En 10002-5 PDF
En 10002-5 PDF
En 10002-5 PDF
October 1991
UDC 669:620.172.251.2
Descriptors: Metal products, mechanical tests, tension tests, high temperature tests, definitions, designation, test specimen, testing
conditions, elongation at break, elastic limit
English version
European Committee for Standardization
Comit Europen de Normalisation
Europisches Komitee fr Normung
Central Secretariat: rue de Stassart 36, B-1050 Brussels
Foreword Contents
This European Standard was prepared by the Page
Technical Committee ECISS/TC1A Mechanical Foreword 2
and physical tests, the Secretariat of which has
Introduction 5
been allocated to the Association Franais de
Normalisation (AFNOR). 1 Scope 5
It represents the fifth part of the general standard: 2 Normative references 5
Metallic materials Tensile testing. 3 Principle 5
This European Standard replaces the EURONORM: 4 Definitions 5
EU 2270 Determination or verification of the yield 4.1 Gauge length (L) 5
point of steel at elevated temperatures. 4.2 Parallel length (Lc) 5
This European Standard EN 10002-5 was approved 4.3 Elongation 5
by CEN on 1991-08-05.
4.4 Percentage elongation 5
According to the Common CEN/CENELEC Rules,
4.5 Extensometer gauge length 6
being part of the Internal Regulations of CEN, the
following countries are bound to implement this 4.6 Extension 6
European Standard: 4.7 Percentage reduction of area (Z) 6
Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, 4.8 Maximum force (Fm) 6
Germany, Greece, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, 4.9 Stress 6
Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden,
Switzerland and United Kingdom. 5 Symbols and designations 7
6 Test pieces 7
6.1 Shape and dimensions 7
6.2 Types 7
6.3 Preparation of test pieces 7
7 Determination of original
cross-sectional area (So) 7
8 Marking the original gauge length (Lo) 9
9 Testing apparatus 9
9.1 Testing machine 9
9.2 Extensometer 9
9.3 Heating device 9
10 Conditions of testing 10
10.1 Heating of the test piece 10
10.2 Loading of the test peice 10
10.3 Rate of the loading 10
10.4 Method of gripping 10
11 Determination of percentage
elongation after fracture (A) 10
12 Determination of proof strength
(non-proportional extension (Rp) 11
13 Determination of proof strength
(total extension) (Rt) 11
14 Method of verification of permanent
set strength (Rr) 12
15 Test report 12
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Page Page
Annex A (Normative annex)Types of test Table 1 Symbols and designations 8
piece to be used for thin products: sheets, Table 2 Product types 9
strips and flats between 0.1 mm and 3 mm 20
Table A1 Dimensions of test pieces 20
Annex B (Normative annex)Types of test
Table A2 Tolerances on the width of
piece to be used in the case of wire, bars
the test piece 20
and sections with a diameter or thickness
of less than 4 mm 21 Table C1 Circular cross-section test pieces 22
Annex C (Normative annex)Types of test Table C2 Tolerances relating to the
piece to be used in the case of sheets and transverse dimensions of test pieces 22
flats of thickness equal to or greater than 3 mm, Table F1 National standards
and wire, bars and sections of diameter or corresponding to Euronorm 18 26
thickness equal to or greater than 4 mm 21
Annex D (Normative annex)Types of test
piece to be used in the case of tubes 23
Annex E (Normative annex)Measurement of
percentage elongation after fracture, based
on sub-division of the original gauge length 24
Annex F (Informative annex)List of national
standards corresponding to reference
Euronorm 18 25
Annex G (Informative annex) Bibliography 25
Figure 1 Definitions of elongation 12
Figure 2 Definitions of upper and
lower yield strength for different
types of curve 13
Figure 3 Proof strength, non-proportional
extension (Rp) 14
Figure 4 Proof strength, total
extension (Rt) 14
Figure 5 Permanent set strength (Rr) 15
Figure 6 Proof strength, non-proportional
extension (Rp) 15
Figure 7 Lower yield strength (ReL) 16
Figure 8 Maximum force (Fm) 16
Figure 9 Machined test pieces of
rectangular cross section (see Annex A) 17
Figure 10 Test pieces comprising a
non-machined portion of the product
(see Annex B) 17
Figure 11 Proportional test pieces
(see Annex C) 18
Figure 12 Test pieces comprising a
length of tube (see Annex D) 18
Figure 13 Test piece cut from a tube
(see Annex D) 19
Figure E1 Example of elongation
measurement after fracture 25
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4 blank
EN 10002-5:1991
Introduction 3 Principle
The Standard EN 10002 will comprise the following The test involves straining a test piece by tensile
parts: force, generally to fracture, for the purpose of
Part 1: Metallic materials; Tensile test; Method determining one or more of the mechanical
of test (at ambient temperature); properties defined in clause 4.
