Early Us Syllabus CP 17-18

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Early United States History (College Prep)

Randolph High School
Mr. Gomes
Room 206
[email protected]
Class website: www.mrgomeshistory.weebly.com
(781) 961-6220 x206

Contact Information:
You can use the email address above to contact me with any questions regarding the class
assignments. Please contact me as early as possible after the school day so I can respond to
your email. When you are emailing me, be specific about your question and I will answer it
to the best of my ability.

Course Overview:
The ninth grade United States curriculum is the first year of a two year course. US I
focuses on the build up to and causes of the American Revolution; the significance of the
American Revolution as a political movement in the US; the development of the US
Constitution; the expansion of the United States from an east coast country to an emerging
continental power during the 19th century; and the geographic, economic, political and
social factors which led to the Civil War and the Reconstruction period after it.

While studying the events, people, and ideas between the years of 1750 and 1877,
our class will examine through the lens of the following questions:
What factors bring people together and what drive them apart?
When is Progress worth the sacrifice it takes to get it?
How does our country work? And is this the best way?
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Course Objectives:
By the end of this year, students will be able to:
Stay organized independently
Work effectively in groups
Use the internet to research, create, and produce projects
Read primary and secondary sources with a keen eye for tone, point of view,
context, source, and vocabulary.
Use evidence from texts to support analysis in speech and writing.
Write clearly and coherently on historical and creative topics.

Capstone Project:
At the end of each unit (approximately every 4-5 weeks), you will be required to
complete a unit test and/or a culminating project. These projects include essays, debates,
and persuasive poster presentations. At the end of this year, you will be able to demonstrate
the knowledge and skills you have obtained by passing the final exam.

Your grade for each term will be based on the following categories and their
accompanying weights*:
Assessments (Quizzes, Tests, Projects, and Essays): 40%
Professionalism (Attendance, Participation, and following norms): 20%
Classwork (including Binder): 25%
Homework: 15%

You will be given regular tests, quizzes, and writing assignments throughout
the year. You cannot make up a test or quiz. Please note that the midyear and
final exam will count as 20% or your year grade.

You are a full time student. As a student you are expected to hold yourself to
a high standard in and out of the classroom.

You will receive a professionalism grade weekly. It will count towards your
term professionalism grade. Weekly grades will range from 0-20 (20 being the
best). For example, if your follow the professionalism guidelines you should
be able to get at least an 18/20

In order to receive a 20 you must:

Be on time and prepared for class.
Follow classroom behavior norms
Follow classroom procedures (seated and working in one minute with work sheet).
Complete work.
Try your best.
Respond to quit signals and redirection
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Homework and Classwork
Classwork will be assigned every day. I will usually give you 1 day to
complete classwork if it cannot be completed during the class period. I will
assign Homework regularly. This is a way for you to improve your
understanding of the course material.

When I check homework and classwork I will give you a grade from 1-5 or
1-10. In order to receive a high grade, homework must be complete and
accurate. I will let you know what your grade for the assignment is.

Classwork and homework will usually be placed in your binder. I will

circulate the classroom and check your work during the classroom period. At
times I will ask you to place homework in the Turn In Tray for your class. I
will grade it and return it to you. (see late policy below)

Late Work Policy:

For major assignments, all late work will lose 10% of the final grade per day
that it is late. Therefore, if you pass in an assignment and receive a 100%, but
it is one day late, your final grade will be a 90%.

Unless you have an excused absence for missing class, late homework will
not be accepted. Classwork received after the due date will not receive more
than 50% credit

If you are absent, I expect you to take the initiative to come before or after
school to make special arrangements with me, which includes agreeing on a
due date for the missed assignments. If possible, you can always email me
while you are out of school to get the assignments as well.

Classroom Binders:
Almost all of your completed work will be placed into a binder. You will
need to bring in a 1 3 hole punch binder. It is recommended that you start a
new binder for each term. This will be checked periodically and count
toward your term grade. Keep your binder organized with the most
recent assignments at the top of the section

The binder will be divided into 5 different sections

1) Classwork (work will be numbered and have dates)
2) Essays and HW
3) Tests/Quizzes/professionalism grades
4) Assignments (includes syllabus and assignment instructions)
5) Extra paper

Classroom Files:
All assignments from this class will be kept in a file bin located at the front of
the classroom. Assignments for this course will have a
1) Title and a 2) lesson number. This information will be written on a chart
next to the file system. Please get comfortable accessing these files
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Student Work Bins:
All assignments from this previous term should be kept in your student work
tray. This is located in the back of the room. You should not throw out old
work. Each file folder has a number which is designated to you.
After completing a essay you will place your first draft and your final draft
into the manila folder titled Writing Folder 17-18.

