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Applied Energy 191 (2017) 358366

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Applied Energy
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The effects of flake graphite nanoparticles, phase change material, and

film cooling on the solar still performance
S.W. Sharshir a,b,c,1, Guilong Peng a,b,1, Lirong Wu a,b, F.A. Essa c, A.E. Kabeel d, Nuo Yang a,b,
State Key Laboratory of Coal Combustion, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, China
Nano Interface Center for Energy (NICE), School of Energy and Power Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, China
Mechanical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Kafrelsheikh University, Kafrelsheikh, Egypt
Mechanical Power Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Tanta University, Tanta, Egypt

h i g h l i g h t s

 Four modifications on the solar still have been performed in this paper.
 Flake graphite nanoparticles, phase change material, and film cooling were combined.
 The effect of the water depth on the enhancement of productivity was studied.
 The mechanism of the enhancement by flake graphite nanoparticles was discussed.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Solar still is a cheap and convenient device for producing freshwater, but its not popular due to its low
Received 5 September 2016 productivity. In this paper, we modified the conventional solar still. The outdoor performance of modified
Received in revised form 23 January 2017 solar stills was studied to assess its potential for real application. The modifications include using flake
Accepted 27 January 2017
graphite nanoparticles (FGN), phase change material (PCM), and film cooling. In the presence of the three
previous modifications, the productivity was enhanced as high as 73.8% compared with that of the con-
ventional still. The effect of water depth on the enhancement was also investigated. It shows that the
enhancement of productivity increases by around 13% when the water depth decreases from 2 cm to
Flake graphite
0.5 cm. Besides, an indoor experiment was carried out to analyze the enhancement mechanism by
Solar still FGN. It shows that the increase in both temperature and saturated vapor pressure contributed to the
Phase change material enhancement.
Film cooling 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction ever, on the other hand, its not popular due to the low efficiency
and low productivity.
In the last few decades, fresh water scarcity has become more Many works have been done to improve the performance of
and more serious due to the increasing world population, excessive solar stills, mainly from three aspects: improving the structure,
waste and growing pollution of natural water sources [1]. By 2025, using special materials or using auxiliary equipment. such as
there will be a big problem in water vulnerability for more than plastic water purifier [3], regenerative desalination unit [4],
half of the world population [2]. Hence, people have to use efficient greenhouse type solar still with mirrors [5]; modifying the solar
methods to produce freshwater. Solar still desalination is one of still by reflector [6] or flat plate collectors [7,8]; changing the thick-
these methods. Solar still is a device having the advantages of ness of insulation [9]; wick type still [10], triple-basin still [11],
easily fabricating, cheap, no specific skills to operate, approxi- capillary film still [12], multi effect still [13]; integrating the still
mately no maintenance and no need of conventional energy. How- with solar water collector [14], increasing the area of condensation
surface [15]; using black gravel or black rubber [16], dye [17], and
sponge cubes in the still [18]; double slope solar still[19]; modify-
Corresponding author at: Nano Interface Center for Energy (NICE), School of ing still by electrical blower [20], baffle suspended absorber [21],
Energy and Power Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, energy storing and wick materials [22,23]; and hybrid (PV/T) active
Wuhan 430074, China.
still [24].
E-mail address: [email protected] (N. Yang).
S.W.S. and G.P. equally contributed in this work.

0306-2619/ 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S.W. Sharshir et al. / Applied Energy 191 (2017) 358366 359

