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Tutorial SIDRA

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Getting Started:


Version 1.0
September 27, 2013

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Getting Started SIDRA 6.docx
Table of Contents

I. Introduction 3
II. Create a Roundabout Project 4
III.Input Data 8
Intersection 9
Lane Geometry 10
Roundabouts 13
Volumes 16
Vehicle Movement Data 18
Model Settings 19
IV. Process 20
V. Output 21
VI. Cloning a Site 22

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Getting Started SIDRA 6.docx
This guide will provide a basic understanding of how to use the Sidra 6 software package. This
guide was designed to walk a user through the necessary steps to analyze a single roundabout. It
will also cover how to use Sidra 6 to perform a comparison between a roundabout and a signal or
a stop control.

Please contact Tiffany Turner ([email protected]) if you have any questions, suggestions about
this guide or if you notice any errors or discrepancies in this guide.

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1. Open Sidra (click icon)

2. Select the Site tab from the Menu bar. Then go to > Roundabout > Select Template

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3. Select Rou 4-way 2-Lane US from the template list. Click OK
* Select whichever template that matches the project to be analyzed. Use the diagram as a

4. Save the project file

a. File > Save as

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b. Name the file and Save

*rename the project the PI number or the project name

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5. Rename the Template
a. Right click on Rou 4-way 2-lane US > select rename

b. Rename the template rename the site by alternative, traffic count, geometric
configuration, etc

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Go to Site Input in the side bar.

Lane Geometry
Vehicle Movement Data
Model Settings

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1. Site Data
a. Site Name: Alternative
b. Site Title: Enter the PI number, project description, county and alternative (traffic year,
traffic time, geometric alternative)
*Note: Being specific is important as it allows the reviewer to clearly identify what is
being analyzed in the reports.
2. Approach Geometry
a. Select a leg (will be highlighted in red)
b. Name: Approach road name
c. Leg Geometry: select
i. Two Way: two way traffic
ii. One-way Approach: one lane entering ex. off ramp
iii. One-way Exit: one leg exiting ex. On ramp
iv. No Leg: removes leg
3. Approach Data
a. Approach Distance: distance to upstream or downstream intersection
4. Repeat steps 3 & 4 for each approach and click Apply, then OK
*use F2/Shift F2 to toggle between approaches

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Lane Geometry

I. Lane Configuration Tab

1. Lane Editor
a. Select an approach from the Approach Selector diagram
b. Select + App Lane or + Exit Lane to add lanes to the selected approach
c. Select Delete to remove the selected element
2. Lane Configuration Data
a. Lane Configuration :
i. Full-Length Lane: any lane with a length equal to the approach leg length
ii. Short Lane: any lane with a length less than the approach lane length (ex. turn bay)
iii. Short Lane w/parking: ignore
iv. Two Segment Lane: ignore
b. Lane Type: (see SIDRA help for a diagram)
i. Normal: default
ii. Slip/Bypass (High Angle): a lane that bypasses the RAB at a high angle, usually
separated by an island, but merges back in with exiting traffic on exit lane

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iii. Slip/Bypass (Low Angle): a turn lane that bypasses the circulating lanes at a low
angle, usually separated by an island, and has an exclusive lane on the RAB exiting
c. Lane Control: select Giveway/Yield
d. Slip/Bypass Lane Control: (select only if a slip lane is present)
i. Giveway/Yield: bypass traffic must yield to circulating traffic (High Angle Slip
Controlled leg)
ii. Continuous: bypass traffic has free flow into an separate exit lane (Low Angle Slip
Controlled leg)
e. Lane Length: do not change
f. Lane Width: enter lane width (Ft)
g. Grade: enter grade in percent (%)
3. Short Lane Data
a. Short Lane Length: enter the length of the turn bay (from the furthest point a vehicle
could fully enter the lane)
b. Overflow Direction: which direction does the traffic back up in; left, right or both.
Go to help to see diagram.
4. Repeat for each lane in each leg (use F2/Shift F2 to toggle between approaches)
5. Select Apply, then OK
6. Select Layout from the Site tab in menu bar to confirm the desired lane configuration was

