature of the
low-temperature water and the factors that control its characteristics are
of great importance, since they largely determine the plastic, bonding,
compaction, suspension, and other properties of clay materials, which in
turn frequently control their commercial utilization. Thus, an under-
standing of this low-temperature water in relation to the clay minerals
must precede an understanding of the plastic and many other properties
of clay materials.
The water lost at low temperatures may be classed in three categories,
depending on its relation to the mineral components and to the texture
of the clay materials, as follows: (1) the water in pores, on the surfaces,
and around the edges of the discrete particles of the minerals composing
the clay material; (2) in the case of vermiculite, montmorillonite, and the
hydrated form of halloysite, the interlayer water between the unit-cell
layers of these minerals (this is the water which causes the swelling of
montmorillonite); and (3) in the case of the sepiolite-attapulgite-
palygorskite minerals, the water which occurs within the tubular opening
between the elongate structural units. Type 1 water requires generally
very little energy for its removal, and drying at only a little above ordi-
nary room temperatures is adequate for its substantially complete elimi-
nation. Water of types 2 and 3 requires definite energy for its complete
removal. In the case of the hydrated form of halloysite, drying at room
temperature is adequate to remove most of the interlayer water, but
higher temperatures (see pages 217-218) are required for total removal.
In the case of the vermiculite and montmorillonite minerals, temperatures
at least approaching 100C are necessary for substantially complete
elimination of interlayer water. At this temperature some little time is
required for complete removal of this water, whereas at somewhat higher
temperatures it is driven off rapidly. In the case of halloysite, the
reaction is not reversible and the hydrated mineral ordinarily cannot be
fmmed again. Vermiculites and montmorillonites rehydrate with
162 Clay Mineralogy
difficulty if the dehydration is absolutely complete, but easily if only a
trace of water is allowed to remain between the unit layers. The water
in the channels of the sepiolite-attapulgite-palygorskite minerals is lost
at about the same temperature as the interlayer water of the layer clay
minerals. The channel water is regained readily if removal is by drying
only at low temperatures. The energy necessary for dehydration and the
precise temperatures at which it occurs are shown for the various clay-
mineral groups by differential thermal and dehydration analyses in
Chap. 9.
Surface Behavior in the Hydration of Clays, Soil Sci., 40, 403-418 (1936).
5 Winterkorn, H. W., The Condition of Water in Porous Systems, Soil Sci., 55, 109-
115 (1943).
6 Grim, R. E., and F. L. Cuthbert, Some Clay-Water Properties of Certain Clay
'.I r -- r ,
, ,
\ ,
, \
, , ,
\ _-~-~L_ \ --~~_j__ \_
- Z}-o------_\W -O-o--~--- \ -(}..o_-
I -~-'-.r I . ----~-, - :-
Q', ,
FIG. 54. Configuration of water adsorbed directly adjacent to the basal plane sur-
faces of the clay minerals, after Hendricks and Jeffe!son.'o
---< ~~---
Q '
\ ~j 'M ~I
,'po--'1; ,~--Q
, :~--<% \
---~ ~---
\\ '
o Oxygens
o Hydrogens in plane of oxy;ens
() Hydrogens below plane of oxygens
FIG. 55. Arrangement of oxygens and hydrogens in water net, after Hendricks and
Jefferson. 10
Silica Loyer
of Cloy
Mineral o 0
. . . I
\ _
\ \
. --~j-~----ln,j ~ ~~
Oriented Water " "
I ' I I ,
, , I I I I I
, 60 10 I 00 1 f
Silko Loyer o I 0 0 /000
of Cloy
o 0
FIG. 56. Configuration of water net proposed by Hendricks and Jefferson,'o showing
the binding through hydrogens to the adjacent clay-mineral surfaces.
The suggested 10 superposition of the water net and basal layers of oxygens
and hydroxyls, together with the type of bonding between them, is
shown in Figs. 57 and 58, respectively.
The net has just the a and b dimensions of the silicate layer minerals,
if the separation of the oxygen atoms of the water molecules is about 3.0 A
in projection. It is assumed that the oxygen atoms are in one plane.
In this configuration, there is relatively loose packing of the water mole-
cule, there being four water molecules per molecular layer per unit cell
of the clay mineral instead of six, as would be the case in close packing.
The stability of the layer of water molecules arises from the geometrical
166 Clay Mineralogy
FIG. 57. Superposition of water net on the basal oxygen layer of vermiculite, sug-
gested by Hendricks and JeffersonY Large dltshed circles (A, B, C, etc.) are oxygen
atoms of clay-mineral surface, 2.73A below plane of water molecules,
FIG. 58. Superposition of water net on the basal hydroxyl layers of two-layer clay
minerals and the type of bonding between hydroxyl groups and water layers, after
Hendricks and JeffersonY At L, N, and P hydrogens of hydroxyl groups are free
for binding to oxygells of water molecules.
Clay-Water System 167
relationship to the oxygen atoms or hydroxyl groups of the silicate frame-
work. The presence of the first layer would favor the formation of a
second layer, and the water structure would thus be propagated away
from the clay-mineral surface. At some distance from the surface the
dissociation pressure of successive layers, considered as hydrates, would
finally approach the vapor pressure of water at the temperature of
observation, and the oriented water net would cease to develop.
In the Hendricks and Jefferson 10 configuration every other water
molecule lies about over an oxygen of the surface layer of the three layer
clay minerals (Fig. 57). Since half of the water molecules have hydrogen
available for vertical bonding, the directly superimposed oxygens and
water molecules may be assumed to be tied together through these
hydrogen bonds. As successive molecule layers develop, the exterior
layer can be tied to the layer next below by a hydrogen from every other
water molecule. According to this scheme no hydrogens would be
available for tying together series of water layers growing outward from
two neighboring clay-mineral surfaces, unless the directly adjacent water
layers of two water envelopes were tied together by relatively fewer
bonds. A plane or planes of relatively weakly bonded water molecules
would exist, therefore, at the junction of two water envelopes.
The Hendricks and Jefferson 10 concept of the structure of the adsorbed
water has been criticized by Hofmann and Hausdorf,l1 Mackenzie,12 and
Walker,13 because it neglects the probable influence of adsorbed cations,
which in many cases are to be found directly on or at least very close to
the oxygen surface on which the water configuration develops. Further,
some of these cations are hydrated and, therefore, would probably
significantly influence the arrangement of the water molecules directly
adjacent to them. Mackenzie has particularly emphasized this point
and has indicated that the matter of cation hydration would be particu-
larly important in the part of the adsorbed water net closest to the clay-
mineral surfaces. In the case of montmorillonite, there would be about
one monovalent cation for each two hexagonal configurations of water
in the first molecular water layer. According to Mackenzie, there is a
space problem in fitting such a number of ions into the water net. Mac-
kenzie presents computations of the energy of hydration of the sheet
surface of montmorillonite carrying various ions; these data are in accord
with his suggestion that, at low water contents, water sorption depends
primarily on the exchangeable ion present, the sheet surface being of
@ @ @
@ 0 @
@ @ @
0 @ 0
@ @ @
0 ~-i~
@ ~ @
Macey,7 arguing from the similarity between the structure of ice and
of the oxygen atoms exposed at a sheet surface of the layer clay minerals,
has postulated that the initially adsorbed water has the structure of ice.
He considers that it fits on top of the oxygen net of the basal plane of
14 Williamson, W.o., The Physical Relationship between Clay and Water, Trans.
Ceram. 801)., (Engl.) 50, 10-34 (1951).
Clay-Water System 169
the three-layer clay minerals, as shown in Fig. 59A. The fit of the water
molecules with the oxygen net as suggested by Macey is different from
that suggested by Hendricks and Jefferson. According to the Macey
concept, the distance between oxygens in the water layer would be 4.52 A,
and the packing would be even looser than that suggested by Hendricks
and Jefferson.lO There would be three molecules of water per unit cell
per molecular layer. Such loose packing of water in a given layer would
be predicated on hydrogen binding to additional water not in the layer
under consideration. As illustrated in Fig. 59B, showing the structure
of ice, other water molecules would be just out of the plane in contact
with the silicate structure, and there is no epitaxial arrangement between
them and the silicate surface. In the Hendricks and Jefferson concept,
the ice structure is stretched so that the offset water molecules come into
the same plane and there is no change in the hydrogen binding. Also
the stretch permits a complete epitaxial arrangement of all the water
molecules and the silicate surface. The same objections raised against
the Hendricks and Jefferson structure can be raised against the Macey
structure. However, the space problem caused by the presence of
adsorbed cations might be less acute. Forslind 15 has reported electron-
diffraction data which seem to indicate a structure at least similar to ice
in the initially adsorbed water of montmorillonite. Very recently
DeWit and Arens 16 have published some density measurements that
seem to be in agreement with the Macey concept.
Barshad 17 has very recently suggested another concept of the nature
of the adsorbed water on the basis of careful dehydration determinations.
According to him, at very low states of hydration for montmorillonite, the
water molecules tend to form tetrahedrons with the oxygens of the top
layer of the linked silica tetrahedrons of the lattice. This type of packing
would give rise to hexagonal rings of water molecules which are similar
to the hexagonal rings of oxygens of the vertices of the linked silica tetra-
hedrons of the individual silicate sheets. In Fig. 60, a to f represent such
water molecules forming tetrahedral units with oxygens of the underlying
silica tetrahedral network. The packing in this configuration would be
loose, as there would be only four molecules of water per unit cell per
molecular layer, and the height added for a single layer of water mole-
cules would be 1.78 A, according to Barshad. Ii appears that this value
16 Forslind, E., The Crystal Structure and Water Absorption of the Clay Minerals,
Trans. 1st Intern. Ceram. Congr., pp. 98-110, (1948).
16 DeWit, C. T., and P. L. Arens, Moisture Content and Density of Som.e Clay
Minl'rals and Some Remarks on the Hydration Patterns of Clay, Trans. 4th Intern.
Congr. Soil Sci., 2, 59-62 (1950).
17 Barshad, I., The Nature of Lattice Expansion and Its Relation to Hydration in
the Clay Mineral Montmorillonite Saturated with Various Ions, J. Am. Chem. Soc.,
62, 1457-1464, (1940).
19 Mering, J., The Hydration of Montmorillonite, Trans. Faraday Soc., 42B, 205-219
Clay-Water System 171
develop successive layers of superimposed water molecules. It appears
that Barshad's concept is not substantiated geometrically as well as
those of Mering and Hendricks et al.
It is obvious that students of clay mineralogy are not in agreement
regarding the precise nature of the configuration of the initially adsorbed
water. There is, however, general agreement that this adsorbed water
has some sort of definite configuration.
Grim and Cuthbert 34 have shown that, when rammed samples of sand,
water, and certain clays are allowed to stand under certain conditions,
there is an increase in the compression strength without any loss of water.
This "air-set" strength is explained by them on the basis that a certain
amount of time is required for the water to penetrate to some of the
surfaces of the clay-mineral particles and for the water molecules to
assume their orientation. According to them, the compressive strength
is dependent on the development of nonliquid water.
These authors 6 emphasize the general fact that the properties of clay-
water systems may change with time without a change in water content
because of a change in the nature of the water. This is a matter of very
great importance in certain fields of the utilization of clays. For example,
in engineering practice, it makes it difficult to translate laboratory find-
ings on strength, sensitivity, etc., to actual field application because of
the difficulty of duplicating field conditions and of evaluating the time
- factor. Engineers are aware of this factor in their constant use of undis-
turbed samples with carefully retained natural moisture content for their
laboratory tests. Its significance is illustrated by the very different
values obtained for such properties as compressive strength and plasticity
on undisturbed and remolded samples.
The ions adsorbed on the surfaces of the clay minerals may affeCt the
adsorbed water in several ways:
34 Grim, R. K, and F. L. Cuthbert, The Bonding Action of Clays, II, Clays in Dry
Molding Sands. Illinois State Geol. Survey Rept. Invest. 110 (1946).
176 Clay Mineralogy
1. A cation may serve as a bond to hold the clay-mineral particles
together or to limit the distance to which they can be separated.
In general, multivalent cations have a greater tendency than univalent
cations to tie clay-mineral flakes together. The potassium ion is an
exception, probably because its size permits it to fit snugly in the hexag-
onal perforation of the oxygen net of the surface of the three-layer clay
minerals and because its coordination number is favorable. The ammo-
nium ion acts like the potassium ion. In the case of other common
monovalent cations, there would probably be little tendency for the ion
to tie the particles together, and under some conditions it might enhance
the repulsive force between the particles.
2. Certain of the adsorbed cations may become hydrated. The
hydrated ions would be enclosed in an envelope of water molecules prob-
ably havipg some sort of configuration. This configuration and its rela-
tion to the arrangement of water molecules on adsorbing surfaces some
distance from the hydrated ions would influence the over-all nature of the
arrangement of the water molecules and the thickness to which the
orientation CQuld develop. It is of interest and importance that the
hydrated calcium and magnesium ions apparently restrict the thickness
of the adsorbed water with a well-developed configuration, whereas in the
case of the sodium ion, which may not be hydrated,I8 oriented water can
grow to very great thicknesses. However, the lithium ion, which is also
hydrated, permits oriented water of great thickness to develop. Accord-
ing to Hendricks et al.,18 Li+ is surrounded by only three molecules of
hydration water, whereas Ca++ and Mg++ are surrounded by six mole-
cules of hydration water. Because of this difference in the amount of
hydration and perhaps also because of the small size of the lithium ion,
it would be expected to influence the normal net of water molecules to a
smaller degree than would calcium and magnesium ions.
3. The size of the adsorbed ions is of importance, as has been empha-
sized by Sullivan,35 Forslind,36 and others.12 Forslind, for example, has
suggested that small ions, which would fit into the net of water m~lecules
without disrupting it, would be expected to have a tightening effect on
the net which would enhance its development. Ions which would not
fit into the water net, because of their size, would be expected to retard
or even prevent its development.
4. The geometry of the adsorbed ions is probably also of importance,
in relation to the possible fit of the adsorbed ions into the water net
," '.
.085g .115g .160g .195 9 .22g .27 9 .34 9
.045 .040 .005 D70.o40 .040.000 .040 .D75.080.Q40
13.5 A 13.5 A 14.1 A 14.4 A 15.5 A 15.8A 15.8 A
0 0 o 0 o 0 0
00 000 000
00<1" 00<1" 00<1"
~C\lC\J ~(\j(\j ~C\JC\l ~C\JC\J
A ~ N\ (\/l
A, "..-IX \ ) /{, \...)'-)iJ,) - ~
.0659 .OS59 .1209 .155 9 .1709 . 24 9 .34 9
.015 .050 .030 .055 .060 .060 .030 .070 .055
12.3 A 12.3 A 12.3 A 13.0 A 13.0 A 15.0 A 15.5 A
I I I III I I I II I I I I I I I [ [ I
;:u;_;_;;~ AAI /(
0209 .040g .065g .OS09 .0959 ,125g .IS 9
.015 .065 .030 .065
Diffuse Diffuse Diffuse Diffuse Diffuse Diffuse
5% 10 'Yo 25 % 40 'Yo 50 % 70 % 90 %
FIG. 62. Thermal-analysis curves, amounts of adsorbed water, and values of the
apparcnt cleavage space of lithium, hydrogen, potassium, and cesium salts of Mis-
sissippi montmorillonite, after Hendricks, Nelson, and Alcxander.18
180 Clay Mineralogy
that, for montmorillonite carrying magnesium and alkaline-earth ions,
the first step of water sorption is the hydration of the cation with six
molecules of water; this is followed by completion of a water layer having
a hexagonal type of structure. An additional water layer of similar
structure is taken up at higher relative humidities. Similar results were
obtained for Li montmorillonite, except that only three molecules of
water were required for the hydration of the lithium ion. In mont-
morillonites carrying sodium, potassium, and cesium, the cation appar-
ently was not hydrated. Mackenzie 12 has recently questioned the inter-
pretation of the single endothermic peak of Na montmorillonite as
evidence for the nonhydration of the sodium ion. According to him, all
the water molecules in a single molecular water layer of Na montmoril-
lonite could be tied to the sodium ion and, therefore, could be expected
to yield a single endothermic peak.
Barshad's17 concept (see page 169) of a change in the configuration
of the water moJecuJes as the amount. of water sorbed increases, provides
another possible explanation for the mUltiple nature of the differential
thermal endothermic peaks resulting from the loss of adsorbed water.
Mering 19 has presented evidence suggesting that, at low relative humidi-
ties (below about 30 per cent relative humidity), a Ca montmorillonite
does not form a single water layer but instead a skeletal double layer,
corresponding to the octahedral coordination of hydration water about
the Ca++, and that the thickness of such a water layer is about 4.4 A.
At relative humidities between 30 and 80 per cent, two complete water
layers develop, and the thickness of the water layer increases to about
5.9 A. Mering has shown that saturation of about 30 per cent of the
base-exchange capacity with Ca++ is adequate to produce the hydration
characteristics of a Ca montmorillonite. Walker 37 has suggested a
similar hydration sequence for Mg vermiculite. It is clear from the fore-
going th,at further investigation is required before the detailed steps in the
sorption of water by montmorillonite with various adsorbed cations is
well understood.
Numerous investigations have brought out the interesting fact that
Na montmorillonite, on drying at room t{)mperature, tends to develop
a single water layer between the silicate layers and that Ca montmoril-
lonite under the same conditions tends to develop two water layers,
whereas, at high relative humidities and in the presence of an abun-
dance of water, Na montmorillonite sorbs by far the larger quantity of
,', .
Clay-Water System 18]
Barshad 38 has studied the sorption of water by vermiculite. Accord
ing to him, vermiculite saturated with Mg++, Ca++, Ba++, H+, Li+, or
Na+ shows, when immersed in water, total sorption between the silicate
layer equal to only two molecular water layers. When vermiculite
saturated with K+, NHt, Rb+, or Cs+ is immersed in water, there is no
expansion of the lattice, indicating no water sorption between the silicate
Siefert 39 has presented the results, shown in Table 23, for the sorption
of water by kaolinite. These data show the relative influence of the
various cations on water sorption by this clay mineral.
(After Siefert 3 ')
Relative humidity, per cent Order of decreasing sorption
10 Ca > H = Na = K
81. 5 H = Ca > Na K
99.9 H = Ca = Na K
Mackenzie 12 has recently suggested that a given ion like Na+ might
hydrate to a different degree on different clay minerals and even on the
same type of clay mineral if the bonding force holding the ion varied.
Thus, in montmorillonite the degree of hydration of Na+ might vary
depending on whether the charge holding it derived from a substitution
within the tetrahedral or the octahedral sheet.
A dry clay material evolves heat when placed in water, and this phe-
nomenon is known as the heat of wetting. Heat is also evolved when
clay materials are placed in some liquids other than water, as, e.g.,
alcohols and various organic liquids. Janert4 5 has shown that heat of
wetting may be higher for organic liquids, and that values generally are
higher for polar than for nonpolar liquids. Janert has also shown that
there is no direct correlation between polarity and heat of wetting, so that
polarity is not the sole determining factor. Figure 63, giving data for
the heat of wetting for water and for carbon tetrachloride as developed
by a "brick clay," illustrates the kind of difference in values for water
Cations and Its Dependence upon Adsorption Due to van der Waals Forces, J. Phys.
Chem., 46, 65-81 (1941).
44 Grim, R. E., W. H. Allaway, and F. L. Cuthbert, Reaction of Different Clay
Minerals with Some Organic Cations, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 30, 137-142 (1947),
45 Janert, H., The Application of Heat of Wetting Measurements to Soil Research
Clay dried at
Liquid Dried raw clay
400C 450C 550C 900C
liquids used by them also gave lower values than water, and for a series
of normal alcohols the values decreased markedly as the chain length of
the alcohol increased.
c ....
0ClJ 2
14 16
Initial Moisture
FIG. 63. Heat of wetting for water and carbon tetrachloride in relation to initial
moisture content, from Marshall,46 after data by Janert.4.
Beat of wetting is measured in calories per gram of dried clay, with the
drying being done usually at nOec.
Values for Heat of Wetting. Heat-of-wetting values for kaolinite and
montmorillonite saturated with various cations and for an illite sample are
given in Table 25. Values for attapulgite, given in Table 24, are only
slightly lower than those of montmorillonite.
Parmelee and
Frechette 4s 1.9 ... . ... . .. , . ... . 11.8 ... . ... . .... . .. 4.0
Values for the other clay minerals are not yet available, but they will
undoubtedly range between those for montmorillonite and kaolinite.
Chlorite will probably yield values closer to those for illite, and vermicu-
lite closer to those for montmorillonite.
Pate,49 Anderson,50 Janert,51 and others 39 have shown that the heat
of wetting varies with the adsorbed cation and that it is generally
higher for divalent than for univalent cations. Janert gives the order
Ca > Mg > H > N a > K.
Harmon and Fraulini 52 have presented data showing an increase in
heat of wetting for kaolinite as the particle size of the kaolinite decreases
(Table 26). This is an expected relationship, since heat of wetting
Particle size, microns ...... 10-20 .5-10 .2-4 .1-0.5 0.5-0.25 0.25-0.10 0.10-0.05
Heat of wetting, cal/g ..... 0.95 0.99 1.15 1.38 1.42 1.87
Exchange capacity, meq/100
g ...................... 2.40 2.60 3.58 3.76 3.88 5.43 9.50
upon the Heat of Wetting of Soils and Soil Colloids, Soil Sci., 20, 32\)-375 (1925).
50 Anderson, M. S., The Influence of Substituted Cations on the Properties of Soil
53 Anderson, M. S., and S. Mattson, Properties of Soil Colloidal Material, U.S. Dept.
Agr. Bull. 1452 (1926).
54 Baver, L. D., The Effect of the Amount and Nature of Exchangeable Cations on
the Structure of a Colloidal Clay, Missouri Agr. Expt. Sta., Research Bull. 129 (1929).
55 Behrends, W. U., The Relation between the Surface, Hygroscopicity, and Heat
of Wetting of Soils, Z. Pjlanzenerndhr. Dungung u. Bodenk., 40, 255-309 (1935).
56 Baver, L. D., and H. Winterkorn, Sorption of Liquids by Soil Colloids, II, Soil
Sci., 40, 403-418 (1936).
Clay-Water System 187
the basis that the ion is not completely free and is, therefore, capable of
only partial hydration. According to Janert, the ratios of the heat of
wetting to the heat of hydration for various ions are as follows: for
H clays 1:11.5, for Mg clays 1:9, for Ca clay 1:7, for K clays 1:5.1, and
for Na clays 1 :4.9. Janert was of the opinion that ion hydration is a
major cause of the heat of wetting.
Siefert 39 computed the heat evolved per milliequivalent of cation and
found that a given cation adsorbed by kaolinite evolves more heat than
when adsorbed by montmorillonite. Since, in montmorillonite, there
is little surface aside from that occupied by the cation, Siefert concluded
that the heat of wetting due to the surface is greater than that due to
cation hydration.
It seems likely that the relative importance of surface and cation
hydration would vary for different clay minerals and for various adsorbed
cations. It is probably incorrect to assume that either factor is always
the more important cause.
Heat of Wetting in Solutions of Electrolytes. Siefert3 9 has shown
that when hydrogen kaolinite is wetted in 0.1 N NaOH or 0.015 N
Ca(OHh solutions, there is an increase in heat evolved of 0.2 cal/g over
that of pure water; this is probably due in part to the neutralization of
the clay acid by the base. However, Na kaolinite wetted in NaOH and
K kaolinite wetted in KOH showed a similar increase in heat evolved in
comparison to that developed in water. Somewhat similar results were
obtained by Siefert for montmorillonite clays. The explanation for this
phenomenon is not dear, but it may be merely the result of the better
dispersion of the clay in the alkaline solution.
Effect of Firing. The data given in Fig. 64, after Parmelee and
Frechette,48 show the relation of heat of wetting to firing temperature for
montmorillonite, kaolinite, and illite. In the case of the montmoril-
lonite, there is a sharp drop in heat of wetting after firing at the tempera-
ture where hydroxyl water is lost from the lattice. The illite shows a
slight increase in heat of wetting on firing up to about 450C and a reduc-
tion in heat of wetting after temperatures somewhat above that required
for the loss of hydroxyl water. The kaolinite shows a slight reduction
in the amount of heat evolved when heated to temperatures somewhat in
excess of that required for the loss of hydroxyl water. Data given by
Miller et al. 46 (Table 24) show the heat of wetting of attapulgite to
increase greatly on firing up to about 550C and then decrease, so that
after firing at 900C the same value as that for the unfired mineral is
obtained. The reason for the changes in heat of wetting of the various
clay minerals when heated to these particular temperatures is not clear.
Additional experimental data are needed before heat-of-wetting values
for fired clays can be understood.
188 Clay Mineralogy
"""- r---:\
\ \ Monmori//onite
- - - Autoc/oved \\
0 0
- - Unoutocloved
~ ~
J: I..- ~
_.".. V ...., l\. Illite
100 300 500
Temperature of Firing Prior to DeterminatIOn
t IIitO 700 900 1100 c
of Heat of Wetting
FIG. 64. Heat of wetting of fired clay minerals, from Parmelee and Frechette."
Clay-Water System 139
Buergers, J. M., Introductory Remarks on Recent Investigations concerning the
Structure of Liquids, "Second Report on Viscosity and Plasticity," Noord Hol-
landsche uitgevers maatschaappi, Amsterdam (1938).
Carlson, H., and G. Mueller, On the Behavior of Ethereal Oils and Their Constituents
on Clay and Related Substances, Ber. deut. chem. Ges., 71,863-870 (1938).
Denisov, P. I., Nonfreezing Clay Solutions, Azerbatdzhanskoe N eftyanoe Khoz., pp.
31-32 (1941); Khim. Referat. Zhur., 4, 110 (1941).
Dumanski, A. V., Heats of Wetting and Hydrophily of Disperse Systems, Kolloid
Zhur., 12, 319-325 (1950).
East, W. H., Fundamental Study of Clays, X, Water Films in Monodisperse Kaolinite
Fractions, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 33,211-218 (1950).
Endell, K., and P. Vageler, Der Kationen- und IVasseraushalt keramischer Tone im
rohen Zustand, Ber. deut. keram. Ges., 13, 377-411 (1932).
Freundlich, H., U. Schmidt, and G. Lindau, Ueber die Thixotropie von Bentonit-
Suspensions, Kolloid-Beihefte, 36, 43-81 (1932).
Hofmann, U., Ueber die Grundlagen der Plastizit1it der Kaoline und Tone, Ber.
/ deut. keram. Ges., 29,21-32 (1949).
i Kapp, L. C., The Approximate Size of Soil Particles at Which the Heat of Wetting is
Manifest, Soil Sci., 401-412 (1930).
Keppeler, G., Neuere Untersuchungen tiber Tonmineralien, Ber. deut. keram. Ges.,
19,159-176 (1938).
Kiefe, C., Sur les possibilities de liaisons et d'orientation des molecules d'un liquide
sur un solide. Epitaxie entre la kaolinite et l'eau, mimeographed, Paris (1947).
Kister, E. G., The Swelling of Clays, Neftyanoe Khoz., 25,23-27 (1948).
Longuet-Escard, J., The Effect of Progressive Dehydration on the Area of the Surface
of Montmorillonites, J. chim. phys., 47, pp. 113-117 (1950).
Makower, B., T. Shaw, and L. T. Alexander, The Specific Surface and Density of
Some Soils and Their Colloids, Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc., 2, 101-108 (1937).
Nagelschmidt, G., On the Lattice Shrinkage and Structure of Montmorillonite, Z.
Krist., 93, 481-487 (1936).
Norton, F. H., and A. L. Johnson, Fundamental Study of Clays, V, Nature of Water
Films in Plastic Clays, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 27,77-80 (1944).
Puri, A. N., and R. C. Hoon, Physical Characteristics of Soils, III, Heat of Wetting,
Soil Sci., 47, 415-423 (1939).
Rideal, E. K., How Crystals Grow, Nature, 164,303-305 (1949).
Rios, E. G., and J. L. Vivaldi, Silicates of Laminar Structure, I, Hydration, Anales fis.
y quim. (Madrid) B, 45,291-342 (1949).
Schwarz, F., Heat of Wetting of Clays, Sprechsaal, 82, 24-25 (1949).
Sonders, L. R., D. P. Enright, and W. A. Weyl, Wettability, a Function of the Polar-
izability of the Surface Ions, Penn. State Coli. Min. Ind. Expt. Sta. Tech. Rept. 12,
N.R.032-265 (1949).
Vageler, P., and F. Alten, Boden des Nil und Gash Z. Pjlanzenerniihr. Diingung u.
Bodenk., 21, 335-345 (1931).
