Pipeline Inspection With The High Resolution EMAT
Pipeline Inspection With The High Resolution EMAT
Pipeline Inspection With The High Resolution EMAT
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2 authors, including:
Thomas Beuker
ROSEN Germany GmbH
All content following this page was uploaded by Thomas Beuker on 27 July 2015.
Draft IPC2006-10156
In succession of a research project to develop an EMAT in- Pipelines are commonly inspected by inline inspection (ILI)
line inspection technology for the detection of stress corrosion tools equipped with sensors for nondestructive evaluation and
cracking (SCC) and disbonded coating, a 16 EMAT inspection testing. These sensors utilize different nondestructive techniques
tool was manufactured and tested. like Magnetic Flux Leakage (MFL), Ultrasonics Testing (UT),
This 16 EMAT Crack Detection (ECD) Tool establishes a or Eddy Current (EC). ILI tools available in the market today
new high-resolution approach to effective and accurate crack in- are primarily based on the MFL principle. These tools have ma-
spection technology especially for gas lines. The performance of tured over the years to provide superior mapping of corrosion.
this tool was tested on several pipe samples containing natural On the other hand, adequate and cost effective techniques to de-
SCC as well as artifical anomalies and laminations. Further- tect cracks especially in gas pipelines have not been realized yet.
more, a field test is currently being conducted, which will detail Piezoelectric ultrasonics have been utilized for wall thick-
the tools performance under operational conditions. The new ness measurements and crack detection. These tools work well
technology will be compared to the results from the established in liquid filled pipelines since the fluid being transported is cou-
Magnetic Flux Leakage inspection (MFL) technology. pling the pressure wave generated by the piezoelectric transduc-
EMAT inspection technology, originally designed for detec- ers to the pipe wall. However, in natural gas pipelines this cou-
tion of SCC, is also sensitive to areas of disbonded coating, other pling mechanism does not work since nearly all of the acoustical
crack-like features, and anomalies like gouging and channeling. energy generated by the transducer in the gaseous product is re-
To distinguish the different types of pipeline threats, a qualita- flected by the pipe wall and does not travel into the pipe wall.
tive defect sizing process is under development incorporating the In a research project conducted by ROSEN and Sonic Sen-
EMAT data and the information from the other in-line inspection sors, Inc. [1], a new contact free sensor based on Electro-
technologies. Magnetic Acoustic Transduction (EMAT) was developed. The
Following an introduction into EMAT guided wave theory, EMAT sensor generates ultrasonic waves inside the pipe wall it-
data from a series of full-scale tests obtained with 34 prototype self through a combination of Lorentz forces and magnetostric-
sensors and the complete 16 ILI-EMAT tool, will be presented. tion, no matter what medium is present in the pipe. The material
The inspection tool itself, as well as the process for evaluating the being inspected is its own transducer, eliminating the need for a
recorded data, are undergoing continuous improvements. This liquid couplant as required in traditional UT methods a good
paper will discuss the development status of these technologies. solution for natural gas pipelines.
1 Copyright
c 2006 by ASME
Cracks exist often in colonies with various lengths and
depths. Typically there are numerous shallow cracks within one
colony. Their depth growth happens by coalescing of initially
d) shallow and short cracks. A distinct irregular surface, especially
for the inter-granular crack types can be expected. SCC occurs
in gas and in liquid pipelines, typically linked to sections with
disbonded coating.
NOMENCLATURE During the last two years, several investigations on EMAT
EMAT Electro-Magnetic Acoustical Transducer transducer technology and design were conducted. Remarkable
ECD EMAT Crack Detection experimental results were obtained from laboratory as well as
UT Ultrasonic Testing from pulltests that proved the feasibility of using EMAT trans-
MFL Magnetic Flux Leakage ducers and receivers to detect cracks and other structural defects
SCC Stress Corrosion Cracking in pipelines.
