Birkat Hamazon PDF
Birkat Hamazon PDF
Birkat Hamazon PDF
.{yiml: oxK: Unyiyhf }OYic tabyi$-te) yy bU$:B ,tOlA(aMah ryi$ Shir Hama-a-lot, bshuv Adonai et shivat Tzion Hayinu kcholmim.
.{iyOGab Ur:m)oy zf) ,hfNri Un"nO$:lU UnyiP qOx:& )"lfMiy zf) Az ymalei schok pinu ul-shoneinu rina, az yomru vagoyim:
" &
: Unyiyh
f ,UnfM( i tO&A(al yy lyiDg: h i .heL)" {i( tO&A(al yy lyiDg: h i Higdil Adonai la-a-sot im eileh. Higdil Adonai la-asot imanu, hayinu smeichim.
1 .begeNaB {yiqyipA)aK Un"tib:$-te) yy hfbU$ Shuva Adonai et shviteinu ka-afikim banegev.
,hokfbU |"l"y |Olfh .Uroc:qiy hfNir:B hf(m : d
i B
: {yi(r: oZah Hazorim bdima brina yik-tzoru.
.wyftoMulA) )"&on hfNir:b )obfy )oB .(arZf ah-|e$em )"&on Haloch yeileich uvacho, nosei meshech hazara. Bo yavo vrina nosei alumotav.
A song of ascents. When God brought the exiles back to Zion it was like a dream. Then our mouths were filled with laughter and our tongues with song. Then was it said among the nations: God
has done great things for them. Truly God has done great things for us, and we rejoiced. Bring us from exile, God, as the streams return to the Negev; those who sow in tears shall reap in joy.
Those who go out weeping, bearing sacks of seeds, shall return with joy, bearing their sheaves.
.de(fw {flO(:l O$:dfq {"$ rfo#fB-lfK |"rb f yiw ,yiP reBady: yy taLih:T Thilat Adonai ydabeir pi vivareich kol basar Sheim kodsho lolam va-ed.
.HfyUl:lah ,{flO( da(w: hfTa(m " Hfy |"rb f n: Un:xan)
A aw Va-anachnu nvareich ya mei-ata vad olam halluya.
2 .OD:sax {flO(:l yiK ,bO+ yiK hwhyal UdOh Hodu Ladonai ki tov, ki lolam chasdo.
.OtfLih:T-lfK a(yim:$ay ,hwhy tOrUb:g l"Lamy: yim Mi ymaleil gvurot Adonai, yashmi-a kol thilato.
Now let my mouth declare praise for God, and let the whole human race bless Gods holy name for all time. As for us, we will bless God from now on and forever more: Praise God! Give thanks
to God who is good, whose kindness is everlasting! Who can describe the mighty deeds of God, or utter all Gods praise?
f n: yarb
" x
A .c"# LEADER: Chaveirai nvareich.
.{flO( da(w: hfTa(m" |frobm: yy {"$ yihy: .(hnw# c"#) lhq GROUP (LEADER REPEATS): Yhi sheim Adonai mvorach mei-atah vad olam.
.OLe<im Un:lakf)e$ Uny"holE) |"rb
f n: yarb
" x
A tU$:rB i .c"# LEADER: Birshut chaveirai nvareich Eloheinu she-achalnu mishelo.
f ObU+:bU OLe<m
i Un:lakf)e$ Uny"holE) |UrfB .(hnw# c"#) lhq GROUP (LEADER REPEATS): Baruch Eloheinu she-achalnu mishelo uv-tuvo chayinu.
3 .Om:$ |UrfbU )Uh |UrfB .{lwk ALL: Baruch hu u-varuch shmo.
Let us thank God. Blessed is the name of God now and forever. With your permission, let us thank God whose food we have eaten. Blessed is God whose food we have eaten and through
whose goodness we live. Blessed is God and Blessed is Gods name.
: ObU+:B OLuK {flO(fh-te) }fZh a ,{flO(fh |elem Uny"hol)
E ,yy hfT) a |UrfB Baruch atah Adonai, Eloheinu melech ha-olam, hazan et ha-olam kulo btuvo bchein
f {flO(:l yiK ,rf&B f -lfkl: {exel }"tOn )Uh ,{yimx A arb
: U desex:B bchesed uv-rachamim, hu notein lechem lchol-basar, ki lolam chasdo,
.de(wf {flO(:l }Ozfm Unfl-rasx: ey la)w: Unfl rasxf )ol dyimT f lOdfGah ObU+:bU uv-tuvo hagadol tamid lo chasar lanu val yechsar lanu mazon lolam va-ed.
