Marx On Classical Antiquity
Marx On Classical Antiquity
Marx On Classical Antiquity
P d e l i s Lekas
Pdelis Lekas
The text of the thesis is less than 80,000 words. The dissertation is
the result of my own work and includes nothing which is the outcome of
work done in collaboration.
To apply the ideas of the present time to distant ages, is the
most fruitful source of error. To those people who want to
modernise all the ancient ages, I shall say what the Egyptian
priests said to Solon, "0 Athenians, you are mere children".
general model arises from the fact that this very model is severely
weakened when Marx engages in the study of particular precapitalist
societies; for what the latter reveals is an affinity between the many
diverse precapitalist types that makes the discontinuity between
capitalism and its predecessors all the more problematic. And this is so,
because the acceptance, however indirect or implicit, of such a radical
discontinuity is fundamentally at variance with the presuppositions of a
uniform historical causation.
These are, very roughly, the reasons that make the choice of Marx's
K,J " views" on classical antiquity as the background of analysis ideal for the
purposes of the present study. The exegetical character of the latter
cannot be overemphasised though; the dissertation remains, throughout, an
attempt to interpret Marx by means of Marx himself. This is why much
attention is paid to the scrupulous observance of the distinction between
exegesis and substance, because of the full appreciation of the danger of
falling into the trap of confusing the two. It is for this reason that
references to non-Marxian works are included strictly for the purposes of
illustrating, either by elaboration or by contrast, particular points made
or alluded to by Marx, or in order to understand more fully a particular
observation of his. This qualification does not pertain merely to
historical writings of non- or extra-Marxist scholarship, but also to the
views of Engels (hence the separate Appendix too) and of subsequent
Marxists, even when these happen to converge totally with those held by
Marx. This also explains the strict adherence to the terminological
practice of referring to the views directly attributed to Marx himself as
'Marxian', while reserving the adjective 'Marxist' for the ideas of
professed followers of Marx.
Three last points about the text are in order. Firstly, references to
Marx and Engels are made by the titles of their works, while all other
references are indicated by the author's name and year of publication of
the work concerned; this distinction is also reflected in the Bibliography
which lists Marx's and Engels' works separately. Secondly, emphases in
quotations are all in the original, unless otherwise indicated. And,
Marx maintains, in the 1859 Preface, that "The mode of production of the
material life conditions the social, political and intellectual life
process ingenerai" [op.cit.:181 ]. And, also, that:
[1] Also: "[Men's -PL] material relations are the basis of all their
relations" [Marx to Annenkov:31 ].
[2] On the terminological ambiguity of the verb bedingt in the original
German, and its vicissitudes in English translations (either as
"condition" or as "determine"), see Rader [1979:1 5-6],
[33 Cf., also, Engels's formulation, according to which "the economic
structure of society always furnishes the real basis, starting from
which we can alone work out the ultimate explanation of the whole
superstructure of juridical and political institutions as well as of
the religious, philosophical, and other ideas of a given historical
period" [Anti-Dhring:37J.
nature of their combination, it is firstly necessary to clarify the
respective contents of the specifically Marxian concepts, namely forces,
relations and mode of production.
to provide the essential conceptual means for the analysis of real
societies, i.e. of concrete social formations.
apeak, every historical society into a mode of production. But it seems
that modes of production represented and were used as heuristic devices
through which Marx could approach the complex phenomena of empirical
social life in a series of successive approximations. In their capacity as
non-arbitrary concepts, then, modes of production can be correctly
characterised as "determinate abstractions" [Colletti, 1972:8],
constructed with a view to the analysis of concrete social formations.
t' ,^, Social forms are thus distinguished from each other by the particular
KJ v. g. mode of production dominant in them. And modes of production are in turn
W r-
* \* ^_ differentiated by their determinate relations of production] It should be
pointed out, however, that, although the principle for the differentiation
of modes of production is generally provided by the nature of the
production relations characteristic of each one of them, it is not always
the same aspect of those relations that serves as the operative criterion
for such a differentiation to take place. There are instances, for example,
in which Marx opts for the manner of appropriation of the surplus product
and tJie^^orr^sjicjiding-XDrm^ of surplus labour as the
guiding principle of d^fjrentiation:
For the moment, though, let us first go back to the constitution of the
mode of production. As we have seen, the latter is composed by the
articulated combination of forces and relations of production. This
statement alone, however, does not convey much about the dynamism of their
relationship. What is, then, that necessitates the transition from one mode
of production to another, that accounts for the transformation, in other
words, of a society from one dominated by one mode to another in which a
different one is prevalent? How does Marx explain the change from one
economic structure, one set of production relations, to the next and, by
extension, since iLs,~tiie~-economic structure that forms the basis of]'*
every society, the historical development.of. social_ fOrms?
rapidly transformed [1859 Prefaced 81 -2]. [11]
There exists ample textual support for the Dialectic of Forces and
Relations of Production in Marx's general pronouncements on historical
development. Thus, as early as 1845-6, it is the forces that_are taken to
determine the result of the contradiction between them and production
And, at roughly the same period in his career, Marx reasserts both the
independent developmental tendency of the forces of production and their
And also:
Jin the social production of their life, men enter into definite
/relations that are indispensable and independent of their will,
J relations of production which correspond to a definite stage of
/ development of their material productive forces [1859
I Preface:! 81 ]. [17]
longer contain productive growth results inevitably in a ruptural
break [18] which is invariably decided in favour of the productive forces.
The latter acquire a new set of relations appropriate to their development
and a new equilibrium is established on a higher level, only to be itself
eventually disturbed. -'
[18] "The contradiction between the productive forces and the form of
intercourse, which, as we saw, has occurred several times in past
history, ..., necessarily on each occasion burst out in a revolution";
and, inversely, "all collisions in history have their origin, ..., in
the contradiction between the productive forces and the form of
intercourse" [German ideology:62]. I .
the (economic) relayons and; consequently the social, moral and
political state of nations change^ with the, .change in the
material--powers of. , product!QA^.w.X.Theories of Surplus-Value
[19] The use of the term 'functional' here is merely intended to denote the
character of the logic on whiqh the explanation of historical change
due to the incompatibility or 'dysfunctionality' of elements is based
[cf., also, Cohen, 1978:160-3, 278-96]. The clarification is necessary
because the unspecified usage of the term may give rise to the
erroneous idea that stability and permanence are the norm and change
the exception - a notion which does not, of course, apply in Marx's
case [cf. Hobsbawm, 1972:275].
become incompatible with the forces, continue 30 forever? Why
3hould not economic progress come to a stop? Why should there
not be economic and eocial stagnation?
time. They are th^reforeKUXncap.abl.e. of, effecting, any, change, by_ ..themslyjs,
since their role in developmental terms is solely defined by their
relationship to the productive forces,. [20] Whatever their own internal
contradictions may be, they are not seen as containing within themselves
the condition for their solution; the latter is provided by the 'reality'
of the tendency of the forces of production to develop independently. But
the rejection of the possibility that the relations of production might
contain a major developmentalj>capay^...of their own brings us backto the
original presupposition; namely, that it is in the nature of the productive
forces alone to develop throughout history. Thus the determinant supremacy
of the forces is logically necessary once it is to the productive forces
alone that an inherent developmental capacity has been attributed; in the
scheme of the Dialectic of Forces and Relations of Production, the Primacy
Thesis can only follow upon and be sustained by the precedence of the
Development Thesis.
It is to the latter, then, that we must turn our attention. What are the
reasons behind the adoption of thenDevelopment Thesis)by Marx? Why was it
that Marx chose to define the forces of production as the fundamental
propellent of historical development? Or, to put it another way, what are
the implicit presuppositions underneath* his ascription of ontological
supremacy to the producj:iy-e.--f-0rce3? The answer to these questions seems to
lie in the Marxian conception of the meaning of human history as one that
is embedded in the continuous struggle of man with_the natural world. [21]
The process of material production which is fundamental to the explanation
of historical development is regarded by Marx as the most important
manifestation of human activity^, whereby man.comes._ into ,, contact not only
with his fellow men,but, also with the forces of nature:
^Productive activity/, labour, is, for Marx,
[22] "whatever historical conditions [men -PL] live in, [they -PL] see
themselves confronted with a world of things which cannot be
transcended and which they must appropriate in order to survive"
[Schmidt, 1971:63], cf., also, Oilman [1971:82].
he must do so in all social formations and under all possible
modes of production. With his_development, this realm of physical
necessity expands as a result of his wants; but, at the same
time, the forces of production which satisfy .these wants also
increase [Capital 111:820].)
the characters who appear on the economic stage [a3 - PL] merely
personifications of economic relations; it is as the bearers of
these economic relations that they come into contact with each
other [Capital I;179].
[27] Engels, too, thinks of this realm of freedom in similar terms, as the
stage at which "the whole sphere of the conditions of life which
environ man, and which have hitherto ruled man, now comes under the
dominion and control of man, who for the first time becomes the real,
conscious lord of Nature, because he has now become master of his own
social organisation" [Socialism: Utopian and Scientific:436]. Cf.,
also, Schmidt's [1971:13] characterisation which manages co bring
epigrammatically together the two interrelated aspects of socialism;
the latter is defined as the state in which the "mastery by the whole
of society of society's mastery over nature" is achieved.
working instruments and the advance of technology, the more economical use
of raw materials, and the overall growth in social productivity. In the
long-drawn process towards these ends, capitalism stands out as the last
phase precisely because it brings to a close man's struggle "for" the
subjection of the external world. v
Men never relinquish what they have won, but this does not mean
that they never relinquish the social form in which they have
acquired certain productive forces._0n the contrary, in order
that they may not be deprived of the results attained and
forfeit the fruits of civilisation, they are obliged, when the
mode of carrying on commerce no longer corresponds to the
[1] "An unfolding model- is one which treats social change as the
progressive emergence of traits that a particular type of society is
presumed to have within itself from its inception" [Giddens,
assumption that society is propelled forward by the growth of the
productive forces. This growth results, as we have seen, in the
accumulation of the productive achievements in each particular epoch
until the point is reached when the density, quantity, power and newly
generated requirements of productive growth can no longer be accommodated
by the existing relations of production and a change of the whole socio-
economic structure bcoraes necessary. The underlying assumption of the
explanation of historical change is therefore to be found in the immanent
propellent properties of the forces of production which tend to grow and
expand throughout time.
of the endogenous character of development that the notion of change as a
natural, continuous and orderly process is derived. This is so since every
variation or transformation can be traced back to and explained by the
entity's own internal developmental capacities. The 'closeness' of the
unfolding model to the impact of external interferences is, then, the first
of the symptomatic effects of its reliance on endogenous assumptions. What
is regarded as 'extraneous', i.e. what is excluded from such a frame of
reference, may of course vary considerably between different theories of
development; as a rule, so will vary accordingly the degree of
imperviousness of a particular theory to exogenous considerations. These
differences aside, though, models of an endogenous character are primarily
noted for the manner in which they relate the two sets of factors (i.e.
'internal' and 'external') and credit them with differential theoretical
value. As Smith's general observation on endogenous theories points out:
[2] Also: "the environment is treated as a quarry from which the relevant
stimulus or catalyst ... is carried off, torn out of its context and
injected into the system" [Smith, 1973:151].
environment. Now, although there is no explicit mention of this in the 1859
Preface, it follows that productive forces grow and thereby transform
society by continuously striving towards the mastery of a nature which is
found at hand, fixed and unalterable. This is the implication of the
predication of the development of the productive forces "in the womb" of
society as the propellent of historical change; the continuous growth of
the forces of production is directed towards the conquest of and control
oyer .the. given-material environment. Such a conception does of course make
the postulated interaction [Stoffwechsel] between man and nature, which is
at the basis of Marx's definition of production [cf. Capital 1:290 above],
appear quite one-sided. It is however the impression which Marx's general
theory of history gives and which, for that reason, has resulted in the
demotion of the geographical factor as a variable of development in
Marxist orthodoxy [cf. Matley, 1966:101-2 and Sawer, 1977:128-9]. [3] And it
is this one-sided relationship that, as already mentioned, gives rise to
the assumptions of the natural and continuous character of historical
development. Yet it is precisely those assumptions that are open to both
theoretical and empirical objections in general. There is no need to dwell
on those at length apart from pointing out what is the most notable hiatus
in the endogenous logic.
This fundamental weakness often gives rise to an eclectic use of
historical material so that the presumed endogeny of development can be
explicated. It is in those cases of the superimposition of a prefabricated
theoretical matrix which truncates historical evidence that the
conceptual inadequacies of the endogenous logic are felt most accutely. As
we shall see in Part II, Marx largely eschews this particular pitfall in
most of his historical studies by the distinction between the abstract
concept of mode of production and the concreteness of specific social
formations. Even so, the slackness in its application as well as the
underlying endogenous assumptions do not entirely absolve him of
eclecticism in his use of historical material, as is evinced by his
'silences' on societies of a syncretic structure (especially the
Hellenistic world) which may be interpreted as symptomatic of his overall
endogenous posture. [4]
The problem would perhaps be meritting little attention were it not for
the broader question of developmental typologies and its implications. The
typology of a particular developmental theory is the juncture at which a
whole range of related conceptual problems are combined and may therefore
be identified more easily. It is because of the centrality of typologies
(hierarchies of forms, sequences of stages, etc.) within a developmental
framework that their characterisation as "the single most distinctive
aspect of the theory of social evolution" [Nisbet, 1969:168] is justified.
Their existence is precisely aimed at the explication of the endogenous,
continuous and, as we shall see in a moment, cumulative character of
development and this inevitably involves varying degrees of selectivity
and generalisation. It is at this point that the superficiality of any
analogy between them and taxonomies in natural science is revealed. One
has, therefore, to approach the often-aired parallelism between the two
with extreme caution:
collision. [6] Finally, the distinction is analytically useful because it
helps to elucidate the role the conception of change performs within the
broader developmental framework of a particular theory. This role is
specified by the fact that the conception of change aims at exemplifying,
as it were, the central underlying assumptions about development (i.e.
endogenous, orderly, continuous and cumulative) by addressing precisely
the crucial point at which all those assumptions are supposed to surface -
namely, the point of change. _-*-:
The question that arises, then, is where this distinction can be drawn
in the case of Marx's general theory of history. The latter predicates that
historical development is a process characterised by the growth of the
productive forces. This process can be 'captured', so to speak, at
particular moments specifiable by the set of production relations that
accompany productive growth. The transformations that occur from a society
dominated by one mode of production to another are, in turn, explained by
the particular conception of change as the result of the growing
contradiction between relations and forces. The causation of change is
thus provided by the pattern of relative harmony, disruption and
restabilisation on a higher plane of the correspondence between those two
sets of factors. The eventual outcome of each major dysfunctionality is
decided in favour of the forces of production which discard outmoded
production relations that inhibit their growth and select relations that
are suitable for the furtherance of that growth.
change within a developmental theory; or, in other words, what are the
theoretical conditions of the existence of such, a conception. The answer
to this is not as straightforward as it may appear. For we have to eearch
for it in the core attribute of developmental logic, namely that history
is perceived as an orderly process of immanent and endogenous growth. The
very intelligibility of history, i.e. the idea that history has a meaning
that is possible to decipher, is geared to, indeed entirely dependent on,
the conviction that history is governed by orderly development generated
from within. In other words, for change to have taken place, for the
process of history to have unfolded, it is required that this process
takes the form of a continuous and ordered endogenous development. Thus, in
Marx's model, human history is, as we have seen, identified with the growth
of the productive forces which represents man's struggle to liberate
himself from and conquer nature.
to another, in the sense that each stage/form in the series transmits to
its successors the accumultded achievements of its own and its
predecessors. This cumulative or incremental aspect is the direct
consequence of the assumed continuity of development, a development, that
is, which remains throughout endogenous, i.e. 'sealed off from
theoretically significant external interferences. The incremental
attribute of the endogenous paradigm is expressed in the fact that the
structure of the developmental series is distinctly hierarchical; and it
is such in the sense that the various stages or forms, although homologous
in their common susceptibility to the same causation, are themselves
distinct and classified in an ascending order, with 'higher' forms
representing developmental advancements and following on 'lower'
forms. [8]
[8] And inversely: "Each moment of this process is new in the sense that
it possesses new characteristics, or new combinations of known
characteristics; but unique and unrepeatable though it is, it
nevertheless follows from the immediately preceding state in
obedience to the same laws ..." [Berlin, 1973:57].
development should be raised. Taken to the Marxian model, this means that
it is the degree of growth of the productive forces enveloped by a
particular set of production relations that serves as the measure of
development; and that, inversely, the hierarchy of forms (i.e. of particular
economic structures, of particular sets of production relations) is
established on the basis of the index of their respective level of
productive growth. [9]
How are we to explain this paradox of capitalism being, on the one hand,
the 'summation of human prehistory', without, on the other, this being
construed in an eschatological manner? The answer is to be sought not only
in what capitalism is seen to 'conclude^; but also in what its predicted
supers.ession is taken to 'inaugurate^namely, the dawn of a form of social
organisation free of social conflict. This is because capitalism i3
regarded as laying down the material requirements of its socialist
successor by effecting a tremendous increase in the productive capacity of
society to such a point that all restrictions imposed upon man by natural
necessity can be shaken off. By ensuring the material prerequisites for
social reproduction to the full, what capitalism does is to lay down the
conditions for man's emancipation, both from nature and from exploitation
by his fellow men. It is when the forces of production have reached that
point in their growth that antagonistic relations become redundant (i.e.
social divisions become unnecessary and superfluous) and socialism can
emerge. In the previous chapter we saw that Marx's overall conception of
human history is based on the idea of man's progress in his continuous
struggle to liberate himself from natural necessity. But "all progress
must be defined in terms of goals, that is in teleologica! terms"
[il] Cf., also, Kolakowski's comments that "Marx constantly regarded the
historical process from the point of view of the future liberation of
mankind" and that "in Marx's view history as he knew and analysed it
derived its meaning not from itself alone but from the future that
lay before mankind" [Kolakowski, 1978:348 and 371, respectively].
[12] Towards the end of his life, while studying the possibilities of a
socialist transformation in the non-capitalist world, Marx seems to
have begun to vacillate over the question of the necessary precedence
of socialism by capitalism. This apparent indecisiveness comes
through in the three drafts he prepared for a reply to a letter from
Vera Zasulich in 1881 (see Bibliography).
[13] Apart from the quantitive condition (i.e. the growth of the
productive forces) capitalism also furnishes the qualitative
conditions that are necessary for the emergence of a higher, non-
antagonistic form of social organisation. The latter include the
unification of the direct producers into a collectivity as
necessitated by capitalist relations of production [cf. Capital
1:468-9 and Communist Manifesto:*^], the imposition of disciplined
procedures in the process of production, the concentration of wealth
which facilitates the collective appropriation of and control over
the means of production, etc
resolved in the emergence of socialism. It is in that sense, then, of a
telos-in-alienation' that capitalism stands out. as the summation of the
process of development in Marx's general historical model.
State:559]. [14]
unproductive as these four hundred years [i.e. the Dark Age -PL]
appear to have been, they, nevertheless, left one great product
behind them: the modern nationalities, the refashioning and
regrouping of West European humanity for impending history
[15] Teleological reductions of this sort can be traced back to Hegel who
argued in a similar vein: "Progress appears as an advancing form from
the imperfect, to the more perfect; but the former must not be
understood abstractly as only the imperfect, but as something which
involves the very opposite of itself - the so called perfect - as a
germ or impulse" [Hegel, 1944:57].
forward its successor in the prescribed developmental manner by-
concentrating on the overall direction of development. [16]
[17] Cf., also, Hobsbawm [1964:19-20] and Rodinson [1966:98] who stress
that what interested Marx in his preoccupation with the past was the
discovery of those conditions that made possible the emergence of
capitalism in Western Europe. The point is developed more extensively
in Parts II and III.
characterise or govern the telos that become 'universalised'; the degree,
in other words, to which these principles are uniformly applied to and
projected back onto past history, so as to account (in the "one sided
manner" that Marx anticipates) for the process leading up to the telos. To
particularise the question on Marx's general historical schema, the
problem that arises is the extent to which the Base/Superstructure Model
and the Dialectic of Forces and Relations of Production are held as
universally, valid; the extent in other words, to which they are held
capable of explaining not only the structure of capitalist society, but of
all previous forms.
aforementioned four problematical areas, the mode of presentation follows
for the sake of simplicity, conventional temporal lines. It begins with
critical look at the position of classical antiquity in Marx'i
periodisation schemes and a review of the Marxian literature on the
emergence of antiquity, continues with the discussion of the compie
problems arising out of its structure and internal development, and ends
with an account of its dissolution. The central questions outlined above
reappear, under the guise of different forms, in almost all the various
moments' of the history of antiquity, albeit of course with different
degrees of emphasis at each point. Thus, for example, the chapter on the
constitution of the ancient relations of production is primarily
concerned with the problem of the structural morphology of classical
society, while the chapter on its internal development addresses mainly
the question of the theoretical adequacy of the Dialectic of Forces and
Relations of Production, and the chapter on its dissolution challenges the
endogenous and cumulative assumptions about historical development. Such
an organisation has the possible disadvantage that certain Marxian
passages, relevant to more than one of the problematical issues we are
concerned with, have to be discussed more than once.