SHn Shear Horizontal guided wave of order n
EDM Electro-Discharge Machining Guided-wave Mode Selection
MPI Magnetic Particle Inspection Fundamentally, guided waves can be categorized into Lamb-
waves and horizontal shear waves of different order. A guided-
wave solution is well suited to detect SCC, because the SCC is
STRESS CORROSION CRACKING (SCC) a general degradation of the material, and the guided-wave is a
Stress corrosion cracking (SCC) is a term used to describe mechanical elastic wave whose propagation depends on the di-
service failures in engineering materials that occur by slow envi- mensions and properties of the material itself.
ronmentally induced crack propagation. This phenomenon is as- Guided-waves, as generated by an EMAT transducer, prop-
sociated with a combination of stress (applied or residual) above agate between the external and the internal pipe surface as a
some threshold value, specific environmental and in some sys- boundary condition. The presence of SCC disturbs the guided-
tems metallurgical conditions, which lead to surface cracks with wave and a significant change in the dimensions of the wave
a high aspect ratio (long and shallow). SCC has been recognized guide, such as that from a crack, will reflect the wave and cause
as a cause of failures in high pressure gas and oil transmission an echo, which may then be detected. The design of an EMAT
lines since mid 60s. SCC on the external surface of pipelines allows to control very well the type of guided wave and its prop-
has occurred in several countries throughout the world and con- agation properties.
tributes to major failures in pipelines [2]. A permanent magnet circuit based on a common MFL tool
Although the mechanisms and causes for SCC in pipelines generates a magnetic field that is orientated axially in plane with
are still an ongoing research topic, the shape and appearance of the pipeline wall. A meander coil electromagnetic acoustic trans-
SCC is well known. To investigate natural SCC features from an ducer (MC-EMAT) is placed in the magnetic field and driven
inline-inspection point-of-view, several North American pipeline with a short tone burst of adjustable frequency. By Lorentz-
operators provided pipe samples to ROSEN. Fig. 1 shows some force and magnetostriction several types of waves are induced
examples of SCC regions in these samples, visualized using inside the pipeline wall. The majority of these waves are largely
Magnetic Particle Inspection (MPI). damped, except for guided waves that propagate in so-called
2 Copyright
c 2006 by ASME
modes of the structure. The different modes exhibit dispersion, 1000
so there exist certain frequency-wavelength or frequency-coilgap SH1
frequency, kHz
relations, where the preferred mode is generated with sufficient 800 SH2
effiency. Since the acoustical wavelength of the induced guided SH3
wave is provided by the constant gap between the meander coil
loops, one of the guided wave modes is discriminated against all
others by adjusting the frequency of the applied tone burst.
The preferred mode is in general a horizontally polarized 400
shear wave, a so-called SHn wave, where n stands for the number
of nodes in the particle velocity amplitude distribution as seen in 6 8 10 12 14 16
wall thickness, mm
cross-section of the pipeline wall, see Fig. 2. The modes with
order n>0 have an especially high energy concentration at the
surfaces of the wall and hence are sensitive for possible cracks Figure 3. GUIDED WAVE FREQUENCY SPECTRUM AS A FUNCTION
or slots inside the sound beam that will lead to reflection and OF THE WALL THICKNESS.
refraction of the shear wave.
3 Copyright
c 2006 by ASME
Pixel Lab Test piece, WT = 8 mm
Crack Run Direction /
Pipe axis Depth:
0.1 0.5 1.0 2.0 mm
Echo Envelopes
thickness. Furthermore, it is known that the interaction of shear position
waves with features of varying depths depend on the mode of the
shear wave actually generated. This will be used to estimate the Integral of Echo
depth of a defect from the spectrum of the echo signal obtained
in a run.
Laboratory Tests
Figure 5 shows a sample plate with EDM-notches of con-
stant length and width, but varying depths, that was used in lab-
oratory measurements with plain prototype EMATs. The basic
EMAT sensor configuration incorporating sender, transmission
receiver and echo receiver is displayed in Fig. 4. In the mid- The ECD sensors carriers are spring-loaded integrated de-
dle of Fig. 5, the resulting A-scan echo amplitudes are displayed vices with a total of 8 electronic assembly boards for pulse gener-
as a function of position (x-axis) and EMAT time (y-axis). The ation, receiver pre-amplifying, data processing, and communica-
bottom part of Fig. 5 shows the echo data integrated along the tion, respectively. Extensive monitoring of sensor performance
EMAT time axis and gives a scalar representation of the acousti- parameters like supply voltages, charge currents and tempera-
cal energy reflected by the notches. tures ensure optimum reliability.
