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Printed by Fischer & Wittig in Leipzig.

As farback as 1894, Professor HERMANN L. STRACK,
of the Universityof Berlin, who had favorably noticed
ray first two publications, both dealing with the textual
criticism of the suggested to me the writing
of a work to all and purposes similar- to the
, present one. The plan was elaborated in detail, and
I actually commenced work on a number of
larger texts.
Soon, however, I realized that with the means at my dis-
posal it was impossible for me to arrive at a satisfactory
form of the text. Moreover, my professional work lying in
other directions, I was forced to abandon for the time being
all When in the autumn
thought of prosecuting this plan.
of 1907 I Germany, Prof. STRACK urged me to let
go for a while my Septuagint studies and to resume that
long neglected piece of Talmudic work.
With the aid of JUDAH SENI'S n^JP rnirp ISRAEL ,



proverbes du Talmud, and MOSES LEWIN'S Aramdische Sprich-

rvorter und Volksspruche, and a manuscript collection of a
similar character compiled by my sainted father, I transcrib-
ed a large number of short and pithy Aramaic sentences
from the Talmud noting the variants from RABBINOVICZ'

work. I then copied a large number of connected Aramaic

texts from all parts of the Talmud with the variants


belonging thereto. I once more realized that unless I

secured manuscript evidence at first hand, my texts as well
as the grammar that I had constructed from them would
be unreliable. 1 therefore proceeded to Munich where,
beside the famous cod. Hebr. 95, I was privileged to collate
the manuscripts and early prints enumerated on p. XV.
Only when the grammar, as far as based on my
own texts, had been completely worked up, did I proceed
to an examination of the grammatical works of my prede-
cessors (see p. 98). I found that there were two points
which placed my work on a footing entirely its own. In
the first place, my own examples were marked by that
certainty which comes only from a personal perusal of
the sources, the otherwise scholarly work of the author of
the Variae Lectiones being entirely unreliable in the province
of grammar. Then again my
linguistic point of view differed
from that of predecessors in a number of vital questions.
I say all this with no intent to criticize the labors of others.
I merely wish to point out the independent character of my

own work. In the Syntax I had no predecessors at all.

I therefore guidance of NOLDEKE in his ex-
followed the
cellent Mandaic and Grammars as closely as
feasible. The examples, of course, are my own.
In the first part of the Chrestomathy, the sources of
each form, phrase, or sentence, were indicated in my manu-
script. But in order to reduce the bulk and cost of the
volume, it was deemed advisable to drop them in all but
a few cases. As for the Connected Texts, not only are the
sources noted, but also a certain amount of variants. Here
again economy was imperative. I therefore chose for each
piece that witness of the text, which seemed to merit distinc-
tion because of its correctness or originality, giving the

authority for all deviations therefrom in the margin, where

are likewise registered not only important variants bearing
on grammar, lexicon, or meaning, but also scribal errors of
the codex chosen (for silence would have led to a false
impression as to the actual contents of the manuscript).
Both in the Grammar and in the Chrestomathy I
refrained from adding vowel points. Only in the Connec-
ted Texts did I here and there deviate from this rule ;
the reasons in each case will bebe obvious.
found to
The first part of the Chrestomathy, the "Forms and Sen-
tences", being arranged according to a graded system,
with references to the paragraphs of the Grammar, the
student, with the aid of 2 5 and a moderate know-
ledge of Hebrew and Biblical Aramaic, will be able to
accurately vocalize every form occurring in the Grammar
and in the corresponding portions of the Chrestornathy.
Moreover, he may look up every form in the Glossary
under the proper root, where he will find the forms oc-
curring in Grammar and Chrestomathy recorded, defined,
and vocalized. There is also another reason why the
vocalization was on the whole sedulously kept out of
Grammar and Chrestomathy. The orthography of the
sources being adjusted to unpointed texts, the introduction
of vowel-points would have created naught but confusion,
since the latter presupposes an entirely different system
of orthography (such as we find in Biblical Aramaic). With
the method adopted by me each system is allowed to

exhibit its own characteristics without confusion.

whatever subjective features may attend the vocalization
are thus kept out of the texts themselves which are pre-
sented with utmost fidelity and accuracy exactly in the
form in which they have come down.
As for the choice of material, the texts naturally come
largely from the Haggadah. But the Halakah also is not
only represented by a few specimens which I believe, ,

meet the requirements of beginners, but also in the first

part of the Chrestomathy by phrases and sentences judi-
ciously culled from the large frame-work and thus exhibit-
ing the methodological terminology of the halakic dis-

cussions, concisely explained in the Glossary. Additional

information is to be found in MIELZINER'S Introduction and
in BACKER'S Terminologie (see
p. 97. 98).
In writing the Glossary, I naturally availed myself
of the great Talmudic lexica and of the lexicographical
works concerned with the cognate Ai'amaic dialects. My aim
was not so much to discover new identifications, as to give
that which was tenable and most adequately supported. I
have followed tradition as far as it is embodied in the <ARUK,
in HANANEL, RASHI, and others, both with a conservative
bias and with criticism. The discerning critic will find that
the lexicographical material has been thoroughly consulted
and just as accurately weighed. The student may confidently
feel that he is everywhere treading upon safe ground.
It is a pleasant duty for me to acknowledge my in-
debtedness to the directors of the Libraries of Gottingeu,
Hamburg, Karlsruhe, for the readiness with which they con-
veyed their Talmudic manuscripts to Munich for my use but;

above all to Dr. VON LAUBMANN, the director of the Royal

State and Court Library at Munich (whose recent demise is
a source of deep regret), and his able assistant, Dr. LEI-
DINGER, for the uniform courtesy extended to me for five full
months. I am also beholden to the National Library at
Florence for the permission to have certain pages of its
Talmudic manuscripts photographed, and to Chief Rabbi
Dr. S. H. MARGULIES for securing and forwarding those
photographs. Above all others, my sincere gratitude is
herewith expressed to Professor STRACK who not only sug-
gested this work but also read a number of proofs and
was untiring in his efforts, in which he was aided by his
wide experience, to enhance the accuracy of the contents,
the economic arrangement of the details, and the appea-
rance of the whole. Nor would I be derelict in acknow-
ledging the kindness of Commercial Councillor Herr OSCAR
BECK, head of the publishing firm of C. H. BECK in Munich,
who most readily consented to undertake the publication
of this work.

Philadelphia, Pa., February 1910.

Max L. Margolis.
Introduction ( 1 3).
1. The Aramaic Idiom of the Babylonian Talmud. Its
Place in General Aramaic 1

- 2. Script and Orthography 3

3. Means of Fixing the Vocalization 7

I. Phonology ( 47).
4. The Consonants and their Changes 8
5. The Vowels and their Changes 10
6. Syllabic Loss. Loss of Sounds through Collocation
of Words in the Sentence 15
7. The Accent 15

II. Morphology ( 841).

A. The Pronoun ( 811).
8. Personal Pronoun 16
9. Demonstrative Pronoun 17
10. Relative Pronoun 18
11. Interrogative Pronoun 18

B. The Noun ( 1223).

(a). The Nominal Stems ( 1218).

12. Preliminary Remarks 19
13. Nouns with Shortened Stem 19
14. Triconsonantal Nominal Stems with Vowel Gradation 22
15. With the Middle Radical Geminate 22
16. With Prefixes 25
17. Pluriconsonantal Stems 25
18. Denominatives formed by means of Afformatives . 26

(b). Inflection ( 1922).

19. Inflectional Endings 27
20. Modification in the Stem occasioned by the In-
flection 29
21. from Masculines and conversely
PI. fern, .... 30
22. The Noun with Pronominal Suffixes 32

23. Numerals . 32

C. Particles ( 2426).
24. Adverb 34
25. Prepositions 34
26. Conjunctions 35

D. The Verb ( 2741).

27. The Modification of the Stem 35
28. Inflectional Elements 36
29. Perfect 37
30. Imperfect, Imperative, and Infinitive 38
31. The Participles 40
32. Itpe'el 41
33. Pa"el 43
34. Itpa"al 45
35. AFel 46
36. IttaFal 47
37. Verbs y"s 48
38. Verbs i"ns 50
39. Verbs V'-^ 56
40. Pluriconsonantals 56
41. The Verb with Objective Suffixes 57

III. Syntax ( 4274).

A. TheNoun( 4254). Pftge
The Neuter .............. . . 62
St. absol. and determ............ 62
St. constr. and Periphrastic Genitive 63
Coordination ............... 65
Construction ^D
of ............ 66
The Joining together of several
Nouns. Distributive
Repetition ................ 67

Pronoun ( 4852)
Personal Pronoun ............. 68
Demonstrative Pronoun........... 70
Interrogative Pronouns 71
Relative Pronoun ............. 72

52. Numerals ................ 73

53. Adverbial Expression ........... 74
54.. Prepositions............... 74

B. The Verb ( 5562).

55. Person and Gender ............ 75
56. The Perfect ............... 76
57. The Imperfect .............. 77
58. The Participle.............. 79
59. The Imperative .............. 82
60. The Infinitive.............. 83
61. Government Verb .....
of the .... 84
62. n^K .................. 86

C. The Simple Sentence ( 6368).

63. The Copula ............... 87
64. The Casus Pendens ............ 88
65. Concord of the Parts of
Speech ....... 89
66. The Order ofWords ............ 89
67. Negative Sentences ............ 90
68. Interrogative Sentences .......... 91

D. Compound Sentences (
6973) Page
69. Copulative Sentences 92
70. Attributive Relative Sentences 94
71. Conjunctional Relative Sentences 95
72. Indirect Interrogative Sentences 96
73. Conditional Sentences 96

Literature . 97

Chrestomathy and Glossaries.

I. Forms and Sentences 1*
II. Connected Texts 34*
A. Earlier Language 34*
B. Later Language . . 37*
(From the "Chapter of the Saints" p. 58*. Wonder-
stories p. 70*. Halakic texts p. 74*.)

A. Aramaic Glossary . . . 84*
B. Hebrew Glossary 180*
Abbreviations and Signs.

1. = Florenz (Florence), Biblioteca Nazionale codd.

G = Gottingen, Universitats-Bibliothek cod. hebr. 3 (init.
saec. XIII).
H = Hamburg, Stadtbibliothek cod. hebr. 165 (1184 ,

p. Chr.).
K = Karlsruhe, Hof- und Landes-Bibliothek cod. 9 orient.

M = Munchen (Munich), Hof- und Staats-Bibliothek, cod.
hebr. 95 (1343 p. Chr.).
Mi = Munchen, codd. hebr. 140. 141. 6.

B = ed. Bomberg. Venetiae 152023.

ArM = *Aruk cod. hebr. 142 Munchen (1285 Chr.) contains p.
only the second part, not made use of by Kohut
ArVflV = <Aruk cod. Wien (Vienna), ed. Pesaro,

ed. Veneta Kohut).

Han M = Hanan cod. hebr. 227, Munchen.
RaM = RSbMM = RSemu'el ben Meir. Cod. hebr. 21C,
En = En Ia akob, ed. princ. (Saloniki
! !
1516). c.

Hal-ged = Halakot gedolot, Ven. 1548.

Tes-geon = Tesubot ha-ge onim, Ed. Harkavy, Berlin 1887.

2. Ar = Arakin A.z. = Aboda zara.

5 J

Ba, ba = Biblisch-Aramaisch (Biblical Aramaic). B.b. = Baba



batra Ber(akot) Bes(a). B. k = Baba kamma ||

B. m. = Baba mesi
|| || ||


Chr. = Chronik (Chronicles).

Dal(man), 98. 99.
cf. p.
Erub = 'Erubin. Ex(odus) Ez(echiel).

|| ||

Ge(nesis). || Gers(om)ms (MS apud Kohut) || Git(tin).

Hag(iga). Hul(lin).
= Hiob

Jb (Job}. || Je(remias) || leb(amot). || Jo(sua). || Is(aias).

Ker(itot). || Ket(ubot). || Kid(dusin).
Meg(illa). Men(ahot). mend(um), mend(osum) Miel(ziner),
|| || ||

cf. p. 97. ||
M. K. Mo^ed Katon ||

Ne(henrias). Ned(arim). No(ldeke), cf. p. 99. Nu(meri).

= praemittit
|| || ||

p(luralis). Pes(ahim).
|| Pr(overbia). || || prm , prae-
mittunt. Ps(almus).
Reg(um liber) = ||

Konige, Kings. \\
rell = reliqui ||
R. h. = Ros
Sab(bat), Sanh(edrin) st. a. == status absolutus st. d.
|| ||
= status
determinatus. Str(ack), cf. p. 97 Suk(ka).
Taan = Ta anit = transfert.
|| ||

= prima manus ^> =


omittunt. omittit,
= margo A = textus.

2_ corrector. K
= hebraice. = nomen proprium.
_^ ||

Introduction (
1 3).

1. The Aramaic Idiom of the Babylonian Talmud. 1.

Its Place in General Aramaic.

By Talmud (Gemara) we understand the inter-

pretation of the Mishna, which usually takes the form

or discussion; hence, the large framework. The language
of this framework is throughout Aramaic. Whatever
there is Hebrew
of in the Talmud is confined to quota-
tions from Hebrew sources, or to certain expressions
which had become part of the spoken language and
certainly of the scholastic speech. But even within
the framework there is a considerable amount of Ara-
maic consisting of sayings of scholars whose vernacular
was Aramaic, or of the conversation of the common
people, or of the mass of popular proverbs, stories,

legends, and the like, some of which are even of a

non- Jewish origin.
This which belongs to the editors b
(redactors) Talmud, is on the whole uniform
of the
and did not vary greatly from the vernacular employed
by the Babylonian teachers (Amora'6, Sabora'e) in
their daily life. This language had as its area Upper
Margolis, Gr. Bub. Talm. 1
2 1. The Aramaic Idiom of the Babylonian Talmud, etc.

Babylonia, the seat of Babylonian Jewry, with the

towns Neharde'a, Sora, Pumbeditha and others in which
scholastic institutions were found it was
spoken during

the 4 th , and 6 th post - Christian centuries, during

5 th ,

which period the accumulated Talmudic material was

subjected to frequent redaction, until it reached its

final form.
c The language did not really die out until the ninth
century when it was supplanted by Arabic. Its nearest
relative is Mandaic, the language of Lower Babylonia.
There certainly existed between the two dialectal dif-
ferences; but it may be doubted whether there was a
noticeable Jewish coloring to the popular speech of

Upper Babylonia as handled by the Jews. Whatever

there may be of Hebrew influence, should be looked for
rather in the syntax. The phonetic decay characteristic
ofMandaic may be witnessed on Talmudic ground only
in its beginnings; at any rate the spelling of the
Talmudic Aramaic is more archaic. Both dialects are
closely related to Syriac ; compare for instance the form
of the st. d. of the masc. pi. in the noun and the prefix
of the 3. person masc. of the imperf. in the verb.
d Much more ancient is the Aramaic which we find
in certain tractates (Nedarim, Nazir, Te"mura, Keritot,
MeUla, Tamid) apparently belonging to an earlier
redactional stratum. Elsewhere "we find remnants of
the earlier language in (a) quotations from the Targum,

usually jn the name of R. Joseph and paraphrastic ,

expositions of biblical passages after the fashion of

the Targum, cf. Ber 38 a ;
Sanh 95 a a. e.; (b) fragments
of Megillat Ta<anit; (c) the pastoral letter of Gamaliel II.,
2. Script and Orthography. 3

Sanh ;
(d) fragments of formulas for public docu-
ments (contracts, deeds, etc.); (e) the sayings of the
older Palestinian scholars (Hillel, Samuel the Little,
Meir, Hiyya, Bar Kappara, Johanan, etc.); (/) old
popular texts, particularly incantations. Of course,
there exist also mixed texts combining elements of the
earlier and the later language. It is interesting to note
that in M there is a tendency towards reducing the
earlier language to the level of the later and common
In the present work the earlier language no less than e ,

the later, is the subject of grammatical treatment ancient and ;

modern forms, however, are clearly distinguished. Thus in the

grammar, the archaic forms have a f prefixed; in the chresto-
mafthy A designates the essentially earlier and B the essentially
later or common speech.

2. Script and Orthography. 2.

The letters are the same as in biblical and tar-

gumic Aramaic. Vowel signs as well as diacritic points

are wanting in the printed editions and, barring sporadic

cases, also in the manuscripts.

In contrast with BA., it is to be noted that tP has b

been replaced by D in MD, D'D, xlt^D, ^3nDX. & is kept

in xny, yap, x^xotf, xns^, pt?. The two are used
indiscriminately in the fllg. instances: N1B>3 and KIDM;
wy, mtpy, nwy, v"iff V but ID in, etc. ;
Hnt? andnno ;

and XJttty; ao and TnnnPa; *JD and VJn^K;

and n"iyo.
n als a vowel letter is the rule exactly as ih BA. c
after X: nx, nx"?pn, nxrj, nxois, etc. In the absol.
2. Script and Orthography.

st. of the f. sg. n is rare: n^D (but also x^p), nyznx,

ntFDn, mtyy; more frequently it occurs in 3 sg. f. of

the perf. (TOD, n*?pB>, ny&B>, m^, npi, nap, rrn

nrpix, rteanx, npsx, nnnx) and in the pt. sg. f.

ruato) and pi. f. (ra'.iP); but even there N will be met
with ordinarily. In verbs ^h we find n only in mn
(occasionally also xin). n is extremely rare in the st.

d. m. sg.nmix, nyix,: mi xiax

d Occasionally X represents a quiescent n (4j):
x"i:u ni3j= rrpj; =
ntrn xn =
ntfn; x^o, etc. =
<? In the middle of a word a radical x,
quiescent, is always expressed in the words "jnxia,
^XD, X^XDtr. Elsewhere X may and may not be
written; thus we find XJXDO and XJDB, ^JXO and
^, n^xy and xjy, nn(i)is and NTIIS. The same
holds good of X taking the place of V (4): XJX^n
and xj^in.

f x as a vowel letter in the middle of a word for a

(after the fashion of Arabic) is only occasionally found
in Occidental prints and MSS.; thus universally:
IB: 'pxp IWIDD, xnx^>y, nx'3i; G: xnxnx; H:

xnxja, xnxyix, xnxi^x, xnx m2; M:

(r. *tstDi3),

'2D, ixun, xnx^o, nxt^; M^ xnxjip, xnxin, xnx^^D,

nxnx, IXH^, uxx Universally for a in IXD ,,who?"
(rarely p); there is, on the other hand, no fixed rule
when the vowel is followed by (and preceded by i "i

ixyiff, but liw H; ixi^a H, but nw(>)n; IX>D JB,

or :

but 1"D HM; ixn^n ffi, XJI'H; otherwise l^x, ino, etc.,
where the absence of ', as in D" 1

p^u^, etc., sufficiently "!)!,

indicates the pronunciation) cf also xnxs B, 'nxD fflM,


'IXD M, "jxnx ib. The common and incorrect pronunciation

2. Script and Orthography. 5

with kames is indicated by x in '3KB H, 'tPKB M i;


1 and designate universally the long vowels (whether ^

of Semitic or Aramaic origin) u, o, e, i. In contrast
with BA., it is worthy of note that the historical ortho-
graphy has been replaced by the phonetic in cases like
Kt?n, IB", etc. (BA.xtP'xn, IDK-'., etc.). Cf. also inn, etc.,
for BA. xinn. Note, however, X,T (also TP), xnn X.T,
xnn; ro3 =
ro3 cf. BA. nnx, etc.
Consonantal 1 und * are written n , " e. g., XTiU, A ;

KJ'H, vim. PPM, xmn, XD^J == xna, TT-'

TT -i vnn,
IT;/ n^j,
T :'

xnn, XD^. Before or after x as vowel letter the repe-

tition is unnecessary (cf .
/). Defective writing in general
is the rule in the older MSS^GHMJ and frequently also
in 16 (particularly in Ber); e. g., 07, KM, xniD, *w, ID^JO,
nm. n^j =
op./ xiia./ xn-o.
13>30. _../ nj.
.-./ rnn,
T .. T .
is immediately preceded or followed by % only one of
the two is written twice; thus 'n, xnu, *pi^, n^i^,
nw^ = ^, K^T^> ^> a ?.^- ( Less frequently: xn"lU.)
Similarly, l is expressed but once after as a vowel

letter (^;') :
nvn, ivn = xn^n, tin.
At the end of certain forms of '""i^ roots (nominal t

formation 15&; 1 sg. and 3 sg. f. perf. and


imptv. sg. f., 39) as well as in the pronominal suffix

of the 1 sg. with the noun (226) -ai is expressed by

^x, e. g., wa = ^2, wri = ^n, ^xnn = nn, 'x:n = ja,

n?#; but occasionafly also by "yi '", e. g.

?iz = nJ3 =
Observe that ""rjs.

B. k. 17 b
H vocalizes ""XJty'; very likely, however, the
word was pronounced ^Xjtr. In the fcfial formations x
appears to have crept in from the plural; cf. 2Q/.
6 2. Script and Orthography.

for the short vowels u, i
(e) is employed
with utmost economy by B in Ber, and on the other
hand with utmost extravagance by throughout. M
Examples of extreme cases: ir6a in^D (unless inb
was intended), ^3 rib - -
XllTn, XD^'n apparently
= xnn, KttVn. In GHM u may be said to be ex-
pressed almost universally; e. g., xiDin,
"iou = xnpn,
HBS; defective writing rare:
xpm, xrv^n, perhaps

to be read xgrn, Nn^Vn. Before a geminated consonant

the vowel letter is predominantly expressed, e. g., G:
xnax, T^X *q:x, mrvx
runx (but =
nruno =
pmno), nyrvx "ii?nx, nu^ =
aaV, ^yn^D =
720, KT^HD (by the side of sn^D) = n^o
(by the side of ''Jm) = ajlan, =
etc.; H: XTPPI

n^j'D = in^^o
= xry = liTao,
(by the side of V nB = VH^V M etc.; :

<!?o = ^ta, x!?uy = x!?v., xynn

= XV-13T, etc. After the preposition D we find as a
rule no vowel letter (even in M) note, however, irtt

I5p, HD'B apparently nao (fornap), etc.

Elsewhere (in closed syllables not formed through
gemination) defective writing is favored in particular

by H, e. g., iynt&>x = iynate,

= xyn,
xyn (and nts^j
= neja, NJOI (and xjts^) = XJD;, xntro = xn^'D.;
x, n^aTa = n^ana, xj^ = X36, etc.

On the other
hand, writing defective is met with
occasionally also in as (in other parts than Ber), even
in M. By means of vowel letters the fixing of gram-
matical forms is facilitated. Hence the unique value
of MS. M.
k The long vowels 0, e originating in certain
3. Means for Fixing the Vocalisation. 7

accentual and syllabic conditions are, with the ex-

ception of B in Ber, almost universally expressed by
resp. \
very frequently indicates a reduced vowel. I

After x it may represent __ (or _) twx

: =twx (#JN),
:?\rx = twx, i^rx = ^TK.' Once I find in M, :

i. e. with artificial
gemination (50), = \-oV. I doubt
whether the same kind of gemination is to be pre-
supposed in all other cases, e. g. in T^y for "cy,
iT'T'y for Perhaps the vowel letter merely
indicates __, in other words the reduced vowel. Of
course, defective writing is also met with: BOX, iT2y.
Word-division. The compound numerals for 1 1 19 m
are written indifferently as one or two words; cf. 23.
xp 38) is very frequently joined to the next following
word (x then drops out), so esp. in M.
Abbreviations, particularly frequent in are BM,
indicated by a stroke ('). In the older MSS., a point
over the last letter of the abbreviated word serves the
same purpose: is = "iix; 7tM = ^H*VpX ,% represents
the tetragrammaton.

3. Means for Fixing the Vocalization. 3.

In addition to the vowel letters (2c ), the

vocalized texts of BA. and the Targums, esp. those
supplied with superlinear signs, furnish means for

fixing the vocalization. To be sure, even the super-

linear vocalization must be used with caution (cf. Dal,
79f.); the same holds good of the vowels sporadically
inserted in the MSS. of the Talmud. The traditional
pronunciation is of subordinate value and may lead,
8 4. The Consonants and their Changes.

when uncritically used, to the worst aberrations. For

it not uniform, and, moreover, it rests itself on the

vowel letters. Criticism everywhere aims at the better

and older form of tradition. Mandaic with its less
ambiguous orthography (No 12) and Syriac with its
fixed Masora offer invaluable aid, occasionally also the
other Semitic languages. Many doubts naturally remain.

I. Phonology ( 47).
4. 4. The Consonants and their Changes.

a 1. (a) Laryngeals: X >,

n h, n h, y <.

b (b) The other consonants: 3 g, D k (Palatals); p k

(Velar) ;
n d, n t, o t (Dentals) ; D(fr) s, tf s, 1 s, 1 z

(Lingual Fricatives) ;
n b, s p (Labials); m, J n, h I,

") r (Sonorous Sounds) ;

l u,

(Non-syllabic Vowels).

c 2. n, S(p), i(t), n, cs correspond each to two distinct

Semitic sounds.

d X replaces and the like in Earliest

resp. in D'Xp
Aramaic. A
change is nx^pn from *x^pn.
e The laryngeals are still kept distinct in Talmud.
Aram. Nevertheless, a tendency in the direction of
reducing n to n and y to X is discernible; e. g., mn,
nra, "nn, etc. xnx, mix, xoax, nox ,,dive", x
hy =
(, tx=ny, etc/
Intervocalic x

f appears as *: "h**V ^\w,

nn^t^ = = TD, D^D =
"IX'D D^D, etc., for *^X!T,
*nnxt^, *iy.D, *DXD.
g a may become \ e. g., xnns by the side of

(cf. also %h).

4. The Consonants and their Changes. 9

inn (orig. *VJn) and XSDID (orig. *xasaD, g) are A

early examples of dissimilation. Other exx. in Talmud.
Aram.: xru by the side
XDnV; the reduplicated of
formations Vpnjn and
'pm by the side of xnpnpl;
xa'^, xann (for xmn) orig. *xaW?, *xanai; XJQB>IB>

by the side of XJBB>DIB> (5A); xn^antf for xn^'B^B*,

xn^p7 by the side of xn^p^p. The simplification may
take place at the end: xnp^p, Trip")" 1

Metathesis takes place in the Itpe. and Itpa. in the i

groups *B> n, *on, *sn, *in, which are transformed to

nB*', no, tos,

(in the last two examples at the same
time partial assimilation).
Exx. of total assimilation: (a) progressive:
= atfo for nxBto (but ^eto), Tnn^x nnnx, =
= -ity]x
* *
nnxnx, loxnx (but xiONnD), nip = nip.
for nx;p, na, xrira = xn>a but *vra, xp^B = X|?B by
the side* of xyp^s, xn^Dt? ifor xninDD; as in the other
Aramaic dialects pD" pis'
for pVp^ and in the Ittaf., 1

e. g., iJlno for *iiixnt>, Q^n for *Dp.xnp; (&) regressive:

nnts^x ='*TIBX for '* paints, *"nton 7
TJ^IDXbut v^ :
nq; IUD% ao^n = aon but
for aa-^i? (e); xsj, xs? by the side of XBT.a,
= XJ15 for xjjnu, xnao for
xia^o, xjix XJX = by
the side of xmx, etc.

Contraction: ^pn^x =
^>pnx and the like for *^j?rjnx, k
'p-n for *'nmn, ^SD (p^sa) for *PJBD (29); "ix for
"i"ix ?
x (y), when preceded by a reduced vowel or by a /
vowelless consonant, may be ignored in pronunciation:
a^^a for *B"xa, 'qD^o.
for ^s^x.o, yyo for ^XD, 18o for
- 'IT :'
xnitr' for xniya'.
T T :'
T^ ' T
T r
10 5- The Vowels and their Changes.

x:(x)Vin by the side of xj^in. Loss of x at the end of a

syllable is old in xj(x)^, 'J(x)B, xtfn, X3'3, X^PB, 10"
and the like. A
secondary development is XiTXD X3X2 =
for X3X3
T .. (cf.
\ Hebr. nxtr by the side of nxfe^).
vocalic X was lost in early times in ix"ij? and the like (5rf).
x is always lost at the end of a word: ^D pi. VX'-JD.
m n at the end of a word may be left unpronounced ;

r&3 (^3), xtfn for aV.3, ntr'n.

VIJTI = ^:n (for *'3n = ^n) may serve as an
example of a consonantal insertion for the purpose of

resolving gemination.
o Closing consonants have disappeared in x^p, XE>:,
XTX, XD*X for "IJD, atfj ^)x, ^X; comp. also -IP = 3-1 n
and the forms of the verb Dip: 'ipJ, ij?n, 'pix.
j9 3, :, 1, 3, s, n are spirantized after full or reduced
vowels, e. g. "^x, xcns, etc.

5. 5. The Towels and their Changes.

a 1. 1 u} u, o, o; _ o; ">

I, , e, e, e; (X) _;_; _ d.
b These vowels proceed from the Semitic vowels t, a; ,

, ,
a and the diphthongs a n', at. a appears sporadically as o.
e. g. jwita, but commonly as .

c 2. The production of the orig. short vowel in XJ(x)^,

^(x)^ (=
*^xo) *XJx:; ;
which in consequence of the loss
of theX at the end of the syllable (4/) comes to stand in
an opened syllable, belongs to Early Aram.; of somewhat
later date (observe the assimilated vowel, i) are XK?n,

x^s, ^OTI, "ID^ for *x^'xi, etc.; xa^s for *xax3 is of

course perfectly regular.

d In consequence of the loss of an intervocalic x (4/)
there arises a (falling) diphthong, e. g. karau for k
5. The Vowels and their Changes. 1 1

Diphthongs, both coming from Early Aram, and those

originating later, may be monophthongized: au becomes
o, at e (7), iip, x^n, wvin, HUTT
e. g., xov, But
the monophthongization need not take place, e. g. xnm
= xnn, XD"; xc'3, xj"jn = x^:n; the diphthong =
always remains when the non-syllabic vowel is situated
on the border-line between two syllables, in other words,
when it is geminated, e. g., in"m irnp, but wo i-so. = =
The monophthongization of ai may take place also e
in such a manner that the non-syllabic vowel is com-
pletely lost, so esp. before n, e. g. iy_3 for p.y.n, ^D for
*]\yD, fy for *V.^ (in the two last exx. am represents a
contraction fromamz); Xjnnijx, ^ai, Vn:3 for*xr>__, *V.
(and accordingly VTi.**, "pny.1, 22); before n a becomes e:

xn:o Ar). Elsewhere ae is also found contracted to a:


"3D, T)or, "rp.2 for T]^_

_ (and accordingly ^"i.x, Tj^nnx).

(u?) i, when followed by

the laryngeals n, n, y or i,/
is sounded as a; thus in primitive times in forms like
yirn, at a later period in forms like yott{, nyotp,
npyn^x, "nty, i-nt?, ynio, n;pio, etc.
naj, ino,
At the same time we find x^yn, X"nn, xjn'tr, T'no,
x:i>xn (by the side of XJTH), etc.

The same effect appears to be produced by other^

consonants (emphatic and sonorous sounds), cf., e. g.,

'X =
''p.n'ix by the side of p'QTO.

When followed by a labial, a or i becomes u: e. g., h

xnmw, xt^an; xjsij; XJO^OIB', etc. DW is an

early example of this transformation.
When preceded by a laryngeal, i becomes e: e. g., *'

xo^n, ^ipisfX, etc. The writing with a vowel letter,


e. g., xo^n, ^pB^x, need not necessarily point to a

12 5. The Vowels and their Changes.

pronunciation ND^n, hptPK (3/)- I n ^ ront f a laryngeal

(cf. /*) 1W = "Wfr (cf. also c).

/ When
followed by a gemmate consonant, though
preceded by a laryngeal, /remains; thus xt^x, xncyx, etc.
k So-called compensative production takes place for the
purpose of making up for the loss of gemination in front
of laryngealsand the sonorous sound "I, i (over e) becoming
e and a a. The rule is by no means a fixed one; but
in general the possibility of compensative production
rises in the order Pi, n, y, X, "I. Hence point "prrp, B^isa
innn (inrvn), but xt^yo (xiy), etc.;

'inx (lin^x),; but niyx, ^nnj,

l\T, etc. Before n, a is transformed into e (at least
according to the Tiberian system ;
cf. <?):
xins. Note pil \
The following table illustrates the modification of
the vowels in as far as it is effected by accentual and
syllabic conditions:
Tab. I.
5. The Vowels and their Changes. 13

Explanations and exx. : m

T^BpT . The meteg stroke means:
,,so!" Otherwise the
vowel might be shortened. P When not in the syllable immedi-

ately preceding the accented syllable. Otherwise the vowel might

be reduced after the manner of short vowels. 7 xa ||

ir&3(in^i2); biipFi (l=iBpin), iab (ixa^); ao^a, xea.

ins, -bs; xabn.' Note XPJ^S^J (xn^xm), 'iift^ap.
the meleg signifies: ,,so, against expectation". \\

^bpri (bnopipi), ^ss (i^is); a-in (a"nn), lass* (vwK),

(na'rn), para (p"ouj), ^snnx (-psnrpx), tnbap. (n^ap), xlbs
? sians (ianna), XTUiab, SV^s, dbtti, x^4 ||
^O^' ""i
(ds !!*), 'in&t. With N,
(iVi^TiK),' iyas may take the
(inia'sJ), ibix
place of _; it is just as correct to read ^ts. Cf. also xnaaia.
After emphatic consonants and sonorous sounds we find occa-
sionally semi-reduced vowels X37i5, "jlP.^B^ (^"JpVWb), ^^.3?

Blpa '^. I write in deference to the system; very likely,

however, the words were pronounced lifrukinnan, ninkutu. \\

& tans (lai'na); *iias (ii^as), -isVex (la^s^x),

X^B (x^i^pB),
' or
siil-ips' (lliriDX). K15H^; pSsBCpll^^j
ti'irok), xaqx ||

* n-nk
(fi^ix); sfina (jnniu), Ti^a. p;
Note 1. In the place of a we find frequently in Aram, n
i in unaccented closed syllables, e. g. xspi'i (Hebr. ',7), X3"ni
by the side of x^'-i, xns^s, biap^n for *taktul, etc.; in the case
of the nouns we
are perhaps dealing with ancient by-forms. In
the Talmud, idiom note Af el forms like p^OB^X by the side of

p^bBX, IS'HB'VK, l^S^, etc.

Note 2. By means of artificial gemination a vowel in an o

open unaccented syllable may escape reduction, e.g.,X5^ (fcOttJiV)
(Arab, lisan), xpr !sn (xpbin), ",33^ (Tia' ^), etc. Artificial pro- 1

duction is found in'xj'iaa, K 'ina, etc., and in the imperf. and

infin. Pe al of i"is verbs (cf.

Note 3. In using the table for words of more than two/?

syllables, the following should be had in mind. The vowel of
the open syllable next preceding the accented syllable suffers
reduction. When then further back an open syllable with a long
vowel precedes, a closed syllable is the result, in which the long
14 & The Vowels and their Changes.

vowel is protected by a mcteg: fiFh*aa. On the other hand,

when a closed syllable with a short vowel precedes, two con-
sonants come to stand together: then either /fc^/Y>-pronuncia-
tion or lento- pronunciation with an inserted parasitic vowel is

possible: Tbsp.x, xrjino and xrts'ro (xrWTa), xn"!?. The

meteg stroke serves to protect the vowel now in an opened
syllable. Still the vowel may succumb to the pressure exerted
by the accented syllable in the front; hence forms like 'iDS'ix.,
xniia*!, xn^ia by the side of xn^izj (xm^ia), xnBsiaia (Kn^we).
When an open syllable with a short vowel precedes, a closed
syllable results: xsn?. When two open syllables with short
vowels precede, double forms are possible xnp'ix and xnp'isc. :

When two syllables precede, of which the one immediately ad-

joiningis open with a short vowel, while the other is closed

with a short vowel or open with a long vowel, there is but one
possibility: xnbbiitt, xwnp,, xn^ssn, XPHUJX,

q Note 4. aj,n at the end of a word becomes through the

insertion of a parasitic aim, provided of course the diphthong

has not been removed through monophthongization (e); so

r Note5. Two consonants without an intervening vowel are

also possible at the beginning of a word: X72RD stdmd for
*satdmd. In such a case very frequently a vowel is placed in
front of the first consonant: thus pnsJx (p^nu^x) for **slek by
the side of pnia (pinas), toiax by the side of -ima. All three
examples show the same consonantal combination cf., however, ;

also isax (isax) and nsn^x (nain^x), sn. h x (a^nix) by the

side of ton%
~i : :'

s Even long vowels may be completely lost in an un-

accented syllable at the end of a word. Thus n(:)x for
^;2 (#) by the side of the older form "O^,
'anta, 'anfi,

IJK (at the same time the laryngeal disappears) for

T ;" -
From l^BP resulted the form *^ttp,
"' "'
which, how- ;'

ever, in the Talmud, idiom has been transformed into

6. Syllabic Loss. Loss of Sounds etc. 7. The Accent. 15

(vocalic epenthesis). Forms like "D (T3), nx, etc.

for *ben, *'dh1 are to be explained as due to the
recession of the accent to the penultimate.

6. Syllabic Loss. Loss of Sounds through Collocation 6.

of Words in the Sentence.

Syllabic loss is to be registered in in for *inx. a

In consequence of the collocation of words in theft
sentence contractions (loss of sounds, syllabic ellipses)
arise through the force of the sentence-accent. Thus
n^ (5d)
.. /
for PPN vh,
T 7 xs>x,
XD I!?I" (xsV)
' V T :'
for JO PPX. rvV

XD, 'B,('XB) for H. N!?; tw 12 by the side of t?JX 13;

especially in the combination of an adjective or participle
with the personal pronoun forming a complete sentence,
a sort of a new inflectional form arising thereby (cf 8a). .

But elsewhere, likewise, a pronoun pleonastically joined

to a verb may coalesce with the latter so as to constitute

one form; thus ]?$? (P"V^) for "]JX

probability xiaon by the side of nx "iaqn.
and in all^
7. The Accent. 7.

There is no reason whatsoever why different rules

from those in force in BA. (which are here presupposed)
should be formulated for the accentuation of Talmud.
Aram. It is quite possible that a shifting of the accent
did take place but it has exercised no influence on the

vocalization which is wholly rooted in the older system.

16 8. Personal Pronoun.

II, Morphology (
8 41).

A. The Pronoun ( 811).

s. 8. Personal Pronoun.

a The personal pronoun appears either as an inde-

pendent subject-form or as a suffixed form indicating
possession (with nouns) or the object (with verbs). But
even the subject-form coalesces in the 1. and 2. person
with the adjectival or participial predicate to such an
extent that the pronoun may assume the form of a
mere suffix.
b Table: Tab. II.
9. Demonstrative Pronoun. 17

5 s. ||
$ For "(insx no reference is available. t 4j. || \\

^ As a resumptive form ( 48 b; 63 c) also in the later language. ||

e irhx (in Targumic) may be meant for inx; opinions are divid-
ed on the explanation of the form. ? "pn -\- "px ( 4,;); "px ||
probably a deictic element. n With unassimilated rt and loss

of Copula -forms (63a); the 3 in front has been explained

"j. [|

as a pronominal deictic element.

Pronominal suffixes joined to adjectival predicates: Xi2i"ip, c
|3' "ia'iT, wa^sfi rb^sa, wa'on; to participial predicates cf. the
Verb ( 31-40).
For the manner in which the possessive and objective suf- d
fixes are joined to nouns and verbs cf. 22; 41.

9. Demonstrative Pronoun. 0.

1. Tor the designation of the proximate (,,this"):

Early forms sg. m. V"J Cp*0, f. *n, pi. V^K; with pre- a

fixed deictic element (K)n: sg. m. inn, f- x"in, pi. \hr\.

Sporadic forms: sg. m. HV, f. xiy (my), pi. ny.ft

These forms still requiring explanation are specifically
Late (common) forms
sg. m. (incorrectly also f .) c
xn, (esp. in
f. a neuter sense) xn, pi. '11.
These forms are contracted from inn, *nn, "p^n ; in d
the last instance, h has been transformed into J. Through
combination of "p""1 and Kin arise in the same manner
(but with retention of J) im (w>n) ^c<? //
^, ,,that

is"; f. ^^n.
H>x, formed from "JH with 'X (86 ?) in front, ise
found only in the expression ^TXi 'TX with correlative
force, ,,this and that", ,,both".
2. For the designation of the distant (,,that") two/
series of forms are employed, of which one results
Margolis, Or. Bab. Talm. 2
18 10. Relative Pronoun. 11. Interrogative Pronoun.

from the addition cf. '3 or "| to the deinonstr. forms just
mentioned, while the second = the pers. pron. of the
3. person plus a prefixed (x)n. Hence: (1) sporadically
sg. m. 3'1, pi. "J^N, commonly sg. m. -pxri, f "jn, pi. -pn .

(2) sg. m. sinn, f. NTH,

pi. irun.
# From ")T (= "pi m. and "p f )> through prefixing
(), arise sg. m. -jTN, f. -|TX, ,,that", ,,the other".
In a similar manner (at the same time with transition
of h into J) the plural "j^N ,,those" ,,the others", is 7


10. 10. Belatire Pronoun.

a 1"!, usually shortened to "i.

b By combining the relative pronoun fH with the pre-

position h, in the common language with the noun T, an
independent possessive pronoun is formed, 'V'n, T T, etc.
<I I

11. 11. Interrogative Pronoun.

1. In a substantive function: INB of persons,

fo, D (66) of things.
b UD (4;') by side of xin ^xo; '3D = xvi IKD.
(whence D), cf.Hebr. no.m
c 2. In an adjectival function : Ti (but also in a subst.
function), fV (cf. Hebr. 'X). m
For the employment of the pers. pron. ',xn, XB in front of

the relat. pron. as an indefinite pron. cf. the Syntax

12. 13. Nouns with Shortened Stem. 19

B. The Noun ( 1223).

(a). The Nominal Stems 1218). (

12. Preliminary Remarks. 12.

There are but few compound nouns, i. e. nouns a

standing to one another in the genitive relation and
forming a unit. In addition to the compound numerals
for 11 19 (23a) cf.: xzm *^yn, Tim ^D, pi. mm VID;
nn 11 ('"ira); NITO
(= *xyTt in), pi. 'nra.
In the case of the simple nouns we distinguish between b
the nominal stem and the inflectional endings. The nominal
stems are of Semitic origin or formed after the pattern of
Semitic types. The genetic origin of the Aram, nominal
stems must hence be looked for in the parent language;
at all events the original status has been so obscured in
historical Aram, through semasiological development as well
as by the forces of analogy that only sporadically may we
succeed in cleanly dividing J;he nominal forms according
to functional categories (atfuns of the agent and adjectives,
nouns of action and abstract nouns, etc.); in all probability
such a clear distinction was felt by the speaker only in a few
particularly specific types. Even the formal classification
is capable of being carried out only with triconsonantal
stems; and even there it breaks down in part in "iy and

**& roots. The following survey of the most important

nominal formations subserves in the main practical ends.

13. I. Nouns with Shortened Stem. 13.

Some of the nouns mentioned here may have been a

orig. biconsonantal.
-in, D"!, act pi. ^3t, -n, pi. joa, Die, Dim. With feminine b
ending: xrrax, wna, xnmp, xne^to, &OIB. (in)i3K, (n)inx,||

(n)lafi; with feminine ending p()n, (-j)nsn. n()a n city"||

comes probably from the Assyrian.

20 14. Triconsonantal Nominal Stems.

14. 14. a. With vowel gradation: Tab. in.

ii in IV
med. ult.

stirpis sanae sive 5> Sive

1. fa'al,


3. fa ul5

4. fa'l xip

5. fiU Xp^B,

6. fuU

7. fa 5
8. fa*al,



10. fu j ul

11. fa 5 ul

12. fu 5 ail
14. Triconsonantal Nominal Stems. 21

14. a. With vowel gradation: Tab.m.



SMI sasn
=> strain

strain pi.
22 14. 15. Triconsonantal Nominal Stems.

II. Triconsonantal Nominal Stems ( 1416).

14. 14. a. With vowel gradation
(s. Tab. Ill, p. 20. 21).

a The nouns adduced under 3. are not quite certain. The

forms 7. (act. partic.) and 9. (pass, partic.) will be treated at
length under the Verb. To the eleventh formation belong several
denominatives (nouns indicating an occupation or trade).

g I. It is questionable whether the i originates in a parallel

form or is to be explained on a phonetic basis (5n). Pximin
and xnaisa after 5A. v By the side of KBHD also NED (4;).
|| j|

xsa by the side of XB15 (4/); sosia (5A). e KB (5m*). ||
mi |j

? K31K by the side of KSIIK (4;). "n 50. # %bmn. ||


II. Cf. 6.
III. Cf. 4/7; be.
IV. Cf. 4;Y. Note the transition into the "<"lb class.
V. Cf. 4/.
form of the infin. xro^m with geminate n; brought into
conformity with column VII.
VII. a With stnj^a (5n); in addition with the gemination
resolved pi. n (4). *w
VI11 IX. o 5^. ^ xs^D has replaced XS1& (which is met with

occasionally in theMSS.) almost entirely; through analogy

with its opposite KW>~\. In the table are wanting i'"iy
forms like &O1, f. xnps (1. or 8.) and xmi; D^p (pass, part.)
corresponds to the 9. form.
X. XT. With shortened stem. ||
P Cf. 5p.

15. 15. b. With the middle radical geminate

(s. Tab. IV, p. 23).

a seems to come from the Hebrew. 1 5. forms denominatives.

Some nouns of this formation betray an affinity with the Intensive
Stem (Q^p =
D*pE xnspn nomen actionis}; the same holds good

of 20. (for the most part nomina actionis ; from the Hebr.?).
16. 18. form adjectives; 16. and 17. adjectives of color. In 18.
and prob. also in 19., the gemination seems to be unorganic.
Continued on p. 25.
15. Nouns with the middle radical geminate. 23
Tab. IV.
24 16. Nouns with prefixes.

x -r
1 6. Nouns with prefixes. 1 7. Pluriconsonantal Stems. 2 5

I. The fern, of XIB^S is

II. Cf. 5Ar.

III. Cf. 4/.

V. sni^a after the manner of Hebrew. ||

P Belongs perhaps

originally to 17.
VII. Probably a re-formate from the st. d. (cf.

16. c. With prefixes 16.

(s. Tab. V, p. 24).

21. 24. nomina loci and instrument; 25. nomen a

actionis of the Intensive Stem and its Keflexive; 26. and 27. come
from the Hebrew; 28. is formed from the Causative Stem.

21. (mif al) is the form of the

infin. of the Simple Stem.

17. III. Plnriconsonantal Stems. 17.


b. flfl:
xWtt, x>i:i; xT:m; f. v),
pV'p. With dissimilation (4A): vpnyn and 7"m,
pv and Kn^tB^W (5rfp); the simplification may also
take place at the end in front of the fern, ending:
xnp^p. From stems with 2 as second radical (accord-
ing to 4ft; 5d): X3D1D, *yhh, X3T"l. An old form of
this category is X 1
(with simplification at the end)
c. f<l l: f.

d. With I at the end: x^Biy, xVns,

f. xn^oix.
e. Other nouns X1X1S, xmpy, xi^Dy,
: XDIW (Assyrian c
loan-word); f. xntFirD, etc.; also the adjective
in shortened form xtsn.
26 18. Denominatives formed by means of Afformatives.

18. IS. IV. Denominatives formed by means of Afformatives.

a The afformative serves to form abstract nouns from

adjectives and and adjectives from abstract
nouns; or it is added pleonastically, without effecting
a change in the meaning.
fc -an (-en, -in): 1. 2. XJtW, f. (with the addition of
an -1 the nature of which has been differently explained)
xrp^w; 4. xno (VIL), wmo (VIIL); 5. p*y (VII.),
frx (IX.), xj'jzi (XL); 6. IB^, xjnnx f. >mnx (4/) ?

iVs (IV.) d. x^s f. xrvj^s, xj>m (VIIL); 8. f. KTM&-J

21. XJpSD (IV.), XJpDB (}/ xjVy& (VI.) ; from yVin:

J^in, 4J) ;
from a pluriconsonantal stem :

(5A; 4A); from the partic. of the Intensive

(33) KJiano and, with loss of the prefix, JO&m. From
fem. nouns: 5-iniM (IX. and X.); tunm; with loss of the
fern, ending: 23. JO"1SS (V. -|- VIIL).
c -at (-aij: 1. x^y (XL with shortened stem);

'H-D (VII.); vila 'xnn

2. 4. nN^pn, nxonp, xop (4>; I5c ),

for ^xnnn (4, nxio (VIL), f. pi. n^w (VIIL -f VIL);

5. n"l^ (VIL);6. nxiDU; pleonastically after the affor-

mative nx^PiT; from the fem. with loss of the

-in: 4.

fem. ending: 4. nxr; (VIL); rixun (and nxjun, with a

double afformative) from xnun (rf). Gentilic nouns:

nxoix, nx^Vj, etc.

^ -S^
(properly *uat) (for the dropping of the t in
the absol. st. cf. 44c): 2. xnmn, xniD^B (with spirantic
k; hence from the original malik-, not malk-\ (VIL; wn
the underlying *"i' n has probably been transformed from

"in pi. '"in in conformity with

iV formations like j?'1 and
the like), xnvjy (XL); 4. 13'tD (IX.), xnn'D (by the side
19. Inflectional Endings. 27

of xnno, from 3D); 7. xnipj', IDX (X.), similarly

xnun, xmtDD, xmutP; the in xrnTB> has not been satis-
factorily explained; 8. (')nn^tr; 9. xniynj; from rvo:
xmrvo, similarly from ^l (analogical formation from
niH; 18. p)nrpny. From
pluriconsonantals :

(40), Kmsrw. From

the pass, partic. of the
Intensive (33): xmpJBB, XITP^?B. From a noun with the
afformative -an: xnm
^. The foreign word nxiso^

(with the afform. -at) furnishes xrvPBD^.

-ai (-e)\ 10. x^nn, K^BI; x^Dio(from DID); IOJTD, etc. e

(b) Inflection ( 1922).

19. Inflectional Endings. 19.

1. Preliminary Remarks. We distinguish in the a

Aramaic noun two genders (masculine and feminine),
two numbers (singular and plural) and three states
(the absolute, construct, and determined).
The gender of a noun is properly recognizable &
through the construction in the sentence. Feminine are
not only nouns designating female beings (XB'X, x^m, etc.),
but also certain other categories, as the names of the
members of the body (XT, XJT.X, xyn, etc.), of instruments
and utensils, the words ,,earth" (xytx) ,,sun" (x&'B'tP), etc.;

though not always uniformly. In the morphology, all

nouns without a fern, ending are regarded as masc.
Remnants of the dual are the numerals C|) "iri f c s

Oi)'rnn and "jnKO (23a); but traces may also be found

in forms like ."P3T3, etc., where the third radical is
not spirantized.
28 19- Inflectional Endings.

d 2. Table of inflectional endings:

Tab. VI.
20. Modification in the Stem occasioned by the Inflection. 29

Modification in the Stem occasioned by the Inflection. 20.

The stem is shortened in the sg. d. X3X and pi. Tix a

(13c); the artificial gemination (in the latter instance, ow-
ing to the n, it is only virtual (5)) serves as compensation.
The stem may furthermore be shortened in ' //%
6 forma- &

tions of the types 1 6 (14&c); thus pi. >3tD (gg. d. K'ltt),

'jp (sg. d. N'jp), wot?; f. sg.d. xrnp (pi. xrvn[']p), xn^o

by the side of xrp^ff (xrpte).
may be assimilated to the n of the c
as last radical
st. d. fern.
sg. (4/); hence xna> (abs. x:ts>, 13&).
The plural endings in the forms 4 6 (14c) arerf
joined to the expanded stems of the type fetal-, fial-,
fu'al-. Hence, in the place of the explosive, we find
in the thirfa radical the corresponding spirant (4p).
E. g., '3t?B, *B^X, inon, xnx^o.
The plural of xnnx (13c) is xniinx; i.e., thee
plural ending affixed to the form >ahau-, language

identifying therewith the stem 'aha- underlying the

sing. Similarly, a. sing. *xnDJ is presupposed by the
pi. xrmsx
The shortened nouns xnox and xns^ (13&) form/"
a plural derived from a stem expanded by means of
n or and assuming the type /""///-: xnnox, xrmB'ff.

The pi. xnnax from xn&x (4VII.) rests on analogy.

The stem as it appears in the shortened sg. d. xnx^
ig expanded in the pi. by means of
n (type: /?'/-):
xnrax (note the fern, ending). The pi. xnn^x from
xt^x (5VII.) rests on analogy.

(orig. Y' ?) stems of the form 7. may resume

? h
the l-sound in the pi.; thus xmiDX from x"^ stems may
30 21. PL fern, from Masculines and conversely.

be raised to the same level: thus xrnno from the sg. ^(K)^,
xmiJD from the sg. *JD. xnvunn (from x:nn 1.) is properly
a double plural presupposing the intermediate *Nrv]Jnn.
Similarly the pi. of K>V'V (176) is vmkb O^); of
x'Dio ( 1 Se) srviDiD; on the other hand JCJTD xnxvniD.
/ The pi. of stems of the type 11. are expanded by
means of X: 'XTIBX, 'xriSD.
k Stems of the types 4 6 may receive in the pi. a
pleonastic -an (itself an afformative with pluralic function) ;
thus X'JD^X, (D'JBD, 'nra (from xim, 12a). But also
'numm from mm (17*).
/ The inflectional ending may be pleonastically
repeated; thus sg. d. xnnyDB>; pi. abs. pyos, d. xnnyBP.
The simple forms, however, are met with as textual

21. 21. Fl. fern, from Masculines and conversely.

a 20#/>we have met with plurals possessing femin.
endings, from masculines.
& Of a different character are fern, plurals of nouns
which, though lacking a fern, ending, are nevertheless
syntactically construed as feminine (19&); thus imx
from mix. tuip forms both xnJlp and Q)^"lp, the former
being used in a metaphorical sense, the latter (prop, a
dual) inits proper sense.
c Masc. plurals go with fern, nouns in the sg. serving
as nomina unitatis. Thus (D'Jtf, >^3, 'VDT, noli, vyh,

The pi. of xnrPN is (X)^J. The underlying form

is nisai- (in itself a plural) which is then shortened
22. The Noun with Pronominal Suffixes. 31
32 22. The Noun with Pron. Suffixes. 23. Numerals.

22. 22. The Noun with Pronominal Suffixes

(s. Tab. VII, p. 31).

a For the form of the suffixes cf. 8&.

c Explanations. I. Cf. 13c. The suff. of the 1 sg. is joined

to the shortened stem(20a): *^nx shortened to nx. ,,My father"
is XSN = st. d.

IK An orthographic variant. ft The diphthong mono-


phthongized (5de). r The same pronunciation as in


6 e The Defective writing.

5q. || diphthong remains. ||

IB>. Analogical form after the pi. m. The is mute. ||


ft Defective
Hcd. The st. d. appears to be the basis. ||
The *
graphic. ||
ft Defective writing.
III. Shortened form. ||
ft The n quiesces ;
and x graphic

23. 23. Numerals.

a Cardinal numbers:

1 in (*nn); f. stn (6a).

2 t-p-in, nn; f. t-prnn, mn (n^>n) (19c);

3 nn ;

4 yaiK ;
f. njmx
5 ^an; f. x^^n
6 n s tr; f. xn^
7 tyntr, a; f.

8 'J&n ;

9 yn ;

10 iffy; f.
23. Numerals. 33

1 1 ID in, iD'in ;
f. no in
12 tipy nn, ionn; f. no *mn, no nn
13 titgfy n^n, iD^n; f.trrwy n^n, tny n^n,
ID, no^n
14 iD()aiN; f.trrwy yaix, no()aix
15 iD(')n; f.tnitry tron, t^io on, no()on
16 ID n^, iDrvtp (iDn); f.tmtyy n^, no
17 iD30)t^ (iD>ntr); f.tmy
18 "iD>jon; f.tmtjfy 'jon, no
19 iDB'n; f.tniy yen, tno yt^n,
20 in^V 30 vnVn 40 t^yaix, ^yaix 50
I | |

60 f vnO)^, 'n^ 70 vva^ 80 lO)Jn [90

| | |

100 nxD 200 inxo 300 nxo n^n 400

| | |

700 HND ynr |

800 nxo 'JDn
1000 xs^x |
2000 's^x nn |
eooo^x xn>^ |
xnm, Knam ; pi. ixnn, pnn, xnnaO)i.

Ordinal numbers:

, xop; f.txn^ip,
3 wn (also in a multiplicative sense)
8 nxrn
,,Last" xinn; f. xn""ina.

Fractions :

xn^n, xn^n | i xyan |

xn^n (xn^n, xnVin) multiplicative.
Margolis, Gr. Bab. Talm.
34 24. Adverb. 25. Prepositions.

C. Particles ( 24-26).
24. 24. Adverb (s. Glossary).

a 1. Adjectives in the adverbial case; thus TSB>, ^p,

pn, ^tsiy, 'SB, etc.
b 2. Feminines in -ut (18tf): rwa, my"U.
c 3. Nouns in the adverbial case; e. g. xmu.
d 4. Preposition -f- Noun (Adjective) (the st. a. very
frequently preserved): chwh, b^h t ttno, xinD, Tir6 (with
suffixes "pinV, nmn^>, in(')mr6), ^X-QX, x'^y,
KO^>&O, Knp'yo, etc.
e 5. in shortenedfrom Tin (Imptv.).
/" 6. Thepetrified Imptv. Tin.
i7 7. Compositions like xn&>n (= xnytp xn),
(= xJT-y xn), XJQ (for wp = IK-JO cf . Hebr. V.XD ;
an explanation cf. 5e; 4/0), ixi? (for Kin x^>) by the
side of tih, etc.
/< 8. Other adverbs originating in pronominal roots,
as Kan, XD>n, etc.

25. 25. Prepositions.

a Prepositions are properly nouns in the st. c., either
in the adverbial case simply or in conjunction with other

prepositions (2, D, h } p). Note ^itt&x with the closing

consonant dropped : ittDXby the side of lux = * "pux
= IIVOK. Some of these nouns were originally plurals
(or duals) ;
hence the endings e (at), rr at; in the case
of others, the same endings are due to analogy. In ^y,
at (e) is naturally part of the stem ;
but in the expanded
form >l^y it is a late increment. In rniD, nil^ ; rr is to be
regarded as the final part of the stem, a +f emin. ending t.
25. Prepositions. 27. The Modifications of the Stem. 35

Prepositions with Suffixes. Tab. vni.

orig. in a
in -af in -at
short vowel


The preposition h may take on in Talm. Aram, c

before suffixes also the form tTPJ; hence

26. Conjunctions (s. Glossary). 26.

D. The Verb ( 27-41).

27. The Modifications of the Stem. 27.

(1) Simple stem (Pe<al); (2) Reflexive-passive thereof
(Itpe'el, abbreviated IlpeJ; (3) Intensive (Pcfiel, abbr. Pa.);

(4) The Reflexive -passive thereof (Jtpa"al, abbr. Itpa.);

(5) Causative (Afiel, abbr. (6) the Reflexive-passive

thereof (Ittapal, abbr. //:;.
In the remnants of the earlier language, the initial b
consonants of the Causative, and also of the Reflexive-
passives, is n. Exx. :
nynn, rqipn, xuDJnn.
36 28. Inflectional Elements.

c }Wr\ is borrowed from the Hebrew (as in Syriac).

d Rarer stems (esp. from roots V"y and iy): Pa(<el) <l//

and Itpa(<al)\ Palp(el) and Itpalp(al) ; Saf<el.

28. 28. Inflectional Elements.

a 1. Perfect. Tab. IX.

t n -, trv-, '- 1
sg. pi. tjo_, fp_, i_
2 sg.m. n- 2 pl.m.tTin-, in-
2 sg. f. n-
3 sg.m. 3 pl.m.'h-
3, n-(x-) 3 pi. f. t-j-j N-
b Note 1. In the common form of the 3 pi. m. the ending
dropped and a new form is created by the insertion of u in

front of the last radical, which thus takes the place of the
stem vowel (5s).
c Note 2. In front of the endings (p, in) we find occasionally
the vowel I which appears to have been imported from the parti-
cipial inflection (31), e. g., 'p'^ by the side of -pap, inipistt) (but
The forms are to be regarded as less correct.

d 2. Imperfect. Tab. X.

1 sg. -X 1 pi.
2 sg.m. -n 2 plm/'iT-n, i-n
2 sg.f. f V-n, '-n
3 sg.m. -t ? _j,_^ 3 pl.m.t'p-',t'p_^i_^i_t>
3 sg. f. -n 3 pi. f. i-V
e In a few examples, we find in the 1 pi. -h for -J,

incorrectly (by false analogy) imported from the 3 person.

f 3. Imperative. The same endings as in the
2 person of the imperf., but without the prefixes.

g 4. Participle -j- Personal Pronoun (vgl. 8).

For the Tables of the Pe'al s. 2931.

29. Perfect. 37


38 30. Imperfect, Imperative, and Infinitive.

30. 30. Imperfect, Imperative, and Infinitive.

Tab. XII.

sanae X"t 4/;

sg, mux
1 pi.

28g.m 31 pn

2 pi. m
2 pi. f.


3 sg. f,

3 pi. f.

sg. m. 513K


pi. m. lams, inns


<"S 4/

d a The accent shifted to the inflectional element is the

cause of the reduction of the second stem vowel, cf. the cor-
responding forms of the imperf.
30. Imperfect, Imperative, and Infinitive. 39

30. Imperfect, Imperative, and Infinitive.

3"B (pits) 4;

pima tptji

, oip^a

Blpa, plB an


^ 5m. ||
r 5r. ||
* SPin ,
the gemination for the purpose
of artificially increasing the volume of the form. ||
With com-
pensative production (5#). ||
? A mixed form from -,r3 and an^.
40 31. The Participles.

31. 31. The Participles.

Tab. XIII.

active passive

sg. m.

pi. m. , ^aaa,

1 8g.

2sg. nbrap,

2 pi. ,

c a The ending imported from the perf.

P By its side the form wbop, which however is not so
well attested and is met with only sporadically.
f Sporadically ir&iTN.
6 Forms like iro'nx are not well attested.
e Femin. forms mas, r\
32. Itpe'el. 41

p n


a w
C c a n ix
ft - r r -


t- y\

n IX
n *

if r - "
?b. t
C rT>. D
n r a
- r
X. ix-^
r -K* r O n n n }-

a * a ^
42 32. Itpe'el.

