How To Secure BIR Importer Clearance Certificate
How To Secure BIR Importer Clearance Certificate
How To Secure BIR Importer Clearance Certificate
Certificate (ICC)
TOPICS:BIR ICCEFPSICCImporter Clearsnce CertificateOpen CMS CaseSEC Good
Regulatory Background
You may skip this part and go straight to the next sub-heading. But I encourage you to read it
for additional information.
In order for companies to become importers, they need to be accredited by the Bureau of
Customs (BoC). Previously, getting accreditation is easy and fast. However in 2014, with
the aim to combat smuggling, the following regulatory issuance came about:
What are important items that need to be considered to expedite the ICC application
Previously enrolment with BIR should come before enrolment with the bank. But due to the
long time it takes for banks to process enrollment, the BIR requires a taxpayer to be enrolled
first with the bank in order for the taxpayer to avoid facing penalties for not using eFPS after
it was activated by BIR.
What are the processes and the requirements for application for ICC?
There are 6 compliance certificates that need to be secured before the FINAL application for
ICC can be made to ARMD. Including the 3 pre-requisites as discussed above, thus, there are
10 sub-processes for ICC application below:
How to secure certification Annex A and Annex A-1 Tax Compliance from RDO
[Estimated processing time: 2 to 3 weeks as long as open cases were closed]
1. Prepare the requirements:
1. Copy of GIS;
2. Request letter;
3. Authorization letter;
4. ID of signatory
5. ID of representative
2. Submit documents to BIR RDO 43A
3. Resolve all comments
4. Secure certificate
How to secure certification Annex B from Regional Legal Division and Annex C from
Regional Collection Division
[Estimated processing time: 1 week, can be done simultaneously with Annex A]
How to secure certificate Annex E from Audit Information, Tax Exemptions and
Incentives Division (AITIED)
[Estimated processing time: 3 weeks simultaneous with Annex A]
Final thoughts
The trick is to lay down all the requirements and to study the processes noting which is a pre-
requisite of which process. Also, be mindful of requirements that needs days to
process. Finally, prepare all requirements for signature and get schedule of meeting with the
authorized signatory to sign all the documents at once.