Career Decision

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Career Assessment and the

Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy Scale
Nancy E. Betz
The Ohio State University

Darrell Anthony Luzzo

Auburn University

This article begins with a brief overview of the theories underlying

the development of the Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy Scale
(CDMSE; Taylor & Betz, 1983), specifically Banduras self-efficacy
(1977, 1986) theory and Critess career maturity theory (1978).
Research on the correlates and consequences of career decision-
making self-efficacy is reviewed, especially that showing the strong
relationships of career self-efficacy to career indecision and other
indices of problems in career decision-making. This article also
reviews the uses of the CDMSE in the design and evaluation of
educational and counseling interventions designed to increase
perceptions of self-efficacy in relationship to the process of career
A recent focus of assessment, intervention, and research in the general
area of career beliefs and attitudes has been on self-efficacy expectations with

respect to career decision-making. On the basis of Banduras (1977, 1986)

theory of self-efficacy expectations as a major mediator of both behavior and
behavior change, self-efficacy was first applied to career behavior by Betz
and Hackett (1981). Although assessment of career self-efficacy now
encompasses many more specific domains of behavior, for example, task-
specific occupational self-efficacy (Osipow, Temple, & Rooney, 1993; Rooney
& Osipow, 1992), mathematics self-efficacy (Betz & Hackett, 1983), and
self-efficacy for the Holland themes (Betz, Harmon, & Borgen, 1996; Lenox
& Subich, 1994), the domain that has received the most interest from both
researchers and practitioners has been career decision-making self-efficacy
and its chief measure, the CDMSE. In this article, we review the theoretical
bases for the development of the original 50-item CDMSE and the
psychometric evaluations of the CDMSE and the 25-item short form
(CDMSE-SF; Betz, Klein, & Taylor, 1996). Following this, we review research
on the correlates and consequences of career decision-making self-efficacy.

Finally, we discuss the use of the scale in the design and evaluation of

Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Nancy E. Betz,

Department of Psychology, The Ohio State University, 142 Townshend Hall, 1885 Neil
Avenue Mall, Columbus, OH 43210-1222.

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interventions capable of increasing individuals perceptions of self-efficacy

with respect to the skills required in career decision-making.

Theoretical Bases

Self-Efficacy Theory
Self-efficacy theory may be viewed as one approach to the more general
study of the applicability of social learning or social cognitive theory (e.g.,
Krumboltz, Mitchell, & Jones, 1976; Lent, Brown, & Hackett, 1994) to
vocational behavior.
Briefly, originally proposed by Bandura (1977), self-efficacy expectations
refer to persons beliefs concerning his or her ability to successfully

perform given task or behavior. They are postulated by Bandura to be


major mediators of behavior and behavior change. Low self-efficacy

expectations regarding a behavior or behavioral domain lead to avoidance
of those behaviors, whereas stronger self-efficacy expectations should lead
to approach behavior. Thus, self-efficacy expectations can be useful in
understanding and predicting behavior. In addition, interventions designed
to facilitate approach behavior are effective because, and to the extent
that, they increase the individuals expectations of self-efficacy with respect
to the problematic, that is, previously avoided, behavior.
In addition to postulating the mechanism by which behavior change
occurs, Bandura (1977) specified four sources of information through which
self-efficacy expectations are learned and by which they can be modified.
These sources of information include: (a) performance accomplishments, that
is, experiences of successfully performing the behaviors in question;
(b) vicarious learning or modeling; (c) verbal persuasion, for example,
encouragement and support from others, and (d) lower levels of emotional
arousal, that is, anxiety, in connection with the behavior. Thus, the
theoretical context of the self-efficacy construct provides not only a means
for understanding the development of self-efficacy beliefs, but the means for
their modification through interventions incorporating positive applications
of the four sources of self-efficacy information.

