Read Me
Read Me
Read Me
Subdirectory Description
Book applications The applications that are described in this book. You
can view this source code by opening the project or
solution in the appropriate directory. Then, you can
run these applications to see how they work. If you
want, you can use the debugger to step through code
to see how it works.
Database The files for the MMABooks database that’s used by
the applications presented in chapters 14-16, along
with the bat and sql files that you can use to attach
this database to SQL Server 2005 Express.
Database backup A backup of the MMABooks database in case you
want to restore the database files in the Database
directory to their original state.
Exercise starts The unfinished applications that are the starting
points for the exercises that are presented at the end
of each chapter.
In addition, the source files for the exercise starts have been copied from
the Exercise starts subdirectory to the C:\VB 2008 directory. That way,
you can find all of the starting points for the exercises in directories like
C:\VB 2008\Chapter 01 and C:\VB 2008\Chapter 02. These directories
correspond with the directories described in the book.