Interference of Two Identical Ultrasonic Transmitters

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Mechanics Mechanical Vibration Acoustics

1.5.19-15 Interference of two identical ultrasonic transmitters

What you can learn about

 Longitudinal waves
 Sound pressure
 Huygens principle
 Fraunhofer and Fresnel

Ultrasonic waves of the same fre-
quence, amplitude and direction of
propagation are generated by two
sources positioned parallel to each
other. The sources can vibrate both
in-phase and out-of phase. The an-
gular distribution of the intensity of
the waves, which interfere with each
other, is automatically recorded
using a motor-driven ultrasonic de-
tector and a PC.

What you need:

Goniometer with reflecting mirror 13903.00 1
Power supply for goniometer 13903.99 1
Ultrasonic unit 13900.00 1
Power supply f. ultrasonic unit, 5 VDC, 12 W 13900.99 1
Ultrasonic transmitter on stem 13901.00 2
Ultrasonic receiver on stem 13902.00 1
Barrel base -PASS- 02006.55 2
RS 232 data cable 14602.00 1
Measuring tape, l = 2m 09936.00 1
Screened cable, BNC, l = 75 cm 07542.11 1
Adapter, BNC-socket/4 mm plug pair 07542.27 1
Measure Software Goniometer 14523.61 1
PC, Windows 95 or higher

Complete Equipment Set, Manual on CD-ROM included Angular distribution of the intensity of two interfering ultrasonic waves hav-
Interference of two indentical ultrasonic ing the same phase, amplitude, frequency and direction of propagation.
transmitters P2151915
1. Determine the angular distribu-
tion of the sound pressure of two
ultrasonic transmitters vibrating
2. Determine the angular positions
of the interference minima and
compare the values found with
those theoretically expected.
3. Repeat the measurements with
the two ultrasonic transmitters vi-
brating out-of-phase.
4. Repeat the first measurement and
additionally determine with the
angular distribution of the sound
pressure of each single transmitter.

76 Laboratory Experiments Physics PHYWE Systeme GmbH & Co. KG D - 37070 Gttingen
Interference of two identical ultrasonic transmitters 1.5.19

Related topics Tasks

Longitudinal waves, sound pressure, Huygens principle, 1. Determine the angular distribution of the sound pressure of
Interference, Fraunhofer and Fresnel diffraction. two ultrasonic transmitters vibrating in phase.
2. Determine the angular positions of the interference minima
Principle and compare the values found with those theoretically
Ultrasonic waves of the same frequence, amplitude and
3. Repeat the measurements with the two ultrasonic trans-
direction of propagation are generated by two sources posi-
mitters vibrating out-of-phase.
tioned parallel to each other. The sources can vibrate both in-
4. Repeat the first measurement and additionally determine
phase and out-of phase. The angular distribution of the inten-
with the angular distribution of the sound pressure of each
sity of the waves, which interfere with each other, is automat-
single transmitter.
ically recorded using a motor-driven ultrasonic detector and a
Set-up and Procedure
Set up the experiment as shown in Fig. 1. It is important that
Equipment the two transmitters are each positioned parallel to the middle
Goniometer with reflecting mirror 13903.00 1 axis of the goniometer. They should be at a distance apart of
Power supply for goniometer 13903.99 1 6.5 cm. This distance is given when the two barrel bases in
Ultrasonic unit 13900.00 1 which the transmitters are held touch each other. To achieve
Power supply f. ultrasonic unit, 5 VDC, 12 W 13900.99 1 this, it is first necessary to remove the pin from the centre of
Ultrasonic transmitter on stem 13901.00 2 the goniometer table. Ensure that the fronts of the transmitters
Ultrasonic receiver on stem 13902.00 1 are exactly above the 90 line on the goniometer table. The
Barrel base PASS 02006.55 2 receiver is to be positioned at the end stop of the swing arm
RS 232 data cable 14602.00 1 at the same height as the transmitters.
Measuring tape, l = 2m 09936.00 1 Connect the transmitters to the diode sockets of the ultrason-
Screened cable, BNC, l = 75 cm 07542.11 1 ic unit that are marked TR1 and TR2, and operate them in
Adapter, BNC-socket/4 mm plug pair 07542.27 1 Con continuous mode. Connect the receiver to the left BNC
Measure Software Goniometer 14523.61 1 socket (prior to the amplifier). Connect the analog output of
PC, Windows 95 or higher the ultrasonic unit with the input of the control unit by means

Fig. 1: Experimental set-up.