Also important for present purposes is the domain-specificity of the self-

efficacy construct. The term career self-efficacy is a general term meant to
summarize the possibility that low expectations of self-efficacy with respect
to some aspect of career behavior may serve as a detriment to optimal
career choice and development (Betz & Hackett, 1986). Hackett and Betz
(1981) distinguished the uses of self-efficacy theory with reference to career
choice content and career choice process (a distinction also made previously
in Critess 1978 theory of career maturity). Career choice content refers to
content domains-for example, math, writing, science. Low self-efficacy in
a content area would presumably lead to avoidance of that area of course
work or of careers in that area. Career choice process domains are those
behavioral domains important to the choice and implementation of any
career area-career decision-making self-efficacy is the most obvious example
of this, but domains such as assertiveness, job search self-efficacy, and
self-efficacy with respect to combining home and career are other examples.

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Career Maturity Theory

Although the concept of self-efficacy expectations provided the primary
theoretical basis for scale development, Critess (1978) model of career
maturity provided the original scale authors (Taylor & Betz, 1983) with a
framework for deciding how to define and operationalize the skills required
in career decision-making. More specifically, Crites, in his model of career
maturity, hypothesized that &dquo;good&dquo; career decisions will be facilitated by
competence with respect to five career choice processes and by mature
versus immature attitudes regarding the career choice process. Because

self-efficacy theory is defined in relationship to competence in specific

behavioral domains, Critess five career choice competencies were used to
define the domain of interest, competent career decision-making. These
five competencies and, subsequently, the subscales of the CDMSE, were: (a)
accurate self-appraisal, (b) gathering occupational information, (c) goal
selection, (d) making plans for the future, and (e) problem solving.
Thus, the conceptualization and measurement of career decision-making
self-efficacy involved the integration of two major theories, one originally
stemming from clinical-social psychology and the other having its origins in
counseling-vocational psychology.
Instrument Development and Evaluation
The the development of the
following section will begin by describing
CDMSE and the CDMSE-SF. Then, evidence for the reliability and validity
of the two scales will be provided.

Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy Scale

The CDMSE was designed to measure an individuals degree of belief that
he or she can successfully complete tasks necessary to making career
decisions. As mentioned, the basis for scale construction was the five career
choice competencies postulated in Critess (1978) model of career maturity
and assessed in the Career Maturity Inventory (Crites, 1978). Thus, the item
content included behaviors pertinent to: (a) accurate self-appraisal, (b)
gathering occupational information, (c) goal selection, (d) making plans
for the future, and (e) problem solving. For the original scale, 10 items
were written to reflect each competency. Self-efficacy expectations with

regard to the career decision-making tasks were assessed by asking the

respondent to indicate his or her ability to successfully complete each task.
Responses were obtained on a 10-point scale ranging from 9 (complete
confidence) to 0 (no confidence).
Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy Scale-Short Form
Because the original CDMSE contained 50 items, a shorter version that
could be easily used in counseling assessment and as a pre-post measure for
the evaluation of career interventions was desirable. Accordingly, a 25-
item form was developed (see Betz, Klein, & Taylor, 1996, for full details).
The short form was developed by eliminating 5 of the 10 items from each of
the five CDMSE subscales. The items retained were those satisfying criteria
of: (a) substantive generality (versus content specificity or narrowness),

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(b) item-own scale correlation equal to or greater than .50, (c) loading on the

only appropriate factor in the Taylor and Popma (1990) factor analysis,
and (d) recommendation for retention on the basis of Gati, Osipow and
Fassas (1994) split-scale analysis of the subscale structure.
Thus, the CDMSE short form consisted of five 5-item subscales, for a total
of 25 items. Responses were again obtained using a 10-level confidence
continuum, ranging from 1 (no confidence at all) to 10 (complete confidence).
Both versions of the CDMSE have been reported to be highly reliable. In
the original normative sample of 346 students from a large state university
and a private liberal arts college, internal consistency reliability coefficients
(alpha) ranged from .86 to .89 for the subscales and yielded an alpha of .97
for the total score (Taylor & Betz, 1983). Other researchers have reported
comparable levels of internal consistency-Luzzo (1993a, 1993b) reported
a total scale alpha of .93 and a 6-week test-retest reliability of .83.

