Underwater MPI
Underwater MPI
Underwater MPI
Technical Paper
A fresh initiative on the use of daylight magnetic
particle inspection for the inspection of
underwater steel structures
Ken Woolley*1, Tim Woolley1 and Bruce Banfield2
HiKen Ltd, 6 Recreation Walk, Harleston, Norfolk, England, IP20 9BX
Oceanic Services Ltd, 62, Whitecross Avenue, Whitchurch, Bristol, England, BS14 9JE
Woolley. A fresh initiative on the use of daylight magnetic particle inspection for the inspection of underwater steel structures
to the significant rationalising of expenditure, par- MPI, but below this size the probability of detecting
ticularly expensive diving programmes. With chang- an isolated crack reduces sharply and is perhaps
ing economics coupled with new technology, the use only 10% for a 5 mm isolated crack. Those trials
of diver MPI declined. The technical innovations, focused on the comparison of diver inspector qual-
which incurred less cost to deploy, included the use ifications, the relative reliability between visual
of remote operated vehicles (ROVs) to carry out inspection and MPI, and the reporting of results.
flooded member detection (FMD) on steel bracings Cognitive factors were researched by Leach and
and eddy current inspection (ECI), as well as alter- Morris (1998), who focused on the divers ability to
nating current field measurement (ACFM) tech- report known defects. Further trials were conducted
niques to find cracks on welded components. All by Visser et al (1996) assessing the probability of a
these NDT techniques required less cleaning of the diver reporting crack indications on nodal welds,
steel surface prior to weld inspection, thus saving but not specifically about the use of daylight MPI
both time and money. techniques.
The earlier published work has shown that there
1.2. Current requirements are a number of variable test parameters when con-
Fast-forwarding into the 21st century, underwater ducting MPI trials. These include size of defect,
MPI is now making a comeback. As offshore struc- probability of detection and types of ink. The cur-
tures age and exceed their original design lives, there rent work acknowledges these factors, but its sole
is the increased risk of fatigue cracks occurring and focus is on determining the range of the white light
the need for detailed node weld inspection partly lux levels at which each daylight MPI ink can be
as a means of confirming crack-like indications used to reliably detect surface-breaking cracks.
detected by ECI. With technological advances, it is It then aims to recommend the most suitable ink
now possible to clean and fully remove any steel going forwards.
surface coatings to bare shiny metal (Sa 2.5) in
minimal time, thus making diver MPI more eco-
nomical to use. 3. Standards
Given the intervening period of around 25 years There are currently no UK standards covering day-
since the daylight MPI inks were last used, very few of light MPI (other than dry powder), and there are
these earlier inks remain, and those that do, lack any no standards for the use of underwater MPI regard-
scientific basis for their use beyond the 20 lux ambi- less of technique. All the current standards are for
ent light levels stipulated in the relevant standards. topsides use only, though a number are relevant
and can be adapted (in part) to the application of
MPI underwater. The UK current standards are
2. Previous work given in Table 1.
Before the current underwater MPI trials were MPI viewing conditions are specified (topsides)
started, a literature search was carried out to iden- in BS EN ISO 3059:2012, which stipulates a maxi-
tify and possibly build on previous work carried out mum white light of 20 lux when viewing fluorescent
by others. However, this proved to be quite limited indications. Theoretically, most MPI inks should be
regarding the use of daylight MPI for the inspection capable of being seen at increasing white light levels.