Dehydration, Rehydration, and the Changes Taking Place
on Heating
1 Thomas, M. D., Aqueous Vapor Pressure of Soils, Soil Sci., 25, 409-418, 485-493
2 Puri, A. N., E. M. Crowther, and B. A. Keen, The Relation between the Vapour
- ~:::::: >-.:;::::_- -_
......... C ~, I'-.." "
\~ 12 ~ I
\ I
1: I
.2' 1.10
~ II
2 ~
1.00 i~ ~
o 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Temperature C
FIG. 65. Dehydration curves, from Nutting. s The weight at 800C is taken as the
base weight in plotting the curves. (A) Halloysite, Liege, Belgium; (B) kaolinite,
lone, Califomia; (C) anauxite, Mokelumne River, California.
477-501 (1939).
6 Nutting, P. G., Some Standard Thermal Dehydration Curves of Minerals, U.S.
18 \
16 \\
14 1-~ r-A- --
-~ -_ -_-_
12 ,,'\ 1\ ~1
\E 1"\ \ \\
)\\ ~ J2.._
---;\; 1--- f---:::
\ ~ r---~ [\__ -~
6 ~"
-_f:\- ~-:- N::-:
'- '-
'~ -'.
..., ....
o 100 200 300 400 "
Temperature C
500 600 700 800 900
FIG. 66. Dehydration curves, after Nutting. 6 The weight at 700 to 900C is taken
as the base weight in plotting the curves. (A) Penninite, Paradise Range, Nev.tda;
(B) chlorite, Danville, Virginia; (C) palygorskite (mountain leather), Montana; (D)
sericite, Prince Rupert, British Columbia; (E) vermiculite, North Carolina; (F) illite,
Fithian, Illinois; (G) glauconite, Lyons Wharf, Maryland; (H) &epiolite, Asia Minor.
26 .- L
/ _- _-1.- -
( -
/ /
_- _._
... i'1/-
V c
~ 16 J
... / A.v- P
I tJ / ~-
( (
.5 I
il ;
~~1 ;!
Ei '"
~= f:"_:::;;-"
/ 1/
l,_....-- ~
o100 200
- 300
--- >-~/
400 500 600 700 800 900
Temperature c
FIG. 67. Dehydration curves, from Ross and Kerr. 7,8 (A) Halloysite, Liege, Be\-
gium; (B) halloysite, Adams County, Ohio; (C) halloysite, Hickory, North Carolina;
(D) kaolinite, lone, California; (E) allophane, Moorefield, Kentucky.
the loss in weight of one mineral upon heating is not affected by the pres-
ence of a second mineral and that the dehydration curve of a mixture
would be equal to the superposition of curves of the separate minerals in
the mixture. This assumption has not been proved, and, indeed, data
from differentittl thermal analyses (see page 210) show that it is likely
to be true only in some mixtures and not in others.
In the case of natural clays which are not pure clay minerals, the loss
13 Longchambon, H., Sur les characteristiques des pa:Iygorskites, Compt. rend.
3 "
N ~,
~ t---
~ r-&._
+- t ".
1\\\ I~\ ,,
'0 3
i \
[\D 1\
\ :s.~\ \
U) F,',
-~ ;t
\ "<..... ,
,6 "
7 \
" '- '....___
100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Temperature C
FIG. 68. Dehydration curves, from Ross and Hendricks. 10 (Al Hectorite, Hector,
California; (B) montmorillonite, Belle Fourche, South Dakota; (C) montmorillonite,
Tatatilla, Mexico; (D) montmorillonite, Montrnorillon, France; (E) nontronite,
Spokane, Washington; (F) nontronite, Sandy Ridge, South Carolina; (G) montmoril-
lonite, Pontotoc, Mississippi.
10 B
V~ --
~ v-
h / VD
~ I /
7" /'
/ /
/ /
o L- v-
- /
400 600 800 1000
Temperature, C
FIG. 69. Dehydration curves, from Grim, Bray, and BradleyY (A) Illite, Gilead,
Calhoun County, Illinois; (E) illite, Fithian, Vermilion County, Illinois; (C) muscovite,
very finely ground; (D) muscovite, 100 mesh (coarser than C).
~ 80
~ 60
-C\Jt<)<tLO(!)I'-COCJlQ=:!t<) 888~88gg88gC\J88
C\Jt<)" LOlOl'-COCJlQ 12
FIG. 72. Differential thermal curves: FIG. 73. Differential thermal curves:
Scale A. (A) Montmorillonite, Otay, Scale A. (A) Biotite, University of
California; (B) montmorillonite, Tatatilla, Illinois collecti~Ils; (B) muscovite, Uni-
Mexico; (C) montmorillonite, Upton, versity of Illinois collections; (C) musco-
Wyoming; (D) montmorillonite, Cheto, vite, Bryman, California (minus one mi-
Arizona; (E) montmorillonite, Pontotoc, cron fraction); (D) illite, Fithian, Illinois;
Mississippi; (F) montmorillonite, Palmer, (E) illite, Grundy County, Illinois; (F)
Arkansas; (G) nontronite, Howard illite, Thebes, Illinois; (G) glauconite,
County, Arkansas; (H) hectorite, Hector, New Jersey; (H) glauconite, Washington.
198 Clay Mineralogy
1910, when several investigators used it in a study of clays. In these
early studies the procedure generally followed was to place the material
in a small platinum crucible with a single thermocouple junction in the
center of the material. The whole mass was placed in a furnace and
heated at a rapid and relatively uniform rate.
The thermocouple was attached to a galva-
nometer which was read periodically at
short intervals or recorded photographically.
Thermal reactions in the material caused
variations in the galvanometer record as
compared to that obtained when the furnace
contained no sample. The record obtained
showed the thermal reactions of the material
superimposed on the heating curve of the
furnace. Examples of such records are
shown in Fig. 77.
8 2 2 C~ ~ - g In 1899 Roberts-Austen 15 devised the dif-
FIG. 74. Differential thermal ferential-thermocouple method for measuring
curves: Scale A. Illite asso- temperature differences between a material
ciated with chlorite: (A) ma- and a reference unit, and in 1908 Burgess 16
quoketa shale, Illinois; (B) suggested simple, adaptable, and usable dif-
Minford silt, Ohio. Illite
with mixed layers of mont-
ferential-thermocouple circuits. After the
morillonite: (A) Bear River, work of Roberts-Austen, the difference ther-
Wyoming; (B) Sarospatak, mocouple was widely used by metallurgists,
Hungary (sarospatite); (C) but Fenner 17 in 1913, in his study of the
Noyant Allier, France (bra- stability relations of the silica minerals,
vaisite); (D) Decorah shale,
vVisconsin. appears to have been the first to apply it
outside of the field of metallurgy. The tech-
nique devised by Fenner is substantially that used today in differential
thermal analyses with some elaboration and refinement. Following
Fenner's work, the method was used sporadically in the study of high-
temperature phase changes by Kracek 18 and others 19 and frequently
in the study of the constituents of clays by various investiga-
H<> Wohlin, R., Beitrage zur Kenntnis cler Thermischen Analyse von Tonen,
Bauxiten und einigen verwandten Korper, Sprechsaal, 46, 719-721, 733-735, 749-
751, 767-769, (1913).
15 Roberts-Austen, J., Fifth Report of the Alloys Hesearch Committee, Proe. Insf.
Meeh. Engrs. (London), 35, (1899).
16 Burgess, 'G. K., On Methods of Obtaining Cooling Curves, II/all. Bur. Standards
(U.S.) Tech. News Bull., 5, 199-225 (1908-0\).
17 Fenner, C. N., The Statility Relations of the Silica Minerals, Am. J. Sci., ser. 4,
36, il31-384 (1913).
18 Kracek, F. C., The Polymorphism of Sodium Sulphate, I, Thermal Analysis. J.
Phys. Chem., 33, 1281-1303 (1929).
19 Kracek, F. C., N. L. Bowen, and G. W. Morey, The System Potassium Metasili-
cate-Silica, J. Phys. Chem., 33, 1857-1879 (1929).
Dehydration 199
00 00 0 00 0 000 0 0 00 00 0000 00 0 00
0 0 00 0
-(\j r0<;t
lD ~f2
000 0
to OlQ= (\j
00 00
- (\J r0<;t gg12&5
00 0
FIG. 75. Differential thermal curves: FIG. 76. Differential thermal curves:
(A) pro chlorite, Chester, Vermont; (B) Scale A. (A) Attapulgite, Attapulgus,
clinochlore, Brewster, New York; (C) Georgia; (B) sepiolite, Salinelles, France;
vermiculite and chlorite, Lenni, Pennsyl- (C) palygorskite, North Africa; CD)
vania; (D) vermiculite, North Carolina, palygorskite, from Caillere;84 (E) ver-
natural; (E) vermiculite, North Carolina, miculite, Arizona; (F) pyrophyllite, North
Ca++; (F) vermiculite, North Carolina, Carolina; (G) talc, Vermont; (H) quartz,
Na+; (G) vermiculite, North Carolina, University of Illinois collections.
NHt; (H) vermiculite, North Carolina,
K+. Curves C to H from Barshad;82
vertical scale slightly less than for other
curves. Scale B for curves A and B.
200 Clay Mineralogy
tors. 20-22 In 1933 and 1935 excellent reports by Orcel 23 and Orcel and
Caillere 24 emphasized clearly the applicability of the method to clay-
mineral researches, and since that time it has been used in the study of
clays by many different investigators in many different countries. More
recently, the method has become popular with investigators of other
materials such as carbonates, sulfates, hydrates, etc. 25 ,26
Description of Method. In the method as generally used today, the
sample to be studied is placed in one hole of a specimen holder, and an
inert material that experiences no thermal reaction when heated to the
O~~~LJ~~~~L7~~~ ___________
5 J5
FIG. 77. Thermal reactions in clay superimposed on furnace heating rate, as recorded
by Wohlin."a Curve A is furnace heating curve. Curves B to D show furnace
heating rate with thermal reactions for clays superimposed.
b b
bob a Recorder
Temperature Proqrom
Recorder Controller
to) (b)
FIG. 78. (a) Thermocouple setup as used today; (b) thermocouple setup as used in
early work and in some current work. (a) Platinum-lO per cent rhodium wire; (b)
platinum wire.
(1) C 8
U 6 A
.~ \._
(1) 4
~Q_ 2
.3 0
(1) .....
. 0 "(1)
u ~
c"O C>
~ 0
:::: c
.- (1)
Of ~
Q)'u ~
"- (1)
... i5
a. ~
o 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Temperature C
FIG. 79. Idealized dehydration and differential thermal eurves for kaolinite, after
Spiel et al. 27
Attempts have been made by Spiel,27 Kerr and Kulp,28 and Arens 2D
to analyze mathematically the differential thermal method. It will be
obvious from the discussion of the equipment used and the factors affect-
ing the results that the method has certain quantitative limitations which
restrict rigorous mathematical treatment. Currently an effort is being
made by a subcommittee of the International Committee for the Study
of Clays under the chairmanship of Dr. R. C. Mackenzie of Aberdeen,
27 Spiel, S.,. L. H. Berkelheimer, J. A. Pask, and B. Davies, Differential Thermal ~
Analysis-Its Application to Clays and Other Aluminous Minerals, U.S. Bur. Mines
Tech. Paper 664 (1945).
28 Kerr, P. F., and J. L. Kulp, Multiple Differential Thermal Analyses, Am. Mineral.,
the differential curves will measure the o 32
temperature difference represented by I
various peak heights.
Experimental Factors and Variations l' 4
in Material Which Influence Results.
As has just been shown, variations in E 12
8 i
the equipment used may influence dif- ~ 16
ferential thermal results. Variations 20
and Other Hydrous Materials, Am. Mineral., 27, 746-761, 801-818 (1942).
2(;6 Clay Mineralogy
Also it should not experience any thermal reaction in the course of
analysis. Calcined alumina (a-Alz0 3 ) has proved quite satisfactory as
inert material. In an attempt to maintain uniformity between sample
I I I I ,
5-20 Microns
/-5 Microns
..I-I-I--t-t-t"J ._
1\ I
I 1 I I
0.5- / Micron
L-I--+-+-H-r r-
0.2-0.5 Micron
-r-- 1
I t I I I I
0./-0.2 Micron
I I t I I I
0.05-0./ Micron
and inert material, calcined clay has been used occasionally as the inert
material. However, calcined clay may well have different diffusivity
from natural clay; hence little is gained by this procedure. Also, in some
cases, the calcined clay may show thermal reactions due to phase changes.
It is general practice to pack the sample in the holder under moderate
p!essure, and it follows from the foregoing statements that the sample
Dehydration 207
and inert material should be packed or prepared in the same way. The
importance of packing varies with the kind of material. It is particu-
larly important with light, fluffy material and, as shown by Gruver,32 is
of very little importance for granular, relatively fine grained material with
a considerable range of particle-size distribution so that it will pack
naturally to a fairly dense mass.
So far as packing of the sample is concerned, the particle-size distribu-
tion of the sample is generally of no importance, unless the material is all
relatively coarse (+60 mesh) or extremely fine grained (-2 microns).
A range of particle size permitting dense packing is advantageous.
Spiel et al. 27 has shown that for some materials the thermal curve varies
with the particle size of the component minerals, particularly when the
maximum size is about 2 microns. In general (Fig. 81), the size of the
thermal reaction and the temperature of the peak decrease as the particle
size decreases. In some materials (see page 213) the decrease in particle
size may be accompanied by a decrease in crystallinity, which is reflected
in the differential thermal curve by lower intensity of reactions and a
decrease in the temperature of the reaction peaks. According to Arens,29
if the size of particle is larger than about 20 microns, the surface area is
too small for dehydration reactions to occur rapidly enough to yield
pronounced effects on differential thermal records. Reactions due to
phase changes would be largely independent of particle size.
Arens 29 has investigated the effect on the differential thermal curve of the
shape and size of the sample hole and the position of the thermocouple
bead in the hole. According to him, the size and shape of the hole greatly
affect the peaks for reactions accompanied by a change of weight, e.g.,
dehydration, and have little effect on peaks due to phase changes. For
example, a deep, narrow hole will enhance the endothermic reaction for
the dehydration of illite. In the low-temperature region, heat transfer
occurs largely by conduction; in the high-temperature region, largely by
radiation. Placement of the thermocouple junction deep in the sample
yields curves with relatively strong endothermic peaks in the low-tem-
perature range and flat endothermic peaks in the high-temperature range.
Exothermic reactions are recorded best with deep placement of the
thermocouple junction.
Norton 34 and Spiel et alY have shown that, in general, the slower the
heating rate, the broader the peak and the lower the temperature of the
.I peak (Fig. 82). Increasing the heating rate delays the attainment of
the temperatures of both endothermic and exothermic peaks and increases
the height of the peak and the temperature interval during which the
reaction takes place. According to Spiel, the area under the curve for a
3' Norton, F. II., Critical Study of the Differential Thermal Method for the Identi-
fication of the Clay Minerals, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 22, 54-63 (1939).
208 Clay Mineralo~y
given reaction and the temperature at the start of the reaction seem to be
independent of the rate of heating. ArenS 29 has not checked this con-
clusion, having found some variation in tIle area under curve with the
heating rate. The experiences of many investigators have shown that a
heating rate in the range of 10 to 15C/min is most satisfactory. A
slower heating rate unduly reduces the sharpness of the reactions, and
600 C
FIG. 82. Effect of variation in heating rate on the endothermic reaction for the
dehydration of kaolinite, after Spiel ei aZ.2 7
Curve 'A"
Curve ''8''
Curve 't'''
0 0 0 0 0 0
100 200 300 400 500 600 700 0
800 0
9000 10000
FIG. 83. Differential thermal curves for siderite, after Rowland and Jonas.a 6 (A)
Firmly packed without cover on sample holder; (B) firmly packed without cover and
run in nitrogen atmosphere; (C) firmly packed with cover on specimen holder; (D)
very finely ground, loosely packed, and without cover.
Arens 29 has pointed out that an increase in the partial vapor pressure
in the furnace may cause a significant delay in the occurrence of a dehy-
dration reaction. Rowland and Lewis 36 have shown the great effect
of an atmosphere of CO 2 in changing the reaction temperatures of the
In studying carbonaceous clays, it is common practice to use an inert
gas in the furnace to suppress the oxidation reaction, which otherwise
35 Rowland, R. A., and E. C. Jonas, Variations in Differential Thermal Analysis
Dehydration 211
Identification of High-temperature Phases. The identification of
changes in phase on heating the clay minerals has been made almost
entirely by means of X-ray-diffraction analyses. In early investigations
the samples were heated to various temperatures, quenched or allowed
to cool, and then studied. Currently the use of high-temperature X-ray-
diffraction cameras has permitted the obtaining of diffraction patterns
while the minerals are at the high temperatures. Also, in the author's
laboratory, a small furnace has been mounted on the diffraction unit, so
that spectrometer traces are obtained while the minerals are at the
elevated temperature. The latter techniques not only save a tremendous
amount of time but remove the possible difficulties resulting from phase
inversions on cooling. It seems likely that the high-temperature X-ray-
diffraction technique will provide information of great value in studies
of the formation of minerals at elevated temperatures and of transforma-
tions at high temperatures. Except for the use of the petrographic
microscope, other possible methods of identifying high-temperature trans-
formations have been given little consideration. An exception is the
work of Comefero, Fischer, and Bradley,40 using the electron microscope
to reveal the development of mullite in heated kaolinite. The petro-
graphic microscope is adequate for identifying a new phase, if it is well
developed and relatively abundant. If the phase forms slowly, the
initially formed material is frequently not sufficiently abundant nor in
large enough units for identification optically; hence the point of the
beginning of the transformation cannot be fixed by microscopic study.
Dehydration curves published by Ross and Kerr S (Fig. 67) show a con-
tinuous loss of water, with no breaks or very prominent flexures but a
gradual decrease in amount as the temperature is increased. Water of
the order of 10 to 15 per cent is lost below about HOC, and a roughly
similar amount is lost at higher temperatures up to about lOOOC.
These authors conclude that the dehydration curves of allophane are
characteristic of a material in which the water is held in solution and not
in chemical combination. Nutting 6 has published curves for two
allophane samples, one of which shows a gradual water loss, whereas the
other shows a distinct flexure between about 550 and 600C.
Grim and Rowland 33 have published differential thermal curves for
two allophane samples (Fig. 71), both of which show distinct endothermic
reactions at low temperatures, corresponding to the water loss below
llOC shown by the dehydration data. One of the differential thermal
40 Comefero, J. E., R. B. Fischer, and W. F. Bradley, Mullitization of Kaolinite,
Dehydration 213
anauxite is slightly lower than that of kaolinite. The apparent difference
in the findings of these investigators may be explained by differences in
the particle size of their samples and possibly also in degree of crystallinity.
DeKeyser 41 has stated that kaolinite can be dehydrated completely at
temperatures as low as 3500 with long heating times (200 hr), and
indeed this is about the temperature of the very beginning of the break
in the dehydration curves for the mineral. In general, very long time
intervals are necessary to reach equilibrium for the clay minerals at tem-
peratures where the loss of OR water is beginning.
Differential thermal curves of kaolinite show an intense, sharp endo-
thermic reaction corresponding to the loss of OR water (Fig. 71). The
reaction begins at about 4000, and for well-crystallized kaolinite the
peak is at about 6000. The intensity of the reaction and hence the size
of the peak, as well as the peak temperature, are reduced slightly as the
particle size decreases and as the crystallinity decreases. The variation
seems to be greater for the crystallinity factor than for the particle-size
factor. According to Grimshaw et al.,31 the peak temperature is 20 to
300 lower for poorly crystalline kaolinite than for the well-crystallized
There seems to be no difference in the differential curves for kaolinite
and anauxite. The temperature of the peaks for the reaction for loss of
OR water is higher (about 1000) for nacrite and dickite than for
The sections of the differential curves for poorly crystallized kaolinite
lying between the peak for loss of hydroxyl water and the intense exo-
thermic reaction at about 9500 are relatively fiat, whereas those for well-
crystallized kaolinite in this temperature range tend to have an upward
slope, with a slight endothermic reaction just before the exothermic
reaction. Grim and Bradley 42 have concluded that the loss of OR water
in poorly crystallized kaolinite is accompanied by a fairly complete loss
of structure, but that in well-crystallized kaolinites some structural
remnants persist along with some water, and that this remnant is lost
at the time of the higher-temperature endothermic reaction.
Numerous investigators have debated the nature of the material
immediately following the loss of OR lattice water from kaolinite. Insley
and Ewe1l 43 showed that the dehydrated kaolinite did not have the samE
chemical attributes, solubility in acid, etc., as mixtures of amorphom
4I DeKeyser, W., A Study of Kaolin and Some Belgian Clays, Ann. mines Belg., 40
711-806 (1939).
42 Grim, R. E., and W. F. Bradley, Rehydration and Dehydration of the Clay
"X-ray Identification and Structure of the Clay Minerals," Chap. III, pp. 76-85,
Mineralogical Society of Great Britain Monograph, (1951).
Dehydration 215
analyses of a series of kaolinites heated for 20 hr at each 50C temperature
interval from 800 to 1350C. Ris results indicate the presence of
'Y-alumina from 950 to above 1350C. Richardson also investigated
halloysite and found no mullite forming below nooc, and since hal-
loysite shows the same exothermic peak as kaolinite, the author concludes
that the exothermic reaction in kaolinite is probably due to the formation
of 'Y-alumina.
Recent unpublished work by Glass 47 suggests that the apparent
discrepancy in results may be due to variations in the crystallinity of the
material investigated and to the experimental conditions. According
to Glass, well-crystallized kaolinite at lOOOC yields strong diffraction
lines for 'Y-AhOa and weak lines for mullite. On further heating to
higher temperatures, or on long-continued heating at lOOOC, mullite
continues to develop. If the heating is rapid, as it is in a differential
thermal analysis, little further mullite develops until about 1250C, when
it abruptly appears in abundance and is accompanied by an exothermic
reaction. Cristobalite appears in abundance at about 1300C. In the
case of poorly crystallized kaolinite, at least in the samples studied by
Glass, only 'Y-A1203 appears at lOOOC. Mullite appears abruptly at
about 1200C, accompanied by an exothermic reaction, and aistobalite
appears in abundance at about 1300C. Johns 47 a; has recently shown
that the high temperature exothermic reaction for kaolinite can be
explained by a mullite nucleation which may be revealed by thermal data
before it is clearly shown by diffraction data. Johns has also shown that
the nucleation would vary somewhat with the crystallinity of the
Bertorelli and Williams 48 have claimed that mullite formation is
enhanced by heating in the presence of inert gases. Caillere, Renin, and
Ture 49 have shown that there is a great variation in the intensity of the
exothermic reaction at about 950C as a consequence of variations in the
presence of a very small amount of impurities. Parmelee and Rodriguez 50
have shown that zinc, lithium, magnesium, iron, manganese, cerium, and
molybdenum markedly enhance the formation of mullite from kaolinite;
boron and calcium enhance it slightly; sodium, potassium, titanium, and
tin retard its formation; and the relative influence of these elements varies
47 Glass, H. D., Illinois State Geological Survey. Personal communication.
47a Johns, W. D., The Mineralogy of Flint Clays and associated Fireclays, Ph.D.
I thesis, Illinois, 1952.
's Bertorelli, O. L., and 1. Williams, Preparation of Mullite, U.S. Patent 2,536,122
49 Caillere, S., S. Henin, and S. Ture, Investigation of the Differential Thermal
E _v v- ~
cant factor in explaining the apparent
variation in results obtained by differ-
V I 'r-O ent investigators on heating kaolinite.
0 ~
Hyslop and McMurdo 52 have pre-
C sented expansion-contraction curves for
the various clay minerals (Figure 84).
- Kaolinite shows an initial slight expan-
sion up to about 500C, followed by
~ c contraction to the limits of the experi-
ments at 1100C. The beginning of
the contraction accompanies the loss
\ "- B
of OH water. There is a flexure at
about 900C, corresponding to an inter-
val of relatively reduced contraction;
I~ this is the temperature of the exother-
mic reaction that is attributed to the
o 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
formation of I'-Ah03 or mullite.
Temperature C
Harmon and Parmelee 53 have stated
FIG. 84. Thermal expansion of the
clay minerals, after Hyslop and that
McMurdo. 52 One vertical division . . . only minor changes in true specific
is 0.80 per cent expansion or con- gravity take place up to the dehydration
traction. (A) Kaolinite, china clay,
of the kaolinite. At this point the specific
Cornwall, England; (B) halloysite,
Missouri; (C) beidellite (Putnam gravity drops suddenly as would be expected
soil), Missouri; (D) illite, Fithian, from the theory that dehydrated kaolinite
Illinois; (E) illite, Gilead, a mixture of amorphous alumina and
silica. The specific gravity then slowly
increases apparently indicating that a small amount of amorphous oxides are recom-
bining to form a compound. The increase is suddenly increased at about 900 o e.
Harmon and Parmelee did their work with ball clays in which the kao-
linite crystallinity was probably low. Rieke and Mauve 54 have presented
51 Crookston, J. A., The Effect of Exchangeable Bases on the Fired Properties of
Fireclays, Ph.D. thesis, University of Illinois (1949). ~
52 Hyslop, J. F., and A. McMurdo, The Thermal Expansion of Some Clay Minerals,
teile der Kaoline, Ber. deut. keram. Ges., 23, 119-150 (1942).
Dehydration 217
similar data (Table 27) for a kaolinite from Zettlitz in Czechoslovakia,
which is well crystallized; their data are in essential agreement with those
of Harmon and Parmelee.
(After Rieke and Mauve)H
Mineral 400C 450C 500C 600C 700C BOooe \loooe \l50oe lOoOoe
- - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Kaolinite, Zettlitz ........ 2.64 2.64 2.49 2.47 2.50 2.53 2.60 2.62 2.69 2.74
Mica, Sarospatak ........ 2.B1 2.BO 2.71 2.63 2.58 2.56 2.51 2.52 2.53 2.55
Halloysite ............... 2.62 2 57 2.46 2.45 2.48 2.52 2.58 2.65 2.70 2.58
Muscovite ............ '. 2.86 2.89 2.91 2.92 2.84 2.81 2.71 2.64 2.59 2.58
Montmorillonite, Wyo- Could not be determined be- 2.59 2.58 2.49 2.52 2.55 2.52
ming cause of swelling
419 (1930).
218 Clay Mineralogy
significant loss of water below 100 0e for some halloysites and not for
others, depending, as is now known, on whether or not the halloysite is
the hydrated form (4H20). The curves show that at temperatures
between 1000 and 400 0e there is a very slight gradual loss of water, with
the amount increasing somewhat between about 300 0 and 400 0e. From
4000-430 0e to 500 0e the hydroxyl water is lost rapidly and abruptly.
Above about 500 e there is again a gradual loss of water up to about
800 0e, where dehydration is essentially complete. Ross and Kerr point
out that halloysite loses its OH lattice water at a temperature 600 to 80 0e
lower than that for kaolinite.
The water lost below 100 0e is pore water and that occurring between
basal plane surfaces of adjacent unit layers. Most of this interlayer
water can be lost at room temperature under conditions of low humidity
and over moderate periods of time. Brindley and Goodyear 58 have
shown that drying at room temperature does not completely remove all
interlayer water, and that the formula for air-dried halloysite is Al 20 v
2Si0 2.nH 20 with n = 274 to 2%, which is equivalent to about one layer
of water to every four silicate layers. Drying to about 400 0e is required
to remove the interlayer water completely. The moisture gradually lost
between 100 0e and 400 0 e undoubtedly corresponds to the residue of
interlayer water, which is driven off with difficulty. Brindley and
Goodyear have also shown that the complete loss of the interlayer water
is not accompanied by a reorganization of the randomly displaced silicate
Differential thermal curves for halloysites are given in Fig. 71. The
hydrated form shows an initial V-shaped endothermic peak resulting
from the loss of the interlayer water. This peak is, of course, small or
completely absent in the lower-hydration forms of the mineral. The
shape of the initial endothermic peak is unlike the one sometimes yielded
by poorly crystalline kaolinite at about the same temperature. The
peak given by kaolinite is less intense and less ahrupt than that of
The differential thermal curves above about 200 0e are essentially like
those for kaolinite. The sharp endothermic reaction due to loss of OH
water tends to develop a peak at a slightly lower temperature than that
in the case of kaolinite. Grimshaw, Heaton, and Roberts 31 found in their
differential thermal analyses that the endothermic peak for halloysite
was at 500 0e, for poorly crystalline kaolinite at 550 0 to 562e, and for
well-crystallized kaolinite at 583e. Kerr, Kulp, and Hamilton 59 state
58 Brindley, G. W., and J. Goodyear, X-Ray Studies of Halloysite and Metahalloy-
60 Bradley, W. F., Diagnostic Criteria for Clay Minerals, Am. Mineral., 30, 704-713
61 MacEwan, D. M. C., Complexes of Clays with Organic Compounds, I, Complex
Formation between Montmorillonite and Halloysite and Certain Organic Liquids, "
Trans. Faraday Soc., 44, 349-367 (1948).