The internal consistency reliability of the short form ranged from .73
(Self-Appraisal) to .83 (Goal Selection) for the 5-item subscales and yielded
an alpha of .94 for the 25-item total score (Betz, Klein, & Taylor, 1996). In
two samples including a total of 347 college students, reliabilities ranged
from .69 to .83 for the subscales (again with Self-Appraisal the lowest and
Goal Selection the highest) and yielded an alpha of .93 for the total score.
A recent psychometric evaluation of the CDMSE (Luzzo, 1996) concluded that
adequate reliability of the scale has been repeatedly demonstrated,
supporting the use of the CDMSE in research and applied settings.
Content Validity
Evidence for the content validity of any measure begins with a careful
definition of the domain of interest (see Walsh & Betz, 1995). Because the
construct of self-efficacy refers to beliefs of capability with respect to a
specific domain of behavior, adequate specification of that domain is a
precondition for content validity. For the CDMSE, a well regarded theory of
career maturity, (Crites, 1978) based on the necessity of developing five
career choice competencies was used as the basis for scale development.

Although constructed with a sound conceptual basis, evidence from factor

analyses has not supported the existence of five subscales. Taylor and Betz
(1983) used an iterated principal components factor analysis with varimax
rotation to investigate the structure of the 50 items of the CDMSE. Five
factors, when rotated, accounted for 52% of the total variance, with Factors
1 through 5 accounting for 16.9%, 11.4% &, 10.7%, 8.1%, and 4.9% of the
variance, respectively. More importantly, 27 items had their highest loadings
on the first factor; the Self-Appraisal, Occupational Information, Goal-

Selection, Planning, and Problem-Solving subscales contributed 8, 5, 5, 6,

and 3 items, respectively. Items loading on the other four factors were also
heterogeneous with respect to the theoretically based scale from which
they originated. In Taylor and Popmas (1990) replication of the factor
analysis, a more clear-cut group factor structure resulted, but 17 of the
items still loaded on the first factor, which accounted for 8% of the total

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variance (only 26% of the variance was accounted for by the factor solution).
Given these findings and those of other researchers, Robbins (1985) and
Taylor and Popma suggested that the CDMSE is a generalized measure of
career decision-making self-efficacy.
On the other hand, Peterson and del Mas (1994) concluded from a
components analysis that the CDMSE is constituted of two major factors-
decision-making and information gathering. And Gati et al. (1994) reported
that when certain problematic items (based on low item-scale correlations
or high correlations with other scales) were eliminated from the CDMSE,
the five-factor structure did emerge in cluster analyses.
Factor analysis of the short form utilized both the theoretically based five-
factor structure and Peterson and del Mas (1994) two-factor findings. As
with previous research, the five-factor theoretical basis for the CDMSE-SF
was supported only marginally by factor analysis (Betz, Klein, et al., 1996).
Evidence for the existence of Occupational Information and Goal Selection
factors is strong, although each factor also included Planning items. Problem
Solving and Self-Appraisal items distribute across two other factors, and the
fifth factor was constituted by one isolated Self-Appraisal item.
In the two-factor solution, the Decision-Making factor pulled Self-
Appraisal and Planning, as well as the Goal Selection items, and the
Information Gathering factor pulled Problem Solving as well as Occupational
Information items. Interestingly, the Problem Solving items loading on
Factor 2 were related to the idea of generating additional options if the first
choice doesnt work out (e.g., &dquo;Change occupations if you arent satisfied with
the one you enter&dquo; and &dquo;Identify some reasonable major or career alternatives
if you are unable to get your first choice&dquo;). This combination of items
strongly supports the often-discussed idea that good career decision-making
depends on the availability of options and suggests that a crucial part of
occupational information gathering is the generation of educational and
career options.
Criterion-related and Construct Validity
Conclusions regarding the validity of the construct and measures of
career decision-making self-efficacy depend on research showing its
relationships to other variables related to educational and career attitudes
and progress in particular to career indecision and related attitudes, career
exploratory behaviors, and degree of progress toward appropriate educational
and career goals. In this regard, evidence for the validity of the CDMSE (and
CDMSE-SF) is solid and varied in the nature of criterion variables examined.
Perhaps the most consistent, and important, correlate of career decision-
making self-efficacy is career indecision. As summarized in Table 1, research
has consistently demonstrated that stronger perceptions of career decision-
making self-efficacy are related to lower levels of career indecision, as
measured by Osipows (1987) Career Decision Scale (CDS). In the original
study (Taylor & Betz, 1983), correlations of the CDMSE with the CDS
Indecision subscale ranged from -.29 for the CDMSE Problem Solving
subscale to -.48 for the Goal Selection subscale; these correlations and
that between the total CDMSE and CDS scores (-.40) were statistically

