Peer Assessment
Peer Assessment
Peer Assessment
than we suspect, and this activity gives them the opportunity to demonstrate it.
Divide the class into groups of three, composed of Student A, Student B and
Student C. If your class is not divisible by three, you will need to make one or
two groups of four, where some roles are doubled up.
Each learner is going to talk about a topic in turn. While Student A, for
example, is talking, Student B will be listening attentively and encouragingly,
and Student C will be taking notes in order to give constructive feedback.
Set a time limit two minutes is enough for most levels although you may
want to reduce it to one minute for students at CEFR level A1 and one or one
and a half minutes for students at CEFR level A2. Its generally a good idea to
give students a couple of minutes thinking time before they speak to give them
a chance to plan what they are going to say.
After the first round, the learners change roles so that Student B speaks,
Student C listens and Student A takes notes. In the third round they change
roles for a final time so that everybody has been a speaker, listener and note-
In each round give all the Student As the same topic to talk about, and change
topic from one round to the next. Topics which always work well include me,
holidays, my neighbourhood, hobbies, pets, last weekend, my job and food. For
higher levels, you can make these more challenging, e.g. my life in ten years
time, the advantages of staycations, if I were the mayor, a hobby I fancy
trying, dogs v cats, the perfect weekend, and my speciality in the kitchen.
Tell the listeners that they should listen carefully and ask one question at the
The first time you do this activity, do a whole-class example with each student
having to make notes about what you are talking about. Repeat a second time
giving the students a different area to listen for (vocabulary, pronunciation, use
of narrative tenses, etc.).
Once you have practised as a whole class, students complete the activity in
their groups of three. Each note-taker should be given instructions about one
area to give feedback on, (grammatical accuracy, range of vocabulary, different
collocations, pronunciation or fluency, etc.). They have to do this once the
speaker has finished and has answered the listeners question. For very low
levels in monolingual classes, you may want to let them give feedback in L1 (or
a mixture of L1 and L2).
Once the three rounds have been completed, learners discuss their reaction to
the feedback they received.
1. Everybody is given or chooses their topic at the same time. They have five
minutes to prepare before the activity takes place.
2. The speaker chooses the area they want to receive feedback on.
3. Narrow the focus of the feedback further, e.g. listen for the pronunciation of
regular verbs in the past simple, listen for topic-related vocabulary, etc.
5. The listener plays a more active role and asks questions while the speaker is
talking. The listener is also responsible for prompting if the speaker is running
out of things to say.
6. The listener is assessed on how well they show interest both verbally and
7. The listener has to say to what extent they agree or disagree with the note-
takers feedback.
8. The speaker assesses their own performance and the note-taker says
whether they agree or not.
10. The note-taker can only give positive feedback. This could also be combined
with some learner training on how to give constructive feedback.
Whenever we have done this activity in class, the reaction has invariably been
positive once the initial shock of being asked to speak for a minute or two has
worn off!
Along with the introduction of the European Language Portfolio has come
greater emphasis on shifting the responsibility for language learning from the
teacher to the learner, on learner reflection and on self-assessment. This
activity is self-assessment disguised as entertainment.
Listening is an activity that can sometimes provoke fear and cause frustration
among some learners. This is not helped by the fact that some listenings we do
in class are more about testing than teaching. Another major drawback of
listening activities is that the content is usually not chosen by the learner.
Learners should choose what they want to listen to and do it outside class.
They should listen to enjoy, entertain or inform themselves when practising.
It would be useful to listen to a series of broadcasts, e.g. a regular podcast,
radio show or TV series, rather than only listening to individual items from
random contexts. This helps students get into the habit of listening so they can
get used to hearing the same voices and also, hopefully, to develop a more
intrinsic reason for listening.
We started experimenting with this activity about five years ago and have been
refining it ever since. The basic idea, however, was to encourage learners to
listen to, or watch, something at home on a regular basis and to enjoy it.
In class tell learners that they are going to watch a series in English as an
ongoing outside class activity, and their viewing will be used a basis for an
activity in class. Tell them that if it is done regularly, they will notice a
difference in their listening comprehension by the end of the course/year. In
the next class you are going to ask them which series they have chosen.
Some learners may ask you to recommend something by all means do so, but
the most important thing is that they choose something they will enjoy. They
could also watch something that they have already seen in their own language.
As a rule of thumb, shorter episodes, e.g. 25 minutes, work best.
If your learners are using DVDs with subtitles, explain how best to watch, if
they dont ask. The goal is to watch as much as possible without subtitles. To
develop this ability, encourage them to start off by watching five minutes
without subtitles (or with subtitles in English if available). Watch again. Watch a
third time with subtitles in their own language to check understanding. Relax
and watch the rest of the episode with subtitles. The next time watch six
minutes without subtitles. The time after that watch seven minutes, etc. Or
they may prefer to watch the whole episode without subtitles, and then watch
again with subtitles. If they find their series too difficult or not enjoyable, they
should change it for another one.
In the next class ask learners to tell their partner/group which series they are
going to watch, and tell them that they should watch at least one episode a
week. At this point, it is a good idea to look at some of the vocabulary and
language they will need to talk about their series (including correct
pronunciation of the word series!).
Have weekly (and positive!) sessions in class where people can talk about what
they are watching and their experiences. Ask a different question each week.
Questions to discuss could include:
2. When do you watch your series and who do you watch with?
9. Teach your partner a phrase you learnt and the context it came up in.
10. Do you think your listening is improving and how? (Notice that this is the
only question that asks learners to assess their listening. Ask it when enough
time has gone by for them to see a difference.)
In order to help and encourage learners who are doing this at home, useful
roles for the teacher in class could be the following: