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by Rob Judson
June 2002

Biomechanics Of The Lawn Bowl Delivery Movement

Page 2 of 10 Pages

General Evolution of Lawn Bowl Delivery Method

Stances in Target Sports.
The delivery movement in virtually all target sports (e.g. archery, billiards, bocce, bowls, croquet, curling, darts, golf,
pistol, rifle, snooker, tenpin) is one of hand and eye coordination. The closer that the plane, or direction of the manual
delivery movement tracks the line of aim, the simpler is the task of accurate hand and eye coordination. Performers can
achieve such conjunction of the plane of movement with their line of sight in two ways.
One method involves a front-on stance, so that the arm has an unobstructed swing backwards and forwards. The
delivery posture may involve a sideways lean of the upper body to reduce the separation between the aiming line and
the delivery line. A front-on delivery is usual in bocce, bowls, croquet, darts and tenpin. The other method involves a
side-on stance and sideways aiming technique, which is usual in golf and archery to allow effective use of the club and
bow, respectively.

Restraints on Allowable Lawn Bowl Delivery Method

The laws of lawn bowling (in Australia) require bowlers to adopt a
stationary stance with both heels forward of the rear of the mat and the
whole of one foot on it, before beginning the delivery movement. Until
release of the bowl, one foot must be entirely on or over the mat. Thus,
only after the instant of release may a bowler resume any forward
movement. The laws also require bowlers to deliver jacks and bowls from a
60 cm by 36 cm mat. The mat not only provides a visible delivery zone, but
also protects the playing surface.
To protect their greens from impact damage, bowling clubs commonly
require bowlers to release their bowls within a few centimetres of the
playing surface. To avoid dumping deliveries, the adopted release posture
should have the delivery shoulder no more than the length of the extended
arm above the playing surface. Bowls released too high make an audible
thump as they make contact with the green.

Statics and Dynamics in Lawn Bowl Delivery Technique

Differentiation of statics and dynamics is a useful basis for studying bowling technique. Dynamics is about the forces
that produce movement. Thus the dynamics involved in bowling, that is the forces that produce mechanical movement,
centre on the bowl itself, the grip and the delivery arm. Statics is about the forces that produce mechanical stability,
balance, or equilibrium and which originate in the other parts of the body. Their primary function is to provide a stable
framework for supporting the delivery arm fulcrum, or shoulder. Arguably, the more remote a body part is from the
bowl, the less critical it is during delivery.

Dynamic Forces and the Derivation of a Performance Model

Common Objective of Deliveries
In general terms, the objective of each delivery is to propel the bowl so that it comes to rest as nearly as possible to the
jack or other intended position in the head. The objective of an attacking delivery is to dislodge a stationary bowl or
bowls before the disturbing bowl would otherwise come to rest at a point beyond
that of the target, and perhaps even beyond the confines of the green. Bowlers can
execute attacking shots by judging the required line and impact speed to disturb
the target, by estimating the extended pathway along which the bowl would
Attacking shots are
continue before coming to rest were its pathway uninterrupted, and then by
simply draw shots in
visualising an object (e.g. a jack) at the notional end point of bowl run. The
attacking task thereby becomes a draw shot to the visualised object, and is little
different from any other draw shot. Consequently a model for virtually any lawn
bowl delivery should be based on the mechanics of displacing a bowl from its
point of delivery to the notional end of its run.

Biomechanics Of The Lawn Bowl Delivery Movement

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Acceleration Of The Delivery Swing - Muscular Force And Gravity

In Australia, bowls instruction has tended to ignore any role for hand and eye coordination, or for the powerful
musculature of the delivery arm and shoulder in the bowl delivery process. The so-called theory of elevation would
have bowlers would have bowlers controlling the height, or forward elevation of the bowl and arm during the stance. It
postulates that the initial elevation determines the rearward elevation at the peak of the back swing, which then
determines the bowl release speed. The adjacent sketches illustrate the point.

The theory likens the delivery action to the swing of a pendulum, and
advocates correction of bowl run distance by conscious adjustment of starting
elevation, or height of the bowl. The concept has some practical difficulties,
which may explain why it has attracted little favour in other bowls-playing
countries. Once bowlers have acquired an efficient and consistent bowl delivery
action, delivery preparation should focus on the objective of deliveries, and not
on the limb and body movements needed to execute them, which should be
automatic. The adjacent sketches show that perhaps 50% of the starting height
or forward elevation (sketch 1) will have been lost when a bowl pauses
momentarily at the peak of the back swing (sketch 3). Because of their
individual technique, some bowlers have a back lift appreciably less than 50%
of the initial elevation.