Extra Credit:
I offer multiple forms of extra credit that have to do with assessment grades, which
comprise a large fraction of your term grade.
1. Essay Rewrites: After I have returned in-class essays, there will be the
opportunity to complete essay rewrites. Rewrites are due two days after the essay
is returned, unless otherwise indicated. You may see me before or after school
for more detailed feedback and advice on your writing.

2. Other opportunities: I may offer extra credit at additional times per my

discretion. Please remember this is EXTRA credit, and not meant to take the
place of coming to class and doing all work assigned.

Extra Help:
If you are having any types of confusions, whether big or small, please let me know
as soon as possible. We will work together to clarify any points of confusion.
I will have office hours Monday and Tuesday afterschool until 3:00. Please be sure to
remind me when youll be coming to extra help, and what topic/material youre having
trouble with. Furthermore, if you just want to have a relaxed place to do homework after
school, my door is always open.

Classroom Behavior Expectations

RESPECT all people, objects, and opinions in Rm 206
o This means no...
Defacing desks, books, tables, walls
Throwing projectiles
Interrupting others who are speaking
Arrive ON TIME
o This means you are in the room before I close my door.
o If you are late you must have a written pass from another teacher.
o This means
Bring your binder every day
Bring a pen to write with
o This means be polite toward all members of our classroom community and
do not fight. If there is an issue, talk to me and we can work it out.
Try it out & do your BEST
o This means I will not accept a refusal to do work in this class.
o Your success is important to me, and I will not allow you to jeopardize your
own future because of dawdling or laziness. I am here to support you.
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What will happen to me if I CHOOSE to break a rule?

FIRST you will receive a warning (except for tardiness)
SECOND you will receive a detention:
o ALL detentions will be 15 minutes unless otherwise noted

PHONES are prohibited in class at all times and breaking that rule is
subject to the school-wide code of discipline.

For a serious offense, or if its in the best interest of the class that someone be
removed, you will be sent to the office. You will still have to serve detention with

If you receive a detention you must serve it by the next day. I will make a
call home and inform a parent or guardian the reason for your detention. If you
do not serve you detention by the next day I will submit a discipline referral form
and you will need to serve an office detention. Your name will remain on the
board until you serve the detention. If you have a question about your detention
please talk to me before or after class. Do not ask me why you have a detention
during the class period.

In closing, I would like to emphasize that I look forward to forming relationships with
each and every one of you, and cultivating a classroom community within Room 206. I
intend to hold you all to high standards and expectations, while providing support to
help you reach and even surpass your goals. Your success is very important to me and I
aim to listen, guide, and support you to the best of my ability.

Mr. Gomes

Continue to the next sheet to sign that you have read the expectations
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Mr. Gomes
Early US History CP DUE DATE:
Randolph High School Tuesday September 5, 2017
Room 206 NOTE: You will also need to bring a 3 ring binder
[email protected] with binder tabs for class on Tuesday


STUDENTS: After youre read through the Syllabus with me and clarified any questions, please go
through this syllabus with your parents and then sign the following statement. You only need to return
this last page; please keep a copy of this syllabus in your file folder.* This counts as your first
Homework grade of the term!*

I, [print name] _____________________________________________,
have read the course expectations with my parent/guardian and acknowledge that I understand what I
will be accountable for in Early US History during the 17-18 school year.

I have read the Classroom Behavior Expectations and understand the rules of Room 206 and the
consequences for choosing to break a rule.

Signature: ____________________________________________

PARENTS: Please sign the following statement and return it to school with your student

I, [print name]_____________________________________________,
have read the course expectations and acknowledge that I understand what my child will be
accountable for in Early US History during the 17-18 school year.

I have read the Classroom Behavior Expectations and understand the rules of Room 206 and the
consequences for choosing to break a classroom norm.

Signature: ____________________________________________

Best Phone Number(s) By Which to Reach You:
If you have any questions, please email me at [email protected] or call me by phone:
(781)961-6220 x206

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