" U loKal byi+m
" U ,loKal s"n:rap:mU }fz l") )Uh yiK ,lOdfGah Om:$ rUbA(aB Ba-avur shmo hagadol, ki hu Eil zan um-farneis lakol, u-meitiv lakol u-meichin
4 .loKah-te) }fZah ,yy hfTa) |UrfB .)frB f re$) A wyftOYirB
: -lfkl: }Ozfm mazon lchol-briyotav asher bara. Baruch atah Adonai, hazan et hakol.
Blessed is The Lord our God, Sovereign of the universe, who sustains the entire world with goodness, kindness and mercy. God gives food to all creatures, for Gods mercy is everlasting.
Through Gods abundant goodness we have not lacked sustenance, and may we not lack sustenance forever, for the sake of Gods great name. God sustains all, does good to all, and provides
food for all the creatures whom God has created. Blessed is The Lord our God, who provides food for all.
Uny"tObA)al Tf l: axn: h
i e$ la( Uny"hol) E yy !:l hedOn Nodeh lcha Adonai Eloheinu al she-hinchalta la-avoteinu eretz chemda tovah ur-
Unft)"cOhe$ la(w: ,hfbx f r: U hfbO+ hfDm : x
e jer) e chava,, val she-hotzeitanu Adonai Eloheinu mei-eretz mitzrayim uf-ditanu mibeit
,{yidfbA( tyi"Bim Unftyid:pU {iyarc : mi jere)m " Uny"hol) E yy avadim, val britcha she-chatamta biv-sareinu, val torat-cha
!:tfrOT la(:w ,Un"rf&:biB T f m: atx
f e$ !:tyirB : la(w: she-limad-tanu, val chukecha she-hodatanu, val chayim, chein
5 }"x ,{yiYax la(w: ,UnfT(adOhe$ !yeQx u la(w: ,UnfTd : M
f Li e$ va-chesed she-chonantanu, val achilat mazon she-ata zan
s"nr: pa m
: U }fz hfT)a $
e }Ozfm talyik) A la(w: ,UnfTn: na Oxe$ desx e wf um-farneis otanu tamid, bchol-yom uvchol-eit uvchol-shaah.
.hf(f$-lfk:bU t"(-lfk:bU {Oy-lfk:B ,dyimfT UnftO)
We thank The Lord our God for having given a lovely and spacious land to our fathers and mothers; for having liberated us from the land of Egypt and freed us from the house of bondage; for the
covenant which God has sealed in our flesh, for the Torah which God has taught us; for the laws which God has made known to us; for the life, grace and loving kindness which God has
bestowed upon us, and for the sustenance with which God nourishes and maintains us continually, in every season, every day, even every hour.
{yikr: b f m
: U |fl {yidOm Un:xanA) Uny"holE) yy loKah la(:w Val hakol Adonai Eloheinu anachnu modim lach um-varchim
,de(eaiuwuf {flO(:l dyimTf yax-lfk yipB : !:m$i |arB : yi .|ftO) otach yitbarach shimcha bfi chol chai tamid lolam va-ed,
f t
6 !yeholE) hwhy-te) fT:kar"bU fT:(fbf&:w fT:lakf):w .bUtfKaK
kakatuv: Vachalta vsavata uveirachta et-Adonai Elohecha
al ha-aretz hatova asher natan lach.
.|fl }atfn re$A) hfbO=ah jerf)fh la(
Baruch Atah Adonai, al ha-aretz val hamazon.
.}OzfMah la(:w jerf)fh lf( ,yy hfTa) |UrfB
For all these blessings we thank The Lord our God with praise. May Gods name be praised by every living being forever, as it is written: When you have eaten your fill, give thanks to The Lord
your God for the good land which God has given you. Blessed is God for the land and its produce.
,!eMa( l")rf &iy la( Uny"hol) E yy {"xar Racheim Adonai Eloheinu al Yisrael amecha,
,!edOb:K }fK:$im }OYic la(:w ,!eryi( {iyal$ f Ur:y la(w: val Yrushalayim irecha, val Tzion mishkan kvodecha,
lOdfGha tiyB a h
a la(w: ,!exyi$m : diwDf ty"B tUk:lm a la( a w: val malchut beit David mshichecha, val habayit hagadol vhakadosh shenikra
Un"(:r ,Unyibf) Uny"holE) .wyfl( f !:m$ i )frq: Ni e$ $OdfQahw: shimcha alav. Eloheinu avinu, reinu zuneinu, parnseinu vchalklenu
,Un"xyiwr: ahw: Un"lK: l: akw: Un"sn: r: aP ,Un"nUz vharvicheinu,
7 .Uny"tOrfc-lfKim hfr"h:m ,Uny"hole) hwhy ,Unfl-xaw:rah:w vharvach-lanu, Adonai Eloheinu, mheira mikol-tzaroteinu.
