Is 4225 2004

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IS 4225 (2004): Recommended Practice for Straight Beam

Ultrasonic Testing of Steel Plates [MTD 21: Non-Destructive

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Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda
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IS 4225:2004


( mu?!?~w)
Indian Standard


( Second Revision)

ICS 77.040.20,77.140.30

(0 BIS 2004


NEW DELHI 110002

October 2004
Price Group 2
Non-destructive Testing Sectional Committee, MTD21


This Indian standard (Second Revision) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft finalized
by the Non-destructive Testing Sectional Committee had been approved by the Metallurgical Engineering
Division Council.

Steel plates for use in boilers, pressure vessels and similar critical applications are ultrasonically tested to find
out discontinuities such as pipes, ruptures laminations, etc. This standard was first published in 1967 and revised
in 1979. This has now been revised on the basis of experience gained since its first revision and accepted current
practice. More details regarding the test procedure, including the scanning technique have been incorporated
in this revision.

Aithough the method recommended in this standard is generally applicable to all thickness, special accessories
may be necessary for lower thicknesses wherein the depth occupied by the initial pulse is to be evaluated for

This standard does not prescribe any acceptance criteria for plates, which should be as agreed to by the
contracting parties. However, a general guideline for the acceptance is mentioned in this revision as Annex B
for guidance only.

in the preparation of this standard, assistance has been derived from the following publications:

BS 5996: 1980 Method for ultrasonic testing and specifying quality grades of ferritic steel plates
issued by the British Standards Institution

ASTM A 435/A 435 M-92 Standard specification for straight beam ultrasonic examination of steel
plates issued by the American Society for Testing and Materials

ASTM A 578 M-96 Standard specification for straight beam ultrasonic examination of plain and clad
steel plates for special applications issued by the American Society for Testing and Materials

AMS 2632 Ultrasonic inspection Products less than 0.5 (12.5 mm) thick issued by Aerospace
Material Specification

AMS 2630A Ultrasonic inspection Products over than 0.5 ( 12.5 mm) thick issued by Aerospace
Material Specification

For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the final value,
observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance with
IS 2:1960 Rules for rounding off numerical values (revised). The number of significant places retained in
the rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard.
IS 4225:2004

Indian Standard


( Second Revision)
1 SCOPE 4.1.1 Calibration

This standard prescribes the procedure for carrying out The ultrasonic apparatus shall be adjusted and
straight beam, pulse echo ultrasonic examination of calibrated prior to inspection as described in IS 12666.
rolled carbon and alloy steel plates.
4.2 Probe
The probe shall be of straight beam type (single orTR)
The following standards contain provisions, which
using size and frequency capable of detecting the
through reference in this text, constitute provisions of
reference reflector with a signal to noise ratio better
this standard. At the time of publication, the editions
than 12 dB.
indicated were valid. All standards are subject to
revision, and parties to agreements based on this 4.2.1 Other probes may be used for evaluating or pin
standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility pointing the indications, if required.
of applying the most recent editions of the standards
indicated below: 5 TEST CONDITIONS
IS No. Title 5.1 The test should be carried out in an area
2417:2003 Glossary of terms relating to reasonably free from any vibrations that may interfere
ultrasonic testing (jirst revision) with proper functioning of the ultrasonic equipment.
12666:1988 Methods for performance assess-
5.2 The surface of the plate, under examination, shall
ment of ultrasonic flaw detection
be cleaned and smoothened sufficiently to carry out
the inspection with reference to the reference reflector
13805:2004 General standard for qualification so that the transfer correction is reduced to minimum
and certification for non-destruc- possible, local rough surfaces shall be conditioned
tive testing personnel grinding to ensure proper contact of the transducer to
3 TERMINOLOGY the plate surface.

