Air Lubrication Influence On Frictional Resistance Reduction of Multi-Purpose Amphibious Vehicle
Air Lubrication Influence On Frictional Resistance Reduction of Multi-Purpose Amphibious Vehicle
Air Lubrication Influence On Frictional Resistance Reduction of Multi-Purpose Amphibious Vehicle
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Received :25 December 2014 The presentarticle focuses on the hydrodynamic resistance reduction of Multipurpose Amphibious Vehicles
Received in revised form : (MAV) usingthe air lubrication layer effect. The use of air cushions to support marine vehicles, heavy
25 March 2015 floating structures and in other operation is well known. The main problem in Multi-purpose Amphibious
Accepted :15 May 2015 Vehicles (MAV) is the amount of power needed in order to overcome the hydrodynamic resistance acting
on the hull which is included the frictional and pressure resistances. Therefore, more power is needed to
Graphical abstract move the MAV forward. In this respect, more fuel will be required to operate the amphibious vehicles. This
problem could be effectively reduced by the introduction of the air cushion concept. With the air being
drawn from top of craft to the cavity below the hull will produce some cushioning effect and also help to
reduce skin friction drag. In this paper, air cushion effect will be studied in rigid surface cavity instead of
using flexible skirts. This would avoid the problem of high maintenance due to replacement of damaged
skirts. Finally, the MAV will be supported using air cavity and bubbles generated by an air pump
(compressor and air pressure vessel) to pushes the hull of multi-purpose amphibious vehicle up and reduce
the frictional resistance due to draft and wetted surface reduction and layer of air between hull surface and
water. This research would be done via CFD (ANSYS-CFX 14.0) and analyzed the hydrodynamic
Resistance graph of Multipurpose Keywords: Air lubrication; hydrodynamic resistance; CFD; multi-purpose amphibious vehicle
Amphibious Vehicle
2015 Penerbit UTM Press. All rights reserved.
1.0 INTRODUCTION requirements and design parameters force the design to evolve, and
as designers strive to deliver the most effective and efficient
The development of energy-saving ships has been greatly platform possible within the constraints of time, budget, and
anticipated by the shipping industry as a countermeasure against performance requirements. A significant number of applications of
the surging prices of raw materials, including oil, arising from the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) tools to hydrodynamic
economic growth of developing countries, and environmental optimization, mostly for reducing calm-water drag and wave
issues such CO2 emission regulations for international shipping patterns, demonstrate a growing interest in optimization. One
operations. The air lubrication method, which reduces the difficulty with designing such new concepts is the lack of
resistance of the hull by using air bubbles, has been studied by a experience from which to draw from when performing design
number of institutes because the method is expected to result in studies. Thus, optimization techniques may be particularly useful.
prominent energy-saving effects1. Performed tests using a flat-plate An air cushion multipurpose amphibious vehicle is a vehicle
model ship with a total length of 50 m and confirmed that the total supported on a cushion of air which is generated by pumping the
resistance working on the model ship and the local frictional force air bubble from hull surface, able to traverse of water with lowest
working on the ship bottom were reduced by bubbles. Verifications hull surface friction. These are machines that slide along while
on actual ships have also been conducted and demonstrated an balancing on top of an air cushion bubble. This bubble is
energy-saving effect of 5% in an actual ship test using a cement generated by an air pump while the ship is going forward retain the
carrier2. bubble beneath the vessel by limiting the air loss. Since the friction
Any amphibious vehicle design inherently involves against the bottom of the amphibious ship has been significantly
optimization in hull form to increase the maneuverability and hull
performance with fairing the flow structure around it, as competing
reduced because of this cushion of air, less energy is required to navigating in a straight line using double model approximation
move it across a surface3. without considering waves on a free surface. The calculations were
The frictional resistance is the dominant resistance component performed on the port side only based on the line of symmetry
for low-Froude-number ships. Pressure drag (i.e., form resistance) along the hull centerline.
and wave resistance are frequently optimized using Computational All of the air bubbles were assumed to be of a uniform
Fluid Dynamics (CFD) but the total wetted surface remains a given. diameter and remain unchanged by the flow. No consideration was
Reducing this frictional resistance by air lubrication is attractive. given to bonding of bubbles or division of a bubble into multiple
The power needed to compress air and inject it under the vessel bubbles. The bubble diameter for actual ships was assumed to be 2
should be less than the alleged power reduction due to the air to 3 mm.
