2015 2016-SHSAT English
2015 2016-SHSAT English
2015 2016-SHSAT English
It is the policy of the New York City Department of Education to provide equal educational opportunities without regard to actual or perceived
race, color, religion, ethnicity, national origin, alienage, citizenship status, age, disability, weight, marital status, gender (sex) or sexual orientation
in its educational programs, activities, and employment policies, and to maintain an environment free of harassment on the basis of any of these
grounds, as required by law. Inquiries regarding compliance with appropriate laws may be directed to: Director, Office of Equal Opportunity,
65 Court Street, Room 923, Brooklyn, New York 11201 Telephone 718-935-3320.
Cover artwork by Justin Madera, student at Bayside High School. Sample test items are taken from materials copyright
1983-2015, NCS Pearson, Inc., 5601 Green Valley Drive, Bloomington, MN 55437.
Queens High School for the Sciences at York College . . . . . . 7 Review Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
There are nine Specialized High Schools in New York City. They are:
These schools were established under New York State Law 2590 Section G. Entrance into these
schools is determined by the SHSAT, except for LaGuardia High School, which is based on a
competitive audition and review of academic records. Students must be residents of New York City
and current eighth grade or first-time ninth grade students in order to apply, register, sit for, and
receive results for the Specialized High Schools Admissions Test (SHSAT) and LaGuardia High School
The Specialized High Schools Student Handbook is a project of the New York City Department of Education.
Academic program: The schools enriched curriculum includes Students in the Instrumental Music and Vocal Music programs
required courses for graduation and also affords its students the study sight singing, music theory, and music history.
opportunity to take many advanced courses and electives in
The Instrumental Music Studio performing groups include four
various subjects. These course selections include Research,
symphony orchestras, two concert bands, two jazz bands, and
Multivariate Calculus, Organic Chemistry, Existentialism, and Wall
three musical pit orchestras. Students also have the opportunity
Street, in addition to a wide array of Advanced Placement
to compose, conduct and perform original repertoire.
The Vocal Music Studio performing groups include Elementary,
Extracurricular activities: The school is proud of its 45 PSAL
Mixed, Girls, Womens, and Senior Choruses; Gospel Choir;
sports teams and extensive extracurricular activities such as
Show Choir; and an opera production. In voice classes,
Robotics, Math Team, Speech and Debate, Science Olympiad,
students receive training in Italian, German, and French vocal
chess, Model UN, and Junior State of America. There are a
literature. Music elective courses include chamber music, guitar,
number of major publications, over 100 student-run clubs, and
music technology, and songwriting.
an active student government. Students interested in music may
participate in symphonic band, symphony orchestra, jazz band, Each studio requires a substantial time commitment after
and a number of choral groups. school, including rehearsals and performances, as well as the
practical application of technical theater and gallery
2015 Admissions: 22,662 students listed Stuyvesant High
management techniques. Longer school days are expected
School as a choice on the SHSAT, and 953 offers were made.
during performance times, and students are required to be
present and participate in program-related, after-school
Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School performances and activities.
of Music & Art and Performing Arts
Auditions will be held at the school. Student must register for
100 Amsterdam Avenue, New York, New York 10023 auditions with their guidance counselors. See pages 11-12 for
Phone: (212) 496-0700 Website: www.laguardiahs.org LaGuardia High School audition information.
Email: [email protected]
2015 Admissions: 1,179 students received one or more offers
The Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School of Music & Art and to the programs at LaGuardia High School from a pool of 13,625
Performing Arts enjoys an international reputation as the first students.
ll current eligible 8th and first-time 9th grade students in public, private, and parochial schools applying to one or more
of New York Citys Specialized High Schools (with the exception of LaGuardia High School) must take the SHSAT.
Approximately 29,000 students took the SHSAT for September 2015 admission.
Students interested in taking the SHSAT should speak with their guidance counselor within the Request for Testing (RFT) period.
Students will be issued a Test Ticket, which will indicate the date, time and location assigned to the student for testing.
Students must test on the date and at the location assigned. Testing locations are specified on page 10, and students are
assigned to a test site based on the geographic district in which the students school is located. Conflicts should be reported to
the student's guidance counselor prior to the test date.
Students new to New York City (Records must show that student arrived in NYC
End of summer 2016
after the November make-up test.)
If students observe a religion on a Saturday or Sunday, they must notify their guidance counselors so that they are
scheduled for a test date that does not conflict with a religious observance. The appropriate date should be indicated on
the students SHSAT Ticket. If this is not the case, students should speak to their guidance counselors so that the ticket
can be modified.
If a student is ill and unable to take the test on a scheduled date, the student must immediately notify his/her guidance
counselor upon return to school, present medical documentation, and request to schedule a make-up date for the SHSAT
through their guidance counselor.
Documentation is required to confirm a valid make-up request. Guidance counselors must submit requests with required
documentation by October 30 for the November 7 test and by November 10 for the November 15 test.
*More information about eligible English Language Learners and former English Language Learners is on page 14.
Manhattan Stuyvesant 345 Chambers Street, New York, NY 10282 Tel: (212) 312-4800
High School Subways: 1, 2, 3, A, C, E to Chambers Street; R to City Hall
Buses: M20, M22, M5, M9, X1, X10
Bronx The Bronx 75 West 205 Street, Bronx, NY 10468 Tel: (718) 817-7700
High School Subways: 4, to Bedford Park Boulevard-Lehman College; B, D to
of Science Bedford Park Boulevard
Buses: Bx1, Bx10, Bx2, Bx22, Bx26, Bx28, Bx3
Brooklyn Districts Brooklyn 29 Fort Greene Place, Brooklyn, NY 11217 Tel: (718) 804-6400
13, 14, 15, 16, 17, Technical Subways: 2, 3, 4, 5 to Nevins Street, A to Hoyt & Schermerhorn; B, Q, R to
18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 32 High School DeKalb Avenue; C to Lafayette Avenue; D, N to Atlantic Avenue-Barclays Center;
G to Fulton Street
Buses: B103, B25, B37, B38, B41, B45, B52, B54, B62, B63, B65, B69
Brooklyn District 19 Hillcrest 160-05 Highland Avenue, Jamaica, NY 11432 Tel: (718) 658-5407
Queens Districts High School Subway: E, J, Z to Jamaica Center-Parsons/Archer; F to Parsons Boulevard
27, 28, 29 Buses: Q1, Q110, Q111, Q112, Q114, Q17, Q2, Q20A, Q20B, Q24, Q3, Q31,
Q34, Q36, Q40, Q41, Q43, Q56, Q6, Q65, Q76, Q77, Q8, Q83, Q9, X68
Queens Districts Long Island City 14-30 Broadway, Long Island City, NY 11106 Tel: (718) 545-7095
24, 25, 26, 30 High School Subways: N, Q to Broadway
Buses: Q100, Q102, Q103, Q104, Q18, Q66, Q69
Staten Island Staten Island 485 Clawson Street, Staten Island, NY 10306 Tel: (718) 667-3222
Technical Subways: Staten Island Railway (SIR) to New Dorp
High School Buses: S57, S74, S76, S78, S79-SBS
Note: Not every site will be available on November 15. Please check your Test Ticket for precise testing location.
Please note that the SHSAT is not a requirement for admission to LaGuardia High School. For all other Specialized High Schools,
offers are made to students based upon their SHSAT scores, how they ranked the Specialized High Schools on the SHSAT answer
sheet, and seat availability. SHSAT scores are available in March 2016 with High School Admissions Round One results. To deter-
mine offers to a Specialized High School:
All scores of the students who took the test are ranked from highest score to lowest score.
The student with the highest score is placed in his/her first choice (highest prioritized school).
Starting from the highest score on down, each student, in turn, is placed in his/her highest prioritized school in which seats are
still available. Therefore, if all the seats in a students first-choice school have been offered to students who scored higher, he/
she is placed in his/her second-choice school if seats are available. If all the seats in his/her second-choice school have been
offered to students who scored higher, the student is offered a seat in his/her third-choice school if there are still seats available,
and so on. This process continues until there are no seats available in any of the eight Specialized High Schools where admis-
sion is based on the SHSAT.
From year to year, the number of offers and projected seats for each Specialized High School may be subject to an increase or
decrease based on school enrollment.
1 5
Contact Guidance Counselor Attend SHSAT or Audition
Students should contact their guidance counselor to Students taking the SHSAT must bring their Test Ticket
indicate intention to take the SHSAT and/or audition for to their assigned test site on the day of the test. Students
LaGuardia High School within the RFT period, starting in early auditioning for one or more studios at LaGuardia High School
September. must bring their Audition Tickets to their audition(s) as well.
Obtain a Test or Audition Ticket Students arriving without an Audition or Test Ticket may not be
guaranteed admittance. Although sites will make every effort to
Prior to the testing/audition date(s), school guidance
confirm a student's registration and accommodate those with
counselors will provide students with a SHSAT Test
missing tickets, another test or audition date may need to be
Ticket and/or a LaGuardia High School Audition Ticket. This
scheduled. Students should arrive at the time indicated on the
ticket will indicate the location of the test/audition site, the date
Test or Audition Ticket; but it is important to note that the test
and time of the SHSAT/audition, the students ID number, and
or audition may start after the arrival time listed on the Test or
the school code number of the students current school. If a
Audition Ticket.
student has a conflict with the test or audition date assigned,
the student should inform his/her guidance counselor Students are allowed to bring cell phones to the SHSAT test site
immediately to arrange an alternate test or audition date. Once and/or LaGuardia High School, but cell phones must be turned
Test and Audition Tickets have been issued, students are off and not in use while in school buildings. No other electronic
expected to arrive on the date and time indicated on their devices are allowed. Prior to to the start of the audition or
tickets. SHSAT test sites are based on the location of students SHSAT, students must be prepared to turn in their cell phones
current schools, not current home address. LaGuardia High when it is requested.
School audition dates and times are based on the borough
where students currently attend school. For both the SHSAT and LaGuardia High School auditions,
students may bring a snack and water; however, test and
Review Test or Audition Ticket audition site staff, including proctors and adjudicators, will
Students and parents/guardians should review all determine when consuming these items is allowed.
information on the Test or Audition Ticket for accuracy.
English Language Learners and students with disabilities should Receive Results
check their ticket and make sure they are scheduled for the Students must be residents of New York City in order to
appropriate testing date (see pages 9 and 11) with the receive results of the SHSAT and/or offers to LaGuardia
appropriate accommodations. They should inform their High School studio(s). In March 2016, students will be notified
guidance counselors immediately if there are any errors on the through the High School Admissions Round One result letters as
Test or Audition Ticket. to whether or not they received offer(s) to the Specialized High
Schools. It is possible for students who audition for one or more
Complete and Obtain PARENT/ of the studios at LaGuardia High School to receive offer(s) to
Guardian Signature on Test or one or more of the studios at LaGuardia High School. Students
Audition Ticket who receive offers to a Specialized High School may, at the
Students and parents/guardians must sign the Test or Audition same time, receive an offer to one of the other high school
Ticket prior to the exam or audition. Those taking the SHSAT choices that were submitted on his/her New York City High
should rank, in priority order, up to eight Specialized High School Admissions Application. At this time, the student will
Schools to which they want to apply. Students will copy these have to choose between the Specialized High School offer(s)
choices onto the test answer sheet on test day. Students may and the High School Admissions application offer.
choose to apply to only one school, or may apply to as many as
all eight schools to increase their chances of being offered a seat
in one of those Specialized High Schools. Students should only
list schools that they wish to attend if they are offered a seat.
Once choices have been submitted on the day of the test, they
may not be changed. The LaGuardia High School Audition Ticket
will display the studio(s) for which the student requested to
audition when the RFT was submitted. Students should make a
copy of the Audition Ticket for each audition they attend.
DO NOT fill in more than one DO NOT fill in more than one DO NOT fill in the same school
circle in a column. circle in a row. for each choice.
You must fill in one and only one circle for each school for which you Grid 7
wish to be considered. You may make as few as one or as many as
eight choices. To increase your chances of receiving an offer to one of
the Specialized High Schools, you are encouraged to make more than
one choice. You must fill in a first choice school, and you may fill in Abraham Lincoln IS 171
only one school for each choice. You must fill in only one circle in a
row and only one circle in a column. You must not fill in a school more
than once. You must not fill in the same school for each choice.
1 9 K 1 7 1
In Grid 7, you must print the name of the school where you are now
enrolled. You will then print your school code exactly as it appears on
your Test Ticket or in the Feeder School List available from the test
proctor. After that, you will bubble in the corresponding number or
letter for each digit of your school code. Bubble in the letter P if
you attend a private or parochial school. For example, a student who
attends Abraham Lincoln IS 171 in Brooklyn should complete Grid 7
as shown in the example on the right. Fill in Grid 7 carefully: a
bubbling error in Grid 7 may delay the reporting of your score.
Student Misconduct cannot be compared directly. The test forms were developed
to be as similar as possible, but they are not identical.
It is important to note that test security is CRITICAL for the
SHSAT. During the test, you may not communicate with other To make valid score comparisons, a raw score must be
students in any way. This includes, but is not limited to: converted into another type of score that takes into account
speaking, writing and passing notes, sharing test booklets or the differences between test forms. In a process called
answer sheets, looking at other students answers, and/or calibration, verbal and mathematics raw scores are converted
possession of a personal electronic device. Students found to into scaled scores. The raw scores and scaled scores are not
be engaging in any of these activities will have their tests proportional. In the middle of the range of scores, an increase
invalidated and will not be allowed to take the test again until of one raw score point may correspond to an increase of three
the following school year (for current 8th grade students; or four scaled score points. At the top or bottom of the range
9th grade students will not have any additional opportunities to of scores, an increase of one raw score point may correspond
take the test after 9th grade). to 10-20 scaled score points. The reason for this difference is
that the scaled scores have been adjusted to fit the normal
Claims of Testing Irregularities curve. Scaled scores are on a scale that is common to all test
forms, making it possible to compare these scores directly.
If you believe there is interference or testing irregularity during The composite score is the sum of the verbal and mathematics
any part of the SHSAT test, you should bring the matter to the scaled scores. The composite score is used to determine
immediate attention of the proctor. This may include a admission to a Specialized High School.
misprinted test booklet, undue distraction, or improper
student behavior. The proctor will attempt to remedy the
situation and may take a written statement from you at the Review Procedures
end of the test. After receiving results, you and your parents/guardians may
review a copy of their answer sheet by requesting an
Students and parents/guardians may also report any
appointment with a representative from the Office of
suspected proctoring or testing irregularities, in the form of
Assessment. Copies of answer sheets are not available for
a letter, to the address below:
distribution but will be reviewed at the scheduled appointment.
Office of Student Enrollment Appointments may be arranged in one of the following ways:
52 Chambers Street, Room 415
1) By submitting an electronic request via the SHSAT website,
New York, NY 10007
Mailed letters must be sent by certified mail with proof of SHSAT, or
delivery and postmarked no later than one week after the test
2) By sending a written request via certified mail with proof of
administration. For all claims, please include parent/guardian
delivery to:
and student names, as well as telephone and/or email contact
information. Any claims of testing irregularity postmarked later Office of Assessment, SHSAT Review
than one week after the test date may not be considered. 52 Chambers Street, Room 309
Claims will be responded to on an individual basis. New York, New York 10007
Discovery Program
As stated in New York State law, the Specialized High Schools may sponsor a Discovery Program to give
disadvantaged students of demonstrated high potential an opportunity to participate in the Specialized High
School program. Students will be notified which schools will be sponsoring a Discovery Program and if they are
eligible to apply no earlier than May 2016.
Once notified of eligibility, families should meet with the school counselor to discuss the Discovery Program application.
Documentation supporting student eligibility must be attached to the recommendation form submitted on behalf of the
student by the middle school. Not all students recommended can be accepted into the Discovery Program. Those students
who are successful in meeting the demands of the summer program will be granted an offer to the school sponsoring the
Discovery Program. Those students who are not successful will attend the school to which they had previously been
assigned. Students should speak to their guidance counselors if they have any questions.
Parents/guardians are encouraged
to review the following tips with their
day of the test
Prepare yourself. The night before the test, remember to get a
children so that they are well prepared good nights sleep. Bring your signed Test Ticket with you to your
for the test. assigned test site and make sure it includes a parent/guardian
signature and your ranked choices of Specialized High Schools.
Before Test Day Arrive at your assigned test site on time. Wear comfortable clothes
and bring a non-calculator watch to keep track of the time. Make
The best way to improve your verbal skills is to read many
sure that you have several sharpened Number 2 pencils and an
books and articles on different topics. Reading widely will
eraser that erases cleanly. Do not bring personal electronic devices
help you expand your vocabulary and improve your
such as an iPod, calculator, tablet/iPad or ebook reader to the test.
comprehension. While reading, ask yourself: What is the main
You may bring a cell phone but it will be turned off and collected
point? What can be deduced? Why does the author use certain
by your proctor for the duration of the test.
words? Is this article well written?