A last note concerns the problem of the emergence of the ancient world
which is not treated systematically by Marx, but only by Engels in his
Origin which is supposed to follow Marx's notes on the subject. Since,
however, the present analysis'focuses chiefly on Marx's conception of the
classical world, Engels's particular account of its emergence is discussed
separately in the Appendix.
The sources from which a picture of Marx's ideas on the classical world
can be drawn constitute themselves a major difficulty. This is so because,
although Marx referred to antiquity on many occasions, this was rarely for
its own sake. Rather, his aim was to explain and, by means~of*~contrast, put
into relief particular features of capitalist society, the comprehension
of which was the main objective of his scholarly work. The result of this
is that Marx's views on the ancient world are to be discovered in his
various attempts at historical periodisation in which classical antiquity
occupies a central place in the genealogy of capitalism (e.g. The German
Ideology,Grundrisse), and in the form of numerous obiter dicta on antiquity
scattered throughout his writings for the purpose of illustrative
contrasts with bourgeois society.
[1] Even in the case of the Grundrisse, which provides the major source
for Marx's observations on antiquity, there can be no question of
regarding it as an elaborate theoretical account of the historical
problems of the ancient world since it is composed, by Marx's own
admission, by "monographs, written at widely varied periods, for my
own clarification and not for publication" [cited in Hobsbawm,
essential features remained the same throughout his writings" [Padgug,
1975:853. A certain coherence can indeed be discerned among the various
insights into ancient society Marx provides us with; a coherence on the
basis of which an analytical framework for the study of antiquity can be
constructed. Of course, were this to be translated into something more
nearly approaching historiography, it would require much greater attention
to phenomena that Marx treated very insufficiently or even ignored
completely. This is why the present discussion sets off from the
recognition that what lies before it is a series of largely abstract and,
at times, even simplistic generalisations which avoid a large array of
problematical issues in the history of the ancient world. This is also why
every assertion about the literature, every mention of phenomena not
directly raised by Marx but relevant to the understanding of his views,
and every use of secondary sources and works of classical scholarship for
the purposes of illustration will inevitably need to be hedged about with
[2] The political and polemical aspect of Marx's and Engels's concern
with historical and anthropological problems is discussed more
extensively later on. Suffice here to say that their attempt at
tracing the genealogy of capitalism and identifying anterior forms
of social organisation was also motivated by their desire to
demonstrate, by means of historical argumentation, the transient and
non-eternal character of a social order of whose limitations they
were convinced and whose downfall they were actively involved in
serious knowledge of primitive societies", and this mainly because of the
relative absence of contemporary anthropological material. Harris
[1969:227] goes further by maintaining that Marx was not well acquainted
even with contemporary evidence and research and that, in the case of
primitive communal ism in particular, "Marx's knowledge of Ethnography had
still not advanced much beyond that of Turgot or Rousseau". [3] A
significant step towards the amelioration of his relative ignorance of
anthropological issues was taken towards the end of Marx's life when he
seized the opportunity furnished by Morgan's Ancient Society to redress
his neglect of the primitive world. It was his copious notes on Morgan (but
also on Phear, Main, Lubbock, Kovalevsky and Maurer) [4] that provided, of
course, the main source and inspiration for Engels's later writing of the
[3] Harris even extends his argument to include Marx's knowledge of all
pre-feudal societies in general, the Marxian analysis of which he
finds "highly schematic, superficial and disorganized" [Harris,
1969:227]. The same is confidently asserted by Mayo [1970:199] too,
who dismisses Marx's knowledge of precapitalism in general arguing
that "only Marx's ignorance of the ancient and medieval worlds
enabled him to make his simple generalizations about them."
[4] Edited and with an introduction by Krder [1972]. It is at that time
that precapitalist societies per se become a central concern of
Marx's, a shift of interest closely connected with his new strategic
and political orientations (see ch. 2, note 16).
[5] Ste.Croix [1981:55-6] has gone so far as to assert that Marx's
classical reading and, in particular, his close study of Aristotle's
Politics had had a "seminal influence" on his idea of the centrality
of class struggle in history.
his works; a compilation of major classical authors who appear in
different contexts in Marx's writings includes no less than twenty names
[cf. Ste.Croix, 1981:21]. His extensive reading and erudition [6] also
included a fairly broad familiarity with contempory classical scholarship
and, in particular, with the works of Grote, B'ustel de Coulanges, De la
Malle, Mommsen and Niebuhr. -.
[6] On the breadth of Marx's reading in general, cf. the study by Prawer
his inattention to historical detail [7] with the view of deducing the
gist of his arguments and identifying the points at which these diverge
from his overall scheme of history.
[7] Among the most important historical issues that remain unmentioned
and unproblematised in Marx's historical writings are: the
conventional and readily accepted typification of Athens and Rome as
the main representations of the ancient world (e.g. the use of Athens
as the prototype of the city-state which disregards the problem of
uneven development in the Greek world); the lack of a detailed and
sustained discussion of Greek and Roman imperialism; the total
neglect of the Hellenistic Age; the inadequate reference to the
dissolution of antiquity and the passage to feudalism in Western
Europe; and the absence of any discussion of the problem presented by
the continuation of antique structures in the Eastern Roman Empire
(i.e. Byzantium).
joint work mainly of polemic and didactic popularisation. [8] Here the
mechanism of change is closely connected to the direct impact that the
uninterrupted class struggle exerts on history, since "the history of all
hitherto existing society is the history of class struggle" [op.cit.:35].
Accordingly, all reference to the "tribal stage" is dropped and the first
type is represented by classical antiquity (in its developed form, i.e.
"the slave society of antiquity") which precedes feudalism and bourgeois
In the 1859 Preface the Germanic and Slavonic types disappear but the
Asiatic type is retained without, however, its distinctively alternative
(to antiquity) character being retained. Thus, a prima facie reading
identifies Asiatic society as placed in a linear continuum before the
classical ancient type: "In broad outlines Asiatic, ancient, feudal and
modern bourgeois modes of production can be/ designated as progressive
epochs in the economic formation of society" [op.cit.:l82].
[8] This character of the Communist Manifesto does not of course exclude
it from the framework of analysis, since, as Lefort [1978:617]
observes, "the problematics of history which it outlines roughly are
also to be found - at times implicitly, at times explicitly - in
Marx's great theoretical works."
[9] And especially that part " of it entitled Formen die der
Kapitalistischen Produktion vorhergehen [Grundrisse:471-514] which
was first published in English witn an introduction by Hobsbawm
Lastly, in Engels's Origin [1884], although there is no explicit mention
of a periodisation model, there are references only to the communal,
antique and feudal systems, with the Asiatic type being dropped 'modo
tatarico', to use Wittfogel's expression.
These are, very briefly, the various phases of periodisation. The main
distinction is between, on the one hand, those of the writings prior to the
Grundrisse (plus Engels's Origin) in which class society is presumed to
pass through the successive stages of antiquity, feudalism and capitalism
(i.e. the unilinear model); [10] and, on the other, the Grundrisse model
whose major innovation is the inclusion of the Asiatic form as an
alternative path of development. It is in the context of this distinction
that the issue of Europocentrism will be raised, so that the place of
classical antiquity can be subsequently evaluated and its theoretical
implications explored.
[11] The phrase was coined by Moore [1960: 811] to describe this tendency
in most developmental theories of change.
[12] "The term unilinear is used here ... not in its technical sense,
indicating an unbroken curve oft a graph, but rather to convey the
idea of a single, universally occurring sequence" [Sawer, 1977: 73n].
Cf., also, Habermas [1979: 139] who sees the unilenear model as
setting down the "necessary, uninterrupted, and progressive
development of a macrosubject" [emphasis omitted].
has followed in the West, namely capitalist society. Accordingly, the only
types allowed in the hierarchy are those preceding capitalism, namely
classical antiquity and feudalism. This, the more straightforward and
crudest manifestation of Europocentrism, can be found in most nineteenth-
century theories of social development and evolution and constitutes what
Gellner [1964:15; 27-9] calls the "fallacy of the Gauls"; it rests on the
conviction that the course of European history, which is taken as the
manifestation of the highest form of historical development,, is, directly -
and universally applicable to the non-Western part of humanity too. Global
history is thereby generally subsumed under the European developmental
[14] This seems to be borne out by the fact that Marx appears to think
that pre-Columbian American civilisations, such as those of Mexico
and Peru (hardly Asiatic but not European either) are also
characterised by the Asiatic mode of production [cf. Grundrisse: 473]
Occidental forms and especially their precursor, classical antiquity? Is,
then, the Asiatic type, first and foremost, a 'concept in juxtaposition*,
that is, a concept designed to theoretically accommodate all instances
that are not readily susceptible to the postulated principles of
development? Is it a concept 'not in its own right', as it were, but useful
primarily for its supplementary theoretical function as the static
counterpart to history's natural dynamic path of development as
represented by the ancient form? Is the_Ajsiatia._fcype" "chiefly employed",
as LichtheiTn [1963:158] asks, "to bring out the contrast between Oriental
society and Graeco-Roman antiquity"?
This is indeed the immediate impression one has; the Asiatic type
appears as a 'concept apart' or a 'concept in juxtaposition' as Avineri
With these reservations about the presence of Europocentrism in mind,
let us look into what unilinearisra and multllinearism entail in relation
to the problem of endogeny, the growth of productive forces and the
determinate link between base and superstructure. First, then, what is most
conspicuous by its absence in both unilinear and multilinear typologies is
that the level of the development of productive forces is nowhere
explicitly used as the differentiating criterion between the various
precapitalist forms. As far as the unilinear model is concerned, what is
undoubtedly implied is indeed the assertion that the passages from
communalism to antiquity and from antiquity to feudalism are moments of
the progressive continuum of history. But the three forms are not
distinguished or ranked according to their differential levels of
productive growth; 'the only real contrast in productive terms is that
between capitalism and all its predecessors. But what of the Grundrisse
where the unilinear model is abandoned and a new schema emerges, a schema
whose multilinear!ty consists precisely in the delineation of four
.,._ alternative routes out of the primitive commune? None of these is
predetermined by any criteria based on the degree of productive advance
since none is said to correspond to different levels of the growth of the
forces of production. The conditions that determine the emergence of one
or the other of these forms are not expressed in terms of differential
degrees of productive advance and, consequently, the forces of production
cannot be pronounced as the constituting principle of development or as
the ranking criterion.
67 ; '
treatment. We shall nonetheless try to assemble the few relevant
references, however obscure, to the conditions that, are supposed to
dictate the following up of one or the other of these alternative 'ways
out1 of primitive communal ism. These references are made' either in the
general and abstract sense or, more concretely, in relation to the most
problematical of those types, namely the Asiatic one.
[15] For a similar remark, cf. Capital I: 472: "Different communities find
different means of production and different means of subsistence in
their natural environment. Hence their modes of production and
living, as well as their products, are different."
inherent tendency on the part of the productive forces towards uniform and
incessant growth.
does this mean that the development of the land commune must
necessarily follow the same lines under all circumstances?
Certainly not. Its constitutive form allows the following
alternatives:^either the element of private property implied in
it gains the upper hand over the collective element, or vice
versa. Everything depends upon the historical background in
which it finds itself ... Both these solutions are possible a
priori, but both obviously require entirely different
historical environments [First Draft of Letter to V.
Zasulich:! 56].
[21 ] For a survey of the views expressed on the possible relapse of Marx
from multilinearism to unilinearism, see Korana3hvill [1980: 2^9-50].
needs? [22] A two-fold explanation for the abandonment of the Asiatic type
by Engels is possible. The first reason is that Engels may have excluded
Asia from his field of analysis on outright europocentric grounds,
regarding Western history as the prototype of development under which all
individual cases would sooner or later be subsumed. The second reason is
less simple and concerns the awkward presence of the Oriental state within
the orthodox Marxist schema of analysis. According to the
Base/Superstructure Model, the state is the superstructural epiphenomenon
of an economic infrastructure ridden by class divisions and antagonistic
relations of production. And, indeed, the major tenet of Engels's analysis
of the genesis of the Greek state in the Origin is precisely the
presentation of the State as co-extensive with class, with economic
divisions in society. Against this orthodox portrayal of state-origin,
however, the Asiatic state stands out as an anomaly. For one, it is
unaccompanied by class divisions since it stands above an
undifferentiated communal social structure. Besides, its origin and
function are largely defined by the^particular physical needs engendered
by geography. '"
[22] Cf. Sawer [1977: 44], where the original patrimony of the concept of
the Asiatic mode is traced to Engels; see, esp., Engels to Marx [June
6, 1853: 76-7].
[23] For a survey and bibliography of the vicissitudes of the concept of
the Asiatic mode of production in Marxism, see Bailey et al. [1974]
and [1975]. See also Bailey [1981] and Sawer [1977: esp. chs II-V].
the West while continuing to survive unchanged in the East. To this end, he
also makes use of Morgan's concept of "military democracy" as an
intermediate but universal stage between the primitive communal and the
fully-fledged ancient types [cf. Godelier, 1978: 231-5] and seeks
additional support for his claim in the centralised and bureaucratic
kingdoms of the Cretan and Mycenaean worlds which he filiates directly to
the Asiatic state. [24]
be judged by the texts of Marx himself, since it takes place in the context
of his calling for the "development of Marxism" rather than a "return to
Marx" [Godelier, 1978:213]. There are, however, two instances in Marx's own
writings which can be read as allowing for the reestablishment of a
sophisticated unilinear model along the lines suggested by Godelier. The
first of not exactly a textual substantiation of such a claim, as
much as an 'absence' which, however, leaves ample room for it; in the 1859
Prefaced 82 Marx speaks of the Asiatic, ancient, etc. modes as "progressive
epochs" with no other differentiating criterion between them except their
serial succession. Much more important, still, is a footnote in Capital I
which reads as follows:
,__, .
[24] "Did not the Greeks and Romans, in acquiring kings, acquire a European
form of the Asian mode of production - a social organisation, in
which village communes are ruled by the tribal aristocracy?"
[Godelier, 1965: 40].
[25] Cf., for instance, Welskopf [1981: 246] who rejects the idea that the
Asiatic mode can be taken as a primitive stage of classical
antiquity. And, also, Mandel [1971: 128] who regards the Oriental
semper id^rvi of the concept as absolutely indispensable, for, "if the
idea of the asiatic mode of production is stripped from its specific
meaning, it can no longer explain the special development of the East
in comparison with Western and Mediterranean Europe". Cf., also,
Melotti [1977: 14-8].
Capital I which was preared under the general supervision of Engels; the
adjective "oriental" was omitted in the translation, a fact which,
combined with the subsequent absence of the Asiatic type in Engels's
Origin, testifies to its suppression after Marx's death. [26]
The literature on the emergence of the classical world is, with the
exception of Engels's Origin, sketchy and unsystematic. The first reference
to the terminus a quo of the classical era dates from The German Ideology
[18^5-6], where the world of antiquity is seen as springing directly out
of tribalism. With no detailed references to specific studies of primitive
societies or other anthropological works, the tribal stage is itself
subdivided into three substages corresponding to hunting and fishing, the
rearing of animals, and to simple agriculture. This progression implies
for Marx and Engels an increasing division of labour which, slowly but
inexorably, alters the nature of primitive social relations. Initially, the
social unit is represented by the family and kinship and characterised by
communal"property. The family unit, however, contains within itself the
seeds of exploitation in the male's capacity to control the labour of
women and children. This "slavery latent in the family" [op.cit.:21-2] in
turn entails the emergence of private property since exploitation of
labour and exclusion from access to the means of production are treated as
two sides of the same coin. [27] The incipient inequality within the
family is gradually spread over the whole community; with the growth in
the density-of population, and the extension of inter-social contacts,
distribution between commoners and chieftains develops and slavery is
also extended beyond the familial confines. The physiognomy of the
classical era is completed with the formation of cities that arise through
voluntary tribal mergers or conquest. Land and slaves are initially held
in common but private ownership, originally in movable possessions and
eventualliTTiT^land [cf.ibid:77], soon begins to assert itself and is
[26] On the editorial 'massage* of this passage, see the paper by Thorner
[27] "Division of labour and private property are, ..., identical
expressions: in the one the same thing is affirmed with reference to
activity as is affirmed in the other with reference to the product of
the activity" [German Ideology: 3**].
finally consolidated with the further development of the division of
labour, a3 this is exemplified in the rise of the antagonism between town
and country and the growing separation of manufacture from agriculture
Accordingly, the following two stages of Barbarism feature the
domestication of animals, cereal cultivation and irrigation (middle stage)
and the manufacture of iron tools. Morgan's taxonomy on the basis of
productive advances was meant to encompass a corresponding ascendancy of
family types (broadly the consanguine, patriarchal, and monogamian) and
forms of social and political organisation (from gentile democracy based
on communalism to the institution of a state apparatus as the result of
the growth of social divisions).
[28] Cf., e.g., Harris [1969: 184]: "The most important lapses to which
attention should be drawn, ..., are those involving Morgan's evident
failure to discover a systematic relationship between techno-
economic and social parameters."
society. [29] Both Marx and Engels were always in search for material that
would aid their attempt to disprove representations of contemporary
institutions (e.g. private property, the family, the state) by philosophy
and political economy as sacrosanct, eternal and immutable, as the
repositories of natural or divine justice, or even as having some extra-
social origin. They were therefore eager to welcome any anthropological or
historical endeavour purporting to show that bourgeois institutions were
themselves historically specific, temporally determined and changeable, by
concentrating on institutions as different from those of contemporary
society as possisble. This quest for scholarship that would confirm the
transcendental nature of every social order was undoubtedly satisfied to a
large extent by Morgan's book. It is not, then, surprising that political
and critical overtones and conclusions abound in the Origin which was,
above all else, the product of the assimilation of Morgan's Ancient Society
and Marx's notes on it:
[29] Bloch [1983: 10] makes a similar distinction between the "historical"
and "rhetorical" uses of Morgan by Marx and Engels. And Krder [1972:
11] suggests that one of the elements that endeared Morgan to Marx
was the former's republicanism which contrasted sharply with the
aristocratic leanings of most of the students of early human history,
such as Grote and Mommsen.
[30] Also: "The state, then, has not existed from all eternity. There have
been societies that did without it, that had no idea of the state and
state power" [Origin: 579].
mother's line. Leaders were temporary and subject to the will of the
collective. Links between individual gentes (organisation into 'phatries'
and 'tribes') were based on the belief of a common descent and were largely
moral, involving no subordination. It is therefore not difficult to
comprehend why the idea of a communistic past shared by all humanity
exercised such a powerful attraction for Marx and Engels; gentile society
did not know of private property and exploitation, yet it was an ordered
system even though it had no state or classes. It is this notion of the
community in its purest, unadulterated form which lies behind Engels's
enthusiasm when he exclaims that the "grandeur ... of the gentile order was
that it found no place for rulers and ruled" [ibid:566]. And the polemical
and partisan tone of such an enthusiastic acceptance does not take long to
surface; for, once the unquestioned and sacrosanct doctrines preaching the
eternal and immutable character of private property, of classes or of the
state had been disproved, it was easier to sustain prophetic
pronouncements on the reconstitution of society on communistic principles.
Hence, Engels, speaking of the freedom of the gentile past, proclaims that,
"to win it back on the basis of the enormous control man now exercises
over the forces of nature, and of the free association that is now
possible, will be the task of the next generations" [ibid:531]. And, in his
conclusion, the polemical implications of the transcendental character of
social phenomena are fully and unambiguously spelt out:
motivated by the fact that Morgan's theses provided ready material for
dispelling many widespread and dominant assumptions of bourgeois thinking.
We are thus confronted with the phenomenon that a welcomed assertion (i.e.
that of the 'common past' of humanity) is used by Engels to preempt 3.
series of problematical historical issues:
This i3, according to Marx, the essential relation binding the immediate
producer to his means of production, namely, the fact that he relates to
the land as his private property only as a member of the community, "as to
his being as commune member" [ibid]. This community is constituted on the
level of the ancient city-state, the polis characteristic of the early
phase of classical antiquity. The polis thus implies much more than a
simple congregation of farmers and landowners.. The urban commune has a
real and independent existence beyond the mere aggregate of the individual
households which make it up. This existence is demonstrated, physically, in
the fact that it is the residential node of concentration for the rural
population. And also in the presence of the communal or state property
(i.e. the ager publicus) and other state institutions (e.g. assembly,
magistrates, etc.) and of what these institut-ions--imply, namely the
communality of interest towards the outside and the participatory duties
of its members - "in short of the municipality, and thus of politics in
general" [German Ideology;52]. This independent existence of the polis is
borne out by Marx's contrast of it to the mere periodic or incidental
congregation of farmers in the Germanic type which lacks this distinctly
classical antique political dimension and substance:
With its coming-together in the city, the commune possesses an
economic existence as such; the city's mere presence, as such,
distinguishes it from a mere municipality of independent houses.