of underwater structures. Moncaster (1982) under-
took MPI diver tank trials using samples with weld
crack lengths ranging from 5 mm to 480 mm with 4. Selected MPI inks
mixed results. Isolated cracks of perhaps 30 mm in In order to verify the use of daylight MPI ink under-
length could be found with almost certainty, using water, a set of trials was conducted in 2014. The trials
Table 1: UK standards
Current standard Former standard Content
BS EN ISO 3059:2012 BS EN ISO 3059:2001 MPI viewing conditions
BS 4489:1984
BS EN ISO 9934-1:2001 BS 6072:1981 MPI general principles
BS EN ISO 9934-2:2002 BS 4069:1982 Specifications for MPI inks and powders
BS EN ISO 9934-3:2002 MPI equipment
BS EN ISO 17638:2015 BS EN 1290:1998 Weld MPI
BS EN 1330-7:2005 BS 3683-2:1985 MPI terminology
BS 667:2005 BS 667:1996 Lux meters
BS EN ISO 23278:2009 BS EN 1291:1998 Weld MPI acceptance levels
Underwater Technology Vol. 33, No. 3, 2016
broadly followed the methodology given in the UK Historically a Sutherland flask would have been
standards (listed in Table 1) adapted for underwater used to test the amount of suspended solids in the
use. The exception was the introduction of increas- inks. This was a requirement of the relevant stand-
ing white light levels to determine the fluorescent ard of the time (BS4069:1982). However, this crite-
ink sensitivity. Four commercially available inks were rion has been superseded by BS EN ISO 9934-2:2002,
selected for the trials, identified in Fig 1 and Table 2. its replacement, where the onus for ink suitability
Three of the inks used were specifically designed now lies with the ink manufacturers to carry out
for underwater use (marked by an asterisk in Table 2). appropriate testing of their inks and to recommend
The Ardrox 8544 ink was not, but was included in the level of concentration. Thus, a Sutherland flask
the trials as historically Ardrox 8560 was commonly is no longer used for testing the inks onsite (unless
used for underwater daylight MPI but is no longer specifically required by a client).
available. It was noted that Moncaster (1982) used
Ardrox 8560 and Mi-Glow UW 1 in earlier work.
Dilution of the ink concentrates followed the 5. Equipment calibration
manufacturers recommendations. Where dilution The test equipment was calibrated against the vari-
was only given for topsides (i.e. Ardrox 8544) the ous applicable standards. This included testing the
rule of thumb for underwater concentrations is pull of the electromagnet (BS EN ISO 9934-3:2002),
typically three to four times the concentration used confirming the intensity of the UV light (BS EN ISO
topsides. Thus Ardrox 8544 was therefore diluted 3059:2012) and function testing the safety earth
1:10 for the underwater trials. leakage circuit breakers (ELCBs) on the power and
The NeoAstra ink was similarly diluted 1:10 as light circuits. The inks were confirmed to be less
per the manufacturers recommendations. The than three years old; a fine non-magnetic strainer
Circle products were powder-based and were was used to fill the ink reservoir on the MPI unit,
diluted according to manufacturers recommenda- and the ink was agitated prior to use.
tions using 15 g of powder to 1 L of water. All four The front face of the UV-A lamp was cleaned
inks were diluted using fresh water. before use and prior to the necessary intensity checks.
Woolley. A fresh initiative on the use of daylight magnetic particle inspection for the inspection of underwater steel structures
Underwater Technology Vol. 33, No. 3, 2016
8. Trials results
Fig 5: MPI of test plate at 253 lux The ink trials results are summarised in Table 3.
The visible limit of the test was when the remaining
defects became indistinct or no longer visible. The
between two brass plates. For reasons unknown, clear winner was the Circle Systems UW 528, fol-
the field flux strips did not work during the trials. lowed by the Chemetall Ardrox 8544 and then the
The strips were tested on the surface and worked Johnson & Allen NeoAstra ink.
fine using an aerosol-applied black magnetic ink, It is interesting to note that Circle Systems pro-
but refused to work underwater. Chedister (2003) mote UW 1 for larger cracks and UW 528 for finer
had reported similar findings that the field flux cracks, with the former ink comprising (larger)
may not be effective in a water bath, but no specific pure iron particles whilst the latter ink is made
reasons were given. from (finer) iron oxide-based material. Moncaster
This did not affect the tests, as BS EN ISO 9934- (1982) used Mi-Glow UW 1 MPI ink but on cracks
1:2001, clause 8.2a, specified the adequacy of the up to 480 mm length. No breakdown of results was
surface flux density shall be established by testing a given or which MPI inks were trialled against which
component containing fine natural or artificial dis- defects in this 1982 work. The use of UW 1 MPI ink
continuities, which is precisely what was achieved in 1982 might explain why there was a lower per-
during the trials by using the test plates provided. centage rate for the detection of smaller defects in
The trials team comprised two personnel, both the 5 mm to 32 mm crack length range.
with an NDT background though not specifically in The smallest defect (5 mm length) on one test
underwater MPI. The lead technician had been plate in the current trials was often the first to be
tested for colour-blindness as part of the offshore lost, but not with every ink. The 5 mm length defect
medical certificate. was poorly defined but just visible using UW 1 at 10
lux. The low level of sensitivity for UW 1 ink was a
key factor in rejecting it as a preferred ink.
