Boc, Araminac - Quiz 2
Boc, Araminac - Quiz 2
Boc, Araminac - Quiz 2
1. Family orientation Filipino possess a Excessive concern
genuine and deep for family manifests
itself in the use of
love for family-
one’s office and
source of personal power as a means of
identity, emotional promoting the
interest of the
and material
support. factionalism,
Honor and respect patronage and
political dynasties,
given to parents and in the protection
and elders, care of erring family
given to the
children. centeredness results
to a lack of concern
for the common
The generosity
good and acts as a
towards kin in block to national
need. consciousness.
Great sacrifices
one endures for the
welfare of the
Sense and
rootedness in a
basic sense of
3. HARD WORK AND We have the capacity for Yet we are lazy and
hard work given proper passive at work.
conditions, to raise one’s Filipino are generally
standard of living and to passive and lacking of
possess the essentials of initiative. There is strong
a decent life for one’s reliance on others
family (leaders, government) to
We are willing to take do things for us related to
the risks with jobs our need for a strong
abroad and, while there, authority.
to work at two or three
jobs. The result is
productivity and
entrepreneurship for
some and survival
despite poverty.