[54] DRIVING SYSTEM FOR MOVING PATHS 3,076,906 2/1963 Simo ................................ .. 318/85 X
on ESCALATORS 3,265,947 8/1966 Woehler .............. .. 318/85 x
3,305,765 2/1967 Rittner 1 . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. 318/39 X
[75] Inventors: Nobuo Mitsui; Akinori Watanabe; 3,353,384 11/1967 Kain et a1. ............... .. 318/99 X
Takeshi Oohira; Kazuhiko Kawauchi, 3,364,404 1/1968 Carlson .... .. 318/85 X
all of Katsuta; Shoichi Nakao, Mito; 3,658,126 4/ :Iara it al. .. . . . . . . . . ..
5322: Teramsh"
' ' Katsuta a of 3,845,366
3,73l,l 6 10/1974
5 7 Metzler
nuzu aeta....
et al. ....................... .. 318/99
42 a l
0 V///4\ //J b T 16 Ks
I 1 \
P \sP2 CH SP3
. US. Patent Nov. 1, 1977 I Sheet 3 of3 , 4,056,759
to be applied upon the sprocket disposed at the middle
DRIVING SYSTEM FOR MOVING PATHS OR portion in response vvto an output of the detecting
ESCALATORS means. ' l
Preferably, the loaded'weight is detected by use of a
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 5 current flow through a first induction motor coupled to
The present invention relates to an improvement of a a ?rst sprocket disposed at one end portion of the path
driving system for moving paths or escalators which use of the endless chain, and when a load for the ?rst in
an endless chain adapted to be circulated between a duction motor reaches a predetermined value, for ex
path for transporting passengers. ample 75 to 80 perc'entof the full load thereof a second
The moving path or escalator usually employed an sprocket disposed at the middle portion of the endless
endless chain applied between two sprockets disposed chain also receives a torque from a second induction
in a spaced relationship, one of the two sprockets is motor. As the loading weight increases beyond the
driven by an induction motor coupled therewith. In a predetermined value, the torque to be applied upon the
horizontally movable moving path or an ascending second sprocket by the second motor is increased until
escalator an induction motor is coupled to a sprocket 15 the second sprocket receives preferably 100 percent
installed at the destination side whereas in a'descending torque from the second motor at the time when the first
escalator the induction motor is coupled to the sprocket receives 100 percent output from the first
sprocket installed at the entrance side. The endless motor. For the purpose of controlling the torque ap
chain for use in a long distance moving path or long plied upon the second sprocket, preferably an induc
stroke escalator is required to be of a high strength 20 tion coupling is interposed between the second
structure, because the chain is driven at one driving sprocket and the second motor.
point and the whole tensile force concentrates at this With this construction, when the loaded weight in
driving point, resulting in an extremely magni?ed size creases to increase the maximum tension in the endless
of the whole system. In other words, as the passenger chain, the second sprocket generates a driving force so
storing capacity of the system becomes large, a tensile 25 as to disperse the ,tension distribution in the endless
force acting on the driving point of the endless chain chain. As the loaded weight is further increased, the
increases. On the other hand, since the strength of the second sprocket receives a further increased driving
endless chain increases stepwise with a certain step, the force so that the ?rst and second sprockets cooperate
endless chain requires a very great capacity as it be to transport the load under suppression of the maxi
comes longer. The endless chain resistive to a large 30 mum tension. ,
tensile force suffers from an increase in chain weight As a result, the tension in the endless chain is sup
and in chain size. This magni?es stepwise the size of a pressed together with prevention of increase in size of
driving device for driving the endless chain together the same, thereby miniaturizing the whole system and
with the loaded weight. assuring the provision of an economical driving system.
To eliminate these disadvantages, it has been sug 35 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWING
gested that another sprocket be provided at substan
tially the middle portion of the endless chain to sup FIG. 1 is a schematic diagram of a driving system for
press a maximum tension which the endless chain as moving paths embodying the invention.
sumes and the sprocket is driven by a second induction FIG. 2 is a graph useful to explain the tension distri
motor for the purpose of smoothing the tension distri 40 bution in the endless chain.
bution in the endless chain. FIG. 3 shows slip S versus torque T characteristics of
In this prior art, however, a pair of induction motors two induction motors.
are always in operation, which is disadvantageous in FIG. 4 shows load L versus current ?ow I characteris
economical standpoint of view. Further, when both of tics of the induction motor.
the two induction motors are controlled, the control FIG. 5 shows speed N versus torque Tz characteris
devices becomes complicated and expensive and reli tics, with the parameter of exciting currents i0, of the
ability of the system is lowered. Further, there is an induction coupling, in which a dotted curved line M2
inconvenience that, when the system is loaded with a represents a performance of the induction motor.
