Preliminary Period: Course Code (Lit 102)
Preliminary Period: Course Code (Lit 102)
Preliminary Period: Course Code (Lit 102)
(Lit 102)
Enduring Understanding Essential Questions
The family remains the most dependable institution in the society. How does a family contribute to an individuals self -formation?
Essential Learning
Week Content Declarative Functional Intended Suggested Assessment
Standards Knowledge Knowledge Learning Outcomes (ILO) Teaching/Learning Tasks (ATs)
Activities (TLAs)
Demonstrate Surviving Discuss how the elements of Examine how death in a Create a freedom board and Short
understanding of the Loss in the short story aid in the family affects the sound off all the lessons reflection
characteristics of a Family presentation of a short story relationships of the ones learned and values paper
traditional Filipino inMatsby that depicts a traditional they left behind through an emphasized in the letters
family using a short Francisco Filipino family. anecdote sharing in class. and anecdotes shared
story as a vehicle Arcellana during the discussion
Discourse the possible Reflect on how unspoken
lect on the issues presented by these articles in order to enrich ones understanding
effects of how
to positively
denial copeissues
with death
may cause
in thegaps
and refusal to discuss the a family through a personal
Demonstrate sensitive issues within a letter addressed to the most
understanding of the family. disturbed member of the
use of symbols in family
illustrating the Recognize the multiple
characters and themes meanings of mat as a symbol
of a short story. for family values such as love,
respect, commitment, trust,
and unity
Demonstrate The Determine the essential Through a T-chart , identify Research on local and Dramatizatio
understanding of the Emotional socio-economic issues ways in which migration and international newspaper n or short
use of short story as Dislocation connected with the migration diaspora positively or articles or video video
avehicle for the of a Child in of family members to earn a negatively influence the documentariesdiscussing documentary
presentation of current The living overseas. personal lives and socio- the benefits and problems
socio-economic issues Sadness economic conditions of brought about by Argumentati
that affect Filipino Collector by Filipino families. migration and diaspora. ve essay
families. MerlindaBob
is Analyze characters through Through a debate, discuss Present a role play or a
Demonstrate keen observation of their and decide who among the short video documentary Reaction
understanding of the actions, thoughts, language characters is the real which synthesizes the paper
importance of character sadness collector. relevance of these issues
in the revelation of the in the Philippine society.
storys theme
Create an allegorical
character who can be an
anti-thesis to the Big
Lady. Assign the most
unique name for each.
Demonstrate Filial Piety Recognize the articulation of Articulate the personas love Host a program dedicated Dramatiz
understanding of poetry inBreaking filial piety using poetic for a father using a to a father where the ILOs ation
which is used as a Through by devices different medium e.g. enumerated here can be
vehicle for reflecting Myrna Pea dance, card, letter, and presented Short
family values. Reyes and asong. essay
Demonstrate Claudia and Identify ways in which Determine the ways in which Perform a short Short role
understanding of drama her Mother parents, especially a mother, parents may guide their dramatization which play
as vehicle for reflecting by Rolando shape their childrens future. childrens future without shows the reason behind
personal issues Tinio imposing too much control children rebelling against Reaction
concerning Filipino Recognize the different which may impede the their parents and propose paper
families. dramatic conventions used to personal growth of an solutions on how to mend
convey the theme individual. Create a dramatic this gap.
monologue where a child
expresses his/her wish for Rubrics
ideal parenting