Solar System Evolution
Solar System Evolution
Solar System Evolution
DOI 10.1007/s11038-006-9087-5
Abstract. The solar system, as we know it today, is about 4.5 billion years old. It is widely believed
that it was essentially completed 100 million years after the formation of the Sun, which itself took less
than 1 million years, although the exact chronology remains highly uncertain. For instance: which, of
the giant planets or the terrestrial planets, formed rst, and how? How did they acquire their mass?
What was the early evolution of the primitive solar nebula (solar nebula for short)? What is its
relation with the circumstellar disks that are ubiquitous around young low-mass stars today? Is it
possible to dene a time zero (t0), the epoch of the formation of the solar system? Is the solar system
exceptional or common? This astronomical chapter focuses on the early stages, which determine in large
part the subsequent evolution of the proto-solar system. This evolution is logarithmic, being very fast
initially, then gradually slowing down. The chapter is thus divided in three parts: (1) The rst million
years: the stellar era. The dominant phase is the formation of the Sun in a stellar cluster, via accretion of
material from a circumstellar disk, itself fed by a progressively vanishing circumstellar envelope. (2) The
rst 10 million years: the disk era. The dominant phase is the evolution and progressive disappearance
of circumstellar disks around evolved young stars; planets will start to form at this stage. Important
constraints on the solar nebula and on planet formation are drawn from the most primitive objects in
the solar system, i.e., meteorites. (3) The rst 100 million years: the telluric era. This phase is
dominated by terrestrial (rocky) planet formation and dierentiation, and the appearance of oceans and
Keywords: Star formation: stellar clusters, circumstellar disks, circumstellar dust, jets and outows; solar
nebula: high-energy irradiation, meteorites, short-lived radionuclides, extinct radioactivities, supernovae;
planet formation: planetary embryos, runaway growth, giant planets, migration, asteroid belt, formation
of the Moon; early Earth: atmosphere, core dierentiation, magnetic eld
Stars are not born in isolation, but in clusters. This is what astronomical
observations of our galaxy (the Milky Way) and other galaxies tell us. The
birthplace of stars are the so-called molecular clouds, i.e., vast, cold volumes
of gas (mostly molecular hydrogen and helium, and also complex organic
molecules, with so far up to 11 C atoms: see Ehrenfreund and Charnley, 2000
for a review). These clouds also contain dust grains (which include heavy
elements in the form of silicates, hydrocarbons, and various ices). The
masses of molecular clouds typically range from 106 to 108 Mx: in principle,
molecular clouds are suciently massive to form millions of stars. However,
somewhat paradoxically, molecular clouds do not naturally tend to form stars:
gravitation, which would tend to generate the free-fall collapse of molecular
clouds in less than 1 Myr,2 appears to be balanced by an internal source of
pressure which keeps them in gravitational equilibrium. The basic answer lies in
the study, in the radio range, of the velocity distribution in the gas. It can be
shown that this distribution corresponds to a state of turbulence, i.e., gaseous
eddies that exchange energy from the large scale (the size of the cloud) to the
small scales (cloudlets of size ~0.1 pc); smaller scales may be present but are
currently beyond the spatial capabilities of existing radiotelescopes. However, on
a large scale, it can be seen from mid- to far-IR observations (which have a better
spatial resolution than in the mm range), that molecular clouds are in fact
lamentary, but these laments are constantly moving, as attested by their
velocity distribution. Figure 3.1 shows a 100-micron image by the IRAS satellite
of the Orion molecular cloud complex, where dense and cold laments are
conspicuous. According to turbulence theories (and dedicated laboratory
experiments), energy is transferred from the large scales to the small scales. So the
question becomes: what drives the turbulence? Or, in other words, where does
the supporting energy come from? Current explanations are still debated. They
focus either on an external energy source like a neighboring supernova, or on an
internal feedback mechanism: as we shall see below (Section 3.1.2), young stars
drive powerful outows of matter (Reipurth and Bally, 2001), in such a way
How astronomers determine stellar ages is described in Chapter 2 on Chronometers
(Section 2.1).
Here we adopt the usual astronomical convention: 1 Myr = 106 years. This is exactly
synonymous to 1 Ma, as used for instance by geologists elsewhere in the article (where a
stands for annum).
Figure 3.1. The Orion complex. Left: image of the Orion nebula M42 in the visible domain (
Anglo-Australian Telescope). Background: far-IR image (100 microns) of the Orion complex,
by the IRAS satellite (1986), covering a very wide area (the angular scale is given). Note the
widespread lamentary structure of the giant molecular cloud. The bright spots are several
star-forming regions belonging to the same complex, the most active one being M42 (box).
that they inate the turbulence cells to keep the cloud from collapsing.
Nevertheless, energy is dissipated at the smallest scales, so that some form of
collapse is inevitable: the idea is that the smallest cloud structures, cloudlets
or prestellar cores, eventually collapse to form stars (e.g., Bate and Bonnell,
2004; Goodwin et al., 2004; Padoan et al., 2004).
Other arguments point to an important role of the interstellar magnetic eld.
In principle, a molecular cloud is by denition cold and entirely neutral, thus
cannot be inuenced by the presence of magnetic elds. But in practice, a
minute fraction of the gas (roughly 10)7) is ionized (electrically charged) by
ambient cosmic rays and also by hard radiation from young stars (UV and
X-rays, see Section The charged particles are tied to the magnetic eld,
and thus, through collisions with them, neutral particles are in turn inuenced
by it: this is called ambipolar diusion. In a way, ambipolar diffusion acts as a
dragnet through which neutral particles ow across magnetic eld lines. This
effect is quantitatively important: measurements of magnetic eld intensity
inside molecular clouds (via the Zeeman effect on molecular lines) show that the
gas pressure and the magnetic pressure are just about equal, with a difference of
at most a factor of 2 in either direction, depending on the clouds (e.g., Padoan
et al., 2004; Crutcher, 2005). This means that in reality we are probably dealing
with magnetically regulated turbulence: the ow of gas in turbulent cells is not
free, but is slowed down by magnetic elds and preferentially proceeds along
laments (e.g., Pety and Falgarone, 2003; Falgarone et al., 2005). In particular,
this means that, at the small scales, gravitational collapse proceeds either on a
short, free-fall time scale (typically ~104 years) if the magnetic eld is on the
weak side (magnetic pressure < gas pressure), or on a long, ambipolar diusion
time scale (which can reach several 105 years or more) if the magnetic elds is
suciently strong (magnetic pressure > gas pressure).
This picture, at least qualitatively, leads to the idea that molecular
clouds are stable, self-supported structures, but on the verge of gravita-
tional collapse. Depending on the intensity of the magnetic eld, star
formation may occur at many places in the cloud, perhaps in sequence,
within a relatively short timescale, of the order of a few 104 years locally,
a few 105 years to 106 years globally. One such global theoretical mech-
anism is called competitive accretion: stars form out of shocks within a
pool of colliding gaseous laments, where they compete to acquire their
mass as they move through the cloud (Bate and Bonnell, 2004, Clark et al.
2005; Figure 3.2). Pure gravitational collapse has also been advocated
(Krumholz et al., 2005).
Whatever the details of the various star formation mechanisms, the net
result is star formation in clusters. Molecular observations (Motte et al.,
1998), in the mass range between ~0.1 and 1 Mx, show that above 0.5 Mx
the core mass distribution and the observed stellar initial mass function
(IMF) are the same, which strongly suggests (but does not prove) that the
stellar mass distribution directly derives from the core mass distribution,
itself linked with the turbulent structure of molecular clouds. (The IMF is the
distribution of stellar masses at formation: it is observed to be a universal
law, expressed as dN*/dlogM* M*)1.5 for M* 0.5 Mx, where N* is the
number of stars in the mass range M*, M* + dM*; explaining it is one of the
hardest challenges for star formation theories: see Kroupa, 2002 for a
review.) Depending on a number of external conditions, such as the total
molecular cloud mass, the passage of a shock wave of a nearby supernova
explosion from the most massive stars (see below), etc., the high-mass end of
the IMF is observed to be cut-o at some value Mmax. Some clusters have
massive to very massive stars (Mmax up to several tens of Mx), others have
only intermediate-mass stars (Mmax = a few Mx at most), all the way to very
small masses (brown dwarfs, that are not massive enough to eventually
trigger nuclear reactions, M* < 0.08 Mx). Because of the observed univer-
sality of the IMF, a large Mmax implies a large number of stars, a small Mmax
implies a small number of stars. For example, star-forming regions like Orion
display stars up to 20 Mx or more, and contain altogether several thousand
stars, while others like Ophiuchus, Taurus, etc., do not go beyond a few Mx
and harbour only a few tens to a few hundred stars.