Plan your time. Be aware of the total number of questions and the
Knowing what to expect on the test and having some
amount of time you have to complete the test. Work carefully, but
practice in test taking is beneficial. This handbook describes
keep moving at a comfortable pace and keep track of the time.
each part of the test and contains two sample tests to use as
Listen carefully to your test proctor and all instructions regarding
practice. Each sample test contains questions from previous
time. Be sure to place all answers on the answer sheet. You will not
tests and has been updated to match the 2015 tests as closely
be given additional time to transfer your answers from the test
as possible. A list of correct answers is provided for each test,
booklet or any scrap paper to the answer sheet after time is up.
along with explanations.
Read the instructions carefully. Be sure you understand the task
Simulating the actual testing situation helps. You will have
before marking your answer sheet. For each question, read all the
two and a half hours (150 minutes) to complete the test. During
choices before choosing one. Many questions ask for the best
your practice test, how you allot the time between the verbal
answer; it is important to compare all the choices to determine the
and mathematics sections is up to you. You may start with either
choice that best answers the question.
section. Use the practice test to decide how much time you will
spend on each section to keep yourself on pace and manage Mark your answers carefully. This is a machine-scored test, and
your time on test day. For example, will you spend 75 minutes you can lose credit by marking the wrong answer bubble or
on each section, or will you spend more time on one section marking the answers to two questions on the same line. Make sure
than another? Will you leave certain questions for the end? You the number on the answer sheet matches the number of the
may return to one section if you have time remaining after question in your test booklet. To change an answer, erase the
finishing the other section. Mark your answers on the answer original mark completely. If two bubbles are filled in for a question,
sheet provided in this handbook. Remember, on the actual test, that question will be scored as incorrect. Avoid making stray pencil
you will not be given extra time to mark your answers on the marks on your answer sheet. You may write in your test booklet to
answer sheet after time is up. solve verbal or mathematics problems, but remember that only
answers recorded on the answer sheet will be counted.
After you complete the practice test, check your answers
against the list of correct answers. Read the explanations of There is no penalty for a wrong answer. Your score is based on
the correct answers to see the kinds of mistakes you may have the number of correct answers marked on the answer sheet.
made. Did you read too quickly and misunderstand the Therefore, omitting a question will not give you an advantage, and
question? Did you make careless errors in computation? Did wrong answers will not be deducted from your right answers. Fill in
you choose answers that were partially correct, but were not the any blanks when the time limit is almost up.
best answers? Were many of your wrong answers guesses? You
Make an educated guess when you do not know the answer to a
also should check to see whether there is a pattern to your
question. Do this by eliminating the answer choice(s) that are
errors. For example, did you get all of the inequality questions
definitely wrong, and then choose one of the remaining answers.
wrong? Did you leave any answers blank? Seek out
opportunities to do more practice in areas that challenged you. Be considerate of other students during the test. Do not chew
gum or make noises or movements that would be distracting to
Put this handbook away for a few days, and then take the
second sample test, following the same procedure. Be aware
that how well you do on these sample tests is not a predictor of If you finish before time is up, go back over your work to make
your score on the actual test. However, these tests will give you sure that you followed instructions, did not skip any questions, and
an idea of what to expect when taking the SHSAT. did not make careless mistakes. Students must remain in the
testing room for the entire duration of the test (150 minutes).
Example 1
The secret to teaching a parakeet to talk is the realization that a talking bird is simply imitating
what it hears, not putting its own ideas into words.
As you leave, dont give a word of farewell.
_______ Q.
Stay just out of sight of the bird and repeat the phrase you want it to learn for at least 15
_______ R.
minutes every morning and evening.
After your repetitions, leave the bird alone for a while.
_______ S.
Otherwise the bird might combine that word, such as Goodbye, with the phrase you are
_______ T.
trying to teach it.
For this reason, when you train your bird to repeat your words, eliminate any distrac-
_______ U.
tions, especially other noises, during its lessons.
Example 1
The second sentence is Q R S T U
The third sentence is Q R S T U
The fourth sentence is Q R S T U
The fifth sentence is Q R S T U
The sixth sentence is Q R S T U
URQTS might also appear appealing, but QTS is an awkward Add the information given in the three conditions about the stu-
progression of sentences. A well-organized paragraph would dents heights to the diagram. Remember that the information
not place Q (which assumes that you are leaving) prior to S is relative, so dont place anyone in a definite space yet.
(which suggests that you should leave). Another problem is that
the phrase after your repetitions in S does not have a clear Condition 1 Condition 2 Condition 3
referent in T. It refers back to U and R, and placing it at the end Shortest J N P
of the paragraph creates a gap in the flow of ideas.
Logical Reasoning
This section consists of 10 questions that assess your ability to
The first and third conditions can be combined like this:
reason logically, using the facts, concepts, and information pre-
sented. You must guard against jumping to conclusions
that are not warranted from the information given. There
are different types of questions: figuring out codes, determining N
the relative positions of things or people, identifying correct
assumptions, and drawing valid conclusions.
The most important strategy is to read the information carefully
and make no assumptions that are not supported by the given The diagram shows that Gina is taller than everyone else, so
information. Certain words must be read carefully. For exam- she is in fifth place, which is Option D. Notice that it is not
ple, between cannot be assumed to mean between and possible to determine who is in fourth placeJorge or Rafael
right next to; other things may be between these two objects but this does not affect Ginas place. Ginas position can be
as well. The same may be true of words such as above, definitely determined, so Option E is incorrect.
below, before, and after.
For Example 3, read each option and decide whether it must In Question 1, the word Tito appears only in the first and
be true based on the given information. Reread the given fourth sentences, so its corresponding letter must appear only
information as often as needed so that you do not make in those sentences. Letter J (Option B) meets that requirement,
an incorrect assumption. Option F is not necessarily true. and it is the correct answer. The other options cannot be cor-
The given information does not say anything about a require- rect. The letter Y appears only in the fourth sentence. The let-
ment that 75 people must watch the film. Nor is Option G ters B and R appear in the first and fourth sentences, but they
necessarily true. It might be a good idea, but we cannot also appear in the second and third sentences. Thus, neither
conclude that it must be true. We cannot conclude that Option of them can represent the word Tito. Option E is ruled out
J is true; we do not know how many people are interested in because the letter representing Tito can be determined from
the film. Option K may seem like a reasonable answer. It could the information given.
explain why video room A is being used. However, even
though the explanation sounds plausible, the given information In Question 2, the letter K appears in all four sentences. The
does not say why the film is being shown in video room A words wants to meet also appear in all four sentences. Is it
rather than somewhere else. It simply says that video room A possible to determine which of those words is represented by
was used. Therefore, we cannot say that Option K must be
true. Only Option H must be true because we know that the Example 4
capacity of video room A is 75 people.
Questions 1 and 2 refer to the following
Example 3
In the code below, (1) each letter always
Because video room A is being used to show represents the same word, (2) each word is
this film, no more than 75 people can attend represented by only one letter, and (3) in any
the showing. given sentence, the letters may or may not be
Based only on the information above, which of presented in the same order as the words.
the following must be true?
R J K B L means
F. At least 75 people must be present in Tito wants to meet Shu.
order to show the film in video room A.
G. If more than 75 people are interested in M R C B K means
seeing this film, another video room will Bianca wants to meet Michael.
show the film at the same time. B R D K Z means
H. If more than 75 people want to see this Anjel wants to meet Kim.
film, some will not be able to attend this K J Y R B means
showing in video room A. Imani wants to meet Tito.
J. More than 75 people are interested in
seeing this film. 1. Which letter represents the word Tito?
K. Because fewer than 75 people want to see
this film, video room A is being used. A. B
B. J
C. R
D. Y
When the question involves a code, as in Example 4, do not E. Cannot be determined from the
solve for all parts of the code. Solve only those parts that information given.
relate to the question. Read the directions carefully. The letters
in a sentence may or may not appear in the same order as the 2. Which word is represented by the letter K?
words they represent in that sentence. For example, in the first
F. wants
sentence, the first letter (R) may or may not represent the first
G. to
word (Tito).
H. meet
J. Michael
K. Cannot be determined from the
information given.
in the same order as the words. Thus, the letter K appears his section measures your ability to read and comprehend
above the words to and meet, but that does not mean it five informational passages. Each passage is 400 to 500
represents either of those words. It is impossible to determine words long. The subjects include short biographies, dis-
which word is represented by K, so the correct answer is cussions of historical events, descriptions of scientific phenom-
Option E, Cannot be determined from the information given. ena, brief essays on art or music, discussions with a point of
view, and human interest stories.
Example 5
Several animal species, although they Gulls have learned that human habitation
remain wild, are comfortable living in usually means a plentiful, easy food supply.
close proximity to people. Some of these They accept handouts eagerly and will
animals, such as squirrels and pigeons, are drive off more mild-mannered birds, such
5 plentiful even in big cities. Many make 5 40 as ducks, rather than share food with them. 40
their homes in buildings and have devel- Gulls follow fishing boats and garbage
oped a taste for human food. Among these scows, knowing that these are reliable
species, few have a larger appetite for the sources of easy pickings. They find landfills,
products of human civilization than sea with their plentiful food scraps, especially
10 gulls. 10 45 inviting. Unfortunately, this causes a seri- 45
cies. Glaucous-winged gulls dominate the city skyscrapers. The buildings high roofs
Pacific Northwest; herring gulls, the North and straight sides resemble the cliffs where
Atlantic coast; ring-bills, the Great Lakes gulls nest in the wild and provide the same
and other inland fresh water; and California kind of updrafts that allow sea gulls to glide
20 gulls, despite their name, the Great Salt 20 55 and soar with little effort. Apart from an 55
Lake in Utah. Because of special glands occasional hawk, sea gulls have few natural
above their eyes, all gulls can drink salt predators in urban settings. And city living
water as well as fresh water. provides easy access to plenty of garbage.
Gulls have a varied natural diet, ranging Indeed, gulls are not the best of neighbors.
25 from fish, shellfish, and rodents to insects. 25 60 They are noisy and have been known to 60
They typically break shellfish open by car- damage buildings and farm crops, and to
rying them while they fly, then dropping pester humans carrying food. A whole
them onto a hard surface. Some gulls have gull control industry has sprung up to
been seen trying to dine on some rather discourage sea gulls from congregating near
30 unusual substances. For example, gulls 30 65 human communities. For example, elec- 65
have attempted to eat golf balls, perhaps tronic devices produce flashing lights or the
mistaking them for the eggs of another sounds of predators, and spikes and sprin-
species of bird. Others have dropped metal klers on buildings and fences deter the birds
objects, such as nuts and bolts, from the sky from roosting. As long as people continue to
35 onto the ground. 35 70 provide them with food, however, gulls will 70
Each passage has six questions that ask you to identify and Be wary of choices that are too broad or too narrow. Ask your-
analyze key ideas and details, as well as draw conclusions from self whether the question requires you to draw a conclusion or
the information presented. inference from statements in the passage or simply to identify a
restatement of the facts.
In order to ensure a thorough understanding of the text, read
the passage carefully rather than skimming it. This will help Base your answers only on the information presented in the
prevent you from making inaccurate assumptions based on only passage. Do not depend solely on your prior knowledge of
a few details. After reading the passage, try answering each the topic. Enough information will be given for you to arrive at
question before reading the answer choices. Then look at the the correct answer.
choices to see which is closest to your answer. If none seem to
be your answer, read the question again. You may also reread
the passage before you choose your answer.
Example 5 continued...
1. Which of the following best tells what this 4. What is the most likely reason that the gulls
passage is about? mentioned in the passage dropped nuts and
bolts from the sky?
A. the harm that gulls do to people
B. how gulls have adapted to living near A. They were trying to frighten off
human communities competitors.
C. the characteristics of animal species B. They didnt like the taste of them.
that benefit from living near humans C. They were trying to crack them open.
D. how gulls have become tame D. They behave that way with all food.
E. how gulls intelligence helps them to E. They were unable to hold them any longer.
5. What species of gull would have the least use
2. Where are gulls most dangerous to people? for the special glands mentioned in line 21?
F. in big cities A. ring-bill
G. at golf courses B. herring
H. on seacoasts C. western
J. on farms D. California
K. at airports E. glaucous-winged
3. Which of the following statements about the 6. Which of the following is most likely part of a
eating habits of gulls is suggested by the gull control strategy?
F. building taller skyscrapers
A. Gulls prefer food with strong flavors. G. building landfills near airports
B. Gulls have developed a taste for metal H. eliminating hawks and other predators
objects. J. paving over parks and green spaces
C. Gulls eat only food that people have K. installing flashing lights on rooftops
thrown away.
D. Gulls sometimes steal and eat the eggs of
other birds.
E. Gulls are fussy eaters compared with
other birds.
Question 1 Question 5
The correct answer for this question must encompass the The special glands mentioned in line 21 allow gulls to drink
main points without being overly broad. Option A is a detail, salt water as well as fresh water. All of the gull species in the
not a main point. Option C describes only the first paragraph. second paragraph, except the ring-bills, live near salt water
Options D and E are not mentioned. The best answer is oceans or the Great Salt Lake. Thus, they need the special
Option B. The passage describes how gulls benefit from living glands in order drink to salt water. Ring-bill gulls live near the
in human-created surroundings. Great Lakes and other inland fresh water. Fresh water is eas-
ily accessible to them, so they have little use for the special
Question 2 glands (Option A).
Question 4
The statement about gulls dropping nuts and bolts from the
sky is in lines 33-35. To find the reason why they do this,
read the entire third paragraph. Lines 24-28 say that gulls
break open shellfish by dropping them onto a hard surface.
Apparently they cant open the shellfish by other means. A
logical inference is that gulls drop metal objects for a simi-
lar reason--to try to crack them open--which is the correct
answer (Option H). Frightening off competitors (Option F) is
mentioned in the context of driving ducks away from food
(lines 38-40), not with regard to dropping objects from the sky.
The other options are not supported by the passage.
This section includes arithmetic, algebra, probability, statistics, and geometry problems. The technical terms
and general concepts in these test questions can be found in the New York State Education Department
P-12 Common Core Learning Standards for Mathematics. Most problems involve application of topics
covered in the Common Core; however, since the Common Core is just an outline, not all details of a topic
are provided. Consequently, some aspects of a question may not be mentioned. As one of the purposes of
this test is to identify students who will benefit from an education at a Specialized High School, the SHSAT
contains many questions that require using mathematical ability to respond to novel situations.
The NYSED P-12 Common Core Learning Standards for Mathematics can be downloaded from the
New York State Education Department website: www.nysed.gov.
o improve your mathematics skills, choose a mathemat- If the question is a word problem, it often is
ics textbook for your grade level and solve five to ten helpful to express it as an equation. When you obtain an
problems every day. Do both routine and challenging answer, look at the choices listed. If your answer is included
problems. Routine problems reinforce basic mathematical facts. among the choices, mark it. If it is not, reread the question
More challenging problems help you understand mathematics and solve it again.
concepts better. Do not give up if you cannot complete some
of the problems. Skip them and move on. You may be able to The incorrect choices are often answers that
solve them after you have practiced different types of problems. people get if they misread the question or make common
Also, do not limit yourself to types of problems that test what computational errors. For this reason, it is unwise to solve a
you have learned in your mathematics class only. problem in your head while looking at the possible choices. It
is too easy to be attracted to a wrong choice.
You must know the meanings of techni-
cal terms such as parallel and perpendicular that If your answer is not among the answer
are appropriate to your grade level, as well as the customary choices, write your answer in a different form. For exam-
symbols that represent those terms. You also need to know ple, 10(x 2) is equivalent to 10x 20.
various formulas such as those for the perimeter and area of
different figures. You can find these technical terms, symbols, You may draw figures or diagrams for
and formulas in your mathematics textbook. These terms, questions that do not have them.
symbols, and formulas will NOT be given in the test booklet.
Some questions ask you to combine a series of
Practice using them until you are comfortable with the terms
simple steps. Take one step at a time, using what you know
and formulas.
and what the question tells you to do.
Read each problem carefully and work out
the answer on scrap paper or in your test booklet. Do not
The sample tests in this handbook are Grade
8 forms. If you are taking the Grade 9 test, work the problems
calculate on your answer sheet.
on pages 108-110 as well. These problems cover topics that
Most problems should be done by work- are introduced in the Common Core for Grade 8.
ing out the answer. This is more efficient than trying out the
options to see which one fits the question. The only exception
is when you are explicitly asked to look at the options, as in,
Which of the following is an odd number?
Marking Your Answers Work as rapidly as you can without making mistakes.
Dont spend too much time on a difficult question. Return
Be sure to mark all your answers in the row of answer to it later if you have time.
circles corresponding to the question number printed
in the test booklet. Use a Number 2 pencil. If you Students must remain for the entire test session.
change an answer, be sure to erase it completely. You
may write in your test booklet to solve verbal or Example 1
mathematics problems, but your answers must DIRECTIONS: Solve the problem. Find the best answer
be recorded on the answer sheet in order to be among the answer choices given.
counted. Be careful to avoid making any stray pencil
marks on your answer sheet. E1. If four ice cream cones cost $2.00, how much will
three ice cream cones cost?
