Fred K. Schaefer and The Science of Geography
Fred K. Schaefer and The Science of Geography
Fred K. Schaefer and The Science of Geography
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be the pervasive influence of "exceptionalism" to Schaefer's article and that was in Bunge's
in geographic thought and stressed that geog- own paper.22
raphy must cultivate its systematic aspects and At Iowa in the late fifties there was still
emphasize the search for laws. At this dis- Gustav Bergmann. He was the oracle outside
tance in time, it seems strange that the paper the geography department, a logical positivist
was not accorded the recognition within the who had been one of the original Vienna Cir-
Iowa department that others since have given cle, a close friend of Schaefer, and the teacher
it. No reference was made to it in publications in one way or another of most of us who went
through the Iowa department. If Schaefer's
by the Iowa geographers at the time. And yet
paper was not, as I recall, required reading,
it was a methodological tour de force, an im-
Bergmann's book on the philosophy of science
portant milestone in the development of a
certainly was!23 His influence on the work of
positivistic approach to human geography
the Iowa geographers was seen everywhere.
viewed as a social science. William Bunge, who
Kennelly acknowledged Bergmann's assistance
was a faculty member at Iowa in the sixties,
in deriving a mathematical proof; McCarty,
was to write: "Schaefer has done us a great
Hook, and Knos offered a similar acknowledge-
service in sweeping away our excuses and
ment in their study of industrial geography;
thereby freeing us from self-defeat."20
and two later alumni, Amedeo and Golledge,
Whether the influence of Schaefer on Garri-
borrowed heavily from his writings in their
son's group at Washington was as great as
book on scientific reasoning in geography.24
Bunge has stated will have to be commented
on by others.21 In the early Washington dis-
cussion papers I could find only one reference 22 W. Bunge, "Methodology," Discussion Papers,
Department of Geography, University of Washington,
No. 21 (1959).
20 W. Bunge, "Theoretical Geography," Lund Stud- 23 G. Bergmann, The Philosophy of Science (Madi-
ies in Geography, Series C. No. 1 (1962), p. 12. son: The University of Wisconsin Press, 1957).
21 W. Bunge, "Fred K. Schaefer and the Science of 24 Douglas Amedeo and Reginald G. Golledge, An
Geography," Harvard Papers in Theoretical Geogra- Introduction to Scientific Reasoning in Geography
phy, Special Papers Series, Paper A (1968), p. 17. (New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1975).
William Bunge
KURT SCHAEFER was a whole man, a life was that of a typical workingman's son. He
conscious member of the human race, a attended public school from 1911 to 1918.
scientist, and an intellectual who remembered During part of World War I he worked on a
his humanist commitment. He was a ferocious farm while his father served in the German
fighter for decent and sensible human relations. Army. From 1918 to 1921 he followed in
Not much remains for us to do except to say the family tradition as an apprentice metal
we are ashamed and sorry for what happened worker. He was a man of his times and Ger-
to him. man metal workers in 1921 were political radi-
Schaefer was born on July 7, 1904, in Berlin. cals. Schaefer joined the Social Democrats, and
His father was a metal worker and his early when he was only seventeen he was Secretary
of the Trade Union Youth Section, a position
* This paper, which was widely circulated among
he held until 1925. There is do doubt that all
geographers in the 1960s, appears here in a somewhat through his life, with only the exception of his
condensed form with the permission of the author, last years, his primary interest was political
William Bunge. Most prominent of several previous and his politics were leftist. His interest in ge-
mimeographed versions was the one appearing in Har-
ography, though genuine and deep, seemed to
vard Papers in Theoretical Geography, Special Papers
Series, Paper A, 1968, under the editorship of William come from a frustration of his political life.