Avoid conscious

The armpit derives its shape from two large tendons. The one at the front attaches to the upper arm a short distance
down from the shoulder. It links to a powerful group of muscles that fans out over the front of the rib cage. These
muscles contract in the forward swing. The tendon behind the armpit
likewise attaches to the upper arm. It links to a powerful group of muscles
that fan out behind the rib cage. These muscles contract in the back swing.
Generate bowl delivery
It is impossible to isolate muscular functioning so as to produce a gravityspeed
powered pendulum swing. During both rearward and forward phases of
the arm swing, even novice bowlers
intuitively integrate muscular force with
Muscular force
unison. For example, for a short end on
is the primary
a fast green, bowlers tend to reduce not
source of bowl
only applied muscular force, but also the amount of back lift, or elevation. For
longer ends, or slower greens, bowlers produce greater bowl release speeds by
intuitively integrating a number of variables. These include employing greater
muscular force, extending the back swing, accelerating the delivery movement, and
extending the advance of the front foot to enhance stability during the extended

Biomechanics Of The Lawn Bowl Delivery Movement

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movement. Once back lift or elevation at the peak of the back swing is maximised, gravity offers no additional
contribution to bowl delivery speed. Production of high bowl release speeds typically requires considerable muscular
The delivery process generates feedback that includes a neuro-muscular sensation of, or feel for the action. Bowlers
use this neuro-muscular activation to regulate or adjust bowl release speed, and consequently bowl run distance. This is
an aspect of a hand and eye coordination process.
There is considerable disparity in they extent to which even international bowlers use gravity force to augment bowl
delivery momentum. Some bowlers have free-swinging deliveries; others have a compact arm swing and a 'pushing'
action. A few bowlers accentuate a pushing action by flexing the elbow as the bowl approaches the release point. The
explosiveness of a pushing delivery allows less scope for making any intuitive adjustments to arm movement. Pushers
make little use of bowl elevation, and intuitively employ greater muscular power in their delivery action. With
comparable practice and experience, they achieve results of comparable accuracy.
A definite follow-through phase should occur after the delivery movement and before the recovery to an erect posture.
Bowlers who lack a follow-through phase may start an anticipatory reduction in arm acceleration even release of their
bowls. This error typically results in short bowls because of insufficient release speed.

Arc Length Of The Forward Swing

The upper arm joint has a range of motion of about 230, which exceeds that of any other joint in the body. In an erect
posture, the back swing limit is not far past the hip. The more bowlers incline their trunk and shoulders forward and
down, the more they can extend their back swing limit rearwards. Trunk inclination thereby correspondingly extends
the available length for the forward swing. The virtual limit of the forward
swing is the point where the hand reaches the lowest point of its arc, directly
below the shoulder. According to step length, this position is typically near the
toe of the advanced foot.
Therefore the back swing limit primarily determines the available arc length
minimises any need for
of the delivery arm for its task of generating bowl momentum. At the limit of
the back swing, the bowling arm is momentarily stationary. A bowler must
give the bowl sufficient angular acceleration so that when it reaches the
release point, it will have sufficient momentum for the delivery. Depending on
the environmental and tactical demands at the time, the required release speed
of the bowl is typically in the range 10 30 kph. Bowlers can ensure that a
generous back lift is within their range of movement by adequate forward
inclination of the trunk. If they have good back lift, they can reduce the need for explosive muscular force to generate
required arm speed. A more even balance between gravitational acceleration and muscle-powered acceleration enhances
the scope for more fluency of movement, and for intuitively, delicately, and accurately adjusting that movement should
the bowler sense the need.

Simultaneous Shoulder Advance

A simultaneous advance of the shoulder can, to a minor extent, augment the
forces that produce bowl delivery speed. There is a partial advance of the
shoulders during the back swing as the opposite foot moves forward. There is
further advance of the shoulders as knees and ankles flex, the lowered trunk
glides forward, and the delivery arm accelerates during its forward swing. It is
during the latter phase that shoulder advance has the potential to contribute to
bowl delivery momentum. Body weight usually moves when the shoulders
advance, so use of good technique will avoid an unstable delivery posture. A
sustained follow-through after bowl release usually indicates effective use of
shoulder advance.
Negligible augmentation of the forces producing bowl momentum by
advancing the shoulders can occur in a delivery from a fixed stance. From the
set position in a fixed stance, movement of only the arm is available for
generating dynamic force. Nor does augmentation occur where the timing of
any shoulder advance does not coincide with the forward movement of the
delivery arm. Any contribution to bowl release momentum due to shoulder
advance would rarely exceed 10%. Rapid shoulder advance that typically

indicates optimum use
of shoulder advance.