Each question has only one correct answer. If you
mark more than one circle in any answer row, that A. $0.50
question will be scored as incorrect. Select the best B. $1.00
answer for each question. Your score is determined by C. $1.25
the number of questions you answered correctly. It is D. $1.50
to your advantage to answer every question, even E. $1.75
though you may not be certain which choice is
correct. See the example of correct and
incorrect answer marks below EXAMPLE ANSWER
E1. A B C D E
Copyright 2015 NCS Pearson, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A.
Scrambled Paragraphs
DIRECTIONS: In this section, arrange each group of sentences to create the best paragraph. The first
sentence for each paragraph is given; the remaining five sentences are listed in random order. Choose
the order for these five sentences that will create the best paragraph, one that is well-organized, logical,
and grammatically correct. Each correctly ordered paragraph is worth double the value of a question
in any other section of the test. No credit will be given for responses that are only partially correct.
To keep track of your sentence order, use the blanks to the left of the sentences. For example, write 2
next to the sentence you think follows the first sentence, write 3 next to the sentence you think follows
2, and so on. You may change these numbers if you decide on a different order. When you are satisfied
with your sentence order, mark your choices on your answer sheet.
Paragraph 1
Some traditional households in sub-Saharan Africa serve two meals a day, one at noon and the
other in the evening.
_______ Q. African food can be very spicy, and the starch cools the burning effect of the main dish.
_______ R. The starch serves another purpose as well.
_______ S. Diners then use the starch to scoop up a portion of the main dish.
_______ T.
A typical meal consists of a thick stew or soup as the main course, along with some
sort of starchbread, rice, or fufu, a starchy grain paste similar in consistency to
mashed potatoes.
_______ U. T
he main dish is usually served on individual plates, and the starch is served on a
communal plate, from which diners break off a piece of bread or scoop rice or fufu in
their fingers.
In most dictionaries, the first meaning listed for bluegrass refers to a bluish-green grass
frequently grown in Kentucky; the second meaning usually refers to a type of country music.
______ Q. You wont hear that style at any of the dozens of traditional bluegrass festivals held
each year across the United States.
______ R. Included among the non-amplified strings will be guitars, banjos, mandolins, and
fiddles, but never drums or accordions.
______ S. If, on the other hand, either the instruments or the music is non-traditional, the music
may be called newgrass.
______ T. The traditional rapid-fire bluegrass sound that was Monroes trademark is played on
non-amplified stringed instruments and features free improvisation.
______ U. The connection between those two meanings is a band called the Blue Grass Boys
named in honor of the state of Kentuckywhose leader, Bill Monroe, effectively
created this style of music.
Paragraph 3
Ancient people of the Mediterranean thought that volcanoes were caused by Vulcan, the
Roman blacksmith god.
______ Q. I n the same park, Mauna Loa, at 28,000 feet above the oceans floor, is the largest
active volcano in the world.
______ R. T
here are dozens of active and potentially active volcanoes within the United
States, including Kilauea, the most active volcano in the world.
______ S. Both of these are shield volcanoes, which means that they were formed as lava
flowed in all directions from a central vent to form low, gently sloping mountains.
______ T. Volcanoes, which were named for Vulcan, are vents in the crust of the earth from
which molten lava and ash erupt.
______ U. T
hat volcano, located in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, has been spewing lava
since 1983.
Macaws, a type of parrot found in South America, are among the largest and most beautiful birds
in the world.
______ Q. Scientists believe that the birds may eat the clay in order to counteract poisons
contained in some of these fruit seeds.
______ R. The birds do not appear to eat clay to satisfy hunger; they ingest it even when fruit
seeds, their favorite foods, are available.
______ S. Like many other parrot species, they are very intelligent as well, yet some of their
behaviors have baffled scientists.
______ T. This theory is supported by the fact that the birds eat more clay in the dry season,
when less-poisonous food is scarce.
______ U. For example, macaws regularly flock to riverbanks to eat the clay found in river mud.
Paragraph 5
The now-abandoned settlement of Nan Madol, located on a coral reef off the shore of the
Micronesian island of Pohnpei, was built over a thousand years, beginning around a.d. 500.
______ Q. The new building materialssome pieces were twenty feet long and weighed
nearly six tonswere transported to Pohnpei on rafts.
_______ R. T
he ancestors would build a great fire around a column, then pour cool seawater
on it, causing it to split along natural fracture lines.
______ S. Then they were placed in their present positions by means of hibiscus fiber ropes
and the inclined trunks of coconut palm trees.
______ T. The islanders say that their ancestors obtained the stone from quarries on a
nearby island, where large basalt columns were formed naturally by the cooling of
molten lava.
______ U. The structures of Nan Madol are remarkable for the sheer size of the stone logs
or columns used to create the retaining walls of the offshore community, and
anthropologists must rely on information provided by local people to learn how
Nan Madol was built.
DIRECTIONS: Read the information given and choose the best answer to each question. Base your
answer only on the information given.
In a logical reasoning test, certain words must be read with caution. For example, The red house is
between the yellow and blue houses does not necessarily mean The red house is between and next
to the yellow and blue houses; one or more other houses may separate the red house from the yellow
house or from the blue house. This precaution also applies to words such as above, below, before, after,
ahead of, and behind.
11. A star named Quil is the center of four orbit- 12. If it is snowing, I cannot ride my bike. If it is
ing planets, which are named Dorb, Needer, dark, I cannot ride my bike.
Sly, and Tyne. Each planet travels in a sepa-
Based only on the information above, which of
rate orbit, and each orbit is a circle. All four
the following must be true?
orbits lie in one plane. The farther a planet is
from Quil, the faster it travels. F. If I cannot ride my bike, then it must be
1) Planet Needer is closest to Quil.
G. If I cannot ride my bike, then it must be
2) The orbit of planet Dorb is next to the orbit
of Sly.
H. I do not have a headlight on my bike.
3) The orbit of Sly is farthest from the orbit of
J. If I ride my bike, then it is not dark or
K. If it is snowing, then it must be dark.
Which planet travels fastest?
A. Needer 13. One prize was awarded each week in a three-
B. Dorb week contest. The prizes were a trip to Disney
C. Sly World, a big-screen television, and a computer.
D. Tyne
E. Cannot be determined from the 1) Luis, Michael, and Nadia each won a
information given. different prize.
2) Michael did not win the computer.
Which of the following pieces of additional
information makes it possible to determine
who won each prize?
A. Michael won the free trip.
B. Luis won the television.
C. Luis won the computer.
D. Nadia won the computer.
E. Michael won the television.
1) Silver entered before Rainbow. 17. Which letter represents the word and?
2) Ebony entered before Rainbow, but after
Ace. A. T
3) Thunder entered before Silver, but after B. L
Ebony. C. M
D. Q
Which horse entered fourth? E. Cannot be determined from the
A. Silver information given.
B. Rainbow
C. Ebony 18. Which word is represented by the letter V?
D. Thunder
E. Cannot be determined from the F. chili
information given. G. spicy
H. hot
J. sweet
16. When Soon Bae listens to music, she also K. Cannot be determined from the
dances. Whenever she dances, she also sings. information given.
Based only on the information above, which of
the following is a valid conclusion?
F. When Soon Bae sings, then she is dancing.
G. Soon Bae sings only when she is dancing.
H. When Soon Bae listens to music, then she CONTINUE ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 1
is also singing.
J. If Soon Bae is not listening to music, then
she is not dancing.
K. If Soon Bae is not dancing, then she is not
DIRECTIONS: Read each passage below and answer the questions following it. Base your answers
on information contained only in the passage. You may reread a passage if you need to. Mark the
best answer for each question.
If you have ever watched someone fall on or pressure. This notion was first proposed
the ice, youve seen slipperiness at work. 40 more than 150 years ago by physicist 40
But have you wondered what makes ice Michael Faraday. Faradays simple experi-
slippery, or why skates or skis glide across ment illustrates this property: two ice cubes
5 ice so easily? The answer might seem 5 held against each other will fuse together.
obvious: ice is smooth. Yet smoothness in This happens, Faraday explained, because
itself does not explain slipperiness. Imagine, 45 liquid on the cubes surfaces froze solid 45
for example, skating on a smooth surface of when the surfaces made contact.
glass or sheet metal.
Faradays hypothesis was overlooked, in
10 Surprisingly, scientists do not fully under- 10 part because scientists did not have the
stand why ice is slippery. Past explanations means to detect molecular structures.
of slipperiness have focused on friction and 50 However, technological advances during 50
pressure. According to the friction theory, recent decades allow scientists to measure
a skate blade rubs across the ice, causing the thin layer on the surface of the ice. For
15 friction. The friction produces heat, 15 example, in 1996, a chemist at Lawrence
melting the ice and creating a slippery, Berkeley Laboratory shot electrons at an
microscopically thin layer of water for the 55 ice surface and recorded how they 55
skate to glide on. The friction theory, rebounded. The data suggested that the ice
however, cannot explain why ice is slippery surface remained liquid-like, even at tem-
20 even when someone stands completely 20 peratures far below freezing. Scientists
motionless, creating no friction. speculate that water molecules on the ice
60 surface are always in motion because there 60
The pressure theory claims that pressure is nothing above them to hold them in
from a skate blade melts the ice surface, place. The vibration creates a slippery
creating a slippery layer of water. The layer of molecules. According to this inter-
25 water refreezes when the pressure is lifted. 25 pretation of the Lawrence Berkeley
Science textbooks typically cite this 65 Laboratory experiments, the molecules 65
explanation, but many scientists disagree, move only up and down; if they also moved
claiming that the pressure effect is not side to side, they would constitute a true
great enough to melt the ice. Nor can the liquid. Thus it could be said that people are
30 pressure theory explain why someone wear- 30 skating on wildly vibrating molecules!
ing flat-bottomed shoeswhich have a
greater surface area than skate blades and 70 The phenomenon of a slippery liquid-like 70
thus exert less pressure per square inch surface is not limited to ice, although ice is
can glide across the ice or even go the most common example. Lead crystals
35 sprawling. 35 and even diamond crystals, made of carbon,
also show this property under certain tem-
During the 1990s, another theory found 75 perature and pressure conditions. 75
even very low concentrations of food chemi- over an all-natural soda flavored with
10 cals in gaseous form. The sense of smell has 10 real oranges, which may taste weak in com-
a larger role in tasting flavors than most parison. In fact, some flavorists worry that
people realizethat is, until they have a consumers will develop such a strong taste
stuffy nose and nothing tastes good. 60 for artificial flavors that natural flavorings, 60
ists would be able to duplicate the flavors Researchers have not always been successful
of foods. In fact, a surprising number of in their efforts to duplicate natural flavors.
popular food flavors can now be reproduced 65 Some popular flavors, such as coffee, straw- 65
in the laboratory, and even more are on the berry, and chocolate, have proven virtually
20 way. Orange, perhaps the most popular 20 impossible to reproduce. The difficulty in
flavor worldwide, has been reproduced suc- creating a flavor like chocolate, experts say,
cessfully. So have some national favorites, is its complexitya mysterious combination
including cashew (Latin America), paprika 70 of sweet and bitter that excites the taste 70
celebrated artists of the United States. the United States, introducing them to
Born in 1845, the daughter of a wealthy impressionist art. Many of the excellent
5 Pittsburgh banker, Cassatt spent several 5 collections of impressionist paintings in this
years of her childhood with her family in country are to a great extent the result of
Europe. As she grew older, she gave up a 55 her influence. As a woman and as an 55
life of ease to choose a path that at the time American, Cassatt stood virtually alone
was almost impossible for a woman to among the impressionist painters. Since
10 follow. In 1861, while many of her friends 10 her death in 1926, the work of the
were entering the social world of the upper Impressionist from Pennsylvania has
classes, Cassatt was beginning her studies 60 been avidly sought by collectors. 60
wishes, she decided to return to Europe to 33. Which of the following best tells what this
study painting. passage is about?
Cassatt spent several years, mainly in A. the barriers faced by women artists
France and Italy, immersing herself in the B. the mother-child theme in Cassatts work
20 works of great European painters of the 20
C. why Cassatt is considered an early
past. Finally, in 1872, she settled in Paris feminist
permanently. There, Cassatt came to admire D. Cassatts development as an artist
the work of the French Impressionists, a E. a brief history of impressionism
group of outsiders that included Degas,
25 Monet, and Renoir. Unlike mainstream 25
34. Why did Cassatt leave the Pennsylvania
artists who produced the dark, polished, Academy of Fine Arts?
and detailed paintings favored by traditional- F. Her father wanted her to study in Europe.
ists and critics, these artistic revolutionaries G. She felt the program there limited her
applied pigment to the canvas in small dabs creativity.
30 of pure color to achieve an illusion of light. 30 H. She did not want to enter Pittsburgh
Works painted in this manner presented not society.
photograph-like detail but a softer focus that J. She wanted to study with the French
conveyed a highly personalized impression. Impressionists.
K. She wished to rejoin her family.
This new movement inspired Cassatt.
35 Discarding the traditional European style, 35 35. What prompted Cassatt to begin using the
she adopted the luminous tones of the mother-child theme in her work?
impressionists. Particularly interested in
the human figure, Cassatt began creating A. It was an appropriate subject for a begin-
pastels of groups of womenon outings in ning artist.
40 the park, having tea, and so forth. In 1879, 40
B. It was a favorite theme of great European
Edgar Degas invited her to exhibit with the painters of past centuries.
impressionists, and her paintings were C. It was suggested to her by another artist.
included in four of their next five shows. D. It was a common theme in the late nine-
Cassatt and Degas admired each others teenth century.
45 work and a loyal friendship developed. It 45
E. It was favored by the critics.
was Degas who first suggested the mother-
child theme that became the hallmark of
Cassatts later work.
fabled city that inspired tales that would have revealed much about the true
circulated throughout Europe. Where was history of Great Zimbabwe. Later European
10 this remarkable city, and who had built it? 10 excavations destroyed even more valuable
For centuries the mystery occupied the evidence.
minds of explorers and treasure-seekers.
60 In the twentieth century, after excavating 60
The first reports to Europeans of Great areas that had not been disturbed, David
Zimbabwe were spread a thousand years Randall-MacIver, a Scottish Egyptologist,
15 ago by Arab traders sailing between the 15 and Gertrude Caton-Thompson, an English
Middle East and the east coast of Africa. archaeologist, concluded that the ruins were
They told of the fabulous wealth of a 65 unmistakably African in origin. Great 65
mysterious stone city in the African interior. Zimbabwe was most likely built during the
In their tales, that city became associated fourteenth or fifteenth century by the
20 with their understanding of Middle Eastern 20 ancestors of the present-day Shona people.
historywith the Queen of Sheba, King Recent carbon-14 dating supports their
Solomon, and his legendary gold mines, 70 conclusion. Great Zimbabwe was once home 70
long since lost to the world. By the to an estimated 20,000 people, the center of
sixteenth century, Portuguese explorers a great Shona kingdom. Wealthy Shona
25 regularly visited East Africa, searching for 25 kings traded their ivory and gold in coastal
King Solomons gold, but they never found towns for other goods, thus accounting for
Great Zimbabwe. In 1552, a Portuguese 75 the discovery of beads and other foreign 75
wind energy can be. But the power of the production would be impossible without the
wind can also be put to constructive use. use of windmills to provide water.
5 From sailboats to old-fashioned windmills 5
to the high-tech, modern wind machines Beginning in the late nineteenth century,
called turbines, people have devised ways to windmills were adapted to generate
harness wind energy for thousands of years. 55 electricity. During the 1930s and 40s, 55
those forces scientifically. The principles such as a utility company. After that, there
behind sailing led to the development of was little need for wind turbines until the
15 the windmill. The first known windmills 15 energy crisis of the 1970s. At that time,
originated in Persia, an area that is now interest in wind turbines was renewed due
Iran, as early as a.d. 500. They were created 65 to rising energy costs and concern about 65
to help with the demanding chores of grind- the future availability of fossil fuels such as
ing grain and pumping water. By the tenth oil, coal, and natural gas. The last several
20 century, windmills were used throughout 20 decades have seen the development of
central Asia; they were used in China as wind farms, clusters of wind turbines that
early as the thirteenth century. 70 generate electricity. Efficient, clean, and 70
F. Persia P05-024A
In the 1700s, as steam engines gained in G. North America
popularity, the use of wind machines for H. Europe
many types of work declined. However, J. China
windmills still played an essential role in K. Holland
45 pumping water on farms throughout the 45
49. W
hy were fewer American farms dependent on
windmills for electrical power after the 1950s?
A. Windmills were not used for any purpose
after that time.
B. The energy crisis had prompted interest
in other fuel sources.
