Phraser Connector: Proud To Still Be Standing
Phraser Connector: Proud To Still Be Standing
Phraser Connector: Proud To Still Be Standing
Phraser Connector
100% volunteer run local paper! Sponsored in part by the Nechako Literacy Committee
In the late fall o f 2016, The Five-Point plan saw both the federal Successful applicants in the Community vehicle program F.L.
and provincial governments put another million into the kitty Village Council proceeded this week with their motion to pur-
toward bus services, training, the installation of bus shelters, chase a bus. CAO Holland agreed the twelve-passenger Mercedes
lights, benches and webcams along the route. To further compli- Sprinter will be ordered once a contract has been finalized with
ment and provide more transportation options, twelve municipal- the province.
St. Patricks Day Cops for Cancer - Tour de North fundraiser a big success
Contributed by Cathy Scott
We really didnt know what to expect, but thought we should start our fundraising early in the season..
Cathy Scott and Craig Lepoidevin are 2 Fraser Lake residents who are lucky applicants to ride on the Tour de North this Sept. 12th
to 18th. This year, the team will cycle from Williams Lake, and a rather hilly route will have them finish in Dawson Creek, 7 days and
850 km later.
In order to be part of the Tour de North team, participants have to meet many goals. One of them is fundraising. Employees of the
Emergency Services (RCMP, BC Ambulance) have to raise $ 3000 and community members $ 6000.
Cathy is a Paramedic with BC Ambulance (and Community Paramedic), and Craig is a community member -between the 2 they
were facing a $ 9000 entry fee.
St. Patricks Day seemed like a good day to get people out and have a good time. The Legion was booked, posters made and dis-
tributed, donation letters for the Silent Auction handed out, dinner plans made.and so much more.
Friday, March 17th 5pm came, all was set to go.
The doors of the Legion opened, and people filled the building with an amazing atmosphere. We ate, drank, bid on items, listened to
the amazing music played by local talent. A great time was had by all.
When a community member offered to have her head shaved we raised $ 650 within 10 minutes, and off came her hair.
None of this would have been possible if it wasnt for all the people who came out that night, for all the helpers and all the sponsors.
We want to thank everyone from the bottom of our hearts for their help and support! We were truly blown away and were
once again reminded that we live in an amazing community. We were able to raise $ 7,500.00 that night - 80% of the money goes
to Pediatric Cancer Research and 20% to Camp Goodtimes in Maple Ridge.
The Crisis Centre does an incredible job collecting food for the Christmas Hamper program
and so many people are on board with it. Classrooms at both schools challenge one another to
bring in the most number of food items to fill those hampers. And the staff and volunteers at
the Crisis Centre spend a whole week dividing up the food to make sure everyone on their huge
list gets a tasty box of food over the Christmas holiday Unfortunately their space is limited and
the Crisis Centre cannot sustain an every day program.
At Autumn Services we do another kind of food program simply called Food Share. The con-
cept seemed simple.Try to feed people every day of the year. And if you have extra food, or your garden is burgeoning with
lettuce? and you are going away for the weekend? Drop your stuff off at the Autumn Service fridge so someone who cant afford
food is not forced to go without. The idea wasnt fool proof because we couldn't get the food out to people over the weekend and
by Monday morning, the milk could be outdated or the lettuce wilted.
From those simple beginnings weve developed something more manageable for the Autumn Services staff and a program that is
easier to access when folks need it between paydays or when the hydro bill is bigger than expected.
Our soup program transitions well into the Food Share program and if we have extra soup, we freeze it ...and it becomes part of
the Food Share. For folks who buy the double boxes of cereal, or a case of beans or Campbells soup and cant count on the grand-
children to eat it...drop it off with us a Autumn Services.
We have a cupboard in the back room, a fridge and a freezer...all waiting to be filled with your kind donations. Our attempt to put
time restraints and limits on the intake and sharing of food, has been futile. If someone sees a car in the parking lot, they expect the
Food Share is available...sounds like a sensible answer to hunger dont you think. We would value any ideas you may have on how
to build this program so its sustaiable. Please contact the Centre at 250-699-0056 with your ideas.
This is a Facebook post by Rick Wymer after the Cops for Cancer fundraiser & Curling on Friday March 17th...
Tonight showed me that Fraser Lake can come together like I knew that it could.
We were the old Fraser Lake that I used to know, people of all ages, walks of life,
coming together for a great cause. But do we need something special for the people to come together,? "NO".
I left the Legion and went to the arena and saw more people curling than what I have seen in years. Lets not think that the town is dead, just in a
bit of a lull for now. We will get back to the vibrant town that we used to be, if someone needed a helping hand the word would go out without
social media and you could count on help. It was just like we were family. One Saturday the word was spread that a family was stuck on their
farm because there was too much snow. What do think happened?