Once the stars are formed, what remains of the parental cloud, not yet
condensed into stars, is eventually dispersed, and the stars become optically
visible. At this point, the stellar cluster becomes free from its parent cloud,
and its evolution is regulated by dynamical eects in its own gravitational
potential, leading after a few tens of Myr to open clusters, then to a broad
dispersal of the stars in the galaxy (at typical velocities on the order of a few
km/s), much like a beehive, and thus to a loss of memory of how and
where they were formed individually.
The Sun probably has been one of such stars. The statistics of eld stars
(like the Sun today) vs. the number of stars in star-forming regions leads to a
probability argument drawn from observations: nearly 90% of solar-like stars
must have been born in clusters, of a few tens to a few thousand stars (Adams
and Myers, 2001).
1 UA = 1 Astronomical Unit = Sun-Earth distance = 150 million km.
To be complete, one should mention the recent work by Throop and Bally (2005), who argue
that dust grains actually grow into planetesimals under the coagulating eect of UV radiation,
hence that planet formation (see below, Section 3.2.1), is favored by evaporation. But even in
this case, the exposure to UV radiation must be ne-tuned for the whole system to survive.
Figure 3.3. Near-IR (2 microns) image of the center of M42, revealing the stars of the rich
Orion nebula cluster, and in particular the four central hot stars called the Trapezium,
which excite the nebula. The nebula is 450 pc away. The image is about 10 on a side, which is
250 000 AU. ( ESO, VLT-ISAAC, by M. McCaughrean.).
Figure 3.4. A tear in Orion. This is an evaporating circumstellar disk, 500 AU in diameter.
The central star is clearly visible. The bright spot is oriented towards h1 Ori C, the hottest star
of the Trapezium. The evaporating gas is shaped by the wind from this star ( NASA Hubble
Space Telescope: J. Bally, H. Throop, & C.R. ODell).
Figure 3.5. Left: The poor q Oph cluster in the optical range, hidden in a dark cloud of gas
and dust. It is located 150 pc from the Sun. (The bright stars at the bottom left is the
foreground star Antares, and the fuzzy spot to its right is the distant globular cluster M15. (
Anglo-Australian Telescope.) Right: Mid-IR image of the cloud core, revealing embedded
young stars and protostars invisible in the optical range (ISOCAM, Abergel et al. 1996).
Let us now zoom on the Sun as a forming star, which we shall assume
isolated for simplicity (knowing from above that it has to be isolated, at some
very early stage, from its cousins in a cluster of forming stars).
The knowledge of what we believe must have been the rst stages of
formation and evolution of the Sun, is drawn from a wealth of observations
of a multitude of star-forming regions that astronomers have been able to
Figure 3.6. A lonely, massive egde-on disk in the ourskirts of the q Oph cloud (circle). The
other disk-like object (dotted circle) is a distant galaxy ( ESO, VLT-ISAAC, Grosso et al.,
obtain. Nowadays, telescopes are being used both on the ground and in
space, covering almost all the electromagnetic spectrum, from mm
wavelengths, to X-rays, across the IR and optical domains. Depending on the
wavelength, it is possible to pierce the darkness of molecular clouds, and
see inside them to watch the hidden birth of solar-like stars, most
importantly in the IR to mm domains, and in the X-ray and gamma-ray
ranges (e.g., Ryter, 1996).
In almost every case, one is able to distinguish three main components,
which simultaneously evolve as star formation proceeds5 (see, e.g., Shu et al.,
1987; Andre and Montmerle, 1994; Andre et al., 2000, a summary and recent
references are given in Feigelson and Montmerle, 1999, and Montmerle,
2005: Figure 3.7). At the so-called protostellar stage, a vast, dense enve-
lope (1,00010,000 AU in radius) is detectable, and from the center emerges a
bipolar outow. The envelope is so dense that its interior is invisible even
at mm wavelengths; only its outer structure can be seen. It is now understood
that the seed of a new star is formed from matter accreted from the
envelope which rains on it under the pull of gravitation. The youngest
observed protostars have an estimated age of ~104 years: this estimate is
For a pioneering work, establishing (analytically!) the basic principles of early stellar evo-
lution, see Hayashi (1966).
Figure 3.7. A summary table of the various protostellar and stellar phases, with characteristic
timescales and basic observational properties. (From Feigelson and Montmerle, 1999).
rather uncertain, but is consistent with the number deduced from the
dynamical age of outows (= size/velocity), and from their small number
relative to their more evolved counterparts, like T Tauri stars (see below):
indeed, one nds roughly 1 protostar for every 100 T Tauri stars, aged
110 Myr.
At an age ~105 years, the envelope is much less dense, since most of it
has collapsed onto the disk. It becomes transparent at mm wavelengths,
revealing a dense disk (5001,000 AU in radius), from which the seed star
continues to grow. The source of outows become visible, in the form of
highly collimated jets originating close to the central star, conrming
earlier models in which molecular ourows consist of cold cloud material
entrained by the jet. (In fact, this jet-cloud interaction is believed by some
authors to be the main agent to sustain the turbulent state of the cloud:
this is the feedback mechanism mentioned above, see Matzner and
McKee, 2000.) At this stage is revealed the key three-component structure
that governs the physics of star formation: an outer envelope, an inner
accretion disk, and matter ejected perpendicular to the disk (Figure 3.8).
(The accretion disk probably exists from the start of collapse, but it
cannot be detected because of the opacity of the envelope at the earliest
Figure 3.8. Sketch of the structure of a protostar, zooming on the star-dik interaction region,
which is dominated by magnetic elds. This region is the seat of the accretionejection
mechanism, by which the majority of the disk mass becomes accreted to form a star at the
center, while the remainder is ejected. (From Feigelson and Montmerle, 1999).
Figure 3.9. Left: HST image of the T Tauri star HH30, showing its edge-on disk and jet. The
young Sun could have been such an object. Right: sketch of the theoretical magnetic structure
used to model the accretionejection mechanism (the background drawing is taken from
Ferreira et al., 2000). The star is an image of the magnetically active Sun, seen in X-rays by
the Yohkoh satellite (see Section
To be more specic, let us now zoom again, this time on the region very close to
the forming star, for instance a young T Tauri star, to which the primitive solar
nebula must have been comparable in its rst million years (Figure 3.9, left). A
rich interplay between observations and theory, over the last decade, results in
the following picture (e.g., Matsumoto et al., 2000; Shang et al., 2002; Ferreira
and Casse, 2004, and refs therein; see Figure 3.9, right). Both the star and the
disk are magnetized: (i) the star is surrounded by a dipolar magnetosphere
that surrounds it like a tire, with a closed, loop-like topology of the magnetic
eld; (ii) in contrast, the magnetic eld lines connected to the disk are open,
above and below the disk. Then a special distance, called the corotation ra-
dius Rc, is naturally dened: this is the distance at which the Keplerian (i.e.,
orbital) velocity of a disk particle rotates at exactly the same speed as the star.