C. The energy crisis had stopped the develop-
ment of wind turbines.
D. A centralized power system had connected
almost all American homes.
E. Wind farms had replaced the need for
individual windmills. P05-025D
General Instructions
Solve each problem. Select the best answer from the choices given. Mark the letter of your answer on the
answer sheet. You can do your figuring in the test booklet or on paper provided by the proctor. DO NOT
Important Notes:
(1) Formulas and definitions of mathematical terms and symbols are not provided.
(2) Diagrams other than graphs are not necessarily drawn to scale. Do not assume any relationship
in a diagram unless it is specifically stated or can be figured out from the information given.
(3) Assume that a diagram is in one plane unless the problem specifically states that it is not.
(4) Graphs are drawn to scale. Unless stated otherwise, you can assume relationships according to
appearance. For example, (on a graph) lines that appear to be parallel can be assumed to be
parallel; likewise for concurrent lines, straight lines, collinear points, right angles, etc.
(5) Reduce all fractions to lowest terms.
4 3 Q r
52. If __of P is 48, what is __of P? 55. P
5 5
8 6
4 2
F. 12 0 2 4 6 8
G. 15
H. 20
J. 36 How many units is it from the midpoint of
K. 60 Q
P to the midpoint of Q
A. 12
B. 14
53. a52 and a 5 8, what is the value
If __ C. 16
D. 18
of 3b1a2?
E. 10
A. 28
B. 70
C. 76
D. 88
E. 112
57. 102
If 0.00102 ____ ,what is the value of N?
Total number of people
A. 10,000 working in center city = 15,000
B. 100,000
C. 1,000,000 How many more people in Center City walk
D. 100,000,000 to work than ride their bicycles to work?
E. 1,000,000,000 F. 18
G. 22
58. Judy is n years older than Carmen and twice H. 2,700 M99-132A
as old as Frances. If Frances is 15, how old is J. 2,800
Carmen? K. 3,000
F. 30
G. 15n 61. y
H. 152n
J. 15n
5 S
K. 30n (c, d)
(a, b)
59. 1 sind 5.6 ricks
1 sind 12.88 dalts x
O 5
Using the conversions above, how many dalts W
are equivalent to 1 rick?
The figure above is drawn to scale. Which
A. 0.43 dalts
point best shows the location of (c 1a, d 1b)?
B. 2.3 dalts
C. 7.28 dalts A. R
D. 18.48 dalts B. S
E. 72.128 dalts C. T
D. V
E. W
78. m2
J. ___ 2
PeoPle Per VeHicle AT cHecKPoinT 3
number of Percent of 32 2
K. ___
People in the Vehicles m
1 40% 81. P Q
2 35%
20 30
3 15%
4 7%
Points P and Q are points on the number line
5 or more 3% above, which is divided into equal sections.
What is the value of PQ?
A researcher recorded the number of
people in each vehicle that passed through A. 5
a checkpoint. The table above shows the B. 7
percent distribution for the 420 vehicles that C. 30
passed the checkpoint yesterday morning. D. 35
How many of the 420 vehicles contained E. 50
at least 3 people?
F. 42
G. 63
H. 105
J. 315
K. 378
82. relATionSHiP BeTween row A AnD row B 86. A box contains 11 marbles7 red and
4 green. Five of these marbles are removed
row A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
at random. If the probability of drawing a
row B 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6
green marble is now 0.5, how many red
marbles were removed from the box?
The table above shows two rows of integers, F. 1
Row A and Row B, and the relationship
G. 2
between them. Assume each row continues in
H. 3
the pattern shown. When the number 111
appears in Row A, what is the corresponding J. 4
number that will appear in Row B? K. 5
F. 55
87. Ryan must read 150 pages for school tomorrow.
G. 56
It took him 30 minutes to read the first 20 of
H. 57 the assigned pages. At this rate, how much
J. 59 additional time will it take him to finish
K. 66 the reading?
83. A certain insect has a mass of 75 milligrams. A. 1__hr
What is the insects mass in grams?
B. 2__hr
A. 0.075 g 6
B. 0.75 g
C. 7.5 g C. 3__hr
D. 75 g M05-098B
E. 7,500 g D. 3__hr
84. A B c E. 7__hr
0 2 4 6 8
8 6 4 2
88. In how many different ways can you make
On the number line above, A is located at 8, exactly $0.75 using only nickels, dimes, and
B is located at 3, and C is located at 7. D (not quarters, if you must have at least one of each
shown) is the midpoint of AwBw, and E (not coin?
shown) is the midpoint of B wC
w. What is the F. 2
midpoint of D w? G. 4
F. 1.5 H. 6
G. 1.25 J. 7
H. 1.75 K. 12
J. 2.25
K. 7.5. 89. A cylindrical oil drum can hold 4,320 liters
when it is completely full. Currently, the
85. A video game originally priced at $44.50 was 1
drum is __full of oil. How many kiloliters(kL)
on sale for 10% off. Julian received a 20% 3
employee discount applied to the sale price. of oil need to be added to fill the drum
How much did Julian pay for the video game? completely?
(Assume that there is no tax.)
A. 1.44 kL
A. $31.15 B. 2.88 kL
B. $32.04 C. 4.32 kL
C. $35.60 D. 14.40 kL
D. $40.05 E. 28.80 kL
E. $43.61
y x
A. __+ ___
y x
B. __+ __
4 3
y x
C. __+ __
4 7
3y x
D. ___+ __
4 4
3y x
E. ___+ __
4 3
95. PriceS for AD SPAce 98. A car travels at 4,400 feet per minute. If the
Space Price radius of each tire on the car is one foot, how
1 page $200 many revolutions does one of these tires make
1 in a single minute? (Use the approximation
2 page $350
22for .)
full page $600 7
F. 700
G. 1,925
The table above shows prices for newspaper H. 13,828
advertising. A store purchased quarter pages, J. 15,400
half pages, and full pages of space in equal K. 27,657
numbers for a total of $11,500. What is the M04-199A
total amount of page space the store
purchased? 99. Which number line below shows the solution
x 2?
to the inequality 4 __
A. 1 __pages 2
B. 10 pages A.
10 5 0 5 10
16 __
C. pages
2 B.
1 10 5 0 5 10
17 __
D. pages
1 C.
17 __
E. pages 10 5
2 0 5 10
A. 32p F. 8.5
B. p13 G. 10.5
C. 5p23 H. 13.0
D. 5p13 J. 15.0
E. 5p113 K. 17.0
13. (B) Draw a grid to illustrate who won each prize. An X 16. (H) This question contains two conditional sentences.
indicates that a person did not receive a prize. According You can put them together like this: When Soon Bae lis-
to Statement 2, Michael did not win the computer. tens to music, she is also dancing and singing.
Trip Television Computer Music Dancing Singing
Michael X The arrows indicate the direction of the condition. Notice
Nadia that the arrows point in only one direction, ruling out
Option F. Music might not be the only thing that causes
Soon Bae to dance and sing. Other factors, beside music,
The question asks which option makes it possible to
might lead to dancing and singing. Thus Options G, J, and
determine who won each prize, that is, to fill in the rest
K are not valid. The only valid conclusion is Option H.
of the grid. For each option, mark the information on the
grid. Are you able to determine who won each prize? If
not, erase the marks and evaluate the next option. For 17. and 18. Read the directions carefully. The letters
example, mark the information for Option A, and fill in in a sentence may or may not appear in the same order
Xs wherever you can. as the words in that sentence. For example, in the first
sentence, the first letter (L) may or may not represent the
Trip Television Computer first word (sherbet). Remember that you need not find out
Luis X what every letter represents in the code.
Michael Yes X X
17. (D) The word and appears in the first, second, and
Nadia X
third sentences of the code, but not in the fourth sentence.
We can't figure out who won the television set and the The letter that represents and must also appear in the
computer, so option A cannot be correct. Only Option B first three sentences, but not in the fourth. The letter
allows us to determine who won each prize. T (Option A) appears in all four sentences, so it cannot
be correct. The letters L and M (Options B and C) each
Trip Television Computer appear in only two sentences, so they are also incorrect.
Luis X Yes X The letter Q appears in the first three sentences but not
the fourth. No other letters meet this requirement, so
Michael Yes X X
Option D is correct.
Nadia X X Yes
18. (H) The letter V appears only in the second and
fourth sentences. Find the word that also appears
14. (K) The first student cannot be Raymond, Elise, or only in those sentences. Options F and G are incorrect
Tiffany, because each of these students used the phone because chili and spicy appear in the second sentence,
after someone else. The first caller must be either but not the fourth. Option J, sweet, appears in the first
Ahmed or Steve, but there is not enough information to and fourth sentences, but not in the second sentence, so
determine which one. it can be ruled out. Hot is the only word that appears
in both the second and fourth sentences, and it is the
correct answer.
15. (A) Write BEFORE on the left side of your scrap
paper and "AFTER" on the right side. Using the initial
for each horses name, list what each statement says 19. (A) This question requires you to match each troll
about the order of the horses entering the stable. These with a colorful characteristic, and put the trolls in order.
positions are relative to each other. (The problem does Start by matching the trolls and their characteristics.
not give any definite information about a horses exact Draw a grid like the one below. According to Statement
position.) 1, Snowflake has white hair. According to Statement 3,
Gretchen has purple ears. Statement 2 states that Banto
BEFORE 1.) SR AFTER did not have green eyes, so Holly must have green eyes.
2.) AER This leaves Banto with red teeth. Now every trolls char-
3.) ETS acteristic is known.
Green Purple Red White Option A is incorrect because Faradays explanation does
Troll not include the concept of friction. Options B and D are
Eyes Ears Teeth Hair
Banto no yes not supported by the passage. The smoothness explana-
tion of slipperiness (Option E) was ruled out in the first
Gretchen yes
Snowflake yes
Holly yes
24. (F) The experiment at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory
Now, put the trolls in order. From Statements 1 and 2, is mentioned in lines 52-58. The data from this experi-
we conclude that Banto was in front of Snowflake and ment suggested that the ice surface remained liquid-
behind Gretchen. The question says that Holly (green like, creating a slippery layer of molecules on the ice
eyes) was behind Gretchen. Thus, every troll is behind surface. This conclusion is best summarized by Option
Gretchen, and Gretchen is first (Option A). F. Option G is wrong because the experiment illustrated
the power, not the weaknesses, of scientific technology.
Option H is impossible: the experiment was conducted
20. (H) Read each option to determine whether it must long after Faradays lifetime. Option J contradicts the
be true. Option F is ruled out because the question does scientists conclusion, and Option K refers to Faradays
not mention non-sky-divers. The question does not state experiment, not the Lawrence Berkeley Lab experiment.
the requirements for joining the Skydiving Club (Option
G), only for maintaining membership. Option H is cor-
rect; some people who are afraid of heights belong to the 25. (B) The distinction between the two terms is made
Skydiving Club, and these people make three jumps a in lines 65-68. The surface of ice is liquid-like because
month. There is no support for Option J, and Option K the surface molecules move only up and down, which is
applies to skydivers in general, not to members of the Option B. Option A describes the result of the experi-
Skydiving Club. ment, not the ice surface itself. Option C can be ruled out
because wet and liquid are synonyms. Option D cannot
be evaluatedwe do not know from the passage which is
slipperier. Option E contradicts the passage, which says
Reading that the molecules on the ice surface are in motion.
38. (H) Art collections in the United States are men- 42. (H) The Shona people are discussed in the fifth
tioned in the last paragraph. Cassatt introduced impres- paragraph. Since the question is open-ended, we must
sionist art from Europe to her wealthy American friends, evaluate each option to find the best answer. The Shona
thus influencing many of them to buy it. Option H best people still exist as a distinct group (line 68), ruling out
summarizes this idea. None of the other options explain Option F. Shona kings traded their goods in coastal
how Cassatt influenced art collections in the United towns (lines 72-74), implying that they lived in the
States. African interior, not the coast, eliminating Option G.
Lines 65-68 state that Great Zimbabwe was most likely
Great Zimbabwe built by ancestors of the present-day Shona people, which
supports Option H. Options J and K confuse the his-
39. (D) You are asked to identify the general topic of the tories of the Shona people and ancient Middle Eastern
passage. Options B and E refer to only parts of the pas- people. Option H is the best answer.
sage. Option C is not mentioned at all. Option A is too
broad; most of the passage is about Great Zimbabwe, not
the nation of Zimbabwe. Option D, the true story of the 43. (E) This statement implies that the field of archaeol-
Great Zimbabwe ruins, is best. ogy was new and immature in the 1870s. The statement
is followed by descriptions of how early explorers, includ-
ing Richard Hall, discarded valuable archaeological
40. (G) The basis for the correct answer is found in sev- material. Thus, the infancy of archaeology is illustrated
eral places in the passage. First, find the section that by Option E, the excavations conducted by Richard
mentions Richard Halls opinion. Lines 52-54 state that Hall. Options A and B are events in Shona history, not
Hall was convinced that the structures had been built the history of archaeology, and Options C and D are ref-
by ancient people from the Middle East. Later, Halls erences to more advanced stages of archaeology, not to
opinion was discredited by archaeologists who demon- its infancy.
strated that Great Zimbabwe was African in origin (lines
64-65). In other words, Halls opinion was inaccurate.
All five options must be evaluated to find the option with 44. (F) Each option should be evaluated in turn. Option
which the passages author would most likely agree. F is correct; the Portuguese searched for Great Zimbabwe
Option F is not correct: Halls first impression was inac- but never found it (lines 26-27). It is a good idea to read
curate. The author would not agree with Option H: the the remaining options to be sure that none of them is
present culture of the Shona people is not illustrative better than Option F. Options G, H, and K are incorrect
of their past. The author does not take any stand on because the Portuguese never found Great Zimbabwe or
whether advanced cultures developed first in the Middle King Solomons mines. The destruction of archaeological
East, ruling out Option J, nor does the author claim that evidence was committed by subsequent explorers, not the
Middle Eastern culture was derived from Shona culture Portuguese, which rules out Option J. Option F is the
(Option K). The best answer is Option G. A preconcep- best answer.
tion is an opinion formed in advance of actual knowledge,
which perfectly describes Halls belief. Halls preconcep-
tion had clouded his judgment. Wind Energy
45. (B) Option A is mentioned only in the first para-
graph, and it is not the main theme. Option B best sum-
41. (E) Read the entire last paragraph, which implies
marizes the passage: it describes how wind energy has
that discussion of one mystery of Great Zimbabwe has
been used, from ancient sailboats to medieval windmills
just been concluded, and the author is making a transi-
to modern turbines. Option C is a detail. Options D and
tion to another mystery. The previous paragraph showed
E are important points, but neither is the main theme.
that Great Zimbabwe was built by ancestors of the Shona
people, not by people from the Middle East. Thus, the
mystery that had been solved was who had built Great 46. (F) The first known windmills originated in Persia
Zimbabwe and when (Option E). Option A is incorrect (lines 15-17), which is Option F.
because the mystery comprised much more than the
foreign wares discovered in the ruins. Option B, why
the settlement was abandoned, has not been solved. The
source of gold and ivory (Option C) and the reason that
Europeans did not discover Great Zimbabwe until the
1870s (Option D) are not presented as mysteries.
48. (K) You are asked which option best illustrates the
development of wind energy. In the passage, the author
followed the history of wind energy from old-fashioned
water-pumping windmills (lines 17-19) to thin-bladed
windmills (lines 55-58) to the development of wind farms
(lines 67-70). Options F, G, and J are contradicted by the
passage. Option H is only one example in the history of
wind energy. Option K implies that the development from
simpler into more complex machines illustrates human
creativity, and it is the best answer.
