Prompt Black Death

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Part 2 Analyzing Maps

Analyze the maps. What does each map tell us? Looking at the legend can be a big help. Check out the
map of the Black DeathAnswer the following questions using the map and the text from the website
you just read.

Progress of the
bubonic plague

Trade routes

1. What data do the arrows represent?

2. What data do the lines represent?
3. By analyzing the data presented in the map, what conclusions can you draw about the origin of
the Black Death, where it spread, and who seems to have carried and spread the disease (Hint:
what paths does the disease seem to follow)? Cite evidence from the map to support your
opinion. Use the writing frame to help you answer your question.

Part 2 Writing Frame:

According to the map, the Black Death started in _________________ and ended its spread near
(City or region)

____________________. The evidence from the map to support this is _____________________.

(City or region) (Explanation of how you know)

Based on analyzing the map, it is evident that the Black Death must have been spread by

_________________________. According to the map,_________________________________.

(who or what spread the Black Death) (Explanation of how you knew)
1. What NEW data can we find on this map that we couldnt find on the previous one?
2. Based on your analysis of this map, about how long did it take for the Black Death to spread
from China to Europe? Cite evidence from the map to support your claim.

Use the writing frame to help frame your response:

The map titled __________________, provides two types of data. It shows us ______________ and
(Map Title) (First type of data)

_________________. Based on careful analysis of the data, it is evident that the Black Death took
(Second type of data)

approximately _____________________ to run its course. This is supported by ___________________

(No. of years) (Explanation/commentary
how you arrived at your

Bonus Section Only if you want toextra credit.

1. Go do a Google search and find out how many people died from the disease in China?
2. How many people died in Europe?
3. Write up your answers, using a writing frame, to give credit to that source.

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