(One could say, in analogy with the Earths articial satellites, that this is the
astrostationary orbit.) At distances r < Rc from the star, the intensity of the
magnetic eld is stronger than at Rc, and the magnetosphere rotates in a rigid
fashion, the eld lines being anchored on the stellar surface. At distances
r > Rc, the magnetic eld decreases rapidly and takes an open, spiral form as it
becomes tied to the disk. The point at Rc thus has a very particular magnetic
property: it is the border at which the magnetic eld topology switches from
closed (stellar component) to open (disk component). As such, it is also known
as the X-point (or more exactly the X-ring in three dimensions in view of
the assumed axial symmetry) because of its X-shaped magnetic conguration
(Shu et al. 1997).
The existence of the X-point (in a 2-dimensional cut) holds the key to the
majority of accretionejection theories. There are many discussions among
theorists about its exact status. For instance, it is not clear why the mag-
netically dened X-point (at a distance Rx which depends only on the mag-
netic eld intensity) should be exactly at the same location as the
gravitationally dened corotation radius Rc (which depends only on the
stellar mass and rotation velocity), in other words why should Rx = Rc. It is
not clear either that the X-point should be that: a point (or more precisely an
X-ring, in three dimensions), since this would mean that at Rx there must
be an innite concentration of magnetic elds lines, which is physically
impossible if matter is coupled to it (via some ionization, for instance due to
X-rays), etc. But most theorists (and observers) agree, at least qualitatively,
on the following general accretionejection picture, which will be sucient
for the purpose of this paper.
Because of its special gravitational and magnetic properties, seen in two
dimensions, the X-point de facto behaves like a Lagrange point (Figure 3.9,
right): (i) If a particle, initially located at this point, is pushed towards the
interior (r < Rx), it will start falling freely on the star under the pull of
gravity, along the corresponding rigid magnetic eld line: this is called
magnetospheric accretion. (ii) Conversely, if a particle is pushed outwards,
it will start following an open eld line, and the centrifugal force will push it
even further: this is how centrifugal jets are formed. Thus, the X-point is
Figure 3.10. Sketch of the tilted magnetic structure inside the disk of the T Tauri star AA Tau.
This sketch results from a study of the magnetic activity of the star, eclipsed by its warped
accretion disk seen nearly edge-on (From Bouvier et al., 1999).
photons and energetic particles. These particles will then mix to the disk,
holding specic scars from their passage near the X-ring. As explained in
Section 3.2.2, this is how some models explain the mysterious presence of
extinct radioactivities in meteorites. The path to planets: Astronomical timescale for the growth of dust
Now that a dense circumstellar disk is installed around the central star, it
must evolve: on the one hand, it continues (albeit at a lesser rate) to lose mass
at its inner edge (by way of magnetic accretion), on the other hand, grains
assemble via low relative velocity collisions to form larger, preplanetary
bodies. But how long does it last? Infrared observations of T Tauri stars,
which are sensitive to the presence of circumstellar material, show that disks
disappear on widely dierent timescales. Figure 3.11 (Hillenbrand, 2006),
which collects data from ~30 star-forming regions, shows that so-called
inner disks (i.e., regions warm enough to radiate are near-IR wavelengths)
are ubiquitous at young ages, and tend statistically to disappear after a few
million years only. Quantitatively, the fraction is consistent with 100% at an
age 1 Myr, and drops to less than 10% after 10 Myr, with some clusters
containing no disk at all. Actually, this low fraction of old disks is a lower
limit: mid-IR observations, which are sensitive to cooler disks, hence more
distant from the central star, show that in some cases, like the nearby g Cha
cluster, aged 9 Myr, the fraction of disks is closer to 4060% (resp. Megeath
et al., 2005; Lyo et al. 2003), suggesting that disks may live longer than
previously thought. However, at this stage the disk mass is found to be too
low to form even a Jupiter (10)3 Mx)or perhaps they have already done
soso that the general conclusion is that giant planets, if any, must have
formed on timescales signicantly shorter than 10 Myr.
Therefore, the disk era is a critical period for planet formation, tightly
constrained by astronomical observations. Submicron-sized dust particles
composing young and massive disks constitute the raw material from
which planets form. Tiny dust grains must coagulate to form large dust
aggregates, pebbles, and then larger rocky bodies (planetesimals) before the
dust disk becomes too tenuous. The formation of giant planets through the
core-accretion scenario also requires the formation of planetary cores
Figure 3.11. Disk fraction in young stellar clusters, as a function of their age. This fraction is
consistent with 100% at young ages (less than 1 Myr), then declines over a timescale of a few
Myr. After 10 Myr, with a few exceptions, all the disks around young stars have disappeared,
presumably because of planet formation (Hillenbrand, 2006). This puts strong constraints on
the formation of giant planets (which cannot be seen themselves).
before the disk has been mostly depleted of gas. A detailed investigation of
how dust grains grow into large planetary embryos is presently one of the
most important open questions, especially for the formation of the solar
system: this is discussed in detail in Section 3.2.4. Here we give a broad
outline of the results drawn from the study of circumstellar disks around
young stars.
A key conclusion is that the planet formation process is observationally
required to be both fast and common. The disappearance of circumstellar
disks in less than 510 Myr is actually interpreted as a direct consequence of
the formation of larger solid bodies decreasing the opacity and the dust
emission (Haisch et al., 2001; Carpenter et al., 2005; Hillenbrand, 2006).
Unless the circumsolar disk survived dissipation processes longer than usu-
ally observed for circumstellar disks, large solid bodies in the solar system
should have then formed within less than a few million years, which is a
major challenge for terrestrial planet formation theories.
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Figure 3.12. Left panel: observations of the dust ring about the GG Tau young binary system.
In order to properly interpret the almost wavelength-independent appearance of the ring, dust
settling toward the disk midplane must be taking into account in the models (middle and right
panels). Such images may be unveiling the vertical stratied structure of the disk (Duchene
et al., 2004). The cold gas component of the GG Tau ring world has also been observed in
the mm domain (Guilloteau et al., 1999).
mostly in the form of olivine (after its olive-green color). Their presence in
disks around young solar-like stars is thus expected, by analogy with the
solar system. But it is only recently that large fractions of T Tauri stars could
be spectrally studied thanks to highly sensitive infrared space telescopes such
as Spitzer (Figure 3.13). Silicates turn out to be ubiquitous in T Tauri disks in
Myr-old forming regions. But, interestingly, the strength and shape of their
emission features dier in many cases from those observed in the interstellar
medium, indicating signicant processing of silicates in young disks. As the
silicate features strongly depend on grain size, the presence in disk atmo-
spheres of dust particles several orders of magnitude larger than interstellar
grains provides a natural explanation to the observations. Silicate emission
features can thus be used as extremely valuable diagnostics of micron-sized
solid particles in disks, as demonstrated for instance by Kessler-Silacci et al.
(2006). Moreover, as the stars are fairly young (less than a few million years),
this indicates fast grain growth in disks.
Figure 3.13. Ten micron silicate features from dust disks around stars of various masses
(Natta et al. 2006). From left to right: Herbig Ae stars (HAe), a few times more massive than
the Sun), T Tauri stars (TTS), and Brown Dwarfs (BDs). Examples of theoretical silicate
emission features, based on their experimental optical properties, are dispayed in the extreme
right panel (Lab.Sil.). By comparing the shape and strength of these proles to the observa-
tions, one can infer the presence of large grains as well as the degree of crystallinity of the
See Chapter 2
general trends without being able yet to further constrain the main steps that
allow to go from sub-micron size grain to km-sized bodies, and this is a major
problem in particular for theories of the formation of the solar system
(Section 3.2.4).
Figure 3.14. The center of the Orion nebula cluster. Left: near-IR image (this is the same as
Figure 3.3). Right: corresponding X-ray image by Chandra (Getman et al., 2005). Note the
excellent identication between the IR and X-ray sources, demonstrating that all young stars
emit X-rays at levels much higher than the Sun.