Warntz.-Ed. At the end he poured his heart into geography
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almost to be able to say that one result he pro- enough with the Second International (Social-
duced was not destroyed. ists) to obtain employment in depression En-
In 1925 he entered Kaiser Friedrich Real gland. In 1936 he did research for the Institute
Gymnasium as an "adult student" and grad- of Social Biology (London University) and for
uated with distinction in 1927 despite the hard the British Trade Union Congress. During 1937
financial and social problems then confronting and 1938 he worked as a statistician on "Move-
adult students. His work at the gymnasium was ments in Population" for the New Fabian Re-
at night school, and according to his aunt, search Bureau. Schaefer, the student with "iron
"His years as a student were passed under great determination," continued his studies in statis-
privation and iron determination." Schaefer tics and advanced mathematics at the London
then spent a year at the Deutsche Hochschule School of Economics. He had political use for
fur Politik where he studied political science these skills, but the heart of his political work
and political geography, while also working for was in helping fellow Germans out of Nazi
the city of Berlin as a social worker with un- Germany. He also was somewhat active in
employed youth. British politics and wrote newspaper articles,
The heroic Germany of the 1920s had other especially for the Daily Herald, on social con-
sides that also shaped him. Schaefer, an athletic ditions in Middle Europe.
one-hundred and sixty pounds and almost six In 1938 he left England equipped with ref-
feet tall, was an active member of a hiking club. erences from people such as Gerhard Seeger,
In later life he stayed physically active by ice- former member of the Reichstag, and Sir Wal-
skating and walking long distances. ter Citrine, head of the British Trade Unions.
Like many young German intellectuals of the He arrived in New York via Cuba and Florida
time, he was interested in the flourishing art to act as an adviser to a "workmen's sick and
movement of Berlin and showed preference for death benefit fund" and remained there during
the art of social protest. His interest in the arts the winter of 1938 and 1939. That spring he
also remained throughout life and eventually in- moved to Iowa to help as a laborer to establish
cluded music. the Scattergood Rehabilitation Center, a refu-
In 1928 his union gave Schaefer a scholar- gee camp run by the American Friends Service
ship to attend the University of Berlin. He con- Committee, near the State University of Iowa.
tinued into postgraduate studies until 1932. His It was here at Scattergood that Schaefer began
main fields of study as an undergraduate were his serious study of music. Schaefer was now
economics, economic geography, and political thirty-four years old and, like so many of his
geography. As a graduate student he studied kind, unmarried and steeped in politics. He im-
mathematics and population statistics. mediately commenced his political work with a
In jobless Germany, Schaefer, the promis- series of lectures on "What to do with Ger-
ing young Socialist, always found employment. many?", "U.S. Foreign Policy and Germany,"
From 1928 to 1932 he was a statistician for "Trends in the German Economic System,"
the City of Berlin working in the section of "Whither Europe?", and others. He spoke
School and Health Statistics. He was also coun- widely over the state and wrote articles for
cilor for social insurance of the Municipal journals and papers. His mission was to arouse
Workers' Association and teacher at the Trade people to the Nazi menace and he worked at
Union College. it with ferocity. Scattergood itself was filled
As the Nazis made their bid for power, with the human wrecks the Nazis deliberately
Schaefer was in that wing of the Social Demo- sought to produce. The horrible knowledge of
crats that preferred resistance by the already what had been done to his German friends was
armed and drilled workers to surrender to the thus daily refreshed.
Nazis. But Hitler came to power and Schaefer His life was consistent in other ways. As an
and people like him were immediately subjected intellectual he became a member of the staff
to terrorism. The Nazis came to his neighbors' of the State University of Iowa, originally as a
houses, first on one side and then on the other, half-time instructor in the School of Commerce
with sirens screaming in the middle of the night. and later with the Department of Geography.
