Jay Abraham Consulting Expert

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Avalanche Gifts Summary Collection

#1: Round Robin Q&A Super-Session

from a Paris 500 Entrepreneur Group Presentation
Video link: click here

You want to be seen as the most trusted advisor.

Look at your business model. Do you sell a lot of the same thing over and over again? Do
you sell one thing? Do you make it easy for people to get started with you?

The first sale is not the last sale. You can spend front-end profits to generate sales.

Identify dormant assets you can reposition.

Learn critical thinking. Learn Socratic interviewing.

Commit to optimization.

Study outside your industry.

Interview experts and hire them on a performance basis.

Are you clear about who your target prospect is and why one target is better than
another? Do you understand the best approaches, access vehicles, distribution channels
and messages that will address your markets definition of value? What is your process to
ethically move them from being a prospect to a buyer to a multi-buyer? What else is
going on in your prospects life?

Youre not just competing against direct competitors. Youre also competing against
indirect competitors. You can borrow marketing and strategy from them and/or partner
with them to add new products and services and/or monetize prospects who dont buy
from you. The biggest competitor that you have is procrastination, equivocation, and

Explain your long-term vision for your client. Explain the advantages. At each level, follow
up with the client. Take them on a lifetime journey.

You have to have a reason why. Demonstrate what you do different and what the client
receives that will give them advantage.

Go to everyone else who does what you do and work deals with them for their prospects
that didnt buy.

Dont accept a fraction of the payoff, results, profitability, and satisfaction you could be
getting and giving.

Financial enrichment is a byproduct of the value you bring to others. The more enriched
you are, the more value youve brought and the more contribution youve made.
Go on LinkedIn and find anyone who has worked for competitors and/or distributors. Get
on the phone with them and see if they can be recruited or can be an intelligent source of
introducing you to people.

If your product performs meaningfully, rapidly, and/or definitively, dont talk about it
show it. Demonstrate it with people and have them experience the benefits because they
are self-evident.

Analyze the different values that result from different sources, different ads, different
positioning, different products/services, and so on. See which ones product more sales,
better outcomes, on-going sales, backend sales, and more. Analyze the performance
differentiation of people in different scenarios too. If you dont how who is strong in
certain areas, you cant maximize that throughout your system. When you do know it, you
can improve your selling system by teaching everybody the differences or making the
outsized performers specialists.

Other organizations have what you need and you can partner with them.

Consider barter. You can trade things of value you make for anything your business
needs or you personally need. Anything you would buy that you can either make or
create that cost you a lot less, if its desirable you can trade it with somebody youre not
doing business with and you can lower your cost of acquisition. You can do this with
anything you have in inventory that isnt selling. Plus, when the trade runs out, you can
start a buying relationship for cash. Make a list of everything your business needs or that
you would buy for yourself. If your product or service can be used to acquire it, and its
legal, you can save a fortune and there is strategic value.

Your business needs to be distinctive, unique, valuable, and more appealing than
anybody you compete against, and you have to describe and explain this to your market.
Dont be abstract. You have to denominate, compare, and distinguish.

Know what other products or services your optimal buyer would purchase before, during,
instead of, and/or after they buy from you.

Test multiple sales, marketing, and advertising approaches. Changing even just a
headline can improve the performance of an ad up to 21 times. Changing the position of
an ad can double response. Articulating a better risk reversal can double (even re-
double) results.
#2: Full Day 18-Person Makeover Sessions
of French Entrepreneurs - Beaver Creek, Colorado

Video link: click here

Traveling outside of your industry will broaden your mindset. The more you travel outside
your industry, the broader and deeper your understanding of how much more is possible.
Funnel vision allows you to borrow, adopt and adapt success processes from outside
your industry when youre looking for breakthroughs.

The quality, quantity, and consistency of questions you ask, as well as the answers you
get, will determine the results you produce.

Much of influence, persuasion, communication, and movement of others towards a goal

is based on them grasping the reason why that is in their best interest, not yours.

Your problem is almost always a solution to a bigger problem or opportunity someone

else has or multiple people have. You just have to figure out who they are and what their
problem/opportunity is.