Yes people from town picked up shovels and shovelled that mile long driveway.
We can be that town again if we want to be. It was great to see all the people help out at the Legion tonight.
A big thank you to all helping hands, lots of hands makes light work.
Do we need a special event to all come together? Lets bring our town back to what it used be, we have the people and the will.
Lets join together and do it.
New Business in
Fraser Lake !!
A great big
on their grand
Opening at
Lejac Auto
Body !
acres of Ag land in the north that was in production or had been
RDBN talks to Senate and they planted trees on the properties for carbon offsets pur-
poses for their factories in Europe. These properties have now
about protecting local effectively been removed from agriculture use and many of them
have no one residing on the properties so there is no economic or
Agricultural land social benefit from the land.
Parker says they are not against foreign ownership where an
submitted individual or family wants to purchase a farm and continue to use
On March 7th Regional district of Bulkley Nechako Agricultural the land for its intended purposes. The concern is in where large
committee chair Mark Parker and Vanderhoof Mayor Gerry corporate companies are buying up large tracks of land for invest-
Thiessen gave a presentation to the Federal senate committee that ment, carbon offsets or tax breaks. The ask to the federal senate
are doing a study on the acquisition of farmland in Canada. Direc- was for a national policy restricting the amount of foreign owner-
tor Parker was asked to present to the senate after sending in a ship and then each province could make their own policy to the
paper on the concerns we have here in BC and particularly north- level they feel is needed. The second ask was for a review of cur-
ern BC when it comes to protecting our Agricultural lands from rent loan structures and incentives for young farmers looking to
foreign corporate ownership. get into farming or take over from retiring parents. If there was
security for these agricultural entrepreneurs it would allow a
BC is currently the only western province without any form of competitive balance that would require less regulation & policy.
regulation when it comes to the amount of agricultural land for-
eign entities can purchase. Alberta only allows foreign ownership Parker says presenting to the senate was an amazing experience
of up to 20 acres, Saskatchewan 10 acres and Manitoba 40 acres. and he feels they got the concerns of RDBN across to the Federal
These strict regulations in the 3 provinces create a funnel effect Government. The Agriculture committee will also continue to
with foreign investments looking to BC. There is a perfect exam- lobby the province for regulations. The study and report is due
ple of what has and can happen without a form of regulation in out in mid to late June.
2008 to 20014 a company out of the UK bought over 29,000
Each day throughout the week of February 14th, a special event was held to celebrate
reading. On Tuesday, children gathered their books, found a friend, and filled the hall-
ways with reading. On Wednesday, each class buddied up with another class so stu-
dents could read to each other. Thursday was an exciting day with guest readers from
the community coming in to read to the students. What a treat it was, to see what
books they would share, and to hear a new voice reading to them. On Friday many
parents, grandparents, other family members, and friends came to the school to read
with the children. The students were so proud to share their books with family and
friends. It was a great week filled with reading and smiles.
A huge thank you to the guests who made time in their day to come and read to the
students: Thank you to Fire Chief Pacheco, Lucas Six, FLESS Principal Brian Cross,
Rec Coordinator Jennel Harder, Elder Emma Baker, X-Ray Tech. Perry Cherniwchan, Dawn Broadhead, Librarian
Audrey Fenema, Lynn Wiggins, Sargeant Slater, Robin Hendriksen, Connie Sutherland, Lorna Roberts, Melissa Louie,
Dave Thomas, Constable McLean and First Responder Isabelle Smith .
April 2017
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Food Operations Jay Mayers Band
and Health Ap- @ Legion 9pm Mustang Heart
proval 2pm A.S. $10 at door @ Legion 9pm
$10 at door
Soup Day A.S.
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Spring Break End of Life Bingo at Autumn Carpet bowling Soup Day at A.S. T.Nile
Services 1-3 1-3 @ Legion Indoor Market @Legion
Art Gallery Planning 11-2 pm
Starts at Legion Workshop 10am Wine & Art Legion Home Routes
6:30 Still Standing Concert 7pm
Lunch Provided
6pm FLESS $20 at door
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Carpet bowling Carpet bowling
1-3 @ Legion Good Friday Easter egg
1-3 @ Legion hunt 10-1
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Volunteer Rec /Small
Easter Sunday Easter Carpet bowling Bingo at Autumn Appreciation & Soup Day at A.S. Business EXPO
1-3 @ Legion Services 1-3 Business Award Indoor Market Arena
Closed Banquet Arena 5:30 11 2pm 10 am - 2pm
23 24 25 26 27 28 29
Potluck 5:30 Advance Voting
Provincial Election Carpet bowling Carpet bowling National Day of
At Autumn Registration Au- 1-3 @ Legion 8am-8pm
Services 1-3 @ Legion Mourning (event @ Autumn
tumn Services is on the 27th)
4-7pm Fraser Lake Day of Services
Kids Day Mourning @ White Soup Day at A.S.