Part 2: Metallic materials; tensile test; The test is carried out at the specified temperature.
Verification of the force measuring system of the
tensile testing machine; 4 Definitions
Part 3: Metallic materials; Tensile test; For the purposes of this European Standard, the
Calibration of proving devices used for the following definitions apply.
verification of uniaxial testing machines; 4.1 gauge length (L)
Part 4: Metallic materials; Tensile test; Length of the cylindrical or prismatic portion of the
Verification of extensometers used in uniaxial test piece on which elongation is measured at any
testing; moment during the test. In particular, a distinction
Part 5: Metallic materials; Tensile test; Method is made between:
of test at elevated temperatures.
original gauge length (Lo)
1 Scope
gauge length before heating of the test piece and
This European Standard specifies the method for before application of force
tensile testing of metallic materials and defines the
mechanical properties which can be determined 4.1.2
thereby at elevated temperature. final gauge length (Lu)
For certain particular metallic materials and gauge length after rupture of the test piece
applications, the tensile test may be the subject of (see 11.1). This length shall be measured at ambient
specific standards or particular requirements. It temperature
should be noted that tests carried out at the same 4.2
temperature in accordance with the tensile testing parallel length (L c)
method at ambient temperature (EN 10002/1) and
length of the reduced section parallel portion of the
this standard should give different results by reason
test piece
of different testing conditions, for example the
NOTE The concept of parallel length is replaced by the concept
loading rate (see Annex G). of distance between grips for non-machined test pieces.
A harmonising of the two tests operating conditions 4.3
should be envisaged on the occasion of the next elongation
revision of the corresponding standards.
increase in the original gauge length (Lo) at the end
2 Normative references of the test
EN 10002-1, Metallic materials Tensile testing 4.4 percentage elongation
Part 1: Method of test at ambient temperature. Elongation expressed as a percentage of the original
EN 10002-2, Tensile testing Verification on the gauge length (Lo).
load cell of tensile testing machine. 4.4.1
ISO 2566-1, Steel Conversion of elongation percentage permanent elongation
values Part 1: Carbon and low alloy steels. increase in the original gauge length of a test piece
ISO 2566-2, Steel Conversion of elongation after removal of a specified stress (see 4.9),
values Part 2: Austenitic steels. expressed as a percentage of the original gauge
EN 10002-41), Metallic materials Verification of length (Lo)
extensometers used in uniaxial testing.
EU 18-19792), Selection and preparation of samples
and test pieces for steel and iron and steel products.
1) Inpreparation.
2) Untilthis Euronorm is transformed into European Standards, it can either be used or reference made to the corresponding
national standards, a list of which is given in Annex F of this European Standard.
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EN 10002-5:1991
4.4.2 4.8
percentage elongation after fracture (A) maximum force (Fm)
permanent elongation of the gauge length after the greatest force which the test piece withstands
fracture (Lu Lo) expressed as a percentage of the during the test once the yield point has been passed
original length (Lo) 4.9 stress
NOTE In the case of proportional test pieces, only if the original
gauge length is other than 5,65 S O ,3) where So is the original Force at any moment during the test divided by the
cross-sectional area of the parallel length, the symbol A shall be original cross-sectional area (So) of the test piece.