lubrication4. Bubble outlets were created at three locations along the
For displacement ships, any reduction of the local skin friction bottom of the hull, symmetrically on both sides of the centerline.
leads to decreases of the resistance and commensurately fuel The bubble outlets were created at two locations, one near the front
savings. As the Froude number increases and the wave resistance and the other near the rear, because the calculations were performed
become progressively larger, the effect of air lubrication on the on the port side only in this study. A velocity boundary was created
total resistance expectedly decreases. The injection of air requires at the bubble outlet; the air was blown at a constant flow rate to
constant pumping power and if the ship sails too slowly it form the bubbles.
represents a significant part of the propulsive power. Therefore air
injection is expected to be suited for moderately fast ships with a
target speed range of Froude numbers between 0.05 and 0.153.
Laboratory results of micro-bubble injection by Madavan et al.
(1983) showed reductions of the frictional drag up to 80%. These
micro-bubbles are very difficult to create on a ship scale. As the
bubble increases in size, so does its tendency to deform in the shear
and turbulent fluctuations of the flow and it is no longer a spherical
micro-bubble. Bubbles are on a millimeter scale for current ship
applications; the term micro-bubble is no longer applicable. As the
term micro-bubble is used ambiguously, a distinction between
(mini-)bubble drag reduction and micro-bubble drag reduction is
required. At very low speeds, around 1 m/s, bubbles with a
diameter of only a few Kolmogorov length scales of the flow can
generate a 10% decrease in resistance at only 1 volume percent of
air in the boundary layer6,7.
At more realistic flow speeds of 5 to 15 m/s, this viscous (a) Front view (b) Back view
length scale drops rapidly, enforcing a small bubble that is difficult
to produce in large quantities. Sanders et al. (2006) used bubbles Figure 1 Multi-purpose amphibious vehicle
between 0.5 and 2.5 mm and reported up to a 40% decrease in
resistance for air contents over 10% 9, using smaller bubbles
between 0.03 and 0.5 mm, found a 20% drag reduction at an air
content of 20%. No appreciable influence of bubble size was found
here, but using bubbles from 0.3 to 1.3 mm scale, found that larger
bubbles persisted downstream longer and were more effective at
reducing the resistance9. As larger bubbles showed less dispersion
this may have been an effect of concentration only 11.
Although air lubrication by mini-bubbles can show a decrease
of frictional resistance for ships, the results are not always
convincing.Pauzi, (2003) studied on catamaran operating at high
speed in shallow water12. In order to gain more experience with air
lubrication, a consortium of industrial companies and research Figure 2 Simplified MAV model for using in simulation
institutes initiated the EU-funded project SMOOTH.
This research work focuses on air bubble lubrication and its Table 1 Specifications of MAV
effects on hydrodynamic resistance of Multi-purpose amphibious
vehicle. This paper presents the results of the hydrodynamic Loading Condition Actual size Model Size Unit
resistance comparison of MAV with and without air bubble which LWL 6.607 1.65175 m
is supported by air bubble injected from hull surface of the vehicle. Beam 2.024 0.506 m
Draft 0.99 0.2475 m
Displaced volume 5.314 0.08303 m^3
2.0 SHIP SPECIFICATIONS AND FLOW CONDITIONS Wetted area 31.719 0.33212 m^2
Prismatic coeff. 0.559 0.559 ---
The multi-purpose amphibious vehicle shape and its specifications
Scale ---- 1:4 ---
are shown in Figures 1-2 and Table 1 respectively. The ship was a
Air density 0.001 0.001 t/m^3
twin-screw vessel characterized by its wide breadth medium draft.
Water Density 1.025 1.00 t/m^3
The calculation results reported here are based on a full scale ship
3 A. Maimun et al. / Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences & Engineering) 74:5 (2015), 13
3.0 MATHEMATICAL MODEL the ship bottom surface varied little in response to changes in the
air bubble diameter. Comparison of the computational analysis
Figure 3 shows the computational domain which is modeled and results confirmed that the reduction resistance due to air bubbles
simulated in Ansys14.0 using Finite Volume Method (FVM). has very significant because the air bubbles flowed along the ship
bottom to make an air lubricant surface on the hull.
Flow of Air and Water outlet
However, the resistance reduction mechanism of the air
Flow of Air and Water inlet lubrication method have not yet been thoroughly examined,
including the causes and effects of changes in fluid density and the
turbulence modulation effects of air bubbles inside the boundary
layer. CFD will play an important role in determining these causes
by providing a detailed understanding of the physical phenomena.