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II. Lane Disciplines Tab

1. Lane Disciplines
a. Select an approach from the Approach Selector diagram
b. Highlight an approach lane in the Lane Editor diagram
c. Check to select the movements for the highlighted lane
d. Repeat for all lanes on approach
e. Repeat for all approaches

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1. Options Tab
a. Capacity Model: Select SIDRA Standard
b. Roundabout Level of Service (LOS) Method: Select Same as Signalised Intersections

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2. Roundabout Data tab
a. Geometry
i. Number of Circ Lanes: enter the number of lanes that pass the splitter island of the
leg selected
ii. Circulating Width: enter the width of the circulating lanes
iii. Island Diameter: enter the diameter of the of the center island
iv. Entry Radius: enter the radius of the curb of the entry lane
v. Entry Angle: the angle of the entry lane to the circulating lane
b. Calibration
i. Environmental Factor: enter 1.2

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3. Select Layout from the Site tab in menu bar to confirm the desired lane configuration was

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1. Select the Vehicle Volumes Tab

2. Select an approach leg from the Approach Selector diagram
3. Select Total & % from the Volume Data Method drop down list
4. Complete the Movement Volumes for Selected Approach
a. Total (veh): enter the turn movement volumes (DHV)
b. Heavy Vehicles (%): enter the percent heavy vehicles
*hint: enter for the first field then click the Quick Input box (top right corner) and select Site
to apply to %HV to all lanes and all legs)

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4. Select the Volumes Factors tab
a. Peak Flow Factor: enter the PHF (peak hour factor)

*HINT: enter the PHF in the first field and then select Quick Input (top right corner) then select
Site to apply to all lanes of all legs

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Vehicle Movement Data

1. Select an approach leg from the Approach Selecter Diagram

2. Movement Path Data
a. Approach Cruise Speed: enter the approach speed
b. Exit Cruise Speed: enter the exiting speed

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Model Settings

1. Go to the Options Tab. Select Delay & v/c (HCM 2010) from the drop down for Level
of Service Method

2. Select the Model Parameters tab. Check HCM Delay Formula

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1. Select Process from the Site tab in the menu bar.

2. Output appears under Site Output of the side menu

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Site Output (most useful reports)
1. Intersection Summary: provides a brief overview of the entire roundabout. Shows:
a. Intersection LOS
b. Control Delay (total, average, worst lane and worst movement)
c. Geometric Delay (average)
d. 95% Back of Queue (vehicles and distance for worst lane)
2. Lane Summary: provides a breakdown for each lane and approach including
a. Average Delay
b. LOS
c. 95% Queue (vehicle and distance)
* denotes the dominate lane for each approach (useful for multilane roundabouts)
3. LOS Summary:
a. displays the LOS for each lane geographically
b. LOS for the intersection
4. Delay (average) : shows
a. Delay for each movement.
b. Delay and LOS for each approach.
c. Delay and LOS for the intersection
5. Queue Distance: displays the longest 95% back of queue for each movements

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VI. Cloning a Site
So far this guide has walked through the steps to evaluate one roundabout site. However multiple
sites need to be evaluated when analyzing a roundabout. At the very least both the AM and PM
peaks should evaluated along with the build year and design year DHV traffic. Additionally, the
need to consider other geometric alternatives is often necessary as part of the design process.
Thankfully SIDRA allows you to easily clone a current site to allow for the simple creation of

1. Right click on the project to be copied and select Clone

A new site is created and named a conversion of the cloned site.

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2. Rename the alternative
*right click on the copy and select rename

3. Change the input necessary to reflect the changes to the RAB that are to be analyzed
*be sure that the correct site is selected

a. INTERSECTION - Always change the Site Name and the Site Title box to reflect the
alternative change (for output files)
b. LANE GEOMETRY be sure to make any changes to the geometry to reflect the new
alternative (change the lane width, add a bypass lane, remove a lane)
c. ROUNDABOUTS make any changes to the circulating width or the center island
d. VOLUMES make any changes to the traffic volume. (change from AM to PM DHV,
change the Peak Hour Factor, change the percent heavy vehicles)

4. Process the result again (make sure you have the new site selected)

5. Prepare the reports and evaluate the results

6. Repeat this process for as many scenrios (am vs. pm, current vs design, Alternate 1 vs
Alternate 2) as you have.

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