62 Brindley, G. W., The Kaolin Minerals, "X-ray Identification and Structure of the
Clay Minerals," Chap. II, pp. 32-75, Mineralogical Society of Great Britain Mono-
graph (1951).
63 Bates, T. F., F. A. Hildebrand, and A. Swineford, Morphology and Structure of
Endellite and Halloysite, Am. Mineral., 35, 463-484 (1950).
Dehydration 221
usually showing no distinct break between the temperature of loss of the
last interlayer water and the beginning of loss of OH lattice water. Ross
and Hendricks have arbitrarily taken the temperature of 3000 as the
break point, and this is probably the best single value that can be named.
The loss of the interlayer water is accompanied by a reduction in the c
dimension to 9.4 to 10 A, with the exact value depending on the size of
the interlamellar ions.
The curves of various montmorillonites show wide variation of tem-
perature for the loss of OH lattice water. For normal montmorillonites,
i.e., those with moderate to low substitutions of iron and magnesium for
aluminum, rapid loss of OH water begins at about 5000, and the dehy-
dration is practically complete at 8000. For nontronites the rapid loss
of hydroxyl water begins at about 4000, and the dehydration is sub-
stantially complete at 8000. Rectorite is unusual, in that the rapid loss
does not begin until about 7000 and the loss is still not complete at
9300. In hectorite the hydroxyls are partially replaced by fluorines,
which are possibly more tightly held within the lattice structure than the
The loss of (OR) water in montmorillonites, unlike that in kaolinite and
halloysite, does not begin or end abruptly, except in the case of hectorite.
Another point of difference from kaolinite and halloysite, as Oaldwell and
Marshall 64 and Kelley et al. 9 have shown, is the small variation in the
dehydration characteristics of montmorillonites with particle size. This
is to be expected, since a reduction in particle size of the montmorillonites
is essentially a reduction of aggregates and not of primary components;
i.e., it is a separation of flakes along basal planes of easy separation rather
than a cross breaking of flakes.
The dehydration curves of some of the montmorillonites show flexures
in the temperature interval of the loss of OR water; the significance of
these will be discussed when the differential curves are considered.
Differential thermal curves for a series of montmorillonites are given
in Ifig. 72. At low temperatures they show variable endothermic peaks
due primarily to the loss of interlayer water. The size and character of
these peaks are contingent upon the nature of the adsorbed cation and
on the pretreatment of the sample (see pages 178-179).
Most normal montmorillonites with relatively small amounts of iron
and magnesium replacing aluminum show an endothermic reaction due
to loss of OR lattice water, beginning rather gradually at about 450 to
5000, ending at about 7500, and with a peak temperature of about
7000. Large replacement of aluminum by iron causes a reduction in the
64 Caldwell, O. G., and C. E. Marshall, A Study of Some Chemical and Physical
Properties of the Clay Minerals N ontronite, Attapulgite and Saponite, ColI. Agr. Univ.
Missouri Research Bull. 354 (1942). /
Clay Mineralogy
temperature of the reaction, and for nontronite the peak temperature is
550 to 600C. Some montmorillonites which have a moderately high
magnesium content, e.g., the sample from Otay, California, also show a
lowering of the dehydration temperature. On the other hand, the mag-
nesium-rich hectorite dehydrates at a higher temperature than the
aluminous montmorillonites.
Some montmorillonites of relatively low iron and magnesium contents
show unusually low temperatures for the hydroxyl-loss endothermic
reaction, and some samples are known (e.g., montmorillonite from Palmer,
Arkansas) that show a dual endothermic peak for hydroxyl water loss.
In some cases the dual peak can be explained tentatively by a mixing of
montmorillonites, e.g., high-iron and aluminous varieties. In some other
examples the possibility of small amounts of kaolinite or halloysite as
impurities cannot be eliminated. There are, however, some samples for
which there is no satisfactory explanation. Kerr et al. 59 have reasoned
that the explanation may reside in the geometry of the replacement and
population of the octahedral positions in the structure. According to
these authors, variation in the position of the cations in the octahedral
packing and hence variation in the nearness to hydroxyl ions should
affect the strength of the bonding of the OR and hence the energy neces-
sary for its release.
Thilo and Schunemann 65 and Grim and Bradley66 have shown that
the general layer type of structure illustrated by montmorillonite and the
micas is able to survive the elimination of OR water with only moderate
readjustments. According to Bradley and Grim,67 the removal of
hydroxyl water is correlative with increases of 0.1 to 0.3 A in c-axis
periodicity and involves the expulsion of about one-sixth of the oxygens
of the octahedrally coordinated portion of the structure. This correlation
is apparently confined to the heptaphyllite types of montmorillonites.
An idealized rearrangement of the octahedral layer which adequately
accounts for the meager data observable is illustrated in Fig. 85. It
represents merely the lifting of the adjacent oxygen layer out of the
packed position, with the immediate consequences that the vertical
height is increased and the intensity of the 4.5 A diffraction line is aug-
mented. A diagram of a typical dehydration specimen is compared with
its normal dry state in Fig. 85. Diffraction data for the rearranged
material, after Bradley and Grim, are given in Table 28. The idealized
66 Thilo, E., and H. Schunemann, Chemical Studies of Silicates, IV, Behavior of
Pyrophyllite on Heating and the Existence of a "'Vater-free" Pyrophyllite, Z. anorg.
u. allgem. Chem., 230, 321-325 (1937).
66 Grim, R. E., and W. F. Bradley, Investigation of the Effect of Heat on the Clay
Minerals Illite and Montmorillonite, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 23, 242-248 (1940).
67 Bradley, W. F., and R. E. Grim, High Temperature Thermal Effects of Clay and
.1\ ..
Dehydration 223
FIG. 85. Probable rearrangement in heptaphyllite-type clay minerals upon loss of
hydroxyl water. The diffraction diagrams illustrate the Tatatilla montmorillonite
after heating to 550 0 (upper) and 725C (lower). The schematic sketches represent
the arrangement within an octahedral layer before and after dehydroxylation, after
Bradley and Grim. 67
Calculated relative
Indices as Observed rela- intensities for
d, A
orthohexagonal tive intensities idealized Scheme
of Fig. 85
001 9.7 m 2
002 4.8.'5 m 2
110,020 4.48 88 18
003 3.22 8 10
200, 130 2.59 m 4
2.5 Diffuse m
220,040 2.23 m 2
2.1 Diffuse w
005 1. 93 w 1
240, 150 1. 72 w 2
1.67 Diffuse m
330,060 1.51 m 2
1.49 Diffuse w
400,260 1.31 w 3
420,350 1.25 w 1
166-172 (1950).
curves show a wide variety of thermal reactions, indicating that there is
considerable variation in the phases formed when various montmoril-
lonites are heated to elevated temperatures (Fig. 72). Data given in
Table 29 from Bradley and Grim 67 show that this is the case.
Otay, California ... .......... ii-Quartz (1) Cristobalite (1) Cristobalite (1) Cristobalite (1)
Enstatite (3) ii-Quartz (1) Cordierite (1) Cordierite (1)
Enstatite (2) Periclase (3)
Upton, Wyoming .. Spinel (1) Spinel (1) Spinel (2) ............... Mullite (2)
a-Quartz (2) Cristobalite (1)
Cheto, Arizona . ... . . . . .. . . . . ii-Quartz (1) ii-Quartz (1) ............... Cristobalite (1)
Anorthite (?) (3) Cristobalite (3) Cordierite (1)
Anorthite (?) (3)
Sierra de Guada- . . . . . . . . . . Spinel (1) Cristobalite (1) Cristobalite (1) Cristobalite (1)
lupe, Mexico Spinel (1) Spinel (1) Cordierite (1)
Cordierite (2)
Harris County, .......... Spinel (2) Cristobalite (1) Cristobalite (1) Cristobalite (1)
Texas Cristobalite (3) Spinel (1) Spinel Mullite (2)
Mullite (2)
Pontotoc, Missis- .......... Spinel (1) Cristobalite (1) . .............. Cristobalite (2)
sippi a-Quartz (2) Spinel (1) Cordierite (2)
Wagon Wheel Gap, Spinel (2) Cristobalite (1) ............... ............... Cristobalite
Colorado Mullite (3)
Spinel (2)
Dehydration 229
reconstitution of a new assemblage, but simply the freedom of a few Mg
ions to migrate to the nearest equivalent interstices. In other words
the oxygen packing remains substantially the same, and the transforma-
tion is a matter of the shift of a few magnesium ions. They conclude
further that the development of mullite from pyrophyllite, which is
probably similar to its development from montmorillonite, is carried
forward to a considerable extent along the same lines as the development
of the forsterite.
Steger 71 has investigated the expansion-contraction of montmoril-
lonite. The specimen examined by him showed a very slight gradual
expansion from 200 to about 700 0 e. Between 700 and 800 e there
71 Steger, W., Die Langenanderungen von Kaolinen und einigen anderen Ton-
miner alien beim Brennen bis 1l0000, Ber. deut. keram. Ges., 23, 46-92, 157-174 (1942).
72 Hofmann, U., and J. Endell, Die Abhangigkeit des Kationaustausches und der
Quellung bei Montmorillonit von der Vorerhitzung, Ver. deut. Chemiker, Beiheft, 36,
10 (1939).
230 Clay Mineralogy
montmorillonite after heating to 105 to 1250, for H or Oa montmoril-
lonite after heating to 300 to 3900, and for Na montmorillonite after
heating to 390 to 4900. Hofmann and Endell carried their rehydration
tests over short periods of time, and somewhat different results might be
found for longer intervals of rehydration.
Grim and Bradley42 have shown that N a
montmorillonite, after being heated for 1 hr
at 6000, very slowly picked up interlayer
water, so that a small amount is shown at
the end of 268 days. Samples heated to
8000 showed no pickup of interlayer
water after the same length of time. The
same authors present data for a Oa mont-
morillonite showing that it also regained
interlayer water after heating to 6000 and
that the rehydration was slightly slower
than for the N a montmorillonite.
According to Grim and Bradley,42 sam-
ples heated to 6000 for 1 hr regained
about one-fourth of the original OR lattice
8 8N 8 8<::;t 8 8<..0 8l"-
!'() L() water in 268 days. As shown in Fig. 88,
cc the endothermic reaction corresponding to
FIG. 88. Differential thermal the removal of this rehydration water yields
curves of sodium montmoril-
a double peak, suggesting that the regained
lonite (bentonite), Clay Spur,
Wyoming, after Grim and water is of two kinds or forms in the lattice.
Bradley. 42 (A) ~ot heated; Some of the rehydration water is removed
(B) heated, 500C for 1 hr, at about the same temperature as the origi-
curve run after standing 13 nal hydroxyl water, and the remainder at a
days; (C) heated, 600C for 1
temperature about 1500 lower. Both
hr, curve run after standing 11
days; (D) heated, 600C for 1 kinds or 'forms of water are regained at
hr, curve run after standing 68 about the same rate. The rehydration of
days; (E) heated, 600C for 1 the OH lattice water does not afford any
hr, curve run after standing 146 clear-cut X-ray-diffraction interference, but
days; (F) heated, 600C for 1
hr, curve run after standing 268
in the light of the anhydrous configura-
days; (G) heated, 800C for 1 tion illustrated (Fig. 85), it seems reason-
hr, curve run after standing 76 able to assume that only a small part is
days; (H) heated, 800C for 1 recombined into the original configuration,
hr, curve run after standing 268 with an additional significant amount attain-
ing some other bonding of lower nergy.
Experience in drying bentonite commercially has shown that, as a
practical matter, regaining of interlayer water is difficult if the last trace
of interlayer water is removed. So long as some water remains between
the layers, swelling is generally relatively easy ..
Dehydration 231
<I> 10
Muscovite /"
Biotite) ___
-l 5
..... , ..
..... -'~
_--::~~~-'-- Pl7loqopite
200 400 600 800 1000
Temperature "c
FIG. 89. Dehydration curves of biotite, phlogopite, and muscovite, after Roy.75
Samples held at respective temperatures for 24 hr.
", .
Dehydration 235
differ from the well-crystallized micas in having some interlayer water,
which is a consequence of fewer interlayer cations, less bond between
layers, less uniform orientation of successive layers, smaller particle size,
and/or a difference in composition within the silicate layer itself. The
difference in loss of hydroxyl water cannot be so completely explained
but is probably largely the result of the difference in particle size, as shown
in the following discussion of differential thermal curves.
Differential thermal curves (Fig. 73), after Grim and Bradley,77 for
coarse-grained muscovite (10 to 20 microns) show only a single dehydra-
tion reaction, beginning at about 800C with a peak at about 900C. In
the rapid heating of the differential thermal procedure there would be
little loss of hydroxyls below about 800C, and then, in accordance with
Roy's75 data, an abrupt loss of the OR water should occur. Grim and
Bradley show that a decrease in the particle size of the muscovite is
accompanied by a reduction in the temperature of the beginning of the
endothermic dehydration reaction and by an increase in the temperature
interval during which it takes place. Differential thermal analyses of
biotite yield a curve without any pronounced deflections up to lOOOC,
indicating an absence of any abrupt dehydration in this temperature
range under the conditions of the analyses (heating rate, lOoC/min).
Differential thermal curves for illite presented by Grim and Bradley77
show an initial endothermic reaction corresponding to the loss of inter-
layer water, a second endothermic reaction beginning at about 450 to
500C with a peak at about 550 to 650C, a third, slight endothermic
reaction between about 850 and 950C, and frequently an exothermic
reaction between about 900 and lOOOC (Fig. 73). The size and tem-
perature interval of the second endothermic peak, which corresponds
to the loss of OR lattice water, vary in different samples, and the final
part of the curve also shows considerable variation. Information is not
yet available on the precise variation of thermal characteristics of illites
with differences in their structural and composition attributes. Grim
and Bradley (Fig. 73G) have shown one octaphyllitic illite that yields a
differential thermal curve like those of heptaphyllitic illites. On the
other hand, another sample of glauconite showed a relatively smaller
initial endothermic reaction and a relatively higher temperature for the
reaction accompanying the loss of hydroxyl water than the heptaphyllitic
illites. Mackenzie, Walker, and Rart7 8 have recently described an illite
showing a double endothermic reaction in the hydroxyl dehydration
71 Grim, R. E., and W. F. Bradley, The Mica Clay Minerals, "X-ray Identification
and Structure of the Clay Minerals," Chap. V, pp. 138-172, Mineralogical Society of
Great Britain Monograph (1951).
78 Mackenzie, R. C., G. W. Walker, and R. Hart, Illite in Decomposed Granite at
dravll, et la formule des sepiolites, Bull. aoe. fran!;. mineral., 60, 232-276 (1937).
Dehydration 243
that there are two intervals of contraction perpendicular to the fiber
axis, one interval of about 1 per cent at about 3500, and another of about
2 per cent taking place abruptly at about 8000. Parallel to the fiber
axis, there is a slow gradual contraction of about 0.5 per cent up to
8000. The contraction during this temperature interval becomes more
prominent as the temperature increases. At 8000, a further contrac-
tion, exceeding 2 per cent in the direction parallel to the fiber axis, takes
place suddenly.
Nutting 6 has presented a dehydration curve for a palygorskite (Fig. 66),
showing a sharp water loss below 1000, abrupt water losses at 150 to
2000 and 375 to 4250, and a gradual loss above 4250, with complete
dehydration at about 7000. A continuous weight-loss curve (Fig. 70),
given by Longchambon 13 shows similar results.
Differential curves for a palygorskite and an attapulgite (Figs. 76A
and C) show an initial endothermic reaction below about 2000 and
additional endothermic reactions at about 225 to 3500 and 400 to
5250, corresponding approximately to the intervals of abrupt water
losses shown by the dehydration curves. There is no definite-higher-
temperature endothermic peak, and apparently the small water loss above
about 5500 causes no thermal reaction adequate for recording.
Oaillere and Henin 86 have presented a series of differential thermal
curves for palygorskites, and they in general have similar characteristics
(Fig. 76D), except for larger initial endothermic reactions. The various
palygorskites that have been analyzed show additional variations in
detail, particularly in the high-temperature part of the curves, and this
is to be expected because of the probable differences in composition, with
resulting variations in high-temperature phases.
Bradley 87 has stated that the water molecules in the channel-like
interstices of the structure are lost below 1000, a temperature which
would correspond to the initial endothermic reaction. The water
coordinated about the magnesium ions is lost at a slightly higher tem-
perature, and this dehydration is probably correlated with the second
endothermic reaction. The loss of the hydroxyl water from the silicate
unit is probably correlated with the third endothermic reaction. Appar-
ently most of the hydroxyl water is lost at about 4000., with the remain-
der being lost slowly between 450 and about 7000.
The palygorskites-attapulgites differ in dehydration from the sepiolites
" in the loss of the hydroxyl water more abruptly and generally at a lower
temperature. Also in at least some sepiolites, there is little or no indica-
86 Caillere, S., and S. Henin, Application de l'analyse thermique differentielle ft,
l'etude des argiles des sols, Ann. agron., 17, 23-72 (1947).
87 Bradley, \V. F., The Structural Scheme of Attapulgite, Am. Mineral., 25, 405-
413 (1940).
244 Clay Mineralogy
tion of so-called zeolitic water, which in attapulgite is that coordinated
with the magnesiums.
According to Longchambon,88,89 the loss of water up to about 400C is
not accompanied by any structural changes. At about 400C, there is a
rapid contraction of the crystal lattice normal to the length of the fiber.
The modified structure persists to about 775C, when the structure is
destroyed and further shrinkage takes place.
According to Caillere and Henin,90 a comparison of the results of Long-
chambon and Bradley indicates that above 400C the (hkO) reflections
are replaced by halos. This is explained by dislocations in the octa-
hedral units of the amphibole chains, which lead to a closing of the
cavities or channels with the subsequent disappearance of the water-
adsorbing property. No satisfactory structural explanation has been
offered for the contraction of the lattice normal to the fiber axis described
by Longchambon.
Caillere and Henin 90 state that the high-temperature phases of some
attapulgites-palygorskites are probably enstatite, sillimanite, and cristo-
balite. The high-temperature parts of the differential thermal curves
show large variations, which indicate that there is significant difference
in the high-temperature phases formed when these minerals are heated.
This is to be expected, by analogy with the montmorillonite minerals,
because of probable large variations in their chemical composition and
possibly also in their structure. The precise nature of these high-
temperature phases and their relation to composition and structure
remain for future research.
According to Grim,91 attapulgite fuses at approximately the same tem-
perature as montmorillonite. Data are not avaiJable for the fusion point
of other members of this group, but probably they would be similar to
Rehydration. Very little data are available regarding the rehydra-
tion of the sepiolite-attapulgite-palygorskite minerals. According to
Migeon,12 the water lost below 350C by sepiolite is easily regained,
whereas water lost at higher temperatures is not taken up again. Atta-
pulgite-palygorskite minerals probably have about the same rehydration
characteristics as sepiolite.
88 Longchambon, H., On the Characteristic Properties of Palygorskite, Com pt.
rend., 203, 672-674 (1936).
89 Longchambon, H., Recueil des communications du congres technique de l'indus-
trie de ceramique, pp. 75-141 (1938).
90 Caillere, S., and S. Henin, Palygorskite-Attapulgite, "X-ray Identification and
Structure of the Clay Minerals," Chap. IX, pp. 234-243, Mineralogical Society of
Great Britain Monograph (1951).
91 Grim, R. E., Relation of the Composition to the Properties of Clays, J. Am.
Ceram. Soc., 22, 141-151 (1939).
Dehydration 245
Many clay materials are made up of mixtures of several different clay
minerals. The mixtures may be of two types: a combination of discrete
particles of the separate minerals or an interstratification of layers of the
100% Kaolin
........ ",\ V
80% Koolin-
" 1'- -
20% Bentonite
~ r-
60% Koolin-
-r--. mnl,,"'" ........ V'-
f" v
i"- r--
40% KoLJ
60 % Bentonite
- \ - ~~
"'\ 1/"V V
-- 1'J:1MIOdl' ~ r- r- r- I-'V'V\
1\ --~ I
100% BeLl1
-~ 1-\ ,_, r- r- r- 1-'/
i'. J
,', .
Dehydration 247
same investigators point out that other samples composed of mixtures of
illite and montmorillonite provide thermal data suggestive of a single
mineral (Fig. 74) and also that mixtures of illite and chlorite may give no
definite indication of more than one component.
In unpublished work by the author and his colleagues, it was found that
some bentonites from Texas composed of mixtures of kaolinite and a low-
iron montmorillonite in nearly equal amounts, yielded a single endo-
thermic peak at about 600C for the loss of hydroxyl water. In contrast
to this finding, some of the kaolins from the Georgia area contain 15 to
20 per cent of montmorillonite, and differential thermal curves reveal dis-
tinct thermal reactions for both the kaolinite and the montmorillonite.
The factors determining whether or not the individual components are
revealed by dehydration data are not completely known. The tendency
for a separate reaction decreases as the relative abundance of the com-
ponent decreases. Also a further factor probably is the nature of the
interlayering; e.g., a component present in layers of nearly unit-cell
thickness would not be revealed, whereas if the same mineral were present
in the same amount but concentrated in layers several unit cells thick, its
presence might be shown. Variations in composition may be a further
influencing factor. Thus, in mixtures of illites and montmorillonites, a
montmorillonite of one composition may be more readily concealed than
one with a different composition.
Differential thermal data are used widely for clay-mineral identifica-
tion, and in some cases quantitative estimates have been made solely on
such data. The foregoing discussion illustrates the fact that such
identifications must be made with caution. Differential thermal data
are extremely valuable for clay-mineral identifications, but they c::mnot
be used blindly, basing identifications solely on data derived from a few
pure clay minerals. Frequently, trustworthy identifications can be made
only on the basis of several types of analytical data, e.g., differential
thermal plus X-ray diffraction plus chemical data.
Substantially no specific information is available on the high-tempera-
ture phases formed in clay-mineral mixtures. It seems likely that the
initial high-temperature phases of interlayer mixtures, in some cases at
least, would be considerably different from those of the individual com-
ponents. This surmise is based on variations shown in the high-tem-
perature portion of the thermal curves for such mixtures.
Dehydration 249
Norin, R., The Decomposition Products of Kaolinite, Geol. Foren. i. Stockholm Forh.,
66, 15-18 (1944).
Norton, F. H., and W. G. Lawrence, Notes on Anomalous Heat Adsorption of Kao-
linite, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 26,388-:389 (1\)43).
Rios, E. G., and J. L. Vivaldi, Silicates of Laminar Structure, I, Hydration, Anales lis.
y quim. B, 46, 291-342 (1949).
Rode, E. Y., and T. V. Rode, Physicochemical Nature of Nontronite, Akad. Nauk
SSSR, 16, 273-278 (1947).
Siefert, A. C., Studies on the Hydration of Clays, Ph.D. thesis, Pennsylvania State
College (1942).
Stringham, B., and A. O. Taylor, Nontronite at Bingham, Utah, Am. Mineral.,
36, 1060-1066 (1950).
Tscheiswili, L., W. Bussem, and W. Weyl, Metakaolin, Ber. deut. keram. Ges., 20,
249-276 (1939).
Urbain, P., Introduction a I' etude petrographique et g60chemique des roches argile-
uses, Actualities sci. et ind., 60, (1935).
Zvanut, F. J., and L. J. Wood, X-ray Investigation of the Pyrochemical Changes in
Missouri Halloysite, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 20, 251-255 (1937).
Clay-mineral~Organic Reactions
Clay-Mineral-Organic Reactions 251
reaction", and since the early 1930'" a large amount of work has been
done on this problem, and the character of clay-mineral-organic reactions
has now been fairly well established. Thus, in 1934, Smith" reacted
organic bases and their salts with montmorillonites and presented evi-
dence that the reaction was one of ion exchange. Gieseking and J enny 6
in 1936 showed that methylene blue replaced sorbed cations in certain
clays, and later Gieseking 7 and his colleagues 8 ,9 showed definitely that
organic ions enter into cation-exchange reactions with the clay minerals,
particularly with montmorillonite.
Hofmann and his colleagues lO in 1934 showed that the c-axis dimension
of montmorillonite varied following treatment with alcohol, acetone, and
ether. In 1939 Ensminger and Gieseking 8 shmved definitely that organic
ions could be sorbed on the basal plane surfaces of montmorillonite.
The early work of Hofmann et al. Io in 1934, and that of Myers l l and
Sharov 12 in 1937, suggested that organic compounds with polar active
groups could be adsorbed by the clay minerals. Bradley 13,14 in 1945, and
MacEwan 15 ,16 at about the same time quite independently, showed def-
initely that the nonionic organic molecules of polar character could be
adsorbed by the clay minerals. These investigators also considered the
nature of the bond between the nonionic organic molecules and the clay
6 Smith, C. R., Base Exchange Reactions of Bentonites and Salts of Organic Bases,
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 56, 1561-1563 (1934).
6 Gieseking, J. E., and H. Jenny, Behavior of Polyvalent Cations in Base Exchange,
Soil Sci., 42, 273-280 (1936).
7 Gieseking, J. E., Mechanism of Cation Exchange in the Montmorillonite-Beidel-
Clays and Its Effect on Base-Exchange Capacity, Soil Sci., 51, 125-1:"\2 (1941).
10 Hofmann, U., K. Ende!!, and D. Wilm, Rontgenographische und kolloidchemischc
Untersuchungen tiber Ton, Angew. Chem., 47, 539-547 (1934).
11 Myers, H. E., Physicochemical Reactions between Organic and Inorganic Soil
Effect on Clays, Grozhen8ki~ N eftyanik, 6, 10-15 (1936); Chem. Abstracts, 31, 2764
13 Bradley, W. F., Molecular Associations between Montmorillonite and Some Poly-
Hendricks 17 has indicated that the organic ions are held by Van der
Waals forces in addition to the coulombic force. In general, the larger
ions are more strongly adsorbed because of the greater Van der Waals
forces, and larger organic ions are difficult or impossible to replace with
smaller ions. Grim, Allaway, and Cuthbert 18 have shown that small
ions are adsorbed only up to the cation-exchange capacity, whereas larger
ions may be adsorbed in excess, and that these excess molecules are not
dissociated and probably are adsorbed by Van der Waals forces. Bradley
and Grim 19 believe that the coulombic forces are supplemented by
C-H' . 0 bonds (see pages 259-261) between the organic molecule and
the clay-mineral surface.
The adsorption of the organic ions on the basal plane surface of mont-
morillonites is shown conclusively by the shift in the c-axis spacing of the
montmorillonite units accompanying the adsorption (Fig. 95). Hen-
Minerals with Organic Cations, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 30, 137-142 (1947).
19 Bradley, \V. F., and R. E. Grim, Colloid Properties of Layer Lattices, J. Phys.
Chem., 62, 1404-1413 (1947).
254 Clay Mineralogy
dricks 17 found that the organic ions he studied were oriented between the
montmorillonite layers so as to cause the minimum expansion of the
layers. Thus, flat-shaped ions were found to lie with their flat surfaces
parallel to the basal surfaces of the montmorillonite flake (Fig. 96).
Hendricks,17 Bradley and Grim,19 and Jordan 20 have shown that for
some organics mOre than one molecular layer may be adsorbed on the
basal surfaces of the montmorillonite planes. Jordan has determined the
c-axis spacing of montmorillonite from Wyoming bentonite treated with
aliphatic amines of increasing chain lengths. Calculating the total inter-
nal surface area per cation-exchange position as 165 A2, the c-axis spacings
0> 17.6 8 ~
. " ~o
g_ 15.6 I 6 ~.~
13.6 ,"'"""Cr----:;---' 4 02
/ cO
0 /
0::: 11.6 / 2 :8 0:::
a / o
(/) 9.6 I o ;:;
(]J 0~~--7-~--~8~~'O~~'2~~'~4~'~6~'8
2 4 6 fr
Number of Carbon Atoms in Amine Chain OJ
FIG. 95. Effect of amine chain length on montmorillonite basal spacing, aftpr
FIG. 96. Schematic drawing showing position of organic cations between mont-
morillonite Layers, after Hendricks."
256 Clay Mineralogy
ions. In general, the larger the organic ion, the greater the reduction in
the water-adsorbing capacity. Figure 97 shows differential curves for
untreated montmorillonite from Wyoming bentonite and for butyl-
dodecyl- and octadecylamine complexes of the same clay after exposure to
an atmosphere of 75 per cent relative humidity for 4 days. These curves
Differential Thermal Curves
~ ;-------~7n-t~re-a-t-ed~B-e-nt~o-m7re-----------r.-"-----,
~ - - - - Bulylammonium Bentonite , /
g ----
&. -----
Dodecylommonium Bentonite
Octadecylommonium Bentonite I
, I
//. /-~
/' .-.\1.