supplemented by an index indicating the coefficient of
proportionality used, for example: 4.9.1
A11,3 = percentage elongation on a gauge length (Lo) tensile strength (Rm)
of 11,3 S
In the case of non-proportional test pieces, the symbol A shall be
stress corresponding to the maximum force (Fm)
supplemented by an index indicating the original gauge length 4.9.2 yield strength
used, expressed in millimetres, for example:
A80 mm = percentage elongation on a gauge length (Lo) When the metallic material exhibits a yield
of 80 mm. phenomenon, a point is reached during the test at
4.4.3 which plastic deformation occurs without any
percentage total elongation at fracture (At) increase in the force. A distinction is made between:
total elongation (elastic elongation plus plastic
elongation) of the gauge length at the moment of upper yield strength (ReH)
fracture expressed as a percentage of the original value of stress at the moment when the first
gauge length (L o) decrease in force is observed (see Figure 2)
extensometer gauge length (Le) lower yield strength (ReL)
length of the parallel portion of the test piece used lowest value of stress during plastic yielding,
for the measurement of extension by means of an ignoring any transient effects (see Figure 2)
extensometer (this length may differ from Lo and
shall be of any value greater than b, d or D
proof strength, non-proportional
(see Table 1) but less than the parallel length (Lc)
extension (Rp)
4.6 extension
stress at which a non-proportional extension is
Increase in the extensometer gauge length (Le) at a equal to a specified percentage of the extensometer
given moment of the test. gauge length (Le) (see Figure 3). The symbol used is
4.6.1 followed by a suffix giving the prescribed percentage
percentage permanent extension of the extensometer gauge length, for example Rp0,2
increase in the extensometer gauge length after 4.9.4
removal from the test piece of a specified stress, proof strength, total extension (Rt)
expressed as a percentage of the extensometer stress at which total extension (elastic extension
gauge length (L e) plus plastic extension) is equal to the specified
4.6.2 percentage of the extensometer gauge length (Le)
percentage yield point extension (Ae) (see Figure 4). The symbol used is followed by a
suffix giving the prescribed percentage of the
extension between the start of yielding giving
original gauge length for example: Rt0,5
localized deformation and the commencement of
homogeneous deformation giving smooth work 4.9.5
hardening. It is expressed as a percentage of the permanent set strength (Rr)
extensometer gauge length (Le) stress at which, after removal of force, a specified
4.7 permanent elongation or extension expressed
percentage reduction of area (Z) respectively as a percentage of the original gauge
length (Lo) or extensometer gauge length (Le) has
maximum change in cross-sectional area which has
not been exceeded (see Figure 5). The symbol used is
occurred during the test (So Su) expressed as a
followed by a suffix giving the specified percentage
percentage of the original cross-sectional area (So)
of the original gauge length or of the extensometer
gauge length (Le), for example: Rr0,2
3) 5,65 4S O
S O = 5 ---------
6 BSI 04-1999
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EN 10002-5:1991
12 Gripped ends
13 mm Elongation after fracture:
Lu Lo
L u L o
14 Ab % Percentage elongation after fracture: -------------------- 100
15 Ae % Percentage yield point extension
16 At % Percentage total elongation at fracture
17 % Specified percentage non-proportional extension
18 % Percentage total extension.
19 % Specified percentage permanent set extension or elongation
20 Fm N Maximum force
Yield strength Proof strength Tensile strength
21 ReH N/mm2 c Upper yield strength
22 ReL N/mm2 Lower yield strength
23 Rm N/mm2 Tensile strength
24 Rp N/mm2 Proof strength, non-proportional extension
25 Rr N/mm2 Permanent set strength
26 Rt N/mm2 Proof strength, total extension
a See Figure 1 to Figure 13.
b See 4.4.2.
c 1 N/mm2 = 1 MPa.
8 BSI 04-1999
EN 10002-5:1991
8 Marking the original gauge The extensometer gauge length shall not be less
length (Lo) than 10 mm and shall be centrally located in the
mid-region of the parallel gauge length. The
Each end of the original gauge length shall be extensometer should be preferably of the type that
marked by means of fine marks, scribed lines, or is capable of measuring extension on both sides of a
fine collars but not by notches which could result in test piece and allowing the two readings to be
premature fracture. averaged.
For proportional test pieces, the calculated value of NOTE Any parts of the extensometer projecting beyond the
the original gauge length may be rounded off to the furnace should be designed or protected from draughts so that
nearest multiple of 5 mm, provided that the fluctuations in the ambient temperature have only a minimal
effect on the readings. It is advisable to maintain reasonable
difference between the calculated and marked stability of the temperature and velocity of the air surrounding
gauge length is less than 10 % of Lo. The original the testing machine.
gauge length shall be marked to an accuracy 9.3 Heating device
of o 1 %.
9.3.1 Permitted deviations of temperature
If the parallel length (Lc) is much in excess of the
original gauge length, as, for instance, with The heating device for the test piece shall be such
unmachined test pieces, a series of overlapping that the test piece can be heated to the specified
gauge lengths shall be drawn; some of these lengths temperature, F.
may extend up to the grips. The permitted deviations between the specified
In some cases, it may be helpful to draw, on the temperature, F, and the indicated temperatures, Fi,
surface of the test piece, a line parallel to the are the following:
longitudinal axis, along which the marks are drawn. o 3 C for F 600 C
4) In preparation.