Besides the modifications we mentioned above, researchers also to the relatively low density and small size. Meanwhile, a part of
found that the productivity can be increased by increasing the tem- FGN aggregate at the triple phase contact line of the still due to
perature difference between the water surface and inner surface of the surface tension and water convection. Compared with making
the glass cover. The difference can be kept up at a high value by stable nanofluid in other works, the way to use FGN in this paper
using high cooling film flow rate and low cooling film temperature needs lower technique level and cost, which is highly acceptable
[2528]. Meanwhile, many researchers have used phase change in practical application. Besides, the particles can be easily recycled
material (PCM) as an improving parameter of desalination system by filtering with cloth due to its relative large lateral size.
[29]. The effect of using latent heat thermal energy storage system
(LHTESS) through two cascade stills was investigated by Tabrizi
et al. [30]. Results obtained that the output of the basin still with 2. Experimental setup
LHTESS is slightly lower in a sunny day but higher in a cloudy
day than that of the still without LHTESS. The mathematical study The solar stills and all components of the system were manufac-
of a still with and without PCM was carried out by Dashtban and tured in the school of energy and power engineering, Huazhong
Tabrizi [31]. The daily output reached 6.7 and 5.1 kg/m2 with and university of science and technology, Wuhan, China (Latitude
without PCM, respectively. Ansari et al. [32] examined a still incor- 30510 N and longitude 114410 E).
porated with a PCM under the basin plate. The results show that Four modifications named modification (A), (B), (C) and (D)
the heat energy storage enhances significantly both the productiv- were designed in this paper. For modification (A), at first, 0.5%
ity of the fresh water and the efficiency of the distillation system. mass concentration of FGN was mixed with the water by shaking
Recently, with the development of nanotechnology, nanoparti- and stirring manually to make WFGN. Then the black WFGN was
cle has attracted the attention of many researchers in solar desali- poured into the solar still through the drain hole of the still. Most
nation area. Normally, researchers using nanoparticles in solar still of the particles deposited in dozens of minutes. The average lateral
by making nanofluid. Nanofluid has a lot of special properties com- size of the FGN is around 1.3 lm, the thickness of the FGN is
pared to its base liquid such as high thermal conductivity [3340], around 100 nm. The SEM image of the particles is shown in Fig. 3a.
high solar radiation absorptivity [41], which are helpful parame- For modification (B), apart from the 0.5% mass concentration
ters to improve the productivity of stills. Nijmeh et al. [42] studied FGN, 20 stainless steel pipes with PCM encapsulated inside were
the efficiency of the solar still when using a violet dye, the results put on the basin liner to store the energy. Each pipe is 49 cm in
showed that the efficiency was enhanced by 29%. Elango et al. [43] length and 1.6 cm in diameter. The outer surfaces of the pipes were
examined an experimental study to increase the productivity of painted black to absorb more solar energy. The specifications of
the still by using various nanofluid. The productivity of the still is FGN and PCM are shown in Table 1.
improved by 29.95% when using the aluminum oxide (Al2O3) nano- Modification (C) added the film cooling on the basis of modifica-
fluid, while the productivities of the solar stills with tin oxide tion (A). The film cooling means some cold water was flow on the
(SnO2) and zinc oxide (ZnO) nanofluid are 18.63% and 12.67% upper surface of the glass cover to cool down the glass cover. The
higher than that without nanofluid, respectively. mass flow rate of the cooling film in modification (C) was fixed at
Kabeel et al. [44] studied the effects of aluminum oxide about 0.03 kg/s which was measured by collecting the cooling
nanoparticles, vacuum and external condenser on the solar still water. A cold water tank with the dimensions of 88  42  42 cm
performance. Results showed that the daily productivity can be was used to supply the cooling water. The cooling water flowed
increased by 53.2% when the still was provided vacuum inside out from the holes of a plastic pipe which was connected to the tank.
and the daily productivity can be increased by 116% when the still Modification (D) combined the 0.5% mass concentration FGN,
was provided vacuum inside and added aluminum oxide nanopar- 20 pipes with PCM encapsulated inside and the 0.03 kg/s film cool-
ticles at the same time. Sahota and Tiwari [45] conducted an exper- ing all together. Its the union of the modification (A), (B), and (C). If
imental and theoretical study to improve the productivity of a not stated, the water depth in solar stills for all modifications is
double slope solar still (DSSS) by using Al2O3 nanoparticles. The 0.5 cm.
productivity of DSSS with aluminum oxide (Al2O3) nanofluid was The experiment system consists of three solar stills. A pho-
improved by 12.2% and 8.4% at 35 kg and 80 kg base fluid respec- tograph and a schematic graph of the solar desalination setup are
tively, with 0.12% concentration of Al2O3 nanoparticles. shown in Figs. 1 and 2, respectively. During the experiment proce-
From the above literature review, it is observed that the effect of dure, one of the three solar still was used to work as a conventional
using either some new nanoparticle or coupling the nanoparticle solar still, and the other two were used to work as the modified
with PCM and film cooling are not investigated. In this paper, the solar stills. The area of the still basin is 0.25 m2 (0.5 m
flake graphite nanoparticles (FGN) were chosen as the nanomate- length  0.5 m width). The height of the low and high side wall
rial in consideration of its relative high thermal conductivity is 160 mm and 450 mm, respectively. The stills are made of iron
[46,47], low cost and high solar absorptivity as compared with sheets (1.5 mm thick). The inner surface of the basin and the side
most of the nanomaterials. Hence, the major target of this work walls of the solar stills were painted black to absorb the solar irra-
is to enhance the solar still performance by: (A) mixing the FGN diation. To decrease the heat loss, all external surfaces were insu-
with water, (B) mixing the FGN with water and placing encapsu- lated by fiberglass (5 cm thickness). The thickness of the glass
lated PCM (paraffin wax in this paper) on basin liner, (C) mixing cover is 3.5 mm. The tilt angle of the glass cover is 30. The system
the FGN with water and using film cooling on glass cover, and was kept in the south direction during the experiment process. A
(D) mixing the FGN with water, placing encapsulated PCM on basin
liner and using film cooling on glass cover. Table 1
It should be noted that, for all the modifications, the FGN were Specifications of FGN and PCM.
simply mixed with water manually without any additives. Most of Property Value
the particles were deposited on the basin liner during the experi-
Thermal Conductivity of FGN, (W/(m K) 129
ment procedure instead of stable suspended in the water. The large Density of FGN, (g/cm3) 2
specific surface area of FGN increases the contact area with water, Lateral size of FGN, (lm) 1.3
which contributes to a good heat transfer between FGN and water. Thickness of FGN, (nm) 100
When the water-FGN mixture (WFGN) is heated, some of the Mass concentration of FGN in WFGN, (%) 0.5
Melting temperature of PCM, (C) 48
deposited particles flow up and down with water convection due
360 S.W. Sharshir et al. / Applied Energy 191 (2017) 358366