_...-' ,'/' Oxidotion
'/ I \\ of Orgonic
, / \\ Moffer
\ \ /:
\ \ I :I
<lJ '\ I
.c Adsorbed
'0 Moisture I I I ( 'Pyrolysis
\\I of Organic
c Maffer
H! .
o 10 200 300 400 500 600
Temperature, C
FIG. 97. Differential thermal curves of amine-treated and untreated montmorillonite,
from Jordan. 21
~ 20
2 16
u 12
i:' 8
o 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Milliequivalents of Amine per 100 Grams of Cloy
FIG. 98. Effect of octadecylamine acetate on the viscosity of montmorillonite
(vVyoming bentonite), after Jordan. 2l Concentration of suspension, 1.9 per cent.
Montmorillonite HaUoysite
A = "clear space" between mineral sheets measured from the surface of the 0 or OH layers,
in kX
a; = treated with large excess of cold liquid
b = boiled down to half volume with excess of liquid
c = dehydrated at 100C over P,O, in vacuum, then covered with liquid
e = covered with excess of liquid, and heated to 100C for 1 to 2 hr
I. g, h, i = like a, starting from comple" with ethanediamine (f), methyl cellosolve (g), methanol (h).
or chloroethanol (i)
K = treated with the molten alcohol at about 20DoC
d = diffuse or double line.
Clay -Mineral-Organic Reactions 259
erals are not necessarily displaced by the adsorption of the organic
On the basis of one-dimensional Fourier syntheses of diffraction data,
Bradley 13 concluded that the polar molecules are held to the clay surface
through a C-H . 0 (clay-mineral surface) bond. MacEwan 23 has
come to the same conclusion regarding the nature of the bond. In gen-
eral, the sorption energy for the organic dipolar molecules is greater than
for water molecules, for montmorillonite dehydrated at 400 to 500C
will not rehydrate in water but will take up glycol and expand. The
organic dipolar molecules are oriented between the basal surfaces of the
clay minerals in positions as flat as possible.
Bradley showed that some organic dipoles were adsorbed in multiple
molecular layers by montmorillonite. MacEwan has confirmed this find-
ing for montmorillonite and has indicated that a single molecular layer
is the general result for all organic polar molecules with halloysite. In
the case of montmorillonite, three molecular layers is the greatest number
that has been observed.
MacEwan explains the multiple-layer adsorption by montmorillonite
as compared to the single-layer adsorption by halloysite as follows: Each
of the surfaces of the montmorillonite sheets is formed by a layer of
oxygen ions, and thus they behave rather like sheets with a uniform
diffuse negative charge. Each sheet of montmorillonite will tend to col-
lect a layer of dipoles on both its surfaces, so that between such sheets
there will be two layers. In the case of nonpolar molecules or groups,
only the Van der Waals force of attraction between them and the mont-
morillonite sheets need be considered. Since this force is nondirectional,
the question of orientation does not arise and only a single molecular
layer could be held in common by two neighboring montmorillonite
sheets. Thus markedly polar molecules would form a two-layer struc-
ture, and less polar molecules a one-layer structure. Very strongly polar
liquids may form even more than two layers (e.g., acetonitrile and nitro-
methane). According to MacEwan,24 the number of layers in montmoril-
lonites in contact with excess of the liquid appears to increase with the
function M/[P] where M is the molecular dipole moment and [P] is
molecular size (parachor). Some polar groups appear to be necessary for
adsorption, for saturated hydrocarbons do not form complexes (see Table
31). Presumably, therefore, as the hydrocarbon chain of a monohydric
J alcohol is made longer and longer, the adsorption would gradually dimin-
Structures of the Clay Minerals," Chap. IV, pp. 86-137, Mineralogical Society of
Great Britain Monograph (1951).
260 Clay Mineralogy
ish. The necessity of polar groups for adsorption is no doubt bound up
with the fact that the montmorillonite sheets are charged and are held
together by positive ions between the sheets. The energy of formation
of a purely Van der Waals adsorption complex is presumably insufficient
to cause the breakup of the charged-sheet-ion-
charged-sheet complex. But if a few polar groups
are present, these will tend to congregate about
the charged spots on the sheets and about the
positive ions. The result will be an effective
increase of the radius of the ions and a conse-
quent diminution in electrical stress. The re-
sulting structure may be more stable than the
dehydrated montmorillonite structure, in which
the base cations occur between the structural
With halloysite only highly polar molecules
are adsorbed between the unit layers. In this
mineral the adjacent sheets of successive layers
carry positive and negative charges, respectively,
and there is no tendency for two layers of polar
molecules to form. Figure 99, after MacEwan,23
shows schematically the process of complex
On the basis of observed distances between
FIG. 99. The process of
successive clay-mineral sheets in the complexes
complex formation in
montmorillonite and hal- from c-axis measurements and computed values
loysite, after MacEwan. 23 based on Van der Waals dimensions (Table 31),
(a) Polar molecules with MacEwan concluded that each layer of dipoles
montmorillonite; (b) occupies its full" clearance space" in the c-axis
mainly nonpolar groups
direction, i.e., the space necessary to allow its
with some polar groups
with montmorillonite; molecules to move freely over a plane parallel to
(c) polar molecules with the surface of the structural sheets. This sug-
halloysite. The specific gests that the adsorbed layers are in the state
role of hydrogen-bond of a two-dimensional liquid, firmly adhering to
formation, which is
the clay surface but able to move over it in a ran-
important, has been
neglected. dom manner. This conclusion is supported by
the extremely labile nature of the complexes,
which is such that one complex is changed to another by washing
with excess of another miscible liquid, and by the absence of a simple
integral number of molecules per unit cell, which would be expected for a
crystalline arrangement of the adsorbed molecules on the clay surface.
MacEwan has indicated that, when glycol complexes are made in the
presence of water, less glycol is needed to form the complex. He stated
Clay-Mineral-Organic Reactions 261
that regardless of the water present the c-axis spacing is the same, and
concluded that the glycol molecules must set the pattern into which the
water molecules fit. Mackenzie 25 has found that the c-axis spacing of a
montmorillonite-ethylene glycol complex can be maintained by adding
water if the glycol content is low. The additional water is proportional
to the glycol deficiency in the molecular ratio of about 1: 6. Recently
Glaeser26 has shown that this conclusion does not hold for all complexes.
For example, in the case of acetone-montmorillonite complexes, when the
complex is formed in the absence of water, the distance between the mont-
morillonite layers is 3.7 to 3.9 A; at 5 per cent relative humidity, 8.0 to
8.2 A; and at 100 per cent relative humidity, 12.5 to 15.1 A. Apparently
a water-acetone complex develops between the montmorillonite layers.
The data given in Table 31, therefore, may be subject to variations in
some cases depending on the water present during the preparation of the
complexes. Glaeser 27 has shown also that the character of the adsorbed
cation is only of slight importance in the formation of dipole complexes
if they are formed in the absence of water or at low relative humidities.
However, if they are formed at high relative humidities, the thickness of
the adsorbed layer may vary greatly according to the cation present.
Thus for acetone-montmorillonite com-
plexes formed at 100 per cent relative
humidity, the distance between the
units is about 12.5 A, if Na+ is the S /6 1\
adsorbed ion, and 15.1 A, if it is Ca++.
The explanation probably resides in u
the hydration tendencies of the cation. Cf)
8. /4
\ V
Comparison of Ionic and Polar Com- g /2
plexes. Figures 95, 100, and 101, ~
from Jordan,20 Bradley,13 and Mac-
Ewan,23 after MacEwan,24 show the 2 4 6 8 fO
variation in the c-axis spacing of Number of Carbon Atoms
montmorillonite with the number of FIG. 100. Variation of basal spac-
carbon atoms in the chain, in com- ing of montmorillonite complexes
with dihydric alcohols, from data by
plexes with the straight-chain amines, Bradley.1s
alcohols, glycols, and nitriles. In each
case the spacing always corresponds to the presence of a whole number
of molecular sheets between the montmorillonite layers. The spacing
---- Three
0 Layers
i<i V ---- Two
\ 1\
::i5 Layers
I- 6
(/) \ \
4 :> -._, ,__ - ~.- One
.'= ,, \
\ Layer
<J ~\
o 2
Number of Carbon A toms
--- -
6 16
.. - No
Barshad, I., The Effect of the Interlayer Cations on the Expansion of the Mica
Type of Crystal Lattice, Am. Mineral., 35, 225-238 (1950).
264 Clay Mineralogy
vermiculite the organic molecules either (1) attach themselves to the clay-
mineral surfaces by a weaker bonding force than that in a montmorillonite
complex or (2) orient themselves differently with respect to the adjacent
silicate surfaces. In vermiculite, single layers of glycol are interleaved
with the aluminosilicate layers, whereas in montmorillonite there are
multilayers. Walker states that vermiculite exerts a catalytic effect on
the decomposition of glycerol. Vermiculite boiled a few minutes in
glycerol acquires a black metallic coating on interlamellar as well as
boundary surfaces. The basal spacing of such a vermiculite complex is
14.06 A.
Attapulgite. The fibrous clay minerals belonging to the sepiolite-
attapulgite-palygorskite group should adsorb organic ions and polar mol-
ecules around their edges like kaolinite, illite, and chlorite. Bradley 14
pointed out that the dimensions of the cross section of the channels in
attapulgite are about 3.7 by 6.0 A, which is the approximate cross-
sectional dimension for single strings of ethylene glycol molecules. The
presence of organic molecules in the channels would be difficult to detect
by X-ray diffraction, because only minor intensity variations in the
reflections would be expected. However, careful determinations of the
change in the optical properties of attapulgite on treatment with glycol
suggest that a few of the organic molecules have penetrated the channels.
Nederbragt 30 has presented evidence, based on the preferential adsorption
of some paraffins, indicating that some aliphatic chains are adsorbed in
the open channels or in the gutters around the edges of particles and per-
haps also in the interior channels.
o ~ ~ ~ ~ W w ro 00 ~ 00
Per Cent Alcohol in Alcohol- Toluene Mixture
FIG. 103. Swelling of octadeeylammonium-montmorillonite in binary mixtures, after
Jordan. 20
o Ethyl Formate
-6_ 50 o Methyl Acetate
E '" Ethyl Acetate
o Butyl Acetate
40 Butyl Stearate
:g 30
hexodecy/ Ammonium
y' / '
"*-E 21
(f) "............ / ' Dodecy/omine
E 18 / ('., '-o--..a....~/' /Bentonite
'- / ,/ . . ,..... 7---1(_
(!) I '" ' -_
/ ~;~~~~~~;~;;;~~~~T~=--::::~
I /
~ ,/ Bentonite
.!:: 12
g 9
1 2345678
Carbon Chain Length of Alcohol
FIG. 105. Effect of chain length on swelling of organic-ammonium-montmorillonite
in alcohol, after Jordan.20
39 Deuel, H., G. Huber, and R. Iberg, Organische Derivate von Tonmineralien,
166-172 (1950).
Clay-Mineral-Organic Reactions 271
which would provide some hydroxyls in the basal montmorillonite sur-
faces without projecting silica tetrahedrons.
The reactions of clay minerals and organic molecules have been used as
the basis for analytical techniques for the identification of the clay min-
erals, for the determination of certain properties of the clay minerals
themselves, and for the determination of the geometry and properties of
the organic molecules.
X-ray Techniques. The montmorillonite minerals commonly give
diffuse reflections and a nonintegral series of basal reflections. Bradley 14
and MacEwan 15 have pointed out that organic-montmorillonite com-
plexes tend to have a high degree of regularity in the c spacing, giving an
integral series of very sharp reflections. Thus, the identification of mont-
morillonite by X-ray diffraction is greatly simplified by preliminary treat-
ment with certain organic reagents. It is desirable to use an organic
liquid of low volatility which is readily miscible with water, so that the
natural hydrated montmorillonite may readily be changed into an organic
complex. Glycerol and ethylene glycol are used extensively. The
hydration state of the natural mineral does not alter appreciably the
position or intensity of the reflections given by the organic-montmoril-
lonite complex. It is common practice to add enough glycerol to air-dried
material to make it visibly moist. Any montmorillonite present will
give rise to a periodicity along c of about 17.7 A, with a series of higher
orders, most of which will be adquately separated from reflections given
by the other clay minerals. By the use of the organic treatment tech-
nique, relatively small amounts (5 per cent) of montmorillonite can be
identified. Prior to the development of this technique, such small
amounts of montmorillonite would not have been detected.
Glycerol treatment of halloysite (4H 2 0) causes a shift in the basal
reflections to 11 A, and first, third, and fifth orders from this spacing are
apparent. A similar shift takes place for the dehydrated form of this
mineral if the dehydration is not essentially complete. Thus, air-dried
samples will show the shift, whereas samples dried at 75C for about 12 h
or at higher temperatures for shorter intervals do not form the complex
and exhibit no shift.
Glycerol forms complexes with vermiculite with a spacing of 14 A,
which is so close to the spacing of the fully hydrated natural mineral that
it has little diagnostic value.
The glycol or glycerol treatment technique is of tremendous value in
resolving very intimate interlayer mixtures of some of the clay minerals.
272 Clay Mineralogy
For example, the reflections from a mixture of montmorillonite and illite
are likely to be diffused and complex because of the variable c spacing of
the former mineral. Treatment with glycol or glycerol develops a uni-
form spacing of the montmorillonite and thereby sharpens the reflections
so that they Can be interpreted more readily. Use of the organic treat-
ment technique has shown that many materials described as single species
are actually interlayer mixtures. Thus, the type bravaisite and many
materials described as beidellite were found to be mixtures of illite and
montmorillonite (see page 36). For a detailed discussion of the glycol-
glycerol diffraction technique the works of MacEwan 15,24 and Bradley 14
should be consulted.
Differential Thermal Techniques. When clay-mineraI-organic com-
plexes are heated, the organic material is oxidized, and an exothermic
reaction takes place. Allaway, 41 working with piperidine-montmorillonite
complexes, showed that the detailed features of the exothermic reactions
varied with the composition of the montmoriIIonite. Triethanolamine,
monoethanolamine, and n-butylamine complexes gave results similar to
those for piperidine complexes. Allaway found that the exothermic
reaction was always multiple and that a peak at 7000 suggested a high-
magnesium montmorillonite, a peak between 450 and 5000 suggested
an iron-rich montmorillonite, and a peak at about 6000 suggested a
member of the montmorillonite group containing some aluminum in tetra-
hedral coordination. Similar variations in the exothermic reactions were
found for several illites, but they were of relatively lower intensity than
for the montmorillonites. Piperidine treatment had little effect on the
differential thermal curves of kaolinites.
Allaway concluded that the piperidine held by the montmorillonite
breaks down on firing with a loss of hydrogen, leaving a Qoating of carbon
on the external surfaces and between the unit layers of the clay mineral.
The carbon is burned off rather slowly as long as the clay-mineral struc-
ture remains intact, but when the structure breaks down, the carbon is
quite rapidly oxidized. The use of organic cations is essentially a tech-
nique for magnifying the thermal effects of the breakdown of such struc-
tures as can be coated with carbon, with strong exothermic reactions
replacing weaker endothermic reactions. Certain lattice changes which
appear in the ordinary differential thermal procedure to be slow gradual
breakdown of the clay are resolved into two separate peaks of thermal
activity by the use of the piperidine treatment. Thus, the treatment
procedure may resolve mixtures or permit the identification of certain
mineral components which would not be revealed by the usual method of
thermal study.
41 Allaway, W. H., Differential Thermal Analy~es of Clays Treated with Organic
Cations as an Aid in the Study of Soil Colloids, Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc., 13, 183-188
Clay-Mineral-Organic Reactions i
Natural and Beneficiation Products. U.S. Bur. Mines Rept. Invest. 3522 (1940).
46 Behrens, H., Mikrochemische Methods fur Mineralanalyse, Verslag. M ededeel.
Koninkl. Akad. Wetenschap. Amsterdam, 1, 17 (1881).
Clay-Mineral-Organic Reactions
(After Mielenz et al. 46 )
Acid-treated clay
Clay mineral
Benzidine Safranine Y Malachite green
Ii Also, the strong original color of a sample particularly rich in iron might
tend to mask the color change which would result from the adsorption of
the staining reagent.
Because of the above factors caution must be used in applying any
staining test indiscriminately to clay materials. Under restricted con-
ditions, when the samples to be studied are relatively pure clay-mineral
276 Clay Mineralogy
materials, or where the range of composition is restricted and known in
general terms, staining techniques may be entirely satisfactory. For
example, some of the sedimentary kaolins in the Georgia area contain
montmorillonite in addition to kaolinite. There are no other constit-
uents of these kaolins that might cause a color reaction, and a staini~g
test quickly shows the presence of montmorillonite.
A very large number of reagents have been suggested and tried for
clay-mineral staining tests. In recent years the tendency has been to
use several reagents separately in a test, so that the deficiencies of one can
be compensated by the value of another for a given material. Such a
test has been described by Mielenz, King, and Schieltz 46 and appears to
give quite satisfactory results. In this procedure a pulverized portion of
the natural clay is treated with benzidine, and portions of the clay, after
treatment with strong hydrochloric acid and washing to remove the
excess chloride, are treated separately with a saturated solution of safra-
nine Y in nitrobenzene and with a saturated solution of malachite green
in nitrobenzene. In addition to the visual determination of the color
developed, the samples are examined with the petrographic microscope
to determine the development of any pleochroic colors and other changes
in optical characteristics. The results of the use of these reagents are
summarized in Table 33 taken from the work of Mielenz, King, and
Schieltz. 46 Even with such an elaborate staining technique, caution
must be used; anomalous results are sometimes obtained because various
nonclay substances may cause or inhibit staining reactions; and some
clays fail to react in a characteristic manner for as yet inexplicable
Bangham, D. H., and S. Mosallam, The Adsorption of Vapours at Plane Surfaces of
Mica, Proc. Roy. Soc. (London) A, 166,558-571 (1938).
Bossazza, V. L., On the Adsorption of Some Organic Dyes by Clays and Clay Minerals,
Am. Mineral., 29,235-241 (1944).
Caillere, S., R. Glaeser, and J. Esquerin, Preparation of Halloysite with Interplanar
Distances of 14 A and 17 .it, Compt. rend., 230, 308-310 (1950).
Emodii, B. S., The Adsorption of Dyestuffs by Montmorillonite, Mineralog Soc. Gr.
Britain Clay Mineral Bull. 3, pp. 76-79 (1949).
Erbring, H., and H. Lehman, Exchange Reactions with Voluminous Organic Colloid
Ions on Sodium Bentonites, Kolloid-Z., 107, 201-205 (1944).
Grandjean, M. F., Coloration des argiles par les couleurs d'analine, Bull. soc. fran!;.
mineral., 32, 408-419 (1909).
Hauser, E. A., Modified Gel Forming Clay and Process of Producing Same, U.S.
Patent 2,531,429 (1950).
Hauser, E. A., and M. B. Leggett, Color Reactions between Clays and Amines, J.
Am. Chem. Soc., 62, 1811-1814 (1940).
46 Mielenz, R. C., M. E. King, and M. C. Schieltz, "Staining Tests," Rept. 7,
American Petroleum Institute Project 49, Columbia University, New York (1950).
Clay-Mineral-Organic Reactions 277
Hendricks, S. B., and L. T. Alexander, A Qualitative Color Test for the Montmoril-
lonite Type of Clay Minerals, J. Am. Soc. Agron., 32,455-458 (1940).
Jackson, M. L., and N. M. Hellman, X-Ray Diffraction Procedure for the Positive
Identification of Montmorillonite, Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc., 6, 133-145 (1941).
Jordan, J. W., B. J. Hook, and C. M. Finlayson, Organophilic Bentonites, II, Organic
Liquid Gels, J. Phys. & Colloid Chem., 64, 1196-1208 (1950).
Lloyd, J. U., Discovery of the Alkaloidal Affinities of Hydrous Aluminum Silicate.
J. Am. Pharm. Assoc., 6,381-390, 490-495 (1916).
Miller, J. G., H. Heinemann, and W. S. McCarter, The Effect of Solvent on the
Adsorption of Liquids by Bauxite and Attapulgus Clays, J. Phys. & Colloid
Chem., 66, 515-523 (1951).
Page, J. B., Unreliability of the Benzidine Color Reaction as a Test for Montmoril-
lonite, Soil Sci., 61, 133-140 (1941).
Optical Properties
CO +8
1J d
II liS ,....,
,....; 0-1 S
i~ /I /I
o ISlISl
1 Q)
1 Q)
i;:; i;:;
~. ~ ~ ;::,
- I
d 0
fo I I I I I I I I I +1 I I I I
m I',
1'"""11"""'1 ~1'"""11'"""I1'"""I1'"""I_'
280 Clay Mineralogy
14 Kaolinite __
12 /" 1.58
10 __ -_........v-wt. Loss 1.57
8 ---r:Jndex 1, /.56
6 J""_"-.. 1.55
--- 1.54
o !:-...JoC::-!-::-...J_~,..-L~...J_....L.__J___J___J___j_-L-L_J 1.52
o 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
Temperature C
Holloysite __ -- ~
24 Man tmorl/lonite
20 _,..-/
16 --<-wt. Loss
14 /
12 I
10 / _---{Index
: I/~--- " 1.55
4 I ' 1.54
tion reaction, there is a sharp reduction in the mean index from about
1.575 to about 1.525 and probably also a complete loss of birefringence.
Usually only the mean indices of refraction can be determined for the
halloysite miner~ls b~cause of their low degree of crystallinity. As shown
Optical Properties 281
in Fig. 107, the transition from the 4H 20 to 2H 20 form is accompanied,
according to Mehmel 1 and Correns and Mehmel,2 by an increase in index
from about 1.532 to almost 1.550. Alexander and colleagues 3 have
computed the theoretical value of the 4H 20 form at 1.490, assuming the
structure for the mineral suggested by Rendricks 4 and using the molecular
14 Ho//oysite 1.55
12 I
10 I
8 I, 1.54
Index:J_. __ . __:
~~s} . - - - - - - - '
2 1.53
a ~
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 I 0 105 a e (j
... Water Vapor Pressure in mm. Od, .......
(l.. a::
.S 16 1.56 0
14 Mon/morl/ /onite ,/--; 1.55 '0
./ /
/ 1.54 c
/ /'
.~ 10 1.53 ~
. /A-WI. Loss
8 lndexy 1.52
. I 1.5J
4 ./ /
/ /
--_../ 1.49
7 6 5 4 3 2 I 0 105e
Water Vapor Pressure in mm, Od.
FIG. 107. Relation of mean index of refraction, weight loss, water-vapor pressure,
and drying at 105C for halloysite and montmorillonite, after MehmeJ.!
atively low in iron increases from about 1.54 to about 1.570 when all the
interlayer water is eliminated on heating to 250 to 300C. At higher
temperatures there is no appreciable change in indices until about 450 0 to
500C, when the OR lattice water is lost, accompanied by a sharp drop
in mean index to about 1.52. This drop in index is accompanied by a
'"5 1.660 )'
0: 1.620
x 1.580
E 1.540
0 100 200 300400 500 600 700 800
Temperature C
1.58 50ponite
0: 1.54
x 1.50
E 146
Temperature C
FIG. 109. Effect of heating on the refractive indices and birefringence of nontronite
and saponite, after Caldwell and Marshall. 8
Properties of the Clay Minerals Nontronite, Attapulgite, and Saponite, Coil. Agr.
Univ. Missouri Research Bull. 354 (1942).
284 Clay Mineralogy
I. 5 2 ;:----::::':c::------:--=-=---=-=:::-----:-.':-::---c::'::-:--~".__---J
o 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
Temperature C
FIG. 110. Effect of heating on the refractive indices and birefringence of illite, after
Grim and Bradley. 7
muscovite itself. For biotite-type illite the 'Y value is frequently 1.62 to
1.63, as compared to 1.64 to 1.66 for biotite. This difference must result,
at least in part, from the lesser population of interlayer cations and from
the presence of some water molecules between the silicate layers of the
illites. It probably also is somewhat dependent on the crystallinity of
the clay minerals, i.e., on defects in the stacking of the silicate layers and
on some variations in the population of the silicate units.
Grim and Bradley 7 have shown (Fig. 110) that on heating there is fre-
quently a slight increase in indices at very low temperatures (200C); e.g.,
the 'Y value increases from about 1.575 to 1.585. Above about 200C
there is little change until about 400C, when there is a drop in indices
accompanying the loss of OR water. At this temperature the 'Y index
decreases from about 1.585 to 1.560. At still higher temperatures, there
is a further decrease in the 'Y index, and the birefringence also decreases.
I .
uptical Properties 285
obtained by the author indicate that the chlorite clay minerals have some-
what lower indices of refraction than the well-crystallized chlorite min-
erals, and that the difference is of about the same order of magnitude as
that for the illites as compared to muscovite and biotite. There are no
experimental data on the changes in optical properties on heating the
chlorite clay minerals, but it is probable, by analogy with the illite min-
erals, that they would show an increase in indices accompanying any
loss of adsorbed water and a decrease in indices at higher temperatures,
accompanying the loss of hydroxyl water.
papyrace n'appartenant pas du groupe de l'antigorite, Bull. soc. fran~. mineral., 59,
353-386 (1936).
286 Clay Mineralogy
from the other clay minerals on heating (Fig. 111). It shows an increase
in indices up to about lOOC, the 'Y value increasing from 1.52 to 1.55;
there follows a decrease to about 200C, 'Y decreasing to 1.53. Above
200C there is a slight gradual increase up to about 850C, with 'Y attain-
ing a value of about 1.56.
.g '7
1.530 : fZ:
x 1.490 I I !
0 500 600 700 800
.E Temperature C
FIG. 111. Effect of heating on the refractive indices and birefringence of attapulgite,
after Caldwell and Marshall. 8
Mont- moril-
Kao- Hal- Non-
Liquid and index of liquid linite loysite tronite moril- lonite
lonite (HCI
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - ---- - - -
Mean index of mineral., ,,", ..... . 1.57 1.575 1.565 1. 50 1.50
Chlorobenzene, 1.524 ........... . + + +
Ethylenebromide and ehlorobenzene, 1.535 .. + + +
Benzylchloride, 15.41 .............. . + + +
Benzylamine, 1.546 ................. . + + + + +
o-Nitrotoluene, 1.547 ................... . + + +
Nitrobenzene, 1.552. . ........ . + + +
Monobromobenzene, 1.560 ........ . + + +
Xylidine, 1.560 ................... . + + + + +
o-Anisol, 1.562 ................... . + + +
o-Toluidine, 1.572 ........... : ..... . + x + +
Anisidine, 1.576 .................. . + x +
Aniline, 1.585 ................... . + +
Bromoform, 1.596 .......... .
Iodobenzene and bromobenzene, 1.605 ..
Iodobenzene and bromobenzene, ] .616 .
Chinoline, 1.624 .................... , ' + x x
cc-Tetrahydro-ar-napthylamine, 1.631, , , ?
288 Clay Mineralogy
likely to be found in liquids causing a variation in indices of the clay min
erals. According to him, a liquid should have the following properties tc
permit a determination of the true optical values of the clay minerals:
1. The liquid must not chemically attack the clay mineral.
2. It must not be soluble in water, and water must not be soluble in it,
otherwise a change in hydration state might develop with an attendant
change in optical values.
3. It must not enter into any ion-exchange reaction with the clay.
4. It must not permit the dissociation of any of the adsorbed ions of the
5. It must be nonpolar.
6. Its index must be approximately that of the mineral.
7. If a mixture is used, the components must be completely miscible
and must have nearly the same boiling point.
8. The liquids should be well-defined compounds.
Montmorillonite, halloysite, and possibly vermiculite to a limited
extent (see Chap. 10) have the property of adsorbing certain organic mol-
ecules on their basal plane surfaces. The types of organic molecules
adsorbed are also those which influence the optical properties. The var-
iation in optical properties is, therefore, undoubtedly largely a conse-
quence of this adsorption. The optical properties of these minerals could
also be altered by certain liquids as a consequence of an effect on the
extent of interlayer hydration water. Illite, kaolinite, and chlorite min-
erals would be expected to show no variation with different immersion
liquids, because of their very low adsorptive power for organic molecules
and because of their lack of interlayer water. For the same reasons the
attapulgite-sepiolite minerals also should show no effect from immersion
liquids except in the rare cases when an organic molecule is of the correct
size and shape to enter the channels of their structure.
This attribute of the clay minerals requires that the index liquids used
in their study must be carefully chosen, and, in general, when values are
published, the liquids in which they were determined should be recorded.
Obviously, the influence of immersion liquids on certain clay minerals and
not on others can be of diagnostic value in the identification of the clay
"' ..