The whole, here, consists not merely of its parts. Among the
Germanic tribes, [however -PL], the commune exists, already from
outward observation, only in the periodic gathering-together
[Vereinigung] of the commune numbers ... The commune thus appears
as a coming-together [Vereinigung], not as a being-together
[Verein]; as a unification made up of independent subjects,
landed proprietors, and not as a unity. The commune therefore
does not in fact exist as a state or political body, as in
classical antiquity, because it does not exist as a city
Cibid:U83]. [1]
The access of the inependent producer to his private land is, then,
mediated by his being a free citizen, a member of the polis, a position
which involves specific rights and obligations. And, inversely, this
communality is defined as a system of political institutions which allows
the citizens exclusive access to the landed property within a definite
area, "the territorium belonging to the town" [ibid:47O. Property is
therefore defined by participation in a political commune, it is
"quiritorium, of the Roman variety" [ibid:476]: the land is "Roman by
virtue of being the private property, the domain of a Roman", but the
latter "is a Roman only insofar as he possesses this sovereign right over
a part of the Roman earth" [ibid:1)??]. It is therefore the paradox, as Marx
puts it in one of his earlier writings, of "the political constitution"
being "the constitution of private property, but only because the
constitution ot private property [is -PL] political" [Critique of Hegel's
Doctrine of the State:90] that defines the principal relation of
production in antiquity, that of dominium ex jure quiritum.
Citizenship does not only entail a title to the city's territorium, the
right of ownership and possession of the land of the polis. Appropriation
by right of citizenship also includes full participation in the economic
[1] This political substance of the classical urban commune, i.e. of the
ancient polis, is also borne out by Marx's understanding of the
differentia of the commune member in antiquity: "The real meaning of
Aristotle's definition [i.e. of man as a zoon politicon, a political
animal -PL] is that man is by nature citizen of a town. This is quite
as characteristic of classical antiquity as Franklin's definition of
man as a tool-making animal is characteristic of Yankeedom" [Capital
life of the collectivity, the citizens are entitled to a share in the
communal assets, such as the distribution of booty and tribute, the
provision of state doles etc. They are equally subject, however, to taxes,
liturgies and other appropriations levied by the polis on the citizens
themselves. Appropriation by citizenship right, though, refers also to the
citizens' access to the extraction of non-citizen labour. This is the other
side of the exclusivity inscribed in the rigid definition of citizenship;
indeed, one of the central aspects of the internal cohesion of the polis is
the citizens' unity vis-a-vis the non-citizen population, 3ince "it is in
their community" that the citizens "hold power over their labouring
slaves" [German Ideology:22 3. It is this essentially political definition
of citizenship that determines a specific division of labour between the
citizen and non-citizen population by ascribing political (freedom) and
economic (exclusive access to the land) privileges to the former alone.
And it is the citizens' unity that is the basis of the power necessary for
holding down those who are deprived of such privileges, namely the slaves
and, to a lesser degree, the metics, [2] for their own advantage. [3]
subsume slave labour under the objective conditions of production. The
question, however, remains as to how this can be reconciled with the
delineation of a difference between subjective and objective conditions.
It seems, though, that no such reconciliation can be effected for the
simple reason that in production involving slave labour any such
distinction is inapplicable. Rather, the differentiation seems to be
extrapolated from a system of production fundamentally different from the
ancient mode, namely capitalism, in which the dominant and characteristic
form of labour does indeed constitute the subjective condition of
production as Marx saw it. The discrepancy arises when this distinction is
not specified temporally but is rather left with the general implication
that it appertains also outside the capitalist mode from which it is
The same holds for the overall definition of the ancient relations of
production by Marx which stands in stark contradiction with the economic
reductionism of the uniform causation of his 1859 Preface. For in the case
of antiquity we are confronted with an instance of the manifest inadequacy
of the Base/Superstructure Model to locate the precise determinate nature
of the economy in a system in which it cannot be defined but by reference
to the political content of the ancient relations of production. In Marx's
delineation of the conditions of existence of the ancient mode the lack of
any substantial differentiation between the economic and the political is
so conspicuous as to make the dissonance with his general theory of
history all the more remarkable. The ancient relations qf production, as
conceived by Marx, furnish the most prominent example of politics
determining the main form of economic appropriation. In his Grundrisse,
especially, the restrictive and reductionist causation of the
Base/Superstructure Model is largely, albeit silently, abandoned so that
the ancient economy emerges as "a 'political economy1 in the literal sense"
[Godelier, 1977b:19], with "homo economicus and homo politicus" as "one and
tfce same thing" [Avineri, 1968:114].
his privileged economic position only by the reproduction of the
conditions of his existence as a citizen, as a free member of the polis.
"Production itself", therefore, "aims at the reproduction of the producer
within and together with these, his objective conditions of existence"
[ibid:495]; unlike those of capitalism, the ancient relations of production
are not geared to the increase of productivity or wealth:
[6] This surfaces in the citizen ideology too: "Do we never find in
antiquity an inquiry into which form of landed property etc. is the
most productive, creates the greatest wealth? Wealth does not appear
as the aim of production ... The question is always which mode of
property creates the best citizens" [Grundrisse:487].
increases. What does, then, "production" actually imply in the context of
the ancient social relations? The answer should be sought in the fact
that, under the latter, the "proprietor of land is such only as a Roman, but
as a Roman he is a private proprietor of land" [ibid:476; emphasis added].
Membership in the commune, in other words, may remain the presupposition
for the appropriation of land, but this appropriation, assumes the
character of individual private property. It is this fundamental feature
of the presence of the communal ity as the union, not of an
undifferentiated mass of direct producers, but of individual private
landholders that renders ancient production its unique character. The
presupposition of the unity of the two opposite and mutually exclusive
elements and their continuous struggle with each other is the factor
which, above all else, differentiates classical antiquity from its
temporal counterpart, Asiatic society. In the static social structure of
Asia "the individual has no property but only possession" and "the real
proprietor, proper, is the commune" [ibidi^eO. By contrast, the classical
world is seen as the "product of more active, historic life" [ibid:474]
precisely because it rests on the uneasy symbiosis of two conflicting
elements. On the one hand, the communal ity of the union of the producers in
the polis, which is expressed in the retainment of some land as "communal
property - as state property, ager p.ublicus" [ibid]. [7] And, on the other
hand, the economic presence of these producers as private proprietors. But
the very existence of private property distances, differentiates, the
citizen from the commune, however closely interconnected the two may be;
and contains within itself the potentiality of the commune's destruction.
For, in contrast to the perpetual non-differentiation of the Oriental
commune, in classical antiquity the commune member emerges as an
individual proprietor. But, "if the individual changes his relation to the
commune, he thereby changes and acts destructively upon the commune"
[ibid:486]. Hence the fundamental contradiction inherent in the ancient
relations of production is that between the communal presupposition of
landholding and the particular form that the latter assumes, i.e. private
[7] The commune is "a generality with a be;ng and unity as such .-[seiende
Einheit] either in the mind and in the existence of the city and of
its civic needs as distinct from those of the individual, or in its
civic land and soil as its particular presence as distinct from the
particular economic presence of the commune member" [Grundrisse:484].
property in the hands of individual citizens. Property in antiquity
decreasing importance of the collectivity gradually leads to the
amassment of property (especially in land, but also, eventually, in slaves
and money) by a section of the commune and the expropriation of the rest.
All these developments ultimately destroy the very presupposition of the
ancient relations of production and bring about the decline of the ancient
historiographie critique of. his argument, that reference is to be made to
issues not directly raised by Marx himself.
The rich had got possession of the greater part of the undivided
land. They were confident that, in the conditions of the time,
these possessions would never be taken back again from them, and
they therefore bought some of the pieces of land lying near
theirs, and belonging to the poor, with the a-cquiescence of the
latter, and the rest they took by force, so that now they were
cultivating widely extended domains, instead of isolated fields
[Capital I: 888n].
deb cors in Rome, [11] Is the main forra of the class struggle within the
The class struggle in the ancient world, ..., took the form mainly
of a contest between debtors and creditors, and ended in Rome
with the ruin of the plebeian debtors, who were replaced by
slaves [Capital 1:233]. [12]
[11] The most notorious of all being the Law of Twelve Tables which Marx
regards as "worthy of Shylock" [Capital I:400n] because it made the
defaulting debtor liable to sale into slavery abroad.
[12] "Rome's internal history plainly boils down to the struggle between
small and big landed property, with slavery naturally putting its
specific stamp in it. The relations of indebtedness, which played
such an important part since~the origins of Roman history, are only
the natural consequences of small landed property ..." [Marx to
Engels, March 8, 1855: 505-6]. See, also, Capital 1:176n, where the
"secret history" of the Roman Republic is said to be "the history of
landed property".
[13] For the exceptional case of Sparta, see Austin et al. [1977:81-90],
Cartledge [1975], Finley [1975:1 61-77], and. Ste.Croix [1972:ch.IV].
[14] The perioeci possessed local self-government and some citizenship
rights but were not eligible for participation in the affairs of the
Spartan state. On Sparta's -perioeci and helots, see Micheli [1952:64-
collectively subjected to the state and toiled the land of Lacedaemon for
the communal benefit of the Spartiates. The latter were regarded as equals
[homoioi] and' were exclusively devoted to warfare. In order that he might
pursue his, military career undistracted, the individual citizen was
granted by the state a certain amount of land [cleros] which a number of
helots were obliged to cultivate for his benefit. Each citizen, in turn,
had to pay subscriptions to the communal syssitia. Although he had
possession over his land and its proceeds by citizenship right and could
not be disposed of it, the cleros was assigned to him from the public lan3~~
and he was not therefore free to dispose of it by sale or will. [15]
Furthermore, he had no right of ownership over the helots assigned to his
plot, who continued t'o be regarded as communal property. The helots were
themselves bound to the land, not to their individual possessor, and had
neither political rights nor freedom of movement. This rather
idiosyncratic organisation, then, inhibited to a very large extent the
development of private property and, consequently, the rise of acute
differences of wealth within the Spartan citizen body. Instead, the main
antagonism was that between the collectivity of the non-labouring
Spartiates and the class of the direct producers who were coerced by means
of the state apparatus.
The same did not obtain in Athens, where the citizens were, first and .
foremost, private landowners and where, consequently, differences in
wealth did arise at a very early stage. Yet, unlike Rome, the constitution
of Athens did not anticipate any formal differentiation of rights over the
public land. What is more, Athenian democracy, since the Solonian and
Cleisthenian reforms, rested on the widest franchise of the members of the
citizen body, who all enjoyed equal political rights [see, also, Appendix],
In Rome, by contrast, there existed a formal system of property
qualifications with respect to entry upon political and military careers
(and, later, imperial posts) which inevitably circumscribed the political
representation of the poorer citizens and facilitated their exploitation
by the patricians. Also, objectively, the Roman political system was noted
for the. lack of equality of opportunity among the citizens, since wealth
[15] He could, however, mortgage it and thus alienate the income. For a
study of the Spartan system of land tenure, see Micheli [1952:205-11 ].
[1981:96-7, 141, 284-90] is at pains to show, contributed to the mitigation
of the civil strife by allowing the poor, who were numerically in the
majority, to impose limitations on the relentless tendency of
concentration of private property and wealth. Although there are no known
instances of an actual general redistribution of land in antiquity, the
poor were able to introduce various measures palliative of the
polarisation of the citizen body. In Athens, for example, the state levied
liturgies on the rich citizens, imposed special taxes on them [e.g.
theorikon, eisphorai, etc.], and allowed compensation for state office
[misthos], the redistribution of state revenues (especially those from the
state mines) for the poor, etc. [cf. Humphreys, 1970:11-2].
[17] This was expressed, at the ideological level, by the 'foundation myth'
of the ancients, according to which the original birth of the polis
was characterised by complete equality between its citizen members.
See Finley [1975:153-60] and [1983a:25]; also Fucks [1968:218-23].
[18] "The rebellions of the poor did not aim at transforming the
fundamental conditions of their existence; rather they were the
efforts of the impoverished or dispossessed peasants to recover
their land, whenever it had been seized outright by the wealthy or
alienated under the burden of debt, and thus to reassert their right
to membership of the community" [Konstan, 1975:159].
constitution, 30 as to achieve economic equality too. In Greek democracy,
on the other hand, where political equality is firmly established, it is
put to the service of redressing the economic inequities generated by the
continuous rise of the private over the communal element and thus serves
as a safety-valve to more acute eruptions of civil strife. [19]
The encounter, once more, with this merger of politics and economics
brings us back to the problem of the structural morphology of ancient
society, this time with regard to the class divisions within the citizen
body. A major analytical problem emerges; is Marx's talk of a class of rich
citizens counterposed to a class of poor citizens consistent when,
according to the definition of the ancient relations of production, all
citizens occupy the same overall position in the production system? The
problem is more fully revealed when we compare the ancient with the
capitalist relations of production. The major condition of existence of
the latter is the presence of two opposed classes with diametrically
opposite relationships to the means of production; namely, "the working
class, which only disposes of its labour-power, and the capitalist class,
which has the monopoly of the means of social production, and of money"
[Capital 11:497]. The antithesis is presupposed by the concept of the
capitalist mode of production which does not and cannot exist outside the
capital/wage labour relation. Yet the ancient mode, prior to the stage of
universalised slavery, has no such presupposi ton; rich and poor citizens
are' qualitatively undifferentiated as far as their economic roles and
their relationship to the means of production are concerned. Both groups
are composed of labouring freeholders who are not excluded from land (as
slaves are). In the economic sense alonu, their only difference appears as
merely quantitative in that they come to possess different amounts of
landed property. Only in that sense, then, to perceive them as constituting
two distinct classes, is, as Vernant [1976:76] observes, quite
Yet the problem does not so much lie in Marx's talk of a class of rich and
a class of poor citizens", as~in TfiiT"sarch for a definition which would
conform to this 'Marxist spirit'. For it is true that, if class definition
follows strictly economic criteria, we are inevitably drawn towards an
analytical impasse; the citizens form a qualitatively undifferentiated
mass of direct producers and, what is more, for the ancient production
process to proceed, a polarisation within the citizen body is neither
presupposed nor indeed necessary.
relations of production. The interests of the rich section of the citizen
population, on the other side, are opposed to those of the poor precisely
because it is the rich who express the tendency of the private over the
communal elements; consequently, their class interests are defined by
their attempt to dissolve the communal cohesion of the citizenry by
depriving their poor fellow-citizens of their political independence
through the encroachment on their chief claim to citizenship, i.e. their
landed property, this is ultimately achieved with the expropriation of the
poor citizens from the land and their replacement by slave labour, whereby
the class relations within the citizen body are considerably modified.
Before we examine the processes that lead to this stage, however, we have
first to look into the expansionist propensities of the ancient commune,
One of the most prominent characteristics of. the polis community is,
for Marx, its bellicose organisation. This derives from the ancient
relations of production which, by allowing access to private landholdings
only through membership of the commune, necessitate the members' "negative
unity towards the outside" [Grundrisse:475]. It is therefore the
exclusivity of the free individual's dual status as citizen/landowner that
also requires the institutionalisation of the defensive organisation of
the commune with reference to external relations with other communes.
Since "the earth in itself - regardless of the obstacles it may place in
the way of working it, really appropriating it - offers no resistance to
[attempts] to relate to it", it follows that the
proprietor [ibidiW], [20]
The bellicose organisation of the polis does not aim solely at the
defence of the political community and its territorium, but assumes an
offensive character too. For warfare .is also the means whereby
neighbouring communes are dispossessed, their members become enslaved, the
victors share the proceeds of plunder, and new territory is acquired.
Leaving the phenomenon of slavery aside for the moment, let us concentrate
on the expansionist aspect of the bellicosity of the ancient city-state,
its causes, and its effects on the citizenry itself. What should be
stressed at the outset is that the citizens' preoccupation with warfare is
[20] "The only barrier which the community can encounter in relating to
the natural conditions of production - the earth - as to its own
property ... is another community, which already claims it as its own
inorganic body. Warfare is therefore one of the earliest occupations
of each of these naturally arisen communities, both for the defence
of their property and for obtaining new property" [Grundrisse:M91 ].
treated by Marx as the direct consequence of their particular mode of
producing, rather than the other way round. He therefore regards looting
and pillage only as the by-products of the ancient relations of production
and dismisses in rather acerbic tones the so-called 'plunder thesis'
according to which the people of classical antiquity depended for their
living exclusively on the sharing of loot:
But, if the "survival of the commune as such in the old mode requires the
reproduction of its members in the presupposed objective conditions"
[ibid^e], then, given the city's limited territorium, citizenship itself
is "dependent on a certain proportion in members not to be disturbed"
[Forced Emigration^"! ]. If, however, the number of citizens were to be
increased, the preservation of the existing relations of production would
require a corresponding aggrandizement of the polisterritory, so that the
newly-created citizenship requirement could be met. The advance of
population in the ancient city does, then, disturb the sensitive balance of
the ancient production relations; and, if this is to be restored, what is
needed is "colonization, and that in turn requires wars of conquest"
[Grundrisse;M9*0. Hence the establishment of colonies in the ancient world;
this was especially the case with the Greek diaspora on the shores of Asia
Minor, Southern Italy-, Sicily, and the Black Sea,, and the foundation of new
communities of emigrants under the aegis of their original Helladic
metropoleis. [21 ]
[21] Not all forms of settlement abroad, though, were colonies proper
[apoiklal]; purely commercial stations, exchange centres and ports of
trade [emporia] were also established [cf. Austin et al., 1977:61-8].
historically determined relation" which is defined "by specific
conditions of production" [ibid:6063. Consequently:
But the problem of overpopulation in antiquity does not end with its
historically relative conceptualisation; the specific forms of expansion
a/id colonisation which the solutions to it assume remain yet to be
explained. It is one thing to establish that the inelasticity of the
population limits of the classical commune is accounted for by the
sensitive equilibrum-Qf- the citizen/landowner relationship. It is quite
another, though, to explain why the difficulties generated by the creation
of a surplus citizen population are resolved in the particular manner of
lateral expansion. For the essence of the phenomenon of ancient
colonisation lies precisely in the fact that the city-state reproduced
itself invariably by means of war and settlement; instead of an upsurge of
economic growth, the problems caused by overpopulation were solved by
seeking new outlets for the surplus citizens who founded in the new places
of settlement colonies modelled on their original metropolei3. [22] The
disturbance of the proportion of citizens to acreage by population growth
is not, therefore, overcome by the growth of the productive forces - a
growth which, if it took place, would transform the existing set of
production relations. Rather, what the phenomenon of colonisation proves
is the durability and resistance of however atrophic, contradictory and
perturbed relations of production. The latter are reproduced unchanged in
their essential features, as their determination of expansion as the
principal means of growth shows. It is this stress on the search for new
lands (instead of ways to increase productivity), as the means of
resolving the problem of population increase while preserving the
existing relations of production, that signifies a departure on Marx's
part from the framework of the Dialectic of Forces and Relations of
Production. The fact, in other words, that it is to the relations of
production that Marx turns, not only for the definition of population
limits, but also for the determination of the mode of surpassing these
limits, points towards a hiatus between what his general theory of history
prescribes and what his treatment of ancient expansionism actually
implies, namely a distanciation from the Dialect of Forces and Relations
of Production. The expansionist 'solution' may have significant resonances
that react back and ultimately transform the ancient relations of
production, but the fact remains that it is not productive growth that
effects such a change:
But this clearly does not happen. Instead, Marx acknowledges the inability
of the ancient world to generate a tendency towards productive advances:
[22] The same process was continued in the colonies themselves. Instead of
economic advance, the new colonies kept on enlarging their territory
at the expense of native populations, so that fresh arrivals of
colonists could be settled. There were even cases of waves of
colonisation out of colonies, when the latter's own limits of
expansion were reached.
In the ancient states, in Greece and Rome, compulsory emigration
assuming the shape of the periodical establishment of colonies,
formed a regular link in the structure of society. The whole
system of those states was founded on certain limits to the
number of population which could not be surpassed without
endangering the condition of antique civilisation itself. But
why was it so? Because the application of science to material
production was utterly unknown to them. To remain civilised they
were forced to remain few. Otherwise they would have had to
submit to the bodily drudgery which transformed the free
citizen into a slave. The want of productive power made
citizenship dependent on a certain population in numbers not to
be disturbed. Forced emigration was the only remedy [Forced
Emigration:530-1 ].