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Table 1
A Summary of Relationships of Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy
to Selected Measures of Career Indecision, Attitudes, and Behaviors

Note. SF = Short Form of the Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy Scale.

significant. Robbins (1985) reported CDMSE-CDS correlations ranging

from -.18 (Occupational Information) to -.40 (Planning). All but that with
Occupational Information were statistically significant. Likewise, Taylor and
Popma (1990) reported rs of -.38 to -.59 with career indecision and of .32
to .55 with decidedness. A significant relationship between career decision-
making self-efficacy and career indecision has been revealed in numerous
other investigations as well (e.g., Bergeron & Romano, 1994; Merwin, 1993;
Schoon, 1991).
Relationships of the CDMSE-SF to Career Indecision were even stronger-
they ranged from -.19 to -.66 for Indecision and from -.03 to -.76 for

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Certainty (Betz, Klein, & Taylor, 1996). Using the CDMSE-SF, however, there
were several significant gender differences in the magnitude of the CDMSE-
CDS Certainty scale correlations, with relationships higher for woman
than men. Thus, using the short form there was evidence of a tighter
connection between self-perceptions of career decision-making competence
and decisional certainty among women than men.
The CDMSE is also related to the 18-item Identity subscale of Holland,
Daiger, and Powers (1980) My Vocational Situation (MVS). Robbins (1985)
reported values of r ranging from .28 (Planning with VI) to .40 (Goal
Selection with VI). In Betz, Klein, et al.s (1996) sample of 184 participants
using the CDMSE-SF, correlations with VI ranged from .40 to .66 (women)
and .28 to .56 (men).
Robbins (1985) also used the &dquo;known groups&dquo; method of investigating
the construct validity of the CDMSE. Subjects were divided into high and
low vocational identity groups based on extreme scores on the MVS. Results
of ANOVA indicated that the Goal Selection, Planning, and Self-Appraisal
subscales and the CDMSE total score significantly differentiated the high-
versus low-identity groups. A discriminant analysis of group differences
yielded a significant discriminant function to which all five scales were
related and which was characterized most strongly by Self-Appraisal and
Goal Selection. The overall hit rate for the classification of subjects into high-
versus low-identity groups was .70. A similar strategy was employed by
Nevill, Neimeyer, Probert, and Fukuyama (1986) and by Neimeyer and
Metzler (1987) in their investigations of vocational schemas in career
decision-making. Results of both studies indicated that highly integrated and
differentiated vocational schemas are associated with the highest levels
of career decision-making self-efficacy.
In a sample of 92 students enrolled at a private liberal arts college, Betz
and Serling (1995) examined the relationship between CDMSE-SF scores and
the Fear of Commitment Scale (Serling & Betz, 1990). The construct of
fear of commitment and its associated measure (Serling & Betz) are intended
to tap the indecisiveness component of decisional difficulties, as opposed to
indecision based primarily on lack of information or knowledge of how to
make a career decision. Indecisiveness (Tyler, 1969), also termed chronic
indecision (Fuqua & Hartman, 1983), is viewed as a more stable, trait-like
condition related to anxiety. Betz and Serling (1995) reported a significant
negative relationship (r -.50) between CDMSE scores and fear of

Several studies have shown CDMSE scores to be related to behavioral
(versus self-report) indicators of educational and career adjustment. Taylor
and Popma (1990) reported that the CDMSE significantly differentiated
three groups of students categorized on the basis of college major status-
declared majors, those with tentative major choices, and undecided students.
Mathieu, Sowa, and Niles (1993) reported that career undecided college
women had significantly lower CDMSE scores than did women preferring
either male-dominated or gender-neutral occupations, but their scores did
not differ from those preferring traditional female occupations. In a related
investigation, Nevill and Schlecker (1988) found that women who scored high

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on the CDMSE were more willing to engage in the career-related activities

of nontraditional occupations than were women who scored low on the
Research by Blustein (1989) also provided evidence of the relationship
between career decision-making self-efficacy and career exploration behavior.
Measures of goal instability and environmental and self-exploratory activity
were administered along with the CDMSE to 106 college students. Results
of a canonical correlation analysis suggested that career decision-making
self-efficacy emerged as a more prominent predictor of exploratory activity
than did any of the other variables (goal instability, age, and gender).
Peterson (1993a) examined the CDMSE as a predictor of academic and
social integration, which, in turn, were postulated to be related to academic
persistence (retention). Using a sample of 678 underprepared college
students, Peterson reported that CDMSE scores surpassed all other variables
as predictors of overall and academic integration, explaining 18% of the
variance of each. Scores on the CDMSE also explained 12% of the variance
in social integration. Because of the strength of her findings, Peterson
suggested that interventions designed to increase career decision-making
self-efficacy should be strongly considered in student retention programs.
Other Related Research
Banduras (1986) formulations of self-efficacy theory include the postulate
that increases in self-efficacy expectations relative to one domain should
generalize to some degree to other domains; from this general statement,
statistically significant relationships among domain-specific measures of self-
efficacy would be postulated. It is not surprising, then, that scores on the
CDMSE have been moderately related to other measures of self-efficacy. For
example, Betz and Serling (1995) found statistically significant correlations
of .53, .21, and .29 with the Verbal, Quantitative, and Aesthetic subscales
of Rooney and Osipows (Rooney & Osipow, 1992; Osipow et al., 1993) Task-
Specific Occupational Self-Efficacy Scale (TSOSS) in a sample of 90 students.
The correlation with the TSOSS total score was .37. Only the correlation
between CDMSE scores and the TSOSS Physical Abilities subscale was
nonsignificant (r =
Betz and Klein (1996b ) reported correlations of .38, .37, and .26 between
CDMSE scores and math self-efficacy, nontraditional occupational self-
efficacy, and traditional occupational self-efficacy in a sample of 151 students.
Correlations with generalized self-efficacy and the social self-efficacy
subscale of the GSE were .54 and .39, and the correlation with global self-
esteem was .41 (Ns for these three samples were 350; Betz & Klein). Niles
and Sowa (1992) reported correlations of .42 and .21 with generalized self-
efficacy and social self-efficacy, respectively.
Other studies have suggested that career decision-making self-efficacy is
also related to other indices of a so-called healthy personality. For example,
Niles and Sowa (1992) reported that CDMSE scores were positively related
to the commitment and components control of psychological hardiness
(Kobasa, 1985). Betz and Klein (1996b) .reported that CDMSE-SF scores
were significantly related to both generalized self-efficacy (rs .59 in men =

