Sham - Mio Tsugawa - Diagrama

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Created 01/2007
Drawing 01/2007
(C) Mio Tsugawa , 2005 - 2007

I created the works for peoples who can not get origami sheets.
You can make this work with paper of a rectangle of every size.

If you will use paper of a regular square, the completion form becomes totally same as the Arabesque.
This is why the name of this work is [sham].
#1.papers as you like : 30 sheets.
You can choose any size, but please prepare paper of size same as 30 sheets.

(2 to 1 paper is used by way of example in explanation of this drawing.)

Papers 30 sheets.

1 2 3

Fold and unfold

5 6

Fold and unfold

7 8

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Fold and unfold


10 11

Fold and unfold

12 13

Do folding as follow lines that have folded.

14 15

In process
16 17

Open and squash In process

18 19

The other side is the same as

5-18 processes, too


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20 21

22 23

The other three places are folded as well as this.

24 25

Mountain fold
26 27

Open and squash In process

28 29

30 31

The other side is the same as

26-31 processes, too


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This is the backside.

How to assembling is the same way as an Arabesque.
Would you like to go to the Arabesque's page?

Or would you like to add a arrangement?


Let's add a arrangment!

You can add arrangement same as an arabesque to this work.
for example : be curled, make Type B, One point A, One point B and so on.

And I suggest some arrangement to you more.

Sham - Twinkle TypeA

Begin with process 32.

Twinkle A-1

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A work will be more stable by adding arrangement.

Fold and unfold

Twinkle A-2 Twinkle A-3

The other three places are folded as well as Finished!

this. Please open the part which arrangement was added to after you
assembled a work.
How to connect?

Sham - Twinkle TypeB Twinkle Type B :

Preparations for folding this arrangement.

The first, please make a mark

between process 1-3.
When width is not enough to fold an A type, this work is
And fold the all process of Sham.

Twinkle Type B Twinkle B-1

Begin with end of Sham. The other three places are folded as well as this.
Twinkle B-2 Twinkle B-3

The other three places are folded as well as Finished!

this. Please open the part which arrangement was added to after you
assembled a work.
How to connect?

A gallery of a work folded with various paper

Sham Mio Tsugawa 2007


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Sham ball


Series : Arabesque System(304) , No of the work0080

author : Mio Tsugawa
Create : Aug/2009 , Drawing : not yet
parts : 30
joined with : arabesque system
papers size : length:width=15cm:3.75cm

This work is the development form from sham work rather than the arabesque work. And this work doesn't
need glue.
The structure is soft.
Because the body of the part consists of one piece of paper, it's very light. I think that if the work will be made
with transparent paper, it will be interesting very much.
A photo of bottom is a shape before becoming the ball.

Origami: Como fazer uma esfera engodo Origami: Como fazer a uma esfera A do
logro o origami modular complicado agradvel por Tsugawa Mio (HTTP feito de 30 partes, eu fiz 10 verdes
e 20 amarelo para fazer a Origami foi iniciado da arte japonesa habitual da dobradura de papel, que se junta
a ' oru' significado ' folding' , e ' kami' estar para ' paper'. Veja Videojug' vdeo instrutivo de s em Origami:
como fazer uma esfera engodo em observaes passo a passo fceis. O objetivo do origami produzir um
objeto usando dobras e testes padres geomtricos do vinco com somente um pedao de papel e em um
minuto you' o ll seja ensinado Origami: como fazer uma esfera engodo. Origami especial que usa somente
um nmero pequeno de dobras diferentes, mas podem ser compartilhados em um nmero de maneiras de
fazer projetos intricados. Tornam-se um fabricante profissional do origami prestando ateno outros vdeos
instrutivos do short do origami de Videojug em como fazer planos, as flores, as rs e muito mais. There' s
nenhuma necessidade para um manual do origami quando voc puder come toda a orientao livre
necessrio em um lugar. Certifique-se pressionar vincos limpos como voc pratica as etapas porque voc
precisar de empregar mais tarde cada dobra no procedimento de dobramento de papel. O conselho vocal
uma adio prtica s instrues visuais do origami. Comeando com esse pedao de papel solitrio, it' s
que espanta-se que objetos voc pode conseguir. Origami pode ser apreciado por povos de todas as idades.
Agradecimentos para prestar ateno a nosso Origami video: Como fazer uma esfera engodo para mais
como aos vdeos, o conselho perito, as pontas instrutivas, os truques, os guias e os cursos neste assunto,
visitam o & da arte do tpico; Ofcio.

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