The ways to get someone interested in investing are to show relative market interest, do
it in milestone based tranches, and get partners to market for you on a committed basis
thus moving capital investment from fixed to variable. Further, add more dimensions to
your vision that will appeal to investors so they see more ways revenue can come in that
will hedge their bet, try to find people directly beneficiaries and need what you want more
than you do, paint a vision that transcends static operation and talk about it becoming a
brand and franchise, and protect their downside by confirming you can get influencers
and organizations that reach the market to support you.

There are always going to be organizations, publications, entities, platforms,

associations, and more that have access to the market you want. You can go to them
and do a deal where they generate leads for you. You simply need to determine who has
your same market.

Propose a challenge in your advertising. It can be powerful.

Interview, or partner, with someone who interviews high performing experts.

Create a book focused on the result you provide and have chapters that address all the
areas your organization could serve. Buy the book for qualified prospects and build a list
by gifting it or giving it away online.

Recruit entities that represent the kind of connections you want for your clients. Have
them rally around a cause and/or your client base and make it an event.

Go to list owners or affinity groups and offer to take the head of the group through your
process/product/service with the understanding that once they succeed, he or she will let
you write a story about their success and will partner with you on your product/service.

Quantify, compare, demonstrate and prove your results, then tie it to an

Create a proprietary assessment and buy organizations a day of your time to do a
discovery. Make your discovery presentation to the CEO or managing director, give them
a value ranking, then project the differential with average, superior and outrageous
achievement so they can see the return on their investment.

Generalities have little impact. Specifics, comparability, contrast, documentation, and

research are powerful.

If you can do continuous research-based analysis of performance, you can co-brand

surveys with entities and organizations. Every 6 months you could release the survey and
have co-branding, prestige, interviews, articles written about your company, and more.

Test different approaches as it relates to your selling, risk reversal, advertising, and more.
Analyze the highest performing approaches and determine what is different about them.
Quantify how much more successful these approaches are relative to other approaches.
Once you determine this, you can create a proposition to partner with other entities to
utilize these approaches.

Make a list of influencers, contact them and offer to buy them your
product/service/treatment no strings attached.

Identify all the organizations, list owners, and people who sell anything to the age-group
or scenario-based group youre targeting and offer a first-tier training of what you sell
gratis. The rationale here is that you invest in them first and they will gain benefit and
want to do business with you and/or refer other people to you.

Many people try and sell methodology, technology, and opportunities without taking the
time to prove and perfect their methodology or results. Thus, they dont have a strong,
compelling case for people. Investing in people that have influence and proving your
value is the greatest investment you can make. Figure out all the ways you can
denominate, demonstrate, compare, quantify, project, and future-pace what something
will do to enrich, enhance, improve, and protect someones life and business. This will
make selling easier.

Make sure you show people how they will gain specific outcomes. Once youve proven
your methodology produces those outcomes, go to the media. Media can be national,
regional, online, offline, discussion groups, bloggers, platforms, and more. Offer a
challenge. Tell them to find someone with the issue you help solve and chronicle and
document the improvement you make with them over a number of weeks and report it.

Put yourself in environments where youre challenged to perform. If you cant perform,
your value is arbitrary. If you can perform but you dont know how to help people judge
your superiority over alternatives, including doing nothing or being ambivalent, then you
dont have much advantage.

Practice preemptive marketing. Preemptive marketing means you predetermine the

negatives and address them or neutralize them in the beginning.

Dont just advocate that you can do something. Prove it.

You have to establish the qualifying or success criteria. Tell them the things you can do
and what to expect.

Make sure to get press and media. Many pieces may not generate direct business
however, press and media give you credibility.
Sometimes you have to slow down to run faster. By gathering research, rather than going
right to advertising, you can build your own success and result-based credibility.

See who has published every book that is popular in your field that doesnt directly
compete with you. Contact them and see if you can get them to endorse you or partner
with you.

Think of how your product or service can be the upsell or downsell for another

Use incredulity to your maximum advantage in your press releases and advertisements
once you have built credibility.

If you want to build your credibility or personal brand, you could co-author a book with
someone who is already successful and give them all the royalties. What you would get
out of this is prestige.