Fig. 1. Photograph of the experimental setup.

Fig. 2. Schematic graph of the experimental setup.

trough inside the still was used to collect the fresh water from the the wind velocity and the productivity of each still were measured
glass cover, a plastic pipe was connected to the trough for draining every hour. The temperatures were measured by K type
the water to an outside bottle. The brine was drained outside of the thermocouples with the range of (50 to 180 C) and accuracy
still through the drain hole by another pipe. The tap water is used of (1 C). While, a solar meter (TES-1333R, 02000 W/m2,
to work as the sea water in this paper. 10 W/m2) was used to measure the solar intensity. The wind veloc-
The uprising water vapor condensed on the inner surface of the ity was measured by using a vane type digital anemometer (GM816)
glass cover. Due to the gravity and the tilting of the glass cover, the with the measuring range of (0.130 m/s) and the accuracy of
condensed water run down to the small inclined triangular chan- 0.1 m/s. The productivity was measured by a graduated cylinder
nel (trough) to be collected into the bottle. Basically, the tempera- (2 ml). The uncertainty of the instruments and measurements
ture of the ambient, brine and outer glass cover, the solar radiation, are listed in Table 2.
S.W. Sharshir et al. / Applied Energy 191 (2017) 358366 361

Table 2
Uncertainty in measured parameters.

Parameter Uncertainty
Solar intensity 10 w/m2
Length, width, diameter and thickness 0.5 mm
Wind velocity 0.1 m/s
Hourly productivity 2 ml
Temperature by thermal couples 1 C
Temperature by IR camera 1 C
Mass change by balance 0.0002 g