Figure 3.15. Sketch of the X-ray irradiation of circumstellar disks. Note in particular the
emission of a neutral X-ray uorescence line at 6.4 keV, detected in several systems. The other
line, at 6.7 keV, is characteristic of a hot, X-ray emitting plasma, at temperatures of several
106 K. Note also the dense, neutral dead zone, which, according to some authors, would be
the most favorable to planet formation.
matter sticks to the magnetic eld via collisions between neutral atoms and
charged atoms (ions): this process, called ambipolar diusion, has already
been mentioned above in the context of star formation in molecular clouds
(Section 3.1.1). When this process is coupled with the Keplerian motion of all
atoms in a disk around the central object, it gives rise to a so-called mag-
netorotational instability, discovered by S. Chandrasekhar and extensively
studied by Balbus and Hawley (1991). This instability is invoked to explain the
strong viscosity of accretion disks, and thus regulates accretion itself (e.g.,
Fromang et al., 2004). One interesting consequence is that such strong viscous
coupling would not exist in the (neutral) dead zone, which would then un-
dergo accretion only if some other, non-magnetic mechanism for an ecient
viscosity were at work (which cannot be excluded). In fact, it has even been
suggested that such a protected, neutral region, of size ~20 AU, would be
favorable for planet formation (Glassgold et al., 2000; Matsumura and
Pudritz, 2006). Note, however, that the very existence of an extended dead
zone has been challenged by recent numerical computations, which take into
account turbulent motions within the disk, and which show that the neutral,
dead zone volume tends to mix with the surrounding, ionized material: in the
end, (weak) ionization probably dominates everywhere in the disk (Fleming
and Stone, 2003), although this study does not take grains into account, which
turn out to play an important role in the disk ionization (Ilgner and Nelson,
2006). Up to now, such a weak, but widespread ionization, which must also
aect the growth of dust grains since they would be electrically charged, has
not been taken into account in planet formation theories.
We now turn to the earliest stages of the solar system: the solar nebula, and
the so-called meteoritic record. While most of the extraterrestrial ux to the
Earth is in the form of micrometer size dust (20,000 tons of the so-called
micrometeorites par year), there are about 10 tons of meteorites of centi-
meter to meter size that fall on Earth every year. Most of these meteorites are
likely to come from the asteroidal belt situated between Mars and Jupiter.
Among meteorites, chondrites are primitive objects that have endured no
planetary differenciation. This is attested by:
(i) their mineralogical composition which reects accretion of compo-
nents formed at high temperature (the chondrules) and low temper-
ature (the matrix), components that were never homogenized
chemically and/or isotopically through melting and metamorphism,
(ii) their bulk composition which is similar to the photospheric abundances
of the elements in the Sun (Anders and Grevesse, 1989) and is thus
considered as primitive, i.e. reecting that of the forming solar system,
(iii) their age : they are the oldest rocks of the solar system, with a Rb/Sr age
of 4.55 Gyr (Wasserburg, 1987). (This early pioneering result is now
updated by more precise measurements: see below, Section
Figure 3.16. Fragment of the Allende meteorite, revealing (large white area in the bottom
right-hand corner) the so-called CalciumAluminium-rich Inclusions (CAIs), in which
evidence for short-lived, extinct radioactivities have been found.
See Chapter 2 on Chronometers (Section 2.2).
typical duration of these processes is most likely less than 1 Myr, so revealing
them requires further improvements in the experimental methods.
Of particular interest for cosmochemistry are the so-called extinct radio-
active nuclides, or short-lived radioactive nuclides, which have half-lives be-
low a few Myr. The ones which have been identied in meteorites up to now
are 7Be (T1/2 = 53 days), 41Ca (T1/2 = 0.1 Myr), 36Cl (T1/2 = 0.3 Myr),
Al (T1/2 = 0.74 Myr), 10Be (T1/2 = 1.5 Myr), 60Fe (T1/2 = 1.5 Myr) and
Mn (T1/2 = 3.7 Myr). The presence of excesses of their radioactive
daughter elements (e.g., positive correlation between 26Mg/24Mg and
Al/24Mg ratios for 26Al, see Figure 3.17) shows that these radioactive
nuclides were present in various amounts both in CAIs and in chondrules
when they formed. Because of their short half-lives, short-lived radioactivities
can be used to constrain very tightly timescales (McKeegan and Davis, 2003
and refs therein): for instance the 26Al/27Al ratio decreases by a factor of two
within 0.74 Myr. In this respect, 10Be, 26Al and 60Fe are of special interest
since they can (i) help constrain the chronology of the rst million years of
evolution of the solar system, and (ii) give nuclear clues to the astrophysical
context of the Suns birth.
Many measurements of the initial content of 26Al in CAIs have led to the
idea of a canonical ratio, 26Al/27Al = 4.5 10)5, that would have dened
the starting time t0 of the protoplanetary solar system (MacPherson et al.,
1995)which must not be confused with the starting time of the formation of
the Sun as a star, which in this context precedes t0 (see Section 2.5). CAIs are
particularly well suited for the determination of the 26Al/27Al ratios, because
since they are refractory objects they are enriched in Al relative to Mg. Less
numerous measurements in chondrules, which are less enriched in Al relative
to Mg and thus more dicult to analyze, suggest that chondrules formed
with 26Al/27Al < 1 10)5 (Mostefaoui et al., 2002). Assuming an homoge-
neous distribution of 26Al in the solar nebula, this yields a ~23 Myr age
dierence between CAIs and chondrules. This timescale has long been con-
sidered as the characteristic timescale of the solar nebula as determined by
chondrite data. If true, such a long duration for the high temperature pro-
cesses in the accretion disk implies that CAIs and chondrules must have been
in some way stored in the nebula for 23 Myr before being accreted to-
gether to form the chondrites.
At this point it is important to stress that this so-called chronological
interpretation of the 26Al/27Al variations relies entirely on the assumption
mentioned above, which is very strong: the existence once in the early solar
system of an homogeneous distribution of 26Al (Gounelle and Russell, 2005).
This assumption is far from being proven and very dicult to demonstrate in
fact, simply because one would need very precise independent absolute ages
for dierent objects to be able to test the homogeneity of their 26Al/27Al
ratios. It could in fact well be that the dierence in the initial content of 26Al
Figure 3.17. Variations in CAIs and chondrules of the Mg isotopic compositions (given as
Mg/24Mg in the upper panel, or as the permil 26Mg excesses noted d26Mg* in the bottom
panel) due to the radioactive decay of short-lived 26Al (which decays to 26Mg with a half-life of
0.7 Myr). These data show that 26Al was present in the early solar system and that its
abundance (given as 26Al/27Al ratios) can be used to constrain the chronology of the for-
mation of CAIs and chondrules. A canonical 26Al/27Al ratio of 4.5 10)5 has been found by
in situ ion microprobe analysis in most CAIs (data from Podosek et al., 1991, in the upper
panel). Supracanonical 26Al/27Al ratios recently found in CAIs are shown by a grey eld (data
from Young et al., 2005 and Bizzarro et al., 2004) in the bottom panel. In this panel, the
details of the distribution of 26Mg excesses in chondrules (data from Galy et al., 2002; Bizzarro
et al., 2004; Chaussidon et al., 2006) is not yet well understood : it can be interpreted as
reecting either the formation of some chondrules very early (i.e. at the same time than CAIs)
or a late formation of chondrules in the nebula from a mixture of precursors including CAI
between chondrules and CAIs is due in part to spatial heterogeneities in the
solar nebula. Predictions can be made on the existence of such an hetero-
geneity depending on the nucleosynthetic origin of 26Al, either last minute
injection from a nearby massive star or supernova, or production by irra-
diation processes around the early Sun (see next subsection). Note also that
the picture has recently been complicated by results from the Oxford-UCLA
laboratory (Galy et al., 2002; Young et al., 2005) who showed that the
canonical ratio of CAIs might be due to a resetting event of an initially higher
ratio of 7 10)5, and that chondrules might have formed with an initial
Al/27Al ratio signicantly higher than 1 10)5. The high 26Al/27Al ratios
inferred for some chondrules can indicate that they formed very early (Biz-
zarro et al., 2004) or be simply due to the fact that they contain an inherited
CAI component (Galy et al., 2002).