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EN 10002-5:1991
5) Examplesof methods for verifying alignment can be found in ASTM E 1012. Standard practice for verification and specimen
alignment under tensile loading.
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NOTE 1 The shape of the test piece head is given only as a guide.
NOTE 2 See Table 1 for explanation of reference numbers.
Figure 10 Test pieces comprising a non-machined portion of the product (see Annex B)
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EN 10002-5:1991
NOTE 1 The shape of the test piece heads is given only as a guide.
NOTE 2 See Table 1 for explanation of reference numbers.
Figure 11 Proportional test pieces (see Annex C)
18 BSI 04-1999
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EN 10002-5:1991
wider than the parallel length. The parallel length original cross-sectional area (So) is to be included in the
calculation without having to measure it.
(Lc) shall be connected to the ends by means of
transition curves with a radius of at least 12 mm A.2.2 Proportional test pieces For test pieces of
(see Figure 9). The width of these ends shall be shape as defined in A.2.1 it is possible to take the
at least 20 mm and not more than 40 mm. original gauge length (Lo) as proportional to the
The test piece may also consist of a strip with original cross-sectional area (So) using one of the
parallel sides. For products of width equal to or less relations
than 20 mm, the width of the test piece may be the
same as that of the product. Lo = 5,65 S O or
A.2 Dimensions of the test piece Lo = 11,3 S O
A.2.1 Non-proportional test piece
The parallel length shall be not less than Lo + b/2. A.3 Preparation of test pieces
In case of dispute, the length Lo + 2b shall always be The test pieces shall be prepared so as not to affect
used unless there is insufficient material. the properties of the metal. Any areas which have
In the case of parallel-sided test pieces less been hardened by shearing or pressing shall be
than 20 mm wide, and unless otherwise specified in removed by machining.
the product standard, the original gauge length (Lo) For very thin materials, it is recommended that
shall be equal to 50 mm. For this type of test piece, strips of identical widths should be cut and
the free length between the grips shall be equal assembled into a bundle with intermediate layers of
to Lo + 3b. a paper which is resistant to the cutting oil. It is
There are two types of non-proportional test pieces, recommended that each small bundle of strips be
with dimensions as given in Table A1. assembled with a thicker strip on each side, before
When measuring the dimensions of each test piece, machining to the final dimensions of the test piece.
the tolerances on shape given in Table A2 shall A.4 Determination of the original
apply. cross-sectional area (So)
In the case of test pieces where the width is the The original cross-sectional area shall be calculated
same as that of the product, the original from measurements of the dimensions of the test
cross-sectional area (So) may be calculated on the piece.
basis of the measured dimensions of the test piece. The error in determining the original cross-sectional
The nominal width of the test piece may be adopted, area shall not exceed o 2 %. As the greatest part of
provided that the machining tolerances and this error normally results from the measurement of
tolerances on shape given in Table A2 have been the thickness of the test piece, the error in
complied with, to avoid measuring the width of the measurement of the width shall not exceed o 0,2 %.
test piece at the time of the test.
Table A1 Dimensions of test pieces
Dimensions in millimetres
Test piece type Width b Original gauge length Lo Parallel length Lc Minimum free length between the grips
for parallel side test piece
1 12,5 o 1 50 75 87,5
2 20 o 1 80 120 140
20 BSI 04-1999
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EN 10002-5:1991
C.2.3 Original gauge length (L o) where k is equal to 5,65, which gives L o = 5d in the
C.2.3.1 Proportional test piece case of test pieces of circular cross-section.
As a general rule, proportional test pieces are used Test pieces of circular cross-section shall preferably
where the original gauge length (Lo) is related to the have the dimensions given in Table C1.
original cross-sectional area (So) by the equation C.2.3.2 Non-proportional test pieces
Lo = k S O Non-proportional test pieces may be used if
specified by the product standard.