concentrated load at the intermediate portion between FIG. 6 shows slip S versus torque T characteristics of
the two driving source sprockets, the second sprocket 50 the driving system embodying the invention.
pushes the chain from the rear of the load with a result FIG. 7 is a circuit diagram of one example of a pri
that there generates a minus tension in the chain be mary voltage controller for the induction motor.
tween the ?rst and second sprockets to provide a slack DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED
ness of the chain so that the chain is off its guide. EMBODIMENT
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION Referring now to FIG. 1, there is provided an endless
Accordingly, a principal object of the present inven chain CH applied between two sprockets SP1 and SP3,
tion is to eliminate such an inconvenience as stated the sprocket SPl being ?xed mechanically while the
above and to provide a compact, economical and sprocket SP3 is supported by a tension spring KS so as
highly reliable driving system for moving paths or esca 60 to apply a tensile force to the endless chain CH. To the
lators. sprocket SP1 is coupled an induction motor M, through
In accordance with the present invention, there are a reduction gear F1. The induction motor Ml receives
provided, at one end portion and substantially the mid power from a three-phase AC source U, V, W and in
dle portion of a moving path or escalator, sprockets to turn drives the sprocket SP1.
which motors are coupled separately. Further, there 65 When, in such an arrangement the endless chain is
are provided means for detecting a loaded weight act supplied with a driving force only by the sprocket SP
ing upon the endless chain or detecting a quantity cor provided at one end part of the moving path, the end
responding thereto and means for controlling a torque less chain assumes a maximized tension at a portion a.
3 4
Accordingly, on the assumption that passengers are Since the respective torque performances TM, and Tm
uniformly distributed throughout portions a, band 0, a of the two induction motors M, and M, are the same,
tensile force may be distributed over the whole path as assume that the total loading torque of the system is 2
shown in FIG. 2 at a chained line 1. TN, each motor generates a rating torque TN with the
For this reason, the endless chain must be designed to full load so that respective motors share half the full
have so large a strength as to withstand an expected load thereby to be rotated at a speed corresponding to
maximum tension at the portion a. Generally, the maxi a slip of S,.
mum capacity of a moving path or escalator is deter) The moving path or escalator of this type is utilized
mined by the area of a portion on which a prescribed for people. Accordingly, when loaded with the maxi
number of passengers ride. Such area corresponds to a mum load of the system, a uniform and continuous load
product of the width of the endless chain and the length is created, and between the driving portions a and b and
E. However, the larger is the maximum capacity, the between driving portions b and c is applied the maxi
larger will be the maximum tension T, which the end mum loads proportional to the chain spans, each of
less chain CH assumes at the portion a, resulting in a which is less than one-half the full load of the system.
magni?ed size of the endless chain in compliance with For this reason, if the maximum torque of the system is
the strength enhancement. designed less than the sum of 2 TN of the outputs from
To solve this problem, a sprocket SP2 is provided for the two motors, the maximum tension at the driving
an approximate middle portion b of the moving path or portions a and b can be decreased to less than TN. With
escalator, the sprocket SP2 being coupled with an in this constitution, however, if a concentrated load L acts
duction motor M2 through a reduction gear F2. With whose length is shorter than the distance between the
this construction wherein a chain driving force is also driving portions a and b as shown in FIG. 1, a required
supplied to the middle portion, a tensile force may be torque is TN and as a result, the respective motors tend
distributed as shown in FIG. 2 at a solid line 2 with the to operate at-a speed corresponding to a slip of S2 with
result that the maximum tension is reduced by about the torque of l TN as seen from FIG. 3. Thus, the
half. Inthe case where the whole length of the moving 25 motor M, pulls the concentrated load L with the 1% TN
path is l and the second sprocket SP2 is placed at the torque and the motor M2 pushes it with the correspond
portion b spaced from end portions a and c by a dis ing 17% TN torque so that a portion of the endless chain'
tance l/2, i.e. at the middle 'portion, when the passen between the concentrated load L and the driving por
gers come up to a prescribed number and thus the tion b is sent excessively. Since the chain can not trans
passengers equivalent to the maximum capacity are 30 mit forward a force when it is depressed from behind,
distributed uniformly over portions a, b and c, a tensile the excessively sent portion of the endless chain is
force which the endless chain assumes at each of the slackened. With an excessive slackness, there is a dan
portions a and b is TL/2 as shown in FIG. 2 at the solid ger in that the endless chain is partially corrugated or
line 2. Accordingly, it is suf?cient for the endless chain brought into disengagement from the sprocket SP, at
to be designed resistive to TL/2. _ 35 the portion b. To eliminate the drawback, it is advisable
Incidentally, a continuous operation of the respective to interpose means for electrically controlling the
induction motors M, and M2, for the purpose of attain transmission torque, for example an induction coupling
ing the above object, is apparently disadvantageous CE, betweenthe output shaft of the motor M2 and the
from the view of economy. In addition, the provision of reduction gear F2, thereby assuring control devoid of
an individual control device for each of the two induc 40 the excessive sending or slackness phenomenon of the
tion motors not only results in a complicated and ex endless chain. When the primary current I1 of the motor
pensive driving system but also reduces the reliability M1 is derived through a current transformer CT to be
of the system in view of safety~first. measured as a voltage across a ?xed resistor R0, the
In this respect, according to the present invention a voltage varies along a quadratic curve having the apex at
control device for the induction motor M, driving the 45 a voltage R, i,, corresponding to a no-load current in as
sprocket SP, is deleted and a loading weight or a quan shown in FIG.'4. In the ?gure, the ordinate represents
tity corresponding thereto is detected to control a the voltage V proportional to the primary current I,
torque to be applied upon the sprocket SP2. For the and the abscissa represents the load L is percent (%).
