The Wilds NewsLetter Summer 2017
The Wilds NewsLetter Summer 2017
The Wilds NewsLetter Summer 2017 3
Ken: BB, TheWilds has used your family to super size about every common game
in America. For instance:
newsletter summer 2017
BB: I had no idea my family was
that talented! I feel light-headed all of
a sudden. I need to sit down. Oh, wait
a minute
Ken: BB, of course, we have Tim Meals
JBC Director The Wilds
many, many games and inventions at Brevard, North Carolina
TheWilds, but the Bigball has been
the one object we cannot imagine not
having around for nearly 50 years of
fun. Thanks to you and your family,
BB, We have even been able to take The banner over the entrance to JBC reads,
the Bigball all over the world through
our CampsAbroad program, so young
Welcome to Junior Boot Camp,
and from the moment a junior camper comes running in under
people all over the world can know
that banner, we mean itWelcome to the best week of your
the fun you bring to camp. A Bigball
summer! The GHQ (General Headquarters) area is always set for
can run over anyone in 20 different
fun and excitement! Tetherball, basketball,
giant checkers, carpetball, basic training
(low level rope and wire activities), the
bouldering wall, and other unique camp
games and activities wait for enthusiastic
workouts, and the JBC counselors are ready
to play and explore right alongside the JBC
It doesnt happen often, but occasionally
a camper will beat Big Bob (Roberts) in
a game of carpetball. Then the real fun
begins! The camper gets to claim a prize
from the now infamous bag of much stuff.
Even as the church leaders and parents
are upstairs completing the registration
process, they can be at ease knowing that
the campers are enjoying the room that will
quickly become one of their favorite spots
on the campsite, the GHQ Gameroom! It
comes highly recommended by none other
than Mr. Bigball and his family! 5
Shawn Alexander
Program The Wilds
Brevard, North Carolina or @wildscamp
There are many reasons to stay minutes and scrolled through the want to miss out on announcements
connected with The Wilds on social pictures on Facebook of the falls or about the newest CDs, current
media through Facebook, Twitter, the Lake? In addition, each week camps, or #tbt pictures from waaaay
Instagram, and The Wilds Blog. during the summer we post daily back. We would love for you to
One of the special things about pictures of juniors and teen campers follow, tweet, like, share, and stay
The Wilds is the location God has so moms and dads are able to see connected with The Wilds on social
provided. Have you ever taken a few whats going on. Plus, you wouldnt media!
Hey camper! I hear it from you The Christian life was never meant to be
lived alone. Be actively involved in your
guys all the time: How do I practically live local community of believers. Work out
for God when I get home? I mean, it seems so your gifts and be a blessing to your local
easy to live for God here at camp, but when congregation.
I go home, I fall right back into the same 4. Share what you are learning
sins. Help! Paul gives us the answer to this Come back and see us, give us the
question in his letter to the Galatians:walk opportunity to encourage you again, and
in the Spirit and ye shall not fulfill the lust of the share with other campers how you are
flesh.(Galatians5:16) So what does walking in taking the next steps in your spiritual
the Spirit look like when you go home? journey! 7
Matt Herbster
Director The Wilds
Brevard, North Carolina 9
Rand Hummel
Director The Wilds of New England
Deering, New Hampshire
in Christ?
like Christa progressive journey that will not end until we stand
before the presence of the very One we seek to imitateour Lord
Jesus Christ. 11
For nearly 50 years we have been These friends donated almost
blessed with campers, supporters, and $80,000 to fund The Thrill, The
like-minded friends who are really on Chill of the Hill project at TheWilds.
the ball with the work God is doing This involved updating one of our
at and through the various ministries campers longtime, favorite activities
of TheWilds. These friends and at The Wilds the Superslide;
campers have hearts "bigger than a constructing new restrooms near
bigball." We could say, "with hearts the Superslide and Activity Center;
as big as the outdoors," but with this and, tying all of that together with a
NewsLetter theme, we couldn't resist. comfortable, relaxing patio area.