Delivery of a bowl is an
exercise in hand and
eye co-ordination

Biomechanics Of The Lawn Bowl Delivery Movement

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occurs during in fast deliveries tends to be matched by a proportionate increase in muscular force.

Direction of Bowl Delivery

Delivery of a bowl is an exercise in hand and eye co-ordination. A bowl will initially follow the line of movement of the
bowling arm. This result requires a stable delivery posture with no tendency for sideways overbalancing and consequent
drifting away from the intended line. In the set up, or stance, bowlers can check delivery arm alignment by one or two
trial swings to ensure that the arc of movement tracks the aiming line. The arm
alignment should form a right angle with the shoulder line.
Some bowlers take more care with the alignment of their
feet than the alignment of their arm. Without due regard to
the direction of their arm swing, or to the hand and eye coordinating basis of bowl delivery, some bowlers assume
that their bowl will inevitably run in the direction in which
their feet point. Vision-impaired bowlers must sometimes
rely on this technique. Should the feet, hips or shoulders be
so misaligned that a bowler feels
twisted or uncomfortable in the delivery
posture, sensory feedback tends to
conflict with visual feedback during the
aiming process, and accurate hand and
eye coordination may become more
difficult. Nevertheless, provided the arm
is travelling in the intended direction
when the bowler releases it, the bowl should initially continue
in that direction, irrespective of any misalignment of the feet.

The alignment of the

arm is more important
than that of the feet.

If the arm begins its movement on an incorrect line, a bowler

will always face the additional task of regaining the intended
line before the moment of release. The most common cause of
misdirected deliveries is a set up in which the elevated arm is
angled across the body. In helping to support the weight of the
bowl, the non bowling hand
misalignment of the bowling arm,
as the images above show. In
consequence, the back swing is
either to a position wide of the hip
and outside the correct line, or is
swivelled around the hip to a point
inside the correct line, as the
adjacent images show. A roundarmed swing accompanied by hip
rotation is likely to pull the bowl
inside the correct line. If the arm
drifts off line during the delivery
swing, the bowler has the additional task of regaining the intended line before the moment of release. To regain the
intended line, bowlers tend either to either loop the back swing or converge the line of forward swing so that the
intended line is regained in good time.
For directional consistency, bowlers should avoid using bowls that are too
large to be readily manageable. They should adopt a comfortable grip that
reliably secures the bowl. The grip should enable the hand to transmit
propelling force through the centre of the bowl, as the adjacent image
shows. Bowlers without disabilities normally achieve this if the end joint
of the middle finger is behind the centre of the bowl, and is the last point
of contact when the bowl is released. The muscular force it finally imparts
should thereby transmit through the centre of the bowl. That should
prevent any skewing of the delivery. Further, if the middle finger is in the
same plane as the bowl's centre of gravity, the two digits on either side of
it can best assist grip strength and stability. However if the last point of

Biomechanics Of The Lawn Bowl Delivery Movement

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contact with the bowl is other than the middle finger tip alone, the bowl could skew off its intended delivery line.
Wobble affects the direction of
bowl run. Bowlers can achieve a
wobble-free run of their bowls only
if their coaxial engraved rings are
upright and directed at the aiming
point at the instant of release. They
should grass their bowls so that
these rings are upright and not
skewed left or right. Otherwise
their bowls will wobble or 'stand
up', thereby reducing the effect of
the bias. Bowls released too high (dumped) can tilt and turn before grassing and setting out on a line different to the
intended line.

Controllable Dynamic Factors Involved in the Bowl Delivery Process.

Thus the four controllable dynamic factors of any bowl delivery process are:
the applied muscular force produced in arm and shoulder, the arc of the bowl
delivery arm, an extent of shoulder advance, and the direction of bowl delivery.
In general terms, the objective of each delivery is propelling the bowl so that it
comes to rest at an actual or visualised point in or beyond the head. This is
equivalent to displacement of each bowl from the point of delivery to the actual
or notional end point of its run.

amounts to accurate
line and length.

Performance modelling is a conventional way of studying the biomechanics of

a sport and optimising its techniques. The following model represents the
performing objective of lawn bowling and the factors involved in achieving it. The model is valid for delivery of jacks
or biased bowls. The shaded blocks are the controllable factors. Wind, green friction, and gravity are uncontrollable
factors. Arm acceleration and release velocity are produced by combinations of the foregoing factors

All controllable factors are capable of being simulated with a bowls testing chute. A video camera with a fast shutter
speed option is an excellent tool for observing a bowlers technique for producing bowl momentum.

