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Installation of MIDAS On UNIX/Linux Systems

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Installation of MIDAS on UNIX/Linux Systems

Data Management Division,

European Southern Observatory,
Karl-Schwarzschild-Strae 2,
D-85748, Garching, Germany

September 2011


The Munich Image Data Analysis System, MIDAS, developed and maintained by ESO,
provides general tools for image processing and data reductions with emphasis on astro-
nomical applications. MIDAS is at present distributed once a year in September.
Please, note that by now Midas has entered a phase where only maintenance and minimal
bug fixes are done.
The official name, ESO-MIDAS, is a registered trademark. ESO-MIDAS is available
under the GNU General Public License (GPL), and can be implemented on VMS, OpenVMS
and UNIX (= Unix/Linux/Mac OSX) systems.
This document describes the installation procedure for MIDAS on Unix/Linux/Mac
OSX systems.

Chapter 1


The Munich Image Data Analysis System, MIDAS, is developed and maintained by the
European Southern Observatory. Its main goal is to provide the astronomical community
with software tools for both general image processing and analysis, and for the reduction of
data acquired at ESO telescopes. Although originally developed on a VAX/VMS system,
since 1988 MIDAS is available for systems with a VAX/VMS operating systems, or with
one of the main flavors of the UNIX systems.
MIDAS is made available to the public by ESO via anonymous ftp from ESOs ftp
server: ftp.eso.org.
This document describes the installation of MIDAS on computer systems running under
the UNIX 1 operating system. It contains all information needed to ensure a smooth instal-
lation of the MIDAS software. In Chapter 2 the actual installation of MIDAS is described,
as well as how MIDAS should be set up properly. In addition this chapter describes a few
items related with file initializations. In Chapter 3, the installation procedures of graphic
devices can be found. Chapter 4 describes other optional stand-alone utilities. Chapter 5
contains the address of the MIDAS problem reporting system in case of problems.
Throughout this document a number of typographic conventions are used. These con-
ventions are given below.

Italic type style is used to emphasize a term or statement in the body of a paragraph:

Typewriter type style is used:

to show, within the body of the text, command lines or options that should be
typed verbatim on the screen;
to show, within examples, computer-generated input/output or the contents of
this includes Unix, Linux and Mac OSX systems

Bold type style only used to emphasize a very important note or remark for the
installation of MIDAS.

In addition the following symbols are used:

# for the standard prompt when executing as superuser.

% for the standard prompt when executing as a normal user.

Chapter 2

Main Installation

2.1 Create a directory for MIDAS

First create a directory for MIDAS into which you will read the distribution tape (usually
named something like /midas, which also can be referred as the MIDASHOME directory).

2.2 Retrieve MIDAS sources from the midas ftp account

To retrieve MIDAS sources:

% cd /midas
% ftp ftp.eso.org
Name: ftp
Password: your email address
ftp> cd /midaspub/11SEP/sources
ftp> get README.sources
ftp> binary (necessary for binary files)
ftp> get 11SEPpl1.0.tar.gz
ftp> get any other file
ftp> quit

Or visit the MIDAS homepage on the web:

http://www.eso.org/sci/data-processing/software/esomidas/ .
and click on the link ftp-retrieval to get to the MIDAS ftp area.
To decompress and un-tar the MIDAS sources:

% cd /midas
% tar -zxvf 11SEPpl1.0.tar.gz

% ln -s 11SEPpl1.0 11SEP

All unloaded files will come under the release directory 11SEP, also referred to as
User support is offered on a best effort basis, only. We can provide help for problems,
questions during installation or usage of the MIDAS system. If answers to questions cannot
be obtained locally (e.g. through the manuals) or after consulting our FAQ on the WWW,
please use the web interface of the MIDAS problem reporting system. This can be reached
via the button ProblemReportForm on top of the MIDAS home page.

2.3 The AutoConfig Script

A fully automated shell script, autoconfig, in the directory /midas/11SEP/install/unix
wraps around the script, config , described below, and performs all the intermediate steps
explained in the following sections. If you execute autoconfig you can skip all the sections
until Verifying Midas .
To execute the autoconfig script type:

% cd /midas/11SEP/install/unix
% sh autoconfig

2.4 The Config Script

The shell script /midas/11SEP/install/unix/config is the front-end of the installation
of MIDAS. It offers a menu of different options that are executed when selected by the
option number. To execute the config script type:

% cd /midas/11SEP/install/unix
% sh config

The config script will generate the following output on the screen:


1 - list of MIDAS packages available
2 - select only MIDAS core
3 - select all MIDAS packages
If you do not use the standard MIDASHOME (/midas) and MIDVERS (11SEP) settings, you have to
update the file /midas/11SEP/local/default.mk, because MIDVERS and MIDASHOME are hard coded in

4 - select MIDAS core and packages of your choice
5 - preinstall MIDAS
6 - install MIDAS
61 - install MIDAS - force 32bit executables
62 - install MIDAS - force 64bit executables
66 - install MIDAS - prepare own MAKE_OPTIONS
67 - install MIDAS - use the MAKE_OPTIONS above
7 - update MIDAS
8 - setup MIDAS
9 - clean MIDAS
10 - help
q - quit

Select: (option number or q to quit)

2.5 Preinstallation of MIDAS

From the config menu, select the option 5 - preinstall MIDAS. If your system matches
one of the system names located in the directory /midas/11SEP/install/unix/systems,
the procedure will use it automatically to complete the preinstallation of MIDAS, otherwise
it will show you a list of system names for a selection. If your machine is not included in
the list type the option unknown.
NOTE: For some systems, the preinstallation will print out, on your screen, impor-
tant notes for the installation of MIDAS on your system. Please, read these notes care-
fully because they could indicate a specific environment that you should check before you
continue with the installation of MIDAS. The file containing these notes is located in

2.6 Selection of optional packages

MIDAS sources are divided in the core of MIDAS (indispensable and therefore always
included and installed) and several optional packages, grouped in three categories: appli-
cations (applic), standard reduction packages (stdred) and contribution packages (contrib).
The selection is done in the config script using the following options:


1 - list of MIDAS packages available
2 - select only MIDAS core

3 - select all MIDAS packages
4 - select MIDAS core and packages of your choice

The first option gives you the complete list of optional packages available in the MIDAS
release and an indication whether they have been selected. A brief description of each
package is displayed when the name of the package is entered.
NOTE: By default, and without selecting any of the above options, only the core of
MIDAS will be installed.

2.7 Installation of MIDAS

If you are satisfied with the selection of packages, you can start with the installation of
From the config menu, select option 6 - install MIDAS. The options 61, 62, 66 and
67 are to be used in case of problems with the standard option 6 - for details see below. The
procedure will check for the existence of the C and Fortran compiler (the Fortran compiler is
usually just a frontend to the C compiler), the ncurses library, the X11 library and the Motif
library. Since Midas needs the header files of these libraries, the development packages of
these libraries have to be installed on your Linux system. Without the ncurses library no
command line editing will be possible in Midas, otherwise it has no effect. Without the
X11 library the installation will give some errors in /midas/11SEP/system/idiserv/src.
MIDAS will be installed anyway but without graphic and display capabilities. And without
the Motif library the Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) of MIDAS cannot be installed, e.g.
the help GUI. On many Linux systems there is no Motif library available, instead the lesstif
library has to be installed. On Mac OSX the Fortran compiler/frontend is not included
with the system and has to be obtained from the Web, e.g. via Fink or MacPorts.
The installation of MIDAS runs in the background. A log file is written in the temporary
directory /midas/11SEP/tmp which can be checked for errors when finished. If you want to
trace the output of the installation try the following command:

% tail -f /midas/11SEP/tmp/install.here is a number

The options 61 and 62 are mainly for Midas installations on Mac OSX. Depending
upon the version of Darwin, there is a standard 64bit C compiler that produces 64bit
executables, but running these executables crashes immediately (Abort trap). So, with
these options you can force the standard C compiler to produce 32- or 64-bit modules.
Options 66 and 67 give the possibility to edit the make options file manually and use it in
the installation. First, choose option 66 and dont continue with the installation, then edit
the file /midas/11SEP/local/make options manually, and start the installation with option

2.8 Update of MIDAS
If, for whatever reason, the installation of MIDAS is stopped, and you want to finish it,
you can continue from the point where it was stopped by selecting the option 7 - update
MIDAS, from the config menu.
This option is useful to avoid re-compilation of files. For instance, when selecting other
packages of MIDAS that were not included in a first selection.
The update procedure also runs in the background and the output is written in the file
/midas/11SEP/tmp/update.here is a number.