Recently, high precision data on Pb isotopes (U/Pb dating system) have
been obtained on CAIs and chondrules (Amelin et al., 2002), providing
absolute ages of the chondrites components. CAIs have ages ranging from
4567.4 1.1 Myr to 4567.17 0.70 Myr, while chondrules have ages rang-
ing from 4564.66 0.3 Myr to 4566.7 1 Myr. This conrms that the solar
nebula could have lasted for several million years, and question the idea that
all chondrules formed 23 Myr after CAIs. Most recent Pb data seem to
indicate that a range of ages do exist for chondrules, from nearly as early as
CAIs to a few Myr later.
Figure 3.18. Variations in one Allende CAI of the 10B/11B ratios vs. the 9Be/11B ratio (data
from Chaussidon et al., 2006). The isochrone-type correlation demonstrates that short-lived
Be (which decays to 10B with T1/2=1.5 Myr) was present in the early solar system. The same
CAI contains traces of the in situ decay of short-lived 7Be (T1/2=53 days). Radioactive 10Be
and 7Be can be produced in the early solar system by irradiation processes around the Young
Sun (Chaussidon and Gounelle, 2006).
of the fact that the Orion Nebula Cluster currently contains no supernova,
the 1.809 MeV gamma-rays from the decay of 26Al have been detected by the
GRO satellite, as a signature of past supernovae from massive stars exca-
vating the nearby so-called Eridanus superbubble (Diehl et al., 2004). Present
supernovae, on the other hand, have been found by the RHESSI and
INTEGRAL satellites, by way of the 1.173 and 1.333 MeV emission of 60Fe
in the Cygnus region, which hosts the most massive stars in the Galaxy
(Harris et al. 2005). On the other hand, for the presolar core the values of Dt
and f are loosely constrained since some arbitrary mass cut in the supernova
ejecta has to be invoked for the calculated abundances to be in agreement
with observations in meteorites (Meyer, 2005), and neglects the preceding
contribution of the precursor massive stars. It is thus troubling that the
irradiation model, which takes into account the enhanced stellar energetic
particle ux deduced from X-ray observations, should be able to account for
the 26Al/27Al ratio in CAIs independently from the possible existence of a
At this point, it should be noted that, as early as 25 years ago, Montmerle
(1979) identied about 30 massive star-forming regions which were, based on
various observational criteria, tentatively associated with supernova (SN)
remnants. These special regions, dubbed SNOBs (for OB associations
or molecular clouds observed to be associated with supernovae) were at the
time searched in connection with the identication of high-energy gamma-ray
sources. For our purpose, this sample can be taken as examples of the reality
of supernovae exploding in the close vicinity of young stars. It also shows
that only a small fraction of all OB associations are in this situation at any
given time. An illustration of the complexity of the problem is given, again,
by the Orion star-forming region.
In 1895, E.E. Barnard discovered a faint, almost exactly (half-) circular
ring in the outskirts of Orion, spanning several degrees in the sky. This
spectacular structure, now known as Barnards Loop, is shown in Fig-
ure 3.19. It is readily visible in the Ha line of ionized hydrogen. Its exact
nature is still uncertain: proposed to be a supernova remnant by Opik back in
1935, recent radio observations (Heiles et al., 2000) have shown that the
emission is thermal, i.e., radiated only by an ionized gas, just like HII regions
around young stars. The idea then is that this ring has been created by winds
from the Belt stars (not the Trapezium; the Belt stars are the conspicuous
stars visible with the naked eye on clear winter nights, see Figure 3.19). But it
is also possible that the traditional radio signature of supernova remnants,
i.e., the nonthermal emission from high-energy electrons accelerated at the
shock front, is somehow buried in a more intense thermal emission a
classical dilemma in supernova remnant identications. In either case,
however, kinematics indicate that Barnards Loop must have originated
about 3 106 years ago close to the Orion nebula.
Figure 3.19. Barnards Loop surrounding the Orion nebula, seen in Ha. It is unclear whether
this extended structure is a the remnant of a supernova explosion or an ionized shell created by
stellar winds from the Belt stars, but kinematical studies give it an age of 3 106 years.
(Photograph by E. Mallart).
Figure 3.20. Age distribution in four mass ranges for stars in the Orion Nebula Cluster (Palla
and Stahler, 1999). The dotted line indicates the estimated age of Barnards Loop, 3 Myr. For
stars of mass close to 1 Mx, less than 40% are older than 3 Myr and may have been
contaminated by short-lived nucleosynthetic products of a supernova explosion, provided
Barnards Loop is a supernova remnant, which is still unclear.
there was such an explosion. The presence of 60Fe in the early solar system
would then not be the rule, even in an Orion-like birthplace.
In the end, and as discussed in the introductory sections, the birthplace of
the Sun is still an unresolved question, although the birth of the Sun in a rich
cluster seems to be favored by stellar statistics. To understand whether the Sun
was born in a high-mass environment like Orion, or in a low-mass environ-
ment like q Ophiuchi or Taurus has however important implications not only
for the astrophysical conditions for the Suns birth itself, but also for the
chronology of the early solar system. Indeed, depending on their origin, short-
lived radionuclides were or were not homogeneously distributed in the solar
nebula. Usually short-lived radionuclides are expected to be homogeneously
distributed if coming from a supernova and heterogeneously distributed if
originating from in situ irradiation by energetic particles. This comes from the
fact that supernova material must be largely volatilized in the HII region and
homogeneously mixed in the accreting disk where it is injected, though there is
at present no denitive observation demonstrating whether a fraction of the
supernova ejecta cannot be in the form of solid grains (Hester and Desch,
2005). At variance, irradiation models based on X-ray are observations and
the X-ring picture (Gounelle et al., 2001; 2004; see above, Section 1.3)
predict possible variations in the production rate of short-lived radionuclides
depending on parameters such as the uence of the accelerated particles, their
composition and the composition of the irradiated target. Irradiation, how-
ever, might also produce rather constant radionuclide abundances if charac-
teristic time scales and compositions are considered for the irradiation. It is
obvious that identifying the source of 26Al and other short lived nuclides
would provide a long-needed basis for the chronological use of these elements.
One could think of solving this problem by looking at young stars with
circumstellar disks, in which particle irradiation is actually taking place as
seen in X-rays, making use of the fact that, as mentioned above, 26Al decays
by the emission of 1.8 MeV gamma-rays, and is thus observable elsewhere
than in the solar system by gamma-ray telescopes such as GRO. The cal-
culation has been done by Montmerle (2002): taking into account that
gamma-ray telescopes have a very wide eld-of-view (several degrees in
diameter), when pointed at a star-forming region they will integrate the ux
of a whole star-forming region, i.e., several hundred young stars at the same
time. As it turns out, even under the most optimistic assumptions the
1.8 MeV ux is undetectable, and dominated by the general 26Al emission in
the Galaxy, which is most conspicuous in massive star-forming regions be-
cause of successive supernova explosions (see Diehl et al. 2006).
In summary, while the presence of 60Fe in CAIs shows that the forming
solar system has been at least polluted by a nearby supernova, it is not clear
whether this supernova has been responsible for the other extinct radioac-
tivities, including 26Al.
aggregates, and compact them. When the grains reach a size of about a
centimeter, they begin to rapidly sediment onto the median plane of the disk
in a time
Tsed R=qp Xa qv=qp X2 a
where R is the nebula surface density, q is its volume density, v is the r.m.s.
thermal excitation velocity of gas molecules, qp the volume density of the
particles, a is the radius, and X is the local orbital speed of the gas (Goldreich
and Ward, 1973; Weidenschilling, 1980). Assuming Hayashis (1981) minimal
nebula (minimal mass solar composition nebula, with surface density R
proportional to r)3/2, containing materials to create the planets as we know
them), one gets
Tsed 103 =a years
where a is given in cm. This timescale, however, is computed assuming a
quiet, laminar nebula. If the nebula is strongly turbulent, or strongly per-
turbed from the outside or by the ejection of jets in the proximity of the star,
the sedimentation can become much longer.