Fig. 4. The schematic graph of the indoor experiment setup. 1-IR camera (IRS S6,
The enhancement, u, of productivity for modifications is 1 C) to monitor the surface temperature; 2-balance (Sartorius Practum 224,
calculated as: 0.0002 g) to measure the mass change; 3-polystyrene insulation (k = 0.036
P20 P W/(m K)), the thickness is 1 cm; 4-black painted stainless steel culture dish with
Am i
i10 P m Ac 20 i
i10 P c
um P20 i  100% 1
fluid depth at 1 cm; 5-solar simulator (CEL-S500R) to generate the solar light.
Ac i10 Pc
Due to the better absorption characteristic of WFGN and large
where A is the area of basin, P is the hourly productivity, the sub- heat transfer area between FGN and water, the water and glass
script m means modified solar still, c means the conventional solar temperatures of the still with modification (A) are higher than
still, the superscript i means i oclock. those of the conventional still by (04) C and (02) C, respec-
The total uncertainty, S, of the enhancement, u, is propagated tively, as shown in Fig. 5a. Therefore, compared with the conven-
by the uncertainty of: the hourly productivity Pim , Pic , and the area tional still, both of the water temperature and waterglass
Am , Ac . It is calculated as: temperature difference of the still with modification (A) are higher
v as shown in Fig. 5e, which obviously contributes to the enhance-
u !2 !2  2  2
u ment of productivity.
u @u @u @u @u
Su u P20 i S2X P20 i S2X S2Am S2Ac The hourly productivity of the still with modification (A) and
u @ 20
@ i10 P c
@Am @Ac
t i10 P m P im P ic the conventional still are shown in Fig. 5b. It can be found from
i10 i10
the figure that the hourly productivity of the still with modification
2 (A) is higher than that of the conventional still all the day. Conse-
Besides, to further discuss the enhancement mechanism, an quently, with modification (A), the productivity of still enhances by
indoor experiment was carried out to measure the detailed data about 50.3%. The enhancement is high compared with previous
of the temperature and evaporation. The schematic graph of the works which used various nanoparticles as illustrated in Table 3.
indoor experiment setup is illustrated in Fig. 4. The solar intensity Meanwhile, it can be concluded from Fig. 5a, b that the trend of
was adjusted to 1 kw/m2. The ambient temperature and humidity the productivity curves is similar to the trend of the temperature
were controlled at 25 0.5 C and 60 2%, respectively. The ambi- curves. This indicates that the temperature affects the productivity
ent wind velocity was close to 0 m/s. a lot.

3. Results and discussion 3.2. Effect of using FGN and PCM [modification (B)]

3.1. Effect of using FGN [modification(A)] The hourly temperature variations and solar radiation for the
still with modification (B) and the conventional still are illustrated
The absorption characteristics of the tap water, black painted in Fig. 5c. And the hourly productivity variation for the still with
basin, and WFGN were measured by UVVis spectrophotometer modification (B) and conventional still is shown in Fig. 5d. It is also
(LabRAM HR800) and shown in Fig. 3b. The absorption of WFGN observed from the figures that the peaks of temperature and pro-
is around 99.5%, which is about 5.5% higher than that of the black ductivity curves of the still with modification (B) appeared after
painted basin (94%). It is because of that the WFGN has a 3D the peak of solar radiation curve. This is because that some of
absorbing structure, which is good for trapping the light to be the heat inside the solar still were stored as the sensible and latent
absorbed for many times on the FGN surface. heat in the PCM and this needs longer time and more energy to rise

Fig. 3. (a) The SEM image of the graphite nanoparticles (the scale bar is 3 lm), (b) The absorptivity of the tap water, black painted basin and WFGN.
362 S.W. Sharshir et al. / Applied Energy 191 (2017) 358366

Fig. 5. Hourly variations of the solar radiation, basin water and glass temperatures, productivity and waterglass temperature difference for the modification (A), (B) and
conventional stills. (a), (c). Solar radiation and temperatures. (b), (d). Fresh water productivities. (e) Water glass temperature differences on 18/10/2015.

the temperatures. Therefore, the temperatures and productivity of slower than that of the conventional still due to the PCM. Conse-
the conventional still are higher from about 9:00 a.m. to quently, both of the waterglass temperature difference (shown
12:00oclock as shown in Fig. 5c, d. in Fig. 5e) and water temperature of the still with modification
Meanwhile, it is obtained from Fig. 5c that, in the afternoon, the (B) are higher after 13 p.m. Besides, the PCM has an obvious effect
decrease of water temperature of the still with modification (B) is after sunset (around 18:00) as shown in Fig. 5d. For still with PCM
S.W. Sharshir et al. / Applied Energy 191 (2017) 358366 363