He was under constant police surveillance. During this period, toward the end of the Great
The twenty-seven year old political refugee Depression, the State University of Iowa had
made his way to London. He was important five or six radicals on the staff. Smith's restau-
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rant provided an informal meeting place for By 1950 Schaefer was teaching Christaller,
these men. Schaefer immediately affiliated. Lbsch, Hoover, and ThUnen. Schaefer's stu-
This dedicated politician had high standards dents were writing articles in seminars on Leon-
for himself and others. He was soft-spoken yet tief and Vining. He read Russian fluently and
ironical and was contemptuous of those who established a collection of materials on the So-
were not as intellectual as he, especially of viet Union. He taught the geography of the
fellow university professors. He was a man of Soviet Union. His course on political geogra-
character who believed in a principled life and phy was taught from the perspective that the
would not hesitate to turn even on long time politics were incomprehensible without eco-
friends if he thought they had faltered. He hated nomic understanding. He remained interested
the Nazis. When the war ended and the Krupps, in mathematics and statistics and applied these
the lesser Nazi functionaries, and Nazi generals skills to geography. All told, he appears to
were not only allowed to go free but eventually have been about ten years ahead of the rest of
encouraged, Schaefer delivered a series of bitter geography. Unfortunately, he produced neither
speeches. "'War with Russia is not inevitable, students to carry on his approach nor very
but it is probable that we will go to war if we much writing. Therefore, most of his advanced
hold on to the false impressions we now have,' outlook had to be painfully rediscovered by
said Professor Kurt Schaefer in an interview others at a later date.
in October, 1947, concerning an address he was Schaefer's early and continued interest in
to give in the Geology auditorium. 'The United mathematics was put to use not only in under-
States' social system could never survive such standing the mathematical treatment of Lbsch
a war,' he added."' and Christaller, but in preparing a book on
In the early 1950s the FBI began open har- political geography. It was the preparation of
rassment against the men of Smith's Restaurant, this book that led to his great contribution.
including Schaefer. The technique consisted pri- His second chapter dealt with "The Nature of
marily of "shadowing" these men. All individ- Geography" as it was originally titled. This was
ual protections fell away and Schaefer's income, to be the methodological chapter. Only frag-
always very low (between 1938 and 1943 his ments of other chapters remain. For example,
income with the University was listed as only he had used his mathematical skills to compare
eight hundred dollars per year), was threatened. the centrality of capitals. He then grouped the
He was abandoned by "friends" and by aca- various countries with peripheral locations, in-
demic colleagues. At the beginning of his final ternal locations, etc., and discussed general rea-
ordeal in the spring of 1946, Schaefer dropped sons for their various types of locations but
out of school for some months to gather him- never went very far in this direction. Instead,
self. It seems that during this period of with- he concentrated on his methodological chapter
drawal, which he spent at a rest home in Mil- which later emerged as his famous article, "Ex-
waukee, he was perfecting a new strategy and ceptionalism in Geography: A Methodological
he decided to stop being such an obvious radi- Examination. "2
cal politician. In 1947 he married Mary Strub, Schaefer's article consistently defends sci-
a native of Iowa City. ence and the possibility of spatial laws. He
Intellectually, he turned aside from his po-
hated "mere description" which he attributed
litical writing and became a full-time geogra-
to regionalists and he despised "uniqueness."
pher. On a university form, after the entry
The oblique references to free will, gestalt and
"Achievements" he had written "Scarcely any."
others, he felt, substituted for the search for
He seemed at forty-two determined to produce
scientific laws. He had figured out much of
some lasting accomplishment. His main interest
the specifics of both his attack and his positive
remained in political geography but he spent
substitute "spatial relations" and even more
much time translating Lbsch's Economics of
sharply, "patterns" 3
Location from the original German into En-
glish. He was in personal correspondence with
2 Fred K. Schaefer, "Exceptionalism in Geography:
A Methodological Examination," Annals, Association
of American Geographers, Vol. 43 (1953), pp. 226-
1 Daily Iowan, student newspaper of the State Uni- 49.
versity of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, October 19, 1947. 3 Schaefer, op. cit., footnote 2, p. 227.
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Description, even if followed by classification, does Like any good prophet, or scientist, Schaefer
not explain the manner in which phenomena are
exposed himself to the dangers of making pre-
distributed over the world. To explain the phenom-
dictions: 6
ena one had described means always to recognize
them as instances of laws. Another way of saying
What may one infer from all this for the future of
the same thing is to insist that science is not so
geography? It seems to me that as long as geogra-
much interested in individual facts as in the patterns
phers cultivate its systematic aspects, geography's
they, exhibit. prospects as a discipline of its own are good indeed.
