Why Slabs Curl - Part2
Why Slabs Curl - Part2
Why Slabs Curl - Part2
labs curl due to differences in moisture distribution drying shrinkage and curling deflection is unclear.
that create a shrinkage profile. This induces an Tremper and Spellman4 developed a figure that
applied curling moment within the slab. The amount of related slab-curling deflections of full-size test slabs to
curling for a given moisture distribution may, however, the shrinkage of laboratory specimens made with the
not be unique. Some research and field experience helps test-slab concrete. Although this figure provides informa-
us estimate the amount of curling deflection as affected tion on only one project, their paper includes data on
by differences in: slab curling versus drying shrinkage for two other
Amount of drying shrinkage; projects. The data for all three projects are shown in
Modulus of subgrade reaction; Table 1 and arranged in the order of the percent of
Concrete compressive strength and modulus of drying shrinkage, from lowest to highest.
elasticity; The table shows that its difficult to relate drying
Reinforcement ratio; shrinkage to curling deflection for projects with differing
Slab thickness; variables such as subgrade or subbase stiffness and
Joint spacing; and drying environments. However, Fig. 1, which graphs the
Curing. Tremper and Spellman data by project, suggests that a
Not all of these factors affect curling deflection to the relationship exists on a project-by-project basis. As the
same degree. graph shows, curling deflection increases as drying
shrinkage increases, though the ratio of drying shrinkage
Drying shrinkage to curling is unique for each project. As Table 1 shows,
Drying shrinkage is considered to be one of the most the average curl, in inches, is three times the drying
important factors affecting the amount of curling shrinkage, in percent. Thus, in some cases, reducing
deflection. Many references suggest ways to minimize drying shrinkage by a given percent would result in a
drying shrinkage,1-3 but the exact relationship between much greater percentage decrease in curling deflection.