For the purpose of this standard, the definitions given 5.2.1 Any specified identification marks which may
in IS 2417 shall apply. be removed when grinding to achieve proper surface
smoothness, should be restored after testing.
4.1 Ultrasonic Apparatus
Personnel performing ultrasonic testing, in accordance
The apparatus shall be of straight beam pulse-echo with this standard shall be suitably qualified (Level I,
type, which shall provide vertical linearity within * 5
11or 111)as per guidelines of IS 13805 and be familiar
percent upto at least 80 percent of full screen height at least with the following:
and a horizontal linearity within t 1 percent of the
range. It shall be capable of producing, receiving and a) Ultrasonic terminology;
displaying high frequency electrical pulses at the b) Instrument calibration;
required frequency and energy levels, with high c) Effect of transducer material, size, frequency
degree of accuracy, sharpness, ultra high resolutions and mode on test results;
and stability. The equipment shall have a calibrated d) Effect of material structure on test results;
attenuator or gain control. It also should have the e) Effect of non-linearity on test results;
provision for double crystal (TR) probe operation. The f) Effect of thickness and discontinuities on test
equipment should also have the sufficient range results; and
capacity for the required testing purposes. @ Effect of surface condition on test results.
IS 4225:2004

7 TEST PROCEDURE Wherever scanning is not called for with

reference to a reference reflector then the general
7.1 Ultrasonic examination should be carried out on
scanning can be carried out with an instrument
either major surface of the plate by anyone of the
adjustment that will produce a first reflection from the
following methods:
opposite side of a sound area of the plate at least
a) Direct contact; 80 percent of the full screen height plus 6 dB. In this
b) Immersion; or case minor sensitivity adjustments may be made to
c) Liquid column coupling. accommodate for surface roughness. Damping or
reject control of the equipment should be kept
7.1.1 If required by the purchaser due to higher width
of transmitted pulse, the plate shall be inspected from
the opposite side or by TR probe or high frequency 7.4.2 The extent of scanning shall be depending on
highly damped probe. Plates ordered in the quenched the purchaser requirement. It can be either grid
and tempered condition shall be tested after heat scanning or it can be 100 percent surface scanning.
7.4.3 When a discontinuity indication is observed
7.2 Couplant during the general scanning, the instrument should be
The couplant used may be water, soluble oil, adjusted to produce back the reference setting with
glycerine, light machine oil or greases. The coupling transfer comection. This setting shall be maintained
medium shall be non-corrosive and adequate during evaluation of the discontinuity indications.
precaution shall be taken to ensure that any coupling 8 RECORDING OF DISCONTINUITY IN-
medium which may be deterious to the material or DICATIONS
which may interfere with its subsequent processing is
completely removed after completion of the test. 8.1 All discontinuity indications, complete loss of
back reflection and loss of 50 percent or more back
7.3 Test Frequency
reflection shall be recorded. The user may use the
The nominal test frequency shall be chosen taking into acceptance levels given in Annex A or specify as per
consideration of the material (grain size, requirement and manually acceptance to
microstructure, etc), thickness of the material and the manufacturer.
minimum size of the flaw that is looking for, the extent
of dead zone, noise leveI, etc. This optimum 8.2 When grid scanning is performed and
frequency shall be used for testing and evaluation. discontinuity indications as in 8.1 are detected along a
given grid line, the entire surface area of the squares
7.4 Scanning adjacent to these indications shall be scanned. When
7.4.1 Reference Setting for Scanning loss of back reflections are indicated, the entire surface
giving this loss of back reflection centered on these
Back reflection method or reference reflector method
indications shall be scanned. The boundaries of these
shall be used depending on the purchaser requirement.
discontinuities shall be established by the technique With reference to reference rejlector given in 8.2.1.
Scanning shall be carried out with an instrument
8.2.1 The probe shall be moved away from the centre
adjustment which is 6 dB higher than the required
of the discontinuity until the height of the discontinuity y
reference sensitivity level. The reference level shall be
indication becomes half of its original maximum
set by adjusting the first reflection from the reference
value. The plate should be marked at a point
reflector at minimum metal distance up to at least 80
equivalent to the centre of the probe. This operation
percent of the full screen height and noting down the
should be repeated to establish the boundaries of the
subsequent first reflection from the remaining
discontinuity. If the acceptance criteria mentioned
reference reflector metal distances. It should be noted
in Annex A is followed, then the measurement of
that the reflection amplitude from the reference
linear discontinuity may be carried out using a very
reflector at the maximum metal distance should be
small diameter probe for improving the accuracy of
kept greater than 20 percent of full screen height.
Sensitivity adjustments shall be made to accommodate
for transfer correction from the reference block to the 9 ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA
material under test.
Ultrasonic acceptance criteria for plates should be
Reference level can also be set by using DGS diagram based on the design requirements of the product into
or DGS scales for specific probes with proper which the plate is further processed or a realistic
attenuation and transfer correction if required. If appraisal of the service requirements and the quality
attenuation and transfer corrections are required, they that may normally be obtained in the production of a
are to be carried out for proper evaluation of flaw size. particular type of plate.