The laws of all three categories which we have dis-
He introduces "spatial relations" with decisive- tinguished are no doubt both interesting and impor-
ness :4 tant. And they all contain spatial factors to an ex-
tent that requires special skills and makes the pro-
Geography, thus, must pay attention to the spatial fessional cultivation of these skills well worth while.
arrangement of the phenomena in an area and not We, the geographers, are these professionals. I am
so much to the phenomena themselves. Spatial rela- not so optimistic in case geography should reject
tions are the ones that matter in geography, and no the search for laws, exalt its regional aspects for its
others. Nonspatial relations found among the phe- own sake and thus limit itself more and more to
nomena in an area are the subject matter of other mere description. In this event the systematic geog-
specialists such as the geologist, anthropologist, or rapher will have to move much closer and eventu-
economist. Of all the limitations on geography this ally attach himself to the systematic sciences.
one seems to be the most difficult for geographers
to observe. To judge even from recent research they And the gloomy end almost happened with
do not always clearly distinguish between, say, so- "regional science" threatening to pull away the
cial relations on the one hand and spatial relations
last great systematic bastion of economic ge-
among social factors on the other.
ography, with one better school after another
He specifically identifies "patterns" in geo- throwing geography completely out. That dan-
graphic terms and takes a passing shot at time. ger now seems past. The tide has turned.
The phenomena of spatial change that he at- In sum, Schaefer's historic article consists of
tacks can be maintained in geography as mo- two basic contributions: an introduction to ge-
tion but time is not necessary to describe mo- ography of modern philosophy of science, and
an identification of spatial relations as the sub-
ject matter of geography. Schaefer received a
Geography is essentially morphological. Purely geo- fine education in philosophy of science from
graphical laws contain no reference to time and one of its internationally renowned masters,
change. This is not to deny that the spatial struc-
Gustav Bergmann. Bergmann was one of the
tures we explore are, like all other structures any-
where, the result of processes. But the geographer, original Vienna Circle and he, too, fled Hitler
for the most part, deals with them as he finds them, and found his way to Iowa City. These two
ready made. . . . Let us in this connection consider men became the closest of friends as two Ger-
Koeppen's Hypothetical Continent. The word hypo-
man refugees with powerful minds and strong
thetical merely indicated that he neglected, for the
purpose of his climatological generalization, all but characters.
a few variables. For the remaining ones he states Schaefer's second contribution, the discovery
a spatial correlation that is morphological law. To of the subject matter of scientific geography,
call such comparatively crude correlations patterns
was the critical and entirely independent con-
rather than laws is perhaps laudable [sic] modest.
But to think that patterns, in this sense of pattern, tribution. Schaefer had always conceived of ge-
are different from laws, would be a mistake. ography as a science. Even in his hyperpolitical
period in 1943 he flatly asserted that geography
In the immediate geographic milieu Schaefer
was a science.7 But it remained unclear as to
was the methodologist for the rising predic-
what the subject matter of the science of geog-
tors in geography given such great impetus
raphy was and he evidently wrestled with this
by Christaller. It was Schaefer whom the gang
problem for some time. Obviously, from his ar-
that Garrison gathered together at Washington
ticle, he considered Christaller, ThUnen, Lbsch,
pored over. Schaefer's methodology interpreted
and Hoover examples. His intense concentra-
Hoover, LUsch, and Christaller and launched
Garrison and his raiders.
6 Schaefer, op. cit., footnote 2, p. 249.
7 Fred K. Schaefer, "Geography Training a National
4 Schaefer, op. cit., footnote 2, p. 228. Handicap," Journal of Business, University of Iowa,
5 Schaefer, op. cit., footnote 2, pp. 243-44. Vol. 23, No. 4 (1943), pp. 9-10.
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tion on Christaller and L6sch probably gave fessor Harold McCarty, who was chairman of
him hints. In some ways it is unfortunate that the department, he was trembling and said,
he was not more explicit about the term "spatial "This is my reason for existence in geography."