51. (E) 100(2 1 0.1)2 2 100 57. (B) 0.00102 ____
5 100(2.1)2 2 100
100,000 102
5 100(4.41) 2 100 ________ (0.00102) ____
5 441 2 100 100,000 N
102 102
5 341 _________ ____
100,000 N
4P 48 N 100,000
52. (J) __
48 12
1P ___ 58. (F) Since Frances age (F) is given, use that
5 4 information to find Judys age (J):
__P 12 3 36 J 2F 2 15 30
So, Judy is 30 years old. Now, use that
information to calculate Carmens age (C):
53. (C) F
irst, use the given information to calculate the
value of b: C n J
C n 30
__ 85 2 8 = 2b 4 = b
a5 2 __ C 30 n
b b
Now, calculate 3b 1 a2 by substituting
59. (B) Since 5.6 ricks and 12.88 dalts are both equal
a 5 8 and b = 4:
to 1 sind, then 5.6 ricks 12.88 dalts. To
3(4) 1 (8)2 5 12 1 64 5 76 calculate the number of dalts (d) in 1 rick, set
up a proportion:
54. (J) M
ultiply the numerator and denominator by 100 5.6
______ 1
5 __
to eliminate the decimals: 12.88 d
3.99 4 1.5 5 5.6d 12.88
d 2.3
1.5 (
100 )( )
100 = ____
133 = ____
= ____
= 2.66
Note: You could also solve this equation using 60. (H) A
ccording to the chart, 22% of people walk to
long-division. work and 4% ride a bicycle. Subtract to find
the percentage of how many more people walk
than bicycle:
55. (C) T
o calculate the midpoint of a segment, add the
values of the two endpoints and divide by 2: 22% 4% 18%
2 (6)
Midpoint of PQ _________
2 To find the exact number of people, multiply
2 18% (0.18) by the number of people working in
___ Center City (15,000):
Midpoint of QR ______2 4
2 15,000 0.18 2,700
To find how many units from one midpoint to
the other, subtract the midpoint values: 61. (A) S
ince the figure is drawn to scale, use the values
4 (2) 6 from the grid to solve:
(c, d) (1, 3) and (a, b) (2, 1)
56. (J) S
ince Jack scored a mean of 15 points per Then, c a 1 (2) 1, and
game in each of the first 3 games, he must have
earned a total of 45 points for the first three d b 3 1 4.
games by definition. Use that information to The point (1, 4) is point R on the graph.
calculate the mean over the four games:
45 1 27 72
5 ___
5 18
4 4
62. (G) T
he scale is 1 foot 0.25 inch. Since the rest 67. (C) T
o eliminate the decimals in this equation,
of the question is in inches, change the scale multiply the numerators and denominators by
conversion into inches: 1 foot is equal to 100:
12 inches, so 12 inches 0.25 inch.
0.21 100 100
x ____
5 _____
Next, set up a proportion, where x represents
( _____ ____
0.33 )( 100 ) ( 1.10 )( 100 )
64. (H) L
ist in order the prime numbers between 6 : 4 (5) 5 9 units
69. (E) First, find the length of PR
and 36: 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, and 31. Since 1
Point Q is located __of the way from R to P, so
there are 8 numbers, find the middle two and 3
calculate where that point would be:
calculate the mean to find the median of all
9 3 __5 3 units
the numbers. The middle two are 17 and 19. 3
The mean is ________ 18. So, point Q is located at 4___
2 3 5 1. Finally,
2 calculate the midpoint of PQ:
5 1 1
Midpoint PQ = ______ 5 2
65. (D) T
he car gets between 20 and 22 miles per gal- 2
lon. Ms. Grant would use the most gas if the
car gets only 20 miles per gallon, so use this 70. (H) T
he two-digit numbers must be even, so the
value. Then, use $4.50 (the highest possible only possible two-digit numbers must end
price per gallon) to determine the greatest in 8, since 8 is the only even digit given in
amount of money she will spend: the problem. Since the numbers cannot be
repeated, the only possibilities for two-digit
200 miles 4 20 miles per gallon 5 10 gallons of gas even numbers are 78 and 98. Thus, the
10 gallons $4.50 5 $45.00 answer is two possible two-digit numbers.
66. (K) T
he climbers started at 125 feet below sea
level, which can be expressed as 125. They
stopped at 5,348 feet above sea level, which is
expressed as a positive number. The elevation
gain for the day is 5,348 (125) = 5,473 feet.
71. (B) First, change the improper fractions into 75. (D) Let x equal the number of gallons needed to
mixed numbers: drive m miles. Set up a proportion to solve for x:
5 1 20 2 x
___ 3
___ 3m
x 5 ____
__ 2 __ and ___ 6 __ m5 65
2 2 3 3 65
he integers between these two values are 3,
4, 5, and 6. So, there are 4 integers between 76. (G) T
o find when the two flashes occur at the same
5 20 time, find the least common multiple of 12 and
__and ___ .
2 3 18, which is 36. Every 36 minutes, the lights
flash at the same time. The first time is 8:00
a.m. The next 6 times would be 8:36, 9:12,
72. (G) Angle LKN 75 because vertical angles
9:48, 10:24, 11:00, and 11:36. Only 2 of those
are congruent. The interior angles of times are listed (9:12 a.m. and 10:24 a.m.).
quadrilateral KLPN sum to 360. So,
angle LPN 360 (120 120 75) 45.
77. (D) First, find the amount of the tax charged on
Angle LPN and angle QPR are vertical angles,
the sale price:
so x 45.
$1.89 0.06 $0.1134 $0.11 (rounded to
the nearest cent)
73. (C) Let x be the number of bundles needed for
the roofs area of 416 square feet. Set up a Then, subtract the original tax from the tax on
proportion to find x: the sale price calculated above:
x ___ 3 13 $0.15 $0.11 $0.04
____ x 416 ( ___
96 )
416 96
78. (H) F
irst, add the percentage of cars containing
74. (G) A
ll 6 of the smaller rectangles are congruent.
3 people, 4 people, and 5 or more people:
Let the shorter side of one of these small rect-
angles be x. Based on the figure, the longer 15% 1 7% 1 3% 5 25%
side is then 4x, because the shorter side of Thus, 25% of the cars contained at least 3 peo-
four rectangles stacked together is the same ple, so use that to calculate the number of cars:
length as the longer side of one rectangle.
Using this information, you can now figure 420 3 25% 5 105 cars
out the length and width of WXYZ:
Width of WXYZ 4x 79. (E) Roberto began his first 5 hour watch at
Length of WXYZ x 1 4x 1 x 5 6x 6:00 p.m. Since he had 5 hours off before he
began his second watch, the second watch
Use the area of WXYZ to calculate x:
began 10 hours after the first watch began.
(4x)(6x) 5 54 Thus, his third watch began 20 hours after his
first watch began. 20 hours after 6:00 p.m. is
24x2 5 54
2:00 p.m. the next day.
x2 5 __
x __ 80. (G) Let c be Crystals age:
3c 1 2 5 m
Now that x is known, use that to find the
length and width of WXYZ: 3c 5 m 2 2
3 m 22
c 5 _______
Width of WXYZ 5 4( __) 5 6
2 3 3
Length of WXYZ 6x 5 6( __ ) 5 9
So, the perimeter of WXYZ 5 2(6) 1 2(9)
5 12 1 18 5 30 cm
81. (D) The line between 20 and 30 is divided into 10 86. (J) There were 11 marbles in the box. After 5
sections. Calculate the length of 1 section by were removed, the total number of marbles in
finding the distance between 20 and 30, and
dividing by the number of sections: the box is now 6. The probability of drawing a
green marble is now __, which is equivalent to
30 (20) 2
__. Thus, 3 green marbles remain in the box.
10 6
So, the length of 1 section is 5 units and Point Originally, there were 4 green marbles in the
P is located at 5. To find the value of PQ, sub-
tract the value of P from the value of Q: box, so only 1 green marble was removed. Since
a total of 5 marbles were removed from the box,
30 (5) 5 35
that means 4 of those marbles were red.
Thus, 75 milligrams 5 75
_____ 5 0.075 gram.
1,000 88. (H) T
he question asks for the number of different
___ ___ ways to create $0.75 using at least one of each
84. (G) F
irst, calculate the midpoints of ABand BCto coin. One of each coin (one quarter, one dime,
find the locations of D and E, respectively: one nickel) is $0.25 $0.10 $0.05 $0.40.
8 1 3 5 Thus, the first $0.40 of any solution is already
D 5 ______
5 2 __
2 2 determined. Subtract $0.40 from $0.75
3 1 7
E = ______
5 5
($0.75 $0.40 $0.35), so the question
2 becomes how many different ways can you
Now, find the midpoint of DE : make $0.35 using nickels, dimes, and quar-
ters? There are 6 ways to create $0.35 using
51 5
2 __ 5
__ nickels, dimes and quarters:
5 ___ 55
5 __ 1.25
2 2 4 7 nickels
5 nickels 1 dime
85. (B) F
irst, find the sale price. 10% of $44.50 is 3 nickels 2 dimes
$4.45, so the sale price is $44.50 2 $4.45 5 1 nickel 3 dimes
$40.05. Next, find the price after Julians 1 quarter 1 dime
employee discount. 20% 3 $40.05 5 $8.01, so 1 quarter 2 nickels
the final price of the video game is $40.05 2
$8.01 5 $32.04.
89. (B) F
irst, find the number of liters that need to be
__ 4,320 5 2,880 liters
Use the conversion 1 kiloliter 5 1,000 liters to
find the number of kiloliters:
5 2.88 kL
90. (G) B
ecause the volume of the tent is calculated The pattern shows the largest possible value of
using the area of the cross-section 3 depth the expression is 1, which occurs when x 5 0.
(d), you can also use this formula to find d.
96. (G) The ratios of X:Y and Y:Z can be combined 100. (K) Let x 5 the mean number of hours Nam
worked per day during the first 8 days.
because Y has the same value in both ratios.
Then, x 1 2 is the number of hours he
So, X:Y:Z = 4:9:5. The proportion of X and Y
worked on each of the last 2 days. Since he
419 13
in the mixture is _________ 5 ___
. Multiply the worked 69 total hours, set up the equation
41915 18
and solve for x:
total weight of the mixture by the proportion to
8x 1 2(x 1 2) 5 69
find the weight of the mixture after Z has been 10x 1 4 5 69
13 10x 5 65
removed: 90 3 ___5 65 g
x 5 6.5
Remember that x is the mean hours worked
97. (A) (2p 1 8) 2 (5 1 3p) 5 2p 1 8 2 5 2 3p 5 3 2 p the first 8 days. The question asked for the
number of hours Nam worked the last two
98. (F) O
ne revolution is equal to the circumference of
the tire: 2(x 1 2) 5 2(6.5 1 2) 5 2(8.5) 5 17.0 hours
22 44
C 5 2r 5 2(1)( ___
) 5 ___feet
7 7
Scrambled Paragraphs
DIRECTIONS: In this section, arrange each group of sentences to create the best paragraph. The first
sentence for each paragraph is given; the remaining five sentences are listed in random order. Choose
the order for these five sentences that will create the best paragraph, one that is well-organized, logical,
and grammatically correct. Each correctly ordered paragraph is worth double the value of a question
in any other section of the test. No credit will be given for responses that are only partially correct.
To keep track of your sentence order, use the blanks to the left of the sentences. For example, write 2
next to the sentence you think follows the first sentence, write 3 next to the sentence you think follows
2, and so on. You may change these numbers if you decide on a different order. When you are satisfied
with your sentence order, mark your choices on your answer sheet.
Paragraph 1
What song is sung more often than any other song in the United States, with the exception
of the national anthem?
______ Q.
Surprisingly, neither the composer nor the lyricist had ever even been to a
baseball park at the time the song was written in 1910.
______ R.
The answer is Take Me Out to the Ballgame, probably the best-known song ever
written about the sport traditionally called Americas national pastime.
______ S. Albert von Tilzer, the lyricist, eventually went to a ballgame in the 1920s.
______ T.
Twenty years after Tilzer went, composer Jack Norworth saw the Brooklyn
Dodgers defeat the Chicago Cubs in his first Major League game.
______ U. It is usually sung during the seventh-inning stretch of a baseball game.
Most cowboys of North and South America lacked the necessary chemicals to soften animal hides
into leather, so they often used rough, untreated hides, or rawhide, for their gear.
______ Q. The result was a soft, supple piece of leather for making reins, halters, straps, and
other cowboy gear.
______ R. The strip was pulled through the slot repeatedly, with the stick held at a slight angle
so that it took effort to draw the strip through.
______ S. They took a round piece of wood, such as a broom handle, cut a lengthwise slot
through the middle of it, and filed the edges of the slot until they were smooth.
______ T. However, the gauchos, the cowboys of South America, created an effective method for
softening strips of rawhide without the need for chemicals.
______ U. T
he gauchos then rubbed a rawhide strip with saddle soap and inserted one end
into the slot.
Paragraph 3
In the 1880s, John Wesley Powell, an explorer of the Grand Canyon and director of the United
States Geological Survey, led the development of the first topographical maps of the entire
United States.
______ Q. This is because streams cut into the land, so contour lines will turn upstream, cross
the waterway, and return downstream, creating a V shape, with the V pointing
______ R. Waterways, such as streams, are usually marked in blue on topo maps, but even if
they were not, the presence of one could still be identified using contour lines.
______ S. Contour lines indicate the slope of the land as well.
______ T. If the lines are close together, the elevation is changing rapidly and the slope is steep,
whereas widely spaced lines depict a gently sloping terrain.
______ U. A
lso called topo maps, these maps differ from others in using thin brown lines,
called contour lines, to connect points of equal elevation.
When contemporary Native American tribes meet for a powwow, one of the most popular
ceremonies is the womens jingle dress dance.
______ Q. During this type of dance, the dancers blend complicated footwork with a series of
gentle hops, done in rhythm to a drumbeat.
______ R. I n the past, it is believed, the dress worn by the jingle-dress dancer was adorned
by shells.
______ S. These actions cause decorations sewn on the dancers dress to strike each other as she
performs, creating a lovely jingling sound.
______ T. B
esides being more readily available than shells, the lids are thought to create a
softer, more subtle sound.
______ U.
The modern jingle dress no longer has shells, but is decorated with rows of tin
cones, made from the lids of snuff cans, rolled up and sewn onto the dress.
Paragraph 5
To the earliest European traders, Africa seemed to be loosely organized into tribal societies,
without any great centers of wealth or learning.
______ Q. He described a thriving metropolis with great universities and dozens of private
______ R. Unfortunately, by the nineteenth century raids by neighboring tribes had made
Timbuktu a shadow of its former self.
______ S. This impression began to change in the fifteenth century, as Europeans traveled
inland into western Africa.
______ T. In 1470, an Italian merchant named Benedetto Dei traveled to Timbuktu and
confirmed these stories.
______ U. The travelers told tales of an enormous city, known as Timbuktu, on the southern
edge of the Sahara Desert, where the markets were crowded with goods and gold was
bought and sold.
DIRECTIONS: Read the information given and choose the best answer to each question. Base your
answer only on the information given.
In a logical reasoning test, certain words must be read with caution. For example, The red house is
between the yellow and blue houses does not necessarily mean The red house is between and next
to the yellow and blue houses; one or more other houses may separate the red house from the yellow
house or from the blue house. This precaution also applies to words such as above, below, before, after,
ahead of, and behind.
11. Three childrenRaquel, Tiara, and Xing 13. There are four towns in Jefferson County:
each own one pet. The pets are a parrot, an Elmont, Richland, Lendle, and Mopley.
iguana, and a hamster. Xing does not own Highway 14 is closed from Elmont to Richland
the hamster. because of flooding.
Which of the following additional pieces of 1) Lendle is between Elmont and Richland
information is needed to determine who owns on Highway 14.
the iguana? 2) Mopley can be reached from Lendle, with-
out going through Elmont or Richland.
A. Tiara owns the hamster.
B. Raquel does not own the hamster. Which of the following statements is a valid
C. Raquel owns the parrot. conclusion from the statements above?
D. Xing owns the parrot.
A. Mopley is not flooded.
E. Tiara does not own the hamster.
B. Either Elmont or Richland is flooded.
C. Both Elmont and Richland are flooded.
12. Some teachers went to the lecture on how not D. No one can drive to Lendle on Highway 14.
to be boring. None of the teachers left the E. Mopley cannot be reached directly from
lecture early. Elmont.
Based only on the information above, which of
the following statements must be true? 14. Sidney was in a contest with Alice, Huang,
and Mariah to see whose airplane could fly
F. If Miriam left the lecture early, then she is
not a teacher.
G. If Franois is not a teacher, he was not at 1) Alices airplane flew higher than Huangs
the lecture. airplane.
H. Lu-San went to the lecture, so she is a 2) Mariahs airplane did not fly as high as
teacher. Alices airplane.
J. If Peter was not a teacher, then he left the
Based only on the information above, which of
lecture early.
the following is a valid conclusion?
K. Tom did not go to the lecture, so he is not a
teacher. F. Alice won the contest.
G. Sidneys airplane flew higher than Mariahs.
H. Mariahs airplane flew higher than Huangs.
J. If Sidney finished second, Alice won.
K. If Sidney finished second, Huang finished
X S P G Z means
No, we are early today.
H Q W G N means
She is late again today.
DIRECTIONS: Read each passage below and answer the questions following it. Base your answers
on information contained only in the passage. You may reread a passage if you need to. Mark the
best answer for each question.
The eruption of the Philippine volcano 40 Some religious leaders warned their con- 40
Mount Pinatubo in June 1991 sent a huge gregations that the unusual weather meant
cloud of gas and dust encircling the globe. that the end of the world was drawing near.