Once the dust has sedimented on the mid-plane of the nebula, the clock
measuring the timescale of planet accretion starts eectively to tick. Thus, the
time t0 for planetary accretion is not the time t0 usually used in stellar for-
mation theory (start of the collapse of molecular cores) or the time t0 of
cosmochemists (the formation of the rst CAIs, see above, Section
Linking the various times t0 together is one of the major problems in
establishing an absolute chronology for the formation of the solar system. In
addition, notice that Tsed above depends on the heliocentric distance r. This
means that time t0 is dierent from place to place in the disk!
The growth from dust grains to kilometer-size planetesimals is still
unexplained. There are two serious issues that remain unsolved. The rst
issue concerns the physics of collision between such bodies at speed of order
10 m/s (typical collision velocity for Keplerian orbits with eccentricity
e ~ 10)3), which is still poorly understood. For dust grains, current theories
predict that collisions are disruptive at such speeds (Chokshi et al., 1993).
However, recent laboratory experiments on collisions between micrometer
size grains (Poppe and Blum, 1997; Poppe et al., 2000) give a critical velocity
for accretion (velocity below which grains accrete, and above which they
fragment) 10 times larger than predicted by the theory. The reason is prob-
ably that the fractal structure of the dust allows to absorb energy much better
than envisioned a priori. This may help solving the fragmentation paradox
for dustdust collisions. When the agglomeration of dust builds larger bod-
ies, though, the problem of collisional disruption becomes much more severe.
Laboratory experiments cannot be done at this size range and one has to
DV ~ 5055 m/s, and the particles radial velocity induced by the gas drag is
then of order 10100 m/s (Weideschilling, 1977). So meter-sized particles
should fall on the Sun in ~1001,000 years, i.e., before they can grow massive
enough to decouple from the gas.
One way out of this paradox is to have a density of solids larger than that
of the gas. In this case, the growth timescale would be faster than the radial
drift timescale. However, such a composition is not supported by observa-
tions nor by current theories.
Another possibility is the existence of vortices in the protoplanetary disk,
due to the turbulent viscosity of the nebula (Tanga et al., 1996). In this
model, 7090% of the particles are trapped in anti-cyclonic vortices. Once
trapped, the particles do not fall any more towards the Sun, but rather fall
toward the center of the vortex. Such falling timescale varies from a few
tens to a few thousand years, depending mainly on the size of the particle
and on the heliocentric distance (which increases all dynamical timescales).
Once at the center of the vortex, particles dynamics are stable over the
lifetime of the vortex. Their relative velocities are reduced (particles tend to
follow the gas stream lines, so they all tend to have the same velocity) and
the local density is increased, enhancing the accretion process. Therefore,
vortices would help the accretion of kilometer-size planetesimals in two
ways: by stopping the drift of meter-sized bodies towards the Sun, and by
speeding up the accretion process due to the accumulation of the bodies at
the centers of the vortices.
Which of these two possible situations is the real one, profoundly aects
the formation timescale. If there is no way to slow down the fall of growing
planetesimals towards the Sun, then the formation of a multi-km object has
to occur in about a few 1,000 years, probably by gravitational instability. If,
on the contrary, the turbulence of the disks is an eective obstacle to the
inwards drift, then the formation of planetesimals can take much longer. To
add confusion (reality is never easy), it is likely that while the rst plane-
tesimals are building up, new dust is settling on the midplane or drift in from
further heliocentric distances. So, dierent planetesimals can see dierent
times t0. In other words, even if the formation of a planetesimal is locally
very fast, the formation of a population of planetesimals can be ongoing for
much longer.
Figure 3.21. A simulation of the runaway growth process for planetary embryos. In a disk of
equal mass planetesimals, two seeds (planetesimals of slightly larger size) are embedded. As
time passes, the two seeds grow in mass much faster than the other planetesimals,, becoming
planetary embryos (the size of each dot is proportional to its mass). While the growing
planetary embryos keep quasi-circular orbits, the remaining planetesimals have their eccen-
tricities (and inclinations) excited by the close encounters with the embryos. Notice also that
the separation between the embryos slowly grows in time (i.e. passing from one panel to the
subsequent one). From Kokubo and Ida (1998).
rate of the embryos gets slower and slower as the bodies grow, and the
relative dierences in mass among the embryos also slowly become smaller.
In principle, one could expect the small bodies themselves to grow, narrowing
their mass dierence with the embryos. But in reality, the now large relative
velocities prevent the small bodies to accrete with each other. The small
bodies can only participate to the growth of the embryos: this phase is called
oligarchic growth.
The runaway growth phase happens throughout the disk, with timescales
that depend on the local dynamical time (Keplerian time) and on the local
density of available solid material. This density will also determine the
maximum size of the embryos and/or planets when the runaway growth ends
(Lissauer, 1987). Assuming a reasonable surface density of solid materials,
the runaway growth process forms planetary embryos of Lunar to Martian
mass at 1 AU in 105106 yr, separated by a few 10)2 AU. Beyond the so-
called snow line at about 4 AU, where condensation of water ice occurred
because of the low temperature, enhancing the surface density of solid
material, runaway growth could produce embryos as large as several Earth
mass in a few million years (Thommes et al., 2003).
To account for these constraints, the best current models for the formation
of Jupiter and Saturn assume a three-stage formation (Pollack et al., 1996):
(1) the solid core accretes as explained in the previous section; beyond the
snow line, the surface density of solid material is enhanced by a factor of
several, due to the presence of ice grains. This allows embryos to grow to
about 10 ME on a timescale of a million years (Thommes et al., 2003).
(2) The accretion of the solid core slows down (see above), while a slow
accretion of nebular gas begins, due to the gravity of the core. The gas
accretion continues at a roughly constant rate over many million years,
until a total mass of 2030 ME is reached;
(3) When the mass of the protoplanet reaches ~2030 ME the gas gravita-
tionally collapses onto the planet. The mass of the planet grows expo-
nentially and reaches hundreds of Earth masses in ~10,000 years: this is
the runaway phase. (Figure 3.22)
The model explains well the properties of Jupiter and Saturn, in particular
the existence of solid cores of about 515 Earth masses. There are however
four main problems in the above scenario, which have not yet been solved.
Figure 3.22. The growth of a Jupiter-mass planet. The solid curve gives the mass of metals as a
function of time. The dotted curve gives the mass of the gas, and the dash-dotted curve the
sum of the two, as a function of time. Notice that the growth of the solid core of the
planet almost stalls after the rst 0.5 Myr. During a ~7 Myr timespan, the planet slowly
acquires an atmosphere, and, only when the total mass overcomes a critical threshold, a nal
exponential accretion of gas is possible. The timescale characterizing the slow accretion of the
gas depends on the opacity of the atmosphere. From Pollack et al. (1996).
(I) When the planetary core reaches a mass of several Earth masses, its
tidal interaction with the gas disk forces it to migrate very rapidly towards
the Sun. (This is called Type-I migration). The estimated falling time is
much shorter than the time required for the onset of the exponential accre-
tion of the massive atmosphere. Thus, giant planets should not exist! Two
ways out of this paradox have been proposed.
The rst is that the gas disk was violently turbulent. In this case, the
planetary cores would have suered a random walk, rather than a monotonic
infall towards the star (Nelson, 2005). Some would have collided with the star
even faster than in the absence of turbulence, but others could be lucky
enough to avoid collisions for a time long enough to start phase 3 above.
A second possibility (Masset et al., 2006) is that the gas disk surface
density had a radial discontinuity. For instance, the inner part of the disk
could be depleted by a factor of a few by the ejection of material in the polar
jets, typical of young magnetically active stars (Section 3.1.3). If such a
discontinuity exists, the planetary core would migrate towards the disconti-
nuity, and stop there until the atmosphere is accreted.