Endako 2pm Swan Park 11am
Advance Voting
8am-8pm @
Autumn Services
Well here we are at and its a fun way to spend a couple of valuable workshop to our seniors.
the end of March al- hours especially if you win a prize. Thank
The Pot Luck for February was hosted by
ready. For me it you to Savory Farms, Margaret Weslowski
the Co-ed Peewee hockey team. It was
seems to have been a and Bobbie & Lori Hurry for donating food
great to have the infusion of youngsters in
long winter especially and cash for prizes
the center for the potluck. About thirty-
from January on. But
The Aging Well workshop on February five people attended and as always the food
now it seems that
21st was very informative. We were cho- was yummy.
Spring is just around
sen as one of a handful of BC communities
Autumn the corner, thank On April 3rd thru to 7th The Still Standing
(South Vancouver, Comox, Kelowna and
Service goodness. crew will be in town for filming. Look for
Abbotsford) to present this workshop and
Presidents a flurry of events at Autumn Services, the
Report The Soup program is it was a great learning opportunity for eve-
Legion and FLESS. There is lots of excite-
By Anne Letz really doing well. A lot ryone. Through interactive participation
ment around them being here, I personally
of people come in and people spoke about their future regarding
cant wait.
enjoy a bowl and a visit with friends -old well-being, housing, transportation and
and new, just great to see. social connections. Thank-you to Dr. The March potluck is the 26th at 5:30 pm.
Marleen Morris from UNBC and Michelle Due to another event in the building, the
Bingo (every other Wednesday) is expand-
Sandsmark , program coordinator for BC April potluck will be Sunday, April 23rd.
ing. We seem to get one or two new play-
Healthy Communities for bringing this Email: [email protected]
ers each time. Its $1 for the chair rental
Cade Arnason, Tyler DEon, Brailen Fitzgerald, Bryden Fitzgerald, Brendon Heisler, Jordy Kersey, Austyn Ketlo, Alex Koenig, Alyssa Koenig, Joshua
Laffin, Christian Louis, Stephanie McLean, Devin Scott, Nick Stuart & Tristan Williams, coaches: Craig Lepoidevin, Allan Laffin, Harry Koenig
*Thank you to MLA John Rustad for supporting our work here
* Thanks to Hurry Help for plowing and sanding our parking lot for free throughout the winter.
* Thanks to Janet, Shahla, Helen, Debbie, Dave, Janet C, Bonnie, for making soup
* Thanks to all the people who have dropped off food for the Food Share Program
* Thank you to LeEtta for looking Autumn Services in February
*Thank you to Anne for helping out on Soup days, thanks to Carol for helping with coffee group,
*Thank you to Eileen & May & Marilyn & Laurel & Patti & Richard & Mike & Mike & Janet & Janet & Kayce &
Rose for helping make coffee and bringing treats
With Instructor Lisa Gandier
Every Friday in March, April & May April 24th
1pm - 4pm At Autumn Services from 4-7 pm
FREE Drop In (everyone welcome) 312 McMillan Ave.
Bring your Laptops, Smart Phones, IPads, etc.
or use the desktops at the lab. Not registered to Vote in the
1pm - 2pm is instructor led learning, 2pm - 4pm is free time where
you can ask questions and ask for help! upcoming Provincial Election?
LAB HOURS Need Assistance?
Also NEW!! COMPUTER LAB HOURS!! Quick & painless support from
Lab is open every Tuesday from 1pm - 4pm & every Volunteers!
Thursday from 10am - 1pm until the end of May
Tickets (Except May 9th & 11th) Get registered in a few minutes!
$1 each
Located at the Learning Centre CNC Computer Lab
298 McMillan Ave
(please use door facing Technopure parking lot)
Call Sarrah for more information 250-699-6249 or 250-699-1681
To read the Phraser Connector on-line:
Phraser Connector is distributed
FREE once a month to
1480 area mail boxes
Business Card 5.3cm x 9.3cm - $30 per insert
3 x Business Card size - $75 per insert
1/4 Page size 6 cm x 19 cm - $105 per insert
1/2 Page 12cm x19cm - $185 per insert TECHNOPURE WATER
Full page 24cm x 19cm - $375 per insert
Ask about our rates for non-profits Water Treatment Systems
To advertise email:
[email protected]
Drink only the best
Dont forget to call
Autumn Services 250-699-0056
for all your
Copying & Designing needs!!
Book a Birthday Party, For bottled water, pick up, or delivery
Meeting or Baby Shower! Call 699-6688