Positionpaper wg27 82kb-1 PDF
Positionpaper wg27 82kb-1 PDF
Positionpaper wg27 82kb-1 PDF
ESC Report
KEYWORDS Two major changes in patient characteristics and management occurred recently that
Intensive care unit; demand distinctive alterations in the function of the intensive cardiac care unit
Acute cardiac care; (ICCU). These changes include the introduction of an early invasive strategy for the
Functional treatment of acute coronary syndromes, enabling early recuperation and shorter
need for intensive care on the one hand, while the number of older and sicker patients
Medical equipment
requiring prolonged and more complex intensive care is steadily increasing. A task
force of the European Society of Cardiology Working Group on Acute Cardiac Care
was set to give a modern updated comprehensive recommendations concerning the
structure, organization, and function of the modern ICCUs and intermediate cardiac
units. These include the statement that specially trained cardiologists and cardiac
nurses who can manage patients with acute cardiac conditions should staff the
ICCUs. The optimum number of physicians, nurses, and other personal working in
the unit is included. The document indicates the desired architecture and structure
of the units and the intermediate cardiac unit and their relations to the other facilities
in the hospital. Specific recommendations are also included for the minimal number
of beds, monitoring system, respirators, pacemaker/defibrillators, and necessary
additional equipment. The desired function is discussed, namely, the patients to be
admitted, the length of stay, and the relocation policy. A uniformed electronic
chart for ICCUs is advised, anticipating a common European database.
& The European Society of Cardiology 2005. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please e-mail: [email protected]
Page 2 of 8 Y. Hasin et al.
new, more efficient thrombolytics, anticoagulants, and demographic and clinical data, modes of interventions,
antiplatelets agents, and more effective interventional and in-hospital outcome. This will make communication
therapy, which, in combination with newly developed among the different ICCUs simpler and could serve as
drugs aimed at the salvage of the microvasculature and database with an enormous source of information both
of the myocardium from ischaemia/reperfusion injury, for research and for quality control purposes.
will hopefully improve outcome in these patients.
This pre-vision has clear implications for the necessity
of constantly updating the Units about novel resources Functional recommendations
for diagnosis and treatment, as well as preparing them
to participate in multicentre research in order to deter- ICCU patients
mine the efficacy of the new therapeutic developments.
Professionalization of medicine is becoming more The decision to admit a patient will be made by the ICCU
intense, with the need for cardiac patients be treated physician on duty; in case of physician disagreement, the
preferentially by properly trained cardiologists. In those decision will be made at the senior physician level. It is
hospitals in which the patients are transferred directly advisable for the following patients to be routinely
to the internal medicine ward, the physician in the Unit admitted to the ICCU.14,15
is compelled to determine a long-term treatment
policy, in addition to being obliged to provide acute (i) any patient with suspected acute ST-elevation
treatment. Thus, the different Units will develop myocardial infarction, up to 24 h from the onset
methods for prognostic stratification (index-risk stratifi- of symptoms, especially if suitable for thrombolytic
cation), which will most probably include a combination or primary angioplasty treatment;
of clinical data (age, sex, heart rate, blood pressure); (ii) patients with AMI, presenting .24 h after onset of
ECG (ST-segment depression or elevation, T-wave inver- symptoms with complications, or unstable high-risk
sion); cardiac markers of elevation, especially troponin; patients (heart failure that requires intravenous
evaluation of the left ventricular function; residual therapy or haemodynamic monitoring or support of
ischaemia; and electrical instability. an intra-aortic balloon, serious cardiac dysrrhythmias,
conduction disturbances, temporary pacemakers);
(iii) patients in cardiogenic shock;
(iv) patients with high-risk unstable coronary syndro-
The change in patient population and treating policies mes (e.g. ongoing or repeated anginal pain, heart
necessitate appropriate staff training. An increase in failure, significant diffuse ST-depression, dynamic
the number of complex and/or elderly patients (who ST-shift, elevated troponins);
may need respiratory treatment, intra-aortic balloon (v) unstable patients after a complicated percuta-
counter pulsation, haemodynamic complex monitoring, neous coronary intervention (PCI), who need
or dialysis) and participation in multicentre research pro- special attention (at the discretion of the PCI
jects require suitable training of the physicians and the operator);
nursing staff. It is reasonable that for specific specializ- (vi) patients with life-threatening cardiac arrhythmias,
ation, there will be suitable training and accreditation as a result of ischaemic heart disease, cardio-
myopathy, rheumatic heart disease, electrolyte
both for physicians and for nurses, especially for the
research nurses who will be an integral part of the disturbances, drug effects, or poisoning;
ICCUs nursing staff. (vii) patients with acute pulmonary oedema unresolved
by initial therapy and depending on the underlying
(viii) patients in need of haemodynamic monitoring for
evaluation of therapy;
The standard monitoring equipment, including invasive
(ix) patients after a heart transplant with acute
and non-invasive electrocardiographic, haemodynamic,
problem, i.e. infection, haemodynamic deterio-
and respiratory assessment, will continue to be the
ration, electrolyte imbalance, suspected acute
basis of the ICCU.10 Monitoring for the evaluation of
rejection, and so on;
autonomous function and electrical instability (heart
(x) massive pulmonary embolism.