(at Laureion), [23] and the large confluence of metics with the subsequent
development of trade and industry. Athenian expansionism was not, however,
wholly motivated by settlement drives; Athenian settlers or cleruchs
remained relatively few and were quite unique among Greek colonisers in
that they retained full Athenian citizenship. Rather than the annexation
of territory, Athenian imperialism was principally aimed at the formation
of military and economic alliances (e.g. the Delian League in the mid-fifth
century and the Second Athenian Confederacy in the early fourth) with
other Hellenic cities, which were subjected'toTrTbutary payments. [24] An
additional feature of Athenian expansionism may also have been the desire
to secure the major supply routes for the import of corn, given the
insufficiency of the land of Attica to provide for the whole of the
population [cf. Austin et al., 1977:113-8]. Finally, attention should also
be drawn to the palliative effect the economic exploitation of subject
cities had had on the class struggle within the Athenian citizenry itself
[cf. Ste.Croix, 1981:290'and Finley, 1 983a:11 3~4].
[23] On the importance of the Laureium mines for Athenian power, cf. Finley
[24] cf. Finley [1983a:17, 63]. For a comprehensive study of Athenian
imperialism, see Meiggs [1972].
[25] For an excellent account of the origins of the Peloponnesian War, see
Ste.Croix [1972].
The Athenian considered himself superior as a producer of
commodities to the Spartan; for in time of war the latter had
plenty of men at his disposal, but could not command money, as
Thucydides makes Pericles say in the speech inciting the
Athenians to the Peloponnesian War ... [op.cit.:487n].
[26] Macedon was more archaic in its constitution and social organisation
than the rest of Greece. All land belonged to the hereditary king who
divided a part of it among his kinsmen who formed a tribal nobility.
Macedon's backwardness brings to mind the distinction between polis
and ethnos which, unfortunately remains unsurfaced in Marx's
writings, probably due to his typification of Athens and his neglect
of the problems of uneven development in Greece. In contrast to the
polis, the ethnos forms a "state without an urban centre" [Ehrenberg,
1969:20], where the population is relatively dispersed, political
links are loose and the state exists in a rather diffuse sense. The
case of the ethni is particularly interesting from the point oi* view
of the problem of -endogeny and unilinearism in periodisation and
Godelier's proposals on it (cf. eh. 3. supra); this is so because "one
factor which was often decisive in their lack of centralisation was
their geographical extension, which made it difficult for them to. be
transformed into genuine poleis with a single urban centre" [Austin
et al., 1977:79].
[27] Namely, the Seleucid state of Syria, the Lagid rule in Egypt, and the
Attalid kingdom of Pergamurn in Asia Minor.
surge of urban economic activiy; manufacture flourished, banking was
widely practiced, and trade became of primary importance. Yet the
Hellenistic East was characterised by a "syncretic" structure [Anderson,
1974a:*49] to the extent that a disparity existed between the economic life
of the urban centres (which were largely modelled on the Greek cities) and
the mode of production in the countryside (which proved remarkably
resistant to Greek influence). [28] The Hellenistic rulers allowed pre-
existing forms of land tenure to survive and managed the exploitation of
their provinces (in the form of taxtion7~onscFiption, etc.) by purely
administrative means; hence the emergence, for the first time, of a
bureaucratic apparatus which was quite alien to the Greek polis where the
citizen/landowner partook directly in the affairs of; the state [cf.
Finley, 1983a:8,30-1 ]. This uncomfortable admixture of Hellenic and Asiatic
elements was also reflected in the social stratification of the
Hellenistic East which was largely based on the distinction between Greek
and non-Greek. [29]
Despite its absence from Marx's discussion of antiquity, the case of the
Hellenistic world can be said to be theoretically provided for in the
,Grundrisse where, three alternative results of conquest are generally
recognised; :;^
[28] "In the most basic section of production, in agriculture, the Orient
in Hellenistic times is profoundly Oriental, not at all Greek;
'Hellenism' was confined to elements of social superstructure ..."
[Kreissig, 1977:26].
[29] "In the Hellenistic period the main estate division 'was that between
Greek and non-Greek. In a sense the Greeks considered themselves a
kind of commune which ruled the newly conquered territories. This cut
across the division of rich and poor, since all Greeks were part of
the ruling estate" [Padgug, 1975:112].
3aw, is inevitable on the implications of his general unfolding model of
history. Secondly, as far as the Hellenistic provinces are concerned, these
may not have been the result of colonisation proper to the extent that
they were the products of the imposition of Greek military and political
rule over large alien populations with a different mode of production; nor
can we speak of them as forms of a removed extraction of tribute since the
Greek conquerors and settlers were directly and physically involved in
their exploitation; but they may arguably be seen as the result of the
synthetic interpntration of two worlds into a syncretic and quite novel
structure which can hardly be subsumed under either the Hellenic or the
Asiatic types.
Rome, which experiences the great age of its expansion in the middle
Republic (roughly third to second century BC), is yet another distinct
case of imperialism. Imperialist control, like that of Athens, does not
necessarily involve the control over or the transformation of the
conditions of production prevalent in the conquered territories. Marx
acknowledges, in particular, Rome's inability to penetrate the social
structure of its provinces; he repeatedly notes, for instance, its failure
to impose a limited form of money exchange, even in relation to the
extraction of the tribute due to it [cf.Grundrisse: 103, Capital I-.238-9,
Capital 111:797]. What is more, those of its provinces with a comparatively
developed economy [30] were even in a position, if not actually to profit
by Rome's relatively underdeveloped industry, at least to alleviate the
economic effects of the tribute by claiming back some; of their money
through a one-way traffic of imports into Italy. Thus, for instance:
Rome indeed never became more than a city; its connection with
the provinces was almost exclusively political and could,
therefore, easily be broken again by political events [German
[31] Cf. Engelsls-remark: "During the last years of the republic, Roman
rule was already based on the ruthless exploitation of the conquered
provinces. The emperors had not abolished this exploitation; on the
contrary, they had regularised it" [0rigin:559].
[32] Athenian democracy was reflected extrovertly in the favouritism
Athens tended to show for democratic regimes in its subject cities,
an attitude counterbalanced by the oligarchic leanings of Sparta's
foreign policy - see Ste.Croix [195^:21-30, 37-41] and Finley
[1983a:6l]. One should not generalise, however, from this
correspondence between political constitution and foreign policy,
especially in view of Rome's largely opportunistic interventionist
practices in Greece during the second century BC [cf. Briscoe,
oJ-garchy and In the Italian lower classes losing rather than benefiting
by the empire. This important difference in the class content of Greek and
Roman imperialism is noted by Marx; in particular, he remarks that the
Greek cities sought new land mainly for the emigration of their surplus
population of citizens so that the conditions of citizenship could be
maintained. Greek colonisers were "very far from being paupers. Such was,
however, the Roman plebs with its bread and circuses" [Grundrlsse:604-5].
property in advance of the tax to be farmed. So, again, the privilege of a
state contract on tax collection was effectively restricted only to the
wealthiest citizens. In consequence, either de jure or de facto, the
exploitation of the provinces remained in the hands of the rich Romans.
The same wars through which the Roman patricians ruined the
plebeians by compelling them to serve as soldiers and which
prevented them from reproducing their conditions of labour, and
therefore made paupers of them (and pauperisation, the crippling
or loss of the prerequisites of reproduction is here the
predominant form) - these -same wars filled the store-rooms and
coffers of the patricians with looted copper, the money of that
time. Instead of directly giving plebeians the necessary
commodities, i.e. grain, horses, and cattle, they loaned them this
copper for which they had no use themselves, and took advantage
of this situation to exact enormous usurious interest, thereby
turning the plebeians into their debtor slaves [Capital 111:598-
words, is not so much due to an attempt to restore the population limits
which were the preconditions for the maintenance of a broadly egalitarian
citizen community, as to the internal class antagonisms of Rome.
to his commune ... [is -PL] the foundation of development, which
is therefore from the outset restricted, but which signifies
decay, decline and fall once this barrier is suspended. Thus
among the Romans, the development of slavery, the concentration
of land possession, exchange, the money system, conquest etc.,
although all these elements up to a certain point seemed
compatible with the foundation, and in part appeared merely,;as
innocent extensions of it, partly grew out of it as mere abuses
communities and then itself becomes their basis" [Grundri;3se:491 3. [1] He
specifically refers to a "mode of production" that is "based 'on slavery"
[Marx to Otechestvenniye Zapiski:294], and to a slave system, as "the
dominant form of productive labour in agriculture, manufacture, ship-
building, etc., as in the developed Greek states and in Rome" [Capital
Marx's writings. [2] But it is, nevertheless, quite evident that his
observations in the Grundrisse on the ancient relations of production and,
in particular, on the identity of citizenship and landownership refer to
the "beginning phase in the development of antiquity even regarding Rome;
he spoke in effect of what was held to have been the 'golden age' of
antiquity" [Tokei, 1979:42].
[2] Engels, on the other hand, gives us some clearer indication: "Greece
made its entry into history, as far back as the heroic epoch, with a
system [in which -PL] the land was mainly cultivated by independent
peasants ... Italy was brought under cultivation chiefly by peasants
[until -PL], in the final period of the Roman Republic, the great
complexes of estates, the latifundia, displaced the small peasants
and replaced them with slaves ..." [Antl-Duhring: 216]. With regard to
the problem of chronology, cf. Brunt [1971: 18], who estimates that in
the two hundred years intervening between the beginning of the Second..
Punic War (218 BC) and the end of- Augustus's reign (AD 14), the
population of Italy swelled from approximately four millions to
seven millions, with most of the increment to be explained by the
massive importation of slaves.
[3] A broadly similar process occurs in Athens too, especially in the
wake of the Peloponnesian War [cf. Humphreys, 1970:7~9, 13-5 and
Vernant, 1976:68-74]. The effects of the conflict with Sparta on the
structure of the Athenian polls ran deep and were very extensive.
First, it caused the enforced urbanisation brought about by the war;
before the devastation of Attica by the Spartan invaders and their
allies, the free Athenian peasants began to desert their -land and
flee en masse to Athens. At the same time, the citizen basis of the
army was also being transformed by the introduction of mercaneries
and professional military leaders in response to the growing
pressures of war [cf. Finley, 1983a:59, 68], Lastly, the very principle
of citizenship qua landownership was being slowly but irretrievably
undermined; the development of exchange and the spread of money made
the granting of citizen rights to aliens [isopoliteia] more frequent
and the alienability of land to non-citizens [enktesis ges ke oikion]
concentration of property in the hands of the patricians facilitated the
replacement of the free independent producer by cheap slave labour on a
massive scale. But what is most interesting in this transition to a
society dominated by the slave mode of production is the fact that it is
not treated by Marx as a result of the development of the productive
forces but, rather, as the apogee of the class struggle between the
patricians and their humble fellow-citizens. The extensive employment of
slave labour is not, in other words, regarded as a response to the
requirements of a growing economy which is supposedly fettered by the old
structure. [4] The existing relations of production are not in this case
transformed, as the Dialectic Forces and Relations of Production demands,
by a presumed growth in the productive forces which they can no longer
contain; on the contrary, they change as the result of the successful class
war that the wealthy Romans have waged against their fellow-citizens and
their land property. [5] Thus:
As soon r. uhe usury of the Roman patricians had completely
ruined the Roman plebeians, the small peasants, this form of
exploitation came to an end and a pure slave economy replaced
the small-peasant economy [Capital 111:5953. -
[6] Engels, for instance, repeatedly stresses that the main achievements
and sophistication of classical civilisation in politics,
legislation, the arts and science, etc^-could only be accomplished
because a small privileged minority of rich citizens were free of the
necessity of labour for subsistence on account that they exploited
large masses of slaves [cf. Antl-D*hring:221-3]. It has also been
suggested [cf. Ste.Croix, 1981:1 41 and Konstan, 1975:160] that in those
cases where solidarity rather than disunion within the citizen body
tended to be the general rule, as in Athens, for instance, the
curtailment of the exploitation of citizen by citizen through the
functionning of democratic institutions had the effect of diverting
exploitation 'outwards* and, thus, of correspondingly intensifying the
use of slave labour.
surplus labour. et,,.: the spread of slavery was far from being uniform [7]
or, for that matter*; universal. Free peasants, dependent tenants, even
independent artisans-(as Marx recognises - cf. Results:1029), always co-
existed alongside slaves, in varying degrees across the whole of the
classical world. 133 Nevertheless, Marx speaks of slavery, of "direct
forced labour", as being "the foundation of the ancient world"
[Grundrisse:245], because it is from slaves that the ancient propertied
class extracts the greatest part of its surplus. Slaver^,.therefore, gives
its imprint to classical civilisation, not because everything is produced
by slave labour, but because this is the "dominant form of productive
labour" [Capital 11:555]; the developed ancient social formation is in
other words characterised by the dominance of the slave mode of
production. [9]
But the novelty of the developed ancient world does not consist only of
the expansion and systmatisation of slave production; it is also marked
by a historically unprecedented development of manufacture, commerce and
exchange practices. These, in conjunction with slavery, constitute the
unique characteristics1of the development of the Graeco-Rcman world and
(as we shall see in the next chapter) its insuperable limitations as well.
Marx held that the origin of exchange lied in the" contacts between
different communities, that come together to trade products which they
lack. This position is extremely interesting because of what it implies;
namely, that the origins of exchange are traced in the external relations
[7] In Greece, for example, slavery was not even a single legal status but
entailed four gradations of unfreedom, the worst being chattel-
slavery [cf. Westermann, 1960:31] In Rome, on the other hand, the
condition of the servus was juridically less impure.
[8] Thus, for instance, slavery in Greece predominated in manufacture and
industry but did not overwhelm agricultural production, which
remained largely in the hands of small peasant proprietors. By
contrast, in Italy, where "the immense aggregations of estates
(latifundia) ... had covered nearly the whole territory since the end
of the republic" [Origin:559], cheap slaves were extensively employed
in agriculture. Cf., also, Jones's [1960:8] point that "The novelty of
this period -Ts the extension of slave labour in a big way to
[9] Indeed, this is an instance of the recognition by classical
scholarship of the analytical value of the Marxian distinction
between mode of production and social formation - cf. Finley
of a community rather than being treated as the outcome of an endogenous
process. Exchange, for Marx, "originally appears, .... in the connection of
the different communities with one another, not in the relations between
different members of a single community" [Grundrisse:! 03]. [10] What such
a position entails, however, is that exchange of products comes about not
so much out of the need to dispose of a surplus generated by an upswing of
productive capacity as by a desire to acquire products that are either
lacking or produced in insufficient quantities, due presumably to
productive backwardness or/and natural circumstances. This is
understandable given the low development of the division of labour; if
everyone produces much the same range of articles as everyone else, there
will be little demand locally for exchange and, consequently, for an excess
production. It is not accidental, therefore, that in Marx's treatment of
the origin of exchange the level of productive growth is not the
generating cause but determines only its relative extent and significance
for the communities concerned, i.e. the degree to which production of
exchange comes to rule over or be subordinated by production for direct
consumption. -The'""following passage is particularly revealing it its
[10] And, also: "the evolution of products into commodities arises through
exchange between different communities, not between the members of
the same community" [Capital 111:177].
The Graeco-Roman world is, of course, no exception to this general rule.
Far from being self-sufficient, it lacked in essential supplies, such as
adequate grain produce and other foodstuffs, metals and other materials
Cef, Austin et al., 1977:113-3]. Indeed, the physical and productive
limitations of the classical world ran contrary to the cherised ideal of
self-sufficiency [autarkeia] which figures so prominently in ancient
ideology but which remained always an elusive chimera. [11] The inability
to attain self-sufficiency is not, however, a drawback exclusively
confined to Graeco-Roman antiquity and is therefore inadequate to explain
by itself the unique development of exchange that takes place. Rather, the
idiosyncracy of the classical world is to be traced to two of the most
important characteristics of its historical physiognomy, firstly, its
geographical setting and, secondly and more significantly, its specific
relations of production that lend it its specifically urban character.
[11] The autarkic polis was always "a collective representation, an ideal,
rather than a historical reality" [Humphreys, 1970:9].
seas with relatively limited rural interiors. [12]
The existence of a permanent urban venue for the agricultural producers
is the primary promoting factor in the development of urban economic
activities (e.g. trade, market, credit, etc.) but also of manufacture and
the handicraft industry (especially in textiles, pottery, armoury, etc.).
This does not of course imply that classical antiquity went beyond the
confines of a predominantly agricultural economy; the ancient world
remained massively rural in its quantitative proportions. Yet the urban
element in it asserted a dominant presence precisely because of its
unprecedented uniqueness. Although urban economic activities remain small
and limited in comparison to the rural basis of production, one must not
lose sight of the fact that, in the context of a uniformly agricultural
world, "the net superiority they could yield to any agrarian economy over
any other might ... be decisive" [Anderson, 1974a:20]. Marx stresses this
comparative advantage of the ancient world when he observes that the
superiority of the people engaged in exchange practices in precapitalist
times rested on the very "barbarity" of the rest of the producing peoples
[Grundrlsse;858] who lacked precisely this urban edge in their
organisation. The development of urban economic activities in classical
antquity is not, therefore, to be understood but by the standards of
precapitalist societies which alone bring to the surface its comparative
economic precocity.
Athens. Nevertheless, despite these intrinsic lim'-ations, exchange
relations, once established, were instrumental in widening the cleavage
between the communal and private elements of the structure of the polis.
The creation of an urban market slowly eroded the subsistence basis of
production and gradually transformed even much of the products of
agricultural labour into commodities, i.e. articles produced for the
purpose of exchange rather than direct consumption. The emergence of large
fortunes in money, in conjunction with the usurious practices of the rich,
precipitated the pauperisation of the small-holding citizens and the
consequent exacerbation of the class antagonism within the polis.
operates [ibid:858].
This 'dissolving effect', then, is evidently felt more widely and more
acutely in the communities of antiquity, where an incipient division of
wealth between poor and rich is already under way and where trade and
other exchange activities experience quite a unique degree of development.
On the other hand, the urban character of classical antiquity and the
consumption requirements of the city created a vacuum which was not filled
by the citizen/agriculturalist. Thus, although in agriculture "the
ancestral stock of the nation sustains itself", this "changes in the
cities, where alien merchants and dealers settle" [ibid]. But these alien
dealers are originally kept off from land ownership, precisely because the
citizens regard urban economic activities as corruptive and wish to
maintain the exclusivity of their position. Urban occupations are
Yet the ascendancy of the urban market economy, combined with the effects
of warfare, slavery and the citizen class struggle, slowly but inexorably
denude land ownership from its original insulating mantle. The "legal
wall" [Finley, 1952:77] between metics and the land foundation of ancient
production is being brought down and non-citizens are no longer barred
from land ownership.
5.2 Classes and the Class Struggle
.^ghteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte:! ^5]. On the other hand, however, in
the German Ideology the main class antithesis is designated as that
between citizens and slaves, with the expropriated proletarii occupying an
"intermediate position" between the two [op.cit.:22]. Finally, in the
Communist Manifesto a dual antithesis is put forward, namely that between
"freeman and slave, patrician and plebeian" [op.cit.:35], but with no
further temporal specification or any suggestion as to the correlation
between the two.
at the political level; he thus stands effectively "outside the social
life" of antiquity [Konstan, 1975:154] which remains throughout dominated
by free men. As we saw in the discussion of the divisions within the
citizen body, the antagonism between classes is expressed through
politics; the objectives of the poor citizens' struggle have political as
well as economic content (e.g. distribution of public land, debt-remission,
legal limitations on the level of interest for credit, changes in the
legal conditions of direct individual.,..appropriation, etc.) and. can be
realised only by means of legislative enactment and political action. But
it is only citizens that are capable of such action, since they alone are
regarded as political subjects. Slaves, by contrast, are by definition
excluded from any participation, or indeed presence, in the political
arena. The slaves, therefore, may not appear as a class since the visible
terms of class organisation are denied them because of their unfreedom.
[15] Cf., e.g., Austin et al. [1977:22-3] who reject the notion that slaves
constitute a class and accept as clas3 struggle only the antagonism
within the citizen'body. For a more extreme view, cf. Runciman [1983]
who denies the existence of classes in Rome because he views
conscious political organisation as the prerequisite for class
other words, not in spite of being but because they are unfree. Their
condition of political and legal servitude may preclude them from emerging
as a visibly compact organised social force, but it is this that also defines
them as a distinct class. On the other hand, if slavery cannot be defined
solely by political criteria, neither can it be arrived at by
concentrating on the strictly economic and technical position of the slave
without any reference to the political determination of the relations of
production. The inadequacy of purely economic criteria in the definition
and explanation of slavery becomes transparent when we turn to those
instances in which slaves and free men find themselves working alongside
each other, as was the case in some manufacturing workshops in Athens
[cf.Finley, 1960:56]. In similar instances slaves and free but poor
citizens are confronted by the same production tasks, yet their class
position remains different.
