Budget in 1
Budget in 1
Budget in 1
Brief description
It is a whole process of designing, implementing and operating budget. It
Will help us with an overall organizational budget as well as with a budget for a
specific Project. It includes tools for estimating costs as well as tips for ensuring
that our budgets meet the needs of our project or organization.
Advantages of Budgeting:-
Problem in Budgeting:-
Where staff is competent to take full responsibility for the financial side of the
organization or project, the following would normally be involved in the budgeting
Where staff lacks confidence to do the budgeting, then Board members can be
brought in. Some Boards have a Finance Committee or a Budget Sub Committee.
It is a good idea to have someone on Board with financial skills. S/he can then help
the staff with budgeting.
The budget is the business of everyone in the organization. At the very least, senior
staff should understand the budget, how it has been drawn up, why it is important,
and how to monitor it.
Business Budgeting:-
When most people think of budgets, they think of a typical household budget -
given a certain amount of money, how much should be allocated to various
expenses? This system usually works fine for individuals, but in the business world
there needs to be a lot more involved. Determining how much to spend on various
expenses is only half the battle. The other half is for a company to be able to
effectively judge its spending performance. Regardless of the type of business, the
ability to gauge performance using budgets is a matter of life and death in the
business world.
Budgeting Process:-
Budgeting is the formal procedure of
preparing budgets. It involves the following basic
Budgeting Techniques:-
A large part of budgeting involves personal finance planning. All three of the
following activities are important when creating a budget that you can live
comfortably with, as well as one that helps you prepare for the long term.
B. Incremental budgeting
Zero based budgeting - By contrast, in zero-based budgeting, each item in the
budget must be justified starting from the zero-base. The zero based approach is
indifferent to whether the total budget is increasing or decreasing. The advantage
of this approach is that it promotes a more efficient allocation of resources,
requires manager to find more cost effective ways to improve operations and helps
detect inflated budgets. Since everything has to be justified this approach will
obviously be more time consuming.
Budget Responsibilities:-
Meaning of Budget: -
Budget (from old French baguette, purse) is generally a list of all
planned expenses and revenues. It is a plan for saving and spending.
Why budget?
Why is it important for an organization, project or department to have a budget?
The budget is an essential management tool. Without a budget, we are like
a pilot navigating in the dark without instruments.
The budget tells us how much money we need to carry out our activities.
The budget enables us to monitor our income and expenditure and identify
any problems.
1. Long Term Budget
2. Short Term Budget
3. Current Budget
4. Rolling budget
1. Sales Budget
2. Production Budget
3. Cost of Production Budget
4. Purchase Budget
5. Personnel budget
6. R & D Budget
7. Capital Expenditure Budget
8. Cash Budget
9. Master Budget
1. Fixed Budget
2. Flexible Budget
Some of these are described below:
Sales budget: The sales budget is an estimate of future sales, often broken down
into both units and dollars. It is used to create company sales goals.
Ultimately, a good budget is one which not only uses good budgeting techniques
but is also based on a sound knowledge of the business as well as the external
factors that affect it. The budget serves as a planning tool for the organization as a
whole as well as its subunits. It provides a frame of reference against which actual
performance can be compared. It provides a means to determine and investigate
variances. It also assists the company in planning again based on the feedback
received considering the changing conditions. An attainable, fair, and participatory
budget is also a good tool for communication, employee involvement, and