,Uny"holE) hwhy Un"kyir:caT la) )fn:w Vna al tatz-richeinu, Adonai Eloheinu,
,{ftf)fw:lah y"dyil )ol:w {fdfw rf&B f tanT : am y"dyil )ol lo lidei matnat basar vadam vlo lidei hal-va-atam,
,hfbfx:rah:w hf$Od:qah hfxUt:Pah hf)"l:Mah !:dyf l: {i) yiK ki im lyadcha hamlei-a haptucha hak-dosha vharchava,
.de(fw {flO(:l {"lfKin )ol:w $Ob"n )oLe$ shelo neivosh vlo nikaleim lolam va-ed.
May The Lord our God have mercy on Gods people Israel, Gods city Jerusalem, Zion the abode of Gods glory, the royal house of David, Gods anointed one, and the great and holy Temple that
bears Gods name. May our God, our Parent, tend and nourish us, sustain and maintain us, and speedily grant us relief from all our troubles. May God make us dependent not on the alms or
loans of others, but rather on Gods full, open and generous hand, so that we may never be humiliated or put to shame.
,!yetOw:cim:B Uny"holE) yy Un"cyilxA ahw: h"cr: Rtzei vhachalitzeinu Adonai Eloheinu bmitzvotecha,
lOdfGah tfBa<ah yi(yib< : ah {Oy tawc : m
i b
: U uv-mitzvat yom hashvii haShabbat hagadol
,!yenpf l: )Uh $Odfqw: lOdfG hez {Oy yiK ,heZh a $OdfQh a w: vhakadosh hazeh. Ki yom zeh gadol vkadosh hu lfanecha,
f !:nOc:rbi U .!enOc:r taw:cim:K hfbAha):B OB axUnfl:w OB-tfB:$il lishbot-bo vlanuach bo bahavah kmitzvat rtzonecha. U-virtzoncha hanach
8 .Un"tx f Un:m {Oy:B hfxnf )
}ayn: b
i b
A aw }Ogfyw: hfrc
f y"ht
: U ,!eryi( }OYic tamx
: )oLe$ Uny"holE) yy UnfL
f en:B Uny"holE) yy Un"):rah:W
lanu Adonai Eloheinu shelo thei tzara vyagon va-anacha byom mnuchateinu.
Vhar-einu Adonai Eloheinu bnechamat Tzion irecha,uvvinyan
.tOmfxeNah la(abU tO(U$:yah la(aB )Uh hfTa) yiK ,!e$:dfq ryi( {iyl A $f Ur:y Yrushalayim ir kodshecha,ki atah hu ba-al ha-yshuot u-va-al hanechamot.
May it be Gods will to strengthen us in Gods commandments, especially regarding the seventh day, this great and holy Sabbath, for today is great and holy before God--a day on which to rest
and repose in love, according to Gods command. May it be Gods will to grant us relief from all care, sorrow and grief on our day of rest, and may God enable us to see Zion comforted, and
Jersualem, the holy city, rebuilt. For it is God who is the master of salvation and comfort.
:vbav atru sgunv kuju y"hu j"rc FOR FESTIVALS AND THE NEW MOON:
'vmrhu 'vtrhu 'ghDhu tchu vkgh 'Ubh,Ict hvOtu UbhvOt Elohainu Veilohei Avoteinu yaaleh vyavo, vyagiya, vyeiraheh, vyeirathzeh vyishma,
iIrfzu 'Ubh,Ict iIrfzu 'UbbISepU UbbIrfz rfZhu 'sePhu 'gn hu vyipahkeyd, vyizahcher, zichroneynu ufikdoneinu, vzichron avoteynu, vzichron
mahshiyach ben Dahveed ahvdecha, vzichron yerushalayim ir kadshehchah, vzichron kol
kF iIrfzu 'WJse rhg ohkJUrh iIrfzu 'WScg suS iC jhJn amcha beit yisrael lfahnecha, lflaytah, ltovah, lcheyn, ulchesed, ulerachahmim,
'ohnjrkU sxjkU ijk vcIyk vyhkpk 'Whbpk ktrGh ,hC WNg lechayyim, uleshalom byom [for new month Rosh Chodesh, for Passover Chag Hamatzot,
,IMnv dj | Jsjv Jtr -- oIhC oIkJkU ohHjk for Succot Chag Hasuccot, for Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah Shemini Hachag
,rmgv dj hbhn v | ,IFxv dj | ,gcJv dj | Haahtzeret, for Shevuot, Chag Hashevuot, for Rosh Hashanah Hazikaron] hazeh,
/vfrck Ic UbsepU /vcIyk IC UbhvOt hh Ubrfz /vZv -- | iIrFZv zahchreynu Adonai Eloheinu bo ltovah, ufahkdeynu bo lvracha, vhoshiyeinu bo
lchayyim. Ucidcahr yshuah vrachamim choos vchaneynu vrahcheym aleynu,
ojru 'UbBju xUj 'ohnjru vgUJh rcscU 'ohHjk Ic UbghJIvu vhoshiyeinu, ki ailecha eyneynu, ki El melech chanun vrachum ahata.
