Eggs Incubator Manual
Eggs Incubator Manual
Eggs Incubator Manual
Whatvou w
our packaJng:
Foam protection
POWer cord
Instruction booklet
1 Testing your unit for the rst time
2 setting the temperature
3Temperature alarm parameterse ings(ALand AH)
4Humidky alarm parameter setungs(As)
5.Ca"brating temperature sensor reading(CA)
6,Tem erature Upper and I werlim"set(Hs and Ls)
7.Heating Element(Hu and HD)
8.DisplaV symbOIs
9,Using vourincubator
22Push fJ+
or ff to select the desired temperature,
2,3Push sET once more to exit
These incubators are fadory set at38 C,Ifound the chicks hatch at day19to
201neaning the tem erature being to high using the rnethod as described
above.lrecommend you setthe temperature at37.6 C
3.Temperature alarm parameter settings(ALand AH)
The tem erature aIarm is factop setto sound at1 C over or below the settemperature
This is su icient and you do not need to rnake any changes to these settings
31LOW temperature alarm parametersetung.(ALl
3,11Press and hoId sEW for3sec.
unt"Code a pears in the temperature screen.
31.2Push jf+ or Jf
313Push sET ^1
314Push ff+ or to adjust to your desired lower aIarm se ing
I i suff cl m"
should not deed to make anV changes to these settings
4,1Low humid"y alarm parameter setung(^s)
42Press and hold s T for3seC
until Code
43Push + or ap earsin the temperature screen
44Push sE7
4.5Push + or to adjust to your desired lower alarm setting.
-By f
en byt therm mr
can be adjusted if Vou find that the temperature reading is incorrect using a ca"brated
therm meter
5.1Calibraung the temperature sensor measurement.(CA)
52Press and h0ld fJsETT for3sec
s.3Push + or until code C^ appearsin the temperature screen
54Push JfsET
to adjust to the correct rneasurement.
5,5Push + or fJ
-Note that the adjustmentis the di erence between the thermometer readings
and shouId be adjusted ith - if the temperature reading of the incubatoris to
high and normaI value(indicating+value)f the incubator reading is too low.
the de
temperature setting oncubaung temperature a ustmentl
lf Hs is set as38.2and Ls is set as37,4`then the desire temperature(incubating
tem e ture a ustment)can onIy be changed from382to37.4,so the minimum
temperature sha"be Iirnited to37,2eVen if the - is kept on pressing,The same goes
for the High set Lirnit.
f properl
2,Conned the egg turner pIug to the control plug inside the egg compartment
3.F I One or both water channe s depending on local humidity Ievels
4.set the eggs ith the pointy side down
5,CIose the lid and switch on the incubator.
6,Press the reset button(left green button)to reset and start the dav counterfron
P n sw nm
I %
humiditV thlsis ve Important to ensure that the eggsheI are so enough for
Incubating tips
; l
; ; ll i: I t:
the h(: 11bator.If you need to incubate dirty eggs wash them firstin warm water
: :! l
:: 1
1 :::
formalh lsee Table1for the co ect amounts for each applicatonl Place the
chen1icals L`a dish on the noor f the incubator.Place the Condy s crystals into
the dish Hrst and then pour the fonmahn overit,shut the incubator door quick1y
and vacate the room,
For proPer fun gauon/rtm ute ma hine norma y with the correct temperature
and hun d y.After20minutes/open the vents orthe door and airthe machine
or a few minutes,Aga vacate the room
Healthy stock
It is i1nportant that eggs fr n onIy a healthy n ck are used for hatching`assome
diseases can be transn itted through the egg The egg transmittabIe diseases to be
most aware of are sa1mone11a infeCu ns fowl ph0d and ycoPl s
8 JJ fJc
Eggs laid by birds infected wid`disease1nay fa to hatch ofthose that do hatch
some birdsrnay die durhg broodh1g/and the survivors rnay act as carriers and
infect healthy chcks
Do notadd eggsfrom unknown sources to nake up numbers`as you risk
infecting your nock,
Breeding stock nutrition