2.9 Setup of MIDAS

While the installation or update of MIDAS is still running, you can execute this step from
the config menu by selecting option 8 - setup MIDAS. This script will ask you for five
definitions that will be updated in your file /midas/11SEP/monit/syskeys.unix (default
values are shown in parenthesis):

Name of the computer/system: Max. 20 characters. The string will be appended to the
message MIDAS version 11SEP on and will welcome you when starting a MIDAS

Debugger command: Max. 8 characters. Name of the debugger in your system (gdb, dbx,
sdb, xdb, etc) that will be invoked when running a MIDAS command with the DEBUG

Command to print a Postscript file: Max. 20 characters. Command to send a Postscript

file to a Postscript printer.

Command to print an ASCII file: Max. 20 characters. Name of Command to convert

an ASCII file into Postscript and then send it to a Postscript printer.

Email of the MIDAS administrator at your site (problem-report service Max. 40

characters. Problem reports generated by the REPORT/PROBLEM and the Feedback...
option in the Graphical User Interface HELP will be sent to this address. If your site
does not a have a person responsible for such a service, the default is the MIDAS
problem-report service supported at ESO.

The setup MIDAS will now configure some files needed for the start-up of MIDAS:


inmidas and gomidas are the commands to start and continue MIDAS in a user terminal
(no GUI exists for that). helpmidas is a script to start a stand-alone GUI help for MIDAS,
equivalent to execute create/gui help within MIDAS. These files should be copied by
the system administrator to a public directory (included in the PATH list) where users of
MIDAS can access them by name (e.g. /usr/local/bin).
The command inmidas starts a MIDAS session. Type inmidas -help for a description
of which options are available. Options can also be passed to MIDAS through their equiv-
alent environment variables, but options passed by argument take preference over those
defined in the environment.
Next is a list of nroff files for the UNIX man command. describing the syntax for the
previous scripts and should be copied to a local man directory (e.g /usr/local/manl):


2.10 Running MIDAS for the first time

Once the installation of MIDAS is successfully completed, you still need to initialize some
MIDAS files by executing the following sequence, once:

% mkdir /midas/tmp
% cd /midas/tmp
% inmidas
Midas 001> @ compile.all
(this will produce about 40 lines of output and it will exit to the Shell)
% gomidas
Midas 002 > @ ascii bin
(this will create the LUTs and ITTs files)
Midas 003 > bye

Now you are ready to run MIDAS. Type inmidas for your first MIDAS session or gomidas
to resume a previous interrupted MIDAS session.
NOTE: If youve used autoconfig instead of config for the installation, all the steps
described above are done automatically for you.

2.11 Verifying MIDAS
To verify the correct installation of MIDAS you can now execute a set of verification pro-

% cd /midas/tmp
% inmidas
Midas 001> @ vericopy

The vericopy procedure will copy the verification procedures and some data files to
your working directory. Some of these procedures use, by default, the display facilities but
they can be disabled with a given argument. To run a particular verification procedure:

Midas 002> @@ verifyXX

have a look into your directory to see what XX can be, or if you want to run all of them (it
stops if something fails), just type:

Midas 003> @@ veriall

The verification procedures are designed to exercise MIDAS commands and to compare
results with internal and correct values. They should stop and report to the operator if the
tests detect problems with some MIDAS commands.
Alternatively, you can run the verifications plus all tutorials via the Midas procedure
superverify.prg. You need to download the file demo data.tar.gz with Midas test files from
/midaspub on ftp.eso.org and create and fill a directory demo/data in e.g. /midas, and
have the env. var. MID TEST point to that directory, first:

% export MID TEST=/midas/demo/data

% cd /midas/tmp
% inmidas
Midas 004> @ superverify

2.12 Cleaning MIDAS

If you are satisfied with the installation, you could clean the MIDAS directory and get some
disk space by removing installation files or even packages of MIDAS that are not needed.
A backup of the whole MIDAS directory is recommended before executing this step.
From the config menu, select the option 9 - clean MIDAS. You will get a menu of
choices, and for any option you select, confirmation will be requested before it starts re-
moving files:

1 - Delete only object files.
2 - Delete object and source files.
3 - Delete object, source files and libraries.
4 - Delete executable files.