The dust and ash from Mount Pinatubo was Other leaders attributed the cool weather
5 blamed for a two-year decrease in global 5 to unusual sunspot activity. The prolifera-
temperature, changes in weather patterns, 45 tion of the newly invented lightning rod was 45
and damage to the ozone layer. The situa- also blamed. Some people believed that
tion brings to mind a meteorological event lightning rods had interrupted the natural
that occurred 175 years earlier. At that temperature balance of the earth, causing
10 time, harsh weather conditions plagued 10 the cooler temperatures.
much of eastern North America, and, to a
lesser extent, northern Europe. 50 It was not until October that the first plau- 50
warm temperatures failed to arrive. Most portions of the earth from the warming
people remained optimistic, waiting for rays of the sun. It was discovered that, in
the summer that was just around the cor- April 1815, Mount Tambora, an Indonesian
20 ner. They waited in vain. June ushered 20 volcano, had erupted with such force that
in what modern meteorologists call The 60 it had sent an estimated 100 cubic miles of 60
Year Without a Summer. During the first fine dust into the atmosphere. Witnesses to
week of June, ten inches of snow fell on the eruption reported that the sky remained
New England. Throughout the month, tem- dark for two days. The dust then rose high
25 peratures rarely rose above the 30s. Many 25 into the stratosphere, where it encircled the
farmers replanted crops several times, 65 world for several years to come. 65
failing crops, and dying farm animals. The The dust in the atmosphere eventually
few crops that managed to survive were settled, and the spring of 1817 was back to
35 killed by frost in mid-September. Winter 35 normal.
came early in New England and was unusu-
ally severe. Even the South was affected; on
July 4, the high temperature for Savannah,
Georgia, was only 46 degrees!
choose to read and write. For much of the Russia, it appeared only as samizdat.
twentieth century, such a closed society Pasternak won the Nobel Prize in
5 existed in Russia and the rest of the Soviet 5 Literature in 1958, but the government
Union. The Soviet government tried to forced him to refuse the prize. Soviet
dominate its citizens activities and ideas by 55 authorities also blocked publication of the 55
controlling the information that they work of Anna Akhmatova, one of Russias
received. Government censors examined greatest poets. Her work was banned until
10 books, films, and newscasts and banned 10 1952 because censors felt she did not suffi-
anything they considered objectionable. ciently praise the Soviet government.
They censored criticism of the Soviet gov- 60 Akhmatova was kept out of public life and 60
ernment, news from the outside world, and the official Writers Union. She composed
anything that complimented Soviet her poetry in private, and her works were
15 enemies. 15 available only as samizdat.
The Soviet governments strict censorship Through the 1960s and 70s, Russian writ-
made life tremendously difficult for writers. 65 ers used samizdat networks to circulate 65
Most worried that they were being watched banned or politically risky material. By the
by the governments secret police. Despite late 1980s, computers became available in
20 the harsh laws, small groups of writers 20 scientific research facilities, and
dodged state censorship through an under- underground writers began using the
ground, or secret, publishing network that 70 computers to store and circulate texts. 70
produced works called samizdat. The name Censorship was officially abolished in 1989,
samizdat came from the Russian words for shortly before the breakup of the Soviet
25 self and publish. For many writers, 25 Union, leading to a publishing boom.
samizdat offered the only outlet for their Works by previously banned authors were
intellectual and creative expression. To 75 published, and the samizdat networks 75
ment. Many of these gadgets exist only in War, both sides competed to develop new
the imaginations of script writers, but oth- technologies to use photography in spying.
5 ers are actually used in espionage activities. 5 Sophisticated concealed cameras were put in
One device with a surprisingly long and matchboxes, pens, rings, cigarette lighters,
colorful history, both in and out of the cloak- 55 makeup cases, guns, and even hidden in 55
and-dagger world, is the concealed camera. clothing, with the lens concealed in a button.
Almost any object that could be carried
In the late nineteenth century, detective without attracting attention was probably
10 cameras were popular with amateur 10 made into a camera and carried by an
photographers who wanted to take snap- 60 undercover agent. Cameras were also 60
shots of unsuspecting people on the street. hidden in furniture and office machines
The camera was usually carried in plain such as copiers, which took photos of every
view. Its disguise was simple: it was a plain document that was copied. The development
15 box resembling a large and rather heavy 15 of the long-range telephoto lens even allowed
parcel or a piece of luggage, with no exter- 65 spies to take clear photos from a distance, 65
nal lens or controls. When people caught on such as across the street from an embassy.
to the deception, though, designers began
hiding cameras in other objects, ranging Today, space has proven to be the ultimate
20 from hats and books to purses and pocket 20 location for hidden cameras, as satellite-
watches. One concealed camera even looked mounted cameras can produce highly
like an ordinary camera, but had mirrors 70 detailed photographs of objects anywhere 70
Although most early spy cameras were 33. Which of the following best tells what this
meant to be used on the ground, cameras passage is about?
have been hidden in the sky almost from
A. the role of hidden cameras in national
the beginning of photography. In World
30 War I, both sides realized the strategic 30
B. the problems associated with hidden
value of taking aerial photographs of enemy
territory from the newly invented airplane.
C. the mechanics of the detective camera
To spy more discreetly, without the use of
D. historical information about the concealed
airplanes, the Germans attached cameras to
35 homing pigeons and sent them over French 35
E. how cameras are mounted in satellites
army positions. Timers were set to trigger
the cameras when the pigeons were expect-
34. According to the passage, detective cameras
ed to be flying over their targets. That
were popular with
particular attempt proved impractical, but
40 the idea behind it did not: aerial photogra- 40 F. spies.
phy became a staple of World War II. G. airplane pilots.
H. the German army.
In the mid-twentieth century, a new era of J. professional photographers.
spying with cameras began under the Cold K. amateur photographers.
War. This was a period of worldwide tension
45 and competition between the Communist 45
Pueblo Indian villages in the southwestern its inner ring pattern matched the pattern
United States during the 1920s. At that formed by the most recent rings of the
5 time, no one knew when the villages had 5 floating chronology. Thus, the chronology
been occupied, or for how long, but the logs for the abandoned Pueblo villages could be
used in the buildings provided a clue. Scien- 55 known with certainty. Counting backward 55
tists had long known that trees add a new from the present, the archaeologists esti-
growth ring to their circumferences during mated that the villages had been occupied
10 each growing season. Drought or early frost 10 between a.d. 900 and a.d. 1300.
results in little growth and narrow rings.
Good growing years result in wide rings. The tree rings also suggested why the
Archaeologists knew that by matching 60 villages had been abandoned. The rings for 60
identical patterns of wide and narrow rings the years a.d. 1276 to 1299 were very thin,
15 in sections of two different logs, they could 15 indicating a severe drought that lasted for
determine which log was older. For exam- 23 years. Most likely the villagers had left
ple, a log with a certain pattern of rings their homes to search for a more hospitable
near its outside edge would indicate a 65 climate. 65
about the cause of human emotions. Facial your eyebrows, open your eyes wide, tuck in
5 expressions, he argued, are more than the 5 your chin, and let your mouth relax (the
visible signs of an emotion; to some extent facial expression associated with fear). The
they actually cause the emotion. For exam- volunteers were not told which emotion
ple, a persons smile reflects a feeling of 55 they were mimicking. As they produced the 55
happiness, but it also helps to produce that muscular movements of a particular emo-
10 feeling. The theory that facial expressions 10 tional expression, they tended to experience
contributed to emotions was controversial that emotion. For example, while making a
and, at the time, impossible to prove. fearful expression, they reported feeling
Eventually it lost favor, and for more than 60 more fear than anger, sadness, or disgust. 60
tigating the notion that we can put smiles treating mild depression. They do agree,
20 in our hearts by first putting them on our 20 though, that facial expressions are not
faces. In a research study, volunteers were the most important causes of emotion.
asked to say words that placed their facial Encouraging people to smile while they
muscles into either smiles or frowns. The 70 are mourning, for example, would do little to 70
General Instructions
Solve each problem. Select the best answer from the choices given. Mark the letter of your answer on the
answer sheet. You can do your figuring in the test booklet or on paper provided by the proctor. DO NOT
Important Notes:
(1) Formulas and definitions of mathematical terms and symbols are not provided.
(2) Diagrams other than graphs are not necessarily drawn to scale. Do not assume any relationship
in a diagram unless it is specifically stated or can be figured out from the information given.
(3) Assume that a diagram is in one plane unless the problem specifically states that it is not.
(4) Graphs are drawn to scale. Unless stated otherwise, you can assume relationships according to
appearance. For example, (on a graph) lines that appear to be parallel can be assumed to be
parallel; likewise for concurrent lines, straight lines, collinear points, right angles, etc.
(5) Reduce all fractions to lowest terms.
K. 2
A B C D 78. 1n for n 5 1, 2, or 3,
If r53q 1 2 and q 5 ___
what is the least possible value of r ?
2 4 6 8 10
4 2 0
F. 1
On the number line above, point E (not
shown) is the midpoint of A and point F (not G. 2 __
shown) is the midpoint of BD
. What is the
H. 2 __
length of E ? 3
F. 1 unit J. 3
G. 2 units
H. 2.5 units K. 5
J. 3 units
K. 11 units 79. (6)(5)4 311
A. 7
75. The regular price of a 12-ounce bag of candy B. 5
is $2.90. Lily has a coupon for 30% off one of C. 1
these bags. What is the price per ounce (to the D. 1
nearest cent) that Lily will pay if she uses the E. 11
A. $0.07 80. To paint a room, Suzanne uses blue and white
B. $0.15 paint in the ratio of blue:white58:3. What
C. $0.17
was the total number of gallons of paint used
D. $0.22
if she used 6 gallons of blue paint?
E. $0.24
1 F. 2__gal.
76. For what value of z is z2 } z512? 4
F. 218 G. 8__gal.
G. 4
H. 9 gal.
H. 8
J. 12 J. 16 gal.
K. 18
K. 22 gal.
77. n a particular vehicle, the front tire makes
three revolutions for every one revolution the 81. Which sum below can be expressed as a
back tire makes. How many times larger is non-repeating decimal?
the radius of the back tire than the radius of
the front tire? 1
A. __ 1
2 6
A. __
B. __ 1
3 4
B. 3
C. __ 1
3 5
C. __
D. __ 1
D. 3 p 4 5
E. 9 E. __ 1
4 6
K. 7 min
94. 97. Marta and Kim are sisters. Five years ago,
75 ft
Kims age was twice as great as Martas age.
If Marta is now m years old, which expression
represents Kims age now?
100 ft
A. 2m15
B. 2m
C. 2(m 2 5)
D. 2(m 1 5) 2 5
E. 2(m25) 1 5
dresses jingle in the pastshells striking each other.
Scrambled Paragraphs The modern jingle-dress in U contrasts past and pres-
ent dresses, explaining that nowadays shells have been
Paragraph 1 (RUQST) replaced by the lids of metal cans. T contrasts the sounds
The first sentence in each paragraph is the given sen- of the lids and shells.
tence. In this paragraph, the given sentence is a ques-
tion, and R contains the answerthe song Take Me Out
to the Ballgame. The choice of the next sentence is more Paragraph 5 (SUTQR)
difficult. At first glance, it appears to be Q, which refers The given sentence states what early European traders
to the composer and lyricist of the song. S continues that thought about Africa, setting the reader up for a con-
train of thought by stating when the lyricist first attend- trasting statement. S fills that role, stating that later
ed a ballgame, and T logically follows by referring to the European travelers to Africa changed their impressions.
composer, who attended a ballgame 20 years later. The The reason for that change is given in Utheir visits to
resulting four-sentence paragraph (RQST) is logically Timbuktu. The best sentence to follow U is T. Both U and
correct, but the remaining sentence, U, cannot follow T. T take place in the fifteenth century, and these stories in
The subject of U (it) does not have a referent in T. T refers to the travelers tales in U. T also names a spe-
Thus, U must appear earlier in the paragraph. U says cific explorer, Benedetto Dei. Q begins with the pronoun
that it is sung, so the pronoun must refer to a song. he, which referrs to Dei. Only R is left, and it provides
The only song title is in R. U must follow R to form para- a good conclusion, both chronologically (ending with the
graph RUQST, because that is the only order that has a nineteenth century) and in terms of content (the rise and
logical place for U. This is an example of a paragraph fall of Timbuktu).
that is solved by viewing it as a coherent whole, more SUQTR might seem correct, but it contains a grammati-
than the connections between individual sentences. cal problem. The he in Q has no referent in U. Another
popular choice, SUTRQ, is incorrect because the sequence
Paragraph 2 (TSURQ) RQ does not make sense. R describes the decline of
The opening sentence states a problem: cowboys used raw- Timbuktu, while Q describes it as a thriving metropolis.
hide for their gear because they did not have chemicals to
soften it. One effective way to soften leather was created
by the gauchos of South America (T). The remaining three
Logical Reasoning
sentences describe how they did it. S begins with They,
referring to the gauchos in T, and describes cutting a slot 11. (C) Draw a grid to show who owned each pet. An X
into a piece of wood. The next step (U) was to insert a indicates that the person does not own the pet. We are
leather strip into the slot. R continues the processpull- told that Xing does not own the hamster.
ing the strip repeatedly through the slot. (Notice that
Parrot Iguana Hamster
U, which refers to inserting the strip into the slot, must
precede R, which occurs after the strip has been inserted.) Raquel
The result is a soft, supple piece of leather (Q). Tiara
Xing X
Paragraph 3 (USTRQ)
The question asks which option makes it possible to deter-
The opening sentence is about topographical maps. U
mine who owns the iguana. For each option, mark the
explains how they differ from other maps and defines the
information on the grid and figure out whether you are
term contour line. S supplies another function of con-
able to identify the owner of the iguana. If you cant figure
tour linesto indicate the slope of the land. T explains in
it out, erase the marks and try the next option. For exam-
more detail how contour lines indicate slope. The last two
ple, mark the information for Option A, writing yes to
sentences are about the depiction of streams and other
indicate that Tiara owned the hamster, and filling in Xs
waterways. R says that blue lines represent waterways.
wherever you can.
Q explains how the course of a waterway can be revealed
by V-shaped contour lines. Option A
Parrot Iguana Hamster
Paragraph 4 (QSRUT) Raquel X
According to the given sentence, the jingle dress dance is Tiara X X yes
popular at Native American events. Q is next, describing
Xing X
the steps of the dance, which cause the decorations on the
dress to jingle (S). Sentence R describes what made the
Option A does not allow us to figure out who owns the between Elmont and Richland is closed because of flooding,
iguanait could be either Raquel or Xingso it cannot so no one can drive to Lendle on Highway 14. (Notice that
be correct. Only Option C allows us to determine the the location of Mopley isn't relevant to the correct answer.)
iguana's owner. If Raquel owns the parrot and Xing does
not own the hamster, then Xing must own the iguana.
14. (J) Neither condition places a contestant in a definite
Option C position. Rather, they give information about contestants
Parrot Iguana Hamster relative to each other. From this information you can
infer the following:
Raquel yes X X
Tiara X X yes
Statement 1 Statement 2
Xing X yes X
??? ???
Alice Alice
??? ???
12. (F) Draw a diagram to illustrate the relationship
among the groups mentioned in the question: teachers, Huang Mariah
people who went to the lecture, and people who went to ??? ???
the lecture and left early.
The question marks are placeholders for other contestants.
(The diagram shows placeholders for 5 contestants because
there is no information to determine anyones exact posi-
Went to lecture Left early tion. However, there are only 4 contestants: Alice, Sidney,
Huang, and Mariah.) Notice that no information is given
about Sidneys airplane. For a question like this, in which
Teachers Not at lecture all of the information is relative, it is best to evaluate each
option and determine which must be true. Options F, G, H,
and K might be true, but not enough information is given
Options G, H, J, and K might be true, but not necessar- to conclude they must be true. Only Option J must be
ily. Only Option F must be true, because none of the true. If Sidney finished second, then Sidney finished ahead
teachers left the lecture early. of Huang and Mariah, and Alice won. Even though Huang
and Mariahs exact positions are unknown, the question
can still be answered correctly.
13. (D) According to statement 1, the towns of Elmont,
Lendle, and Richland are connected by Highway 14. 15. (A) The question gives the names of four new students
Draw a diagram to show this relationship. and four older student partners. Your task is to match
them up correctly. Draw a table to show the four student
Elmont Lendle Richland pairs. Condition 1 says that Sandro and Whitney are
paired. Edgar, an older student, is not paired with Gloria
Highway 14 or Bai (Condition 3), so he must be paired with Henry.
We know that Highway 14 is closed from Elmont to New students Bai Gloria Sandro Henry
Richland. This stretch of highway includes the town of
Older student partners Whitney Edgar
Statement 2 says that the town of Mopley is connected to Bai is not paired with Rakim (Condition 2), so Rakim
Lendle, but does not specify how it is connected. Mopley must be paired with Gloria, leaving Bai paired with Paola,
could be connected to Lendle by another road (not which is Option A. To answer this question correctly, you
named), or it could be somewhere on Highway 14. must keep track of which students are new and which are
Not enough information is provided to determine whether older. Otherwise, you might incorrectly pair Paola with
Mopley is flooded, or whether Mopley can be reached Rakim (Option E)
directly from Elmont, ruling out A and E. Highway 14
connecting Elmont and Richland is flooded, but we cannot
determine whether the towns themselves are flooded,
ruling out B and C. Only Option D is valid. Highway 14
16. (H) This question contains two conditional state- There is no information about Patricks position. He could
ments. You can put the two sentences together: When be in one of several possible positions. Based only on this
Tomas is wearing a white shirt, he is also wearing a tie information, there are several possible orders (using the
and black shoes. Thus, Option H must be true. first initial of each driver).