Table 3 Besides, the cooling film can clean the glass cover to maintain a
Comparison between present study and various works about still with nanoparticles. good solar transmittance of the glass cover.
References, Modification Maximal. The variation of the solar radiation, basin water, glass cover and
location enhancement in ambient temperatures for the still with modification (C) and con-
productivity ventional still are shown in Fig. 6a. The hourly productivity varia-
Present study, Using FGN [modification (A); PCM 50.28%, tions for the still with modification (C) and conventional still are
Wuhan, China and FGN [modification (B)]; FGN and modification (A) shown in Fig. 6b. From the figures, it is obvious that the glass cover
film cooling [modification (C)]; FGN, 65.00,%,
PCM and film cooling [modification modification (B)
temperature of still with modification (C) is less than that of con-
(D)] 56.15%, ventional still by about 121 C. Meanwhile, the water tempera-
modification (C) ture decreased by 6 C due to some energy was taken away by
73.80%, the cooling film. The waterglass temperature difference for the
modification (D)
still with modification (C) increased by about 27 C and is higher
Nijmeh et al. [42], Using potassium permanganate: 26%, KMnO4 than that of the conventional still by 16 C in the noon as shown
Amman, Jor- (KMnO4) and potassium dichromate 17%, K2Cr2O7
in Fig. 6e. Consequently, the productivity of the still with modifica-
dan (K2Cr2O7)
tion (C) increased by 56.2% compared with the conventional still.
Elango et al. [43], Using Aluminum Oxide (Al2O3), Iron 29.95%,
Tamil Nadu, Oxide (Fe2O3), Zinc Oxide (ZnO) Aluminum Oxide
India nanoparticles 18.63%, Iron 3.4. Effect of using FGN, PCM and film cooling [modification (D)]
12.67%, Zinc
Oxide The evaporation rate can be increased by using the PCM and
FGN and the condensation rate can be increased by using the cool-
Kabeel et al. [44], Using aluminum-oxide 116%,
Kafrelsheikh, nanoparticles and external aluminum-oxide ing film. Therefore, in this part, the performance of the solar still
Egypt condenser with vacuum with PCM, FGN, and film cooling was investigated to show the
Sahota and Tiwari Using aluminum-oxide 12.2%, aluminum overall effect. The hourly variations of temperatures of the water,
[45] New Del- nanoparticles oxide glass cover, PCM and productivity are illustrated in Fig. 6c, d. It
hi, India
can be obtained from Fig. 6c that as the solar intensity increases
the temperature of PCM also increases because of the increased
heat transfer by conduction from the black metal pipes to the
Table 4
Enhancement of productivity for the modified solar stills compared with the
PCM. After 13:00, PCM started to discharge the stored heat and
conventional still for various water depth. keep the water warmer than that of the conventional still.
Meanwhile, the glass temperature of the still with modification
Modification Water depth (cm) Enhancement (%)
(D) is less than that of conventional solar still by around 122 C
(A) 0.5 50.3 1.9 due to the film cooling. As shown in Fig. 6e, the waterglass tem-
1 45 1.8
2 37 1.9
perature difference for the still with modification (D) reached
about 28 C in the noon. Due to the combination of the film cooling
(B) 0.5 65 2
1 60.3 1.9
and PCM, the waterglass temperature difference of the still with
2 52 1.9 modification (D) is much higher than that of the conventional still
all the day, which contributes a lot to the enhancement of produc-
tivity. The productivity of the still with modification (D) is
(modification (B)), a considerable amount of fresh water is pro-
enhanced by 73.8% compared with that of the conventional still.
duced during the nighttime (18:0020:00). In total, the daily pro-
The enhancement of productivity for different modifications and
ductivity (from 9:00 to 20:00) reached approximately 873 ml/day
different dates is summarized and listed in Table 5.
which is 65% higher than that of the conventional solar still
(529 ml/day).
Furthermore, Table 4 shows the effect of the water depth on 3.5. Detailed data of the temperature and evaporation
modification (A) and modification (B). The results show that the
lower the basin water depth, the higher output percentage for From the above discussion, we can know that the temperature is
the tested two modifications. The enhancement of productivity an important parameter for enhancing the productivity. However,
increases by around 13% when the water depth decreases from according to Fig. 5a, there is also an enhancement (around 30%) of
2 cm to 0.5 cm for both modification (A) and (B). Moreover, the modification (A) in the morning (911 a.m.), when the tempera-
enhancement of productivity for the still with modification (B) tures of the still with modification (A) are almost the same as that
was higher than that of the still with modification (A) regardless of the conventional still. To further study the phenomenon and ana-
of the water depth. lyze the mechanism, an indoor experiment was carried out to mea-
sure the detailed data of the temperature and evaporation.
3.3. Effect of using FGN and film cooling [modification (C)] As illustrated in Fig. 7a, the difference of the surface temperature
between the tap water and WFGN is not obvious. In the beginning
According to Fig. 5a, the water temperature of the still with (0300 s), the surface temperature of the WFGN is slightly higher
modification (A) is higher than that of the conventional still. How- than that of the tap water (less than 1 C). After 300 s, the surface
ever, the glass temperature is also higher than that of the conven- temperature of the water is almost the same as that of the WFGN.
tional still due to the increased vapor amount. The waterglass However, the evaporation rate of the WFGN is higher than that of
temperature difference is limited by the increased glass tempera- the tap water all the time as illustrated in Fig. 7b. Fig. 7c shows
ture. As a result, the enhancement of productivity is limited. There- the accumulated mass change of the tap water and WFGN and
fore, the cooling film was used to catch some heat stored in the the enhancement by FGN. The enhancement is around 30%.
glass by conduction and convection to increase the waterglass Obviously, the results of indoor and outdoor experiment are
temperature difference. Consequently, the glass temperature was consistent. It can be explained by the increase in saturated vapor
cooled down to keep a high waterglass temperature difference pressure. The relationship between the evaporation rate, J eV , and
as shown in Fig. 6e. Hence, the productivity was further increased. the saturated vapor pressure of the liquid at the vaporliquid
364 S.W. Sharshir et al. / Applied Energy 191 (2017) 358366