The egg provides a comPlete food store for proper embryo development excePt
gaseous oxygen`which enters the egg through pores in the she11.Breeding stock
mustbefed a we11-balanced diet to funy rneet J.eemb os nutrient
The dencient nu ients are usua1ly vitamins or m1nera1s A denciency ofthese in
the breeders diet may notshow any i1l effects in the breeders though
hatchabiIity may be affected which why different categories are fed sPecinc
diets.Nutritiona1de ciendesJ such as a lack of Hb navin are the rnain causes of
embryo mortality durL1g the middIe age ofincubaton C,e between the12th
and1 th days),
Hens1v a nmeral requirements for Iaying eggs are lower than those of
`in and
breeders The breeder s diet should begm six to eight weeks before hatching eggs
oc1it wnl pr duce hatchab1e eggs at a younger age than one hatched in Ianuary
Feb Mar,They w l have1natured and gottheir pu11et sij e eggs over and done
w h through wu ter/whereas a1anuary hatched pu11etistoo young to have
started1ayhg before winter therefore their pu11eteggs won t start unu1spring
BL because they are older and stronger when they come into lay their eggs get
bigger quicker ifthat makes sense Pu eteggs wi11produce sma11chicks and
more often than not these lbecome sma11er hens` ho wnl h turn have
sma11ereggs who 1have sma11er chicks and so on.
In sayhg that ute cks seem to bejust as healthy and the eggs are a
reasonab1e sizeI wou1d st go fori1start addhg meat hrd cmmble to their
starter crumble at about4weeks oId and that wi give then1a rea11y good
prote 1boost and they l grow better.Just don t hatch any very peute eggs
e be temPerature for storing hatchhg eggs o1o to16 hum ity
abo important.Humidity be1ow70per cent causes the eggs to lose excesshe
moisture Below are the correct wet-bu1b readings for a given hun`idity at the
storage temperature If you do not have a speciJ:ic cool room/store the eggsin a
cool dry place Eggs stored under c nditions vhere the temPerature and
hun idity vary tend to start and st p incubati n`resulting in pre-incubation and
lower hatchabih
Consistent temperature
A henls norma1body temperature varies between40.5and41,7 1depending on
The opumum temperature atthe
the bird and her degree of activ y atthe ti1ne
centre of an incubated egg is apProxirnate1y378 C.When hatd`ing under a
broody lxthe upPer surface o the egg rnay reach39.2to39.4oC but the eggls
cen0ev 1not exceed37.8 C.
In rnodem fan-forced incubatorsJ the rnanufaCturer s recommended temperature
setthg is between37.5and3764 C.The1euhal temperature for eggs is39.4oC.The
constant and rapid air rnovementin this type of cubator keeps the eggs
temperature the same as the incubatoris,
An embryo s heat production increases as incubation progresses,The
temPerature increase is greatest during the last two days due to embryo activity.
Egg temperature rises uP to2 c above the incubatoris ambient air temperature`
which is why the temperature is often lowered by up to1oC,
4 Piped eggs
fanhg t (a)Insuf cient moisture in the (a)Increase the evaporattng
hatch incubator surface f water orthe s ravs
(b)T much m sture at earlie1 rb)check wet-bulb readln s
(Cl Nu iton probIem (c)Check nock feedhr
(al Hatchhg (al hcubators temperature too
(al fb cl Ensure the temperature
too soon hgh
reguIaung gearis Workhg and
fb)Hatchi:`g o)Incubators temperature too
set at the correct operathg
too late low
temPerature when the c ntr l
(c)sucky (0hcubator s temperature
switdhes off
chicks probably too hgh
hcubate only average size eggs
Incubaung Y ur Eggs
1.How mustI store eggs?
Your eggs need to setue f r at least24hours they came through the post This
a11ows the air ce11inside the egg to retum to its normal size,Eggs should always
be stored with the po 1ty end down wh ethey are"h the hoId",It)s a good
practice to fouow and it wi heIp your hatch!