17. (B) Draw a diagram like the one below. Eight years Thus, we cannot determine who stands at the far right,
are shown because eight is the largest option. The question Patrick (the brown car) or Marquise (the white car), so the
states that Jack played only the violin the first year. Under answer cannot be determined (Option K).
Year 1, put an X to represent Jacks instrument during the
first year. The question does not state the order in which 19. and 20. These directions differ from the directions for
Jack played each instrument. Since he started with the the code in Sample Form A. They state that the position
violin, and played violin for two years, add an X under the of a letter is never the same as that of the word it repre-
second year as well. sents. For example, in the first sentence, Q cannot repre-
sent Are because they are both first in their sentences.
Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
To answer these questions, you need not find out what
Violin X X every letter represents.
Bass 19. (A) The letter Z appears in the first and second sen-
tences, but not the third, so the word that it represents
Jack played the cello and the bass for three years each, and must also appear in the first and second sentences, but
he never played more than two instruments during the not the third. Late (Option C) is incorrect because it
same year. One possibility is that he played the cello dur- does not appear in the second sentence. Again (Option
ing years, 2, 3, and 4, as marked below. Jack could not have D) is ruled out because the letter and word are in the
started playing the bass until year 3. After Bass, place an same position in the first sentence. The remaining
X under years 3, 4, and 5. wordsare and weappear in the first and second
sentences, and neither word shares the same position
as the letter Z. Must we then conclude that the correct
Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 answer is cannot be determined from the information
Violin X X given? Not necessarily. The letter P is also common to
Cello X X X both sentences, but P cannot represent are because P
Bass X X X and "are" share the same position in the second sentence.
Thus P must represent we, leaving Z to represent are,
This is one possible arrangement, and it requires five years. which is Option A.
All other possibilities require at least five years. Option B
is correct. 20. (K) The word again appears only in the first and
third sentences, as do the letters Q and H. There is no
18. (K) This question asks you to match each driver with way to determine which letter represents again, so the
a car color and put the drivers in order. Because the ques- answer is Option K.
tion asks for the driver at the far right, start with the infor-
mation about the drivers. According to Statements 2 and
3, Marquise stands to the right of both Anya and Jorge.
23. (C) The winter of 1816-1817 followed the meager 29. (B) To answer this question, you must read more than
harvest of the summer of 1816. With many crops stunted the sentence containing the phrase a knock at his door
or destroyed (lines 27-28), one would expect food shortages in the middle of the night (lines 47-48). The fourth para-
the following winter, which is Option C. Option A is not graph says that Pasternak feared that he would appear
mentioned. Options B, D, and E are contradicted by disloyal to the Soviet state. What did he fear? Lines
information in the passage. 18-19 state, Most worried that they were being watched
by the governments secret police. The correct answer
24. (J) Reread the fourth and fifth paragraphs to is most likely that Pasternak feared a visit by the secret
understand the phrase the global nature of weather. police, which is Option B. The other options are men-
They explain how conditions in one part of the world tioned in the passage but are not objects of fear, as the
(Indonesia) affected weather in another part of the world secret police were.
(New England), which is Option J. None of the other
options are supported by the passage. 30. (J) The correct answer must be in the last paragraph,
the only paragraph to mention computers (lines 66-70).
25. (B) To answer this question, assume that the year of The passage does not specify the content of the texts stored
no summer was indeed caused by the eruption of Mount on computers, so Options F and G can be ruled out. Doctor
Tambora and the lingering dust in the atmosphere. Zhivago was smuggled out by samizdat, not by computer,
Based on the information in the passage, what else which eliminates Option H. Option J is the best answer,
might you expect to have happened? Option B seems since storing and circulating texts via computers is more
possible; dust from the volcanic eruption might have efficient than typing or hand-copying samizdat texts.
blocked the sunlight and lowered temperatures in other Option K is not mentioned.
areas of the world. Options A, C, D, and E are not sup-
ported by the passage.
31. (B) The answer to this question is not stated directly 38. (G) Reread the third paragraph to understand the
in the passage but can be inferred from lines 16-19. idea in line 40. The attempt to use pigeons to photo-
Unsigned documents protected samizdat writers from graph the enemys army position was impractical, but the
capture and punishment, which is Option B. Options A idea behind ittaking photographs from overhead,
and E are not likely reasonsthe materials were in fact without detectionwas practical, which is Option G. The
smuggled outside the Soviet Union and copied over and passage gives the example of satellite-mounted cameras
over. Option C might look attractive, but the samizdat to illustrate its practicality. Options F and J were true
documents were unsigned to protect the identities of the for photography in general, not to "the idea" in line 40.
writers, not of the secret police. Since all samizdat docu- Option H describes a use for aerial photography, not the
ments were unsigned, that was not a factor in judging idea. Option K refers to the impractical attempt, not to
their trustworthiness (Option D). the idea behind it.
32. (F) The answer is found in lines 71-75. The correct Pueblo
answer, Option F, makes the connection between the
39. (D) Option A cannot be the theme because only the
abolishment of censorship and subsequent freedom of the
first paragraph discusses how weather conditions affect
press, which eliminated the need for samizdat. The pas-
tree growth. Option B is too broad to be the theme of the
sage does not support Options G or K, and it contradicts
passage, which focuses on Pueblo and Hopi villages. The
Option H. Option J is not the reason that samizdat net-
reason for the abandonment of the Pueblo villages (Option
works ended.
C) is mentioned only in the last paragraph, so it is not the
theme. Option D, how tree-ring dating can establish the
Camera age of archaeological findings, offers a good summary of
the entire passage, which explains the science of tree-ring
33. (D) Options A, B, and C are mentioned in passing,
dating, followed by several examples. Option E cannot
but they are not the themes of the passage. Option E
be correct. The passage does not mention other dating
is mentioned only in the last paragraph. Option D best
methods, nor does it claim that tree-ring dating is the best
describes what the passage is aboutearly versions of
method for determining dates.
the concealed camera, examples of its uses, and its role
in spy craft.
40. (K) This question requires you to understand the
established chronology (line 50) and floating chronology
34. (K) The answer, Option K, is found in lines 9-11.
(line 53) and to draw an inference about the key beam,
Despite the name of the camera, amateur photographers,
based on information in the passage. Option F is true,
not detectives, used this camera.
but can be proved without a key beam. The passage
does not mention Options G, H, and J. Option K is cor-
35. (D) The correct answer, Option D, is found in lines rect. The key beam, with its overlapping ring patterns
9-12. Early detective cameras resembled boxes (Option A), of the established and floating chronologies, allowed
but that was not their purpose. Options B, C, and E refer archaeologists to connect the two chronologies.
to other kinds of cameras, not early detective cameras.
41. (B) The trees in the question share an identical pat-
36. (J) According to lines 21-25, the camera with mirrors tern of a very wide band followed by two narrow bands,
allowed the photographer to aim the camera in one direc- showing that both trees were alive during that three-year
tion while photographing something in another direction period, although they were planted and cut at different
(Option J). Options F and G refer to early detective cam- times. Options A and B can be evaluated by assigning
eras, not the camera with mirrors, which resembled an arbitrary years to the three shaded ringsfor example,
ordinary camera. Option H describes a different use for 10, 11, and 12. (It does not matter what numbers you
cameras, as presented in the third paragraph. Option K choose, as long as they are used consistently.) Counting
is not mentioned. out from the shaded rings, Log 1 was cut in the year 16,
while Log 2 was cut in the year 13. Thus, Log 2 was cut
before Log 1 (Option B). Option C contradicts the reason-
37. (A) The correct answer is found in lines 17-19.
ing behind tree-ring dating and cannot be correct. There
Option A restates the idea that people were no longer
is no way to determine which log came from the faster-
deceived by detective cameras. None of the other options
growing tree, ruling out Options D and E.
is supported by the passage.
42. (G) This question requires you to choose the correct 46. (K) After volunteers said the required words,
answer based on information that is not directly stated. researchers assessed how happy the volunteers felt
Evaluate each option to determine whether tree-ring dat- (lines 25-28), which is Option K. Option F is related
ing would be useful for that purpose. The passage gives to the theory, but was never carried out. Option G is
no information about the kinds of trees, so Option F is ruled out because volunteers who smiled were not in the
not correct. Lines 10-12 support the correct answer that group that said words like few (lines 25-28). Option H
tracking the historical sequence of weather cycles in a is contradicted by lines 23-24. The volunteers, not the
region (Option G) is both possible and useful using tree- researchers, placed their own facial muscles into smiles
ring dating. Lines 62-65 also support Option G. Read the or frowns (lines 21-23), eliminating Option J.
remaining options to make sure that Option G is the best
answer. Options H and K cannot be answered by tree-ring
47. (A) In the first paragraph, Darwins theory is
dating. Comparing growing seasons around the world is
described as controversial and impossible to prove, and it
not possible (Option J), since only one part of the world,
thus never gained acceptance (lines 10-12). Option A
the southwestern United States, is discussed with relation
best summarizes this idea. Options B and D are contra-
to tree-ring dating.
dicted by the passage. Options C and E don't answer the
43. (A) We must refer to several parts of the passage to
answer the question. The second paragraph states that
48. (H) Volunteers who said words such as cheese were
archaeologists had established a continuous tree-ring
measurably happier than volunteers who said other
chronology going back to a.d. 1260, based on ring pat-
words (lines 25-28), implying that the act of smiling
terns of trees with overlapping lifetimes (the established
leads to feelings of happiness. According to the theory
chronology). The third paragraph, where the quotation
in lines 33-36, a smile may lower the temperature of the
appears, describes the development of a floating chronol-
blood flowing to the hypothalamus (lines 44-47), which
ogy that did not overlap the established chronology. The
is Option H. Options F, J, and K are contradicted by the
fact that they did not overlap implies that the years of
passage. Option G is not mentioned.
the floating chronology preceded the years of the estab-
lished chronology, which is Option A. Option B cannot be
true because the logs used in Oraibi went as far back as 49. (A) The notion of a smile in ones heart (lines 19-20)
a.d. 1260, but no further. The remaining options do not signifies a feeling of happiness. Consciously smiling can
explain the archaeologists conclusion. produce a smile in one's heart, which is Option A. None
of the other options correspond to this notion.
44. (H) The abandonment of the Pueblo villages is men-
tioned in lines 24-25 and line 36, but only in the context of 50. (G) The hypothalamus is an area of the brain
determining when the villages were occupied. The reason believed to regulate emotions (lines 40-41). Regulating
for their abandonment is not brought up until the last and managing emotions are the same process, and thus
paragraph, where the author suggests that the villagers Option G is the best answer. None of the other options
left their homes to find a more hospitable climate (lines is supported by the passage. Option H may seem attrac-
63-65). This is restated in Option H, the correct answer. tive, but the passage theorizes that the act of smiling, not
Options F, G, J, and K might sound reasonable, but there the hypothalamus, changes the temperature of blood.
is no evidence in the passage to support them.
45. (A) Options B and D are important details, not the
main theme. Option C is too broad. The passage is about
testing only one theory on the relationship between emo-
tions and facial expressions, not about the use of facial
expressions in any type of research. Option A is best. It
is broad enough to encompass Darwins theory and more
modern theories, and it correctly identifies the issue, the
causation of emotions. Option E is a detail mentioned
only in the last paragraph.
53. (D) The quickest solution is to first round up from 59. (C) To find the average, multiply each number of
46 hours to 48 hours, because 48 hours is songs by the number of radio stations. Then
2 full days. Thus, 48 hours after 9:30 p.m. on add those products and divide by the total
Friday would be 9:30 p.m. on Sunday. Since number of radio stations:
the question asks for 46 hours, subtract 2 hours
from 9:30 p.m. Sunday to get 7:30 p.m. Sunday. (14 8) 1 (15 4) 1 (16 4) 1 (17 5) 1 (18 9)
54. (F) The cost for one childs supplies is: 112 1 60 1
1 85 1 162
5 __________________________
$1.09 1 2($0.59) 5 $2.27 5 16.1
Divide the total money available ($15) by the
cost for one childs supplies ($2.27) to get the
number of children that can be provided with 60. (F) |190 210| |19 21| x 100
the supplies: $15 4 $2.27 5 6.6 |20| |2| x 100
You do not need to complete the division, 20 2 x 100
because the number of children must be a
x 78
whole number. Six children can be provided
with the complete requirement of supplies.
61. (B) Use proportions to make the conversions:
55. (A) First, simplify the inequality:
Lorgs to dollars
x 1 7 < 23 140 7
____5 __
x 7x 5 140 x 5 $20
x < 16 1
The positive integers that satisfy the inequal- Dalts to dollars
ity are 1, 2, 3, , 14, 15. (We cannot include 16 0.5
165 ____
x 0.5x 5 16 x 5 $32
because x must be less than 16.) 15 positive 1
integers satisfy this inequality. Total dollars 5 20 1 32 5 $52
56. (J) The area of triangle MPR is equal to half the 62. (G) T
he question asks for the number of children
area of rectangle MNQP. So, the area of MPR with blond hair or brown eyes, but not both.
is also equal to the area of triangles MNP
____ 1 According to the chart, 18 children have blond
RPQ. Point P is the midpoint of side NQ, so hair and blue eyes, and 15 children have brown
triangle MNP is equal in area to triangle RQP. eyes and black hair. 18 15 33 children
Thus, triangle MPR 5 2(RQP). The area of the with blond hair or brown eyes, but not both.
unshaded region is the sum of the areas of tri-
angles MPR and MNP. 63. (A) The only item on the chart that is priced above
MNP 5 RQP 5 24 sq cm $75 is the rain coat. Only one rain coat was
MPQ 5 2(RQP) 5 48 sq cm purchased. Calculate the sales tax on the
price of that rain coat:
hus, the area of the unshaded region is
24 1 48 5 72 sq cm $102 3 0.06 5 $6.12
64. (K) The values in the problem can be grouped into 68. (F) It may be easier to see the order of the
3 terms that each contain a positive and nega- fractions by changing them to mixed
tive value: (2, 4), (6, 8), (22, 24). Arrange numbers or decimals:
the terms into 2 rows to determine the pat- 11 2
tern and find the missing terms: ___
5 3 __5 3.666
3 3
2 6 22 5 3 45 3.57
___ __
7 7
4 8 24
The values in the top row are decreasing by 5 3 35 3.6
___ __
5 5
4, while the values in the bottom row are 25 18
he smallest fraction is ___
T , followed by ___,
7 5
increasing by 4. Fill in the remaining values: 11
and finally ___
2 6 10 14 18 22
4 8 12 16 20 24
69. (D) First, find the sale price of the dress. If it is on
To find the sum, combine the terms as follows:
(2 1 4) 1 (6 1 8) 1 (10 1 12) 1 1 (22 1 24) sale for __off the original price, the sale price
2 2
Note that each pair of parentheses sums to 2. is __of the original price: $450 3 __5 $300
3 3
Count the number of pairs of parentheses (6)
and multiply to find the final answer: Alia has a 10% discount on the sale price. 10%
of $300 is $30, so the discounted price will be:
2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 5 6(2) 5 12
$300 2 $30 = $270
Next, calculate the sales tax on the discounted
65. (B) The pitcher originally contained 44 ounces
price: $270 3 0.06 5 $16.20
of juice (32 12). If x ounces of grapefruit
juice is added, the pitcher now contains So, the total cost that Alia pays for the dress is:
44 x ounces of juice. 12 x ounces of that $270 1 $16.20 5 $286.20
is grapefruit juice, which makes up __of the
entire juice mix. Use that information to set
up a proportion to solve for x: 70. (H) The tallest tree (T) goes in the middle, so there
is only 1 possible location for that tree. The
12 x
_______ 1
next two tallest trees (call them a and b) go
44 x 3 on either side of the tallest tree, so there are 2
3(12 x) 44 x possible options (aTb and bTa). The final two
36 3x 44 x trees (c and d) go on either side of the set
2x 8 (caTbd, daTbc, cbTad, dbTac). So, there are 4
different ways to arrange the trees.
x 4 ounces
You could also use the counting principle to
66. (J) To find the median, first count the number of solve this: 1 3 2 3 2 5 4
tests (Xs) in the figure, which is 17. The medi-
an is the middle value. The middle value of 17
is 9. Counting from the left, find the ninth X in 71. (C) The question asks for integers that are not
the figure to determine the median score (80). divisible by 2 or 3. Since all even numbers are
divisible by 2, begin by listing the odd integers
in this set:
67. (C) I f the ratio is 5 ounces of gasoline to 6 ounces of
5 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29
oil, then gasoline makes up ___ of the fuel mix.