The exclusion of slaves from the political life of antiquity made one
possible form of sustained slave opposition that of the retardation of the
process of production; of this form more will be said in the next chapter
where Marx's ideas on the limitations of the ancient world are discussed.
Discontent at the practices of exploitation was also expressed in slave
attempts to flee the estates to which they were confined; and, more
importantly, in periodic eruptions of slave rebellions which at times came
to threaten the very existence of the ancient order. [16] What is
extremely interesting in the class struggle between slaves and their
masters is its content and, in particular, the slaves' demands; the slaves
are primarily interested in manumission, the gaining of their freedom, and,
in the case of first-generation slaves, the return to their native lands
[cf. Konstan, 1975:1 69n]. [17] Thus, apart from the fact that the results of
this class struggle were invariably disappointing for the slaves'
[16] Such were",-Trr"ihstance, the famous First Sicilian War (135-131 BC)
and the Spartacus Uprising 73-71 BC) in Rome. On the former, see the
paper by Green [1961], while for a short and informative account of
the latter, see Grant [1971:19-26].
[17] One should not of course forget that slaves revolted also when
incited by opportunist leaders whose objectives were not always
identical with the emancipatory aspirations of the slaves. Such was
the case, for example, with the First Sicilian Slave War -and its
leader, the Syrian Eunus, who "declared himself king by the name of
Antiochus [cf. Green, 1961:24].
cause, [18] what is even more striking is the character of this cause. The
slaves do not fight for a reconstitution of society on a new basis, but for
manumission and repatriation, i.e. for the restoration, in effect, of an old
social order in which they hope they can attain the rights they lack,
namely, those of free men. The character of the class struggle between
slaves and their masters in antiquity is, therefore, the exact opposite
from that in capitalism. In the latter, the broadly analogous class
position of the proletariat as the most exploited section of society is
materialised, in a struggle whose objective is the establishment of a
radically new social order in which all social divisions are abolished.
This revolutionary content of the class struggle in capitalism contrasts
3harply with the restorative nature of the slaves' class objectives in
antiquity whose main ambition is effectively to be placed on an equal par
with the citizen population. [19]
The nature of the class antithesis between slaves and their masters is
furthermore interesting for the relative infrequency of slave revolts
which, generally speaking, occur only sporadically in the history of
antiquity. Why is it, in other word3, that, despite the actual opposition
between slaves and their exploiters, it is only rarely that this inherent
antagonism surfaces in the form of overt class struggle? An answer can
probably be attempted on the basis of Marx's general designation of the
social relations of antiquity. Its elaboration sets off from A. Giddens'
distinction between 'contradiction' and 'conflict' which provides a useful
theoretical framework for the explanation of this phenomenon. Giddens
[1979:141] defines "contradiction" as the "disjunction of structural
principles", the opposition of interests intrinsic in the very structure
of society, while "conflict" stands for the occurrence of overt struggle.
He suggests that "conflict and contradiction have a tendency to coincide,
but that there are various sets of circumstances that can serve to
[18] For, as Engels points out, "antiquity did not know any abolition of
slavery by a victorious rebellion" [Origln:565].
[19] Cf. Engels's contrast between slave and wage labourer which helps to
bring this discontinuity to the surface: "The slave frees himself by
abolishing, among all the private property relationships, only the
relationship of slavery ... [3ut -PL] the proletarian can free himself
only by abolishing private property in general" [Principles of
Communism: 3^^].
distance the one from the other" [ibid:144], It is the presence of such
"circumstances" that seem to distance class divisions from overt class
struggle in classical antiquity; or, to put it differently, "circumstances"
that do not allow the inherent opposition cf interests between slave and
master to materialise into overt conflict.
contradiction between slave and master which corresponds to the specific
character of a mode of production that is based on slavery. And, on the
other hand, a "principal" or "dominant" contradiction that applies to the
division of the citizen body into two conflicting classes and indicates
which social groups are visibly opposed under relations of production that
allow access to the political plane only to free men.
by the ruthless and bloody repression of all instances of slave opposition
throughout the ancient world. [21] What is more, the citizen body, however
divided itself, tended to maintain a united bloc against the unfree
subjects of the state. This is evident in the citizen's awareness of his
superiority and the unquestioned acceptance of social and political
inequality as external and natural. As Engels remarks in this context:
Among the Greeks and Romans the inequalities of men were of much
greater importance than their equality in any respect. It would
necessarily have seemed insanity to the ancients that Greeks
and barbarians, freemen and slaves, citizens and peregrines,
Roman citizens and Roman subjects (to use a comprehensive term)
should have a claim to equal political status [Anti-
j)hring:128]. [22]
[21] Thus, for xmpIT the losses in slave manpower on the aftermath of
the Spartacus Uprising numbered, according to Livy, over one hundred
[22] This attitude is reflected very clearly in Plutarch's interpretation
of Plato's socio-political doctrine: "[The equality -PL] the many aim
at is the greatest of all injustices and God has removed it out of
the world as being unattainable; but he protects and maintains the
distribution of things according to merit ..." [cited in Farrington,
1939:29-30]. For an extensive discussion of ancient attitudes towards
social inequality and slavery in particular, see Ste.Croix [1981:416-
itself was undergoing a period of severe internal turmoil due to the
Gracchan struggles for the Roman poor. Nor is it accidental that mass
escapes of slaves tended to occur when the repressive mechanisms of the
state were weak due to internal circumstances or the vicissitudes of war.
The lacuna left by the slaves' overall inability for overt class
struggle is filled by the "principal" or "dominant" contradiction, that
between wealthy and impoverished citizens. Their struggle, dominant and
highly visible on the political level, continues unabated for a long time
but a significant qualitative modification has by now come upon it. The
ruination of the small citizen/farmer by forcible expropriation, military
service, indebtedness, taxation and slavery means, in effect, that he has
been gradually deprived of the property supports of his citizenship
status. His is now
to, especially with regard to the appropriation of some part of the social
surplus. What happens, in other word3, is that "appropriation by right of
citizenship remains and only its institutional support in concrete social
relations has changed" [Hindess et al., 1975:90]. These rights of
appropriation involved, above all, the access by those holding citizenship
status to various state redistribution schemes, such as corn doles, state
pay, and even the selling of votes [cf. Finley, 1983a:33~6], all of which
enabled them to scrap a meagre but fairly stable living (the proverbial
bread and circuses' of Rome). The total urbanisation of these expropriated
and, therefore, unemployed citizens increased their strategic position in
the political terrain, since they were able to exert, by mere continuous
physical presence in the city, a sustained pressure on the wealthy
citizens. This, in turn, compelled the latter to such concessions as were
necessary for the temporary pacification of the poor. Coupled with the
total debarment of slaves from public life, the poor citizens' continuous
and idle presence in the city which increased their influence as voters
and obliged the wealthy class to take note of them as a troublesome and
potentially dangerous group, resulted in an upswing of the political
struggles within the citizen body. This, however, was radically different
from the original form of the citizen conflict, since, by that time, the
poor citizen population was landless. We are therefore confronted by the
curious phenomenon of an increase in "the dominant importance of political
life" at a time when the original "integration of political and economic
activity began to break down" [Humphreys, 1970:13].
brought about by imperialism and the extensive exploitation of slaves.
This i3 what happens, for instance, in Athens in the wake of its period of
imperial expansion and its transition to a slave economy:
But, in spite of the fact that the continuation of the survival of the poor
as citizens was due to the communal elements of the city, their total
dependence on the state signifies, in effect, the degeneration of the
principle upon which citizenship originally rested. The wide introduction
of state redistribution schemes may therefore be seen as the substitution
for landownership as the genuine presupposition of citizenship; thus, in
Athens, "by the fourth century the citizen's status was symbolized
economically by state pay rather than by landholding" [Humphreys, 1970:7].
barred from political life, enables them to acquire a certain degree of
organisation as a class and, thereby, a visible political presence. [26]
The poor citizens, then, gradually become only a distant reminder of the
beginnings, of classical civilisation when the "presupposition of the
survival of the community" had been "the preservation of equality among
its free self-sustaining peasants, and their own labour as the condition
of the survival of their property" [Grundrisse:^76]. This presupposition,
however, has by now been irrepairably undermined in the course of the
reproduction of the contradictory social structure of antiquity and of its
effects (i.e. the growth of exchange, imperialism, slavery, and the
unbridgeable divisions in the citizen body). The ancient equality has gone
for ever, the property of the poor citizens has disappeared and direct
[26] This, of course, does not mean that their political representation is
necessarily genuine. In Rome, for instance, the existence of legal and
property qualifications for public office resulted, more than often,
in the plebs falling prey to the ambitions of upper-class opportunist
leaders who could rally their support under populist slogans. On
these politicians, known as populres, see Ste.Croix [1981:352] and
Brunt [1974].
Citizen labour has been displaced by slave labour. Of course, the
impoverished citizens try to hang on to the last remnants of the unity of
political status and economic privileges, but the anomaly of their
situation, the "discrepancy between 'charter' and reality" [Humphreys,
1970:25], is real and ever-increasing. The expropriated citizens have lost
the economic supports of their institutional position as members of the
polis and, because of the acute threat to their precarious existence as
free men, they resist fiercely and with all the political muscle they can
still muster the attack on'the TastTof their citizenship rights. But the
substance of the original unity of politics and economics in the ancient
relations of production has been fundamentally corrupted and their
citizenship status is increasingly becoming an empty letter, a remnant of
the past. The original contradiction of the production relations, that
between the centripetal communal and the centrifugal private elements of
the polis, has become even sharper and the cleavage between poor and rich
citizens has been irrepairably widened with the utter deprivation of the
former. The victory of the .increasing inequality between the citizens over
their original communality signifies precisely the disintegration of the
ancient relations of production and the unity of politics and economics
that they implied. [27]
This process of dissolution had begun with the gradual drawing together
of the propertied citizens and wealthy non-citizens on the basis of their
common economic interests when the gap within the citizen body was being
widened by war, slavery and exchange. Even in Athens, the process whereby
the rigid division of citizens from non-citizens was undermined had been
well under way from the beginnings of its period of decline:
[27] Cf. Padgug [1975:108]: "The internal dissolution of the citizen state
was a first step towards the separation of politics and economics,
for it was the conflict between thern that caused the dissolution."
bitterly [Padgug, 1975:109].
This incipient process found its climax in the history of Rome, where it
was precipitated by an unprecedented imperial expansion which abolished
completely the original territorial integrity and autonomy of the city-
state system. The Roman Empir caused the irrevocable dilution of the
principles upon which the ancient polis rested by the unification of
states, and alien cultures, by the creation of large professional armies,
bureaucratic apparatuses and powers of taxation, and by the rise of a
cosmopolitan propertied class beyond the confines of ancient society
proper. [28]
The melting-pot of the Roman Empire signalled the last days of the old
connection between citizenship and landholding whose dissolution had
already been under way. Marx refers to Niebuhr with regard to the fact
that, even as early as the time of Augustus, the old dependency relations
and political -distinctions had begun to give way to pure wealth
differentials in class divisons [cf. Grundrisse:501~2]. Among the free
population the emergence of the distinction between honestores and
humeliores on the basis of economic criteria does indeed "cut across that
between citizens and aliens" [Garnsey, 197^:163]. Citizenship had been
losing even its formal exclusive character from the early Principate
onwards, when its granting to peregrines who had served in non-citizen
auxiliary regiments of the Roman army became institutionalised [cf.
Ste.Croix, 1981:46l ]. The climax of the dissolving process of the
citizenship-foundation of the ancient relations of production was finally
reached with the constitutio Antoniana in AD 212, [29] which granted Roman
citizenship to almost all the non-slave subjects of the empire. What this
amalgamation indicates by the sheer massiveness of its scope, is precisely
[28] "The levelling plane of Roman world power had been pasing for
centuries over all the Mediterranean countries. Where the Greek
language offered no resistance all national languages gave way to a
corrupt Latin. There were no longer any distinction of nationality,
no more Gauls, Iberians, Ligurians, Noricans; all had become Romans.
Roman administration and Roman law had everywhere dissolved the old
bodies of consanguinei and thus crushed the last remnants of local
and national self-expression. The new-fangled Romanism could not
compensate for this loss; it did not express any nationality, but only
lack of nationality" [0rigin:558].
[29] Originally introduced for taxation expediency.
;he fact that the once rigidly exclusive citizen status had by then lost
men of its former substantial content. [30] This extensive los3 of
lolitical privilege, ironically symbolised by its indiscriminate
iniversalisation, may be seen a3 the terminus ad quem of the internal
levelopment of the original social structure of antiquity, since it puts
.he formal stamp on the disappearance of a large part of the exclusivity
if citizenship rights. As Engel3 observes in a reference to Roman law:
The same holds, by and large, for usurer's capital too. Marx believes
t money-lending capital reached its highest development in Rome, where
usurer's parasitic role attracted the popular hatred of the small
eholding peasant; usury, let it be remembered, was the chief means by
oh the citizen was deprived of his plot of land and thereby of his
sf claim to commune membership. Usury itself, however, stands outside
the immediate process of production since it rests on its continuation
despite the fact that it may have a most destructive effect upon it. As
Marx puts it, usury depends on the
] "And even in the most advanced parts of the ancient world, among the
Greeks and Romans, the full development of money, which is
presupposed in modern bourgeois society, appears only in the period
of their dissolution" [Grundrissen 03]. Cf., also, Capital 1:172.
3 This is the meaning of S. Arnin's point when he thinks of Greece as one
of those "exceptional precapitalist formations in which commodity
exchange performs decisive (although not dominant) functions" [cited
in Padgug, 1975:95-6].
] The only case of wage labour in antiquity, according to Marx, is that
of the Roman army in the days when it is no longer a citizen army but
one composed of mercaneries. Marx singles out this exception on a
number of occasions [cf., e.g., Grundrisse: 103, ^68, 893 and Marx to
Engels, September 25, 1857:91]; he takes notice of the fact that, like
the workers in capitalism, the mercaneries sell their labour time to
an employer - in this case, the Roman state - for pay [Sold] which is
determined by the minimum costs necessary to procure them. This,
however, is hardly a productive form of labour, since the soldier's
time is not directed towards the production of values [cf.
Grundrisse:529n], For other limited form3 of hired labour in
antiquity, such as labour for public works, etc., see Ste.Croix
their land; they swell the ranks of the workless populum in the city and
they, therefore, present some of the qualities of potential wage labourers,
since they are alienated from the means of production and thus apparently-
available for wage employment. On the other hand, however, the proletari!,
wretched as their existence may be, nevertheless hang tenaciously to the
last semblances of citizenship which entitle them to various state
benefices that ensure their survival even in a vegetative state. More
importantly, they are not sought after as producers, for production is
dominated by slaves. It is because they stand "midway between freemen and
slaves", that they never succeed in becoming anything more "than a
proletarian rabble" [German Ideology:72], And, accordingly, it is to the
dominance of slave labour that the search for an answer has to focus.
[7] "In the slave relation, [the producer -PL] belongs to the individual,
particular owner, as his labouring machine. As a totality of force-
expenditure, as labour capacity, he is a thing [Sache] belonging to
another, and hence does not relate as subject to his particular
expenditure of force, nor to the act of living labour ... In the slave
relation the worker is nothing but a living labour-machine, which
therefore has a value for others, or rather is a value" [Grundrisse:
The development of commerce and merchant's capital gives rise
everywhere to the tendency towards production of exchange-
values, increases its volume, multiplies it, makes it
cosmopolitan, and develops money into world-money. Commerce,
therefore, has a more or less dissolving influence everywhere on
the producing organisation, which it finds at hand ... [But -PL]
whither this process of dissolution will lead, ..., does not
depend on commerce but on the character of the old mode of
production itself. In the ancient world the effect of commerce
and the development of merchant's capital always resulted in a
slave economy ... However, in the modern world, itresults in the
capitalist mode of production. It follows" therefrom that these
results spring in themselves from circumstances other than the
development of merchant's capital [Capital III:331~2j.
reproduction, because its labour-force could never be homeostatically
stabilized within the system" [Anderson, 1974a:76]. Marx is careful to
stress this intrinsic limitation of slave production which retains, even
in its heyday, its dependence upon external supplies of servile labour
that cannot be ensured by other than political means:
[8] "In Roman law, the servus is ... defined as one who may not enter into
exchange for the purpose of acquiring anything for himself"
[Grundrisse: 245].
[Results-.1033]. By contrast, in capitalism, the worker "as distinct from
the slave is himself an independent centre of circulation"
[Grundrisse.*^], to the extent that his consumption is largely
conditioned by his mode of payment:
The differences between the slave and the free worker in their capacity
as consumers are of paramount significance in terms of the incentives for
the increase in the productivity of labour and for productive growth in
[9] The same also hold3, of course, for the differential positions of
slave and wage labourer vis--vis their respective employers, since
in the former case it is the person of the labourer which is
commodified, but, in the latter, it is only his labour-power that is a
commodity. The difference is amplified in Part III but we may for the
moment refer to Engels's emphasis on it in his juxtaposition of slave
and wage labour: "The slave is sold once and for all, the .proletarian
has to sell himself by the day and, by the hour. Being the property of
one master, the individual slave has, since it is in the interest of
this master, a guaranteed subsistence, however wretched it may be; the
individual proletarian, the property so to speak of the whole
bourgeois clas3, whose labour is only bought from him when somebody
needs it, has no guaranteed subsistence ... The slave stands outside
competition, the proletarian stands within it and feels all its
fluctuations" [Principles of Communism: 3^3"^].
general in the slave and capitalist systems respectively. For example,
while individual differences between producers are of importance in
capitalism, they matter very little in the slave mode of production:
What is more, wage labour is incomparably more adaptable ih&>\ slave labour:
The effect of all these differences is to make "the free worker's work more
intensive, more continuous, more flexible and skilled than that of the
slave" [ibid:1032-3] and thereby more susceptible to productive
innovations and growth.
All these, from the point of view of the direct producer, whether free
or enslaved. An analogous juxtoposition of capitalism and antiquity is
pertinent when we consider the position of the non-labourer in both
systems. In capitalism, only a small part of the revenues of exploitation
is devoted by the capitalist to personal consumption; the rest is
channelled to the reproduction and the expansion of the economic
conditions of his continued exploitation of the worker, which is achieved
by the incessant re-purchase of the means of production and of labour-
power, and by the drive to increase the productivity of labour. The reverse
is true in antiquity, where the revenues of the wealthy citizen are
devoted to the reproduction of the political conditions of his continued
appropriation of land and labour. Only to a very limited extent do these
conditions allow for 'productive' investment. For the rest, his expenditure
is overwhelmingly directed at the maintenance or improvement of his
political position among his fellow citizens, since it is from this very
position that his appropriation rights, his economic benefits, derive.
Thus, instead of transforming the proceeds of his exploitation into
capital, instead of investing them in production, he spends them on non-
economic activities, (such a3 civic and religious festivals, military
expenses, public buildings, art, etc.) or leaves them to remain idle. This
accounts for the fact that money is hoarded rather than productively
itilised; [13] and it consequently accounts for the fact that the ancient
rforld experiences so limited a growth in the forces of production. As Marx
3ums up these limitations:
Let us look closer into this. Man expends labour, and thereby develops
the forces of- production, in order to subjugate an essentially hostile
external world and thus satisfy his needs. Those needs, however, are not
only naturally determined and invariant, but also socially and
historically conditioned; Marx refers to this distinction and to the
relative historicity of human needs on more than one occasion and in many
different contexts, although he does so in a rather unsystematic and not
wholly consistent manner. [14] But once the historically relative
dimcisioo of human needs is accepted in principle, it follows that the
continuity of the tendency towards the growth of productive forces can be
anything but given or invariant; rather, it becomes itself dependent on the
intensity, extent and general character of the largely historically
low, in the case of antiquity, the "nature and hierarchy" of needs, i.e. of
ieeds imposed by the social 3ystem, are anything but exclusively economic.