(II) The second phase of giant planet accretion (the slow accretion of the
atmosphere, prior to the onset of the runaway growth of the giant planets
mass) is also a problem, as it takes about 1015 Myr, longer then the typical
nebula dissipation time (Haisch et al., 2001; Hillenbrand 2006) (see above).
To shorten the timescale of the second phase, two solutions have been pro-
posed: to have an enveloppe of reduced opacity (Podolack 2003), or the
migration of the planet, which continuously feeds the growth of its core
(Alibert et al., 2005).
(III) The end of the exponential gas accretion is not yet fully understood.
Most likely the growth of the giant planets is slowed down when a gap is
opened in the gaseous disk, and is nally stopped when the nebula is dissi-
pated by photo-evaporation from the central star. If this is true, then the full
formation timescale of Jupiter and Saturn is of the order of the lifetime of the
gas disk, namely of a few Myr. For Uranus and Neptune, it is generally
assumed that the nebula disappeared before that the third phase of accretion
could start. This would explain why these two planets accreted only a few
Earth masses of gas.
(IV) The last problem is that, at the end of stage (III) above, the giant planets
open a gap in the gas disk. Consequently they become locked in the radial
evolution of the disk. As the disks material tends to be accreted by the star, the
giant planets have to migrate inwards. This migration, although slower than
that discussed above for the cores, is nevertheless quite fast. (This is the so-
called Type-II migration.) It is usually invoked to explain the existence of
hot Jupiters, massive extra-solar planets that orbit their star at distances
smaller than the orbital radius of Mercury. But in our solar system this kind of
migration evidently did not happen, or at least did not have a comparably large
radial extent. Again, two solutions to this problem have been advanced.
The rst possibility is that Jupiter and Saturn formed suciently late that
the disk was already in the dissipation phase. Thus, the disk disappeared
before it could signicantly move the planets. In addition, this solution has
the advantage of explaining why Jupiter and Saturn did not grow further in
mass and why their massive atmospheres are enriched in heavy elements
relative to the solar nebula composition (e.g., Guillot and Hueso, 2006).
A second possibility is that Jupiter and Saturn formed almost contem-
poraneously and on orbits that were close to each other. In this case, the gaps
opened by the two planets in the disk would have overlapped (Masset and
Snellgrove, 2001). This would have changed dramatically the migration
evolution of the planets pair, possibly stopping or even reversing it. Of course
the two solutions imply dierent formation timescales. If the planets stopped
because the gas disappeared, the fact that Jupiter and Saturn did not migrate
signicantly implies that their formation timescale is of order of the nebula
dissipation time (310 Myr; Hillenbrand 2006). In the opposite case, they
might have formed even faster.
Finally, to be complete, a model of giant planet formation alternative
to that of Pollack et al. has been proposed by Boss (see Boss, 2003 and ref-
erences herein). In this model, the proto-planetary gas disk was massive
enough to be unstable under its own gravity. In this situation, gaseous planets
can form very rapidly, by a process that reproduces in miniature the one that
led to the formation of the central star. There is no need of the presence of a
massive solid core to trigger the capture of the giant planets atmosphere. In
this sense, Bosss model may bring a solution to the timescale problem related
with the Pollack et al. model, discussed above. There is a still open debate in
the literature on whether the clumps of gas observed in numerical simulations
of gravitationally unstable disks are temporary features or would persist
until the disks dissipation. For the case of our solar system, the presence of
massive cores inside all giant planets, and the limited amount of gas in Uranus
and Neptune, make us think that the Pollack et al. model is more appropriate.
It is possible, however, that some or several of the extra-solar planets observed
so far formed through a gravitational instability mechanism.
After a few 105 years of runaway growth, the embryos in the terrestrial planet
region and in the asteroid belt region have Lunar to Martian masses. They
govern the local dynamics and start perturbing each other. The system be-
comes unstable, and the embryos orbits begin to intersect (Chambers and
Wetherill, 1998). Because of mutual close encounters, the embryos dynam-
ical excitation (increase of eccentricity and inclination) moderately increases,
and accretional collisions among embryos start to occur. The situation
drastically changes when Jupiter and Saturn acquire their current masses.
These two planets strongly perturb the dynamical evolution of the embryos
in the asteroid belt region between ~2 and 5 AU. The embryos acquire a
strong dynamical excitation, begin to cross each other, and cross rather
frequently the orbits of the embryos in the terrestrial planets region. The
collision rate increases. Despite the high relative velocity, these collisions lead
to accretion because of the large mass of the embryos.
The typical result of this highly chaotic phase simulated with several
numerical N-body integrations is the elimination of all the embryos orig-
inally situated in the asteroid belt and the formation a small number of
terrestrial planets on stable orbits in the 0.52 AU region in a timescale
~100 Myr (Figure 3.23).
This scenario has several strong points:
Figure 3.23. The growth of terrestrial planets from a disk of planetary embryos. Each panel
shows the semi-major axis and eccentricity of the bodies in the system, the size of each dot
being proportional to the mass. The color initially reects the starting position of each em-
bryo. When two (or more) embryos collide, the formed object assumes the color corre-
sponding to the embryo population that has mostly contributed to its total mass. A system of
four terrestrial planets, closely resembling our solar system, is formed in 200 Myr. From
Chambers (2001).
(i) Planets are formed on well separated and stable orbits only inside
~2 AU. Their number typically ranges from 2 to 4, depending on the
simulations, and their masses are in the range Mars mass Earth mass
(Chambers and Wetherill, 1998; Agnor et al., 1999).
(ii) Quasi-tangent collisions of Mars-mass embryos onto the proto-
planets are quite frequent (Agnor et al., 1999). These collisions are
expected to generate a disk of ejecta around the proto-planets (Canup
and Asphaug, 2001), from which a satellite is likely to accrete (Canup
and Esposito, 1996). This is the standard, generally accepted, scenario
for the formation of the Moon (see below, Section 3.2)
(iii) The accretion timescale of the terrestrial planets is ~100 Myr. This is
compatible with several constraints on the chronology of accretion
coming from geochemistry (Allegre et al. 1995). On the other hand,
HfW chronology seems to indicate that the formation of the Earths
core occurred within the rst 40 Myr (Yin et al., 2002; Kleine et al.,
2002). This might suggest that the Earth accretion was faster than it
appears in the simulations. However, if the cores of the embryos are
not mixed with the mantles during the collisions as indicated by
SPH simulations (Canup and Asphaug, 2001) this timescale would
measure the mean dierentiation age of the embryos that participated
to the formation of the Earth, and not the time required for our planet
to accrete most of its mass.
(iv) All the embryos located beyond 2 AU are eliminated in 2/3 of the
simulations (Chambers and Wetherill, 2001). They either are
dynamically ejected from the solar system, or collide with the Sun, or
are accreted by the forming terrestrial planets.
(v) In the same time, the small planetesimals are subject to the combined
perturbations of the giant planets and of the embryos (Petit et al.,
2001). The dynamical excitation increasing very rapidly (timescale 1
2 Myr), most of the small planetesimals are eliminated in a few million
years by either the ejection from the solar system, or the collision with
the Sun or with a growing planet. In the asteroid belt (24 AU range),
this leads to a remaining population of small bodies (the asteroids) on
stable orbits with quite large eccentricities and inclinations, which
contains only a very small fraction of the total mass initially in the
region. This scenario explains well the current mass decit of the
asteroid belt, the eccentricity and semi-major axis distribution of the
largest asteroids and other more subtle properties of the asteroid belt
population, such as the partial mixing of taxonomic types.
However, this scenario of terrestrial planet formation suers from some
(i) The nal orbits of the planets formed in the simulations are typically
too eccentric and/or inclined with respect to the real ones. This could
be due to the fact that the current simulations neglect the so-called
phenomenon of dynamical friction, namely the effect of a large pop-
ulation of small bodies, carrying cumulatively a mass comparable to
that of the proto-planets. Dynamical friction should damp the
eccentricities and inclinations of the most massive bodies.