7. Ink performance
The trials were conducted in a single day with all
four inks tested over a range of light conditions. 9. Conclusions
Each ink was tested starting at light levels of around The top three inks (i.e. Mi-Glow UW 528, Ardrox
20 lux, then increasing the level of white light in 8544 and NeoAstra DGCUW) in Table 3 are recom-
approximately 50 lux steps until the defects were mended for underwater use based on the trials
no longer discernible to the human eye. Lux levels conducted in this study.
were measured using a digital lux meter enclosed It is crucial that a lux meter is used for any diver
in an underwater housing (see Fig 5). MPI to determine the light levels, which will likely
Woolley. A fresh initiative on the use of daylight magnetic particle inspection for the inspection of underwater steel structures
change during the duration of an underwater MPI BSI. (2001). BS EN ISO 9934-1:2001. Non-destructive test-
test. It might be prudent to limit underwater MPI ing. Magnetic particle testing. Part 1: general principles.
London: BSI.
to a maximum of 150 lux to 250 lux, depending on
BSI. (2002). BS EN ISO 9934-2:2002. Non-destructive test-
the ink used, and to take into account any inherent ing. Magnetic particle testing. Part 2: detection media.
inaccuracies of the test procedure. London: BSI.
Ink colour is also important. In clear water and BSI. (2002). BS EN ISO 9934-3:2002. Non-destructive
shallow depths, inks that fluoresce red or orange- testing. Magnetic particle testing. Part 3: Equipment.
red are likely to be more sensitive to detection by London: BSI.
BSI. (2005). BS 667:2005. Illuminance meters. Require-
the human eye, whereas in turbid or otherwise dark ments and test methods. London: BSI.
water, the ink particles that fluoresce greenish- BSI. (2005). BS EN 1330-7:2005. Non-destructive testing.
yellow are likely to give a better contrast. Terminology. Terms used in magnetic particle testing.
Further trials against specific offshore site condi- London: BSI.
tions are recommended based on geographic loca- BSI. (2009). BS EN ISO 17638:2009. Non-destructive testing
of welds. Magnetic particle testing. London: BSI.
tion and depth. The preferred ink could be
BSI. (2012). BS EN ISO 3059:2012. Non-destructive testing.
specified for use in the MPI ink dispenser with the Penetrant testing and magnetic particle testing. Viewing
alternative ink(s) carried to site and deployed using conditions. London: BSI.
a squeegee bottle as a comparator. BSI. (2015). BS EN ISO 23278:2015. Non-destructive testing
Finally, the expiry date of the ink is significant. of welds. Magnetic particle testing. Acceptance levels.
According to specifications (BS EN ISO 9934- London: BSI.
Chedister WC. (2003). Control of Water-Bath Magnetic
2:2002) the expiry date shall be given by the Particle Inspection Systems. In: Proceedings of the Pan-
producer and shall be marked on each original American Conference for Non-Destructive Testing, 27
container. Typically, this is three years from date of June, Rio di Janeiro, Brazil.
manufacture. Leach J and Morris P. (1998). Cognitive factors in the close
visual and magnetic particle inspection of welds under-
water. Human Factors 40: 187197.
Moncaster MB. (1982). Underwater inspection of welds
References an assessment of some techniques and their reliability.
British Standards Institution (BSI). (1982). BS 4069:1982. Underwater Technology 8: 716.
Specification for magnetic flaw detection inks and pow- Visser W, Dover WL and Rudlin JR. (1996). Review of UCL
ders. London: BSI. underwater inspection trials. HSE OTN 96 179.