Biomechanics Of The Lawn Bowl Delivery Movement

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Static Forces and Implications for Technique

Mechanical Leverage of the Delivery Forces
For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. (Newtons 3rd
Law). A delivered bowl has momentum produced by the arms angular
acceleration, which a bowler generates by intuitive integration of muscular
force with gravity force. The complementary reaction is the transfer of
rearwards force transmitted through the arm to the shoulder socket, as the
image on the right shows.
Contraction of chest muscles that attach to the upper arm, a short distance
down from the shoulder produces the muscular component of delivery force.
The shoulder joint operates as a fulcrum. The resistance is the combined
mass of the arm and the bowl.
The centre of gravity of that
mass is typically somewhat
below the elbow, so the
resistance arm is longer than the
force arm. (Because of a jacks
reduced weight, the resistance
arm is somewhat shorter when the projectile is a jack.) Thus, the muscular
force component operates through a third-class lever (as in the image on the
left), which is the primary mechanism of generating high delivery speeds
when they are required. The gravity force component acts through the
centre of the arms mass.
mechanical advantage.
Bowl delivery force results in
a rearwards reaction force at
the shoulder. This force
transfers to another lever that extends through the lower body and legs to
the feet, which act as a fulcrum. The resistance to any rearwards toppling
motion is the mass of the body, which is typically centred in the belly area,
somewhat below shoulder level. Therefore the delivery reaction, or
toppling force applies through a second-class lever (as in the image on the
right), and has some mechanical advantage.

As the image on the left indicates, the lower the

shoulder, relative to the height of the centre of
body mass, the less is the mechanical advantage of
the toppling force, and the greater is the bowlers

Biomechanics Of The Lawn Bowl Delivery Movement

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Base of Support
Bowlers feet form a base of support for their body weight. When the
body C of G is directly above the feet, the posture is statically stable. If
the reaction force of bowl delivery produces movement that takes the
body C of G near the edge of, or beyond the support base, a rearward or
sideways toppling of the bowler is typically apparent as jerkiness or
stumbling. If the body C of G remains well within the support base, the
delivery movement is also dynamically stable. The image on the right
shows a stance with a short base of support
A delivery posture with
one foot advanced is
virtually universal. As
the image on the left
shows, this posture
elongates the base of
support. It provides
greater resistance to
rearward movement of body C of G as a reaction to delivery force,
without compromising dynamic stability. It also allows stable forward
movement of body C of G as the trunk inclines forward and the
shoulders advance.
The advance of the front foot is optimally about the distance of a
natural walking pace. A shorter distance results in reduced length of
the base of support, which allows less freedom for stable forward
movement of body C of G. A longer step causes greater difficulty in
advancing the body C of G into the support zone of the front foot, which in turn forces the groin muscles to play a
major, and perhaps uncomfortable role in supporting body weight.
If the back knee is too high, the knees and hips tend to be prevented from
flexing adequately, and the body C of G remains relatively high. This renders
the base of support relatively narrower, and causes reduced stability both
forward and sideways. A high back knee is often accompanied by an almost
horizontal body posture that forces the adoption of an aiming point sufficiently
near the mat to avoid neck discomfort that could result in aiming at a point
further along the rink.

Get the back knee well

down, and body weight
well forward

In advancing one foot, bowlers must be careful

to avoid placing the front foot on a line that
narrows the separation between that of the back
foot. The proper direction of advance forms a
right angle with the original hip line. Any
narrowing of the base of support could induce
sideways instability as a side effect of avoiding
forward or backward instability.
Step straight without
converging on the line
of the back foot.

Biomechanics Of The Lawn Bowl Delivery Movement

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Choice of Front (Leading) Foot, and Back (Anchor) Foot

Most bowlers advance the foot opposite the bowling arm. The minority who advance the foot
adjacent to the bowling arm include some bowlers with disabilities that make that option more
comfortable, or more controllable. One might speculate about why a right hand player ought not
to step off with the right foot to reduce hip rotation. In a forward position, the adjacent foot may
obstruct the delivery hand and bowl, and be likely to cause bowlers to make contact with their
shoe or ankle unless they intuitively widen their delivery line. With the opposite foot forward, the
hips which may be quite wide - have rotated and narrowed their effective width helpfully,
enabling a delivery line closer to the mid line of the body. Bowlers may then release their bowl
under the body C of G, thereby minimising sideways instability. With the opposite foot forward,
bowlers can then position their eye line or sighting line more readily over the delivery line.