rate variability, baroreceptor sensitivity, signal average
electrocardiogram, and built-in continuous ECG Holter This list is conclusive and should be adapted according to
monitoring11) is likely to be added to standard equip- each individual case.
ment. Non-invasive assessment of cardiac function such
as cardiac output12,13 as well as continuous CO2 and O2 Length of stay in the ICCU
saturation monitoring, is becoming available and is
routinely used in the modern ICCU. . The length of stay in the ICCU should be primarily
Computers are a part of the everyday monitoring of the planned to be at least 24 days, dictated by the indi-
patients; it is used for collecting and analysing patients vidual clinical presentation.
data. A uniform electronic database management . Patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction
system of all the European ICCUs is an important task without complications should continue the treatment
for the Working Group on ACC, including at least basic in the ICCU for 48 h.
Page 4 of 8 Y. Hasin et al.
. Patients with unstable coronary syndromes with The number of beds will be determined according to the
dynamic ST-shift and elevated cardiac troponins highest of the two.
should stay in the ICCU until 24 h after the latest
episode of ischaemia (non-invasive or planned invasive
treatment, as dictated by ESC guidelines). Number of beds in the intermediate cardiac
. High-risk ACS patients after acute PCI (with GP IIb/IIIa care unit
antagonists) should stay in the ICCU until the stable phase.
The desired ratio of beds between ICCU and the inter-
mediate CCU is 1:3.
Relocation policy
. Once stabilized, patients are transferred from the ICCU ICCU equipment
to a cardiac intermediate care unit (with a simple
electrocardiographic monitoring and run by cardiology (i) Patient monitoring unit: the basic patient monitoring
oriented staff) or to the general ward, according to unit must include at least two ECG channels, invasive
the local policy. After a short stay, an out-of-hospital pressure channel, non-invasive blood pressure
specialized recreation facility is recommended prior monitor, and an SaO2 metre. It is desirable that 50%
to going back home. An alternative route is outpatient of the beds include the following additional basic
rehabilitation clinic. parameters: five ECG channels, two additional
. It is advisable to discuss the following with the patient haemodynamic channels, end tidal CO2, non-invasive
in the presence of one of their dominant family cardiac output, and thermometer.
members: medications, return to activities, risk (ii) Nurse station: to be used for central monitoring and
factors and life-style modifications, a healthy diet, analysing. At least one ECG lead from each patient
and recommendations for future tests (invasive and as well as relevant haemodynamic and respiratory
non-invasive) including an appointment for the data should continuously be present on a central
outpatient follow-up clinic; this should be done screen. Slave monitors should be installed to enable
shortly before their discharge from the ICCU. monitoring of patients from different sites of the
unit, as well as working stations for retrospec-
Intermediate cardiac care unit patients tive analysis of index events, i.e. changes in heart
rate, rhythm disturbances, ST-events (ST-segment
Decision to admit a patient to the intermediate ward is at changes algorithm), heart rate variability, blood
the discretion of the treating physician, and according pressure, O2 saturation, and so on.
to the local policy at the particular institution.16 It is
recommended to consider the following conditions: Patients beds for the ICCU
(i) intermediate risk unstable coronary syndrome Beds in the ICCU have to allow vertical movement, with
patients; the possibility of up and down head and leg positioning.
(ii) patients in first stages of recovery from myocardial Every bed must be equipped with oxygen, vacuum, and
infarction; compressed-air intakes. It is desirable that one of
(iii) patients with uncontrollable cardiac insufficiency the beds be suitable for patients with active conta-
not responsive to regular oral therapy, especially gious infectious diseases (e.g. methicillin resistant
those with co-morbidities; Staphylococcus aureus, HIV, tuberculosis, etc.) and
(iv) patients with heart disease in need of medical therapy filtered accordingly.
adjustment, special cardiac investigations (e.g. elec- It is important to make sure that the patient can be
trophysiological study, cardiac catheterization, etc.), X-rayed on the bed.
or some of the patients after special cardiac procedure
(e.g. implantation of permanent pacemaker or internal Additional equipment17
cardiac defibrillators).