Utilize a concept called Try This Test. Give people four or five simple exercises they
can do right now and give people the experience of seeing a result in advance. It will
make people aware that there is much more to what you offer.

You go to organizations that have causes or distinctive celebrations, and you can create
new ones. Many successful companies have created their own events that become
annualized and they will make millions of dollars. You could take an approach where you
create an event and invest a bit of marketing money in a prominent, iconic individual to
be the host or recipient, and you create an award or celebration. Further, you could bring
certain influential people to the event whose presence with their family captured in the
press would be interesting.

Barter can be a powerful strategy. If you have inventory that has a certain rack rate, you
could perhaps trade it for great articles in publications. Weve traded hundreds of millions
of dollars for clients to get things they didnt have to pay cash for. If you have
underutilized capacity and can exchange it for something you want, and you give the
other person or organization two years to utilize it, the longer it takes for them to use it,
the less its worth and so its like an interest-free loan at a discount.

Go to LinkedIn and find anyone who has ever been in your type of business before that
isnt anymore. See if they have contacts you can build relationships with.

Think of the industries that have the most dynamic need for your product or service. Find
organizations that sell to them and make deals with them.

Look at everything direct and indirect competitors are doing and it will give you and your
business some great ideas.

Use the truth to your advantage. Theres a concept called The Aikido School of Marketing
where you use the power of the enemy, obstacle, or problem to your advantage.

Always focus on highest and best use.

You can test any assumption very conservatively. You dont have to go all-out on
anything and put yourself in danger of losing lots of money or strategically compromising
the integrity of your position or brand. Test conservatively and see how it performs in
terms of response, quality, convertibility, and more.
#3: Jay Abraham Interview by
U.K. Marketing Maven Dan Bradbury

Audio link: click here

When you only eat what you earn, you figure out very quickly what works and what

People in unrelated industries dont have a clue how people in other industries think,
market, strategize, bring in revenue, and more. You can borrow success approaches
from outside an industry and combine them to engineer breakthroughs.

The Strategy of Preeminence is a philosophical strategy that should guide everything you
do from your positioning, your marketing, your communications, and more to propel you
and your company to greatness.

You dont want to be a commodity; You want to be seen as the only viable source in your
category and the most trusted advisor to your market. You have to see yourself as a
masterful advisor to your market.

Put into words what people feel and help people get clarity on what they are striving to
get or get away from.

Become masterful at communicating in terms of understand what people are feeling,

using analogies/stories, and future-pacing.

You have to empathize and appreciate what your clients and team members are
experiencing. Be vulnerable and connect yourself.

If you dont have a Unique Selling Proposition that is decisively superior in terms of the
niche you are filling, then you have a commodity.

There are three ways to grow a business. Either you generate more buyers/convert more
prospects to buyers, and/or get more prospects ethically buying more quantity and
combinations, and/or you have prospects buying more often. This is how you use the
geometry of a business.

Three advanced ways to grow a business are that you penetrate a new market/niche, you
introduce a new product/service, and/or you acquire a competitive or complimentary
business. Complimentary businesses could be those business in which someone buys
something before, during, or after they buy your product/service OR what they buy as
an alternative to achieve the same outcome.

Risk reversals should be dimensionalized in a powerful way. Giving a money back

guarantee is one thing; future-pacing the result someone can expect is more

Free has very little value anymore. You have to dimensionalize the fact that you are
investing in them and make known the value. It has to be more about a duel commitment.
Service businesses usually have more sustainability, more profit potential, and more
asset value. Also, due to the margins, they have more acquisition allowance since you a
low cost of fulfillment when you reach critical mass.

Identify companies where the owner is at an age where they are going to want to sell. If
you share in the growth of the business and at a certain point you can gain options to buy
into the business and take it over at the end that can be an interesting option to grow.
You would do this via an earn-in.

You can go to independent businesses in a state or region that has no desire to go

elsewhere, and you license their model and give them a royalty for taking it and
replicating in other places.

If a company has a brand, distribution, product line, and/or profile of buyers, you can
create ancillary product and service offerings under their brand and take it through their
distribution to those buyers.