detection of loading weight, a load acting upon a chain Now, the voltage R,,i proportional to the primary
guide may be detected by weighing machines W, and 50
current, i being the load current, is compared with a
W2 and a sum or a difference of outputs from these predetermined signal VB which for example corre
weighing machines is derived to control a torque to be sponds to the 75 percent load in an automatic pulse
applied upon the sprocket SP2; or a static load created phase shifter APPS, (such as a magnetic ampli?er) and
at the bearing of the sprocket SP, may be detected by only when R,,i > V,,, the gate of a thyristor ampli?er
a load detector P. v55 SCR is ?xed to excite the induction coupling CE. FIG.
However, these detecting means require an electro 5 illustrates rotation number N versus transmission
mechanical converter in addition to a pure mechanical torque T, characteristics, where ic, to ic, are different
device. In contrast therewith, a method of approxi exciting currents which satisfy ic, < ic2 < [C3 < ic,.
mately detecting the loading weight by using a current Since the transmission torque T, varies in approximate
?ow I1 through the induction motor M1 is very simple. 60 proportion to the exciting current i,, when the torque
To control the torque to be applied upon the performance of the motor M2 is selected as shown at a
sprocket SP2, the torque of the induction motor M2 per chained curved line the output torque can be con-'
se may be controlled as well. trolled from O to 100 percent.
Although the respective motors M, and M, are by no When, by adjusting the gain of the automatic pulse
means limited to a induction motor, it is preferred to 65 phase shifter APPS, the induction coupling is set to
select motors having the same characteristics and ca have a coupling forceof 100 percent at a voltage of
pacity. Assuming that induction motors are used,'slip S R,,i,v which corresponds to the rating load current i,,, of
versus torque T characteristics are shown in FIG. 3. the motor M,, the torque versus slip characteristics of
4,"056,759 '
5 . . - 6
the motor M2 can be modi?ed as shown inFIG. 6 at a I Further, the present invention is advantageous from
solid line T m so that the resultant torque'of this driv the view point of economy since it is clear that more
ing mechanism becomes TMl + Tm as shown at a solid than three motors can bereadily cooperated when the
line (TM1 + Tm) in FIG. 6 which shows torque versus output of the subsequent or previous motor is con
slip characteristics. More particularly, below a slipof trolled in accordance with the load condition of the
X18l whichvcorresponds to three-eights full load of the ?rst motor.
whole system, the system are operated only by the What we claim is:
motor Ml assuming no controlling and the driving l. A driving system for moving paths or escalators
torque performance T is expressed as T = KS, where K which use an endless chain adapted to be circulated
is a proportional constant. Abovea slip of Sv which -. between a path for transporting passengers, compris
corresponds to a load ranging from three-eights full mg:
load to full load and which is 5681 < S 8,, the driving a ?rst and a second sprocket disposed at one end
torque performance is expressed as portion and substantially middle portion of said
path, respectively;
a. ?rst motor for driving said ?rst sprocket;
a second motor for driving said second sprocket;
As a result, the motor M2 does not participate in a means for detecting a quantity corresponding to a
complemental operation below the three-eights full loaded weight acting upon said endless chain;
load, but at one-half the full load at which the maxi means for setting a reference value; and
mum excessive sending phenomenon is caused the 20 means for controlling a torque to be applied upon
motor Ml delivers the output of 0.75 T,;, and the motor said second sprocket in response to an output from
M2 delivers the output of 0.25 TN such that the motor ' said detecting means, said torque controlling
M2 pushes slightly the concentrated 'load L. Practically, means including means for increasing the torque to
however, the tension spring K, provided for the idle be applied upon said second sprocket in response
sprocket SP3 has the strength of about 0.5 TN so that no 25 to an excess developed when the output of said
excessive sending of the chain is created at the driving detecting means exceeds said reference value.