Option 1 deletes all object files (.o) under the MIDAS release directory (upto 20% of
MIDAS size) but they do not compromise MIDAS performance. Its the safest option.
Option 2 deletes all object and source files (.o .c and .for) under the MIDAS release
directory (upto 45% of MIDAS size). They are not needed for MIDAS performance, however
you will not be able to install new patches without sources. You still can compile and link
your own MIDAS code.
Option 3, like Option 2, removes also all static library files (.a) (upto 55% of MIDAS
size). Since MIDAS uses shared libraries the static ones are not required for development
with MIDAS.
Option 4, removes only executables files (.exe) for the optional package categories: ap-
plic, stdred and contrib. The core of MIDAS remains, you only remove packages you do
not need anymore. Source files remain so executables could be regenerated if necessary.
If what you really want is to reduce your MIDAS installation to the minimum but still
operational expresion, you could also use our cleanmidas script used to generate the only
binaries releases of MIDAS (it is like Option 3 plus other unnecessary files). You use the
script in this way:

% cd /midas/11SEP
% ./system/unix/cleanmidas

2.13 FITS Data Decompression on the Fly

Compressed FITS files on disk can also be accessed with the MIDAS command intape/fits
(indisk/fits). Compressed FITS files are recognized by extra extensions(e.g .z or .gz)
to their names. If intape/fits matches a filename with one of its expected compressed
extensions, the file will be decompressed with the command indicated for such extension,
e.g. gunzip). The decompression of the FITS file is done on-the-fly, that means that the
decompress command is spawned in a piped mode, sending the decompressed data directly
to the input of the intape command. This improves speed access and reduces disk space
because it does not create temporary files.
The decompression code uses, by default, a built-in table of compressed extensions and
decompress commands as indicated in the following table:

Built-in table:
Extension Command
.gz zcat
.z gunzip -c

The algorithm to apply the decompression is:

If the file exists an the filename matches on the compressed extensions the file will be

If the file does not exist, the first file with a filename+extension found in the same
directory will be decompressed.

In any other case the file will be opened if it exists or an error will be returned if it
does not exist.

Whenever a decompress command is executed it will also be displayed in the standard


Example: In a directory with no myfits.mt file but where a myfits.mt.gz file exists,
MIDAS will execute something like "zcat myfits.mt.gz | INTAPE/FITS"

Midas 001> $ls myfits*

Midas 002> INTAPE/FITS 1 xxx myfits.mt
zcat myfits.mt.gz
Image xxx0001 ...
Midas 003>

The built-in decompression table is ignored and overwritten by another user-defined ta-
ble in a file pointed by the environment variable DECOMPRESS TABLE if it exists, otherwise in
a MIDAS-defined table located in the file /midas/11SEP/incl/decompress.dat if it exists.
The syntax of these two files is described in the header of the /midas/11SEP/incl/decompress dat
file, which could also be used as a template.

2.14 Access to printer-devices in MIDAS

Printer-devices in MIDAS are used to print out text, graphics (plots) and images loaded onto
the display window of MIDAS. In order to ease the installation a number of generic defini-
tions of printer-devices used by MIDAS are defined in the file /midas/11SEP/monit/devices.sh,

LPRINT for the main line printer (text output only)
LASER for Postscript b+w laser printer
PLASER has to be the same as LASER !!
COLOUR for Postscript color laser printer
SLIDE for film recorder (slides)
PENPLOT for a pen plotter (HP Graphics Language format)

You have to edit this file and assign the printer system names to the logical names above
(if existing at your site).
Apart from these logical names also system names for printers can be used. However,
the use of printer-devices for graphics output (plots) involves some extra installation work.
A separate chapter, Chapter 3 Installation of Graphics Devices describes in detail how extra
devices for graphics can be added.