The most successful companies in an industry have usually developed distinct and/or
superior abilities in one or multiple areas. If you can determine what their superiority is,
you can isolate and systematize it and license/partner/profit-share with other companies
in related businesses (or even similar businesses if they arent going to expand).

You can find companies that have the resources, technology, distribution, sales, storage,
expertise, and more that you need. You can end up with an unlimited checkbook by
making strategic alliances tied to outcomes with these companies.

Who else has your target audience? What is everyone else doing or not doing? What is
their positioning? Where can you add value? Where are other people accessing their
audience? Who has your market that you can partner with? What media is being used
and/or overlooked? Who has a business that is weak that you could potentially take over,
operate it, cross-pollinate with it, etc.? You want to get the highest and best use out of
you time, effort, commitment, cash, people, and more.

Look at what youre doing now. Where are you doing it? How is it doing? Then, look at
what you should/could be doing different and better. Once you optimize what youre
doing now and maximizing it, then you multiply what you can do by introducing new
markets, media, methods, and models to grow the business. Its an integrative process.

If you want a massive amount of gratis preeminent content that doesnt sell anything (no
opt-in required), go to: http://www.abraham.com/50Shades
#4: Jay Abraham Interview
by Montreal Marketing Maven Franck Nicolas

Video link: click here

Sell Results: Recognize that whatever you're selling, people aren't buying the product or
service; they're buying the result. They're buying protection, enhancement,
entertainment, or something else that the product or service provides or delivers.
Understand the difference between selling benefits and selling features. Recognize and
nobody buys things; they buy results.

Utilize Reason Why: What's the reason why I should deal with you, trust you and/or
choose you? Why should I even take action? If you cant answer this, youre lucky you
have any business.

Create a Unique Selling Proposition: When FedEx first came into being, they said, It
absolutely positively has to be there by 10:00 a.m. tomorrow. When Domino's first
started they said, Fresh, hot, delicious pizza delivered to your door in 30 minutes or less.
Or it's yours free. Nordstrom's motto was, If you're dissatisfied with any purchase, any
time, for any reason, you can have either a replacement, a refund, or a credit no
questions asked. When the car rental company Avis came into being they said, Were
number two, so we have to try harder and do more. These are all distinctions. You have
to distinguish yourself in a way that resonates with the market so they see an advantage.

Know What Value Means To Your Market: Understand what value means to your
market; not what it means to you. Most entrepreneurs try to impose on their market their
own value system, but you can't. You can't understand value until you really understand
your buyer. You cant understand your buyer unless you take the time to observe,
examine, evaluate, acknowledge, and appreciate how they see life because no two
people see life the same way. If you want to align with someone you have to understand
what their beliefs are. You have to connect with them and what's valuable to them.

Use Direct Response: Most people run terrible advertising. Institutional advertising is
just a declaratory statement and it doesn't say anything. Direct Response is designed to
have a conversation with your market where they are so compelled to take action. Direct
Response is focused on what result your market wants, what benefits you can offer that
alternative choices don't, and then you gain trust. Make an offer of something that will
make them take action. Focus on evoking an immediate response because it appeals to
your target audience.

Be Strategic: Most small businesses are very tactical. They do things episodically. They
do things occasionally. They do things that don't have any congruity. Great achievers are
very strategic. Everything they do advances and enhances a master strategy. Everything
they do is congruent. They know where they're trying to move.

Master Risk Reversal: Any time any two people come together for any reason, one side
is always asking the other not necessarily verbally, but either implied or explicitly to
take risk. There are many dimensions of risk reversal you can use yet most companies
dont offer any. Risk reversal is one of the greatest enhancers you can use. A 30-day
guarantee is better than no guarantee, however, you can enhance it by saying, We won't
consider your purchase binding for 30 days. All I ask is for you to use the product, and if
you can't honestly say within the first 30 days that you have (X Result), (Y Result), and (Z
Result), I don't even want to keep your money. This dimensionalizes your guarantee.
You could also have a guarantee where you add a bonus to your product or service and if
they dont like the product or service they get to keep the bonus. When you add risk
reversal and dimensionalize and fortify it, it multiplies the effectiveness of it.