:vTt oUjru iUBj Qkn kt hF 'Ubhbhg Whkt hF 'Ubgh Ivu Ubhkg
Unyibf) l")fh ,{flO(fh |elem Uny"holE) ,yy hfTa) |UrfB Baruch atah Adonai, Eloheinu melech ha-olam, ha-Eil avinu
Un"$Od:q Un"rc : Oy Un"l) A OG Un")r: OB Un"ryida) Un"Kl: am Malkeinu adireinu boreinu go-aleinu yotzreinu kdosheinu
bO=ah |eleMah ,l")fr:&iy h"(Or Un")Or ,boqA(ay $Od:q kdosh Yaakov, ro-einu ro-ei Yisrael, hamelech hatov
,byi+y"h )Uh {Oyfw {Oy-lfk:Be$ ,loKal byi+"Mah:w vhameitiv lakol, shebchol-yom vayom hu heitiv,
10 )Uh Unflfm:g )Uh .Unfl byi+y"y )Uh ,byi+y"m )Uh hu meitiv, hu yeitiv lanu. Hu gmalanu hu
{yimxA arl: U desexl: U }"xl: da(fl Un"l:m:giy )Uh Un"l:mOg gomleinu hu yig-mleinu la-ad lchein ul-chesed ul-rachamim
,hfmfxen hf(U$yiw hfkfr:B hfxfl:cah:w hflfCah ,xawer:lU ul-revach, hatzala vhatzlacha bracha vi-shua nechama,
,bO+-lfkw: {Olf$w: {yiYaxw: {yimx A arw: hflKf l: akw: hfsnf r: aP parnasa vchalkala vrachamim vchayim vshalom vchol-tov,
.Un"rS : axy: la) {flO(:l bU+-lfKm i U u-mikol tuv lolam al ychasreinu.
Blessed is The Lord our God, Sovereign of the universe, who is our God, our Parent, our Sovereign, our Mighty One, our Creator, our Redeemer, our Maker, the Holy One of Jacob, the Shepherd
of Israel, the good Sovereign who does good to all. May God who continually shows us kindness continue offering goodness to us. As God has ever bestowed favors upon us, may God continue
to bless us with grace, loving kindness, compassion, deliverance, prosperity, redemption, consolation, sustenance, and mercy; a life of peace and all goodness. May God never withhold
goodness from us.
: Un"sn: r: apy: )Uh ,}fmx
A arh
f Harachaman, hu yfar-nseinu bchavod.
May the Merciful One grant us an honorable livelihood.
rUkfz ,)yibNf h
a UhfYli )
" -te) Unfl xfl$
: yi )Uh ,}fmx A arh
f Harachaman, hu yishlach lanu et-Eliyahu Hanavi, zachur
.tOmfxne w: tO(U$:y tObO+ tOrO&:B Unfl-re>b a yiw ,bO=al latov, vivaser-lanu bsorot tovot yshu-ot vnechamot.
May the Merciful One send Elijah the Prophet to us, and may he bear good tidings of salvation and comfort.
15 .{yiml
f O(fh y"Yaxl: hfxUn:mU tfBa$ OluKe$ {Oy Un"lyixn: ay )Uh ,}fmx
A arh
f Harachaman, hu yan-chileinu yom shekulo Shabbat umnucha lchayei ha-
May the Merciful One grant us a world that shall be entirely Shabbat and eternal rest.
;#dx #)rb ON ROSH CHODESH:
.hfkfr:bil:w hfbO+:l heZah $edoxah-te) Uny"l(
f $"Daxy: )Uh }fmx
A arh
f Harachaman hu ychadeish aleinu et hachodesh hazeh ltova vlivracha.
May the Merciful One grant us this new month for good and blessing.