2.15 Line editing in MIDAS

The GNU readline is a public domain library widely supported on many UNIX platforms
and enhances the line-editor capabilities of MIDAS like a history stack of commands, Emacs
or Vi editing mode, command and filename completion functions and a communication
channel with the MIDAS Graphical User Interface HELP for help-on-line functions.
The editing mode by default with GNU readline is Emacs but it can be switched to
mode Vi by setting the variable editing-mode to vi in the initialization file $INPUTRC if
exists otherwise in the file $HOME/.inputrc. As a brief introduction to GNU readline here
is list of most common key-sequences:

Self-insert CTR-L -> clear-screen

CTR-E -> end-of-line CTR-A -> beginning-of-line
CTR-U -> unix-line-discard CTR-K -> kill-line
TAB -> complete TABs -> possible-completions
CTR-X -> (also F1) on-line-help through the GUI HELP

More detailed information about editing commands with GNU readline in the man-page
/midas/11SEP/system/unix/readline.l Please, note, that you need the development version
of the ncurses library for editing.

2.16 Stand-alone MIDAS utilities

Chapter 5 Tapeserver Installation and Chapter 6 Other MIDAS Utilities describe
the stand-alone MIDAS utilities, that is, programs that run, outside a MIDAS session, at

the system level. These are optional programs located in the /midas/11SEP/util directory
and are not included in the standard installation of MIDAS.

2.17 Calibration and Demo Data for MIDAS

The distribution file containing the sources of MIDAS does not include any calibration data
required by some packages or the demo data required with some tutorials. The reason for
this is to reduce the distribution size of MIDAS via Internet to the essentially minimum
required, leaving the retrieval of this bulky data to the discretion of the operator deciding
which optional packages are installed.
In our anonymous and midaspub ftp accounts the calibration and demo data is located
under the ./calib and ./demo subdirectories respectively.
Data is distributed in compressed-tar files. The whole calibration data is located
in one single file called calib src.tar.gz and demo data is offered in FITS format in
demo data.tar.gz for all tutorials available in MIDAS, e.g. TUTORIAL/EXTRACT, TU-
Calibration and demo data are stored in FITS format, independent of the specific re-
lease, therefore they must be installed, not under the /midas/11SEP directory, but under
/midas/calib and /midas/demo or equivalent. Tutorial and calibration procedures expect
to find their data under these two directories.
For a proper installation of the demo data for all tutorials in MIDAS, e.g. in /midas/demo/data
get the file demo data.tar.gz, decompress and un-tar it in the midas directory.

% cd /midas/
% tar -zxvf demo data.tar.gz

2.18 MIDAS documentation

The file containing the sources of MIDAS does not include the MIDAS documentation. It
is located in our anonymous ftp accounts under the subdirectory ./11SEP/sources/doc.
All MIDAS documentation is classified in three volumes and distributed in compressed
Postscript files or .html files:

volume a.ps.Z - ESO-MIDAS Volume A: System

volume b.ps.Z - ESO-MIDAS Volume B: Data Reduction
volume a.html.tar.Z - ESO-MIDAS Volume A: System
volume b.html.tar.Z - ESO-MIDAS Volume B: Data Reduction

env.ps.Z - ESO-MIDAS Environment
env.html.tar.Z - ESO-MIDAS Environment

For details see the README.doc file in that directory.

Chapter 3

Installation of Graphic Devices

Below you will find a description of how to implement (new) graphic devices or how to
make adjustments according to the local situation. Section 1 gives an overview of how the
MIDAS plot system works. Section 2 describes the various files which play a role in the
system. Finally, section 3 gives an example of how and where to make modifications in case
a new device has to be added to the system.
The following, rather elaborate setup only makes sense if you install Midas for a group of
users on a shared system. If you are installing Midas just on your own PC, this is probably
overkill. Just use the system names for the devices. E.g. if your colour printer has the
name mycol in your Linux system, use mycol also in the Midas commands. See the help of
copy/display for examples of that.