If you receive eggs that are getting old you may on1y1et them settle overmght
ou can Check your Thermometerthis way,Keep n tes on everyu ng you do
during the incuba on period,As you leana you ll have these n tes to look back
on.They wnl be the most valuab1e tool1hat you can have,It on t be long untiI
you can say"I know whathappened`an I need to do is change this one litue
hg",soon you willbe ableto make a ustments by knowir`g whatto do`
instead of guesshg"!
eggs The required condiuons vary considerably bet een species/and some
species apPear more exacting in their requirements than others.Minor deviauons
in correct temPerature Fnay1ead to a shghuy shortened orlengthened incubau n
period whi1e greater variaHon rnay cause fa ure to deve1 p or hatch or result in
weak chicks Inc rrectincubation condiu ns have also been imphcated in some
devel pmental problems f neonatal birds.
In genera1c rred incubauon c ndiu ns are most cruciaI early in incubauon/
Mth sma11variauons behg to1erated better by the embryo later h deve1opment
For this reason eggs are sometimes1eft with the Parents iniua11y for seven to ten
days unulthey have been"set"and ansferred to an arti ciaI hcubator after this
most crucia1perio h the hope thatthe hrds wilIthen lay again Altemauve
eggs are placed under a broody hen h tiallyJ bef re being pIaced in an aruncial
incubator,Both Procedures rnay improve hatchhg success compared t compIete
artiflcial incubation,
Egg c1eanhness is of vital hnportance it has been shown that poor hygiene and
dirty eggs rnay sigmficanuy reduce the Percentage of eggs hatching successfu y
It is important that the layil`g sites are clean as well as condiuons f l1o vi
`g egg
co1lection,Eggs c ol do vn once1aid therefore the contents shrink and air is
drawn into the egg:bacte a1nay be dra vn in atthe same ti1ne Invasion of
bacteria such as staphylococcus sPp`Sahnone1la spp and Escherichia coh1nay
lead to death of embryos or neonates Eggs rnay be cleanerifthey are collected
immediately after layhg ratherthan aner they have been"set"
Eggs`which are deformed should not be incubated r placed in incubator~
Eggs which are noted to be cracked at the time of collection are generally
discarded and grossly contan`inated eggs rnay also be discarded atths tizne,If
such eggs are Particularly valuable`they sh uld be separated fron1 ther eggs for
incubation`due to the greater risk ofinfecti n,
Eggsvhich become cracked during incubation1nay be repaired`if the crack is
small` vith e g,surgical grade cyanoacrylate glue`candle wax dripped onto the
crack`na varnish correction uid or sticky tape(it has been suggested that
products containing acetone should be avoided due t possible toxicity Eggs
which are cracked shouId be incubated in an incubator(not under parent or
broody) with extra care taken in their handhng and1nonitoring.It is important
to ensure thatthe rnaterial used to c ver the crack is apphed to the minirnum
surface of the shell required to seal the Crack.A thin layer of bone cementrnay be
aPphed over a crushed area ofshell and a hole in the she1l1nay be repaired by
gluing an appropriate piece if ster ized shell`parafihn tissue or gauze over the
defect,Care should be taken to avoid seahng over larger areas ofthe shellthan
absolutely necessary as this prevents necessary gaseous exchange.
If the shellrnembranes have been penetrated the egg is hkely t have become
^/ith pathogens and the yollq embryo or blood vesse1s rnay have
been physica11y damaged Hatchab ity is great1y reduced
A piped egg lvhich is behg parent or broody incubated and becomes damaged
should be rnoved to a hatc g incubator
Records:Accurate and deta ed records are very i1nportant in incubation.A11
eggs shouId be individua11y identi ed and deta s recorded inc1uding the
identity of the parents/and deta s of their pedigreeJ nutri1ion and breeding and
incubation behavi r/innial eigh1date of setting/deta s ofincubauon su h as
results of candhng incubator used`weightl ss(if tl s is being Inonitored)
expected and actuaI hatching dates asel1as evalua on of1he hatched d ck or
resu s ofinvestigauon into eggs which fan to hatch.
sv l not be
fresh and clean but contan`inated with droppings or include mouldy vegetation