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and .50 in women) and to a measure of global self-esteem (rs .43 in men =

and .39 in women). Especially noteworthy may be the finding that in

regressions using the CDMSE as well as several other domain-specific
measures of career self-efficacy (including mathematics, self-efficacy for
traditional and nontraditional occupations, and self-efficacy with respect to
the six Holland themes), CDMSE scores were the predominant predictor of
generalized self-efficacy. Multiple correlations squared for predictive
equations in which the CDMSE total score was the sole significant predictor
ranged from .20 to .59. Total CDMSE scores were significantly related to
global self-esteem (r .58) and trait anxiety (r .24) in the study of Robbins
= =

(1985). Taylor and Popma (1990) reported a correlation of -.30 with locus
of control, indicating that the more external the locus of control, the lower
the career self-efficacy.
In the social cognitive models of career behavior of both Bandura (1986)
and Lent, et al. (1994), self-efficacy expectations are also postulated to be
related to outcome expectations. Betz and Klein (1996a) measured career
decision outcome expectancies-beliefs that successfully engaging in
educational and career decision-making behaviors will lead to desired
academic and career outcome behaviors. Results in a sample of 350 college
students indicated that correlations between efficacy and outcome were
higher in men (.35-.53) than women (.12-.33). A few of the paired differences
in correlations were statistically significant, suggesting a closer association
between self-efficacy and outcome expectations in men than in women.
Other research has examined antecedent or background and demographic
variables related to career decision-making self-efficacy. One such variable
is, of course, gender, for which few significant differences in either subscale
scores or the total score have been reported in research on the CDMSE or
CDMSE-SF (e.g., Betz, Klein, & Taylor, 1996; Luzzo, 1993a; Taylor & Betz,
1983). This lack of gender differences implies gender homogeneity in the
background experiences related to development of perceived competency in
career decision-making tasks. If the lack of gender differences does not

imply homogeneity, then some type of compensatory experiences or factors

must apply if there are differential background experiences.
Peterson (1993a, 1993b) studied the antecedents and consequences of
CDMSE in 678 underprepared college students enrolled in the General
College at the University of Minnesota. Background variables related to
higher career decision-making self-efficacy included higher career
aspirations, higher age, and higher grades (Peterson, 1993b). African
American students reported significantly higher career decision-making
self-efficacy (M 6.9) than did Native American (M 5.3), Asian (M 5.8),
= = =

or Caucasian (M =
6.14) students. Both Hispanic (M 6.6) and Caucasian =

students scored significantly higher than did Native American or Asian

students. Other correlates of higher career self-efficacy were higher levels
of parental education and having mothers who work in professional positions.
Finally, available research has suggested low relationships between
CDMSE scores and Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) scores. In Taylor and
Betzs (1983) liberal arts sample, relationships of CDMSE scores with SAT
scores ranged from r =.07 (SAT-Math and the Problem Solving subscale) to

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r .25 (SAT-Verbal and the Occupational Information subscale);


correlations between SAT-V and SAT-M and the total CDMSE score were
r .19 and r
.18, respectively. In the large university sample,

relationships with American College Test (ACT) scores ranged from r =

-.11 (ACT-Math and Goal Selection) to r .21 (ACT-English and =

Occupational Information); correlations with the total CDMSE score were

r .15 (English) and r -.02 (Math). A nonsignificant relationship between
= =

CDMSE score and grade point average was also reported by Luzzo (1993b).

Adaptations of the CDMSE

After eliminating problematic items from the CDMSE, Gati et al. (1994)
developed a Hebrew version of the scale, using 6-item subscales. Gati et al.
reported values of coefficient alpha as follows: Goal Selection and Planning
(.83), Self-Appraisal (.79), Occupational Information (.76), and Problem
Solving (.65). The total score (30 items) value was .92.
Fouad, Smith, and Enochs (in press; also Fouad & Smith, 1996) adapted
the CDMSE for use with middle school students. Twelve items were selected
to retain the conceptual meaning of the scale while making the questions
understandable to seventh and eighth grade students ranging in age from
12 years to 15 years. Fouad et al. (1996) reported a value of coefficient
alpha of .79 in this sample of predominantly lower SES Hispanic and
African American students.

Counseling and Educational Intervention Studies

On the basis of research reviewed to this point indicating that career
decision-making self-efficacy is strongly related to both statements of, and
actual difficulties in, making and implementing career decisions, several
vocational psychologists have encouraged the development and evaluation
of counseling interventions designed to increase career decision-making
self-efficacy (Bergeron & Romano, 1994; Betz, 1992; Hackett & Betz, 1992;
McAuliffe, 1991; Peterson, 1993a). As Hackett and Betz (1992) explained,
&dquo;...there is a compelling need to determine the usefulness of self-efficacy
theory in enhancing career development and broadening career choices&dquo;
(p. 241).
Foss and Slaney (1986) were the first to report the results of a systematic
effort to increase CDMSE scores. In their investigation, college women
completed the CDMSE prior to exposure to a videotaped career intervention
designed to broaden womens ranges of perceived career options by reducing
sex-role stereotyping in career planning and education. Results of the study
indicated significant increases in participants CDMSE scores 2 weeks
following exposure to the video.
Two years later, Fukuyama, Probert, Neimeyer, Nevill, and Metzler
(1988) reported results of an investigation designed to evaluate the effects
of a computer assisted career guidance program on the career decision-
making self-efficacy and career decidedness of undergraduates. All
participants completed the CDMSE and the CDS (Osipow, 1987) prior to an
initial orientation session in which an overview of DISCOVER (Rayman &
Bowlsbey, 1977) was presented. Participants randomly assigned to the

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control group completed the CDMSE and CDS a second time 3 days later,
prior to their interaction with DISCOVER. Students assigned to the
treatment group also completed the career measures 3 days later but only
after they interacted with the DISCOVER program. Results indicated
significant gains in CDMSE scores and a decrease in career indecision
following students exposure to DISCOVER.
More recently, Luzzo and Taylor (1994) evaluated the effects of verbal
persuasion on the CDMSE scores of first-year college students. Eighty-
eight students completed the CDMSE as a pretest measure and were then
randomly assigned to either a treatment or control group. Students in the
treatment group completed the World of Work Inventory (WOWI; Ripley &
Neidert, 1987) and subsequently met with a career counselor to discuss
the results. During the feedback session, the counselor verbally persuaded
students that they possess adequate skills and opportunities to engage in
effective career decision-making activities. Students in the control group also
completed the WOWI but did not receive the verbal persuasion treatment.
Results indicated significant gains in CDMSE scores of students who
received verbal persuasion, whereas CDMSE scores of students in the
control group were unchanged.
The most recently published study addressing changes in career decision-
making self-efficacy was an evaluation of the effects of attributional
retraining on the CDMSE scores of college students (Luzzo, Funk, & Strang,
1996). The study examined whether 60 college students, grouped according
to career locus of control, were differentially affected by a videotaped career
intervention. The intervention was an attributional retraining procedure
designed to persuade students to attribute low levels of confidence in
making career decisions and career-related failures to a lack of effort.
Results revealed that the CDMSE scores of students who initially exhibited
an external career locus of control significantly increased following the
attributional retraining procedure.
Development and validation of the CDMSE has also led to several
investigations evaluating the effects of career counseling workshops and
career exploration courses on the career decision-making self-efficacy of
college students (Foltz, 1993; McNeill, 1990; Oreshnick, 1991; Shaw, 1988).
Although the findings of many of these studies are reported in unpublished
doctoral dissertations, results consistently indicate that the CDMSE scores
of students who receive a viable intervention tend to increase, whereas
CDMSE scores of students who do not receive an appropriate intervention
remain relatively stable over time.