3.1 The MIDAS Graphics System

All information about the status of the MIDAS plot package is stored in MIDAS keywords.
This information describes the layout of the plot(s) to be produced, the last plot file created
and the graphic device to which the result will be sent. Once a plot file (with extension
.plt) is created the user can send this file to another device than the default one. These two
possibilities (default device name stored in keyword or device name from user input) make
life somewhat more complicated, since the user may use MIDAS device names rather than
the system names.
If the setup of the system is correctly done MIDAS knows three sets of device names.
The first set contains the names of the graphics terminal, the graphic windows, and the
display windows. The second one contains the system device names of the hardcopy devices,
or a subset of that. Finally, a third set of names contains logical names (MIDAS device
names) for a few of the devices in the second set.
To solve this complication the names for the hardcopy devices stored in the MIDAS

keywords are identical to the system names. If a MIDAS device (logical) name is used,
MIDAS will first convert this name into the system name. If no corresponding system name
is found a fatal error will be given. Once the system name is established the plot system
knows which of the drivers has to be used in order to produce the plot. If a window or
terminal name is used, or an abbreviation of that, MIDAS will expand that name to its full
name known by the plot system.
The assignment of the hardcopy devices as the output device is done in the procedure
plassign.prg. Copying the plot-file onto a hardcopy device is done by the procedure send-
plot.prg. Both procedures make use of the separate procedure checkdev.prg that checks
device names and, if required, converts MIDAS logical names into system names. The sys-
tem names of all devices should be included in the file agldevs.dat which can be found in
the directory /midas/11SEP/systab/ascii/plot. For each device the file also gives the driver
that will be used for that device.

3.2 Modification or Installation of New Devices

Within the MIDAS directory structure you will find a directory /midas/11SEP/libsrc/agl
that contains all source code for building the lower level AGL library which the MIDAS
plot system needs. The code can roughly be divided into device independent routines and
the device drivers. Information about the first part can be found in the AGL References
manual; the latter is described in the set of small device documents. However, this graphics
directory is not relevant for changes in the graphics devices. For that purpose only minor
modifications are needed elsewhere. They are in different subdirectories of the MIDAS
directory tree.
Below, in a few small sections you will find what to do in order to install a new hardcopy
graphics device.

3.2.1 The file agldevs.dat

MIDAS can handle a number of devices. The file agldevs.dat in the directory
/midas/11SEP/systab/ascii/plot defines which drivers have to be used for the various de-
vices. In the system environment variable AGL3CONFIG points to this directory. The variable
is defined in the file /midas/11SEP/monit/midlogs.sh.
The format in the agldevs.dat file is simple: each system name is followed by a colon
and then followed by a driver name. Comments are preceded by a hash (#) character. In
this file you will first find a number of lines describing graphic terminals, graphics windows
and display windows. Hereafter, you will find a number of lines describing the available
hardcopy devices at ESO and their associated drivers. At the end in the Appendix A an
example is given.
In case one wants to use a device that is not included in the agldevs.dat file the device

can be defined by the command:

% setenv AGL3DEV dev driver # (C-Shell)

% AGL3DEV=dev driver ; export AGL3DEV # (Bourne-Shell)

where dev driver stands for the name of the device driver which AGL should use (provided
it supports that device) when it is made to plot-file. A useful application of this possibility
is if one wants to use a graphics terminal that is not of the default MIDAS type (VT640).
The file agldevs.dat contains a listing of all available terminal drivers.

3.2.2 The file devices.sh

This file can be found in /midas/11SEP/monit and contains the logical MIDAS names for a
limited number of the available hardcopy devices. The format is described in the file. Make
sure that the names in the file are unique. In addition, if names are added or modified also
the procedure checkdev.prg may need to be modified (see below).

3.2.3 The procedure checkdev.prg

This procedure in the directory /midas/11SEP/prim/proc converts MIDAS logical names

into system names and checks these on their existence in the agldevs.dat table. Hence it
relies on the complete and correct information in this file. In case you want to install (a) new
MIDAS logical name(s) the procedure only needs minor modifications. Comments indicate
where the changes have to be made.

3.3 Examples

3.3.1 Adding a hardcopy device (system name only)

Suppose one wants to add a hardcopy device with a system name laserprinter and suppose
this device is a postscript device. The only thing that is needed is to include the system
name in the agldevs.dat file:

laserprinter:pscript # new device name

3.3.2 Adding a hardcopy device (MIDAS name and system name)

Suppose one wants to add the MIDAS device name mdevice to the system, which should
point to the system name laserprinter.
The first step is the same as in the previous example: Add an extra line in the file

laserprinter:pscript # new device name

The second step would be to include the MIDAS name and system name in the file

mdevice=laserprinter; export mdevice

Finally, in the procedure checkdev.prg a few lines should be included in order to recognize
the new logical name. The addition should be done in the section MIDAS Logical names.
For this particular example these line should look like:

ELSEIF P1(1:3) .EQ. "MDE" THEN ! here for mdevice


In case of problems you could use the MIDAS command DEBUG/PROCEDURE. This enables
you to execute the ASSIGN/GRAPHICS and the COPY/GRAPHICS command step by step and
to find out where a device name is missing or misinterpreted.
Finally, whenever you modify your system please document this. E.g. add or modify
some help documentation in the assigngrap.hlq, copy grap.hlq, and the printe.alq files in

Chapter 4

Other MIDAS Utilities (Optional)

4.1 bdf2ps: convert MIDAS-bdf files to Postscript format

Description: The command bdf2ps reads a single MIDAS-bdf file or a specification
file with a set of images and creates a Postscript file depending on the options.

bdf2ps [ -wbneavfN ] [ -i bdf-file ] [ -o ps-file ] [ -l spec-file ] [ -p page-format ] [ -r
resolution ] [ -c lut ] [ -s xscale,yscale ] [ -z lcut,hcut ]


% cd /midas/11SEP/util/bdf2ps
% make
And, as superuser, copy the binary and man-page files to standard system
directories (e.g.: /usr/local/bin and /usr/man/manl):
# cp /midas/11SEP/util/exec/bdf2ps.exe /usr/local/bin/bdf2ps
# cp /midas/11SEP/util/bdf2ps/bdf2ps.l /usr/man/manl/bdf2ps.l

4.2 ltape: list headers of FITS format files on tape or disk

Description: The command ltape reads files in FITS format from disk or tape and
list their headers. Both a one line summary and a full listing are available. A number
of comment fields can be provided and will be printed in the list header.

ltape [ -hnv ] [ -i input ] [ -o output-file ] [ -l list-file ]


% cd /midas/11SEP/util/ltape
% make
And, as superuser, copy the binary and man-page files to standard system
directories (e.g.: /usr/local/bin and /usr/man/manl):
# cp /midas/11SEP/util/exec/ltape.exe /usr/local/bin/ltape
# cp /midas/11SEP/util/ltape/ltape.l /usr/man/manl/ltape.l

Chapter 5

Panic Section and other services

ESO-MIDAS on the World Wide Web

The ESO-MIDAS WWW pages can be reached using the ESO-MIDAS page:


This URL contains an overview of the MIDAS hard- and software requirements, dis-
tribution policy, documentation and support, and User Guides.

Panic Section
In case of problems with the MIDAS installation please have a look at our MIDAS
WWW Page. Helpful information can be found in the FAQs or in our problem re-
porting database. Especially chapter 2 and 3 of the MIDAS Users Guide Volume A
contain a lot of information about how to start a MIDAS session and how to start
writing procedures.
If you could not find any information related to your problem there, you can submit
your problem via the web interface. The MIDAS problem reporting database can be
accessed via the link ProblemReportForm on top of the MIDAS home page. Please
fill out all fields on the form. This is the safest and fastest way to get help on your
specific problem, because the system will automatically forward your problem to the
right person.
Finally, if you cannot use the web form, you can also send an e-mail to

[email protected]

Appendix A

Graphic Devices

# /$MIDASHOME/$MIDVERS/systab/ascii/plot/agldevs.dat
# Defines the graphics devices used by MIDAS.
# Every line not starting with a hash (#) contains two entries, separated by
# a colon and a comment. The first entry is the system name for the device,
# the second one is the AGL driver name.
# All graphics output devices, except for Postscript printers, should be
# put into this file. This file is read in the plot package of Midas in order
# to check if a device is used. Some examples are given at the end.
# The syntax for each line is simple:
# <device>:<driver>:<node>:=<command> # comment
# where:
# <device> Is the identification of the physical device
# according to the rules of the operating system.
# For postscript devices the name may include .l
# or .p in order to indicate landscape or portrait
# orientation of the graph. Deafult (without) the
# extension is .l.
# The special device TT stands for the current
# users terminal and it is meaningful only in the