Test Everything: There's a lot of variability in marketing and selling. You can change the
headline on an ad and increase the result of the same advertising by as much as twenty
one times. I had a very large retail client and test 33 different ways of greeting people
when they came in the front door and one way tripled the number of people that
bought. Same amount of advertising, same amount of prospects walking in every month,
but three times the sales. Adding a really good risk reversal can lift your response by as
much as 50%. Adding a bonus can sometimes double response. Adding a stronger call to
action could double response. Test everything.

Optimize Your Selling System: In your revenues selling system there are multiple ways
that you can impact the result positively. For example, if you generate leads, you can
either get more qualitative leads, more quantitative leads, or both, by doing different
alterations. If youve got leads, then youve got conversion. Different conversion
approaches and different conversion strategies will produce different levels of conversion.
Conversion can be front-end profit OR if you have a product or service company that
has long term relationships, what you really want is long term. You don't just want the first
sale. You want to make the first sale easy to achieve because the sooner you have the
first sale the sooner youll have the second sale, third sale, fourth sale and so on.

Practice Consultative Selling: Consultative selling is being an advisor. When you are
consultative and preeminent you have a moral responsibility to not allow a prospect to
either buy less than they should, more than they should, in less quantity or quality and
they should, or less often than they should. You do this not because you'll lose the
money, but because they'll lose the benefit.

Put Referral Systems In Place: In almost any business, between 10% and 100% of the
business comes from either referral or word of mouth. Yet, most businesses dont even
have one referral generating system or strategy in place that they practice and adhere to
continually. We have identifies 93 referral systems almost any business can put in place.
If you have none and you spend all your time and money on outside marketing which is
outer peripheral trust building, its highly inefficient. If you have just one referral
generating system in place, it could double your profits for almost no cost. A referral
generated buyer buys quicker, negotiates less, buys more things, buys more often, is
more enjoyable to deal with, is more profitable and refers other people.

Reactivate Clients: Many businesses have huge quantities of in active past clients.
People stop buying for three or four major reasons, most of which aren't necessarily your
fault. If it is your fault, that can be corrected. One reason people stop buying is they had
an interruption in their life pattern. Another reason is that they had a bad experience. If
you contact them and just ask them if something you or your company did offended them
because you never would want that to happen, and you make them a great offer saying
that you want the last transaction they do with your business to be a very positive and
satisfactory one, you could win back 40% of them. The third reason a lot of people stop
doing business with you is they outgrow the need.

Focus on Relational Capital: We've done billions of dollars in strategic alliances, joint
ventures and relational capital. Most small businesses think that capital is the answer to
their problem. However, the truth of the matter is there are so many organizations,
businesses and media that have what you need and you could partner with them. Ask
yourself three questions: First ask what else does your buyer buy before, during, after,
and instead of my product/service? All these kinds of companies or products could be
your partner. Second, ask yourself who else sells anything to the same target market as
you and has the markets trust? If you find this out, you can partner with them. Third, ask
yourself, what do you need that you dont have and who already has a surplus of it OR
your product/service/company is a solution? Again, you can partner with them.

Know The Lifetime Value: Determine the lifetime value of a buyer or prospect. Look at
your numbers and determine for every X number of prospects or referrals you get, Y
amount buy, and for everyone that buys one time, Z amount buys over and over again.
You have to look at the totality of what a client is worth to you. You have to know what
different kinds of buyers are worth and balance this. Know your allowable cost. If you
know that every time somebody buys from you, they come back and buy five more times,
it wouldnt matter what profit you make on the first sale. If you know that people who buy
Service A are five times as valuable as someone who buys Service B, you can spend a
lot more on Service A buyers. However, you cant do any of this if you dont know the
lifetime value and what people are worth. You have to know the marginal net worth, or
lifetime value, of your buyers.

#5: Summary of My Favorite Philosophies

Pdf link: click here

#6: Interview I Conducted with Leonard Atlas on
Selling By Getting the Prospect to Say NO Faster

Video link: click here

Salespeople have been trained to go collected Yess from prospects. Yet, they might
here No 50%, 70%, 80%, even 90% of the time. Theyre looking for yes and they hear a
no. This makes the salesperson upset and the prospect upset being pressured. To get
someone to switch requires trust. It doesnt happen on the first touch. Relationships take

We need to put more truth back into selling.