33. Pa"el. 43

33. Pa"el. 33.

Tab. XV a.
44 S3. Pa"el.
Tab. XV b.

34. Itpa"al. 45

34. Itpa-'al. Tab. XVI. 34.

in cii.
prim. prim. prim.
et 1 n
5Ar 4i







36. Ittaf'al. 47

p p
48 37. Verbs $"9.

37. 37. Verbs 3>"3>.

a Forms without prefixes (Perf., Imptv. Pe.) are made

by geminating the second radical (before consonantal
aff ormatives we find occasionally for the sake of protecting
the gemination the vowel -e imported from verbs '"iV:
rpxo, inBn ; otherwise the gemination must naturally be
given up: niz&, etc.); on the other hand, in forms
lacking a prefix, the first radical is geminated.
b Forms occur which are made exactly as in the
strong verb: xwtfp, imn, T\rh.
c Through analogical force, '"iy formations have
penetrated into the participles of the Pe. and into the
Pa. (Itpa.).

dj s. Table p. 49.
k Itpe.: Perf. 1
tppp-nn<; Infin. 'pipirx;
pi. Part.
cum suff. 1 sg. XJp7nip)> 1 pi. P77""0), hence after
the manner of strong verbs.
/ Pcfiel: strong forms: Perf. 3 sg. ^y; Imptv.
sg. m. Tin; Infin. 'JUil; Part. act. pi. m. ^no, 'jriB;
Part. pass. sg. m. *]sy&, pi. f. fpnno. After the fashion
of '"iy : Perf. 2 sg. m. ; rhV
3 sg. m. *?"V ; f xty)tf ; .

3 pi. m. f^^y, *?1"y; Impf. 2 sg. m. ^"yn; 3 sg. m.

V"y^; 3 pi. m. l^y^J, l^"y^; Imptv. sg. m. ?y; Part.

act. sg. m. U"nD; pi. m. f^"yB; cum suff. 1

lJ'!?0)'y Itpa.: Perf. 3 sg. f. xjjn^x.


m Pa' el: Part. act. sg. m. BtDPitx Itpa.: Perf. 3 pi.

m. lSSpn"x (the form may however be Itpe.}.
n Palp.: Perf. 3 sg. m. "imri; Infin. ^l^l; Part. act.
c. suff. 1 sg. XJ^^tO. Itpalp.: Impf. 3 sg. m.
Part. sg. f x
37. Verbs s"y. 49

Table: Tab. XVIII.

50 38- Verbs Vis.

o Ittaf. : Perf. 3 sg. m. yirvx, ^pn'X (after the fashion

Impf. 3 sg. m. ^njvV (and after the manner of

of iy) ;

3 pi. m. !^ir6; Part. sg. m.

38. 38. Yerbs i"w.

In the ^/"W the forms, as a rule, are conformed

to ''"is verbs.
b The parallel forms in the pass, partic. of the Pe.
proceed from the same basic form. In the one case
*kanm appears as ktm\ in the second, the same form
has been turned into * kaim (cf. 5<?) which of course

became kaiim (5#).

c Forms like "pnQ^, etc., are due to the analogical
force of verbs y"y.
d The verb
Dip loses occasionally its closing con-
sonant; thus ip^x, ip'J, ip*n, <xp (whence xp, 7, 58/),
yiN by the side of resp. for Dip^x, Dip-'J, Dip'n, o^xp, 071*.
e A: Table p. 51.


/ Pa. (Itpa.) as a rule with as middle radical : Perf.

1 sg. tn'B"P, w*, 1
pl.fP^^V; Impf. 1
sg. D"px, etc.;
Itpa. Perf. 3 sg. m. 3"nivx, 3"!TN, etc. -
: With 1 as
middle radical from the root I'D: Impf. 3 sg. m. "|13^;
Part. pass. sg. f. 1JO)13; Itpa. Perf. 1 sg. v\\yx.
m Palp. : Part. act. sg. m. DJJ ; pass. pi. m.
Inf. ^lU^U ;

'!?B!?tDD; 3 sg. m. xyiyn^).

Itpalp.: Perf.
n Ittaf. (Ilpe.): Perf. 3 sg. m. amrpx, nyn^x; f. xmn^X;
3 pi. m. f lyc^nx, inn^)x; Impf. 3 sg. m. nyrv!?, 3 pi. m.
f. rmn^>; Infin. <) l
-nsn( )x; Part. sg. m.

D, f. xnn^D, pi. m.
38. Verbs 51
Tab. XIX.

Pe -
52 39. Verbs i"ib.

Table: Tab. XX a.

Pe'al Itpe

a, fmm,
ipl. , "|2>a

2 sg. m. n^ap

2 pi.
3 sg. m. s<^s, nin,


3 pi. m.


1 sg.
2 sg. m. , itn(i)n, xnn


2 pi. ,
3 sg. m,


f, % ^in(i)n,
3 pi. m, 11331, fpsa ^, isaV,
39. Verbs *"&. 53

Table: Tab. XX a.

Pa"el Itpa"al Af^el Ittaf 5 al


ins , IEOX, inx

Man, xspn,


in ': 1
54 39. Verbs v".

Table: Tab. XX b.
39. Verbs 55

Table: Tab. XX b.

Pa"el Itpa"al AFel Ittaf al




loa f,nia,
, f
56 39. Verbs i"-^. _ 40. Pluriconsonantals.

39. 39. Verbs fft.

a Forms like V^nBx, -p"3XTi, }X"n~\, n"D3, etc.

resemble to all intents and purposes the strong verb.
In the other forms, the non- syllabic character of u
resp. t
appears clearly. The diphthongs are treated
according to 5de.

b According to 5s, hi is easily explained (by-form

of ^-i, Imptv. Pa.).

c In the imperf. of the verb mn we find by the

of the regular forms v)iT, virp r, etc., shortened

forms like TP, 'nj, etc.
d In the table, forms from doubly weak verbs are
included, since with the aid of the rules given in the
strong verb they admit of easy explanation.
el s. Table p. 5255.

40. 40. Plnriconsonantals.

Exx. of pluriconsonantal verbal forms (including

the Sapel and the verb ?wn 27cd): Perf. 1 sg. 'JBVi;
3 sg. m. 10)3D; 3 pl.tionn; Impf. 3 sg. m.TU:PJ; Inf.
Part. act. sg. m. Tnytro; c. suff. 1 pi.

Sg. m.pMt3, \1^; C. SUff. 1


Reflexive forms : Perf. 3 sg. m. uuis^x , 33"int8"N,

Inf. t5ltsiO(*)K, nisinty^x; Part. sg. m. TD^O, f.
41. The Verb with Objective Suffixes. 57

The Verb with Objective Suffixes. 41.

141. For
In the
the. form of the suffixes
1 sg. the suffixes
cf. 8b.

may be joined to the&


shortened form, e. g., lPti <l

^X# ;
such forms, however, are
less frequent.

The ending NJ" in the 1 pi. appears as iJ" in thec

remnants of the older language.

The stem of the imperf. may be expanded by d
means of JP' -inn- ;
this element intrudes itself then also
into the perf.

Concerning ^vp stems s. the Table. Occasionally e

we meet with transitions into the ^"h class also in other
verbal classes.
ivx is treated as an imperf. f
The suffices ]W, in:" ', 1
TTP' coalesce with the verbal ^
forms to a less degree than the other suffixes. Hence
we find them occasionally written as separate words
(so esp. V^x). They also influence to a less extent
the vocalic modification of the verbal form.

Table s. p. 5861.
58 41. The Verb with Objective Suffixes.

Table: Tab. XXI a.

lag. 1 pi. 2 8g.



2 pi.

3 sg. m. ppa,

3 pi.
41. The Verb with Objective Suffixes. 59

Table: Tab. XXI a.

3 s. f. 3 pi. m. 3 pi. f.


timsaro, tnis-iax,
mssnp, mjipin



nmox, xnsi

60 41. The Verb with Objective Suffixes.

Table: Tab. XXI b.

1 1 pi. 2 sg. 2 pi.

sine m.

c. aff.

. m.



Part. psxa

c. aff.
41. The Verb with Objective Suffixes. 61

Table: Tab. XXI b.

3 sg. m. 3 sg. f . 3 pi. m. 3 pi. f.



62 42. The Neuter. 43. St. absol. and detenu.

III. Syntax ( 4274).

A. The Noun ( 42-54).

42. 42. The Neuter.
a With adjectives used as nouns, both the niasc. and
the fern,may be employed in order to express the neuter.
Thus trn^ 3tt V 3 ,,between good and evil"; W2 Tuy
,,a doer of evil"; xnp'ny ,,the old", xmn ,,the new".
The fern, of the demonstr. pron. may be equally used
for the neuter : ITS xV"O ITU XYT whom
,,in this is, every-
thing is"; xn x^i xn x^i
where neither this nor that is".
b Frequently the speaker may have in mind the noun
xn^D (cf. 55tf) to which then a pronom. suffix may be
made to refer; thus nra V& ,,learn therefrom"; nra in
,,conclude therefrom"; nro ]h xpBJ *xo ,,what follows
for us therefrom?"

43. 43. SI. absol. and determ.

a There a clear distinction between the two in the

earlierlanguage; thus x^im 1^ xin ,,he is a man in every-

thing"; "QJ <in pn in: n^T inxa ,,where there is no
man, there be a man"; but Vpljn Know VD^I x^nJ
,,the pigeons are tender, and the lambs small".
b In the common language of the Talm. this distinction
falls to theground, the st. a. being almost entirely re-
placed by the st. d. As a textual variant, the st. d.
penetrates even into archaic texts; thus in the second
of the examples cited in a, M
reads xi3i rv^i "inxzi,
44. St. constr. and Periphrastic Genitive. 63

I but characteristically l3Ji 'in pn (after mn as a

predicate noun).
Elsewhere the st. a. is retained in: ]hs> ,,a certain c
I one" (thus ^s nan B. b. 73 b ttH [rv^s M] and ^D in
I Ber 18 b Sab 66 b
reads rv^D -Q, but the abbreviation

mark merely appears to be missing, read with "Q M

KPI^B; N^B precedes), wx
man", ,,some one" ,,a
(hence in a worn signification), and in certain compo-
sitions with prepositions constituting an adverbial phrase :

2*2^ ,,in peace", ^y^B ,,above", y&o ,,below",

,,soon", "ino^ to -morrow", pna ,,at first",

,,finally, at last", etc.; the st. d. may, however, like-

wise be used: mrvJ2
,,gently", wna ,,rightly", xo!?y2

,,merely", xip^yo ,,at first (opp.: ^10^^ in the end)", etc.

After ^D we find usually the st. d. ov ^D ,,every :

day", Knyvi xnyty every hour", N"ny

!?a(n) ,,at ^
,,every slave", etc.; nn but
^D ,,every single one".

The st. a. is of course indispensable as a predicative d

adjective: xats KB^PIB *py NB"3 SD^n ,,an evil dream
good dream"; Xlpo 215 xrxn Suk 56
is better than a
MM t
Ar (X2tD is therefore an incorrect reading)

,,a young gourd is better than an old one"; Tins

wo NTSBH ,,my sister who is more beautiful than I", etc.
A seeming exception: 'in^ JOU1 Kin X2U; but supply
NB^TI and render: ,,a good dream it is, and a good
dream it shall be".

44. St. constr. and Periphrastic Genitive. 44.

The st. c. for expressing the genitive relation is a


frequent in the older language and in proverbs; thus

Knun 23X ,,at the door of the shop", ^p ,,the man
64 44. St. constr. and Periphrastic Genitive.

voice of his neighbor"; iODtP ""atpa ,,in the heavens of

heaven"; mnx nrvx ,,his brother's wife"; t>XT rua
,,daughters of Israel".
b But also in the common language the st. c. is

preserved not only in proper names like x?^B TIB,

JO^D "IHJ, etc., but also in certain combinations which
have become quasi-compounds, as: XJSU "iDy ,,cotton",
xnT> B>n, ,,new moon", xntJ> t?n ,,new year", xrvn no
,,housemaster, landlord", xyix mix ,,custom". Cf. also
12. Esp. in combinations with "Q, ra, which are
very numerous.
c Exx. of a partic. in the st. c.: ffM "pay (42a),
xt3t l^x ,,shedder of blood", ^hn ityso ,,interpreter
of dreams", etc. The fern. end. n is dropped in US
nn3 loma 87 a JB ,,the needs of his house", xpu i:^s
B. k. 18* H ,,half the damage".
d The st. c. is also maintained in nouns turned into
prepositions. Thus 1

DID ? ,,according to", ^n ,,instead

of", DW and 3JX ,,on account of", "pys, 1^3 ,,after
the manner of, like", TfQ ,,behind, after", U2 ,,within,
in", 0)mnn ,,under", 'i^y ,,on, over", *op ,,before",
mnx ,,behind", etc.
<? In all other cases, two constructions are used to
express the genitive relation: (f) the governing noun
is put in the st. d.; (2) it is given a pronominal suffix
which agrees with the noun governed in number and
gender in both cases the noun governed is introduced

by the relative t. Exx.: (/) ^xiaen xinx ,,Samuel's

place" >twin 'B'VJ ,,people's garments" X'BBH xmD^D
; ;

7,the kingdom of Heaven; 'pUH xnno^x ,,the mothers

of the little children"; similarly after a demonstr.
45. Coordination. 65

pron. : XJUn m xn ,,that of R. Hamnuna; (2) nnx

,,Sanmel's father"; BW*n rprn ,,a man's money";
Tinnmx,,the fathers of the little children"; m rvma
Hisda's daughter"; xrvim HB>SJ etc. Instances
of the latter construction are exceedingly frequent.
The genitive designated by means of 1 may stand/*
by itself, without an antecedent noun. Of course,, the
noun is easily supplied from the context, thus xnw
rpo\>n ix nnx- ix xpitsa xpun ,,a child's talk in the

market-place is either that of its father or that of its

mother"; ^rrn y^DX,,the middle belongs to the orphans".

But also xim xsny XUXT ,,that of the father is better


than that of the son"; xnsj i:nQ xnsn xnu ,,that of

the smith is better than that of the smith's son".
45. Coordination. 45.

The attributive adjective agrees with its noun in a

gender and number, and accordingly placed either


in the st. a. or in the st. d. :

xnp^oy XT3^> 01 "tt^xv
Hag 5b ,,from a high roof to the deepest pit"; X"13J
n:n ,,a great man" ;
winx xnnx
Ber 56 a B (xjnnx M
incorrect) ,,another woman"; xn^op xn^'D ,,the former
status"; xnsnn XJOD ,,a sharp knife"; 'J^p ^DIJ
,,small bones"; xmrn non ,,white she -asses". ||

xi'iy x^y ,,a blind eye", XB:I xry ,,an evil eye",
xira x:cy ? !

,,the latter (last) expression" are no ex-

ception to the rule, since x^y is used both as a inasc.

and as a fern., while XJB" ?


is always masc. But note

KXW vwx Meg 27 b
,,a small man", x4y B^J'X B. m. 101 b
fflH ,,an excellent man". Ex. of an attributive
participle: xny^ttp xrna^B ,,a curtailed kingdom".
Margolis, Gr. Bab. Talin. 5
66 46. Construction of bs.

b As may be seen from the above exx., the attribu-

adj. Ordinal numbers may
follows its noun.
however precede: T2 nxTtpy ,,my tenth son".
c In 'nm 'tw'x ,,cheerers", 1-m naa ,,carpenters",
the second noun is an appositive the first noun is ;

best omitted in the translation (cf.Hebr. Q'nx D'twx).

d The object measured is as a rule construed as
an apposition; nevertheless textual variants are found
presenting the more common genitive expression. Thus
mm xrvtrp xnp nn np nn loma 79 MM x (JB reads

nam, xrvtrp"!) ,,two /cabs of dates are equal to one

kab of kernels and something over"; "Q"U rtXB nVn
xntPB B. b. 73 b iBH (but 'nty^oi M) ,,300 pitchers of
oil"; JOB ^IB nn ib. H, xion ^IB (sic) ^nin ib. M
(ffl reads xiDm) ,,two cups of wine".

46. 46. Construction of

a The independent st. d. XPID ,,all, everything" is

found only in the older language (cf. the ex. 43a);
but also in a saying by Rab Judah (Str. 103; Mielz. 46).
b ^3 (st. c.) followed by a noun in the sg. means

,,every"; thus "im in VD ,,every single one", x"Qy ^D

,,every slave", xn^o ^D ,,every thing", XBV ^D xmBH
,,every sabbath". 1 hi ,,every one who". When follow-
ed by a noun in the pi., hi ,,every" (in a distributive
sense): V

e very thirty days".
may be ^
followed by a preposition (cf. BA. ^np *?:>, Hebr. nay ^D;
it is not necessary to emend it into hzphl, nayt'D): hi

W "JJ."I
'D Ber 18 b M ,,exactly the same number of years";
xn"'^yB s
^o ^n *i hi Bes 28 a ,,just like these
excellent things".
47. The Joining together of several Nouns. 67

^3 followed by a pi. usually means ,,all": ^*B ^Dc

,,all ,,all "t ^ who".
^D with the suffix of the 3 sg. whole, entire", d =
with that of the 3 pi. ,,all". Its =
relation to the
noun is appositional, and it usually precedes the noun :

xip rp^D ,,the whole Scriptural verse", XTi&^n ^h

Sab 63 a M ,,the whole Talmud", xo^y ^ID (4w) tout
lemonde; xn r6w ,,the entire city"; xrnix X^ID ,,the
whole way"; T DDJ ^^ 3 ?>all thy goods", 'xn .T^o
Ber7 b B (M reads ^13) ,,so much". It may, however,
follow the noun: XD^n x^i n^ia o^po xnts xo^n x^
n^is D^po xtP'3 ,,neither a good dream nor a bad
dream is wholly fulfilled".
In independent position, without a noun:
,,on account of all of them", T^lD ,,all of them".

47. The Joining together of several Nouns. 47.

Distributive Repetition.

When more than two nouns are joined together, a

the 1 isusually omitted in front of the middle nouns;
thus rrn^xi rpDffO rpain ,,its fat, its skin, and its
fat tail"; x:nttnxion x^njnn ,,a cock, an ass, and a
candle". In enumerations, the nouns may all be placed
in juxtaposition without a conjunction (asyndetically) :

xrsanxa xmsn xroDOZi *^D n^n >jna ,,concerning

. . .

the following three things their treatise, couch, and

. . .

lodgings" (note however the variant xrstPixm).

When the connection is a close one, the governing b

part of speech referring to all is put only once: ^

xnm ,,all gold and silver". The objective pronoun
68 48. Personal Pronoun.

in the sg.: rpnHty ,,she

threw it", which follows, proves
that both nouns are conceived as a unit. Similarly a
preposition is put only once: "pinn "prrtt'i ntPDD ,,than
Moses and the 600000". On the other hand: 'pwa
xn""mi ,,in the market-places and streets"; so also in
a negative sentence: on xh nTnnxi maxi ,,who spared
neither his son nor his daughter". The sign of the
genit. "I
equally be placed but once: '"IT
may "a xn
DX ,,the court of justice of R. Ami and (or) that
'"ii ""OX

of R. Asi u ; but it is repeated when both nouns are

separated from each other by a word and in addition

form opposites of one another, e. g. """on xron
irpTir6 ^Jii in*nn!? ,,a separate place for men and

Distributive repetition: KW3^ xnm!? ,,one brick

after the other"; ypa 'yra ,,all sorts of holes";

lp>H ,,one basket of fat after the other".

Pronoun ( 4851).
8. 48. Personal Pronoun.

a The independent pron. of the 1. or 2. person, by

the side of a verb or a partic. with a subjective
emphasis: nox
suffix, signifies irvm xnsn XJX / meant:
water that has remained over night"; VPSO x^> . . .
jnyo urn irp^no pnx ia"mia ^in^D ,,we . . . cannot
become like you, but you circumcise yourselves and be
like unto us".
b On cases like prv rvp^sxn xin XJX, xin n:x
etc., cf. 63c. Of a different character is the
48. Personal Pronoun. 59

,,enclitic" xin for the purpose of strengthening individual

parts of speech; thus arise the compounds ma, 1X^>.

A determined noun is frequently anticipated bye

means of a pronom. suffix. Such is the case (1) with the
genitive relation (44<?, 2) ; || (2) with prepositions, (a) as
in the case of the genitive, by means of 1 xrvm rPtth

,,into the house"; O^Kl pp^y ,,on a man" (t^rx is

determined by itself); pin >Bp rratsn n^Dp ,,before one
who associates with scholars"; lot nTD ,,from you";
(b) by repeating the preposition: X'lTQ n^ ,,in the

snake"; xt^trpV n^ ,,to the elder"; noyV n^ ,,to Caesar";

xnrvxyiV n^> ,,to that woman = to me"; 'pnxV in^ ,,for
the righteous"; 'rma }^r\h in^ ,,his two sons"; pm inn

,,in the scholars"; ^J x"|J n:i xjni 1H3 nan x^

,,do not
provoke death against us{'; (3) with the objective relation,

by means of objective suffixes joined to the verb (61c).

The independent possessive pronoun t-^n, "Tirf
(106) is found (1) by itself: "pH ,,is thine, belongs
to thee"; XD^p iT-n ,,it stands in thine (= thy
book)"; ")1H XD^VT -pn nat ,,Rabba is thine, and
the world is thine"; (2) in conjunction with nouns

in the place of the personal suffix: xami XSDD

n^H ,,his gold and silver"; HH xnsx ,,my man-
sion", etc., esp. after a Hebrew phrase: rWDBM ^3
1HH ,,thy twilight". || (3) after prepositions with suf-
fixes add emphasis: nn 4y ,,over me"; ^xnna
HH ,,with me"; (4) in the place of a suffix, with

prepositions: *^*r!? n^xs x ,,if he listens to me"; s

*h Mn nn^ ,,I saw"; pn^ ,,for us", inT"6 ,,for them";

OTT2 ,,with you"; so also 'T"6, etc., as objective

pronouns (cf. 616).
70 49. Demonstrative Pronoun.

e The reflexive pronoun is expressed by means of

XffBJ ,,soul , -f- personal suffix
person" ffBJa ('XBJ3) :

,,in myself", "ptPsn ,,in ourselves" ;

,,for herself" ;
rrtpBJ hv ,,for the sake of himself"; rpffw ,,himself".

f The ethical dative (^ with a personal suffix which

according to the sense is reflexive) is exceedingly frequent.

49. 49. Demonstrative Pronoun.

a The forms denoting that which is distant, in con-

sequence of a shifting of the meaning which is easily

explained, are employed also as indefinite pronouns.

Thus X"DJ Xinn vir quidam, xnrPX X^nn femina quaedam,
X3D xinn ,,a certain old man", xinx xinn ,,a certain
place", X&-P xinn ,,upon a certain day", TV p n ,,goats"
(the pronoun is best left untranslated). In a peculiar
manner, these pronouns are used in a mysterious sense
in connection with the nouns xnn:i, xnrvx, ^rx to in-
dicate the person of the speaker or the person addressed.
Exx.: mT niB3^ jni n*nn nnnV *SD xin -jna xtrmp
xini xinnn ,,God wishes to destroy His house, and would
then wipe His hands with me!" n:pn X^>1 innKO pis
*WK iJnn xjniD inn ,,go forth from our place, lest thou
provoke death against ws"; rpan V^3 xinj xinn nao
XDn rpyn <o xin X13J xinm ,,since thou art wy enemy,
what doest thou here?" xnrvx -jri
?nn x'rx maio n^> n^i xnn^x ~\r\h nh n^x
,,why art thou not secretive in sin ? / have ten sons,
and only one from my husband".
b All demonstr. pronouns may be employed attribut-

ively with a noun, or by themselves without a noun.

Exx. for the latter :
V"13 W* ~& ,,a man . . . like
50. Interrogative Pronouns. 71

this one"; "}TX ,,the other one";

,,I married this one"; ^nxi XB^>y "in ^xn ,,this one is

a son of the world to come" irtPJ 'nxn XD"?y '33 *BJ rjn

these also are sons, etc."; 'xm 'DDJ in^D ,,the whole

property belongs to this one". In a neuter sense: 'XD

*KH ,,what is this?" ^xn ^13 ,,all this"; xnns -|^>

,,except this"; XT hv ,,on account of this". So esp.

at the beginning of a sentence as predicate: poy IH
B3 ,,this is a bad business"; 1*3 nionpjn KOta V" 1

,,this is the bone of my tenth son"; xin 'xn ,,that is

he". The demonstr. pronouns are used also nominally
as the antecedent of a relative pronoun: '1 10X1 xr6
pnv ,,that which R. Johanan said".
When serving as an adjectival attribute, thec
demonstr. pron. may either precede or follow its noun:
(a)xn>3 V"n ,,this hou*se"; xn^D xnn ,,this word";
x^DX^o i^x ,,these angels" V&r ^4ro ,,in these ; my
ten days"; tr^x 'xn ,,this man"; xnrvx xn ,,this

woman"; V*B 'JH ,,these words"; xn^n "jn ,,that corner";

^J>x "jjn ,,those men"; n^ -[vvh ,,for another dead
person" ; (6) pi X113B> ,,this document" ; inn xy ,,this

people"; xt(n) xyix ,,this land; V^ ^^ these years".

On the whole, the pronoun more frequently precedes
the noun; I do not know of an example where ^xn
follows the noun.

50. Interrogative Pronouns. 50.

IXB is used of persons, no, xo of

things; thusa
-jB> no, -jot? >xo ,,what is thy name?"
IXD is
nominally. used
It may therefore be b

dependent upon a preposition: "ntw IXB Hn3 ,,through

72 '51. Relative Pronoun.

whom shall we send'?" In the ex. xm

rrVy TTIDO ,,see, what a great man testifies for him",
ixa apparently has adjectival force.
c IXD is not inflected; number and gender are,
however, indicated in the construction. Thus ^xin "JXD
xtn-JB ivan XJTXH Ket 65 a M
,,who (which woman) was
rfto-day in the academy?"
'XD may be accompanied by a noun in apposition :

IPQ nay xniznu 'X R. h. 20 a B ,,what favor they have

conferred upon them"; xoyti ^XB ,,for what reason?"

51. 51. Relative Pronoun.

a The relative pronoun may be inclusive of its

antecedent: ^tfD -pnpx x^ n^np l"lpXT ,,whosoever
(^ he who) taught thee Ecclesiastes , did not teach
thee Proverbs"; 'Nn ^ID x^tr ^Dp muoi XD>X >o ,,is
there one who molests God so much?" ^D "]VyT
,,whatsoever is hateful to thee". So also after !?3:

insn ^D ,every one who is needy".


b Just as frequently the antecedent

is expressed by

a demonstr. or interrog. pron. (or H^D): ^PIO xpT s xn

NOT 7? he who desecrates the holiday"; *pn "[XO
,,he who lends the sabbath"; ison zpnsi no
xn^lix M that which is written in the Book of the
Law"; bwEb 113^ rvxi no ^>D ^whatsoever you have
to ask"; xlp^ytD V n V"l P^Dl ^xo^i ,,and concerning
that which first came to our mind"; pxn no XD'X '0
p^yT xt5
,,is there anything that we do not know?"
A double antecedent: THH IXQ ^xn ,,he who is
52. Numerals. 73

52. Numerals. 52.

The cardinal numbers may stand nominally by

themselves: P"n "pntrai in ,,one (a single one), who is
more capable than sixty"; nVrift *mn JOB ,,two are
better than three". Of course, the numbered objects
are easily supplied from the context.

in, X"in as an adjectival attribute (45&) properly b

follows the object numbered: in N^y ,,one people",
(x)tn xor ,,one day", xin xj&>t ,,once". But the
numeral may just as well precede the noun: xnvin
,,one zuz; X"mn "inn ,,with one beating"; rpsns "inx
,,on the one shoulder"; xnm
xin ,,one benediction".
The other numerals almost without exception precede
the noun, e. g., rap nn ,,two kabs"; 'tw T\ir\ ,,two
women" ; "prua yy ,,thy se*ven daughters" ;
w no ^mn
,,twelve years".
The numerals from 3 10 are still construed inc
accordance with the well known Semitic rule, i. e.

masc. forms go with fern, objects and conversely. The

numeral is put either in the st. a. appositionally, or
in the st. c. Exx. of the latter construction:
nV^nyaan V O<P ,,7 days and 7 nights"; *s^x
nJH ,,7000 denarii". The circumstance that, where
the numbered object is not specifically mentioned (a),

the numeral nevertheless appears in the correct form,

proves that the Semitic (Early Aram.) principle is still
alive. Thus xn^n ^sxn ,,before three (sc. men)" vwn ;

XD\J 'xn^> ,,9 (cubits) on the one side". To be sure,

incorrect readings occur, but they are proportionately
74 53. Adverbial Expression. 54. Prepositions.

d On the other hand, the fern, form seems to be on

the wane in the numerals from 11 19. As far as my
observation goes, we have no right to speak of a pro-
miscuous use. It is also to be observed that, where
the numbers are used absolutely, even when the number-
ed object is easily supplied from the context, the numeral
may be taken in a neuter sense ;
in which case of course
both the masc. and fern, are proper (42).
Beginning with 2, the numerals are followed by
the pi. of the numbered object; after the numbers 21,
31, etc., the sg. may likewise be used : im in^V PHO 1

Jrt& ,,201 logs" (variant NJl ?); xnB>


im \fiwy ,,21 years".

f Ordinals may be replaced by cardinals: JOttO "in,
S2trn in, etc., ,,first, second day in the week", etc.

Cardinals are of course indispensable for those numbers

which possess no ordinals of their own.
g "p" "^ ^V nas a multiplicative force ,,twice as large".
11 1 :

h mn signifies ,,one another"; with prepositions mns,

mn n"Q. ,,To one another" may also be expressed

by the phrase man 1

? in.

53. 53. Adverbial Expression.

a The adverbial accusative in specifications of place
and time is uncommonly frequent.
b An adverb modifying an adj. precedes it : c^SJ HDD
X"DJ| ,,how great is the man!"

54. 54. Prepositions.

^ to introduce a point of time : "ino^ ,,to-morrow",


,,soon", ^ID ? ,,at last". Also in general adverbial

expressions: chwh ,,in peace", Tir6 ,,separately".
55. Person and Gender with the Verb. 75

h to introduce the logical subject with passives : b

cf. 58*.

p (1} in a causal sense: "p^n xnsiyo ,,because of c

grief"; "p'^n xnna ,,because of joy"; (2) partitively,
cf. p ^3S ; (3) comparatively, e. g., *py XB^a xo^n
xaa xo^HB ,,an evil dream is better than a good
dream"; frequently with ^sti superadded, cf. 'SB plD
,,is redder ("pam xn& than the blood of thy fellow-man)".
p pleonastically in ^po, 'mna and the like. d
U3 and Hra takethe place of 3 both in a locale
and in an instrumental sense. 3 has orig. a local force
in "am nosno ,,thou wilt be caught into the thieves

(among the thieves, as a thief)".

B. The Verb ( 5562).

V). Person and Gender. 55.

With a finite verb, the personal pronoun is ex- a

pressed solely for the purpose of

emphasis (48).
Nevertheless, even in the latter case, the pronoun of
the person may be wanting: .T3 x^prvNi ^pivx

n^o: ,,he stumbled, and his camel stumbled over him"

(so HM*; M8UP erscr
adds irpx).
The 3. often omitted with the participle
person is b

serving as predicate, both when the subject is indefinite

(,,they", ,,one") and when the definite subject is easily

supplied from the context. Exx. :

(a) n*oa ,,they say";
KBIT xnpn n^ ^"D NB^y ,,to everybody ^ID
else they
measure with a small measure"; xV ^ptPB V 3|
2n I<> ^
,,they give, but they do not take back";
76 55. Person and Gender with the Verb.

(V) iTJ'B 'TO ^ p^B> >D ,,does he (sc. the tenant)

leave aught thereof for me?"
c An indefinite personal subject may remain un-
expressed with the finite verb as predicate thus p^lpx ;

,,it was recited to me

(by God or by an angel)";
"]h 'OHX xh ,,they have not benefited thee". When the
subject is a human person, B"^x or ^J'X is usually added.
d On the other hand, when the indefinite subject is
to be conceived as an impersonal, neutral one, the
mere verbal (or participial) form is sufficient, the
fern, and masc. being equally permissible (42): xV
mam XJIB^X n^> ns^x ,,his fellow-man's property
does not concern him"; ^ wn ^x ,,if I had it

(= means)"; n^V x^inp ^XD ,,how does he fare (how

fares it with him)?" ^ XJPOB> xV ,,I have heard
nothing"; xn:rn& B>n 'in^n ID^ n^ xn^j (with the
epexegetical infin.) ,,is it acceptable to you, that you
become the head of the college?" "ptPPPX ,,it grew
dark"; xm if? V^ ^^ (H'D in the accus. !) ,,hast
thou heard aught in this matter?" The indefinite

neutral however, also be expressed by

subject may,
means of xnV'O, x&Vy and the like; thus ^ xmtt
xn ?^ ,,it is troublesome for me"; xn^D in ? xp'm
1 1

,,it was straitened

about them , they were in straitened
circumstances"; XD^y n^ pVM ,,it is straitened about
him." Incorrect readings: Xtt^y n^ 'Xin^x ,,he became

56. 56. The Perfect.

a As
historical tense; exx. uncommonly frequent

(though the participle is used likewise, 58/).

56. The Perfect. 57. The Imperfect. 77

As a perfect proper: "'Xm }X"no ,,my master has b

struck me" ; rp"n xraTio^ p^D ,,he is gone up to the

heavenly college".
Occasionally in a subordinate clause to express c

coincidence in the past (the partic., however, is more

frequent, 586); the main clause, of course, has the per-
fect likewise: 'mn if?v p^ia *\wm nra ,,when we
saw thee, we pronounced over thee two benedictions".
To designate the pluperfect: ru 'no ^>XIOB> xnxn ny m
mnxi rpffBJ ,,before S. had come from school, his
father died"; "?sn xnsx wri ,,I saw, that the house
had fallen in". So also after the conjunction "O

In conditional clauses to designate unreality (73c). d

So also rwo ^pt^T ixoa ^NB'SJ s Nity ,,I acted as if I had

taken from him".

In cases like whsh mo n^ SIB' the perf. de- e

signates a fact (npt a wish).

57. The Imperfect. 57.

For the future proper only few exx. are available a

NJX pp^x Tim inn yip ,,cut off thine, then I shall
cut off mine" t
-JH mp' ID V" ^ 1 1>1<1
woe to tne one ?

when the other will arise".

Usually a modal force attaches to the impf.; web
then use the auxiliaries ,,be able, may, shall":
rayK ,,what shall I do?" ^rvn ^rxa i^o^i
,,let me go and take counsel with my family";
nn soy ? I^ID ,,let us all be one people"; xVi

"isrvn ,,thou shalt sow, but not reap"; "pnni worn


,,God reiuember thee for peace". So also in

78 57. The Imperfect.

indirect questions: myn 'DTI uvyT x^? ,,you do not

know what you are to do" (it continues then epexe-

getically -prh injiVepn . . . in^ro irm^tspn ,,if you are

to slay them all . .
., if on the other hand you are to

slay only those").

c The impf. has a modal force in subordinate clauses
after conjunction 'X ,,when" and esp. after final

conjunctions like i, T 3*n O: 'in^> XD^B nx^>pn ^x

,,when a rustic becomes king"; mtsxn N^so xh ,,I do
not to trouble myself (prop. ,,I have not the

strength that I should trouble myself"); 13"J'B xniuon

niton x ?"! nan >ova xVi }QV ^ora xV ^xop nnn x^n

xnB' n!?l3 iD"Jn3 ! pray you that you be not with

me either in Nisan or in Tishri, in order that you
may not be concerned about your sustenance the entire
year"; nnyrvm 3*n '3 ID^J n^pix ,,honor your wives,
in order that you may become rich".
d On a line with the Hebr. perf with consecutive . 1

or the voluntative with weak we find in Talmud. "I,

Aram, the imperf. with continuing an imperf. (imptv.)


(or a partic. replacing an impf.) with modal force:

^X'Vl mffy "10^ rrh B33^ ,,let them assemble for my
lord ten persons, that he may pray"; HH^ 'DJ ppix
VsK1 ,,cause me to arise likewise, in order that I may
pray"; rpaoVx XJX1 -pD rhv ,,take off thy garment,
in order that I may put it on" 1D1JJ1 ID"^ nojx ;
m ,,teach your sons the Torah, that they may study
therein"; DU'Ji 'ov mx xntyn ,,soon days are com- . . .

ing .
. we shall sleep" ; x^nst njj ^ 3.T IXQ
IJ'yDtrJi ,,would that we had feet of iron, that we
might be able to hear thee".
58. The Participle. 79

58. The Participle. 58

I. As in Hebrew, the partic. denotes: (/) duration a

in the present ,
but also
simple or real present the :

TID 'p nop ,,dost thou nana

stand with hy back
in the presence of thy Lord?" xiys <xna
pax yT
,,does our father know of this grief?" xa'n xjorm aw
,,and where does God dwell?"
(2) a continuous state in the past, esp. in sub- b
ordinate clauses : wax aviH ^V? rt"in ,,he saw Levi
sitting outside"; 'au 'mna Httn J^DEH join rra na^x
,,he found therein a snake which was cut through and

lay in two pieces". So also after the conjunctions

TK, n nna: xnxi ^N ^nnx Awhile they were sitting
there, he went and returned"; inn ^sj ir6 nnntsn nna
xrn ,,while they were cleaning them (the fish), an
odor arose in them".

(5) imminent or certain futurity: ,,you say thatc

you are wise; tell me then, ^xa^ra win o what I <l

am going to see in my dream"; JTin ,,thou wilt see";

ino^ K^nxn xn^j^s m xn^^sn Ta ,,by the hand of
N. N. who is
coming to morrow"; ^"P mx xntrn ,,soon
days are coming"; 'in X3JJ ~n2 ,,thy son will (is
destined to) be a thief"; irmn pm wnn ,,both of you
will be scholars".

II. The partic. is met with very frequently (as iud

Hebrew) in gnomic sentences. It is furthermore used
to designate a habitual action in the present as well
as in the past: "p^-no ]#&? ,,whom are we in the
habit of blessing?"; x^n n^ nt^so XTII n^ a^nn IXD
80 58. The Participle.

whoever gave him a zuz, he would interpret

his dream favorably".
e The partic. denotes a future action after the con-
junctions is, '3, i inn, i iy; thus iOTay iih xjp'BB 13
xn^D 1:6 when I cause you to go forth, I shall do

for you a miracle"; xn^o yoew ^r JOJJ ^ "pnvm iy

,,until you prepare for me the bridal chamber, I will

go and hear something". The partic. has replaced

the iinpf. even in conditional and final clauses: IXD
}h 3M' ,,would that we had" (Hebr. in' B); Wynne x&Vn

,,lest I am sought"; irpyTl ('3M '3) ,,in order that

ye may know". We find wVxBl as a variant for
62*0 in the ex. 57rf. The partic. shares likewise in
the modal nuances of the impf. : NJ^D XJX1 ^3X xin
,,he is eating, and I am to wash myself!" The partic.
is particularly employed in sense of the iinptv.
the :

inn? nm MV?no pnx ,,rather you circumcise yourselves

and be like unto us".

f The partic. is frequently used in the narrative as

historical present in continuation of a perf. Through
this device, the style ceases to be monotonous, and the
narrative becomes more vivid, description taking the

place of mere narration. The retarding tempo serves

in particular to describe concomitant conditions, or to

emphasize a marked event with which the narrative is


rounded off at a certain point: XJ11B "1DTPN "ino ?

x:r6 "posm inxi XD^BI (wpn 1.) ,,on the following day
the royal customs house was broken into, -- then they
came and arrested Raba"; NB^y ^pB> nt&ni W . . .

rP3J& inxi irpaxn ,,he discoursed on it ., then . .

everybody took his pitcher and came to him"; "ah

58. The Participle. 81

ins -mp >XD >yv ,,they did not know

what he meant; so they came to R. Banna a". ?

The partic. is frequently strengthened by a prefixed g

xp (p) : 'XQX ,,why art thou weeping ?" toxpt yotr
rrohj? ;

fcvan!? yitn in nh ,,he heard a godless person say to

his wife"; mjo XIDD VDJ p^D xpn ,,as he was nm
departing, he dropped a book"; xpi xtwxa \\rf? 'DTX
xaax np ,,he appeared to them in the guise of a
man, and called at the door"; Np mV HKmnxV nr,x
pm rh in~o ,,she came to show herself to him; but
the disciples pushed her away"; sp xj"y& xinnK 3 n
i <)

NOHJ Vox ,,he seated himself beside a spring and ate

bread". In a conative sense: rp^ ''Vtsp xp ,,they were
about to killhim"; xn^soV ny^n xpi ,,and it was
about to swallow the ship".
Very frequently the ^dea of duration in the past A

conveyed by the partic. is made more precise by the

addition of the verb mn. Occasionally mn also is in-
= habitabam;

flected, e. g., TH *n;in wh X'nx nnn O

!"6 B'^aVo nin xnn'X ,,whenever a woman came to him,
he would have her put on". Almost universally, when
the partic. is placed in the pi. : ''iirp Tin = sedebant, Tin

Vixp = ibant. As a rule, however, mn remains un-

inflected: xjo^xp mn Suk 44 b M (M, however, reads
wn) = stabam; X2P' mn = sedebat, etc. The partic.
with mn
and the simple partic. are frequently found
by the side of each other, e. g., '31 lytDXB xp mn
xn^o xy^noo xp xVi mascot ,,Rabbi endeavored (on
various occasions) to ordain him, but he never succeed-
ed in bringing it about". For the use of the partic.
with mn in conditional clauses cf. 73c.
Margolis, Gr. Bab. Talm. 6
82 58. The Participle. 59. The Imperative.

Just as the act. partic. succeeds to the functions

of the impf., pass, partic. takes the place of the

perf .
e. g., a'ro ,,it is written" ; y'T yTB ,,it is well

known"; msiti l^pt? ,,its claws have been taken away";

imnD "in 3*3ff ,,one of them died"; rpma n^> *yiv
,,hisdaughter died". The pass, partic. with mn takes
on the sense of a pluperf., e. g., 3TD 3in xin ,,he mm
saw again that it was written"; 'yT mn wn Tin xV
3 s 3tP ,,they did not know where he had died".
j Quite popular is the construction: Pass, partic.
with h introducing the agent, with the connotation of
an active perf., e. g., ^ you? ,,I have heard"; N^>
^ sy^B' ,,I have never heard it" ^ m nn^ "wn; ;
s =
With a logical object: s^ns ^ m HH^ ,,I saw a s

gazelle"; with no attempt at concord: .T^ y'Dfin *jD

Kn^O ,,any one who has heard anything"; ^ 'm 'T1^
snpnpx x'nn ,,I saw a frog".
A The (pass.) partic. of the form V'ys in an active
sense occurs with doubly transitive verbs and elsewhere,
e. g., yyv ,,(laden with,) bearing"; traV ,,(clothed in,)

having on"; n^oa ,,they say"; XJTm ,,I remember";

p^7J ,,we hold"; "jrp'Dy and l^poy ,,we are occu-

59. 59. The Imperative.

The imptv. is really the 2. person of the impf.

minus the prefix. With a negative, the impf. is used;
hence ^iup ,,kill" ViBp'n xV ; do not kill, thou shalt
; ,

not kill".
60. The Infinitive. 83

60. The Infinitive. 60.

The when corresponding to the infin. constr. a

in Hebrew, usually preceded by the preposition b,

particularly when an aim or a purpose is to be ex-

pressed: aDTB^J ton ,,an ass for riding"; "jor nnp
noo^ ,,thy days are drawn nigh that thou must
die"; isnoT xniyn nayo^ itsim ,,be alert to do. . .

the will of your Lord". This function goes over into

the objective one, so esp. after verbs like ,,wish, be
able to, permit": inma xmp nay^ xyn ,,he wished
to wage war with them"; nayoV xrxo x^T xrro ia^>
,,barring that which I am not able to do"; x^nn
rwaa'ol? iso x^t xruno ,,a certain province which they
were not able to conquer"; *aV ps^
n^> xpati> x!?i
xcniD ,,she would not permit him to go to the
academy", etc. The infi% with h may epexegetically
also represent the subject, e. g., "ayoV xyix mix ix^
*3n ,,it is not customary, to act thus". Exx. without h:
no >ya xV ,,does not my lord wish to sleep?"
ino -jrso x^ ,,we cannot be like unto you";
"-i!?j n'npats' xV ,,she did not permit him to
uncover his head".
In the place of the infin. with ^>,
the finite verb*
with 1 may be found to express the functions referred
to, e. g., ^PXT xrya ,,I wish to go"; nnm nx ^n ^x

Tnxoa ,,if thou art accustomed to carry in thy city"

(cf. ^onp^> IJV^T) 'x ,,if you are accustomed to dine

early") XHBH m^ny B. b. 74 B (M on the

other hand
reads "wo^) ,,she is destined to throw".
XD'X, run, 'ya^x, the infin. denotes obligation, c
or ability: "ID B^ XD^X 'xo ,,what shall (may)

84 61. Government of the Verb.

one say?"; nrpo ? 1

-fr mn have given";

,,thou shouldst
,,he should have taken heed".
d I find a subject by the side of the infin. in the
ex. SlUD xrvBi >om xynaV ,,that you may pray and
that rain may come".
e For the infin. absol. cf. 61^.

61. 61. Government of the Yerb.

a In the older language we meet with the independent

objective particle rp, but only with suffixes, hence in
the place of objective suffixes. Cf. yon* rrp^DX Ber 38 a IB
= Djnp'BX M.
b In the later language, the pronominal object is ex-

pressed either by means objective suffixes of

by or
means of h (or 'T"6 48d) with its (nominal) suffixes.
In the case of the partic., the latter mode of expression

predominates; but even there the simpler method of

appending suffixes directly to the verbal stem is met
with. ||
Exx. : n^> ^DSK ,,he rendered him unfit" ;
^ I^DtPX ,,cause (f.) me to hear"; HH|? 'in ,,look at
me". With the partic.: pyso 7?
who vexes me";
p^D ,,teaches thee" ; rpyTiD ,,he informs him"; rpnj'Blo
,,she invites him"; n^J3 ,,he rebuilds it"; n^ot3 ,,he
fills V n V^s ,,thou payest me"; inyno ,,thou in-
formest me". Much more frequent, however, are exx.
like .T^ ^tip ,,he slays him", ]*? n^up ,,thou slayest us".
c Where the object is particularly emphasized, the

pronominal object is pleonastically expressed by means

of an objective suffix plus 'in!? with its suffix: Hints'

,,they cast him"] rvTl ,TV"tP ,,ask him". .

61. Government of the Verb. 85

The nominal object when (syntactically) undetermin- d

ed, requires no specific designation: xrva TVJ3 ,,I have
built a house"; x~SDD ^ un ,,give me a pair of
scissors"; xrfom ^^: p'DX ,,take out purple gar-
ments"; X-QJ xin ,,he saw a man" (accordingly also
X"n:i Sinn xm). On the other hand, when the nominal
object is determined, the following modes of expression
are possible: (1) xnx xrjn ,,I am looking for my
father". So esp. when the verb and the object con-
stitute as it were a compound, as in the case of minx

-jsx, ^EJ X^DD. || (2) pnxn mup^ mnn ,,beat the

grave ofyour father" ; JO3J xinn^> 4tDp ^x ,,if they slay
me"; xnnn ixrh h*r\w IXD ,,who planted this carob-tree?"
The object may precede: ""ity mnx vi ? 1

his brother's
sons he has appointed"; 'p'Q'QB ixoV , ?
whom are we
in the habit of blessing ?")( (3) NB^ rvainx ,,I shall

destroy the world" ; inn^nV xystP ,,he heard his wife" ;

inm^ inrn^n^x ,,thou hast brought their sons" ; inj^rvx^
rrJXD^ ,,to fetch his garments". This is the most usual
construction. The object may again precede: PtttW?

,,his brother he has appointed". || (4) n^> myip

,,they cut open his belly"; inVlD^ in^> VU&pp
,,they slew all of the villagers".
Exx. of the construction of doubly transitive verbs:*
mm 13"J3(^) n( )oaK ,,teach your sons the Torah"
'tnx ;

'pHS pal ^ ,,permit me to see the righteous scholars";

X2"i made of him a great man".
X13J n^Titr ,,he
Exx. of the transitive construction of the passive/"
of a doubly transitive verb: irttTPD3 ,,she covered
herself therewith (with the garments)" ; jns^x nxs ,,be

paid with bran"; ^tsp nn nn^n^D ,,thou art worthy of

86 62. r^x.

two deaths". The verbs tr^>, X^>B and the like are
similarly construed: inJTWQ^ ,,she clothed herself there-
with" ;
xjn xron x^> ,,the spot was filled with blood".
"DTO and B^Bntrx are equally construed as transitives:
*OBtsn "pmrnx 'X ,,if you remember the date of
the document"; jntD'onffX ,,it escaped us". Note also:
pax ,,it was lost to me".
g Very frequent is the absolute object (the infin. ab-

sol.). Usually it
precedes e. g. xjn^n atprvB ,,I am

esteemed"; max xp TBP

HB'B ,,thou speakest well";
rvriB *B: KnB'B ,,thou strikest in addition"; xp B^B
in ? nB"^ ,,thou art cursing them"; VH> yn^o ,,it is
well known". Rarely it follows "l^2X iten ,,as they :

bent (their body)".

62. 62. nix.

a rvx (negatively rrx x^, n^) is properly a

noun in the st. c. signifying ,,existence". Gradually,
however,' it becomes independent so that it may be
separated from its noun and assume verbal force (,,is,

are, there is, there are"). Thus it coalesces with XD

into x^x (*y*?). Exx. izu rp^r : nnxa ,,where there is

no man"; xp'nn iD^ua ]*?

n^x ,,have we a share in
you?"; ^TB xrx 'B ,,is there anything?" In accord-
ance with 44e: nBXT who say";
XD^X ,,there are those
n'yBt^lXD^I ,,and there was none who heard him".
The noun may even precede XD'X: XDH X3^x X31U xax
,,there are many Abbas here". Of course, the interrog.
pronoun always comes first XD^X ]XB ,,who is there ?" :

b The noun in the genit. may, of course, be replaced

by a personal pronoun (pronominal suffix): rPrv^ rp~Q
63. The Copula. 87

mrvx ma 13 ,,his son no longer lives, but his grand-

son does" ;
xan nrv^ ,,she is not here". The suffixes
are but, as the forms become
originally posessives,
independent (a), objective suffixes may be appended
exactly as in the case of the verb: p'Trx ,,we are";
13JTPX ,,you are"; imrvx, 'rurpx ,,they are"; irun^>

,,they are not". Even the independent pronoun is met

with: px 'ivx (read thus for irvx) Pes 50 a iB.

Conformably to the construction with objectives

suffixes, the noun may be conceived as an object and
thus be introduced by means of !?: "ia^> rprv^ mat'
irrvx ma Taan 23 a M. The pronominal object may
likewise be introduced by means of h: HDD 13^ n^x
J2J "UP ,,you have been with us these many years"
Pes 87 b M.
As a mere copula: Tay xin n^ (var. n^ay n^nV)d
,,he does not do". I

Although in itself rvx possesses no temporal e

connotation, may, when referring

it to the past, be

strengthened by mnr p'& in X:PX mn ,,there was one

among us".

C. The Simple Sentence ( 6368).

63. The Copula. 63.

The function of a copula is assumed not only by a

rrx (62tf), but much more frequently by the independent
pronoun of the 3 person, originally being nothing more
than an emphatic resumptive of the subject. Whereas,
however, the forms fxin, fxvi, irrx, VPX, f
wx are used both as subject and as copula, Talm.
88 64. The Casus Pendens.

Aram, possesses the distinctive resumptive forms irpJ,

\TJ, inrj, vij'j.

b The copula lends emphasis to the part of speech

which precedes it ;
hence it drops out when no emphasis
is intended, e.g., :6n TIB ,,the mountain is (covered with)
snow"; so esp. with an adjectival predicate: imix
N^DZI "prmxi xpTD ,,our road was long, but our society
pleasant". Contrast, on the other hand sin nNTiD ny :

,,this man comes from Sora"; Nin VxiDBH jnnx xan

,,here is the place of Samuel"; a"l (var. xin) irpj TO

,,you are master"; TIM KHDT3 x"in 'rfcia ,,all of these

(benedictions) are one".
c Kin may be pronoun of the
resumptive of a
1. person serving subject: rvp^sxi xin SJNT ,,that
it is I who out". But the pronominal subject
may be resumed by the corresponding person:
,,I will rise and throw together".

64. 64. The Casus Peudens.

A noun which
is to be emphasized is very fre-

quently taken out of the sentence and placed at the

beginning as a casus pendens. It is then resumed in

the sentence by a corresponding personal pronoun, and

its syntactical relation to the sentence is thus indicated,

e. g., rp
? -^"a pma s
xn KBIT xnpa n^ ^a xo^y ^ID
sal sapa ,,to everybody they deal out with a small
measure, disciple with a large measure";
but to this

ir6 Tays *XB 71^ ,,what shall I do with the children?"

^ y^Dty s^> xjijon a~n xn XJK / was not acquainted
with the saying of R. Hamnuna".
65. Concord of the Parts etc. 60. The Order of Words. 89

65. Concord of the Parts of Speech. 65.

Exx. of the masc. form gradually becoming pre- a

dominant at the expense of the fern, have been met
with in the preceding sections (45a; 50c; 52; 55rf;
57*). In the verb and in the partic. (or adj.) with
subjective suffixes, the specific forms of the fern, in
the 2 and 3 pi. are found but rarely for the most part ;

they are not used at all. With an adj. or partic. serving

as predicate, concord is imperative.
Incorrect readings are easily removed in the face of the
evidence of the older MSS.

Construct ad sensum: mm i^son Nnya Ber lbb

M mg
(IBM ^HB) ,,when the congregation prays"; ^"Ti
ND^y ^13 ;? and everybody concludes"; on the other hand,
rp*> ^"3 xoVy ^13 Wfeen xniD^a is subject, the
predicate may be placed either in the sg. (masc. or
fern.) or in the pi.
For the construction of "jsa cf. 50c. c

'TO construed as a fern. : xno ^TB ,,something that d

When two or more nouns are joined by means of*
the predicate is put in the pi. and agrees so far as
the gender is concerned with the subject next preced-
ing or following: p^oo "jnm -pa Ber 56 M, but rrw insi

66. The Order of Words. 66.

Normally the predicate follows the subject whether

verbal or in the nominal clause.
the The least
emphasis suffices to reverse the order. Exx.:
90 66. The Order of Words. 67. Negative Sentences.

'TX 3-n ,,a relative of R. Ide died";

X3iy X!?>BB ,,the sun sets of itself"; xniD^B xssm
,,impudence is uncrowned royalty" ;
'31 X"!T>p
Xtt'on x^ 'Drw ,,a pot belonging to partners
is neither hot nor cold"; on the other hand: D3i
X3^ .13 dog barked at her"; 11
,,a DJ ti"X Dim ^1"
,,let Nahum of Gimzo go"; xrat? "p31 ^nap ,,the dis-

ciples are desecrating the sabbath"; yT x^l X'jy "pss

,,a poor man is hungry, and knows it not".

b The object follows normally the verb, but it
also precede it, e. g., "jT ^ 3.1 ,,give me thy hand";
mt2>y "ioV 'SJS^ them assemble for you ten per-

sons"; on the other hand: 3PP&^ if? mn X1JX ,,thou

shouldst have paid the reward"; ^3 X3^ XJoni ,,God
demands the heart".
c Exx. illustrative of the position of adverbs and
adverbial specifications: XV
^13 "imn ,,he mused over
itthe whole day"; rnoxp i>Bt^ ,,thou speakest well";

^xop nnnn x^ 'it^n 'or3i p'J >oi'3 ,,do not appear before
me either in Nisan or in Tischri". ||
'DJ is with preference
given the second place in the sentence. rvriB 'OJ
,,thou strikest in addition".

7s 67. Negatiye Sentences.

a x^> is in the main used to negative a verb whicli

it then immediately precedes e. g. "pmiD X13J l^BM,


n^? 'B'JPI vh ,,I have not flattered even a man like thy !

self";H3 mt^x x^? ,,he paid no attention to her";

"nno x^ xnn'sx ,,he does not go about begging". -
When the predicate is a noun or when a single won
68. Interrogative Sentences. 91

negatived, ixV is used, which is placed immediately

jfore the negatived word: xin ^n "D 1x^5 ,,he is not
capable thereof"; "on nayoV xyix mix ix^ ,,it is not
customary to act thus"; aw xiin xVx 2M xiaay ixV
,not the mouse, but the hole stole"; ix^> X2,"n xn
X X^DB x^>x isrvx anTsn ,,this opinion of Raba
was not said expressly, but is only inferred"; IX*?
anmno xar ^D ,,a miracle does not happen

every day".
vh, however, is used (/) in x^ (e. g., ^xno
,,outside ofmy home"; !TJB> x^n ,,prematurely"),
(e. g.,XJXn x^T ,,uncrowned"), ty^rx x!? ,,nobody", x^
H^o ,,nothing". (2) in repetitions xrn x^l XJH x^

,,there is neither law nor judge". Note double - -

x^s x^i x^pn x ? vwvh nV nno x^


negation: . . . . . .

,,they show a man neithet a palm-tree nor an . . .

elephant ."; 'TO. . x^i rp^? nax x^ , he said to him 7

x^ ,,no"; x ? ^Xl ,,and


nothing"; || (5) elliptically :

if not".

68. Interrogative Sentences. 68.

A direct question concerning the predicate is

introduced by ' or itsx, which is always placed at
the beginning of the sentence: rw 'TO ^ pn xp >o
,,does he leave ought thereof for me?"; >TO XD^X >0
>yn> nsoi "jryT x^> pxn ,,is there anything that we do
not know, but the scribes know?" -- A casus pendens,

however, may precede: V n<IJnox XJ^BT pnox o

,,shall we say that the first case is at variance with
our Mishnah?"
92 68. Interrogative Sentences. 69. Copulative Sentences.

b Much more frequently the interrogative particle is

dispensed, with: xiys >xra -pax y-p ,,does our father
know of this grief?"; "jrvnB np'BX xn^UJin ,,has thou
taken out of thy house a hen?" xyix lib rvx ,,have
you land?"
c With a negative: rirh'h XD^tr ID n^> rwV x^>

,,does not my lord wish to send greetings to Jaltha?"

xrrns m>B -IB 'jn x^> ,,does not my lord wish to
sleep a little?" Together with *B: rpBp p'snao x^ ^
^should we not carry before him?"
d The interrogative pronouns and adverbs are for
the most part placed at the head of the sentence,
e. g., xplt? 'Nro XD^X IXD ,,who is in this market-place?"

nnn> ^XDX ,why dost thou sit outside?" iy


^x ,,how long will ye act thus?" Fre-

quently also after the word to which the question

refers, e. g.: XDT! "ill ,,where is my money?" XJmi
3>iv XD^n ,,and where does God dwell?" s
xx x:x
,,and why I?"
e The phrase XftTH ina is to be taken interrogatively
= quid est, quod dicas?
f Interrogative sentences often assume the meaning
of exclamatory ones : D xinj B"SJ
. . .
,,how greater n3
is this man than . . . !"

D. Compound Sentences ( 6473).

69. 69. Copulative Sentences.

a Two verbs designating actions closely following

each other, or congruous, or one of which expresses a
modification of the other, are very frequently joined by
69. Copulative Sentences. 93

means of 1, but may frequently enough be placed beside

each other without l, e. g. yatPXl ^rx ,,I will go and :

hear", but ^rpx VTX ,,I will go and see" 'jnrwi pis :

him go forth and enjoy himself", but ^n pis ,,go
forth and see"; '^xi Dip^x ,,I will arise and go into

exile", but x^i Dp; xpo^y Tayj Dip'; ,,come, let us Vw

go and do business". Very frequently one of the two

verbs is rendered adverbially, e. g.

best pl^D onp :

inrvam xrvn "pB yjy ,,the clouds rose first at the

corner where his wife was"; VP n O^pi "1^2^ "ppn "ptyn
"B>BJ ,,set thyself aright (ease thyself) early and late" ;

ipis iB'inx iViy isnnx ,,enter early and go out early" ;

inJTiVptP min ,,thou tookest them again". ||

In the
same manner ''BO ,,be able" is construed: XJ'XB x^
XJD^po ,,I am not able to fulfill"; moK rvso xV ,,thou
art not able to say".
Circumstantial i : ^D nnts mni . . . X'jy xnx X'JBn ,

n^yatyi K3^l . . . xo^y ,,in the evening a poor man

came, while everyone was busy and there was none
to hear him (= Hebr. VjDtP V x.1)" with the perf. in 5

the sense of a pluperf. :

XTps x^i xn'nn HCJ^BJ nj

,,the girl died, having left no will". ||

1 = ,,nevertheless" :

'xn ^13 imysi XB"p -jina ,,it is written in thy book,

nevertheless thou hast vexed me so much". Cf. also

IX serves to introduce the second alternative in ac

double question: xo^V n"6 xo^t ix ^pm Kin nm^>
Vpm ''OJ ,,did he ordain it only for his generation, or
perhaps also for all the generations of the world?"
94 TO. Attributive Relative Sentences.

