Breech Delivery
Breech Delivery
Breech Delivery
Obstetrics Simplified - Diaa M. EI-Mowafi
It is the presence of a limb alongside the presenting part usually the arm presents with the head.
Interference of adaptation of the presenting part to the pelvic brim which may be:
Foetal causes:
Multiple pregnancy.
Maternal causes:
Contracted pelvis.
Pelvis tumours.
First stage
Nothing is done as in most cases the arm will be displaced spontaneously away from the head.
Second stage
Forceps extraction with or without reposition of the arm: reposition of the arm is tried first, if difficult apply forceps without reposition
but do not include the arm in the blades. This is done if the head is engaged.
Caesarean section: is indicated in
Nonengagement of the head.
Contracted pelvis.
Other indications for caesarean section.
Craniotomy: if the foetus is dead and labour is obstructed.
It is a longitudinal lie in which the buttocks is the presenting part with or without the lower limbs.
3.5% of term singleton deliveries and about 25% of cases before 30 weeks of gestation as most cases undergo spontaneous cephalic
version up to term.
In general, the foetus is adapted to the pyriform shape of the uterus with the larger buttock in the fundus and smaller head in the lower
uterine segment.
Any factor that interferes with this adaptation, allows free mobility or prevents spontaneous version, can be considered a cause for breech
presentation as:
Prematurity: due to
relatively small foetal size,
relatively excess amniotic fluid, and
more globular shape of the uterus.
Multiple pregnancy: one or both will present by the breech to adapt with the relatively small room.
Poly-and oligohydramnios.
Intrauterine foetal death.
Bicornuate and septate uterus.
Uterine and pelvic tumours.
Placenta praevia.
Complete breech:
The feet present beside the buttocks as both knees and hips are flexed.
More common in multipara.
Incomplete breech:
Frank breech:
It is breech with extended legs where the knees are extended while the hips are flexed.
More common in primigravida.
Footling presentation:
The hip and knee joints are extended on one or both sides.
More common in preterm singleton breeches.
Knee presentation:
The hip is partially extended and the knee is flexed on one or both sides.
Left sacro-anterior.
Right sacro-anterior.
Right sacro-posterior.
Left sacro-posterior.
Left and right sacro- transverse (lateral).
Direct sacro-anterior and posterior.
Sacro-anterior positions are more common than sacro-posterior as in the first the concavity of the foetal front fits into the convexity of the
maternal spines.
During pregnancy
A transverse groove may be seen above the umbilicus in sacro-anterior corresponds to the neck.
If the patient is thin, the head may be seen as a localised bulge in one hypochondrium.
Fundal grip: the head is felt as a smooth, hard, round ballottable mass which is often tender.
Umbilical grip: the back is identified and a depression corresponds to the neck may be felt.
First pelvic grip: the breech is felt as a smooth, soft mass continuous with the back. Trial to do ballottement to the breech
shows that the movement is transmitted to the whole trunk.
FHS is heard above the level of the umbilicus. However in frank breech it may be heard at or below the level of the umbilicus.
It is used for the following:
To confirm the diagnosis.
To detect the type of breech.
To detect gestational age and foetal weight: Different measures can be taken to determine the foetal weight as the
biparietal diameter with chest or abdominal circumference using a special equation.
To exclude hyperextension of the head.
To exclude congenital anomalies.
Diagnosis of unsuspected twins.
During Labour
The 3 bony landmarks of breech namely 2 ischial tuberosities and tip of the sacrum.
The feet are felt beside the buttocks in complete breech.
Fresh meconium may be found on the examining fingers.
Male genitalia may be felt.
Mechanism of Labour
The engagement diameter is the bitrochanteric diameter 10 cm which enters the pelvis in one of the oblique diameters.
The anterior buttock meets the pelvic floor first so it rotates 1/8 circle anteriorly.
The anterior buttock hinges below the symphysis and the posterior buttock is delivered first by lateral flexion of the spines followed
by the anterior buttock.
External rotation occurs so that the sacrum comes anteriorly.
The shoulders enter the same oblique diameter with the biacromial diameter 12 cm (between the acromial processes of the
The anterior shoulder meets the pelvic floor first, rotates 1/8 circle anteriorly, hinges under the symphysis, then the posterior
shoulder is delivered first followed by the anterior shoulder.