Optical Properties 289
imating crystal growth may take place in the accumulation of such mate-
rial under the foregoing conditions.
Grim 14 in 1934 described a technique taking advantage of the above
phenomenon for the preparation of oriented aggregates for the determina-
tion of the optical properties of the clay minerals. In this technique, a
clay-water suspension is allowed to stand until some of the clay mineral
has accumulated on a flat surface, either the bottom of a vessel or a glass
plate hung in a horizontal position in the suspension. The flat surface
with the accumulated clay is then removed from the suspension and dried.
Aggregate particles are sliced or cut from the dried film of clay for mount-
ing in index-of-refraction liquids.
The Ci and 'Y indices and the birefringence of such aggregates can usually
be determined with considerable accuracy. Frequently the aggregates
yield reasonably good interference figures, from which the sign of the
mineral and the order of magnitude of 2V can be determined. Measure-
ment of the latter value implies considerable orientation paral1el to the
a and b crystallographic axes.
Without the use of oriented aggregates, it is often possible to determine
only a mean index of refraction from the more or less randomly oriented
clay-mineral particles in the crude clay. 111e birefringence and other
optical values frequently cannot be even approximated in the crude clay.
It has been pointed out (see pages 79-80) that clay materials may be
composed of several clay minerals mixed primarily by interstratification
on substantially unit-cell dimensions. Such materials may be composed
of aggregates made up of alternations of one or a few unit layers of the
component clay minerals. Also in some clay materials the clay-mineral
units are interlayered with ferric hydroxide units.
Optical data from such intimate interlayered mixtures can easily be
mistaken for that of a single mineral. Thus, Grim and Rowland 15 showed
that a sample from N amiquipa, Mexico, previously described as beidellite
on the basis of optical values, was actually a mixture of halloysite and
limonite. X-ray and differential thermal data left no doubt regarding
this interpretation, whereas the optical values were suggestive of a single
clay mineral of the montmorillonite type.
An example such as that above emphasizes the fact that clay-mineral
determinations based solely on optical data must be made with great
14 Grim, R. E., The Petrographic Study of Clay Minerals-A Laboratory Note, J.
Sediment. Petrol., 4, 45-46 (1934).
15 Grim, R. E., and R. A. Rowland, Differential Thermal Analysis of Clay Minerals
and Other Hydrous Material, Am. Mineral., 27, 746-761 (1942).
290 Clay Mineralogy
caution to avoid gross errors. Frequently the character of the interfer-
ence figure reveals whether a clay-mineral aggregate is made up of a single
mineral or a mixture. If the interference figure is not good and the
isogyres are not reasonably complete, there is probably more than one
mineral present. Homogeneity and parallelism in the a and b directions
are required for fairly complete figures of the layered clay minerals.
Putnam Silt Loam Soil, Call. Agr. Univ. Missouri Research Bull. 386 (1944).
23 Wiener, 0., Theory of Reaction Constants, Abhandl. math.-phys. Klasse sachs.
Akad. Wiss. (Leipzig), 32,256-276 (1912).
24 Ambronn, H., and A. Frey, "Das Polarizationsnikroskop," Akl1demische Verlags-
The value of optical methods in studying the clay minerals has been the
subject of much discussion. Some students of clays assert that optical
methods are worthless for such fine-grained materials, whereas others
plead for their universal use and base detailed clay-mineral determina-
tions solely on optical studies. In the writer's opinion, optical methods
are very frequently of value, but they must be used with caution, and it
must be realized that they are worthless for some types of materials. An
optical examination can be made in a very short time, and the chance of
obtaining valuable data usually justifies the expenditure of the required
time. Also, after some experience has been gained in the study of clay
minerals under the microscope, more can be done with them than would
be supposed at first. It is usually possible to determine with fair accuracy
at least the indices of refraction and the birefringence of clay-mineral
samples. The optical properties of the various clay minerals are suffi-
ciently diverse so that an idea of the identity of the clay minerals usually
can be gained from such data. As noted previously (page 289), caution
must be used because of anomalous results possible from interlayer
Certain of the clay minerals frequently have distinctive appearances
under the microscope which aid in their identification. Thus, aggregates
of the montmorillonite clay minerals often appear as a large single crystal
that has been strained. The individual particles of montmorillonite
either cannot be seen or else are indistinct and tend to merge into each c-
other. The attapulgite-sepiolite minerals sometimes have a somewhat
similar appearance. Aggregates of the other clay minerals have the
appearance of being made up of discrete particles, even though the indi-
vidual particles are less than 1 micron in diameter, and the particles have
a high degree of uniform orientation. With a little experience one can
Optical Properties 293
usually recognize relatively pure montmorillonite quite easily under the
microscope by its appearance without reference to optical values.
The presence of nonclay minerals, such as quartz, calcite, and feldspar,
may cause considerable difficulty if these minerals are present in particles
of about the same size as the clay minerals. An abundance of extremely
fine quartz or calcite makes optical methods valueless in many cases.
Sometimes the presence of such nonclay minerals will produce an unusual
appearance or strange optical characteristics which suggest that some
such material might be present. However, in many cases, the nonclay
material would go undetected by optical methods.
The presence of even relatively small amounts of extremely fine-grained
carbonates makes optical study of the clay minerals impossible, because
of the high birefringence of these nonclay minerals. Further, it is not
possible to remove the carbonates in all cases by dissolving them, because
of the susceptibility of some of the clay minerals to acid attack. Certain
of the clay minerals (see pages 296~298) are relatively insoluble in acid, but
others are quite soluble. Unfortunately many calcareous materials also
contain the more soluble clay minerals (see page 359), so that in a study
of such material it is necessary to determine the clay-mineral composition
by nonoptical methods.
Organic material and ferric iron compounds may mask the optical char-
acteristics of the clay minerals. The organic material can frequently be
removed by solvents or by mild oxidants, such as hydrogen peroxide,
without altering the clay minerals. Some organic material, particularly
that in the older sediments, is not affected by such reagents and can be
removed only by vigorous oxidizing agents or by heating to elevated tem-
peratures. Unfortunately, if there is iron present, it may be oxidized in
the process, so that it may then conceal the characteristics of the clay
Sometimes the free iron compounds can be removed by reducing, e.g.,
by hydrogen sulfide, and then dissolving the ferrous iron. Again caution
must be used because of the danger of attack on the clay minerals, partic-
ularly those of the montmorillonite and attapulgite-palygorskite groups,
by the reducing agents.
Optical methods, of course, are of great value in determining the non-
clay minerals present in a clay material. In general, minerals found in
particles as small as 5 microns in diameter can be identified. If the min-
eral has particularly distinctive optical properties, considerably finer par-
ticles can be identified. Thus with a little experience carbonates can be
spotted in particles at least as small as 1 micron. Quantitative deter-
minations of such nonclay minerals are, however, very difficult for par-
ticles smaller than about 5 microns.
The petrographic microscope is, of course, useful in studying the texture
294 Clay Mineralogy
of clays as revealed by thin sections. Examples are the shards which are
characteristic of many bentonites and the parallel orientation of the clay
minerals in many shales. The textures of clay materials are not included
in the objective of this text and will not be considered. The identification
of the clay minerals in thin sections is usually difficult and often impos-
sible. Optical methods of identification can be applied best by the use
of immersion techniques and prepared, oriented aggregates.
Caillere, S., S. Henin, and S. Meriaux, Xylotite, a Ferrous Variety of Sepiolite, Compt.
rend., 227, 855-856 (1948).
Edsall, J. T., Streaming Birefringence and Its Relation to Particle Size and Shape,
Advances in Colloid Sci., 1, 269-316 (1941).
Grim, R. E., Properties of Clays, "Recent Marine Sediments," pp. 466-496, American
Association of Petroleum Geologists (1939).
Hendricks, S. B., and C. S. Ross, Chemical Composition and Genesis of Glauconite
and Celadonite, Am. Mineral., 26, 683-708 (1941).
Hofmann, U., and W. Bilke, Ueber die innerkristalline Quellung und das Basenaus-
tauschvermiigen des Montmorillonits, Kolloid-Z., 77, 238-251 (1936).
Marshall, C. E., Mineralogical Methods for the Study of Silts and Clays, Z. Krist.,
90,8-34 (1935).
Ross, C. S., and P. F. Kerr, The Kaolin Minerals, U.S. Geol. Survey Profess. Paper
165E, pp. 151-180 (1931).
Ross, C. S., and P. F. Kerr, Halloysite and Allophane, U.S. Geol. Survey Profess.
Paper 185G, pp. 135-148 (1934).
Miscellaneous Properties
The solubility of a number of clays in acids and alkalies of a wide range of con-
centrations indicates that the solution process is of at least three kinds for every
clay, dependent on the concentration of solvent.
At equilibrium, a fract,ion of the acid or alkali remains free, and a fraction of
each clay remains undissolved regardless of the proportions present. Hence the
reactions appear to be reversible as indicated by varying equilibrium conditions.
Over a range of low acid concentrations, 0.05 to 0.2 normal, the" solution" is
essentially a silicate hydrosol similar in composition to the clay dissolved. At
higher concentrations it contains also salts in solution; at lower concentrations
excess silica. At acid concentrations of 20 per cent and over, bases but no silica
go into solution and no hydrosols are formed.
Over a range of low alkali concentrations, 0.002 to 0.005 normal (0.02 to 0.05
per cent) sodium carbonate, the solution essentially is an alkali silicate hydrosol,
only silica being removed from the clay. At concentrations of alkali below the
critical range, no carbonate is left in solution.
With montmorillonite clays the critical anion concentration is around 0.1 mole
1 Nutting, P. G., The Action of Some Aqueous Solutions on Clays of the Montmoril-
lonite Group, U.S. Geol. Survey, Profess. Paper 197F, pp. 219-235 (1943).
296 Clay Minera]ogy
per liter while the critical cation (Na+) concentration is around 0.001 mole per
liter. Within the critical acid range, the anions may be considered as competing
on substantially equal terms with silicic acid for the bases of the clay. Within
the critical alkali range, the alkali in solution is competing on equal terms with
the bases of the clay for the silica.
In general, above certain minimum concentrations, acids remove alkali
metals, alkaline earths, iron, and aluminum from the clay minerals, and
alkalies dissolve the silica. The literature contains a large amount of
information on acid solubility, because of the general economic importance
of the acid-clay reaction, as noted previously, but relatively little data on
solubility in alkalies.
Solubility of Clay Minerals in Acid. The solubility of the clay min-
erals in acids varies with the nature of the acid, the acid concentration,
the acid-to-clay ratio, the temperature, and the duration of treatment.
Also the solubility of the various clay-mineral groups is quite different,
and there is great variation in solubility characteristics of members of
some individual groups. Thus, in general, a magnesium-rich montmoril-
lonite is much more soluble than one that is rich in aluminum, with an
iron-rich member somewhere in between. In the case of the clay min-
erals showing variations in the degree of crystallinity, such as kaolinite,
the solubility increases as the degree of crystallinity decreases. The sol-
ubility would, of course, also increase as the particle size decreases.
Calcining the clay minerals changes their solubility characteristics and
their relative solubility with respect to each other.
Pask and Davies 2 (Table 37) have shown, using 0.5 g of clay dried at
130C in 30 cc of 20 per cent solution of H 2S0 4 and boiling for Y2 hr, that
only 3 per cent of the total alumina is dissolved from kaolinite and only
9 per cent from anauxite. Halloysite is moderately soluble, showing solu-
tion of from 50 to 90 per cent of the total alumina under similar condi-
tions. Illite is slightly soluble, with 11 per cent of total alumina going
into solution in one sample. Montmorillonite ranges from low to high
solubility, showing 33 to 87 per cent of total alumina dissolved. The
attapulgite-sepiolite clay minerals would probably have characteristics
similar to those of the montmorillonite minerals.
With acid of the same concentration and a similar acid-to-clay ratio,
but with digestion under pressure at 155C, the solubility of all the clay
minerals increased (Table 37). All the alumina of halloysite became sol-
uble, and almost all of it was dissolved from the montmorillonites (85 to
93 per cent). Even the ordinarily relatively insoluble kaolinite and illite
lost the major part of their alumina, 70 and 87 per cent, respectively,
going into solution. '
2 Pask, J. A., and B. Davies, Thermal Analysis of Clays and Acid Extraction of
Alumina from Clays, U.S. Bur. Mines Tech. Paper 664, pp. 56-78 (1945).
Miscellaneous Properties 297
(From Pask and Davies')
Clay mineral
Clay dried Clay calcined Pressure digestion
at 130C* at 800C* at 155ct
33 19 93
Muscovite ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 29
Properties of the Clay Minerals Nontronite, Attapulgite, and Saponite, Call. AliT.
Univ. Missouri Research Bull. 354 (1942).
300 Clay Mineralogy
the same results are obtained with saponite. Other montmorillonites are
quite susceptible to such alteration, but less so than saponite and hector-
ite. The iron-rich montmorillonites are more susceptible than those high
in aluminum.
Attapulgite-sepiolite, vermiculite, chlorite, and some of the biotite
micas are quite susceptible to disintegration by electrodialysis. Roy14
has shown that biotite suffers appreciable loss of cations after only a few
hours of electrodialysis and that 80 to 90 per cent of all of them are lost at
the end of 28 days, without, however, complete destruction of the biotite
structure. After a similar length of time, muscovite and phlogopite
micas lost only a small amount of their iron and alkalies and substantially
no aluminum. It appears that kaolinite is relatively little affected by
electrodialysis, and data are not at hand for halloysite.
Electrodialysis has frequently been used to prepare H clays for cation-
exchange studies and for use as the starting point for investigations of the
physical properties of clays carrying specific exchangeable cations.
Because of the likelihood of significant amounts of disintegration of the
clay mineral, the procedure must be used with caution. Many of the
investigations which have used this procedure are of little value, because
the clay minerals were altered, and the cation composition was not what
it was thought to be, as a result of very difficultly replaeeable aluminum
moving from the lattice to exchange positions.
Cation Liberation by Neutral Salts. M ukherj ee and his colleagues 15,16
have shown that AI3+ and Fe3+ may be removed from certain hydrogen
clays by repeated treatment with BaCb. They determined the amount
of H+, Aj3+, and Fe3+ in the leachate after leaching the clay minerals with
BaCh The clay minerals had been rendered acid by prior treatment
with 0.02 N HCl. After each leaching with BaCI 2 , the clay minerals were
rendered acid again before repeated leaching with BaCI 2 These inves-
tigators found that some AI3+ and Fe H continued to come out of the lat-
tice of montmorillonite through at least eight cycles of acid treatment
and leaching, whereas for kaolinite there was little effect after the first
leaching. The removal of the Aj3+ and Fe3+ from the montmorillonite
was accompanied by a reduction in cation-exchange capacity, whereas
the capacity of kaolinite was substantially unaffected. The work of
Mukherjee shows the extreme sensitivity of some of the clay minerals to
chemical treatment.
14 Roy, R., Decomposition and Resynthesis of the Micas, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 32,
202-210 (1949).
15 Mukherjee, J. N., B. Chatterjee, and B. N. Baverjee, Liberation of H+, AJ+++
and Fe+++ from Hydrogen Clay by Neutral Salts, J. Colloid Sci., 2, 247-256 (1947).
16 Mukherjee, J. N., B. Chatterjee, and A. Roy, Liheration of 11+, Al+++ and Fe+++
from pure Clay Minerals on Repeated Soil Treatment and be saturation, J. Colloid
Sci., 3, 437-446 (1948).
Miscellaneous Properties 301
Rational Analysis. It is frequently desirable, particularly in the indus-
Grial use of clays, as in the ceramic industry, to have some rapid, simple
method of determining variations in the composition and properties of
clays. Before the development of X-ray-diffraction, differential thermal,
and improved optical methods about 1930, the only methods available
were chemical procedures based on the difference in the resistance of var-
ious clay substances to chemical attack. There developed, therefore,
so-called" rational methods of analysis" based primarily on the difference
in solubility of various clay substances in acids. Such methods were
widely used, e.g., in the ceramic industry, for raw-material control.
Most methods of rational analysis were based on the difference in sol-
ubility of clay components in hot concentrated hydrochloric and sulfuric
acids. The part of a cl~y soluble in hydrochloric acid was frequently
called allophaneton, or allophane clay, and the part insoluble in hydro-
chloric but soluble in sulfuric acid was called kaolinton, or kaolin clay.
The allophaneton often was largely the montmorillonite portion of a clay,
together with other components soluble because of extremely fine grain
size. The kaolinton was likely to include primarily the kaolinite and
illite components. Frequently the method was elaborated to obtain
some determination or estimation of the potash content as a basis for an
evaluation of a possible mica component. Also in some instances a value
for silica was obtained to indicate the quartz content. The wide varia-
tions in the methods of rational analysis that have been used are sum-
marized by Harkort and Harkort. 17
Washington 18 and later Correns 19 have pointed out the great fallibility
of rational analytical procedures because of the tremendous range in sol-
ubility of the components of clays as a consequence of particle-size varia-
tions. Since about 1930, with the development of other analytical meth-
ods, the use of rational analysis has gradually decreased. It should be
pointed out, however, that such methods may be quite satisfactory for a
specific limited purpose if used with caution and only for a limited range
of clays. Thus an industry using only a particular kind of clay can set
up an arbitrary set of chemical tests, which would be rapid and simple, to
check certain variations in the material supplied to them.
Solubility of Clay Minerals in Alkalies. Except for the investigations
of Nutting, 1 there has been very little study of the solubility of the clay
minerals in alkalies. Nutting has studied particularly the solubility of
Per cent Na 2 CO a........... 0.0 0.005 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1.0
for this clay mineral the amount of silica removed in solution increases as
the concentration of sodium carbonate increases to a maximum atabout
2i .6
.<:: .4
<n J
(5 .2
v- i'(:/
o .005,o1.Q2.05 .2 .5 1.0 2
Per Cent Sodium Corbonote in Two Litre Solutions
FIG. 112. Solubility of silica from montmorillonite (Wyoming bentonite) in sodium
carbonate solutions, after Nutting.!
10 169 32
5 481 253
2 215 192
1 104 79
0.5 70 87
0.2 86 50
0.1 100 59
o IV
8 '~~~llIImIft:~;M
rig IWij\M~~n
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16
Wove Length in Microns
FIG. 113. Infrared absorption curves for kaolinites and halloysites, after Hunt (see
Adler et al. 23).
~~g~ ;;~~B:SS8
~,...-jo),-j Ci)..-ICi)!"""'I0),.....!
,...; 0>
,...; lC
C';l ~ IYJ M 0
M....... ~,......, Ci.l""""
C'l e<:>
308 Clay Mineralogy
Wove Number in CM.- 1
8 88 8 000 0 8 a
2<t ;;;S l(3 @ ~~g _ 8
100 I .1 .1 .1
" "I "I "
80 l.--+---1'-\ h I-
/ \ ! Dickite
60 """
20 r
\ If
" Son Juanita
1\ /": I-' "'-'
V'" '\
"" '" pyrop!'yllite
Ill. Corolina
c: 20
tJ 0
ao / \
V\ I \ V""
40 /'
\. ~ '"'" "'- Hectorite
20 V
\ /
o "
2 :3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16
Wave Length in Microns
FIG. 114. Infrared absorption curves for dickite, pyrophyllite, nontronite, and hec-
torite, after Hunt (see Adler et aP').
For example, the causes of variations in the spectra within the mont-
morillonite group cannot yet be related to variations of composition or
Many methods have been tried to determine the surface area of clay
materials. The most trustworthy results have been obtained with the
Miscellaneous Properties 309
Wove Number in CM,-I
00 00 0 0000 0
00 00 0 0 0 0 0 It)
0000 0
N 1Qst ~ ~ ::?
- Q 0
,I ,I, I
"'" I/"" \ 1--- Montmori//oni'te
40 V \ v- I'-. Chambers
20 V '-
'~!~4~m II UtEm~~i:::lm;"
~ '~~JE~.~Ef%r$
~ '~Wlm.1rg~!tl'
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16
Wave Length in Microns
FIG. 115. Infrared absorption curves for montmorillonite, after Hunt (see Adler
et al.23).
8~ ~ ~ @ ~! ~ ~ 8 ~ <Xl
100 I, ,I,,,, .1 ,I ,I ,I, ,I
f-"""I _'\.
80 ~ L r---."
V \ / Illite
V J F/th/an
1\ Illinois
15 16
FIG. 116. Infrared absorption curves for illites, mixed-layer minerals, and attapul-
gites, after Hunt (see Adler et al.'3).
of Soil~ and Soil Colloids by the Use of Low Temperature van der Waals Adsorption,
Soil Sci., 40, 57-65 (l938).
Miscellaneous Properties 311
Makower, Shaw, and Alexander29 first applied the method to soils and
clay materials.
Obviously, specific surface is not a characteristic of any particular clay
mineral, since it varies with particle-size distribution, particle shape, and
the presence of cracks and pores in the sample. The data given in Table
41, taken from Nelson and Hendricks,30 are intended to give comparative
(From Nelson and Hendricks 30 )
values of the order of magnitude of the surface area of some clay min-
erals. The low surface-area value obtained for montmorillonite is inter-
esting in view of the fine grain and the expanding-lattice characteristics
of the mineral. The low value for montmorillonite means that the major
part of the potential surface of the mineral could not be reached by the
nitrogen or other gases used in the determinations. The theoretical sur-
face of montmorillonite on dispersion to nearly unit-cell dimensions is
8 X 10 6 cm 2 /g.
The values in Table 41 show that only a small amount of surface is lost
when kaolinite and illite are dehydrated.
Recently Hendricks and Dya}31 have used the adsorption of ethylene
glycol for surface determinations. The organic is adsorbed on both
29 Makower, B., T. M. Shaw, and L. T. Alexander, The Specific Surface and Density
of Some Soils and Thcir Colloids, Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc., 2, 101-109 (1937).
3U Nelson, R. A., and S. B. Hendricks, Specific Surface of Some Cluy Minerals,
Retention of Clays and Its Application to Potassium Fixation, 'Trans. 4th Intern.
Congr. Soil Sci., 2, 71-72 (1950).
312 Clay Mineralogy
external surfaces and inner surfaces accessible only by swelling. A com-
bination of the Brunauer, Emmett, and Teller method with that of Hen-
dricks and Dyal provides values for both external and swelling surfaces.
34 Dana, E. S., "Textbook of Mineralogy," W. E. Ford, ed., Wiley, New York
Miscellaneous Properties 313
replacement of such ions by hydration. DeWit and Arens 35 have
recently given values of 2.642 to 2.688 for materials with 0.0 per cent
adsorbed water. These authors have determined values for the decr'ease
in density of two illites as they pick up adsorbed water in increasing rela-
tive humidities (Table 42). A certain amount of such change is to be
(After de Wit and Arens')
" .. '
Miscellaneous Properties 315
Zalmazon, E. S., and E. S. Shishova, Method of Separation of the Colloid Fraction
from Carbonaceous Clays and Ooze, Bull. acado sci. URSS ser. geol., pp. 145-149
I nfrared Absorption Spectra
Buswell, A. 1\1., K. Krebs, and W. H. Rodebush, Infrared Studies, III, Absorption
Band of Hydrogels between 2.5 and 3.5 Microns, J. Am. Chern. Soc., 59,2603-2605
Drummond, D. G., Infrared Absorption of {luartz, Nature, 130, 928-929 (1932).
Williams, V. Z., Infrared Instrumentation and Techniques, Rev. Sci. Instruments, 19,
135-178 (1948). ~.
Swface Area
Emmett, P. H., The Measurement of the Surface Areas of Finely Divided or Porous
Solids by Low Temperature Adsorption Isotherms, Advances in Colloid Sci., 1,
1-36 (1941).
Longuet-Escard, J., The Effect of Progressive Dehydration on the Area of the Sur-
face of Montmorillonite, J. chim. phys., 47, 113-117 (1950).
McAuliffe, C. D., N. S. Hall, L. A. Dean, and S. n. Hendricks, Exchange Reactions
between Phosphates and Soils: Hydroxylic Surfaces of Soil Minerals, Soil Sci.
Soc. Am. Proc., 12, 119-123 (1948).
Ritter, H. L., and L. C. Erich, Pore Size Distribution in Porous Materials, Anal.
Chern., 20, 665-670 (1948) ..
Schofield, R. K., Calculation of Surface Area of Clays from Measurements of Negative
Adsorption, Trans. Cerarn. Soc., (Engl.) 48, 207-213 (1949).
Spiel, S., Effect of Adsorbed Electrolytes on Properties of Monodisperse Clay-Water
Systems, J. Am. Cerarn. Soc., 23, 33-38 (1940).
Teichner, S., Measurement of Specific Surfaces of Certain Clays, Compt. rend., 231,
1063-1064 (1950).
Baver, L. D., "Soil Physics," Wiley, New York (1940).
Ralston, O. C., and A. G. Stern, "Report of Non Metallic Division," U.S. Bur. Mine:s
Rept. Invest. 3599 (1941).
1 Noll, W., Hydrothermal Synthese des Muscovits, Nachtr. Ges. Wiss. Gottingen, 20,
122-134 (1932).
2 Noll, W., Mineralbildung im System A1 2 0 3-Si0 2-H 2 0, Nelws Jahrb. Mineral. Geol.
boehmite +
------- Kaolinite ----- ----- _----
3500 Boehrnite +
(168) boehmite
300 0 Kaolinite
(87) Kaolinite Kaolinite + SiO,
250 0 (amorphous)
Roy, R., and E. F. Osborn, Studies in the System AI,03-SiO z-H,O, presented at
American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers, St. Louis, 1)51.
318 Clay Mineralogy
1: 2, kaolinite and boehmite are formed up to 400C, and an unidentifiable
uhase develops at 500C. With a ratio of 1: 2, only kaolinite is formed
up to 350C; above that temperature kaolinite, pyrophyllite, and boeh-
mite are formed up to 400C; and at 500C, kaolinite and boehmite dis-
appear, with pyrophyllite and an unidentifiable phase the only compo-
nents present. With a ratio of 1 : 4, kaolinite is the only crystalline phase
up to 350C, and at 400 and 500C pyrophyllite is the only phase
developed. With molecular alumina-to-silica ratios less than 1: 4, the
results of the synthesis are the same as when the ratio is exactly 1: 4,
except that amorphous silica is present at all temperatures. In the
absence of alumina, no crystalline silica phase is formed under the condi-,
tions of Noll's experiments. Noll points out that the rate of reaction
varies greatly with the temperature; e.g., kaolinite formed at 300C in
1 hr, whereas it took 111 hr at 200C.
It would seem from the work of Roy and Osborne 5 that, at very low
temperatures and pressures, halloysite (2H 2 0) may be the resulting
phase in the system Ah03-Si02-H20, rather than kaolinite. Up to the
present time halloysite (4H 20) does not appear to have been synthesized.
The data in Table 44, after Noll, 4 show the reactions obtained in the
H 20
(After N o1l4)
6 Stresse, H., and U. Hofmann, Synthesis of Magnesium Silicate Gels with Two
Dimensional Regular Structures, Z. anorg. u. all gem. Chern., 247, 65-95 (1941).
7 Gruner, J. W., Formation and Stability of Muscovite in Acid Solutions at Ele-
Beidellite, and Kontronite, J. Research Nail. Bur. Standards, 15, 173-186 (Ul35).
320 Clay Mineralogy
According to Gruner,9 kaolinite, pyrophyllite, muscovite, and boehmite
are the phases which may form when microcline and albite are subjected
to high temperatures and pressures in the presence of aluminum hydrox-
ide, silica, and potassium chloride under acid conditions. In Gruner's
experiments the concentration of the potassium ions and the Al 2 0 3 : Si0 2
ratio of the system were the factors determining which minerals formed
from the feldspars. Kaolinite will form from feldspars and is stable
below approximately 350C, regardless of the potassium-ion concentra-
tion provided the ratio of AI: Si is about 1: 1. This means that additional
easily available aluminum has to be in the system. If the additional
aluminum is not present, pyrophyllite formed instead of kaolinite below
about 350C.
In the temperature range from 350 to at least 530C, pyrophyllite
formed from the feldspars if the potassium-ion concentration was low
(it must not be much greater than the amount that the acid can remove
from the potash feldspars). Under these conditions boehmite formed
from any alumina in excess of that required for the pyrophyllite.
If the concentration of potassium and sodiuq! ions was high but no
additional alumina was available, the feldspars remained unaltered. No
true potassium feldspar was synthesized under the conditions of the
experiments. If alumina, silica, and potassium chloride are added to the
feldspar, muscovite and pyrophyllite are synthesized without any forma-
tion of feldspar.
Muscovite formed readily from feldspar, beginning at about 350 to
525C, the highest temperature tried, provided that the potassium and
aluminum were in sufficient concentration.
Schwarz and Trageser 10 stated that orthoclase and anorthite in the
presence of 0.5N HCI gave kaolinite as an alteration product at tempera-
tures below about 400C, pyrophyllite and boehmite at temperatures of
400 to 550C, and corundum at about 600C.
Badger and Allyl! produced kaolinite when a potash feldspar was
heated at 225C for 24 hr in the presence of 5 per cent hydrofluoric acid.
These same authors found no reaction when the same feldspar was heated
in the presence of carbonic acid for 156 hr at 60C and a pressure of
1,800 psi. '
The formation of secondary silicate compounds from solid phases like
feldspar and aluminum hydroxide in the foregoing type of experiments
,', .
Origin and Occurrence of the Clay Minerals 323
per cent AI(N0 3)3 for 3 to 4 days and then precipitating with HCI or
NH 4 0H.
General Conclusions from Synthesis Data. Some general conclusions
regarding the environmental conditions favorable for the formation of the
clay minerals can be reached from the available data from synthesis
experiments. At low temperatures and pressures, acid conditions appar-
ently favor the formation of the kaolinite type of mineral, whereas
alkaline conditions favor the formation of montmorillonite, or mica, if
potassium is the alkali metal and if it is present in concentration above
a certain level. From the work of Noll the minimum concentration of
K 2 0 necessary for the formation of the mica is between 0.2 and 0.37 mole
per mole of A1 2 0 3. The presence of magnesium particularly favors the
formation 6f montmorillonite.
At temperatures somewhat above about 350C and with moderate
pressures, pyrophyllite forms in place of kaolinite, with any excess A1 20 a
forming boehmite. At more elevated temperatures and pressures, other
alumina phases develop. At more elevated temperatures, the foregoing
generalities for results under acidic and alkaline conditions do not always
hold. Thus, mica can form under acid conditions, and kaolinite or
pyrophyllite can develop in the presence of an excess of K 20, depending
on the temperature, the amount of K 20, and the A1 20 3: Si0 2 ratio.
ation at Santa Rita, New Mexico, Bull. Geol. Soc. Am., 61,275-348 (1950).
28 Schwartz, G. M., Hydrothermal Alteration of the" Porphyry Coppcr" Deposits,
Castle Dome Copper Deposit, Arizona, Eean. Geol., 41, 820-846 (1946). .'
328 Clay Mineralogy
in the kind and amount of alteration in various ore bodies. In some
d{'_:)osits, notably at Ajo, Arizona, there are substantially no clay-mineral
alteration products, whereas, in others, e.g., at Morenci and Miami,
Arizona, hypogene clay minerals are extensively developed. He has
shown also that the identity and relative abundance of the clay minerals
differ widely in different deposits. In most deposits, however, the
development of argillic material seems to be followed by a final period
of intense sericitization and silicification.
As stated earlier, the available data are not adequate to establish
general conclusions, but they do suggest a general tendency toward
sericite adjacent to the vein, an outer chloritic zone, and an intermediat~
zone of kaolinite, halloysite, allophane, and/or montmorillonite. In the
intermediate zone, montmorillonite is mostly in the outer part and the
kaolinite minerals in the inner part. In some cases the sericitization
seems to be later than the argillic development.
Nature of the Hydrothermal Solutions. Information concerning the
composition of the hydrothermal solutions is scant, but in many, per-
haps most, cases, such waters are thought to be acid to begin with, carry-
ing chlorine, sulfur, carbon dioxide, and/or silica. The composition of
the solutions must change as reactions take place with the host rock, and
in the case of silicate rocks the solutions would become alkaline as a con-
sequence of such reactions. The alkaline constituents would probably
be transported outward by the solutions, and the alkalinity of the solu-
tions would persist only so long as alkalies or alkaline earths were being
released by the breakdown of the parent rock. As the action of the acid
water proceeded, therefore, the acid-alkaline front would move outward
as the alkaline earths and alkalies were carried outward. As Sales and
Meyers have postulated, the later breakdown of a resistant mineral, such
as orthoclase, which had persisted through the beginning of the acid
encroachment until temperatures or solution concentration became suffi-
ciently high to break it down, can cause a reversal to alkaline conditions.
It is by no means established that hydrothermal solutions are always
acid initially. Andreatta,31 for example, has described a sequence of
hydrothermal clay minerals developed in the order micaceous clay
mineral-montmorillonite-halloysite-kaolinite; this sequence he believes
to have formed from warm water originally alkaline and rich in potassium
which became neutral and finally acid with progressive cooling.
Relation to Parent Materials. If the hydrothermal alteration is
intense, as a result of relatively high temperatures and concentrations,
and long continued, so that all the original minerals have been affected,
and if there has been considerable transportation of components, such
31 Andreatta, C., Study of the Hydrothermal Stratum of the Clay Minerals of
315 (1916).
Origin and Occurrence of the Clay Minerals 331
tions of climate, topography, and time. 35 Also it has been shown 36 that
the same type of soil with a characteristic clay-mineral compositi<l can
develop after a relatively long period of time from rocks of widely differ-
ent composition and texture.
The most important factor of composition in parent rocks is the content
of alkalies and alkaline earths. Rocks containing no alkalies, such as
kaolin clays, can yield only kaolinite or lateritic weathering products
unless ground-water movement brings alkalies and/or alkaline earths to
the environment. Igneous rocks, shales, slates, schists, and argillaceous
carbonates can yield a variety of weathering products, at least in the
initial stages of weathering, because of their content of alkalies and
alkaline earths in addition to alumina, silica, etc.
Climate. The temperature and the rainfall, particularly its seasonal
distribution, are the significant climatic factors. Decay of the parent
minerals is most rapid in warm, humid climates. The direction of the
movement of water through the weathering zone and the leaching of
soluble salts from the material depend on the amount of rainfall and its
seasonal distribution. Thus, in a continuously wet climate the move-
ment of the water is downward, tending to remove downward the com-
ponents liberated by the decay of the parent minerals. In a continuously
dry climate or seasonal one with long dry seasons, the prevailing water
movement may be upward, and the decay components would not be
removed from the decay zone. The climate determines the amount and
kind of vegetation and further the amount and kind of organic alteration
products yielded by the decay of the organic material. Thus in a humid
cool climate an abundance of organic material decays slowly to produce
an abundance of active organic acids and other compounds to react with
the parent material, whereas in a hot humid climate with seasonal rainfall
the organic material is rapidly destroyed by oxidation and alteration.
As a consequence, the kind and amount of organic products available for
leaching are very different in the two environments.
Topography. Topography determines whether or not there is active
vertical movement of water though the weathering material. This is
particularly significant in regions of relatively high rainfall in which
low, flat areas may be saturated with water almost to the surface. The
prevalence of oxidizing or reducing conditions and the depth to which
active oxidizing conditions penetrate depend in part on the water satura-
35 Hosking, J. S., The Soil Clay Mineralogy of Some Australia Soils Developed on
Granitic and Basaltic Parent Material, J. Council Sci. Ind. Research, 13, 206-216
36 Humbert, R. P., and C. E. Marshall, Mineralogical and Chemical Studies of Soil
Formation'from Acid and Basic Igneous Rocks of Missouri, Agr. Expt. Sta. Univ.
Missouri Research Bull. 359 (1943).
332 Clay Mineralogy
tion of the soils. Poorly drained areas saturated with water for long
perio~s of the year generally have only reducing or feebly oxidizing con-
ditions, or at best a thin surficial zone of oxidation.
Topography, by its control of the vertical movement of ground water,
also influences the leaching processes. Thus, in low, flat areas with little
movement of water through the soils, there would be relatively little
Topography also influences the rate of erosion at the surface, and hence
the rate of removal of the products of weathering and the rate at which
fresh parent material is brought close to the surface into the most active
zone of alteration.
Vegetation. The significant factors with regard to vegetation are its
amount and kind and the amount and kind of resulting products of its
decay. In an arid area where vegetation is absent or in an area with long
hot, dry intervals where vegetation is quickly oxidized, few or no organic
acids are produced from the vegetation to enter into the alteration proc-
esses. Also in countries of eucalyptus rather than deciduous trees, there
would be scant accumulation of leaf litter and scant production of organic
decay products, even though conditions favored the abundant growth of
Soil investigations suggest that, under cool, humid conditions with
deciduous forest growth, organic decomposition products develop in the
soil which have very drastic effects on parent silicate minerals. Under
temperate conditions and prairie grass cover, the resulting vegetal decom-
position products are different and appear to have less drastic effects on
the parent minerals.
Time. Since weathering processes are relatively slow, time is a signifi-
cant factor in the development of alteration products. In the initial
stages of the weathering of some rocks, alkalies and alkaline earth may be
present in the weathering zone, and as a consequence a certain kind of
alteration product will develop. After a long time interval all the alkalies
may have been removed by leaching, and a different type of alteration
product will form. As a consequence; weathering products from a given
type of parent material may be quite different in an initial stage and in a
later stage. Bray 37 has, for example, shown the great difference in the
mineral composition of weathering products of loess in Illinois as a conse-
quence of time. Manifestly, the factor of time is most important when
weathering in general is moderately severe and when the parent rock has a
composition permitting the formation of a variety of alteration products.
Soil-profile Development. Weathering processes, especially where
there is vertical (downward or upward) movement of moisture, tend to
37 Bray, R. H., Chemical and Physical Changes in Soil Colloids with Advancing
"' ..
Origin and Occurrence of the Clay Minerals 333
develop a sequence of horizons within the zone of alteration. The hori-
zons frequently grade sharply into adjacent ones and have thicknesses
measured in inches or a few feet, although there are some very mature
soils with horizons many feet in thickness. The horizons show differences
in degree of breakdown of parent material, in kind and relative abundance
of secondary mineral components, in particle-size distribution, in organic
L Litter 4.78
Portiolly Decoyed
F Organic Matter, 3.48
Reddish 8rown
Precipitated Humus,
Dark 8rown to 81ack
_.::_. 0 _. Friable Yellow
B.3 7"
o Sandy Loom
FIG. 117. 'Well-developed podsolic soil profile, from IJyons and Buckman."S
3S Lyons, T. L., and H. O. Buckman, "The Nature and Properties of Soils," Mac-
millan, New York (1943).
334 Clay Mineralogy
The soil horizons are designated from the surface downward, A, B, C,
D. The nomenclature of soil horizons outlined recently by the Soil Sur-
vey Staff of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, as summarized by
Winters and Simonson,39 is as follows: The A horizon is defined as a layer
of maximum accumulation of organic matter, and/or as the surface layer
that is lighter in color than the underlying horizon and has lost some of
its clay and sesquioxides. The B horizon is defined as the soil layer that
contains an accumulation of clay and sesquioxides with small amounts
of organic material, and/or has a blocky or prismatic structure and a
stronger color than the overlying A horizon. The C horizon is defined as
a layer of unconsolidated and partly weathered material relatively
unchanged by soil-forming processes. The D horizon is unaltered parent
In description::; of weathering products it is obviously necessary to
describe the profile as a whole as well as the composition and properties
of the individual horizons.
Classification of Great Soil Groups of the Wodd. The various types
of soil are considered by student8 of 80il8 under three main headings as
1. Zonal Soils. After soil-forming processes have been at work for a
considerable time, soil8 over wide area8, underlain by rocks of varying
kinds, tend to become alike in general characteristic8 if the climatic influ-
ences are reasonably uniform and continuous and if erosion is not too
vigoroU8. Such 80il group8 are called zonal and con8titute the Great Soil
Groups of the World. In the8e 8oil8, climate, with its associated kind of
vegetation and organic decomposition material, is the major factor in
80il gene8is.
2. Intrazonal Soils. The8e 80ils are a8sociated with the zonal groups
and are th08e that reflect the influence of 80me local conditions 8uch as
poor drainage, alkali salt8, or 80me other unique characteri8tic super-
imposed on the general characteri8tics resulting from the climate and
vegetation factors. Such soil8 frequently cross zonal boundaries and
thus are called intrazonal.
3. Azonal Soils. These are soils without profile development, such as
alluvial and colluvial soil8. There i81ittle or no alteration of parent mate-
rial because of their youth or environmental setting.
The classification of the great soil groups with 80me of the more impor-
tant associated intrazonal soils suggested by Lyon and Buckman is given.
in Table 45. A map showing the world di8tribution of the great soil
groups is presented in Figure 118. A somewhat idealized diagrammatic
presentation of representative profiles of five zonal soils is given in
Figure 119.
39 Winters, E., and R. W. Simonson, The Subsoil, Advances in Agron., 3,2-92 (1951).
, ....
Origin and Occurrence of the Clay Minerals 335
(After Lyons and Buckman 38)
I. Zonal humid soils
Dark gray peaty accumulation over gray mottled mineral horizons. Sub-
stratum ever frozen and often the subsoil as well
Typical podsol (gray forest soil)
Brown podsolic
Gray-brown podsolic
Red and yellow podsolic (lateritic)
Prairie dark brown and reddish brown
Typical and well-developed laterites
Yellowish-brown lateritic soils
Reddish-brown lateritic soils
Terra rossa
Associated intra zonal groups
Plano sols-strongly leached surface soils over clay pans
Rendzinas-dark-colored grassland soils from soft limy material
Brown forest soils, similar to gray-brown podsolic but neutral instead of acidic
II. Zonal aridic soils*
Chernozem (black earth)
40 Millar, C. E., and F. M. Turk, "Fundamentals of Soil Science," Wiley, New York
336 Clay Mineralogy
Origin and Occurrence of the Clay Minerals 337
12 12 12 12
24 24 24 24
36 36 36 36
48 48 48 48
Material B
quick removal in solution of any alkalies and alkaline earths. Iron tends
to be oxidized, particularly under seasonal rainfall, and its movement
along with alumina is retarded. The organic material is very rapidly
oxidized so that it does not accumulate, and downward-seeping waters
carry little organic acid. The downward-moving waters are almost neu-
tral, or more often slightly on the alkaline side as a result of the presence
of alkalies or alkaline earths from the primary silicates. Under such
conditions of slight alkalinity the silica tends to be dissolved and removed,
with attendant concentration of the alumina and ferric oxide in the
upper part of the weathering zone.
Zonal Aridic Soils. In zonal aridic soil regions the rainfall is less than
about 25 in./year, and the vegetative cover is grass or desert plants.
There is little or no disintegration of the silicates or migration of the
colloidal components. These soils are characterized by the movement
of carbonate and by its concentration in some particular horizon. As the
climate becomes drier, the zone of carbonate concentration gradually
comes closer to the surface (Fig. 121).
340 Clay Mineralogy
Chernozem soils are found in areas of 12 to 25 in. of rainfall under grass
cwver and in a cool climate. Because of the cool climate, the organic
material is oxidized very little, and a thick black surface horizon rich in
organic material develops. There is little disintegration of the silicates,
and leaching is very mild. The leaching removes the carbonates from
the A2 horizon, and they are reprecipitated and concentrated in the B
The chestnut-brown aridic soils are found where rainfall is 10 to 15
in./year and the climate is warm. The vegetation is scant, and as a
result the surface color is gray brown, instead of black as in Chernozems.
Also the low rainfall permits slight leaching, and the horizon of carbonate
concentration is close to the surface.
Gray or red desert soils develop under conditions of high aridity and in
the general absence of a cover of vegetation. Because of the scant rain-
fall there is no downward leaching. The dominant movement of moisture
through the soil is upward, owing to the dominance of evaporation, with
the accumulation of carbonates and other salts at the surface.
Clay-mineral Composition of Soils. An early study of the clay-mineral
composition of soils of various groups by Alexander, Hendricks, and
Nelson 41 indicated that kaolinite is the dominant clay-mineral component
of red and gray podsolic soils, with illite frequently present but in quan-
tities usually less than about 10 per cent. In Prairie soils both illite and
kaolinite are usually present, with the former slightly the more abundant.
Small amounts of montmorillonite are often present in the hardpan hori-
zon of Prairie soils. In the series of Chernozem soils studies by these
investigators, illite was the dominant component, and kaolinite and mont-
morillonite were also present in about equal amounts; and in a series of
Desert soils from California, illite and montmorillonite were the dominant
clay minerals.
Knox: 42 has recently made a compilation of the clay-mineral determina-
tions reported in the literature for about 100 soils. Kaolinite was the
only clay mineral reported in mOJ,'e than half of a total of over 20 red and
yellow Podsols. In the remainder kaolinite was the dominant compo-
nent, but small amounts of illite and montmorillonite were also reported.
Kaolinite was reported as the dominant constituent in 6 out of 12 Gray
Brown Podsols that have been studied. The remaining 6 Gray Brown
Podsols are reported to contain illite and montmorillonite in varying
amounts, as well as kaolinite. The analyses of 6 Planosols were reported
in the literature, and they all contained montmorillonite. In all but one
of the Planosols, illite was also present in about equal abundance with the
41 Alexander, L. T., S. B. Hendricks, and R. A. Nelson, Minerals Present in Soil
Colloids, II, Estimation in Some Representative Soils, Soil Sci., 48, 273-279 (1939).
42 Knox, E., personal communication.
Origin and Occurrence of the Clay Minerals 341
montmorillonite, and in 2 of them small amounts of kaolinite were present
also. A series of 3 Rendzina soils all showed illite, kaolinite, and mont-
morillonite, .but in varying amounts. Kaolinite was the component of
all the laterites whose clay-mineral composition was recorded.
The clay-mineral analyses of 15 Prairie soils were compiled by Knox,
and illite is reported in 11, montmorillonite in 12, and kaolinite in only 4
of them. It seems clear from Knox's data that illite and montmorillonite
are the characteristic clay minerals in Prairie soils.
Knox's work shows definitely the predominance of montmorillonite and
illite in the soils of arid regions. Montmorillonite was recorded in all 7
Chernozem soils that have been reported. Illite is reported in 4 of the
Chernozems, with small amounts of kaolinite in only 2 of them. Illite is
reported as the only clay-mineral component in 5 out of 10 Solonetz soils
that have been analyzed. Montmorillonite is reported in 5 of these soils
and is the dominant component in 2 of them. No kaolinite was found in
any of the Solonetz soils. In a series of 5 soils classed as White Alkali and
Black Alkali, illite was present in all of them and was the only clay mineral
in 3 of them. Montmorillonite was present in 2 of these alkali soils, and
kaolinite was completely absent in all of them.
Recently Winters and Simonson s9 have published compilations of data
on the clay-mineral composition of the B horizon of the great soil groups
which agree with the findings of Knox. According to them the composi-
tion of the B horizon of various soil groups is as follows: Tundra soils
contain mainly mica 43 and/or montmorillonite types of clay minerals;
podsolic soils contain dominantly illite, with lesser amounts of mont-
morillonite and occasional minor amounts of kaolinite; lateritic soils are
dominantly kaolinitic with minor amounts or none of the other clay min-
erals; chernozemic soils are largely composed of illite and montmorillonite;
and Desert soils contain largely montmorillonite and illite clay minerals.
Investigations by Millot 44 and by the author indicate that the paly-
gorskite-sepiolite clay minerals are likely to be significant components of
Desert soils.
A further generality of importance regarding soils is reported by
Beavers.45 According to him, the organic material in many soils accu-
mulates only up to a certain maximum amount. Additional quantities
in excess of the equilibrium amount do not tend to persist. He has found
that the attainable maximum may be relatively high for montmorillonite
soils and that it is low for kaolinitic soils.
43 The authors refer to a 2: 1 type of clay mineral, which would include chlorite,
Some Soil-Forming Materials, Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc., 6, 52-57 (1941).
48 Volk, G., Nature of Potash Fixation in Soils, Soil Sci., 45, 263-276 (1938).
49 Wood, L. K., The Chemical Effects of Soluble Potassium Salts on Some Illinois
Relationship of the Clay Minerals Halloysite and Endellite, Am. Mineral., 88, 1-18
53 Allen, V. T., Formation of Bauxite from Basaltic Rocks of Oregon, Ecan. Geal.,
43, 619-626 (1948).
54 Correns, C. W., and W. Engelhardt, Neue Untersuchungen iiber die Verwitter-
Granite and the Origin of Clayey Colloids, Campt. rend. 223, 115-118 (1946).
Origin and Occurrence of the Clay Minerals 345
formation of colloidal mixtures with later crystallization of the clay min-
erals, or by a direct structural change from the parent mineral to the clay
mineraL The nature of the transition would depend on the parent min-
eral, the resulting clay mineral, and the environmental conditions. Thua
kaolinite formed by the silication of gibbsite would perhaps be the reac-
tion product of ionic or colloidal solutions and a solid, whereas the transi-
tion of muscovite and biotite to illite would almost certainly take place
by a slight structural rearrangement without any breakdown to ionic or
colloidal components.
Origin and Occurrence of the Clay Minerals (Cont'd)
Only a very limited study has been made of the clay-mineral composi-
tion of sediments accumulating in various environments at the present
time. Unfortunately many of the determinations that have been made
are incomplete or are based on inadequate analytical data. Recent sedi-
ments frequently are composed of complex mixtures of relatively poorly
crystallized minerals, and their analysis is particularly difficult. Unless
the clay-mineral analyses are made by a combination of X-ray-diffraction,
differential thermal, and chemical methods and unless the procedures are
detailed, the completeness of the results is questionable. For example,
the presence of montmorillonite in moderate amounts usually cannot be
determined unless the X-ray analyses are supplemented by the glycol-
treatment procedure. Nevertheless some trustworthy information is
available on the clay-mineral composition of Recent sediments, and it is
adequate for a preliminary consideration of di[1genetic changes in clay
minerals and of the relation of clay-mineral types ,,0 particular environ-
mental conditions of accumulation.
Marine Environment. On the basis of their Challenger studies, Murray
and Renard 1 suggested that the fine-clay fraction of the sediments accu-
mulating on the present ocean floors was noncrystalline. At that time
the idea that many clays were composed of amorphous components was
widely held (see Chap. 2), largely because there were no adequate tech-
niques available to study them.
Using -modern analytical methods, Revelle 2 in 1936 and Correns 3 in
1937 first showed that the fine-clay fraction of Recent marine sediments
is substantially all crystalline. Correns 3 and his colleagues found that
mica (probably illite) was present in all the bottom samples collected by
of Illinois (1941).
350 Clay Mineralogy
sea floor in sediments accumulating at the present time. It was his con-
ecept that the illite develops largely by the alteration of montmorillonite
from the source material being carried to the sea.
Revelle'ss study of the Carnegie samples showed the finest clay fraction
to be crystalline, but unfortunately his analytical data did not permit a
positive identification of the predominant clay minerals. In a few sam-
ples kaolinite or halloysite was identified definitely, but most of the sam-
ples were said to be composed largely of a "beidellite-like" clay mineral.
From Revelle's data it appears certain that most of his samples were mix-
tures of clay minerals, and that in many, if not most of them, illite was
the predominant clay mineral.
Bramlette and Bradley 7 made no serious attempt to determine the clay-
mineral components in their study of the samples collected by the Lord
Kelvin in the North Atlantic. They pointed out that the clay fraction
possessed optical properties similar to those of beidellite or hydrous mica,
and from their data it appears probable that their clay samples were a
mixture of clay minerals and that illite was an important component in
many, if not all, of them.
Keunen 8 obtained X-ray-diffraction data for the clay fraction of a few
of the samples collected by the Snellius in the Netherlands Indies area.
He found muscovite (probably illite), kaolinite, and montmorillonite in
each of the samples investigated. The relative amounts of the clay min-
erals varied in the different samples, but too few samples were studied to
permit any correlation of clay-mineral composition with type of sediment
or oceanographic conditions.
Grim, Dietz, and Bradley 9 studied a series of samples collected by the
E. W. Scripps from the Gulf of California and the Pacific Ocean off the
California coast. They found that all the samples contained illite, mont-
morillonite, and kaolinite and that generally illite was the most abundant
and kaolinite the least abundant clay-mineral type. A chloritic clay
mineral could be identified definitely in some samples. The clay minerals
were very complex mixtures, including mixed crystallizations as well as
mechanical mixtures of discrete phases. In general the crystallinity was
lower, the individual size smaller, and the intergrowth more intimate in
6 Revelle, R., Scientific Results of Cruise VII of the Carnegie during 1928~1929,
Carnegie Inst. Wash. Pub. 556 (1944).
7 Bramlctte, M. N., and W. H. Bradley, Geology and Biology of North Atlantic
Deep Sea Cores between Newfoundland and Ireland, U.S. Geol. Survey Profess. Papm
196A (1940).
8 Keunen, P. H., "The Snellius Expedition in the Eastern Part of the Netherland
Sediments from the Pacific Ocean off the California Coast and the Gulf of California,
Bull. Geol. Soc. Am., 60, 1785~1808 (1949).
- Origin and Occurrence of the Clay Minerals 351
these Recent sediments than in ancient sediments which these authors
have studied.
Grim and his colleagues conclude from their data that kaolinite is vefy
slowly being lost in these marine sediments, probably by alteration to
illite or chloritic mica. They postulate that potassium is being taken up
by the accumulating sediments mostly by" degraded illite," which is illite
which reaches the environment of deposition with a relatively low potas-
sium content as a result of weathering processes, and that magnesium is
also being taken up by the accumulating sediments, probably in the for-
mation of illite or chloritic micas. The widespread occurrence of mont-
morillonite indicates that this clay mineral is not lost completely or
quickly in diagenetic processes.
Diagenetic Processes. The marine environment is alkaline; there is no
leaching; and the water contains a good deal of dissolved calcium. These
environmental conditions favor the formation of a montmorillonite, illite,
or chlorite clay mineral rather than kaolinite. Millot lO has recently pre-
sented evidence from a study of the composition of many sediments to
show that the presence of Ca++ tends to block the formation of kaolinite.
A study of weathering processes indicates that kaolinite does not form
from calcareous parent material until all the carbonate has been removed.
Correns l l pointed out that in environments in which the pH is less
than 5, silica is insoluble and R 2 0 3 is relatively soluble. At pH values
from 5 to 9, the R 2 0 3 is very slightly soluble and the silica becomes more
and more soluble; and at pH values above 9, silica and alumina are both
soluble. Therefore, at low pH values, there would be little silica in solu-
tion, and kaolinite is likely to be the stable form, whereas at higher pH
values with much silica in solution, the clay minerals with higher propor-
tions of silica to R 2 0 3 are likely to be the stable form.
MilloVo has shown that silica sols are relatively stable and that a con-
siderable cation content is necessary for flocculation, whereas alumina sols
are not very stable, being flocculated by a relatively low cation content.
Therefor~, according to Millot, in an environment of low cation content,
there would be a relatively large amount of available alumina with a con-
sequent clay mineral of low silica-to-alumina ratio, e.g., kaolinite. In an
environment of high cation concentration, the available silica would be
relatively high, because of the flocculation of the alumina, with a conse-
quent clay mineral of high silica-to-alumina ratio, e.g., montmorillonite.
The land-derived muds carried into the sea from many areas probably
consist to a considerable extent of degraded illite, degraded chloritic mica,
10 Millot, G., Relations entre la constitution et la genese des roches sediment aires
argileuses, "Geol. Appliq. et Prosp. Min.," vol. II, Nancy, France (1942).
11 Correns, C. W., T. F. Barth, and P. Eskola, "Die Enstehung der Gesteine,"
Julius Springer, Berlin (1939).
352 Clay Mineralogy
and kaolinite. The degraded minerals represent material that has been
partially leached of its constituent alkalies and alkaline earths, but not
sufficiently to transform it into new minerals. Such degraded minerals
would have deficiencies of alkalies and alkaline earths and would quickly
adsorb available potassium and magnesium with an attendant increase
in the perfection of the mica structures. It seems likely that such recon-
stitution of the micas is a most important diagenetic change and one
which would take place quickly.
It seems certain that chloritic mica and illite also tend to form during
marine diagenesis from other minerals. Thus illite probably forms from
montmorillonite; chloritic material appears to develop from kaolinite and
possibly also from montmorillonite; and glauconite forms from a variety
of raw materials. It seems that these changes, which may represent
major alterations in atomic structures, would take place relatively
slowly. Thus, the diagenetic alteration of kaolinite may be so slow
that it frequently persists in varying amounts into ancient marine
Marine conditions vary from oxidizing to reducing, depending on the
topography of the ocean floor and hence on water movement, on the rate
of sedimentation, and perhaps on other factors. It is not known exactly
how the variation from oxidizing to reducing conditions would influence
diagenetic processes. Perhaps oxidizing conditions, by tending to fix the
R 2 0 S in a relatively inert form, would retard diagenetic changes.
Variations in the concentration of potassium and magnesium would
also affect diagenesis. Deficiencies of the alkalies und alkaline earths
would retard the formation of the micas. Diagenetic changes would be
expected to be most intense near shore, where the sediments first encoun-
ter the marine environment.