PHYWE series of publications Laboratory Experiments Physics PHYWE SYSTEME GMBH & Co. KG D-37070 Gttingen 21519-15 1
1.5.19 Interference of two identical ultrasonic transmitters

3rd to 5th Measurements:

First use the software to set to 2 repeat measurements.
Now repeat the 1st measurement. Following this, carry out
the measurement with only one transmitter. Finally carry
out the measurement with the other transmitter.
Obtain the result by plotting the three measurement curves so
that their maxima each have the same height. To obtain a cor-
rect scaling for a common presentation of the three measure-
ment curves, activate the scale curves function and then
the fit collectively function (see Fig. 5).

To keep such interference to the measurement field as small
as possible, do not carry out experiments in too narrow rooms
or in the direct vicinity of reflecting surfaces (walls, cupboards
etc.). It is recommended that measuring and supply instru-
ments be installed as far as possible behind the two transmit-
ters. Further to this, the person carrying out the experiment
Fig. 2: Diagram for the determination of the path difference of should not stand too close to the measurement field.
two partial waves at measuring point P.
Theory and Evaluation
of the BNC cable, and the latter unit to the PC by means of the Two identical sources of sound S1 and S2 are at a distance of
RS 232 data cable. 2 d from each other and emit waves of the same frequency
For control of the goniometer, connect the socket underneath and phase perpendicularly to their connecting line (see Fig. 2).
the goniometer plate with the control unit. When the path difference r of the two waves at a point P is
To ensure proportionality between the input signals of the trans- an even multiple of the wavelength l, then the waves are sub-
mitters and their analog output signals, avoid operating the ject to constructive interference.
ultrasonic unit amplifier in the saturation range. Should such a Should r be an uneven multiple of l/2, however, then they
case occur and the OVL diode light up, reduce either the will interfere destructively with each other.
transmitter amplitude or the input amplification. It is purposeful The path difference is:
here to adjust the amplification at the zero position of the receiv-
er so that the OVL diode just no longer lights up. S S S
r  r1  r2 (1)
The reflecting mirror can remain but is then without any func-
5 Curves are to be recorded. With the Cal key of the control For r1 we have (cosine theorem):
unit pressed, position the swing arm at 0. Following this,
r1  2r2  d2  2 0r 0 0d 0 cos 1 S
r ,d 2
deactivate the Cal function. S

Use the software to set the range of swing of the receiver to

60. d2
cos 190  w2
1st Measurement (see Fig. 3): r 1 2 2 (2)
B r r
Operate the two transmitters in phase, with the TR 2 slide
switch set at 0.
2nd Measurement (see Fig. 4): d2 d
r 1 2 2 sin w
Operate the two transmitters in opposite phase, with the B r r
TR 2 slide switch brought to the 180 position.

Fig. 3: Interference pattern of two ultrasonic emitters operat- Fig. 4: Interference pattern of two ultrasonic emitters operat-
ing in phase. ing in opposite phase.

