Essay-Report Assessment Criteria Sheet
Essay-Report Assessment Criteria Sheet
Essay-Report Assessment Criteria Sheet
3. Quality of communication
Mark allocation: Mark range: Mark range: Mark range: Mark range:
3.1 Logical structure Judiciously uses headings, Generally structured Poorly and/or No attempt made
and organization sub-headings and other and organized to aid ineffectively to structure the
organizational methods the reader structured to aid the answer in any
(such as tables, charts, reader meaningful way
diagrams) to facilitate
understanding on the part
of the reader.
Ideas flow clearly and Ideas in the main Flow of ideas not Line(s) of logic not
coherently, with flow logically in always clear or logical. clear at all
appropriate use of suitable paragraph
paragraphs to make structure.
3.2 Clarity & Expression clear, fluent Expression in the Expression and/or Expression is
succinctness of precise, focused on the main clear and meaning frequently unclear, rambling,
writing (including question, within word fluent, within word unclear or ambiguous, and/or
syntax, adherence to limit, and in the limit, and in the repetitive, not always inappropriate for
word limit and appropriate genre; appropriate genre; to the point, and/or the genre;
appropriateness for meaning crystal clear. meaning clear. inappropriate for meaning is
purpose) purpose. unclear.
Criteria Sophisticated/exemplary Competent/sound Marginal Clear fail
4. Conformance to MLM Dept. formatting guidelines and referencing standards
Mark Mark range: Mark range: Mark range: Mark range:
4.1 Referencing Faultless application of MLM Dept. Inconsistently applies Incorrect referencing
MLM Dept. referencing referencing style the MLM Dept. style used.
style. applied with few referencing style.
All source material Sources generally Significant number of Most sources not
correctly acknowledged, acknowledged sources not acknowledged, or
with appropriate, through acknowledged or acknowledged
balanced use of paraphrasing, otherwise not inappropriately.
paraphrasing, summarising and acknowledged
summarizing and quoting. quoting (although appropriately, raising
not always in questions of
appropriate plagiarism.
4.2 Formatting Closely adheres to all Generally adheres to the Significantly deviates from Guidelines/requirements
formatting requirements. specified formatting formatting requirements. largely ignored.