70. 70. Attributive Relative Sentences.

a tH, "1, orig. a demonstrative, has been reduced

to a relative particle. The precise specification of
the relation is expressed in the relative clause by
means of a personal pronoun.
b This pronoun is usually dispensed with in the case
of the subject even in nominal clauses ^""tspl "onsT "Dr :

,,days which are (at the same time) long and short".
Nor is it always necessary to indicate the object con- ;

trast n^> xrya xpn xm

the man whom I am seeking"

and **? XJno^ rpnVpff ,,I took the portion which

thou gavest me"; xjin Tuy m mm
xn^yo 'V'B yn ,,of
the excellent things which R. Huna was wont to do".
c On the other hand, the pronoun is indispensable
in the genitive relation and with prepositions xinx xinn :

mat? xtDtnpn ,,a place the name of which was Truth-

town"; xmu ,TD3J 'tf'BJ mm
'U xinn ,,a certain Gentile
who had great wealth"; 7111 npo nn xno ,,a rw
city in which there is no teacher"; im^y in^^DT -jjn

,,those over whom you are ruling".

d The pronoun is usually wanting, when the ante-
cedent is an expression denoting place or time: inx2
ID rv^T ,,in the place where there is no man"; xno
inrvm x'p mm
xn^n ,,at the corner in which his
wife stood"; x^"jn XDV xinn ,,on the day on which
she enters"; mtP nn'OT xor ,,from the day thatp
Sarah died"; nV"V x^r Jt^ -|J n ^ ,>all the years
during which thou didst not go in". So always after |

certain adverbs Name ^^ ^"y : mm

no^x VD ,,as often
as he entered the house of study".
71. Conjunctional Relative Sentences. 95

I The pronoun may be found occasionally in ae

second relative clause: I.T^X VTI mm xTon xinn
rpinzi ^yntPD mm ,,a certain saint with whom Elijah
was wont to associate".
When a relative sentence refers to the 1. orf
2. person, the resumptive pronoun will be placed in
the corresponding person; esp. is this true of the
1. person: rvp^sxt Xin XJX ,,it is I who brought out";
XB>SJ >XIB> ! acted as (one who had taken)

if I had taken".

71. Conjunctional Relative Sentences. 71.

"I as a conjunction transforms a whole clause into a

a noun; it may then serve as subj. or obj. or be
found in the genitive relation or in dependence upon
a preposition.
Exx. of subjective sentences: I.T^ loi? m^> xrpJfr
xraTio trn ,,is it acceptable to my lord that he become
the head of the college?" pTVQT ]h '11
,,woe unto us
that we must die!" pronominal A antecedent may
precede: m^DX x^n xn ,,the circumstance that they
did not eat him".
Exx. of objective clauses: "irpB^jDm irpiox ,,youc
say that you are wise"; imj XDn xi:m XjyT yi^D . . .

,,I know that the man ... is here".

The most important of the prepositional com- d
pounds is ID Awhile, as, when" which occurs only

in the older language: ^nxi p'DJ "ID ,,as he went away";

nan p^n ID ,,when we were
small"; T Dip* "ID ,,when

this one will arise"; ID ? XJp^so ID ,,when I bring you
out". In the later language ID is replaced by ''D:
96 "2. Indirect Interrogative Sentences. 73. Condit. Sentences.

-jT rvB x^ '3

,,while thou hadst not washed thy
hands"; maaV ,,when 'Xtt ^ I came to him"; Tix 3
,,when a poor man comes".
- -
X'jy 'D is found also
in front of an unfinished clause: X3,n ^3 mn ,,he was
as a bear (is)
= like unto a bear". "Q
may be
strengthened by a preceding ^; "OS ,,since".
e Other combinations: 1 H,~Q Awhile, as"; 1 ^"itiDX
,,because"; T ny (nx) while, until"; T aa ^>y ?]X
,,although"; T 3'n D , ; in order that, that"; 1 ^|?0

,,before"; 1 "ira , ; after"; "t Dlt^o 7 ,because". In some

cases, T alone suffices; thus it signifies ,,because",
,,in order that".

72. 72. Indirect Interrogative Sentences

are treated exactly as the direct ones.

73. 73. Conditional Sentences.

a '
with the partic., JVX, or a nominal clause

signifies a condition conceived as real or realizable:

^nnx -)^ xjzrrp -p rmn ^ ,,if thou wilt reform (begin
a new life), I shall give thee my sister"; '3W ""N
")T"TD UJ^^ ,,if they steal, let them steal of yours";

^kh m^"yj ^xn ^ID xjn^'n 'X ,,if I am esteemed thus

much, let them cause Levi to go in"; IXD XD'X ^x

xo^ xn^D n^ ywtn ,,if there is any one who has

heard anything, let him say it" ;

V^x xin ^XIB" 13 x s

TIXI ,,if he is an Israelite, he will return"; "on -on 'X

"iDXp ,,if it is so, he means as follows".

b When the condition is placed in the past, the
perf. is n^n uipj mn nup:
used: s
^x ,,if thou hast

married two, marry three".

73. Conditional Sentences. 97

is expressed by means of the

Unreality pf. both in the c
protasis and in the apodosis: 'pruDD ^xnx xh XPIBM ID'X
nnV ,,if I had not come this moment, you would have
endangered my son" XTID'K ^ ri'BD -jrvin xV ID'X xrwn

I had not seen thee this moment, thou wouldst have

given me
something forbidden to eat". Frequently we
find in the apodosismn with the partic.: "ID 2TPX s x
"|^D mn ID xV on:n ,,if my lord had given himself to

study, would he not have become the head of the

college?" Note also: "pmtPB mn x^> nx 'jonn ix*? 'X

j^mj m*? Git 45

,,if it were not that thou art Nah-

mani, we should not have sent it back to you" (the

conditional particle is strengthened by 1 and the pro-
tasis is a nominal clause).
Sometimes the conditional particle is dispensed d
with entirely: Diyt: XDytsi auj X2Ji inn ,,when you steal
after a thief, you taste thereof"; pD XTin wn x^pm
xi^xV ,,when the head of the ox is in the basket, go
up to the roof".


1. Introductions.
HermannLStrack Einleitung
, in den Talmud, L. MSST, 1908.
MMiehiner, Introduction to the Talmud, Cincinnati 1894.
SSchechier, Art. n Talmud" in Basting's Dictionary of the Bible
V (1904), 5766.
W Backer et alii, Art. Talmud" in Jewish Encyclopedia XII
(1906), 137.
Margolis, Gr. Bab. Talm. 7
98 Literature.

2. Dictionaries. Lexicographical Works.

MichaelSachs , Beitrage zur Sprach- u. Alterthumsforschung,
B. 185254.
JosephPerles, Etymologische Studien znr Kunde der rabbinischen
Sprache u. Alterthiimer, Breslau 1871.
Jacob Levy , Neuhebraisches und chaldaisches Worterbuch iiber
die Talmudim und Midraschim, 4 volumes, L. 1876 1889.
Alexander Kohut, Aruch Completum, Wien-New York 1878 1892.
MJastrorv, Dictionary of the Targumim, the Talmud Babli and
Yerushalmi and the Midrashic Literature, New York 1886
Samuel Krauss, Griechische und Lateinische Lehnworter im Tal-
mud, Midrasch und Targum, B. 189899.
GDalman, Arainiiisch-neuhebraisches Handworterbuch zu Targum,
Talmud u. Midrasch, Frkfrt. a.M. 1901.
WBacher, Die exegetische Terminologie der jiidischen Traditions^
literatur, II: Die Bibel- und Traditionsexegetische Termino-
logie der Amoraer, L. 1905.

3. Grammars and Grammatical Treatises.

SDLuzzatto, Elementi grammaticali del Caldeo Biblico e del
dialetto Talmudico Babilonese, Padua 1865. Gramrnatik ||

der biblisch-chaldaischen Sprache und des Idioms des Talmud

Babli. Deutsch von MSKruger, Breslau 1873. Grammar ||

of the Bibl. Chaldaic Language and of the Idiom of the

Talmud Babli. Translated by JGoldammer, New York 1876.
IsRosenberg, D. aramaische Verbum im Babyl. Talmud, Marburg
Arthur Liebermann, Das Pronomen und das Adverbium des baby-
lonisch-talmudischen Dialektes, B. 1895.
CLcvias, Grammar of the Aramaic Idiom contained in the Baby-
lonian Talmud, Cincinnati 1900 (= AJSL., XIII XVI

4. Other Linguistic Works.

1. CBrockelmann, Grundrifi der vergleichenden Grammatik der
semitischen Sprachen, I, B. 1908.
Literature. 99

W Wright, Lectures on the Comparative Grammar of the

Semitic Languages, Cambridge 1890.
ThNoldeke, Beitrage zur semitischen Sprachwissenschaft,
Straflburg 1904.
JBarth, Sprachwissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Semi-
tischen I, L. 1907.
Etymologische Studien, L. 1893.
- Die Nominalbildung in den semitischen Sprachen, 8 L. 1894.
PdeLagarde, Ubersicht iiber die im Aramaischen, Arabischen
und Hebraischen ubliche Bilduug der Nomina, Gottiugen
1889. Register und Nachtrage, 1891.
-- Gesammelte
2. Abhandlungen, L. 1866.
- Armenische Studien, Gott. 1877.
SFraenkel, Die aramaischen Fremdworter im Arabischen.
Leiden 1886.
ImmLorv, Araniaische Pflanzennamen, L. 1881.
Aramaische Fischnamen, ift: Orientalische Studien, Th.
Noeldeke zum siebzigsten Geburtstage gewidmet, GieBen
I (1906), 549570.
3. 1\1 Lidzbarski , Handbuch der nordsemitischen Epigraphik,
Weimar 1898.
4. EKautzsch, Grammatik des Biblisch- Aramaischen, L. 1884.
HLStrack, Grammatik des Biblisch -Aramaischen mit den
nach Handschriften berichtigten Texten und einem Worter-
buch, L. 1905.
KMarti, KurzgefaBte Grammatik der biblisch -
Sprache, B. 1896.
HHPowell, The Supposed Hebraisms in the Grammar of the
Biblical Aramaic, Berkeley 1907.
GDalman, Grammatik des jiidisch-palastinischen Aramaisch,
L. 1905.
ThNdldeke, tiber den christlich-palastinischen Dialekt, ZDMG
1868, 443527.
KurzgefaBte syrische Grammatik, L. 1898.
- Mandiiische Halle 1875.
9. AJMaclean, Grammar of the Dialects of Vernacular Syriac,
Cambridge 1895.
1. Formen und Satze.
Forms and Sentences.
^y ,poy ,BWX ,W>M pay ,non ,ppa A.
.^n xsVo TKD ,xyix mix ;xrrr
-nu |

B. .xVwa ia: xin ai x:x xnio .

rmi ,

XOD xju ^y T'tso T'w .

,xmn XIID ,XJS3 B. ||
."123 n^n inxn ,XD^B nn^ A. 14ft.

xawn xinx ,xawm syix ;x^m ,x*n

xtD^ .xnnxtramxas .XJIXX
.xn-3O n ,xi3

,*nom XISD ,xoi?y ia B. ||

.xn>3 no ,NDT n^x A.

B. ||
.t^J in BTX"in
; ,wx in ,iDn ,101 A.
.x^j ,xnmy"i xsi: ,

B. .xna a t^a Tny ,im A.


xtstrip ^n'st

10a; 51a.|| B.b.58"HM.|| Ber6b.j| Ned54i>M.
1 2 8
45a. ||
Taan 3^M. 8 B. k. lia B.
43d. Sab 104. || ||

Margo 1 i s ,
Chr. Bab. Talni. 1
2* I. Formen und Satze.

Ug B. ,3tD 3lV 3U D^ A.
n xm ,xptp ,XD:
. xrp33 xnxs xn^n xac
19-20 "iin
; ,xnan xnis ; ;

/nx/jn B.||. Di xjx

22. |
"io ,'"> ,^'"i ,w ,^s; ,^ ,nx ,"in_ ,na ^on^ox 1 sg. A.
,p!3X 2 pi. m. l''3."ja 2 sg. xjib ,x^ix ,x:nx 1
f. | pi.

,'msjy ,m^n /mVii /mn /mnx 3 sg. m. psyix ,T

3 pi. m. xmiso ,XHJO ,xnnx ,xnnx 3 sg. f .

sg. B. ||

2 sg. m. IHD^X , V"inx ,

,TI3 13 | -]OV ;T33 ,TV"13 ,T

2 Sg. f. TXIj? ,

2 pi. f.
nnx 3 sg. m.

nnnx ,

8 4
43rf. ||
Ber 55 a M. ||
Ar 19JB. ||
B. b.
5 6
ib. HM. II Sanh 52. 7 Sab II 152*.
I. Forms and Sentences.

3 sg. f.
rnaa ,

,xn xnoa ,xn
ji.T^a 3pLm.

rvx xian inan .n tj^ns |

;\T r^.np 3pl.f.
.^^(^ID^ wi T^^ p^try .n^ n x xnan "pam xiam ,n^

,xor na ,sp na j
las ;,-&
A. . 19.

B. .nvs n^so jH^n^a

ia^i ,n^s: rnyia ,man
;xnnx ,xnt n^ ,xns^ ,xntr'p ,xia^ xnia
,xnain 7 xni? ,xna^ ,xnbi xjnn
; xnij? ,xn^x ,i3"ion xmyn


xpitra xpun xn^' xna^n /mn xnt^ ;xnpy

3 4
y xaxn . x-iao xnjx .noxn ix 3
n^aa xnao . xia"
;xnja | in^J B. /^xit^^ nja a A. 19.20^

xnnax ?
,xnmn ,

,xnnex ,

.xnnnx ^"its
A. 20^. 21.

xnnax B.

1 2 8 4
B. m. 52a fflH. || ib/. ||
Ber 6^. ||
B. b.
Ar 19* B.
I. Fonnen und Siitze.

xion ,nom XDD ;xo?yi jX'oen ^'o ,^n ,>yoi >?>o

xiinoi 'tw ;xn^ns p^ns ;nyt^i xonj 5^3^ 3J i y3 xnin ;

/^D xiuin :

xjnn3x l pi. 'nn3K /niUD ^nnx ,nia /np l sg. A. ;

1 sg. B. || .71^1 iinnnnx 3 pi. m. |

xnnna^ 3 sg. f.

,inyi l pi. |
'Krm'tp ,"nj:
inn^x ,ino'K ,ini3 2sg. m.

Tni3 3 sg. in.

iDTinnx ;i3"m'3'y ,120)^11^13 2 pi. m.

xnn |
irrnrax ;inmw 3pl.m. |
nni3 3sg.f.

s. x:x B. ||
.ID^SU injx ,
nnjx n:x ,nnty xjmx A.
?(f.) nx "JXD .nx pi .px nn3 ^j^x .is^sia inx s

(63a.) .in^j xin .irw xjx .xnjnD \nrx .xin

9 (49). ,XT xnVtD ,*n xyix ,D^yVi in XDI^ p ,pn xits^ A.

^n no ,xno xin ,Kin xyix3 ,xno ]^n ,inn xoy

n^xn xi^ in 2
?xt^7^ 13D in poy i .^
n B. || .V"i3ij >ynnji innu ny .xin nxnio ny
-pn ,xn^n in 7 Txm KOI ;
^D ^n ,xn^o 'xn ,xnrvx xn
Kinn ;

.Konn now inn .xn JM /n

KJ7 ,
XJ3 ,D'p1 in ,10
X A.
pirm /i

Suk 38 a IB.
I. Forms and Sentences. 5*

|j .xp^m xrrnxi v^p vim .rra \*y\y prx


,xim ,KB ,Kmp. xrm ,^i ,xinB ,x~i:in

,XTpn Km ,Tpn ,xnB>3B>

,'nprp ,pn^ ,[K]mvn
xrrman ,KODIK
xm ,

xn-pny ,

xno'x xnnn 7 ;

xmyi xmy ^XHBJ nano xnsn xa

ix xjoix ix xnjj ix ? D"p ^ *^yn nna .xmjn
2 xnau
n^ . xt:^xo XIID xVi xynxo xnp IK
I^BK xion . xTtnD i^nyn
x^2z s .
rpD^ xD^on^ xmn tn
x"i v.y
. xj^y xpmi
xyyn ^3 l!

A. 16.

ms*? 's
m xion .IOT nn ^D 713
in mon
ni xion


Sanh 96 a. N. Johanan Nappaha; Bar N. =
Jishak bar =
ib. 53 a
3 4
Job. N. 2
Pes 113a MMj.
gab 155 b Meg 7 ||

B RaM. Erub 9a+. ||

B. k. 85a; 45a.
Suk 52 a M. || ||

Ber 58b M. io
gab. 55a. " ib. 10^ M.

(-.IP.SUI ArM). || || || ||

" Ber 6^ B. 13 ab 67^ M. 14 ib. 152 M.II II
6* I. Foi'men und Satze.

an XJXDB ,
xao .xyTima "prnBi TI^D nx
3 2
xVa /XBP 'xnoa .
xnpniz xn^y
17. x B. ||
. A.

xsin .
xntr na xann ni ,xov la xpa n .

xnp ^D xrvaa [xjn^i 6 XDitr^ xnp .

D xiraa
ai xiT 8i Db 'uitsiDDi ^^ . nnnoo

xnty xati
is. 20*. ,12^ ,w^a ,
pan ,

B. j|

nnon ,

xain ,

/nnnx xnnx ,[x]jnnx [x]*rnD ,

,nxnn xyp^s ,xnn ,

a 3 *
Meg 18 GMM^ ||
Ber 6*. ||
67&. Sab 145> Ar.

M (xnisr B
5 6 7
Hul 58i> IB. ||
Sota 3b. ||
ib. xn^^3T Ar; x-n= ^=
v. Ar). 8
Ber 51 ^ IB (laia^aba M;
|| iaV>p Ar). Erub 3 a M.

Sanh 29 b. " Sab 66 12
Taan 6^
I. Forms and Sentences. 7*

non ,^xv -12 /xn ,nxnrn *rmrp ai ,

,'xon ,'XDIB ,'

,xniBo ,i


np ^
xssin .'xmn^o ix xnnan ix ."
x^b xrvQD ,xmin x'V^s xmpj* 8
x^xn .

x 'B3 xnun

xpoio xnaa xrvpjy 'xmn^ *nxa .

om xh 'nx

,n^mix aax ;
xsin na ,xt^n XJB DWD A. 25 (54).

V 3 >JTT3 WO
ninn ,'DD(*)

mnx ,n^n 'iyo ,na^p ^y ,xov nn ,xmn nna

2 pi. m. |
3wa 2 sg. f.

-jo ,isxa ,Misjxa 3 sg. m.

,^nnnax ,iin^y ,lin^i ,Tir6 3 pi. m. rpni |

xno^o iy3 xyixn xma^o .xntyaty xsmn

xnnan .xa*3 xisw *f?n
sg. B.

Pes 51 b M Sab 66*> M.
Sanh 14 (wiai K;
x || ||

")131 M). ||
Suk 56 b MM t Ar. 5 Meg 12*b GArM. e B. k. || ||

92 b M. 7
Taan 23 a B. 8 Sanh 105 a KM. Sab 152*. 10 ib.
|| || ||

32 Ar. xai-'t 13] sic 1.

pro so^fO, XJ^^T 13, 'aiiTa; cf Ber
56 a F. || Hag 9b G. ||
Sab 152 (
8* I. Forincn und Siitze.

2 sg. m. | iny ,p: ,1^0 ,I>,T.) ,in ,> ,p l pi.

,-|rm> ,-pnii3 ,-inii3 ,-pna ,-|PD ,-jfcw ,T^ ,* ,Ta ,1=
,-pV 2 sg. f. | TiVnr ,-pi^y ,-j^y ,T^V ,is* ,"PP >T'
,13*3:13 ,i33:i ,i3nii3 ,13J ,i3^> ,133 2 pi. m. I 711:13 ,

3 3 sg. m.

,n ,n3 3 sg. f. |

,in3 3 pi. m. ,mra ,

3 pi. f.

xjorm ^3^3 n-
23. (52.) A.

,xivjyn my n^n /pesn ia>y r6n ,xn"nnx

pjtp no *mn
x ,i3 no^n ,no n^n ,xn:
1331 mtyy ITt^ 133 """ID t^Ol

y ytpn mtz'y 'JDn vy'3 i

"tni v

,ysnxi Cysts' 13 ,n?ni

in B.
inx xoy

1 8
Sota 10 a M. (xiiii-ia] x^n -nj M!). ||
Ber 10 a H.;
ab 88** (m^a] M>g). ||
Ar ifib M.
I. Forms and Sentences.

/-nn nna ,mant> in /im in ^3 ,n>T xtna ,rva xin


r6 ,"pir6 ,1m ? xy-p nrn iinV xy-)3 nn ,xin3 jXacra

nj>^ nix nn ;inO)mr 'twn in(')nirfc nan xron
"inn ^j'nno ,xn"an T&nx ,^j vnn ,-jJa -nn ,a^n
^n injn ,^o n^n ^na /IXD n^n ,JB> n^nx ;in
xyanx ,y yaixa jXn^
,xt3n 'mm xi nt^on^
/JOT xynB' ,xnnyotp
nyaix, xn^ ,8^00 ,mtpy ;

nn /j no mn /ID ntrna -ID

,nooni toaix/-um xnx^y /mnx >JJT no

noon ,noaix /tc^mx po
Q /ni loaty ,102^1 non^ /oa /iDon , nmyo
,vya /ID 1331 't? las /ID
in xms ,x^
nxo ymx /^DBD nxo n^n ,no n^i nxo ;

xs^x ;*mm rtpon nxo jon /^DSD nxo

nxo t^oni ^s^x nn /DIB xs^x ,n^'0'o xnmi
ionn /IJH ^x nyasr /ons 'st'x xn^ /
,naj 'B^X
no ina ,xmm nonna ,xmian nxo n^n /st'x nxo
,xn"op yt^ n^n /xop 'xop ,xn"op ,xop xop ;

nn ;xn ina rpjna /xina x^o ,xnnna ,nxj^on xo


/n^n nn ,xn^m xr&m nxo ^on ;

xnintr s
,xn nty ,xoin *3J
xtn xau .xn^iDiD notr xini ,xrmai no xnn
/HJJ xnsna xin n^ia npn x:s x^oo xnsnn .

nm .nioi xn^cpp xap non

^ap nn .mnx }"vp

Sanh Meg 7 M. ||
10* I. Formen und Satze.

.r6n 'mn xau .spy nn ro *py

-it?y -) nyaix ,x> nyaix
x-im j

nn ,noaix .no -in

.no ^mn ,non nyi a^o .no nn ,no
2i xin xVi nxo .om vv^ix xn ,
p 'ss

ixa >m HXD ,

xop XOT imn .

xnt^ nVw inp xi ,xo^n xntr n^D D^DH s

nm xnox xynnn xnox

29 (56). , A.

.XJTP pnny x xny^ x\nn
majn n^ix .n pis xninox
xin 'xn xmin may xvi f)x
wan xaino x!?i^n nay .nnam XJIDDX
,nao ,^ai B. ||

,nay ,

,may ,rmn
innay |
may 7

,-nao |
m ,

1 2 3 4
B. b. 5 a.
Ket 50 a B. ||
Sanh 7. ||
Pes 89^ (in MJ.
Jeb 63
a MM (x-i^Bm MJ. ||
Hul 7 JB. ||
Suk 8 MM^
I. Forms and Sentences. H*
,ann^yu ,tsim ,(f.) aim ,pis: ,^sj ,nns ,
xpT VMi 'nrpnya x^i ,xpT ^DX virjya x^ xjx
^x 3
^xt2> x^ xnx f fy*v x-nn .^SBH HHI /sun

. xmin rpr psj /rnirp ^mV nnan n^ ip^n^iD -ft
xno^p .n^up x^tsp xy ?HD noyu x^
.xn^n ^ n!?D ?I T^ no
( nVtJ' xo^n
in .2Ji xiin
. 3 *~ny^x *an "JDD vh
D IDXI x^uin tspjx ^ix 3atDi
xtDin x^o .ID itjx .xnp-'yo vnynx p^on ^XD^I
am x^om -jna .xa^a na naj .inyn n
'ami p^w n^ an 1 ! X^^T xm^o i^ya xyixn

mow ."nn: xnss ."^npV x^pn ^xn,, noxi x^pi

.xnx nn^ n^yis nm ,n nn^ n^yia nn nox .DX
3o (57).

nna xan:
B. .
nT xnns xmai

,nayn ,

ab 140 b. ||
B. b. 33b. ||
B. k. 29 b. ||
ab 29 b M.
6 9
67a. ||
Git 45a. ||
Ber58a M. ||
Ioma72b B. ||
ab 116b B.
12* I- Formen und Siitze.

ao Knty)o

.in()nna xnVtr Tayji pis :

ay^ ,xin I^KIBBH xinx Kan .xpo^y Tayj
.ann x

^ /an nayn xV .*yo nnp^ x^a icnw?

mprn x^ .n^ nnarn xrvnaai pwa iann x^

*?v!h awn^ xbn a x^n'iux .Kan

13 /TO i

.xmsx -10 a^n^j .r n^^sa xtn: .

xma ,xia ^oipoa .xrn >a:^ aip^ ,x:n n n^xn -JKO

xD^a pan ^r^ 3'y^ ^rn .
nrpn x^
soft (59). p ^a ,in pb .
^ip^ xpT xpi^ no^? -jVitDj? | ,^a A.
."n4 um itsinm mna,, xj^ nox .xjV WIOD ,V"i

,p|itsn ,tDim ,aian ,w&h ,hipv ,"]is^ ,pap ,^op ,BWB B.

|po ,nns ,aip ,Vxtr ,^xty ,ui^j pis ,^B ,oia ,^tt ^iax ?

,ibx ,ieim ,WI^B /.ana ,iama ,na ^i ,731^ ,^ij? s


inns ,UTPK ,i^rx ,1^1 ,iTay ,io yts
,1^7^ ,(f .) i^atD ,imn
psn ."i^pios ^ PIDD .
Diyt2 xDyui aiJJ xa:j ina
,'mn ntsp;
xi ;mn 7Jn x^ .
^"Da "is^n xh nn^aja
ina x^*n po ,xnn^x a^oji xm mm .

Kin JKiotsn xinx xan .

ny itsj .-pain x^i yii .xnisx a^n /ana nV lu^y

an .-)T
V an .Tms^ ^xi^y po

Git 33" M. ||
B. m. 104 b HM (fflnns^] ainsn HM; an
Af !
legendum?). ||
gab 63*. ||
ib. HGk ||
Taan 9>iB. |;

Men 85* En. Ber 5*> ||

ArM vid. ||
p es 113a B. ||
ib. M,.
I. Forms and Sentences. 13*

.: ipne .Ttrx^ nx ^t .-p#BJa

n^ n*n x^ nnn^ .*HDB iT

ann^o n ]v arvaV ivy A. soc (GO).

i('^ B. no

xynx mix ix>

^ ^V"13 ^ A. 31 (58).

x^yi ,i*DBn ,vtsm ,V"iop


,100 ,iBa ,

,75: ? ^n: ,ap ,'O)^ 7

| (f.) rrny
TD ^ p*
xin ,3'()a n :rx:n .

nnana ? ^ yis ^xo ,xnpy


Ker 6a M. 2 42a. 3 loma 29
|| ||
B. k. 52 a H

H* ArM). ||
g a b 13 a M; Pes 40 b MM r 6
Sanh 89 b K. 7 Pes
|| ||

101 a OB. ||
B. b. 98*. 9 A. z. 22* Ar
v. bsn. Sota 22 a ||
14* I. Formen und Satze.

xrw nro xnrvx ^ixw nnxon xsnsx xisn

xpsj xo .X3iy X^DD XB>D(>)IP .Nnvjy x^>ix xrjy

x^yn .xnnoBD n nay

x .xjntrin ^xi ,^ m
. nn [x]nn x^i [x]npy ,
xnn ?"p7Dy ^xoa *Dva'i .

mnn ^x ? nnanon x^* mox

A "Tn'3
xm .p^nm xnm

nty IXD nyn /XJD XTDBH ^nnx i^ xn\n^ ,-jn

np^tri 7HS n^ptr xoVn Pin^n^^n Pxann

ny ?w7oy ^xoa Pn'-nx xD\nV (f.) nxi ?npVo

in A nn yt ,10 DID yn | yvw ,1^ A.

,xn x^i xn
B. .xpW3 Tits

rw ,

xip .mn 3j ,xnn^ ^aa |

in^^i ,in^ns | (f.)
xin .,Tnnx3 ^IXT im no^ ^ptr XJH ^301 .

: max nxi ,xn"i3n "H3

yist B"j'x i^3y .1^3^ x^i
X s
?"! n^yix IX^DI B^J^K T3y Irrjn
?xm i^
^ XT3D
1 3 *
B. b. 96b IB. II
ib. 3^> H*M. II leb 72^. II B. b. 41 b
I. Forms and Sentences. 15*

..T3 mm ^anx xh IXBHPB P

!rp3 T^B :6s' xn . "nx3 >x:n hy i^sx Dan

ayts ^nii2*n ^30 Ppy^o
^xx **nn .ID^D i^sny px .p^p'oy ^xon xsn
:in^ pnox ^o^nm xnt^n /V in^pnn x^
,x:paTx 1
pi. | n^y^p^x Perf. I sg. A. 32.

3 pi. m. |
n^urx ,nn>n'n(^)x ,n3o:n>x 3 sg. f.

Impf. | lynp^x 3 pi. f. | npyx npyn ;

Inf. | ivoriB^ 3 p. f. |
Taynn 3 sg. f.
imr 3sg.m.
i. f. vy^>pD Pt. pi. m.

1 .xno mro ,x?


xnny .xnayno xnnsn x^ns .n^ mnsi

x^i "p"n*n ^y Van p-j^onts IH^
pi. ^t?rvx ^y^p^x^DntD^^x^ynnt^xPerf. 1 sg. B.
,~pBnn(')x 3 sg.m. inntDBx ,inntDB^x 2 pi. nnjn^x 2 sg. m.
| |

3 sg. f.
yTn^x ^n^x ,yin^x ,

3 pi. m. xyiivx ,xant3sx ,xa^DJ^x ,xaorx ,xy^:rx

2 pi. m. lorrx Impf. 1 sg. | |
xn^nx 3 pi. f.

oon^ ,p)D3^ p^oon^ ,nayn^ 3 sg. m. |

3pl.m. |
non^n 3sg.f. ^BTI(')J ,non^ ,"on(^ j

Inf. [1]10B'X pi. m.

IBB'X Imp. Sg. m. |

p^ro Pt. sg. m.

. f.

1 2 3
sc. x^x. II Ket 19 M. ||
16* I. Formen und Satzc.

pi. m.
| (f.)
X33'D3'O ,X3T1B(')0 1 Sg. ,X1B3'D pi. f.
jnp'Sm n3DJ( )D ,nm 2 sg. pi.

^3x /xr6 n^
xTpi xapa IBX .xnop mn 'X1331

pon^x xn lo^n^x

/xn^a .mnx
xnyo^ not
1x^5 .IHTXI xjm aj|? aip nxs
nna .XDJ t^mno xny tr^mna xov
^ DWO na
33. pi. Pf. l sg. A.
3 pi. m. 1in3p)3D ,1W?(*)ap 2 pi. m. 1

pi. m. *D^(')n
1B>B& Pt. act. sg. m. pDyV Impf. 3 pi. f |

2 pi. 1^"tPO ,111030 ,1*1330 ,V31pO ,1'iyXO

xn iirppmo 2 pi.
1x3100 ,inao pass. pi. f. |

.0*^3 ''XOIp I^X '3*313 n'T'tr X^l ."JOp

xnyo^ iinnox xswm xyixa *ann ^IUDX ,*

^yon xm*3*y pay x^i 33 ^y PJX

pay xV *03 xoi* bs xm ,1

,^ap 3 sg. m. |
ni**t^ ,n^*3p 2 sg. m. |
'3*13 Pf . 1 sg. B.
f '
\ ? 1 \ O* '

1 '

11^3 1 pi.
| 1(*)"13'X pia^OX ,
D7B"X , 1'31X Impf. 1 Sg.
2 sg. m.

B. b. Pes
I. Forms and Sentences. 17*

3 pi. |
Tmi 3sg.f.
pi. m. ^'&>a Imp. sg. f.

Pt. act. | 7^0 /-m: /ana ,mys /amp ,'&np Inf.

. f. IXVPB ,yatis pnss ,inno ,^>apD ,1'aia
? sg. m.
,nai pi. m. xnp^a ,ruai
1 pi. |
xji"!tt>a ,xraiD ,xjrmo l
sg. IIDIB pi.
2 pi. | (f.) mys ,(f.)
n-ms ,njaiD 2 sg. |

mno ,mpo ,pno ,ityso ,pat pass. sg. m. irvfenw ,

nirnty ,mpo ,sjpno sg. f.

pi. f.
inma ,a pi. m.
xh x^o ,-j!?
>J^T NTS mpso 2 sg. p^pmo l pi.

onp .n^oia onp s

isnp .n>api mao
& A n^iD nj^n^D^^
n^ia nj^n ^a ? xa^py

vh no^n ,iipn no ^n
.xrnxa VTJT anpj ."jipn xV ''Jon ,-jipn
lan ^naj an ."jnaji i^ an 2 i^s xmixa .

x ? .xnau nna H^BJ t^j^x f]n^ .XDD npyn


x!?mx !

/xip 'piDB xsnm xj'SD .xin XDya n OIBB .xjan(i)p

nn :XD^a max s

'pxp .xjyatii xnpo^xo XJ^BJ ,

Benson ^^JD ^D .xnna X ? ^an xsVoi s

.xjon nm y^ix ^anao

69 a. ||
Suk 52 Mr ||
Nid 6^ M.
Margolis, Chr. Bab. Talm.
18* I. Formen und Sa'tze.

34. Impf. 3 pi. m. nnyx 3 pi. m. ntsnprvx Pf 3 sg. f A. . .

.p&oy rra -ppDyrv xbno'x^Inf. iVano^ 3 pi. f |


npoy^x jflpoyrvx 2 sg. m. |

'briox /nontax Pf. 1
sg. B.
,TTIB>X ,"prpx ^-p-nx ,iyus( )x 3 sg. m.
3 sg. f. | np"x
3 pi. 'xyu'x ; xut?p'x ; xjsnr |

)n 2 sg. m. |
*iyusj 1
pi. j
aay^x pyexx Impf. i sg
sg.m. |nnyn()n 2 pi. m
i. m. | ip^n ,^3pnn 3 sg. f .

Inf. 'Btppx sg. f.

| ^no(')x Imp. sg. m. | |

pi. f.
j isprpD /OD3't3 /jmto ,'

)i3 pi. m.
2 sg. | p'janro 1 pi. | xjp^noo ,xjts"Dn^o 1 sg.
iny^noo 2 pi.
^> nxt ,vnr^ xi
'xn .10 iytis( xV .oinnn
xrm xnntDa nniaa xax

xV XB-jtt'o
^XT /ypnp

35. ,nnnpn 3 sg. f.

| 2 sg. m. | p^natyx Pf. l
pi. A.
nx jip^sx ^ina^x ,HMDX ,ip^nx 3 pi. m.
Pt. act. pi. m. | \ivrfo ,^ipB ,lWDn Impf. 3 pi. m.
x-in |
pno pass. pi. f ^aio ,IJDB ,PDBB pl.f.
| |

PTTjn ^n^n^o ^D n^wix r6yn o^nn xnip

pnnnnx in HD .onsoo pan 11

rvp^sxt xin XJXT

2 3
73f. ||
B. b. 80 a Ar. ||
B. m. 109^ H.
I. Forms and Sentences. 19*

Pf. 1 sg. B. j!
x^p .iomx
,rmnx ,nonnx ,no'wx 2 sg. m. ^nut^x l pi.

jp'osx ,^DBX ,Tpsx ,THDX 3 sg. m. irprwx 2 pi. nsnx

3sg.f. |
a*mx ,p'DX , ,p^sx ,iaix ^mx ,

Impf . l sg. insx 3 pi. nnnx np^sx ,n^ix ,x*nnx

? ,r

,inin ,nD5!?n 2 sg. m. n^n: ; n3^j ,p^nj l pi. |

,"nn^ } "\irb yzw^ 3 sg. m. iDiin ,7mn 2 pi. |

,(f.) nnpx Imp. sg.

m. ionp^ 3 pi. "Bn 3 sg. f. | I

"if. 7'sx ; isnnx|

jio^tf pi. m. p^sx ,i aix
| ppsx

Pt. act. sg. m. |

^nirnx ,'Dimx
lo ,"iait3

pi. m. sg. f.

2 pi. | mpio ,n3ino ,nVsxD 2 sg.

pi. m. |
xnmo ,xnDio sg. f. |
nna pass. sg. m.
*3m ,
IDX ^n .^ipx x^ x^o /trnpx
ST inzwx nnV XD^n .n^ mnx
XD^H n s su xtson "TI
xnx ^ nymx ?iVJO

xip /BX in^ 13DX K^ .na mt^x x^? ? -jn^ np^sx

nn xi
T^IXI n^x nxjn ^

.Tina x xnn^sx nnnx anno ,

Sab 88i> M. |
A. Z. 68i> M.
20* I. Formen und Satze.

xnytr ^xn TIDI xnsy Va ? s

xn ^13 x^otp 'Dp mean

^("onso rnao nnno oanx

x^sitsn,, :
*om3 ,X^D n^ n^xn IXD ?-jV
:IDXI KO^ xo^a /xi xosD xnsnn

36. oy D^iy amn^i n^D nx | iBDin(')x Pf. 3 pi. m. A.

3sg.m. [npin^xPf. 2sg.m. B. .'3^3 '3>^3 psnin ||

3 pi. m. pin^j Impf 3 sg. m. XDDirvx 3 sg. f

| pw^x . .

pi. m. |
xi^in'o sg. f.
uino Pt. sg. m.
3DD xjx |
n ?xn(^)D 2

,p^p ,x:^p 1 pi.
n"n ,n^y Pf. \ sg. A.
-6y ,ixp ,-iu 3 pi. m. | npi ,nn ,n^y ,nVt 3 sg. f.

l^"y pi. f.
| V^V Pt. act. pi. m. | yfyyb Impf. 3 pi. m.
2 pi. -I p Vpnrx Pf . 1 pi. itpe. || 13^. pass. pi. f . | lirvn 2 pi.
|| V^VB Pt. act. pi. in. -6"y Pf. 3 pi. m. Pa. | ||

Pt. act. pl.m. l^nx Pf. 3 pl.m. Af.|| isspn^K Pf. 3 pl.m. Itpa.

xtyp^x^n "xn ,n ,^nPf. 1 sg. B.

2sg.m. liffnpp pi. ;

,^xy ,^>y ,trn 7

nn 3 sg. m. in^sn 2 pi. n^n ,nso | |

3 pi. m. nppT ,npi ,x?y xtrp ,x^n xVi 3 sg. f

| ; 7
n^ ,27 ,ix ;

2 sg. m. inO)J 1 pi. ^yxlmpf.|

hw\ ]
sg. |

3 sg. f. |
^s^ ,^iy^ ,^y'J 3 sg. m. nun 2 pi. m. |

,B)i3 Imp. sg. m. iiw^ ,nu^ ,iu^ ,isp\3 3 pi. m.

Nu 24. ||
De 8 15 . ||
Ex 67 .
Ber 38 a M.
I. Forms and Sentences. 21*

Pt. act. sg. m. ,lp^ Inf. 1x7 pi. m.


/ins ,

pi. m. sg. f.

2 pi. n"y 2 sg. pi. y I sg.

pass. sg. m.
x pi. m. |
xyyi ,xn?7 d. ,
. f. | p^pn
1 pi. NJp7"nO)D Pt. l sg. Inf. itpe.
3 sg. f. |
h4v ,*?"? 3 sg. m. ^y Pf. 2 sg. m. Pa. I

3 sg. m. ^"yn Impf 2 sg. m. !?iy 3 pi. vh"V

| |

Pt. act. Inf. "y Imp. sg. m. l^y^J ,tf>?4 3 pi.

pass. sg. m 1 pi. pi. m. IS^HD sg. m.
Pa. I)
xjjrpx Pf. 3 sg. f. itpa. || TjiriD pi. f.

Pt. act. 1 sg. |

imn Pf 3 .
sg. m. Palp. ||
utsno Pt. act. sg. m.
Pt. sg. f.
| W?30)^ ,^?nt&^ Impf. 3 sg. m. Itpalp.)

Impf. 1 pi.
yix 3 sg. m. |
n^px Pf?2 sg. m. Af. ||

px /jux Inf. ^px Imp. | ^pl? 3 sg. m.

. f.
| ^pD D^no ,^no ,1^0 ;
Pt. act. sg. m. |
"inx nyiD ,n^D 2 sg. uao pl.m. xipo | | |

,yin x Pf 3 sg. m. ittaf. wa()o pi. m. x'j:i(') sg. f.


sg. f. VnnD Pt. sg. m. yin^ Impf. 3 sg. m.

| |

^)x ,mx xjB7nx .x^nn ^n^O): rvm ,xij: torn XSD

n^a n^xi ,n

/xnm ^x (.pno^i ; p^sj xV ,n>yiDx x^vm

nm ,-jnn .na^a na^ni ,'3sa pn .xjx y7>x
ppiD isnnx ,i!?iy
xiTp .

Pes HSb M (1.
A. z. C6 b JB (sic 1.
pro >6pia; se-
quitur ).
22* I- Formen und Siitze.


xjnx mix

ix'? ?",Tp
xpn rpsu
.3tD XO' 1

38. 3 pi. m. I
nn^o ,np 3 sg. f pm /pDp Pf 1 pi. .
. A.
3 pi. m. |
men ,mpn 3 sg. f mo^ Impf 3 sg. m. .
vn(^o Pt. act. pi. m. HDD ,nnDlnf. niD*
| |

Pf. 1 sg. Pa. ||

wnx Pf . 3 pi. m. Itpe. Ittaf. pi. f.

|| 1J(1)WB Pt. pass. pi. f .

u^y 3 pi. m. | ]My \ pi.

[n]at>ni [

i]ntyy3||'!in7 ix 2 pi.
xjmx ,xj^nix Pf. i pi. Af.
inn xV .nox wan x^Dn xjx .[XJ]JH^ [x]nn
""ii nn P]<JS x^n xnon inn x^i ,X^DX
.^^DID r

3'tsD nmtDon ae iiano ats m^ no o^tr .in

,n*o ,Dp jtt'E ,on ,u 3 sg. m. nop Pf. 2 sg. m. B.
3 pi. f. |
m ,mp 3 pi. m. XIVB jnop 3 sg. f. yo I

2 pi. m. |
DWJ l pi. mo* ip^x ,mp'x Impf. l sg.
| ? I

IITJ ,IH^ ,in^ ,ip'i? ,mp7 3 sg. m.

3 pi. m. ip^n ,oipn 3 sg. |

sg. f.
B^B Imp. sg. in. |
o ,ITO Inf. |
wl? ,wii? ,un pi. m. | Dip
x^ d. ^xp ,D^xp ,n^XD ,p^xn Pt. act. sg. m.
pi. m. XHJ ,xi^n sg. f.

2 sg. i^a^l?
1 pi. 1 (f.)

d. ,07 pass. m. in^n^u 2sg. | pi. | (f.)

. 3 sg. m. Itpe. =Ittaf. pl.m. | xpn sg.f .

Taan 24 b JB. ||
Sab 156* IBM (sed 1.
I. Forms and Sentences. 23*

Impf. 3 sg. m. | inn(>)x 3 pi. |

xmrvx 3 sg. f.

,'nun'K Inf. |
msn^ 3 pi. f. 3 pi. m. |
pi. m. . f
-nn()a ,07:10 Ft. sg. m.

Impf. 1 sg. 1" | ,1*13 3 sg. m. S

B": Pf. 1 sg. Pa. |

3 pi. m. 1V^ |
3 sg. m. | 1"VJ ,Q"pJ 1 pi. | Q"px
| i"so Pt. act. sg.m. 'yvo Inf. |
vy u(')n^ |

Sg pi. m. Xy"DQ Sg. f.


pi. m. | sg. f .
| 070 pass. sg. m. (f .) |
,*P:PX x 3 sg. m. |
w\y* Pf. 1 sg. itpa.
Pt. act. |
'Vio^ Inf. Palp. || D"pn Impf. 3 sg. f.
| D"px
Pf. 3 sg. f. Itpalp. ||
'Vt^BO pass. pi. m. DJOJD sg. m.

Pf . 1 sg. Af. |
xuts^o Pt. act. sg. d. Pa. xyiyn(>)x ||

Impf. [D]7ix ,THX 3 sg. m. nD^nx 2 sg. m.

1 sg. I |

,3inx /oipix Inf. n'xx Imp. HJJ ,071^ 3 sg. m. | |

pi. m. |
mo ,mio ,pmo ^nio ,a*no Pt. act. sg. m.
2 sg. | i^opio 1 pi. XJ0710 l sg. | |
anin^x Pf 3 sg. . m. ittaf. XHJD sg. f n:o pass. ||
| sg. m.
.rpnyi m .H^DJ m .HD^XI pn psj .XJH ^tsn ,XJH na
x^ ,"iny(n)^x,, *]"ian,, .H^J^D nainn nV op
;itp ,"n^D
07^ xpnn ^xnn ^rxi IITX nnn< ny .i^xn

n^y ^DTI 'D ? ?^Bp^i 7^ XP>SDD xntfn Ixpo^y

07^ /xinx icipn xV xtynts
m^n !no nrj ,m in^ no .m^ ID

,on nnnxt .pis(i) ID-ID ")D()ro

xjn .n^xoa D^DI ^uny n4 ?D' i n

xp>ny xmn x^^s xn^x /xp xipx xjn ? . . .


Taan 25 G.
24* T. Forraen und Satze.

ja 07 .xan xapa \xn ,KBH xapa n7 >3 pans

xTpsna xnay /BID xjynn

xanp 37^ "ry,, rioxt ixs^ xrpjn .n^ xsnB(i) n V


^?y *] nxV'y 273*,, :iojn ixo ? x^x ;"nxnn


vh nsnn ,27^^ nx^y XD^T trin-'j ,"nnn

nxs ny^n p xo^p xn .xpn ^03
? X1H

^p no^p "Dm
>XJ I D ,XDDIX XTIS .xn ? 5

13'nn x ,n()o lox nan

in .XIBBH n^tra ^min V^DI 'Ws ^n^
'nx 11

718 .mnxn 71x1 nro in .nroi

*NB vr x

naniop iiy^x mnoi .xaiyon n^y IDHO ?a*mo xp
xip n^i3 ?n7 in^Dpio ^xoa xmycn xip

39. ,xj'ya 1 pi. |

n^n ,[n]*ja ,*n^n /rvja Pf. 1 sg. A.
2 pi. "p'Vn ,iJin
| ,iJya ,irnx ,xj ,p^
X^D 3 pi. m. m^
,mn ,nnn ,n:a ,n(x)nx 3 sg. f.

,(f.) pntyn 2 pi. V'ln^n ; i"^5i(^)n Impf. 2 sg. f.


i3a' 3 pi. m. X,T ,\T ^in 1 ,nn^ ,nDa> 3 sg. m.


2 pi. ixnx ,po ,V^D ,iv.3 Pt. act. pi. m.

| (f.) |

x^ *p*V^ 1iy A xjx pa ,i^ ,v^o pass. pi. m.|| |

xrvmx ^y ^DIDIX^ x^x /n^nx *nffon xn^mx p

xnn xyixa i^n win ns /n^nx

xj'jn x'Vi ,pnr ^ai IDXT xn^ xn^x IK'DX /mn^ tm

I. Forms and Sentences. 25*

xsipn xs V
,rvnx xnnnoiso
nts>oi xrvmx nt'nsrx pyix "?yo "prv^n xor
IBS xrvjfe in jojfe -px
rv -pirn .ivfe -py ma
in xov xn nonp p
rpnnrx p mm ,-pnnrx
^rvxi xtmo ^no xn^o yotrxi

V"tavt o vV '^ iin" .nnom

.pnxi ximy nay xVi ,iinxi x'^t D^ pnx 12 ^n^
,nu XTT .in: 'in pn pn: n4n inxn ,-u*o n:p yisp ;

^ xn ? ion nn /jp xn ? n'n no rpn xn X^T ; rrn ;

/x^ n^nVwi x^ xin ,xj"?n7^ nxt ts>jx nn ?>jp no

s s

i^ny inno iiym fen ^xmn nnn ips p 1

xno ^p^px ^i
sn ty ;^DX ,njsDn ny ?xj"nn ix ,

.-jist? ,i*np xnnimy

/xin ,>xV: ,^xyn ,"yn /xnx Pf. 1
sg. B.
2 sg. m. pn ,1m ,iyn ,-jnK ,]"ir\ 1 pi.
3 sg. m. |
tn^yn ,in\ix 2 pi. m. |
n^nx 2 sg.f. | rvVp ,

/xnx 3 sg. f. |
nt? /ns ,

,nn ,nn ,iyn 3 pi. m.

Impf . 1 sg. m. 1""^ ^XHB' ,]"" ?1 xnx 3 pi. f

n^ ,H^: /yn^j l pi.

p^ ,^p^ 3 sg. m. nnn 2 pi. m. |

3 s. f.
M: ,xo^ /nj /n^ /j
^)^ (f.) ,iynV 3 pi. m. |
>n>n ,xnn

/m /yn Imp. sg. m.

pi. m. j
xn /xin sg. f. | (m.) ^xin ,(f.)

Inf. |
inx ji

sg. f . |
"n /jxtf /m /J(x): /:n ,oa Pt. act. sg. m.
pl.m. |
26* I- Formen und Siitze.

pi. f.
inx ,n(K) ,ia ,i!? ,nn ,nn ,1


pass. sg. m. | (f.) nMi ,nn ,mn ,nnso ,rvin ,nm 2 sg.

,KBtD Sg. f. |
n ,Hff ,'XD ,'B>0 ,
? MPI HH^ ,'JD
"I ,VH^ pi. f.
im jho ,wtD ,^n pi. m.
xsn .nnp xV n ^n in I^BK .TaiK ,vai
,KtDn ^n^mtD ?XID^X ^np^ xin no rsjin mo
^KTK xh nwr xVn ^KI ,Kjmo mn w iv !nw*o
nn .rpjnoV x^n ,n^n^oV x^n .n^noyV n xV ,xn "j^
DD .op: ^(x)o^n nnpBJ pj^ xVi no
npa^? n^ i^n xVnsn ^jo \<r\w .

K^. 'onn x^i nmn x'? ? /l

"n^>o :xo^n ^i .XOD
*)^j,, nt^n x /onn
XJ100 /'XDJpO P]^J ? , XO'n <31 :
; pB^ X^5 XIID^XO XJ100
713 i^n^n x^ xo^ x^i xoi^ xnn .p^s^ xV xojpo

xV ''xop nnn X^T iw>& xmoon .pm mn 7*10

ny I^BKI ,

xo^j ixo .^snm x^on ^o^ ,xn{yo n^ n^T 31 '3 "Q

')V xnono nna ,xn

<33 xnip .n^nj K|? nnxiis
xnon np nxo .xpjins ^n^V in'x ,xn"i:pxT

"pnp np pis .in

^o Dip
xnn trn .n ^1
^oi /"mx
.XOHJ ,T3 ^"yi 17^ n .-jnino sm nt^i xi^x po
nns n 013 nns ."D^ nnsi
1 2
Sanh 29 M. ib. 106 (ix^x] cf. Tes-geon; pro
S3\ ||
ib. 49 a M

(KBi^ = anb K).

I. Forms and Sentences. 27*

xan xna: io ,nn .tra ^n pis ."n[-p]"nm -pa D"

,*"m&lX^ !?13nP 'JBB*,, : XOT! X^> ! ,TJ?y THDB
,B>SJ /x-rn .y&p xn .*"Dian ^y msixi ^xin*,,
xitra ibx in /"ax 'a w:i irvanjinx .x:n /xip r^ ^
fi D^mn -jxo .S31D 79 xsin nnn /at
1 xpni an .'V nn^ ,V jon IXQI
m :xpm ui "IDS in ?

noxi) my^x

/jnp om xiono mon !*TinD^ r

DTWI o-'jsa ymx "jnty D^nty*,, ^npn XDH

mi "yanx p on, ; 'Jnp onn
-pnnx na ^x .xnj^n nxi vpj ,xnD

xm^x x^ya *na^n .^i^nn x^ n^p xpwa ,MH /in

x^i x^ixi xnn^> n ? n ;r6no *mn xae

up x pn ,pn up
nn pai onn .nmxa X^DID nan f

mn pan xniunn n^ nn pan


,xin ^n na ix^ ^xi ;paiD xams nn msu xin

>xj x^ .X')ayn x^ -jian ?

xpwa xn^a: uwj .n^ ^yn^ X^T xinxa

X'JDI ,x:x nai xna:i xjx xjn3 :x'n x^i ;,

n>Vy X^DI x^n xn^o .n^p x^p xb^n b

.nrnx XHB'I ^ma^ts x^ptr .n^nyix 1x^1 nV
/omaxi nnts .xnn A mi miay^i xnua^o ia ,X^DX

Ex 40 35 .
ib. 24 18 .
Pes 113*1^ (aiw:] Ar).
28* I- Formen and Satze.

xh ^xyiDO an XJXDB ?x^n x^ia x^n

jwxo xVn XJTD 13^ ,

? xyix rvya XD ? rvsa (xp)


rvn a .XJ^T x^>

X^TI ,nxp ,nxp

'^T xi^on ^ XJTIB ,n^nx
x^? x^p /in ,x^ n^^o nwi XTS .XDI
van ;x'^n xi^on.n^ys ^m .max

itpe. I V2n^(>)x 3pl.f. Pf 3

pi. m. A.
Pt. pi. f. |
U& 3pl.m. 3sg.m. | ^JS^n Impf. 2 pi.

aio pn ^

Pf. 1 sg. B. ."poo i>yan

|| pn ,ion
3 sg. m. | rpjnn(')x 2 sg. m. | V'^t^x l

/x^>x /xoin^x 3 sg. f.

Impf. |
"I^JTX jUD^x ,na^x 3 pi. |

(f .) ^sno^n 2 sg.

/anno Pt. sg. m. x Inf. UB^ 3 pi.

l sg. /yano ,iyano pl.m.
2 pi. 2 sg. | p^ps 1 pi.

.xain xiyi xn> .in^ x^ya^x .xi^p

xun ,^311 pai ?n^

xV xans ^xn ^^7^ .xt^n xj>y :

xt$>n pan nox ,Wa naa>p X^T XS^D


.xnpo x^n xnuxD ntrs

a. Itpa. Impf. rjt^ ,xj^ti 1 pi. *n^s Pf. |
1 sg. A.
pl.f. DD Pt. act. pi. m. nxox Inf. | |
m^ 3 sg. m.
Pf. 3 sg. f. Itpa. ]V-M pass. pi. f.

'^o S
JH ^ ^D xiyi xn' |
x^jjo Pt. pass. sg. f.
2 sg. m. |
^xna ,"^s Pf . l
sg. B. ||
I. Forms and Sentences. 29*

ino 3 pi. |
xi ,'xno 3 sg. f.
w ,^n 3 sg. m.
2 sg. m. ^nrvj |
1pi. vwx | ,^sx ,^o(')x Impf. 1 sg.
3 sg. f. |
^nn^ fiw 3 sg. m. | i^0)n 2 pi. nrn |

Pt. act. |
"1DX ,"i!?a Inf. |
l^i pi. m. |
hi , S DD Imp. sg. m.
O pi. m. |
X^DDD sg. f.
WD ,J7*fi ,^W Sg. m.
1 pi.
JO^XB jXJ^B 1 Sg. |
K'JtPB pi. f.
1 pi.
xrv^yo xruyu f. d. |
x^yo rx pass. sg. m. d.
3 sg. m. | 'XDn(')x Pf. 1 sg. Itpa. ||
n"DDB 2 sg. | p^ys
x^x jX'yntB^x .3 sg.f. | 'on(')x, ^yn0) ,
s-i'x /DD^X
3 pi. 'DnV 3 sg. m. |
nann Impf. 2 sg. m. iyn^)x 3 pi.
x^x m. ^ynB'x Imp. *nn^
X>J:'D sg. f . 'no Pt. sg.
m my
|| | I

[njxcnx >nn x? iy xnvj .xip^yo i^tyna xn-mna

n^ 'SJD^ .x^0)n2 xjpn x^> .nxoixn xjpn x^ .n^op
.xjx -jrm "in /m ui .^nji ID v\v .'Vs^i mt^y "its!?
.xin ^ nxi ,xnn ^XJB^ xjx
.xin xo^yn xn^^
nuxn n

xmn xns^x

xn^?n .xjmni XIDB^I nono na^> /Vyo xpmy

XJX(1) ,HH^> ^ 3H

xyixn HID -nyx ui nna xnB'n ?*run 12 iainan nna

,Kpwn rvnra wp^ B^I 'yn^Di IXQI)
? ^yne^D mn 12 12 n2i nna ,(nno
vnK nx^nx 3 sg.f. l^rvx ,pnnxPf. 1 pi. A.
3 pi. |
Af. ittaf,

DQ Pt. act. pi. m. ^x^n^x ,vot3x Imp. pi. m. |

/XJHX Pf. i sg. B. v " ^x'nD pi. f. ||

/inx ,^nx ,ntrx 3 sg. m. n^n^x ,n^nx ,n'Bt3X 2 sg. m. |

3 pi. m. x^n^x /xtrvx 3 sg. f. nix | |

30* I. Formen und Siitze.

3 sg. f.
TP? ,Ti"f 3 sg. m. ^n"x /inx Impf. 1 sg. inx

/inx ,
\JB>X ,
Jix Imp. sg. m. TP: ,in"? 3 pi. m. ^rvn
| |

,"i?xx ,"i::ix Inf. |

irvx pi. m. xn^x sg. f. ^xia^x /n"x
| |

/:no /^po ,7111 npB Pt. act. sg. m. "nix ,"inx ,"irvx |

pi. m. XTIO jX^oio ,x^ao sg. f. mo / |


Pf. 3 sg. m. Ittaf. || 1^0 ,1^010 ,1J^O 1 pi.

xn?oix ||
"iinn^x Inf. |
nnnn Impf. 2 pi. m.
x? wit in iy .nrsirixa 21 n 12

nno x^? .n^sjV xnain B^J^K *n"ts X? s

.xtsnoi xsipa ^'yn x^s x^ ,N3,"m x^pn

40. xVi *n^o Pt. pass. sg. m. ||
lo^in Perf 3 pi. m. A. .

Impf. 3 sg. m. 3 sg. m. JO>n Perf. 1 sg. B.

| 1(')DB>0 |

Taypo Pt. act. sg. m. |
"naa ,nnyty ,^1212 Inf.

XJJO^HO ,3BViB 1 sg. | "jrwino 1
"JOMO pass. sg. m. | pi.

,t3t3-i^x 'tDitsioO)x pnintr^x 'amnff'N Perf. 3 sg. m. it.

.[x]itDm(^)D sg. f. |
TWO Pt. sg. m.
41. 2 sg. I
mj-on |
^nuyiiontyx ,nl^ax Perf. 1
pi. A.
\mrnx 3 pi. | Tiro^yto 3
Inf. | rvamp' | i^^tspj ,^j^tDp^x Impf.
,nn nay^oo x^ nn KMD!? xV Muan^T pi
:ao x^i
mn x^i ,v ern 1t2>in" V n '^ nn>3 x V"i oipm 3\n D 1 -

.m^ap x'? xn^n *n^ ,IOT nn^> nnx

xio wit? xVi ixo ;xio 1
tyn ? 1xio w>2bi ixo .

XJXT xno n^tr,, :xio tm'^n

,Dnn^ JVIDO D .rai^nn xV .ID^J^O xryn

A. z. 48*>.
I. Forms and Sentences. 31*

|TinJ 1
1 ,-jnnnp ,-pnD ,Tnyns Perf. 1 sg. B.

rvrvrotrx ,

nnrox , ,[n]mx ,


2 sg. i

,nn~nx ,

,pn ,-jtspj
3 sg. m. 2 pi.


,rppox ,

,ininp 3 sg. f .

DX |

,inys ,172^ 3 pi. |

,mmux ,

mopix ,

Imp erf.

Imanu, r 3 pi.

sg. m. Imp.
32* I- Formen und Siitze.

mmx ,rrnnx ,

pnix pi. | rppnt? | ^pox sg. f. |

Inf. monpx ,nnnx ,niDB^n | mpsx

s I

yn xn x:x .^lyV x^i

x:n -on
xDin nyntr xi ,n^pnn xiu n
713 .x^->na ^nnx xVnx ?WD in^nVptr nnn
HDD ?iD:^pix XJ^B .xisyV "lO^n 1
IDX xn^o xn .n^y^o nnoi X-QJ ^io x^i

mpos ,nup ,
mn xnny. .

xp xi^x xVi, ^
UPP xp ^DT x^ ,X^D rpa ip^o xpi ,

xn ^>y .X^H x^i XJH xV ,mVttp xin^ .^ inn* ^n

TOT ^n ? m^y xn Vyi .xtrns a n^on* ^n^ mpsx

K3*n^ *B^3 nnpix jXn^i nm s
B^n' *op nn .

nm ^mx /Jip ^yn^D^ ^xn Voa .

nm^ xnnn xn ^
xoyti 1^0 p^sn. jryDB'Ji xVnsn
'xn .XDD^ H^D^J xrmyD n^ n^xt IXD
,ntynB yn^ x^t
.xm xn^D nV yop xV"t itrs^x xVn ,i

I. Forms and Sentences. 33*

3 pi. A.

.V ranpn [xn]^s ra [sn]>jVs -p*

i^s rp
K,,.::T? xnnxi ,xin *axn p* iwrpo
rf? y^ax x^>

isD2 no
. Perf. B. .'


pnpx V 103 ;V no 3 sg. m. mrpjn 2 pi.

3 s. f . \
3 pi.

,^"w^ Imperf.

Imp. nrn: ||

Inf. ||
i nvnx pi. |

)o jin
? i
/mn i
mom 7 npnD [x]npa
jnyiix rvxoi
nnnp ".

Margolis, Chr. Bab. Talin. 3
34* II. Zusammenhangende Lesestiicke. A.


DTI o .
^D nK vh

II. Zusammenhangende Lesestiicke.

Connected Texts.
1. Ungenane Aussprache. Inaccurate Pronunciation.
Erub 53t>B.