The reflected energy is increasing with increasing depth of The actual EMAT sensors themselves are spring-loaded
the notches. A more detailed investigation of the frequency con- modules with an integrated ceramic wear surface that ensures the
tent of the reflected waveform reveals that different modes be- necessary low lift-off distance to the pipe wall. Since the EMAT
have differently with regard to the depth of the notches. This modules run completely independent from the magnets, wear is
spectral information is used in a sizing algorithm to classify the greatly reduced and long inspection distances become feasible.
depth of features from the echo data obtained from the ILI tool.
4 Copyright
c 2006 by ASME
1. filtering the received echo and transmission waveforms with
matched filters to enhance the signal-to-noise ratio; a good
estimate of a matched filter is given by the actual excitation
waveform that is obtained and digitized for each shot indi-
2. Fourier transforming the filtered data to obtain the frequency
spectrum of both the transmission and the echo signal.
3. deriving the envelope of the filtered data; the Hilbert trans-
form turns out to be the standard procedure to obtain the
envelope of a quasi-periodical waveform.
5 Copyright
c 2006 by ASME
ECD data analysis
Feature detection
Signal Effect
FBE Coating PE Coating Bitumen/Tar Tape coating
27 Pulltest data (integrated along EMAT axis)
Coating disbonded on 20 mm length
Artifical EDM-Notches 0.9
The 34 line contains natural SCC as well as a variety of 0.8
artificial electro-discharge machined (EDM) notches. 0.7
Figure 7 shows the integrated echo data captured during the 0 100 200 300 400 500
runs. Significant echo signals were obtained from the EDM- logdistance, mm
Coating Disbondment
A coating present on the outer surface of the pipeline atten-
uates the guided shear wave significantly. This is a serious issue
in a low-resolution approach since this attenuation decreases the
signal amplitude obtainable if the EMAT receiver is positioned
at a large distance to the transmitter.
The high-resolution approach uses short distances between
transmitter and receiver so the signal amplitude is only slightly
attenuated with a neglectable effect on crack detection capabil-
ities. In this configuration the absolute transmission amplitude
obtained depends on the type of coating present, see Fig. 8 top.
Furthermore, coating disbondment is detectable as an increase
of the transmission amplitude, see Fig. 8 bottom. The minimum
detectable disbondment area is approx. 20 mm long and 50 mm
Comparison between ECD and MFL data TURES.
Figure 9 shows a comparison of ECD and MFL data. The
area of the pulltest line displayed in Fig. 9 contains a total of
three artificial features. The prominent signal centered at about
37.1 m, 170 degrees is induced by a grinding machined into the Two other features are visible solely in the ECD data at 220
outer surface posing a significant loss of wall thickness. This is degrees, 36.8 m and 37.2 m, respectively. These are echos from
clearly visible in both MFL and ECD data; taking a closer look 0.2 mm wide EDM-notches with a length of 20 mm and 10 mm,
at the ECD data reveals a corresponding degradation of the trans- respectively. There are no signals in the MFL data of this regions.
mission signal that indicates a large-area feature with significant This comparison is a valueable step in the evaluation process to
depth. distinguish between general corrosion and crack-like features.
6 Copyright
c 2006 by ASME
Natural SCC colonies
Figure 10 shows the EMAT echo signals obtained from four
pixels each at different locations of a pulltest line . The sus-
picious regions were investigated with MPI showing significant
SCC crack colonies. The depth of these cracks was found to
be up to 0.120 at 5-6 mm wall thickness (prominent peaks in
Fig. 10a) but also much shallower subcritical cracks induced sig-
nificant echo amplitudes. An excellent correlation between the
SCC regions made visible with MPI and the EMAT data was Pixel1
found. Signals were obtained from both sides of the cracks.
[1] Beuker, T., Brown, B., Alers, R., and Alers, G., 2004. SCC
detection and coating disbondment detection improvements
using the high resolution EMAT ILI-technology. In Pro- Pixel2
ceedings of IPC 2004, pp. IPC040697.
[2] Manfredi, C., and Otegui, J. L., 2002. Failures by SCC in Pixel3
buried pipelines. Engineering Failure Analysis, 9(5), Oct.,
pp. 495509. Pixel4
[3] Achenbach, J. D., 1975, 8th imp. 1999. Wave Propagation
in Elastic Solids, Vol. 16 of Applied Mathematics and Me- Figure 10. MEASUREMENT RESULTS IN SCC SAMPLE REGIONS.
chanics. Elsevier Science.
7 Copyright
c 2006 by ASME