# users local configuration file.
# <driver> Is the identification of the corresponding driver
# as specified in the driver configuration module.
# Some drivers require further specifications to
# select specific characteristics of the device
# (this is device dependent) (e.g.: tkg.vt640).
# <node> Is the optional specification of the remote node
# (provided for future support of device in a
# distributed environment).
# <command> Is the optional command to be executed when the
# device is closed. The = sign is required and is
# not part of the command. The % sign may be used
# within the command to indicate the place where
# the driver generated file name must be put into
# the command line.
# At ESO we only use the <device> and <driver> entries ***
# For further information please consult the documentation in the file
# /$MIDASHOME/$MIDVERS/doc/agl/aglinsta.doc
# 020228 last modif KB
# *** Here for the general terminal. Other terminal devices supported by AGL
# and MIDAS are below.
graph_term:tkg.vt640 # default DEC VT100 terminal with retrographics
# *** Some examples for devices not available at ESO.
#graph_term:tkg.4010 # tektronix 4010
#graph_term:tkg.4014 # tektronix 4014
#graph_term:vt125 # DEC VT125 Terminal
#graph_term:vt125 # DEC VT240 Terminal
#graph_term:tkg.cit101 # CIT101 with CIG 201 card
#graph_term:tkg.hds22 # HDS 2200
#graph_term:tkg.wyse # Wyse graphics terminal
#your_ln03:tkg.ln03 # your local LN03 plus laser printer (name your_ln03)
#exam_qms:tkg.qms # your local qms laser printer (system name exam_qms)
#my_apple:pscript # your Apple Laser Writer (system name my_apple)

# *** Here for workstations
graph_wnd0:idi.sxw0g # IDI driver for workstation graphics window 0
graph_wnd1:idi.sxw1g # IDI driver for workstation graphics window 1
graph_wnd2:idi.sxw2g # IDI driver for workstation graphics window 2
graph_wnd3:idi.sxw3g # IDI driver for workstation graphics window 3
graph_wnd4:idi.sxw4g # IDI driver for workstation graphics window 4
graph_wnd5:idi.sxw5g # IDI driver for workstation graphics window 5
graph_wnd6:idi.sxw6g # IDI driver for workstation graphics window 6
graph_wnd7:idi.sxw7g # IDI driver for workstation graphics window 7
graph_wnd8:idi.sxw8g # IDI driver for workstation graphics window 8
graph_wnd9:idi.sxw9g # IDI driver for workstation graphics window 9
image_wnd0:idi.sxw0 # IDI driver for workstation image window 0
image_wnd1:idi.sxw1 # IDI driver for workstation image window 1
image_wnd2:idi.sxw2 # IDI driver for workstation image window 2
image_wnd3:idi.sxw3 # IDI driver for workstation image window 3
image_wnd4:idi.sxw4 # IDI driver for workstation image window 4
image_wnd5:idi.sxw5 # IDI driver for workstation image window 5
image_wnd6:idi.sxw6 # IDI driver for workstation image window 6
image_wnd7:idi.sxw7 # IDI driver for workstation image window 7
image_wnd8:idi.sxw8 # IDI driver for workstation image window 8
image_wnd9:idi.sxw9 # IDI driver for workstation image window 9
# *** Hardcopy systems device names
# *** Here for the paper devices
ps2usr0:pscript # the generic printer from symbol PLASER, LASER
# *** here for the colour postscript printers
pc2usr0.c:pscript.c # the generic printer from symbol COLOUR
# *** here for HP printers (HPGL)
ppbla28:hpgl.a # Kyocera F-5000
# *** generic postscript device
postscript:pscript # postscript device standard DIN A4 format

postscript.c:pscript.c # postscript device colour
postscript.l:pscript.l # postscript device DIN A4 landscape
postscript.p:pscript.p # postscript device DIN A4 portrait
postscript.u:pscript.u # postscript device US-legal standard format
postscript.ul:pscript.ul # postscript device US-legal landscape
postscript.up:pscript.up # postscript device US-legal portrait
postscript.ul:pscript.ul # postscript device US-legal landscape
postscript.up:pscript.up # postscript device US-legal portrait
postscript.4l:pscript.4l # postscript device A4 format landscape
postscript.4p:pscript.4p # postscript device A4 format portrait
postscript.3l:pscript.3l # postscript device A3 format landscape
postscript.3p:pscript.3p # postscript device A3 format portrait
# *** here for the null device
null:null # null device
# *** The following lines MUST remain the last ones of the file.
# No reading will be done beyound that point.
unknown:null # end of device file


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