The head is delivered by movement of flexion in:
The head is delivered by extension in normal labour only i.e. occipito - anterior positions.
Timing: After the 32nd weeks up to the 37th week and some authors extend it to the early labour as long as the membranes are intact and
there is no contraindications.
The aim:
Causes of failure:
Contracted pelvis.
Multiple pregnancy.
Antepartum haemorrhage.
Uterine scar.
Hypertension as the placenta is more susceptible to separation.
Elderly primigravida.
Ruptured membranes.
Anaesthesia during version is contraindicated as pain is a safeguard against rough manipulations.
Caesarean Section
Vaginal Delivery
Frank breech.
Estimated foetal weight not more than 3.75 kg.
Gestational age: 36-42 weeks.
Flexed head.
Adequate pelvis.
Normal progress of labour by using the partogram.
Uncomplicated pregnancy.
An experienced obstetrician.
In case of intrauterine foetal death.
trauma, and
retained after-coming head as the partially dilated cervix allows the passage of the body but the less compressible relatively larger
head will be retained.
However, caesarean section should only be done if the premature foetus has a reasonable chance of post - natal survival.
Second stage: The foetus may be delivered by one of the following methods:
Causes Management
Inefficient uterine contractions Oxytocin drip, if contraindicated do caesarean section Breech extraction - if cervix is fully dilated
Causes Management
Groin traction:
Living foetus:
traction is done by the index or the index and middle fingers put in the anterior groin in a downward and backward direction.
The traction is done towards the trunk to avoid dislocation of the femur.
Traction is done during uterine contractions and aided by fundal pressure.
When the posterior buttock appears traction is done by the 2 index fingers in both groins in a downward and forward direction.
Dead foetus:
N.B. The foot has the following features differentiating it from the hand:
Causes Management
Extension of the arms: due to traction on the breech before full dilatation of the The shoulders are delivered by:
cervix. Classical method or
Lvsets method.
Nuchal position of the arm: The forearm is displaced behind the neck due to Rotation of the foetal trunk in the direction of the finger
rotation of the trunk in a wrong direction. tips of the displaced arm.
Classical method:
Lvset method:
Causes Management
(A) Faults in the Living foetus: Symphysiotomy
head Dead foetus: Craniotomy
1- Large head
2- Hydrocephalus Craniotomy
4- Posterior Jaw flexion - shoulder traction till the sinciput hinges below the symphysis then deliver the head by flexion. If the
rotation of the head is extended do Prague manoeuvre
3- Incompletely Dhrssen cervical incisions especially if the foetus is living: 2 incisions of 1-2 cm are made with scissors at 2 and 10
dilated cervix oclock then sutured after delivery. A third incision at 6 oclock may be needed
Prague manoeuvre:
When the occiput rotates posteriorly and the head extends, the chin hangs above the symphysis pubis.
Foetus is grasped from its feet and flexed towards the mothers abdomen, while the other hand is doing simultaneous traction on the
shoulders to deliver the head by flexion.
Prolonged labour with maternal distress.
Obstructed labour with its sequelae may occur as in impacted breech with extended legs.
Laceration especially perineal.
Postpartum haemorrhage due to prolonged labour and lacerations.
Puerperal sepsis.
Foetal mortality:
Is about 4% in multipara and 8% in primigravida which may be due to:
Intracranial haemorrhage: is the commonest cause of death due to sudden compression and decompression of
the head as there is no gradual moulding of the head.
This can be avoided by:
Forceps delivery of the after -coming head.
Slow delivery of the head.
Vitamin K to the mother early in labour.
Fracture dislocation of the cervical spines prevented by avoiding lifting the body towards the mothers abdomen
until the nape appears below the symphysis.
Asphyxia due to:
Cord prolapse or compression by the head.
Premature stimulation of respiration leading to inhalation of mucus, liquor or blood. This can be avoided by
covering the body of the foetus with warm towels during delivery.
Rupture of an abdominal organ: from rough manipulations avoided by grasping the foetus from its hips only.
Non-fatal injuries:
Fracture femur, humerus or clavicle.
Dislocation of joints or lower jaw.
Injury to the external genitalia.
Brachial plexus injury.
Lacerations to the sternomastoid muscles.