Use a proportion to calculate the number of Then, eliminate those integers that are mul-
tiples of 3. The remaining integers are:
ounces of gasoline (x) in 33 ounces of mix:
13, 17, 19, 23, 25, 29
x ___
___ x 15 ounce
33 11 The answer is 6.
72. (K) S
ince 714 is even, factor out a 2: 77. (B) The formula for the circumference of a circle
714 2 357. The sum of the digits of 357 is is C = 2r. Let f be the radius of the front tire
15, so we know 357 is a multiple of 3: and b equal the radius of the back tire. Then
714 2 3 119 the circumference of the front tire would be
Finally, 119 is divisible by 7, so 2f and the circumference of the back tire
would be 2b.
714 2 3 7 17
Since it takes the front tire 3 revolutions for
every 1 revolution of the back tire, the circum-
73. (A) Since R S is odd, then one of the two vari-
ference of the back tire must be three times
ables (R or S) must be odd and the other must
the circumference of the front tire:
be even. Similarly, since T S is odd, one of
the two variables must be odd and the other 2b = 3(2f)
must be even. Since S is common to both b = 3f
expressions, if S is odd, then R and T are both Thus, the radius of the back tire (b) is 3 times
even; and if S is even, both R and T are odd. It larger than the radius of the front tire (f).
is not possible to determine which of the two
possibilities is true, so Options C, D, and E can
be eliminated as the correct answer. 78. (G) First, calculate the three possible values of q:
Option B (S T) can be eliminated because if 1 1
T S is odd, then S T is also odd. If n 5 1, then q 5 ___
5 __.
3 3
Option A (R T) is the only possible answer. 1 1
If R and T are both odd, then R T is even. If If n 5 2, then q 5 ___ 5 __
3 9
R and T are both even, then R T is even. 1 1
If n 5 3, then q 5 ___
5 ___.
3 27
74. (J) Calculate the locations of points E and F on The least value of r will occur when q is the
the number line using the midpoint formula: 1
smallest (q 5 ___
). So, the least possible value
4 6
Point E (point A point C) 2 _______
1 1 1
2 of r is: r 5 3( ___) 1 2 5 __1 2 5 2 __
27 9 9
2 10
Point F (point B point D) 2 ________
___ 79. (B) |(6) (5) 4| |3 11| 5
Now calculate the length of EF: 4 1 3 units
|3| |8| 5 3 8 5 5
75. (C) L
ily has a coupon for 30% off, which means
she will pay 70% of the regular price 80. (G) Create a proportion to calculate the total
(100% 30% 70%). Lily will pay number of gallons of paint used:
$2.90 70% $2.03 for this bag of candy. Gallons of blue 8 6
5 ______ 5 __
To calculate the price per ounce, divide the total gallons 83
final price Lily pays by the number of ounces
in the bag: 8x 6(11)
$2.03 12 $0.16917, which rounds to $0.17 x 8 __gallons
76. (K) 1z 5 12
z __ 81. (D) Of the fractions listed in the options
z 5 12 __12, __13, __14, __15, and __16, __13and __16are the only frac-
365 18 tions that can be written as repeating deci-
z 5 ___
2 mals. Adding a non-repeating decimal
to a repeating decimal will result in a
repeating decimal. Thus, the correct answer T 1 2 5 __(J 2)
must contain two non-repeating decimals, Simplify the above equation for T:
1 1 1
which is option D: __ __ T __ (J 2) 2
4 5 3
ow, set the two equations equal to each other
82. (J) 1 L 1,000 mL and solve for J:
1 L (1,000)(1,000) cu mm 1,000,000 cu mm 1
__ 1
J __(J 2) 2
4 3
1 1 4
83. (B) If the song is 5 minutes long, then it could be __J __J __
4 3 3
played up to 60 4 5 5 12 times per hour. There ultiply both sides of the equation by the
are 9 hours between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. common denominator (12):
So, the song could be played up to 12 3 9 5 108 1 1 4
12 ( __ J) 12 ( __J __)
possible times between the given hours. Since 4 3 3
the song is played 6 times per day, the probabil- 3J 4J 16
6 1
ity of Samantha hearing the song is ____
5 ___. J 16
108 18
84. (F) T
o find the speed of the plane, divide the miles 87. (C) First, simplify N: N 5 (3 2 8 1 4) 5 (1) 5 1
travelled by the number of hours: Then, find |N|: |N| 5 |1| 5 1
First leg: 900 miles 4 2 hours 450 mph
1 88. (G) F
irst, find the amount by which Joe is currently
Second leg: 1,400 miles 4 2 __hours 560 mph
2 exceeding the speed limit of 55 miles per hour:
The question asks how much greater the 1
65 __ 1
55 10 __ mph
speed was in the second leg than in the first, 2 2
so subtract: 560 450 110 mph He increased his speed at a rate of 1__
each half-minute, or 3 mph every minute.
85. (B) L
et x be the number of gallons of water the tank To determine how many minutes he has been
holds when completely full. Use the information exceeding the speed limit, divide:
in the first sentence to set up the equation: 1 7 1
10 __ 3 __ 3 __minutes
4 1 2 2 2
__ __x
x 21
5 3
12 5
___ ___x
x 21 89. (A) The question asks for the number of positive
15 15
two-digit numbers evenly divisible by 4. The
7x 15 21 smallest such number is 12 (4 3), and the
x 45 gallons largest is 96 (4 24). Thus, the two-digit
numbers evenly divisible by 4 are 4 3,
4 4, 4 5, and so on up to 4 24.
86. (J) First, set up an equation to express Toms age
(T) and Jordans age (J) today: To find how many such numbers there are,
1 subtract the lowest value from the greatest
T __J
4 value: 24 3 21.
wo years from now, Toms age will be T 2
T However, since each endpoint is included
and Jordans age will be J 2. Use that infor- (4 3 and 4 24), add 1 to that value to get
mation and the information from the second the exact count of the numbers: 21 1 22
sentence in the question to set up an equation
about the relationship between Toms age and
Jordans age in two years:
90. (H) T
he left side of the given equation Similarly, angle y and angle QRP are
(xy 1 xz 5 100) must be rearranged to look like supplementary, so y 5 180 2 45 5 135.
__ x(3y 1 3z) 1 10 to get the answer.
5 Thus, the value of y 2 x 5 135 2 85 5 50
First, factor out the x: x(y 1 z) 5 100
96. (J) M
adisons car travels 27 miles one way to work, 99. (E) Since the floor measurement is in feet and the
so it travels a total of 54 miles per day. In 5 tile measurement is in inches, change inches
days, it travels 5 3 54 5 270 miles. Her car into feet:
travels 30 miles on each gallon of gas, so it uses 8 2
8 in. ___
270 12 3
____ 5 9 gallons of gas per week. To find the
30 The floor is 12 ft wide. To find the number of
total savings, multiply the number of gallons
tiles needed along the width of the floor, divide
by the savings per gallon: the width by the size of a tile:
9 gallons $0.05 5 $0.45 2 3
12 ft __ 12 __ 18 tiles
3 2
97. (E) L
et m 5 Martas age now, and k 5 Kims age The floor is 16 ft long. Find the number of
now. Then 5 years ago, Martas age was tiles needed along the length of the floor:
m 2 5, and Kims age was k 2 5. Using the 2
information in the question, set up the 16 ft __ 24 tiles
equation to solve for k: To find the total number of tiles needed, multi-
k 2 5 5 2(m 2 5) ply the number needed along the width by the
k 5 2(m 2 5) 1 5 number needed along the length:
18 24 432 tiles
98. (G) Using the counting principle, the first digit
has 6 possible values (1 through 6). The To find the total cost, multiply the total tiles
second digit then has 5 possible values, and by the cost per tile: 432 tiles $8 $3,456
the third digit has 4 possible values. So the
total number of possible different ID numbers 100. (F) F
irst, find the prime factorization of 5,355:
is 6 3 5 3 4 5 120. 5,355 5 5 1,071 5 5 9 119 5 32 5 7 17
The greatest prime factor is 17.
( (
bc = ba , where b and c are not zero.
Number of Number of
( (
Pets Owned Students
0 5
( 4 =3 (
1 7 x 2 , what is the value of x?
If 2
2 3
3 4 A. 1
4 0 B. 2
5 1 C. 3
D. 6
There are 20 students in a class. The E. 12
frequency table above shows the number of
these students that own 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 pets. 4. If (43)(82) 2x, what is the value of x?
What is the mean number of pets owned
per student in this class? F. 12
1 G. 10
A. 1__
H. 7
B. 3 J. 6
K. 5 M00-103
C. 3__
D. 4 5. 3 cm
E. 5 4 cm
5 cm
2. Z
r S x T u V
2 1 0 1 6 cm
F. R
____the figure
____ above, all lines are straight.
G. S
and RN intersect at point Z. What is the
H. T
value of x?
J. U
K. V A. 3
B. 3 __
C. 4
D. 4 __
E. 5
inner height, width, and length each equal to
8 inches. The cylinder is filled with water and 2,500
the cube is empty. If Raul pours the contents Amount 2,000
of the cylinder into the cube, how deep will the of Water
water be in the cube? (in gallons)
F. 2 in.
G. 2
p in.
H. 4 in. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
2p in. Time (in hours)
4p in. A swimming pool is being filled with water at
a constant rate. The figure above is a portion
7. The translation of point P (3, 5) to P9 (5, 23) is of a graph that shows how the number of
equivalent to rotating point P by which of the gallons of water in the pool changes over time.
following clockwise rotations about the origin? Starting with an empty pool, at the end of
A. 45 hour 5 there are 2,000 gallons in the pool.
B. 90 If the pool continues to fill at this rate, how
135 much water will be in the pool at the end of
180 hour 20? (Assume that the pool holds a total
225 of 100,000 gallons.)
A. 5,600 gal.
8. If (12.631018)2(1.131017)5k31019, B. 6,000 gal.
what is the value of k? C. 8,000 gal.
D. 40,000 gal.
F. 0.016
E. 80,000 gal.
G. 1.150
H. 1.249
J. 11.500 10. Let (x, y) " (x110, y210). Using that rule,
K. 16.000 if (n, r)"(100, 100), what is (n, r)?
F. (90, 90)
G. (90, 110)
H. (100, 100)
J. (110, 90)
K. (110, 110)
0.8 cm 1.0 cm
4 cm x
E. ___
13. y q2
y 15x 45 16. A tiny robot sits on the point (1, 22) of the
coordinate plane. At each flash of a blue light,
it moves 4 units to the right and 5 units down.
At each flash of a red light, it moves 1 unit to
the left and 4 units up. If, at the end of 15 red
O P flashes and n blue flashes, the robot is sitting
on the line y5x, what is n?
F. 5
G. 8
H. 14
J. 15
The line defined by the equation y 15x 45 K. 44
intercepts the x-axis at point P as shown
above. What are the coordinates of point P? 17. |x 2 1| 3
|x 1 2| 4
A. (45, 0)
B. (3, 0) How many integer values of x satisfy both
C. (3, 0) inequalities shown above?
D. (0, 3) A. 0
E. (0, 45) B. 1
C. 3
D. 4
14. Seven consecutive integers are arranged
E. 5
in increasing order. Their sum is 7k.
What is the value of the second integer
in terms of k?
F. k26
G. k22
H. k
J. k11
K. 7k26
1. (A) F
irst, determine the total number of pets that 4. (F) Begin by finding a common base for each term.
the students own by multiplying the number of In this case, the common base is 2.
pets owned by the number of students in each
row of the table. Then add that column to get 4 5 22
the total number of pets. 8 5 23
3 2
(43)(82) 5 (22) (23)
Number of Number Number of Pets 3
Pets Owned of Students Number of Students 5 (26)(26)
0 5 0 5 212
1 7 7 So, x 5 12.
2 3 6 Alternatively, you could multiply the left side of
3 4 12 the equation and then factor it:
4 0 0
(43)(82) 5 (4 3 4 3 4)(8 3 8)
5 1 5
Total: 30 5 (2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2) (2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2)
5 212
Now, calculate the mean by dividing the total
number of pets owned by the total number of
students: 5. (B) Each triangle is a right triangle, and the
angles formed at point Z are congruent
30 1 because they are vertical angles. Thus, the
___5 1 __
20 2 two triangles are similar by definition. Set up
the following proportion between similar sides
2. (J) Since x is a negative number between 1 and 0, to find x:
assign a value to x in that range and calculate x2. 5 6
__5 __
3 x
2 4
For example, let x 5 2 __. Then x2 5 __, which
3 9 5x 5 18
roughly corresponds to point U.
18 3
x 5 ___
5 3 __
5 5
3. (C) _____ 3
5 __
(4/x) 2 6. (J) First, calculate the volume of the cylinder:
2 __ 3
x5 __
4 2 V = r2h 5 (4)2(8) 5 128 cubic inches
2x 5 6
The volume of water in the cube will be the
x53 same as the volume of water in the full cylinder.
Use the volume formula of a cube to calculate
the depth (h) of the water in the cube:
V 5 lwh
128 5 (8)(8)h
128 = 64h
2 = h
7. (B) If the coordinates of a point labeled R are (a, b), 9. (C) At the beginning (hour 0), the pool is empty.
then a 908 counterclockwise rotation about After 5 hours, the pool holds 2,000 gallons.
the origin would make the coordinates of point Thus, the rate of change (or slope of the line)
R9 (2b, a). A 908 clockwise rotation about the
2,000 0 2,000
origin would make the coordinates of R9 (b, 2a). is _________
5 ______
5 400 gallons per hour.
50 5
In the question, P is (3, 5) and P9 is (5, 23).
o find the number of gallons after 20 hours,
Using the rule stated above, P9 is the image multiply the rate by the number of hours:
after point P is rotated 908 clockwise. 400 3 20 5 8,000 gallons.
lternatively, it may help to make a sketch
of this problem. Place the two points on 10. (G) Using the translation equation given in the
the coordinate grid: Point P is in the first question, set up two small equations to find
quadrant, and point P9 is in the fourth n and r:
quadrant. Draw a line from each point to the
origin. The angle formed at the origin should For n:
resemble a right angle, which is option B (908). x 1 10 5 100
x 5 90
P (3, 5) For r:
y 10 5 100
y 5 110
2(3) 3 5 22 2 3 5 25
Option G: y 5 __ Next, use the point (214, 58) to calculate where
the robot will be after n blue flashes. For each
Option H: y 5 2(3) 1 2 5 22 1 2 5 0
blue flash, (x, y) (x 1 4, y 2 5). So, after n
blue flashes: (214 1 4n, 58 2 5n)
Option H is the correct answer.
The question states that the robots final
position is on the line y 5 x, which means the
13. (B) Since P is on the x-axis, we know its y-value x- and y-coordinates will have the same value.
must equal 0. Use that in the equation to To find n, set the two coordinates above as
solve for x: equal and solve for n:
y 5 15x 45 214 1 4n 5 58 5n
0 5 15x 45 9n 5 72
45 5 15x n 5 8
3 5 x
So, the coordinates for P are (3, 0). 17. (C) First, determine which integer values of x
would make each inequality true:
14. (G) T
he question asks for the second integer, so let |x 1| , 3 can also be written as
n be the second integer. Then, the sum of the 7 23 , x 1 , 3
integers is:
Adding 1 to each term results in
(n 1) 1 n 1 (n 1 1) 1 (n 1 2) 1 (n 1 3) 1 22 , x , 4
(n 1 4) 1 (n 1 5) 5 7k
Since these are only less than and not less
7n 1 14 5 7k
than or equal to, the possible values of x for
7(n 1 2) 5 7k this inequality are 21, 0, 1, 2, and 3.
n5k2 Similarly, |x 1 2| , 4 can also be written as
24 , x 1 2 , 4
15. (B) A rational number is a number that can be Subtracting 2 from each term results in
22 , x , 2
written as a fraction. Since p 5 q, then __
q5 1,
p2 The possible values of x in this inequality are
___25 1, and p 2 q 5 0, all of which are 21, 0, and 1.
rational. That leaves two expressions to test: The possible x values in common between
1__ 1__ 2__ the two inequalities are 21, 0, and 1, so the
p 1 q 5 ____ 1 ____
5 ____
2 answer is 3.
(irrational because 2 is irrational)
1__ 2 1__ 2 1 1
( 2 )
p2 1 q2 5 ____
( 2 )
1 ____ 5 __
1 __5 1 (rational)
2 2
Answer Key for Grade 9 Mathematics
Thus, p 1 q is not a rational expression.
1. A 7. B 13. B
16. (G) Since the number of red flashes is known (15), 2. J 8. H 14. G
G calculate where the robot would be after the 3. C 9. C 15. B
15 red flashes. For each red flash, 4. F 10. G 16. G
(x, y) (x 1, y 1 4). So, after 15 red flashes:
5. B 11. A 17. C
(1 2 [1 3 15], 22 1 [4 3 15]) 5 (214, 58)
6. J 12. H