The nature of the marine environment and diagenesis are such that
variations in the character of the source material might be reflected in the
sedimentary accumulation. 12 For example, a kaolinitic marine sediment
means a kaolinitic source area, since kaolinite is not formed in the sea.
Also it means relatively rapid accumulation with the persistence of
kaolinite through an environment fundamentally unfavorable for it.
A completely micaceous marine sediment means a source area produc-
ing little kaolinite, or possibly extremely slow accumulation. It seems
likely that source material containing a considerable amount of kaolinite
would give rise to a marine sediment in which at least some kaolinite _
Glauconite. Glauconite is a rather unique illite type (see page 68) of
clay mineral that is formed during marine diagenesis. Many investiga-
12 Grim, R. E., The Depositional Environment of Red and Green Shales. J. Sedi-
ment. Petrol., 21, 226-232 (1951) .
Origin and Occurrence of the Clay Minerals 353
tors have recorded the frequent association of glauconite with organic
residues, and it has been generally concluded that the presence of organic
material is necessary for the formation of the mineral.
Galliher13 has shown that some glauconite has formed as an alteration
product of biotite, with the alteration taking. place under reducing condi-
tions and slow deposition. Unless deposition is slow so that alteration
takes place before burial, the biotite mica persists. Hendricks and ROSS14
have reviewed the literature which shows that minerals other than biotite
may alter to glauconite in a marine environment.
Hadding, 15 who made an extremely complete study of glauconite, showed
that glauconite occurs in flakes and as pigmentary material, in addition
to the well-known large rounded pellets. According to Hadding, glau-
conite forms in the shallow sea in agitated waters which are not highly
oxygenated. It forms during times of decreased deposition of detritus
and often during negative sedimentation. Revelle 2 has also emphasized
that glauconite is currently forming off coasts lacking important rivers,
where deposition is slow.
Hendricks and Ross,14 after a careful study of the variation in the
composition of glauconites, concluded that the mineral is formed in a
reducing environment maintained by bacterial action. The environment
probably remains unchanged for long intervals of time. The very uni-
form content of magnesium and the rather constant ratio of Fe H to Fe++
indicate that a critical content of magnesium and a particular oxidation-
reduction potential might be required for the mineral to form. The ratio
of Na+ to K+ in interlayer positions in the structure of glauconite is rather
distinctive, suggesting that a certain concentration of theses ions may be
required for its formation.
In summary, glauconite forms during marine diagenesis, at times of
slow or negative sedimentation, and in relatively shallow water. In
addition, peculiar reducing conditions and particular concentrations of
magnesium and alkalies seem to be essential for its formation.
Nonmarine Conditions. Lacustrine. The paucity of clay-mineral
data for Recent nonmarine sediments is so great that few conclusions can
be reached. Cuthbertl 6 has shown that illite is the dominant clay min-
eral in sediments accumulating in Lake Erie.
It would seem that there would be few diagenetic changes in fresh-
13 Galliher, E. W., Glauconite Genesis, Bull. Geol. Soc. Am., 46, 1351-1366 (1936).
14 Hendricks, S. B., and C. S. Ross, Chemical Composition and Genesis of Glauconite
and Celadonite, Am. Mineral., 26, 683-708 (1941).
15 Hadding, A., The Pre-Quaternary Rocks of Sweden, IV, Glauconite and Glau-
conite Rocks, Medd. Lunds. Geol.-Mineral. Inst., 61, (1932).
16 Cuthbert, F. L., Clay Minerals in Lake Erie Sediments, Am. Mineral., 29, 378-388
354 Clay Mineralogy
water lake sediments and that the sediments would reflect the source
maJerial supplied to the lake. Lacustrine environments in which there
is any appreciable movement of water through the sediments, with some
consequent removal of alkalies and alkaline earths, would be expected to
show the development of kaolinite as a diagenetic mineral. As a general
thing, lakes in which there is no accumulation of lime would probably
show a tendency toward the development of kaolinite. In lakes where
lime is accumulating, the lime would tend to block the formation of
kaolinite, and any diagnetic changes would probably be very slight.
In salt lakes, the montmorillonite and illite clay mineral would form at
the expense of whatever material was supplied. Investigations by Long-
chambon,17 Millot,IO and unpublished work by the author have shown
that the sepiolite-attapulgite minerals are frequently found in Recent
sediments accumulating in dry desert basins. Probably a particular com-
position, chiefly in regard to the abundance of magnesium, leads to the
formation of these minerals.
Ril'crs. Holmes and Hearn 18 have investigated the clay-mineral com
position of Recent alluvium deposited by the Mississippi River and its
tributaries, with the results shown in Table 46.
the Important Alluvial Soils of the Mississippi Drainage Basin, U.S. Dept. Agr. 'Pech.
Bull. 833 (1942).
Origin and Occurrence of the Clay Minerals 355
In rivers themselves one might expect a certain amount of leaching
action, and if this is the case, kaolinite would tend to develop. Otherwise
any diagenetic changes would probably be insignificant. "
Glacial Deposits. A considerable study of the composition of the
glacial deposits in North America has been made by students of soils.
In unweathered till and loess, the dominant clay mineral is illite, fre-
quently with considerable amounts of chloritic mica. Kaolinite and
montmorillonite are occasionally present in small amounts.
The composition of varved glacial lake sediments is not well known,
but Cooling 1S" has shown that, in at least some varved sediments in
Canada, illite is the dominant clay mineral, with montmorillonite also
present in the dark layers but not in the light layers.
,', ,
Origin and Occurrence of the Clay Minerals 357
shales. Volcanic activity producing ash which altered to montmorillonite
is largely responsible for the flood of montmorillonite in these sedime'1ts.
MilloVo studied many Cretaceous sediments from France and found little
montmorillonite in them. Thus the abundance of montmorillonite in
some ancient sediments varies geographically because of peculiar, rel-
atively local conditions.
Montmorillonite is developing in many soils widely scattered over the
land today, and hence the argillaceous material carried to areas of
accumulation at the present time generally has a fairly large content of
montmorillonite. Recent sediments, therefore, have a fairly high mont-
morillonite content. This probably was not always the case in the
geologic past. An interval of geologic time without much volcanic
activity, without large areas of relatively low rainfall, and/or with large
areas of lateritic weathering would produce little montmorillonite. Thus,
because of variations of weathering conditions and/or volcanic activity,
either on a world-wide scale or in restricted areas, montmorillonite would
be expected to be absent or abundant in sediments of a particular geologic
interval or of a particular geographic area.
There is a suggestion from available data that kaolinite also is less
abundant in very ancient sediments than in those deposited after, say,
the Devonian. Kaolinite may therefore be lost in ancient sediments,
because of metamorphic processes complemented by adsorption of alkalies
and alkaline earths, with the formation of micas. This would be expected
to be a much slower process than the alteration of montmorillonite to
the micas.
Since kaolinite is formed during weathering under certain conditions
and not under others, it would be expected that ancient sediments of a
particular age and/or from a particular area might have either a flood of
kaolinite or none of it.
Since montmorillonite and kaolinite tend to disappear in sediments of
increasing age, it follows that very ancient sediments must be composed
largely of the illite and chlorite types of clay minerals. Attapulgite-
sepiolite alsQ appears restricted to relatively young sediments. No
information is available on the distribution of vermiculite in sediments.
Halloysite is generally absent in sedimentary rocks, except possibly in
association with some coals. It has been suggested that the halloysite
minerals would change under metamorphic processes to kaolinite, but
there are no specific data on this point.
Clay Minerals in Relation to Lithology. Shales. The dominant clay
mineral in many, probably most, shales that have been studied is illite.
Chloritic mica is frequently present, and montmorillonite is a common
component in many shales of Mesozoic or younger age. Kaolinite is a
common component of some shales, but usually in minor amounts. In
358 Clay Mineralogy
shales of relatively high kaolinite content, the lamination is frequently
not well developed.
Slates. The mica clay minerals are the dominant components in the
slates that have been studied. Fairbairn 19 reports kaolinite in some
slates and finds that kaolinitic slates have relatively low schistosity.
It appears that the illite and chloritic clay minerals in the slates have a
higher crystallinity than these same clay minerals in clays. This means
that the clay minerals are composed of layer units more regularly oriented
and with fewer structural defects. The increased crystal perfection
developed in the metamorphism of illite yields a material approaching
muscovite or biotite, depending on the original composition and structure
of the illite.
No montmorillonite, attapulgite-sepiolite, or halloysite clay minerals
have been reported in slates. Vermiculite may occur in some slaty
materials, but it is usually difficult to establish that it is not an alteration
Clays. Material which can be classed as clay has been described con-
taining each of the clay minerals in substantially pure form. Except for
mixtures of kaolinite with sepiolite-palygorskite, any combination of the
various clay minerals has been described in such sediments.
Underclay. Many beds of coal, particularly of Carboniferous age, the
world over are immediately underlain by a nonbedded carbonaceous clay
characterized by many small slickensided fracture surfaces. Such
material, frequently called underclay, contains either kaolinite or illite,
or a mixture of these clay minerals. Occasionally the underclay is
calcareous, and then illite is usually the only clay-mineral component. 20
Brindley and Robinson 21 have shown that the English under clays con-
tain kaolinite of the poorly crystalline variety. The kaolinite in the
plastic under clays in Illinois is also the poorly crystalline variety. In
several instances very small amounts of dickite 22 have been identified in
underclays. This dickite could not have had the usual hydrothermal
origin for the mineral, and its genesis is obscure.
Flint Clay. Flint clay is a dense, hard, nonslakable, massive, non-
plastic clay with flint-like characteristics. Flint clay is frequently
associated with underclays, but other occurrences, as, e.g., in association
with the diaspore clays of Missouri (see page 365), are also known. The
19 Fairbairn, H. W., X-Ray Petrology of Some Fine-grained Foliated Rocks, Am.
462-466 (1935).
,Origin and Occurrence of the Clay Minerals 359
flint clays that have been studied in detail are composed of well-crystal-
lized kaolinite in extremely small particle sizes. Sometimes excess ~lica
or alumina is present and may serve to cement the kaolinite particles
together. In many cases, however, the precise factors which give flint
clays their distinctive physical properties have not been established.
Limestones and Dolomites. An analysis of 35 Paleozoic limestones from
Illinois 23 showed illite in all of them. Kaolinite in small amounts was
present in about half of them. No montmorillonite was determined in
these limestones, but the analyses were made before the development of
the glycol method for the, determination of montmorillonite, and small
amounts of this clay mineral would probably have been missed.
The determination of the clay minerals in limestones and dolomites is
particularly difficult since it is frequently necessary to dissolve away the
carbonate in order to concentrate the clay minerals to get adequate
analytical data, and some of the clay minerals themselves are fairly
soluble in acid (see pages 296-299). i
of the Roof and Clod of Some South Wales Coal Seams and of the Mineral Matter in
Coal, Med. Research Council (Brit.) Special Rept. 244 (1943).
25 Endell, K., and J. Endell, Ueber die Bestimmung der R6ntgenfeinstruktur
mineralischer Bestandteile von Kohlen und Aschen sowie ihre technische Bedeutung,
Feuerungstech., 31, 137-143 (1943).
26 Ball, C., Kaolinite in Illinois Coal, Eeon. Geol., 29, 767-776 (1934).
360 Clay Mineralogy
Montmorillonite and illite clay minerals are also common. Frequently
the ...clay minerals in such sediments are poorly crystallized, and their
precise identification is difficult.
Kuhn27 has studied the composition of the Zechstein salt in Germany
and has found that illite is the dominant clay-mineral component. He
believes the mineral to be of diagenetic origin. He reports also that the
crystallinity of the illite is quite low in these sediIUents.
Till. Any of the clay minerals may be found in glacial till, depending
on the character of the source material, since there is likely to be sub-
stantially no alteration of the clay minerals during transportation and
deposition. Older tills might be expected to have a relatively higher
mica content, because later metamorphic changes probably would be
in the direction of the formation of well-crystallized micas from any
degraded mica or montmorillonite. It seems likely that kaolinite would
tend to persist unless the tills were very old or had been metamorphosed
The Pleistocene till of North America has been extensively studied,
and illite is the dominant clay mineral in it. Chlorite, montmorillonite,
and kaolinite are frequently present, but of subordinate importance. .
Gumbotil, a weathering product of till found at the surface of some
pre-Wisconsin tills in North America, contains illite, with considerable
amounts of montmorillonite and occasionally more kaolinite than the
normal till. It also has a higher clay-mineral content than the unweath-
ered till as a consequence of the concentration ot colloidal material by
downward-moving waters.
Fuller's Earth. This name is used for any natural earthy material
which will decolorize mineral or vegetable oils to a sufficient extent to
be of economic importance. The name as generally used at the present
time has no genetic or mineralogical significance. An exception is the
use of the term in England as a stratigraphic term for certain beds long
used as commercial bleaching clays. Fuller's earths are known which
are composed of attapulgite,28 montmorillonite,29 and kaolinite. 30 Some
fine silts of relatively low clay content have high decolorizing ability.
On the other hand there are many silts and clays composed of mont-
morillonite and kaolinite and possibly also of attapulgite which are not
fuller's earths.
21 Kuhn, R., Ueber die Mineralgehalt der Salztone, Schriften Mineral. Petrog. Inst.
Kiel, 6 (1938).
28 De Lapparent, J., Les Argiles des terres it foulon, CQngr. intern. mines met. et
geol. appl., 1,381-387 (1935).
29 Grim, R. Eo, Petrography of the Fuller's Earth Deposit, Olmsted, Illinois, with a
Brief Study of Some Non Illinois Earths, Econ. Geol., 28, 344-363 (1933).
30 Piersol, R. J., J. E. Lamar, and W. H. Voskuil, Anna "1:{aolin" as a New Decolor-
izing Agent for Edible Oils, Illinois State Geol. Survey Rept. Invest. 27 (1933).
+ "
' ....
Origin and Occurrence of the Clay Minerals 361
Miscellaneous Clay Materials. Under this heading will be considered
the origin and occurrence of clay minerals in argillaceous materials of
unique origin or whose origin is not well established.
Bentonite. The term bentonite was first applied by Knight 31 to a
particular, highly colloidal, plastic clay found near Fort Benton in the
Cretaceous beds of Wyoming; it has the unique characteristic of swelling
to several times its original volume when placed in water, and it forms
thixotropic gels with water even when the amount of bentonite in such
gels is relatively small. It was subsequently shown by Hewett3 2 that
this clay was formed by the alteration of volcanic ash in situ. Later,
Ross and Shannon 33 studied a number of clays which had been formed by
the alteration of ash and redefined the term bentonite to limit it to clays
produced by the alteration of volcanic ash in situ. They pointed out
that such clays are largely composed of montmorillonite clay minerals
and that they are generally highly colloidal and plastic. The term as
now used by many mineralogists and geologists has no reference to the
physical properties of the clay.
Until about 1930 bentonite was known in few places outside of the
original Wyoming area, and until about 1940 the term bentonite, espe- .
cially in industrial usage, was synonymous with the Wyoming material.
Even today (1951) the term bentonite to most people, other than some
mineralogists and geologists, carries with it the connotation of a highly
plastic, colloidal, swelling clay. Also, today the term is used frequently
for clays with these properties without reference to a particular mode of
onglll. Thus, montmorillonite clay from the Island of Ponza, Italy, is
generally called bentonite and sold commercially as such, even though
it is apparently of hydrothermal origin.
Because of the high commercial value of bentonite, a search for it has
been made in all quarters of the globe since about 1930, and now clays
composed largely of montmorillonite and formed by the alteration of
volcanic ash in situ have been found in almost all countries and in rocks
of a wide variety of ages. Bentonites are particularly widely distributed
in the Tertiary, as, e.g., in California and the Gulf Coast states of the
United States, in Italy, and in New Zealand. Bentonites are also very
widely distributed in the Upper Cretaceous, as, e.g., in the Gulf Coast and
High Plain states of the United States, in England, in Germany, and in
Canada. Beds older than the Cretaceous appear to contain little
bentonite. Some so-called metabentonite has been found in the Paleozoic
rocks (e.g., the Ordovician of Illinois and of the Appalachian states). In
Origin and Occurrence of the Clay Minerals 363
morillonite. In a few cases zeolites 35 are found in bentonites intimately
mixed with the montmorillonite.
The composition of the montmorillonite itself varies greatly in different
bentonites, as has been shown in detail by Ross and Hendricks. 36 The
variation may be within the montmorillonite lattice itself or in the nature
of the exchangeable cations. There is considerable variation in the
relative abundance of magnesium and iron and also apparently in the
R 203-to-silica ratio. That is to say, there is considerable variation in
the population of the silica layer. With regard to exchangeable cations,
most bentonites that have been described carry Ca++ as the most abun-
dant ion. Only a few are known which carry N a+ as the dominant ion,
and of these the Wyoming bentonite is the main example. Also only a
few bentonites have been reported that carry H+ or K+ as the dominant
ions. Mg++ is frequently present as an exchangeable ion in relatively
small amounts, and this is particularly the case when Ca++ is the domi-
nant ion. I
The geologic column contains many beds of volcanic ash which have
not altered to bentonite. In order for bentonite to form, it is probably
necessary for the ash to fall in water. The kind of water, i.e., fresh or
saline, undoubtedly is important in determining whether bentonite forms
at all and, if it does, the precise character of the resulting montmorillonite.
Since much bentonite is associated with marine formations, it seems
certain that the alteration can take place in sea water. Whether or not
the alteration can also take place in even more saline waters or in fresh
water is not known definitely. The composition of the ash is also
an important factor. Apparently the ash must have a moderate con-
tent of MgO, since ash devoid of magnesia does not seem to alter to
The evidence strongly indicates that the alteration of the ash to
montmorillonite takes place soon after accumulation or possibly almost
contemporaneously with accumulation. It does not seem, at least in
most cases, to be a later process and certainly is not a weathering process.
The Cretaceous bentonites in Mississippi frequently grade upward with-
out a break into glauconitic sands. The basal parts of these sands con-
tain rounded masses of bentonite, indicating that the bentonite was
already formed when the sand began to accumulate.
The process of formation of the montmorillonite is essentially a
devitrification of the natural glass of the ash and the crystallization of
the montmorillonite. The ash probably in most cases contains an excess
'5 Kerr, P. F., and E. N. Cameron, Fuller's Earth of Bentonitic Origin from Tehach-
api, California, Am. Mineral., 21, 230-237 (1936).
36 Ross, C. S., and S. B. Hendricks, ;\1inerals of the Montmorillonite Group, U.S.
I , ._
Origin and Occurrence of the Clay Minerals 365
Highly Aluminous and Ferruginous Clays. It is not proposed in this
work to discuss in detail the highly aluminous or ferruginous materW;tl,
such as bauxites and laterites, since adequate volumes 37- 39 on these
subjects are already available. The usual clay mineral associated with
deposits of the oxides or hydroxides of aluminum and iron is kaolinite.
Halloysite has been reported 4o in some high-alumina clays, but the
halloysite may have been confused with poorly crystalline kaolinite.
There appears to be kaolinite of two modes of origin in such materials:
one which has formed prior to the development of the hydrates and is the
parent material from which much of the aluminum hydrate has developed,
and another 41 which has formed after the development of the aluminum
hydrates by the reaction of silica with such hydrates.
A particularly distinctive type of high-alumina clay is the diaspore
and burley clay of Missouri, in which kaolinite is associated with diaspore.
The origin of these clays is not entirely clear, but in general terms they
seem, as suggested by MacQueen 42 and Allen,4o to have formed by some
kind of leaching action associated with the development of the sinkholes
in which they are found. The genetic relation of the kaolinite to the
diaspore is not clear.
Indiana-type H alloy site Deposits. The deposits of halloysite near
Bedford in Indiana, first studied by Logan 43 and later in great detail by
Callaghan,44 typify an occurrence of halloysite known in several other
places. The halloysite occurs as lenses and cavity fillings at the contact
of the Mansfield sandstone of Pennsylvanian age with the underlying
Chester clastics. According to Callaghan, the halloysite was precipi-
tated from solution from ground water which derived its alumina and
silica from the residual soils on the Chester beds. The formation of the
halloysite was post-Mansfield. The waters were believed to be acid in
nature because of a sulfate content which was derived from the oxidation
of pyrite in the Mansfield sandstone.
The halloysite is relatively pure in some places but is often mixed with
a good deal of alunite. Also the clay sometimes contains P 20 5 (1O%)
37 Fox, C. S., "Bauxite," London (1927).
38 Harder, E. C., Stratigraphy and Origin of Bauxite, Bull. Geol. Soc. Am., 60,887-
908 (1949).
39 Harrassowitz, H., Laterite, Fortschr. Geol. Pal. Min., 14,253-566 (1926).
40 Allen, V. T., Mineral Composition and Origin of Missouri Flint and Diaspore
Recent Sediments
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Renngarten N. V., Boehmite from Northern Caucasus, Doklady Akad. Nauk SSSR,
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Ancient Sediments
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the Leuci.te Lamll1'oi.tes f1'om the We~t Ki.mberly Area, t\.ustralh, Am. MineraL, a't.
373-384 (1942).
Origin and Occurrence of the Clay Minerals 367
Allen, V. T., Mineral Composition and Origin of the Missouri Flint and Diaspore
. Clays, Missouri Geol. Survey Ann. Rept. 59 (1937).
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Bossazza, V. L., "The Petrography and Petrology of South African Clay," privately
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Carobbi, G., Sediments of the Passo delle Rodici, Atti. soc. toscana sci. nat. (Pisa) M em.,
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Correns, C. W., Die Tone, Geol. Rundschau, 29, 201-219 (1938).
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Endell, J., Composition and Shapes of Minerals in English Ball Clay, Ber. deut. keram.
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Grim, R. E., The Constitution of Various Ceramic Clays, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 19,307-
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Gude, A. J., Clay Minerals of the Laramie Formation, Golden, Colorado, Bull. Am.
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Hebert, R., Contributions to the Study of the Physicochemical Structure of Clays,
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Keller, W. D., and P. T. Chuen, The Petrology of a Specimen of the Perry Farm
Shale, J. Sediment. Petrol., 20, 123-132 (1950).
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Riviere, A., Contribution 11 1'6tude des sediments argileux, Bull. soc. geol. France, 16,
43-55 (1946).
Ross, C. S., Minerals and Mineral Relationships of the Clay Minerals, J. Am. Ceram.
Soc., 28, 173-183 (1945).
Sedletsky, 1. D., Mineralogical Composition of Clays and Their Genesis, Soviet Geol.,
8, 82-89 (1940).
Ventriglia, U., Mineralogical Constitution and Minerogenic Classification of Clays,
Periodico mineral. (Rome), 17, 189-217 (1948).
Wiklander, L., Differential Analyses of Some Quaternary Clays of Sweden, Geol. Foren.
i Stockholm Forh., 72, 119-132 (1950).
Zwetsch, A., The Kaolins of the Western Zones of Germany, Tonind.-Ztg., 74,166-171,
196-198 (1950).
Bechtner, P., Bentonite, "Industrial Minerals and Rocks," Chap. V, American
Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers, New York (1949).
Bhola, K. L., Bentonite in India, Quart. J. Geol. Mining Met. Soc. India, 19, 55-77
Bordas, A. F., Argentenian Bentonites, Rev. minera geol. y mineral. Soc. argentina
mineria y geol., 14, 3-60 (1943).
Conley, J. E., Bentonite, Its Properties, Mining, Preparation, Use, U.S. Bur. Mines
Tech. Paper 609 (1940).
368 Clay Mineralogy
De Lapparent, J., Deposits of the Smectic Clays of North Africa, Campt. rend., 221,
335-337 (1945).
Theribere, M., "Le Bentonite," Dunod, Paris (1943).
Endell, K., Bentonite: Properties and Uses, Tonind.-Ztg., 77, 122-126 (1950).
Fisk, H. G., Bentonite, Natl. Resources Research Inst. Univ. Wyoming Bull. 2 (1946).
Hagner, A. F., Adsorptive Clays of the Texas Gulf Coast, Am. Mineral., 24, 67-108
Kerr, P., Bentonite from Ventura, California, Econ. Geol., 26, 153-168 (1931).
Lee, D. E., Bentonite and Bleaching Clays in Japan, Natl. Resources Section Supreme
Command Allied Powers Rept. 139 (1951).
Rich, A. D., Bleaching Clay, "Industrial Minerals and Rocks," Chap. VI, American
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Rios, E. G., and L. Hernando, The Bentonite Deposits of Spanish Morocco, Ann. inst.
espan. edafol. ecol. fisiol. veget., 6, 53-77 (1947).
Ross, C. S., Altered Paleozoic Volcanic Materials and Their Recognition, Bull. Am.
Assoc. Petroleum Geol., 12, 143-164 (1928).
Savelli, F., "La Bentonite," Ulrico Hoepti, Milan (1943).
Sazonova, N. K., Bentonite Clays in U.S.S.R., Trudy Lab. Keram., 7, 217-244 (1939).
Schroter, G. A., and 1. Campbell, Geologic Features of Some Bleaching Clay, Am.
Inst. Mining Met. Engrs. Tech. Pub. 1139, pp. 1-31 (1940).
Spence, H. S., Bentonite, Can. Dept. Mines Resources Mines Branch Bull. 626 (1924).
Wherry, E. T., Bentonite as a One-Dimensional Colloid, Am. Mineral., 10,120-123
Worcester, W. G., Saskatchewan Bentonites, Trans. Can. Inst. Mining Met., 40, 438-
451 (1937).
Chemical Analyses
t 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Kaolinite Anauxite
1. Zettlitz, Czechoslovakia 6. Bilin, Czechoslovakia
2. Mexia, Texas 7. lone, California
3. Macon, Georgia
4. St. Austell, England
5. Anna, Illinois
Analyses 1, 2, 6, and 7 from C. S. Ross and P. F. Kerr, U.S. Oeol. Survey Profess.
Paper 165E (1931); 3 and 4 from P. F. Kerr et ai., Rept. 7, American Petroleum
Institute Project 49 (1950); 5 from R. E. Grim, Econ. Geol., 29, 659-670 (1934).
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
N acrite H alloysite
1. Brand, Saxony 4. Liege, Belgium
Dickite 5. Cadouin, France
2. Anglesey, vYales 6. Bedford, Indiana
3. Ouray, Colorado 7. Eureka, Utah
Analyses 1 from C. S. Ross and P. F. Kerr, U.S. Geol. Survey Profess. Paper 165E
(1931); 2, 3, 5, 6, and 7 from P. F. Kerr et ai., Rept. 7, American Petroleum Institute
Project 49 (1950); 4 from C. S. Ross and P. F. Kerr, U.S. Geol. Survey Profess. Paper
185G (1934).
Appendix 371
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ..
L Tatatilla, Mexico 5. Upton, vVyoming
2. Otay, California 6. Pontotoc, Mississippi
3. Polkville, Mississippi 7. Chambers, Arizona
4. Montmorillon, France
Analyses 1 to 5 from C. S. Ross and S. B. Hendricks, U.S. Geol. Survey Profess.
Paper 205B (1945); 6 from R. E. Grim and R. A. Rowland, Am. Mineral., 27,746-761
(1941); 7 from P. F. Kerr et al., Rept. 7, American Petroleum Institute Project 49
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Nontronite Hectorite
L Manito, Washington 5. Hector, California
2. Sandy Ridge, North Carolina Saponite
3. Spokane, Washington 6. Svardsjo, Sweden
4. Nontron, France 7. San Bernadino County, California
Analyses 1 and 5 from P. F. Kerr et al., Rept. 7, American Petroleum Institute
Project 49, 1950; 2 to 4, 6, and 7 from C. S. Ross and S. B. Hendricks, U.S. Geol.
Survey Profess. Paper 205B (1945).
