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Product System Life Cycle

Okala Practitioner Chapter 1

Product System
Life Cycle

Designers need to understand that
environmental impacts can occur
thorughout the life cycle of a product.
By including all of the stages in the
assessment of a product, designers
ensure a comprehensive and accurate
assessment of the products poten;al
Phases in a products life cycle

Raw material extrac-on Wood from forest, oil from well, metal ore from mine, etc.
Material processing Wood to paper, oil to plas;c, ores to metal alloys, etc.

Component manufacturing Paper printed, plas;c molded, alloys into circuitry, etc.
Assembly & packaging Product is assembled and packaged with documenta;on.
Distribu-on & purchase Product is distributed and purchased.

Installa-on & use Energy and addi;onal materials may be used.

Maintenance & upgrading Product cleaned, parts replaced or upgraded.

Transport (among all phases) Via train, truck, car, automobile, sea vessel or airplane.
Reuse, recycling or compos-ng Product or component reuse or material recycling.
Incinera-on or landlling Product or components are burned or buried in landll.
Phases in a products life cycle

Every phase in the lifecycle
can require energy and
addi-onal material
inputs, as well as give
emissions to air,
water or soil.

Addi-onally, the
components or the
product may be
transported between
phases or within each phase.

What are the phases
in the life cycle of a
glass cup?
Material Extrac-on
Mining sand and
lime from the

Cleaning raw
materials and
processing them
into glass.

The material is
formed into a
drinking glass.
Assembly and Packaging
Boxing the drinking
glass .
Distribu-on and

Distribu;ng and
purchasing the
and use

People drink
from the glass.
Maintenance and

Washing and
reusing the glass
many ;mes.
Returning the
glass for material
What are the phases
in the life cycle of a
French fry?
What are the phases
in the life cycle of an
ink cartridge?
Assume that the cartridge
is made from plas;c,
;n circuitry and ink.
Why should we or
should we not model all
of the phases in the life
cycle of a product?
Okala Practitioner
Integrating Ecological Design

This presenta;on is part of an educa;onal The Okala Team ini;ated the collabora;on
presenta;on series that supports teaching with the US EPA and the Industrial Designers
from the Okala Prac))oner guide. Society of America (IDSA) in 2003. The team

developed Okala Prac;;oner with support
Okala Prac))oner and these presenta;ons
from Autodesk, IBM, Eastman Chemical and
were created by the Okala Team to
the IDSA Ecodesign Sec;on.
disseminate fact-based knowledge about
ecological design to the design disciplines Okala Prac))oner is available through
and business. amazon.com.

Unless provided in the presenta;ons, Informa;on
More informa;on and the free Okala
sources are found in the Okala Prac))oner guide.
Ecodesign Strategy App are found at
The Okala Team: Okala.net.

Philip White IDSA Associate Professor, Arizona State University Copyright 2014, Okala presenta;ons are free
Louise St. Pierre Associate Professor, Emily Carr University of Art + Design for educa;onal uses, but fully protected from
unlicensed commercial reproduc;on or use.
Steve Belle;re IDSA Professor, Southern Illinois University Carbondale Okala is a registered trademark of the Okala Team

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