2. Liebenswiirdigkeit, die za spat kommt.

Kindness Coming too late. Sab 63 b M.

na raj ,Kn<3 Kinn3 XS^D

i^pty ; ^4mn K^,, sn^t no :

inrnx xnttn nn^u K^t^, :nV mt3K ."nnsra

3. UbermaBige Trauer. Excessive Mourning. M. k. 27 b M r

nyst^ nV nn ,xJin 3*n n^nns^s nim a

rhw .
KnTn*3 r\^y K^S xp mm ,I;

xi ;

1. a M. b RaM. 2. a cf. IB- b ffl. 3. a M. b B. c IBM.

| || | || | |
II. Connected Texts. A. 34*

4. Bin frommer Laie. A Pious Layman. Suk 44 b M^

'ana "ny^x 'mi mop xjo^xp mn ria'x tax a

xnnp,, : n> nox .mo^> *na"iy xna:i xinn

,xnnp *ja b<jxnxi ;

iox "? -p-ix

mn ."-j


5. Die Gattin des R. Akiba. /?. Akiba's Spouse. Ned 50 * ffl.

xa^ tm n^nin n^ ntrnpn^x xirpy m

.n^DD^j ^30 ^nxjn mix ,

xp mn jXjn^n ^ b
nn .

np xpi ,X^^XD \\r ^OTX ,inx xrx ."a

xmis ->h
x^py m n^ lax ." c rpnMx oyn^o
^ mox .

3i op
xnxi op a ,vw no mn
*ytyn in n^ ioxp"i n^n^a mnx p yotr
7^ ^on x^n ,xtn :

no 'mn 'in n n^xs :n^ mox


xnx xn"Jinx a<

'JB' 'io *mn mn x inn ."


4. a wri M. b M. c n ^ n R a M. d xnx M. e M mg ffl.

| | i I x
B. |
g BM. ||
5. M (sed p pro -13) En. |
M. |
36* II. Zusammenhangende Lesestiicke. A.

nxi,, :xynn xinn ION nap x^n

nnx mox
xp ,

yutp in ."A xin

6. Alexander nnd die Amazonen.

Alexander and the Amazons. Tarn 32 F.

x^,, :pn^ itsx . n fc

7051 ,nx

h nox
in"x,, :v6 "IDX ."m'^up ,

XTIDBX h xami
x ? xVx,, :n^ nax "Pxnrrn

/nxi p^s: ID "?XDH^ n^nxi nVpa'T ,-jnnx3 XDHJ -j^

ny ,x^^ n^n DITTJOD^X xjx, xtinot xnnx :

*nsy r
nn .xm ^DX xp xj"yo xinnx ;

m xnn inn
minon ^nna k ^sj .

xptr :noxi XD^X /'nxp ^py p^D xj^yo 'xn

ny ,nVi3 '^TX rnoxn XD^X .n^sxn xiui x^

d p r 12 10 .
||6. mg laud lect: Kp
b IB 131^ FM. |
o m g. |
F. =M X3
g M wbiap 1BF. |
hfflM |
1 M F. |

mg ^xb F inb^n M xn^an B. |

1 F. |
ffl xmi M.
II. Connected Texts. B. 37*
."xaa 'V inns,, :x^p XBI ;py pi xnns^ xtsen
nn ? IBX ."ia Dpnx "^
ixia> "lytpn m,, :n^>
."TB ^ un wa^n a^mo xjx ,x2Vn
iam ;

mn ,nnnn n^n Kami XSDD n^iD ? ,T^pn xnx ,x-tn

nox "?^xn ^XD,,
/xisy W>p ^iVp^ "?xin

1. Bin reifer Knabe. A Ripe Boy. Ber 48 a ffl.

pn an
^ a

now "P^rma XD :nm

'inx xai - -

2. Bin stronger Lehrer. A Strict Teadter. Hul 107^ M.

ION /sap mm xiotr n^nD^x XIDBH nnx

nox ".^Kai IK'TIBI,, nox "?n"aap
in 1 '?

x ? ^XDX,, :,T^ IDX


x ?,, n^ iox "? xj^o



o P 8 H8 20 .
fflM. |
a M ifcpttj Pa. |
_j_ m->e3(i) fflM. |
Pr 27 80 .
-f niss p,
cf Jb 26 6 .

1. a M. b c 2. IB.
I Hal-ged. | Tes-geon. ||
38* II. Zusammenhangende Lesestiicke. B.

'3. Ein grausamer Vater. A Cruel Father. Erub 22

mox .21 <aV V'ixp mn XJHD in xnx 21

'4. Ein gleichgiltiger Vater. An Indifferent Father.

gab 151 bM.
mn x^i ,


5. Eine grausaume Schwiegermutter. A Cruel Mother-in-law.

Sab 26 M.

n,, max ,xn^ X^JD mm xnon xvin

: n? 1

\, : rh mox /xnx D .xutrp^x xVix ".XDDISXT


xiu na nsj^x ,xnsrx x^n'x x^x .

6. Ein Mifiyerstandnis. A Misunderstanding. Pes 42 a Mr

D>02 xVx BM^n x
inxi in^nsn xoVy ^

. Ein ratselhaftes Testament. An Enigmatic Will.

B. b. 58 F.

xirnn /xna in xisyi xn s an,, in "IOXT xmn :

^XD <y*r T vh .'xna nn^ a mixn xn^nn /

ArM. b
3. | lasnip RaM, iaTip B, ia*iip M, ^o"ip En.
4. a ffl.
5. a ffi. ||
6. a ffl in^SI MMj. 7. a mTTlSO F.
II. Connected Texts. B. 39*

Ein fleifiiger Gelehrter. An Industrious Scholar.

Erub 65affl.

*& xnnn an mma ml? max

ins xntrn :,-6 IDN "?xrrnE>

!). Ein znTorkommender Lehrer. An Obliging Master.

. Sanh 10 b B.

n ny,, :)DV aiV "2s n

mn K ?,
nox s^i xn^o 'xao

aO. Ein gewissenhafter Bichter. A Conscientious Judge.

Ib. 7b 8*M.
r\x WH,, : n^V ION ,w6 n^p^ xns am nyarstyw
ai n^ IDS ".wn^ "(V J^DS,, :n^ IDS .V
n^a o^^ mm ,

. Ein Weiser, aber kein Rabbi. ^4 ^o^e^ *w^ no Rabbi.

B. in.

.xa^3 x^,, : n^ nox ".XDD
xnaw n^ a'nix ".xj^3 !?
- - ".

xp x^i ,n^DDDD^ <annyusD xp mn /cn^xi

xn ^13 ID lyux^ x^?,, n^ nox .xn'ro :

^xioty, :ma a^nDi ,*iwxin DTXT XIS^D

40* II- Zusammenhangende Lesestucke. B.

Das Eigentnm des Mchsten.


The Property of one's Fellow -man. B. m. 24 a H.


rpnsa ".nnam KJIDDX rch

IS. Dn soils! nichl toten.

Pes 25*> (= loma 82^; Sanh 74).

no *!

'14. Gib, dafi man den Deinen gebe.

Give that they may give to thy Children, ab 151 b ffl.

n^ nnpx ,s jy YIK
^ w :innmV s^n m rh IOK
nt3^^ sp oV'o,, : ;r!? mo ".^J3^ loip^n ^n o ,snsn
".mn imn &:o ^ :
b 3^nD x xi :
n^? IDX ".in

15. Wohltatigkeit erloset aus dem Tode.

Charity delivereth from Death. ab ISG 11 IB.

inn,, ^sn?^ n nox ,

mn ".noi x^in n^ pnu t

mn xpB' sp ^ .s^irn n^^yn a^n'K D"in N


jH? ,s"iss

12. aH*: nit- He. 13. a MM^ b fflRaMHanM: || |

MAr? 1111 Mj. c fflloma. d 14. a M. b De 15 10

|M^oma | || '|

15. a xnbin Kami IB En mend. b En. I

II. Connected Texts. B. 41*

"?may 'xo,, :max n? IDX TID xp .nina x^rn ^nxi

,xaax xip ^jy xnx x^jsa,, :n^ max
xjx xj^oxp rmyoon XD^I ^xmiyoa xoVy
msD,, :nh lox ". n^n^j n^nam ,4 nami
xVx ,r

.16. Idem. Ib.

*]jn ixp nm /an' Tin

pne /nx x^i ^TX xina ^xn,, :^xio^ ts^ax nl?

Dp .
xnxi xa
r\J? nox .'mj ^mna nan p^osn x^n na
xnsn P^DID mn KOV ^D,, :n^ iox "?may *

mn X^T IJ>D in x^x mn xn^xn .p^Dxi mn

xjx,, : irh XJ'BX .
?]^DDDp mn ,


'17. Bedecke dein Haupt. Cover thy Head. Ib.

-]na,, : 'xib nV nox pns in 1

pm an
max .

mn xV ."^tsm s
xp a^n
in xor .n moxp >xnx
b xm t

M. |
d Ar.
e pr . 11 .
16. a M. |
b En lilob ffl. |
c En. |
d En
25b OB. 17. a M. b nxtn ffi En.
|| |
42* II. Zusammenhangende Lesestucke. B.

'18. Die Zerstreuung Israels. Israel's Dispersion. Pes 8<J b M x


px 7,
:nxnw miir '3"& XJ'D xinn rpV IDX
SB" D'tznn n&>ty ^3, :
HOD xn "pxi /onxa IDT VD nnan ny
."'TO D^ "jinny xp x

nai :0 ra p^on *
nsa* :n nox

. Werdet ihr wie wir. ^e je //^c wwto us. Sanh 39 a JB.

nn xoyV ^3 wb xn :Dimn *yh 107 n^ nox

x ;"r6 :iox
I.TO ,
niDxp TS no^o,, :n nox ."inns nm
.m!?3K x^i 13^3
xinn n

,20. Der Esel des Messias. The Messiah's Ass. Ib.

." JTXT Xp13 X'DID ,T "ll^X ;

" ac ?xjia T,n ixD a rvx

21. Hente, wenn ilir gehorcht. To-day, if ye hearken.

Ib. 98* K.

p iiyo^ 'mi inx> n^nDtrx ^ p yi,T 'n

y "i xnn^sx '0"

18. a 11 16
19. a MEn. 20. a Ar. b a -ina
i Reg .
|| || |

53(1)15 KM.
II. Connected Texts. B. ,

i -lax. "*m

:rp nox
^2 DTP, ."^m
in^xi T inn noxi


22. Weder freien noch sich freien lasscii.

They neither marry, nor are given in Marriage. B. b. J8 a F.

.X22X 'Xpl DH12X H2y "Hy
Xpl jHia'T HSJD2 ^JXJ,, :H^ 10X "? D.TI2X T2yp >XD 7,

63. Das Wissen der Toten. TTrc Knowledge of the Dead. Ib.

XUD a /23ty tD^on xp mm XIPUBX xinn

xy2 ,2x.xnx n s JpH2 .TDSO ,njno

xnx .
rpjpH2 n'osn ,xnx inn .

c K.
21. a n superscr. superset. | |

Ps 95 7 . 22. xnia F M. ||
23. * B. |
b ni F IMI H.
44* II. Zusammenhangende Lesestucke. B.

24. Idem. Ber 18t>M.

*3 xnxn ny a
mj3TBBnx ra a a:i >w Tpsx

,*mo isn^ mm
^m .xTps xVi b xrp3Ti ntps: m
xtzm x-nrs c >mnD,, :mV max "?x3*n "m,, :r6
xmu "nt&n ^wxh ^ 'D^NI ; w!?p ^i ; i^s
s>nxT xn^Vs nn xn^Vsn nTa

25. Idem. Ber 18^ M.

onn m npso Tin ^siotrT maw

np xp nm nuxi

xaits c
xax na xax,, :rpV TIDX ."xax in xax
max xax 12 xax xj^ya,, : inV iox ."xan
3mx."xyp-n xna^n^V p^o,, :m^ nx
nann xoyts xo,, :mV "iox /xiax
j larva Va, ^
d n i ntj' i! <

yo xV jH'nyn^ ?n i

,max xnx /am 'amx

e e -
."prixi xaa ,r\"ir\
rvnx ^y^ :n^ nox "?naa xnyu xo,,

na xaita na^m,, :mV IDX "? na"n
xn i

nn j; :ppV iox .mV^yi


24. a ninsf STUIX IB. |

superscr. |
c ninna Ar. ||
25. a prm
n ixa superscr. |
superscr.; n^^inax JB. |
+ *KI ffl. |

d r^ntuibmti ffl.
e ^sa xp nim niiYn B. I
f na^nx IB. |

s iss'vai B.
II. Connected Texts. B. 45*

26. Was (xott tut, das 1st wohlgetan.

Whatever the Lord doeth, is for the Best. Ber 60 b M.
x-ion xV:nnn nnna mn ,xmixa ^ixp mn xa^py >3i
lam x^> jX^^a naD^ xya ^[xn^a] xinn^ XUD D .XDBM
X^DXI xnx xnx ;xnana nai ps: .xrst^ix n^
^nB'^ n"3D xp^t xnx ,x^uin^ n^Dxi x*?yn xnx
:iox .xn^ a n ai^ xo 1 ^ xnx ."yzh x:om

7. Heilige den Sabbat. Keep the Sabbath Holy. Sab 119 a JB.

xinn mn utr -ipio rpr


:'*r63 n^ nox .xmu H^DDJ

ma pt ,
n>DDJ in^iD^ inrjm ^x ."inV V3 '3
xpn n^nisx ,xi3D nay xpn nns .n^D3 nnmx

]n IXD,, : iox ,xao xinn ma yjs

28. Wahrheitsstadt. Truth-town. Sanh. 97 a M.


ai :n^ nsxi) HD mats am paiD xinn

mn xV
xinx xinn ^yp^x ^,, nmana :

anno wx
n^xts mn X^T ,[in]mana
xan^ mn nn xor ."J3 nn ^ nm ,in^*D xnn^x
,, :[no]x .xtrnx xstu xnaat? x^nx ,n^n xs^n xpi

26. a ffl En. II 27. M. I

b Ar. II 28. a rell.
46* II. Zusammenhangende Lesestiicke. B.

b 'ja
; ,-6 la'at? "/SDH nn^, :nl? nox ;xyix nnx ix

x ,[n]^pV 'twx inx

V IIDX ;nt^yo nin
x *na XJDID ina

29. Wie man sich als Grast benimmt.

The Etiquette of a Guest. Pes 86 * M r

rch la
- .xjx "?'xjin an, nn
:irh "IDX x-irn XDD n^a


m nn 7
^3,,, :in^ IDX "?-JDX minx

30. Eine kluge Fran und eine torichte Frau.

A Wise Woman and a Foolish Woman. Sanh 109 b 110" K.

xi ;
ID s xps:
:n^ IDX
mox ."
-IDX ."('o^np 0*712 myn Vs 'a, :
a>nDn) ,

XHDH n^n^ptrx ."if? XJ^SD XJXT

mnoi xaa .!?y


IB En. ||
29. * IBM. ||
80. IBM. 16 3 .
c En.
II. Connected Texts. B. 47*
mn imx ?ntj> Tay
x'nx ^x ;*o^na *WD* "w mnx

in un :

ay 'trsj rnon, ,*inj3 nnna xnm a<

in^ian IVD,,
niyi ."ray xpn xin

nn:a D^J JHDDH, ^irnn wm ."^na^no

n* /njoinn k
nTa n^>wi, ;
]ix ^ intrx n* /

31. Die Manner von Sodom. The Men of Sodom.

Sanh 109 M (ordo qui in B).

"in bs
yu xmn n n^x- ;
xinn .^ar nn

nox ."nn ipty^ ,n nt ;XDtr in ipty^ ;


nn ,xav in
>yij xnn n n^xi xn
n ^pw) n^ n^xi XJH P]ID PJX /ov nn

xin xjx ;,
: n iox ; in 'pt? ,in D ^nx sm 'Di mm
>nx aotr ix ^in nty mm "l-


d KC. e f M. g KC. b J Pr 14 1
'(inx | superscr. | | | mg. |
niton IBM k nil^n En 31. a superscr.
(ut Biblia). | (ut Biblia) || j

b En Ar. I
c K.
48* 'I- Zusammenhangende Lesestiicke. B.

nn ^"n d
mmj nan ,,
:n? nox BDI nnan nmx?
nox ,nnam xiom xrrix?' ,-p^ p>osn .
-p^mj maynrr
"nnnpn ny
,T^TJ nan c ,, :rp?
an,, :n> nox ,

h a s n^ h xaixx
n-n nyaix nayn
,*oaia xinn sns xnn XJQ^ /m x^on h a >n j <

xjx,, nn^ nax ."mi nyatx an :,TV nox .nnnV ?,

.an 11
x^on an ,*p nx h,, :,T^ ntsx
x^> ."mi ."nay
nyanx n^ an ^M,, :n^ IDX ,xrn ^p ? xnx

mayn x^jom ,XDT i'? ^ptrn ,mi
xnx ^mns onnV '&"irpx omax
xux n^ an


omax nay -ny^x .n>V 'nns ^i: mm jn

*n^,, : vii? iox "! xmsx S
JJ Dip,, : n
x ? ,mty nn'DT xor
."xmsx xj^jj

,xi:n nm nn ^D n^ ^an' ,x3y in? ^ino mn a
,n^xo mn ^a a
n^ HDIDD nn x? xnsni ,n i!?y ,TBB> a^nDi

.nnn ?*pty nm tn ^>D inx

nn n^n 11

-pomi ,X^JDDX ^nx mm ,x?i?n nay nn a m

omax nay *ny?x .n^ v a ' s 1<in>T "i^ m? mn ,i
xapya xmiyo *i> a^n^ ?w ,x?i?n in

d M* = rell; niaiu MC, duo nomina "ipujap *ip\!J5X

addit. |
e XB^t K. |
-}- xnnxb pi Msuperscr. g |

TB1 Me fPSHB-J Kmg. h FK. i

M*K*; ni1B McKc.
I |

M*KF; nilB MC. k XB En K xnii&^is I
M. |
rell; n^ M.
m mg.
II. Connected Texts. B. 49*

xtstn ny ,an iris nay .

xrrnyo nv6y a*rv .eimi irpnrki inlna

xrv:n xnn

mioyi ono npyi

32. Sanherib. Sennacherib. Sanb. 95 ^ M.

xipD X^D^X :in3x
it^sx ^x aina
xnx ./m^tyn lyna " n^ xinn ora, :

:n^ nox ,xao xia^D n^ ^on^x ,x

>XD ,vu*ntopi in^ja^ inj'n i n 'xn A anyDT miD

b xin xnns xinna ^DJ xna: xinn :,T^ IDX "?ir6 max

xn^a d
hi* ."^n^xi xinr6

nna .

:xss ai IDX) /nson ipin nx DJI,


t JBF iiinT En. |

q Gen 18 20 .

32. a Is 7 20 . bK. cmg. d B En. e

-JITO K. ffflEnK.

| I | I I

8 TK1 K. |
superset. |
ns eras. |
i niioi^ rell. |
k K
Ar. |
+ n^V, quod postea deletum. r\*b *iB\u En K
V> ^iBttJi Ar.
Margolis, Chr. Bab. Talm. 4
50* H- Zusammenhangende Lesestiicke. B.

xinn ^tx ^x ;XJsiuD mV m [n]mttn xai
.'[l]op 'rma -p" ^npo ,r6soi 1 ^ ^
33. Eleazar, Sohn des R. Simeon.
Eleaaar Son of R. Simeon. B. m. 83 b 84 b F.

b xnrra

:n s IDX '('.nnena iDtroa 6 ^y fjtsn* 'jy

,IIDJX xn :n^ IOK ."xin io^an xj^in

^y :Tayn

np,, :' 'ox jXD^o *

.VMXI sjsn xp mn .

nnx n s
-iy !v p pin' ,, :nmp
xinn !
."*vsip nx nD 1

^ iDy IDID nnx no ny !

an ,nayt ma .nwsn a xin

yai ,n^nynb ,ny 'inx .

K. ||
33. a M Ar josa nis H naianiB B En. |

=.HMvid 5 B En. |
c Ps 104 20 .
d Ps. 10 9 .
e 13U573^

F. I
+ npatt3(p)i "ipins nbp^(p) xa^^T (V'x H)
im B En HM. |
g rell. 1
daiapi F. n"niiasl> F.
| |

M. t n^b rell. 1
n^a rell.
II. Connected Texts. B. 51

, ng .xn^B ny^noo xp mn x^i

n m mxo now
xp ,ns7^ nipox .< wsj
yT "?x /ai,, :"6 [n]o* .nyoxo xpi
rp rrjn ."oms^an ora nDiixon myj xin

non "jnw 032 ^ntsaio ! nai HOD nnx

XOD pnrptpx .n>nyn xnn^o x^ /an i^sxi ." A DDn
nni ^DID*? myipi ,X^^
'12 ny^x 'n TOD

n^ xnay XDV Vai .a*ai XEH


too) ixx /ym "nx^;7 :*IOK /ym ''

:n^ mox ,inn"an n^nyoir in
a /l, 7
xinn .nw xi iiV npsn n*npa "I^xnx "poo
nayi /pJix ^n^ n^h ^n^xi ,

in? IDX /xm 'xnx "!n s ?y mn xp

pnioo imo nvja nn^n, in^DJx np .

.' non!?

text, masor. .
n Pr 21 23
HM; art. > B En.
= H.
| | |

_|_ i^ F*
P q H. ("m FC); confusae sunt duae
lectt. |

8 H id.

_[_ ^2
_ ?ni&a xb ^as xnin ^a)
ma paio ipiTio n^a n^x 13
Fmg; ipillD] M ipi"l1HJ H =
IB En; M ipsf"ii^ H ipiiiiis^B En. |
F? * inscr.
y in^a* F. z
| > rell.

F. b pr 31 .
52* H. Zusammenhangende Lesestiicke. B.

i"nn< .sty-no psji xoy n^ c
na*K xsr xinn
xp nn .irunntD/^Kon
? A xou in inn mn
rn ."imjn nnx mpj xnn ,u6 oxi jonsi DD im

IDT xo^x x^nt^x :

T>2inx ? riiyoty "a 1

mm, n^nn xj"_yD m mn ^i ; xrv^yri

xpt XJIID rpin nn xoi
.XDT XHDH xVo ,nny

inx nn a ."m?
x"?p na' xpsj ,n'jn moo 101 n^n -noo ID
nnx /JI^B ^x !
XDI nnx /JI^B ty^x A,, :[m]BKi
\nn A,, :nnox ,
u nnaa^ X^SJ^D xp mn nn xov
.xynx mix ix^ ^ni" xn :pm nox ."*mnp^

inn x xtD>ty x ,inuj mo mm

*yri nnx nv p iiyotr >3i n1^
anx xi jDS^'a ^ B" nnx XTIB*,, r

,mn xnis^n xov ^yo nn xoi 11

." A<>1?sx nmx

"'X-rF. |
j<p B ji p. |
e in^R M in^x rell. |
f in 1
' F. g nlssii F.

'n HM. |
i cf .
Ra; n5U3^ rell. |
n^i-F; ^xrH. |
HM -jnaii as En. |
n^ F. |
B EnM ie FH.
F -pnnni HM ^ini En. P rT>n-F. q -j-x^^n
ffi | |

??i\> V'x Fmg. |

xa^isi xnib^va FC. s B En |

H ^xn^a F. |
t H n^^na F. u prm iinn rell. * 1. inV
| |

w quaedam hie omissa videntur. ]

x xo^bttJ F.
II. Connected Texts. B. 53*

x z /ipoxi pm ipo ,nn um aax

.mam xmya^ *rrnnxT xj:>y
nnns .'""pax ^xx p wai ,-ps
nns A ,

34. Die Bedentung des R. Hijja. The Greatness of R. Hiyya.

Ib. 85 b H.

nn S

:X"n m n^ IDX ."^IS^SD rh


rv^i xno'?
xi^noi /train nt^ona 71^
nna unxi /nn nna npx ,xj~nm ny, :in^

35. Idem. Ib.

in xzpnn ai ^ ^ynti' 'x


ixn^nn 31 nox
nn x^sa naj in^x naty mm pa-i

"pr6wa, :^ IDXI j


mo xnm b
>toxan nn inx ."na

y L nv. |

35. n^saiD F. I
b = naain FM AT -us SB in H.
54* H- ZusammenhaDgende Lesestiicke. B.

36. Idem. Ib. F.

in XDT- /an "Kra'non nw mn

,xnx *3 ;xnx

pi jXJWDi
soi mv
-- "!mn nnn in

mn ?
xmcn n aTpnx .mun 'ois v^^ nvnoi nrnx
.injmtii in^n ^y ;xan ^

37. Die Weisheit des R. Banna'a. The Wisdom of R. Banna'a.

B. b. 58 H.

max mm inn^m xyotn xia^ xinn

rvx ^a my Pxmo^xa xnn^x in xyvjs x ? 1

xp 3 ."in x^x maj

inx in^o ^nV s
yT xV ."X-Q

nno x3 xjiao p^sm ^xmn^ x"a:i in


? max ,-innm nnx

mty3n ,n?nx .

xpi ,mopix ;
n^tyo^ mut^s ?
n^nV mpos ,n^op ,^ mn

36. a F. |
b a dde *ia. |
c xsirsoi rell. |
d n^bssi F.
el. Jib? |
-ma F. g map
F. |
h H Kra^n Fvid. |
i Fsuperscr.

37. ffl En F lann H. |

rell xsba iiattji n^ap H. |
c rell

H. |
d rell
> H.
II. Connected Texts. B. 55*

U.T Xp X"UX X?! ,*

13.T Xp 'OT X? ;X>
X2D ? rnpsx,,

nox : .in^ moxp >XD ,'jn nn

."moxp xpim,, :ir6 -inx ps: ."y-p
xanx aTpV ^xn ^a o^rn
npnon V ^> :xVnxn sans a^nDn 1
5 xm

npnoT i""f ,
: "IBX "|3 'xTinn xno 012,, : 'DH inns
mm mn xm "."i"^ niJ3ty N ^ ^r"12 1 10
xjx fl
"n ^?D pnm DT xjx xniD

,xion nrptrxi Rnoo^ xtDom ? rri? ^tsp Dm

^D t^nn ,on xjx ^yio t^na, :an mna x^x ^ ?n
^xninn xno ma,, :nnD h "/ion xjx IXIDX
h non x:x
; IXIDX trnn ,m xjx ^

38. Die Bekehrang des Res Lakis.

The Conversion of Resh Lakish. B. m. 84 a F.

n xnx ,KJTP3 xa no x nin

. nnnax

xnnx n^x ,12 nmn %, :n iox

n s DV e xya "[nu mn ."iV
mn f
tn xor .nan xnaj nwi rpjivxi n^npx
nonm ^aom ^"Dn A :

^m H, sed cf. infra. |

* JB F x^in M iin HEn. j

FM no-lab B En nia^b H. ^
mg. 1 rell
x^nxn H xinxm
| |

38. 'rm&o 'i^aiK M son ^nn^x -iao H. 1

1> tr F. |

F. |
* F<=.
e H joss F. |
> F. |
g l.
56* H. Zusammenhangende Lesestiicke. B.

:rr-i? ION .*on33

np ann ?*!? rvjnx 'KB,, :n^-i&x ."in*

SJD nnn*
"n n^nvn Vn
H,, :n^ max
n .
m ra

nox .nnnnx pnv "i nytssD xp

ms p'niy^x 'i ^n^ ?n^nyn

nymxi -jntry
^po ,xnyot^ XJ^DX mn
xmn nVntti ,
7ns nymxi in^V n^ xjpnsD
xy^DDT x jn, :mox nxi s

yip xp ^x mn "?x^Dxp
iy:n ? n>nyn p)n ny "?nx XDVI xt^7^ in ?nx

Der Tod dcs Babba b. Nahmaui.


The Death of Rabba b. Nahmant. Ib. 86 a F.

ran ,
b xDm nmn "in xon ^

H ffl En nini5<at3''^n M niKBO^a F. |

i n^ F. |
i H ma F.
I. iiiab? |
mnis-F; 1. iinsa^i? |
m ma F. |
n in-
n. |
o Je 49 11 .
P H rn^rr^i F. q HM ii-F^d. |

H >F. B FC. t i-nb F. u B En H jtnsO-M stnnsatts F.

| | |

HM ipi^ifi B En ip^S F. |
^ JB En M xVniai F. |
* H.
H -JSK F. z ms^a F. 39. a | ||
xsna ai rell. |
II. Connected Texts. B. 57*

xn.T naa x non sn "XTI.TS maa xrx ,,

,nnrax xatn xpnDns nw ."xmo XIIVD:I xrvm

6 d
ryn xsnxBi ,x:ryn xsnx!? p"iy
f e
,nnrax xr>t>sn xpnons ^>ix ,
nn ,*n*oj?D XDr6 nv^n* ^DD nn
m^pt^x /rra mm
Tnyj KD,, n^ nox : n^^V h inx .nmnx
,XDD n^ iam XDH^ Minn,, :in^> nox ."xin
yTD,, :nox /orvxi 'Dn n>^> nay ."n^sisns nnn
x ,irpo ;
in'j XDH n^ xrya xpn

.psj ,xn^x pis ,KD3 ix

xp .n^y a^n s xp mn' ,

DXI ;XOB ,p^ ~\yvh Jnonip mna ex :xy>p-n


:xin -jna empn* iox ?>xo ^pso pint: ,mnaV rnip

12 nm IDXT ,'joro na nan

mn x^ ,nnna ir^ff xnx
xVp yot^ .n^on^D n^is p^ntr mn
xp a .n 1 ^ h^ ,p^ntr'x ;xin XD^OT xpnons ,nao xin

nns^i "nnts ISUCP ^om na nan

on: in nai, :."axn xt^nx xpn^s
nm nsm nn .a'a mn XDM ,yn nn x^>

nnsoi jinDB'x i^x .pxVit: n^ nay xpi ,

:xyp"n xpn's in"? psj .xrn^^ xr6m v o<|
psj.RTOW nyutpi i^or nyntr nnso .
nj3 X,T
nn xor xinn r .^DiVa^ DDivaV "o^*, :
xypio xpms
prm IT'S. d HM. e codd. inter se omnino differunt. f cf. H. |
| | |

K H. |
h xnx F. i i-mn F. i inn F. t
F. | |
mi^s |
m aii F, sed prm moiii, quod deletum est. a rell |

o H in^> F. 1 P H s6in F. I q rell -o-F.

58* II. Zusammenhangende Lesestucke. B.

ino X^DJX am '

nan mtwM m,, :m nox

ixo^yn PP

.xsyi m TO r

40. Stiicke aus dem ,,Kapitel der Frommen".

Stories front the ^Chapter of the Saints".

a) Taan 20*> 21 M^
: XDS 12 D1S1? X2"l H I ? 1DX
."x:in m Tay mm
: xno nViD

n i!? IDI ,X3rm xpinua ,

^x ;n^> ino mn jXy^yi b mm

^> nns mn ,xnsn TID mn
xn^o 'inoxn XD^XI) .^n^i ^lyV 71x1 fe, :iox
"IDX e
m^ ^m xnn XTID d m^ v^ "34 nin

,"MM. mn

b) Ib.

,xaits xn^o in xpm mn
xV a DDX,

pnv m myoty ,xnsn ^ID xp nn

a nb JB En. b d
r H. ||
40 a. | n(l)liTi id.
MjC. | M^ iba IB En.
e IBEn rib Mj. |
-(- niTi isnibl mg. ||
40b. a rell
Q^ipai M,.
b De 15 4 .
la^nix Mj. d
II. Connected Texts. B. 59*

n vrwotp* /im^upJi irp^y mntw xn,, :nnan e ^

irwo "tm ji.-u'pat?,, :ypx n^ iox ."*ny na
m m> IBX ."xnyt?
xin xjx ,nro yoB>,, :iox -"
h t^BJ3
<3, D^px xjx ^i
^ .pnr m 1^0 ,xs^x xnxi ty ".
pxn aipo
mn no vh ,onai no a^n^x >x,, :n^ nox ,xs^x xnx

c) Ib. M.

mm fen ?n a: ts"x aim mV np

pin pm m xin XJBM .^nmuV n D^, A : iox mn
aim nna ,

.nnnn nm tt
^D^n noi^D^n
mm no fe i^pt? xmn ^n iop ,

xnx /nmt:^ n DJ, :iox
Tim ,xin omaxn xisyo

nox .xnn xinn IUDX .niiDi maits


iru^tapi 112 ,XD^O op .xisy xinno itsox

ix MJ*
De 15". ||
40c. a IXTDXI B En. |
M,. |
c Is 41 2 .

En. ir^^BBiBb mend.

60* II. Zusammenhangende Lesestucke. B.

d) Ib. 21b 22 a M.

xra'noo XD^& mV s
nx xoi' b XJBIX xsx
x&r ^yoo xmi? ,xnntp
mm xrm mnyn xt^n '.msrn XDT

xnxn nnaiy ^XD ."XJDIX xnxn naiya

xnan n^ mn ,xn^
Tay mn
n^ mm
nu n^xn a xn^ ,i

mm .TO Vsno'V x^?n ^>n ^ ,rh wzhb mn

,PP!? n^xi :<pB .T2 >oiD^ ^xinxo xmy^in xnan
mn s .FI^DD^D x^i ,V^x nx ,p^sji ^>y ,mV n^t
"pn ^iptr,, :n^ iox ,n>V IK'BX X^T pmo xmis
x:m intf xnn XJDM ." a -jtysj 'xia^
inj^Dix ^n^n^V i!?ix /n

:,T? nox
xp mn ^xnyno inrnnox

e) Ib. 22aM r
xnx ,BB^> m xpwa ^xp mn nxnn xpnn
xpiB' 'XTO XD^X IXD ;; :,T^ IDX .n

xnx a x ?,, :m
>Dmx ."t^j'x

'uin >DI' mn x

40d. r 1
c ffl.
40e. ni M.
II. Connected Texts. B. 61*

lax .mna b
^nx .rva^ xnx x^i n^ xip .

XJ-IDXI ,xjx x:p-m,, :,T!? IDX "?-pT2iy *8o,,
nil 3 ""> 1S N^B" K>^3i 1 imir6 nwi

>xoin x xnn XJOM


xnom xmn xn^x ;

noj^ iyn
XJB' >xo,,
".'x^n xjntyn, :in'^ xroxT /

1^0 ,8m^w nroV iyii xyj^n xn^o mrt

x ? ,innp
'3 xoyu *80,, "nh f

^nxn xo^y 33 ^03 ^n,, :.T^ nox /^nnx nn inx

nna ^03 ^x .n p^nnao ,n'nyn xn^yn

f) Ib. 23 Mi.

i3n p*s nn^ nx ait^a n^yon Ttr, A m xipo

xp mn in 8or ?xoVnD n^ &yiw itrs^x, :iox
A h

8ann nao,, iox ,8ann yts^ xpn xna: xinn xm ,xmix3


n^ni )!?
xts^s ; -pyu x

xpi xin^ xm ,

+ irr^x M. |
wpi^ist JB xpiist En; an leg. est
d En nsos^ab MM t
mend. e Ar.
* M. g ^n M. | | ||
40f. a Ps
126 1 .
b iVnia En i^irna M. c rell.
62* II. Zusammenhangende Lesestucke. B.

"?xann wr n ]xn ny-p,, :PP IDX .xann d xinnD

nna in,, - - "? nx IXDI,, - -" ."xaxn max ,an,, : mV nox

'x&^ns VJB> Tyatp *wn, :iox ."xao xinm
nox "?DD D *^yon *wm nna,, :i."6 i&x
."xin xjx,, IBX ."n>n^x nna in ,nn^ nna,,

xpt paiV inryotp ,xtyno ^h ^ix nuon


^^y mn a ,^yon
"IJHD xnyt:^ in? ^m w
."xin xjx,, :inV IDX .j?nso mn ,pm^ in^ xwip fe mm
m ,'om ya .n^ ^yao nD xip> ma wnj xl? ,n
ix xian ix, :^xjx noxn uvi h nai :

g) Ib. 23 Mr
xnn xjD'i .mn ^jytsn Jim nna ^a pmp^n xax
^n pan nn ,x"itso^ xo^
x ? jn^n^a^

^>nx .xitsn xn^oi

;xpsn p^si xp mnat mm

xm ,xnx xp a xa^s 07^0 xp mn x\jsa /sx inV naox

xmix X^ID .n^snD nnx n^o^Ji ,,msnD nnx ^s

xpsj ,


? IDX x^i ,xnsn ma ,a^n>x .mnax imx

n^ a,T ;7ul? xnsn ^B ."xnsn IDIID n^n^x,,

xjyT,, rinnmV n^> iox /mn XIIDI

,om ^yaj xi^xV p'^oj Dip pnl? inx

,xn^i xna i.T'x op ."xiuo TXI xin -jna
xjjy p^o onp ;xmt xna
En. e X5X M,. f 8 mans M^ ^ joi En.
| _|_ xiji I -jb
rell. | |

r || 40g. M^. |
M^; tr ord M x
c M. |
^i Mr |
e B En.
II. Connected Texts. B. 63*

nan n>a: "P'"nff,, :n> nox "?"pan inx

x^e> mpon inn'
:i,-6 nox ."xnuo *nvoi ->onn xyao ?

xnuon iw,, :n^> nox ."*,Tp^n xax*? DDHX -pan h

1^ xn^onn ^o *an 10 ]h xo>j xVx ,xnxn xin I

naox xV jiD ? xn^ n^ p^n* a xoyu ^xo1

TJX ,, --
nnx n^^Ji ,nn n^snax ^x ID XIT xoyu

no D"D x> xn-nx

xp xmix X^ID,, "?n^xoo D"D x^o 10 xtoo
ID xtsa ^ xayu >xo,, ".xj-'in xp x ?

ion innm xpsj xoyts >xo,, ".*nanx

trxn <jy "jnx xVty*,, - -
"?mmx ii ,xt^nn
,TX x^y xoyts
isna, :ia i^ nox x? 1

xoyts ^xo,, ".^ in^pna

p'inx x ?, 1
rxroxi ,
xns~) xty'SJ mn x^, ; "/xnsn
A Djn
xoyu ->xo,, ".' naiu' 1
pmn inn

x^nno xjjy p^ov onp xoya xo,,

ma xnrvxn DII^O,, "?ion inn^an x'o'p mm
a nm ^Jin^a v n ?; ?' OJ s ) m ".nn^jn naipoi '*


h) Ib. 24> 25Mr

nxsv Vip na on DI Vaa* ran nx nnin an nox
atpa IIM irxx^x iVia D^iyn Va, r

h 'niv
. anyV nnt^ anyo pann ap in ^
i M rcb
rell. g in-'a M r
rell. M,. i En M
| |

>M 1. |
k Kin quod sequitur deletum est. an En. |
! 1
m > M.
64* II- Zusammenhangende Lesestiicke. B.

xiuna xmwpx XHBH inrvm xVvn run xnat?

x>nn r6 mn .

xrvx , xnsn
.-mo ^ d xanm ,

rinnm e
n max
xyn ".n^o -;V T^n^i yaom
nD^ra ^xin .xnmn x-nnsn
h im'xi*
^ya,, : n ^>y /yiD n^m x-nnsx
innxn DJ :
XJH) .niVp^i om xyn ".m^pty^i ^m

i) Ib. 25 a G.

:n IDX xnt^an XTID
x:n) ".*
TIX HJDD i^jty ny nsVim np^n nn^
nox ,Mypn?pfc d iin
xp,, :n^V
xnn ^D ,x^ *xi ;^n ^m^D^ ,PDBD xp >

xan xnm xin ^D x^nx x^s ? 5

".xripn xan

xp max
:,T max

40h. a = En I^OT M. |
x^^i^ M. |
d M.
| | M^. f nin^inn
M lt |
s mg. EnM.
40i. r.(i)ini .ffiEnM. ni G. |
| ti^n^x EnM.
-j^^iin M x^in M,. ffl En. | |
f rell. |
8 G^id
II. Connected Texts. B. 65*

nox mxxr vnmp vn n*an nx

xon p x:\:n *an rrrptf n^zin m, :

k) Ib.

p>m mn ms p
.NaitD x^>y n^
x'^i ,n>n^ xnx ;

nvmi ,n*a *w pm inx

nox pyn-'x ^ .ppnisxo xnn
xnx :in^

<! \mitrt xnytr ^Dinai itrs-'x Pmipx mm

n ix B'^BJ ni 'Jtr ?I^D'XI xn ^12

,xDDtsx --DtroT nna lon wnn, <?> nam

IXD^VT n^nn, :mop noxi /inn mayoi "ji
nox '?in^ n^n^j ^

/xrya xp m
n: ,na

41. Der Untergan^ des jndischen Staates.

The Fall of the Jewish State. Git 55^57 * M.

^on "inso mx pnv ^i

n n3T ^xo

,Dtn2nT ann x^Dp nai xnDpx ?<nya

nnn b psD"-n xpa'x JXD^D nts ann

nin 1BK3D Mj. 40k. a xpin'n G. b ffl EnM

|| x p^csn G. I |

^n 7xl
EnMM! bitii G. d GC. n
1^5( )x EnMMj. |
41. a p r | ||

^". |
pBG-Ti En Ar.
Margolis, Chr. Bub. Talin. 5
66* II. Zusaminenhangende Lesestucke. B.

rporm xia: /D7B>TP ann xxap 121 xxopx,

:rvyti7" ,xmiyD nay xxop 12 rraai V^yai
xnx .xxDp in m? n"X ?ix ."xxop ^ s
7^ya xna:i xinn HDD,, rp? nox ,a'rv n : mm
*7'xin,, :7"x "?NDH n^ya NO ,xirt xiaj xinm S

- i^'x ".xj^nB'i XJ^DXI ^01 1

".xV,, i

."x,, :?"*
ina VID^X ^rx ,n as
ino x!?i ai an< iim

xnan d /(
a :n
,(*vya vpn noxi)

n^anp ? pai iiao .NBIB ix^>

nnsi '"i in^

nao "

DID ^ID, ,nDX'*,, ro^ipax p nnat 'i in^ 'x

nannn o^pax p mat 'i ^ inunuy* :pnr T'x ".


n^ni ,i3^a^n nx nsit^ irn^a :

xnx ,*mto^xij e xn^,xnx' D .107 )

xnx ,*D'&n mnn yaix^ f D^n^a ^sj snx ;


onxa ''nDpj nx Tinji, i^'x ".ipios ^ pios,, :xpi:^ y'x

Vai 'onxa, "jn wwo mn xpu xinm)
.K^xity* ^y Ta

xin 712 xB'nip, n&x h onxa <

^yai jH^n^a 'aiin'? *ya (. l

't n^^o PSJI ,I":PX 7ixi piy Mxia: xinna nT nisal

/jtr n?n n?y is xnx ,DU"DBDX? in^^y nmir .1^x0 j|

xab pi iinw p iionpj :n^ny f xn?n injn na nn

x:x, :iox in ...

BEn xn^in Ar. |

-jri^na Ar. |
e En iiu: M. |
f BEn.
g Ez 25 h i
'*. >fflEn.
II. Connected Texts. B. 67*

:nox nm
;'xr'oi xntyona, :iox nm

IDD mn mn^px
xnon an) irfaao *a'rt ^a
x^ya n^nn xa^nx xnon ai noxn ; a'o na :

injn ina Tin .xrw xnm intpy "jro \rf? f mn .(^ST


^ ."inma xo ?^ 1

n^ayji pis^,, iiJan ir6 nox

."innna xaip n^ayji pis^j,, rinrx inV nox
mm ,naox inn^ inji^jp iop ."xn^>D xy^noo x^,, pan :

/xin xm^ny oin^a na xm o .XJSDo^nn : ||

x ,^xnx ."XTOD ^ r>"Hj mox :

:rpV max ."XD^X [xn^rn ,XD^

max ."xzrx xnptyw ,x^h [xjnnvn,, : n^ iox xnx .pnm
tox xnx .pnrx ^ixtx ."^n^x ^n,, :m!?

piB'x, :mox ,XJXDB XBW mn

pi n^y np i
nnoi /.xyisa *
xms n^ a*rvx fyyvf? <TO
:noxn xa<xi)
."ui ruuym p
nsin, r^xat pnr p
Vyaix a^n^x pns 'in .*nnoi ,pns 'anno n^ax *nnanj
ai ;'xiaxo 'inno mn /TO ^ax mn *a .
xn^yna v^
mn ^ (/n
? ntsn ino ^^o ,[ni]njna n^ in^o /na mn

I :,nnox .xpwa n^nnty XSDDI xann [n]psx ,ntrsj xn^j ^

i ia^ty rnxina DDDD, m a^nDn '?^ 'yao ^XD^ *xn,/ /
: wm
ijrvp pin n^nnx ia D^IIH ^vna trn xipo xax
/'ui i

:rc'h iox xnx ."'xa^^ xyjsa xn n^ n^tr .mn ^x:n p ;,


:!? x
"?xjsaa xo^yV n^ in^opi an innay no^x ny,,

iV'x ."xnms *n^sn nnniB'S'x jpis^x ^nn^xnjpn H?

p ipoyi ,p^ mxi xno n

-ny^x >ai n DJDJ A ./an nay ."xn^oo !?^p x^nn

De ainn^ xbn " EZ 7 19 .

2S 56 .
+ fi^mr^ fflEn. |

68* II. Zusammenhangende Lesestucke. B.

iy3 ,xnn IBB -o .^inx IXB ytsnm UTI ,-tnx

:irh IBK ,rpsmaV iya ".*<npn pi, :nx^,, :inV IBK
:icix ,Dnn xt2& 13 .K33 n^> inns "/'ism pi, :

nn nzi^rpo,, :!?"K
^ nnp

n^ D^rn XIDO^ xV 1
rrm :

p n^xi 8 ^nn /?
-ppm t^an ^ty nun -i^x*,, :*?"*

np) "? A ppn"t ^ntrn nunn nx -jnaw rn

nnx D^DH 3^0
n^ iJ^pt^i xnn^z
ns xnx ,um
nin ".xtrna jsinixV >xDm u^n IJD^XI ,107 n^
[x]y3 ;!

nm, : 3Ti:n ,

urnx x^ ^XDX /xn ^13 innaum ;

*nnxai,, 3"y /sn

js 11
^ in*,, rV'x ".

np) ".pm unV n^ i^oon xnnoxi ,^?x


Dnyimnx o^osn 3^0,

:13D xini .'XJOM xn

BEn. o Is 10 34 P Me. q Je 30 21
| |

run aian ^nn '3\a ^jipan n^a fflEn. |

JBEn pi&n M.
Is 44 8B n Pr 15 80
v ib. 17 22. .
II. Connected Texts. B. 69*

xmiox -- .'x^in
x? *DJ xnns n^xm ,
w< iam
xV 'xn *^D
nrptpx sop xor ?XM ^xo pm m^ m^ i"
rvm ly ,xno7i x^o ino^> jXpoiB^m x^o inoV ,nxsi
xnns r

nn '3 ^<nj Tim .'X2o nts ann

,rr?ujirn xViJJin in^Dp 730 xnbi x:nn
KHJW *i^nj? mn in xov / v^uinD mi ns,

^ TIDX inx .injtno ,i

mm Kom in mn .in^y xnx ".^xrnn*

-in inn -p
nunwi n^nV 107 n^pty .inn
nnoon x ? 1

,-jop xn^j ^x ! ^ID xo'fyi

nm [n]nn
unnji D\I^X nnx x ?,-!, noxi
in xinn^ : xom
in ?'an IDX *oj in) X .umxas3 xsn
:iox .n^DiD^ mtDBff ,xJ7ii xnx ^xonn n'a*^ ^y
'xn inrpn^x ,XD^J ^ a^mnxi
ity 7^1x1 jinvi Vwx ,i7irx
xnx nn /^ nn xp [x]in>, IDX .x^o pirns :

na T?tipi ,XD^O nts^ ^py ->s"D 'DT?^ ^s^x nxo

nn x^i ,r^m ^T?n XD^ -jnai ,xmT?'V NrrVrn

mn ^ JMJ Tim Mnn ann pso^n xpt^x,

Tin 'ai ,xn^nn ^n xnpir ,xnx ^n
in ,

,1071 nTTD ns^np mn in ov .xjjj in ? nnyi in ? 1 1

,in^y ^IBJ .n^ i^yi xnx isp .pso^n xpB'

xnx "/xnn 1
mo,, =107^ n'V nox

+ TV3S M; est alt lectio. ^ Ps 60 12

70* II. Zusammenhangende Lesestiicke. B.

42. Wundererz&hlungen. Wonder -


B. b. 73 74 b H.

HXD n^n vbb vhi yz : w THPIJ ^ lyntrx : xan

*DIB nxo n
mm ,xayi:n
x ?: n^ XDT
^i? run ,BID ^
"? n^nann xH xa^ya : nnar
n xn :

"/,% DXJ

xp mm
nnx xtn XJOT
nn ^xno

nai IDX
?'in n3 man im) 'man ina* mm
XDIS n^m u
rpjmo 'a /DIS xn^>

e Je 5 M .
H. |
g 1. .
h n-naa H.
i = Ar cf RSbM,
k< 's
pamrt rell. |

u saanm ffl JJITI En a:i*n M aiini-i Ar. xsa: BEnM. P s

= M.
| |

superscr. |
qPs 107 26
. |
r nsottj En. |
s =M. |
* HC |

u + X'a'x^i, sed del.

II. Connected Texts. B. 71

xvn ^ >in nn^ :run in na nan
? w nn noa xnpxi) jojm-n xnpx x^njnn
y ny^>a x
P^DI xjMnV7 xspB>s xnx ,ny^a xj^n xnx
xss an nax) /in noD NJ^XT m^n *in xn .xj^x
(/JBM x^ onn ix!? ^x :^KIB wm na
xnrsoa x:^ix xp mn xnn XJOT n:n na na nan noxi :

,n'Dixa xrts n^x n^ x^yn miia xinn^? n^ xnm

mn pnnn ^
,-i^nxi xjtr'^ .xnt^o ^an^ nxD n"?n nay
.^ino n,jn^ n;:a^ nip n^Dnis in^ NP
xn^soa xj^ix xp mn xnn XJD^I :,njn na na nan noxi
.xnnrn n^y d
nnpi ,naa ^y xn"?n a^nn xmiD xinnV xnm
n>a: P7^?oi ,xin xn^^an pnao
an ."j^sxi yw 1

yatso mn ,1^ xanpo xrirso mnn ixV

xnrsoa xj^ix xp mn xnn x:oi njn na na nan nsxi :

n^m v n^n xniDn xs s xs 1 ^ v ^

X^DD x^ nnsx xoVm) .^x^st^a pxi sxVna imx
h on h xnx
ipip *3 :nox /on an
x ?! ,xtfns xn'a 'nty :noxn XD^XI /ons x
rvxn ,xin xon xjn^u xinn r-^x an nox .JnV V
(,'irtp nn n

,xnrsoa XJ'PMX xp mn xnn XJDI : njn na na nan noxi

x'a k xnms
n^ionp ny xt37 mnn
xj->ya ^v^^Jn X D xD^n xjnao

in^ya xsn,, :^ nnoxi x^p na psj .

v IBM ("xnHxinn En, HEn). w j^m JBM. mm Ar. | |

y nisbm MAr. z ininixi BEn. a ni^iiui id. b xt- H.
I | |

c a Ksnii BEnM. - H. M.
pi. M. I
rell nna H. ' K
| | |

h cniris rell. cf. fflEnM ao-vr H.
n^^ H. k snics En. J
| | |

sic omn. " u" H.
72* II. Zusammenhangende Lesestiicke. B.

: ^x an nox) .

(.'n&y H rn, :aTDn ,mn *H rt* xinn

xnan&a xj^ix xp mn xnn XJDI n:n in "in rm IDXI :

,in^owo in^sna "nn:n MUK -prb

xtsin ^nxt T^JI

p^in i3>wa ^ n^x,, :in^> nox

'2 .xsij ^ X^T xnm 7
xotsx ^ xi xin "

xp mn xnn XJDT njn in in nan :

>xn, :IDX ,xisy3 nmo mnn xy^ts xinn pna mm

xisy n^ pan /^s xnsi-6 ^i
:ix n^ pan "/ons x^on

^ inj* nn mm ,1

x^i ,nna xnn 197^1 a*an

xuin J?pm 0*6 .
TLTJ Pm^D ^TD^pty ID^D nn
pnnn ".mi? ^noo
xax hi,, :**?

-pom nao .

,^ 'yaiD mn ,*

nnnn ^xmi ^ix ".*J^D nn* i^ ^nx in r

:TIDX ,Kt^nno 'xnx D *?*

,li? nsio*, iD^i? :

"f? mn .XDD-'D njn in ^D ,mon xnx
.mn *^aon nn*n nyntf XO^H :nao XJX
^ ^ix, ?pam)

prm xn rell. Ps 50". P 'jiri^pTiio H. q M p.^p H.
= nna.
| | |

r rell ^a H
II. Connected Texts. B. 73*

xinn 8 ]
'ins .mp-i ^yia a la inx in :

,xioyn xaa: TPX .xioipn stain ,TJ' p>sj mm xyia

.prvxi ^x B
mxrni ,mnBnx maiai

".xano nyotsn XB
^ .^^xna pi

s,* :an noxi ,*nn^pa nt^a^D DJH^ in!? xmno

".xyix iy xypn u P)noi xa\n ,ia *inx in,,

.mwa nnnaxi 'xnW v nn ?ptr ,xnp !

on* XO^H,, :nox w nnnatpx x^i .

,xntrn a ino^ ny itwx,, 'V lax ".xan xa^x :

IK xp mn xnn xjan r'ynt^D pnr 3i S

x"ma xinn
nna yrp&M
,xnj*BD3 xj^ix mn xnn
:<yno XISD an XJOT
pipm /jnp ,n^n xnia xnn
nn n^ n^x mm
IDIOT ^DIB nxo n^?n x^im /o^atr n^p nna jx,

xin xon xry xinn i^x m IDX) .^in^t

xrirn ,*nj'BD*a p^ix mn xnn XJDT : ^yn^o injr m
Tim ,*nvViioi mam o^ax* na pano mm xn^uip x>nn^
d n^m c
^na xman xro nV
, "in^xV 'XIIBX ia . n^ot^n

x^p na xpsj '.n^mi xVm xp^ xm ,p^o .n^ttpeV xya

p xj'jn UTI innnm xn^tsip nna ia^m[']ay xo, : moxi
na mxn ,xon
3 cf Ar nomine Qi-inx D^IBD. 4 fi^sai Ar. u XB~ H.
| |

xnbpir fflM nr^pu: En nTiVpuj H. * M ri^nH. * imna | |

rell. fflMAr niip H n^ioix En cf RSbM.

z IBAr^" i-oia M
| |

i"i5B En i"i3D Ared. pr.pv ^-,30 Gers*. I

pipm rell. |

b xiu^nai rell. c s'Uisffl x^^^isAr rai-oM. d niin^xb M.

| |

e 1. K^Trn.
74* II. Zusaramenhangende Lesestiicke. B.

xp mn xnn XJDI :>yntj>& nxnjvi mi.T ^n

m rpm ,xj'jn n^ Tim sxau *px f xinn^> xnm xnrsozi ;

xnx .xn^so ? nj;V:j xpi xj^n xnxi ,nV TPXI


xnx .xon^ x*o iD-'snn^x ,n^epi

n xpi itn .n^nxi ,,Ti^y nnmnx ,

xpi nra .mst h n^pt^ ,n^t3pi xsptrs xinn xnx inn

,1n .n^o Tim ^nss i:-" 1
^^V xn^soa n'psj ,ms
. . . .nnsi n
xp mn xnn XJOT :
in j 13 XJIH ^ ^ynt^x
nmn^x ,xn7^ xjnns .xowx pro mm
,'xnx xjmn xjtr^ .XJ^UT 'n^ p^n^x .nt^m
n^p ? [']xnx -3 .nou 'irT?B xp mn

".mn xonm noui ,mn nnoo S

43. Halachische Stiicke. Halakic Texts.

a) Ber 2 a 3M.

xnpx XJH
nn i

b :rn:n /'

/nnx D
cents' anya nnxi

f >nn M. |
g 'ai a M. |
h MEn n^b- H. I
i^is^s rell. |
,3inVo H inb M. ||
43 a. a De 67 .
b Ge I
c ordo verborum MC.
d x
pr superscr.
II. Connected Texts. B. 75*
f e
,n5p ["jnonna hi^vf? VOJM a^nani? nya>o . 'MI-ID

^rvj ^'D'aaian nxxo* ?*nonra ^Dxp n>xs

,1^ yts>p rpmix asx xn^o - (fD'aadh nxx -

ixrn .D'aDun nxx nytyo /"jnonna h ^3.x

inxi moi n xm,
x;jn-p ,Mn^> xnsyo x ? ^rnSs :

Vi ,nnnn h^vf? inasyo woty nx^ J'onertpn ID

n xm, ^xm 'XODI .nonnn VIDX ||



iyni ,in> y^Dtf x x?^ m 12 nmn ^xn xinyon

>XDI ,xin io nx>2 tm
\nw X2i,on
n >xn

, 'intsi, ^xoi ,xin mx n

nx'n XD'^H ix, 'XDV ino,

nxu ,nro you' /D^DDH nxx ny

/xor into,

ViaxVnyt^o, :i
ny^D Pi^iya y&ff nx inij? 'noxo,
/rniyon lino IUB^ noiytr nytr nyi n^on ins

jy, ||
.Kin nyw in
nnp nnp^> v^ nno 'noxD,
ya ins ^axV VDJDJ onx 'jaty nytro
VXDI D'nantp nyo nnoix o^oam ; TKO ^at nan :

sup ras. |
mg. |
s Me iisnai M*. |
^5ix MC -JI^DIX M*. |

k tr
superscr. J Le 22
Ar; lectio Ar.hia laudatur in mg;
| |

nostra est Rasiana lectio ab interpretation Rasiana abscedunt ;

Tosafot M*. sic vocal, instruct. M". o i^^

< %
q. v.
i 1

| j
| |

M siasjoi sic voc. instr. M<\ |

p JB rr^> M.
76* H. Zusammenhangende Lesestiicke. B.

rrxi I'Nff 'B ^V ^NI .Q'aaan nxx iy ,i3iV "p'Di ,inDnna

'tpy D"xn umxi, :

nxx i]} int?n ni

x^& u ^ arm ,i&ti>B ut? nV^n *rpm, i^> :

3'iyx 'DDT ,XBB' ix ? 'intrn mVyo, xD^n ^i ?

arm "I&B^ n^^n ul? HMI, yotp xn

*'mna ^mya mx 'J3,*
xin NTiy^ in "jna,! ^jy, ,-jnin x

?xin xnwv in "1,12,1 ^jy,i ||

n^3iy3 yi^ nnp nnpl?

m piy^x m nm ,mn3t^ my3 ovn

'xnx '31 ;n?D3 ins ?iax? DJDJ

'J3B> nytm rioix (xnx '3i
<.3or6 I'ojaj DIX
,xm xnytp in "J,ID,I <'jy, ,-jnyi

xnyB' ix^ x^x


'jy,i yt^in' !

xi3noo :pns' 13 pm 31 lox ? A inixD irv'j'D 'n

oipiD ''jy,i ,"|nyi xp^o 'xi ,imxo ''jy,i

xj'jn '31 ,

1M DT 1iy3D D'JHD X^.ll HUH' : '31 V^X, : 10 1OX

!TXO '3iV mm' '3i n'^? ixp TSB^ /i'V3itt
D :
TXO '31
M n'33 y^B'op 'xo3 II ."XST mi
<i Ne 4 15
>text mas. |
s ib.
l^ni text. mas. (cf Norzi). |

w Mc; r^sx M*
> text, mas.; cf v.
seq ^13523. |
II. Connected Texts. B. 77


pa : ISN'T ,'DV ^aiD n^ 120 TXD >2ii j^aie oi nyao

.i^y noy^ I^BK 'xi ,xxv mi DJDJ m ,1'y Tins
nn !

piy^x ^21 ix^ n /in ny^s ^21

nn .

b) Pes 102 1>

104H 1

n ins nrn^ ^nir 2112

pW :1t3X H21T ;

5.173 :iox
X2x n 1

DV '12

pvu :

inxi -n nx

.X21D XnDMT .njp* :10X X21

tn^x s2i ^h y^^x nTin> 12 XJIH 21
na xm,, :n
pni) D^ot^a
:'DIX ^Vn n'21 ;n
21 '121 n,,
:nnna xai ^ !"(nVi2m

no Vy j^ioa x^ntr n^ian ^yi ,n^>nn2 xintr

^XOB' n^2B> ,0^0^2,1 ^yi nxon ^>y
inxi D'oa :'DIX ^Vn n^2i D s oa'2 -D inxi

43b. a
mg. |
b fflM nb
M^ |
c fflM x^sni Mr |
d IBM.
78* II- Zusammenhangende Lesestiicke. B.

xop XDDX xan inn ,xan >at> y^x xax in apy 3-1
xnn xjDna xn ?i^ noV,, nox
:n^> .xn:nan XDDXI
n ,KmVj t?n >a p^in >a,, :n^> nox
^> SD irvo

wi ^m 'ToVn ^XJJH mi wna an :a*n


ian, :n^
: an ION an,, : in^ 'ox .^n^^j lan, : n 1 ^ ntsx
ID ?

nn ^x an
XDD DX "jna ID^N /tyx am nna xnx an
x ai ;snDiaT NDSKI Np NDDX -pna xien 10
xan nna xnx ai
ID ."XJN -J^D'D XJX,, :1DN lO^DS "? T
an ."ain ToV
tti DV /I
xm ;a-n

onn --
ipy x^? ,x^n xVi .".i3p^ :an

op /^nax ? xao

,rvyDtp g'D ||
.x^nB'DD ,Tnyn ipy
xm ,,
'OK ."n^ay rrtrsn xnyn
no r\h nao K^I,, :n^ 'ox "?Tay mn
nns ||
"? inmon p niso n^nan^ npiax,'

an 'ox xm ?^xn ^12 n,^ no ?,, :n^ nox

n x\n ^in^ trip v^ ^naon,' :^xio^ 'ox min*

ao xn ^ xjx :n^ nox A "x'trjn nmn 'n *?v


nine* x^ nnisn^ :K*yin 'n 'ox my^x 'n 'oxi

no xm,, :n^> nox .Vyatr ^y p]'or x^ ^^oi
T> ^ h :n^ 'ox "!nox yat^ x^i nox

superscr. |
xnsiK M.
II. Connected Texts. B. 79*

x>n ntrnn
nno'nn "pyo -iDX'cy -pis ^naon* :

-poo nnrpns vvo* :no ^n

inx nr."fc ^nt^ aits DV,* irpj^a H
lo r^np^j t^np -pa ^laon, p^onm
rump ^a, 10^^ ya /nno^nn^ s
nnn^ns "pvs, : 'OXT IXOT ;
'nnnn aie or
or namp^ nn^ ntrnp v 3 ?

c) R. h. 2 3 a ML.

n am
IVD ,ma nytprn ontyya ioy^ -jo pan un

nnxa x^x noy x ? DXI ;nw ^ nnVy ,ID^^ nnx


.inx ID^J yj^ ny njt^ i^ ^jits "px

IVD ,-nxn nytrm ontrya noytr i^o, : 10 -)x

xn '.mty iV nn^y ,-jD^a nnx
awn ma "tnx on ,0
V s ;l D jn nni<n s ^ x n V x^ DXI,

nans x ? 1
! XU^D .nnx ^
pmn ni ? uoj om mo

,na vnnn inx niDyi nxa no :i

n in

ID ,*nMa vnnn inx noyi Tixa no, :ia IDX

x ? nna^

xn^' XDTH ino ixu^s '

inx noyi ^a no

43 c. a
Zusammenhangende Leaestucke. B.

ins pnox ino !