372 Clay Mineralogy
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
-_. - - --- - - --- --
- - - - - - ---
Si0 2 52.23 51.22 40.87 38.18 49.26 47.55 51.65 53.12 48.66 49.4 51.95
Al 2O. 25.85 25.91 20.45 15.88 28.97 32.45 21.67 27.36 8.46 10.2 17.81
Fe 20a 4.04 4.59 12.81 18.88 2.27 0.76 6.20 2.64 18.80 18.0 6.17
FeO ..... . 1. 70 ..... 2.99 0.57 1.85 1.24 1.06 3.98 3.1 3.87
MgO 2.69 2.84 6.86 4.92 1.32 1.70 4.48 2.62 3.56 3.5 4.76
CaO 0.60 0.16 0.89 1.22 0.67 0.06 0.00 0.53 0.62 0.6 0.53
K 20 6.56 6.09 3.25 3.66 7.47 6.22 6.08 3.51 8.31 5.1 4.04
Na 20 0.33 0.17 0.70 0.46 0.13 1.05 0.31 0.49 0.00 1.4 1.06
Ti0 2 0.37 0.53 2.13 4.79 0.05 0.64
H 2O- ..... . ...... . .... 2.38 3.22
H 2O+ 7.88 7.14 11.84 6.70 6.03 7.73 6.44 8.60 6.56 8.3 10.06
TotaL ... 100.55 100.35 99.80 100.06 99.96 100.01 98.07 99.93 98.95 99.6 100.25
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 2 3 4
'"' ,
SiO. 36.12 35.92 36.54 34.04
AI.0 3 13.90 10.68 16.96 15.37
Fe 203 4.24 10.94 2.78 8.01
FeO 0.68 0.82 0.95
MgO 24.84 22.00 19.78 22.58
CaO 0.18 0.44 0.06
Ti0 2 0.24
H 2O-
H 2O+ } 18.94 19.84 20.40 19.93
NiO .... . ...... 2.32
Total. .... 99.14 100.64 99.79 99.93
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Sepiolite Palygorskite
1. Ampandandrava, Madagascar 4. Nizhnii-Novgorod, U.S.S.R.
2. Yavapai County, Arizona 5. Taodeni, Sahara, Algeria
3. Durango, Mexico 6. Nerchinsk, Siberia, U.S.S.R.
7. Attapulgus, Georgia
Analyses 1 and 5 from S. Caillere, "X-ray Identification and Structure of the Clay
, Minerals," Chaps. VIII, IX, Mineralogical Society of Great Britain Monograph
(1951); 2 from A. J. Kaufman, Am. Mineral., 28, 512-520 (1943); 3 from W. F.
Foshag, Proc. U.S. Nail. Museum, 74, 136 (1928); 4 and 6 from S. Caillere, Bull. soc.
fran,. mineral., 59,352-374 (1936); 7 from W. F. Bradley, Am. Mineral., 25, 405-410
A Analytical methods, optical methods,
273, 292-294
Ablykite, 42 oriented-aggregate technique, 288-289
Acid solubility, 296-300 rational, 301
effect of heating on, 297 staining tests, 274-276
nature of reaction, 298-299 surface area, 273
Adsorbed water, density, 171 vapor pressure-water content, 190
freezing point, 173 X-ray diffraction, 84-86
ions adsorbed, influences of, 174-181 organic complexes, 271-272
nature, 162-171 Anauxite, acid solubility, 297
stability, 182 chemical analyses, 370
structure, 162-171 definition, 30
thickness, 162, 174-175 dehydration curve, 191
time factor, 175 dehydration data, 212-213
Air-set strength, 175 differential thermal curves, 196
Alkali solubility, 301-303 electron micrograph, 113
nature of reaction, 302 history, 30
Allophane, definition, 29 hydrothermal deposits, 324
dehydration curves, 193, 211 igneous origin, 366
dehydration data, 211-212 opti()al properties, 278
differential thermal curves, 196, 211- stru()ture, 51
212 Anion exchange, causes, 156-158
electron micrographs, 109-110 definition, 126
history, 29 phosphate fixation, 158
hydrothermal deposits, 324 types, 157
optical properties, 279 Anorthite, 225
in soils, 344 Argillite, 2
structure, 45 Argillization, 326
Allophaneton, 13, 301 Aridic soils, 339-340
a-Alumina, from muscovite, 236 Attapulgite, alkali solubility, 303
synthesis, 317 cation-exchange capacity, 129
'Y-Alumina, from kaolinite, 214 chemical analyses, 373
from muscovite, 236 dehydration data, 243-244
synthesis, 317 differential thermal curves, 199, 243-
Alumina octahedrons, 43 244
Amines, definition, 252 electron micrograph, 122
exchange reaction, 252-257 fusion point, 244
organophilic complexes, 266 heat of wetting, 184
Ammonium fixation, 153 high-temperature phases, 244
Amorphous material in clays, 19 history, 38
Amphibole structure, 44 infrared spectra, 307, 310
Analcime, 318 optical properties, 279, 286
Analytical methods, dehydration, 191 organic complexes, 264
differential thermal, 194-210,247,272 sediments, 355-360
exchange capacity, 155, 273 shape and size of particles, 122
exchangeable cations, 155 staining test, 275
high-temperature phases, 211 structure, 78
infrared spectra, 304-305 X-ray diffraction, 103
376 Clay Mineralogy
B Cation exchange, in relation, to tempera-
ture, 139-141
BauxPte, 365 replaceability of exchangeable cations,
Bayerite, 317 144-152
Beidellite, 39, 60, 246, 324 effect on, of concentration, 145
Bentonite, clay-mineral composition, 362 of heating, 148-149
composition, 247 ion hydration, 147
cristobalite in, 5, 362 nature, of clay minerals, 149-152
definition, 361 of ions, 146-148
distribution, 361-362 population of exchange positions, 146
geologic age, 356-357, 361-362 theory, 154
history, 361 (See also Exchangeable cations)
ion exchange, 128 Cation-exchange capacity, clay minerals,
origin, 303 129
properties, 361, 364 methods of determining, 155, 273
rehydration, 229-230 organic ions, 253
Binding forces, 9 in relation to heat of wetting, 186
Biological decomposition, organic com- Cations, exchangeable (see Exchangeable
plexes, 264-265 cations)
protein, 265 fixation, 152-154
Biotite, acid solubility, 298 hydration, 148, 174-181
dehydration, 233-234 replaceability (see Cation exchange)
differential thermal curves, 197, 235 size, 148
high-temperature phases, 236 Celadonite, 41
rehydration, 235 Chemical analyses, anauxite, 370
structure, 65 attapulgite, 373
X-ray diffraction, 94 chlorite, 372
Birefringence, clay-mineral data, 278-286 dickite, 370
in electrical field, 290-291 glauconite, 372
form, 291-292 halloysite, 370
immersion-media influence, 286-288 hectorite, 371
Boehmite, 317 illite, 372
Brammallite, 121 kaolinite, 370
Bravaisite, 36 montmorillonite, 371
differential thermal curve, 198, 246 nacrite, 370
Brucite structure, 43, 69 nontronite, 372
Burley clay, 365 palygorskite, 373
saponite, 371
C sepiolite, 373
vermiculite, 373
Catalysis, 250 Chernozem soil, clay-mineral composi-
enzymatic reaction, 265 tion, 340
Cation exchange, capacity of clay miner- definition, 335, 340
als, 129 Chlorite, acid solubility, 299
causes, 132-134 ancient sediments, 355-360
clogging, 144 cation-exchange capacity, 129
definition, 126 chemical analyses, 372
effect of grinding on, 138, 139 definition, 37
environment of reaction, 141, 142 dehydration curves, 192-238
history, 128 dehydration data, 238-240
hydrogen clays, 142-144 density, 314
ionization of cations, 134---136 differential thermal curves, 199, 239-
in non clay minerals, 131, 132 240
position of cations, 134-136 high-temperature phases, 240-241
rate of, 136, 137 history, 36
in relation to particle size, 137, 138 hydrothermal deposits, 324-328
to structure, 132-134 optical properties, 279, 284-285
Index 377
Chlorite, organic complexes, 263 Coal,359
recent sediments, 355-360 Cordierite, 225
rehydration, 241 Corundum, 236
structure, 60-72 Cristobalite, from attapulgite, 244
synthesis, 322 in bentonite, 5, 362
X-ray diffraction, 97-98 from halloysite, 219
Chloritization, 327 from kaolinite, 215-216
Chloropal, 42 from montmorillonite, 225
Clay, amorphous material in, 19 from sepiolite, 243
burley, 365
clay-mineral eomposition, 358 D
definition, 1, 3
flint, 1, 358 Decolorization, 250
particle-size term, Dehydration, allophane, 211-212
Clay material, concepts of composition, attapulgite, 243-244
11-25 biotite, 233
definition, 3 chlorite, 238-240
exchangeable ions and soluble salts in, 6 clay-mineral curves, 191-195
factors controlling properties of, 3 definition, 190
nonclay-mineral composition, 4, 5 halloysite, 217-219
organic material in, 6 illite, 233-235
texture, 7 kaolinite, 212-214
Clay-mineral concept, definition, 18 method of analysis, 191-194
history, 16 montmorillonite, 220-227
Clay minerals, acid solubility, 296-300 muscovite, 283
in ancient sediments, 355-366 palygorskite, 243
cation-exchange capacity, 129 phlogopite, 233
classification, 27 in relation, to differential therr
definition, 17 analyses, 202
dehydration, 191-195, 211-244 to optical data, 280-284
density, 312-314 sepiolite, 241-242
differential thermal data, 196-199, vermiculite, 231-232
211-244 Density, adsorbed water, 171
electrodialyses of, 143, 144 clay-mineral data, 312-314
heat of wetting, 183-188 method, 312
high-temperature phases, 211-244 Desert soils, clay-mineral compositi,
hydrothermal origin, 323-330 340
infrared spectra, 304-310 definition, 335-339
nomenclature, 29-38 Diaspore, 317, 365
organic reactions, 250-276 Dickite, chemical analyses, 370
organophilic gel complexes, 265-269 dehydration data, 213
origin (see Origin of clay minerals) electron micrograph, 114
potash-bearing, 35 history, 30
in recent sediments, 348-355 hydrothermal deposits, 324
in relation to geologic age, 356-357 infrared spectra, 306, 308
replaceability of adsorbed cations, 149- optical properties, 279
152 shape and size of particles, 108
in soils, 340-341 staining tests, 275
staining tests, 274-276 structure, 50
structure (see Structure of clay miner- X-ray diffraction, 90
als) Differential thermal analysis, accural
surface area, 311-312 210,247
(see Synthesis of clay minerals) allophane, 211-212
titration curves, 129-131 attapulgite, 243-244
(See also specific clay minerals) chlorite, 239-240
" Clayite," 14 clay-mineral data, 196-199
Clinochlore, 240 definition, 194-195
378 Clay Mineralogy
Differential thermal analysis, difference Exchangeable cations, ionization, 134-
scales, 205 136
eq,!ipment variables, 200-205 methods of determining, 155
experimental variables, 205-210 organic, 252-257
furnace atmosphere, 208-210 replaceability (see Cation exchange)
halloysite, 218-219 Expanding lattice, 56
heating rate, 207-208
history, 196-200 F
illite, 235-236
kaolinite, 218-219 Faratsihite, 42
mixed-layer structures, 246-247 'Y-Fe203, 236
mixtures of clay minerals, 245-247 Feldspar, 4, 225
montmorillonite, 222-227 synthesis alteration, 320
organic-complex technique, 272 Fixation of cations, 152-154
organic complexes, 256 Flint clay, 1, 358
palygorskite, 243-244 Forest soil, 335
particle size, 206 Form birefringence, 291-292
in relation to dehydration curves, 202 Formula, lattice substitution and X-ray-
sepiolite, 241-242 diffraction intensity, 97
theory, 202-203 Forsterite, 228, 240
thermocouple circuits, 201, 204 Fourier syntheses, 134
vermiculite, 231-232 Fuller's earth, 360
Dioctahedral structures, 59, 65 Fumaroles, 330
X-ray diffraction, 93-95 Fusion temperature, attapulgite, 244
Dolomite, 359 halloysite, 219-220
illite, 237
E kaolinite, 217
montmorillonite, 229
Electrodialysis, 143, 144, 299-300 vermiculite, 232
Electron micrographs, allophane, 109-110
anauxite, 113 G
attapulgite, 122
dickite, 114 Gedroizite, 41
halloysite, 115 Gels, organic-clay-mineral complexes,
hectorite, 119 265-269
illite, 120-121 swelling behavior, 266-268
kaolinite, 111-112 viscosity, 257
mixed-layer minerals, 124 Gibbsite, 317
montmorillonite, 117-120 Glacial deposits, 355, 360
nacrite, 114 Glauconite, chemical analyses, 372
nontronite, 118 dehydration curve, 192
saponite, 118 differential thermal curve, 197
sauconite, 120 optical properties, 279
a-sepiolite, 123 origin, 352-353
t'-sepiolite, 124 structure, 68
Electron microscopy, principle, 107 X-ray diffraction, 95
replica technique, 107 Glimmerton, 36
shadowing technique, 107 Gumbotil,360
Endellite, 32
Enstatite, from attapulgite, 244 H
from chlorite, 240
from montmorillonite, 225, 228 Halloysite, acid solubility, 297
from sepiolite, 243 aneient sediments, 365
from vermiculite, 232 cation-exchange capacity, 129
Exchangeable anions, 156-159 chemical analyses, 370
Exchangeable cations, 128-155 dehydra,tion curves, 191, 193,218
hydration, 174-181 dehydration data, 217-219
Index 379
Halloysite, density, 312 Hydromica (see Illite)
. differential thermal curves, 196, 218- Hydrothermal clay minerals, formation,
219 325-328 "
electron micrographs, 115 occurrence, 323-325
fusion tern perature, 219-220 parent materials, 328-329
high-temperature phases, 219 in relation to mineralization, 329
history, 31 zonal arrangement, 325
hydrothermal deposits, 324-328 Hydrothermal solutions, 328
infrared spectra, 305-306
nomenclature, 32 I
optical properties, 279, 281
organic complexes, 257-261 Ice structure, 168
recent sediments, 349 Igneous clay minerals, 366
rehydration, 220 Illite, acid solubility, 297
shape and size of particles, 110 ancient sediments, 355-360
soils, 344 anhydride structure, 236
staining tests, 275 cation-exchange capacity, 129
structure, 52-53 chemical analyses, 372
surface area, 311 definition, 35
thermal expansion, 219 dehydration curves, 1\)2, 195, 233-235
X-ray diffraction, 87-91 dehydration data, 233-235
Heat of wetting, causes, 186-187 density, 312
definition, 183 differential thermal curves, 197, 198
effect on, of cations, 185 235-236
of firing, 187-188 electron micrographs, 120-121
in electrolyte solutions, 187 fusion point, 237
in relation, to exchange capacity, 186 heat of wetting, 185
to particle sizc, 185 high-temperature phases, 236-237
values for clay minerals, 184-186 hydrothermal deposits, 324-328
Hectorite, chemical analyses, 371 infrared spectra, 305, 310
definition, 60 organic complexes, 263
dehydration curve, 194 recent sediments, 348-354
dehydration data, 222 rehydration, 237-238
differential thermal curve, 197 shape and size of particles, 119, 122
electron micrograph, 119 soils, 340-341
high-temperature phases, 223 staining test, 275
infrared spectra, 308 structure, 65-69
optical properties, 279 surface area, 311
staining test, 275 synthesis, 318-322
Heptaphyllite structures, 59, 65 thermal expansion, 216-237
high-temperature alteration, 223 X-ray diffraction, 93-97
High-temperature phases, analytical Immersion liquids, optical-property in-
methods, 211 fluence, 286-287
attapulgite, 244 specifications, 288
biotite, 236 Indianaitc, 19
chlorite, 240-241 Indices of refraction, clay-mineral data,
halloysite, 219 278-286
illite, 236-237 effect of heating on, 280-284
kaolinite, 213-217 immersion-media influence, 286-288
montmorillonite, 222-229 Infrared spectra, clay-mineral data, 304-
muscovite, 236 310
palygorskite, 244 method, 303-304
phlogopite, 236 Inheritance, structural, 226
sepiolite, 242-243 Interlayer water, 161
vermiculite, 232 Ion exchange, definition, 126
Hot springs, 330 importance to, agriculture, 126
Hydrogen clay, 142-144 engineering, 127
Clay Mineralogy
Ion exchange, importance to, geology, Lattice substitution and X-ray-diffrac-
127 tion intensity, 95-97
8industry, 127 Lepidolite, 95
Ion hydration, 148 Leucite, 236
Ion size, 148 Leverrierite, 39
Ionization of exchangeable cations, 134- Levisite, 49
136 Limestone, 359
Lorenz factor, 97
Kaolin, tttoiinition, 29
history, 29 Magnesium fixation, 153
Kaolinite, acid solubility, 297 Marine sediments, 348-358, 355
ancient sediments, 355-360 Meerschaum, 37
cation-exchange capacity, 129 Mellorite, 31, 49
chemical analyses, 340 Metahalloysite, 32
definition, 30 Methylation of montmorillonite 269-'270
dehydration curves, 191, 193,212 Mixed-layer minerals, classification, 28
dehydration data, 212-214 dehydration data, 246-247
density, 312 differential thermal curves 198
differential thermal curves, 196, 213- electron micrograph, 124 '
214 optical properties, 289-290
electron micrographs, 111-112 structure, 79-80
fusion temperature, 217 X-ray diffraction, ]02-104
geologic distribution, 357 Monothermite, 40
heat of wetting, 185 Montmorillonite, acid solubility, 297
high-temperature phases, 213-217 alkali solubility, 303
history, 30 ancient sediments, 355-364
hydrothermal deposits, 324-328 anhydride structure, 222-224
infrared spectra, 305-306 bentonite, 361-364
optical properties, 278-280 cation-exchange capacity, 129
organic complexes 262-263 chemical analyses, 371
classifica~ion of group members, 60
recent sediments, 348-354
dehydratlOn curves, 194, 220-221
rehydration, 217
dehydration data, 220-226
shape and size of particles, 108
effect of adsorbed cations on 174-
soils, 340-341
181,221 '
specific gravity, 216-217 diff(,I'ential thermal curves 197 222-
staining tests, 275 227 ' ,
structure, 46-51 electron micrographs, 117-120
surface area, 311 fusion temperature, 229
synthesis, 317-320, 322 geologic distribution, 356
thermal expansion, 216 heat of wetting, 185
X-ray diffraction, 87-89 h!gh temperature phases, 222-229
Kaolinization, 826 hIstory, ;~3
Kaolinton, 301 hydrothermal deposits, 324-328
kX diffraction units, 84 infrared spectra, 306-309
optical properties, 279-28:3
L organic complexes, 253-261, 269-270
polar mol~cules, 257-261
Lacustrine sediments, 353-356 recent sedIments, 348-354
Lago~nal sediments, 855 rehydration, 229-230
Latente, 365 shape and size of particles 116 119
Laterite soils, clay-mineral composition, soils, 340-341 "
341 specific gravity, 229, 313-314
definition, 335-339 stability of hydration, 182
weathering process, 342-343 staining test, 275
Index 381
Montmorillonite, stepwise hydration, Optical methods, discussion, 292
181-182 immersion media, 286-288
struGture, 55-64 limitations, 278, 2!)2-294 Il
surface area, 311 organic complexes, 273
synthesis, 318-319 oriented-aggregate technique, 288-289
thermal expansion, 229 Optical properties, allophane, 279
X-ray diffraction, 91-93 attapulgite, 279, 285
Mountain leather, 192 chlorite, 279, 284-285
Mullite, from biotite, 236 dickite, 279
from halloysite, 219 effect of heating on, 280-284
from illite, 236 in electrical field, 290-291
from kaolinite, 214-216 form birefringence, 291-292
from montmorillonite, 225 halloysite, 279, 281
Muscovite, acid solubility, 297 illite, 279, 284
dehydration, 233-234 immersion-media influence, 286-288
dehydration curves, 195 kaolinite, 278-280
differential thermal curves, 197, 235 mixed-layer structures, 289-290
high-temperature phases, 236 montmorillonite, 279-283
rehydration, 238 nacrite, 279
structure, 65 palygorskite, 279, 285
synthesis, 319-320 sepiolite, 279, 285
X-ray diffraction, 94 vermiculite, 279, 285
N Organic-clay-mineral complexes, analyti-
cal techniques, 271-276
Nacrite, chemical analyses, 370 attapulgite, 264
dehydration data, 213 chlorite, 263
electron micrograph, 114 halloysite, 257-262
history, 30 history, 250-251
hydrothermal deposits, 324 illite, 263
optical properties, 279 ionic reactions, 252-257, 261-262
shape and size of particles, 108, 110
kaolinite, 262-263
staining test, 275
methylation, 269-270
structure, 50 montmorillonite, 252-262
X-ray diffraction, 90 structural implications, 269-270
Nonclay-mineral components of clay
materials, 4 organophilic complexes, 265-269
methods of analysis, 5 polar molecules, 257-262
Nontronite, chemical analyses, 371 thermal reactions, 256
composition, 60 vermiculite, 263-264
definition, 35 Organic material, methods of analysis, 6
dehydration curve, 194 Organic molecules, adsorbed, decomposi-
dehydration data, 212-222 tion resistance, 265-266
differential thermal curve, 197 geometry, method of determining.
electron micrograph, 118 273
history, 34 hydration influence, 183, 254
hydrothermal deposits, 324 orientation, 254
infrared spectra, 308 Organophilic clay-mineral complexes,
optical properties, 279 265-269
staining test, 275 swelling behavior, 266
structure, 58 Oriented-aggregate techniques, micro-
synthesis, 319 scopic, 288-289, 292-294
X-ray diffraction, 85, 92
o Origin of clay minerals, diagenesis, 351-
Octahedral structural unit, 43 352
Octaphyllite structures, 58, 65 hydrothermal, 323-330
high-temperature alteration, 223 soils, 342-343
Olivine, 240 . synthesis, 316-323
Clay Mineralogy
P Quartz, differential thermal curve, 199
high-temperature development, 226-
Palygorskite, cation-exchange capacity, 228
chemical analyses, 373 R
definition, 38
dehydration curves, 192, 195, 243 Rational analysis, 301
dehydration data, 243-244 Rehydration, biotite, 238
density, 314 chlorite, 241
differential thermal curves, 199, 243- definition, 190
244 halloysite, 220
high-temperature phases, 244 illite, 237-238
history, 37 kaolinite, 217
optical properties, 279, 285 montmorillonite, 229-230
soils, 341 muscovite, 238
structure, 77 sepiolite, 244
Paramontmorillonite, 37 vermiculite, 232-233
Pedalfer, 337 Rendzina soils, clay-mineral composition.
"Pelinite," 14 341
Penninite, 98, 240 definition, 335
Periclase, 225 River deposits, 354
Permutites, 126, 139
Phlogopite, 65, 95 s
dehydration, 233
high-temperature phases, 236 Saline sediments, 359-360
Pholorite, 41 Saponite, chemical analyses, 371
Phosphate fixation, 158 composition, 60
'Planosols, clay-mineral composition, 340 definition, 34
definition, 335 electron micrograph, 118
Plasticity, definition, 1 optical properties, 279
theory, 173 structure, 58
Podsol soils, classification, 338 Sarospatite, 36
clay-mineral composition, 340 differential thermal curve, 198, 246
definition, 333, 335, 338 Sauconite, 58
weathering process, 343-343 electron micrograph, 119
Polar molecules, clay-mineral complexes, optical properties, 279
257-262 Sediments, ancient, clay-mineral com-
nature, 257 position, clays, 358
organophilic complexes, 266 coal, 359
Polarization factor, 97 dolomite, 359
Pore water, 161 flint clay, 358-359
Potash-bearing clay mineral, 35 fuller's earth, 360
Potassium fixation, 154 gumbotil, 360
Prairie soils, 335 limestone, 359
clay-mineml composition, 340, 341 salines, 359-360
definition, 335, 339 shale, 357-358
Protein, exchange reaction, 252 slate, 358
pyrophyllite, 57 till, 360
differential thermal curve, 199 underclay, 358
high-temperature phases, 228 clay minerals and geologic age, 356-
infra red spectra, 307-308 357
staining test, 275 lacustrine, 356
synthesis, 317-320 lagoonal, 355-356
marine, 355
Q recent, diagenetic processes, 351-352
Quartz, <X-, 225-228 fluviatile, 354
fJ-, 225-228 glacial, 335
Index 383
Sediments, recent, glauconite, 352-353 Soil profiles, 332-334, 337
lacustrine, 353-354 Solonchak, 335
marine, 348-351 Solonetz, clay-mineral composition, 340-;
varved,335 341
Sepiolite, ancient sediments, 355-360 definition, 335
cation-exchange capacity, 129 Solubility of clay minerals, in acids (see
chemical analyses, 373 Acid solubility)
definition, 37 in alkalies, 301-303
dehydration curve, 192, 195, 241 effect on, of heating, 297
dehydration data, 241, 242 of particle size, 301
density, 314 electrodialysis, 299-300
differential thermal curve, 199, 241-242 nature of reaction, 298-299
electron micrographs, 123, 124 neutral salts, 300
high-temperature phases, 242-243 rational analysis, 301
history, 37 Specific gravity, chlorite, 314
optical properties, 222, 285 halloysite, 312
rehydration, 244 illite, 312
shape and size of particles, 125 kaolinite, 216-217, 312
soils, 341 montmorillonite, 229, 313-314
structure, 77 palygorskite, 314
thermal expansion, 243 sepiolite, 314
X-ray diffraction, 102 vermiculite, 314
Sericite, 325 Spinel, from biotite, 236
Sericite-like minerals, 35 from chlorite, 240
Sericitization, 326 from illite, 236-237
Shale, clay-mineral composition, 357-358 from montmorillonite, 225-227
definition, 2, 3 from phlogopite, 2:16
Sheridanite, 98, 240 Staining tests, clay-mineral data, 275
Siderite, 209 description, 274-275
Silica tetrahedrons, 44 limitations, 275-276
Silicification, 327 Structural inheritance, 226
Sillimanite, 244 Structure, of adsorbed water, 162-171
Silt, 5 of clay minerals, allophane, 45
Slate, 358 chlorite, 29-72
Smectite, 34 halloysite, 52-55
Soil, aridic, 339-340 illite, 65-69
azonal,334 kaolinite, 46-51
Chernozem, 335-340 mixed-layer, 79-80
classification, 334-335
montmorillonite, 55-64
clay-mineral composition, 340-341
in relation to cation exchange, 132-
definition, 2
Desert, 335-340 sepiolite, palygorskite, attapulg:ite,
forest, 335, 338
intrazonal, 334 vermiculite, 72-77
laterite (see Laterite soils)
Planosol, 335, 340 Surface area, clay-mineral data, 311-312
Podsc,!s (see Podsol soils) method, 273, 308-311
Prairie (see Prairie soils) Synthesis of clay minerals, from feldspars,
profile development, 332-334 319-321
Rendzina, 335, 341 from oxides and hydroxides, 313-319,
Solonchak, 335 321-322
Solonetz, 335, 340-341 transformations, clay minerals, 322
tilth, 127
Soil, tundra, 335, 337 T
weathering cycle, 342-343
weathering processes, 330-332 Talc, differential thermal curve, 199
zonal,334 high-temperature phases, 223
, A6r\cul tU"
J_. b - 01 r-
Andhra. Pradesh .
b. mirl1ltura\ UniverSl:!_
384 Clay Mineralogy
Tetrahedral structural units, 44
Texture, 7
binding forces, 9 Wall-rock alteration, 325-328
methods of ana lysis, 7 in relation to mineralization, 329-330
significance, 8 Water, adsorbed (see Adsorbed water)
Thermal diffusivity, 205 channel, 161
Thermal expansion, beidellite 216 dipole character, 163
halloysite, 216, 219 interlayer, 161
illite, 216, 237 pore, 161
kaolinite, 216 structure, 163-165
montmorillonite, 229 zeolitic, 242
sepiolite, 243 Weathering, factors controlling, climate,
Thin-section study, 8 331, 342-343
Till, 360 parent rock, 330-331, 342-343
Tilth of soil, 127 time, 332, 342-343
Titanium in kaolinite, 47, 49 topography, 331, 342-343
Titration curves of clay minerals, 130, 131 vegetation, 332, 342-343
significance, 129, 131 processes, 342-344
Trioctahedral structures, 58, 65 profile development, 332-334
X-ray diffraction, 93-95 in relation to ion exchange, 127, 141
Tundra soil, clay-mineral composition, Weathering cycle, 342-343
337 reversion of, 343-344
definition, 335, 337
U X-ray analysis, application to clay
minerals, 84-86
Underclay, 358 high-temperature technique, 211
history of application of clays, 16
V organic complexes, 271-272
X-ray-diffraction data, attapulgite, 103
Varved sediments, 335 biotite, 94
Vermiculite, ancient sediments, 355-360 chlorite, 97-98
cation-exchange capacity, 129 dickite, 90
chemical analyses, 373 halloysite, 87-91
definition, 35 illite, 93-97
dehydration curves, 192, 231 kaolinite, 87-91
dehydration data, 23] -232 mixed-layer structures, 102-104
effect of adsorbed cations on, 231- montmorillonite, 91-93
232 montmorillonite anhydrite, 223-224
density, 314 muscovite, 94
differential thermal curves, 199, 231- nacrite, 90
232 sepiolite, 102
fusion temperature, 232 vermiculite, 99-101
high-temperature phases, 232 X-ray-diffraction intensity and lattice
history, 35 substitutions, 95-97
optical properties, 279, 285
organic complexes, 263-264
rehydration, 232-233 Zeolite minerals, 15
structure, 72-77 ion exchange, 126
X-ray diffraction, 99-101 Zeolitic water, 242
Volkonskoite, 58 Zinnwaldite, 95