Dont make cold calls without checking LinkedIn first. You can get introductions this way
and its more effective. Be strategic. If you do this, you wont be making cold calls, but
rather youll have warm introductions introduced by mutual friends. Use the leverage
inherent in your existing relationships and use your brain to know they exist.

Dont give up when one modality of contact doesnt work. When you set your sights on a
target, reach the target.

One strategy you can utilize is by calling the wrong person on purpose. If you want to call
an Executive VP at a company, they likely have gatekeepers. Instead, call the VP of HR
and say youre about to speak to the Executive VP, but you wanted to ask a couple
questions about the company. In this way youre not asking the VP of HR anything, so
they wont say no to you; youre simply getting familiar with their organization and they
will give insight. Also, when they transfer the call, its no longer an outside call; its an
inside call from HR. If you get a voicemail, refer that you spoke to the VP of HR.

Many companies constrain talent by forcing them to play in a modality that doesnt play to
their strengths.

Another strategy you can utilize is attending the wrong tradeshow on purpose. Most
people go to tradeshows with all their competitors. If youre looking for prospecting, go to
the wrong place to meet the wrong people on purpose. Go to the booths and ask who
handles purchasing. They will refer you to someone else. Tell them you were at the
tradeshow and met the person who referred you and introduce yourself.

When you dont value your time, everyone looks like a prospect. You have to know how
much your time is worth an hour.

People buy from their reasons, not the salespersons. Put features and benefits on hold
and focus on the emotions and pain. Whats wrong with the existing relationship? Whats
wrong with the existing product? How much is it costing them? Get off of your agenda
and onto the prospects agenda. Ask questions. Probe. Dont be afraid to look
unprofessional by asking questions. Stop pitching features and benefits and start getting
onto the prospects agenda.

There are only two schools of selling: Telling or asking.

If someone has a great relationship with a vendor or seller and they have no reason to
second guess or get a second opinion, simply ask them: Whats your Plan B? If they
retire/quit, who is Plan B? When they ask to show them Plan B, you can ask them if
there is a small project they can test you on. You wont un-seed a 10 year relationship or
contract; it starts with little projects.

In the first few minutes of a meeting with a new prospect you can say they probably meet
hundreds of salespeople they dont do business with, so if they come to the realization
that there is no fit between your company and theirs, ask them if they are comfortable
letting you know that without hurting your feelings. They will agree. Then you can ask
them if they are okay if you dont fit it to be a fit to let them know. This is a way to start a
truthful relationship.

Most salespeople come from a scarcity mindset. They have too few names in their
pipeline, so they need 50 names to turn into 20 clients. Its not going to happen. If you
need 20 clients, you need 300 prospects. If you start off knowing you have too few
names and you start hearing no, you start feeling pressured and you pressure prospects
more. This causes even more loss. You need to bring in more leads. You must have an
abundance mindset. If you think you need 300 prospects, get 700 prospects so you have
so much that if you hear no, it doesnt matter.

There are 5 steps to closing any sale:

o 1. PROSPECTING BEHAVIOR via a dial, or LinkedIn, or Email etc.
o 2. Making CONTANT with somebody and talking to them.
o 3. Making an APPOINTMENT.
o 4. Making a presentation/submitting a PROPOSAL/submitting a quote or
o 5. Closing the SALE.

Athletes make millions and can tell you every statistic and play a couple hours at a time.
Salespeople do what they do 40-60 hours a week, 50 weeks a year and they have
terrible statistics.

Credibility isnt solely established via websites, brochures, testimonials, etc. Thats only a
part of it. The quality and sequence of questions a salesperson asks when someone
meets them help a person feel comfortable that they are a trained expert who knows
what they are doing. This is what causes people to feel they are in good hands.

There are only two ways to see a prospect: 1. Get invited in. 2. Beg your way in. The
second way is prohibited. To get invited in you need rapport. LinkedIn helps with rapport
building. Sometimes it takes a couple of touches to get comfortable. If they arent
comfortable with who you are, they wont open up and share their pains, concerns and
issues with you. Rapport comes from trust and respect. You dont need someone to like
you to buy from you; you need to be trusted and respected in terms of your expertise,
knowledge and ethics. They have to feel you wont steer them in the wrong direction.