,nw *]iD
vnnn ins noyi 11x3 no,
nxo ions
rr^ wts ino jSin o p
^30* i-prrp 'i 'ox
sin onso
.'!?x"i' ^
DJO onso nx^s* no onso 1

onso nxs^i
inn in s -jnan pnx ,'Y'D s^? p
^J3 nx^
h 3^n3i inxs n^onn trinn on so

ni inxn trnn -IB>V

^s BHBO "j^xn .xin ntfn ix

n ,onso ^XD ,onso

,onso nnn no : 3h
nx irrDn k n'nDi ,Y'D
nnx, : ntryo
jin^o run nsx ,pnxt n^sj nj ^i /moxn
no* '3jn av ny 1^0
mm xnt^n onn nwi
, np^n ^x nnnx 'i IOXT /iinx yu ^ myn

prm 'iitt *3n M^uperscr. c I Reg 6 1. d
superset. = IBM.

e ffl ST'Bia MM t
mg IBM.
I |
Nu 33 38 .
h De 1 3 .
Ne I

mg. |
k De 1*. |
Nu 21 1 .
ib. 20 29 .

II. Connected Texts. B. 81

.xm ,x?x ,1

;Yiy xin ,IIPPD xin /|y xin :x:xn i^in^o

noi ,ini3^>B DB> ^>y *|yj3, ,i2"io2^ n^o^ nonty ^irvo,
D^X .lOlt* '"liy, ?lDtf
noi ,ini3^o our ^y "jyjs,

/ptron opin t^nn nnxn

pyn n^yj ^ina ontyya Mtt>n
n^Ly njtr n^V npi io\n
.xin nwn trxi ix^> I^XT VVso ,Jnw n^ n>^ npi

DXT pxo Vxitf^ ^2 nxs^

!n^ y3o rt n'wn n
X xVx ?^l^X XD^XI ?2X XD^XT ? TIOH


21 iox V'n2tr2 ^JB, xo^xi ||

.2 s nD
u mn
nDB'x x^> <n2B>2 j^ji xnn :'

xop ''Jtr,
no ,xop ^Jtf,^ xin:

;'pnx by^i, :

5'imsn nnx, :'oixi 50^21x2 \n^i, :'

;^B"trn unm, :'

vocalis in cod. |
dnn IBM. |
PEx 40 17 <i .
Nu 10". |
r Ex 19'. |

fflM -aon M,. t II Chr 3 2. " fflM

| | >M,.
Margolis, Chr. Bab. Talm. 6
82* II. Zusammenhangende Lesestiicke. B.

d) Git 36* 37* M.

ins mi ,tDOB>o irs ^3Di-is :nnn -pn ['ID ipn

m nuVnVo lyjojo nyn ns runt? ,^>vi vpnrw onann p
b min3 a
,T,T ID -jV "IOBTI, airotp no 'py myi ,m oy
: ^aons ^ IDU imi .^aons vpnn ,"1:1 "\ah ny

;n is
SOB>O sn"-ns"ioi 'TO
,*mn pn
nns i3"io 3inDn mti^oty ^nu^ '"motf ntsot^n T3i mi
/ 7

ypTp tiotyo nnst!' 1013 D^SDD ntsoB^ nnsi ,ypTp nt^ots^ ~.

nns ^s ypip tsotro nns ^s^ ,D>SDD BOB>O nns pm

nsi ;
;i <i
n y i 3B' ? IDT ,t30trn^i p3i i^pm D^SDD

."?3Di"is vpnm noy ,m ns m nnSiVo nyn
d stsoe'o
ij'pm ,n>y'3B> s'? sn^nsoi
S3T ||
.sin '"ncpyn ^>si 3^ : "3s
ipsntr i"jo
'31 nosi .''ipDn
"iosjty S3*
sV IPS ^D, :

/n^un Snpo ^13^ sim itriDi VD Din^ a^pim

insn iiy^s i^>m nt^s ni^mn n^?s, sDno ios : :

no 01* f< ui nnsn npsii iu p ;

no ^>D p^3 ns v^mo nns no ,-

:in"? x^ya'x *.IST no ^>D oyn ns ||

m^ sobn is ,vpm sin nni^ ,V3ons ^^n vpnn

? n^o sps: ^so ?)

,mos >s n^its3^ ;

? vpm
sn ,vpn so^y mV ,nios 's s^s 51^^30 ,

DS s^s n^3n T'a nm ^03^ VID^ in

nosn ,yotr sn (?^so A< i"jo3i no^n: ;

43d. rx ffl.
b De 15 9 .
c ib. *.
d ffl. |
e Ezr 10 8 .

* Jos 19 M .
II. Connected Texts. B. 83*

.'xynnn ion '33 IN NIIDT XJH '23 IN x^>x

Jnro^Bj XJH >3ixt?3 ,-ppn
K "n *BK "IT x:n '3 i:o

x :

J^xpi xn 9'n'PDpix, rp^spix nnx

ix ,i
nnji 'XT t?"n ?xin
?nxip o 31 nox .

X3i iox .
u inn n: mj 13003


ms :xnon 31 'ox


prm ji'n n^a ^"121 wa isi ",''1

n^a 'pit ni
xbxinan h
p^aoai rraana laa^n ^iia a" ffl. |

Ca l". k Jd5 81 i
iLe 26 18 .
. ^De 15 8

p 24*, 1. 9. Ber 6t> Ar.
p 25*, 1. 12. x
Taan 24 a pr pars Ar, ,
alt Mr
p 29*, 1.
15, 23.
Kid 81 M (bi JB). ||
sic M (^6t superscr).
J 2
p 32* 1. 14ff. Ar. ||
Kid 58 (nx5^>B M). ||
leb 58* M. ||

5 6
En. ||
Sanh 93* Ar. ||
Aramaisches Worterverzeichnis.
Aramaic Glossary.

313X v. 33J.
3X (13c) n. m. ;
d. X3X (etiam 8^38 (ass.) n.m. Stadttor,
pro sf. 1 s.) ;
sf. 1 p. f XJ13X, city gate.

1=138; 2s.m. &f. ^38; 2 p. [8j?38] n.m. Staub, rfiw^.

113138 ;
3 m. f-I^X, PR38 8138 v. D13

3 s. f. f N'7138, H138 p. a. xni^x

T - v. laa. ;

1,138 (200), d. 811,138; sf. XDJX n.m. Sumpf, swamp.

1 s. f Tirm ;
1 p XJJX n. m. (f.) Becken, basin.
2 p. l3Vm38:
-ITT -:"
3 p.
" 13X vb. Pe., Pf. 1 p. t1?138,
Vater, father; XSHH a-138 sf. 3. s. m. | nTJI.JX; Pt. act.

mein Grofivater, my grand- 1 s. XJH^X,

T :- 83138;
T :r-T pass.
* ' '

father; p. Vater, Vorfah- "1^3.8: mieten, /re. |


ren, fathers, ancestors. Pf. 2 s. m3nx

: ;- :
: sich ver-
vb. Pe., Pf. 3 s. m. c. sf. mieten, hire oneself out. \

1 8-1138 (61); Pt. p. m. Af., Pf.3s.rn. -m'X; Inf.c.

tV138: verloren gehen, &e sf. 3 s. f. 311318 ;

Pt. act.
/05/. I
Itpe., Pt.inno: id. "13i!S: vermieten, rent. \

Pa., Inf. c. sf. 3 p. 1,1 Jl 13lnp: vermietet

Ittaf., Pt.
[1J3K ? :
vernichten, destroy. Af., | werden, be rented. 8138 ||

Imp. s. m. "DiX: verlieren, n. m. Lohn, hire, reward.

lose. XlJXn.
m.: C.13X:
T Dach,
/ roof.

XP13X n.f. Brief, letter. on: ^1X1

T :
T xp'r mn
T -;
~TX (= n nx 4Ar)
== fuhr fort, (Diebe) zu fan-

4e v. 'ny. gen, he went on capturing

[X-HX] 4<? n.m.; p. (thieves); 'nxi ^1X Xj? er

Wollflocken, flakes of wool. ging fortwahrend, he kept

xnx (et XJX
4;') n. f. ; walking.
sfl 3 s. m. ^X. xVnx n. m. Gazellen-
c. sf. 2 s. m. ^x: Ohiy ear. junges, the young of a
IX conj. : oder, or. iX . iX ent- . .
weder - oder, either - or. nx (13c) n. m. sf. 1 f t 'HX, ;

31X. xnx n. m. Wald, forest. tnx; p. -TlX (20a), sf.

X^X n/m.; p. H1X: Schiir- 3s.f. xnnx: Bruder, bro-

holz, Brand, kindling wood, ther. xnnx n. f. sf. 1 s.

|| ;

firebrand. f Tinx,
T -;'
- T - ; 2 '
s. m. 'HTinx
T T ' ;'
: -;

[XJIK] n.m.; p. MIX: Gans, p. xmnx,

r TT -: r*
sf. 3s.m. amnx:
-T r -i

Schwester, sister.

vb. Pe., Inf. c. sf. 3 p. f.

^inx.] nn (6a) adj., d. xin,
'.IJKXns 1. YmXD : IT
Pt. act. f. X"rn (constructio 52&):
^X: driicken, press. \
Pa., eins , eiu, einzeln, einzig,
Inf. c. sf. 3 p. irusng ;
Pt. one, single. \ in\ in'^D ein
act. jeder, every one. ... X*rn
^D: id. \

ix, xnnix v. xi>. XIT ni

die eine-und die an-
!' ( XI 4o) vb. Pe., Pf. 1 s. dere ,
the one - and the

^>m C^m); 3 f. tn"?tx, other. |

xnty'3 "in Sonntag,

x ^^.? P- t^l, V^X; Impf. Sunday, finn nn-^V. dop-

1 s. Vx; 3 p. I^P|; Imp. pelt, double. \\
H] 1

zusam "


s. m. ?>T, f.
^., Pt. men, together. | lin ? beson-
T '
1 8. XjVlX
T :r T (XJ'4>1X):
v T :rr / ' ders, separately; sf. 2 s. m.
2 s. m. P7TX ,
f. n??X , p. TjninV
du allein, &y thyself,
1. W'VlX: 1. gehen,
; 2. fortsetzen, go einander, ^ac/i o/Aer.
86* ins

(ib.) praep., sf. 1 s. . dem. ^;x

2 a.m. tjnna; 2 p. l^i H^XI dieses und jenes, bei-
3 s. m. n'nna; 3 p. m. des, this and that one,

innna; f.wins: bei, mit, both.

1 nrQ conj. wahrend, K v. T.
|| Hfp prap. in der dem., f.
Richtung auf, toward. || ^TX :
jener ,
der andere ;
ID -in, "IDHH, f. no in 11. that, the other.
inx vb. Pe., Pf. 3 s. m. c. sf. IT*?. v H-

3 s. f. X-inX:
T schlieBen, (86, e) pron. pers., f.
-. i-

close. |
Itpe., Pf. 3 s. m. \"j^X :
er, sie, Ae, */ie.
"infix pass. (etyro.?) adv. nun, doch,
"FIX vb. Pe., Pt. act. s. m. / (we) pray, now.
TjnX: lachen, laugh. V. fin. v. rvx.
-II iD^x v. 'x.

"ins vb. Pa., Imp. p. c. sf. 3 s. f. v. IBX.

nnnx ;
Inf. c. sf. 3 s. m. XjW"(186) n. m., p. d.

nnlnxV; zuriickhalten, de- 'i^X: Baum, tree.


lay. ||'*onnx
T adj., f. nnn s T
n. f. Furcht, fear.
(18&); p/m. >J.nnx, fl xna-'X die Furcht
ein anderer, an-
: :
Gottes, fear of God.
o^/?r. ninx praep., sf. 1 s.
|| "px adv. ja, yes.

ninxV; 3 s! m. n [*r.x, ix] adv.: x:o (240)

hinter, behind. woher? whence?
xnnx v. nx. n<, n^x part., sf. i p. i^rvx;
v. 2 p. toJ.rvx; 3 s. m.
XD15X (4) n. m. (f.) Schen- s. f.
xn^x; p. m. in:n;x,
kel, Hiifte, #A^/{. f. 'nJ.n^X: es gibt, there
X conj. wenn, (73). if ''X is, are (62). |

"X . . . ob - oder, whether -


or. |
iD^X wenn doch, if s.m. tvriivV, nrv ?, f. nrpV,
only, would that. p. m. injn v ; XD v es gibt . .

nicht, there is not, are vb. Pe., Pf. 3 s. f.

not (ib.). K n? es kiimmert ihn um,

OX vb. Pe., Pf. 1 s. 'V?, sf. es geht ihn an, he has con-
t! cern for; Pt. act. s. f. HD3K
3 s. f. nrft3; 3 p. i^OX,

VlDX, sf. 3 s. f. HI^DX ; Impf. sie drangt, s^e wr^^.

1 s. y^X; 2 p. "h^Tl, sf. SDDN

T T '.
n. m. Sattel, saddle.

3p.m. 1rU^?3'F[ (pro in: ?"); DN (etym. ?) adv. noch, j/e/.

v. IK.

m. c. sf. 3 s. f.
VW3'J; ?X n. m. Gott, God.
Imp. s. m. ^bx, t?*) | p. ^->3x ; [Mm?M] n. f., p. xniVs : Kol-
Inf. Vs/efc; Pt. act. p. m. ben, club.
tV^38; 1 S. X:^DX, 2 S. n. sf. 3 s. m. nn;Vx
:T r T ' :
n^x f.,

r :
?'DX: essen,
IT ' -. Fettschwanz, /^ to7.

verzehren , eat, consume. 10)^. (9a) pron. dem. p.

X^lj? 3* verleumden, diese, these.

slander. \
Itpe., Pt. pi. m. ^. x . (
9/) P ron - dem. p. jene,

. . - .1 pass.
r I

Af., Pf. 1 s.

c. sf. 3 s. m. rB73lK; 3 s. JiD3S (gr.) n. m. Diagonale,

m. c. sf. 3 p. m. inj?DiX5 diagonal.
Impf. 1 s. c. sf. 2 s.f. feiK; vb. Pe., Pf. 3 s. m. c. sf.

Inf. ^IDixV; Pt.act. ^3O: 3 s. m. riD^N iiberwaltigen, :

/m?. XJ U n?DX
speiseu, || (?) overcome. \\ D^K adj., p.
Schlammfresser,wwd-eater.|| S
D^K: stark, strong.
^D'O n. m. Speise, food. vb. Pe., Pf. 1 s.

OX (pers. ?) n. m., p. V, Impf. 1 p. *)Vvi;

Inf. ^VnaV;
3p."f. t|?^.
[DDX] adj., d. XDDX, p. a. Pt. act. ^, 1 p. U'fe:
lernen, deduzieren, /earn,

schwarz, black.
derive. Pa., Impf. 3 s. m.

X'JDDX (gr.) n. m. Fremder, c. sf. 2 s. m. !)Bh (4/) ;

T ~ ~ ^^ '

Pt. act. s. m. c. sf. 2 s. m.

?]D5; pass. s. f. 3 p. c. sf. 3 s. m.
unterrichten, instruct. Impf. 1 p. c. sf. 3 p. m.
n. m., Pt. pass.
B^X p. "iTsVx, iniJtrn; I&TI.O,
tausend, thousand. 1 s. X3DMO
T - r
v T - ' glau-

v. xinx. ben, believe; pt. pass, glau-

xx v. benswiirdig , trustworthy.
n.iH.,p.n3DK: xniJO'n n. f.
Treue, faith.
Magazin, store. x:x
n. m. Handwerker. Ader-

ION (4) vb. Pe., Impf. 3 s. m. lasser, artisan, cupper.

10X vb. Pe., Pf. 1 s.
n.OK, sf.

n. m., p. '*niBN: Taucher, 3 nniox (nnn.Dx) i p.

s. f.

diver. **tt1tWK ")3 id.

r p.OK 3 s! c. sf. 3 s. f PHBK

xnnx (136) n.f., s.f.3s.m. x, sf. 3s.f.

nnox p. d. xnnx: Magd,

maid. \\
xn-inttX: Magd- 2p.m.
dienst, servitude. 3s. "*"")'.'., XD^, sf. 3 p. m.
V. |?ID3.
IrtriO^ ; Imp. s. m. XDX, f.

.XDX n. f., sf. Is. DX;

'"Ifp. xnnax
2 s. f. 3sx
: >? ;
Pt. act. s. m. 10X,
ter, mother.
DX. Xn&X n. f.
sf. 3 (x:'x);
V T IT' '
i p.
r pnox;
-. IT '
2 s.

s. m. nnox; p. xnnsx: max:

- : IT '
2 r
p. (V)
v ''

r IT

1. Elle, cubit. 2. membrum gen,*ay. |

T "lO'X: ich sage,
virile. dafi, I say, that. \ XOTI^XI:
DBx . xnDx n. f., c. nax_, und wenn du sagst, and
T:- nx, r;-: xnsx;
T:-' i
x-'HTi if you say = oder ,

das Gestell der Miihle, the XD^^X

wenn r
etwa, if per-
frame of a mill. chance. \
Itpe., Pf. 3 s. m.
DDX [xntSX] n. f. sf. 3
s. m. Ittnx ; Impf. 3 s. f. 1nn ;

nn&X: Volk, people. Pt. s. f. XIDXnO: pass. ||

vb. Haf., Pf. 1 s. ':o;n ;

11. m. , d.

1. Dolmetscher, interpreter; species. t'BJX3,'BX3praep.,

2. Amora. sf. 1 s.
BJX3, ^BX^; 1 p.

n. m., pi. d. fxnsx: tXJBJX_3j 2s.m.T]BX3;

3 S.
Lamm, lamb. m. TTiB JK3 OiBX_3) 3 p. m. ;

rBXadv.wann?w&?n. nX"TV_:
wie lange? how long? fore. || ^3 praep. gegen
T naX'^D conj. so oft als, bin, towards. xniBX n.
|| f.,

as often as. sf. 1 s. TrtBX 2 s.m. ?]TnBX

; ;

["IN: wenn, if.] \ X^X conj. 3 s. m. nniBX :

Nase, Stirn,
nisi. nose, forehead.
XJX (86) pr. pers. 1 s. ich, / JX, tP'IlX,
BOX n. m., p. ''Bf'JX

t}UX, irux (86) pron. pers. 1 .

Mensch, man ; 2.jemand,
3 p. m! ;
VUX 3 p. f.
sie, some one. t^JX vh: nie-

they. mand, none. \

ty'JX 13, 13
mx vb.Itpe., Pf. 3 s. m. mnx B>J - r
p. 'ty'JX 'JS :
; T -T v: :

Inf. TiUnK ;
Pt. s. m. mno ;
man (individual). \ ,^'J '3

2 s. FirUHB: seufzen, s^/i. nt^'J : das Haus meiner, ihrer

t:mx (86) pron. pers. 1 p. Eltern, the home of my,
wir, we. her parents.
T];1S (9#) pron. dem. pi. jene, 1JX, PiX (86) pron. pers. 2 s.

die andern, those, the others. du, thou.

p_X (86) jungere Form fur, txnn:x,xnnx
n. f., s.c.tnnx:
: :

common form for XJHJX.

the sf. 2 s. m. ^]nnX; 3 s. m.

DJX vb. Pe., Inf. DJ'O, sf. 3 s. f. tnnrux, nnnx; p. n$,


HD^D ? ;
Pt. pass. D^N : zwin- tx'tt/J, sf. 2 p. m. 13^ :

gen , notziichtigen , force, Frau, woman, wife.

rape. \
Itpe., Pf. 3 s. m. ?U, "Jinx, WX (86) pron.
DjRS :
pass. 2 p.m. ihr, yow.
"iDX: f
*pN .
['SXj n. du., c. 'SX ;
sf. XDXvb.Pa.,Inf. nXDN,
T T -' " ~ '

2 m. T]BN; 3 s. m. PT2X: Pt. act. p. m. V.BO, iDO


s. 5

Gesicht, countenance; Art, 1 s. XJ'DD: heilen,

90* sai 8

Itpa., Pf. 1 s. 'Dnx ;

3 s. m. forbidden. \\
'DPK, s. f. +nX>pnX; Impf. sagungsgeliibde , binding
3 s. m. 'BPV:
- pass.
obligation.\\xyDX n.m.Ver-
IT :

n. m. , p. d. xmDX:
Arzt, bot Verbotenes
, Siinde, ,

physician. \\
1DX n. f., d. prohibition, anything for-
xniDN ; p. a. IIDX :
Heilung, bidden, sin.
Heilmittel ,
cure ,
medica- Sjnps n. m. Nordwind, north-
ment. wind.

nDX] n. m., sf. 1 p.

n^N: [D^nDS ao&evr)? adj.] vb.

Polster, cushion. XHD ""a, denom., Pf. 3 s f. SDJns :

sf. 3 s. m. mo : IT
'3: id. siech werden, fall sick.

n^NN uns zu Haupten, by SBS vb. Pe., Inf. SS 1

our head-side. "sf. 3 p. m. 1rWD;o!?; Pt.

n., p. c. sf. 3 s. m. act. 1 p. "Jj^BX

I- T
: backen,
PPDX : Nasenloch ,
nostril. bake.

T :
- - n. m. Palast, mansion.
X?l3pDX (gr.) n. Fingerschnipp- srviss_ v.

chen, snapping with the JDS v.

thumb. ^?BS vb. Af., Pt. act. 2 s.
n^BKB :

xnpDX (gr.) n. Segelstange, dunkel machen, darken.

sail-yard. KDD1BX n. m. =
IDS vb. Pe., Pf. 3 s. f. c. sf. hebr.' Dc

3 s. f.
nrnox, 3 p. m. "It^'BX

InjniDS ;
Pt.'act. IDS (IDS), xyiux v. yns.
p. nos' 1 s. S:iDS;
: ITT - "
pass. xnyoi?x : rr '
v. itsp.

s. f. STDS: (gr.) n. m., p. H;V|PX.

binden, fesseln, [XT^pX] :

beschworen, verbieten, bind, Scbliissel, key.

imprison, bind by spell, XlpX (gr.) n. Burg, citadel.

forbid. |
Itpe., Impf. 1 s. xnpn px (4e) n.f.Frosch/r^.
1DPS; 3 s. m. IDH^, f. X21 X (4e) n. f. Boot, boat.

nonn verboten werden, be

x, ny 3ix r

T :
- n. m., p. tx*nx, 'nx:
T- :-':-
-ix n. f., sf. i p.

Zeder, cedar. jy/ix- 2 s. m. Tsnx, p.

xrnx n. f.,
c. m_x ;
sf. i p. m. tiiDynx; p. xn^iXrErde,
"irTJX ; p. iniX :
Weg, Ge- Land, earth, land.
woimheit, way, habit, nix jnx (4^) vb. Itpe., Pf. 3 s.
xinx Sitte, custom. ZtfX m. yinx f.
X^-inx sich ,

nrpx beilaufig, by the way. \ ereignen, occur.

[xnYiX n. m.], p. TITiX: Ttf* vb. Pe., Pt. act. s. m. c.

Reisender, Gast, traveller, Itt/X: vergieBen, shed.

wayfarer. xnnr'x
n. f., sf. i s. vWx: '

nx conj. well, because. 2 s. m.


qn'B';x :
Wand, wall.
xnx n. m. Lowe, lion. X]^ty'X (pers.), sf. 2 s. m.
[xnx] n.m., sf. 3 s.m. nnx: ^PBt^'X Herberge, lodging.

Krippe, stall. xjDrs^'x,

TT r
sf. 3s. rmrstt>x:
/: : : r : .

pX vb. Af., Impf. 2 s. m. Wirt, host, landlord.
^]Tin ;
2 p. m. to"p'n ;
Pt. act. X^X n. f.
Feuer, fire.

r .. ..
1. lang machen, 1B>X vb. Pa., Impf. 2 s. m.
prolong; 2. lang sein, be It^XP; Imp. "ItyX: glauben,
long.\\ TlXadj., p. 'Dn.X: believe.

lang, long. nx v. n:x.

-pX. T]nx adj. schicklich, xnx vb. Pe., Pf. 1 s. "i'Tpnx,
proper. || T)l vb. denom. Tix; i p. t-jrnx, inx; 2 s.

Pe., Pt. act. 1 s. XJinX: n^nx, p. ^n^nx; 3 s. f.

passend machen, zuberei- tnnx,

T -:
' x^nx,
T - -
' p. m.
ten, make fit, prepare. t-jinx, f. ixnx; Impf. 1 p.

rtXD"!X n. m. Heide, pagan. TP} ;

'3 p. t^nw, in>: (in^V) ;

IFW1X n. f.
Witwe, widow. |j Imp. s. m. XP, f.
'Pi; p. m.
^pix, c. n^tnx n. f.
inx, in; Inf. xn>o, sf. 2 s.

Witwenschaft ,
widowhood. m. ^n^D; Pt. act. s. m.-

<p:iX] (gr.) n. f., p. 'nx,

f. x^nx;
T IF *p. m. t-jrx,
I '-T'
Beutel, bag. inxT ' ;
1 s. XJ'nx
kommen, :

come. Af., Pf. 1 s. VVX p. m.

(TPX, et sic infra), sf. 1 s. JOTVB: bringen, ein-
3 s. f. anTPx, 3 p. m. irurvx ; schliefien, herleiten, bring,
1 p.tiJYPK; 2 s. m. include, derive.
sf. 3 s. f. 3 p. m. inx v. irux.

in:nvvx; 3 s. m. vvx, sf. n. m.,/ c. "inx

-. ;/
sf. 1 p.

2 s. m. ?pr nx, 3 s. m. a_'n'K 3 s. f. nnx :

(HTIX, annK); 3 s. f. iri3 praep., sf. 2 s.

"irixTix, x'fvx,
sf. 3 s. m. m. ^"in.3; 3 s. m. ainSK ;

nrvrrx, 3p .m. tvry.K, irvx 3 aina, rn.nax; 3 p.

s. f.

\ T/)
sf. 3 s.m. awx,r' arnx,
: IT'
m. linnnix,IT -'
nach, : i rr

3 p. m. t-pjv^K, irtprrx; hinter, after. XI n 2 adj. \

Impf. 1 s. W*; 3 p. irPJ, sf. d., p. m/Xina

T : ,T
f. d. KTPina
T - rr
: :

3 s. m. aw:,' 3 s. f . t xnirvV ; p. f. d. xmroTTIT : IT

: der letz-

Imp. s.m. TPX_, f.

XITX; p.m. tere, letzte, the latter, last.

hjorvx, sf. 3 s. m. aiTlK; T "inn? conj. nachdem,


Inf. "'irvx (v.lns), sf. 3 s. f. after. }\

- -. hv)
- - . (= inx

rpiirx, s'p.mJroyiiyx; Pt. auf der Stelle, sofort, on

act. s. m. TPO,
f. the spot, forthwith.

3 praep., sf. 1 s. ^ ;
1 p. "J3 ; schlecht, bose, das Dbel,
2 s. m. !](')3 , p. m. 123 ; bad, evil, the evil.
3 s. m. as, s. f. a3, p. m. n.f.
Bosheit, malice.
las , p. f. VIS :
in, an, fiir,
adv. bose, angrily.

um, durch, in, into, for, by, X33 n. m. (et f.?), c. 33:
with, through. Tor, Tiir, gate, door. \

'BJ.K3, ^5X3 v. JT|JX. 33X: an der Tiir, at the

1X3 XT3 n.
f., p. n>3 Grube, : door.

pit. nx'pSS adj., p. ^33: Baby-

s adj., f.
p. d. lonier, Babylonian.

lana arab. = bidubr ,

mit KJ'Sria n. m., p. VPSia :
dem Riicken, wzVA Me 6c/t. Kiirbis, yown^ pumpkin.
ma vb. Pe. , Pt. pass. s. f. XJ^SiS n. m. Lampe, /a/wp.
xrv"T3: heiter, cheerful. \
S13 vb. Pa., Impf. 2 s. m.
Pa., Impf. 2 s. m. c. sf. 1 s. "TaR ;
Inf. c. sf. 3 s. m.
irnnn ;
Pt. act. i p. l^rrno PPin^: verachten, m^w/^.

erheitern, cheer, make Via vb. Pe., Pt. act. s. m. yn :

laugh. |
Itpa., Impf. 3 p. m. spalten, cleave. || X^i3 n. m.,

THaJ :
pass. ||
Xnm n. m., pi. 'V.T.aO?.a.) :
Ritze, Offnung,
p. Tll'ia :
Lustigmacher, cleft, rent. sn]2 n. f.: id.

merry-maker. pn vb. Pe., Inf. p]ao :

v. V. scatter.

vb. denom. Af. Inf. N113 v.

*?1T2K!?: den Segenspruch v. vn.
am Sabbatausgang sagen, vb. Pe., Pt. act. 1 s.

recite the benediction at NJt^'na: suchen, search.

the outgoing of the sabbath. nt23 vb. Af., Pf. 3 s. m. c. sf.

p-13 vb. Pe., Pf. 1 p. c. sf. 3 s. 2 s. m. TjnuaX: versichern,

m. rwpna pupna i.
3. p. m. assure.

tlpT2; Impf. 1 s. c. sf. 2 p. n. m., p. ^D3: Fun-

m. toJR^ax ;
Inf. c. sf. 3 s. ken, spark.
Pt. pass. 2 pi. vb. Pe., Pt. act. p. m.

1IVpH3: priifen, tinter-

suchen, try, examine. Pa., Pf. 3 p. m. c. sf. 3 s. f.

113 vb.Pa., Pf. 1 s. c. sf. 2 p. Ptt^a; Impf.

1 s. c. sf. 3
m. iajrrna ;
Pt. pass. p. f. s. m. a|lVtsa; Inf. c. sf. 3
scatter. s. m. ?6lt^$ Pt. act. s. m.
"Q12D zerstreuen,

nna V. nnx.
Vtsiao, p. m.'
vte, 1 P.

vb. Pe., Pt. act. s. f. I^Vtsap :

miifiig machen,
T -:IT
sich furchten, be ungiiltig machen, make idle,
afraid. make void. \
Itpa., Imp. 3
94* SOS

p. m. tsa: pass between, nn '3 zwei zu-

n. m. , p.

j^tD3: MtiBig- sammen, ein Paar, a pair.

ganger, idler. X33 vb. P6., Pf. 2 s.m. n'33;
vb. Pe., stampfen, Impf. 3 s. m. ^rilO'.; 3p.m.
kick. 1 m.
1133'; Pt. act. s.
lIPS (lat.) n. vivarium. f. X'33:
T T :
^ p. m.
r '33,
- T 7 133;
T 7
'3 V. 1H. weinen, weep.
'3 v. in. H33 v. XVI.

<s v.
x^n. Xjl'73 (etym. ?) n. m. eingra-
XJP? 3 v. XJPT. vierte Figur , impression.
T : r :
'3 v. BOS. ^3 vb. Itpalp., Impf. 3 s. m.
1'3, ^P3 praepos., sf. 1 p. ^3?3^: vermischt werden,
T - ..?
3 ^
.- ,.
zwi- be confused.
3D "p3
schen, between. Vfly? ^3 vb. Pe., Pf. 3 s. m. c. sf.

zwischen dem Guten und 3 s. m. nyV 3, 3 :

s. f. ny.Vs;
Bosen, between the good 3 s. f. tn$?3 ;
Pt. act. s. m.
and the evil. ||
J;:n ^3 yVs, c. sf. 3 s. f. ny.V 3;:

adv. dazwischen, between. 2 ny_^3 ; pass. p. m. 'V

W *3 V. verschlingen , swallow.
3 v. Itpe., Pf. 3 s. m. y^SX,
V'3 n. f., p.'t^*a, ^3: s. f. xyT V.3X, X^Va :

Ei, egg. XJ3 vb. Pe., Pf. 1 s. t'ri'ps,

^3 n. m., c. '3 ;
sf. 2 s. m. n s J3, 'J3; 3 s. m. c. sf. 3

t]n^: 3 s.m. arP3: p. 'n3:' p. f.

MJJ3; 3 s. f. tn:3
T "
' ....'J^ "IT 7 : IT :
' j '5

sf. 2 p. m. TfrViS: Haus, Impf. 1 s. c. sf. 3 s.m. ITJ3X ;

^<^^e. inn^a'l seine Frau,|

n;J3t3^ ,
c. sf. 3 p! f.

his wife. ||
J"P3 vb. denom. 'n3JJ3tD^; Pt. act. s. m. 'J3,

Pe., Pf. 3 s. m. H3; 3p.m. c.sf.3s.m.nJ3;

- Is.KJ'JS:
T '

Inf. ri3p; iibernach- build. '33 n. m.

^rvS; bauen, \\

ten, pass the night. Baumeister, builder. X^J3

praep. zwischen, n. m. Gebaude, building.
x-o 95*

DD3 vb. Itpa., Infin. 3 adj. wenig, lacking; sq.

('a ?); Pt.p.m. D3p: sicli "]D weniger als, less than.

berauschen, become drunk. Np3

'T T
n. m., xnp3 n.
T' :rr \
f. Miicke,
Q'D3 adj. siifi, sweet. #7ia.
yinps (pers.) n. p. Polster, Kp3 vb. Pe.,
Imp. s. y.3:
Teppiche, covers, rugs. untersuchen, examine.
vb. Pe., Pf. 1 s. *y_3; pp3. S|?3 n. m., p. *]9a: Krug,
l p. txrys, t^va, 1V.3; pitcher.
2 p. m. 'rr'ys; 3 p. iys; 13 (13ft), c. 13; d. X13; sf.

Impf. ip. 73:'; S 1 s. tna, ti3, na; 2's.m.

iynV; inf. s. f. s! f. H-13

xy^o, !]-J3 ; !)T3 ; 5

Imp. s. m. n
y.2 ;
Pt. act. s. f. p. t'pjs, *ja, c. ^3; sf. is.

x;y3; P
iys i s.

t^ya, \33

2 p.m.iD^3; 3 s.
2' 8. f. f
; x^ys rpys,
2 p. "prvya ; pass. s. m. 73 :
n"j2; 3 p. m. iTJ2: Sohn,
fragen, bitten, notig haben, son. n*i3 "13 sein Enkel,

ask, require. Itpe., Pf. 3 \

his grandson. \ xnn3, c.

s. m., s. f.
K;y3; Impf. n3; sf. t^-ia, tn-ia;^ s.

3 s. f. yap ;
Pt. s. m.'
^3(11)0, m. S]P!3; 3 s. f. nnna; p. a.
ioyap; p. m. ^({nn), nja, d.xn:3;

tyantJ; i s. sf. 1 s. ^:3 ; i p. vnj3 :

pass. n. (f), sf. 1 p. Tochter, daughter.
|| K;ya
^3: Frage, question. Pe., Impf. 1 s. c. sf. 3
n. m., c.
tya Herr, : s. m. rT"l3X: erschaffen,
master. \
X33T ^ya, sf. 2 create. \
vb. Itpe., Pf. 3

s. m. ipa^n .bgBi-. Feind, S. f. Xn3S, p. 113S; Pt.

enemy. 2 s. rvQrip: pass. || [xnns]

iya. [siiys] n. m., p. t^niya: n. f., p. xnn3: Geschopf,
Fackel, torcA. creature.
iy3 vb. Pa., imp. p. nya : 2S13 vb. Pe., Pt. act. n.3:
entfernen, remove. stark werden ,
strong. \
Itpe., Pf. 3 s. f. Benediktion sprechen, bless,

... soVy
T ^ 7 .
n"?.. nns
... er say a benediction. ||

genas, he became well. n. f.,

du. c. sf. 3 s. m.
Af., Imp. s. m. **O3'K 1.
Knie, knee. Nn-TD n. f., \\

^"DN: nahren, nurse. p. d. xro~i3: Segen, bless-

XT13 n. m. Hagel, Eis, hail, ing, benediction.
ice. v. nnn.
XT"13 (gr.) n. m. Lederriemen, vortreff-
(iin3) (pers.) :

thong. lich, excellent.

xrn3 n. m. Ziegenbock, he- 3 . ~\3 adj., d. JO3 :
goat. auBenstehend, freies Feld,

[X:in3j(etym.?)n.m.,p.vrin3: AuBenseite, on the outside,

gewalttatiger Mensch, rebel, external, field, peel. \
outlaw. d. d.
adj., s. f. X1V13, p. f.

"p3 vb. Pe., Impf. 3 s. m. :

aufierer, external.
3*133, TfiaV ;
Pt. pass, sp.3 ;

sed usitatius Pa., Pf. 1 s.

sf. 2 s. m.
auBer, except. \ D"13,
3 p. m. InJFDTQ; 1 p. but, of a
aber, furwahr,
T T '
- ' '
3 s. m. truth.
; IT :

T]"l3 3 ; p. m. c. sf. 1 s. iP3 n. m. Fleisch, meat, flesh.

pro; Impf. 1 s. TJ-13X, p. vb. Pa., Imp. s. f. >!
?ts(3 :

TJ13J ;
3 s. m. c. sf. 1 s.
kochen, seethe.

IDnn ?; 3 p. m. c. sf. 2s.m. | n. m.Bergraute, wildrue.

tnDTJ? Inf. D113 Pt. act.
irs n. f.
IT : IT:

1 p. IJ^IDO: segnen, eine v.

3 vb. Pe., Impf. 3 p. t^3 ;

/ec^. I
Af., Pf. 3 s. m. c. sf.

Inf. 3:pV Pt. act. 2 s. f. 3 s. m. n33 ;

Pt. act, 1 p.

T |T'

erheben, co/- IJ'SjB, 1. = Pe.; 2. ein-


kassieren lassen, order col- XBT3 (KB3) n. m., p. sf. 3 p.

lected. 1<TB"T3: Fliigel, wing.

^aJ.KIia: n. f.
Rohr, tube.
333 .
[xni3 n. f.], p. *aa : ab- Tragsessel,
geschnittenes Stiick, apiece [13]
133 praep., sf. 2 s. f.

cut off. tD^33, ^.133, p. m.

333. N333n.m.Flocken,/7ae. 3 s. f.
H133, p. m.
H33 vb. Af., Pt. 2 p. uvnaJD :
innerhalb, in, within, in. \

erheben, lift up. 13? praep., sf. 3 s. m. H13V :

^>33 vb. Pe. , Pt. pass, ^"33 :

in, into. |
130 praep. infolge,

kneten, knead. on account of. T 130 conj.


133 n. m., d. X133 ;

sf. 1 s. infolgedessen dafi, because.
n33, 3 s. f.
nnqa, || '34 adj., p. f. d. Kirn:
innerer, inner.
sf. 2 p.
O'laa: Mann, XT 13 n. m. Eunuch, eunuch.

wan, husband. XR1133 n. f., X?113

n. m.,
p. d. tx*7ll'3:
T -IT |

sf. 3 s. m. ~rn}33 Macht, junge Taube, pigeon.:

power. X313 (3313) (pers.) n. m. Farbe,

S"lJ . KH3 n. m. Bockchen, color. | 113D praep. wie, like.
kid. X313 Y]3 : auf diese Weise,
*Tl3vb.Af.,3s.m.c.sf. 3s.m. m //'* manner.
JTTIX: auswerfen, cast up. D13 vb. Pe., Pt. act. D'3 : dreist

*TJ3 . X'lj n. m. Geschick, sein, &e bold.

fortune. XBi3 n. m., sf. 3 s. m. HD13:
ru . S13 (xnj)
m. Wand, n. Korper , Person , Wesen,
Uferwand, wa//, ftan^: of a body, person, essence. Xin
river, shore. HB13 er selbst, himself.
. JHJ3 n. m. Bande, band, 1D'D13 1R3X ihr selbst, yowr-
troop. *e/ve*.

U vb. Pe., Pt. act. 1 s.

^3 adj., f. XS13: klein, small.
r :r -T flechten, twine. Xli*3 n. m. = hebr. "13.

Margolis, Chr. Bab. Talm.

98* x-ta

xrnra n. f. "lia vb. denom. x"?a vb. Pe., 1 s.

^a; 1 p.
Itpa., 3 s. m. Tax: Pro- t^a; 2 p. t^n^a; Impf.
selyt werden, become a 1 s. vax ;
Pt. pass. p. m.
proselyte. 1?a : 1. offenbar machen,
XW, Xiaa (pers.) n. m. Schatz, reveal; 2. in die Verban-
treasure. xua
T :
^ Schatz- nung gehen, go into exile. \

haus, treasury. 7Ja vb. Itpe., Pf. 3 s. f. f.

|| ^ax, p.
denom. Pe., Pt. pass. s. 1
1 v^X geoffenbart werden,

f. xraa: aufheben, store be revealed. Pa., Pf. 3 s. \

up. m. c. sf. 3 f.
X^a; Impf.
77a vb. Pe., Pf. 3 s. m. c. sf. 2 p. m. ikin; Inf. ".i^a;
3 s. m. rna, nna, ana; i^aD; Is. x:^0;
3 p. m. ti-ta, sf. 3 p. m. entblofien, offenbaren ,

aina, 3 p. f.
vi^w; impf. cover, reveal.
1 s. c. sf. 2 s. m. a vb. Pe., Pt. pass. pi.
3 p. m. na ? (naV), m. iTT^a: mit Eis iiber-
Pt. act. ra,
T' na, r m. ''pa:
-T' p. !|T
. zogen, covered with ice,
scheren, abschneiden, cut, congealed.
cut off. X7>7a n. m., p.|| )
n. m.. > r
p. a^a:
T :

\7'7a: Stiick, piece. Name eines kleinen Fisches,

Dia vb. Pe., Pt. act.
a certain small fish.

drohen, threaten. Va .X^a n. m. Welle, wave. \

1P :
vb. Pe., Inf. inp ?; Pt. X^a n. m., p. ^a: diirres

act. p.m. nta:

beschliefien, Gras, dried grass. ||

anordnen, determine upon, n. f. Mantel, cloak. II

order. II xmTa:
T :r :
BeschluB, n. m. Stein, stowtf. ||

Dekret, decree. adj., f. d.

Xn^V^a klumpen- :

"jna vb. Pe., Imp. ina: sich formig, in lumps. \\


beugen, ftow rfoww. n. m. Rad, w^<?/. ||

XD^a n. m. Rauberschar, band (6a)

n. m. Augapfel.

of robbers. of the eye. xn?a?i \\


n. f. id.
[xn^iO] (hebr.), oa [xmoa] n.
|| f., p. nqa:
p. :
Rolle, scroll. Kohle, coal.
1 x|a n. m., p. ^>a: Tiir, vb. Pe., Impf. 2 s. m.
door. \ian; Imp. ^aa; Pt. s. m.
T l'T
n. m. d. Galilaer, #- ^a, p.m. pa,
T' * I-T' ia'a;
lean. schlafen, sleep. Af., Pf. \

Va n. m., p. c. sf. 3 p. m. i s. c. sf. 3 m.

s. ;

1n^a: Mantel, cloak. 3 s. f c. sf. 3 s. m. ;

vbw n. m. f.,
sf. 1 p. Imp. ^aax, sf. i s. l^aax;
Kamel, come/. ||
Inf. c. sf. 3 s. f. rpija'j& ;

adj., f. d. XJVjVoa: groB, Pt. p. m. iaat?; i s. xraaD:

large. zu Bett legen, put to bed.
Voa vb. Pe., Pt. act. c. Vt33 : xaa vb. itpa., inf. tx'aao:'
vergelten, antun, requite, Pt. s. f. X^aaO:
T :*
deal out, do. "jnon ^oa werden, hafilich sein, be
der Wohltaten erweist, a ashamed, be ugly.
rfoer o/ kindnesses. 2ja. [xnnaa] n. f.,
sf. 3 s. m.
DBa vb.Palp., Pt.act. nrQJa :
Schwanz, tail.
stottern, stammer. naa. [X3a] n. m., sf. 3 s. m.
IDa- vb. Pe., Pf. 2 s. m.
Impf. 3 s. m. "loa Inf. praep. ,
sf. 1 s. m. '3a^;
ItMO; Pt. pass. s. m. TB.a, Ip. 133_; 2 s. m. ^aV;
p. m. noa; i '
s. xrpoa,
2 p. m. 133J(3); 3 8. m.
: r :'

2 s. nn^: lernen, learn. '33, H'lia ?: bei, zu, with,
Af., Impf. 1 s. c. sf. 2 s. m. to.
3i praep. wegen, on
3 s. m. c. sf. 1 s. account of. T 3a \ conj.
3 p. m. c. sf. 1 p.

i:noj: ; Imper. p. m. conj. obgleich, although.

Inf. nlOJK, n[1 sf. 1 s. iaa vb. Pe., Impf. 3 p. m
3 s. m. nniDJN?: unterrich- UUaV; Imp. 2ia; Pt. act

ten, instruct. p. m. '3a3: stelilen,

100* 1135

itpe. , Pt. aaap p. 'aaap : contend. Kian n. m.

, \\ Streit,
pass. Pa., Pt. act. p. m. quarrel.
= Pe.

iaa ao : N33a n. m., a vb. Pe., Pt. act. p. m.

s ||

p. >3Ja Dieb, ^/.: tf H |

1 a: gefangen nehmen,
'335 : Anfiihrer von Dieben, captive.
chief of thieves. ana (pers.) n. m., p. <:na:

vb., Impf. 3 s. m. Tiaa: :

Krug, pitcher.
rollen, roll. \ It., Pt. Trap' : K-r^ana ('a, '^a) ( gr .) n. m.,
p. *!'?": Riibe, turnip.
v. KM. KTaia n. m. Rauke, water-
a vb. Af, Inf. VllaK ;
Pt. act. cress, rocket.
s. f.
XJap; 2 s. DMao 1. F ma vb. Pa., Pf. 2 s. m. c. sf.

pass. s. f.
KMa(')D 1. 3 s. m. nnTia:
:rr kratzen,
p.Mao beschiitzen, protect.
: scratch. \
KTia n. m. Stumpf,
xn-ia n. Garten, garden. f.

HK3a n. m., p.
'K|3 Gart- : .
r- n - m -
> P-

ner, gardener. XJ:J ('3) ||

Weber, weaver.
n. m.:
Brautgemach, bridal "3 (pers.) n. m. s., p. d.
chamber. pa vb. denom. ^na : ein MaB, a measure
Pe., Pt. act. 2 p. ttfniaa:

= nxc.
das her- Dia n. m., sf. 3 s. m.
Brautgemach .
stellen, build the bridal ncna; p. -"o-ja;
sf. 3 s. m.
chamber. n'Dia: Knochen, &owe.
DDa KDa n. m. Dia vb. Pe., Pt. act. 013:
Seite, side.

XJDa n. m., p. \jstt:

Rebe, verursachen,, cause. .

Weinstock, vine. XJSJ ipy KTpna n. m., p. H'pia

Baumwolle, cotton.
Kia vb. Pa., Impf. 2 Dia vb. Pe., Impf. 3 p. m.
s. m.
^lari :
reizen, incite. \
Itpa., ^DiaJ:
: :
Pt. act. s. m. Dia,
P"f. '3 p. in.
naK; Impf. p. m.'DT a studieren, study. :

2 s. m. 'lann : SDia n. m.,

streiten, Studium, study.
sna 101*

m vb. Pe., Pf. 2 s. m. c. sf. tf la

(hebr.) vb. Pa., Pf. 1 s. c.

3 s. m. nnyi ! :
scheren, cwf sf. 2 s.
f.^ntf-U; Pt. act.
(the hair). 2 s. : scheiden di-
F)t-U s
T13 vb. Pe., Impf. 3 s. m. vorce.
c. sf. 3 s. m. Inf. m. Siegel-
Prn:u; XJPJBtfa (pers.) n.
"nap schleppen ring, seal ring.
, ziehen,
, draw. (pers.) n. m. Kleie,
a n. m., sf. 3 s. m. ftraw.

^i P- 'I 3 , i
sf - 1 s- '!*: ltf-l n.
m., p. ntf-j :
Pfeil, arrow, \\
Hiaa n. m.: bridge.
Pfeilmacher, arrow-maker. vb. Pe., Pf. 3 s. m. c.

vb. Pa., Pt. act. 2 p. sf. 3 s. m. nB/t^a, "^: be-

Pfen 3D :
zermalmen, grind. tasten,

1 v -
"1 adhere. Pa.,Pt.pass.p3np: \

NT (9a) pron. dem. s. f. angeheftet, clinging.

diese, this. Om. (hebr.) n. m., 3
3n vb. Pe., Pt. act. JJjH : be- p. m. 1nnm: Wort, Aus-
sorgt sein, be anxious, con- spruch, word, utterance.
cerned. T vb. Pe., Pf. 3 s. m. c. sf.
^yi . X3-TH (176) n.m.(f.) 3 s. m. ninn, 3 p. m. 'inro'n ;
Fliege, fly. Pt. act. s. c. sf. 3 p. in:i31:
. X3T n. m., p.
^ :
Bar, fiihren, den Branch liaben,
be accustomed. Pa.,

n. m. nosn an. |
Pt. act. p. nano: leiten,
n. m. Altar, al- ^m'^. |j
X'12'l n. m. Feld,
tar. field. || taaVt? n. m. Wiiste,
pri vb. itpe., Pf. 1 s.
''P.qns; wilderness. || XJiaiD n. m.
1 p. tx^nx- p t< prno: Fiihrer, leader.

anhangen, ankleben, cleave, '2 ! n. m. Honig, honey.


73 ! n. m. Liigner, liar. X"li1 n. m. Dorf, village.

K3!TT n. m. Gold, gold. T n. m. Herberge, inn.

]m vb. Itpe., Imp. >T7X fett : n. m. p. ,

werden, become fat.\\ [VH1] Gastwirt, inn-keeper.

adj., d. KJVPT: fett, fat. n. m., p. n !:

in vb. Pe., Impf. 1 s. 1HX: generation. \\
X1T n. m., p.

fortfahren, ^o on, continue. ""TT: Reihe, row.

in "vb. Pa., Pf. 3 p. sf. 3 s.
pn (= pjn) vb. Pe., Pf. 3 s.

m. c. sf. 3 s. m. rPSH; 3 s.
m. nnn; Pt. act.

f. c. sf. 3 s. f. PinST:
~ ein- einholen, overtake.

(gr.) n. m. Gabe,
stecken, thrust in.
vb. Pe., Imp. TPI: stofien,
pn vb. Pe., Pf. 3 s. m. pT ;

Pt. act. j?>n, Af., Pt. act. p. m.

pn 1 ; pass. s. f.

- id.
Xj?n, p. nJv.n sorgfaltig
betrachten , genau sein,
vb. Pe., Impf. 2 s. f.

observe carefully, be exact; Pt. act. !?n^, p.

Pt. pass, genau erwiesen, fiirchten, fear.

nach der Inter- vb. Pe., Inf. c. sf. 3 s. m.

genauen 1

pretation iibereinstimmend nip ?: stofien, push.

vb. Pe., Pf. 3 s. m. c. sf.
mit, proved with exactness;
when correctly interpreted, 3 s. m. nxm -: r
in agreement with. thrust in.
m vb. Pe., Pf. 1 p.
"h^Ti; vb. Pe., Impf. 3 p. m. c.

Impf. 2 m. t-inn; Inf.

s. sf. 3 s. m. Pttprm
- '
Pt. act.
-: :

TO ;
Pt. act. s. m. in, f. p.m. ''pm;
*1 '
s. m. PTH,
XTT p.m. ni;
T n r:
: IT '
is. xnxn,
T fT I '

drangen, crowd,!:

T :-IT
: wohnen , </we/A push; Pt.pass. eng, straiten-
Itpe., Pt. "Hnp wohnbar, ed. xpm
IT (xpnn)
n. m. Ge-
: \ 'TTIIT'

habitable. II xnn
T :rr
n. f., sf.
drange, Bedrangnis, crowd-
3 s. m. nnTJ: Hof, cowr^. jj
ing, distress.

nT ^3 Hiirde , sheepfold. \\ ,
T nota relationis (70),

conj. (71). v. jener, that. ^"T no der

v. T. Herr jenes (Windes), the

! n. m. Staatsdiener (insbes. Lord of that (wind).
Steueremnehmer) , public DT n. f.,
a. ^; sf. 3 s. m.
official (esp. tax-gatherer). -H: Ort, Stelle, place.
v. no. vb! Pe., Impf. 3 s. m. c.

in vb. Pe., Impf. 3 s. m. sf. 2 m. "^rDT, s.

,' ^3'] ?;

?.) l
n <S n l ?. ;
Im P- s- m - Pt. pass. p. m. ''TD'l, 1 s.

"JH , p. m. 1JH :
richten, XJT3T :
eingedenk sein,

Itpe., Pf. 3 p. remember. \
Itpe., Pf. 2 p.
Pt. s. f. xnno:
T T : t'jWtypt:
sich erinnern,
pass. |
Pa., Impf. 3 p. m. remember. \
Af., Pf. 2 s. m.
unV, sf. 3 s. m. a c. sf. i s. IFTDTK; Inf.

Imp. c. sf. 3 s. m. niD'lX?: erinnern, remind;

Inf. c. sf. 3 s. m. P sq. 3 erwahnen, /waAre
= Pe. || 1*7 n.m-, d mention. \\
TT :
n. m., c.

sf. 1 p. tXJ:n: Gericht, 1DT: Andenken, memorial.

ProzeB, Gesetz, court, law- vb. Pe., Pt. act. 1 s.

suit, law. *OH3 adv. mit | W'V^, 2 s. n^T; pass. p.

Recht, rightfully. a \
im m. i
1 1

?! :
schopfen, erheben,
Gerichtshof, cowr J ofjustice. draw, lift. Itpe., Pf. 3 s.

*r .~
n. m., a. X:>T-
: Rich- m. ^"W ;
^p : sich er-

ter, judge. ||
KWHO n. f., heben, hoch sein, be lifted,

TT i- :
Bezirk,' district, be high. \
Pa., Pf. 3 s. m.
province. ^n, sf. i p. IJ^T, 3 s. m.
n. m., p. FPT, 3 p. 3 s. f.
TT r inr^n;
denarius. 3 P- c - sf - 3 8- m -

pSDH n. m. Sanfte,
JOT vb. Itpa., Pf. 3 s. m. erheben, wegnehmen, /z

abgetan sein, be gone. M^, #A'd away, deduct.

*y\ (9/) pron. dem. s. m. tfr] n. m. Hohe, height.

vb. Pe. , Impf. 2 s. m. l . KW n. m., p. ^n :

17] :
spinnen, spin. wine -jar.
pV"T vb. Af., Pf. 3 s. m. pVlX. ;
JnDT (pers.) n. m. Portion,
3 p. 1j?^T.K ;
Pt. act. p^m,
p. m. <l

p7"jp: anzunden, v. ppi.

##Af, kindle. v.yn\
DT (136) n. m., d. HOT; sf. . XBT n. m. Brett, board.
2 s. m. Blut, blood. :
pT n. m. Dattelpalme, palm-
XD1 vb. Pe., Pt. act. >Ctt, p. tree.

m. 1D1, f.
"^pn :
gleich sein, n. m, Korb, basket.
be like. \
cn ^p : ist es denn XJpT n. m. Bart, beard.
gleich ? &# a/ a// like (the ppT vb. Pe., Imp. p'l ;
Pt. pass.
case mentioned}? \
Itpe., pH: zermalmen, grind. \

Pf. 3 s. m. WX : in der pnpn xnpnp%

adj., s. f. d.

Gestalt von . . .
erscheinen, p. m. t^p/pn (4A) "klein, :

appear in the likeness of. \

small, ^/rn kleine Kin- :

Pa., Pf. 3 s. m. c. sf. 3 s. der, small children.

m. PPB1; Pt. pass. p. f.
npT vb. Pe., Inf. c. sf. 3 s.
vergleichen, als . . . m. ITIpntJ?: durchbohren,
vorstellen, liken, imagine. \\
pierce through.
CH n. p. m., c. 'CH ;
sf. 3 p. x-n v. in.
iiTpn : Preis , equivalent, vb. Pe., Pt. act. nn, 2 s.

price. i :
tragen, carry.

adj., p. m. 'aion : schla- Xi"! ! n. m. Stufe, step.

fend, sleeping. [XTl^] n. m., p. d.

n. f.
, p. 'ytri et Hefe, dregs.
sf. 3 s. m. n'"y_cn :
pm v. ppn.
Trane, tear. XDin
m. Weg, way. n.

!!! 1^1 (90) pron. dem. s. m. XDi-H (hebr.) n. m. Suden,

dieser, this. south. |
D~nvb. denom. Af.,
nn . sn:no
T I-
n. m. Osten. Imp. p. 1BTT ;
Inf. 'Ol

sich sudwarts wenden, turn nen), deliver in public (in

towards the south. general). \\
xtfTTB'a: Haus
(gr.) n. m. Drache, desVortrages,Schule,se#00/.
. Xtth n. m.
dragon. (f.?): Tiir,
vb. Pe., Pf. 3 s. m. c. sf. Tor, door, gate.
3 s. f. atf Tl ; p. m. tf m ;
vb. Af., Pf. 3 s. m.
Impf. 2 p.t-j^'-inn: 1. den B^X :
schweigen, &0 silent.
Schrifttext erklaren, inter- JntP'n- (pers.)
\* n. f. menstruie-
T T :

pret the Scriptural text; rendes Weib, menstruating

2. vortragen (im allgemei- woman.

n part, interr.
= num. X?n XHH .
X^nna adv. ausdruck-
= nonne.

lich, explicitly.
XH (9c) pron. dem.
im neutrischen
s. f.
m (9<*) pron. dem.
s. m.

diese, this; dieser,

Sinne (in a neuter sense}: Tin vb. Pe., Pf. 1 t
p. xjiin,
dieses, this. NH, "il interj.
|| t'l^nnn, -j-iin ; 2 s. m. n"jin ;

siehe, behold. \\
XHT conj. Impf. 1 s.ITIX; 3 p. m. '

weil, because. nnn ?, 1

inn ? inf. inno ?


TT -rr
v. Try. Pt.' act. "nn,
T' mn,
"XH (9/") pron. dem. s. m. p. m. mn :rr
1 s. XJTtn
T -rr:
: zu-

jener, that. riickkehren, return; sq. 3

X72H n. m. Hauch, Dampf, seinen Sinn andern, change

breath, vapor. one's mind; sq. V umringen,

Xinn n. m. Finsternis, dark- encircle. \
"Tin adv. wieder-

ness. um, again. \

Pa., Pf. 1 p.
xnn (9ffl) pron. dem. s. f. "h^TV!: zuriickerstatten,
restore: Af., 1 s. nnnK,
diese, this. \

*nn v. 'nnx. 3 p. m. InjrnTlK

sf. ;
2 s.

nn v. 'inx. m. n^nx ; 3 s. m. 1T|,


f. NTOK ;
3 p. m. c. sf. 3 p. m. 1nj; Imp. >\n, p. 11,1;
m. iHJn ; Impf. 3 s. m. Inf. \ino ;
Pt. act. s. m. ')ji,

"IT&," ~>TU, "nnV, sf. 3 s. f.

" m. 1in,
f. Wn
IT : IT '

m. HTTP Imp. s. m. c. sf.

1 s. xnn,
T IT ' p. in^n;
r rr '
2 s.

3 s. f. 'H'TOX inf. ninnx ; ; sein, fre. I

in sp
: IT

Pt. act. TOO; Is. K3TOO: V: wie geht es ihm?

zuriickerstatten, wiederher- how is he faring ? \
T *nj

stellen, erwidern, betteln, conj. wenn auch, evew ?/".

restore, reply, beg. \\

xni~nD Nn^p, nrrp, m^p adv. jeden-
n. m. Bettler, beggar. falls, at all events. \

m., N\nn f. (9/") pron. c. Pt. cf. 5Sg.

dem. jener, jene, that. n. m.
Nin m., 8 VI f. (8fc) pron. spalhe of a palm.
pers. 3 s.
er, he; sie, s/ze. || [Knom] n. f.
, p. ''Oin : eine
WJTT9B : was es nur ist, gewisse Dornart, a species
whatever it may be. HD of thorns.

adv. nur so, zwecklos, only 1)n pers. hazar 1000.

so, without aim. HD2 adv. T! (^ c ) pron. dem. s. m. die-

um nichts, for nothing. \\ ser, this.

H30 conj. da, since. ^n (llc) pron. interr. wel-

cher? which?
Dromedar, dromedary. [xn;pn] , p. rn (^n) : eine
nin vb. Pe., Pf. i s. t'n'in, gewisse Dornart, a species
tiwin, t^in,
in; p. of thorns.
V.!n; 2 p. m.t^n^ri; 3s.f. XDVl
adv. wo? where? \

tnin, xni, ^_n 3 p. m. N3V1Q: woher? whence?

5 \

t r-

11511 8 p^ f. IJin Impf. 2 s. 1 SD\1 where.

conj. wo,
r.V; 2 s. m. nn; 'D VI adv. wie ? TJOW ? |
^n 3
1 p. 'inl; 2 p. m. linn; T conj. damit, in order

3 s. m. tvirn, typ >in, that.


w ;
3 s. f.
'\nn, xnn 3 "p. pvi v. ; IDX.

irn m., *rn f.

(9rf): das ist, I^HO : Nutzen bringen,
?Y &. benefit. \\
KiVJn n. f.,

* (9/) pron. dem. s. f.
jene, 3 s. f. nn^n:
adv. hier, /tere. I

T T r
i^jn n. m. indisch, Hindoo.
von hier, hence. i (9/) pron. dem. pi. jene,
'3n adv. so. so. I '3n 13:
T I -T

fahig dessen und dessen, ^n (9c) pron. dem. pi. diese,

capable of this and that. tifef*.

pVn (9fl) pron. dem. pi. diese, TJJH (9/) pron. dem. pi. jene,

"J^n vb. Pe., Imp. gehen, ^ :

x*rspn v.
go. |
Pa., Pt. act. ^>nO: CJBX) vb. Pe., Pf. i s.

wandeln, wa/yt. || Xro^rin.f. SX; Impf. 2 s. m. T]b>p;

Brauch, Rechtssatz, Rechts- Imp. ^E>n, t]SN;: wenden,

entscheidung, custom, law, sich besciiaftigen mit, ^wrn,

legal utterance, legal de- i^y oneself with. \

cision. Pf. 3 m. ?]BnnK; 3p.m.

