Dumoulin Lisa 2017 Pe Jump Unit Revised
Dumoulin Lisa 2017 Pe Jump Unit Revised
Dumoulin Lisa 2017 Pe Jump Unit Revised
Overview (big picture/key goals) & Rationale for Unit: (Why is it important/relevant)
- Jump Rope for Heart is coming to our school in the spring while I am on practicum
- Jumping, hopping and leaping are fundamental movement skills that are the foundation for many other sports and activities
- This is a unit in which we can maximize student activity time, while developing skill appropriate to the students developmental levels, and have fun
- The unit is designed so that every day, we will introduce one or more things that kids can then practice with in next lessons
Culminating Task: Invite principal and admin assistant to see our jumping skills at the end of unit AND/OR Jump Rope for Heart
Learning Outcome Instant Skill Development Group Activity Assessment Method Assessment Criteria Equipment &
Activity/Hook resources required
(can be us learning
Grade ones, extend the skill alone)
out to 7-10 minutes
(at least 1/3rd of
Week 1, lesson 1 Van Halen jump song T: Jumping, hopping Tap-tap-wait (most Video part of lesson so What level are my Possible ideas:
(indoor, Tuesday) (travel around gym, and leaping on poly basic jump rope) I can observe later. kids at?
moving forward, a spots (3min, everyone What elements/cues Music:
good speed for you; (1/2 of gym) tries; repeat colours Observation record do I need to work on? Jump rope album
I can travel by skip, gallop, zig zag Cue: bend knees and numbers, doing sheet for notes, (red hot peppers, it is
jumping, hopping and etc.) Cue: heads up it on different formative in the curriculum lab
leaping. coloured lines) borrow CD and add
(option to play Freeze C: diff speeds to my itunes in
I can turn a rope over song; or play Sleeping C: diff colours Teach by invitation: Jump to be fit
my head. Giants game) Continue practicing resource)
T: Individual Pop on this
spot On Spotify
Cue: bouncy feet OR elementary phys ed
Cue: head/eyes up playlist
C: What colours am I Jump rope for heart
holding up? music list (Disney
C: What number? versions for pop
songs remixed for
Review Pop with kids)
T: choose A and B Poly spots
B leader A will Short jump ropes/1
Mirror; Switch per child (ideally
beaded so are heavy).
Week 1, lesson 2 Walk with me to field Demo each new task, Partners find other Observation record Short jump ropes/1
(outdoors, Thursday -Link arms with a reviewing jump vs. leap partners: sheet for notes, per child (ideally
after music) friend of two, skip to vs. hop -snakes game formative beaded so are heavy).
the back fence
I can travel by -jump like a rabbit Playing with rope Self-assessment: 6 long ropes
jumping, hopping and back -everyone needs own Show a partner how
leaping. rope, laid out on you jump high, show a
ground partner how you jump
I can use my body in T: jumping over long. Switch.
different ways to Cue: bend knees
jump high and to C: bwds/fwds
jump long. C: 3 times in a row
Freeze song (greg and Simple pattern Chinese tap-tap-wait, Review Observation record Chinese jump ropes
Week 2, lesson 3 steve) (1 min of teaching, first (challenge, eyes sheet for notes,
(indoors, Tuesday) Jump song part) closed) formative Short jump ropes/1
- Jumping on lines per child (ideally
(travel around gym, - Practice all Tap-tap, trap beaded so are heavy).
I can jump in a moving forward, a together (3mins) In line:
pattern. good speed for you; (1 min of teaching Tell a peer: Poly spots (back up)
skip, gallop, zig zag, second part of pattern) Teach by invitation: What was something
I can turn a rope over moving sideways, - Practice all together Practice this you found tricky
my head and trap it etc.) - Then show OR today?
with my feet. ropes and create Chinese continued What did you do that
4s (AB + AB) made it easier for
T: Practice 10 mins
Cue: bouncy feet
Cue: pop = head and
eyes up
Cue: count outloud
C: play on a blue line,
red line
C: eyes closed
Week 2, lesson 4 Roll over bethoven Chinese again Tap-tap,wait-review Observation record Chinese Jump ropes
(indoors, Friday) - Review 1st Tap-tap- trap review sheet for notes,
(travel around gym, pattern (group Tap-tap, pop (one at formative Short jump ropes/1
I can jump in a moving forward, a demo) a time) per child (ideally
pattern. good speed for you; - Show change in Self-assessment beaded so are heavy).