'his is so, because what occupies a central position in them is the need
'or the reproduction of the political conditions of existence of the
iroduction system. By contrast, the situation is entirely different in
:apitalism, as we shall have the opportunity to see in some detail in Ch.9
elow. Suffice here to say that the conditions of existence of the
apitalist relations of production are dissociated from all non-economic
onsiderations, a fact which has a quite different bearing on the drive
owards the satisfaction of needs and, consequently, on the process of
roductive growth.
the case with every organic whole [op.cit.:99~10C j. [15]
At one point, even, Marx becomes quite specific, so that little doubt is
left as to the importance he attaches to the specific character, of the
need system. He argues that "consumption produces production",
And, even more specifically, this seems to be the case with the ancient
polis, on what we have witnessed so far from the examination of the
relations of production in antiquity. For, as Gouldner's figurative point
ingeniously illustrates:
Dialectic, as the 1859 Preface does, by regarding the development of the
forces of production as "autotelic and automatic" [Saran, 1960:100], is a
theoretical act of deeply teleological character. It is effectively
tantamount to forcing on the whole expanse of history what progressively
appears to be a temporally limited model of productive determinism. But
such a methodological practice is condemned by Marx himself as jujene and
fruitless, since it uses as "master key a general historico-philosophical
theory, the supreme virtue of which consists in being supra-historical"
[Marx to Otechestvenniye Zapiskl:29^].
The last days of the Roman Empire are closely connected with the
decline of slavery. Engels, in his Origin, sees the gradual fall of slavery
into desuetude as due to the fact that the latifundia were increasingly
being broken up, because of the "impoverishment of"their owners and the
decay of the towns" [op.cit.:559]. This resulted in the shrinkage of the
markets for the products of large-scale agriculture and industry and the
consequent unprofitability of superfluous slaves:
market for its products had disappeared. Small-scale
agriculture and small handicrafts, to which the gigantic
production of the flourishing times of the empire was now
reduced, had no room for numerous slaves. Society found room
only for the domestic and luxury slaves of the rich. But
moribund slavery was still sufficiently virile to make all
productive work appear as slave labour, unworthy of the dignity
of free Romans - and everybody was now a free Roman
6] The adoption of the 'shortage thesis' by some Marxists was, for a long
time, exorcised as heretical (i.e. 'Kautskyism') by the
representatives of the Marxist orthodoxy in the field of classical
scholarship [cf. Konstan, 1975: 147-8],
severely reduced on the aftermath of the termination of the last great
wars of conquest in the first century AD. Augustus' wars in Spain, Germany,
Illyricum and Pannonia put large numbers of slaves on the market, but the
period of pacification that followed them under the pax Augusta dried up
this, the most important, source of supply of slave labour. [17] The
limitations in the external sources of slave labour had a profound impact
on the economy, since they made the erstwhile plentiful availability of
slaves a thing of the past and resulted in sharp rises in the prices of
slaves. The increased cost of imported 3laves led, in turn, to the
introduction of extensive slave-breeding in the large estates in Italy.
This development could not but have serious repercussions for the mode and
rate of exploitation of slave labour; as Ste.Croix [1981:237] explains:
[17] Besides, the establishment of relative order within the Empire put a
gradual end to other sources of slaves, such as piracy and brigandage.
This process had begun in earnest quite early on, with Pcmpey's
suppression of piracy in the Eastern Mediterranean in 67 BC.
and leased in small plots to hereditary tenants, ... coloni, who
paid a fixed amount annually, were attached to the land and
could be sold together with the plots. These were not slaves, but
neither were they free ... They were the forerunners of the
medieval serfs [Qrigin:560].
The rise of the colonate marks the last stage of the development of the
ancient world by finally depriving the poor free population of the last
vestiges of political independence and the few privileges this still
entitled them to. The "almost total disappearance of the free population"
[German Ideology:72] was accompanied by the relative improvement of the
slave's position as he was 'elevated' to the status of a tenant. The
beginnings of enserfment are thus closely connected with the gradual
assimilation of the poor freemen with the slaves [cf. Jones, 197^:296] [18]
and with the emergence of a single form of exploitation of a class of
enserfed producers by a class of large landowners.
The final chapter in the history of the ancient world, however, is not
solely a product of this process of internal decomposition. The 'nadir' of
its history cannot be regarded as a point of arrival in a long-drawn
internal process of development alone, but rather as the synthesis between
the disintegrating structure of antiquity and the Germanic conquests that
swept over the Western Roman Empire; it is finally reached, in other words,
with "the destruction of an old civilisation by a barbarous people and the
resulting formation of an'entirely new organisation of society" [German
Ideology.71 ]. As Engels puts it, the internal development of the ancient
world had led to an impasse, a "blind alley" [Qrigin:560] from which any
way out was barred, so that "At tne end of tne fifth century, the Roman
Empire, exhausted, bloodless and helpless, lay open to the invading
Germans" [ibid.-558j. [19] External threats to the security of the antique
social order were, of course, a permanent feature in the history of
antiquity. But, in the days of the Later Roman Empire, the social structure
had been so irrevocably eroded that Rome could no longer profer any
[18] "While the slave advanced in his social status and became a serf, the
colonus, ..., was sliding down into serfdom" [Weber, 1971:265].
[19] The interpntration of the Germanic with the Roman words had of
course preceded the final watershed of the invasions with the earlier
settlement of barbarians in many parts of the Empire [cf. Ste.Croix,
1981: 2^3-8].
effective resistance and the subject and exploited populations were
indifferent and passive to the preservation of Roman rule or even actively
"hailed" the invaders "as saviours" [ibid:559]. [20]
many, if not more, conceptual difficulties. Marx's characterisation of Asia
as an 'exception' to the dynamic course of history and his juxtaposition of
it to its European antipode are commonly taken, without further
investigation, as proofs .that classical antiquity, at least, confirms the
schema of the 1859 Preface. Such a posture, however, contains a major
analytical deficiency insofar as it sets off with the uncritical
acceptance of the stark contrast between East and West. A close study of
Marx's conception of classicaljmtlqui.ty-r-though, not only allows us to put
this contrast into context, but leads us also to the revelation of the fact
that Marx's analysis of the classical world is itself quite di3tanciated
from the principles of his general theory of history. By focusing on
precapitalism as a whole, rather than on the division of history along
europocentric lines (a separation for which Marx is of course largely
responsible), Part III proposes to argue that it is the disconinuity
between capitalism and precapitalism that offers the greater insight in
the interpretation of Marx's understanding of history.
. Part III consists of three chapters. In its first chapter (Ch. 7), the
attempt is made to bring together and categorise the various reasons that
may account for the 'Marxian Inconsistency'; in it, the problematic
relationship between Marx and Engels is also discussed. In the two
chapters that follow it will be argued that, both in terms of structural
characterisation (Ch. 8) and of historical development (Ch. 9), it is not
Marx's fragmented historical studies that constitute an 'anomaly' on the
ordered schema of the 1859 Preface but rather the reverse; it will in other
words be suggested that Marx's theoretical objectives and his "historical
spirit" [Vernant, 1976:78] are potentially served more faithfully by his
unfinished and 'unorthodox1 studies, rather than by his 'orthodox' general
theory of history.
Given these intrinsic limitations, the present chapter does not aspire
to provide the definitive answer to the question of 'who Marx really was'.
Rather, it sets off from a different premiss, namely, that it is the
inconsistencies themselves which are the only real and indisputable
feature of Marx, and, from there, it tries to examine the array of reasons
that fuelled and preserved it. The problem of course is further obfuscated
by the fact that post-Marxian scholarship has proved extremely partisan on
the matter, by recognising only one face of what is essentially a Janus-
like intellectual personne. [1] The obfuscation in this case lies
evidently in the fact that similar exercises are not primarily concerned
with the constitution of Marx's ideas but rather with their subsequent
diffusion. This particular pitfall should be carefully avoided, whenever
possible, and this is why even the relationship between Marx and Engels is
discussed separately in the latter part of the chapter.
[1] Thus, for instance, the view that Marx's general historical model was
nothing more than a "guiding thread" [Leitfaden], a conceptual
framework to be tested against empirical historical reality [cf.
Korsch, 1963:167], is counterposed to the insistence that Marx
rejected the relative character of his general historical model [cf.
Jordan, 1967:298-9], and to the suggestion that the 1859 Preface
represents the final crystallisation of Marx's views [cf. Echevarria,
1978:33^]. We should regard both of these attitudes as premissed on a
mistaken basis, for they both deny in their own way the reality of the
Marxian inconsistency; they both 'cancel it in practice', as it were,
by assigning priority to one of its terms.
articulation and transmission of one's ideas, it is only natural that the
"background" or "analytic" assumptions "will be repressed and kept at the
level of the tacit, to the extent that they are dissonant with components
of the articulated theory" [ibid:3l4]. C2] So with Marx too. At the level
of generalisation - in our case, at the level of his general theory of
history - the significance and implications of his historical studies may
well have been sacrificed for the sake of presenting a coherent and
articulate model of historical development. Gouldner identifies two sites
of anomalies in Marx, namely his ideas on Asia and his analysis of the
phenomenon of the Bonapartist state. To these we should also add Marx's
formulations in the Grundrisse on the particular structural
characteristics and development of precapitalist forms, and especially
that of classical antiquity. The process of suppressing the implications
of these formulations for his general theory of history is what Gouldner
has called the "normalization of anomalies" [ibid:299], which consists in
"ultimately accommodating the background assumptions of his analytic to
the postulations of the explicit theory paradigm" [ibid:3l6]. [3]
The first major reason that could be adduced in this connection lies in
,he very innovative character of Marx's ideas. In advocating a radically
iew perspective in historical explanation in the midst of well-rooted and
.ostile alternative theoretical systems, Marx may well have been forced to
he overstatement of his views, articulating them at a universal level and
eneralising their applicability. Indeed, the polemical dimension in
arx's articulation and presentation of his general theory of history is
cknowledged by none other than Engels as the inevitable result of the
onfrontation with competing schools of thought; warning against the worst
xcesses of economic reductionism, Engels admits in a letter written well
fter Marx's death, that both he and Marx were partly responsible for,
ince, as he puts it, "We had to emphasise the main principle vis--vis our
dversaries" [Engels to Bloch:396].
of Surplus-Value 11:118] as the objective of the science of man. And,
indeed, the construction of a uniform and universal causal framework
provided that "schematism" which "afforded a corrective to the
bewilderment imposed by the manifold details of the events" [Krieger,
1953:393] and reaffirmed the belief in the coherence and intelligibility
of history.
The discussions of every age are filled with the issues on which
its leading schools of thought differ. But the general
intellectual atmosphere of the time is always determined by the
views on which the opposing schools agree. They become the
unspoken presuppositions of all thought, the common and
unquestioningly accepted foundations on which all discussion
The notion that one can discern large patterns in the procession
of historical events is naturally attractive to those who are -
impressed by the success of the natural sciences in classifying,
correlating, and above all predicting.
overriding political concern and motivation in Marx's interest in history
was the need to demonstrate theoretically the inevitability of the
collapse of the capitalist system. Yet, the fulfillment of such an ambition
required the postulation of an underlying historical necessity which
would situate the present as a moment in a process of a definite character
and tendency. As Popper C1969:83U, among others, has suggested, it was
because of Marx's desire to establish the coming of socialism by means of
scientific prediction that the predicability of capitalism's collapse
presupposed a Law of Evolution, since every scientific prediction cannot
but be an inference from a law.
Once monistic economie determinism is abandoned, there is ... no
methodological basis for historical prediction. If history
results from a number of interacting factors, there is no single
law of succession of distinct stages in social and historical
development. Thus, prediction turns into prophecy, and socialism,
unable to foresee the future, is no longer a science ... [Jordan^
of the letter's 'favoured' position in time. This implicit notion is at the
root of its teleological methodology which generalises the descriptive
categories and governing principles of the 'highest' form of development,
capitalism, and transposes them as universal to previous 'lower' forms. It
is this socialist eschatology that
[7] The radical "separation" of Engels from Marx goes of course well
beyond their respective approaches to history and refers, primarily,
to the differences in their philosophical conceptions, for which
evidence is usually sought in the juxtaposition of Marx's earlier
works on philosophy to Engels's later philosophical constructions,
especially his Anti-Duhring and Dialectics of Nature. On the radical
'divorcing' of Engels from Marx, cf., among others: Colletti [1972:65];
Coulter [1971:129-37]; Hodges [1965:297-308]; Lichtheim [1961:58-61
and 234-58], [1967:6], [1971:26, 66-73, and 154], and [1973:452]; Rubel
[1981:17-25]; Sartre [1976:27-40]; Tucker [1961:184]. For the most
extreme and unsophisticated accentuation of the difference, cf.
Levine [1975:esp.159ff.] and Sartre's reference to Marx's "destructive
encounter with Engels" [cited in Gouldner, 1980:251]. See also Craver
[1983:154-7] who maintains that the co-operation between Marx and
Engels not only corrupted the former's ideas but also, to a certain
extent, stunted the latter's autonomous intellectual development in
as much as Engels was assigned to play "second fiddle" to Marx.
[8] For contemorary 'supporters' of Engels, cf.: Novack [1978:85-115],
Timpanaro [1974:13] and [1975:42 and 131]. The latter, in particular,
is unsparing in his laudatory appreciation of Engels, speaking of hi3
"extraordinary competence" as an ethnologist and historian and
praising the Origin as a "splendid book" [Timpanaro, 1975:131 and 42,
respectively T
and his unilinear conception of change in his Origin had to be separately
appended to the main text.
The dramatisation of the differences between Marx and Engels conceals the
fact that Marx did have his share in the production of a reductionist and
determinist historical standpoint; it fails to appreciate that Engels's
sweeping generalisations presupposed, to a large extent, Marx's 1859
Preface, and it leaves unresolved the problem of their joint works, [9] and
the biographical fact that Marx , up to hi3 death, never offered any
serious objections to Engels's formulations. [10] To saddle Engels alone
with the burden of a reductionist and determinist theory of history [e.g.
Lichtheim, 1973:^52] and to suggest that the latter "was conceived in the
[9] Namely, The Holy Family, The German Ideology, and The Communist
Manifesto, as well as numerous instances of co-operation in political
journalism. The problem of their joint works is not of course
entirely resolved by somewhat facile suggestions of the kind that,
"since their final version was in each case set down by Marx, they can
be considered as Marx's writings ..." [Avineri, 1968:3n]
[10] This is especially--relevantin "the case of Engels's Anti-Duhring,
which Marx had read in manuscript. To suggest that Marx failed to
dissociate himself from its formulations because "he regarded the
book as a popular tract destined for a semi-literate public"
[Lichtheim, 1973:^52] or "out of respect for the friendship that
bounded them in solidarity until the last" [Rubel, 1981:23] and
because "Marx felt it easier, in view of their long friendship, their
role as leading socialists, and the usefulness of Engels's financial
resources, to keep quiet and not interfere in his work" [Carver,
1983:129-30] is mere biased speculation or/and imputation of motives,
aiming at the uncritical hiography of Marx via the scapegoating of
mind of Friedrich Engels" [Rubel, 1981:17] who transformed Marx's
historical approach into an "ersatz religion" [ibid:23], is an exercise
which can rest only on a very selective reading of their texts, a reading
which minimises their similarities and which results, in effect, in
replacing a "vulgar Marxism" with "a vulgar criticism of Engels"
[Gouldner, 1980:251].
This does not of course absolve Engels of the responsibility for the
widespread perception of the -Marxian historical perspective as
reductionist and determinist. For it was Engels's assumption of the role of
the custodian and exegete of Marx's ideas after the latter's death, his
position as the 'first Marxist*, as it were, which led to the further
schmatisation of the Marxian theory of history. Engels's editorial and
exegetical labours, combined with the special status conferred upon him as
Marx's life-long collaborator and friend, [11] enhanced the effect of his
particular one-sided appropriation (but not necessarily
misappropriation') of Marx's writings, so that the latter came to be read
It should be made clear from the outset, though, that the pursuit of
hese questions continues to take place in an exegetical rather than a
ubstantial context. The problem is, in other words, approached from the
oint of Marx's own theoretical concerns, the analytical objectives he
eta down and the points he wishes to make, with the view of determining
nether all these are potentially served better by his fragmented and
nfinished historical notes, than they are by the articulate universal
exposition of his 1859 Preface. The. intrinsic limitations of such an
.ttempt, however, should not be forgotten. To argue that some of Marx's
'ritings imply an anti-teleological historical perspective is not to try
ind reconstruct a supposedly 'pure' Marxism. As with most cases of
exegesis, this one too depends largely on extrapolation and
interpretation, or on what Althusser would call a specific 'reading' of
Marx, which consists here in stressing one part of his work against the
other. Arguing by appeal to authority is a rather dubious procedure in
general; but in our case it is quite nonsensical too, for, however hard one
may try, one cannot waive away the 'Marxian Inconsistency', the fact, in
other words, that the "authority" presents itself "in terms of a divided
thought" [Lefort, 1978:617] and can consequently be discussed only as such.
from men as narrated, thought of, imagined, conceived, in order
to arrive at men in the flesh. We set out from real, active men,
and on the basis of their real life-process we demonstrate the
development of the ideological reflexes and echoes of this
life-process [German Ideology:25].
But what does Marx's 'materialism' actually involve? [1] Should it be
seen as an 'econoraism' which accords primacy to an 'economic base' in all
forms of society as the 1859 Preface requires? Or is the identification of
the terms 'material production' and 'economy' itself temporally specific, a
'product of history' as it were, which obtains only in a particular form of
social organisation? Let us try to tackle these questions setting out from
the fundamental Marxian conception of human nature.
religion or anything else you like. They themselves begin to
distinguish themselves from animals' as soon as they begin to
produce their means of subsistence ... By producing their means
of subsistence men are indirectly producing their actual
material life [German Ideology:20].
explanation or is the result of a historic process, but rather
the separation between these inorganic conditions of human
existence and this active existence, a separation which is
completely posited only in the relation of wage-labour and
capital [ibid:489.].
But what does this unity of the subjective and objective conditions of
production actually consist of? Marx's answer to this lies in his
definition of what he considers to be the "original conditions" or
"natural presuppositions" [ibid:489] of all forms of precapitalist
The natural unity of labour and means of production arises, therefore, from
the fact that the individual "appears originally as a species-being
[Gattungswesen], clan being, herd animal" [ibid:496]. [4] His productive
existence is indissolubly linked to this condition of being a member of a
commune in both an "objective" and a "subjective" sense [ibid:490].
Objectively, in so far as the appropriation by his labour of the means of
production depends upon his belonging to a commune; it is only as "such a
member" that he has access to the means of production, that "he relates to
a specific nature (eay, here, still earth, land, soil) as his own inorganic
being, as a condition of his production" [ibid]. And subjectively, in so
[5] Cf.: "An isolated individual could no more have property in land and
soil than he could speak" [Grundrisse:^85l.
[6] Although appearing as "a negative unity towards the outside"
(although, in other words, being "already a product of history",
"possessing an origin"), the ancient commune is still "the
presupposition of property in land and soil - i.e. of the relation of
the working subject to the natural presuppositions of his labour as
belonging to him - but this belonging [is] mediated by his being a
member of the state, by the being of the state ..." [ibid:475].
land" [ibid:476]. Ancient private property, unlike capitalist private
property, is derived from the essential communal presupposition of
production. [7] The existence of the individual as a producer cum private
proprietor is thus mediated by the community in its specific antique form.
This applies to the slave's existence too, albeit inversely, because hi3
position is determined by the 'loss' of his membership in a community. It
is because he is a non-citizen that the slave "stands in no relation
whatsoever to the objective conditions of his labour" [ibid:M89]; this is
why Marx remarks that slavery is but a by-product of "property founded on
the community and labour in the community" [ibid:U96].
On the other hand, the producers must cease to have claims to the ownership
of the means of production as commune members, they must be "unencumbered
by any means of production of their own" [Capital 1:87^], so that they are
compelled to alienate the only property at their disposal, namely their
labour-power. They must, in other words, find themselves in a situation in
which they confront "all objective conditions of production as alien
property, as their own not-property" [Grundrisse:502]. And this means that
these "objective conditions" have been radically divorced
The means of production, thus, assume the specific form of capital. And it
[9] For, otherwise, if, that is, he did not manage "both to alienate
[verussern] his labour-power and to avoid renouncing his rights of
ownership over it", he would be transformed "from an owner of a
commodity into a commodity" himself [Capital 1:2713.
is not their availability or concentration that gives rise to their
emergence as capital, but rather the very fact of their separation from
labour. They become capital "only because of the phenomenon of wage-
labour" [Results:!005], [10] and this is why capital is a category that
does not apply in precapitalism. The concentration of wealth in the latter
is to be treated as stockpiling or hoarding [cf. Grundri3se:503-1 M] rather
than capital, for labour is not yet dissociated from its original
relationship to a community. [11] Wage-labour is therefore^arTecessary
condition for the formation of capital and remains the essential
prerequisite of capitalist production" Results: 1 006].
[10] Capital "arises only when the owner of the means of production and
subsistence finds the free worker available, on the market, as the
seller of his own labour-power" [Capital 1:27t].