Fig. 6. Hourly variations of solar radiation, basin water and glass temperatures, productivity and waterglass temperature difference for the modification (C), (D) and
conventional stills. (a), (c) Solar radiation and temperatures. (b), (d) Fresh water productivities. (e) Water glass temperature differences on 1/11/2015.

interface, PsL , can be described as TED-SRT evaporation flux expres- interface, PV and TV are the real vapor pressure and temperature
sion [48]: of the vapor at the vaporliquid interface, respectively. re and rc
r  are the evaporation coefficient and condensation coefficient,
m PsL PV respectively:
J eV re p  rc p 3
2pkB TL TV
where m is the mass of a molecule, and kB is the Boltzmann re  exp DOF 4 1  4
constant. T L is the temperature of the liquid at the vaporliquid
S.W. Sharshir et al. / Applied Energy 191 (2017) 358366 365

Table 5 with FGN [modification (A)], FGN and PCM [modification (B)],
The enhancement of productivity for modifications on different date. FGN and film cooling [modification (C)], FGN, PCM, and film cool-
Date Modification Enhancement, u, (%) ing [modification (D)] are 50.28%, 65%, 56.15%, 73.8%, respectively.
16/10/2015 (A) 49 1.9 The enhancements are resulted from the higher water temperature
(B) 64.7 1.9 by FGN and PCM, higher saturated vapor pressure of water by FGN,
18/10/2015 (A) 50.3 1.9 and higher waterglass temperature difference by film cooling.
(B) 65 2 Meanwhile, the performance of solar stills decreases as the water
26/10/2015 (C) 55.8 2 depth increases for both modification (A) and modification (B).
(D) 71.4 2.1
1/11/2015 (C) 56.2 2
(D) 73.8 2.1

N.Y. was sponsored by the National Natural Science Foundation

of China (No. 51576076).


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