2 21519-15 PHYWE series of publications Laboratory Experiments Physics PHYWE SYSTEME GMBH & Co. KG D-37070 Gttingen
Interference of two identical ultrasonic transmitters 1.5.19

As r >> d, the term d2/r2 in the root can be neglected. This has the result that maxima are changed to minima and
minima to maxima. In particular, a minimum is always given at
d 0. For the evaluation of the extremes, equations (6) and (7)
r1  r 1  2 sin w  r  d sin w (3)
B r must now be used the other way round.
Table 1 lists both the 2w angles of the extremes determined
The second approximation in equation (3) is also purposeful. from Figs. 3 and 4, and also the wavelength values l calculat-
On squaring the right side of equation (3), it is found that both ed from Equations (6) and (7).
terms are only then approximately equal when (r2- 2dr sin w)
>> d2sin2w. This is fulfilled under the given conditions (r = Table 1:
55 cm, d < 10 cm and w < 60), however. S1 and S2 in phase; Fig. 3
Analogously, for r2:
Maxima Minima
r2 = r + d sin w (4) n 2w / l / mm 2w / l / mm
0 7.6 8.61
We thus have for the path difference:
1 14.9 8.43 23.0 8.64
|r| = 2 d sin w (5) 2 30.7 8.60 39.0 8.68

From which it follows for the angle of the maxima: 3 46.6 8.57 55.4 8.63
4 63.1 8.50 73.0 8.59
wmax  arcsin n ; n = 0, 1, 2, 3,.... (6) 5 81.7 8.50 92.7 8.55
6 102.3 8.44 118.3 8.58
In the direction of the middle axis (w = 0), both partial waves
always have the path difference null, so that an intensity max- S1 and S2 opposite in phase; Fig. 4
imum must always be given here.
The minima lie at the angles:
Maxima Minima
2n  1 l n 2w / l / mm 2w / l / mm
wmin  arcsin ; n = 0, 1, 2, 3,.... (7)
2 2d 0 7.6 8.61
1 23.0 8.64 15.4 8.71
Fig. 3 shows the interference pattern of two ultrasonic sources
which emit waves that are in phase and of the same frequen- 2 38.5 8.57 31.0 8.68
cy perpendicularly to their connecting line. The distance 3 55.0 8.57 46.9 8.62
between the two sources is d = 6.5 cm. As the central maxi-
4 72.2 8.51 64.0 8.61
mum does not usually lie exactly at 0, it is preferable to deter-
mine the angular distance 2w between two extremes that lie 5 91.5 8.64 82.5 8.57
symmetrically to the zero line from the measurement curve. 6 114.0 8.39 103.9 8.53
Fig. 4 shows the interference pattern of the two ultrasonic
sources when these are in opposite phase operation, i.e. with
a phase difference of p. The geometric path difference r is The mean value of the wavelength values listed in Table 1 is
now supplemented by the value of l/2. l = (0.857 0.081) cm.

Fig. 5: Interference pattern of two ultrasonic emitters operating in phase with each separately measured angular distribution of
the sound pressures of the sources S1 and S2 and presentation of their sums and differences.

PHYWE series of publications Laboratory Experiments Physics PHYWE SYSTEME GMBH & Co. KG D-37070 Gttingen 21519-15 3
1.5.19 Interference of two identical ultrasonic transmitters

The transmitter operates at a frequency of f = 40 kHz. From

c = f l (c = 343.4 ms-1 at T = 20C) it follows that, in com-
plete agreement with the experiment, l = 0.858 cm.
In Fig. 5, the interference curves of the sound pressure of the
two transmitters emitting in phase is again shown. In addition,
the sound pressure curves of each of the individual transmit-
ters S1 and S2 were also measured, and their intensity curves
are almost congruent. The sum of the sound pressures of S1
and S2 must be the envelope of the maxima of the interference
curves, and their difference must be the envelope of the min-
ima. This can be impressively confirmed by using the
Analysis function and then Channel modification for the
addition of curves calculated from (S1+S2) r (U2+U3) and
(S1-S2) r (U2-U3).
A true to scale presentation of the ordinate values is subse-
quently obtained, again with scale curves and fit collective-

4 21519-15 PHYWE series of publications Laboratory Experiments Physics PHYWE SYSTEME GMBH & Co. KG D-37070 Gttingen

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