T .
n. m., p.
"hhrc Fest-..
sich wenden, sich

lichkeit ,
Hochzeit feast, , verwandeln, turn about, be
wedding feast. \
^n '3, changed.
*!?^n ^ id. sn v. ipD.
m. nxns vb. Palp., Pf. 3 m.
T (hebr.) n. :
'n 1 s.

= Ps. 113118. "irnn: nachdenken, muse.

H vb. itpe., Pf. 2 s. n^nnx; JDin (pers.) n. m. Dekret,
Impf. 1 s. ^.nrj**. :
genieBen, decree.

enjoy \
Af., Pf. 1 s. s
JnN; T - n. m. Gericht von zer-

2 s. rvj.nx ;
3 s. m. *;nx ;
schnittenen Fischen, fish-
Pt. act. s. m. 'Jno, p. f. hash.

1 conj. und, aber; and, but. "!1 (pers.) n. m. Rose, rose. \

^ interj. wehe, woe. N^Tn n. m. Rosenstrauch,

-kl v. 1^. rose-bush.

vyi n. m. (f.) Spaten, :

Kauf, purchase. \\

137 vb. Pe., Pf. 1 s. J3T, sf. n. m. Kaufer, buyer.

'3 s. f. arvj37 (nn\J37);' 2 s. n. m., '
T ; !
n. f., p.
m. FU37 ;
3 s. m. c. sf. 3 s. ni37 :
Wespe, wflw??.

m. P1J37
; Impf. 2 p. m. ^7 vb. Pe., Pt. pass. i7, iM :

3 s. m. klar, c/ear. S37O n. m., ||

Imp. 137, Inf. p. ^70: Becher, <^jt?.

137.oV; Pt. act. s. m. 137: "im vb. Itpe., Impf. 3 s. m.
kaufen, buy. \
Pa., Pf. 1 s.
t-mr; inf.
nin^sV: vor-

':.37_ ; 3 s. m. c. sf. 3 s. f.
sichtig sein, take care. \\

n:37, 3 p. m. 1njJ3T; Impf. Af., Pf. 1 s. c. sf. 2 s. m.

2 s. m. 137_n; 3 p.c.sf. 3 p. !)Fnn7X :
verwarnen, fore-
inrnn Imp. IST, p.
U37 ; warn, admonish.
Inf.' c.'sf. 3 s. m. FUf3|V, S17. xn^l 7 n. f. Winkel, corner.

f. a^iai ?, p. m. in:ji3iV, n. m., p. I\5i7, Paar, pair.

p. f.
VpJtai; Pt. act. s. m. 717
TT :
n. m., p. t-|H77:

I - '
f.' nJ370 1 S. :
T kost, provision for ajourney;
;- : p

2 s. c. sf. 2 s. f.
T P- ^l^. Sterbekleid,*AroMrf.
:r-~ :'

nn3370: verkaufen, sell. X717 n. m?,' p. \^7, sf. 1 s. :


Itpa., Pf. 3 s. m. 13"1TK; Silb erdenar , *z7i;er denarius ;

Impf. 3 p. U3^. ;
Pt. 1 p. p. Geld, money.
i;^3^70, 2 s. vb. It., Pf. 3 s.m. lt?i7S;
ruiplTp: pass. |

n. m. ,
sf. 2 s. m. Pt. s. f. klein
p. \Pril, sf. 2 p. werden, erscheinen, be or
lit 109*

seem small. \\
"IDil adj., d. 7 vb. Pe., Pf. 3 s. f.

Xtti7; f.
N1B17, d. xh; Pt. pass. s. f.

m. nt3i7J nsn,
p. verachtlich sein ,
von ge-
1 p. l^ltSiT: klein, wa#. ringem Werte sein, be

pi vb. Pe., Inf. 1)0; Pt. act. worthless, be of little value. \

Is. S3 '7 V(XJP7): ernahren, Ittaf., Impf. 3 p. m. far\h:

Trr T :r'T'

feed. Itpe., Impf. 3 p.

an Wert verlieren, lose in
WFti: pass. XJJ7Q n. m., ||
value. |
Palp., Inf. tyhfi> ;

sf. 3 s. m. a:l7B p. V}1lB, ;

Pt. act. 1 s. KJ^7B:
T :r :- :
sf. 2 p. m. i3'Ji7D: Speise, ringschatzen, esteem light-
food. ly, treat contemptuously. ||

jm vb. Itpalp., Pf. 3 s. f.

xrj1?M n. f.Geringschatzung,
KJHSrnx: beben, quake. contempt.
XJ17 pa) (pers.) n. m. Zoll- XJ07 n. m., p. t
:7 :

haus, customs house. Mai, ^'/we. |

T -: :
: ein-

IJTIM adj. strahlend, bright. mal, once. \

n:p7 X?2 : vor-

XBM. n. f., p. c. sf. 3 s. m. zeitig, prematurely. \\ pi

rPBM: Nasenloch, nostril. vb. denom. Pa., Pf. 2 s. m.
*p vb. Pe., Pt. pass. d. XSM : c. sf. 1 s. 1PU8.1; 3 s. m. c.

falschen,i falsify.
' I y \\
XD'7 n.
sf. 2 m. ^tt|
s. 3 ,
s. f. c.

= IBM = X:BM

m. T T:"
: Fal- sf. 3 s. m. anJE>7 Pt. act.
T:- ;

scher, falsifier. s. m. 1070; t XJB7D,

T .-
..- .

XM n. m. Wind, wind. 3 s. m. nriJt37_p pass. s. m. ;

Xn\7 n. m., p. tjonv: Olive, 1JD70: 1 einladen, invite;

Olbaum, olive, olive-tree. 2. her eiten, prepare. Itpa., \

vb. Pe., Iinpf. 1 s. 3i ;

Pf. 3 s. f. X:t?n7X : sich tref-
Pt. act. ^37: 1. wiirdig sein, fen, occur. \
Af., Pf. 1 s.

be worthy ; 2. uberwinden, c. sf. 3 s. m. nnJD7K ;

3 s.

conquer. || Xri37, c. rnD7; m. c. sf. 2 s. m. Tj:t57X ;

3 p.
sf. 2 s. m. Tjni37 :
Gerechtig- c. sf. 3 s. f. txnun'ix: ein-

keit, righteousness. laden, invite.

110* -rat

"IBl vb. Pe., Pt. act.
: sin- ppT .
Xj?7 n. m. , p.

gen, sing. ||
~!1 n. m. Musik, Funke, spark.
X:T (13&) n. m., p. 'il: Art, Inf. 'pip^X; Pt. act. 1 s.

kind. sich
XJp^Tt?, Ip.irRf^TO:
XJ7 . xrTJl
T 'IT n.f.Hure,
^arfctf. verpflichten , obligate one-
'41 n. m. Buhle, whore- self.

monger. pi vb. Af., Pf. 3 s. f. P

XjPJ'lJT (pers.) n. m. Kerker- alt werden, grow old.

meister, jailer. Ipl vb. Itpe., Pf. 3 p.

xsyt u. m, Sturm, storm. aufspringen, leap forth.
TVT adj., f. XTV? :
klein, //. V1T adj. riistig, strenuous.

ppi'vb. Pe., Pf. 3 p. m. c. sf. Kj?i.ri'[n.m. Schlauch, wine-skin.

3 s. m. niSpT: aufhangen, yn vb. Pe., Impf. 2 a.m.

pfahlen hang, crucify., || saen, *ow.
XS^pT n. m. Kreuz, cross. pi! vb. Itpe., Pf. 3 s: m.
*pp7 .
Xj?7 n. m. Schlauch, pTMN. , p"l;iX
wine -skin. werden, 6<? sprinkled.

n. f.,' p.
* xivan
: 13n n. m., sf. 2 s. m. Tjian ;

Weinfafi, wine- cask. p.d.txnan, sf. 2 s.m.Tjnan;

T -
n. f. Liebe, 3 s. m. n^ian: Genosse,
affection. companion. \ nian^ "tn:
wan vb. Pe. , Imp. p. man : einer zum andern, one to

schlagen, klopfen, beat. ||

the other. ||
xnmn n. f.

XtaanD n. m. Schlagen, Freundschaft, Geselligkeit,

companionship, familiarity.
an n. m. Strick, rope. ||
vb. Pe., Pf. 3 pi. c. sf.
T -. , -:
n. Wucher, usury.
y 3 s. m. niB^n :
fesseln, put
n sq."?^ interj. wehe, woe. in prison.

n. m. , p. nn. N]ino (ass.) n. m., p.

Reigen, dance. \lino: Stadt, town.

Xian n. m. lahm, lame. \\
KBin n. m., p. t^pin, ^n :

(pt. pass. d. Pa.) id. Faden, thread; p. Schau-

Tin vb. Pa., Imp. Tin; Pt. faden, fringes.
pass. p. f.
p^no :
wetzen, Win n. m. Schlange, snake.
whet; Pt. pass, scharfsinnig, pri vb. Pe., Pt. act. ^n, p.

kiihn, sagacious, keen. <3'n, i s. KJD^n, 2 s.

r ir T'
:IT' : -: IT

vb. Pe., Impf. 3 s. m. lachen, laugh. \ Pa., Pf. 3

V i

Im P- 8 -f- m. J]n; Inf. <3ln Pt.

tnrp, 7. 2.
?.; H"; s. :

Inf. XTO"; Pt. act. p. m. act. ^HO, p. '3nq: id. |

iin : sich freuen, rejoice. ||

Af. , Pf. 2 s. m. rD'HK ;

xnn n. m. Freude , joy. ||

3 s. m. TJ^nK ; Impf. 2 p. m.
[xrinn], n. f., c. nnn: Fj;
Inf. 3lriK; Pt. act.

vrn adj., d. xran; f. d. n. m. Gelachter, laughter.

T - Tnn, -:' j'
p. f.d.
f xnmn:
T T ~
n. m. Sand, ^antf. ||

neu, new. f. nomen unitatis.

Kin vb. Af., Pf. 3 s. m. Din vbT Pe., Pf. 3 s. m. on ;

Impf. 1 s. ''inx; Imp. Impf. 3 p. m. \Drh ; Pt. act.
Pt. act. s. m. *inD, p. m. D'n schonen, Mitieid haben,

lino :
zeigen, show; sq. "V^, spare, have pity.

auzeigen, inform on. nn vb. Pa., Pt. act. p. m.

3in vb. Pa., Pt. pass. p. m. '"TinD: reinigen, c/<?a;pass.

verpflichten ,
obli- s. f. d. XnTin: die rich-

Itpa., Pf. 3 s. m. tige Meinung, the correct

- 3'nx
- scliuldig be-
opinion. \\ nnadj., d.

funden werden, be found s. f. d. xn-nn, 'nn^n, p. f.

guilty. j|
xrain n. f.
, p. d. Km T TIT
in weiB white.

V3in; sf. 3 s. f. n^3in: xm^n
T :rr
n. f. weiGes Mehl,

Schuld, white flour.

112* son

vb. Pe., Pf. 1 s.

et 3 zu Dank ver-

pflichten, oblige.

i^rnn, 3 s. m. nnnn, 3 p. Xrnin n. f. p. "HTn eine ,


m. injiTin; ip. tp_ifn, ]in, Dornart, a species of thorns.

sf. 2s. m. SJJTtn, 3 p. mi. XT7PI n.m., p. 'Tin: Schwein,
:- -:'
3 p.
~ f. M::IT-
J*n -
2 s. swine.
m. nTmi, sf. i p. i;n;m, 3 s. an vb. Pe., Impf. 2 s. m.
m. nn vtn 3 ;
s. m. c. sf. 3 s. 'tsnrt: sundigen, sin. \\
m. rnn, 'f. rmn, p. m. m^n n. m., p. c. sf. 3 s. m. rrxtin

0!); 3 s. f. tnm, x;m,' sttin): Sunde, sin.

nn, sf. 3 s. m. nrpiii; 3 p. vb. Pe., Pf. 3 s. m.

m.'iin, sf. 3 s. m. J-j^m, 3 ton ;
Pt. act. tt'n,
UUnT : aus-

p.m. inaiin (injm), 3 p. f.

hohlen, ausgraben, hollow
'rmn i. iTJltnj impf. i s. out, dig out. \
Pa., Pt. act.
Tinx; 2 p. m.(i)itnn; imp. tt'nO: ausgraben, dig out. \

s. m. i\n , p. m. iin ;
Inf. Pa., Pt. act. Bttno : id. ||

\m ?; Pt. act. s. m. Tin, Xtsno n. m. Nadel, needle.

p. m. iin ;
1 s. IWTin, 1 p. vb. Pe., Pf. 1 s. 'DUn;
"jj^n, 2 s.
ri'jn; pass. s. m. 3 s. m. c. sf. 3 s. f. HDDn;
^ri: sehen, see; sq. a be- Imp. ^Bn; Inf. P|l3np: fort-

trachten, look at. Itpe., \ reiBen, rauben,snafc^ away,

Pf. 3 s. m. nnns ;
Pt. vnno take by force.
\7nD :
gesehen werden, aus- X'1t3n n.m. Stab, Rute, rod.\\

sehen, &e seen, look. Af., \

Xlbno n. m. Zuchtigung mit
Imp. i.ns zeigen, *Aow.
: dem Stock, beating with a
Ittaf., Perf. 3 s. m. 'mnr -:
Impf. 2 p. m. ItriRFJ; XI tin n.m.Hiirde, sheepfold.

tnxinnx, "iinnx
- r '
: erschei- x>n Vb. Pe., Pf. i s. tjrn,
-rt r -; :

nen, appear.
w 2 s. m. 3 f.
.n ;
nn ; p.

pin (hebr.) vb. Af., Impf. 1 tln ;

Pt. act. ".n, i s. x:^n,
pjrix :
halten, AoW; sq. 2 s. n^n :
leben, genesen,

live, become well. \

Af., Pf. . Xn n. m. Essig, vinegar.
3 s. m. c. sf. 3 s. m. HTIN ;
7?n. J<??n n. m., p. a. et c.
Inf. \yiPIK; Pt. act. s. m. ^hhn Holilung,/w//0w space;

"flO: wieder beleben, re- p. verborgene Schatze,

vive. || tVVl) "n n. p. m., hidden treasures.
sf. 2 s.m. t]n: Leben, ^Vn vb. Pa., Pt. act. p.
^no :

//<?. |
"n*? wohlauf, we// entweihen, desecrate. Af., |

and good. ||
Ti adj., d. N*H: Pf. 3 p. m. ^HK ; Impf. 2

lebendig, /jwngr. ||
XJTITI n. p. m. c. sf. 3 s. f. a|^fW ;

f., p. xnjTi.: Tier, animal. Pt. act.^no, m. V.Vno, p.

nn n.f. (=syr.hetta,y-inx?) id. |
Ittaf., Impf. 3 s. m.

Sack, sac. ^nw, ^nn ? (^nnV); Pt. s.

S^n n. m., sf. 1 s. ^Tl, 2 s. m. ^nno, s. m. xVnno, T |-

m. ^TI: Kraft, strength. \

pass. [H?nn
T hebr.] ?nn

xV>n ':a Soldaten, soldiers. vb. denom. Af., Inf. ?i nn ^5 l!


D'3n adj., 2 p. in'B'Sn: weise, Pt. s. f. xVnnD- i p. pinno~ ;

T -; :
-: :

ww<?. "
T T : :
n. f. Weis- anfangen, begin.
heit, wisdom. nhn vb. Pe., Pf. 3 s. f.

DPI vb. Pe., Pf. 1 p. c. sf. rtD^n : fest werden, become

3 s. f. nlJISH: verpachten, solid.

give in rent. n. m., 1 s. f.

'Dl; 1'p. l^n; 3 s. f.

n. m. SiiBigkeit, sweetness. n^ri; p. t^oVn, ^n;

vb., Pt. 'Vn: bekum- Traum, dream.
mert, moved. vb. Pe., Pf. 3 p. c. sf. 3

^n] n.f., p.xn^n:

TT T :
s.m. Pnefyl Impf. 2 s. m. ;

Glied, Stiick, portion. p^rin; 3s.m. s]!?n^, ^nV;

3?n n. m. Milch, milk. Pt. act. s.m. I
T IT :

vb. Pe., Impf. 3 s. m. pass, ^v.n: voriibergehen,

nVmischen, mix.
: Pa., \ pass by; Pt. pass, verwech-
3 s. m. Itpe., Pf.
Impf. B^ni, id. selt, changed. \

Margolis, Chr. Bab. Talni. 8


3 s. m. *]!?nx:
-. r 7
Pt. . *]WlB:
- ..
vb. Pe., Pf. 3 s. m. Dn ;
._. ,..

verwechselt werden ,
be Inf. Dnp ;
Pt. act. DXn, Dn,
changed. Pa., Inf. c. sf.\\
s. f. XB'n
: warm sein , be
3 p. f. VtJBiVn umtauschen, : warm. \
Af., Pt. act. DnD:
change. \\ *)?n praep. an- erwarmen, warm up. D">pn \\

statt, in the place of. m. d. ^DH: warm,

adj., p.
n. m. , p. 'D?n : eine warm.
Dornart, a species of thorns. . ion
etf., d.XIDn;
T T -I '

Ni^n, NgVn n. m. Anteil, p. 'iDn :

Esel, Eselin, he-,
portion. she-ass. \
T : IT -:
n. f. Ese-
ts6n vb. Pe., Pf. 3 s. f.
xi^n ;
lin, s/ie~ass. 1
X TiDn~3Ji(Sel.
T -;

Pt. act. t^'Vn: schwach sein, ass. ||

X1n (13) n. m. Esel-
werden, Je, become faint. \
treiber, ass-driver.

Itpe., Pf. 3 m. ts6n, s. ion. ion n. m., d. xnon ;


id. |
Pa., Pf. 2 s. m. c. sf. 2 s. m. ^lOn ;
3 s. m. n*lpn :

3 s. m. nPtS^TJ: schwach Wein, wine. XTpn n. m. \\

machen, weaken. Af., Pf. \ Sauerteig, fermented dough.

2 s. m. c. sf. 3 s. m. nnt&6nx. n. m. et f. 5.
: r- -: ,-'

id. II
Xt!r?n n. m. Schwache, TD(')&n, f. "'"nitrv. ts^ts

weakness. \\ W^n adj., f. no ts^on, '^(^on 15.

Xt$?n: schwach, weak. ton

r : .
n.' m., p. ^'bn : .
: 4-.

[an] (13c) n. m., sf. 3 s. v. on.

m. niBn: Schwiegervater, xn^n
T rr
n. f., p. "pan:
'T IT :
father-in-law. ||
xnon n. f., wolbe, Kaufladen, vaulted
sf. 2 s. m. ^]rjDn: Schwieger- room,7 store. H nxun.
ns:i:n II
!T ; TT1T :

mutter, mother-in-law. n. m. Kramer, shop-keeper.

xon vb. Pe., Pf. i s. .
[xntsnj n. f.
, p. 'tsn :

3 s. f. c. sf. 3 s.m. n Weizen, wheat.

Impf. 1 s. c. 3 s.m. pn vb. Itpa., Pf. 3 s. f. XWnx:
sehen, see. \
Itpe., Pf. 3 p. um Erbarmen flehen,
pass. plicate.

in vb. Pa., Pf. 1 s. m. 'Bin: .

engraveren ,

schmeicheln, flatter. grave.

ipn n. m., p. t " :
Gnade, n. m. Johannisbrot-

Huld, favor; p. Wohltaten, baum, caroft #r<?e.

acts of kindness. ain n., p. ^-in: Schwert,

jn vb. Af., Impf. 3 p. m.
t'pjp.T: Besitz ergreifen, nn vb. Pe., Pf. 3 p. "Main.,

occupy. inn ; Impf. 3 s. m. ninV,


?n vb. Pe., Mangel haben, 3 n? "! : wiiste sein, verwiistet

be lacking. Pa., Inf. '"lion;
werden zerstort werden, ,

Pt. pass. m. ")pn, f. s. be, become deserted, destroy-

Xlpnp fehlen lassen, cause
: ed. Pa., Pf. 2 s. m. c. sf.

to be wanting. 3 s. m. PIFOinT .. : r-
Inf. ^irh: IT :

vb. Pe., Pt. act. s. m. zerstoren, destroy. \\


f. KDTl
T IT abreiben, rub.
Impf. 1 s. c. sf. 3 s. m. nainx ;

In. m. junges Gras, young Pt. act. :nn, 7

2 s. rains,
- - 7
r -: :r :

grass. id.
K3T1 n. m. Schaden,
NPtP'sn n. f. schwarzer Kafer, injury.
blackbeetle. n. m. Senf, mustard.
xaisn n. m., p. <asn i sf. 3 p. Blri'vb. Itpa., Impf. 2 s. m.
in'axn: Krug, pitcher. unnnn:
- T Imp. tnnx:
- T be-
' i-

ran 'vb. Pe., Impf. 2 s. m. reuen, regret.

znF): ernten, reap. vb. Pe., Pt. pass. s. f.

[sn^no] n. f.
, p. K3nn anbrennen, burn.

Pf. 3 p. c. sf. 3 p.
jTtnD: Matte, mat. Pa.,
n. m. Axt, axe. iroo-in i.
irmrin; Impf.
in adj. frech, impudent. \\
3 s. m. !jTim, ^in? ;
Pt. act.

XBUn n. m. Frechheit, im- TltnO; r

pass. p. f. 13ino:
T :
' '
: IT :

pudence. versengen, sw^tf, scorch. \

HtjVpn n. m. Bauer, rustic. Itpa., Pf. 3 s. in. ^inx;

ppn vb. Pe., Pt. pass, p'pn Inf. ^.I'lnx, pass.
. b*
116* 51 in

ppn adj., s. f. a. xns vjn :
: vb. Itpe., Pf. 3 s. m.
scharf, sharp, keen. \\
XBin ^'nx : finster
werden, grow
n. m. Scharfe, etwas Schar- dark. \
Pa.Jmp.p.m. ID^.n;
fes, keennees, something Pt. act. p. m. "Ot^nO, pass,
sharp (bitter). p. f.
l^no :dunkel machen,
*pn vb. Af.,Imp. p. m. lB"in :
spat sein, darken, be late. ||

frtih sein, #e early. Af., Imp. p.m. 13^'nS: spat

NSnn n. m., p. snn :
Graben, sein, be late. || tjlt^'n adj.,
ditch. d. KDltfn;
T -;
p. d. '
T - i

pin vb. Pe., Impf. 3 s. m. p^nh :

finster, elend, dark, poor. ||

einschneiden, make an in- NDit^'n n.

T -:
m. Finsternis, dark-
cision. ness.
"nn . in adj., p. m. nn ; p. f.
vb., Pe., Pf. 1 s. ^.n,
xrnn :
frei, free. \
nn n. f. ^n ;
3 s. m. tS^'n
3 s. f.

Freiheit, freedom. tnt^n; Impf. 1 p. tfm; Pt.

Tin . Kin n. m. Loch, #0te. act. 1 p. p^n: leiden,
vb. Pe., Impf. 3 s. m. besorgt sein, suffer pain,

t6, inf. atf no ;

Pt. pass. care.

'n, f. x:inj>n ; p. d. ^yn ; -]nn vb. Pe., Pf. 3 s. m. c.

1 s. xjantfi.
T -.7
i p.
sf. 3 p. f. MJDnn
.... r _
: schnei-
2 s. RD^Pl: rechnen, ach- den, cut.
ten, count, esteem. \
Pa., onn vb. Pe., Imp. p. io n n_;
Pt. act. p. Pt. act. 1 s.
l^pnn; pass.
m.tT3B|nD: pla-
nen, plan.
* " sn3t^no
- n. f., - p. m. 2 p. in^D^nn:
' T : |"

p. c. sf. 3 s. m. Pin3B(no Ge- : unterzeichnen sign sub- , ,

danken, Plan, thought, plan. scribe; schliefien, close.

Pe., Pa., Pf. 2 s. m. c. xjnn
T :
- n. m.,7 r
p. ... -7 xnnnn:
^nn, TTIT

sf. i p. prm'n,
I-..--. 7 Brautigam, Schwiegersohn,
verdachtigen, suspect. bridegroom, son-in-law.

PQB vb. Pe., Pt. act. 2 s. nnaB :

ne, sf. 3 s. m.
schlachten, foV/. II XFQB
T T -
' pass.
* s. m. d. K^ntJ -T

n. m. Schlachter, butcher. mahlen, grind.

n. m., p. 'qtt :
Gazelle, O, aits vb. Af., Pt. act.
antelope. tansO: Gutes tun, do good,
hlU vb. Pe., Imp. p. l^aB: deal well. ||
atD adj., d.

eintauchen, fee immersed. xaa ;

s. f. KM :
N?aB n. m. Pauke, drum.
vb. Pe., Pt. act. 1 s. KaiU n. m. Giite, goodness. \

NjyaB, 1 p. l^y.aB: ver- T n3ltD heil dem, der,

sinken, be drowned. ||
Pa., happy he, who. ||
xaiu adv.

^yiaB^ Pt. act. yaB_

Inf. ; viel, sehr, much, very. ||

pass. p. f.
l^a.BB: versen-
U'tD n. f.,
d. Hrna'D ;
sf. 2

ken, einsenken, drown, fix s. m. ^nia^ti :

Giite, Wobl-
deep. tat, goodness, kindness.
nu vb. Pe., rein sein, ab- ^ti n. m. Schlamm, mud.
geschafft sein, be clean, V'D
TT "
n. m. Araber, Arab. \

be clean gone. || Pa., Pf. niy*D ad. arabisch, in

3 s. m. c. sf. 3 p. inmBr : -:
: Arabic.
fiir rein erklaren, pronounce vb. Itpe., Pf. 2 p. m.
clean. t'pn^BX :
spielen, play. \

"IHB. Xinu n. m. Mittag, noon. Pa., Pt. act. ^.BD : scher-
X1U PaV Pf. 1 P-
lt5: zen, sport.
rosten, roast. X^D n. m. Schatten,
tDlB interj. tut! loot! shadow. |
^B vb. denom.
HJEit) n. m. Sintflut, deluge. Pe., Pt. act. p. ^BO : iiber-

Ilia n. m. Berg, mountain. schatten, overshadow. \

ints vb. Pe., Pf. 2 s. m. rune ;

n. m. Dach, roof.

Imp. Vnt3; Pt. act. p. m. n. f.

, p. KI^BO ,

Bedachung, Hiitte, roofing, tragen, load, bear, 2. an-

booth. klagen, sue. \\
X3t2 n. m. Last,
vb. Af., Pf. 3 s. m. burden. \\
ItSX praep. um
y!?BX; Imp. y^BX: nach willen, wegen, for the sake
einer Seite stellen, &rw of, on account of; part,
sidewards. interr. = num.
vb. Pe., Pt. pass. s. f. d. NSB vb. Pe., Pt. pass. s. m.
xnTBB :
verbergen, hide. 'S_D ,:
X^DD, p. IBB : iiber-

Itpe., Imp. p. m. riDBX. :

fliefien, be abundant. \
sich verbergen, hide one- adv. viel, sehr, mehr, /WMC/,
self. |
Pa., Pt. pass. p. f.
very, more.

TJ8BB verborgen, hidden.

: S1BB n. f., p. c. sf. 3 s. m.
vb. Pe., Pf. 3 s. m. c. nnBB: Klaue, claw.
sf. 3 s. m. PJBtotD ;
Pt. act. [Xt^BBJ n. m., p. 'Xt^BB : dum-
tP'Dtt :
eintauclien, dip. mer Mensch, fool.
X3B v. IVtD. X"1B vb. Pe. , werfen , throw.
(pers.) adv. zu zweien, TIB vb. Pe., Pf. 3 s. m. c. sf.
too together. 3 p. m. IruTIB ; Pt. pass.
xyB vb. Pe., Impf. 3
p.lJK^; inB, p. nn.B :
X^BQ :
irren, err. drive away; Pt. pass, be-
DyB vb. Pe., Pf. 2 s. m. schaftigt, busy. \
3 s. m. c. sf. 3 p. 3 s. m. "lltSS ; Impf. 2 p. m.

Impf. 3 s. m. D'ya Imp. ;

inf. 'liitss ? ;

s. m. D'yB, p. m. IBjns Inf. ;

1 s. XJTTtSp: be-

DgBB :
kosten, fcwte. |
XOJKS schaftigt sein, be busy.
n. m., sf. 2 s. m. TTDytj':
-: r
H1B vb. Pe., Impf. 1 s. 1T1BX ;

Grund , Meimmg , reason, Pt. act. i s. x:rn_B, i p.

opinion. p'n-lB;
IT :
' pass. s. f. xnnB:
^yu vb. Pe., Pf. 3 p. TO; sich mtihen, take pain,
Pt. act. lyiD ; pass. s. m. trouble oneself; Pt. pass,

WO, p- m. \PItt3 : 1 .
beladen, lastig, burdensome. \
SI* 119*

Pf. 3 p. m. c. sf. 3 s. m. verkaufte Grundstiicke den

wrnax, 3 p. m. iruttriBX; Kaufern zu entreifien, a
Pt. act. rnBB: bemiihen, document which permits the
trouble. seizure of property sold by
vb. Pe., Pf. 3 s. f. XB1B : the debtor.

klopfen, knock. Itpe., Pt. p"lB vb. Pe., Imp. p. m.lplB

\\ ;

f. s. XBltSO entrissen wer- :Pt. act. pnti: 1. schlagen,

den, be snatched. stechen, strike, sting; 2.

. XBIB n. m., sf. 2 s. m. verschliefien, close.

T]5"]U : ein gerichtliches Do- Xtf B vb. Pe., Pf. 3 p. m. 1tf B. ;

kument, das dem Glaubiger Pt. pass. nB, p. itfB : sich

gestattet ,
vom Schuldner verbergen, hide oneself.

X" vb. Pe., Pt. act. W: T ;

2 s. m. ^^ ; p. (sive du.)

schon, passend, fair, comely. c. sf. 3 s. m. rPT, 3 p. m.

?T n. m. Gras, grass. ;rPT :
Hand, hand. T TX \\

r vb. Af., Pt. act. p. m. (= 1

T'Vy) conj. da, well,
iTkfiO, p. f.
1^310: hin- since, because. \\
fiihren, bringen, conduct, praep. durch, through. \\

bring. nn etc. (10& ; 48d?) mein,

wy etc.; nn^j etc. (616)

sf. 3 s. f. at3la : die Schwa- mich, we etc.

gerehe vollziehen, rfio a >

vb. Af., 3 s. m. niX ;

brother-in-law's of/ice. nix ;

Pt. act. H10, p. mo :

vb. Pa., Pt. pass. p. m. 1. gesteheu, confess; 2.

^3^0 : trocken machen, danken, ^z'y<? thanks.

dry up. || K^'3^ adj. trocken, vb. Pe., Impf. 3 p. m.
sf. 2 a. m.
dry. |
X^3: (=s. f.
d.): 1ST$, ^y^f?;
trockenes Land, dry land. Inf. VIO ;
Pt. act. s. m. yT,
XT 1 tvw m.">yv, i 8. x:yv,
n. f., sf. 8. ..7-7
tT, p.

i p. te'STP, 2 s. ny/r ,
2 p. sf. 3 s. m. nnn s., aan, f.

nan ; p. lan ;
Inf. an^o,
wissen, #wo>. |
Af., Pf. ano, sanp ;
Pt. act. s. m.
m. f arp. m. t^an%
2 s.
sf. i s.
f. xan\
T - IT'
* -:IT"

iny/lix ; Impf. 3 s. m. c. sf. *an% nn>; i s. xjan%

T rr'
2 s.
-IIT' -:tr' :

3 s. m.' ajnfo ;
inf. 'yinix ? ;
-.. pass.
r !rr 7
p. m. 'a\"P

Pt. act. yiiB ,

sf. 3 s. m. geben, ^we; Pt. pass, ge-

nyTiD; i s. KJjnte; 2 s. legen, placed.

c. sf.' 1 s. insnitD:' kund sq. 'P
griifien, greet,

tun, benachrichtigen, make sq. '^y. begehren, desire.

known, declare, inform. ||
itpe., Pf. 3 s. f.

2 s.m. t
in 11
n. m. Jude, Jew.
i :

2 p. m. i^.riy.'l :
vb. Itpa., Pt. "in0 : sich
Verstand , Meinung ,
con- iiberheben, fee overbearing. |j

sciousness , mind, opinion. TiT adj., p. f.

"|TrP: iiber-
V. s. ^SJ, p^D.
KJH1B n. || miitig, arrogant. \\ Sin; n.
m. Erklarung, declaration. \\ m., nn*n*
T r-
n. f. tY bermut,
yilDntPK vb. denom., Pf. arrogance.
Ip.c. sf. 3 s. m.Yl.1 JjnlonBte : n. m., p. a. ^VP^* i 1<l
?. j

anerkennen, identifizieren, sf. 2 s. m. T]Di' :

Tag, Tages-
recognize, identify, oyjiD, licht, day, daylight. || NOJ^a
^D: etwas, something. adv. am Tage, during the
a,T vb. Pe., Pf. 1 s. c. sf. 3 day. ||
n o1> -|0 conj. seit,

s. m. nrnrr; i p. twafT.,
2 s. 'm. n. sf. 1 f. 2 s.
tijqn, t'l^an^j [XPJi'J f., t-jli;

rnrr; 3 s. m. zirpn, an 11

m -
^lO)^' 5 P- ^ '

c. sf. 2 s. m. }(*)arP; 3 s.

tina.T; 3 p. m.'' vb. Pe., Pt. act. ]:
(ian); Impf. i p. an: ( 1. borgen, borrow; 2. lei-

3 s. m. anj Imp. s. m. an, ; hen, ^wrf. |

Af., Pf. 1 s.

c. sf. 2 s. m. TjPiDliX; 2 s.
P)D' vb. Af., Pf. 1 s. tnBDi;
m. nsriX; Inf. c. sf. 3 p. f. Inf. 1
DiDiS ?: hinzufugen,
V1JB [tyiX; Pt. p. m. 'BTlO: add. |
Ittaf., Pf. 3 s. f.
leihen, fentf. BDln, Impf. 3 p. m.
D vb. Af., Impf. 3 S. m. HDlJ ; ispinV, pass.
Pt. pass. s. f.
xrjDiB : zurecht- [X-jID'j'n. m., p. niD'.:

weisen, feststellen, bewei- tigung, chastisement.

sen, reprove, decide, prove. IV s [X^ViO]
. n. m., p.
tKJlVlO :

V vb. Pe., Pf. 1 s. "fn ^, Fest, festival.
Pt. act.
VD; ,
i p. IfV* (hebr.) vb. Pe., Pt. act.
2 s. H/D

*: konnen, p. m. 'SV-:IT'
, 1XJP: raten,
: :IT -:rr

vermogen, be able; sq. , advise. \ Pa., Pt. act. p. m.

uberwaltigen, overcome. 'SJPB: Rat pflegen, take
1^ vb. Pe., Pf. 3 s. f. counsel.
rn ? 1
gebaren, bear. Itpe., n^adj., d. xn^;. einheimisch, :

Pf. '3 p. f.
T '
Pt. native.
: ;

T?'nt5, pass. |
Af., Impf. TY!l\ (hebr.) n. m. (boser)Trieb,
2 s. m. T?in;
Imp. "I?iX: (evil} impulse.

zeugen, beget. H? n. m., 1p* vb. Af., Pf. 3 ||

p. c. sf. s. m.
sf. 3 s. f.
nn^l.: Kind, nnj?ix: anzunden, kindle.
child. tp vb. Pa., Pt. act. s. f.
Xlj?>_B :

D0\ XQ* n. m. Meer, sea. ehren, honor. Itpa., Pf. \

"j^l adj., s. f. XJ^: rechte 3 s. m. 1j?:x Inf. nlpTM t ;


Hand (rechter Fufi), right teuer werden, become dear;

hand (foot). || p" 1
vb. denom. geehrt werden, be honor-
Af.,Pf. 3 s. m. 10'X: rechts ed. |
Af., Imp. p.m. npiX;
stehen, choose the right. Pt. act. s. m. "lj?10, 2 s.

n. m., p.
'pi^: Knabe, rnpio :
ehren, ^onor. || "\^_
Joy. XPpiP n. f. Madchen,
| adj., XTp.l: teuer, dear.

girl. || xnipP n. f.,

sf. 3 s. XT vb. Af., Pf. 3 s. m.
m. nnipj^: Jugend, youth. Pt. act. p. m. V^B ,

lehren, teach. n. m. nan>3 Pt. pass. s. f.

= rnln.

n. f.
beruhigen, quiet, soothe. \

HT n. m. , p. *rn :
Monat, Af., Pf. i s. 'anix; i p. c.

w0w/A. |
xn'T ttfn : Neu- sf. 3 s. m. HjaniS 5
3 s. m.
mond.wewwwon. II nxJTlT:
TT r :- anix; sf. 3 s. m. nanix,
n.m. Astronom (Berechner 3 p. m. injanix 3 p. m. c. ;

des Mondlaufes), astronomer sf. 3 s. f. njanix 5 Impf. 3 p.

(computer of the course of m. c. sf. 3 s. m. HUniJ ;

the moon). Imp. s. m. c. sf. 3 s. f.

p1V, PT adj., d. XpT T; s. f. naryix; p. m. c. sf. i s.


I P^!?.^ '.
grun, green. lianix; Inf. ^ainix, sf. 2 s.

pV adj. ,
s. f.THJPT m. ^ainiX ? Pt. act. ;
s. m.
(17c)', id. || Kj?T_ n^mi p. m. 'anto;
i p.

Kraut, herbs. p^aniD ; pass. s. f. sanits :

p vb. Pe., Impf. 2 p. m. setzen, seat, set, place.

l ?-5 3 s f fl* *?.; 3 P-

i - - 1 Ittaf., Impf. 3 p. m.t-parjiJT ;
P: erben, inherit. Pt. s. m. aninp : sich nie-
B" . xnW n. f.
Schlaf, ste^. derlassen, settle. \\

nota accus., sf. 1 s. W ;
n. m., c. aniB; sf. 2 s. m.
2 p. m. TbTV; 3 s. m. nn\ Tjanlo :
Sitzung, Sitz, Wohn-
n (3n*) vbTpe., Pf. 2 s. ort, session, seat, home. ||

m. rnrv sna^no a
, nan^ ; 3p.m. T r : :
n. f. (Si6cV ):

tnrp ; Impf. 1 s. 3FIK ; 2 p. Schule, college. \

m. nnn 3 s. m. aw, an*?
; ; sna^no Schuloberhaupt, :

Imp. an (an), p.m. nn;; head of an academy.

Pt. act. s. m. an>, f. 0n> n. m., p. 'Drv :
p. m. -qrp, f.
2s. orphan.
- : :IT'
2 e
f :IT
sitzen, adj., d. KTFJ2: iiber-

wohnen, bewohnt sein, Y, schussig ,

in excess.

rfweW, ie inhabited. \
Pa., xnTTl^a adv. iibermassig,
Impf. 3 s. m. c. sf. 3 s. m. to excess.

3 praep. wie, like, as. || 13_,


^3conj. als, wenn, when. \

T :
n. m. et f. , p. XH>J13
TT ~ : i

113_ adv. schon, jetzt, now. Maultier, mule.

3X3 vb. Pe., Pt. 3X3 sehmer- S113
: n. m. = yi3. II ni13
= p3
--.IT : -IT

zen, roam. 7X3'3,

n. II
II ' :
f., p. XnJH3
' "
n. m. Schmerz, pain.
1X3 = pers. bar Esel ass. , [n}3] praep., sf. 1 s.
X33 vb. Pa., Pf. 3 s. m. c.
t'n]3, nj3; 2 s. m.'t](^)ni3;
sf. 3 s. m. PP33 :
auslb'schen, 2 p. m. '13T1.3; 3 s. m.
extinguish. nni3;
3 p. m. 1 Tni3
3. (

: :
= :

^aa.XSS m. Eiter, j0ws. n. Sni3 n. f., p. v|3: Offnung,

333 X3313 n. m. Stern, star.
Fenster, aperture, window.
p3 NW330. n. f., sf. 3 s. f. X713 (pers.) n.m. Krug, pitcher.
nnJ": Kapuze, /worf. 113 vb. Pa., Pf. 3 s. m. ft3_;
133 adv. langst, already. Impf. 3 s. m. 113^ ;
Pt. pass.

'133 vb. denom., Inf. \yi133_ :

p. f.
richten, ^rec?. |

schwefeln , fumigate with Itpa., Pf. 1 s. ^3_: be-

sulphur. absichtigen, intend. || 13

ff'33 vb. Pe., Pf. 1 s. tntf33; adv. so, thus.
3 s. f. c. sf. 3 p. f.
runt2>33 ;
D13 KD3 n. m., p. D3
3 p. c. sf. 3 s. f.
anto?; cup.
Inf. c. sf. 3 S. f.
nty33p^; S113 n. m., p. nj3: Fisch,
Pt. act. 1 s. NJB>'33 : unter-
T : r-r

driicken, unterwerfen, sup- v. ins.

,T -: r

press, subdue. NBJ'33 n.m.,

'rns n. m. Scbminke, eye-paint
p. ^33 '
Geheimnis, secret. (stibium).
13 v. 3. vb. Pe., Irapf. 3 s. m.
113 .
X13_ n. m. Krug, pitcher. ?, f.
tfnsn; Pt. pass.

H3 v. 3. mager werden,
124* NB22

become lean; Pt. pass. D'^3 :

irgend etwas , any-
schwach, wm#. thing. ||
xVb n. m., p.
*3 v. 3
allgemeine Regel, general
v. 3N3.
N3/3 rule.
K^DO adv. impli- |

7^3, 713 vb. Pe., Impf. 2 s.

citer, in an implied manner. \

m. 7l3n ;
3 s. m. 7^. ;
Pt. "1 y?3: es ergibt sich,
act. p. m. abmessen, dafi, it follows that.
*7J3t \

measure off. 7 ?D . . . N? :
gar nicht , in
KD'3 n. m., sf. 2 s. m. "(')D^2 : no way. \\
??D vb. denom.
Betitel, purse. Pe., Pt. act. s. m. ?'3,

XB/3 n. m. ,
f)'3: Ufer, y?3: eine Regel aufstellen,
establish a rule. x?T ?^ II

T]D adv. so, n. m. Krone, crown.

pSi X23 n., p. '33; sf. 1 s. 773 Xn73 n. f.
sf. 3 s. f.

>D3; 2 s. m. ^33: Zahn, xn? 3 p. c. sf. 2

s. m. ?]n^3 :

tooth. Braut , Schwiegertochter,

R133. n. m. , p. '133 :
Talent, ftrtrfe, daughter-in-law.
talent. d73 v. ^73.
X^3 vb. Pa., Pt. act. s. [Snp7 3] n.
f., p. n37 3: ;
N^3t3 : vernichten ,
wear worm.
out. >B7.D v. PpX.
N73 .
[xrv73] n. f., p. xn^3: 1?.
v. 113.

Niere, kidney. 1J3 . K33 n. m. Stamm, stem.

N3?3 n. m. , p. c. sf. 3 s. m. yjD vb. Itpe., Pf. 3 s. f.
tVTi37 3: Hund, dog. '^J3K. : sich demutigen,

s !^? n.m. Mager, astrologer.


humble oneself.

^MatoN q. v. KBJ3 n. f., sf. 3 S. f.

?3 X^2n. m. -^3
. sf. 3 ;
s. p. (sive du.) c. sf. 2 s. m.

m. P&3 ^3 nb s. ,
= ,
^BJ3 :
Flugel, Zipfel, wm^,
n^3, X^3/ p. m. ^1n^3, ^'r#. || f]J3 vb. denom. Pa.,

in&, p. f!
\ib, cf. 46. || Impf. 3 p. 'SJ37 : versam-

meln, assemble. II
T :
n. SD vb. Itpe., Imp.
i :

Versammlung, assembly. sich angelegen sein lassen,

xntf'JS n.
T : r :
f., p. KDtf'JS
T T p :
: Ver- make it one's business.

sammlung, assembly. \
IBS vb. Pe., Pf. 1 p. 13B3;
XFiB^3 Synagoge sy/za- :
3 p. "pSD; Pt. act. 1 p.
gogue. 1^JB3, 2s. nJDD: hungrig
XDD vb. Pe., Pt. pass. p. m. sein, be hungry. \\ "JB3 adj.
"JD3 verbergen, hide.
Pa., hungrig, hungry. \\

Pf. 3 s. m. c. sf.l s. i:D3_; m. Hunger, hunger.

Imp. D3, sf. 3 p. m. 1ru'03 ; f]BD vb. Pe., Imp. f]b ;
Pt. act.
Pt. pass. 2 s. FW33B:' be- p]^3 ; pass. p. f.
ID'Q : beu-

decken, cover. Itpa., Pf. \ gen, uberwinden, bend, sub-

3 s. m. D3X 3 s. f. c. sf. 5
due. Pa., Impf., 3 s. m.

3 p. 1ruiy03X pass. c. sf. 3 s. m. HB'DV: um-

ODD . NDDO n. m. Zoll ,
tax. biegen, bend over. ||
vb. Pe., Pt. pass. s. f. n. f., Schale, bowl.
KB/D3 : 1rfc XB'03 : sie scha- 1B3 vb. Pe., Pt. act. 1B3 : ab-
men sich, they are bashful wischen, wipe. \
Pa., Inf.
(55rf). Itpe., Impf. 2 p. |
nlB3 ;
Pt. pass. 1B?0 : ab-
m. 1BD3F!; 3 s. m. ^DD ?; wischen, suhnen, wipe off,

3 p. m. 1BD3^> Pt. s. m. ; expiate. \

Itpa., Impf. 3 s.

p]D30: schamen, be- sich m. IBD*?.; Pt. IBDnD: ge-

schamt werden, be asham- siihnt werden, be expiated. ||

ed, be put to shame. Pa., X11BD n. m., p. niB3 Ver- :


Pf. 2 s. m. c. sf. 3 s. m. sohnung, atonement. ||

nriSDD :
beschamen, put to ^ IB DT :
shame. ||
XBDD n. m. ,
a. tfay o/" atonement.

"ID!) :
Silber,y/v<?r. ||
XB1DD nBD vb. Pe., Pf. 3 s. m. c. sf.

n. m. Scham, shame. 3 s. m. nnB3 :

fesseln, chain.
nlB3 n. f., p. *>1B3 (\".i33) : KID n. m. kor, ein MaB, a

Mist, dung. measure.


X")3 .
XJT3 n. m. Haufe, heap -T :
3 p. m.
XIH3 n.m. Kohl, cabbage. Fufigelenk, FuB, ankle, leg,
xri3 n. m. Kopfsteuer, poll tax

313 vb. Pe., Pf. 1 s. c. sf.

W foot.

(B>n3, Kt^nS, KBH3) n. m.

3 s. m. nri313 5 .". s. in. c. Haifiscb, shark.

sf. 3 s. m. H313 ;
3 p. m. c.
^3 vb. Af., 3 s. m. c. sf.

3 m. n^'DN
s. : straucheln
sf. 3 p. m. ln:*3i3, 3 p. f.

VI J} 313 Imp. p. m. ^"13 machen, cause to stumble.

5 ;

Slits'-) (ass.) n. m., p. nltfS:

Pt. act. ?fl3 , p. '3-13 : um- T IT V ' IT

Balken, &ea/.
wickeln, zusammenwickeln,
3HD vb. Pe., Pf. 1 p. c. sf.
wrap, wrap up. xnB'"| T]"13 :

3 s. m. 3 s. m. c.
eine Mahlzeit halten, dine. \
VtiJqro ;

sf. 3 p. m.
Itpe., Pf. 3 s. m. 313X: iruans; impf.
2 p. m. nn3F|; Imp. p. m.
eingehullt sein, &e wra/?-
joerf wj. ||
X313 n. m., p. c.
nn3, nnD; Inf.
Pt. act. 1 s.
W3TI3, 2 p.
Stadt, city.
t]Wan3; pass, s! m. 3n.3 :

vb., Inf. ^'121 D: :

schreiben, write. Itpe.,
scliiitteln, shake off.

Pt. p. f. :
Xt^SlS n. m., sf. 3 s. m. n 12/3 "13 : 13/130
werden ,
be registered.
Mastdarm, gut.
xnty'3"l3 xnr)3tD
n. m. Griflfel, stile.
n. f.
Wiesel, weasel.
*0ri3. n. m. Flachs, flax.
XD"13 n. m. , p. d. tx*D")3 :

Bn3_ (XB3) n. f.
(m.), sf. 3 s.
Weingarten, vineyard.
m. nsn 3_ (HB3): Schulter,
XD13 n. m., sf. 2 s. m. ^D"13; :

shoulder. \\ P)rO vb. denom.

3 s. m. np"]3 :
Bauch, belly.
Pa., Pt. act. rjFIDO, p. 'Bn3D ;

Xjn3 n. f.,
sf. 1 s. ^.13 ;
3 s. f. 1 S. WBFI30, l^BFJ3p:
1 p.

Xj;i3 ; p. (sive du.) ^13., aufladen, tragen, carry on

sf. 2 s. m. TTV"I3 ; 3 s. m. the shoulder.

V praep., sf. 1 s. ^., ^n.3 ;

1 p. Inf. ^a?p ;
Pt. pass. p. c.
1 s
tXJ ?, , 1
? ;
2 s. m. 3 p. f. 'iT^al?: anziehen,

put on ; Pt. pass, bekleidet,

ID?; 3 s. m. a?, clothed. |
Af., Pt. act.
.. -.
f. nS ,
7 p. m.
i bekleiden, clothe. \\

tyin^?, in^n:, p. f. W: n. m., sf. 3 s. m.

zu, fur, to, /or ; nota accu- Gewand, garment.

frl; XH ? vb. Saf., Pt.pass.
sativi (616). |
1 p. Vl

2 p. m. fiD^'H ;
3 s. m. a?* !, ermiidet, ^rerf.

p. m. yilt?^ (48rf). |
>""t3 v. nnx.
praep. wegen, on account of. I?' vb. Itpe., Pf. 3 s. m.

^ I ? (67) adv. nicht, nein, ^riX : sich anschliefien,

not, no. |
rpx_ xV v. n'x. join. Pa., Pf. 3 s. m. c. sf.

6 vb. Pe., Pt. pass. 'xV: 2 s. m. yfi_ ; Impf. 3 s. m.

miide, ft'rerf. ;
3 p. m. c. sf. 3 s. m.

^D n. m., d. XDxVo ; begleiten, accom-

p. "OxVo: Engel, angel. pany. Af., Pf. 3 \
s. m. c. sf.
aa? . X3? n. m., sf. 1 s/37; ;
2 s. m.
!|^K id.
2 m. ^3^ Herz, heart.
s. : n. m. Levit, Levite. \

1 X3^>X:
:T - im Sinne von. ac- 12 id.

cording to. n.m., p.m. 'K3^,

33? . X3*?i7 n. m. Palmzweig, f. d. XJT31V: aus Libyen,
branch of a palm. Libyan.

pV n. 3aV: Zie- n. m. Log, log

xn:^ ? f., p. (ein MaB,
gel, brick. a measure).
vb. Pe., Pf. 3 s. f. c. sf. vb. Pe., Pf. 1 s. c. sf.

3 p. laJPB^a? Impf. 1 s. c. ;
3 s. m. Pine!?Impf.
1 s.

sf. 3 s. m.
nt^ta ,
c. sf. 3 s. m. 'wvh* 3 ;
s. m.
3 s. m. 5^3?'. ; Imp. vhT :
Inf. tD^D
1 sf. 3 s. m.

Pt. act. s. m. d. S n. f.
Spott, scoffing.
T ?,

-; IT
s. Ht^
- ?: :

IT ' v.
pass. s. m. d. KB1?, NB1 :
n n. m., p.
verfluchen, curse. \ Pa., Pt.
'sf. 2 s. m.
act. s. m. d. XDti^D id.
3 p. m. tp'ppVE&n: Schuler,
. Pe., Impf. 2 p.m.
disciple. xni&^n n. m. Tal-
US^F); Imp. p. m.


^'pt. act. 1 p.
(gr.) n. m. Rauber,
p.y^: kneten, *iea<fc||*ttf,
robber. II xnr^D ?

n. f. Rau-
ro^y a. m. Teig, dough. T IT :

ni V praep., sf. 1 s. t vn berei, the robbers business.

2 s. m. ^lO)n^
" :
zu, to. iy? n. m. Fremdsprachiger,
-rir6 v. nnx. speaker of a foreign lang-
v. uage.
n. in., sf. 2 s. f.
?]pn^ :
'lD ? (gr.) n. m. Pfanne, pan;
Brot, bread. eine aus Feigen verfertigte
n^ vb. Pe., Impf. 2 s. m.
Speise, a dish made of figs.

ty'nVn; Imp. s. m. ^'n ?:

vb. Pe., Pt. act. 'j?
flustern, whisper.
schlagen werden, be beaten.
vb. Pa., Pt. act. p. f.

gliihend, glowing. "jl^^

n. m., d.
XJt^ ?: Zunge,
h v. n. Ausdruck, tongue, ex-

^5 n. m., p. NnW, *fyh:
Nacht, n^rA^. HR^
= n^> (weiblicher
n.'f. r\rh vb. Pe., Pt. act. p.

Damon, anfeuchten (Getreide),

female demon). moisten (grain).

o n. f., du. inxo, 100. (N)0 n. m., p. J

(hebr.) n. in. Makel, sf. 2 p. m. ID'JD
:- IT
3 s. m.
blemish. O ;
3 p. m. Q)i'T:0: Ge-
0X73 129*

faB, Gerat, Gewand, vessel, tg: beschneiden, cir-

utensil, garment. cumcise. II
T |T
n. m. Be-
DXO vb. Pe., Inf. DXOO ;
Pt. Schneider, circumciser.
pass. D^XO :
verachten, v. jn\
despise; Pt. pass, wider- .
1100 n. m., d.XJiOO:
lich, loathsome. Geld, money.
xTi2p, xiao v. my. v. ny\
l^p adv. umsonst, gratuitously. JliO n. m. Made, worm.
Xty'iaOX n. m. Magier, ma- vb. Pe., Impf. 3 s. f.

gician. ; imp. BftO zubereiten,


T -'
: :
TT -
: :
v. "m. prepare.
TTQ . X"1O n. m., sf. 2 s. m. O, n>0 vb. Pe., Pf. 3 s. m.
T^O: Kleid, garment. rvp, f.+nrvp, xn>p; 3p.m.
^p v. yt\ tin^O; Impf. 3 s. m. tni&%
T "!. f. tn^on 3 p. m. t(^nio%
v. ;

v. nn. t^n8^>, WHD^, Wish; Inf.

oyjip v. yp. noo, nOO; Pt. act. s. m.

HO, XO, 'D pron. interr.(! la; nxo, p. m. t^n;.o, 'n;.o;

50rf) was? what? \

<SX: 1 p.p^n'O,
2 s.nn'^O;
* : :

warum? wherefore? p3:

s. d. xn'O: sterben, die;Pt.
worin ? womit ? wherein ? pass, tot, dead. \\
XJn^O n. m.
wherewith ? nos wie, T^o :
Toter, a dead person.
noV: wozu? wherefore? n. m.,
SJnp n. m.,

T p
da6 nicht etwa, fe*/;'
: 7
n. f.
Tod, o>a/A.
vielleicht, perchance. T no, \
X10(?) X^.p n. m., sf. 1 s.

0: dasjenige, welches, ^1O; 3 s.'m. H^p, f.H^D:

was, #ia which, what. \

Haar, hair. [xn^O n. f. \
, p.
"T HOD conj. wie, *. MO;} sf. 2 p.m.'iDSO; 3 s.

v. Tin. m. a no id.

vb. Pe., Imp. p. m. &1D ;

xanlo v. an\
Pt. act. 1 p. IJ^no, 2* p. x-no
v. M.
Margolis, Chr. Bab. Talm. 9

v. 7IJ. absol. , sq. ? sive accus. :

vb. Pe., Pf. 3 s. m. c. gelangen, reichen, einholen,

sf. 1 s. l^no, 2 s.
m.^np; arrive, reach, overtake.
3 p. m. c. sf. 3 s. m. nvnp, Af., Pf. 2 s. m. rPB.OK ;
3 p.
nine, 3 p. m. iruinD impf. ;
m. iUX, sf. 3 s. m. H^ppx,
3 s. m. c. sf. 3 s. m. wnp^ ;
3 p. m. inj^tspx Imp. ;

inf. xnpp, sf. 3 s.m. nnpp ?; t^DOX, sf. 3 8. m. nvtiOX ;

Pt. 'no, i p. liTiD, 2 s. Pt. act. p. m. itspp: bringen,

ivno :
schlagen , strike, fiihren, carry, conduct. |]

smite. |
Pa., Pf. 1 s. Tjp; xniUD n. f.
Bitte, petition.
3 p. inp :
verwehren, ver- iD^O,
T '
IT :
hindern , protest against, / pray thee, you.
hinder. :pVVp v. hhv.
T T - ntsp n. m. Regen, rain.

v. Tin. 3 part, interr. = num. || Xn'a,
nn . xnb n. m., sf. i s. Tib: nnp, m*p v. mn.
Gehirn, brain. i^p
n. p. m., sf. 2 s. m. ^*P;
T -
v. 3 p. m. I.Tp Wasser, :

v. "nan. v. ^3X.

'vb. Pe., Pt. act. 1 s. n. m. = /LiiMOV.

T rT :
verzeihen, 'forgive.
y ' (gr.) n. f., p.

v. Wolle ,
wollener Mantel,
tD() adv. morgen, to-mor- wool, woolen cloak.
row. rp n. m. ,
sf. 3 s. f. W'p ;

ott'nD v. at^n. p. ^p: Art, kind; Ha-

: -: r
20 vb. Pe., Pf. 1 s. ^3; retiker, heretic.
3 p. m. iUtt, sf. 3 s. m. v. xnx.
ni>tt 5 Impf! 3 s. m. c. sf. V. ]JJ.
1 s.'
I^D^ : 3 p. ItiDJ ;
Pt. m v. x*n.

act. s. m. I50, f.
;t3D, p. vb. Pe., Pf. 3 s. m. !)O;
m. 1BB, f. V150,
T:IT '
2 s.'n^DT Imp. T]b 5
Pt. act. p. mJ

unterbreiten, lay, spread. \

TJ^O vb.denom. Pe., Impf.
Af., Pt. act. S]pp :
niedrig 3 m.t!)*5t; Pt. act. s.m.

machen, lay low. ^DDadj., ^O, 2 p. W'3^0 regieren, :

2 s. HD^p :
niedrig, /0w. m<7W. Af., Pf. 3 s. m. TjVoX

T :
v. ODD. Impf. 3 s. m. TJ^DJ id.
v. aro. vb.
'?i3 Itpe., Impf. 1 s.

p. m.
Pe., Pf. 3 I" Tj^DK ;
Inf. *3i^eK ;
Pt. s. m.
; Impf. 3 s. f. Pt.
ifettoj p.m. t-j^Vonp: sich
.^0, p. m. 1^0,
T' ^ T'
f. t-p^o
Ir :,T' beraten, andern Sinnes wer-
?&, K'?B.
pass. f.
:' T -'
. :
den, take counsel, change
'pbo, ibO: voll sein, one's mind.
fiillen; be full, fill. Pa.,
Pf. 3

c. sf. 3 p.
p n. f.,
d. snD, sf.
p . I
3 m. nnVp; p. '^b, sf.
Impf. 1 s. 3 s. in. c.
3 s.m. n^OJ 3 p.m. 1n^0:
sf. 3 s. m. rP>, f.
"!; Wort, Ding, word, thing.
Pt. act. s. m. c. sf. 3 s. f.

T "
adv. von selbst,

K^OO: fallen, fill. \

iWO n. m. Rede,
of itself.
n. m. Fiille, fulness.

v. IN^.
p n. m. (f.) Salz, salt.
nhft vb. denom. Pe., Pf. 3
XB'DD v.
s. m. c. sf. 3 p. f. TUr6_S ;
r *

m. firsts Pt. pass. p. m. "JO, -p, p praep., sf. 1 s.

p. ;

t^p, t-|p >jp; l p. -]3p;

W5JO: salzen, salt. 7

2 s.m. 2.p. m. t-ji^p,


?O n. m., d.
>O^?: Konig, ^p;
^nDVo n. f. 13>.3P; 3 s. m. PI3O, f. n|'p,
king. \ Konigin,
queen. n. f. sf. 2 p.m.t-jinjp, in^.p, f. wvo:
\\ n^|O
m. t]rD?O Reich, konig-
s. : von, aus, als, of, from, out
liche Person of, than. NJO v. IK.
Regierung, ,

Herrschaft, reign, govern- IP pron. interr. (1 la ; 50) :

ment, kingdom, royalty. j|

wer? who? \\
p, ^p


(11&): wer ist es? who 1 s. 'nCJO ;

2 S. m. ^
is it? ||
T -jo (516): der- TlTlon :
3 s. m. n^HDD : es ist
'T : : : :

jenige, welcher, he who, genug fur, it is enough for.

whosoever. D] n. m., sf. 3 s. m. HVO

vb. Pe., Impf. 3 p. m. p. c. sf. 3 s.

m.n'yo, n^y o: :

1JDJ Imp. 'JO

Inf. \)BD, Eingeweide, intestines.
sf. 3 p. m. injJBB Pt. act. ;
vb. Pa., Inf. Blyt3: aus-
1 p. p^JO
I- ..
zahlen, count. \
schliefien, exclude. Nt3ivp
IT ||

Itpe., Pf. 3 p. m. UBS, n. m. AusschlieBung ,

sq. "*?$_: durch Stimmen- clusion.

abgabe wahlen, vote for, v.

elect by ballot. \\ Njp n. y;
v. ^y.
m., p. 'JJJB Zahl, Zahlung, : v. ~Hl.

number, count. v. ^y.