. Volumetric pump/automatic syringe: four to six per
Number of beds in the ICCU . mechanical respirators (including CPAP delivery system
to use with face mask): one machine per two beds;
The number of beds in the ICCU must suit the size of the
. intra-aortic balloon pump: one consol every three
reference population and the relative specific workload
beds, up to the first six patients;
of the hospital. The hospitals specific workload can be
. haemodyalisis/haemofiltration machine: should be
evaluated in a number of ways: the simplest measure of
available (probably more cost effective if supplied by
the relative workload is the number of visits to the hospi-
the nephrology department);
tals internal emergency room.
. pacemaker defibrillator (possibly biphasic): one appar-
Recommended formula for calculation:
atus every three beds;
(i) for each 100 000 inhabitants, four to five ICCU beds; . external pacemaker: one to two every six to eight beds;
(ii) for every 100 000 visits per year in the internal . temporary pacemakers: three to four VVI and one DDD
emergency room, 10 ICCU beds. every six to eight beds;
ESC recommendations for structure, origanization, and operation of ICCUs Page 5 of 8
A skilled physician on duty should be present in the Unit (i) The cardiac intensive care unit/intermediate unit/
at all times. This physician should be able to handle acute cardiac ward should be constructed as an indepen-
cardiac emergencies after short local training and dent ward in the hospital.26
approval for night duties by the director of the unit. An (ii) The desired intensive care unit standard is a separ-
attending cardiologist on call should always be available ate room for each patient and up to two to three
for consultation and assistance. patients per one room in the intermediate unit.
Page 6 of 8 Y. Hasin et al.
(iii) There should be at least one single bedroom with the physicians (cardiologists, anaesthesiologists,
the possibility to isolate patients with contagious nurses, technicians) and multitude of bulky equip-
infection. ment (X-ray machine, heavy monitoring, intra-
(iv) The architecture of the unit should be designed to aortic balloon pump) necessary to initiate treatment
make it possible to observe the patients from the for a complicated acute case. The minimal area
nurses monitoring station and to have easy and should be 25 m2. The room must have washable
fast access. walls for 2 m in height. Construction should fit
(v) The station should be in a central position and well requirement for the use of X-ray fluoroscopy.
equipped, and the surrounding area will be spa- (vii) The electrical equipment should have an emer-
cious so as to afford optimal working conditions. gency feeding and a continuity apparatus.
(vi) The separate intensive care procedure room (viii) Windows in the intensive care ward are desirable,
should be spacious enough so that it can contain all but not a pre-requisite.
Summary table
Patients STEMIany patient. Within 24 h. High-risk patients, ACS patients with intermediate
cardiogenic shock risk
High risk unstable coronary syndromes First stages of recovery from MI
Arrhythmiaslife-threatening cardiac arrhythmias Uncontrollable cardiac insufficiency
Post-PCIunstable/high-risk patients
Haemodynamic monitoringfor evaluation of therapy s/p heart
transplant with acute problem massive PE
Length of stay Primarily planned to be at least 24 days
STEMI without complications48 h
Unstable ACSuntil 24 h after the latest ischaemic episode
High-risk ACSuntil stabilized (medication, revascularization)
Beds The highest of the following: for each 100 000 inhabitants, Ratio of ICCU/intermediate beds
four to five ICCU beds or for every 100 000 visits per year is 1:3
in the internal emergency room, 10 ICCU beds
Monitoring unit Bedside: two ECG channels, invasive pressure, non-invasive Bedside: two ECG channels,
pressure, SaO2 metre non-invasive pressure, SaO2 metre
Fifty per cent of the beds will include the following additional
basic parameters: five ECG channels, two additional
haemodynamic channels, end tidal CO2, non-invasive
cardiac output, and thermometer
Central station One ECG lead from each patient, relevant haemodynamic One ECG lead from each patient
and respiratory data Working station for
Slave monitors retrospective analysis
Working station for retrospective analysis
Equipment Volumetric pump/automatic syringe, mechanical respirators, Volumetric pump/automatic syringe
intra-aortic balloon pump, external pacemaker/defibrillator, external pacemaker/defibrillator
temporary pacemakers, blood clot metre (ACT), glucose level glucose level measurement kit
measurement kit
Echocardiography, X-ray fluoroscopy
Optional Biochemical markers kits for myocardial infarction,
haemodyalisis/haemofiltration machine,
blood gasses and electrolyte analyser
Department head Certified cardiologist Certified cardiologist
Physicians First six beds: one physician for every three bed
More than 6 beds: one physician for every four beds
Nurses Day time: one nurse per two beds Day time: one nurse per four beds