You want to have an unmanageable pipeline. If you know everybodys name, birthday,
kids names, etc., you have too small a pipeline. That is how you create abundance. Many
salespeople will stop prospecting once they have to execute a deal. Once you sell a deal,
thats the best time to sell again with natural enthusiasm and passion. Dont wait to start
selling again.

Get on the prospects agenda. Be okay hearing no. Look for the no. Its the difference
between trying to pre-qualify and disqualify: Traditional selling is pre-qualifying suspects.
You might identify they have a need for your product/service, but they havent verbalized
it yet. When they are happy to talk to you, they move from suspect to prospect. If they
dont respond to you or you get in touch with them and they are not interested, they stay
a suspect. When looking to disqualify, youre not surprised when someone already has a
vendor. You already know they have a vendor and a need taken care of so the question
becomes whether its 100% ideal or if they wish some things were different. If they love
everything, then it becomes about Plan B.

Customer and salespeople are equals. They both have the right to say no.

Get away from the transaction and into the relationship.

Create a no-cold-call-commitment for 30 days. Only call people you can find a referral
connection to. Build a LinkedIn contact base up. Search for people. If you find people
who are two or three degrees away from you, call and get the warm relationship.

If you have stalled relationships you havent followed up with, you have to follow up. Look
through your database or files and follow up with somebody you havent spoken to in 6
months to a year. Say you feel like you owe them an apology and that when you met
before there was something they were looking for and you didnt deliver, and you hope
they can accept your apology and that you arent sure if they got it from someone else. It
costs nothing to fall on your own sword. People will come to your rescue and it will
reopen the dialogue.

Commit to your own business development. What do you spend every year on the inside
of your head? How many books are you reading? Read at least one sales book every
month. Read articles from people you want to contact, then two or three days later
contact their office. If you read about someone it gives you permission to call them and
start a dialogue.

No is not failure. When a prospect says no, its no failure. It is a rejection of product or
service at that moment for that time being. Someone not having a need for you because
they already have someone satisfying that need does not mean you failed. Failure is a
permanent state; not getting a sale is not a permanent state if you follow up. In sales, no
is the natural; you will hear it more than yes. Its not failure; its getting a bit closer to a
yes. Have a big enough pipeline so when you hear no, you will be empowered to call
someone else to see if a yes is there.

Once you have a criteria of what an ideal prospect looks like, you can go after it because
you know what youre looking for. When youre thinking anything will do, youll find
#7: Jay Abraham Interview in Israel

Audio link: click here

The world doesnt care if you wish to be a victim and self-destruct OR you dust yourself
off, knock out your opponent and go higher and higher. Yesterday is irrelevant as long as
you maintain your integrity and ethos.

There are so many higher performing ways to market, sell, be strategic, compete, reach
market, add value, and more. You dont have to underperform and constrain your ability
to contribute, reach and serve more people. Dont accept a fraction of economic results,
impact and meaningful contribution you can make.

A true entrepreneur starts out with the desire to create a greater outcome, a great
experience, and a greater positive impact for the client. The true entrepreneur is driven
by creating greater experience value, advantage, protection, benefit, and more. They
think about it from the experience of the other side.

If youre making money because youre opportunistic, it wont be long lived. If youre
adding value continuously and youre not static about it, you will be rewarded.

Look at the lifetime value of your clients. Look at the allowable cost.

Optimization is about getting the highest and best use of your time, effort, opportunity
cost, capital, etc.

Direct Response marketing teaches you how to test and improve every impact point of
your communication.

Its easy to sell veneer consulting; its hard to produce results that are meaningful. When
you only eat when you earn, you quickly learn what works and what doesnt. Utilize
result-based activities.

A testimonial is not just an affirmation of your contribution and meaningful ability; its an
expression by the person giving it that wants to help other people gain the same benefit
or advantage.

Relational capital is one of the most undervalued, underappreciated elements you can
add to your business.