Table C1 Circular cross-section test pieces
Diameter Original cross- Original gauge Minimum parallel Total length
sectional area length length
k d So = Lo = SO Lc Lt
mm mm mm mm
20 o 0,150 314,2 100 o 1,0 110 Depends on the method
5,65 10 o 0,075 78,5 50 o 0,5 55 of fixing the test piece
5 o 0,040 19,6 25 o 0,25 28 in the machine grips
In principle: Lt > Lc + 2d
Table C2 Tolerances relating to the transverse dimensions of test pieces
Dimensions and tolerances in millimetres
Designation Nominal transverse Machining tolerance on the Tolerance on
dimension nominal dimensiona shapeb
3 o 0,06 0,03
>6 o 0,075 0,04
Diameter of machined test pieces of 10
circular cross-section
> 10
18 o 0,09 0,04
> 18
30 o 0,106 0,06
Transverse dimensions of test pieces of Same tolerances as for the diameter of
rectangular cross-section machined on all test pieces of circular cross-section
four sides
3 0,18
>6 0,22
Transverse dimensions of test pieces of > 10 0,27
rectangular cross-section machined on
only two opposite sides
> 18 0,33
> 30
50 0,39
a These tolerances are applicable if the nominal value of the original cross-sectional area (So) is to be included in the calculation
without having to measure it.
b Maximum deviation between the measurements of a specified transverse dimension along the entire parallel length (L ) of the
test piece.
22 BSI 04-1999
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EN 10002-5:1991
The original cross-sectional area of the length of If n is the number of intervals between X and Y, the
tube or longitudinal or transverse strip may be elongation after fracture is determined as follows:
determined from the mass of the test piece, the 1) If N n is an even number [see Figure E1 a)],
length of which has been measured, and from its measure the distance between X and Y and the
density. distance from Y to the graduation mark Z located
The original cross-sectional area (So) of a test piece at
consisting of a longitudinal or transverse strip shall Nn
be calculated according to the following equation: ---------------
intervals beyond Y;
calculate the percentage elongation after
fracture using the equation
XY + 2YZ L O
- 100
A = -------------------------------------------
a is the thickness of the tube wall; 2) If N n is an odd number [Figure E1 b)],
measure the distance between X and Y and the
b is the average width of the strips;
distance from Y to the graduation marks Z and
D is the external diameter. Z located respectively at
The following simplified equations can be used for Nn 1 Nn+1
------------------------- and --------------------------
longitudinal or transverse test pieces: 2 2
intervals beyond Y;
calculate the percentage elongation after
fracture using the equation
XY + YZ + YZ L O
- 100
A = -----------------------------------------------------------
In the case of a length of tube, the original LO
cross-sectional area (So) shall be calculated as
So = a(D a)
24 BSI 04-1999
EN 10002-5:1991
NOTE The shape of the test piece heads is given only as a guide.
Figure E1 Example of elongation measurement after fracture
BSI 04-1999 25
EN 10002-5:1991
Influence of Temperature and Strain rate on the Strain Rate, Temperature and Grain Size
yield strength of Structural Steels of different Dependence of the LYS of Polycrystalline Iron,
strength. Trans. ISIJ 1970, 10, p173
Arch. Eisenhuttenwes 52 (11) Nov. 1981 Samanta, SK
p429 436. On Relating the Flow Stress of Aluminium and
Krabiell A and Dahl W Copper to Strain, Strain Rate and Temperature,
Influence of temperature and strain rate on the Int. J. Mech. Sci. 1969, 11, P433.
tensile and elongation properties of structural steels Stelly, M
of different strengths. Influence of Deformation Rate on Tensile
Arch. Eisenhuttenwes 52 (11) November 1981 Behaviour of Five Steels (in French)
p437 444. Mem Etudes Scient. Rev. Metall 1980, 77 (7,8),
Leslie, WC and Sober, RJ P807.
The Strength of Ferrite and Martensite on Fuctions Watanabe, T
of Composition, Temperature and Strain Rate, Effect of Strain Rate on Yield Behaviour of Cold
Trans. ASM 1967, 60, p459. Rolled Sheet Steel, Trans.
Nagata, N, Yoshida, S and Sekimo, Y ISIJ 1982, 22, P385.
26 BSI 04-1999
BS EN 10002-5:1992
Aluminium Federation
British Gas plc
British Non-ferrous Metals Federation
British Railways Board
British Steel Industry
Copper Development Association
Department of Trade and Industry (National Measurement Accreditation Service)
Department of Trade and Industry (National Physical Laboratory)
ERA Technology Ltd.
Ministry of Defence
Society of British Aerospace Companies Limited
University College London
Welding Institute
The following bodies were also represented in the drafting of the standard, through subcommittees and
BSI 04-1999