B vb. Pe. , Impf. 3 s. m. c. v. iiy.
sf. 1 s. 1^30^ xnpso v. PDJ.
zuriickhalten, JPBO,
restrain. \
Itpe., Pt. p. m. 3,'
Pe., Pf. 1 s.
''stS3 p. m. iSD Pt. pass.
; ;

D n. m. Schaufel, shovel. 'so, 1 s. KJ^SO, 2 s. n^ao :

v. 1D. vermogen, konnen, be able.

XnnfcDB '
v. ISO. .
^ao adj, , p. m. 'ys> I.

v. p$D ^y^D, s. f. d. : mit-

1DD vb. Pe., Impf. 2 s. m. telster, middle. \\
c. sf. 3 s. m. rnDttn ; Pt. act. adj., p.yao (=K^tt),
s. m. "1DD, 1 s. Nj"lQD ; pass. id.

p. f. ITDB :
iiberliefern, vb. Pe., Pf. 2 s. m. nao,
^anc? owr. |
Itpe., Pf. 3 s. D ;
Pt. act. Y ?.
m. "1DDS; Impf. 3 s. m.

tiD^/iponV, IDB; Pt. p n. m. ,

sf. i s. nap;
s. f.
S-JDSo', 'pass. p. c. sf. 3 p. f. K
; sf. Grenze, boundary.
nna 133*

iSD n. m. Agypter, Egyp- ino adj. bitter.

vb. Pe., Pf. 2 s. m.
X1j?0 n. m., sf. 1 s. tnjPD: O; Impf. 3 s. m.
Gehirn, brain. Bto:.'; Imp. ^b ;
Pt. act.
X10 . X10T n. m., c. no ;
sf. s. m. Bto,
" f. S^'O,
T IT' :
1 s.

waschen, wa^A. I

2 s. m. !)0)1, p. m. 13*10; Af. , 1 s. c. sf. 3 s. m.

3 s. m. nio, f. nio, p. m. PHVtf OX ;
3 s. m. c. sf. 3 s.

inno; p. Kfino, 1 sf. 3 m. PPtfDK* : :


p. m. irnnno:
"ITT Herr, : IT
lord, 'D vb. Pe., Impf. 3 s. m.
master. >
messen, measure. \\

X10 vb. Itpe., Pf. 3 s. f.
tS^p n. m., c. ntfO Ma6, :

xnox, new = no q. v.
N^aip, xnyaio v. y:n. .
xn^'o n. m., c.

xrTJriO (gr.) n.
01, oil
pearl. vb. Pe., Pt. act. p. m.
TIB vb.Pe., Pf. 3p.m.tniO; 3tf XDtt'O-
: IT
ziehen, rfraw. II
II T :

Pt. act. 110 sich emporen, :

n. m., sf. 3 s. m. HSt^'O ; p.
revolt. Itpe., Pf. 3 s. f.


^0: Haut, Fell, s/rw. ||

T -
* XDtT'O n. m. Ausdehnung,
T : :
v. an. extent.
UtilO vb. It., Pf. 3 s. m. B>D-
T :
n. m. Wesent-
BB1.SK; Inf. 'UitSIOK: in licbes, something tangible.
Fetzen zerrissen werden, be
v. v\tf.
torn in shreds. II
T -

n. m. XPO n. f.
c. no; sf. 1 s.
, p. 'Dlirip. :
- T :
p. m. irpno
3 r - .T :
rag. ' :

IO n. ra., sf. 3 s. m. av.10 ;


p. t-pjrjO: Krankheit, sick- nno vb. Pe., Pt. act. p. m.

ness. :
spannen, stretch.

T i r :
v. nn\ m. Gleichnis, Sinnspruch,
TTlD vb. Pe., Pt. pass. p. m. simile, parable.
n.B , sq. 2 sive 3 : ver- XJHS n. m. Strick,
gleichen, liken. n. nD v. ]nj.

HXJ vb. Pe., Pt. act. 'JO: Beln, scourge. \

Af., Pf.

passen, become. 3 s. m.
[riJ03J (hebr.)j n. m., p. X^i; n. m. p. m. 1. ,

fx**:::: Prophet, prophet. H3J Zieher

Schlepper, ,

23J . 313 n. m. Flote, /7wfc. oe w^o tfrawjr ^z ship}. \\

PQ.3 vb. Pe., Pt. act. s. m. n. m. Fiihrer, leader.

= man.

rn:, p. m. ^rO-J: bellen, - n. f.

TT -' Hag-
bark. gada.
n. Aas, carcass. JJ vb. Pe. sich verspaten,
xr^^ f. ,

V3J vb. Af., Pt. act. s. m. come late. r\h n^J, nh xn.p :

V3D, p. f. "JV2D: sprudeln er verspatete sich, he came

lassen, cause to gush forth. late (55rf).

rm vb. Pe.," Pt. act. 3iJ: sich JJ . xV-lD n. m. Sichel, sickle.

trocknen, rfn/ oneself. JJ vb. Pe. sq. 3: beriihren,

-ttJvb. Pe., Inf. naJO Pt. act. ;
touch. || Itpa., Pf. 3 s. f.

s. m. Ttf, p. m. "'"T.JJ : 1 .
weg- N^JX , ^33K :
ziehen, remove; 2. flieBen, werden, become leprous.
flow; 3. geifieln, scourge. n. m. Tischler, carpenter.

Itpe., Pf. 3 s. m. "ttJrx, i:: n., p. c. sf. 2 s. m. ?jn:j :

t^S; Pt. s. m. nj30, I^D : 1. Kanal, canal; 2. Fufi,

1. in Ohnmacht fallen, ver- Schritt, foot, step.

scheiden, /am#, j^oy* away ;

X1J vb. Af., Pt. 1 p. p.nt?:

2. gegeifielt werden, be sprengen, sprinkle.

scourged. Pa., Inf. Hi-iJ; 21J vb. Pa., Pt. act.

Pt. act. p. m. t-jnaJtD: gei- Itpa., Pt.

m: 135*

freiwillig geloben, offer as , clear. \\

Xlin: n. m.,

a freewill -gift. sf. 2 s. m. Tjnt-U: Licht,

ma vb. Af., Pf. 3 p. c. sf. light. |
iin: ,p. nfru ^D :

3 s. m. ttrprns :
ausstofien, blind, blind.
thrust out. 2
in: . XTU n. m., c. in:, p.
TV vb. Pe., Pf. 1 s. vTU:
nn:, snnn:
Strom, river.
geloben, vow. Af., Pf. 2 s.

m. c. sf. 3 s. f.

1W vb. Pe., Pt. act. s. f. n : :

3 m.
sich bewegen, wove.
c. sf. s. f.
aTTK; 3 s. f.

c. sf. 3 s. f. aivn: ein m: vb. Pe., Pf. 3 s. m. m ;

Geliibde auferlegen, impose Impf. 3 s. m. n::,

T .. 7 .. 7

a vow. STia n. m. Geliibde, n:n

T ..
inf. HJD
Pt. act.

vow. m. IT:, pass. Xn J, s. m. d. s

ma m., ^via f.
(63a), p. inaa
s. f. SIT:
T ruhen, zur Rube :

kommen, rest, enter into

m., Tiaa f. pron. 3 pers. er,
rest; Pt. pass, angenehm,
sie, /&, s/*e; sie, they.
an: vb. Pe., Pf. 3 p. m.tun:, annehmbar, pleasing, ac-
:nna s. f. \n: Pt. ceptable. run: es ist an-
; impf. s

nehmbar, it is acceptable.
act. p. m. ^ana, pass. p. m. \

'a Via :
fiihren, beobachten, Itpe., Pf. 3 s. f. RrURK.
TT :

conduct, conduct oneself, Inf. s

ni:riS : sich hinlegen,

observe; Pt. pass, gewohnt, lie down ; darauf eingehen,

accustomed. (3) Klj an: :
acquiesce. \
Af., Pf. 1 s.

Ehre erweisen, honor. TI:S_, sf. 3 s. f. nnms ;

i p.

son: n. m. Brot, &ra*rf. ts:n:s. ; impf. 3 s. m. ma;

^na vb. Pe. , hell werden, inf. 'ni^s, sf. 3 p. ln:nl5K!? ;

dawn. |
Af. , 3 s. m. c. sf. Pt. act. n:t3; pass. s. m.
3 p. f. VUTrUK erleuchten, :
Hit?, s. f. sn-JD :
legen, Lin-
cause to shine. Tn: adj., || legen, lassen, lay, place,

p. m. n via, s. f. KTna, P. f. leave. ||

srr: n. m., c.
n^: :

leuchtend , klar, Ruhe, rest. ||

snin^ n. f.

Sanftmut, Ruhe, gentleness. n ^ T ,

1 p. l^nn,Jr : herab-
HJn vb. deriv. Af., Pf. 3 s. steig-en, descend. Af., Pf.
= rux.

m. mnx 1 p. c. sf. 3 s. m. iTJTinx

D1J, D'J vb. Pe., Pf. 3 s. m. l. n:nns ;
3 s. m. c. sf. 3 p.
DM. ; Impf. 1 p. D: ;
3 s. m. injnns, f. *njnnK; 3 p.
m. aUJ ;
Inf. DJB ;
Pt. act. m. "hri Impf. l p. nn: '; ;

s.m. D'J. f.KB'J. Is.JOBM: Pt. act. s m. nnO; pass.

T T :I-T7
schlummern, schlafen, slum- p. m. Tino, f. inntt
r r
: herab-
r' -: -:

ber, sleep. Pa., Pf. 1 s. | kommenlassen,niederlegen,

W, id. Palp., Pt. act. cause to descend, place.
| \

DJtMB, id. snin:

r IT
n. m. : \s&
Trim IT

11J n. m. (f.), d. iOU :

Feuer, DM
r ' "nv.
" ''
, .

fire. vb.Pe., Imp. ?t3: nehmeu,

hi) .
S^D n. m. Schicksal, Itpe., Pf. 3 s. f.

fortune. pass. [| VVLSDS,

si u . niB'U
T r :
n. f. Verweis, 113 DS praep. wegen, um
rebuke. willen, on account of, for
plJ vb. Af. , Pf. 3 s. f. c. sf. the sake of. "l ^Itsas
conj. \\

1 s. Inf.. Pt. weil, because.

act. pJD schadigen, injure.
Vt3J vb. Pe., Pf. 3 s. m. c. sf.

Ittaf., Pf. 1 s.
7.WX; 2 s. 3 s. m. ny.lW pflanzen, plant. :

m. n j?.jn :
3 s. m. pVJK ; 5]tM vb. Pe., tropfen,
Pt. p. m. 'j?*FjB: Schaden KnDWJ n. f.
erleiden, sw/fer injury. "KM Impf. 3 p. f.
n: (hebr.)
\ /
n. m. = "PU. -T t-jIDJJ m. "IBJ()
; Imp. s. :

T -:r
n. m. ,' r
p. ''T'm
Bach, 1. bewahren, guard; 2. war-
brook. ten, wmV. |
Itpe., Pt. p. f.

PIJ vb.Pe., Pf. 3 p.m.'hnm; SltiJO

T :-
: bewacht werden.
Impf. 2 p. m. innnr (innn
> j -: T: l'
be guarded. \
Pa., Inf. c.

Imp. s. m. rhJ, p. m. inn sf. 3 p. m. be-

; inrritM^:
Inf. nnD ? 1

Pt. act. s. m. wachen, guard.


K3'J n. f., p. c. sf. 3 s. m. ried (take a husband). |j

rprPJ: Zahn, tooth. Af., Pt. act. 3p:D: verhei-

N3J vb. Pe., Pt. pass. '33 : ab- raten, marry off (give a
ziehen, subtract. wife to).

D3J vb. Pe., Imp. DD: schlach- riDJ vb. Af., Pf. 1 s. c. sf. 3

ten, slaughter. \
Pa., Inf. p. m. InwnDS :
HDr: ? 1

leg. KD33?, id.

D34 remove.
n. p. m. ,
sf. 1 s.
D3: ; ]DJ . TODO n. f.
2 s. m. ?JO)D33; 3 s. m. treatise.
t 2
VpD3:, FPCD3 :
BeritE, jMf- -)DJ . S3DJ n. m. Metallbarren,
sessions. bar of metal.
nx"J33 n. m. fremd, foreign. DDJ.KD3 n. m., p. t^pj/p;.:
N'ttttj'n. m., p. 'BB3: Decke, Wunder, miracle.
DDJ N^DD . n. m. Mi6mut, bad
!33 adv. -auch, humor.
oder, or. 1DJ vb. Pa., Pt. act. p. m.
DJ vb. Pe., Pf. 1 s. '3D3
; tCj)nDJlD: sagen, saw.
1 2 s. m. F]3B3; Vyj [i6yjD] n. m., .
Impf. 2 s. m. 3DJH, 3Dn, Schuh, *7oe.
3p:n 3 s. m.; 3DJ^ sf. 1 s. NSJ [NnBJl
T T ;J
n. f.,
I. p. TT IT I

13DJJ; 3 p. m. 'p2D>; Imp. Sieb, eye.

3pi; Pt. act. p. m. Cl)'3W: HSJ vb. Pe., Pt. act. HSJ: an-
nehmen heiraten , take, , fachen, blow. \
Itpe., Pf. 3

marry (take a wife). \

Itpe., s. m. HB3K pass. ||
Nns: n.

Pf. 3 S. f. trODtfiK. X3D3 m. Schmied, smith.

^W vb. Pe., Pf. 3 s. f.

Pt. s. f. nnojp, p. n. '3wo, 3 p. m.t^D:, ^BJ; Pt. act.

p. f.
t^DIp 1 s. 33D3p ;
s.m. ^DJ, Is.N^DJ: fallen,

(Ki3O|p), 1 p. 1^3D3D, 2 B. /a//. |

Af., PtVIL X^SO:
f.rnp3Q: sich verbeiraten, abortieren, ^w premature
verheiratet werden, be mar- birth to.

fSJ vb. Pe., Imp. fb: schiit- cause to go forth, bring out,

teln, ausklopfen, shake out, lead out. \\ xnpsp n. f.,


beat. 3 s. m. nnps,
':--' xjpso
T'T :
- n.

pBJ vb. Pe., Pf. 3 s. m. XBi ;

m. Ausgang, exit.

3 p. m. pteJ ; Impf. 1 s. p'BX ; 'E; n. m., sf. 1 s.

1 p. 3 s. m. f.
tt^'DJ, >^'DJ; 1 p
bn; 3 p. Q)1pB V; :
Imp. p's, s.
m.^BJ; 2 p. m.

p. IpS ;
pBBj ;
Pt. act. 3 s. m. neteJ 3 s. f. ;

s. m. pBJ, f.
XjPBJ p. m. Seele, soul; c. suff. = pron.
1 s. XJpDJ:
r> p-r
heraus- reflex. (48). nt^B30: aus
:rr" :

gehen, hervorgehen, coze sich selbst, o/ himself. \

ow, go forth. ]h Kj?BJ 'D \ at^sno : aus seinen eignen

aJD was ergibt sich uns
Mitteln, 0w o/" his own
daraus ? what follows for us means. ||
B^'SJ vb. Pe., Pt.
therefrom? aao K|?B: n^: pass. s. m. tJ^BJ, f.
was fiir Bedeutung hat es? p. m. V^DJ: viel, gro6,
what is the significance numerous, large. Af.Jmpf. \

thereof? Af., Pf. 1 s. npBX, 3 s. f. Bten: vermehren,

sf. 2 p. m. 1DJTVJ7BX. ;
2 s. multiply.
m. npBX, sf. 3 s.m.'nnp|N; J vb. Itpe., Pt. s. m. ^SW,
3 s. m. pBX, sf. 3 s.'m. f.
X^4, p. m. 1S3t3, 2 s.

HpBN; 3 s. f.
nj?BK_, sf. 3 n^O: streiten, quarrel. \\

s.m. nrpBX 3 p. m. tlpBX,

XPISO n. m. streitsuchtig,
sf. 3 s. m. HJpBS Impf. 2 ; quarrelsome.
s.m. pBnj 3 p. m. ^pB^; J vb. Af., Impf. 3 s. m. c.

Imp. s. m. pBS, p. m. IpBN; sf. 1 s.

1^ ;
Pt. act. 1 s.

Inf. 7JBX^ :
Pt. act. s. m. XJ^sa :
(er)retten , save,

pBD, f.
Nj?BB_, p. m. (l)V.BO, deliver, rescue. \
Ittaf., Pf.
1 s. WpBO, P.7.SO her-
1 p. : 3 s. m. ^n ;
Pt. 2 s.

vorgehen machen, heraus- pass.

ziehen, cause to come out, J vb. Itpe., Pf. 3 s. m.

3j?3 ;
Pt. s. m. 3p3 : durck- act. t^j?D :
lockert werden, be per- gleichstellen, compare, place
forated. on an equal footing.
J, ttpJN vb. Pe., Pf. 2 s. m. J n. m. Beil, axe.
3 s. m. c. sf. 1 s. "jUpJ,
FjBp.J; H^J T
n. m. Ftirst,
3 m. HUp:; Impf. 1
s. s.

B'pJN; 2 s. m. BpJF); 2 p.
vb. Itpe., Pf. 1 s.
m. USpJF); 3 s. m. Bp^.;
3 p. c. sf. 3 s. m.
3 p. m. 1t2j?JJ, BIjM; Imp.
Pt. s. f. :
ts'pJ; Inf. c! sf. 3 p. m. ^3t3
f. Pt. forget.
act. Bj?J, 1 s. NJB'i?J,
1 p. T :
vb. Pe. = ntr'J.

"p/up: 2 s. ntspj; p ass. p. 2B/J vb. Pe. wehen, blow.

m. 'B'fcJ, 1 p. iJ'B'jH: er- n. m. p. '3Bft :
3B(3 ,

greifen, halten, seize, take net.

hold, keep; Pt. pass. = act. |
'J vb. Pe., Imp. Bfr'J. : ent-
x (sc. xn^o) anjns up:, hauten, *A:m.
jmdm es iibel nehmen, auf ': vb. Pe., Pf. 3 s. m. :
jmdn bose sein, be angry
fortriicken, depart.
with. |
Pa., Pt. act. BjMO:
J vb. Pe., Pf. 3 s. m. c.
sammeln, gather. \
Af., Pt.
sf. 2 s. m. -prB{; ;
3 p. m.
act. tipJt): auflesen, pick.
Pt. act. s. f.
j vb. Af., Pt. act. 1 s.

p. m. ^ptP'J : kiissen ,
XJDJ5MD: umringen, encom-
beruhren, kiss f touch.
J vb. Pa., Pf., 1 p. : vb. %Pe., Impf. 1 s. inx;
Fett und Adern 3 p. 'm. tyjn^; Imp. "jn:
geben, ^we. n. f.
beseitigen, remove fat and

certain veins. Geschenk, gift.

Pe., Pt. act. vb. Pe., Pf. 3 p. m. l^nj,

klopfen, knock. Af. ||

f. t-jiw: abfallen, /a// off..

[xnXD] n. f., p. )KD: Seah, something arrived at by

ein MaB, a measure. reasoning.
-JXD . *CO n. m. ,
sf. 3 s. f. D vb. Pe. t Pf. 1 p. t^D;
tOKDO p. *:(K)DD sf. 3 s. 3 m.
f s. f. XV1D, 'JD ;
Pt. p.
m. PP:NDD: Schuh, shoe. 1
T :
tftID, t^b, p. 1_3^D:
n. m. sf. 3 s. m. ,
gehen ,
wandeln ,
F!D, '
Itpe., Pf. 3 s.
-T : f.
vb. Pe., Pt. act. s. m. c. Pt. s. m. vorwarts
hzD ertragen, bear.

kommen, proceed; ^RDS

-QD vb. Pe., Pf. 1 s. n.3D; nV id. |
Af., Pt. act. s.'m.
1 p. f 2
tKTDD, 1P"|3D;
^.ptD, f.
K^qo, p. I:DD,
m. mab: 3 s. 'f.'.TDD:
T :
= Pe. ||
3D adj., p. m.
3 p. m. "liap Impf. 3 s. m.
t-piOJQ; p. f.
13D: viel,
"!3D^; Pt. act. s. m. "DD, numerous. pV >5D : es ge-
1 2 Fna&:
"pnaD; niigt ihm, Y w enough for
p. s. -
: rr ' : : IT '

pass. s. f.
KTap :
meinen, him. NiVlX X ? ! ViD X^: ich
T :r-
1 1

T T : T
nachdenken muB
, verstehen, gehen, 7 must go.
think, reason, understand; aD v. joinx
Tin:.... .
^7 XTaD '
: es 1st meine
T :

T :
vb. Pe. "USD:
Meinung, it is my opinion.
Itpa., Pt. s. f. JTDnpO:
D vb. Pe., Imp. "Up, sq. ^ :
fur richtig befunden wer-
sich niederwerfen vor, pro-
den, be found correct.
strate oneself before.
Af., Pf. 3 s. m. 13DS,
sq. 'BS et h: freundlich n. m. , p. ^p :

sein, anerkennen, be friend- prince.

ly to, recognize. \\ Niap no Xnp

n. m.
. sf. 3 s. m. ,

n. m. etwas mit dem rnp FuBblock stocks.

, \\

Verstande Erschlossenes, n. m. ,
TT -
n. m.

Verfertiger von FuBblocken, "1PID .

"linp adv. rings herum,
maker of stocks. round about. \ V."1HD_ n. p.

n. m., sf. 3 s. m. m., sf. 3 s. m.
nj^TD : leinenes Tuch, linen Umgebung , surroundings.
wrapper. XJtiD (hebr.) n. m.
no vb. Pa., Pt. act. TOO: Satan.

ordnen, arrange. XTTD xnpp n. m. Seite, */fe. ||

n. m. p. ""Tip Ordnung 3'D vb. Pe. , alt werden, grow


(= Teil der Misna), order old. X3D n. m. Greis, oW ||


f part of the Mishna). man; p. die Altesten, the

TID xnnD (xnnfe) Zeuge, : elders. n. f.
xnqo Greisin,
witness. ||
"THD vb. denom. old woman. xnno, xnn'p

Af., Pf. 3 3 p. s. m. TIDX n. f.. sf. 3 s. m. ani3S3 (''to)

r r-'

m. "hVKJX; pt. act! HPIDD: Greisenalter, old age.

Zeugnis ablegen, bear testi- D'D, DID vb. Pe., Impf. 3 s. m.
mony. D^DJ, ... 7 D^DJ;7 Pt. act. D'D:

n. m. ,' p.
* nno
anlegen, put on. Pa., Pf. \\

Mond, moon. 3 s. m. D'D Inf. XO*DoV, ;

51D,XJD1D n. m., p. c. sf. 3 p. sf. 3 s. m. PlO^pO^ ;

Pt. act.

m. :
Pferd, horse. p. m. ^O^pp id. anlegen
frQJDUD , ;

lassen cause to put on.

XB1D, Kf*D(140) n.m.Ende, , \\

letzterFall, end,latter case. m. Schatz, treasure.


FjiD ?, P]iD2^ adv. zuletzt, (gr. ?) n. m., sf. 2 s. m.

endlich, at last.
vb. Pe., baden, 6a^. vb. denom. Pa., Pf. 2 s. m.
Af. , Pf. 3 s. m. c. sf. 3 s. c. sf. 3 p.m. IrunO'D
ir " :
: schlie-

m. nnpX: baden, bathe. \\ Ben, conclude. Itpa., Impf.

xniDO(16c)n. f. Bad, &af/t. 3 s. f. D^npn : bestimmt wer-

1PID vb. Pe., Pt. pass. s. f. den, be correctly ascertain-

XD^nD niederwerfen, throw
: ed, fixed.
T :

down; pass, ruheii, v. IKD.


D n. m., sf. 3 s. m. PIPD:

"T Impf. 3 s. m. IBRD?; Pt.
! :

Hut, hat. "jDPpp :

y>D vb. Pa., Pf. 3 s. m. c. sf. XDDD n. m. : dummer Mensch,
3 s. m. ny*D ; Imp.
stupid person. s. m.
c.sf. 3 p. 1nJy.p; Inf.'y1p; -DD vb. Pe., Pf. 3 s. m. c. sf.
Pt. act. s. m. ir'pB, f. X^DD: 3 B. m. PHDp ; Pt. act. 1 s.

unterstiitzen, support. Itpa., \

Xj")3D :
verstopfen, stop up.
Pt. s. f. x^rnpp .
T :
' :
v. xrvW.
T: :

gelingen, succeed. X1?p n. m.: Dorn, thorn.

T- n.,' *p n. sf. i s.
*)<D. T: -7
xn^p, xn^p f.,

Schwert, sword. XD^p n. \\

2 s. m. . . 3 s.

m. Schwerttrager, swords-
: m. nr&p :
Korb, basket.
man. vb. Pe., Pf. 1 s.

XD>p v. XDl'D. 2 s. m. np?D ;

3 p. m.
X3D vb. Pa., Pt. act. s. f. "hp^D OpQ?), p^D; Impf.

X^3DD :
ausschauen, erwar- 1 s. pDX ;
1 p. pDJ (p^DJ,
ten, look for, expect. p^p:) ;
2 s. m. pen ;
3 s. m
XJ^3D n. f. tpp^ Imp. pD; Inf.
Messer, knife.
Pt. act. s. m. p^D, f.
-pD. [XnZJD] n. f. , p. '3D:
p. m. p.!?D, 1 s. p. 1
Pflock, peg. X:p^D,
s. npVo:'
vb. Itpa., Pf. 1 s. 'VsnDX ;
: IT :

gen, ascend. p?D: xny.'lX

Impf. 2 s. m. 3 s.
in den Sinn kommen, come
m. ^3no:, p. f.
l^noV Imp. ; into the mind, tinyi
- xp^D :
T : 'T : IT

VSRDX ^.tonOK ;
Inf. sq. 3 :
du denkst, you think. Pa.,
schauen, betrachten, look Inf 'fclVp; Pt. act. 1 p.
at, consider. remove.
IJ'P^DO entfernen,

D vb. Pa., Pf. 1 s. c. sf. Itpa., Pt. i s. x:p^npD

2 s. m.^nJ3D; 2 p. 2 p. 1JVpVnD:
- sich ent-
'p : :

sf. i s. yr\)r3D 1.
ziehen, withdraw. \

gefahrden, endanger. Itpa. Pf. 3 s. m. pDX, sf. 3 s. m.

ISO 143'

3 p. m. "hpox, sf. ordain; pass. lean. \ Af.,

3 8. m. PHpDK ; Imp. s. f. Pf. 3 p. m. c. sf. 3 p. m.
c. sf. i s. VP.B.N; Inf- in^SODK anlehnen (einen
'pte^; :

Pt. act. s. m. j?DB, 1 s. Lehrsatz an einen Bibel-

aufsteigen lass en, vers), cause (a scholastic
cause to ascend; wachsen proposition) to rest (on
lassen (Fleisch), cause to Scripture). \\ xrpDDX n. f.

grow (flesh); benennen, Anlehnen, causing to rest.

name; vollenden, complete; DBD. XBDr -
n. m., JT
p. t-msD,
T ~' r '

(rm) !J3 XJjPDQ du bist mir 'jDD: Medizin, medicine.


(Geld) schuldig, J/OM owe '"inOD Drachenblut (Name :

me (money). || XJJ2DD n. m. : eines Gewachses), dragons

Ausgang, result. blood (name of a plant).

5D vb. Pa. ,
Pf. 3 p. m. c. pDD adj., d.
XftOD; p. m.
sf. 3 s. m. rnnDD, 3 p. 7.JDD: rot, ra/.
irulBQ: blindmachen, Wind.\\ 10D vb. Itpe., Inf.

D] adj., s. f. d. xrv&D: sich in acht uehmen, take
blind. ||
xn^OD n. f. felind- care, beware.

heit, blindness. nnoo v. DOD.

ITBD (gr.) n. m. Feinmehl, XJD vb. Pe., Inf. c. sf. 3 s. m.
fine flour. n^DD, rUDD ;
Pt. act. s. m.
BD vb. Pe. , Pf. 1 s. '3BD ; "JD,
f. X^D,
T iir' p. s.
* m. c. sf.

Imp. p. m. 1DBD, 13BD ;

Inf. 3 s. m. tyrix:;?,
3 p. m.
c. sf. 3 s. m. Pt. tyirpxjfr; p. f.' c. sf. i s.
asoqpV ;

act. s. m. S)BD, 1 p'. 1J'3BD, tWlJD:

T pass. s. m. ^D.
r: IT ' :'

2 s. FOOD :
' pass.
r s. ?PBD :
X^:D, p. m. iJD: hassen,
: : rr :

anlehnen ,
anlehnen, hate. Itpe., Pf. 3 p. m.

die Hand auflegen (bei der tr:ntyx: pass.

Ordination), ordinieren^bm, X^DD


lean, lay the hand upon vb. Pe., Inf. "n?Dp :


(a person to be ordained), sen, dine. \\

xnnyo n. f.,
144* "li'D

sf. 2 s. m. tJWV.D : Mahl- xnnDBD

T IT :
"" (pers.)
NiX '
n. f. Ver-

zeit, meal. mittlung, Maklerwesen, bro-

vb. Pe., Pt. act.TD (5/) :
untersuchen, examine. NBD n. m. Schwelle,
SSD vb. Itpe., Impf. 2 s. Pfoste, threshold, post.
Pt. 2 p. UVSnDft: PBD (hebr.) n. m. Zweifel,
sich fiirchten, be afraid. doubt.
XDD vb. Pe., Pf. 2 s. m. fPBD : 1OSD n. m. ,
c. "ISO :
zu speisen geben, speisen, buch. ||
T : IT
in., p.nBD:

give to eat, feed. \

Af., Imp. Schreiber, scribe.
'BDK, id. n.m., p. d.tNnsDO,
nSD vb. Pe., Pf. 3 p. m. c. sf. n. f. Schere, scissors.
3 s. m. nnDD ; Impf. 3 s. m. T\D vb. Pe., Pf. 3 p. m.

t-IBD'.; 3 'p. m. 1^nBD'.: Pt. act. r

p. m. T1D

trauern, klagen (um einen saddle. \

Pa., Pt. pass. p. f.

Toten), mail, lament (for "jriDS: id.

a dead person). JttBDn N1D vb. Pe., ||

Pf. 3 s. m. no ;

(hebr.) n. m. Trauerrede, Pt. pass. s. f.

X^D :
funeral speech. stink.

KttSD (pers.) n. m., p. c. sf. 21D. n31D

n. f., sf. 3 a.m.
3 p. m. liTBBD: Kasten, "rr : Vornehmheit ,

chest. sumption.
sn^DD n. f.,
c. rWBD :
Schiff, nnp adv. mehr, more.
ship. ||
XJiSD n. m.,' p. \JlBD, HID vb. Pe., Pt. pass, nno:
W1BD: Schiffer, sailor. verderben, verwesen, spoil,

X^DDD n. m.,7JT '^DBD decay. Af., Pt. act. s. m.

TT; -\(lat.)/ p. :
.. - \

Bank, bench. rnDD, p. m. TpDD : id.

XJPD1SD (pers.) n. m. Kleie, "pD vb. Pe., Pt. act. ^D : an-

bran. hangen, cling to.

N"JpE>p (syr. , pers.) n. m. DID. XptDO

'TT - n. m., :
sf. 1 s.

Schwert, sword. ": Kamm, comb.


p adj., p. ^ HP l eer empty. :

ino vb. Pe., Pf. 3 sf. trnno ;

rip n. m. Winter, winter. 3 p. m. tnnD; Impf. 1 s.

n. m. Unbestimmtes, c. sf. 3 s. m. ninps


something undefined. adv. act. "ino,

- T'
1 s. WIPID : nie-
T -IT :

schlechtweg, ohne weitere derreifien, tear down; auf-

Bestimmung, simply, with- losen, loosen.

out further qualification.

X:yr n. coll., sf. 3 s. m. n: T

keit erweisen, do a favor. \

Kleinvieh, small cattle, sheep Itpe., Impf. 3 s. m. TaynV,

and goats. f. naynn: getan werden,
nay vb. Pe., Pf. i s.
nay; gemacht werden, be done,
2 s.
rnay; 2 p. innay_'; be made. Saf., Inf. Hiayt^ ;

3 s. f.'
trmy; 3 p. m. Pt. act. "la.y.Bto ; pass. p. m.
nay;. Impf. 'i s. nay; d. H^V.Bto: unterwerfen,
i p. hay: ; 2 m. nayn, s. verpflichten , subject, obli-
f. nay m.
n,'p. :
nayn; 3s. gate. |
Istaf., Pt. s. f.

m. nain, p. m.
nay^.; imp. snaynt^'p, p. m. nay.n^'p,
s. m. nay, p. m. nay ;
inf. i s. xjTayrjBto: pass. ||

nay.o ;
Pt. act. s. m. na^, xnay_ n. m., p. Hay :
f-inay, p. m. slave. xna'y n. m., sf. 2 p.
(i)na; ,"f. ||

m. tovnv
T ; P. c. sf. 3 s. m.
i p. pnay.
2 p. in nay
r rr :
;' nnayV Tat, Werk, Ge-
pass. s. m. Tay, p. m. H/ay :
schaft, Ereignis, deed, work,
tun, arbeiten, do, work; business , occurrence. ||

pass, beschaffen sein, pfle- XPTay n. f.

sf. 2 p. m.

gen, be liable, likely, ac- lyiytoy: Arbeit, Geschaft,

customed. \
h xip' nay:
work, business. iD^nvay '0
Ehre erweisen ,
honor. Hna: was babet ihr zu
-: r
3 Kni3*B 'y : eine Gefallig- tun mit . . .? what have
Margolis, Chr. Bab. Talm. 10
146* >=

you to do with . . .? .
xnpy n .
f., p. a. pyr T

X"Tiaytt{ n. m. Verpflichtung, Not, distress.

obligation. ny vb. Itpe., Pf. 3 s. m.
nay vb. Pe., Pf. i s. nay, .nx: erwachen, awake.
1 p. t-jjnay.; 2 s.m. rnay'; .
itpa.,Pt. s.f.
Pt. act. naj7 :
iiberschreiten, blind werden, become blind.\\

cross; sq. ~^V. ubertreten, l.y adj., f. XTiy : blind.

transgress. \
Itpa., Pt. s. f. t
n - ra - Blindheit,

T :
schwanger werden,
become pregnant. \\ Xiay n. my vb. Pa., Inf. n1l?: ver-

m., c. "lay: Seite, Gegend, derben,

side, region. \\
xnati n. m. wy. v. uy
Fahre, ferry. ||
XliaD n. m. riy. adj., f. Xl'iy. :

Fahrmann, ferryman. Itpa., Pt. F|t3y.: sich

^y. V^yV adv. alsbald, soon. einhiillen, wrap oneself.
7 "S I"

^y. X?jy
n. m. Kalb, a-'y
T n.m., xna^y
n. f.Woike,
: r- :

"iy_ praep. bis, until. cloud.

(4tf#) conj. wahrend, als, :^y n. f., p. (flu.) c. sf.

while, when (56c; 58ft). i p-V^.V; 3 s. m. tnu^,

X !^ (9ft) pron. dem. s. f.

diese, n\py., n^'ry., f. n^ry Auge, t


this. eye. \\ ^y vb. Pa., Pf. 1 p.

ny. Kwy. n. m., c. i^y.; sf. I^V.; 3 s. m. l^y, 3 p. m.|

3 s. m. HJiy
T Zeit, time. *
: I
ti; ; impf. i p. i?y_j (ir.v^
' '

TT adv. jetzt, now, at
-IT > i; l?.v.^); imp. ib.; pt -

this time. act. s.' m. 'l?y_D, f. XJ'.y.O,

l^ (9ft) pron. dem. s. m. 1 s.
X^yO: betrachten,j
dieser, this; p. diese, these. untersuchen, consider, exa-
vb. Pe., Pt. pass. s. m. mine. X^yo n. m. Quelle,

*py_, f. xsny, i p. p.'Bny, spring.

2 s. ns^.V, sq. "IP besser, vb. Pa., Pt. act. .

better. auflialten,verhindern, delay


check. Itpa. Impf. 1 s. n.

, f.
2?y_X: verweilen, tarry. insidiousness.

D^ m. Maus, mouse.
n. vb. Pe., Pf. 1 s.

i/ (gr.) n. m. (f.) Otter, 3 s. m. h>_ f.

adder. 3 p. m. Impf.
>yj, praep., sf. 1 s.
Ti^X m.
1 s. yyx; 3 s.
^y, >ly. 1 p. 2 s.
; ll^V. ;
m -
Im P- m.
m-"0fe 10)&?5 3s. m. m. Inf. Pt.
p. 1?;
tvrt^ n^y., n^v.; 3 s.f. act. s. m. ^yTr x.y, p. ,

aiVy.; 3 p. m. tiwy, irp'py,

m. t-j^y ^y, ^y, f.p'V:
: T T
,T' :
' '
: ,

ilTl^y.: auf, tiber, wegen, i s.

w!?$, 2 s. n^ y, 2 P .

upon, over, on account


inv'y: hineingehn, enter.
*^V/S *?$?.
adv - oben

Pa., Pf. 2 s. m. n!?V_; 3 s.


above. ^V. adj. nx^y.; p.

m -
^> ^.V_, sf."3 s. m.
"X^y. oberer, oberster, wpjt?<?r,
1 n^y.; 3 s.,
X^.y_; 3p.m.
uppermost; ^y ? oben,a&0v<?.
t^.y, ^'y_, sf. 3 s. m.m^y,
xn^X n. f., p. xn>^V.; Ober-
p. m. 1n:^.y_; Impf. 2 s.m.
stock, Soller, upper story, 3s. m. ^y_V; 3p.m.
room. |j
S^y vb. denom. Pa.,
Pt. pass. s. m. ^y.p, d. ^'.yj :
sf. 3 s. m. rn'^yji;

s^y.o, s. f. d.
xn^y.q Imp.>g; Pt. act. s.m. ^y_D,
(xn^ ), p. m. i^y.o, p.'f.d! p. m. "f"V^y_, 1 p. l^^.y.O:
i p. i:^yt2: vor- 1 hineinbringen
. hinein-
xn;^y.D, ,

ziiglich, ea:ce//en^|| fiihren, cause to enter;

n. f.
Vorziiglichkeit, excel-
2. intr. = Pe. || ^.yo, ^O
lence. | Itpa., Pf. 3 s. f. n. p. m. c. Eingang, Rust-

tn^ys, N^y.X: vorzuglich tag, entrance, commence-

werden, become excellent. ment, day before. x:^y D \\


JnVy n. m. Bedruckung, n. m. Eingang, entrance.

oppression; p. 83 : Anma- tsVv n. m. Welt, Aon, world,

Bung, excess of authority. aeon; das Volk, the people. \

148* po:?

D^y die zukiinftige 2 s. m. 7jy_ ;

Pt. act. $ :

Welt, the world to come. \ antworten, answer.

D*?^? adv. auf immer, for x:y. jwjy. n. m., c.
ever. xaVya
adv. bloB, Angelegenheit, affair.

merely. I
?B : ft :
welt- xjy. -oy adj., d. x>jy_; p.
" jy arm Xnr.
liche Dinge, secular mat- .. ;
- : .
7 *T
00/*. II

ters; Gegensatz (opposite): n. f.,

sf. 1 s. t>rr: Arniut,

XQB(! 'ip Dinge, die sich poverty. XJy vb. denom. ||

auf Gott (Religion, Sittlich- Itpe., Pt. MyD: arm wer- .. .. ,..

keit) beziehen, matters ap- den, become poor. || xrp^

pertaining to God (religion, n. f.
, p. XiTJy_H: Fasten,
morality}. \
XttVy ^3 tout fasting.
le monde. I
Bftx X2jy
n. m. ,
' p.
r ^jy : Wein-
: -: : :

irgend ein Mann, any man. traube , grape. [| xrjSJ

^y n. m. Jiingling, young xnn:y n. f. id. ; Augenbeere
man. (ein Fehler im Auge) pustule. ,

Jjy vb. Pa., Pt. pass. 2 s.

y_ n. m., p. H^ay_: Saule,
column. F03y_p :
vergniigt maclien,
DDy. XDy_ n. m., sf. 3 s. m. v
!jy. n. p. r;: Ziege,
Xjy. f.,

Volk, people; p.
= D^i-l
n. m.. p. 'Jjy:
TT - x '*T -; ' Wolke,
Nichtjuden, Gentiles.

V adj., s. f. d. Xnp'oy; n. c. sf. 3 s. m.

jy_ m., p.
p. 'p.'py: tief, deep. riDjy: Zweig, branch.
n. m., d. xnsy, :
Wolle, vb. Pe., Pt. act.
1QV v. HJW.
bestrafen, punish.
n. m., sf. 2 s. m. vb. Pe., Pt. act. 1 p.

^y -;
12: Volks-
2 p. HVp.pV ; pass,
genosse, fellow-tribesman. s. mTp^py, 1
Jy vb. Pe., Pf. s. m. c. sf. 2 p. UVp'DV: beschafti^


be occupied.
Nilp^r entwurzeln, zu
sein, \
Itpa., 1 s.

Pf. 2 s. m. nptsy.ns, Grunde richten, losreifien,

Impf. 3 p. m. uproot, destroy, remove. \

Inf. 'i?.iDy_8> :
Pt. p'. m. itpe. , Pf. 3 s. m.
'pDy_D : sich beschaftigen, p.m. tnp.yns; pt.
busy oneself. poy
n. m., losgerissen werden ,
Ngoy.; sf. 2 s. m. t]Dy.: wurzelt werden, be pulled,
Geschaft, business. move, be uprooted. Pa.,


*|Dy vb. Pe., Pt. act. ; Impf. 2 s. m. "1|?y_R :

pass. P]^, P]^y_: doppelt pull out. || Nlpy. m. n. un-
legen , verdoppeln , fold fruchtbar, barren. || XTp.y,
twice, double. Pa., Pt. pass. Xlpy n. m. Kastrierter,
F|B_y_D :
verdoppeln, double. castrate.

xnsy. n. m., sf. 2 s. f. ^" X2-lpy_ n. (m.), p. 2np.y_:

3 s. m. n"isy_ Staub, dust. :
Skorpion, scorpion.
3Sy vb. Pe., Pt. pass. s. f.
my. my
n. m., p. t-p:ny:
-T[T '

X3^xy, p. m. d. ^xy, 2 s. f. Biirge, sponsor.

H3'Xy betrubt, sad Itpe.,
my vb. denom. Pe., Pt. act.
Pf. 3 p. m. tnsyx: sich s. f. K3")y :
untergehen, *e#.
r -:

betriiben, become sad. \

Itpe., Pf. 3 s. m. rnyx : id.

T ; *.
n. m. Betrubnis, sad- / ^>D")y_, ^13"]^ adj. nackt,
ness. n. m., sf. 3 s. m. ncny. :
NFnxy n. f.Wochenfest, Pente- Bahre, bier.

cost. N^Biy. n. m. Gewolk, clouds.

n. m. Ferse, heel. vb. Pe., Pf. 3 sf.tnp.-iy,
T Knpya: hinter, nach, Xi?iy; Impf. 3 s. f.
behind, after. p'lyn: fliehen, flee.
n. m. Wurzel, root. ply. npiy. n. f. Riemen,
adv. anfanglich, at thong.
first. || "lj?y vb. denom. Pe., ny. myo T :ir :
n. f., sf. 3 s. m.
Pt. act. s. m. 1p_yr , f. nrr ; p. 5 :
Hohle, cave.
150* VJS

vb. Pa., Pf. 1 s. c. sf. y_ adj., f. d. xnp^ny :

3 p. m. iPUn-'fry Inf. c. sf. ;
old. \\ Xf?nV n. m'. Alter,
3 p. injyitt^ zwingen, force.
: old age.

X3fry. n. m.,' p. -qfry. :

Kraut, iny vb. itpa., Pf. i s. nnyx,
herb, herbage. 3 s. m. nny.nx ; impf. 2 p.
ifcy n. m., rrjfry
n. f. 10. m. 1"lfly_nn : reich werden,
n'xrfry n.m.zehnter, tenlh.\\ grow rich. \\ Tny. adj., s.
V"lfry P- 20. f. d. xn-pny. ; p. m. <Tny_ :

p^'y adj. teuer, dear. reich, rich. \\

xnn^ny n. f.,

Try adj. zukiinftig, future; sf. 1 s. tvv 1

sq. Inf. sive Pt. in der Zu- riches.

kunft, in the future.

jB vb. Pe., sq. 3 treffen, rtB adj., d. XP1B: iibereilt,

hasty. ||
xniWB n. f.,
sf. 2
1iS vb. Itpa., Impf. 1 s. 13BK. :
p. m. iD^niPiB :
miifiig gehen, &e eW/ haste.
n. m. Schadenersatz ,
T -; |-
n. m., sf. 2 s. m. TrnB:
T - '

pensation for damages. Fnrcht, fear.

xns y-is vb. Pe. , Pf. 3
XirjB n. m. Topfer, potter.
m. c. sf. 3 s. m. PI
nns'vb. Pe., Inf. nnsp ?: sq.
3 p. m. c. sf. 3 s. m. PnjTTB, "jD verringern, diminish.
t^n^B, n^"ts; Pt.act. yiB, Itpe., Pf. 3 s. m. nriEX:
HB: verwunden, bruise, schadhaft werden, become
wound. |
xny.lB n. f.
Wunde, rickety.
bruise, wound. DOB vb. Pa., Inf. 1tSB: (ma-
BHB vb. Pe., Pf. 3 s. m. tfB ; sten), besanftigen, mollify.
3 p. m. tflB, f. Xtr'B; Pt. 112S vb. Itpe., Pf. 2 p. m.
T T '
act. B^B :
iibrig bleiben, im.tDBN.; 3 p. m. 13
remain. Inf. m'DB^ : sich verab
1GB 151

scbieden, take leave. I

Pa., ein streitsiichtiger Mensch,
Pf. 2 s. m. c. sf. 3 p. m. a quarrelsome man.
t-p-jrritsB; 2 p. m. t}irni|B; B vb. Pe., Pt. act. s. f.

3 s. m. "1KB: entlassen, ent- SD7B: spinnen, spin.

binden, dismiss, free from D^B '(lat. ?) n. m., p. 'p'pB:

obligation. Schlag, stroke.
N^B m. Elefant, elephant.
n. n. f. Pfeflfer-
l?B^B (sanscr.)
HDD Pa., Inf. TTiDD ?:
vb. korncben, grain of pepper. ||

schwinden macben, cause X^B^B

n. m.,
sf. 1 s. V

to vanish. Scharfsinn, keen mind.

*hv. f?B
'T adj., d. X'J^B
: T :rr
s. f.
' :
DB n. m., c. DB; sf. 2 s. m.

d. NrpJ?B ein gewisser, :

?](')tDB ;
3 S. m. PDB ;
3 p.
a certain one. m.irPDB: M\m&,mouih.\\nzh :

&B vb. Pe., Pf. 3 p. m. t^s ; praep. gemafi, according to.

Impf. 3 p. m. ^.?W ; Imp. XJS vb. Itpe., Pf. 3 s. m.
s. m. J^B, p. m. I^B; Inf. ; Impf. 2 p. ^UBP;
jVBB; Pt.' pass. s.
f.*i^B; 3 p.m. tUB, UsV; Pt.s.m.
p. m. ^ vB : teilen ,
aus- 'JBD: sich wenden, frei

teilen,unterscheiden, distri- sein, die Notdurft verricb-

bute, divide, deal out, distin- ten, turn about, be free,

guish; Pt.pass. abweichend, ease oneself. \\ iOJ.B n. m.

verschiedener Meinung, con- Abend, evening.
trary, of a different (con- pJD vb. Pa., Pt. pass. p. f.

trary) opinion. \
Itpe., Pf. tlJ?3BB: verweichlichen,
3 p. m. "h^BX; Pt. p. m. pamper. snip^BOn.f.Ver-

M.VsB: geteilt werden, ver- weichlichung pampered ,

schiedener Meinung sein, condition.

be divided, be of a different HDD vb. Pe., Pt. pass. TDB :

(contrary) opinion, be divided schadigen, injure. \\ Af., Pf.

in opinion. \\
X37B n. m. 2 s. m. c. sf. 3 p. 1rurnDB ;

Halfte , half. \\ N^B n. m. Pt. act. p. f.

IIDBB, id.

s me
vb. Pe., Pt. act. s. m. c. in Verwahrung geben, de-
sf. 3 s. m. H^DB; pass. 1 s. posit.
SJ? S DB: untauglich machen, vb. Af. , Infin. <)

V.ipBK ? ;

render unfit. Af., Pf. 3 \

Pt. act. VpSO: entziehen,
s. m. ^>DBX, id. withdraw. II
T 1

pDB vb. Pe., Pf. 3 s. m. c. sf. m. Spalte, fissure. \\ Kn^B

3s.m. nppB; 3p.m."hpDB, n. f. Ebene ,
Tal , plain,
sf. 3 s. m. rnpDB. Inf. j?DDO; ; valley.
s. m.
Pt. act. pDB, p. m. "lpB n. m. Geschafte, deal-
"pDB; pass. s. m. p'DB: ab- ings.
schneiden,zerschneiden, cut npB vb. Af., Imp.lpDX: frei-

off, cut through. Pa., Inf. \ geben, give free. Nlpsn ||

'piDB? : zerschneiden ,
cut (hebr.) n. m. Ziigellosigkeit,
through. \
Af., Pf. 3 s. m. licentiousness.

pDDN; Pt. act. s. f. Kj?DB.: xn^s v. yps.

1. = Pa.; 2. sich unter- XD"1"1B n. m. Baumgarten,
brechen, interrupt oneself. park.
B n. m. sf. 2 s. m. ,
Sty'D'lIB (pers. ?) n. m. Fiirst,

verse. \ pDB vb. denom., XJ3:niB (orig.?) n. m. Be-
Imp. pDB :
(einen Bibelvers) amter, official.

hersagen, recite (a Scrip- N;qniB3 (gr.) adv. offentlich,

tural verse). publicly.
v. VpB. XpJIIB
'T :IT -
(pers.) n. m. Bote,
vb. Pa., Pf. 3 s. f.
*np>B; messenger.
Imp. p. m. np.B ;
Pt. pass.
S^HB n. m. Eisen, iron.

2 rnpDO befehlen, com- PTJB vb. Pe., Pf. 3 p. "^rnB,

s. :

mand; ein Testament hin- nns; Pt. act. s. m. ms,

terlassen, leave a will. p. f. ]rns> :
fliegen, davon-
Af., Pf. 3 m. tpDN Pt.
s. ; fliegen", '"fly, fly off. \
s. m.
act. "IpBD, p. m. HpED : Pf. 3 s. m. c. sf. 3 s. m.

nrnCN ; Impf. 3 s. m. c. sf. B (gr.) n. m., sf. 3 s. m.

3s. f. nrnEJ: fliegen lassen, ]B : Gesicht counte-

cause to fly off. nance.

BIB vb. Pa. , Pt. act. t^BB :
P"1B vb. Pe., Impf. 3 s. m. c.

einzeln aufzahlen, specify. ||

sf. 1 p. 13Fns: 1. ein-

T:r: n. f., p. xBns,

[xnDns] T " f J i stiirzen, fall in; 2. erlosen,
'BnB Kleingeld
: small , deliver. \
Pa., Inf. ^.ng^,

change. sf., 3 s. m. npitB ?, 8p.m.

xnB (gr.) n. m., sf. 1 s.
n.B; irup;hB^; Pt. act. piso,
2 s. m. 7]ns :
Lager, couch. 1 s. SJp-lDO: l. trennen,
T' :r'T :

wins n. f. id. separate; 2. erlosen, de-

"IB vb. Pa., Inf. '3fil&, Af., liver; 3. auf eine Wider-
Inf. 0/hBsV :
zerreiben, legung antworten, meet a
question of objection.\\Xpr
ND1B (pers.) n. m., p.
D")B: n. m. Vortrag, discourse.

Parasange, parasang. S|?nB n. m., p. ^.nB: Ant-

XD1B (gr.) n. m. Vorrichtung, wort auf eine Widerlegung,
contrivance. answer to a question of
riSD"iB n.
m. Perser, Persian. objection.

NJ2PD1B (pers.) n. m. Bote, "IpHB. 1j?.").B>t

adv. riicklings,

messenger. on the back.

yiB vb. Pe., Pf. 1 s. c. sf. 11B. [Nni B] :
n. f., p. :

2 s. m. TI'pyiB, 3 s. m. Kleie, bran.

HFIV.IB; Imp. s. m. c. sf. vb. Pe., Inf.

1 s.'
10)V.1B ;
Pt. act. yiB, Pt. act. *
p. m. 'triB:
1. sich

sf. 3 s. m! ny/IB, 2 s. c. sf. absondern , separate one-

1 s. "pPy.lB :
bezahlen, pay. self; 2. reisen, travel. \

Itpe., Imp. y"]5tt< : sich be- Pa., Pt. act. ttnsp 5 pass,
zahlen lassen, be paid. s. m. BhBD,
-T :' p. m. ^'IBD:
* :rr :

).Pe.,Pt.pass.s.f. 1. absondern, separate;

ausgelassen, licentious. 2. genau angeben,
154* fOX

s n. m.,
sf. 3 s. m. n. m. Rabe, raven.
Erklarung, expla- vb. Pa., Pt. act. I^DO ;

nation. |
t^nsa adv. aus- pass. It&tep :
deuten, inter-
driicklich, explicitly. pret. || "IBteX. n. m. Moglich-
B>1B. XB>'-)B
n. m. Reiter, keit, possibility; moglich,
horseman. possible.
xrflB n. m. Exkrement, Mist, NfcjnB
n. m., p.
. . i 7
excrements, dung. \
XFHB word.
adv. em wenig, a nns
vb. Pe., Pf. i p.
vb. Pe., Pf. 3 p. m. 3 xnns, p. m.
s. f.

sf. 3 s. m. PrtBtfS; Imp. Imp. s. m. nns, p. m.


Bfete :
Ft. act. Is.* XJtDBte
Inf. nnsp ?; Pt. act.
: : I-T

pass. s. f. Xli^B: 1. aus- offnen, o/?e/2. ||

XnnB n. m.
strecken ,
stretch out; Tur, door.
2. einen Zweifel losen, n. m. Topf, J30?.
straighten out a difficulty; B n. m. Breite, breadth.
Pt. pass, klar, selbstver-
n. f.,' p. ^TIB,
r :'
T T r :

standlich, clear, self-evi- Docht, we'cjt.

dent. |
Itpe., Pf. 3 s. f.
X|?nB (gr.) n. m. Tafel, tablet.
Ststy'BX :
gelost werden, be XTinB
n. m., sf. 2 s.m. Tni
T '

solved. II XDt^'B n. m. natiir- Tisch, table.

11 T T :

licher Lauf, natural course. xns n. m. Brot, bread.

vb. Pe., Pt. act. 2 s. 3 s. m. Finger,
wollen, want. ||
las n. f. finger.

Wille, Ding, Bedarf, will, X113S n. m. coll. Gemeinde,

thing, need. congregation.
[xynsx, n. nix vb. itpa., Pt. s. f.
T xny^sx] '

P. c. sf. i s. rrtuso): sich ge-

ros 155*

sellen, be attached. \
XFQS ^V n. p. m. Brennholz,
(RTpX) n. m. (f.), sf. 1 p. kindling mood.
pn38 (VITI8) :
Gesellschaft, "pX vb. denom. Pa., Pf. 3 s.

company. m.l'S; Pt.act. VSD: kennt-

n3;J. xnas n. f.
Zange, ftmgv. lich machen , bezeichnen,
Xj?ns n. m., p. 'j^S: Ge- mark.
rechter, righteous man. \\
n. f. Haarlocke, Flamme,
: r

xnp/18 n. f.
Almosen, a/ms- forelock, flame.
vb. Pa., Pf. i s. ts
giving. n;^z,
1(K) iS n. m. Hals, nec/r.
8 ; Impf. 1 s. ^SK ;
3 s.

K8 vi>. Pe., Pf. 3 p. m. -mi;

Pt. act. 1 s. xrrS: m. SJ; Pt. act.s.m. D,
p. m. fysa, 1 s. XJ^W:
fangen, Awnf, cafc#. Itpe.,
beten,jray! Af.,Inf. wljaj ;
Impf. 3 p. f.
nTSP6; Inf. |

nisnx ;
Pt, p. m. 'nans :
Pt. act. ^S, p. l!?SO: nei-

gen, beugen, incline, bend.

pasB.]|XTi'Sn.m.,p.t pTi'a:
vb. Pe., Pt. act. p. m.
Fischer, fisherman.
HIS vb. Pe., Inf. niSB; Pt. &S: kreuzigen, crucify.

acfc 1 p. l^nl.S: vb. Pa., Pt. act. p. m.

cry. i>>xp: spalten, cleave.
xivsis n. f. = xns'a q. v.
'. Af., Pt. Act. nte:
IIS vb. Pe., Pf. 3 ft. m. IS: Erfolg haben, succeed.
sq. "Vy :
belagern, besiege. vb. Pe., Impf. 3 s. m.
HIS vb. Pe., Pt. act. s. m. huh; Pt. pass. s.m. ^8,
T '
f. xrps,
s. nn*s:
- IT
^^S, ^.8, f.
xV% p. m.
gehorchen, otey. Af., Impf. ^^8: klar sein, be clear. \\

2 p. m. WSn :
' Imp. xn^^S
T r
n. f. Klarheit, clear

horen, hearken. mind.

ms v.
^a. X^8 n. m. Fell, Leder,
xns, <na vb. Pe., Pt. act. 2 s. hide, leather. || x^8 n. m.
diirsten, be thirsty. Gerber, tanner.

p, is

[XVs] n. m., p. tN'Jt&S: insult. |

Itpa., Pf. 3 s. m.
Bild ,
Gotzenbild , image, IV.ttSX ; Impf. 1 s.

nS vb. Pe., Inf. nBXB: zu-

1 p. iy.I2S:; 3 s. m.
Pt. act. s. m. ly.ttSD : sich
sammenziehen, contract.
N3S n. m. Korb, basket. qualen, sich gramen, be
vexed, be grieved.
PS vb. Pa. , Inf. 'tfsxV ab- :

XJ1BS n. m. Norden, north.
ku'hlen, off.

yjS vb. Pe., Pt. pass. s. f. p]BS. snES n. f. Matte ,

1D2J. XI DS n. m. Morgen,
iny/JS, 2
f. s. f.
xy^J.S, p.
zuchtig : morning. 'S3, 'sV: mor-
ny^JS heimlich, ,

modest, secretive. X^JS ||

gens, m ^e morning.
n. m. Verborgenheit se- ,
-]SS. K1BS n. m. p. nSS

crecy. xy^.S.3
heimlich, Vogel, bird. \\ KRI.SS n. f. id.
secretly. ||
xnWJS n. f. 1DS. XTBS n. m. Ziegenbock,
Ziichtigkeit, Verborgenheit, he-goat. KPTBS n. f. Ziege,
modesty, secrecy. she -goat.

ppX vb. Pe., Pt. act. f]3S: N1S. ns n. m. Spalt, crack.

wiehern, neigh. XZi-jS (etym. ?) n. m. :
13310 'S :

Kilns n. m. Loch (in der Gelehrter, scholar.

unteren Turschwelle), <?00r- -|1S vb. Pe., Pt. pass.
socket. 2 p. MVS'I.S: notig,
iys vb. Pa., Pf. 1 s. c. sf. sary; bediirftig, in need. \

3 s. m. nniys ;
2 s. m. c. Itpe., Pf. 1 s. *31t5SK ;
3 s.

sf. i s. irny,s ;
3 p. m. c. m. ?]1t3S; Pt. s.m.?]1t:SD:
sf. 1 s. *piyS_ ; Imp. s. m. c. bediirftig sein, notig haben,
sf. i s.
inf. niys; be in need, need.

sf. i pt act 8- vb. Itpa., Impf. 3 m.

f!1 $R ;
- - s.

m. c. sf. 1 s.'
ilVSO, p. m. rnus
- rI?, :

3 p.m.
~ 'SlttS^: Pt.
IT : :

^ r ~: .
2 s. f. 'myao
T - (- ;
p. m. 'DltiSQ: vereinigt
qualen, beschimpfeu, vex, werden, be joined.
nx 157*

TIB vb. Pe., Pf. 3 s. m. znsammenbinden, wrap up,

Inf. ISO, 11110 ;
Pt. act. s. tie up. Pa., Impf. 3 B. m.

m. "PS ,
"l"l :
einwickeln, c. sf. 3 s. m. HTxV : id.

n. m., p. \Dp: Kab (ein yap vb. Af., Pt. act.

Ma6, a measure). festsetzen, fix, appoint.

apV] praep., sf. 1 s. pp vb. Pe., Imp. yap =
1 p. joap :
entgegen, q. v.

gegen, opposite, against. \ lap vb. Pe., Impf. 3 p.

vb. denom. Pa., Pf. sf. 3 s. m. tn:i3p' Pt. pass. .. .1
.. 7

ap; i p. "l^ap begraben, bury. Pa.,


sf. 2 s. m. TJJ^aj? 2
s. m. Impf. 3 s. m. tnaj?*: id. ||

rp ,
sf. i s. naj? ,
3 s. Xiap n. m. ,
sf. 3 s. m.
m. nrtap 2 p. m, t-pnVaj? ; ;

3 s. m. !?3j?, sf. 3 s. m. ap n. m. Knauel, Bliiten-

ap ;
3 p. m. c. sf. 3 s.
knauel, coil, cluster.

m. "l^ap ; Impf. 1 s. c. sf. .

Pe., Pt. act. s. f.

3 s. f.
sfcaj? ;
i p. c. sf.
aufsprossen, sprout
3 s.' f.
H^apJ ;
3 p. m. up, grow up.
Pt. act. ^ap, 2 p. ,?] praep., sf. 1 p.t
erhalten , empfangen ,

ceive, accept. |
Itpa., Impf. 3 s. m
3 s. f. Pt. praep., sf. 1 p. "|Dp; 2 s.

s. m. angenommen 3|?D: m. T]Sj?_;

3 s. m. "Dp; 3 p.

werden, aufgenommen wer- m. iiTap: vor, before. \

den, be received, be accept- JT 'nonp-10 adv. vor-

ed. |
Af., Inf. sq. mals, heretofore.

T : ,T :
begriifien, conj sq. Impf. bevor, before.

, salute.