skip, gallop, zig zag levels Pop-bounce (before doing jump
I can turn a rope over etc.) - Practice/play rope practice):
my head, and jump with music on Options of stations:
over it (one jump at a Spots 1, 2, 3
time). Then: Perform for another Jump rope I can jump in a
Students choose group Chinese jump rope pattern.
between freeze or
jump song Everyone tell a friend
something you want
to work on next time
to improve. If no
ideas, can friend help
you come up with an
- Sauter song, DJ Stations x 5 Make your own Bean bags
Week 3, lesson 5 trampoline - Jump over bean jumping game with Guided Peer Jump ropes short and
(Tuesday, indoors) - Corde a sauter bags (stack them ropes, bean bags, assessment: long
up) hoops, teach to Did you jump high? Skip its
I can use my body in - Jump the moat another student Did you jump long? Jump rope posters
different ways to With partner, decide (start small) (individual) Did you jump fast? (and tape)
jump high, jump long, one things we need to - Skip-its + Something you Hula hoops and/or
and to jump at do to jump (for - Jump rope Criteria: really liked. hop scotch outlines
different speeds. example) high. Take a (posters of - 1+ jump long
few demos as different steps - 1+ jump fast
answers before/as can) practice - 1+ jump high
reviewing stations. - Hula hoop OR
hop scotch
Week 3, lesson 6 - Sauter song, DJ Skip-its and jump-its Choice of stations: Self assessment at end Skip-its
(Friday, indoors) trampoline (max 6 of day, 1,2,3, I can Jump-its
- Corde a sauter Instruction on skip-its students/station) jump, hop, or leap Snakes
I can jump, hop and and jump-its over a moving rope. Long rope (x2)
leap over a moving Skip- it Short jump ropes
rope. Practice: play to music Jump-it Show a friend how
T: two feet Jump rope you did it. (6 of each, have at
Cue: count Snakes least 2 extra on hand
Cue Long rope jump in case things break)
C: on diff colour line (demo, teacher at
C: what colours am I this station)
holding up
C: count how many
turns in a row you can
T: one foot
Cue: count
C: on diff colour line
C: what colours am I
holding up
C: count how many
turns in a row you can
Week 4, lesson 7 - Sauter song, DJ Jump bands, in pairs Teacher observations Jump bands
(Tuesday indoors) trampoline - Walking to 4 - Like Chinese formative, what cues Chinese jump ropes
- Corde a sauter count jump rope we etc. support do
- Hopping to 4 are used to, students need?
I can jump to a count but moving
rhythm. - How else can we - Lots of
move to 4 practice to
count? music
- Moving up and - Different
down lines, speeds
around a big - Facing
circle different
- In-in, out-out directions
- Out-out-in-in
Week 4, lesson 8 - Sauter song, DJ Jump bands Jump bands Student self-selection Jump bands
(Friday, indoors) trampoline - Review rhythm C: Try for 10 seconds into groups and things Chinese jump ropes
- Corde a sauter together on lines C: Try for 20 they want to work on
I can jump to a - Practice bands C: Try with eyes
rhythm. With partner, decide on ankles closed
one thing that can (different C: Try with eyes
help you when we are directions; open/facing forward
jumping to a rhythm different speeds, T: Try in a long line,
(review as demos at facing away people moving
beginning of lesson) from one through snake
Show challenge: Teach by invitation:
Add person in middle (do above or do
Teach by invitation stationary if choose
(who wants to try in to (use like Chinese
middle? Small group of jump rope).
kids will be paired up Group people who
with pairs and will try) want to do
Cue always counting People who want to
out loud work in pairs
Cue: bouncy feet People who want to
Cue: head up (pop) Try with someone in
the middle
Week 5, lesson 9 Student choice of Play teacher made Choice of: Teacher and principal Jump bands
(Tuesday, indoors) song, sleeping giants agility course observations and Chinese jump
game Jump bands interviews: Are Jump rope self
I enjoy jumping, Chinese jump students having fun? Jump rope - long
hopping and leaping. Jump rope self Practicing? skip-its/jump its
Jump rope - long bean bags
I can get better at skip-its/jump its As a class discussion: hula hoops
jumping, hopping and Advice would you give
leaping when I kindergartens
practice. learning about
Jump rope for heart
and/or celebration (maybe we could
inviting Lise and invite them in or go
Diane visit their class?)
