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Behold the Lamb

(The Communion Hymn)

Words and music by
Keith & Kristyn Getty
& Stuart Townend
Thoughtful (q = 72)
F'9/A Am9 F'9/A Am7 Gsus G

5 F'9/A G/B C Dm7 C/E G C/E F'9 C/G G7sus G7

1.Be - hold the Lamb who bears our sins a - way, slain for us and we re - mem - ber
2.The bo - dy of our Sav - iour Je - sus Christ, torn for you eat and re- mem - ber;
3.The blood that clean - ses ev - ery stain of sin, shed for you drink and re - mem - ber
4.And so with thank - ful - ness and faith we rise to res - pond and to re - mem - ber

9 F'9/A G/B C Dm7 C/E G C/E F'9 G7sus G7 C C/E

the pro - mise made that all who come in faith find for - give - ness at the cross. So we
The wounds that heal, the death that brings us life paid the price to make us one. So we
He drained death's cup that all may en - ter in to re - ceive the life of God. So we
our call to fol - low in the steps of Christ as His bo - dy here on earth. As we

Copyright 2006 Thankyou Music/Adm. by songs
excl. UK & Europe, adm. by Kingsway Music. [email protected].
Used by permission.
Behold the Lamb (The Communion Hymn)
Should churches wish to further reproduce the words or photocopy this sheet music, they should contact our office ([email protected] or Tel: 01323 437712) for permission to do so.
(Simple Piano)
However, if they hold a current Church Copyright Licensing (CCL) licence they may reproduce the words and, if they also hold a Music Reproduction Licence (MRL),
they may photocopy the music. They must ensure that they report the photocopying of the music under the title of 'TYM Sheet Music'

13 F'9 C/E Fma7 G'9 C/E F'9 C/E F'9 G C/E

share in this bread of life, and we drink of His sac - ri - fice as a
share in this bread of life, and we drink of His sac - ri - fice as a
share in this bread of life, and we drink of His sac - ri - fice as a
share in His suf - fer - ing, we pro - claim Christ will come a - gain! And we'll

17 F'9 C/E Fma7 G7sus G7 F'9/A Fma7 G7 C'9

sign of our bonds of peace a - round the tab - le of the King.
sign of our bonds of love a- round the tab - le of the King.
sign of our bonds of grace a - round the tab - le of the King.
join in the feast of heaven a - round the tab - le of the King.

last time
21 F% C'9 F% C'9

Behold the Lamb (The Communion Hymn)
(Simple Piano)

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