:ap n. m. Zinne, turret. '.Sj?., p. m. 'XBj?_ , p. f.


TT |T :'-
' TT |T'-
erster, Sabbats sprechen, say the
first. || Dip vb. denom. Pe., benediction at the commen-
Pt. act. sf. HOIp
T :lir' , sq. ^ vor-
cement of the sabbath.
angehen, uberholen, pre- Af., Pf. 1 s. yipx :
cede, overtake. \
Pa., Pf. dedicate. \\ t^^p. adj., d.

3 s. m. D'lp 3 p. m. DHj?
; S^np.: heilig, My. K^"Tp ||

(sive DHp Pe.), sf. 2 s. m. n. m. Heiligkeit, holiness.

jponj?; impf. i p. nnp: p. X^i? n. m., c. !?(?

(D^lp^) ; Imp. s. m. D^p, p. twee.
m. to^p; Inf. 'Bttj?; Pt. act.

p. WpB, V (nota ac- sq.

vb. Pe., Pf. 1 p.
2 s. m. nj?T ;
3 s. m. Oj? ;

cus.) sive verbo in eadem

3 s. f.
no'j?', HD|? ;
3 p. m.
forma (69a): friih tun, zu-
t!Dj?, 07; ImpUl s.
vorkommen, do early, anti- 7K; Ip. Wpj, ipj; 2 p.
cipate. Af., Impf. 3 p. m.
m. IDIpri; 3 s. m.
lO'TpV; Imp. s. D^lpX; p.

^EHpX ,
sf. 3 s. f. rnsnpN ; ^Pc!5 3 S. f.

Inf.'OttpX: friih tun, schnell ^pFJ; 3 p. m.

sein, do early, be quick. ? ; Imp. s.

D^p ;
Pt. act.

XYT.P. n. f.,
sf. 2 s. m. ^VTp :
f opf, pot. f.
T p. m.
IR vb. Pe., heilig werden, p. f.
'tl&ij?; 1

become holy. tf"Tj?

NttT 1 :
(J'pj?), 2 s.
FjOft; pass,
der (Sabbat) Tag hat be- s.m. D^p, f. XD'p: aufstehen,

gonnen, the day (of the stehen bestehen bleiben,


sabbath} has commenced. rise, stand, remain; Pt.

Pa., Inf. 'B/ni?V : fiir heilig pass, feststehend, certain.

erklaren, pronounce holy IpH: die Frage bleibe un-

= 1. (obj. Xnn) trauen, beantwortet the question ,

betroth; 2. den
Segen- remain unanswered. \
spruch am Eingange des Pf. 1 s. tntyj?; Impf. 1 s.


DP_X 1
, p. D*p_: ; Imp. [NITlipJ (hebr.) n. f., p. nip:
liTp; Pt. act. 1 s.
Balken, beam. .

pass. s. m. DP_B, s. f. vb. Pe., Pf. 1 s. c. sf.

erfiillen, feststellen, 3 s. m. nnVtDp 2 s. nVtSp, ;

establish ; DP_O : am Leben sf. p. m. Inwfap:

3 r - '
3 s. : :

erhalten, /wm$r. |
Itpa., Pf. m. c. sf. 3 s. m. n?Up_, 3 p.
3 s. m. Dj?K ; Impf. 3 s. f. m. iru^Bp ;
3 p. m. c. sf.

Dj?n; Pt. D:P_: erhalten 3 s. m. n^Dp_, 3 p. m.

bleiben, remain. Af., Pf. \
tlU^t?p; Impf. s. c. 1 sf.

1 p. c. sf. 3 s. f. ajppjx 3 p. m.
t-jU^pX., in^DpN;
2 s. m. c. sf. 3 s. f. XRDPJX ;
1 p. ytDpJ, sf. 3 p. m.

2 p. m. t-pnDPJX; 3 s. m. t^tipJ; ^s.m.'rbpn; 2 p.

DPJX, sf. 2 p.'m. I3ji?1; m. c. sf. 3 p. m. inj^Dpn ;

3 p. in. c. sf. 3 s.f.niopiX; 3 p. c. sf. 2 s. f.

Jfl?j$ ;

Impf. 1 s. DPJX, sf. 3 s. m. Imp. s. m. Vbp s

sf. 3 s. f.

ruspix, 3 s. f.
ruppix; nVt5P_, p. f.
t^up; Inf.c.sf.

3 s. m. bpj^, sf. 3 p. irnppi ;

3 s.m. rUtPt. act. s.

Imp. 'PJX, sf. 1 s. m.

Inf. 'Biplx ;
Pt. act. . m. 1 s.
XJ^, 1 p
DPJJO , *gto ;
i s. 2 s. nSui?, 2 p.
1 p. i^pp.lo 2 s. , pass. s. m. ^pp, d.
2 p. in^PiD: aufrichten, toten, kill, murder. \
pi : i

bestehen lassen , stellen, Impf. 2 p. m. t^tspnn;

sich beziehen lassen, raise, Pt. ^tipD: pass. ||
N^p n.

cause to remain, place, m. Tod, death.

cause to refer. \
Ittaf., Pt. ppp adj., d. XJnsp ; p. ^ts.p :

DjTinp: sich beziehen, refer\ \

klein, small. \\ XJtsp n. m.
D 'R adj. am Leben, be- Winzigkeit, smallness.
standig, living, abiding. vb. Pe., Pf. 3 s. f. c. sf.

n. m. Nadelohr, eye of 3 s. m. nnjtop ;

Pt. pass.

a needle. s. f. d. Nn;Pt2p : abschnei-


den, verstiimmeln, cut off, leicht, light. \

Itpalp., Pt.
curtail. s. f.
X?p?pO : verdorben
F)t3p vb. Itpe., Pt. P]t$j?B : ab- werden, become spoiled.

geschnitten werden, be cut Af., Pf. 2 m. H^pX ; Impf.


off. 3 s. m. hfh Imp. t>pX Pt. ; ;

Ittp vb. Pe., Imp. "Ittp: bin- act. 7j?D ; pass. ^|?p : er-

den, tie.
|| Xlttp n. m., p. leichtern, lighten. \

nttp: Knoten, knot. Pf. 3 s. m. ^prixpass :

JO Dp n. m. Rauch .W0<?. , || ^p adj. leichf, light; adv.

T -
: IT' :
n. etwas, das
f. ein wenig, a little.

Rauch verursacht , some- vb. Itpe., Pf. 1 s.

thing that causes smoke. ^y.Vpx. ;

i p.

Xtt'.p, XB'j? n. m. Sommer, (l^V^p.X), l^.pX ;

Pt. s. m.
summer. y?PP, p. m. t^y^pp: ein-

XD'j? n. m. , p. 'D'p : Holz- treffen, arrive; begegnen,

stiick, piece of wood. strike.

"!D'p_: Caesar. xrvp^p,

T :':'' xn^p'p, xnp^p
n. f.,
'r' IT :' :'

XTp n. m. Wachs, wax. P-

?.P.^P.5 "7P."

?.'- Misthaufen,
vb. Pe., Pf. 2 s.
n^_p; dung heap.
3 p. c. sf. 3 p. inriVp 5 Impf. XDp v. Dip.
3 s. m. vp?, sf. 3 s. m. Xnpp n. m. Mehl, flour.

H^pV ;
Pt. act. '"?
; pass. ^p v. mp.
s. f. X vp :
sengen ,
ver- XtSppp (gr.) n. m. Kessel,
brennen parch , roast.

Itpe., Pf. 3 s. m. ''VjPX. Pt. XJp vb. Pa., Impf. 2 ;

s. m.
p. f. l^p.p, 1 p. X2pn eifersiichtig :
be jealous. || Xip n. in., sf.

^Vp; X^p(?) n. m. Stein, 3 s. m. Hip: Eifersucht,

stone. jealousy.
?^p vb. Pe., Pt. pass. m. xjp vb. Pe., Pf. 2 s. m.rv:p

!?7, f. d.
Xn^i?, p. m. ^/p Impf. 3 s. m. tfjS^
: Imp. ;

HJp; Pt. act. m. 3 m. m.

^~jp; 3 p.
s. p. s. c. sf.

m. i3j? :
erwerben, kaufen, c. sf. 3 s. m. nvip ; Imp.
acquire, purchase. np ;
Inf. XIpD, npD Pt. ;

NJ Jp n. m., p. ^j? :
Rohr, reed. act.
ng, p.Vlj?, lp'. P.^:

XDJp (gr.) n. m. Strafe, fine. rufen, nennen, lesen, call,

vb. Pe., Imp. fbp; Pt. read. \
Itpe., Impf. 3 s. m.
tnprv; Pt. s. m. njra, s.
Bj? :
springen, leap.
n. d. f. f. :
[fctig] HJ3*?.: m., p. ;Vp.o, p., inj?_o
Fleischhauer, butcher. pass. |
Af., Pf. 1 p. c. sf.

3 s.m. tVp'Jn.pX; 2 s.m. c.

vb. Pe. t Pf.3p.rn. tjj? ;
sf. 1 s. innpN ; 3 s. m. c.
Impf. 1 s.
fpX; 2 s. m.
sf. 1 p. p.npN, 2 s. m.
3 p. m. ttp; Imp. tinpx, 3 s. m. nnpx ;
3 p.
s. m. fp, p. m. IBp; Inf. m. c. sf. 1 s. TnpK ; Imp.
c. sf. 3 s. m. n^appV ; Pt. p. m. ilpS ;
Pt. act. s. m.
act. pxj?, p. m. 'X*p pass. ; npo, p. c. np.o, i s. xjnpt? :
pp : abhauen , bestimmen, lesen lassen, cause to read. \\

cut off, determine. \

Itpa., xnp n. m., sf. 2 s. m. spioj?,
Pf. 3 p. m. tnragnx: ab-

gehauen werden, be cut off. Bibelvers, Scriptural verse. \\

TSj? adj., d. XTSP; p. d. n. m. Leser, reader.


n^p: krank, sick.

xip! 'xn-ip n. f., p. nn p: :

Xj?j? n. m., p. ""PJ?: Pelikan, Stadt, Dorf, town, village.

pelican. vb. Pe., Pf. 3 p. m. tuij? ;

vippT (pers.) p. m. Amomum Impf. 2 s. m. 3np.FJ; 3 s.m.

Cardamomum. yyph] anp^ inf. imp.
n. m. , p. '")]?: Kiirbis, X31pD^ nahen, come near.

f 2
gourd. Pa., Pf. i s. n:n, sf.

ip vb. Pe., Pf. 1 s. nofr s.m. ^innip;

T HT 3p.m.
r '
' tmp; *** *

sf.2 s. m. ^0)nnp; 2 s. Imp. p. Ulj?; Inf. c. sf. 3

m. n-np, sf. 3 s. m. s. m.
Pt. act. p. m. ;

Margolis, Chr. Bab. Talm. 11


; pass. s. m t
3s.m.ny-|p.; 3p.m. 'V ]p;

f. Hyiptt. 1 s. - Impf. 3 s. m. c. sf. 3 s. m.

T IT :
' T : rr :

nahebringen , darbringen,
nyi j?i; Pt. act. Vli?: zer-
opfern, bring near, offer; :

Pt. pass, verwandt, related, reifien, tear. ||

Itpe., Pf. 3
Af., Pf. 3 s. f.
trn-jpn; Pt.
p. t^lP.H: pass.
act. S'lp.E: bringen, opfern, pj? vb. Pe., Pf. 3 s. f. c. sf.

1 s. IR^lp: kneifen, nip,

bring, offer. [| 2nj? adj., d.
pinch. || N!T)p n. m. Stuck,
m. ^ni?T piece, v. ^ON.
VSFjj 2 s.
3 s.

m. pnnp
: 3 s. f. mnp -
: lip vb. Pe., Inf. 1j?q Pt. act. ;

1 s. m. ISp NTp kalt

s. XW"1p:
T verwandt, : I-'T
re- T
..I ,

fated. NDlp n. m. Krieg, sein, &e coW. || Af., Impf.


war. XJ3HJ? n. m. Opfer, 1 p. Ip:; Inf. nipX; Pt.


sacrifice. act. s. f. Nipt?: abkiihlen,

mp adj.,
T' :
' d. xmp:
TT 1
kahl, &a/d. cool off. || in.i? adj. kalt,

xn^.Dnp (gr.) n. f.
chest. v.

n. m. Wurm, worm. ^;p adj., f.
^B(i?, p. m.
KO'1R n. m., p. 'Dip: eine f.
^p :
hart, schwer, hard,
gewisse Pflanze, a certain difficult. || NIVBfl? n. f., p.

plant. xrvty'p Kern, kernel] N;^;p,


TT' :
n. m. Haut, Kruste, p. nVp 0^): Schwierig-

skin, crust. keit , Frage , difficulty,

n. f., p. (du.) V:TJ?, question. || Xt^'p vb. denom.
\Hj?: Horn, ^orn; p.Nnjip. Af., Pt. act. ^pB: einen

Ecke, corner. Einwand erheben/ raise a

XDJ"lp n. m. Hammer, hammer. point of objection.

[XD-I;?] n. m., p. c. sf. 3 s. f. vb. Itpa., Pf. 3 s. f.

n^plp: Knochel, ankle. ; Imp. s. f.

V"lp vb. Pe.,
Pf. 3 s. m. c. sf. Pt. s. f. xetf?B: sich
opiap 163*

putzen, dress. n. m, s. m. tfp, f.

XB>p: alt wer-
Wahrheit, truth. den, grow old. \\ B"#p adj.,
vb., Inf. H0[ d. XBt5(p :
alt, oW.
p. m /ptypq: behacken, 'p n. Bogen, 0n>.

hoe. np n. f., p. sf. 3 p. f.

vb. Pe., Pf. 1 p. Stiel, handle.

DX1. Xn n. m. Wildochse, n. m., c. yi3") ;

sf. 3 s. m.
HJ12"! ; Herr, Zortf.
BftO. Xtfn n. m., c. n. f., sf. 3 s. m.,7
sf. 1 s. nn ;
2 s. m. S herrisches Wesen, lordship. ,\\

3 s. m. a>n, n^ 1
f. ntr'
[313"l] n. m., p. m. c. sf. 3
B^n: Haupt, c. s. m. t
Xt^n; p. VTiJinT], PPa'pl;
Anfang, head, beginning. p. f. 13113"I: grofi, large;
adv. anfangs, ^
GroBer, grandee.
no adv. id. 31. V31X n. m.,
n$;3]X '

vb. Pa., Pf. 1 s. c. sf. 3 f. 4. "1D(')3-|X f.

, V2_1
s. m. nn>:n ;
3 s. f. c. sf. .
'IDC^IX 14. '||

3 . m. Pri^l; Impf. 3 s. f.
ys-lX., 731X. n. p. m. 40. ||

'3"in; Imp. ^3" 1 :

groBziehen, n. m.' '-J-. || X^3T n.

bring up. \
Xn^"] n. f. Mad- m. Quadrat, square.
chen,^zr/. [|
xnui n. f. Aus- V21 vb. Af., Pf. 2 s. m.
zeichnung, distinction. nV3"|X lagern lassen, cause

31 adj., d. to lie down. n. m.

X3~l, H31; X^3-|O \\

t^l, >31; s. f. d.
1 s. n. f.
^nST; p.m. c. sf. 1 p. p.31: resting-place.

groB, great; Lehrer, teacher. n vb. Pe., Pt. act. WT :

T -
r :
" 1121,
n. f., p.
'r >
' ziirnen, be angry. \\ "JIJI adj.
d. xni31: 10000. n XJI'31 II
jalizornig, given to anger.

164* ram

xn(-|) n. f., p. c. sf. 3 s. m. vb. Pe., Impf. 2 s. m.

tvrfr:n; 3 p. m. lirp^n: Pt. pass. s. m. d.

Fu6, foot. ||
&n vb. denom. N^n : sich berauschen , be

Pe., Pt. pass, *?\ri, 2 p. drunk. \

Af., Pf. 3 s. f. c. sf.

UvVvri: gewohnt, accu- 3s. m.

nn/ns: berauschen,
stomed. make drunk.
Bft") vb. Pe. rauschen, be in mi vb. Pe., Pt. act. s. m.
commotion. Af., Pf. 1 s. \
- T '
f. Xni~1
T pass.
s. m.
! (T

nt^TIX; Impf. 3 p. m. n'n : sich erweitern ,


^tttfnV; Pt. act. tfsr\V: come wide. Pa., Pt. pass. |

1. in Bewegung bringen, nrio weit, wide, ample. \

stir; 2.
empfmden, merken, nn n. m. Raum, space.
perceive. Xtn n. m. Ge- \\
n. m. Hohe, height.
rausch, noise, commotion. soil n. m. Romer, Roman.
-IT) vb. Pa., Pf. 3 s. m. TP; n
T T n.'m., p.
d. tn T- |T
" sf. 3 s.m.
Inf. HiY! :
plattschlagen, tvrin: Geheimnis, secret.
beat out. H. JOno n m Rinne, water- - -

f)Tl vb. Pe., Pt. act. p. m. spout.

DTI: ' pass.
* p. f.
SH1 : m. x;n~l
n. m. Miihle, mill.


rasch fliefien, flow vehe- n. p.

r m. Mitleid, com-
-: r

mently. passion. \
Dm vb. denom.

urn vb. Pe., Pf. 3 p. tDirn ; Pe., Pt. act. m. Drn; sf. s.

Imp. s, m. urn, p. m. ^n~l; 3 s. m. PIDm;

p. m. 'Din.
r T .. 7 ..

Pt. act. s. m. p. m. 1 s. XJDHT: lieben, love;


t^tsni, f. 1OT: laufen, Pt. act. Freund, friend. \

rww. Af., Imp. s. m. c. sf.

Pa., Pt. act. IBrnB: sich

1 s. 'jttrnx: laufen lassen, erbarmen, have compassion.

cause to run. \\
T -;i"
n. m. xnoni n. f.,
sf. i p. vnorn :

Laufen, running. *tt$i'"n || Liebe, love. ||

XJDHT n. m.
m. Ifp. 'tsim der Barmherzige, the Com-
"IT Laufer,
, :

runner. passionate One.


vb. Pe., Pt. pass. 1 s. 2D-1 vb. Pe., Imp. abl; Inf.

vertrauen, trust. \\
2210^, Pt. act. reiten, ayj"
'., sf. is. tyxrn:
Af., Pf. 3 si m. c. sf.

Vertrauen, tfrws/. 3 s. m. nariN: reiten las-

vb. Pa., Pt. pass. p. f.
sen, cause to mount.
V.?"^) 2 p. pi. ^:n adj., f. *yy\ :
entfernen, re- weich, tender, soft.
move. d. m. Hausierer,
|| pTHadj., XP/rn; X^Dl'H (hebr.) n.
s. f.
XjPTH: far,
fern, peddler.
distant. II XPim
'T r
n. m. , c. DD1 vb. Itpe., Pf. 3 s. m. ODIN :

pirn: Entfernung, distance. verloren gehen, oe lost.

Itpe., Pf. 3s.m. BfrnnX; SO-j
vb. Pe., Pf. 3 s. f. c. sf.
Pt. s. m. tfrnn.o, p. m. 3 s. f. n1 ; Impf. 2 s. m.
^rnno : sich ereignen, c. sf. 3 s. m. rPDin ; Imp.
occur. ||
Xtfrn n. m. coll.
s. f.
3 p. f.
Gewurrn, worms. [moist.
Inf^ ND-IO ?,
*onp^ Pt. act. ;

on adj., d. *yur\: feucht, s. m. nri,

i s.xrDi, "pnn:
T -IT' '- -rr'
1 vb. Pe., P\ act. ^CH: pass. s. f.
X^OT: werfen,
murmeln, murmur. erheben, gegeniiberstellen,
nn vb. Af., Pt. act. rniB: throw, lift, contrast. \

riechen, smell. ||
XtV") n. m., Pf. 3 m. 'Binx, f. K;oinx,

sf. 3 s. m. nnn :
Geruch, >-inx:
- Pt. 's. m. wnb:
i : : :

smell. || inrn adj., d. sich ereignen, occur. \

wbhlriechend , of Pt. act. i s. x^enn
T .... ,
i f
odor, l^cno :
v. DN1. cos/ together.
xnsn v. )yn. 1B-| vb. Pa., Pt. act. p. f.
1JO10 :

vb. Af., Pt. act. winken, wink.

ausleeren, emp^t/ OM/ xntD") n. m. (f.) Speer, spear.
adv. leer, empty. X3D") n. m. Granatapfel, pome-
v. granate.
166* suarn

pi vb. Pa., Pt. p. m. 'J.riB: (hebr.) vb. Itpa. , Pf. 3

murren, murmur. s. m. nnN:

- r- '
Pt. s. m. miB:
xjn vb. Pe. , Impf. 3 s. m. besanftigt sein, be recon-

71J ;
'VIB^ ;
Pt. s. m. ciled.

T -'
X>y.: p. 'in,
" T' iyi:
wei- p-i (hebr.) n. m. Firma-
den, tend; Pt. act. d. Hirt, ment, firmament.
shepherd. n vb. Pe., Pf. 3 s. f.
xyi. xijn_ n. m., xnr>n n.f., nj?j?T; Impf. 3 s. f.

c. nijn': Wille, will. speien, 5j9

yjn vb. Af., Pf. 3's. m. jnx ;
n. m. Speichel, spittle.
Inf. >V
iHK^ : Boses zufiigen, n. f.,
sf. 2 s.m.T
rfo evil. |
iittaf., Pf. 3 s. m. Erlaubnis, Darlehen, per-
inns. ; Impf. 3 s. m. jn_l^>: mission, loan. |
xniBh no :

sich verschlimmern , grow Schuldner, debtor.

worse. .nsh adj., d. X^l; p. d.

yjn vb. Pe., Pt. pass. s. m. tx^tih, 7^1: gottlos,

X^jn ;
X^iTI : schad- wicked.

haft, ftroAr^n. |
Af, Pt. 2 s. vb. Pe. , Impf. 2 s. m.
PSTltt : schadhaft machen, nrnn ;
Pt. act. s. f. xnrn ;

impair. pass. p. m. TlTll :

xnsn n. f., sf. 2 s. f. in Zorn aufbrausen , boil,

t]nsn. :
Brot, bread. be hot with anger. \
I vb. Pe., Pt. act. j?EH: Pt. pass. p. m. ^nrnp : er-

pfliigen, plough. || XjPST n. ziirnt, angry. \\

xnriT n. m.
m. Pfliigen, ploughing. ||
Zorn, anger.
XjPiST n. ra. Pfliiger, plough- n. m. Ginsterstraucb,
man. broom-plant.

vb. Pe., Pt. act. XJfr v. XJD.

1 Vnjnfe, 2 s.
p. iOVfr n. m., sf. 3 s. m.rnyfr :

satt sein, Je sated. Af., Haar, hair.

Pf. 3 s. m. c. sf. 1 p. iy_3frx_ xrnyfr (xmyo)
^ n. f., p. nyfr :
; T :JT :T :' :
(T > :

Impf. 3 s. m. c. sf. 2 s. m. Gerste, barley.

tJSJSfr^: sattigen, satisfy. XHDfr n. f.
, p. c. sf. 3 s. m.
into v. THD. Pirn St^ :
Lippe, Rand, lip,
ttfr n.
T :
m. Linke, left hand. edge.

vb. Pe. , Inf. 1 p.

NX^' Imp. s. m. ;

act. s. m. 3>K>:
T r m.
p. "
p. m. ^Xt^'; Inf.
f.nan: resorbieren, absorb. Pt. act.
T p. m. VV ,
^^ '
I IT '

vb.^Pa., Pf. 1 s. tnT^'; pass. s.

rtpVm: fragen, f.

2 s. m. Fnypj :
ubrig lassen, entleihen, ask, borrow. \

/eay<? over. |
Itpa., Pf. 3 s. Itpe., Pf. 1 s. -Wnx ;
3 s.

m. TntSft pass. nt8( :

n. m. tofarf; Impf. 3 s. m.
m. Rest, remainder. V^n:.; 'inf. >!
?i^nx; Pt.
vb. Pe., Pf. 3 s. m. c. ^ty'np : die Auf losung eines
sf: 3 s. m. PPatf; Pt. act. Gelubdes nachsuchen, apply
p. m. 13BJ': gefangen neh- for the dissolution of a vow. \

men, capture. \
Itpe., Pf. Pa., Pf. 3 s. m. c. sf. 3 s.

3 s. m. 'anate ;
f. m. Tfyvi ; Impf. 3 s. m. c.

p. f.
pass sf. 3 s. f. rfr&h
-i i
3 p.m.
n. m. Gefangenschaft, cap- Imp. s. m. c. sf. 3
VWfy ;


tivity. s. m! Inf. ^i't?' ?;

vb. Pe., Pf. 1 s. Pt. act. s. m. ^XBto, p. m.
sf. 3 s. m. n tl^B^o, 1 s. x:Wo: fra-

3 p.' m. gen, ask; sq. 3 sich er-

168* sam

kunden, inquire. Af., Pf. \\ iDflystPN :

beschworen, ad-
3 8. f. rtajfiN; Inf. 'VW1K; jure.
Imp. s. m. c. sf. 1 s.
"I^BMx ;
vb. Pe., Pf. 2 s. m. et f.

Pt. act. s. m. hwfo ; p. m. 2 p. m.

^B>;iO: leihen, loan. 3 s. m. c. sf. 3 s. m. H
tf n. sf. 3 s.f. 3 p. m. 3 s.f.e.'sf.
f., 1ruj?3B[ ;

c . sf. 3 s. f. 3 s. m. nnp3Bf$ 3 p. m.
t vT -T Nachbarin, wo- "hp3ts>, sf. i s. VP. 3.^j 3 p.

man-neighbor. xni33tf n.
m. 1ru*p3Bj Impf. 1 s. c. ;

sf. 3 s. m.
sf. i s.
tntta[; i p. flpSB^t, 3 p. m.

inmtf :
Nachbarschaft, 1'PUpat^X ;
3 s. m. c. sf. 3 s.

neighborhood. f.
rI3p3B(7 ; Imp. s. m.
33tf. n. m. 1 s.
]&&> 3 s. m.
N3t^ , p. '38? :

3 p. m. 1n3j?a^ ; s. f.
Span, splinter.
sf. 3 s. m. H^p3ttf p. m. c.
vb. Pa., Pf. 3 p. m.
sf. 3 s. m. Pt. act.
preisen, praise.
s. m. p3K/, 1 p.
Af. , Inf.
TI13B(X ;
Pt. act.
2 s. F]j?3Q
; pass. p. f.
rQtP'D : verbessern, improve.
ubriglassen , hinterlassen,
V3tf n. m., p.
^3B(: Pfad, fahren lassen , zulassen,
leave over, leave behind,
n. m. , njJDtJ^ n. f.
let go, permit.
n. m. et f. 7. nn.3Bf n. p. m. Blindheit,
f. tj-pipy blindness.
"HD3t^ 17. || *py3Bf n. p. vb. Pa., Pt. 8. f. d.
m. 70. || 05>ttt] (hebr.) n. NntJtoBto :
fehlerhaft, erro-
m., p. ^31^ :
Woche, week. neous. |
Itpa. , Pf. 3 p.
yitf vb. denom. Itpe., Pf. t^QPl^K: sich irren, err. ||

1 s. Impf. 3 s. m.
^y.3n#X ; xni^3^' n. f.
Irrtum, error.
ynntP'?: schwb'ren, swear. r\^
T -
n. f., a. S3B>';
T - '
p. '3{y',

Af.', Pf. 1 s. c. sf. 2 p. m. Sabbat , Woche,


sabbath, rveek. \
N3Bte "in, nn-i^; 3 s. m. -ntf; f.
'Ba nn, 'BO rn^, sf. 3 s. m. nrrntf ;

3 p. m. tma?, inty',' sf.

Sonntag, Montag, Dienstag, 1 P- 1J>
3 s.m. niTWf;
Mittwoch, Donnerstag,Frei- Impf. 1^'X; 1 p.l^J,
tag, Sunday, Monday, Tues- sf. 3 s. m. nTTtfJ
3 s. m.
day, Wednesday, Thursday, 1^ ;
3 s. f. '-\WF\ ; Imp.
Friday. int^; Pt. act. s. m. 1^0,
n. Name eines Damons, p. m. nnty'D,
- ;J . .
1 s. KmBto:
T ._ . .'

name of a demon. senden, send.

vb. Af., PL 3 s. m. rWB[X rmf. nty; n.
m., xnt? n. f. 6. ||

3 s. f .
t nnatfx Pt. act. :
; natsjo iD^n^; ,

sich kiimmern, care, ffimrf. nnrntf 16. ||

vb. Pe., Pt. pass. s. m. n. p. m. 60. Nivntf n. f.|.


d. XTJtf: heizen, foctf.

vb. Pa., Impf. 3 s. m.
tf vb. Pe., Pf. i s.
sf. 3 s. m. nnHtf 3 s. m. c. sf.3 p. zuriick-
; injnt^y:
c. sf. 3 s. m. antf, 3 p. halten, detain. Itpa., Impf. \

3 s. m. *r\F\tfh: verweilen,
inrrtf, inrrtf ;
3 s. f. c. sf.

3 s. m. nrrnr, nnntr' 3 p. ;
m. c. sf. 3s. m. vb. Pe., Pt. pass.
PnTH; *\tf,

Impf. 3 s. m. nt8[J,
sf. 3 p. p. iW': wert, preiswert,
imntfV; Imp. s. m. HB>, sf. billig, worth, cheap. \
3 s. f. rpn :
xniyto^ ; Imp. p. iWX :
sq. vb. billig,
Pt. act s. m. HB;',
NHCg', cheap.
p. m. nt^, 1 s.
2 s. W vb. Pa., Pf. 1 s. iyf,

nHt^; pass. m. HBj, f. s. sf. 2 p. TSjW, 3 s. m.

NHB>, p. f. "jH^: werfen, nrp-itf, 3 p. in:^' ;

3 s. m.
cast. c. sf. 3 s. m. PPttg ;
3 p. m.
vb. Pa., Pf. 1 s. c. sf. c. sf. 2 s. m. T)1"it; Imp.
2 s. m. ^iyiTt, 3 s. m. 3 s. m. c. sf. 3 s. m. r

Inf. "itf?, sf. 3 s. m. n^B :

'intif' n. m. Bestechimg, bribe.

set/en, machen, set, render. vb. Pe., 3 p. c. sf. 3 s.

itP' vb. Pa., Impf. 3 s. m. c. m. nitDPIt; Impf. 3 8. m.

sf. 3 s. m. PlB'.tfV: ab-
IDhBjJ; Imp. p. m. c. sf. 3

schatzen, estimate. s. m. nittnt^ :

vb. Pe., Pt. pass. p. f. slaughter.
1JJHP' :
verpichen , glatten, n. m. Last (eig. Er-
plaster, make smooth. Itpe., hitzung), load (prop. heat).
Pf. 3 p. tiytfrm: glatt wer- vb. Pa. , Pt. act. p. m.
den, become smooth. X^# ^nt^D: fronen lassen, im-
r -: :

n. m., Wiytf
T ' r :
n. f. Mortel. pose forced labor.
Spund, cement, sealing clay. vb. Pe., Pt. act. s. m. d.

vb. Pe., Pf. 3 p. c. sf. 3 WVtf

T Narr,
: IT fool. I KnrtSB^
T : rr

s. f.
PWEH; Imp. *)ltf; Pt. n. f.
Torheit, folly.
act. p. m. 1ENti>'; pass. p. .
Itpa., Pf. 1 s. Tltsrw'X :
m. 'DBf, 'EPtf :
reiben, ab- sich ausstrecken ,

reiben, rw&, wear out. \

Pa., 3 p. c. sf. 3 s. f. vb. Pe., Pf. 2 s. m. c. sf.

ppenzft id. 3 s. m. HRBtDBj; Impf. 1 p.

n. m. Marktplatz, c. sf. 3 s. m. nStttTJ: weg-

market place. schwemmen, wash away.

n. [f.] Schenkel, vb. Pe., Impf. 1 s. It^'N ;

FuB, leg. Inf. "IttBto :

vb. Pe., Impf. 2 s. m. smear (apply a salve).

"W'n; Pt. act. W: sprin- n. m., c. "H3# ;

sf. 1

gen, fea;>. |
Pa., Pt. act. s. 2 s.
T]^; p. c. sf.
id. 2 p. m. Urkunde,
n. m. Mauer, wall. document.

; i
vb., Pf. 3 s. m. c. sf. 3

rad, best man. s. m. a:n?.; Impf. 3 s. m.

v. c. sf. 1 s. bra6 : Inf. c. sf.

3 s. m. inf.
a3[1]lH0J>: erretten, narrate; ^nian^x; Pt.
deliver. p. m. t^nantsto gefunden :

XX'tf n. m., p. Ptf :

Flosse, werden, be found, be met
fin. with.

^T^ (gr.) n. m. p. Seide,

nDtf(b.ebr.) vb. Pe., Pf. 1 p.
jnatf, sf. 3 p. lnj:nat^; Pt.
n. m. Alabaster, ala- act. 1 p. "jj^nat^:
forget. \
Itp'eT, Pt. s. f.

vb. Pe., Pf. i p.

33B( t^stf, pass.
patf ; 3 s. f. X33tf ; 3 p. m. ?3t0 n. m.,' >3Bto:
T : r r
p. ::(-
t Pt. act. s. m.
lasts? ; 33tf, basin. xn ?3B''D,

Becken, \

f. X33 tg, p. m. d. 33tf, f.

xnVa.Bf n. f. kleines Becken,
13att: sich legen, liegen, small basin.
schlafen, sterben, lie down,
# xn^atr' n.
TIP: p. xn:'a^':
f., f TT
sleep, die.
, :

die Gegenwart Gottes, the
natf vb. Pe. (Af.)t Pf- 1 8 -

Divine Presence. \\ "jatr'Ovb.

sf. 3 s. m. anTDBte, f.

pfanden, pawn.
annsate, p. m. inwretfx,
(3) n. f.
tmnTiatfx; i p. ti^nsBite,
n. m. Rauschtrank, in-
3 s. m. natfxj sf. "jaty'

3 s. m. HTOBte, 3 p. m. toxicating drink.

3 s. f. c. sf. 3 s. vb. Itpe., Pf. 1 p. l^ntBte:

m. PIFirOBte 3 ; p. m. vergessen, forget.
niDtrs, sf. 3 s. m. r
vb. Pe., Pf. 3 s.f. an^ef;

Impf. 2 s. m. natsjn; Pt. 3 p. tin ?^'; Impf. 3 s. m.


nat^o, 1 s.
xjns^'o, nVt^'V;
3 p. Imp. mVB;
2 s.
PnSB^tD ; pass. s. m. ;
Pt. pass.

f. xn^,
T :'
2 s. nn^tr:
- :
xn^tr', sf. 3 's. f.

finden, find; Pt. pass, sich i 1. senden, send;

befindend, antreffbar,/*0wnrf, Pt. pass. Bote, messenger;

frequent. Itpe., Pf. 3 s. m. \

2. ausziehen,

Pa., Pt. act. p. stiften unter, make peace

ausziehen, strip off. among, nna 'V nny Frie-
vb. Pe., Impf. 3 s. m. den schliefien mit, make
^; Pt. act. B^tf: herr- peace with. *? 'W an* be-

schen, rule. \\
Xti4tt>' n. m., grufien, salute. -)Vy XO^'
p. *HS#: Herrscher, Macht- Friede sei mit dir, /?mce
haber, ruler, potentate. be with you. XW'a adv. \

T :
recht, correct. II XJD^'
T T -

schaft, dominion. m. Vollkommener, perfect

T : :
T :
n. f. man.
Nachgeburt, after-birth. .,
Pt. pass. s. m. *]^tf,
vb. Itpalp., Impf. 3 s. f.
XB^tS(: abziehen,
draw off. \\

m. ^!?nt2^j: lose werden, XSi^'

n. m., p. c. 'Bl!?tf:
te loosened. n. der (das Schwert) heraus-
xn^tW f.

Kette, cftam. he who draws

zieht, ziickt,
tf vb. Pe., Pf. 3 p. (the sword).
Inf. D?t^t5: vollendet sein, ty' n. m., sf. 1 s. &>; 2 s.
&e completed. Pa., Impf. m. ^0^; 3 s. f. aptf'; 3 p.

1 s. ;
3 s. m. D^'^ ; 1.TDB(:Name, nam<?. Dty'D |

nalVfi?^ ;
Pt. act. 2 p. praep. wegen, on account
T DteflD conj. weil, &e-
"jinp^'D: bezahlen, pay. of. |

Itpa'., Pt.
D^Pty'O; 1 s.

XJD^nttto, 2 s.
oty' n. p. m., c. 'Btf : Him-
vergolten werden, bezahlt mel, heaven, Heaven.
werden, be requited, receive lDt^ n. m. Verfolgung, perse-
an indemnity. ||
Af., Pf. 1 cution.

'p^'X ;
2 8. m. FjoVBjX ;
vb. Pe., Pf. 3 s. m. c.

Inf.c. sf! 3 p. m. in:p[i sf. 3 s. m. PIBBt; Impf. 3 s.

ausliefern, deliver. \\
m. c. sf. 3 s. m. n

n. m. ,
d. XDTT?^': 1

Friede, Inf. c. sf. 3 s. m.
peace. 7 'V "Dy Frieden Pt. pass. p. m. "-IS : los-

machen ,
ablosen , loosen, werden, be heard. Af., \

detach. \
Itpe., Pf. 3 s. m. Pf.3 s. m. c. sf. 1 p. p.y.Otr'X ;

c. sf. 1 s. 1l?ont?'X; 3 s. f.
Impf. 1 s. sf. SB. f.
c. sf. i s.
intDBntfK; Pt. 3 m. c. sf. i p.
ny.D^x ' ;

s. f.
KDontBto, p. m. ""uonty'p,
f. Xttonato: sich abiosen, p.ya^' ; imp. p. f.

Inf. c. sf. 1 p.
lose werden, entschliipfen,
become detached, loosened, yDB(0: ertonen las-

escape. || Pa., Impf. 3 s. f. sen, verkiinden, bedeuten,

Pt. act. s. f. XUDt^'O :
cause to be sounded, de-
BtDH/F) ;

clare, tell, signify.

erlassen, remit.
xnny o&>; n. p.
tP'n.m., p. -oatf: Zwiebel, :

halacMsche tlberlieferung
der nachtannaitischen Zeit,
K? adj. fett, fat. \\ *#, post-tannaitic halakic tra-
XiUDtf n. m., sf. 3 p. irMBttf.',
IrPjUDtf :
Fett, fat.
\\ JWJJDBf n. m., p. c.
B> vb. Pe., Pf. i s.
sf. 3 s. m. rpjym?':
tny.QB>, : *.

1 p. "'"XJyBtP; 3s.m. reputation.

c. sf.
Wvb. Pa., Pt. act. BtetfB:
Piyotf, f.'
KJJotf, p.
bedienen, attend. Itpa.,
iruy.Dtf ;
3 s. f.
n^DBj ,
sf. \

Impf. 3 s. m. t^'on^;
3,s. in. nnyotf; Impf. 1 p.
Inf. Pt. 1 s.
c. sf. 2 s. m. ?]3SJDtfJ 3 ; p. n^lDnBjK^;
NJ^'tDnty'O : sich bedienen,
T r -
iyo&$; Imp. yotf; Pt. act.
: :

s.m. yt3B/, d. X^Ot^, sf. 3

make use.
s. m. HVOtg, 2 s.
ty'Dty' n. f.
Sonne, sun.
p. ''V.O^',

nyotf': s. m. V'Btf, f. T
fcB> n. m. Sesam, sesame.
.- |T
A . t :'
: \

S^" ^'
: horen , bedienen, BB>W,
:T T :
. ' : i

folgern, hear, listen, attend, ant.

deduce. Itpe., Pf. 3 s. m.\

vb. Pa^ Pf. 3 s. m. c.

VOntBte; Impf. 3 p. f. $tM3; sf. 3 s. m. nnatT; Impf.

Pt. p. 1 p. c. sf. a 8. m.
I^DRt^O :

Pt. f
pass. 1 s. XJnBtP'D
T - - : in v. jB'\
: :

den Bann tun, excommuni- T -

n. f., p.

cate. xn&B/ n. f. Bann, ban.

|| Stunde, hour. ||
vb. Pe., Pt. act. Vtf: jetzt, now.
verschieden sein, be dif- vb. Itpa., Pf. 3 s. m.
ferent. |
x:tf *0 worin ist 3 s. f.

es verschieden ? wherein 3 p. m. iynt^X ; Imp.

is it different? \ XJB>; x^ Pt. act. 'VRBto: erzahlen,
es ist nicht verschieden, relate. \\
XP^' n. f. Ge-
# is not different. ||
Pa., sprach, talk.
Pf. 1 s. W'; 1 p. v. nny.
t^w', }3tf, sf. 3 p. i Pa., Pf. 3 s. m.' ;

3 s. m. 3tf; Impf. 1 s. Inf. :

1 p. c. sf. 3 s. m. estimate. \\
xniyti/ n. m., c.

Imp. W'; Pt. act. s. :

MaB, measure.
p.m. 138^0, f. 1. an- n. m. Tor, /bo/.
dern, wechseln, change; ''
vb. Pe., Imp. Pt.
TjstS( ;

2. einen Bin wand wider- !]Stt: ausgiefien, joowr out.

legen, remove a contra- Itpe., Pf. 3 s. m.
diction, answer an objec- pass.
tion. Af ., Imp. W'X : wech- vb. Pe., Pf. 1 s. .

?sX; Imp. Vs^': nach un-

seln, change. || xrB^ n. f.,

P. t'p.tfj w;; c- '-l^; d - ten sehen, look below.

tx^'; 'sf. 3 s. m. n3X :

Af., Pf. 3 p. c. sf. 3 s. f.

Jahr, year. \ XJ^ nach ni^Bt^X: niedrig machen,

einem Jahre, a/ter ?/mr. lower. ||
^BH/ adj. niedrig,
l N3tf n. f., p. ^; sf. 1 /ow. || X^Dt^3 bergab, down
^; 3 s. m. a'3#: Zahn, hill. ||
X71W n. m., p. sf.

/oo^A. | xnat^tD n. f.
Fels, 3 s. m. nV": Saum,
rock. Pe., Pf. 3 p.

n. m. Katze, cat. stromen, overflow.


vb. Pa., Pf. 3 s. m. c. sf. 3 s. m. n?p^, f.

nVpt? ;

sf. 3 p. f.
VUSBtf; Impf. 3 s. f. sf. 3
2 m.
^BtJ/n :
ausbessern, s. f.
nn^j 3 p. c. sf. 3
repair. s. f.
n^pt?,' 3 p. iru^ptf ;

. Pe., gefallen, please.\\

TBtf adj., d. Impf. ^ptTX; 3 s. m. ^pt^'j,
NVBtf, f.

sf. 3 p. 3 p. c.
N-VBtf, p. f. ITS/: schon, InjpWfif; ;

3 s. f.
beautiful. \
TBtP' adv. recht, n^p^Vj'lmp. Vj?B{,
sf. 3 s. m! nVp^, 3 p.
correctly. \\ vrvsaf n. m., sf.
2 s. m. ^p^' ;
g. f.
njpBj ; p.
Tjnetf: Schonheit, :

Pt. act. ^p_ty , p. -^pt,
vb. Pe., Pt. act. c. sf.
1 p-' 1^K> 2^-
3 m. pass. s. m. ^pty', f.
s. PPptP':
rr :
give to drink; Pt. act. Mund- p. l^p^': nehmen, take.

butler. Af., Pf. Itpe., Pf. 3 s. m.

schenk, \

Pt. p. f.
1 p. sf. 3 s. m. n:PpB>N; l^pnBto, pass
3 s. m. c. sf. 3 s. m. aj?Bte, vb. Pa., Pf. 3 s.

Inf. 'TiptP;, sq.

in^pr B>X; 3 p.
3p.m. c. sf. :
3 s. m. n'PpB'K Impf. 1 s. deceive. || N"lpty': Luge, lie.

c. sf. 2 s. m. n. m. Liigner, liar.

^ptfx Imp. ;

c. sf. 1 s. 1!ptfX,' p. c. sf. vb. Pe., Pf. 3 s. m. c.

3's. m. n^pBto;' Pt. act. p. sf. 3 s. m. nyitf, f.

m. IptP'Q zu trinken geben,

p. irui^s '
3 s. f.

give to drink. ntf 3 p. m. c. sf. 3 s. f.


vb. Pe. ^pe>. tXfTP"!^', p. m. iHjilty', 3 p.

vb. Pe., Pf. 1 s.
f. TOW; Impf. 3 s. m.

sf. 3 s. m. Ptn'ppBJ', '"1^7 1 Imp. nt^; Inf. XltPQ;
3 s. f. 3 p. m. Pf. act. na, p. i"lt
xn^ptf, ;

1 p. 'c. sf. 3 p. s. m. na'. :

f. xnE'':
T -
2 s. m. rfetf, sf. erlauben, loosen, permit. \

3 p. inJI^ptf; 3 s! m. c. Itpe., Pf. 3 s. m.


Impf. 2 p. m. nntfp Er- :

p. t-jlpitSjR ; Imp. Tits',

laubnis erhalten receive , p. m. intr', intsfx 5


permission. \
Af., Pf. 3 s. , X^n^b; Pt. act.
m. "HtPX: wohnen lassen, 2 s.
rvrjl: trinken,
cawse to dnv//. n. m. Ge-
n. f., p. c.sf. 1 s. trank, drink.
Lager, camp; p. Truppen, vb. Pe., Pf. 1 s.

froo/w. ||
xnnt n. f.
sf. 2 s. m. c. sf. 3 s. m. BP
2 s. m. *)0)nntf 5 Mahlzeit, 3
p.'h^fiBf; Impf.
1 s.

meal. Pf. act. p. W', 1 s.

vb. It., Pf. 3 s. m. X^nt^: pflanzen, plant.
Inf. 'riianntfK :
m., p. ''Drw' Genosse, :
herabgleiten, slip down. partner. II xnisnV
n. f. Ge-

m& n. m., p. \m; Lampe, :

nossenschaft, partnership. \\

lamp. vb. denom. Pa., Impf.

m., p. 'j?ntf Flecken, : 3 s. m. *)PB zugesellen, :

Faden, spot, thread. associate. \

Itpa., Impf. 1 s.

vb. Pe., Impf. 3 s. m. ?]nn^'X; 3 s. m.

*p#j[: schliirfen, ^. Infin. 'Dinn^'x,
- 7 :
sq. -: r
adj. p. f. TVItf: fest,
sich beteiligen ,
take part,
firm. participate.
ntf v. pntf vb. Pe., Pf. i s. v.ntr,
xn^' v. 3 s. m.
7.nts( ; pntsf, pntfx.';
W' vb. Pe., Pf. 2 s. m. 3 p/t^nef,
t^pnt^x; Pt.
sf. 3 s. m. arPFlBfX. ;
3 s. m. act. pnt^: schweigen, fte
c. sf. 3 s. m. nw'; Impf. ^7e^. || xnipTitS>'
T r
n. f.

1 p. VIBft; 2 s. m. Schweigen, silence.

X^xn n. m., s. f. rnxn :

Krone, xn:xn n. f., p. ':xn :

xnian f.
Arche, ark.
n. n. m. Knoblauch, garlic.
x;an m. Stroh, straw.
n. XTin n. m. Ochs, ox.
vb. Pe., Pf. 3 s. f. c. sf. xanin (etym.?) n. m., p. 1 s.
3 p. m. irunyari auffordern, : 'a~: Kleid, garment.

ask, accost. ninn, ^ninn, nln praep.,

vb. Pe., Pt. act. s. m. c. sf. 2 s. m. TjniD; 3 8. m.
sf. 3 p. m. innan: : : IT
zer- an1n, p. m. i.Tnin: unter,
brechen, break. Itpe., Pf. \
under. \\ nnn^p adv. unten,
3 s. m. ~ianx Impf. 3 s. m. ;
beneath. \\
'nn ,
xnn adj.,
lanV :
pass. ||
X-DP n. m. d. nxnn ; p. ^xnn :
Ungliick, misfortune. lower. || nnV, 'nnp adv.
T :
v. NI x unten, beneath. \\
xnn vb.
XITTin~ (ass.)
v '
n. m. Kaufmann, denom. Fa., Impf. 3 s. m.
merchant. s
nn? 1 p. 'nnj nach unten

3in vb. Pe., Pf. 1 p. f XJaP ; bringen, bring down.

3 s. m. aP ; Imp. s. f. ain : v. Wn.
zuriickkehren, return. \
Af., XDP
m. Tisch, table.

1 p. txjanix , sf. 2 s. m. X^DH n. m. Kinderlosigkeit,

^janix, 3 m. n;anix, 3 s.childlessness.

p. m. inranix 2 s. m. c. sf. X'PDP " ^DP

n. m., p. :
T ;
' :

1 s.
iP.arrix'; 3 s. m. c. sf. pain.
3 s. m. naTIX ;
Pt. act. s. m. xnVan n. f. Purpur(farbe und
aTio ,
anis ,' p. m. 'avio, -stoflf),
wote^ (color and
2 s. nanitD :
Einwendung stuff).

erheben, raise an objection. Xj?P3n, XjPtSSt? (pers.?) n. m.,

ittaf., Pf. 3 s. m. aninx: p. i$~: Thronsessel, chair.
widerlegt werden, be refut- ^n vb. Pe., Pf. 1 p. tp^n ;

ed. I xrai'n
T : i :
n. f., *
p. xna^n
TT i :
: 3 s. m. c. sf. 3 s. m. HY?n,
Widerlegung , refutation . p. f.
3 p. I^H ; Impf.
ain ,
iFi adv. wiederum, 2 p. m. i^flP ;
Pt. act. s. m.

^n ; pass. s. f.
Margolis, Chr. Bab. Talm. iV
178* ton

hangen, hang (up}. Itpe., achter, eighth. \\

n. f.

Pf. 3 s. m. >!?nx , p. i^nx :

AchtelmaB, measure of an
pass.; angeziindet werden, eighth.
be kindled. Af., Pf. 3 s. \ n n. m., p. non :
^nx; Imp. ^.n(K): an- date.
ziinden, light. 1
jn. (Dnn n. d. m., sf. i p.
n n. m., d. NaVn :
Schnee, 2 p. i^nn, 3 p.
n. a. f. 2.
n v. ia^.
no *nin,
adj. d. pur pur- no nn 12. || ij:n adj.,'f.
rot, scarlet.
zweiter, second.
n n. m. xn!?n n. f. 3.

no n. f., sf. l p. ;
t'n^y nVn, ip^n, f. trfcn
p. WVJnO: Misna. XJn
TT - T
: : :

vb. denom. Pe., Pf. 1 s. ^n

-- m. SO.

l p. ttfJ^n, ^n, sf. 3 p. if.

dritter , dreifach, 2 p. c. sf. 3 s. f.

third, threefold.\ RnVFl,
n. m. -^5 drittgeboren, n ; impf. 3 s. m. :n <i

third. Imp. Inf. Pt. act.

Dnn adv. dort, ynT
1 pass.
r s. f. X^Jn
T - :
: einen
HDH vb. Pe., Pt. pass. p. f. Lehrsatz der Misna, die

XiTpn sonderbar, strange.

: Misna vortragen, recite a
Af., inf. *nlon x; Pt. nnnt?: s
paragraph of the Mishna,
sich wundern, be astonished. the Mishna, \
Pa., Impf. 3
XTn (hebr.) n. m. das tag- s. m. yn.3 ;
Inf. l3n : eine
liche Opfer, the daily sacri- Erlauterung zur Misna vor-
fice. tragen, utter an inter-

n. m. , xytMJ '
n. f. 8. pretation of the Mishna. \

f. Af., Pf. 3 s. m. c. sf. 3 s. m.

no yon
: :
18. I
I T :
PTOnN ; Imp. 3 s. m. c. sf.

n. p. m. 80. II
n. m. 1 s. "lyrtf ; Imp. p. Unx : die
son 179*

Misna lehren, instruct in sf. 3 m. npri

; Impf. 3
the Mishna. Kin n. m., \\
s. m. Pt. act.

p. 'Xjin: Tanna (doctor 1.

wagen, weigh; 2. wiegen,
Misnicus). aufwiegen, weigh, be equal. \\

vb. Af., Pf. 3 p. m. KVi?no(j?), sf. 3 s. m. aVjWD,

1'JP.X :
verabreden, make an ?pno : Gewicht , weight.
agreement. vb. Itpe., Pf. 3 s. m.
mn v. m:.
f. :
X^p.nx straucheln,
XJ^n n. m. (f.) Seeungeheuer, stumble.
sea monster. pn vb. Pe., Pt. act. p. f.
XlUn n. m. , p. nun :
Ofen, gerade ,
recht , straight,
oven. right. Pa., Pf. 3 s. m. Ipn,

X*?yn n. m., p. "^y.n: Fuchs, p.m.tj3>n,^pn; Inf.rripnj? ;

fox. Pt. pass. s. m. IP.nD, f. d.

xrpjyn v. xjy. Xnj[?nt3: anordnen, richtig
DDn vb. Pe., Pf. 2 p. c. sf. stellen, order, set in order.\
3 s. f.
ninDsn, xnjp.n n. f.,
sf. 3 s.m.nn;:
3 s. m. c. sf. 3 s. m. P Verordnung , Besserungs-
(HtPDn) ;
3 p. m. c. sf. 3 s. mittel, ordinance, means of
m. niDDn Imp. ;
s. m. c. sf. improvement, remedy.
3 s. m. 'a&BFl; p. m. c. sf. *]pn vb. Pe., Pt. act. p. m.
3 s. m. aiDsn- :
f. aiDsn
- :
/ >Bpn : stark sein, be strong. \

Pt. act. s. m. DDn, p. m. Itpa., Pt. p. m. lBj?np : sich

tpcsn, 't^Dn : i p. "p^DDn:

- anstrengen, strain oneself.
IT" : : IT ' : IT \

ergreifen, in Besitz nehmen, Af., Pt. act. ^pn.D: eine

seize, take possession. Itpe., \

starke Frage stellen, ask
Pt. 2 s.
npjDnq: ergriffen a strong question. \\ XBpn
werden, be seized. n. m., c. F|pn :
Starke, Hef-
F]Bn vb. Pe., Pf. 2 p. WBn: tigkeit, strength, vehemence.

speien, spit. vb. Pe., Impf. 3 p.

^>pn vb. Pe., Pf. 3 s. m. c. aufweichen, dissolve.
180* xin

Kin vb. Af., Pf. i n. f.
Cypresse, cy-
verwarnen, forewarn. press.
N31F] n. m. Fett, fat. >T -' n. m. Hahn,
(xViJUin) : :

DJih vb., Pf. 3 p. m. cock. || Kfj?iJJin n. f.

Pt. act. 1 p. ii hen.
setzen, erklaren, translate, in n. m. Ttir, rfoor.

interpret. vb. Pa., Pf. 3 s. m. c. sf.

"Jin vb. Pa., Pf. 3 s. m. ?jin: 3 p. ln:sin ;

Pt. act.pino ;

verstofien, repudiate. pass. s. f. d. XPSinD

T -rr
: :

Din vb. denom. Af., Pf. 2 s. rechtstellen, richtig stellen,

m. noins; 2 p.m. tenpins : set aright, correct.
sich widersetzen, oppose. n. n. f. 9.
|| m., n^'n ||

Dlin n. m. Widersetzlich- ibtfn, f. trnbf'j; ytz/n,

keit, rebelliousness. no, nDtr'n (nott'n)' 19.
:' ii" ~t i

Hebraisches Worterverzeichnis.
Hebrew Glossary.
s n. f.
Fackel, IDS vb., Inf. IOiV-3 : das will

nn.K n. f., p tiber- sagen, that is.

dachung, covering. S conj. obwohl, although.

1HN vb. Pi. Pt. pass.

verspatet , belated, post- ^3 n. m. , p.

dated. Liigner, liar.

""S adv. nicht, wo/. nVinn n. f. Segen-

Tj^s adv. weiter, further on. spruch am Sabbatausgang,
conj. wenn nicht, / benediction at the outgoing
not. of the sabbath.
xia nan 181*

X13. n'3 n. f.
Untergang, i3*ia n. f.
Feige, /ty. .

setting. "J:1"13
n. m. Schlemmer, glutton.
^Q (gr.) n. m., p. nixVtt:

Ratsherr, councillor. W (gr.) n. f.

vb. Ho., Pt. "in3D: aus- likeness.

erlesen, choice. ^ n. m. , p. "pp/!

1 : Flor im
vb. Ho., Pt. 1 s. Auge, cataract.
gewiB sein, be certain. pT n. m. Palme, palm-tree.
a vb. Pi., Pf. 3 s. f.

unterbrechen , interrupt. TJNYTI adv. wie?


^1133 n. m. Unterbrechung, DIDHSH (gr.)

vb. Nitp. = Hitp. HI n. m., p. ni>ni: GewiB-
JTQ: Pina n. f. Schopfimg, heit, certainty. Hi adv. \\

creation. II n>"!3 n. f. Ge- gewiB, certainly.

T :

schopf, creature.
Tin: rnna n. f.
Sonderung, "O7 adj., p. VK37: wurdig,
separation, selection. worthy.
H3 n. f.
|| ^ip na Stimme, \n vb. NL, Pt. "|in :
yofce. ||
nnx HD3 auf Ein- werden, &e /erf.

mal, atone and the same time.

^in vb. Pf. 3 s. m. ^H: fallen,

vb. einziehen, collect. fall.

'U n. m. Nichtjude ,
Gentile. Dl^Sfl DH Gott behute, <?orf

f)W n. m. Korper, Wesen, forbid.

n. Pra-
body, essence. ngrn f., c. nj?rn:

T" :
n. f. : mtf
Ana- :
sumtion, presumption.
vb. BTi. verschiedener
logie-Beweis, proof by ana-
Meinung sein, &e o/" a dif-
il n. m. Vollendung, com- ferent opinion.
pletion. en n. f. Sonne, *wn.
182* Ton psc

"lOPI vb. Pt. pass. jl n. f. Darlehen,

schwer, heavy, weighty. praep. wegen, on ac- 't^'7 n. f.
Bedeutung, meaning.
count of.
HO. tS^TlD dasjenige, welches,
vb. Hi. werfen, cast. that which. HD3 nns -^ ||

ti n.Mantel, mantle.
f. HID31 um wieviel mehr, how
vb. Ni. sich anschliefien, much the more.
attach oneself. mo. nrvs n. f.
Tod, death.
"IP praep., sf. 3 s. m. UDn.
?W'n conj. da, since.
l^jp n. m. Zahl, number.
\ || HJJ3.
'n adv. also, hence.
1DD vb. Pt. act. 1 s. s .n_Db.
IBI n. p. m. Leiden, *M/-
n^ip (gr.) n. f., p.
Perle, pearl.
n^ n. f.
Akademie, college.
Pi. stark machen, J n. m. Bann, excom-
?t3J vb. erheben, nehmen, ff/V,
3 praep., sf. 1 s. VjiBS. take.
1J3 conj. sobald als, nach- D^nsiy 3^J Oberlippe, upper Up.
dem, as soon as, since. DJ n. m., p. I'D:: Wunder,
T)3adv. so, thus.
ID adv. hier, here. \ }3p von
jetzt ab, from now on. vb. Hi. zu Tische liegen,

DJD vb. Ni. eintreten, enter. recline at table.

XDSn n 3 s 13D vb. Pt. pass. "1UD mei-

Abtritt, jr%.
T T -
n. f. Siihne ,
atonement. nend, of the opinion.
T"D vb. umschlingen, wmc? rpp n. m. Eselsfullen, foal of
about. an ass.

.D n. m.Ansatz, attachment.
m^ vb. Pa. begleiten, ac- DD n. m., p. rilpSD :
company. doubt.
mo 183*

31D vb. Pi. sich weigern, vb. sich absondern, sepa

refuse. rate oneself.

"IDD vb. widersprechen, con- B n. f.
Taube, rfoye.

tradict. S n. f.
Fruchtbarkeit, fruit
*?W vb. Pi. einen Kreis bil- (gr.)
den, form a circle.

Tiy: Di 1 -liyao wahrend des ^riS n. f.

Anfang, commen-
Tages, while it is yet day. cement.

"py :
"pyo praep. nach Art
]sp n. f.
Gebot, command-
von, after the manner of.
ment. Wohltat, good deed.
adv. jetzt, now. ||

vb. Pilp. polieren, polish.

27V vb. bedriicken, oppress;
Pt. pass, ungliicklich, elend,
vb. vorangehen, go be-
miserable. Ni. pass. Ho.
fore. \
Pt. OTpO ver-
n?y vb. angerechnet werden, antedated.
be counted. Hi. nennen,
Dip. DipB3 praep. anstatt, m
riljy n. f.
Xlp. n*")p n. f.
Lesen, reading. \\

Sanftmut, Demut, humility. Hipp n. m. Schrift, Schrift-

DSy. ich selbst, myself.
vers, Scripture, Scriptural
J"P3~y_ n. f.
Abend, evening. verse.
n. m. Wildesel, wild ass.
Grand und Boden,
yp")p n. m.

I'lVS (lat.) n. m. pugio. .

njnn n.f.
DiB n. m. Verschlimmerung, . U2"1 : unser Lehrer, our
deterioration. teacher.
nns verringern, lessen. .
n^l n. f.
Mehrung, JM/-
JB13 conj. weil, because. tiplication.
HJS vb. Ni. die Notdurft ver- mi. HTI.B n. m. Schaufel,
richten, ease oneself. shovel.

Augenblick, vb. Hitpa. , vergessen
twinkling of an eye. werden, be forgotten.
. rW) n. f.
Erlaubnis, jn "pa: Abend-
permission. dammerung, twilight.
vb. Pi., dienen, ^rw.
: nota relationis. : men vb. Pu., Pt. ungewohn-
nota genitivi. lich, extraordinary.
tta praep. wegen, on # n. f. Misna.

von der Zeit, da,

n n. m., p from the time when.
n. f. :
Morgenzeit, dawn.
n. m., p. n11t5I^;'
vb. denom. Hi.,
: : :

Olttt&O: Schriftstiick, anfangen, begin.

n. m. Bedingung, condition.
Dty n. f.
Liegen, lying vb. Hi., verordnen,
down. ordier.
\J\j\ \J

Margolis, Max Leopold

5301 A manual of the Aramaic
M37 language




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