IS 4225:2004

10 RECORD OF TEST DATA j) Ultrasonic indications and description of

discontinuity; and
10.1 The following data should be recorded at the
k) UT operators name, his level and date of test.
time of each test for future reference:
10.2 The test report should be prepared containing the
a) Identification, material specification and size
following information:
of the plate;
b) Condition of the surface of the plate; a) Date of testing;
c) Reference sensitivity; b) Reference number of the plate;
d) Make and model of the test unit; c) Amplitude of the defect indications, reduc-
e) Amplification or gain control of the equip- tion in back echo amplitude, depth of the
ment; defect and location of the defect with
f) Description of the probe; respect to point; and
g) Couplant used; d) Sketch showing the location of the flaw in-
h) Mode of scanning; dications on the scanning surface.

(Clauses 8.1 and 8.2.1)

Quality Single Discontinuity Multiple Linear Loss of Back Reelection

FBH Discontinuities FBH Discontinuity, Percent,
Size Size Max Max

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

AA 1.2 0.4 0.4FBH response See 8.1
for 3 mm

Al 1.2 0.8 0.8 FBH response See 8.1

for 6.4 mm

A 2.0 1.2 1.2 FBH response See 8.1

for 12.7 mm
B 3.2 2.0 2.0FBH response See 8.1
for 25.4 mm

c As established by the purchaser and the vendor for specific part and use
NOTE Diameter of flat bottom hole in millimetres.

( Foreword)

B-1 The first step in any detailed plate examination is B-3 When making an assessment it is essential to
determination of the type, approximate size and nature consider the back echo pattern rather than the effect on
of the defect since this affects the beam form and the first back echo in isolation. The information given
equipment response. in Table 1 may be used as a guide in this assessment,
but should not be regarded as a substitute for ultrasonic
B-2 The amount of probe movement, behaviourof the
skill and knowledge.
defect signal and back echo clearly indicate the type
of defect when used in conjunction with other factors.

Table 1 Guide to Defect Assessment

(Clause B-3)

sl Defect Echo Type Effect on Back Assessment

No. Echo on Transmission
(1) (2) (3) (4)
i) Large descrete, persisting with probe Zero at atl test Lamination exceahng
movement. No substantial movement of frequencies probe
echo on time base

ii) Small to medhm, persisting with Attenuated or rem Irregular cavity

probe movement. Some movement at all frequencies defect with planes
of echo on time base. More inclined to plate
than one echo interconnected surface. Present
only in plate with
low reduction

iii) Medium to large, descrcte not Attenuated, recovering Isolated laminations

persisting with probe movement with probe of width less than
movement beam width

iv) Small to large, fluctuating with Fluctuating with Region of imperfec-

probe movement. No substantial probe tion containing small
movement of echo on time base Iaminar defects

v) Many small echoes fluctuating Considerable attcn- Distributcd small

and extending in depth through uation depending defects Inclusion
the plate on frequency clusters. Dirty plate

Bureau of Indian Standards

BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986 to promote
harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods
and attending to connected matters in the country.


B1S has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form
without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of
implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations.
Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director (Publications), BIS.

Review of Indian Standards

Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also reviewed
periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that no changes are
needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision. Users of Indian Standards
should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by referring to the latest issue of
BIS Catalogue and Standards: Monthly Additions.

This Indian Standard has been developed from Doc : No. MTD 21 (4241).

Amendments Issued Since Publication

Amend No. Date of Issue Text Affected


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