Night shift: one nurse per three beds Night shift: one nurse per six beds
Additional staff Secretary and nurse assistant full time
Dietician, computer expert (hardware and software),
ventilation technician, social worker, physiotherapist, porters,
and cleanerspart time
Construction Separate room for each patient Two to three patient per one room
Central nurse station central nurse station
One room with isolation possibility
Procedure room (X-ray, heavy monitoring, IABP)
Dialysis facility
Other areas Staff room, meeting room, family waiting room, office, store room
ESC recommendations for structure, origanization, and operation of ICCUs Page 7 of 8
(ix) The lighting should be good, but not dazzling; It is recommended that the ICCU will use an electronic
lightning should be indirect. chart routinely. This could facilitate patient admission,
(x) A dialysis facility (source of water and sewage) discharge, and follow-up as well as research and quality
should be established in a few rooms as necessary. control. As several hardware and software facilities are
(xi) In larger intensive care units, one should consider available, and obviously many Units in Europe have
dividing the nurses station into two or three already implemented their own electronic chart, a
according to the number of beds. It is advised common European electronic chart would be an impracti-
that one nurses station should serve not more cal dream. Yet, some key items common to all electronic
than six to eight beds. charts could be chosen, transmitted through the inter-
(xii) The cardiac intensive care unit should be situated net, and will be used as a common European database
as close as possible to the emergency room, the for patient admitted to the different ICCUs.
catheterization lab, general intensive care unit, Recently, the European Society of Cardiology launched
and operating theatres (if available in the the Cardiology Audit and Registration Data Sets (CARDS)
institution). initiative, under the auspices of the European Union.27
(xiii) It is also desirable that the intensive care ambu- One of the three main issues in CARDS is ACS, and the
lance may have a direct access to the unit, so related Expert Committee on ACS published a report on
that in appropriate cases, a patient may be directly the data standards for a ICCUs DB on ACS. This data set
admitted, bypassing the emergency department. can constitute the common basis for all the different
databases in European ICCUs, allowing interoperability
and data sharing.
Other areas to be included Quality assurance should be an integral part of the
organization and standards of a ICCU: processes currently
(i) staff rooms (meeting the demands of the secretary,
considered effective for patients outcome, such as
medical staff, nursing staff, patient relatives inter-
adequately timed reperfusion and evidence-based care
view, physician on-call dormitory, head nurse, and
at discharge, should be monitored and quality control
director of the unit);
performed reviewed at least on an annual basis, together
(ii) meeting room;
with personnel and administrators.
(iii) family waiting room;
(iv) office;
(v) store room (a lot of electronic equipment that Conclusion
requires constant electricity recharge);
(vi) computer communicationsinter-departmental. The current recommendations have been written as a
Departments and laboratoriesan external system. guide and a rule for the function of a modern ICCU.
The exponential speed of changes in technology, pro-
cedures, and treatment policies will undoubtedly
provide a repeated need for updating these guidelines.
Database For instance, what will be the effect of chest pain units
(which are emerging throughout Europe) on the ICCU?
The computer system is regarded as a positive means of
In the near future, reference centres for primary or
collecting information, at local, national, and inter-
facilitated PCI for ST-elevation myocardial infarction, as
national levels. It facilitates everyday activities in
well as for early intervention in patients with non-ST-
patient management and data archiving. It can be used
elevation myocardial infarction, will play a key role in
as database and enables analysis of information and
the treatment of patients with ACS. The concept of
quality control. Nevertheless, there are objective diffi-
networking for the coordination among tertiary centres,
culties and obstacles on the way to adopt a uniform
community hospitals, emergency rooms, and transpor-
programme to be used as a continental database.
tation, might also result in a need for updating.
The lack of evidence-based recommendation on the
(i) Currently, there is no accepted optimal software for
structure and function of ICCUs call upon properly
cardiac intensive care patients.
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(ii) Many of the cardiology departments in Europe have
numbers of ICCU beds required for a given populations
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size, specific equipment, required personnel, and alike.
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