portion b. Further, at the full load, the two motors each 2. The driving system according to claim 1 wherein a
generate the rating torque TN and share the same sum of rating outputs of said ?rst and second motors is
amount of load with the result that the maximum ten selected to be substantially equal to the maximum ca
sion of the endless chain cannot exceed the equivalent pacity of the system.
torque TN. Although the foregoing description has been 3. The driving system according to claim 2 wherein
given with a moving path, the same effect may be ob the respective rating outputs of said ?rst and second
tained with an escalator provided with the sprocket SPl motors are selected to be substantially equal to each
at its upper portion and the sprocket SI3 at its lower other.
portion. 35 4. The driving system according to claim 1 wherein
With an escalator, its operation in the direction re said means for detecting a quantity corresponding to a
verse to an arrow of FIG. 1, i.e. descending operation loaded weight acting upon said endless chain includes
can enjoy the same effect. In the descending operation, means for detecting a current flow through said first
the motor M1 rotates at a speed higher than the sychro motor.
nous speed and it is brought into a so-called regenera 40 5. The driving system according to claim I wherein
tive breaking state. Under this state, since the primary , said means for controlling the torque to be applied
current has an approximately symmetric characteristic upon said second sprocketincludes an induction cou
to the right half of FIG. 4, a performance as shown in pling interposed between said second motor and said
FIG. 6 at 3 can be obtained by adjusting the reference second sprocket.
voltage V,,. The torque versus slip characteristics of the 45 6. The driving system according to claim 1, wherein
motors MI and M, during descending operation are said second motor comprises an induction motor and
shown in FIG. 6 at solid lines 4 and 5, respectively. said means for controlling the torque to be applied
Eliminating induction coupling CE, the primary volt upon said second sprocket includes thyristor means
age of the motor M2 may be controlled for the purpose interposed between an AC source and said induction
of regulating the output of the motor M2. For example, motor for regulating a voltage to be applied to said
where thyristor anti-parallel circuits SCR1 through induction motor.
SCR, are inserted in the input side of the motor M2 as 7. The driving system according to claim 1, wherein
shown in FIG. 7, the primary voltage of the motor M, is only a single torque controlling means is provided, said
controlled to regulate the output thereof, thereby at single torque controlling means controlling the torque
taining the same effect. Still further, the motor Ml of an applied to the second sprocket.
induction motor and the motor M2 of a DC motor are 8. The driving system according to claim 1, wherein
used in combination, and an application voltage to the said means for setting a reference value provides a
DC motor may be controlled in accordance with the value such that for a predetermined portion of the load
primary current of the induction motor. weight range acting upon said endless chain said torque
A moving path driven by a single driving motor with 60 controlling means provides 0 torque for said second
a 25 ton standard chain can have the stroke less than motor, said torque controlling means providing an in
.500 meters, and even with modern 40 ton chain of creasing torque in response to the output from said
attainable maximum capacity, the maximum stroke is detecting means exceeding said reference value.
limited to 800 meters. On the contrary, according to 9. The driving system according to claim 1, wherein
the present invention it is possible to manufacture a 65 said means for setting a reference value sets a predeter
moving path having a stroke of 1 kilometer with the 25 mined reference value corresponding to a predeter
ton standard chain. The manufacturing cost can be mined load condition of said ?rst motor.
reduced by 10 to 15 percent. 10. The driving system according to claim 1, wherein.
~ 4,056,759
said torque controlling means applies a torque to said said inductioncoupling in response'to an excess devel
second sprocket when the output of said detecting oped when the output of said detecting means exceeds
means exceeds said reference value which is a predeter said set reference value.
mined value, and said means for increasing the torque 13. The driving system according to claim12, where
varies the torque applied to said second sprocket in in only a single induction coupling is provided, said
accordance with the amount of the output of said single induction coupling controlling the output of said
detecting means above said predetermined reference second induction motor supplied to said second sprocket; -
value. - 14. The driving system according to claim 12,
11. The driving system according to claim 1, wherein wherein said means for setting a reference value sets a
said torque controlling means controlsthe torque ap 16 predetermined reference value corresponding to a prede
plied to said second sprocket to control slackness in the termined load condition of said ?rst motor.
endless chain and thereby avoid excessive slackness 15. The driving system according to claim 12,
phenomenon in the endless chain. wherein said thyristor ampli?er excites said induction
12. A driving system for moving paths or escalators IS coupling when the output of said detecting means
which use an endless chain adapted to be circulated exceeds said reference value which is a predetermined
between a path for transporting passengers, compris value and varies the excitation of said induction coupling
ing: a ?rst and a second sprocket disposed at one end accordance with the amount of the output of said
portion and substantially middle portion of said path, detecting means above said predetermined reference
respectively; a ?rst induction motor coupled to said
?rst sprocket; a second induction motor coupled to said 20
value. I ' '