[11 ] Cf.: "the mere presence of monetary wealth is in no way sufficient
for this dissolution into capital to happen" [Grundrlsse:506].
their respective commodities. [12] The combination of the elements of
production in capitalism is founded, then, on the principle of exchange.
The dissolution of their original unity in precapitalisti! means that their
reconstituted relationship in capitalist production is "a relationship of
sale and purchase, a purely financial relationship" [ibid: 1027].
[12] And this could not be so but for the commodification of labour-power
itself: "the sale and purchase of labour-power, displays to us the
capitalist and the worker only as the buyer and seller of
commodities. What distinguishes the worker from the vendors of other
commodities'is only the specific nature, the specific use-value, of
the commodity he sells. But the particular use-value of a commodity
does not affect the economic form of the transaction; it does not
alter the fact that the purchaser represents money, and the vendor a
commodity" [Results: 1 002].
[13] The free worker is "objectless, purely subjective labour capacity
confronting the objective conditions of production as his not-
property, as alien property, ..., as capital" [Grundrisse:1^].
capitalist labourer appears "in the dot-like isolation [Punktualitt] ...
as mere free worker" [ibid:485], a totally isolated individual whose
existence is determined solely by his possession of labour-power. [14] The
mode of association of individuals is correspondingly transformed also.
Whereas they used to relate to each other a3 co-proprietors, as "members
of a community, who at the same time work" [ibid:471 ], they can now relate
only as owners of commodities, as wage-labourers or/and capitalists. The
communal form of their original association has been replaced by the
transactional character of their contact. Exchange and its medium, money,
have now become the chief form of social connectedness, the "all-sided
mediation" between and "social bond" of individuals [ibid:156], [15]
[14] "For capital, the worker is not a condition of production, only work
is" [Grundrisse:^].
[15] Exchange and community are thus mutually exclusive as forms of social
connectedness. Hence Marx's remark, that "the less social power the
medium of exchange posesses ... the greater must be the power of the
community which bind the individuals together" [Grundrissen 57].
[16] The implications of this for the Dialectic of Forces and Relations of
Production are discussed in the next chapter.
did not take the form of commodities, nor was it produced for
that purpose ... The transformation of produce into commodities
occurred only at isolated points; it affected only the surplus
produce, or only particular sectors (such as manufactured
goods). Produce as a whole did not enter into the process as
merchandise, nor did it emerge as such from the process
[Results: 1059].
With the dissolution of the communal bond and the emergence of wage-
labour, however, the character of production is radically altered.
Capitalist production is the production of commodities, of exchange-
values, of products produced for exchange. In capitalism the commodity
becomes "the universally necessary form of the product", [17] since
everything that is produced must be exchangeable, it must necessarily "be
absorbed into commerce" [ibid:953.1. [18] Products, the results of
production, are as much 'mediated' by exchange as the conditions of
production are. This 'domination' of production by exchange is the ultimate
consequence of the dissolution of its original communal basis. For only
when the producer finds himself isolated from the ownership of the means
of production and has to sell his labour-power, does the product "cease to
be produced as the immediate means of subsistence of the producer himself"
and become a commodity [Capital 1:273]. It is with the rise of wage-labour,
[17] Cf.: "it is only with the emergence of capitalist production that use-
value is universally mediated by exchange-value" [Results:951 ].
[18] "The existence of value in its purity and generality presupposes a
mode of production in which the individual productTTias" ceased to
exist for the producer in general and even more for the individual
worker, and where nothing exists unless it is realized through
circulation. For the person who creates an infinitesimal part of a
yard of cotton, the fact that this is value, exchange value, is not a
formal matter. If he had not created an exchange value, money, he
would have created nothing at all" [ Grundrisse:251-2].
[19] And, inversely, "as long as labour capacity does not itself exchange
itself, the foundation of production does not yet rest on exchange,
but exchange is rather merely a narrow circle resting on a foundation
of non-exchange, as in all stages preceding bourgeois production"
The above lengthy organisation of Marx's remarks sufficiently indicates
the existence of .. a 'connecting thread' in his thought, namely the
persistent concern of bringing out the uniqueness of the 'determination'
of capitalist production. Capitalism thus emerges as the only form in
which production takes place on the basis of exchange ( i.e. that of wage-
labour and capital) and for the purposes of exchange (i.e. the production
of exchange-values). It is production by commodities and of commodities
and, in this respect, it stands out as unique. It is this uniqueness that is
borneout of Marx's sharp demarcation between capitalist production and all
its predecessors in terms of their major 'determination' (i.e.
separation/unity of labour and means of production). Capitalist production
thus signifies a decisive rupture in the given organisation of production;
it establishes so radical a mutation in the determination of production
relations that the distinctions between precapitalist forms fade into
insignificance in its face and appear as no more than mere variations of a
singular basic structure. [20] For it is only in capitalism that the
communal basi3 of production which is characteristic of all previous forms
no longer exists; in it production is differentiated into an autonomous,
market-regualated sphere of activities, dettached from all non-commodity
considerations, and therefore emerges, for the first time, as an economy .
In the"faoe~of this specifically capitalist phenomenon, all other forms of
production reveal an essential affinity between them, a "kinship" [Lefort,
1978:635] consisting, in effect, of not being 'economies' proper. [21]
[22] "Just as exchange value here plays only an accompanying role to use
value, it is not capital but the relation of landed property which
appears as its real basis" [Grundrisse:252].
[23] For an earlier elaboration of this point, cf. Critique of Hegel's
Doctrine of the State:1 37-8,146-8.
commodified), surplus labour can only be extorted from the direct producer
"by other than economic pressure" [Capital 111:791 ]. The latter needs to be
understood in its full negative sense, for what is meant to convey is that
exploitation does not take the form of commodity exchange, in other words
of pressure dictated by the disparate ownership of commodities. [24] This
is so not because in precapitalism a sphere other than the economic takes
upon itself the task of the extraction of surplus labour, but because no
such sphere can be strictly said to exist. Therefore, phrases such as
"other than economic pressure" or "extra-economic coercion" do not
signify a form of exploitation alongside the economic, but one which is so
because of the absence of the economic. Instead, then, of diverting
attention to the search of an 'economy1 in precapitalism, [25] what similar
expressions are supposed to bring out is the fact that precapitalist
production relations cannot be properly characterised as economic. [26]
[29] The same of course applies to the state, the political institution
par excellence: "The abstraction of the state as such was not born
until the modern world because the abstraction of private life was
not created until modern times. The abstraction of the political
state is a modern product" [Critique of Hegel's Doctrine of the
Marx's talk of "Catholicism" and "politics" has been widely taken to show
that he really believed in the applicability of such designated spheres in
precapitalism,, But what the passage actually seems to imply, in view of the
mutation in the determination of capitalist production, is that the
employment of such distinct descriptive categories as 'politics' or
'ideology' should not distract one's attention from the organic and
indissoluble unity of precapitalist relations of production.
>roduction that he had to proceed within the restrictive terms of
capitalist production itself:
the extra-economic origin of property means nothing else than
the historic origin of the bourgeois economy, of the forms of
production which are theoretically or ideally expressed by the
categories of political economy. But the fact that pre-bourgeois
history, ..., also has its own economy .... is at bottom only the
tautology that human life has from time immemorial rested on
production, ..., whose relations w call, precisely, economic
relations [Grundrisse:489; emphasis added].
But the argument is a non sequi tur. For, if the term "economy" is a
category drawn from the relations of capitalist production, then there is
nothing "precise" in designating precapitalist relations of production as
precapitalist production is thus forcibly burst "into satellitized,
disjointed categories" [Baudrillard, 1975:87] which are then articulated
into some sort of a union with one another. The essentially teleological
character [30] of such an "atomistic conception" [Kahn et al., 1981:286],
however, does not only defeat the attempt to demonstrate the historical
specificity and uniqueness of capitalism, but also negates, in practice,
the very anti-idealist standpoint of Marx. For the "reification" of
specifically .capitaliste categories into distinct "ontological types"
[Kilne, 1967:425] results in the same idealist phallacy that Marx strived
to disprove: namely, the derivation of the world from the concept, the
determination of reality by the idea. [31]
[30] Cf. the point by Castoriadis: "The idea that ... the relations of
production, ..., presuppose that in all societies the same
articulation of human activities exists, that technology, law,
politics and religion are always necessarily separated and separable
... is to extrapolate to the totality of history the structuration of
our own society, which is inevitably meaningless outside it" [cited
in Baudrillard, 1975:106].
[31 ] "It is often said that the insistence [in subordinating all human
activities to the norms of capitalism -PL] was 'too materialist', a
'vulgar materialism'. But the truth is that it was never materialist
enough" [Williams, 1977:92].
The idea of the economy as determinant but 'in the last instance' thus
rendered the Base/Superstructure Model a certain verisimilitude of
flexibility which many Marxists who were dissatisfied about its most rigid
overtones were eager to accept. The "ultimately" determinant role of the
economy served, therefore, as a justification for clinging on to. the
atomistic conception. Accordingly, in a whole series of theoretical
elaborations, the "final instance" became something of an "analytic
millenium" [Gouldner, 1980:240], the invocation of which was thought to
prove the viability of the general model even in the face of precapitalist
societies in which an 'economy' could by no stretch of the imagination be
said to exert an immediate determinant influence.
in the same way as a king who reigns but does not rule, until he
decides like Louis XIV (just as the capitalist system does) to
be h-i3 own Prime Minister and to concentrate in his hands the
dual condition of determination in the last instance and
dominant role [Laclau, 1977:76].
'dominant' in particular precapitalist societies, rather than the
questioning of the premiss on which such differentiations are made. A
somewhat peculiar position is occupied by Godelier, who is frequently
associated with the Althusserians but who has shown the greatest
discomfort of all with the Base/Superstructure Metaphor. Yet, although
defining production as "the totality of those operations aimed at
procuring for a society its material means of existence" [Godelier,
197^:263], he shows the greatest reluctance to part company with the
atomistic conception of levels. In view of the absence of an 'economy' in
precapitalism, the problem for Godelier becomes not the validity of the
metaphor which postulates the existence of such a category, but which
other instance assumes the 'function' of the 'missing' economy. [33] He thus
re-introduces the Base/Superstructure Model in a different form, just when
it might have been assumed that he would have abandoned it:
[33] Cf., e.g.: "How can we understand both the dominant role of kinship
within primitive society and the determinant role, in the final
analysis, of economics ...?" [Godelier, 1977a:127].
this is so then it follows that the idea of an ultimate economic
determination is quite untenable. If the economic is not dominant in a
society, neither can it form its general structuring principle which
determines the specific forms of non-economic instances that obtain in
it. [34] They accordingly reject the possibility of operating within a
problematic of semi-autonomous instances and opt, in effect, for a theory
of their complete autonomy. What is left of the Base/Superstructure iModel
is therefore a pure and undiluted atomistic conception of levels which is
put into practice in their laborious search for distinct, separately
defined and completely autonomous economic, political and ideological
spheres in precapitalist societies. [35] If this position "is truly
standing the pre-capitalist world on its head" [Sawer1977:233]. in that
the latter's unity is forcibly dismembered and shattered, then it should be
seen only as the logical outcome of the atomistic conception which is
built into the Base/Superstructure Metaphor.
individuala produce', leaving both the nature of those
relations, and their role within the social formation as a
whole, as empirical questions [Sayer, 1977:153].
the previous chapter was prefaced are, if anything, even more pertinent
here; this is so because Marx never actually abandoned his general
developmental scheme, as Schmidt [1971:168] rightly reminds us, although he
departed from it repeatedly in his concrete historical studies. Alongside
the latter, then, there are many of his texts which abound with statements
that present the inexorable growth of the productive forces as a trans-
historical constant. In consequence of all these, the exegetical task of
the present chapter becomes__everL,more difficult, fraught as this is with
the risk of arbitrary or onersided interpretations.
production which have already been discussed in detail. This is so because
the Dialectic is premissed on the Base/Superstructure Model and cannot
therefore be effectively challenged unless the letter's value for
precapitali3m has been questioned first. It is indeed worth pointing out
the conceptual interdependence of the two in Marx's general theory of
history for it is this that to a large extent helps conceal their historical
limitation. Thus, for example, the assumption that different societies can
be ranked according to the level of productive qrowth achieved by their
'economies' presupposes that the 'economy is always the determinant
instance and, more significantly, that it is distinguishable or separable
as such. The insistence on the Dialectic of Forces and Relations of
Production as the uniform mode of historical causation reproduces, in
other words, the idea of the Base/Superstructure Model as universally
applicable.: Or, to put it more crudely, just as economic reductionism
breeds economic determinism, so does the latter reinforce and perpetuate
the verisimilitude of the former. [1] Once, however, the economic
reductionism of the Base/Superstructure Model is shown to be the result of
the universalisation of capitalist categories and their determinate
connection, then we can set out to investigate what Marx, in a rare
instance of doubting his general theory of history, described as the
Let us then take Marx at his word and try to find out how the boundaries
of the Dialectic should really be determined. As we have already seen in
Part 1, Marx regarded men as by definition confronting an essentially
hostile nature. The necessity of overcoming the privations forced upon
them by the inclemency of the natural world is what provides-the primary
motivation to produce. Men engage in material production in order to
provide for their needs, their subsistence reqpirements, which are not
readily satisfied by nature, and, consequently, they have to develop their
[1] A similar point is made by Saran [1963:90], who argues that what
Marx's conflation of a "historico-genetic" with a "system"
terminology does is to remove the need for substantiating the latter.
productive capacities. So far so good. Men must, in order to survive,
produce, and, in doing 30, develop their forces of production, that is,
their productivity, technology, productive knowledge, etc. But this, in
itself, is no more than a statement of the anti-idealist or materialist
standpoint. It does not necessarily entail that such a productive
development, necessary as it may be, is either sustained or continuous; it
does not, in other words, imply that such a development expresses a
universal and inherent tendency on the part of the productive forces to
grow. It is one thing to draw attention to material production as the
central exigency of the human condition and to recognise that production
is not possible but with some degree of productive development. But it is
quite another to exalt the latter as the imperative of all production or
to reach that point at which the history of production is identified with
the development of the productive forces. To do so is to assume that the
conditions under which men produce and the needs for the satisfaction of
which they produce remain invariably the same throughout history.
reproduction needs of the precapitalist relations of production:
occupy the same privileged position in production only by the realisation
of the surplus-value he has extracted from the wage-labourer in a market,
i.e. through the sale of his commodities under the competitive terms of
exchange. He therefore strives to increase his competitiveness in the
market by continuously cheapening his commodities; he can achieve that,
though, only through the corresponding increase of surplus-value he
extorts from the direct producer. It is because capitalism "is a form of
production not bound to a level of needs laid down in advance", then, that
its "immediate purpose ... is to produce as much surplus-value as possible"
[Results: 1037]. Such a "voracious appetite for surplus labour" [Capital
_:344], however, is by no means characteristic of precapitalist relations
of production in which exchange does not yet reign supreme but production
rests on the communal foundation. As Marx observes:
progress and wide application of productive knowledge, to an extent
unknown to and quite impossible under any earlier type of production.
capitalism which he strove to exemplify.
[2] Cf. his early qualification that, in his opinion, the Development
Thesi3 is "not conclusive, but it may have some substance" [Cohen,
[3] And let it be remembered that the analytical distinction between a
Development and a Primacy Thesis in the Dialectic of Forces and
Relations of Production is his.
radical "transmutation" [Rsulte: 1 024] of production that is caused by the
separation of labour from the means of production. The latter now emerge
as "a world of themselves, quite independent of and divorced from the
individuals, alongside the individuals" [German Ideology.74] and their
development assumes an immanent character and therefore becomes the
propelling force of social change. [4] The notion of 'forces of production'
as capable of independent growth is, then, specific to the capitalist mode
of production alone and quite inapplicable outside it. Technological
inventions, scientific knowledge, etc. cannot be regarded as 'forces of
production' in that sense, unless they are seen in the context of
capitalist relations of production, unless, in other words, they are
utilised by wage-labour for the production of exchange-values. Marx
himself reminds us, in this respect, that two of the most important
technological elements at the initial stages of capitalism, namely the
clock and the mill, were actually inherited from antiquity [cf. Marx to
Engels, January 28, 1863:129]; yet they were not put to use for the
production of commodities by the ancients nor did they generate further
productive advances. A machine does not and cannot constitute a 'force of
production' in the sense of the Dialectic of Forces and Relations of
Production, unless it is considered in its role in the capitalist mode of
production; in itself, a machine
It is because of this essential discontinuity in terms of development
that two distinct images of history can be discerned in the Grundrisse, as
Lefort [1978:616] rightly points out; one which is "repetitive" in that in
it the same fundamental structure is reproduced in variant forms over and
over again; [9] and another which is "evolutionary" in the sense of it
being governed by the Dialectic of Forces and Relations of Production
which establishes "an entirely new rhythm of history, an accelerated
history" [ibid]. It is almost needless to add, of course, that the
distinction between these two images of history, one "repetitive", the
other "evolutionary", "ends up coinciding with the distinction between
precapitalism and capitalism" [ibid:628]. As Marx himself acknowledges:
productive advances do take place in them are limited in principle, with
the result that "nature's limits" do indeed "recede" [cf. Capital 1:6501
but cannot be entirely superseded. [11] With capitalism, however, the
mastery over nature takes on a new quality; with the technological
advances that its inherent tendency towards constant productive growth
brings about, capitalism increasingly restricts the scope for external
interference by the natural environment. Now, and "for the first time", as
Marx puts it, "nature becomes purely an object for humankind, purely a
matter of utility"; it "ceases to be recognized as a power for itself"
CGrundrisse:Ml 0]. This diminution of the importance of natural conditions,
"pari passu with the development of man's productive forces" [Sawer,
1977:108], brings forward a new kind of development, which is no longer
circumscribed by natural constraints.
[11] "It is true that each specific [precapitalist -PL] form ... extends
its material foundations. But the parallel 'retreat of ' nature's
barriers' remains merely quantitative, and human activity a merely
natural function entangled in nature" [Schmidt, 1971:169].
nations into civilisation ... It compels all nations, on pain of
extinction, to adopt the' bourgeois mode of production; it
compels them to introduce what it calls civilisation into their
midst, i.e., to become bourgeois themselves. In one word, it
creates a world after its own image [Communist Manifesto;38-
9]. [12]
manifestation of the strong europocentric element in Marx's thought, [14]
al tough a full understanding of his ideas on contemporary Asia has also to
take into account his particular political and strategic concerns. [15]
Yet, what remains the case is that it is only with capitalism that such a
mode of transformation is thought of as extensively possible, if not
inevitable. In other words, it is only with the advent of capitalist
society and its peculiar expansive tendencies that human history assumes a
truly global character. The narrow sense in which Marx's use of the ^famous
dictum "de te fabula narratur" [Capital I;90j is usually understood is
thereby decisevely broadened; for the epigram does not merely refer to the
end-state of European history alone but also to the ultimate destiny of
the non-European part of humanity which will itself have to come, sooner
or later, under the capitalist spell. Despite its problematic nature,
therefore, such an idea serves co underline the radical discontinuity that
capitalism is thought to establish in history, a notion which runs through
most of Marx's writings.
*m*iMv*ei>r, -!iarwp!fi*^
conceptualisation of change assumes a quite novel dimension. The mode of
production dominant in a particular (i.e. spatially and temporally
specific) social formation provides the framework for development in the
sense that it determines its character and sets the limits within which
historical change takes place. But the actual change or transformation of
such a social formation may also be the outcome of a combination of
factors at each particular moment in time, although their impact is
condrt^oned and primarily defined by .thedominant mode of production. The
effects of co-existing modes [17] as well as of inter-social or even
extra-social (e.g. geography) factors towards change cannot therefore be
ruled out. If the present deduction is at all plausible, then to maintain
an endogenous posture appears as tantamount to 'reifying' the concept of
mode of production, i.e. to regarding it as ontologically irreducible, as
if-. Lt .were not designed to characterisea society but to actually
constitute it.
The Origin provides the fullest and most systematic account by either
Marx or Engels on the emergence of antiquity. It is, to a very large part, a
reproduction of Morgan's scheme of evolution with Morgan's main ideas and
methodology retained almost intact. The work was seen by Engels as "the
fulfillment of a bequest" [op.cit.:H49]; published in 1884, one year after
Marx's death, it relies heavily on Marx's excerpts from and critical notes
on Ancient Society, with whole passages from Marx's notebooks incorporated
into it. The degree of Engels's fidelity to Marx's spirit, though, remains
an open question to this day, chiefly because there is no conclusive way of
determining what that 'spirit' actually was. Engels's book is, naturally,
immeasurably more systematic - and articulate than Marx's fragmented,
disorganised and, at times, incomprehensible notekeeping. As such, it is
also much more explicit and confident in its generalisations and
reductions. All these make it much easier for a series of flaws to. be
identified in the Origin than any critical discussion of Marx's ideas on
such insufficient evidence could possibly hope for. This has not deterred
many commentators from suggesting that it is Engels who carries the sole
blame for the adoption of Morgan's system by Marxism, with all the
unilinearist and determinist consequences that such a move entailed. [1]
But such a suggestion is not only of questionable merit, since it
effectively absolves Marx of all the theoretical shortcomings surfacing
in Engels's work; it is also hardly tenable, in view of Engels's bona fide
reliance on Marx's anthropological notes. The rejection of this posture
does not, of course, leave the relation of the Origin to Marx's excerpts
[1] Cf., e.g., Sawer [1977:189] who argues that Engels was "responsible for
the adoption into Marxist theory of Morgan's anthropological system.
Morgan's system minimised the significance of external influences on
the internal development of human societies, and hence reinforced the
notion that social development progressed through a given sequence
of necessary stages up to the socialist one, according to certain
iron laws of its own."
.. f;v".
any the less problematic. This unresolved (and probably unresolvable)
difficulty is mirrorred in the ambivalent stance of L. Krder, the scholar
engaged in the minute study and publication of Marx's excerpts and one of
the foremost authorities on Marx's anthropological views. On the one hand,
Krder seems to detect Engels's hand in 'smoothing out', as it were,
discrepancies between Morgan and Marx and in producing a more uncritical
assimilation of Morgan's view; he thus comments that "Engels established
his own relation to the work of Morgan on the one side and to that of Marx
on the other" [Krder, 1972:77]. [2] On the other hand, however, Krder is
careful to point to the largely arbitrary determining of Marx's own
relation to Morgan, since Marx's "conceptions relative to Morgan are to be
interpreted ex silentio, by his choice of material, etc" [ibid:34-53.
The first issue that arises from the acount of primitive development in
the Origin can be described as the problem of its 'double mode of
causation'. This has, broadly, as follows. Engels's recognition, in the
post-Morgan period, of the classless and stateless character of the
primitive stage meant acceptance of the idea that gentile society was free
of internal social divisions and antagonisms. This, however, created a
serious theoretical problem to the extent that Engels's theoretical
framework for the analysis of historical development depended on the
[2] Cf., also, Carver [1983:145] who maintains that Engels "abandoned much
of Marx's scepticism about Morgan's work and turned his inquiries
into 'conclusions' ..."
existence of contradictions between the growth of productive forces and
antagonistic relations of production. The postulation, though, of a pre-
class epoch effectively meant that Engels had no "purely Marxist way"
[Bloch, 1 983:54] by which to explain change in primitive society.
[3] In the very first German edition [1882] of Socialism: Utopian and
Sclentific:4l0, Engels qualified this statement in the following way:
"all past history, with the exception of its primitive stages, was the
history of class struggles ..." The Russian publication of the Anti-
Duhring which is used here adds this later qualification in the
original text.
This newly-added variable to the materialist conception is nowhere
manifested better (nor, for that matter, is the disparity with the
orthodoxy of the 1859 Preface anywhere more obvious) than in Engels's
account of the end of polygamy within the gens and of the passage to the
pairing family [cf. Origin:479-85]. The significance of this
transformation for the evolutionary pattern of the Origin could hardly be
overestimated because the transition is seen as the first of a sequence of
developments in the process leading to the eventual dissolution of the
gens. More specifically, the pairing family is regarded as the precursor of
formalised monogamy and of the subsequent change from mother right
(matriliny) to father right (patriliny) which pave the way for the
dissolution of the basis of the gentile constitution. It appears during
the lower stage of Barbarism and, at first, co-exists fairly harmoniously
with the communality because, as long as it is not formally instituted and
firmly established, it does not pose a serious threat to the gentile
constitution. But, with the productive advances brought about by the
domestication of animals [cf. op.cit.:485], the conditions of communal
property are undermined, so that the originally harmless pairing family
provides the basis for the momentous transition to monogamy and, thereby,
eventually to patrilinearity and the decomposition of gentile society Cef.
op.cit.:487]. [4] Overall, then, the appearance of the pairing family can be
seen as initiating the process of dissolution of the primitive
communality, opening up the way, as it were, for the process of the
development of productive forces to introduce a whole chain of non-gentile
institutions: monogamy, the nuclear family, private property, change in the
rule of descent and the pattern of inheritance, [5] the subordination of
women, the growth of class antagonisms, and, ultimately, the state.
But what of the pairing family itself? Why does it arise in the first
place? It is at this juncture that Engels's account becomes dissociated
from and irrelevant to the economic reductionism of the
[U] "Monogamy was a great historical advance, but at the same time it
inaugurated, ..., that epoch, lasting until today, in which every
advance is likewise a relative regression, in which the well-being
and development of the one group are attained by the misery and
repression of the other" [Origln:M95].
[5] Engels follows on this point the general nineteenth-century
assumption which saw matriliny as always antedating patriliny.
Base/Superstructure Model and the productive determinism of the Dialectic
of Forces and Relation of Production. For, although the productive forces
are assumed to be developing, the reasons behind the end of the original
promiscuity are actually sought in a peculiar mixture of Darwinian and,
one may even suggest, moralistic argumentation. The first segmentation of
groups is explained by reference to the impulse-driven prohibition of
incest; the pairing family, Engels suggests echoing Bachofen's Das
Mutterrecht and with a token mention of the "development of the economic
conditions of life", is brought about by the women's sense of impropriety
of incest and by their wish for a little permanence in their domestic
arrangements. The "old traditional sexual relations" appear more and more
"degrading and oppressive" to the women, who come to long "for the right to
chastity, to temporary or permanent marriage with one man only, as a
deliverance" [op.cit.:484-5]. The pairing family thus comes into being; and,
with it, "natural selection" completes "its work by constantly reducing
the circle of community marriage" [op.cit.:*l85].
exempted from the materialist conception of history. Only with
the decomposition of the system of the 'gens' is "the family
system fully dominated by the property system". [6]
[6] The entry into Civilisation signifies the emergence of a new society
"in which the family system is entirely dominated by the property
system, and in which the class antagonisms and class struggles, which
make up the content of all hitherto written history, now freely
develop" [Originr^O]. A similar sign of the 'return to orthodoxy' is
provided later on, when Engels states that, with the advent of
Civilisation, "Marx's Capital willbe o.s viccessaru as Morgan's book"
The emphasis on levels of technology which Engels borrows from Morgan in
his study of primitive society is indeed central to the developmental
scheme of the Origin; it is by these technological advances that the
erosion of the old gentile constitution is explained. The erosion begins
in the middle stage of Barbarism; animal domestication and horticulture
bring about the possibility of inter-tribal exchange, the emergence of
movable private property, exploitation, the formalisation of
patrilinearity, etc. And the process is concluded in the upper stage of
Barbarism; with the productive use of iron ore smelting, manufacture is
separated form agriculture, and this development signals the
rgularisation of exchange practices, the intensification in the use of
slaves, the completion of the transition to private ownership and the
entry into the era of internal class antagonisms. This process, actuated as
it is by advancing levels of technology, brings humanity "to the threshold
of civilisation"'[ibid:572] by the institution of class society and the
rise of the state thereof. All developments germane to the emergence of
class society appear, therefore, as indissolubly linked with the growth of - -
the forces of production.
his account. Let it be remembered that what is under question here is not
whether these technological advances actually took place but, rather
whether Engels demonstrates adequately their necessity within the
contours of the theory he espouses. If, as it appears, he does not, then one
is unavoidably tempted to regard his retention of the Development Thesis
for primitive society as the unwarranted application of an axiomatic
principle outside its prescribed range. This is indeed the suspicion that
emanates from the fact_that Engels continues to apply the Dialectic of
Forces and Relations of Production without sufficient theoretical
provision for the fact he has stepped outside the frame of its
reference. [7]
[7] This serious theoretical flaw may be seen as leaving Engels open to
the charge of teleological methodology in its broadest sense, since
what he does, in effect, is to superimpose upon primitive clac-sless
society an analytical scheme derived from and applicable to class
social division of labour arose the first great division of
society, into two classes: masters and slaves, exploiters and
exploited [Origin:568-9; emphasis added].
[8] It is true that in the Preface to the first edition of the Origin,
Engels speaks of productive growth generating "the possibility of
utilising the labour power of others" [op.cit.:450; emphasis added].
In the main corpus of his work, however, the link is throughout
treated as necessary, thus effectively dispensing with the need to
theorise it adequately.
[9] "The modern [i.e. monogamous -PL] family contains in embryo not only
slavery (servitus) but serfdom also, since from the very beginning it
is connected with agricultural services. It contains within itself in
miniature all the antagonisms which later develop on a wide scale
within society and its state" [cited in Origin:k89].
idea of slavery as the principal form of the emergent exploitation in
society. This seems to be mainly due to the unilinear typification of
Graeco-Roman society on which the analysis of the Origin rests. [10] By
contrast, Marx in his multilinear writings in the Grundrisse allows for
slavery, bondage and serfdom as equally possible forms of exploitation out
of the primitive commune [cf. op.cit.:491, 495-6]; he specifically speaks of
slavery and serfdom as "further developments of the form of property
resting on the clan system" [ibid:493] Furthermore, there is a certain
incongruity between Marx's and Engels's treatment of the means whereby
slaves are appropriated, namely warfare. Marx, echoing the German
Ideology, [11] treats slavery as the result of warfare which is a feature
deeply interwoven into the character of antique communities and the inter-
communal strife over land [cf. Grundrisse:490-1 ]; the subjugation and
enslavement of captured prisoners of war is seen only as a "secondary,
derived" phenomenon [ibid:496]. By coniravt, an inversion occurs in the
Origin, where Engels seems to regard the enslavement of captives as
becoming the object of war. [12]
10] "Slavery was the first form of exploitation, peculiar to the world of
antiquity; it was followed by serfdom in the Middle Ages and by wage
labour in modern times" [Origin:581 ; emphasis added].
11] "[Slavery -PL] only develops gradually with the increase of
population, the growth of wants, and with the extension of external
relations, both of war and of barter" [German Ideology:21-22].
12] Cf., also, Anti-Dhring:221. But see Marx's dismissal of the 'plunder
thesis' in Capital 1:1 75n and in ch. 4, supra.
directly associated with the growth of the productive forces but stem,
rather, from the very structure of primitive relations of production, and,
in particular, from "certain common interests the safeguarding of which
had to be handed over to individuals, ..., under the control of the
community as a whole" [op.cit.:219]. These include the "adjudication of
disputes; repression of abuse of authority by individuals; control of
water supplies, especially in hot countries; and finally, when conditions
were still absolutely primitive, religious functions" [ibid]. Hence it is
the communal relations which appear here as the source of these functions,
the exercise of which, however, is seen as "the beginnings of state power"
[ibid], "the basis of political supremacy" [ibid:220].
Lastly, it should not be. forgotten that this account of -.-- a --* <
derived class formation is followed by a most orthodox explar.aticr. -,f t-ne
emergence of slavery as a result of productive grew..-, 'cf. inti-
D*hring:220-1 ]. Engels fails to show the complementarity of tr.e two
accounts or even to relate them in any way; they regain iisti.-.-.t and
parallel to each other. This has prompted Sawer [1977:7-1! zz a.-7.e that
the duplicate model of class formation in the Anti-Duhri.-.g ir.zLziizs an
implied juxtaposition between the Asiatic and classical types; ftr, 3ince
Asia 'defies' the straitjacket of a reductionist account of state ?er.e3i3
it equally requires a distinct account of class formation based or. 3ccial
functions. There is probably some truth in Sawer's argument, rar-;-.lary
in view of Engels's inclusion of the "control of water supplies, especially
in hot countries" [Anti-Duhring:21 93 among the ttzr.unal
functions. On the other hand, there can be no certainty as to 'r.ezr.zr such
a juxtaposition is latent in the Anti-Duhring. What is mere lively ;a that
Engels remained undecided on the question of the connect;;.-, tet'-ee- ni3
two accounts of class formation; that much should be allowed fzr :y the
fact that his function-based account includes references, r.ct tc the
"Oriental despot or satrap", but also to the "dynast cf a :.-ee^ v-ioe"
the histories of all tribes, Greek, Roman, Iroquois, etc, as iter.tirsl. Vhat
is nevertheless obvious is that he attempts to demonstrate that the same
general principles govern all development and that nowhere can these
principles be detected more clearly than in the Greek and Roman cases, the
most developed and representative of all. [15] It is, therefore, on his
treatment of early Graeco-Roman history that we must now focus, with the
view of trving to determine whether Engels's analysis does actually bear
out and confirm the underlying assumptions of his developmental scheme.
[15] Engels centres his analysis on the case of Greece and Rome,
overlooking the fact that Marx, following Morgan, remarks in his
notes that the particular family type of the Roman and Hebrew variety
was an exceptional form [cf. Krader, 1972:119].
Transition from Ape to Man:363].
The population increased with the growth of the herds, with
field agriculture and the beginnings of the handicrafts. With
this came increased differences in wealth, which gave rise to an
aristocratic element' within the old natural-grown democracy
The case of the Roman gens, on the other hand, is depicted in somewhat
different terms. Here the processes that lead to the .destruction of the
gens and the rise of the state (the latter marked by the constitution of
the rex Servius Tullius and solidified in the formal establishment of the
Roman Republic in 509 BC) appear in quite a different light. For the
increase of population, which is again seen as having disturbed the
sensitive balance of the gentile constitution, is attributed, not to an
internal process of development such as the growth of the forces of
production, but to the quantitative enlargement brought about by conquest
and the influx of immigrants. Hence the ensuing differentiations within
Rome are caused, not by the emergence of internal social divisions, but by
the problems generated by the attempt to assimilate this alien population
into the old gentile structure. Thus:
What was of determinate importance in the Roman case, then, was not the
emergence of social divisions within the gentile system itself because of
increases in wealth, but, rather, the intrusion into that system of new
people who were deprived of the full rights enjoyed by the original
members of the gentes; therefore, in Rome, it was the whole of the old
gentile society that "became an exclusive aristocracy amidst a numerous
plebs, standing outside of it, having no rights but only duties"
community of interest into antagonism between members of a gens" [cited in
Origin;5723. And this is so because, as far as the Roman case is concerned,
Engels does not present us with a transition from a community to a
conflict of interest, but with the clash between two externally posited
groups, one of which tries to preserve its exclusive (and internally
unaffected) communal rights while the other strives to gain access to
them. The forms of antagonism within the Grecian and Roman systems are
correspondingly divergent. In the Athenian case, the poorer members of the
commune call for the restoration of the old gentile equality which has
been eroded by the creation of wealth differentials within the gens.
Assimilation into the gentile system, and not restoration of rights which
they never had, is, on the contrary, the demand of the Roman plebs. The
latter formed a mass
What are the repercussions of this difference between Athens and Rome,
in view of the fact that Engels continues to insist on the subsumption of
both cases under a single uniform developmental pattern? The first is that
the rise of the Athenian state presents serious difficulties by itself
because of the restorative content of the antagonisms within the gens
which are thought of as underlying it; this is discussed in detail below.
The second repercussion is that Engels's failure to theorise the
divergence between his two examples leaves no room for an adequate
conceptualisation of the phenomena of Athenian democracy and (early)
Roman Republic, respectively. This centres especially on the fact that the
direct democracy of Athens did away completely with all gradations of
political rights within the citizenry and the transfer of class
antagonisms onto the level of wealth differentials; while, by contrast,
Rome experienced the survival of political and legal privileges, alongside
differences in wealth, within the citizen body. [16] The political
inequalities built into the Roman constitution and their impact on Roman
history are indeed referred to by Engels; [17] but they remain essentially
unexplained because of his firm entrenchment in the notion of a uniform
evolutionary pattern universally governing the dissolution of the gens
and the emergence of class society.
[16] Engels himself points out that the lowest of the six classes
established by Servius Tullius's constitution consisted of
"proletarians" whose participation in the citizen body was severely
restricted, since they were exempt from taxation and conscription and
excluded from public office [Origin:5^^].
[17] "Within this constitution moved the whole history of the Roman
republic with all its struggles between patricians and plebians for
admission to office and a share in the state lands ..." [Origin:5^5].
results of the growth of productive forces are seen as having undermined
the gentile system and necessitated its replacement by a completely new
institution, the state.
early Athenian history, for example, "movable property, wealth in money,
slaves and ships" had already become "an end itself" [Origin:534]. And,
indeed, by declaring that the motive of wealth acquisition has been the
governing principle of all class societies:
Naked greed has been the moving spirit of civilisation from the
first day of its existence to the present time; wealth, more
wealth and wealth again; wealth, not of society, but of this
shabby individual was its sole and determining aim [ibid:582].
Only one thing was missing: an institution that would not only
safeguard the newly-acquired property of private individuals
against the communistic traditions of the gentile order, would
not only sanctify private property, formerly held in such light
esteem, and pronounce this sanctification the highest purpose of
human society, but would also stamp the gradually developing new
forms of acquiring property, and consequently, of constantly
accelerating increase in wealth, with the seal of general public
recognition; an institution that would perpetuate, not only the
newly-rising class division of society, but also the right of
the possessing class to exploit the non-possessing classes and
the rule of the former over the latter. And. this institution
_arrived. The state was invented [ibid:528].
Yet, again, the necessity of the linkage between, on the one hand, the
decline of the gentile order and the rise of class antagonisms, and, on the
other, the institution of the state fails to become totally clear. That
which emerges from what Engels says of the conditions of state genesis -
i.e.. the dissolution of the gentile communality and equality and,
consequently, "the need to hold class antagonisms in check" [ibid:577] - is
that such problems may be solved by the institution of the state; but not
why their, solution, inevitable as it may be, should necessarily involve
state formation. As Habermas [1979:159] observes on this point:
[19] Cf., also, Godelier [1978:235] who points out that Engels's analysis
cannot "pretend to show that in Greece 'the state sprang directly and
mainly out of the class antagonisms that developed within gentile
The problems with Engels's account of state genesis do not end at that,
however; it is his choice of paradigm for state genesis which gives rise to
further questions. Being of the view that the processes leading to the
emergence of the state "can nowhere be traced better, at least in its
initial stage than in ancient Athens" [Origin:528], he focuses his
analysis on pre-classical Attica. But, although he considers the final
form of state in antiquity to be "above all the state of the slave owners
for the purpose of holding down the slaves" [ibid:578], he regards its
emergence as the product of the social antagonisms generated within the
gentile system during its decomposition.
are generally said to include the stamping of the "constantly accelerating
increase in wealth" [ibid:528].
influence of the landed aristocracy and inaugurated the classical era by
the institution of a democratic organisation within the confines of which
all citizens, irrespective of wealth, enjoyed equal political rights.
Cleisthenes's constitution terminated the division of the citizens on the
basis of consanguine ties by abolishing the four old Attican gentile
tribes Geschlechtsstamm]. The Athenian citizens were instead divided into
one hundred demes, according to their place of domicile, with ten demes
constituting one larger self-governing unit, the local tribe [Ortsstamm]
[cf. ibid:535]. This completed the transition to a society organised along
territorial rather than kinship rights; the "consummation was the Athenian
state, governed by a council of five hundred - elected by the ten tribes -
and, in the last instance, by the popular assembly, which every Athenian
citizen could attend and vote in" [ibid], Cleisthenes's reforms
institutionalised, then, the citizens' access to political power by
ensuring their political equality and by depriving the nobility from its
monopoly of office. Engels concedes that, due to the absence of
aristocratic privileges in the constitution and the numerical superiority
of the poor citizens, "the people retained the decisive power" in Athenian
democracy [ibid^ 1 *]. Yet, once more, it is difficult to see how such an
acknowledgment can possibly be reconciled with the general proposition,
found later on in the Origin, according to which the state is necessarily
"the state of the most powerful, economically dominant class, which,
through the medium of the state, becomes also the politically dominant
class" [ibid:577-8]. [20]
[20] "The cohesive force of civilised society is the state, which in all
typical periods is exclusively the state of the ruling class, and in
all cases remains essentially a machine for keeping down the
oppressed, exploited class" [0rigin:58l ].
the disposal of the poor Athenians who constituted the majority in the
democratic assembly and who put their collective political lever to the
service of directly economic aims, thus counterbalancing the influence of
their wealthy fellow-citizsns. [21 ] Furthermore, the undiluted nature of
citizen democracy in Athens did away with the aristocratic monopoly of
state office (unlike Rome); and it ensured the public accountability of
all officials (both military and civil) who were subject to regular
popular election. This also explains the absence-iir Athens of all forms of
a permanent officialdom which Engels regards as an indispensable feature
of the state institution [cf. ibid:577]. [22]
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