Find a way to show people your relevancy.

Most people try and build relationships for themselves. This doesnt get you the outcome
you want. Instead, add meaningful value to people.

Relationship building has to be predicated on two things:

o 1. You have to be interested first in someone to be deemed interesting.
o 2. You have to really be connected to have another person connect you. You
have to have a highly concentrated commitment to the relationship. You have to
understand what value means to other people.

Dont do anything Free. Buy people your product or service and/or invest in them.
Establish value and express it as long as its congruent with the value definition of the
other side. Establish an implied or explicit agreement about what you want the other
person to do and why you are investing in them.

Many people are not clear about what they want and why they want it. If you can put into
words what people want or dont want and why they want it or dont want it, you gain
incredibly connection with them. If you can deeply reflect on what the other person wants
and why, and express it to them in a way that has never been verbalized or crystallized to
them before, its very powerful and has a lot of connectivity.

Look for correlations, implications, anomalies, patterns and distinctions that can be
distilled down and universally reapplied.

Stretch yourself to learn not just what people are doing in your industry, but what people
are doing everywhere else. Stretch yourself to learn, examine, evaluate, and
acknowledge how other people see life. Stretch yourself to see how other industries
market, sell, relationship build, and more thats where growth comes from.

Internal breakthroughs are a lot of effort, work and speculative high risk. Adapt, adopt,
import, integrate, and synthesize multiple proven validated approaches from outside your
industry. It gives you great advantage.

Take the time to understand, appreciate, and respect everyone else.

#8: Interview of Football Great Ray Lewis on
HIS Brink of Midnight Moment
Done by the Star of the ESPN Sports Show: Sports Science

Audio link: click here

Kids learn what they live. Find the good in people.

Not having creates a lot. Ray Lewis

Not having makes you adapt. It creates opportunity. It makes you a better person. These
situations give you an opportunity to be better.

One Brink of Midnight moment for Ray was when his mom objected to Ray playing
football, but his coach believed in him and invested in him and Ray never let him down.
That moment forever changed the way Ray looked at sports. Rays mom made it to one
of his games and Ray ran to her at the end of the gate and handed her the ball. He was
the happiest kid ever to have his mom there. Ray never forgot how his mom smiled. He
lives to make his mom smile. Win, lose or draw, if I give everything I got and shes
smiling I win. Ray Lewis

The second Brink of Midnight moment for Ray was when his step-father beat his mom.
Ray did sit-ups, pushups, back to sit-ups, back to pushups over and over. He was
thinking about the pain in his stomach but said to himself that he had to endure that pain
in order to deal with the domestic pain. There is glory on the other side of the pain, but
you have to be willing to push through it. A month and a half later he gained enough size
to pull off his shirt and face his step-father. He told his step-father he wouldnt put his
hands on his mom anymore. This was the point at which Ray found manhood in the midst
of pain.

Youre always being watched, even when you dont think youre being watched. You have
to be prepared and do the right things.

Being positive is important. Having a foundation is important. Ask people what their
foundation is and watch what their response is. A foundation will never leave you and it
will take you places money cant take you. You must have a foundation. Youre serious
when you have a foundation under you.

Ray loves to laugh and act silly. The hardest thing to do is laugh at yourself. If you laugh
at yourself, what people say doesnt affect you as much. Its not personal.

Do good. Treat people right. Speak to people right.

B.I.B.L.E = Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth. Study it.

Bless people any way you can. Ray works with Hope for Henry Foundation which is
near and dear to his heart. He also works with A Mother's Cry which supports mothers
who have lost their children to violence.

Ray Lewis gave Michael Phelps a book by Rick Warren called The Purpose Driven Life.
Michael read the book every day with Ray and it started a journey together. Ray helped
Michael turn back on and be brutally honest with the things he needed to change his life.
Michael thanks Ray to this day for changing his life.
Never get comfortable. As soon as we have enough, often the drive stops. We live in our
comfort zone. Every night something has to change. You either get better or you get
worse. There is no in between. Write your vision. The difference between good and great
is this: Good is fitting in; great is fitting out. Greatness sticks out.

#9: A new collection of scenario based interpretations blogs

Pdf link: click here

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