relations." It remained for Warntz and for His first forty-two years had been devoted to
Garrison and his students at the University of a way of life that had been destroyed. He had
Washington, also careful readers of L6sch and been harried from job to job and country to
Christaller, to fully appreciate what Schaefer country until he was isolated from his world
had written. Schaefer gave only scanty elabo- and friends. Deeply tired, he had decided to
ration: 8 stand and fight where he was, to marry, to turn
himself seriously to his profession. He trans-
Geography . . . seems to be a field inclined and
compelled to produce morphological laws rather ferred his idealism and energies from his de-
than process laws. A typical theoretical situation in stroyed world to geography and in seven years
geography is described usually by way of patterns. of intense further effort produced one great
Patterns are morphological laws. Koeppen's Hypo-
thetical Continent is such a law. The theoretical
nature of patterns has been somewhat neglected by
The production of the article, his "achieve-
geographers and it looks as if here a real scientific ment" in life, was not without strong opposi-
contribution could be made to scientific method by tion which further drained his energies. With
geography. sheer brilliance of argument his only weapon,
Elsewhere he refers to shape, areal extent, Schaefer fought to be heard. Fire engine sirens
and centrality as being spatial and the subject vividly reminded him of Hitler's terrorism. He
of geography. Still, it was difficult for the bulk became distinctly nervous if a person got on
of geographers to obtain a clear idea of the and off the bus with him since he had been
meaning of "spatial relationships" unless they followed by the Gestapo and the FBI for
were intimate with the Christaller type of lit- months. McCarthyism repulsed and sickened
erature. Schaefer in a way that those of us who have
Schaefer, the rational man, approached his not seen Hitler come to our native land can-
methodology in an appealing fashion. In one not understand. In the winter of 1952-1953
of the early drafts of this great article he wrote: 9 Schaefer suffered a heart attack and on June 6,
Scientific fields have grown historically by the in- 1953, he died of a second one. His article-his
terest that curious men have taken in nature. Meth- "reason for being"-had not yet been pub-
odological thinking about a field historically estab-
lished. His good friend Bergmann had to com-
lished comes at a later stage of development when
it is found necessary to systematize and order ac-
plete the final mechanics of publication. He was
quired knowledge and to obtain guidance in the denied even this satisfaction.
search for more and better truth. Hence the meth-
odology of any field tends to be a compromise be- BIBLIOGRAPHY
tween what has grown historically and what is de-
1941. "German Business Under Hitler," Journal of
sirable from a merely logical view of order and
Business, State University of Iowa, Vol. 21,
procedure. The maturity of a field then expresses
No. 5, pp. 4-6.
itself in the degree to which the logical element in
"Japan's Supply of Raw Materials," Journal of
it prevails, in the manner in which major proposi-
Business, State University of Iowa, Vol. 21,
tions are related to minor ones, and in the extent
No. 6, pp. 11-14.
to which it has been able to rid itself from acci-
1943. "Geography Training a National Handicap,"
dental activities and views acquired during the time
Journal of Business, State University of Iowa,
of its youth.
Vol. 23, No. 4, pp. 9-10.
Schaefer was deeply involved in his article. 1945. "Area Study and General Education," School
Review, University of Chicago, Vol. 43, No.
When he gave a copy of his final draft to Pro- 2, pp. 90-97.
1946. "Post War Geopolitics and Economics," Educa-
8 Fred K. Schaefer, "Political Geography," unpub- cation, February issue, pp. 1-6.
lished manuscript, Chapter 3, p. 8. (This manuscript 1947. With Charles Addison Hickman, "The Growth
is included in Schaefer's papers which were donated of Cartels," in Hickman, ed., World Eco-
to the American Geographical Society by his wife, nomic Problems (New York: Pitman Publish-
Mary Schaefer.) ing Corporation), pp. 161-82.
9 Fred K. Schaefer, "The Nature of Geography," 1953. "Exceptionalism in Geography," Annals, Asso-
Chapter 2, pp. 1-2, unpublished manuscript, Schaefer ciation of American Geographers, Vol. 43,
papers, American Geographical Society. pp. 226-49.
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