Our staff, subcontractors, and
volunteer construction crews were
on the ball in a huge way, as well.
Dick Reid
Director of Development The Wilds They have completed this wonderful
Taylors, South Carolina project which turned out far better
than we had imagined!
Now our campers will have a
beautifully updated Superslide to
enjoy and a brand new patio area
in which to relax (when they arent
involved in the multitude of Bigball
activities). In addition, the new, greatly
needed and convenient restrooms
have expanded our facilities near the
Activity Center.
Needs Corner
Would you prayerfully consider continuing A
to push us over the goal by getting on the Items received:
4' Step Ladder
ball in one of these ways? Amish Poly Furniture Stool
Amish Poly Furniture Table
Be a camper. Firehouse Nozzle
Come join us yourself or send campers; we have programs Hand Seamer 6" Jaw
for all ages throughout the year. God is working in this
beautiful place that is set apart from the busyness and Needs:
Dura Rakes (3) - $60 each
distractions of this world.
Extendable Tree Pruning Saw - $350
Be a volunteer. Fire Hose Cabinets (3) $150 each
Groundskeeper Rakes (3) - $35 each
We have many projects in which we need assistance and
Hand Seamer 3 1/2 Jaw - $85
would love for you to utilize your special skills to co-labor Large Live Animal Trap - $220
with us for the Lord. Oily Rag Disposal Can for Auto Shop - $65
Random Orbital Sander - $125
Be a donor. Rubber Boots (4) - $30 each
The needs are great, but the opportunities are even Soil Probe (2) - $25 each
greater. We always strive to be faithful stewards of
your investment. By Gods grace it will result in eternal
I want to help
A or N
Enclosed is a gift toward the cost of the indicated need.
City____________________ State _________ Zip
Mail to: The Wilds PO Box 509 Taylors, SC 29687-0009 13 - they import coffee - we export camping!
Purchase delectable coffee, and you can support CampsAbroad! Simply
go to their home page, select a camp (CampsAbroad), choose your
coffee, and order. It's that easy!
Melissa Petersen (09,13,14,15,16)
and David Hainsworth, 6/4/17.
Jaynie Joyner (12,14,15) and Bryce
Hamilton (09,15-16), 12/30/16.
CAREERS: Laurie Winslow (12,13) and Gerald
Philip and Katherine [Morris] Presson, 1/7/17.
Larson (02,04,06,07) live near
Denver, Colorado. Philip is an BIRTHS:
assistant pastor and works as a Nathan and Rachael [Anglea]
mechanic at the post office. Katherine Benge (06,07,08,09-17), William
Shawn and Susanna
is the pianist for their church and David, 4/15/17.
Alexander are happy to
takes care of their three daughters:
Ben and Marie [Craven] Condra announce the arrival of their
Anna-5, Michelle-3, and Victoria-born
(03,04,05,06,07,08,09-10,11), daughter, Paisley Eden. She was
in 2016.
Hosanna Marie, 11/29/16. born on April 5, 2017, weighed
Billy (11,12) and Grace 8 pounds 6 ounces, and was 21
Jesse (07,08-10) and Anne
[Williquette] Peters (11,12) inches long. She is welcomed
Richardson, Zane Marshall, 4/4/17.
serve at Wausau Bible Church in home by her big sister, Piper.
Wausau, Wisconsin, where Billy is the
associate pastor. Grace is a freelance Former Staff, Shelly Renner and Bob
writer and editor. Their son, Michael help keep us updated on your career Wetterlund were married
Joseph, was born 12/6/16. moves, marriage, and children! on July 1, 2017. Shelly and Bob
Send announcements to: both worked summers at the
Sam and Mary Beth The Wilds, North Carolina campsite.
[Meyerhoeffer] Snyder (05) are Where Are They Now? Shelly handles all of our
missionaries to Papua New Guinea. PO Box 509 product sales and works out of
They also have a daughter, Bethany Taylors, SC 29687-0009 our Taylors office. Bob is now
Ann, who was born 1/12/16. or e-mail [email protected]. working in the Greenville area.
THis is my