Origami Fishes

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MS VIE RAPAIRESRBPATR, BA FTHARARFSSAN. BON FB" LOMKLASTRN-TKELB, ES MW ARNBI RAK BRD eB HPD Ko Ri2HNSbHK, BRE A HKERBOTAL RAN DK. RRB. “Hi” “BSCR 20 TSSweonn K, MRBSB—-wRS. HAFCAMENTEK MIRBSH BEVNEUTANHK. SHR. RES TRAE ASROMF. 1988 © 12 AMSSR Introduction This book has been arranged according to the degree of difficulty of technique. The models you find at the beginning will allow you to successfully complete the more complicated ones you find afterward; they serve as references for later ones. I give you an example. You can find a golden fish on page 6 composed by two sheets of papers. It will serve as a reference for the other one on page 40 whose material is a long sheet of paper, I have thought different kinds of techniques according to a difference of the forms of the fishes which | wanted to make. using a sheet of paper in this book I will be happy if you learn different ways of fea: BEER REAPRI ROMS UY, MEORY APHRR, ARH UAPARRRCT MAS ARK). SRM CD, BEMt OM, SAMSFRAR, SMORPRAR, CHR ORES, RENKDARM, ENBAIRS, BR HGRA LH RGR 25 Ped MBA LER, REAM 200 ALLRRORT LAMAR, (ORD CORN) 100 EE Ba He CHEE) B- GRRE. BE MEEHE) (GTODERG) META FG) (OOF G) SRLS MHRA) FEVERS AES COTARAD® BOEY DA AAG We CHENG BL WEES F 1969 SEL Me SP SCAM PEI AL Hh HOHE Tohau 255] th BE Be KH & RRA RL He mR ROR RE AG ARRAN WRRNR CORT Ow were 5 1 wore 5 My EDL Fa Tar RH V6 HIE A 0000-70000 IN7=5305~ 0659-5 T+ 0659 S213. 205 7S B HK (Contents )-2srerrrs R/T W/E eH /AMRARB ee 2. TAALORR THAT 3 UIE aren, Pa cn 4 GSR TA te v( SHU3 mR AMER RE 6. MB i SBR Tw OR oF RAMS ze 1. SORES Bas 4 Symbols A line of dashes indicates a ally fold — a concave crease. A solid arrow is generally used t0 indicates the direction of a fold A line of dots and dashes indicates # mountain fold — a convex crease, ‘A halt-headed arrow is used when Paper is folded to rear of a model Fold at the one-third point, No Aumbered symbol indicates fold at halt, A faint dotted line represents of hidden line or an existing crease or 4@ preexisted paper. Put out | 1. BARBARA | 2. RTAELROSA RBA. i 3. AW MASA FAT MM —" 4 oNGe 5.8@H AO “CS * owskaR me 1.O ARH 8A ABT magnification of figure Press. push or push in at the point indicated by arrow. Pull Insert here Bring @ to © by folding ‘A looped arrow means turn the model over. Reverse fold ‘Out side reverse fold 4: & Gold fish 2 KED RS SAaF 9 MILD BAGT OCH, Deer, 1 8 PHOSOWE 2 1/3 Mite Ob FF 89 97 \ ARHNAHALR HaueA AFREXNUE LOSONE 6 5 8 = sem as —ae SaANHaTGAERNTORS fe _ RAAB BFR. 4 87530"506592 J + 0659 eft :13-20

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