Sideways Positioning Of Back Knee

If the front foot is directly in front of its corresponding hip to enhance stability, one might speculate that the hips and
body would be squarer with the back knee positioned in front of its corresponding hip, than if the back knee is near the
heel of the front foot. Some sideways freedom of movement of the back knee can positively enhance sideways stability.
Any instability towards the left can be neutralised by intuitively swinging the back knee to the left. Opposite sideways
instability may be neutralised by intuitive movement of the knee to the right. Anchoring the back knee against the heel
of the front foot could negate such adjustments of body balance.
Placement of the back knee near the front heel, though turning the hips slightly out of a squared alignment can enhance
dynamic stability. In this posture, the horizontal back leg angles from back ankle towards the front ankle. The bowling
hand swings over and obliquely across the calf and passes very close to the inside of the front shoe. Bowl release occurs
virtually under the body C of G, and under the aiming line. This technique tends to reduce the leverage of
destabilising forces.

Position of the Opposite (Non-bowling) Hand and Arm

Once the legs provide a stable base of support for bowl delivery, that stability can be extended to the shoulder girdle by
anchoring the non bowling arm near the front knee and using that arm as a brace. The hand or forearm can rest near the
front knee. If it is too rigid, the non-bowling shoulder might be propped up, so tilting the shoulder line. It could also
prevent adequate trunk inclination and adequate forward movement of the body C of G.

Crouched Delivery Posture

Some bowlers favour a crouched posture in preparing for bowl delivery. The crouch is equivalent to the demi-pli in
dancing. Because it puts considerable stress on hip, thigh and calf muscles, it is generally unsuited bowlers without
good muscle tone.
Many bowlers who use a crouch are unable to take a pace immediately forward
from that posture. The muscular strength in the back leg is insufficient to
support body weight while the opposite leg executes a forward pace. To relieve
muscular tension, such bowlers intuitively execute a relev (another dancing
term, which simply means they partly straighten their legs) before starting a
forward pace. The head and body of many of the crouching bowlers rises
several inches as they begin a delivery movement. These supplementary movements all add to a bowlers co-ordinating
task and contribute nothing to generating bowl delivery speed or controlling delivery line.
are hard work

Biomechanics Of The Lawn Bowl Delivery Movement

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Extension of Bowling Arm

When preparing for a delivery, bowlers should avoid rigidly extending their arm forward. The weight of the bowl at the
end of the arm represents a considerable moment of force that shoulder muscles can only support through third-class
leverage. Such repetitive straining of shoulder muscles can lead to injury. The upper arm avoids most strain if nearly
vertical and if the elbow is near the waist. The elbow may be flexed to allow the forearm to extend forward, yet avoid
any feeling of strain or discomfort.

Recommended Bowl Delivery Procedure

Ordered List of Elements of A Delivery Movement
The following list sets out the sequence of elements of a delivery movement in lawn bowling. Usage of the terms left
and right is valid for right-handed bowlers.
Preparatory Positioning
Well-practised mat laying procedure
Right foot along delivery line
Left foot slightly separate but parallel
Toes about 10cm behind front of mat

Middle finger centred on running sole

Bowl rings upright and aligned
Right thumb near shoulder of large ring
Bowls suitable size & grip comfortable


Shoulders square to delivery line

Right arm sufficiently elevated
Right arm extended along delivery line
Left hand not drawing right arm off square
Knees comfortably flexed
Weight over balls of feet
Shoulder line forward of toes
Attention directed forward

Delivery Movement
Right arm unflexed during pendulum swing
Left heel lifts as right arm passes hip
Left foot advances parallel to delivery line
Left foot advances a normal walking pace
Sufficient amount of back swing
Left heel grounds as forward swing starts
Left foot settles parallel to aiming line
Forward swing smoothly accelerates
Right knee moves to position behind left
Left hand moves to left knee
Attention still directed forward
Bowl released at lowest point of swing
At least 90% of weight over left foot
Shoulders forward, above left knee
Follow Through & Recovery
Right arm extended along line, palm upward
Attention focused on moving bowl
Recovery separated from follow through
Steps forward off mat

General Recommendations
Like putting in golf, delivering lawn bowls does not require maximal speed, so a variety of techniques are capable of
providing results of comparable accuracy. Some diversity is apparent in the delivery
techniques of elite-level bowlers. Good technique reflects practiced fluency, simplicity,
efficiency, consistency and accuracy. It avoids
Keep it simple
extraneous movements, each of which unnecessarily
adds to the coordinating demands placed on bowlers.
The instruction of novices initially requires reference
to a model of sound technique. As they acquire experience and skill, developing
bowlers may depart from that model. Such departures represent unorthodoxy rather
than error, unless they clearly diminish the accuracy of results.

not error


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