(ii) Obliquities of the terrestrial planets should have random values.
However in reality, only one planet has a retrograde spin (Venus).
Moreover all planetary obliquities are compatible with an initial 0-
degrees obliquity, modied by the subsequent evolution in the
framework of the current architecture of the planetary system (Laskar
and Robutel, 1993).
(iii) The planet formed in the simulations approximately at the location of
Mars is typically too massive.
As explained above, the currently accepted model for the Lunar formation is
that of a giant impact occurring during the formation of the Earth. The
current view of terrestrial planet formation implies several giant impacts, and
impacts with an angular momentum similar of that of the EarthMoon
system are not rare, particularly during the end of the accretion process
(Agnor et al., 1999). Simulations of a Moon-forming impact have been done
since 1986, using SPH simulations. The most advanced, recent high-resolu-
tion simulations have been done by Canup and Asphaug (2001) and Canup
(2004a). A very detailed review on the Moon formation can be found in
Canup (2004b).
In the SPH simulations, three critaria has been used to judge the degree of
success: the formation of a circumplanetary disk with about a Lunar mass
outside of the Roche radius of the Earth, a mass of iron in the protolunar
disk that is about 10% of the total mass (the fraction present inside the
Moon), and a total angular momentum of the Earth-disk system of order of
that of the current EarthMoon system. In essence, in case of an early
formation of the Moon, when the proto-Earth was only 60% of the current
Earth mass, the impactor needs to be of about 30% of the total mass (proto-
Earth + impactor). If the impact is late, the impactor can be of about 10%
of the total mass, namely of order of the mass of Mars. The authors privilege
the late impact scenario, because otherwise the Moon would have accreted
too many siderophile elements after its formation, assuming that it accreted
about 10% of the mass that is required to collide with the Earth to complete
the Earths formation and a chondritic compostion of such material.
The dierentiation of the Moon can be dated using the HfW chro-
nometer, and turns out to have occurred at about 40 Myr after CAI for-
mation (Yin et al., 2002; Kleine et al., 2002). Thus, if the Moon-forming
impact was the last one (or close to the last one), the Earth formed (i.e.,
received its last giant impact) in a similar timescale. If on the contrary, the
Moon-forming impact was an early one, the formation of the Earth might
have taken longer. The HfW chronometer seems to indicate an age of 40 My
also for the dierentiation of the Earth, but in this case the interpretation is
less straightforward because, in case there is little equilibration between the
core and the Mantle during the giant impacts, the overall mechanical
accretion process of the Earth could have taken signicantly longer (Sasaki
and Abe, 2004).
In the SPH simulation of the Moon-forming impact, about 80% of the
material that ends in the proto-lunar disk comes from the impactor, rather
than from the proto-Earth. The Moon and the Earth have a very similar
composition under many aspects (for instance the oxygen isotopic compo-
sition is identical). The logical interpretation is then that the proto-Lunar
impactor and the proto-Earth had very similar compositions (and identical
oxygen isotope composition). This however seems in conict with the results
of N-body simulations of the accretion of terrestrial planets. These simula-
tions show that a planet forms by accreting material in a stochastic way from
isotopic fractionation took place, and that there are several escape processes
for the atmosphere that have been demonstrated to isotopically fractionate
noble gases. Among these, there are the thermal loss, in which the velocity of
a given isotope is higher than that of another given isotope, allowing the
former to escape at a larger rate, and the pick-up ion loss in which atoms at
the top of the atmosphere are ionized during charge transfer from solar wind
ions, light isotopes being statistically more prone for such ionization. Hence
it is convenient to dene an epoch at which the atmosphere became closed to
further loss into space.
During at least the rst tens of Myr of its existence, while the Sun was still
on its way to the main sequence, the Earth was subject to large-scale igneous
(volcanic) events, during which the proto-mantle exchanged volatile elements
with surface reservoirs. It is likely that a primitive atmosphere existed at this
time, but any chemical record of it has been erased owing to the high thermal
state of the Earth evidenced by core formation and magma ocean episodes.
Records of atmospheric processes at this time cannot be found directly at the
Earths surface at Present. The record of extinct radioactivity systems in
which parents dier from daughters by their respective volatilities give strong
clues on the timing of terrestrial dierentiation and the early cycle of volatile
elements. Noble gases are chemically inert and their isotopic composition can
only be modied by kinetic fractionation, or mixing with nucleosynthetic
components, or through nuclear reactions including extinct radioactivity
Xenon, the heaviest stable noble gas, is of particular interest because some
of its isotopes are the radioactivity products of three dierent decay systems
covering contrasted time intervals. Iodine is a volatile element for which
one isotope, 129I decays with T1/2 = 15.7 Myr to 129Xe. During terrestrial
magma ocean episodes, xenon, which has presumably a higher volatility than
iodine, was degassed preferentially to it. The amount of 129Xe in the atmo-
sphere, in excess of the non-radiogenic xenon composition, corresponds to a
closure interval of about 100 Myr (Allegre et al., 1995). Put in other
words, only a tiny fraction of radiogenic 129Xe has been retained in the
atmosphere, showing evidence that the atmosphere was open to loss in space
for at least several tens of Myr. The terrestrial mantle has kept even less
Xe. Heavy xenon isotopes e.g., 136Xe, are produced by the spontaneous
ssion of 244Pu (T1/2 = 82 Myr) so that the combination of both chro-
nometers allows one to date the closure of the terrestrial mantle at
6070 Myr (Kunz et al., 1998). This age could be interpreted as averaging
the period during which the magma ocean episodes declined enough to
quantitatively retain is volatile elements. Notably, heavy Xe isotopes are also
produced by the spontaneous ssion of 238U which decays with a half-life of
4.45 Gyr, so that it is possible to compute closure ages based on
Pu238U136Xe. Results indicate a closure age of about 400600 Myr
present, the isotopic composition of tungsten is dierent from the solar one
as recorded for example in undierentiated meteorites.
In pioneering attempts to use this chronometer, no dierence in the
tungsten isotopic composition was found between carbonaceous chondrites
(the most primitive meteorites found so far) and terrestrial silicates, leading
the authors to conclude that the last global HfW dierentiation of the Earth
happened after all 182W decayed, in practice 60 Myr after the start of solar
system condensation t0 (Lee and Halliday, 1995). More recently, dierences
between chondrites and the Earth have been found (Kleine et al., 2002; Yin
et al., 2002), implying a mean metalsilicate dierentiation of 30 Myr for the
Earth if terrestrial dierentiation was a single and global event, with a pos-
sible range of 1150 Myr for more realistic accreting conditions. A collision
between a Mars-sized object and a growing proto-Earth is consistent with the
unique EarthMoon angular momentum. Numerical models for such a giant
impact indicate that the proto-Earth was severely disrupted while material
from the proto-mantle and the impactor spiraled at high temperature and
formed the Moon (see above, Section 3.3.2). It is therefore logical, even if it
has not yet been demonstrated, to ascribe to this collision the last global
dierentiation between metal and silicate recorded in the HfW system.
Recent tungsten data for lunar basalts indicate a 182W anomaly for the lunar
mantle, interpreted as record for dierentiation at 45 4 Myr (Kleine et al.,
2005). These authors proposed that this age represented the end of magma
ocean episodes on the Moon.
The earliest record of a geomagnetic eld dates back to the Archean (Hale
and Dunlop, 1984; Yoshihara and Hamano, 2004), some 1 Gyr after the
formation period. The terrestrial magnetic eld has a major role in pre-
venting solar wind ions to interact extensively with the top of the atmosphere,
and create isotope fractionation of atmospheric elements by pick-up charge
exchange. It also tends to preserve the surface of the Earth from cosmic-ray
bombardment that are lethal for the development of organic chemistry.
However, there is no evidence for the existence of magnetic eld induced by
the geodynamo during the rst Gyr.
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