Week 5, lesson 10 Student choice of Choice of: Make your own Teacher and principal Jump bands
(may be pro-d day?, songs agility course observations and Chinese jump
Friday, indoors or Jump bands interviews: Are Jump rope self
outdoors) OR if outside, Chinese jump students having fun? Jump rope - long
Warm up travelling to Jump rope self Practicing? skip-its/jump its
I enjoy jumping, fence in different Jump rope - long bean bags
hopping and leaping. ways (skipping, zig skip-its As a class discussion: hula hoops
zag, hopping) Advice would you give
I can get better at kindergartens
jumping, hopping and learning about
leaping when I jumping?
practice. (maybe we could
invite them in or go
visit their class?)
Unit: PE Unit - Jumping with control
Lesson #: 3 Learning Individual Jump Rope basics
Students have had a couple of introductory lessons in which they have had opportunities to
practice jumping with two feet and with one foot, jumping long and jumping fast (pops). I
was able to get a sense of where the class was at with regards to control with this
fundamental movement skill, and begin prompting students to practice for control with the
cues to bend their knees and to keep their head up.
In this lesson and the next, students will learn basic skills for jumping an individual rope.
Jumping rope is something the students enjoy and have shown an interest in learning. They
will also have Jump Rope for Heart at the school in June.
Curriculum connections:
Daily physical activity helps us develop movement skills and physical literacy, and is an
important part of healthy living (e.g. with practice, jumping rope gets easier and more
Proper technique for locomotor movement skills (e.g. thepop we have practiced, to
jump with two feet together).
Learning outcomes Activities Assessment and Criteria
I can jump rope with two Play with ropes. Checklist for observations
- Jump and land with
two feet
Learn basic skills with short - Tap-tap to keep rope
practice. at right height
- Jump successfully 5
times (with pause)
Time to play and practice
Hilly: Jump 3 times with no
- 23 individual jump ropes + one for me to demo
- 4 long ropes (blue for snakes; red for turning)
- 3-6 medium ropes for helicopter
- clipboard with checklist
- pencil
- phone with music, charged (in case we are inside = raining)
c) allow each student to take a rope, one table group at a time 2 mins
f) demo first sequence Tap-tap, turn, stop ; have student demo as well
(demo unexpected and expected)
2 mins
g) students attempt
l) Teach by invitation students can practice step where they feel 4 min
comfortable working
5 mins of
m) Blow whistle choice for group activities/play;
n) clean-up ask everyone to fold ropes, as best they can and put in
buckets, identify experts who can help others, ropes in basket 2 mins
This lesson felt pretty successful. It was messy to be sure, but safe and fun and we worked
towards the learning role in real ways.
The students were excited to use the jump ropes and generally played with focus,
practicing and working on their skills. They were also excited to be outside and I think we
all enjoyed a change from being in the gym. It was helpful not to have the challenge of
setting up the music upon entering the gym.
Using student demonstrations was helpful, but I need practice in how to make these
demonstrations more effective (e.g. so that the demonstrating student has a clear idea of
what doing a demonstration means, and their role).
Students wanted to help put away equipment. This was quite challenging for grade one
students. I need to build time into my lessons for equipment clean-up and to show that I
value taking good care of our things.
I had a couple of challenges with management in the choice time of the lesson. Next time,
brainstorm with students about safe use of ropes and develop class expectations for
equipment together, so that I am not enforcing rules because I said so. Also anticipating
the few students who need more guidance around safe use of equipment would be
beneficial. I was also challenged by the friends dynamics of a few students which meant
one child who was upset by the social situation and so chose not to participate.
With regards to learning the skills, I saw the students benefiting from practice. I also saw
that in the future, if I project calm about having different levels of challenge, my execution
will also be more calm. I have found it challenging to hold together all the pieces of
providing the right level of challenge for students at varying degrees of competence.
Something to keep working towards.