Future Directions
Despite the results of research indicating the effectiveness of various
strategies for increasing the CDMSE scores of college students, important
empirical questions about these and other interventions have yet to be
addressed. One of the clearest weaknesses of the intervention-based research
in this domain is the lack of clarity regarding the particular sources of
self-efficacy that are responsible for observed changes in CDMSE scores.
Bandura (1977) clearly specified four sources of self-efficacy (performance

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accomplishments, vicarious learning, verbal persuasion, and emotional

arousal) that influence an individuals self-efficacy expectations within a
given domain. The majority of the research conducted to date, however,
has failed to indicate which sources of self-efficacy have been targeted as a
means of altering students self-efficacy expectations. Future investigations
aimed at increasing CDMSE scores should clearly identify those self-efficacy
sources that are addressed by a particular intervention and indicate how
certain strategies are designed to alter self-efficacy expectations of
Longitudinal research addressing the long-term impact of interventions
on career decision-making self-efficacy is also lacking. Although previous

investigations have consistently indicated that a variety of techniques are

effective in increasing CDMSE scores over a relatively brief period of time,
there is a need to evaluate the long-term impact of such strategies. It will
be important to determine whether changes in CDMSE scores are temporary
or stable over time.
Attribute-treatment interaction (ATI) studies represent another domain
yet untapped by researchers interested in evaluating the effectiveness of
interventions designed to increase CDMSE scores. As Fretz (1981) argued,
ATI evaluation studies provide essential information for making well
informed decisions &dquo;...about which types of programs can be offered cost
effectively for diverse clientele and what innovative programs or
combinations of programs might best increase the impact of career
interventions&dquo; (p. 87). A comprehensive evaluation of strategies for increasing
career decision-making self-efficacy must include an analysis of client
attributes that might differentially affect the results of interventions.
Another important extension of previous research that has yet to be
systematically addressed is the extent to which changes in career decision-
making self-efficacy lead to other adaptive changes associated with career
decision-making. Future research might help to clarify the degree to which
changes in CDMSE scores serve as a catalyst for other changes in career
development. Do increases in CDMSE scores lead to decreases in career
indecision, or is it a decrease in career indecision that leads to increases in
CDMSE scores? If an individuals career decision-making self-efficacy is
increased, will she or he also exhibit changes in career exploration behavior?
Will interventions designed to increase a persons awareness of her or his
vocational interests, abilities, and skills serve as effective strategies for
increasing CDMSE scores? Studies designed to answer these and other
important questions about changes in CDMSE scores will help clarify the
role of career decision-making self-efficacy in the broader context of career
Based on the numerous reliability and validity studies of the CDMSE and
the CDMSE-SF that have been conducted over the past 15 years, researchers
can focus on the development and evaluation of interventions designed to
increase career decision-making self-efficacy with assurance that a
psychometrically sound instrument for measuring such change is available.
In addition to further work in evaluating educational and career
interventions using the CDMSE, research such as that of Fouad et al.

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Other Research Using the CDMSE but not Cited

Blustein, D. L., Wallbridge, M. M. , Friedlander, M. L., & Palladino, D. E. (1991).

Contributions of psychological separation and parental attachment to the career development
process. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 38, 39-50.
Gianakos, I. (1995). The relation of sex role identity to career decision-making self-efficacy.
Journal of Vocational Behauior, 46, 131-143.
Luzzo, D. A., & Ward, B. E. (1995). The relative contributions of self-efficacy and locus of
control to the prediction of vocational congruence. Journal of Career Development, 21, 307-
Place, A. W. (1996). Career choice of education: Minorities and self-efficacy. Paper presented
at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New York.
Solon, P. T. (1993). Vicarious learning (daughters perceptions of their mothers influence)
and womens career self-efficacy expectations (Doctoral dissertation, University of Minnesota,
1993). Dissertation Abstracts International, 54, 1737A.
Urakamai, M. (1993). Career decision-making self-efficacy and career maturity. Japanese
Journal of Educational Psychology, 41, 35$-364.

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